I've Had It - The Princess Diana of Probiotics

Episode Date: July 14, 2023

Empower yourself to take control of your health and become your own advocate for yourself and your families. Stay on top of the advancements in health to live longer, healthier lives. If you’re rea...dy to take control of constipation, bloat and stress and live your healthiest life yet, you can get 20% off your first 90-day bottle of Just Calm and Just Thrive Probiotic today. Visit JustThriveHealth.com and use promo code: HADIT. https://justthrivehealth.com/discount/HADIT The Hot Sh*t Tour is heading to Atlanta, Philly and D.C in August! more info & tickets available at https://linktr.ee/ivehaditpodcast Subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of I've had it is brought to you by Just Thrive. Right now you can save 20% off a 90 day bottle of Just Thrive probiotic or just calm at just thrive health.com with promo code had it. We're supposed to start the podcast. Okay, go. I thought you were going to start. You have to clap. Oh, God, I completely forgot. One, two Pups. I thought you were gonna start. You have to clap. Oh God, I completely forgot.
Starting point is 00:00:26 One, two, three. Oh, I mean, that is just absolute crush. Nation, you're an amazing podcaster. Right, I mean, the second dragon didn't even bring it down. Close to being like, I would say like, time person of the year with that clap. That's exactly what I am humanitarian of the year, maybe a Nobel Peace Prize for fapping, profiling courage.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Absolutely. So anyway, Pumps, let me tell you something I've had it with. Okay. I feel like there's all this advice out in the world, right? Like, here's what you have to do to be healthy. You take this supplement, you take this forget health, it's a probiotic thing for your sick, you take this for gut health. It's a probiotic. Then for your sick, you take an antibiotic and it's like, listen, I'm an interior designer and a podcaster. I don't know what all of this stuff means.
Starting point is 00:01:15 And it seems like there's so much information out there that I'm like, I don't think I want to do any of it. Like right. And so many quick fixes, Like you see on the internet, oh, you know, Oprah does this and you'll be anorexic looking in two days. And I'm always like, of course I buy it. But then I'm like, obviously if that was true, everybody would be thin on the planet.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Right. Everybody's stomach would be flat. I just think that there's like, there's days certainly where I wake up, where I feel bloated. Right, and it's not necessarily that I've changed that match. I don't know what the tweak was in my diet. Maybe I didn't eat super healthy or I'll wake up. And some days, like, I don't have like,
Starting point is 00:01:55 what would be called clinical anxiety or clinical depression, but some days I wake up and I do kind of feel like I have the blues. Right, I think everybody does that. Some days I wake up and I feel like, God like I have the blues. Right, I think everybody does that. Some days I wake up and I feel like, God, I'm just feeling anxious today. Right. Or some days, like I feel like,
Starting point is 00:02:10 I'm so bloated and I don't know why. And I just feel like maybe I need to integrate supplements into my life daily, but I just don't know what to do. Right. And I'll tell you what I've had it with, is I'm either constipated or shitting in my pants like there's no happy meeting. It's unbelievable. It can't just be you wake up You have a nice poop you move on about your day. That's what I do. It's like fill your pants while you're at an office depot or You're sitting on their fight for your life. You really have always had always amazing
Starting point is 00:02:43 breath-taking You really have always had always amazing breath taking Bell issues. Yeah, I've I'm a hundred percent sure I have an undiagnosed irritable bowel Well, considering you think you're a physician. Why don't you just go ahead and diagnose yourself? I Probably can't but listen up listener and pumps We have an expert in this industry as our guest exclusively on I've had it today. She is the CEO of the company Just Thrive and her name is Tina Anderson and she is going to walk us through this minefield. Without further ado, let's welcome Tina Anderson to I've had it podcast. Tina Anderson, welcome to I've had it. How are you?
Starting point is 00:03:24 Thanks, ladies. I am doing it. How are you? Thanks, ladies. I am doing great. How are you guys doing? So good. I'm fantastic. Pops was right before he came out and was talking about this horrible issue she has with her bowel movements. And it's like either foot on the accelerator smashed
Starting point is 00:03:41 down to the floorboard or slamming on the brakes. There's no normalcy with her bowel movements. And as her best friend Tina, I have to hear about this and excruciating detail. And I'm hoping that you can help this woman out. I am here to help. You have brought the right person on. I'm so excited. I have so many questions because I have to say the only time I've ever
Starting point is 00:04:06 heard of a probiotic is when your doctor gives you an antibiotic and they say take a probiotic. And I've really never paid that much attention until recently when I had to do hormones and thyroid and all that and then started taking your products. And I'm just like, oh my gosh, like I need to know more about this. I feel like it's a really interesting deal because there's so many myths in the probiotic world. So first of all, tell us why gut health is important. Yeah, I'm glad you're starting there because I think that is super important. You know, so many people associated a problem with gut health is having digestive issues. So having the gas, the bloating, the diarrhea and constipation,
Starting point is 00:04:45 like you're talking about, you know, heartburn, all those types of things. And those are definitely signs that you have some gut imbalance going on. But what we're starting to understand now, or like what people are starting to understand with the research is very clearly showing us, is that our gut health is really dictating every aspect of our overall health. So skin issues, acne, psoriasis, all types of skin issues, irritations, those are actually stemming from our gut health, an imbalance going on our gut health. The other really important thing is mood health. So our mental health, anxiety, depression, all of those types of conditions, ADHD, Alzheimer's dementia, all these things
Starting point is 00:05:25 are actually stemming from an imbalance in our gut health. Gut health is really where we start with over a health. You know, people take multivitamins, people take vitamin D, they're taking all different types of supplements, which I think are wonderful things to be taking. But if your gut is inflamed, which most of us have inflamed guts, they're not even going to be able to absorb those nutrients. They won't be able to absorb. You're eating really healthy, like kale and broccoli and all these great greens. But you're not absorbing those nutrients because our guts are so inflamed. We are living in a world that is so offensive to our gut health.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And yet, gut health is dictating every aspect of our overall health. Let me ask you this. So I typically feel my bowel movements are normal. I eat pretty healthy. I exercise every day and when you talk about supplements in this world, I'm like, should and I don't take antibiotics unless a doctor has confirmed via a blood test that I do need them. But as I navigate pretty healthy person, going to be 49 in a couple of months, should I start taking probiotics? And then you also send us a box and there was a probiotic for dogs. And there is one thing that I care more about my own personal health, and that is my dog's health, and my dogs are French bulldogs, and they have a lot of gut issues.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I mean, a lot. There's a lot of gas. So much gas. There's a lot of snorting. There's, and I love them unconditionally, warts and all. But I may pop start to give her dog the probiotic first to make sure her dog didn't drop dead, because she's not a good pedowner. I'm a fantastic pedowner.
Starting point is 00:07:07 So I sent the decoy probiotics with her, but I really think it could help my dog. So number one, what do you think somebody like I should start taking out of what you offer? And number two, is the safe to give to my biological children Cha Cha and Teddy the French bulldogs? Okay, number one. Yes, I do feel strongly that you should be taking it because as I had mentioned we are living in this world that is so offensive to our gut health and even though you are feeling great now There's something called leaky gut and leaky gut and I don't want to get too sciencey here but basically it's like this drippy faucet. You know when we're
Starting point is 00:07:48 eating something that is disruptive to our gut or we're faced with these toxins in our gut our gut lining starts to leak a little bit and we don't have any problems and then one day it's like there's this drip in the faucet and one day it overflows and then somebody all of a sudden starts having an autoimmune issue. They start having an allergy to something. They start having, you know, some heart disease or whatever it might be, more anxiety, more depression, whatever it might be. And it's likely due to this, this leakiness of these toxins that are in your gut that aren't really problematic when they're in your gut. It's when they seep out. And unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:08:23 like I said, this world we're living in, you know, we're, we did a study on leaky gut, showed 50% of college students that were healthy. They had no other diet, they had no other health issues. They weren't on any medication had a leaky gut and didn't know it. You could have a leaky gut and have no symptoms. And then one day, all of a sudden, it overflows. And because of this world we're living in, I do feel very passionately that everybody should be on a score based probiotic because it will help seal up that leakiness of the gut. And, you know, I'm just like, you, Jennifer, I had no gut issues. I went to the bathroom regularly, but boy, when I now go to the bathroom, it's a whole new feeling. I mean, my mom, I talk about this. we're like, I know this sounds so gross,
Starting point is 00:09:05 but it's like I just feel cleaned out. You know, you just feel so like clean and light and you feel better. And it's so much better. It's so true that I mean, taking a big poo as a woman, you know, we all like our stomachs to feel flat and we all like to feel lighter. When you have a really gargantuan one,
Starting point is 00:09:23 I mean, I rise from the toilet and I'm like, I'm ready to put on my bikini. Let's go. And so if you're telling me, if I start taking these probiotics, I'm going to have a more intense, more cleansing bowel movement. I mean, I'm 100% in on that because you feel great after you got number two, you do. It's a release. I mean, everybody feels better after that happens. Yes, and it's not even, it's just so easy to have it comes out. It's, and it's not diarrhea and it's not constipation. This is perfectly form poo.
Starting point is 00:09:53 And it's like, that's, that's really what you want to, totally strive for. We want to be good pooppers, right? Yes. Everybody kind of, I mean, we, it's gross to talk about, but we should talk about it because everybody wants to achieve the perfect poo. I mean, but let's talk about my dogs and this probiotic for these dogs because this is
Starting point is 00:10:15 what made me think, I'm really going to love this woman because not only is she helping human beings be healthier, but she has also acknowledged that our dogs need to be healthier. And these little fringies, I mean, they are little piglets. And so there's, you know, there's just a lot of gas and a lot of stuff. Is this safe for me to give to my dogs? And please tell me like, what if you have a dog or any of your clients have had dogs and what they've seen as a result of this? Absolutely. It is safe. We've actually done a study, a clinical study on leaky gut. I was talking about the leaky gut study that we did for humans with our probiotic,
Starting point is 00:10:54 but we've actually done a study on dogs for leaky gut. I mean, the number one reason why dog owners are going to the vet is because of digestive issues. And, you know, you're not alone with that because we're seeing that all the time. And we have seen great improvements with dog owners, just their bowel movements becoming regular, more regular, not itching as much because they have skin issues. We've seen a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:11:17 We've just seen their overall health better for the dogs and mood. You know, mood is very associated with your gut health. So we've seen that we've heard so many great feedback, so much great feedback from our dog owners. And it's funny because in the pharmaceutical industry, which is where I came from, it's like side effects include suicidal thoughts,
Starting point is 00:11:37 yes, all these awful things. Like with the probiotics, it's like side effects are more energy, better mood, you know, sleeping better. We have had so's like side effects are more energy, better mood, you know, sleeping better. We have had so many great side effects. I've had so many weight management. A lot of people have talked about weight management because, you know, you know, that when you're going to the bathroom regularly, you're obviously getting rid of toxins and getting rid of all that stuff. But it also, your gut bacteria is what dictates how you, if you're one of those
Starting point is 00:12:02 people that could look at a cupcake and gain 10 pounds or one of those people that eats 10 cupcakes and doesn't gain any weight. And I would never propose that we should be eating cupcakes anyway, but that's right. So for our gut health, but we all do it once a while. But it's just, it's our guts that, that's dictating that. So there's all these other side effects that the dogs are experiencing, as well as humans, when you start to take care of your gut, even though you may come to the product because you want to take care of some bloating that's out of control, you know, totally safe. No side effect for the dogs.
Starting point is 00:12:31 No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no side effects.
Starting point is 00:12:40 No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no side effects. No, no is a, okay, let me ask you one thing that I'm gonna flip it to Angie. You have a probiotic, but you also have a psychobiotic. And so I have a two-part question on that. Number one, tell us what that does. And number two, do you think that a psychobiotic
Starting point is 00:12:57 is comes in a powder and can I put it in maybe somebody's iced tea without them knowing and stir it up in their stainless cup and let them drink it like slip them a psychobiotic Mickey. You absolutely can do that. Yes, absolutely. Yeah, so a psychobiotic is basically friendly bacteria that actually is helping support the gut brain access. So there's the vagus nerve which connects the brainstem down to the intestinal track. And so there is communication going back and forth all the time between your gut and your brain. And this is fascinating.
Starting point is 00:13:34 I mean, we know we're like nervous about something and we have butterflies. And we're excited we have butterflies in our stomach. Are we nervous? And you have to go to the bathroom. Or you can't go to the bathroom because you're nervous. You know, these are, this is your gut and brain talking to each other.
Starting point is 00:13:48 We know that cortisol is a huge disruptor to our gut health. And we have high cortisol because we're stressed out. We're always in that fight or flight response. That is very disruptive to our gut health. And so the psychobiotic actually helps bring down the cortisol levels. It actually helps us be able to handle stress better,
Starting point is 00:14:06 which, you know, who wouldn't want that? And a psychobiotic is so critical. Unfortunately, you know, when we launched last year with the psychobiotic, I mean, sold out immediately, you could imagine. I wouldn't imagine, because there's so many psychos, Tina. I mean, this is something that I can 100% get behind. I mean, people are psycho.
Starting point is 00:14:26 And I have a psycho. I'm one of them. Right, pumps is off her rocker, Tina. I am. Unbelievable how psychos she is. So I mean, this is something we're gonna jump right on and our listeners are bananas. So I mean, our listeners are definitely gonna need
Starting point is 00:14:41 this psychobiotic. This episode of I've had it as brought to you by Just Thrive. Okay, Pams, we are taking control of our health this year, especially yours. We've talked about constipation and spoons up your butt and post pregnancy poops over and over again. But guess what? We found a winner. There's a better way to get things moving and keep them moving all the time. Just
Starting point is 00:15:05 thrive probiotics. Just thrive probiotic is an award-winning, sport-based formula that's clinically proven to banish bad bacteria and replenish the good. And help you beat, gas, and bloat and finally conquer your dreaded constipation. Even when you're traveling, or having a baby, binge- binge on crappy foods, literally anything. Just thrive has got you. This is a game changer for your digestive health, your immune system, your skin, even your mood, your gut literally controls everything.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And with zero gluten dairy or histamines, just thrive probiotic is perfect for your whole family. You can open the capsules and sprinkle it into any food or drink which I love. Or they have a delicious gummy probiotic. We love their probiotic and mood support. Just calm. It's the ultimate health duo to help us conquer the day to day. Listener, if you're ready to take control of constipation, bloat and stress and live your healthiest life yet, you can get 20% off your first 90-day bottle of just calm and just thrive probiotic today. Visit justthrivehealth.com and use promo code HADIT.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Take control today with just thrive. Okay, so taking the probiotic, just the general probiotic, and then I'm interested in your gluten away, which I want to ask you about in a minute, and probiotic. And then I'm interested in your gluten away, which I want to ask you about a minute. And then the calm, which I'm going to ask you about a minute. So can you take all three probiotics or is there one better than the others? Absolutely. So the probiotic is a probiotic strain. The psychobatic is a psychobatic strain. And the gluten away is not a probiotic strain. It's made up of digestive enzymes and a whole bunch of other important ingredients we could go
Starting point is 00:16:50 into later. But so yes, you could absolutely take them at the same time. What I would always recommend is starting with one. If I was a good salesperson, I would tell you to, yeah, start them all tomorrow. But I really think it's important that you start with one and you really focus on seeing the changes that you notice and like journal it and notice it, pay attention for at least 30 days or three weeks to four weeks, just stay on the probiotic, then introduce the psychobiotic. The gluten away you could take, you could, you could take that at the same time, you could just take it before, we recommend taking it before you're going to eat a meal that could have amounts, some amounts of gluten, you know, you might eat gluten-free pizza. We know that even gluten-free pizza has some trace
Starting point is 00:17:33 amounts of gluten in it, and you want to avoid that. So, yes, but yes, you could definitely take them all the same time. Eventually, like, I'm on so many of our products, but I took my time getting there. I would recommend everyone staying with, starting with the probiotic because it is so foundational to our overall health. And everything else you're gonna do is gonna work that much better. And hopefully you could avoid putting spoons up your butt.
Starting point is 00:17:57 It's important, you know, that would be your goal. That would be our goal. I wanna talk about that, because you know, that really went viral in the UK press. So as an American, I'm glad that you knew what this woman addressing it went through. But let's talk about like that was the most traumatizing thing for me after having given birth. That post pregnancy poop. So for a lot of our listeners are younger and maybe our pregnant are considering getting pregnant, are these products safe to take during pregnancy?
Starting point is 00:18:26 Yes, and not, well, and we always say you should ask your doctor if it's okay to take a poor lab. I don't know any doctor that wouldn't say that, but yes, they're very safe for pregnancy, and not only that, they are so critical for pregnancy, because you are actually, when a mother is pregnant and the baby is born, you are passing on your microbiome. So you're passing on your bacteria.
Starting point is 00:18:48 So if you have more bad bacteria than good bacteria in your gut, you are passing that onto your child. And like I said, the majority of this population has more bad bacteria than good bacteria because of the world we're living in. But it is so important to start taking care of your gut before you're getting pregnant while you're pregnant because you are passing on. That is the only time the baby is inoculated with their bacteria is during vaginal childbirth. So really, really, and close skin to skin contact and breastfeeding, but really important to be taking the probiotic. And in addition to all of the health benefits that they're going to give you, you know, like regular poops and better energy and all the
Starting point is 00:19:29 other great things that, you know, better skin health, all of those things, better mood. We really want to encourage pregnant women to be on this. It is so critically important because it's like the best gift you could give your kids. So you say we pass on our negative gut health to our kids and I just, my heart just immediately fell to my stomach because I'm like, this is just one more horrible attribute that I passed on to my children
Starting point is 00:19:54 because I didn't know you then Tina. My kids are 16 and 20. So this is just one more thing we passed on to these poor kids. We now have to fix. Psycho or psychos. Now we can take psychobotics. But the kids can take this, right?
Starting point is 00:20:08 Our kids can take this stuff. Two things that just blew my doors off when I read them. That probiotics, they tell you they have to be in the refrigerator, they have to get into your system, blah, blah, blah. They're dead. Like, by the time they get, I mean, I was stunned that they could advertise like that. So explain that to me,
Starting point is 00:20:30 because I think it's fascinating. Yeah, it's one of the biggest myths in the probiotic industry. So so many people will say, oh, will you take a probiotic, just make sure it's the one in the refrigerator because that's a live microorganism. And I don't think companies were like, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:44 ill-intended or anything like that, is just that we do know that in order to be defined as a probiotic, it needs to be a live microorganism that confers a benefit onto the host, which is your body. So it needs to be alive. Well, it needs to be alive in your intestines. It doesn't need to be alive in the refrigerator. It needs to be alive in your intestines.
Starting point is 00:21:04 The majority of those probiotics, like if you think about it, they can't even withstand the room temperature of the store shelf. So if you put one of those refrigerated probiotics on a store shelf for an hour, all of those probiotics would be dead. If they're not already dead because between, you know, the transportation of them getting on that in that refrigerator, let's say they were alive. By the time they got in that store shelf, they would be dead. So how in the world would they ever survive your body temperature, which is 98.6, much hotter than room temperature of the store shelf? Then
Starting point is 00:21:36 even worse, then it hits these, you know, you swallow the capsule. The body temperature probably kills it. But let's say it doesn't kill it all, then it goes into the stomach acid. It hits the stomach and it's so acidic. The stomach is meant to be acidic, the gastric barrier. Most of the overwhelming majority of probiotics on the market are dying in that stomach acid. It's not until they hit the, when they get to the intestines, that's when they get there and they're dead and they're basically dead bacteria in the intestines. So the key is to find a probiotic strain that actually is alive when it hits the intestines and that it could stay there for a while,
Starting point is 00:22:14 alive, doing its work and making a true change in the gut flora. And it's not to say that those other probiotics are horrible or dangerous or anything like that. It's just that they really aren't effective. I mean, they're dead bacteria that may give you some symptomatic relief, but they're not making a true change in the gut flora. Okay, the other thing I found so fascinating is that 80% to 90% of the happy hormone serotonin dopamine,
Starting point is 00:22:39 they're in your stomach. I had no idea. All these important neurotransmitters that are affecting our mood are actually being produced in our gut. We think serotonin, like you said, serotonins are happy hormone. 90 to 95% of it is being produced in our gut, not in our brain. So all these years, I feel like psychiatrists
Starting point is 00:23:01 have had their hands tied. They're using SSRIs and different anti-acid drugs. And we're not seeing much relief. Most people aren't seeing relief. And it's because we've been focusing on the wrong place. We've needed to focus on the gut because it's the gut that's producing all these neurotransmitters. Like dopamine is produced in our gut. Gabba, which is the calming hormone, is produced in our gut. So when we're talking about being happy and having a good mood, we want to really be focusing on our gut health and then doing other things too, meditation, walking outside. Those are things that are incredibly important for our mental health, but we need to first
Starting point is 00:23:35 focus on our gut. I want to talk to you about the whole, you know, my husband is a recurring drug addict alcoholic and was on antidepressants for years and years because that was just the road that it was, you know, said, now go to AA, get on SSRIs. And he recently quit taking them, you know, weaned off appropriately and sees an endocrinologist and is more into this gut health stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And he's, I've now given him some of the stuff that you sent to us. I mean, he totally needs that psychobiotic, but that's a whole other episode entirely. But it's amazing that, you know, we think that I always thought dopamine, serotonin, all of that stuff was in the brain. But when you said everything, you feel it and you're got your fighter flight,
Starting point is 00:24:29 better flies, all of that is so true. I mean, I just every time I have intense feelings, it's always right in my gut. So I think all of this makes perfect sense that we need to be less psycho and healthier with our gut. Right. I wondered one thing, Tina, like I have terrible taste in men. I mean terrible I wondered one thing, Tina, like, I have terrible taste in men. I mean, terrible. Do you have a pill for that? No, but I'm just saying, like, my gut reaction would get better. So technically, it would help me be a better picker if I got my gut shit right.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I think so. You know what? Tina used to be a trial lawyer. Yes, I know. And your pumps is an attorney, right? I just used your force. She is one of the great legal minds of our generation, and I'm sure you played a learner familiar with all of her
Starting point is 00:25:09 briefs that she's written about. Yes, yes. Marius courtrooms, you know, despite the spoon story, she is a brilliant legal mom. No, and that's stressful. But that's what I loved about the con that you were saying. Like, you've seen improved in mood, sleep, weight loss, and just general, like, pepier, like, more active.
Starting point is 00:25:32 That's crazy to me. Yeah. And I mean, you're laughing about the gut instinct, but I mean, it is true. I mean, you're, it's, there's a lot of truth to that. I mean, I feel like I trust my gut so much, because I know my gut is so healthy. And it's like, you know, this, this is not like woo, woo. I mean, this is scientifically shown in study and study after study that there is this connection, this communication. It's the
Starting point is 00:25:55 largest nerve in our body going back and forth from the brainstem to the gut sending signals back and forth to each other. So it's a, you know, you know, and I mean, you have constipation and diarrhea issues, you've got this gutted, I mean, we are, I'm excited to see what's gonna happen. When you start taking this for at least 90 days and see what starts to happen, I mean, it'll be really exciting. Well, it's so funny because I was like telling Jennifer,
Starting point is 00:26:19 I'm like the get, the get skinny, the get happy, do it quick. My attention spans short. Okay, I'll take the pill tomorrow, I'll be fine. But you recommend 90 days, that's you have to be diligent for 90 days. I would always recommend 90 days. People will see improvements usually sooner than that. I mean, we see some people,
Starting point is 00:26:37 it's interesting with diarrhea, I feel like people see things quicker, they'll see it faster with constipation, it takes a little bit longer for some reason, but you'll start. The reason I feel so adamant about the 90 days is that then you start to see all the other things that start to improve, you know, like maybe more energy, maybe a little bit of better weight management, less psycho, less psycho, possible pick a better mate, not have such a horrible taste and man.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Right. Maybe crazy. My guy. Artificial sweet nurse all the time. That's another thing that you you're cravings change with the probiotic. Is that right? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:27:15 See, the thing is the yeast when you have an overgrowth of Candida or yeast in your gut. It causes you to crave sugar. So we've actually heard that from a lot of people that they have less sugar cravings now. I mean, I can't believe I forgot that one. That's like one of the best side effects. I crave sugar like a crack head.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I love candy. Love it. Well, I, and, you know, I guess I always say like baby stops. If we start to, you know, we don't have to do any major changes right away. But that candida overgrowth, the candida is a normal part of our gut flora, flora, but when we are, you know, over, when we have an overgrowth of the Candida, we're going to crave
Starting point is 00:27:51 sugar that much more. And so we start to see improvements in that as well. Well, I don't think there is a bigger testament to your psychobiotic, then this little detail that I read in your bio. And it is that you work with your husband side by side, right, with a smile on your face every single day. And you see with him and live with him. And talking to you here, you seem so healthy. I'm not sensing resentment. Right. How do I use it? Because I would be, I don't think there would be a bottle of psychobiotics big and that. Right. If I had to work with Josh and live with Josh. So, do you think this whole of or y'all just total soulmates or do you think this whole approach just helps your give a shit meter kind of calm down a little bit? Yeah, I don't know. I think we are our total soulmates. I mean, we just,
Starting point is 00:28:45 I don't know. We just celebrated 30 years last week. I mean, it's worked out. I don't know if, I don't know why my mom and dad worked together. Maybe it's because I saw that. My whole life. So now we work together, but we are soulmates. And I don't know. I'm super lucky. Super, super lucky. And he works in the company with you and you're complete partners in this. We're complete partners in it from an ownership perspective from a management perspective. I'm the CEO and he's more in the back end of things. So I'm more the face of the brand and I take maybe more of a lead than he does. We like to call this the HBIC, the head mission charge.
Starting point is 00:29:24 That's right. I'm exactly what I am. And he'll say that every day, all day. You know, happy wife, happy life. So your husband's a smart man. Yeah. He is a very smart man. He knows.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Well, Tina, is there anything else you'd like to share with our listeners about what they can do as they navigate this whole process of probiotics and supplements because the market is so saturated and there's so much so much misinformation out there. And so if there's anything else you'd like to share with our listeners on the just thrive products, I'd love for them to hear because we're so excited to get started on ours. Yeah, you know, one of the things I'd love for them to hear because we're so excited to get started on ours. Yeah, you know, one of the things I'd love to tell people is just taking baby steps. You know, there are so, we put so much pressure on ourselves
Starting point is 00:30:12 to make these massive changes. And then of course, we never follow through. You just are doing baby steps. You know, baby start to eat more organic. You know, maybe have more organic of this food one day than another and just trying to eliminate a lot of those pesticides that we're eating on a regular basis, trying to be in nature more, going out on walks and being in nature, those will help as well. Of course,
Starting point is 00:30:34 I would recommend that everyone start taking the just-thrive probiotic. And I mean that I feel so passionate about that because I know what it's done for our thousands of customers. I know my family, my kids, my son-in-law, my, my priest, my parents, everybody, my in-laws, they were all on it because of what it's done for our overall health. It is so important. And not all probiotics are created equal.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I mean, we know the majority of them are actually dying before they get to the intestines. You know, find a probiotic that has human clinical trials behind it, find a probiotic that is using research strains, not just strains that we got in China and they're not doing anything and you know, they just have great marketing behind it. So really, really important to just take baby steps and take a high quality probiotic and just focus on your gut health and then every then start start introducing all these other supplements that you want to take. And then when you're searching for supplements, find products that I have research behind it. You know, we as supplement companies don't invest in research a lot of times because it's expensive and we don't
Starting point is 00:31:38 have the, you know, funds that far my house. But, you know, we've made that at a priority because we wanted to elevate the standard of the supplement industry. It's really important to us. We will never be a supplement company that launches 200 SKUs. We are really very thoughtful about what kind of products that we've introduced to the market. Well, I really appreciate that you say that it's a cumulative approach. You can take just the riprobiotic, but you also need to get up, get outside,
Starting point is 00:32:08 and take a moment to walk your dog, or go for a walk with your spouse, or go for a walk by yourself. Also, try to buy more organic. I'm always on her about this, and she's like, oh, it doesn't matter. I'm like, no, it does. That's the reason, and you're 100% correct.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I go to Europe a few times a year for vacation, and when I come home correct. I go to Europe a few times a year for vacation. And when I come home, everything I wanted to, and I didn't gain one pound, dessert with every meal. I mean, it was amazing. Of course, you walk a lot outside. The first day of eating back in the United States, my gut is torn to shreds. And it's all these toxins that she's talking about.
Starting point is 00:32:43 So I think for our listener, the important thing is if you live in the United States, you have to mitigate these toxins that are approved to go into our food and into our environment. And a great way to mitigate them is by introducing just thrived probiotics to your daily routine. Exactly. I couldn't agree with you more. And I'm glad you brought that up about these other tools. This is one really effective tool. The probiotic is a very effective tool in
Starting point is 00:33:10 your toolbox. But there are other tools that you should utilize too. And the walks and nature meditation, you know, being calm, trying to change your lifestyle to be calmer, which is so hard for all of us. Oh my god. It's so hard for me. But that's why we have the psychobiotic. That's why I need that psychobiotic, because it's why I am crazy. I started my daughter on the calm and the other night, or last night, she was griping at me because I used a shallot
Starting point is 00:33:37 and she needed a shallot. I'm like, I'm not going to the store and get a shallot, use an onion. And she just got her panty, so in a wad. And I like said, have you taken your calm today? She was not happy with me at all. But it, I think it really is something to think about that I have never thought about. I think these are really important conversations to have because we do see an
Starting point is 00:33:58 increase of disease as life expectancy is so much longer now. Right. And it's that quality of life that you wanna have for a very long time. And particularly in this country, because a lot of these industries allow corporations to rule. And there's not as many regulations. We have to, as the consumer, be smart and mitigate what we can to put healthier stuff on our body.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Because now life expectancy is like much higher, 80, 90, and you don't wanna be like senile, you know, at the end, you wanna be as healthy as you can to live the longest life that you can. And so I appreciate so much what you've done, the career like transition from law to doing something that advocates for people's health. I mean, I just admire it so much.
Starting point is 00:34:44 You are such a doll. Such a doll. I mean, I just admire it so much. You are such a doll. Such a doll. I mean, 50, I would have never guessed. Total spit fire. Five. 54 actually, but. Oh, my God. You're older than that.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Powerful news because I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, there's no fucking way out of comparable. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, there's no fucking way out of comparable. Tina, you're the first person we've ever had on this podcast that is older than pop. She's so weird.
Starting point is 00:35:04 She's so weird. She's so weird. Hey, I own it. You know, it is what I feel great. I know. You're hot, Tina. Yeah, you're hot. Stop, thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:35:14 You are. Tina Anderson of Just Thrive, I want to thank you so much for coming on. I've had it podcast and I would be remiss if I didn't ask you. Is the number one thing you've had it podcast and I would be remiss if I didn't ask you. Is the number one thing you've had it with leaky gut? I mean, to be honest with you, absolutely. I am, I have had it with leaky gut and people having chronic conditions and not getting better.
Starting point is 00:35:38 I am just, I've had it with it. I'm going to add this to the top of my had it list because I live with somebody who suffers from the leaky gut. If she's, we're working on it. We're growing and having you on here. Look at her, she's 54. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:53 The skin thing is not a lie. Not psycho, healthy gut. Yeah. 10 out of 10 poops. Right. Normal. I mean, these are goals, Tina. Total goals. Total goals.
Starting point is 00:36:05 You could do it. You could do it. I'm telling you, you're on the right path now. I love it. I love it. Well, Tina, thank you so much. We just adore you. We love your products.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I can't wait to be 90 days deep. And I'm going to circle back with you about the gut health of my biological children, Tubby and Cha Cha. Right. Once they tie. I can't wait. If they stop the gas, oh my gosh, we're gonna get door to door and sell this shit. It's a miracle drug. It's a miracle drug.
Starting point is 00:36:32 They'll stop the gas. They'll stop the gas. Just be vigilant about giving to them. They'll stop. I will. Okay, all right, Tina, thank you so much. Thank you, Tina. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:36:41 It was so fun. So fun. Bye, Tina. Bye. Something I've had it with is just how reluctant you are to acknowledge that like all the hormones in me and all the pesticides are an issue. And you're just like, I don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Yeah, I just, that can't be my biggest painies in a wad. But then I hear about the serotonin and the dopamine and all that being in your gut. And I think. You crammed a spoon up your ass. So at some point, you're gonna have to get a little bit curious. That was after I was pregnant.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I haven't had to do that since. Well, but you've also like, how does shit in a trash can on the side of your house one time? That's true. You've also like had many blowouts in public restrooms. Yeah, oh God, that's the worst thing. So I'm just saying Now there's something that's on to something. No totally. She is a hundred percent on to something because when I go to Europe I come home my stomach feels fantastic the first day after being back in the United States. It's ripped to shreds
Starting point is 00:37:39 Isn't that crazy? Yeah. What's so crazy is the gluten thing because like gluten-free products I was reading a study 39% of gluten-free products have gluten 50% of Gluten-free pasta some pizzas have gluten. Well look at the status I'm not a pot-cat First person you are Love to dig into the data The data well listener. We want to thank you so much for joining us for the special gut health bonus episode. We love Tina Anderson and we love her products. I'm going to circle back with you
Starting point is 00:38:12 all and let you know how it's going with the French bulldogs. Pumps is already given like a week's worth of her dog. He's lived. So now I'm going to start my dog's on it. He doesn't have gas. So I don't I just want to make sure he didn't drop dead. No, he didn't drop dead, he's fine. Right. He also eats pencils. So, oh my God, and grapes that are toxic for dogs, but that's neither here nor there.
Starting point is 00:38:34 All right, listener, thank you so much. Please send us a voice memo to Instagram. Check out our Instagram because the hot shit tour is rolling out, right? And we will be in Atlanta, Philly and DC. So if you're near those areas hop on and to our Instagram and click the link in bio and you can buy tickets and we will announce new tour cities soon. If we haven't already by the time this airs and we would like to thank everybody for joining us for this very special bonus episode,
Starting point is 00:39:06 because we are the vegans of Good Health. Right, this is an episode we're actually helping people. First time, we're helpers. We're helpers. Don't get it twisted, everybody. We're helping. Right, yeah. Right, how much tell them?
Starting point is 00:39:24 We will see you next Tuesday or Thursday. We're both. Right. Yeah. Right. How much tell them? We will see you next Tuesday or Thursday. Or both. Bye, listener.

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