I've Had It - The Red Flag List
Episode Date: February 27, 2025Angela Dawn is yassified and ready to hit the online dating apps. Pre-order our new book, join our Patreon Cult, and more by clicking here: https://linktr.ee/ivehaditpodcast. Thank you to our sponsors...: This episode is brought to you by Booking.com: Find exactly what you’re booking for on Booking.com, Booking.YEAH! Calm: For listeners of our show, Calm is offering an exclusive offer of 40% off a Calm Premium Subscription at https://calm.com/HADIT. HoneyLove: Start the new year off right with Honeylove. Get 20% OFF by going to https://honeylove.com/Hadit! #honeylovepod Addyi, The Little Pink Pill: See full prescribing information and medication guide, including boxed warning for severe low blood pressure and fainting, at http://addyi.com/pi Homes.com: When it comes to finding a home - not just a house - we have everything you need to know, all in one place. https://homes.com. We’ve done your home work. Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps
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This episode of I've Had It is brought to you by Booking.com.
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you're booking for on booking.com. Booking. Yeah. Ready? One, two, three. Patriots, K-Triots, Thetriots. All right, Pumps, what have you had it with? What I've had it with, I got a direct solicitation from an app on my phone asking me why I was
no longer using the app.
I felt freaked out.
So here's exactly what happened. It was like a using the app. I felt freaked out. So here's exactly what happened.
It was like a stalker app.
So I noticed one day while we were filming,
I had my phone on Do Not Disturb.
I had like seven or eight calls
from the same New York City number,
but there were no messages.
I was like, well, that's weird.
So the next day I had like four or five.
Well, then the next time they called,
like, so now we've done this for two days,
on the third day, this number calls again.
And I answer and I go, who is this?
And they were like, oh, this is so-and-so app.
And we were just calling about your usage.
I was like, you're calling me to see
why I haven't used your app?
If I haven't used your app, I don't need your app anymore.
Quit calling me.
And I was probably too harsh with the girl
because it wasn't her fault.
I've never heard of anything like that,
calling to see why you're not using an app anymore.
I mean, that was like a bridge way too far.
That's crazy.
I mean, that's just, that is way too much.
I just can't, there's a neediness to late stage capitalism that is blooming right now
that drives me absolutely crazy.
They're just so needy.
Want our information?
Can you join our club?
Can you join our newsletter?
And it's just like, I don't want to be this close to you.
What I'm trying to do is limit my relationships.
I want to have limited relationships
and you're wanting to have an exclusive relationship and I don't want any part of it. It's so annoying.
Well, and they won't let you break up with them. Like if it's not them calling you to
see why you're app, you know, why you're not using the app, then it's sending you emails.
Can we get you back or you try to unsubscribe and it says, what can we do to change your
mind? It's like, I'm breaking up with you. We're try to unsubscribe and it says, what can we do to change your mind?
It's like, I'm breaking up with you.
We're broken up.
That's it.
Full stop.
All right.
Let me tell you what I've had it with.
I've had it with the crusty, unattractive white guy that reads to convicted felon Trump
at his executive orders. I've just had it. He's like, so this executive
order is, you know, blah, blah, blah, some stupid, horrible, terrible idea. And Trump
acts like it's the first time he's ever heard it. He's like, oh, that sounds pretty important.
And he signs it. And you know, some chicken shit, something like we're changing the name of, you know, the Gulf of Mexico, something that matters zero to anybody that
has any depth or intelligence. And it's like, you know, orgasm city for all the MAGA nuts.
And I've just had it with that guy. I think he's has a terrible job. I'm disappointed
that Doche hasn't cut his job, right, because I think
it's unnecessary. And if we have a president that has to have everything read to him and
translated to him, I mean, I know that we are screwed beyond all measure. But the fact
that he has to have people kind of guide him like a host all the time, like an MC to his
presidency tells me that he's
not all there mentally because they have to keep him on schedule and have somebody kind
of babysit and lead every single thing. And I think it's pathetic. I think it's weak and
I've had it.
No, I completely agree. When you have an interpreter for English to the US president, that's cause
for alarm. But here's the thing, you've read the articles like I have
that he has a really hard time reading.
Like it's not, he can't pick it up.
Like he has to read it over and over and over again.
My guess is he probably hasn't read what these orders are.
I mean, that would not surprise me.
Of course he hasn't.
Project 225 rolls them out and he just
signs them.
The first he's ever hearing of it is when they roll out that dork, crusty ass white
guy who thinks, oh, I've made it. You know, I'm reading to this dipshit and I get my time
to shine. You know, I mean, he's going to be the biggest one hit wonder on the planet.
But it's of course he doesn't read them.
Of course, he doesn't care about any of this.
He just wants to go play golf and avoid prison time.
Meanwhile, you know, the real dangerous blowhards are setting up a shadow government in my opinion.
So uplifting. Welcome to I've Had It, I'm Jennifer.
I'm Angie.
And Kylie is with us today, Kylie.
Hi, Kylie.
Hi, what's going on on the World Wide Web?
I've got two reviews I'm gonna pull up for you here.
This one is five stars titled,
"'My Happy Place' from Proud Libtard.
And they write, the hours I get to listen to these incredible women say everything
I've been thinking and more is my weekly zen.
I cannot go into my local grocery store in parentheses filled with old white men
and maggot hats without these ladies playing in my head.
I laugh out loud, especially knowing that they have no idea that I am
silently bashing them with my girls. Thank you out loud especially knowing that they have no idea that I am silently
bashing them with my girls. Thank you, thank you, thank you, caca."
I love to listen to stuff like that because it's like you're in a miserable spot, but
you're laughing at the people and they don't know it. So there's just a real, I don't know
if it's superiority or like you're, I guess it kind of is.
It's like, ha ha, we're laughing at your expense.
We're not laughing with you.
We're laughing at you and you don't know it.
I like that.
I do too.
I like it pups.
All right.
This one is one star titled possibly the worst pod.
And they write, never been more annoyed or given up on trying a new pod so quickly would
give zero stars if possible.
Here's the deal.
I'll take it because it goes to our overall rating count or like number of reviews.
So I'm going to say thank you.
I think it's just hilarious when, uh,
you're so impacted by something like when I'm watching TV or listening to a
pod, if I don't like it, I,
I just leave that and go to something that I find more palatable.
The attention and the time and the care to go make that comment is what just
tickles me so much. All right, listener, here's what we're going to do today because we all feel overwhelmed
and like cinder blocks are sitting on our shoulders. It's a tough time to be an American
and watch the horror show. So today we are going to razzle dazzle you with a fabulous
episode where all we are going to do is completely belly laugh.
And the subject of today's episode is our illustrious producers, Kylie and Seth have
been very busy on the dating apps and they made a yassified pumps and they've been marketing
her on the dating apps.
I'm like, there she is.
Shut the dating apps. I'm like, there she is. Kiley gave her the bang.
Kiley gave her the bangs that she's wanted to get
when she's 60 and completely yassified her.
And so look at how yassified she is.
And so a lot of the apps, her name is Angela Dawn.
And this is Angela Dawn's second voyage into
the dating apps.
We did another episode about this several months ago.
And Kylie and Seth have great fun with it.
And I think she was on Christian Mingle just briefly, but then they think that she's a
cat fisher.
So let's go into Angela Dawn's Christian mingle profile.
Is that, do I have everything up to speed, Kylie?
Yep, that's it.
Here's her prompts.
Okay, her prompts.
Why does Jesus matter to you in your own words?
And Angela Dawn responds, when I have faltered, Jesus was there for
me, unlike my ex-husband.
I like that. That's a good one.
What are your hobbies, activities, or interests? And our Angela Don responds, I love to cuddle
my dog. I'm a simple woman who loves Jesus, looking for a man to lead me into the last, and last as underlined, chapter
of my life.
This is so good.
What part of the Bible has recently inspired you?
And our Angela Dawn response, I have been rereading the first few pages of Genesis for the last few years.
Unable to get much further, but still trying.
Now, Kylie, did you answer these or you and Jennifer together?
Angela Don answered them.
I didn't answer.
Kylie did all that.
Kylie, I like that.
Those are good answers.
Listener, this may come as a total shock to you. But pumps and I have not always been this pulled
together and rock solid. In fact, we used to be rather screwed up when you say pumps,
I would say damn near psychotic.
Totally. And we have written a cell phone, expose. One could even say it's a manifesto. And the book title is,
Life is Lazy Susan of Shit Sandwiches. In all sincerity, we share a lot of our struggles
that led us to this grand stage where we can talk about petty grievances.
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Okay. So these are a couple of your matches on Christian Mingle. Okay.
All right, we have Eugene and he says, I've been a man in God since I was 29 and our Lord
has saved my life many times.
I have approximately 3 million miles accident free and I enjoy nature, fishing, traveling,
camping and cooking.
He's charismatic and he attends church every week.
He has three million miles accident-free because of Jesus.
What's so crazy about that is that that's when you do the pros and cons, like what's
good about me that I'm going to put on my dating site.
It was three,000,000
miles accident free.
Yes, no. Yes, no, maybe.
I'm going to pass.
Pass? Okay. The next one you matched with on Christian Mingle says, I'm the old fashioned
type still believe in opening a car door and help seating a lady. I treat a lady as she
should be treated. And I do not like to argue.
Everything can be settled by a civil conversation.
I've been in law enforcement for 45 years
and I retired three years ago.
I wrote a book about two years ago.
I love writing my Harley on the weekends with my friends.
You know, that's, I mean,
there's nothing that jumps out at me as awful on that.
I've always wanted to have sex with somebody in a like a military
or firemen or policemen.
But the age was, I mean, a little Angela Dawn.
You knew that?
I know. I don't I don't know that.
Yeah, I've always wanted to have like sex with like a cop or firefighter
or like a air force person.
Let me ask you some follow up questions.
Do you want to have sex with them in their uniform?
Yeah, maybe. Do you want handcuffs involved? No handcuffs, but I'm not ruling it out.
If I really liked him and it was like fun, I mean, I might. Angela Don, I like it.
This is the type of content we need in Trump's America.
Also listeners, if there are any firefighters, military or law enforcement that would like
to date Angela Don, please email or text Kylie.
Okay, next.
Corey, I live a quiet drama free life. I
enjoy reading, walking and riding my e scooter. I'm not a
foodie person, but like the occasional pizza salami and cold
tomato slices. Also like thrifting and getting savings on
food, etc. That just tells me it's cheap. I'm out.
No, no, no.
What about the e-scooter?
Didn't you say in an episode you'd had it with those?
I'm sure I have because they're just everywhere like in big cities.
These are her Tinder matches.
She matched with Jesse and he says, Hi there. My name is Jesse. I'm a six foot one inch and
weigh 215 pounds. I'm a high value alpha male that is very driven, competitive, successful and
productive. I'm well traveled, high emotional IQ, extremely fit and very passionate about life.
Looking for someone that's fit, smart, respectful, fun,
feminine, cooperative, agreeable, inspirational,
beautiful, and has a family-first mentality.
Sharing similar interests and values are important.
No masks, no games, no cats, no libs,
no smoking slash drugs, and no bad attitudes.
I think you sound like the woman of his dreams.
Think I'm exactly what he needs.
Hey, Kylie, put that back up there.
I wanna go over a few things.
Okay, here we go.
He's got his height and weight listed.
That's a red flag.
He's an alpha male, a high value alpha male.
That's a huge red flag.
Successful, he has a high emotional intelligence, which tells me he doesn't. He thinks he does, but he doesn't, which is even
worse than not having one. He's looking for someone that's fit, smart, respectful. So I guess that
means you have to ask before you can use the bathroom. Fun, feminine, cooperative and agreeable are my two favorites.
What do you think a high value alpha male is versus just an alpha male?
I don't know. That's a great question. What is a high? How do you go from alpha male?
I'm assuming that means he has high values, high morals, high ethics, but I don't know.
That's a guess. Oh, that's probably right. That's probably right.
Okay, the next one is Trey.
He says, a good time is always welcome, so come with it.
Got boats and horses, you tell me which one you wanna ride.
No fat bitches allowed.
You know, I'd love to know,
who are the people that respond to these acts?
I mean, who are the people that are like, that's my guy?
I believe one of them is Angela Dawn.
I'm a real person.
Okay, next.
Jack says about me, six foot four inches tall, wild barefoot.
My tongue flaps faster than a
hummingbird's wings. My fingers are dexterous from years of
guitar playing, not looking for a hookup. Just looking for my
size queen who'd enjoy being stretched out daily by my six
inch girth eggplant emoji. Bonus points if you golf, lift or
outdoorsy have perky little titties and or a strong libido. And here's what I
have to say about Jack. Number one he does satisfy your size queen tendencies.
100%. The perky little titties could disqualify you.
Yeah, that totally takes away.
Totally takes away the dragon situation.
Yeah, no.
And he's really young.
What about six foot four inches barefoot?
Not in shoes, not in lifts.
How about telling you how fast his tongue goes like a hummingbird?
I mean, it's not a bad quality.
So what do we say about men that are over six foot four?
Six foot floor drops to the floor.
There you go.
All right.
Next up we have Chris.
He has an American flag and then he says, you degenerates make me appreciate my girlfriend
more. I'm not going to message your Instagram swipe left.
If you can't parallel park, swipe left.
If you've ever had an abortion.
He, he excluded himself on the, uh, regardless of his emotional
intelligence, the American flag, that it just immediately
runs all through me.
Next up.
Here's a new profile.
I am a Christian and I'm against gay marriage.
If you have a problem with me texting you a lot, then don't waste your time because I
know I won't. And think
about this, if I'm texting you a lot, it's because you didn't
answer the first time when you should have instead of posting
the person. And if you block that person over it, then it's
your loss. If you really care about someone, you won't care
how much they call you. And it does not make them clingy. I
will call you a lot. Maybe
they just, maybe they've just been at work. And I just want to point out his height's
four foot 11 inches. This cannot be real. It can be real. Angela Don, I'm afraid it's
real. And I like how we started off with I am against gay marriage. I'm against gay marriage and.
And I'm a psychotexter.
Well, he's a stalker.
And it's your fault.
I like that he's already blaming in advance.
Like, I'm gonna psychotext you and I'm gonna stalk you.
And if you don't like it, it's your fault.
Yeah, no, this guy is like psychotic, no.
Okay, Matt, looking for someone who dislikes brunch as much as I do.
$13 for eggs?
No thanks.
He makes a list of pros about himself.
The first pro is 6 foot 2 inches, Somalia, lives alone, grilled cheese king,
owner of Scottish Fold Oyster, better looking in person,
look a lot like your new boyfriend,
skilled Crock-Pot chef,
and above par, canalinga skills.
I think that's got a lot of potential.
That does have a lot of potential.
I think he sounds like a total catch.
I mean, he is the oyster thing, a dog.
I have no idea.
Yeah, I got to be wonder, is it like a gerbil?
Is it a ferret? Is that a dog? What is it?
What is he collecting?
I do like a grilled cheese.
OK, we have an anonymous Kylie's blacked out his name.
Looking for fun, open to more.
I have two border colleagues that never get tired.
Most of you are way too ugly to be making demands.
Free advice, ladies, stop eating vegetable oils
and you can be as thin, i.e. healthy, as you want.
Calling yourself vaccinated or boosted
is a supreme display of ignorance.
Single moms, no thanks.
Boy, I can't believe this guy hasn't found somebody already.
He sounds like a charmer.
I love it when people like they make the vaccination issue,
their entire identity in their dating profile.
This guy's got some problems.
I mean, he has got some serious anger issues.
All right, Chris.
Red, okay, Chris is 40 years old and he just made a red flag list.
And so I'm going to read to you what his red flags are.
Cottage cheese ass, bipolar disorders, no head meds is a must, pet moms, Libby's or rainbow sympathizers, Kool-Aid colored hair, beached whales, more
than two piercings, mustache, pronouns, FANCA counts, cam girls and OnlyFans, pregos, tats,
feminists, people that have PhDs, daddy issues, must know body counts matter, single moms, pro choice, technical
virgins, no jibby jabbers, hashtag me too, BLM and Antifa, another red flag of his are
B cups or under, and then also anybody that's anti guns.
And you know, here's the thing, like, we wonder why all these, like, white men in their mother's
basements can't form relationships with women.
Well, exhibit A, we just, the last two have just been a profile in what would terrify
any woman.
That is, that's kind of scary.
I mean, putting this shit out there, I mean, you think it's real?
You think he's like serious as a heart attack?
I think the one thing we've learned in Trump's America
after we all watched January 6th, is this is 1000% real.
Ugh, scary.
So is that a yes?
100% yes.
Okay, all right, next up.
All right, here's a guy that's six foot six inches. We know you like that. Okay. All right. Next up. All right.
Here's a guy that's six foot six inches.
We know you like that.
These are his words, not mine.
Done three years of college, full-time employed with benefits, zero debt, three cars.
Hobbies include high fashion, cars, computer, anime, gaming, camping, etc.
No hookups, no gold diggers, looking for someone with similar qualities as myself, looking
for something serious but not in a rush.
Swipe left if you can't hold a conversation.
Single moms swipe left.
If you were a catch, he wouldn't have left you and the kids.
Oh my gosh, these people are so emboldened to be dicks. It's
unbelievable that they think that that's attractive. I mean,
that's scary. Scary. Why are these people matching with me,
Kylie? That's I mean, what is my thing? Angela Don's a patriot.
I made that clear.
That's, I mean, what is mindset? Angela Don's a patriot.
I made that clear.
Thank you.
All you have to do is say patriot
and this is the kind of crazies you get.
Okay, Angela Don matched with Shane.
I will not date you if you wear masks,
if you've had a COVID vaccine.
I prefer women who are not brainwashed or genetically modified. If you
meet the criteria, then let's talk." And he spells then T-H-A-N. Inbox me to learn about
how our government is funding the production of bio weapons and brainwashing people into
thinking that masks and injections are a replacement for actually living healthy.
Yeah, we're back to the COVID thing defining me.
Well, there was another thing on there
that put my red flag into that.
What was it?
Brainwashed or genetically modified?
Like paranoid that, okay, whatever.
Kylie, what did you put my age range on?
This is like the third 20 something year old.
It's about 20 to like 99. I'm pretty sure.
Leaving my options open of course. Yeah. And in that whole age range, this is the best we've got.
Excellent. These are your top matches. Okay. Chris, I'm a single father of three and another one on
the way. They are my world. If you don't have what it takes to help me
raise my kids, then move aside and let a real woman step up. Must have your own car, preferably
a minivan. Must be able to cook, clean, and be submissive. No taller than five foot five inches. Must be fit.
Have your own source of income and no kids of your own.
How about that? He's got three kids and one on the way and prefers that you have a minivan.
Yeah, and he's searching for a maid, not a date.
If you can't raise my kids, step aside and let a real woman step up.
How about he's got one on the way and he's on Tinder?
That's so good.
I love how it's like a threat, like it's manipulative.
You're not a real woman, then you just step aside, step aside for the real women that want to
raise my kids and drive a mini van.
Next step.
All right.
We got Micah.
He says, I like my women the way I like my toaster turned on and in the hot tub
with me, can you imagine yourself living in your own
home? Swipe right if you want a better life. You return your
shopping cart to the cart corral, your kind of cats, dogs,
children and older folks. You're childless but dream of
motherhood. You can fit into a size 0 to 6 dress size.
You enjoy solitude but loneliness blows.
Gemini rabbit.
Yes, no?
I'm going to pass.
All right, next one.
This is Mike.
He says, uh-uh.
Have you ever wanted to date a homeless guy?
Here's your chance.
I'm able to work remotely and have decided to sell my house and embrace the nomad lifestyle.
I figured if Elon can do it, so can I.
Hotel and Airbnb bop with me.
Willing to stay local if we click,
and I can take you with me.
I think it's amazing that these people,
like, they don't understand the problem
is they don't have billions of dollars.
Right, Elon can do it because he's the richest man on earth. But
living, you know, hotel that whole transient lifestyle,
that's not super attractive. I mean, I just here's the thing. I
have a lot of crazy shit in my head, like a lot of stupid,
weird stuff that I'll think.
Yeah, like that you went the cop to handcuff, that was weird. That's much more. I know, I a lot of stupid, weird stuff that I'll think. Yeah, I like that. You went the cop to handcuff you and stuff.
That was great.
I think that's much more normal than you think.
I know, I just wanted to remind everybody.
All right, go ahead.
But like, then you say an idea or you sleep on an idea,
you know, you say it out loud and then you sleep on it.
These people, like they had these ideas in their head,
but they put them down and published them on the internet
for everybody to see.
And there was zero like inclination that maybe
this is not a good look,
or maybe I'm not projecting the right image
because they're so ingrained that if you're a vaxxer
and don't want to cook and clean and wipe his kid's ass,
you know, you're missing out on the great,
and they think they're great, like great catches. That's the amazing part to me.
That's just a little aside. You think this is why they're single?
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Okay, next up.
All right, here's Harold.
He says about me, how do I describe myself?
Three words, hardworking, alpha male, jackhammer, merciless, insatiable.
Three words, hardworking, alpha male, jackhammer, merciless, insatiable.
Those seven words. Yeah. What about the jackhammer, merciless, insatiable. Those are seven words.
What about the jackhammer?
Do you think that means it's a quick shot?
Now the jackhammer is intriguing.
The rest of it is no.
Do you think he's confessing to be a quick shot?
I think he's confessing to be a gyro.
Most gyro are quick shots.
Yeah, true.
So both.
All right, next up.
Joshua, dad of two, separating, moving forward with my life.
Honestly, just going to be myself.
My wife of eight years blindsided me with, I don't love you anymore after we have two
children together.
And I have been faithful the entire time and never even thought about cheating or being with another woman.
But the level of disrespect showed to me now has opened my eyes,
and I'm ready to see who needs a good man.
Hit me up.
I'll never cheat.
We're separated, so it's fair game.
Just in need of someone to start over with, someone genuine. He's got his little feelings here, doesn't he?
He needs some therapy before he goes on these apps.
That's my personal opinion.
All right, next up, Tom.
Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
Looking for new friends who want to go hiking, get drinks, and do other fun stuff.
I'm a journalist who writes about technology and culture.
Nothing super red flag there.
Do you think if we put him in a police officer uniform
instead of him being a journalist, you could hit it?
No, I'd like a journalist if they're smart.
What do you think?
Do you think Jeffrey Epstein killed himself?
Or you think DOJ had him offed?
I mean, I can't get rid of that.
That would have been Bill Barr's DOJ.
Oh, well, Bill Barr's DOJ, yeah, because noticeably absent from all these releases of confidential
files, we're getting UFOs, Kennedy, blah, blah.
The one case we're not getting access to is Jeffrey Epstein.
And that's because Trump is all over his message boards and on his plane.
So there you have it.
Okay, next up, Jeremy, please know the difference between their T-H-E-R-E, their T-H-E-I-R,
their T-H-E-Y-R, your, your, your, two and two.
Please don't have all your pictures with you using the middle finger, duck faces, or some
form of a gang sign.
I understand you're representing your set,
but it's not attractive.
Furthermore, please stop with wanting someone
to join your onlyfans.com.
Some of us here are actually decent people
and probably already getting it free.
Sorry, I had to bring that up.
Okay, here's the deal.
Obviously on these dating sites, there are a lot of OnlyFans
people. Is that what you're getting? Because this is like the second or third reference,
I mean, it's got to be.
It's got to be. Yeah. He's sorry to bring it up, but he's just not going to do the OnlyFans. Well, um, aged and retired porn star looking for a nice butt to snort crushed blood pressure
medication off of, kind of like Coke in the nineties.
Back in the early nineties, I was called a closer. I specialized in climax shots. Kind of like a stunt man,
but different. Still signing autographs for fans that recognize my junk at nudist resorts,
hot springs and such. Just don't ask where I carry the pin. You got to go out with this guy.
You got to let him snort blood pressure medication off your ass. How about people recognize him
from his junket nudist resorts? I mean, it must be distinguished. He specialized in climax shots, kind of like a stunt man. He was a closer.
I think in Trump's America, Trump's date's retired porn star story arc is something that
could really help us have some time.
It's not without complete value.
I mean, I would think he'd probably be pretty well versed
in all the things.
I would imagine considering you're such a size queen,
he probably has a very large penis.
You'd almost have to think he does, wouldn't you?
I mean, you would think so
if he specialized in the money shots.
Right, so.
I don't think they're trotting out teeny weenies
for the money shot.
No, I wouldn't think so.
I mean, unless it's like that kind of video.
What do you mean?
Like a teeny weeny video.
Haven't we talked about this before that they have little weenie porn sites?
Haven't we?
Or did I make that up?
I think we had Kylie get on PornHub and she found it.
Next Jonathan, looking for my lovely ever after must be blonde or brunette, be fit and toned,
go to the gym more than four times weekly, but no more than five foot 11 inch and no
less than five foot four in height.
Be available at all times.
Give good head. Be able to cook and clean.
Devote as much as your time to me as possible.
Have a steady income, more than $70,000 annually.
Have own apartment that I can crash at occasionally.
If you fit these criteria, swipe right.
If not, settle for it.
I will not settle for anything less.
Also not interested in BBWs and single moms.
What's a BBW?
It stands for big beautiful woman.
Oh, so like, like chubby or like tall?
Like thick.
Yeah. Okay. Here's the deal. Chubby or like tall? Both. Like thick. Thick.
Here's the deal.
This guy must want somebody to cook and clean, support his ass, live in their apartment,
go fuck yourself.
I mean, what a dick.
I gotta hate him.
What about give, get ahead?
And he just puts it right out there.
I mean, that part I at least have like, okay, like all these other men are pussy funny, right?
I want a long term relationship.
I want to hold you in my arms and tell you I love you.
Like you can imagine all the bullshit.
Really, they just want a good blowjob.
So you know, that was the only thing about it that I was like, okay, yeah, everything
else was just fucking awful.
Okay, next up. This person's bio says I'm looking for a woman with conservative values, pro life,
2A and liberal. Please be five foot two to five foot six, 105 pounds to 115 pounds,
32 B to 32 C size 12 to 16 waist and size six to seven feet.
Be fun but down to earth.
Be manicured, pedicured and keep yourself fairly clean.
Your attire should be 80% casual, 20% formal.
Be into wearing costumes and bed.
Be trustworthy, honest and also into movies,
road trips and family stuff.
PG stuff with others, rated R, triple X with me.
You must also have or love dogs and no kids.
18 to 20, 18 to 26 year olds.
He wants conservative values, pro-life.
What is a 2A and liberal?
I don't even know what that means.
And then he gives a height range, a weight range,
a bra cup size, a waist size.
Shoe size.
Shoe size.
What the fuck is going on with this guy?
Your wardrobe, he wants to control your wardrobe.
80% casual, 20% formal.
Oh, and he's five five.
Yeah, this guy is a fucking nut right here.
Okay, next up, what I'm looking for in my woman.
This man just makes a punch list.
Long hair, nice feet with straight toes, big tits, kind,
always responds to my messages fast, does not get mad.
If I take too long to reply, can cook good food, has own house, has nice car, not vain.
Good credit score.
Lets me make the decisions.
Says she loves me every day.
Good at cleaning, has a good job, likes anal, is voting for Biden.
Let me try new sex things, respects men, is not fat, is a good dancer, is bilingual, supports LGBTQ+.
This sounds just like a real catch. Just a real catch.
So Pumps, what I've learned today is this. Angela Dawn, if you just get really like,
you feel crazed and unhinged in Trump's America, Angela Dawn,
you could just dive into that personality, cut bangs like you've always wanted to and
just go live your best life.
I mean, I think that you've got all these amazing hits on social media.
I mean, on these dating sites. Here's what I've learned today.
Why I would never be on a website for dating. I mean all of these people are like terrifying.
Everybody wants a trad wife that gives a good blowjob that's thin and has big tits. I mean it's
the misogyny jumps off the page. So thank you, I'm out.
No thanks.
What if we put Angela Dawn on like a liberal dating site?
I mean, that would have probably better results
because all these people are fucking nuts.
They define themselves by being anti-vaxxers.
They wanna tell you what to do.
They wanna tell you what color your hair is.
Like these guys are not catches.
I just want to know, Kylie, are there dating sites for liberals?
There are.
I wonder if they're more normal.
You kind of want to get Angela Dawn on there?
It's just a small segment, not a whole episode.
It's a little update.
Yeah, I'm just curious.
Just a little comparison. Here's the deal. I think dating sites in general
have a larger percentage of freak flags in them than the general population.
I agree. And people are trying to catch your eye.
Do you want to have any input over your bio and stuff?
No, because I mean, no, I would never do, I would never put myself on a dating site.
Never ever, ever.
Let me ask you one more question.
What if there was a dating site for men in uniform, like firemen, policemen, I think
you mentioned the Marines earlier, that you were rather turned on by the Marine Corps.
I mean, I don't care about any one of them. Air Force, you're turned on by the Marine Corps. I mean, I don't care about any force. You're turned on by the Air Force Army, Navy.
Yeah, sure. Yeah, I like all this.
Is there a dating site for men in uniforms?
Right now I'm looking at there's a website called Military Cupid to meet single military
guys. And there's also MD date to meet doctors.
Yeah, I think we've got probably a lot of line on that site, if I'm guessing. I mean, a lot of these
things. But I mean, I'm like, I'm kind of disturbed about all the controlling men that are looking for
a single woman with no children to cook and clean their house that's a size zero.
That's the ideal, I ideal. I mean, I think Kylie just plucked a high concentration of them. But I think in Trump's
America, we're all abundantly aware, perhaps. And I know you like to pretend like it's not out
there. But we're abundantly aware that this quote unquote alpha male movement is a big problem. It's
a huge, huge problem. All right. Well, thank you for
joining us today. Next week, we'll be back together in studio and listen to our other podcast, IHIP
News. Check us out on Substack. Join our Patreon. Buy some merch. Pre-order our book. Pumps tell them.
We will see you next Tuesday and Thursday.
Listen up, patriots, gaytriots, and natriots. We have a new podcast that has
dropped. It's called IHIP News. It's Monday through Friday, every day, 15 to 20
minute hot takes on the political landscape
of the United States of America always served with a side of petty grievances.
We are on all the available platforms, Apple, Spotify, Google, whatever, if you get your
podcasts and YouTube.
Please go rate, subscribe and review so that we will chart upwards with America's greatest
legal mind, Pumps. Pumps, what does an eagle say? rate, subscribe and review so that we will chart upwards with America's greatest legal
mind pumps.
Pumps, what does an eagle say?
A little bit more enthusiasm.
That's it.
That's, that's...
That's the patriotism that this country needs right there.