I've Had It - The Vanderpump Bump with Alex Baskin

Episode Date: June 15, 2023

You filthy Vanderpump obsessed animals finally wore the girls down. Jennifer and Pumps called up their old friend Alex Baskin, who happens to be the Executive Producer of Vanderpump Rules, to get all ...the dirty details on everything #Scandoval. The girls ask the hard hitting questions of what REALLY went down, what to expect next season and how the hell production didn't know what was going on the entire time. Jennifer, the armchair psychiatrist, gives her professional diagnosis of Tom Sandoval and Pumps attempts to play a scandalous game of F*ck, Marry, Kill. Thank you to our sponsor: Apartments.com - the place to find a place. Subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps Special Guest: Alex Baskin: @thealexbaskin

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So we're supposed to start the podcast. One, two, three. Another outstanding performance. The clap-ons over here at I've had it. I mean the claps, they're just absolutely getting fantastic. There's just no question about it. You know, maybe I should go on America's got talent and I could go and do my claps.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That would be really groundbreaking television. Wouldn't it though? Yeah, I mean, you're already like a sensation in the podcasting world. I think why not take it to the tube? Yes, for sure. I just want to say, Jenny, we had lunch just now. And I spilled my entire water on you at the table,
Starting point is 00:00:47 and you were so sweet and so gracious, and I really appreciated that. I apologized profusely. You know, I forgive you. And it was literally water off a duck's back. And I was the duck. You were the duck, for sure. I want you to know if it were iced tea. I would the duck. You were the duck. For sure. I want you to know if it were iced tea.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I would be duck. That came from a steamy cap. My response would have been, instead of, oh, don't worry about it, it's just water, it'll dry. Because I'm wearing a all white linen suit listener. If it would have been that iced tea with all that damn sweetener in it,
Starting point is 00:01:19 it would have been God dammit, Pops. You might have strangled me with your bare hands. Yeah, so you're lucky, we're all lucky. The world is lucky that it was water. The patrons of the restaurant are lucky. Everybody. But everything, it was meant to be this bill. It was clearly was.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Okay, pumps, what have you had it with? Oh my gosh, Jenny, I have just been dying to pull this one out. Okay, let's hear it. There's this new thing called gift fools, F-U-L-S, gift-F-U-L-S dot com. And what that is, is a registry for birthday gifts that you put the link of what you want for your birthday on there. And you send it to your friends like high school college age friends for them to buy you things
Starting point is 00:02:06 for your birthday. And it gets better. It's not just like little best friend necklaces that everybody wears one half of the heart. We're talking 100, 200, 300 dollar items on the wish list for the child's friends to buy her. This is so fucked up. I was like the entitlement, like I would, my first thought was if Emily has one of these,
Starting point is 00:02:31 I will snatch her hair out. Of course she didn't, but I mean, the entitlement to want your friends to think anybody gives a shit about your birthday except you. The breathtaking lack of awareness. It's unbelievable to put that on there. Yes. And just like that somebody doesn't feel the embarrassment.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Like I'm just sitting here, thirst trapping for gifts. Right. I've seen a list and I cannot believe the prices. And I'm like, I mean, I'm assuming you would have. How old? How old was the person you saw the list for? High school college age, 18, 16, 17, 18, probably 16. A lot of 16. A lot of 16. Only girls. You would have to think. I can't believe the parents. That's what I'm thinking. I would have never allowed it. The last several birthdays I've done for my kids, and it's just like because once 20 and the other one 16
Starting point is 00:03:28 is to invite their friends over, and I say no gifts please. I don't, I mean, like, I can't even remember the last time we had like an official party. When we do a text, I'll do a text to invite his friends and I'm like, no gifts please. Right, no. Like we're at the age that we're past that.
Starting point is 00:03:43 You're 21st birthday, all your friends buy you a shot. That's it. That's the list. Like friends don't buy, like gifts for each other. And if it was like a memento, like a really good smelling candle that you knew I loved and you ran across it. But for a 16, 17, 18, 19 year old girl to put hundreds of dollars worth of gifts that she wants for her friends to buy her. I cannot even tell the entitlement. The lack of self awareness. How fucked up this person is going to be when they go out in the real world away from their parents. Right. And there's no like the only saving grace for this person that does this,
Starting point is 00:04:25 that is that her parents are so rich that she stands up with a trust fund that could choke a bull. Right, so she didn't have to worry about it. Other than that, and she's still gonna have a lot of problems because I think this is like, it sounds very historic personality disorder to me. You know, just look at me, look at me, look at me. Right, it sounds like a mental disorder
Starting point is 00:04:43 that somebody would do that and not have any sort of self awareness trap Look at me look at me look at me look at me. It sounds like a mental disorder that somebody would do that and Not have any sort of self-awareness trap to cease Such it's like main character syndrome big time. I mean like it's embarrassing Well, it's like everybody turned 16 So it's not like you're the most special person in the world birthdays ares are just, I've had it. They're stupid. I mean, when you're little, yes, when you get older, when you get older, you turn 16 and you can drive a car. Great, you turn 21, you can legally drink.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Great, but beyond that, there's no, shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Everybody has a birthday. Everybody has a birthday, and nobody cares about yours. Except for Jehovah's Witnesses. Oh, they don't. You're right, no gifts.
Starting point is 00:05:24 They have a birthday, they just don't have gifts. I don't think they acknowledge it. I think that's, I know for a fact it's about your own business. Oh, they don't. You're right. No gifts. They have a birthday. They just don't have gifts. I don't think they acknowledge it. I think that's, I know for a fact it's no gifts. I was talking to a basketball mom friend of mine this weekend. She was telling me that her son who plays basketball, that this Mormon kid was going to go play with him. This is college basketball.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I was like Mormons. And this mom friend of mine, she's African-American. I said, man, that Mormon stuff, that's some fucked up white people shit. She died laughing. She goes, well, you know what, we black people have. We have the Jehovah's Witness. And I was like, they're the ones who don't celebrate the birthday. She's like, yep, that's the fucked up black people religion. Mormons is the fucked up white people religion. Anyway, listen, you're always learning new things. Always learning positive, positive, positive. Let me tell you what I've had it with. Lay it on me. So I get on to Instagram and this girl has made this super real of herself.
Starting point is 00:06:15 One could say it's a sizzle reel, a hyper reel, where she's decked out from top to bottom, like making the skirt, like a fan on her, but you don't see the fan and the skirt's like blowing and then she's like looking over her shoulder and then like it's like vogue and she's like, like a photo shoot. Well, and it's like all this mixed thing. And so I'm like, well, that's pretty strong to roll out on your Instagram page
Starting point is 00:06:38 if you're not like Jezelle or something. Right. That's a pretty strong video. And this is like an local Oklahoma city person. Okay. In the subject, it says, my toxic trait is interrupting people. So I'm just like, okay, let's fucking unpack this. Okay. First and foremost, your toxic trait is that you think your followers are so goddamn dumb that they don't realize that this whole thing is a thirst trap video, but you put it under the ruse of trying to act self-deprecating.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Like look at how hot and fantastic and I mean, it god only knows how many people participated in the production of this Instagram reel. But I'm going to kind of own myself and talk about my toxic trait is, here's the deal. If you're getting on the World Wide Web and you're telling everybody what your toxic trait is, you're missing the most important one. And it is number one, breathtaking lack of cell
Starting point is 00:07:41 awareness. That's your fucking toxic trait. So if you wanna do a scissor reel, put it out, fucking work, vogue, do all the shit you gotta do, and then just put, my toxic trait is, I like to thirst trap, fucking own it, own it for God's sake. But all these jinsiers and millennials, it's like, oh my God, my toxic trait is that, you know, like, I like to investigate my ex-boyfriends, but then in the photo,
Starting point is 00:08:12 they look like 12 out of 10. If you're going to thirst trap, fucking own it, right? But I love influencing. I think I look hot in this photo. You're going to get a double tap for me for honesty. Immediately, right out of the gates, I'll be like, double tap. Do you happen to remember how many followers this person had, I'd be interested to know. I'm sure it's like, you know, 800,000. Yeah, it's nothing to fucking, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:35 it's decent enough. But this, I mean, the fact wasn't like a 10,000 fuck. Okay, no, okay. No, no, it was a self-produced sizzle video under the guys of I am so deep I can point out my own character flaws. Jucks to pose with, look at how fucking hot I am in the great quality of this Instagram reel. Had it. Had it. Fucking kind of like the inspirational quotes, just own your shit. Own it. I'm fucked up.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I'm attracted to narcissist. You know, don't put all the narcissist or this and that, you know, just fucking own your shit, people. I'll double tap that shit. Right. Double tap. Welcome to I've had it podcast. This is a podcast where we give you the life skills to live as an asshole. And we give
Starting point is 00:09:27 you the life skills to where when you go out into the world, you can fain being a nice person. Right. You know, it's a public service. It is a public service. My name is Jennifer. I'm Angie. We call her pumps. She's the star of the show and the permanent record that's been decided. Kylie. Hello. Kylie's our producer. Kylie, what is going on in the star of the show and the permanent record that's been decided Kylie. Hello. Kylie's our producer Kylie What is going on in the world of social media? A lot's going on on our social media. Oh shit I don't know if you guys noticed, but we lost about two thousand followers from one post. What was it the drag queen the drag queens? Oh good riddance hit the forex. Yeah, go pound sand. Yeah, we don't care So I looked at that and I ended up going through all the people that wrote something negative and I'd click their profile I had to go to the redden, hit the forex. Yeah, go pound sand. Yeah, we don't care.
Starting point is 00:10:05 So I looked at that and I ended up going through all the people that wrote something negative. And I'd click their profile. And if they had a public profile, then I clicked followers. And at the top of the followers, you can type in to like search it down. And I would enter the letters, T-R-U-M-P. you MP. 100% of all of these people that believe that there is some drag queen agenda to sexualized children, which is total bullshit. It's right up there with like there are now litter boxes in high schools, which is total bullshit. But all of these people, guess who they all follow drop and I just want to remind everyone
Starting point is 00:10:45 This man wears a full face of makeup Every single day so technically Technically we could argue he's a mentally insane drag queen I would never I would do that to drag I would never do that to a drag queen ever ever ever ever Have to miss what I think so funny about this, Kylie, how are these people still here? How did they get this far? Right. How did they get this far? That's a great question. I think it needs to be addressed that the optics of us, two middle-aged white women with southern accents and some of these people see us and they think, oh, those are my people.
Starting point is 00:11:25 And I want a state for the permanent record, we are not your people. We are progressive. We believe that Black Lives Matter, we believe that science is real. We support the LGBTQIA plus community unapologetically. So if any of y'all are still mzzy in a round and you didn't get trying to make a decision, you didn't get all the other stuff that we put down, you can exit now.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And here's the deal, you can tell us how many times you're going to leave over and over and over and over, we don't care. They're like, I'm leaving, I'm unfollowing, and then they just keep commenting. And then our followers are like, I thought you left. We got DMs three days after saying, just want you to know that I unfollowed you the other day. Hey, you know, okay. How narcissistic they think that like we're sending out a search party because Kylie, I think we lost 2000 but gained like three, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yeah. So fuck off. Yeah. I'm not going to cry over that spilled milk at all. Do you fantasize about who you'd be if you lived somewhere different? Maybe you'd surf if you lived by the ocean, or if you lived above a coffee shop, maybe you'd finally write that novel. If you had a dishwasher, maybe you'd actually cook a proper dinner at home. With over 1 million available units for rent on apartments.com, the abilities are endless. And with instant alerts, you'll never miss out on seeing what could be your new perfect place.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Visit apartments.com, the place to find a place. All right, listen. All right. Today's a big day. It is a big day. Listeners. So some of you know that have followed pumps in me for a long time that we were on a reality television show called Sweet Home Oklahoma. The production company for our show that was on Bravo is also the production company
Starting point is 00:13:19 of Vander Pumps rules. And unless you've been living under a rock, there's been some fuckery that's gone on on Vander pump rules. We tried to live under a rock. Basically, everybody on the planet's talking about this, a, all these hot people work at a restaurant. They all fuck each other, except for these two people were in like a nine year relationship. One of the guys name is Tom Sandeval. He fucked his girlfriend's best friend behind his girlfriend's back for like seven or eight months, and they're all on the cast of this show. Well, the executive producer of this show
Starting point is 00:13:55 is our personal friend named Alex Baskin. And so we're going to get Alex on here. And we're going to try to get some tea for you filthy animals that cannot get enough of this fuckery. So let's get Alex basking on. How are you? Great. Hey, Alex! Hey, poms, it's good to see you.
Starting point is 00:14:16 It's great to see you, how are you? I am hanging in there, how are you doing? Fantastic, Alex, how much do you miss us? Oh my God, so much. I mean, look, you only reach out to me to tell me how sick you are if Vanderpump rules. You know, I feel love. So here's the deal, Alex.
Starting point is 00:14:34 It's a two-thronged situation. Number one, we've had it with Vanderpump rules. Also, we're bandwagon jumping on because we'll be way high in the podcast charts. And then like Stasi or Jacks or somebody comes passing us because they've discussed Vanderpump rules. So I'm in the office the other day, and a girl that works for me is like Vanderpump Superfan.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And she's like, I've just been deep diving on the internet and this producer for Vanderpump said this, and this, and this, and this. And I'm like, by chance is the producers name Alex Baskin she was like, yes, do you know him? I was like, yes, I do know him. She's like, you've got to have him on the pod. So I'm like, I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna text him right now because I love that guy. And number two, we want the Vandercomp bump and we also want to bash it. And so there's just not a better person on the planet to do that with than you.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I'm happy that I can help you fulfill both those throngs. Yes, yes, it is, it's obviously, so obviously we've kind of had it with Vanderpump, but in being a good podcast host, which you know both pumps and I are incredible at that. I mean, that goes without saying. I watched the season finale and then the three reunion episodes over the weekend. So I feel prettyverse, but in case our listeners don't know what's
Starting point is 00:16:01 going on, let's give a cliff note version. So basically, bunch of hot people in LA 30 to 40 work for a gal named Lisa Lisa Vanderpump at a restaurant. They've all kind of fucked each other, but there are two particular people, Tom and Ariana, who were in a nine year long relationship. Raquel was the best friend of Ariana, Tom and Rikkel started fucking behind everybody's back and all of this came to fruition in America on national television. You know, you just described the past 10 years of my life. So thank you for it.
Starting point is 00:16:37 No, seriously, because my daughter hijacked me. I mean, I didn't watch it in preparation for the podcast. I got, there was nothing else that could be on in the house during the reunions. And I'm sitting there halfway through and I'm like, Emily, all of these people have had sex with each other, right? And she's like, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And I'm like, so what's the big deal now? I do not, I don't like the best friend thing. I mean, that's a huge violation for sure. But I couldn't help but notice that there was a ton of outrage about it when they've all had sex with each other and they've all been in relationships with each other. Yeah, I mean, look, I definitely think the reaction to it is outsized all the way around. And you're right, it's, you know, the scenario has played out in different forms in this series over 10 years. It's a little bit different because I think of the scene of it,
Starting point is 00:17:26 the betrayal of it, the fact that it was something that was ongoing. But the outrage is pretty significant considering no one really has clean hands. I think the reason that the show has existed the way that it has and thrived over 10 years with some ups and downs and there were some seasons that weren't great, is the fact that it really is, it's a group of genuine friends. We didn't put them together for television and they do these things to each other
Starting point is 00:17:56 and then somehow bounce back from them, which I can't even identify with these things happening in someone's life period, let alone then, you know, hugging it out and looking to see it happen again. But this was pretty extreme. The other thing is, I think for this show, the reason that this sort of became a sensation what it was, is when it happened in our production cycle.
Starting point is 00:18:23 So the fact that Arianna discovered this, we were out of production, but we were heading into a reunion where we get the entire group together and they talk about everything that happened. You know, she discovered on Tom's phone, she discovered exchanges, we'll call them between him and Raquel on March 1st.
Starting point is 00:18:42 She told us on March 2nd, on March 3rd, we were up and running again. And we saw it. You bet your ass you were. Oh, you bet your ass you were. You know, we, hey, we're just here to document. Totally, totally. Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:19:00 So when I watched, when did you all evolution, the production team, when did you all evolution the production team? When did you all find out about the relationship? Well, we had heard a bunch about it. We had heard about Tom and Raquel hanging out and there were suspicions. And we covered that at the end of the season, which was in September. So that's when we actually shot what at the end of the season. But we didn't know that it was anything more. And by the way, Ariana herself had heard about this and it talked about it on camera and trusted Tom and trusted
Starting point is 00:19:36 Raquel. So we really didn't know for certain until Ariana herself discovered on Tom's phone that there was exchanges between him and Raquel and Tom had to come clean. Did you have suspicions like prior to this? Because the episode that I watched one of the reunions, it flashes to Ken, who's like, I don't know, 75, 80 years old, right?
Starting point is 00:19:59 And it sounds like he's cracked the case. It's this flashback and he's like, hey, did you all notice that we're kill and Tom were in the hot tub? And I thought to myself having been on a reality TV show before you 30 people everywhere you go with you. And I thought if this old mother fuckers cracked the case, evolution had to have been on to it to some extent through the show gossip of, you know, of your filming cycle. I mean, we definitely were aware of the rumors and we were, you know, obviously, um, had heard what Ken had heard. But I, personally, I have to say, maybe I'm an idiot, but I almost thought it was so blatant that it couldn't be true.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And this is my two. I should be the most suspicious person of all time. And with this group in particular, where there's smoke, there's fire, and every rumor turns out to be true. So I, but I didn't really know what to make of it. And I had just presumed, you know, that it was like, oh my god, like, that is so devious. Like, I don't actually believe it. Well, and that's one thing I want to our listener and I'm like, so I'm new to this. I don't watch the show, but I watched it. But what amazed me about the reunion
Starting point is 00:21:13 is these people, all of the people, the cast members, it is literally like the comment section of a social media post all in one room having a verbal conversation. Right. It is like, I mean, it is keyboard courage manifested to real life. And then it's like the the gal that got cheated on just casually this other girl gal named law was like, oh yeah, I ate
Starting point is 00:21:37 her out once and her boyfriend watch. And they just throw it out there super casually, which here's the deal. I don't have a problem with that. I'm not a prude. But at the same time, sometimes it's, they've all fucked each other, Lala's eating this other girl out. Then they're all so mad. Sometimes I had a hard time reconciling like, you'll all fucked each other and everybody's eating each other out. So, what's going on? Yeah, that's kind of how I think. I think what they would say is where they felt like it was a greater betrayal is they've all openly done that stuff and they've had indiscretions and they've had you know moments of weakness are done done things that they shouldn't have done. But I think the fact that this was ongoing right
Starting point is 00:22:16 and the fact that it was right under Ariana's nose and all of their noses. I think that's really what it was. But I agree. I mean, you know, the sense of moral outrage is a little bit extreme. I mean, I almost felt sorry for the Raquel girl, not because, I mean, what she did was horrible. I didn't feel sorry for her at all. But they were all so hateful and mean and ganging on.
Starting point is 00:22:38 But she showed no constriction. No, she didn't show, I mean, I think she did say she was sorry, but she was outmatched. I did not feel empathy for her. I just felt like she was so outmatched. What she did is inexcusable, period full stop. But I did feel like man, she is, because the guy with the mustache that she'd been fucking,
Starting point is 00:23:00 he didn't run to her defense at all. What's his name? Sande of all? Yeah. What did you guys? Sandevol? Tom, yeah. What did you guys, what about the end? What about that, the Coda? Did you feel bad for Raph? No, I thought that.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I thought that's, that's when she freaked me out even more. Yes, agree. Because at least during the actual reunion, she was like a deer in the headlights, okay? And everybody was against her. Then when she's doing the one-on-one the actual reunion, she was like a deer in the headlights. Okay. And everybody was against her. Then when she's doing the one-on-one with your showrunner or one of your producers, she's talking about the affair and she's smiling and you can tell that she has very fond memories
Starting point is 00:23:39 of it. Her body language and everything, I was like, she feels zero remorse for this. And I didn't buy, I hate lying, I hate being deceitful because every time she spoke about Tom, you could tell that she was overtly affectionate towards him. I was gonna ask you this, Alex, is she was so inappropriate her affect in that one-on-one? Was she just so nervous she was smiling and giggling?
Starting point is 00:24:04 Or is it that she was, like Jennifer said, just had such fond memories in it, you know, can control it? I think that, I think she was struggling under the weight of the whole situation. And so I think that, I mean, that was six days after the reunion. And clearly, she was more unsettled than she even had been. She's the one who initiated that conversation. So, you know, the show went in certainly Jeremiah was prepared to have it and had and then asked her number of specific follow-up questions. But we didn't know that was coming. I mean, we were, you know, one of the conspiracy theories
Starting point is 00:24:39 we're dealing with and there are a lot of them out there is like somehow that was staged or it didn't really take place after the reunion. You guys will appreciate this because she was wearing the same wardrobe that she had worn before. It's like because we match wardrobe. That's right. You're going to pick up.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Exactly. So there's nothing to catch us on there. But I really felt like it was someone who was having a really hard time handling the whole situation and it was saying the things that you wanted to say. It was just like, I'm not going to hold the line that I did anymore and stick to a certain story that I was asked to tell. This is what happened. And so I felt through there and look, I, you know, have concerns about everybody involved in any of the shows because I think they, but especially this because the public reaction of this is so intense. Yes. And we struggle with that because like, look, are we in part to blame
Starting point is 00:25:38 for that? Obviously, you know, we're making the most of this, right? I mean, we're milking it, but on the other hand, like, I do think that it's important for people to remember it is just a show. And yes, these are people's real lives. And they did the things that were coming. But it's like, come on, man. Okay, I have two questions. Number one, were sand devils tears real?
Starting point is 00:26:00 Or is he just kind of one of those manipulative cryer, manipulative cryer types? I thought those were real. I thought he was overcome with emotion. I thought he's having a really hard time with all that I thought. I thought those were clearly he wasn't telling the full story. But I thought that, I really, I thought those were. I saw him struggling that day. That was not someone who showed up and put on a performance.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And by the way, if it was fake, then, and if he were, if you, you know, we're acting the entire time, he might have done it differently, right? Because then he would have come out theatrically from the beginning. He would have said, I am so sorry. And he certainly didn't do. Well, I certainly would not have said we've fucked, but she had her shirt on it was so hot. I mean, right then, I was like, that motherfucker is a dick.
Starting point is 00:26:47 He wanted it both ways. He wanted to blame Ariana for the affair and say that she was cold and had intimacy issues. And he wanted to blame his moral shortcomings and all of his lies and all of his deceit on her. Well, at the same time, he wanted to say, I'm so sorry I hurt you and I love you more than I've ever loved anybody. And to that I would say he's very duplicitous
Starting point is 00:27:11 morally, like which leads me to a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder. That's I just want to go on diagnosis. The permanent record that Jennifer is not a therapist nor does she play one on TV She's a great designer though. Yes great design. Yes, and armchair psychiatrist Yeah, well aren't we all and that's kind of the fun of watching the show's I mean I think that you can feel like a piece of shit for doing it But I think that you can try to but my thing is there's a difference between Explaining and justify and what I said to him is explain, but don't try to justify it because you should talk about what was going on in your life, what was going on in your relationship, when all of this happened.
Starting point is 00:27:54 But you are in the wrong objectively, right? And I think that he ended up getting defensive and that didn't suit him well. And then he was offensive, obviously, in the end. And when he made that comment to Arnana, like, we were in the control room. I'm like, oh shit, that is not gonna land well. No, that makes him look horrible. Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:28:14 So obviously, we've been on a show before. We know kind of behind the scenes how this shit goes down. And one thing that was different is when typically when the cameras go down, they're down, but during the whole reunion, I mean, y'all are fucking milking that cow. I mean, y'all follow them like a fucking heat-sicking missile. I loved that. That was really good.
Starting point is 00:28:35 I would hate it if I were them. I have to admit because you have camera following you, you just want to be like, leave me the fuck alone. But he kind of acts out and he's like all on one of the producers. And he's like, leave me alone. I just want to talk to her. Just stop filming me. There have been rumors per my office manager that educated me about this whole scandal.
Starting point is 00:28:53 There have been rumors that he tried to persuade and get adversarial with production outside of what we saw in the reunion show. Like once she all started filming the reveal of the affair that he was very adversarial with evolution, with you all with production. Can you throw us a bone on that? Yeah, I mean, I will again, to the credit of this group, you know, we found out about this like I said on March 2nd and March 3rd, we were filming. Like, we filmed
Starting point is 00:29:33 that next day. But he, at one point, he was pissed us and didn't want to keep shooting before the reunion. I wouldn't call it adversarial, and I'm not even being, like, diplomatic. I really, because we were still talking and we were still, we were figuring it out. We were still talking and we were still, we were figuring it out. Raquel had stopped filming with us and we really, and she was a question mark to go to the reunion and then a couple of weeks before we started conversations with her team and obviously she ended up there. But yeah, I think, I think, look, I think Tom was spiraling and I think for the cast, it gets really hard when they realize it's a situation they can't control. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:30:06 So I think, and that is by the way, why we keep filming at the reunion because we're sort of like, oh, okay now, you're not gonna get a moment where you guys can get your stories straight or you wanna blow off steam? You know, not happening. Like we're, so,
Starting point is 00:30:20 Alex, if I was in your position, I would do the exact fucking thing. I would have cameras on these fuckers non-stop Having been in their position before all although our show that we did with you wasn't controversial Yeah, I understand the filming fatigue. I know what it's like even if it's a very benign thing You're just like I just want to be alone. I just want everybody away from me But if I'm you I mean right I would be on them like a tick on a dog, every camera you could put one I'd have it there.
Starting point is 00:30:48 You couldn't go to the grocery store without somebody talking about it. I mean, it was everywhere. Jennifer and I were like, who cares? And then of course we got sucked in. But let me ask you this, how are you gonna film with everybody moving forward? I mean, I'm assuming it's the same cast.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah, I mean, it's a challenge. I is the great question and the one that we really can't answer until we start filming it. And we have certain thoughts like, look, this group is very connected to each other. I keep pointing out as of this day, Tom and Ariana still live in the same house together, right? And they are, we'll see if that. Hold up. They lived together still. They lived together. So they did that reunion and then they went back to the same house and they you're telling me they lived together Now they've both been out of town a bunch and so they both have sort of precedence every lives But technically they live together. I mean that that is the you know, they share a bomb as well
Starting point is 00:31:40 so I So we'll cover we'll cover that, we'll sort of see where we were. I did know though after the reunion, there was, um, initially a thought that maybe we would just continue the next season right after. And we obviously needed a break. What are you waiting for the film after that? Right.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Right. Let me ask you. Swing and drinks at the restaurant are going to be interesting. Are they all coming back? Rekel, Ariana and Tom Sandevol. I anticipate at this point that they will all be back. So I don't know definitively because we're sort of, we're figuring that out, but I would strongly think that they will all be back.
Starting point is 00:32:20 We're documenting this friend group, right? And the audience has an expectation that they will see the fallout of this. And not just see sort of separate camps talking about it, or moving on into a different phase of life, but this is what they want to see. And so that's where I point out the fact that, you know, as of now, until a transaction takes place,
Starting point is 00:32:43 Pom and Ariana share a house. So it would be, the truth is, we wouldn't be capturing the accurate story, the real story, if we didn't cover that. So I think that'll all, we resolve it. And I don't, you said, have the hard and fast answers, but in a lot of ways, this group is stuck with each other anyway. I mean, and they've been in each other's lives, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:03 for a long time and, and they've been in each other's lives for a long time and they've shared a lot together. Tom's friend, his closest friend from St. Louis passed away recently and everyone in the group reached out to him, my understanding, to express condolences. And so, I thought that out of tragedy, that is sort of a really human interaction. And so that happened. there's, you know, that's sort of a really human interaction. Um, and so if that happens, so, um, so I think, you know, all of that is to say that we'll figure it out. I don't have any answers. Now it isn't like we're, you know, at this point, putting a schedule in front of anyone and saying,
Starting point is 00:33:36 you know, uh, hey, look, you know, it's Tom's dog's birthday. You all have to show up and it's a pop-lock. Right. Right. So I would think, I mean, if I took the job when we were on the show as a job and you have to be professional, I wanted to be on time and I wanted to, you know, do a good job. And if I were in their situation and you sign up after this huge fucking scandal that everybody's literally intravene, you know, like putting into the vein, smoking, snorting, they can't get enough of it, you would say, if I sign up to do this again, I'm going to have to have interactions with all members of the cast. Otherwise, why would I sign up to do it? I think there has to be a concession from the three and from the others that might be pissed
Starting point is 00:34:19 off at the three that we're signing up to do this. These are the, this is what the show is about. So we have to play in the same sandbox together to make good television. Are Tom and Raquel even still together? If this was March, it's June. Well, I think that's a, you know, I know that they're still talking. I don't, Raquel has been,
Starting point is 00:34:40 and he's been in-disposed. Raquel is in a, is right now in a, in a mental health facility and is trying to sort of center herself. And so she's been, you know, she's been on her own, obviously, so she's been sort of isolated. So I can't speak to sort of where things are. Tom has been, and he's been traveling a bunch with his band. And, and which is probably traveling a bunch with his band,
Starting point is 00:35:11 and which is probably a good thing to, in some ways, not to be just cooped up at home, kind of trapped in this. So I think that all remains to be seen. I mean, this is an extreme version of two people who ended up having a relationship with each other, and alienating a lot of people and other stuff with each other. Right. Because the reaction to it is so strong, so I think it sort of remains to be seen what happens between them. So let me ask you this. So you have this expectation where you've had this gangbuster season.
Starting point is 00:35:37 It's gone viral. You've probably brought on, you know, broken all ratings records, brought on a lot of new viewers. And so next season, you know, it's like, is it going to be the limp dick season? So there have been rumors that you were going to bring back another like old retired vandorpember. And so you can tell us here first, Alex, your good old gals from Oklahoma, who's in the running from the castaways to come back on Vanderpumps? Well, I think it's likely that next season is the same principal cast that you've seen and then there might be some appearances
Starting point is 00:36:13 from from authors, but we're not looking to you know just shake things up by throwing other people into the stew So it's a it's a rumor that makes a lot of sense because that is still a group of friends that are really connected to each other. So I get where it's coming from, but I also think that we want to see
Starting point is 00:36:38 this group hash it out, and we want to see if this group figured out. And as much as, like, sure, look, I always feel the pressure. I certainly do after this because I, a teeter point, I think it would be, you know, easy for expectations not to be met and, you know, I don't want that obviously. But, but we also don't feel like we need to do any stunts
Starting point is 00:37:02 or, you know, stick a firecracker up the ass of the show. But I think we have a lot to work with. Right. You got lots of firecrackers. Okay, Alex, now we're going to play a game with you called Had it or Hit it. Oh my God. Welcome to Had it or Hit it. I would hit it.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Had it. I hit it every day sometimes twice a day. All right. Had it or hit it, Tom Sandevol's mustache. Had it. It was bad. Great answer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Had it or hit it, reality stars that release music singles. Oh, hit it. I think it's so good. It's like, are you getting? Don't take that away from me. You know, when we were coming up with this list, I mean, Pumps and I, we should have released a single.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Maybe our show would have been on TV longer. Right. You know, I could have missed the vote. You're like, well, it's not as good as me. It's never too late. That's probably why we failed. We did not release a single. And I'm like, claw nails.
Starting point is 00:37:57 We did not fail, by the way. I actually, well, I had it to that because we have, it was a really fun show. It was fun. We did, you know, like, yeah. No, we loved it. And we're so happy we did it was a really fun show. It was. It was really nice. No, we loved it and we're so happy we did it. Really. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Had it or hit it, restraining orders. Oh my god, I had it. That was such a pain in the ass and we had to literally count out a hundred yards. Like come up with, you know, contingency plans upon contingency plans. Like I hate it. So not into them. Yeah, no, I thought that whole thing, I was like, I'm having dealt with restraining order.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I thought, what a pain in the ass. She needs, did she end up dismissing it? I think I heard. She did not not dismissing it, but it just was such a pain in the ass that day because didn't have a hundred yards to spare on the stage. Right. So we got the separate trailers and he said, do this dozey doe and it was so annoying.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah, no, I can only imagine. Okay, had it or hit it Andy Cohen. Oh, I love Andy. He's the best thing. Hit it. Andy is great. And I will say to you that I not only do I think that there is simply no one better at hosting these. He is a, you know, he's an EP on all the housewives. He's not an EP on Vanderpump or the other shows
Starting point is 00:39:10 that I do. And what I like is he really loves the shows and loves the people in them. And it's great. And, you know, he's been a personally a big supporter. So I love working with Andy. I, you know, grateful for him. I was very impressed with how he managed that. And I was also impressed with Lisa Vanderpump. I thought they both were, you know, the adults at the table. I thought they handled all the hysteria and the personality disorders of the remaining people on the stage very well. And you could tell that both Lisa and Andy cared about the people. Right. And we're like, Hey, I know this other side to you.
Starting point is 00:39:49 And I don't like it when you behave this way. And I thought for considering how messy that gets, they both were excellent. And you could tell that the cast really appreciated and respects the two of them. You know, Lisa's placement was quite literally different than it had been another fan of pop rules reunion. So usually she's seen it next to Andy in sort of the host position, but we actually positioned her close to the side of the room that was in peril. So we needed to be rebalanced. I mean, because the Tom's and Rick howl needed all the help they could get. So Lisa was closer to them.
Starting point is 00:40:30 And Lisa came out from the beginning and obviously you saw some of the exchanges between her and the rest of the group where she tried to sort of provide a little bit of a counter balance. Right. Well, right. And what I would say in response to that having been on television, if you don't want to be exploited, simply don't sign up to be on reality. Don't you? I mean, it's just it's very simple. Like, you know, like drag queens don't go to a drag show. You don't want to get exploited. Don't sign up to be on a reality TV show. So any sort of narrative that victimizes, you know, the people that sign up for it and crucifies the production
Starting point is 00:41:07 companies, that's kind of your job. I mean, like you found out about the fair cameras are up immediately. Everdewen Furious had you not done that? Right. Exactly. Yeah. Okay, final one. Have you had it or would you hit it?
Starting point is 00:41:19 Scandival. Oh, I've had it. I'm so sick of it at this point. I mean, that's where I, in the one hand, recognize what it's done for the show. For example, there is, look, there's a push for us to be nominated for an Emmy. And we wouldn't be having this conversation without it. But it's time to move on. So I think that crazy wild moment, I applaud production
Starting point is 00:41:54 for spring into motion and handling it the way that they did. And same thing with the cast, they fully told the story. But guess what? It's time to turn the page on. Move on down the red. Yeah. Okay, Alex, one thing, fuck Mary Kild,
Starting point is 00:42:11 do you know how to play that? I don't fuck Mary Kild. Okay, fuck Mary Kild. We're kill. Ariana, Lala. Oh, I mean, I, I have to do it. Don't be a pussy out.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Is she gonna do it? It's, it's so evil. I am a respected producer. That's right. You can possibly play these games. And now you're in the gutter with us. Go on. Why did I agree to this?
Starting point is 00:42:38 Why did you? It's a really good question. No, I agree to it, by the way, because I love your show. And it's been so much fun to To see the the attention that it's guarded and obviously just how much fun that you guys have so I miss you guys Alex. So are you gonna dodge? I'm oh, I'm in a dodge I would be a terrible cast member
Starting point is 00:43:03 All right, well Alex bas, we cannot thank you enough. We love you. We love working with you when we were on a television show with you. And we love having you on Alex. You made us super cool with the a lot of our listeners for our podcasts are a lot younger than pumps. They're like, you know, 20 to 35, the major demographic. So this makes us super cool to know you, to have a program into our cell phones.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And, you know, we're hoping that this turns, you know, just we chart past all these Vanderpempers in the podcast world. But see, there's a lot of pressure because if you don't, they'll blame you. Yeah, you've had it with me, I get it. That's right. No, Alex, we love you. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you, Alex. They'll do. Bye, guys. Yeah. Even had it with me, I get it. That's right. No, Alex, we love you.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you, Alex. They'll do. Bye, guys. Bye. Okay, pumps. Alex, Bascon. You know what, he's the main thing.
Starting point is 00:43:52 What? Vander pumps. Vander pumps. Oh God, now pumps. Vander pumps. Maybe I should go beyond it. Vander pumps. Maybe you should be on it.
Starting point is 00:44:00 I know the old. They have some lesbian arc stuff going on there. That was the one thing that got me when I watched that reunion is how that Lala was like, yeah, and I ate her kicky while you watched. And I was like, wait, hold the phone. So I had to come to work the next day and ask the girls in the office. So was that Lala eating the vizzean of Ariana, the girl that got cheated on? She was like, oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Yeah, there's just a lot of intermixing over there on that chair. There's the deal. They're hot. They all work in a bar together, I think. Yeah, I don't care that they're all sleeping around whatever, everybody's totally taken with this. I hope that we gave all these filthy animals
Starting point is 00:44:40 that follow Vanderpump rules religiously, like Madison that works for me who just is she cannot get enough of this. Right. Hopefully we've satiated their appetite. Yes. Richard, have you watched this Vanderpump rule stuff? Not at all.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Does it make you want to? Not at all. I really watch reality shows. So that's sounded like a, that sounded aggressively like drama drama. Oh, it's high for drama. It's aggressive Might it might be too much for me. Yeah, it is aggressive. How many seasons is it like 10 oh wow, okay Yeah, it's 10. There's a lot of shit going on over there. Yeah clearly All right listener We are going on tour so please follow us on social media and you can find out if we are going to be live at a city near you.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And you can come meet Princess Diana and myself. And we are going to be so happy to see you follow us like us, tick tock us, send a voice memo to our Instagram feed. Thanks so much, listener. Bye. See you next Tuesday. to our Instagram feed. Thanks so much, listener. Bye. See you next Tuesday. Pick up that class of Pina Grigio, your drink of choice, and come have some fun with us on Turtle Time. We're gonna do more than just drink and party on this podcast mom. I know, I know. Okay, if you don't know who I am, well, I'll remain a singer, and that's my daughter, Avery. And you probably know us best
Starting point is 00:46:09 from the Real Housewives of New York. And now you'll get to know us even better on our podcast, Turtle Time. Let's make more iconic moments together every Wednesday. It's Turtle Time. Follow Ray and review now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts. Turtle Time. Follow Ray and review now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or
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