Jack - 12 Trump Subpoenas

Episode Date: November 25, 2017

S1E3 - This week on “Mueller, She Wrote,” we discuss Mueller’s 12 subpoenas to the Trump Campaign, A.G. Jeff Sessions’ third congressional testimony, news on Flynn/Turkey, and so much more. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Kimberly Host of The Start Me Up Podcast. If you like your politics with some loose talk and salty language, you're going to love my show. I interview the coolest people like Mary Trump, Kathy Griffin, and DNC Chair Jamie Harrison. The Start Me Up Podcast has an easygoing, casual style and a strong emphasis on left-leaning politics. We also have Frank discussions about sex and more than a few spirited rants. Just visit patreon.com slash start me up or wherever you get your podcast and start listening today.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Any clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what the opposition is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I didn't have, not have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for having nothing to do with Putin? I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother
Starting point is 00:01:07 than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So it is political. You're a communist. No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist. Hey, welcome to Mueller. She wrote, I'm AG. I use an alias because I work for the federal government and using my name to promote private enterprise violates the Hatch Act and unlike some people I know government ethics means something to me. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Some people I know government ethics means something to me. God damn it. So I'm gonna go by AG. Joining me as always is Jordan Coburn. Hello. And Julie, so Johnson. Hey, what's up? Two very funny intelligent ladies that I decided have to be part of this
Starting point is 00:01:55 because they make me so happy. All right, now we're gonna start as we do every week with just the facts. So it seems like as these weeks go by, this is the second week now without an indictment. And every Sunday after we record this episode, I think, oh crap, there's not gonna be any news this week. And then there's just so much news.
Starting point is 00:02:22 And what we're gonna try to do here is kind of break it down for you Parse it out. It may kind of try to simplify it for you But this is seriously and and you know no joke here. This is like a worn-piece Situation with all the characters and all the plot lines. It's game of fucking thrones Yeah, yeah, where you where you like what house is doing who now and who wears the and it's it's just absolutely so we've got house trump and and house and cushioner and and it's just it's the most ridiculous seemingly fictional spy thriller twisted worn piece game of thrones piezer shit thing
Starting point is 00:03:00 that's happening in the whole fucking world right now. And it's super fascinating. And the conjecture is just so much fun. But for now, just the facts. And I really want to emphasize that we have a couple of different sections in this podcast, first of which we talk about facts, known facts, published facts, or leaked facts. And this is not conjecture, these are not theories, this is just stuff that happened this past week in the Russia investigation. So the first fact, Donald Trump Jr.'s private Twitter messages to WikiLeaks leaked. So it's like a WikiLeaks leak, which is fantastic to me.
Starting point is 00:03:40 But yeah, so that happened. And then and and in the true Donald Trump Jr. style, he sent them like he published them himself like member when his emails came out and the neighbor released his emails. New York Times was about to break the story that they've been working on for like a year and he just goes oh here you go. Just open. Well he's done that. Yeah, this whole thing is just backtracking to try to make yourself look transparent. It's so hilarious. Do you know who, sorry to interrupt you,
Starting point is 00:04:10 do you know who leaked those documents? Yeah, it was not WikiLeaks. It was, let's see, I've got it in my notes here. At their own game, they were like, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. Wall Street Journal. Nope, that's not it. Donald Trump's junior messages to WikiLeaks leaked. And here is the explanation. Let's see if it says here.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I can't remember who leaked them. I love the fact that he in real time. I was just, yeah, I thought I was curious because yeah, it wasn't wiggly. It's a good point. It wasn't wiggly. Exactly. Julia Ayoffee wrote an article in the Atlantic. She obtained messages, turned over to congressional investigators.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Beautiful. Yeah, I read that in the carto today. So, really good about it. They know their stuff. Mainstream, you knowstream media leaking leaks. If you know if you're liked and to be peed on by prostitutes, Donald Trump really has a problem with leaks. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Oh my gosh. Fact number two, Jeff Sessions testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Again. Fact number three, six congressmen in the House of Representatives introduced articles of impeachment this week, five articles of impeachment. Next fact, Mueller subpoenaed emails and documents from 12 Trump campaign officials.
Starting point is 00:05:37 That came out pretty late in the week. I think it was Thursday and that was the Wall Street Journal story. He's now directly subpoenaed Trump. This is the first time it's happened. Why did it ring that? Yeah, that's the new thing. So and this is emails and documents and it's all regarding the Russia Pro. Well, I can't say that with certainty. I want to be clear about that. That's a good point. All I know is that it's 12 subpoenas for documents and emails. Any investigation?
Starting point is 00:06:06 It's Mueller who's doing it, so I'm assuming. But he can do it. But it could be about money laundering. Yeah. It could be about this Turkish issue going on. I'm going to leave that. That's a good point. Yeah, I don't want to just come out and say,
Starting point is 00:06:18 it's definitely about Russia. Yeah. I just want to be clear about the facts, right? Right. Next fact, a second meeting Was found to have taken place between Michael Flynn and the Turks This one was in December of 2016 now first meeting was in September and I'm gonna talk a lot about Flynn Yeah, in the second segment of this show. He's special
Starting point is 00:06:40 The next fact here the Senate Judiciary Committee released a letter to Kushner, Jared Kushner, asking him to produce documents they know were missing from his subpoena. When they went to him and said, give us all your stuff. There were documents missing, and they know that because other parties turned those documents in. And these are emails that were sent to Kushner that he received or that he forwarded. For example, there was an email that he received about quote a Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite which sounds dirty. And he actually received that email and he forwarded it to other campaign officials.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And he also had communications in email with Sarah Gaye-Million. He's a rich Russian banker or oligarch guy. He's also a key source for the steel dossier. So we're getting close to the p-tapes. Next fact, Rob Goldstone, remember that big weirdo? He's the one who kind of facilitated the June 9th 2016 meeting, the big one. His lawyer has been communicating for a while now with Mueller that came out this week. Unbeknownst to his client, do you know? No, Rob Goldstone knew.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Okay. And now Rob Goldstone is saying and he's told the press that he's ready to come and speak to Mueller. Oh snap, so they've been planning this together. So what? Yeah, maybe. Yeah, no, yeah. We can, we can, you know, theorize.
Starting point is 00:08:11 But the fact is Goldstone's, the Goldstone, Goldstone's lawyer has been communicating with Mueller's team. And he, and now Goldstone is ready to speak to Mueller. If Mueller wants to talk to him, Mueller might not even need him. That's a good one. But it would be, you know, if Goldstone, and again, we're going into Conjecture Land right now,
Starting point is 00:08:28 but if Goldstone has something to say about why those meetings were set up or how they were set up or what they were set up for or what the intentions of the meetings were for or any documents from the meetings or any recordings of the meetings because, you know, Russian spies never record anything. Fuck. He would have those.
Starting point is 00:08:43 And that would be additional, I guess, evidence. Yeah, because the way Mueller works and I've noticed this, kind of like my ex-boyfriend, he goes, he asks questions that he already has the answer to and not just because he thinks he knows the answer but because he's got proof to back up the answer. And it's more telling to get your, you know, honest reaction in the end. Yeah, so he'll go, where were you Thursday at six and he's got proof to back up the answer. And it's more telling to get your, you know, honest reaction. Yeah, so he'll go, where were you Thursday at six? And he's got proof of exactly where you were Thursday at six, but he wants to hear it from you.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Because if you lie to him, that's a felony. I fall for it. It is a federal felony to lie to a special prosecutor. Wow. So he's just a dick and I love it. And he's not going to knock it down in the effect speculation, but I just, he's somebody holding a call like that speculation, but I do. Yeah. Somebody told me it called like that. It's a human.
Starting point is 00:09:26 And at the end of the interview, he can show his cards and say, you lied six times. You want six felony counsel? Do you want to tell me what Donald Trump Jr. was doing that day? That's his MO. And I love it. His Mueller of Operations. Next fact, the FBI has uncovered 60 money transfers
Starting point is 00:09:43 from the Russian foreign ministry to embassies across the globe and the ones here in the United States had memos on them saying, quote, to finance the election campaign of 2016. No, that's not a joke. That was almost this week's sabotage. Wow. Because that's so fucking... You look better sabotage them.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yeah. But, you know, I mean, how would that change your indictment picks? That's like seven facts in a lie is what it's down to lie. You just like, you've been in the last one. We just totally play that game. So, yeah, that's, yeah, next week what we'll do is we'll go through these facts and you tell me what if you think they're real or not. Oh my gosh, yes.
Starting point is 00:10:16 That would be fun. Yeah. Yeah, so that. Woo! All right. Next fact, despite outcries from Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Jeff Sessions, and the RNC pulling campaign funding, Roy Moore is announcing that he's staying in the race for the Alabama Cennice left vacant by sessions.
Starting point is 00:10:36 So what does this have to do with Russia, you ask? Like, why do I even bring up Roy Moore besides his, you know, titillating Joseph and Mary relationships that he had when he was in his 30s. Well, here's what it has to do with Russia. And this could be big. And now we're going to go into conjecture land. So that's the fact here's conjecture. If Roy Moore wins in Alabama, if a known pedophile wins the election in Alabama, which I wouldn't put it past.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Oh, I would win. Him to win. Yeah. At no, you know, no offense to Alabama or anything, but that voting, that Christian right voting wing is so strong there. A lot of my family, people think that way, yeah. And now with the whole Joseph and Mary defense, which is the weirdest defense, because Mary was a virgin, but whatever. But he's telling for a lot of time. Like he never ended up banging Mary.
Starting point is 00:11:27 It's not- Right. Yeah, she was immaculate. And nowhere in the entire Bible doesn't say how old she was by the way. What was really interesting? She could have been like 40. Yeah, probably not. 40-year-old virgin.
Starting point is 00:11:39 You never know. She could have been fugly, man. I don't even know. I don't know. I don't know. I wasn't there. There's no colored books for her. This is the true books. No, there's no photos. So it didn't happen. That's my thing with the whole like Al Franken, boob grab situation. They're like, yeah, but there's a photo. Trump didn't do it. There's no photos of Trump. There's a photo with this and I'm like, is there a photo of Jesus? Is there a
Starting point is 00:12:03 photo? You do you have like photo evidence of the shit that you're talking about that happened in the Bible? Yeah, fucking yeah, yeah Poor like I like out, but like you know screw out for that like but Thank you for admitting it. That's huge. I know we're digressing here I know yeah, we're kind of going off the track. I mean, we can have a whole separate podcast about sexual assault. But that is a bummer because Al Franken had become a champion for women, whether he was at one point or not. As a comedian, we're all female comedians in this room.
Starting point is 00:12:35 We know how male comedians act, and that doesn't excuse it. It's terrible, it's shitty. I personally, just on a side note, think he should step aside Because we have to send a swift strong message to the right that we don't tolerate this shit because if we let him go For years they're gonna be like you let Frank and go just like we let Clinton go Yeah, cuz they use that now and how fucking long ago was that They'll be using the shit forever Yeah, but there is no moral equivalency with more in franken or trump. There's none. And did you hear Sarah Huckabee Sanders reason for trump being innocent versus more or versus franken?
Starting point is 00:13:18 Because one of the in oppressors somebody asked her like, well if franken you're asking him to step aside and condemning him then why doesn't trump have to face his own 12 to 16 women who are coming forward with sexual abuse allegations? And she goes, well, that's different. And he goes, how is it different? There's no difference. And she goes, it's very different. The difference is Al Franken said he did it and Trump has said he didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And I'm like, that's it. So if Al Franken just said he didn't do it, you guys would be all cool. Yeah, crazy. Anyway, we digress. Yeah, I'm a good boy. More does, yeah. And I know this is it. So here's what this has to do with Russia.
Starting point is 00:13:53 If Roy Moore, back to the beast, if Roy Moore wins, and he's seated in the Senate, the Senate can and probably will, ask them. They can fire him with a 75% vote by saying he's unfit. That's one of the things built into the Constitution that just in case some crazy rogue, stupid state, Alex pedophile, the Senate can go, no, no. Now if they kick him out,
Starting point is 00:14:22 that's gonna leave a Senate seat open. And the governor can appoint an interim senator. And she could appoint Jeff Sessions, which would leave the Attorney General's spot open. That would leave the Attorney General's spot open, and Trump could install his own Attorney General who would shut down the Mueller investigation. Sessions can't because Sessions has recused himself. He needs someone that's not refused. And Russia, Russia, Trump's actually said the words,
Starting point is 00:14:50 if I know he was gonna recuse himself, I wouldn't hire him. That's why he was so mad, yeah. And if he just fired Sessions and replaced him to Alistam Mueller, that would raise eyebrows. Just like what we did with that. But if, yeah, but if you're, you know, if you're, oh, you know, we need him to. But if you're, you know, if you're,
Starting point is 00:15:05 oh, you know, we need him to fill in the Senate seat, you know. It's a lot. It kind of takes that pressure off. And when you add to the fact that major Republicans have come out against Roy Moore, it sets them up to show, we never support this guy anyway. So we're just doing what we already said, we were gonna do.
Starting point is 00:15:24 That is all borderline conspiracy theory, but it would be very easy for a new attorney general to stop the Mueller investigation, not necessarily by firing Mueller, but just by defunding it and ordering it to stop. Because the Mueller reports to Department of Justice and the attorney general. Well, he kind of doesn't report to anybody, but the Attorney General can fire him. Just like Archival Cox got fired. Yeah, I said check the powers, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:52 But yeah. If, can Mueller move to a die people sooner and then like kind of freeze the investigation, so Trump couldn't do that? What we're hoping and what I'm hoping, and again, conjecture is that these major indictments go down before the election in Alabama December 12th, I think okay mid-December yeah, and there's a lot of talk about There being arrests before
Starting point is 00:16:19 Well, we get into that in a conjecture part. Remind me to talk about potential arrests and Thanksgiving. That's gonna be a fun family dinner discussion. So that's what Roy Moore might potentially have to do with Russia, but again that's conjecture. All right so I wanted to get into talking about Michael Flynn and the Turks. Here basically the way I broke this down is what we already know and what's Michael Flynn and the Turks. That's no less, Mrs. Bertrand. Here, basically the way I broke this down is what we already know and what's new. What we already knew and what just came out this week.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Because we've known some stuff for a bit. Yeah. But there's some new shit that went down this week. So here's what we already know. Flynn was offered up to $15 million to find an extra-dite Fatula Gulen. That's a islam mystic who lives in Pennsylvania and the Turks hate him. Erdogan wants him I don't know probably dead. So they met in September 2016 with Flynn and said
Starting point is 00:17:18 and they started kind of planning this like we want to get rid of this guy, $15 million. And, and Flynn's like, I don't know. And then, let's see, there was a meeting, oh yeah, my second fact was that, there was a meeting in September 2016 between Flynn and Erdogan's people about the $15 million job. And Flynn wrote an op-ed piece about how terrible ghoulin is. That's the, that's the Turk. Oh my god. That's the Turk mystic. And Flynn wrote an op-ed piece about how terrible ghoulin is.
Starting point is 00:17:45 That's the Turk. That's the Turk mystic. Right. That Erdogan wants him to kidnap. Yeah, but nobody would care about him when he's gone. And he released this op-ed. Very quickly written, of course. And he released this op-ed on a inauguration day.
Starting point is 00:18:01 That's weird. That's weird. So that's a fact. I'm not going to say anything about why that's weird. Let's get into what's new here. This week, NBC reports that during the second meeting with the Turks, they had a they found out that there's a second meeting in December of 2016 with the Turks. They discussed something else with Flynn. First of all, they solidified the kidnapping plan. They talked about like they actually had a private jet ready and they like they were like it was a there were steps. It wasn't just like, hey,
Starting point is 00:18:29 wouldn't this be cool? Yeah, it was they were laying down the plan. There's a second thing that went on in that meeting, a plan to spring a guy from a New York City prison facing charges of laundering hundreds of millions of dollars because Erdogan wants this guy freed. He's a turkish. He's a turkish. He's a Turkish. He's a Turkish lover. So he says Flynn can, along with this deporting of the ghoul and guy, can you spring my buddy from prison? This past week, this past week, the're bringing that guy to me, you know. This past week, this year, just keep putting me in a new one. This past week, the night before that guy was set to go to trial, that rich, and he's laundering money with the Iranians,
Starting point is 00:19:14 and it has to do with sanctions, like, funding terrorism, like this is fucked up shit. The night before he was set to go on trial in New York, federal court, or, I don't know, yeah, New York federal court, I don't know yeah New York federal court he's released from jail. However he's released into the custody of the New York attorney and he's apparently cooperating with authority. Oh my gosh!
Starting point is 00:19:38 I don't know if it's Mueller. That's conjections but he could totally be flipping on Flynn right now. He could totally be flipping on Flynn like Yeah, we were gonna pay him a show of money to release me from jail and in return we were gonna do this or whatever But he so we don't know if he's flipping Flynn, but he's definitely naming accomplices in his money laundering scheme Which is good for the country. That's just good for the country So he's cooperating with authorities and And finally this week, the FBI interviewed Hank Cox. Hank Cox is the editor who helped Flynn publish his op-ed on Gulen on inauguration day. So they
Starting point is 00:20:18 interviewed Hank Cox. Like, that's interesting too. So what did he know? Yeah, what did he say? like, that's interesting too. So what did he know? Yeah, what did he say? So why is Mueller interested in him? Because Trump firing Comey for investigating Flynn would be obstruction. He, we initially thought he was investigating Flynn for lying on his fair documents
Starting point is 00:20:36 for not filling out and declaring his lobbying efforts. I see a thing. So he was, he could have been charged with obstruction for not filling out a form. Now he could be charged with obstructing justice for firing Komi to stop an investigation into him helping a hundred million dollar plus money launderer and kidnapping some mystic for Erdogan. That obstruction could carry with it a much heavier
Starting point is 00:21:06 punishment or or many more counts That is more conspiracy with a foreign government. Yeah, yeah, then I didn't fill a form out But you might have just brought him in on the forum. I love Mueller Or it could be a obstruction because Komi was investigating. Yeah, the kid in at the Spring, Flynn conspiracy blah blah blah. Yeah, that could be those could be way to your charges. So that's what's going on with the Turks. And Flynn. And you know, man, I was in Turkey in 1989 right after the wall came down. It was a great place. They're nice people. I don't understand like this Erdogy one guys. This is crazy. Fucking even diabolical. Yeah. So Flynn was essentially just going to use his I guess whatever political ties or like power he had to get these things done. The
Starting point is 00:21:55 National Security Advisor. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. But in terms, but in terms of what I'm paying to know of course, yeah, yeah But the $15 million that was just gonna be strictly independent of any sort of like government like US government pool of money, right? That was just literally taking $15 million. It would have been laundered somewhere, but it would have been his Yeah, it might have been laundered with that guy from jail Now conjecture just making stuff up. Wow. Alright so now we're gonna go over to Jelisa and Jelisa I asked you to tell us all about Donald Trump Jr. and his WikiLeaks Twitter conversations. Yes so this was really funny because ultimately yeah I don't know if you did anything criminal, but like just connecting the dots was really fun here. So fun. Fun. It's a little bit interesting, all things considered. So as September of last year, 2016,
Starting point is 00:22:55 Wigilean's kind of slid into Donald Trump to use the games. And it's interesting that's the same month Flynn met with the turt. Yeah, you're connecting the dots, right? So So basically they just said hey We heard about this anti-Trump super pack, you know, called poopin Trump dot org or something like that any comments. Oh little side note They also said they found out their password and they shared that password with Don Jr. So this was all in one little message. A sond, right? WikiLeaks?
Starting point is 00:23:26 Yeah, exactly. So, so Dom Jr. he's like, oh, I don't know who that is. This is off the record, but I'll ask around. And then now he has friends that are coming out saying he did ask around, but that was the first contact. So there's been several other tweets and I think it's really funny because he seems like he really thought these guys were on his side like WikiLeaks was known as this independent organization and everyone kind of sought that way but it turns out that they might actually be kind of a troll machine or something like they might have actually just tricked him into thinking that it was a safe little you know connection to actually documents and a few months ago, I kind of would have thought that
Starting point is 00:24:08 Wikileans was dropping things just to be neutral, but yeah, they might actually be when I'm putting like machines. So people actually think I think in the intelligence community that that Putin chose them. So maybe they started off, it's like a neutral organization, but at this point they have a clear agenda and they've been sending these little, you know, Twitter messages, basically asking Don Junior to release his dad's tax returns, and they were asking them to like tell Australia to appoint a certain person as ambassador of the US. They're like making demands. That's weird. Yeah, but the funny thing is that they're kind of following through. So Don, don't you hear only replied like thanks and I'll ask around and things like that,
Starting point is 00:24:49 but he ended up like kind of acting on these requests anyways except for the tax returns. And now it's just like, I don't know if he knows at this point that he was being played, but like back then it's just like he was like maybe they were kind of together, I don't know. It would be hard to figure out now if there's any way that Putin said, you know, we're gonna work with you with WikiLeaks to discredit the media and things like that and Don Jim, there's gonna be our guy, or they kind of just like crept in and made it seem like they were like anonymous or something, but- Just a journey of more doctors. Exactly, yeah, yeah. So it's kind of like, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:26 we don't know what's up at this point, but as far as anything incriminating, it's just like really sad to see him fall for it, I think. Like, yeah, because I feel like, either way, whether they were like, I mean, he's not the brightest crown in the sea, man. He's not, and try so hard to like see him put together and like, his brother is a fr-
Starting point is 00:25:42 I mean, Eric came out strong this week, right? That's the big winner of it. He wasn't involved, so that's why he's involved. I mean, Eric came out strong this week, right? That's the big winner. He wasn't involved, so that's fine. I'm okay. Hey guys. Yeah, no, it's just really weird because, let's say there is this bigger idea of Don Jr. was known as the connection for WikiLeaks, and that was all planned with all of them.
Starting point is 00:26:02 That would be the thing I knew or would be able to figure out. But I feel like as far as like a regular person just like reading about this is So funny. It's like it's just sad. I really think that not only are we being played by Putin But like they were too like that's the idea is that like I don't think if this is all gonna come out with like Clear winners and losers like within America. I think we're all just gonna be sad No matter what happened Clear winners and losers like within America. I think we're all just gonna be sad No matter what happened It's Decades of like manipulation experience Government they're just coming in just like
Starting point is 00:26:33 Pop it up was right is pop it up was I think right that deleted his Facebook and In the Evidence and his communications You're like a millennial you should know You're like a millennial. You should know that. I heard a great story, a great anecdote from my friend Tamer, and he talked about how he used to work when he was working in the ad agency business. He would golf with these CEOs, these Uber Rich guys.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And they would find out that he does comedy. And then they would tell him one of their jokes, like these Rich guys. And they're the worst, most terrible jokes. And he thought to himself one day, he's like, why does CEOs tell such bad jokes? And he realized that these guys are rich and powerful. And when they tell jokes, everyone laughs at bad jokes. And he realized that these guys are rich and powerful, and when they tell jokes, everyone laughs at their jokes.
Starting point is 00:27:27 So they have no mirror up to them. And if you know, like other people are like hearing them speak and saying them in everyday life, and we're like, Trump thought he was awesome, and that we all thought he was awesome until he became president, and found out we all think he's an idiot, and now he's like, mhm. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:43 That's why Kanye could relate. Politics is the great mirror. Yeah, it is. You will have that mirror held up to your face and people who don't like you, you're going to find out about it. And then any millennial should know that with YouTube comments. Well, that Trump is fell for. I think he really did think he was going to be more like after all of this. Like, oh, they loved Obama and I don't people hate him. So maybe the people that hated me will love me. It's just the same thing. Now, the, when you're talking about the Trump Jr. released
Starting point is 00:28:11 screenshots, right? Of what? Yeah, so he claimed we're all of his messages. Exactly. So at some point when they were communicating, he actually tried to like work with them to make it seem like wiki leaks would have dirt on the, you know, Trump administration too. So they weren't just putting out things like the DNC leaks and Hillary and Mel's they were like oh we do all kinds of stuff oh so he's basically admitting that they have compromising information on them and
Starting point is 00:28:34 make them vulnerable the blackmail what a dipshit yeah now what does I have to do does I think this has something to do with Kushner's documents that he failed to turn in because several of the documents that were known to exist, according to the Senate Judiciary Committee, concerned the 2016 email communications to Kushner about WikiLeaks from Donald Trump's view. Because it happened during the campaign. So not only did Donald Trump Jr. not publish those particular tweets when he released him, but Kushner, in his initial release to the Judiciary Committee, didn't turn over
Starting point is 00:29:04 the documents concerning the communication with WikiLeaks. Why, why, you hide in that. These are documents he would have gotten from Don Jr. directly. Uh, or anyone, that was involved, because they he forwarded these actions. These are emails. Okay, so these were very Kushner and he started as a Twitter DM. Yeah, so basically, yeah, so like, DTGN was like, Twittering, messaging Wikileaks,
Starting point is 00:29:29 and getting these links and passwords and all this cool information. And then he would email that information to Kushner. And Kushner, in turn, forwarded that to other campaign officials. Yeah, yeah. Mueller knew all that, but Kushner held those documents back when he released his
Starting point is 00:29:47 subpoena for documents, and Donald Trump Jr. didn't show you all of his WikiLeaks communications either. I love the jimmy the connection. I did not until just now. That's perfect. Like, literally when I was reading this, I was just like, man, this is hilarious, but it's also like, it makes perfect sense that this is also really important, because I've seen someiors too from Fox News and stuff. And all kinds of actually seeing it where it's like they say they have the panel and some people are like, oh well what does this really matter though? And like they just try to use any thing to make you know, Trump and his campaign look like they were like, you know, bad people,
Starting point is 00:30:17 but no it does matter. Well wiki leaks. Why would they lie? In September of 2016, wileaks, the goldstone fella, and that 2016 meeting, that, normally in research, when you need to prove something with data, you have to triangulate it, meaning you need three datasets to really show validity.
Starting point is 00:30:40 We now have Wikileaks, we now have the goldstone, and we have the 2016 meeting. All those things together triangulate collusion and conspiracy with Russia. Now we just have to find, we've got the smoking gun. We just have to find the bullet. And one of these people is gonna flip on him.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Man. Any one of these people could flip on him. There's just so many people on our own. Man of Fort may have already flipped on him. Wow. Yeah. What do you think the chances are of Twitter having been cooperating with them already? Because I know the stock and stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Or Twitter or Facebook. Well, no, just people. So my thing is like, how are conversations like that going on and then they weren't being flagged in any way or like how, like, when now if ranking was asking like how did you not notice when like the rebels were being used to buy a political ads I wonder if anyone's been looking in that direction? Yeah, they don't have to answer any of those questions. They should now. I think it's a good point. Yeah, I think now everyone should just take a good look and say, did I help collude with Russia? Well the the you know
Starting point is 00:31:43 the opposite effect of that is kind of an invasion into privacy where they're gonna look at all of your tweets and all of your Twitter messages and all of your Facebook messages. And if the word Russia is mentioned, or if you know, then they're gonna flag them and then somebody's gotta go through them
Starting point is 00:31:57 and then that's kind of big breathery. It's a very sensitive thing. But what about the Patriot Act forward? It sounds like a, I know. I know, it's like, who we all say it for? Right. It's like, yeah, it's like, you think this would be one of the things. Yeah, and you know what, if A.G sends a message to Jelisa about the Russia probe, don't flag
Starting point is 00:32:17 that as much as if Donald Trump Jr. sends a message to WikiLeaks about Russia. Exactly. Maybe put those three data points together yeah I don't know but he's he's he's closing in so I don't know we'll see you got anything else for us with the DT junior well let's see I love that you brought that together for me because I kind of left off like doodling at a certain point because I just was like, this is ridiculous. Like, I feel like you're just getting told, but I think the bigger issue is like sure if we're being told like, but still like someone should answer for it. That's the idea is that there should be consequences for these actions. It's not just a small thing. It's like there's a bigger picture. Well, so now we've got to go a little bit into theory land. We've got WikiLeaks, we've got Goldstone, we've got the June 2016 meeting.
Starting point is 00:33:16 We've got all the timeline about them receiving the DNC emails, them tweeting about it, talking about it in speech, Trump urging Russia to get the emails. Wouldn't it be great? I'm gonna make a major announcement. All that timeline, all those points of data coming together around this June 2016 meeting, and now within, and I'm surprised this interview hasn't taken place already, but Hope Hicks is gonna be pulled in Hope Hicks is the communications director at the White House. She's Trump's right hand Gal Friday basically, she's considered Trump's gatekeeper. You want a meeting with Trump? You got to go through her
Starting point is 00:34:00 Yeah, 2012. I mean, she's not that old but definitely for this campaign. Yeah, yeah. And so if there was any meeting, any request, anything, it's gonna have gone through Hope Hicks and Mueller is now called her into testify. She's preparing to testify. None of us know if she's testified or when she's testified. I don't think she has yet.
Starting point is 00:34:23 From the sources that I'm getting, she has not testified yet, but the conjecture, the idea, I say conjecture too much. I need a new word. The Soros? Well, think of one by next week. The idea here is that, you know, well, first of all, Hicks is as inner circle as you can get to Trump. And Mueller's already interviewed Ryan's pre-biss and Sean Spicer. What came out in those interviews, I don't know. But now, Hicks, this is as inner circle as it gets, outside of Kushner and Trump Jr., who they've already subpoenaed several times. So a lot of lawyers are saying an investigator's, you know, professional, you know, amazing
Starting point is 00:35:11 investigators who have been doing this for a long time say, that means he's close to the end of this investigation. When you get that close to the inner circle, you're getting, you're wrapping it up and not only are you wrapping it up, But you already have everything you need right you just need the testimony to see if you can catch these people lying under oath So that if you do you can have them flip Because I guarantee you a 30 year old hope Hicks bright future but in front of her isn't gonna take a bullet for Trump Neither would Kushner no matter how much I've all gone daddy love each other Yeah, that loyalty to think about Flynn being very loyal to her, you know father and all that,
Starting point is 00:35:49 it's a matter of new. Kushner's gonna look out for himself. Uh-huh. Uh, and his weird little fucking family. But, um, these people aren't gonna be loyal to this guy. And I told that batter's the Trumpist loyalty, so I know he's just gotta be tearing apart. Which pleases me to no end. But that's personal. All right. We're going to move on now. We're going to hand this over to Jordan.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Jordan, you this week did some deep diving into Sessions Testimony. Jeffrey Boe regards Sessions the third. If that doesn't sound like the biggest racist ever. I think we made that character up in the movie. Yeah, over here. Yeah, no. People listening 50 years from now, Jeffrey Beauregard sessions the third is actually our attorney general.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Take it away, Jordan. All right, so yes, Jeff Sessions testified in front of the House judiciary Committee on Tuesday This is the latest that he's testified officially. I think this is yeah his third time now Yeah, it's gotta be yeah, he did so yeah, I'll go over it in all these ideas, but um, so He's just really trying to convince them that he's never lied under oath. During his testimony on Tuesday that was just his main thing. It was like I'm not saying I wasn't wrong about what I had said in the past. I'm just saying that I wasn't lying. So just trying to absolve himself of getting accused of any sort of... And he's a attorney. He's a attorney. He knows how to do this.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Exactly. Exactly. That's the whole misrem knows how to do this. Exactly. Exactly. The whole misremembering and... Exactly. Yeah. Just knowing exactly how to phrase what you're saying to try to... ...basically cover all your bases. Which should be like a red flag enough that he's marrying someone. Yeah. Just I guess like how, you know, how language and the law works is that that's how people actually get out of things. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:37:45 So if I can the Poor reality is that there's a chance that maybe they can't they they'd like just won't be able to prove that At least in these testimonies. Yeah, but um, okay, so so here's a here's a quote from his Tuesday Testimony which really wraps up pretty much everything he was saying Quote I have always told the truth and I have answered every question as I understood them into the best of my recollection. I will not accept and I reject accusations that I have ever lied under oath. Important stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Yeah. My head just exploded. It's kind of lawyer to ever exist. Oh yeah, and knows what he's doing. Oh, and he said, oh yeah, I'm going to get into like this other stuff that he's done that you may have seen and then he was really that also, it's just I seen on the cake for what a fucking douche bag or even. I bet. But yeah, really just the important phrase in that is to the best of my recollection. So just saying, sorry, there are limits. I'm only a human. I've got to brain that fails and it failed and there you go.
Starting point is 00:38:51 It may work for everyone, I would say, alright, but it doesn't. Right, sorry. No, it doesn't. Oh yeah, no, I've just, yeah, that's, I mean, it's so convenient. I always wonder too if all these people are, you know, having a testifier like, alright, so who's going to use this defense? Because not all of us call them. It's like, yes. And it's like the fifth.
Starting point is 00:39:09 You run away. Yeah. It's just like different. It's the fifth. You really? It's good up and run away. Wow, staying. Run away.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I hope one of them tries to think through. I'm deaf, and they're like found in some branch can. I'm so excited about that. What do you call it? Bidda. OK. OK. and they're like found in some branch can you sign up? What you call it? Okay, sorry. No, no, that's so funny.
Starting point is 00:39:32 So anyway, that's what I'm not Tuesday. So just let's take a quick look back at Jeff Sessions' history test-defying in front of Congress. So in January, Sadver Attorney General has a long and sorted history of testifying to Congress. So in January, the attorney general has a long and sorted history of testifying to Congress. Our attorney general, our top law man in the country. Yeah, him or kissing himself is almost just sad to me because it's like why didn't you just leave? Yeah, you want to lock yourself in so glad I'm so glad that he did because yeah, it would be we would be in a very different
Starting point is 00:40:07 Scenario right now if if sessions had either resigned or failed to recuse himself for Dipshitch They're also dumb, that's so funny. It's like I watch those fucking cold case file confession shows on the ID channel. And they're sitting in the police station and they put them in a waiting room and they're like, man, I can't believe if we fucking pulled that shit off. And I'm like, what are you doing? Do you not think that there's a camera in there? And then they go in there and they start interviewing them.
Starting point is 00:40:44 And they're like sitting there like, I don't know, like ask for a lawyer or leave, you're not under arrest, why are you so stupid? So anyway, I just told everyone how to commit murder. Oh yeah, yeah, they're good at coding crimes, but it's not good at covering your asses. It's so funny to me, it's this whole, just fucking farce of like a political group is there they it's like money only goes so far which I guess is nice to know it's not you have to be like who in rich and smart if you want to have like the next one but okay anyway sorry so back in January he has his confirmation hearing this is in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. This is when he says he was not aware of any contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Starting point is 00:41:31 So it goes on record saying that then that clearly he writes in March, lines of sending something out via written statements saying like you know just explaining how that is incorrect because it comes out that there were that he was like at that meeting and then there's like no way. The meeting, the foreign policy meeting, that he chaired. Yes. And Trump, that was when Trump was like, when Papa Doppler was there and Trump's like, I don't know him, never heard of him, he's low level.
Starting point is 00:41:58 And it doesn't matter. And I meet millions of people. That will Sarah Huckabee Sanders says, President meets millions of people and takes pictures with millions of people that will Sarah Sarah Huckabee Sanders says he it's president It means millions of people and take pictures with millions of people and that's the only meeting that ever happened or the foreign policy Group like it's the only one What is it Hip-apartimists Hip-apartimists
Starting point is 00:42:21 Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus. What? Oh, but that's like exactly what Sessions winds up saying to try to explain his ignorance, you know, quote unquote, ignorance of these things. He says, oh, well, the Trump campaign was just really chaotic. Oh, we know that.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah, he's like, I was meeting with people every day at At new meetings every day, I just didn't remember that meeting. That one that you were just talking about. That's a lot of questions. Yeah, exactly. That's all this whole thing is with everyone from the top to the bottom is, here's what happened. Oh no, we have this evidence. Okay, well yeah, that happened.
Starting point is 00:42:59 We also found out this. All right, yeah, okay, that happened to let me rewrite my documents. Well we also know this. Oh yeah I don't remember that but I'm sure you know you said it happened and probably happened. Like that's all this is is and again that is the way Mueller works he comes at you he knows everything already. He's the fucking elf on a shelf and he's like I know. I need to get a Mueller alpha. Yeah, we need to get a Mueller on the... Mueller on the... Dooller?
Starting point is 00:43:27 I don't know. A little guy, he just sits there. And you can tell his kids, he knows everything you've done. Dude, I bet we could mark it Mueller on the shelf. We should. Okay, we'll get, we'll look for it in Toy Stores in a year. Because that's how long it takes us to get shit done But okay, so so January that many habits are not meeting that confirmation hearing happens when he you know Why does it remember take your pick whatever?
Starting point is 00:43:55 He lied to the center. Yeah, that's a felony. Yes. Yes, absolutely He's still to this day sticking with that story that he did not he has to So this day sticking with that story that he did not mind. He has to. He's on a good jail. I did it. So then he would be in trouble, but he wouldn't go to jail. Yeah, too rich for that. So in October, exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:13 I just get to sit in my home movie theater for the rest of the time. In my Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions robe with my Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions dog. So then in October, he, same committee, he has a six-changer centered out Franken, rest in peace out Franken, not really though. You really were an asshole and a certain thing you're getting. But not in general, but I dig rest in peace.
Starting point is 00:44:39 He was a better senator than he was a comedian. And he's just not funny enough to grab asses. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, okay. So. That's the real crime. So we got, we got, yeah. There's the improv, the yes and.
Starting point is 00:44:51 It's just not really, it's not really. It's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it's not really, it This girl's asleep in fear. You just described every rape ever. Hey, you got her in the end of the year. I'm disgusting and this girl's asleep in beautiful. And... Did I say it before? Okay, so I'll go through this fast. So Alfranghen asks him, you don't believe that surrogates from the Trump campaign had communications
Starting point is 00:45:25 with the Russians in session says, again in October, just last month, I did not and I'm not aware of anyone else that did and I don't believe that happened. Now he may have to, let's throw, let's throw, let's throw Beauregard of bone. He might have shut down Papadopolis or even Carter Page or anybody who said, I'm going to go to Russia, go to Russia. He might have said no, don't do it. That is what he said. Well, he did in the foreign policy meeting. He might have shut it all down. He might have said no, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. But then why not just say they did tell me about those things and I
Starting point is 00:46:01 told them no because I'm a badass. He actually did say a little bit about that and the thing he's like even if I did I said no. He said again and every time. So yeah, so so basically. So why'd you cover it up the first three times? Yeah. So eventually when he comes out saying that or or just the press coverage comes out with that photo of him at that March 31st meeting then then this is when he says this is when he says that a job is memory seeing it in the press and that's when he was reminded that he was in fact at that meeting and then he says and on top of that I remember saying guys don't do this. This is a bad idea. You're evident. It's really rang a bell for me. Yeah. Yeah. The whole, the
Starting point is 00:46:43 whole I don't know anything about it, I don't know anything about it. I don't know anything about Russia. I never said anything about Russia. I have nothing to do with Russia. That should be the model. Oh, except that one time when they told me about Russia. And I said, don't do it. That's not long for the bumper sticker, I guess.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Make it better and be great again, just so much. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. So, on this, in Tuesday, when he's testifying, he, this is when he now remembers these things, officially on record. He says he couldn't remember up until that moment because the term campaign was particularly quote unquote chaotic and sleep was in short supply.
Starting point is 00:47:14 So what's, and this is a shitty thing is because you can't go into someone's memory unless there's some other documents that will come out that are out there. I don't think they're like crime or like something that was like before it came out in the press so he can't use the defense that the photo jogger's memory something that's like recognition of you know yeah I don't know how can I'm sure it'll come out though because he said it's out of my ear and so yeah then it also comes out that he met with he met with Kisley Act twice himself once at the RNC just on the side lines which he says he just straight up doesn't remember that's what he says
Starting point is 00:47:54 now and then the second one how do we know if he doesn't know right they got to be able to do that you know yeah and then the second meeting was in his own senate office with Kisleyak, which he is now saying, okay, yes, that happened, but that was not in the capacity of me being a Trump campaign. That was just in my capacity. I wanted him so bad to say, that wasn't me colluding with Russia like normal.
Starting point is 00:48:17 That was me meeting him as the ambassador. That's normal, yeah. Like, no, I know collusion meetings, yeah. I've got those, that wasn't a collusion meeting. It was just an ambassador meeting. Yeah, it's like my state really. Why don't you just tell us about it? It's so frustrating. It's such a huge stage to be talking about Russia.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Clearly, how do you sound like? Yeah, it's such a huge break. So just closing this up, his explanation to that, he says, I certainly didn't mean I'd never met a Russian in the history of my life That's his explanation for how out he they're like okay, so what is this what are these meetings and then he's like well, you know We didn't ask you have you ever met a Russian in the history of your life? Just before an ambassador to Russia. That's the only one we're really concerned about. They may get the truth by that time. No. He inches towards it a little bit every time.
Starting point is 00:49:09 And then on Friday, two days ago, I was just... We'll get the truth when Mueller releases it. Yeah. I might be sad this, but this is just a little fun fact. I just close up my segment here. At the Federalist Society event, he's making jokes about his... he got jokes. He got jokes. I mean they're not funny it's exactly we were talking about just one of your rich people just sit there just like a faw. Do you know eight of the ten federal judges that Trump has appointed or members of the Federalist?
Starting point is 00:49:38 Just thought like fair that out there. Yeah. Oh my god Yeah, that's the same. But yeah, he takes the mic and then quote unquote, he uh, quote, he says, Ambassador Kizliak in the room, some of the whole room's like, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha. And he says, any Russians, and then they laugh even louder.
Starting point is 00:49:57 They says, anybody been to Russia, and then closes it out with, got a cousin in Russia or something. So this guy's just completely... He'll know. Yeah, and it's just, it's with got a cousin in Russia or something. So this guy's just completely healing it. Yeah, and it's just it's just a transparent technique just to like so hyper ballically kind of. Yeah, it's just so he's helping destroy democracy and he's unfunny. Yes, okay. That's a terrible joke. Oh yeah, there we go.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Jeff Sessions, that's a really bad joke. Oh, yeah, I heard a bad joke of one of the reporters said he was on CNN, a little too moderate for me, I don't know. But he's not a per se, but he was like, uh, he said, oh, you know, it's a bad day when Jeffrey Sessions was funnier than I'll franken, and then it totally barbed on the air, which I don't know what happened because the sky was good. Yeah, yeah, someone's got a bomb. Someone's got a bomb. Jokes about jokes, aren't they? And that concludes the Dierf Sessions second. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Thank you, Jordan. Thank you, ladies. That was fantastic. And now I want to go over our indictment picks, our indictment fantasy league. Music Alright, so we haven't had any indictments since the first show where we had the Gates Man Afforten indictment, right? Now, I've heard through my sources that there are going to be arrests before Thanksgiving, but they haven't interviewed
Starting point is 00:51:24 Hope Hicks yet, so I'm not quite sure. But I would like to change my picks. Okay. I'm going straight up with Flynn, Flynn's son, Donald Trump Jr. and Kushner. Okay. Those are gonna be my new four.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Okay. And as an aside, they are going to release testimony and guilty pleas like they did for Papadopolis from Rines Prebus and Lewandowski. Okay so that's my new that's what I think. So you're gonna say you're gonna four or six there. Four indictments and two flips. Yeah releasing of testimony and guilty please. Like yeah. Oh no no because we've already seen the card of page testimony I'm done that's why I like that. I feel like the indictment versus the flips helps me conclude it too but I'm gonna add like those people
Starting point is 00:52:15 were already arrested but unbeknownst to us. Definitely I was thinking for myself Steve Bannon I feel like something's gonna happen with him, like something big, and then I'm gonna go with Kellyanne, Conway, Kushner. I'm gonna have a few. And then these are all endangments I'm thinking, because if they all lied to some degree, why don't know? Did Steve Bannon and Kellyan actually come out with a liar or just like kind of dipped out like. Have they been interviewed? Do you think they've been interviewed? I wonder if they would have been but no one said anything. I want to go with flips. I know they interviewed Spicer and Priebus and their and the bodyguard. Okay. Today I was just thinking there's so many people I want
Starting point is 00:53:03 to ask. So I still want to stay stay with that These guys are busy as fuck yeah Steve Manning Kelly and Conway Kushner, I'm gonna keep my first few which was Flynn Flynn Sun Don Jr. And I want to take off Rex. I just keep I keep thinking about him and it's like I don't know I had Wilbur Ross to There's so many people. He is a paradise paper person. Yeah, he could all him, Tillerson, Cone, all those guys could be indicted on money laundering. I have nothing to do with the Russia Probe.
Starting point is 00:53:35 And just knowing how many of those sealed documents are out there, I'm just like, I guess it wouldn't hurt. So yeah, keeping all my original four. Because we don't actually have any indictments for Russia, yet. Oh yeah. Manafort and Gates were just money laundering through Russia. Exactly. Nothing about this and, you know, collusion or obstruction. I'm gonna add spiked into the flip-ups. He's already been on like- You think spicing will be on the flip? Yeah, he already seems like he knows he's good. Like he just- Yeah, maybe. I wonder. All right, yeah, that's me. I got a lot. I'm going to do the math later. I definitely sang with Flynn and Flynn, Jr. And then also a Kushner, 100%. I think there's some people that we think are getting
Starting point is 00:54:14 a diet in. His goose is cooked. Yeah, in the next round of indictments, whenever they are. I heard rumors that they would be before Thanksgiving. But I really don't think we're going to see him until after Hope Higgs is interviewed. That would make fun of you. But I mean, it could be that they already have, I know they already have enough on Flynn.
Starting point is 00:54:30 They might already have enough on Kushner. But they might just want that little extra Hope Hicks bump to secure it. I'm not sure, but yeah, so anyway. They are to secure some of the like, craze. I mean, I guess what names really are bigger than Kushner, Flynn, all those people except for like Trump himself. Yeah, like there's so many small people that I would name. Yeah, it would take all day. Yeah, definitely. I'm gonna stay with those, I'm just gonna do those four. I think those are major ones. Yeah, yeah. And then I had page. So page, I think page
Starting point is 00:55:04 could be to Carter. Yeah page I think page could be Yeah, I think page could be one that's already been working with them That's kind of what I think and he's already testified in San Gijas here at committee and he's already come out and said Huh, right and That's how he talks in my head and then you also have Clovis and JD Gordon all those guys could have probably already been I think they probably already been arrested So those are your flips you say a page or a check or the last week to yeah, those yeah, those smaller smaller fish I think it makes more sense to me that they because if he's getting ready
Starting point is 00:55:34 Those are the ones you want to keep secret so that you can Publicly arrest the big man. Yeah, definitely definitely because if what you say is true And I think it is about Mueller not going to you know interview anybody unless he's like already got the answers If he's going to help pick that must mean like he said it's coming in the end sort of which makes me think that if they have it released The you know arrests of like page and in clothes and the smaller people are blue and asking Would we ever find out you think There's some things we could never find out. Oh, I didn't think about that. Yeah, that would be because it made some sort of a deal.
Starting point is 00:56:07 But Mueller seems to be pretty, I don't know, he's very deliberate in every single thing that he does. So, if he was going to release the information from a guilty police from folks like those smaller fish, it could be to shake Trump, it could be to shake Kushner or Junior, anybody else who got indicted that day If they indicted him on the same day as they released the flip like he did the last time he indicted two people Yeah, I don't know, but guys sabotage Yeah, that's right sabotage time. All right, so Representative Denny Heck his his name is Heck,
Starting point is 00:56:47 of the Intel committee sat through seven hour long interview with the co-founder of Fusion GPS this week. His name is Glenn Simpson. Fusion GPS is the Steel Dossier people behind the Steel Dossier. And the Steel Dossier. And after Denny Heck emerged from that meeting, he was interviewed by somebody from WAPO, I think, Washington Post, could've been WSJ.
Starting point is 00:57:13 I'm not sure, but he, I don't remember exactly, but he said, quote, this thing is moving fast. People are going to jail. Additional people are going to be indicted. Nice. That was this week. Nice. That was this week. Nice. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:25 So, yeah. I don't know if that changes my picks. Because this you don't know the name, you know, but Lodi could just be, you know, a few more. He just means an addition to Manafort and Gates. Yeah, which is just, you know. But he walked out of there like, people are going to jail. People are going to be indicted.
Starting point is 00:57:44 I need to go take a nap. Like he was just he was So and that's after the interview with the co-founder of Fusion GPS. So I'm interested. Oh Go back to the steel dossier. Yeah, we think about I've tried reading that once. It's long. It's really long. You can read the highlights. It's so much easier The p-tapes have to come out. That's what that's my big thing. You can read the highlights. It's so much easier. The pee tapes have to come out That's what that's my big thing. I want the pee tapes out That would be a nice little reward at the end of all of it. Well guys, I don't fit pee So next week outside of muirana shelf you guys next week
Starting point is 00:58:20 We're gonna talk about Any arrests that happen this week. I again, I'm not feeling it this week. I have safely predicted no arrests for the last two weeks, and I'm going to go ahead and say one more time. Even though I have strong sources telling me that arrests are going to be made before Thanksgiving, I don't think they're going to be. If they are, then they're going to be those quiet arrests,
Starting point is 00:58:43 like popodopolis, like hipopotomisamus. We're gonna talk about the Hope Hicks interview, if that goes down this week, I'm not sure. And then of course next week I also wanted to talk about an article written in the Atlantic called the Making of an American Nazi. This is about the founder of the Daily Stormer. That's the Nazi white nationalist white supremacist website. And his ties to Russia and Trump, interestingly enough. So you guys, I'm A.G. I'm Jordan Coburn.
Starting point is 00:59:13 I'm Jolissa Johnson. And this has been Mueller She Wrote. Hi, I'm Dan Dunn, host of What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn, the most wildly entertaining adult beverage-themed podcast in the history of the medium. That's right, the boozy best of the best, baby! And we have the cool celebrity promos to prove it. Check this out! Hi, I'm Allison Janie and you're here with me on What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn.
Starting point is 00:59:37 And that's my sexy voice. Boom. Boom is right Academy Award winner Allison Janney. As you can see celebrity's just love this show. How cool is that? Hey this is Scottie Pippin and you're listening to the Dan Dunn Show and wait hold on. The name of the show is what? Alright sure. Scottie Pippin momentarily forgot the show's name but there's a first time for everything. Hey everyone this is Scoot McNary. I'm here with Dan Dunn on What Are You Drinking? What are you calling it?
Starting point is 01:00:07 Fine, twice. But famous people really do love this show. Hi, this is Will Forte and you're, for some reason, listening to What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn. Now, what do you mean for some reason, Will Forte? What's going on? Hi, this is Kurt Russell. Listen, I escaped from New York,
Starting point is 01:00:25 but I couldn't get the hell out of Dan Dunn's happy hour. Please send help. Send help. Oh, come on, Kurt Russell. Can somebody out there please help me? I'm Deed of Aunties, and you're listening to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn. Let me try one more time.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Come on. Is that right? What was it? It's amazing, isn't amazing? Is it amazing? Is it right? Ah, that's better. So be like Dita Von Tees, friends, and listen to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn, available wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 01:00:58 you

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