Jack - A House United (feat. Stephanie Miller)

Episode Date: March 4, 2019

S3E9 - Joining us this week is Stephanie Miller (The Stephanie Miller Show)! Plus, Jaleesa is going to talk about the indictment of Bibi Netenyahu, Jordan has an update on Jeffrey Epstein, and AG will... be talking about the House Dems. Enjoy!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Teacher Quit Talk, I'm Miss Redacted, and I'm Mrs. Frazzled. Every week we explore the teacher- Exodus to find out what if anything could get these educators back in the classroom. We've all had our moments where we thought, what the hell am I doing here? From burnout to bureaucracy to soul-secing stressors and creative dead ends, from recognizing when it was time to go, to navigating feelings of guilt and regret afterwards, we're here to cut off a gaslighting and get real about what it means to leave teaching. We've got insights from former teachers from all over the country who have seen it all. So get ready to be disturbed and join us on teacher quit talk to laugh through the pain
Starting point is 00:00:31 of the US education system. We'll see you there. Thanks to Postmates for supporting Mueller, she wrote, you need to eat, but you can't stop what you're doing to deal with it. And the only fast things that deliver are not what you want. For a limited time, Postmates is giving you $100 of free delivery credit for your first seven days. To start your free deliveries, download the app today and use code AG.
Starting point is 00:00:53 And thanks to Beta Brand for supporting Mueller, she wrote, Who says comfy can't be work appropriate? Beta Brand wants you to look good and feel good even at the office. So go to betabrand.com slash AG all lower case and get 20% off your dress pant yoga pants today. And thanks to Legacy Box for supporting Muller She wrote, there's never been a better time to digitally preserve your memories, visit LegacyBox.com slash AG to get started, and for a limited time they're offering you an exclusive discount. That's LegacyBox.com
Starting point is 00:01:22 slash AG to get 40% off your first order. So to be clear Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what the opposition is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I didn't have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for? I have nothing to do with Putin. I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So it is political. You're a communist. No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest professional capitalist. Hello, and welcome to Buller She Wrote.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I'm your host A.G. and with me as always is Julie Sejansson. Hello. And Jordan Coburn. Hello. Guys, how was your week? Good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:37 All right. It was good. Moving on. Yeah. I think it's a new question. It was good. Yeah. I was a little rainy. Yeah, it was good. I was a little rainy.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah, well, yeah, just a little though. But we get through it. Yeah, I guess this is winter in San Diego. It's not too bad. No, we're like, it's like negative 96 or something. And Chicago and we're like, eh, Randallittle, this is kind of cold. Sometimes I feel refreshed.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Clean in the ground. Terrible. Yeah. I did. I had a good week. I watched a lot of testimony, though, and I vomited at the Republicans on that committee, especially Jim Jordan, a guy who ate it and abetted a colleague in the molestation of young boys, acting all smug and preaching way above his brain grade, which is like acting above
Starting point is 00:03:20 your pay grade, except when you're trying to seem smarter than you are. You know these guys, right? They learn a word and then use it a hundred times in a day. But then say something like supposedly, and then try to cook their finances by converting PDFs to where documents and fucking up the formatting, all while mansplaining to us about what we're actually experts in. Yeah, those people. So I watched the testimony, but I had to mute those parts.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I really did. I can't handle their misplaced bravado. It's like they're date-raping my ears, but aside from that, my week was amazing. Good. Alright guys, it's time for corrections. It's time to stay! It's time for me to say I'm sorry! Oh... I made a mistake.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Oh, I made a mistake. Newbodies perfect, least of all us. So last week I said Agnew was prosecuted in the Southern District of New York. When it was Baltimore, Baltimore, Baltimore, Baltimore, home of the Ravens. And I knew that, so I apologize for conflating those two things. I guess I just had SDNY on the brain because there's talk that they might indict the president. So they were stuck in my head. Then I said, the insurance fraud claims that Cohen had mentioned.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I was envisioning Cohen trying to set fires to Trump properties, which made me laugh because I imagined him trying over and over and failing and then maybe falling down and getting covered in gasoline or something, just the whole comedic, bumbling, clotsy idiot scene. But you guys all forwarded me. Thank you. The 2005 story about insurance fraud where Trump claimed hurricane damage excessively. And that could be the case. But in his testimony this week, it was Cohen who said he had documentation that Trump
Starting point is 00:05:03 was overvaluing his properties and assets to insurance companies so he could pay less than he should. So I think that might be the insurance claim fraud that we're talking about. But that's not really a claim. That's more like a pre-set up fraud. I don't know, but he probably broke 20 laws. It's not inconceivable, inconceivable, new word, usements.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Then, when talking about Flynn not being fired by Trump, but actually probably leaving on his own, I pondered how long before he left the White House, he may have been cooperating with Mueller, but I should have said the FBI, because Mueller wasn't even born yet. No, he was born. He just hadn't been appointed yet.
Starting point is 00:05:42 So, I guess I have a hard time picturing a uh... a world before more uh... then i said a costa the a whole that gave jeffery upstein his sweetheart deal uh... i said he was the a g and florida but he was actually the u.s. attorney so thank you for that correction and finally i bought the pronunciation of the Swedish democrat party which is super right wing while we were talking about global authoritarianism so i'll give it another go
Starting point is 00:06:04 and say, swear to Democratana. Oh, krr. Okay. That's how you have to add that at the end. That's a beautiful aging. Thank you. With corrections out of the way,
Starting point is 00:06:16 I'd be remiss if I didn't warn you that tickets to our live events at the Miracle Theater in DC March 29th with Natasha Bertrand and Katie Fang are nearly sold out. There are a few tickets left at our live show at the Bell House in Brooklyn with Matthew Miller and a special guest yet to be named on March 30th. I think the Largo in Los Angeles has sold out. That's with Elizabeth Cronaiz McLaughlin from Resistance Live and another very special guest.
Starting point is 00:06:40 So, guys, if you know, grab them or reap the sads. But if you miss these shows them or reap the sads. But if you miss these shows, we've added a June show at the Historic Parkway Theatre in Minneapolis more details to follow. We'll cook something up for our patrons for that show too, because you're special. Speaking of patrons, we are now almost at 7,000
Starting point is 00:06:57 and we're currently working hard on a new show called The Daily Beans. If you're a patron of, Mueller She Wrote, not only will you get all the bonus episodes, ad free episodes, the newsletter, my show notes, my show notes, access to the close Facebook group, and the fantasy indictment league. First listen to our book club episodes, pre-sale and VIP discounts on live events, and free merch, just lots of stuff. You will, aside from that, you will automatically become a patron of the Daily beans and you'll be on the ground floor of that show, brand new show. So no matter what massive network deal goes down, you'll be grandfathered in, wishful thinking, as an original patron with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities they're unto appertaining.
Starting point is 00:07:37 So become a patron at patreon.com slash muller she wrote, do it now. And finally, we're working on releasing our book club episodes, including Russian roulette, our review of a higher loyalty by Jim Comey and our review of Fear by Bob Woodward. We're currently reviewing The Threat by Andrew McCabe for Patrons Only, starting this Thursday. Once that series is complete, and our patrons have had time to soak them up, I add free. We'll put that series out too. So we'll keep you posted as we work on releasing those for you. Today, big news week. Today, Jolise, you're going to talk about the indictment of BB Netanyahu. And Jordan, you have an update on Jeffrey Epstein. What a great dude.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Bartenoise. And I'll be talking about the House DEMS. So first, let's get to the mollor news with just the facts. All right, guys, all the way back to the weekend. As we were recording last week, the Manafort sentencing memo from Muller was approved and released by the court in the DC case. Don't forget, he's already been recommended by Muller to serve 19.5 to 24.5 years in Virginia. So this was a 25-page document with over 800 pages of additional material, most of which has been redacted.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It appears there are no new charges in here, but that doesn't mean there weren't more crimes. After speaking extensively to some legal experts, prosecutors are not only the stewards of justice, they're the stewards of the taxpayer, and if they believe someone is already going to jail for the rest of their natural life, they may decide to use the burden of the taxpayer and not bring additional charges on all crimes, spend our money to investigate more crimes. We know that Manafort pleaded guilty to only two counts in the DC case, and that's because he made a deal. He would have been charged with more, I'm sure. But having breached that deal means he's susceptible to being charged, not only with whatever crimes
Starting point is 00:09:18 prosecutors didn't charge him with in exchange for his cooperation, but those 10 charges that were hung and crazy as Honey Badger Judge Ellis's case, and any future crimes not covered in either case, such as crimes of collusion. But just because they're not charged here, doesn't mean they won't be spelled out elsewhere, either in the Mueller report or from congressional dems subpoenaing the information. The demand from the public, I think, is too high for them not to tell us about it and tell us all, you know, everything that happened. So look for that.
Starting point is 00:09:46 It just might not come in the package we were hoping, which were those superseding or additional criminal charges in the Manafort case. So the sentence and guidelines say five to 10 years in the DC case, but Mueller did not recommend his DC and Virginia sentences be served concurrently or consecutively. He's leaving that up to the court.
Starting point is 00:10:04 We will find out Manafort's fate March 7 for Virginia, March 14 for the District of Columbia. My space means he'll get consecutive sentences, one for five years and one for 12 years for a total of 17. And there's no possibility of plural and federal prison. So Manafort is... Fucked. Fucked. Fucked.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. and if you want to buy the ringtone for fucked, done by the voices of our city choir, go to wherever you buy ringtones, search for Manifort is dot dot dot, and all proceeds go to the voices of our city choir here in San Diego, homeless choir. Really awesome work that they're doing. So thanks fooling around. Who can stop? They might be giants and their liberal rocket gender. Who? No one. Disadvantaged paid for with somebody else's money.
Starting point is 00:11:17 So, Renato, do you still have your own podcast? Yeah, it's complicated. What's so complicated about a podcast? That's the name of the podcast, remember? Oh! Will you still be exploring topics that help us understand the week's news? You bet. But we'll have a new name because we're going to be working together to explore complicated issues that are done in the news.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Working together? Yeah, you're hosting it with me, remember? Oh! Right! Wait. Does that mean our podcast is going to have a steam op segment? Let's not get carried away. But we'll discuss hot new legal topics. So check out our new episode, coming soon to everywhere
Starting point is 00:11:56 you get podcasts, as well as YouTube. Alright, Monday Buzzfeed got a hold of Trump's memo appointing Matthew fucking Whitaker and says it raises more questions for us about when he actually took over the DOJ than it answers. This is the Trump White House, so of course nothing can ever be clear or correct, but the White House and the Justice Department have previously declined to turn over the appointment memo, but BuzzFeed got it in a Freedom of Information Act request. The memo shows that Trump appointed Whitaker
Starting point is 00:12:35 to acting Attorney General at least a day later than officials previously said was the case. As stated, the Department of Justice repeatedly declined to make the memo public, and now it seems we know why, because it raises more questions than it answers. As we know, Trump fired sessions via letter, not was released November 7th. That letter was dated November 7th, and Trump tweeted the same day that Matthew fucking Whitaker would take over as acting until a replacement was confirmed by the Senate. The memo is dated November 8th and
Starting point is 00:13:06 doesn't make clear when sessions was out and when Whitaker's appointment began. Usually a memo like that will say this ends 11.59 pm on this date and therefore midnight this date this starts. So sessions left the seventh. The Whitaker appointment letter was dated the eighth. But the Department of Justice didn't mark receipt of that letter until November 13th. The problem with that, the problem, is that Whitaker started doing shit before the memo was stamped received by the Department of Justice. Like he and Kristen Kyrsten Kyrsgen-Neilsen issued the asylum limitations at the Southern border in that time frame.
Starting point is 00:13:41 This is all part of an opening, ongoing investigation into the appointment of Whitaker, who will be returning to Congress to quote, clear up his bullshit testimony. According to the Washington Post, Nadler said Tuesday that Whitaker voluntarily agreed to come back and speak with the House Judiciary Committee behind closed doors. A date has not yet been set,
Starting point is 00:13:59 but you better believe we'll be watching those beans. So stay tuned. We learned the day before that announcement that the House judiciary believes it has evidence that Matthew fucking Whitaker was asked by Trump whether Berman would unrequse himself to oversee the Southern District or New York investigations against him. So now they want to know if Whitaker lied to the judiciary, they want to know if Whitaker lied to the judiciary committee when he said that at no time did Trump ask him for anything regarding the Mueller probe or any other investigation.
Starting point is 00:14:29 So that's a little weird to me, you know what I mean? Yeah, totally. Yeah, it would, on one hand it almost would do. I know that like, it looks bad and stuff, but asking, it's almost illogical to say that they didn't ask you about any sort, any of the cases, I guess. Sort guess sort of right you would imagine the president would want to have some sort of litmus test I guess and a direct way would be to ask about the cases yeah and and I don't understand why What are you trying to cover up? Yeah, right? That's it seems like he's trying to cover something up unless it is against policy to do that And I don't know if it is I would say that
Starting point is 00:15:04 Mm-hmm if it is against policy to do that, and I don't know if it is. I would say that. If it were against policy, I would hold the policy right up in front of my face and say, it says here, this is the policy. I mean, that's the whole concept in the government of CYA. We call it, cover your ass. If there's a memo or a policy or something, you have it in your hand before anybody asks you any questions about what you did or what you're gonna do so that you have either that Office of General Counsel advice or ethics advice or OPM or legal, whatever it is, you have that policy in your hand
Starting point is 00:15:35 when people start asking questions. Yeah, and if you're really good at the game, you get to make the policy first and then do whatever you want. Yeah, and that's how you do your ass is covered. Neil Cacciall in the house. Right in policy. Kickin' out, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Just sounds like a weird movie trailer. Oh yeah, writing policy. Kicking ass. All right guys, we'll be right back. Hey Mueller junkies, we want to thank postmates for supporting Mueller she wrote. Other than your absolute best friend or maybe your hubs, who could you actually ask to bring your red wine at 4 p.m.
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Starting point is 00:17:54 Hey, hey, welcome back. So this week, Russian gun-twa Maria Bhutna had a hearing and her sentencing is being delayed another month because she's still cooperating with prosecutors. She will remain in custody and since her sentencing recommendation is 0-6 months, she'll likely get time served because she's been in jail since July. Prosecutors have handed her passport over to ICE so they can expedite her deportation back to Russia when she's released. And we'll get another status update on March 28th.
Starting point is 00:18:26 So that's kind of like, I can't tell. I don't know if she wants to go back to Russia or not and how they're gonna receive her. Yeah, I wouldn't wanna go if I were her. I mean, we saw what happened in Nostya-Ribko when she landed there. Yeah, definitely. I feel like Bhutan did make a hold to do about it
Starting point is 00:18:42 though, like, Ribka did. So maybe that will kind of save her, but she did get caught. And if Putin is anything like Trump he doesn't like losers Or rats and she's been fully rats fully cooperating With with us and when we know she's crumbling connected so I don't I wouldn't feel good about it. I'd be like you can send me me to anywhere else. Literally. I'll go, glad the Canada. Yeah. Does Putin have children? I don't know if he's a human person. Yeah. I was thinking it's like Bhutanas' daughter that maybe he just released out to go try her best to
Starting point is 00:19:20 see disarray and chaos and then she can just come home. And it's like, you tried. It might be part of it where like, you can go ahead and cooperate. We just wanted to fuck shit up. Just come on back, we love you for trying. Yeah, I mean, because they're pretty untouchable basically all the time except with sanctions that they're constantly trying to just get real moved anyway.
Starting point is 00:19:38 So they just don't give a fuck really. Let's see, Vladimir Putin does have two daughters. Yekaterina and Maria. Putin, that's really funny. It's Maria Putin. Oh, is it? That's cute. I think that's adorable. Are there photos of her? Oh, it doesn't look anything like her.
Starting point is 00:20:01 I just love how the first name was like really hardcore and badass and it's like Maria Yeah, and yeah, and Bob. Yeah. Yes. That was just a joke for a journalistic integrity I'm not seriously suggesting Maria Putin as Putin's long lost bastard daughter kind of like how we were Positing that Katie Hicks was yes one of the abortions that got away for Trump. Yeah, yeah Hope Hicks. Yeah, remember we were like maybe she's his daughter. Yeah. Yeah. And that's why he wants to sleep with her. Okay. Then Tuesday, a portion that got away. That's terrible. But it's funny. And then Tuesday, Mueller wins again in the court of appeals when they found in his favor in the Andrew Miller case. As we all know,
Starting point is 00:20:43 Miller asked the court to hold him in contempt, which it did, so he could appeal the constitutionality of the Mueller probe. The Republicans hail Mary last ditch effort to stop the investigation, and they lost. Again, so much winning. Miller now faces jail if he doesn't testify to the Mueller grand jury, though he can appeal the decision unbunk, which means to the full panel of judges on the appeals court, or he can appeal to SCOTUS. But put some beans on neither of those courts hearing this case and Miller being forced to testify.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Keep in mind, Miller is a stone associate, so we can rightly expect more indictments for stone if the grand jury finds it has enough evidence to bring charges. Keep in mind, he's not been indicted for any crimes of conspiracy or aiding in a betting in the Russia probe, so it's likely about that um... yeah uh... the house voted this week two hundred forty five to one hundred and eighty two to block trump's national emergency declaration
Starting point is 00:21:34 the senate now has eighteen days to vote on the resolution which turtle dick miche is not allowed to block because the law requires the senate to vote does he have the dick of a turtle or like, right? I'm just imagining his dick being like a turtle erection kind of like comes out like a turtle sort of, I thought that's very graphic.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Is that what you meant? I don't know. It just felt like it just had nice alliteration. I agree. Yeah, I make you think of the video of the turtle humping the shoe. Yeah. Really painted picture for me.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I do really apologize for the mental images I made. Yeah, I know me too. I just did it. It did way worse. Yeah, you just described it for everyone. I really did. You can't unsee that now. You're welcome or unthink it.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Unimagin it. Anyway, they have 18 days and he can't stop it. Mitch can't stop it. Trump will likely veto it. It's first time he'll veto anything. And I don't think enough Republicans will support overriding that veto in the Senate. So we'll have to rely on the lawsuits, in which they will likely play his rose garden speech, where he said he didn't have to declare an emergency, but he wanted the money for Hester. Not to mention, there's no actual evidence that
Starting point is 00:22:37 there's any emergency at the border other than Trump's own family separation policy, where thousands of children are missing. many of them have reported sexual abuse. How many was a lot? 4,556 I think? Holy crap, are there that many? Jesus. I feel like there's, I don't even, you know what, it's a lot. Damn, that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Wednesday, NBC News wanted to make sure we all knew Weiselberg, the Trump org CFO, is not cooperating as some news outlets have suggested. Three people in the know have said that Weiselberg has provided limited testimony and he received limited immunity for that limited testimony to the federal grand jury in New York about the hush money conspiracy that Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, is going to prison for that Trump himself participated in. So note from NBC.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Weisslberg is not cooperating. Kushner, good old Kush met with the Saudis this week as anticipated to discuss building a bomb. I mean, mid East peace talks. Kush met with Muhammad Bonesaw on Tuesday in Istanbul, and it's his first face-to-face with MBS since he ordered the murder of Washington Post reporter Jamal Kushouji. As we know, Trump is in violation of the Magnitsky Act right now, the second for failing to report to Congress about his plan regarding the murder of the journalist by the Saudi crown prince.
Starting point is 00:23:58 And in true Trump fashion, we have no idea what, if any, elements of the peace plan are between Israel and the Palestinians. Kush also is visiting UAE, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar. That's his 666th Avenue sugar daddy, and Erdogan in Turkey. As we reported in recent weeks, Trump is still trying to cobble together the mid-east Marshall Plan to build reactors in Saudi Arabia, guard them with US military installations and, quote, recolonize the region in an effort to hand over nuclear bomb technology to the Saudis. Awesome!
Starting point is 00:24:34 I'm so glad that the house is looking into this, by the way. Yeah, it's our only hope, really. It is. You all have hope. If you're into Galaxy Quest, then the attorney general in DC, credit the impression. Well, I didn't write it so. The attorney general in DC, the DC AG, subpoenaed the Trump inaugural. According to the Washington Post, Carl Racing,
Starting point is 00:24:59 the Democrat attorney general in the district of Columbia has officially subpoenaed documents from Trump's inaugural committee. The subpoena was issued this Tuesday and carries a deadline in March 29th. March is crazy busy. The subpoena is in addition to a sweeping request for documents, a subpoena from federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York and the state attorney general from New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:25:19 So the inaugural now faces three demands for documents. Racine's subpoena indicates he's going to be looking into possible violations of DC regulations governing nonprofits, specifically whether or not Trump enriched himself at the expense of his inaugural fund, which is a nonprofit. We'll keep you posted on all criminal and civil cases against the Trump inaugural.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Three now. Damn. Cool. I have a question regarding the fantasy endowment league. Can the inaugural be a separate pick from you know orger? Oh you mean like to actually indict the Trump inaugural fund? Correct. Yeah that's an entity that could be indicted. Cool. Yeah. Don't steal my idea We'll see who goes first. That's true. I think that's what fate will tell us damn I'm doing it. No, I already have I already have some I make my own luck Guys, we have an update in the secret subpoena battle between Mueller and the company from country a
Starting point is 00:26:19 Which we think is the cutter investment authority at least I do either that or it's VEB or VTB, those two banks in Russia. We learned this week that they've racked up $2.25 million in contempt fines since they were found in contempt of court. Damn. They're the $50,000 a day ones. Yes. A court order this week indicates that they're a $50,000 a day penalty for contempt could be boosted to accrue at a higher rate in the future,
Starting point is 00:26:44 saying the government reserves the right to request an escalation of the contempt fines. Lawyers for the secret company from country A have mounted a totally ineffective, completely loser-re-case against Mueller's team, essentially arguing that they are exempt from a subpoena because they're a foreign state-owned entity, and if they complied with a subpoena, they'd be in violation of laws of whatever country they're from. As of yet, there appears'd be in violation of laws of whatever country they're from as of yet There appears to be no movement on behalf of prosecutors to collect the fine Except that they were granted a motion to seize US property belonging to the company member
Starting point is 00:27:13 They have a US based office that does quote unquote significant business and that's currently There this company is currently now petitioning scotus Supreme Court to hear their appeal complaining that Mueller is assaulting their sovereign dignity. Oh, okay. A decision from SCOTUS is likely within the next month. My beans are, they say, either we'll hear it and you'll lose or we're not even listening. Yeah, their pride will be the death of them. Yes. My sovereign dignity. Right. That's a bit like, heady for a law. There's a little bit much assumed in those words.
Starting point is 00:27:49 It's like, it is, right? It feels like some sort of corporate privilege situation. Right. Like the sovereign part? Sure. That's a law word. Dignity? No, not really.
Starting point is 00:28:02 That's a little bit up in the air, I think. I lost my dignity. Yeah, that's too bad. Well, Thursday, we learned from the New York Times that Mueller's team got some ex-culpatory evidence in the Manafort case from Rick Gates about Manafort's meetings with Kolimnik. Ex-culpatory means proves he's innocent. So good stuff from Manafort. Gates came to him and said, hey, this, by the way, this. And he went and took it to the court
Starting point is 00:28:29 because that's his job. He has to provide expulatory evidence to the court. Where Gates can do that? Yeah. Why? Doesn't that seem weird? Well, like if something popped up that somebody said, or he had just seen, or he hadn't thought of before,
Starting point is 00:28:42 he could say, oh, I actually have evidence on behalf of Manafort for that. Yeah. It just seems like he's involved enough to where he shouldn't be able to like share evidence with him. Well, he's giving it to Mueller. Oh. And then Mueller shared it with the court.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Got it. I thought he said Manafort's defense presented it. Oh, yeah. No, they gave it to, uh, got it. Sorry. They gave it to Mueller. Mueller gave it to the court because he has to. Uh, we don't know the details about the evidence. It was submitted,
Starting point is 00:29:07 as I said, by the Mueller team to the court, but the court ordered that the evidence has no bearing on the decisions the court has already made in the Manafort case about his lying to prosecutors and breaching his plea agreement. It's unclear whether or not this new evidence could influence the sentencing for Manafort, which as we said before, it takes place March 7th for the Eastern District of Virginia with crazy ass honey badger Ellis and March 14th in DC by Judge Amy Burman.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Um, Miss Jackson if you're nasty. In other Manafort news, his defense team filed a response to the Mueller sentencing memo Monday night, arguing that Manafort has been unfairly targeted by the Mueller team and should get less than the 10 years recommended in the DC case. The filing might as well have just said no collusion, really big on every page because this document, they must have said no collusion in it like 20, 30 times. So this document is clearly a bid for a pardon. It's just got one audience member and that's Trump. Manafort's lawyer, his lawyers didn't ask for a number of years, but said he should receive a sentence substantially below the maximum, saying, quote, this
Starting point is 00:30:14 case isn't about murder or drug cartels or organized crime or a made-off Ponzi scheme or the collapse of Enron or anything like that. And then they said about him lying during cooperation that he should get credit for accepting responsibility for lying during cooperation. And then they argued if Mueller had never been appointed, there's a good chance manifold wouldn't have faced criminal charges.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Saying that since Mueller didn't charge him with collusion with the Russians, they should go easy on him. Wow. That's the most ridiculous thing ever. Yeah. They can't do this in the other case because his plea agreement, breaking his plea agreement, just allows him to argue
Starting point is 00:30:50 for against the sentencing recommendation. But this one, it's just a big love letter to Trump. Please pardon me. There was no collusion here. I'm awesome. And it's not like I murdered anyone or did an N Ron thing. Right. I'd say a for effort. And that gives me an idea. We could sell like little stamps that say no collusion. You can just stamp on a paper like confidential, you know. So like that would you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Anybody want a no collusion stamp? Yeah. I turn it into my homework, no collusion. Not everything is very insecure about your dignity. My check is sovereign dignity. You insult my sovereign. No collusion when writing my rent check. That was almost Yoda. Yes. But basically what they're doing then is saying that you're giving us such harsh sentencing because your motivation is political and you're punishing us for something that's unrelated to the actual charges.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Right, more agree. Kind of, yeah, or I felt in like it seemed more like they were arguing you didn't find any collusion. So, and that's what Mueller's job is to look for. So this is just all incidental terrible federal felonies that carry huge senses, but he shouldn't get all that time because if Mueller didn't even exist, he'd be still getting away with crimes. Right. And it also sounds like he's suggesting that they'll impose the maximum length of the sentence when it's those more carnal crimes, I guess,
Starting point is 00:32:20 like murder. Yes. He didn't say rape. So maybe there's something that we don't know. Wow. And Ron made off. That makes sense. Rape would be included in the charges that don't typically get sentenced so they're full degree. That would make sense.
Starting point is 00:32:35 But his crimes are exactly like in the same ilk of made off and Ron, just super rich, privileged A-holes getting extra greedy and building the taxpayers. Definitely. It's like how do you not, this isn't like other white collar crimes. This is whitey white extra white collar crime. And so he should get less time and that rhymes. Yeah, heck yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I think there's like a moral discrepancy sort of in people's heads about if someone gets charged for a white collar crime versus a blue collar crime. Like some good old murder, just some classic murder. That's like a beanie. Right, it's like getting sentenced to prison seems to be more of an eye punishment whereas if you commit
Starting point is 00:33:17 an act of like a white collar nature, it's like all I did was type in some different numbers, you know, it's not that bad and then it has to like, but it has to translate into something. And it's a physical thing like that. It's unbelievable what he thinks he should be able to get away with. And just that whole, if man, if Mueller was never appointed,
Starting point is 00:33:36 I'd have gotten away with it if one of those pesky, Mueller people, remember those pesky anger Democrats? We should have born, Mueller. Like, holy, wow, he's like, I would have just kept on grifting if he would never have existed. And I think that's kind of his main point. His main point is like, hey man, he was supposed to look at collusion with Russia.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I didn't do any of that. He happened to find all these other things that I did. That's not fair. I should get less time. Yeah. Yeah. You're not accidentally finding other people's crimes. Yeah, which they are. I imagine that happens all the time.
Starting point is 00:34:09 People weren't accidentally the fucking campaign chair for a fucking lunatic fraud criminal rapist, A-hole. So, you know, pick your battles. Finally, we learned Friday that Michael Flynn will be the star witness in the trial of his colleague, Bijan Jean-Keyon. Michael Flynn, who left the White House to cooperate with the FBI investigation into Trump-Russia, will be the principal witness in the upcoming trial for his lobbying partner.
Starting point is 00:34:33 And we know this because of the flood of requests from B. Jean-Keyon's legal team asking for all statements, transcripts, notes, records, and memoranda from federal prosecutors that relate to anything Flynn said to any agent employee representative or elected official of the US government. Keon was charged with working as an unregistered agent of the Turkish government and he has pleaded not guilty. His trial is set to begin in July in the Eastern District of Virginia. That'll be fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Even though he had asked to delay the trial, we reported this member. He's like, hey, am a daughter's getting married. Can we do it in the fall? Oh, when your daughter getting married first week of August. All right, trials in July. Damn it. Careful what you wish for.
Starting point is 00:35:13 It's a really long wedding that takes place from now until September. Right, we're going to celebrate for like three months. Yeah, it's like how I do my part. I'm going on a honeymoon. Totally. Late breaking news today, actually. Simone Mangeonte, Papa it up's boat hoe,
Starting point is 00:35:27 is set to testify to the Senate, March 11th. God. And she tweeted about it. I'm happy much to send to the Senate, testify March 11th. I wanna watch that for sure. I know, right? Yeah. Watch his pop in, I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:35:40 I want accent experts. Like, you know how in Hollywood, we have people who will do a train you on how to do an accent. I want those experts like you know how in Hollywood we have people who will do Train you on how to do an accent. I want those experts to like listen to her talk and tell me where the f She's from. I don't think it's Italy. I really don't think it's yeah. Do you know what the specific line of questioning is gonna be sort of? It's I'm sure it's just gonna be about How about it? It's Senate. So it's Republican controlled So it'll probably they'll probably be a lot when the Republicans are asking questions, it's probably going to be like trying to downplay Papadopolis' role in this whole thing and how there were plants in the FBI
Starting point is 00:36:14 to come after him. I don't know if she's mad at him right now or not. She was a while ago. Because if he's cheating on her, she she might that would definitely influence her testimony she seems like a to kind of go in with the wind kind of lady right go with her instinct who do you think is gonna play her on SNL thinking socially strong uh it seems likely no she's blonde so I think it'll be Kate McKinnon okay yeah I guess so or maybe uh that other the person has long blonde hair I forget her name name. Yeah, she's funny too.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Could be. How do you so? McKinney gets all the parts though. Yeah, it's true. She's amazing. She's amazing. I wonder if anyone's like, McKinney. No, they worship her.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Okay, yeah, they totally do. It's just like sometimes when you're, like, when your sports team or something that you're rooting for is having a good year, but somebody else is just blowing it out of the water and you're like, hmm, blast. That's what I feel like if you ended up having to be on SNL when Will Ferrell was there or something. Oh, yeah. I think McKinnon's better than Will Ferrell.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Like good old stone-faced Fallon. Yeah. They're all great. Did you know that Poppa Dopolis is, he's participating in a docky series right now during his 12 month supervised release? Everyone's doing a little documentary, just like they are. They're like, my life is falling apart. Let's film it. Yeah, I mean, I like some money off of this. Firefest, the guy did the little Hulu documentary.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Famous or infamous, if you're gonna create, if you're able to create a revenue stream off of what you did or didn't do or what kind of an A-hole or what an awesome person you are, it happens. Yeah, Trump's gonna have a documentary after this, you bet. That's why everybody at the Cohen Land was all the Republicans were like, you're gonna write a book, aren't you? You said, this is just all to get a book. Yeah, yeah, that's why I did all this
Starting point is 00:38:00 was so that I could write a book about it. I'm glad that he didn't commit to not doing the book, though. That was like actually pretty brave of him. He's like, yeah, I'm doing a book. So we're good. Get that money. Yeah, the book is definitely the reason. Not the idea of a reduced sentence and somehow redeeming my soul for dignity.
Starting point is 00:38:16 If Jim Jordan asked me if I'm going to do a book deal after this, I'd be like, yeah, are you going to do one about how you let your friend rape kids? Is that your book? Jim Jordan, how I let your friend rape kids? Is that your book, Jim Jordan? How I let my friend rape kids? It would be a number one best seller for all the long reasons. Oh, God. A rule, what is it, 34?
Starting point is 00:38:33 All right, we don't need to know any of that. Guys, then there's something weird at Amazon. There's a book for sale on Amazon called The Molar Report, The Full Molar Report. It's available for sale beginning March 26th with a forward by Alan Dershowitz. And no one seems to know who perpetrated this hoax, which that has to be what it is
Starting point is 00:38:54 because the Mueller report is not available. It can't be for pre-sale. Yeah, what the fuck? I don't think anyone's cleared that with William Barr, but if you would all kindly complain about it, that would be outstanding. Yeah. Because that is messed up.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Right, that's a blatant attempt to mislead people. It is, and I, of course, Alan Tertiewicz has involved in that. Yeah, gross. That guy's fucking busy. Yeah, yeah, we're gonna be talking about that little hot notes. Yeah, fucking creep.
Starting point is 00:39:21 All right, guys, we'll be right back. Hey, Mueller junkies, we wanna thank thank Beta Brand for supporting Mueller she wrote who says comfy can't be work appropriate Beta Brand wants you to look good and feel good even when you're at the office and their new dress pant yoga pant features All-Trow-Compy styles designed to impress First of all, they're a wrinkle resistant and they have stretch-hawning fabric, which is amazing and breathable The dress pant details are all over these things, like foes, zipper, and pockets, and front buttons, and they have real belt loops too,
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Starting point is 00:40:07 one cool thing about Beta Brand is they're really into crowdsourcing their ideas. They welcome feedback and they bring crowdsourced ideas straight into the design room. Shoppers can vote for designs and they become crowdfunded. They've had hundreds of designers and thousands of designs on their sites so far. So I got my first pair of Beta Brand a while ago. I've been a fan of these clothes for a really long time. I wear them to the office because I was finding that my regular dress pants were uncomfortable, they weren't breathable, they were cutting into me, and I'm all about comfort, even if I'm at work. And they transitioned to nighttime really well, and they're very snug,
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Starting point is 00:41:12 Lookin' awesome. Hot notes. See me see ya. All right, guys, Jordan, you have an update on Jeffrey Epstein, but first, Julisa, tell us what happened with BB. Yeah, on Thursday, Israel's Attorney General announced that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or BB will be... Netanyahu.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I remember those, yeah. That was definitely... Thrill bags. Lobbed for by the Israeli government, 100%. I think that's current, that's probably like really old. But you know, it's nostalgia, I say I like it. So BB. That's nostalgia, it's nostalgia, so I like it. So BB, that's nostalgia already?
Starting point is 00:41:48 It is, definitely. It came out like 2000, I think. The cure's been coming up on my easy listening station. And I'm like, But there's not a sick mother of time. No. Okay, I rage so hard to them. Get in loser, we're going crying.
Starting point is 00:42:04 I love it. So yeah, BB will be indicted on corruption charges for one count of bribery and three counts of breach of trust. So kudos to Israel for being ahead of us on that one. And it's crazy because this is the first time that any Israeli prime minister has been convicted of something like this. And coincidentally, this announcement comes after a two-year investigation of Prime Minister BB so it's not a total surprise but the most bizarre part about all of this is that it's happening just six weeks away from
Starting point is 00:42:33 this really elections. Damn. Yeah, shit's great. Dude, that's huge. Mm-hmm. Also, why is it, why do you say BB? That's his nickname and it's funny because like it comes up a little later. Okay, god.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Yeah, no, but I like it. I'll explain. Isn't that his actual name, baby? Well, Benjamin. Benjamin's his name. That's right. He refers to me. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Yeah. And a lot of people were for him as BB. So you like the people call him BB. Got it. Um, but of course he calls the charges outrageous and a witch hunt carried out by his love rule upon it. Yeah. Doesn't sound familiar at all.
Starting point is 00:43:04 And BB also claims that prime ministers before him accepted similar gifts and were not prosecuted. Specifically, he said, quote, if it not BB, there's no investigation, which is his way of saying haters gonna hate or something like that. I just love how he referred to himself and the third person for some reason. Yeah, dictators are just like Trump does that all the time. Yeah. Very strange. And in response to the indictment, democratic Israeli groups are asking for BB to step down, but not Trump, not our president. Of course, Trump thinks that BB has been a great prime minister saying, quote, he's tough, he's smart, he's strong. Basically, everything short of hang in there or we're not so different you and I
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, and legal experts say it could take up to a year to process the charges and Additional two years to have a court hearing at all. So I guess we'll see what happens there But either way it will likely be a preview of what the US can expect in the next year or so with Trump Just seeing a president be indicted like that so close to the elections. I think that's a little prediction for what's going to happen to us. I've been watching trading places this week. Well, I have watched it three times. I've seen it a million times, but I think I tweeted out.
Starting point is 00:44:19 It was in the last couple days. I'm like, hey guys, I'm going to go. I was Friday. I didn't know how crazy shit drops on Friday, I'm like, I'm gonna watch a movie. Let me know if something happens, because I wanna, I need some time. Yeah. And you reminded me of one of the quotes, one of my favorite quotes from that movie
Starting point is 00:44:34 when he's in the jail cell, and the guy in the jail cell looks at him and says, it ain't cool, it'll be in no jive turkey, so close to Thanksgiving. And that's just fantastic. That's beautiful. I can't wait to use that in my real life. Yes, absolutely. We actually, we got an email yesterday from a listener named Inbar,
Starting point is 00:44:52 who's a journalist in Israel, and they wanted to say something about this story. Yeah, this was an incredible email. If you want to just read the whole email, I got permission from him to do so. Totally. Because it really, it made me so grateful I'm we'll talk about when you're done reading. Yeah, yeah, so I've got a little excerpt So hi ladies, I'm writing today because our sitting prime minister has been indicted in the middle of an election season Though to be fair election day was originally in November, but BB moved it up to April Probably because he knows he's running out of time and from where I standing, it feels like the Israeli democracy is on the verge of falling apart.
Starting point is 00:45:28 I've always felt huge jealousy over your two terms limit. I wish we had it as well. And so there were a lot of other details in the email. I can read the entire one if you want. That was just basically the main excerpt to come from it. And they were talking about how they really wish that there was a limit because this guy has been Prime Minister for in bar, the journalist's whole adult life. And that's I think 10 years.
Starting point is 00:45:51 So it's supposed to be a democracy out there. There is 70 year old democracy, but the president can still just take over for 10 years and become the party of themselves. Yeah, and of course it reminds me of when Trump said we need a president for life. That would be great. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like the the name Netanyahu becomes synonymous with Israel when that happens too. Yeah. Totally. And saying which hunt that's fucking insane. Yeah. It's like they're all doing the same play. Is metaphor working on his campaign by chance? I was gonna say I'm not sure, but it sounded so convincing. And how does it get there to just I think they're all doing the same play. Is Manifort working on his campaign by chance?
Starting point is 00:46:25 I was gonna say, I'm not sure, but it sounded so convincing. And how does it get to just move up an election by what, five months? Yeah, that's crazy. Well, that's just how to go with it, because they were gonna vote, so what are they gonna do? Well, that's why I wanted to get into this email, because I know that everybody thinks it's been two two years he's lightened, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:46 Rome is burning, he's lightened, the house on fire, we have to get him the fuck out, this is unacceptable, it's untenable, it's taken too long, blah, blah, blah. But to understand that we have probably the greatest and most reliable justice system in the world, that we only, that we have term limits and other things that the framers of the Constitution included for us because of this kind of tyranny that
Starting point is 00:47:10 they were worried about, specifically because of this kind of tyranny is, is kind of why they subsumed all that into the, into the Constitution and into our federal documents. And so, you know, I've been like really kind of disappointed and disgusted with our, you know, the state of our politics, but I think these kind of things and what in-bar is bringing up is a really good reminder of what an incredible justice system and constitution we actually have. Yeah, yeah. Even though it's protected.
Starting point is 00:47:42 I was going to say no. Same thing, even though it's being abused right now, the foundation of it, the idea of it is solid. And I do appreciate that. And just another weird similarity between BB and Trump. Is that apparently BB was recently accused of sexually harassing someone as a teenager as well, which I guess is closer to Kavanaugh. But it's just like, there's so many weird little characteristics that come with these type of dictators and just seeing it in our own president and knowing that we are a democracy, but it could be an illusion if we don't protect it. Yeah, and you can burn down the house, but the foundation remains. And that sadly might be what's happening right now. So grab your cat and your documents and
Starting point is 00:48:22 get the fuck out, but the foundation will remain. And if you ever watch HGTV, the country's got good bones. And a nice open floor plan. And we can rebuild. So thank you for that. And thank you, in bar, for writing to us, because it is a really, really important reminder that what we have is a privilege. What we fight for and what we work to protect, particularly our democratic process, our elections,
Starting point is 00:48:53 at the core of it need to be protected. And I hope that maybe we help in some small way with that, but you guys certainly do, by voting in numbers too big to manipulate. That helps a lot. Yeah, yeah. And then in regards to in bar saying that they feel like they were losing hope with their own democracy, I feel like it is a lot tougher out there now. You know, they're dealing with it just in the heat of it. And we could be dealing with that soon too. But in general, I feel like you say to a lot of AG the arc of history bends towards just as that right the arc of the universe is long but it bends towards just yeah I
Starting point is 00:49:29 really do believe that yeah and I know it's easier said than done but it's it's just what I believe it's the long view and we have to take it to maintain our sanity and also make jokes yeah definitely that helps along the way yeah so sorry you have to go through that if you're listening that's terrifying That's absolutely insane. Thank you Thank you so much for that email. It was really it was enlightening and eye-opening definitely definitely yeah I'm gonna be doing a hot new job I guess I could do this I felt sleep apparently just then briefly
Starting point is 00:50:03 Thank you for that reporting, Julie, so thank you. And now, coming to you, not live, is Jordan Coburn with her story on Jeffrey Epstein. And this is just a content warning. Absolutely, yeah, I didn't put any jokes in this segment either really, because it just doesn't feel appropriate to at all. So a lot of stuff has been happening with Epstein over the last decade, I guess one could say,
Starting point is 00:50:28 but what's happening this week is Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta is facing increasing congressional scrutiny for those past actions as Miami's top prosecutor when he gave child sex trafficker and Trump friend Jeffrey Epstein an excessively lenient plea deal that also included not transparently notifying the victims of the plea deal back in 2006. I'm sorry to interrupt, but this is a very serious story, but I love the fact that Jalisa has in one hand coffee, and in the other hand, bubbly rosé.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Yeah, it keeps me balanced. It is nice. One cancels out the other and you just maintain an even keel. Oh yeah, it keeps me balanced. It is nice. Yeah. One cancels out the other and you just maintain an even keel. Oh yeah, I'm coasting. I like it. I'm coasting. I'm coasting.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Now I want a shirt, but like a really dumb 80s style shirt that is, I'm coasting. I like that. Right? Yeah, just driving full-tans off the wheel, one with Rose, one with coffee. Yeah. Or instead of, you know, how people, when you say, how are you doing, how have you been? And they go, live in the dream. Maybe, I think, I'm coasting.
Starting point is 00:51:32 It's going to be my new one. Definitely. Definitely. All right. Sorry. And I know that this is a serious subject matter, but I just found that awesome. No, it's okay. I think that's a nice, lighthearted start that will now begin our steep descent.
Starting point is 00:51:44 To descend into madness. Yeah. knows. Okay, I think that's a nice lighthearted start that will now speak in our steep descent descent into madness. Yeah. So now the House oversight and judiciary committees are calling for a cross that to be brought in front of them to answer questions about this, which is awesome and huge. And thank you, Democrats. This, even though this has been a bipartisan concern, though, pretty much since December, with Republicans like Ben Sass strongly condemning the actions of Acosta and the role that he played in denying true or at least what would look like him denying true justice to these victims. So it's something that both Republicans and Democrats have expressed concern with and
Starting point is 00:52:17 said needs to be investigated. However, it's unlikely that Republicans will presently call for the hearings as it would just undoubtedly only just shit storm on them really right now. So I'm not expecting any of them to really be allies and making a legitimate testimony happen. The questioning would either happen in front of the committees or in front of the House women's caucus.
Starting point is 00:52:40 The outreach obviously comes as people are finally taking action right now on how incredibly awful it is that someone who helped Protective child sex trafficker is now in charge of child labor laws in this country. It's absolutely Unacceptable and sex trafficking and sex trafficking. Yes. That's part of his thing. Yes as the labor secretary Which I don't understand why Sex trafficking falls under the labor secretary, but I guess because you could there's like some point at which sex work is a legitimate thing and then when it is not. Yeah, I guess are you working for someone or are you slaving for somebody and that's kind of up to the labor secretary to decide whether it's legal labor maybe.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Right. And so just last week US district judge Kenneth Morrow ruled that a cost of violated the Crime Victims Rights Act by failing to inform the victims of that plea deal that was reached, which by the way only resulted in a fine and a thirteenth month jail stint for Epstein as we've reported a slap on the wrist. Absolutely. It wasn't even real jail. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:53:44 He got, yeah. So six days a week or something, he had like 12 hours of in-and-out privileges and he got to like, had his own private wing and he got to go home at night. And he got a private security detail when he left. It reminds me of the jail in my blue heaven. It was like, oh, jailer, should I use the phone in the office or the one by the restroom? It sounds like a day job, like that it can sound like jail. I was like, oh, Jailer, should I use the phone in the office or the one by the restroom? It sounds like a day job. Like, that doesn't sound like Jail.
Starting point is 00:54:09 It's called a work release program. It's basically you show up to Jail during the day and then you're furloughed, furlough or work release. We have that in the blue collar community, but it's not nearly as nice. I wouldn't imagine, yeah. But yeah, that's fucked up. Yeah, and he just got away with that and a fine.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Totally unfair. Yeah, tiny fine too. Well, jail by date, predator by night. Yeah, and on top of that, his victims didn't get to ever even get a notice of the conditions of his plea deal or anything. Yeah, and that's against the law. That's one of the things that he's been sued for.
Starting point is 00:54:40 But how can you, and good conscience, and good conscience, as the US attorney, Acosta, release a man who is known to rape underage girls at night just to let him out of your sight. He doesn't have an ankle bracelet. He's not being monitored. He is a menace to society, and I sound like my dad. But your dad's right. But that is a danger to society. And even in in the manifold case where he was tampering with witnesses
Starting point is 00:55:09 They're like we got to throw him back in the clink because he is a danger to society. Here's a rapist a Child rapist who's allowed out at night. Yeah, prime rape hours. It's ridiculous prime rape. I'm so sorry It's okay. It's just it's not a yeah a fact. It is it is a fact. It's sad, sad, really disgusting fact that this was okay with a cost at, and he's still the labor secretary. Wow. Sorry, I'm mad. I didn't mean to interrupt. No, it's okay. Yeah. No, and I mean, Julie, you're absolutely right. Those are the times that sketchy things I would imagine happen. More often than not, probably. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it's like he is getting protected everywhere he goes.
Starting point is 00:55:55 And it costs all. So back then, when he was working on that case, there's allegations and evidence apparently of him interacting with Epstein's lawyers and saying things to the equivalent of not him placating them, but them being like, we appreciate you making it so that this isn't going to be such a big deal in the media. Things that are kind of like that would indicate that Acosta was going out of his way to some degree to make their lives easier and then pull a sheet over the victims. That is so disgusting. Yeah. And oh, I know what you're getting to. I'm not going to say it. I always do this. I always step all over everyone's punchlines. It's not a joke, but I know what the
Starting point is 00:56:39 end of this is about. It's totally important and angering. Yes. And if it's not, feel free to end it that way. So now the Justice Department has opened an investigation into his handling of that plea deal. And now a court hearing is set to occur next week to decide if documents related to Epstein's case should be unsealed. And Epstein's lawyer, Alan Dershwitz, is saying that the courtroom should be closed to media because the proceeding will contain sensitive information that has been under seal. About me having sex with underage girls.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Right. Should be at the end of that, asterix, asterix, double asterix, and footnote. Absolutely. So the guy putting out the fake Mueller report book has something to do with this sketchy. I don't know if he put out the fake Mueller report book, but he does the forward to the fake Mueller report book has something to do with sketchy. I don't know if you put out the fake Mueller report book, but he does the forward to the fake Mueller report book.
Starting point is 00:57:27 He is the guy who, because we've talked about Prince Andrew, I'm talking about Epstein parties now. Jeffrey Epstein, Trump went to those parties, Bill Clinton went to those parties, Prince Andrew went to those parties, Alan Dershowitz went to those parties. So, gee, why does Alan Dershwitz want the press not to be allowed in those courtrooms? Yeah, yeah, I wonder what his motive would be. Yeah, one of the victims claims was that at one point in time, Epstein directed her to have sex with Dershwitz.
Starting point is 00:57:56 So there's even claims and that has been like litigated previously in stuff those claims because they've denied them. Wow. I'm pretty sure they've been litigated and they've denied them and tried to like sue for defamation or something or the derch of which ones? Yeah. But I need a fact check myself on that. Well, if that's the case, it would make sense for him to sue since he would have been
Starting point is 00:58:18 part of any immunity deal because one of the things that Acosta, the Labor Secretary for Trump, gave Epstein was not just immunity for himself, or not immunity but non-prosicution, but non-prosicution for all of his accomplices. So there were a bunch of old privileged, likely white dudes who got non-prosicutorial agreements and immunity in that case,
Starting point is 00:58:44 and I guarantee you, Derschhowitz is one of them. Yeah Yeah, it's it's just more of the same shit It's just a bunch of people trying to protect the rights of these fucking child Sex traffickers while violating the rights over the last decade of all their victims It's completely disgusting. I have no idea why he's allowed to even hold any sort of a legitimate space in a courtroom at this point But I guess it's because there's no policies that would prevent it I suppose I feel like though if you're a cues. I don't know there has to be a substantial evidence Yeah, like there has to be some level of a threshold for credible enough evidence that wouldn't get you in like convicted
Starting point is 00:59:20 But maybe would not allow you to practice law anymore or like an indefinite investigation until it gets worked out. So at least it's like it's important to resolve it somehow. Right. Yeah. It's like when a cop shoots someone and kills them and it's allowed to just like get back on the forest. Yeah. That's happened by the way today in California, the people who shot the kid with a cell phone in his grandmother's yard, no indictments. My God. The grand jury is not prosecuting them. It's just not gonna change until they changed a language
Starting point is 00:59:50 for what constitutes whatever term they have for intent. I used to think these people would die out like racist or sex with people or whatever, but they keep popping up. It's like they're teaching their kids and their grandkids the same thing and it's scary. It's like how do you get rid of that kind of like structure like fundamental Problem there. Yeah, and I should bring up there was some confusion and I don't know why because I thought we were pretty clear on the point But I want to drive at home for sure in the craft case the a guy who owns the the Patriots
Starting point is 01:00:23 They were saying somebody had said hey, that wasn't just prostitution. That was sex traffic. And I think that we brought that up, I'm saying that these women were forced to be there and against their will. Yeah, I didn't know that it was when I reported it. So I made some flippant comment and then you corrected me and said that, yeah, you were pretty sure that it did include sex trafficking. Yeah, so I wanted to really drive that point home and that reminds me also and this may or may not be related, but if you're going to send us feedback about corrections and we have a whole segment on corrections because we make mistakes, everybody makes mistakes, we're not even journalists. If you're going to send feedback, there's a way to do it. And I don't mean to sound like you have to talk to me in a very specific way because I'm very royal.
Starting point is 01:01:14 No, I mean, and I'm just, I hope this is just a lesson because I've had to learn it, the hard way myself. And that's a separate story for a different time. But if you catch more flies with honey, basically, if there's errors that we've made, sending an email saying, I can't believe you fucking said this, you dumb bitch, is not gonna get me to side with you. Kind of like our discussion we had about racism in the midweek episode.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Yeah. If you call somebody, hey, why are you a fucking racist? The conversation's pretty much over. Right. Not to say that that person isn't a fucking racist, but why would you, if they are, and fight them, the conversation. Don't even have a conversation is not worth having if you think the conversation is worth having approach it in a different way.
Starting point is 01:02:00 And I just encourage everyone to think about how they approach people, whether it's their superiors or their subordinates or their friends or their business colleagues with constructive feedback. And I think constructive is the key word there. My way that I do it is I always open, and this is maybe just because I want to hear this, but I always open with strengths. I always, especially with employees, I say, hey, here's what you're so good at. This situation that you handled, I think it could have been handled a little
Starting point is 01:02:32 bit different. How about next time we try this and this and this? And I think that that kind of constructive framing and then maybe say another nice thing at the end. You're going to be able to have a productive conversation that way. Definitely. It's a compliment sandwich. Yeah. A compliment sandwich. And also, I probably am just getting tired sometimes of getting emails that say, you fucking dumb bitch, why did you fucking say this? These are sex traffic women, and I can't believe you didn't even fucking say that.
Starting point is 01:03:00 And I'm like, did you even fucking listen? Because I did fucking say it. Oh, and thank you. But I wanted to make sure that I made that point because it's- listen? Because I did fucking say it. Oh, and thank you. But I wanted to make sure that I made that point because it's my bed too. So you were just receiving all of my hate. Well, and sometimes perception is reality. Like, even though we did address that,
Starting point is 01:03:19 if someone perceived that we didn't, perception is someone's reality. And we need to address that as well. So just I really, really love 99.99% of your emails to Hello at Muller She Wrote when we make mistakes because the way you guys are like, love the show. Hey, this one thing you said Acosta was an AG. He was a US attorney. Fuck yeah, high five, you know, I'm like fuck yeah. And then I'm into it and I'm into correcting myself and I can, I feel like I can be more humble that way. And this might just be complete arrogance on my part,
Starting point is 01:03:52 but I do think that there is a gift in constructive feedback. And I do think there's a way to do it, right? Totally, yeah. I mean, viewing it as arrogance like, aside as maybe a little harsh indictment on yourself. Um, I do think, too, it's like, we're all sensitive people, we're all artists. So when we read stuff and it's sort of like, worded in a way, yes, that's just,
Starting point is 01:04:15 they're like, coming at you with a spike and it's like, ah, yeah, it hurts. But it hurts, but we're open to criticism. Yeah, we're just half-kinged. I've come with it with a certain example. Right, we're just asking them to come with us. It's certain. We've never gotten a correction and been like, fuck that, I'm not going to tell them truth. Exactly. And if I may, since we're on the topic of emails, if someone sent something and they hadn't
Starting point is 01:04:34 heard back for some reason, just send a follow up, because there's a lot of emails, like an overwhelming, amazing amount of emails. So just let us know. Sometimes they slip between the cracks. It's still just us, guys. Yeah, we try to answer them all. We literally do.
Starting point is 01:04:46 It was just us when we had an audience of, you know, a couple thousand. It's still just us. And now the audience is massively giant. And so we're trying. But hopefully the FAQ section on our website, MosherRoute.com will help. But if not, yes, shoot another one saying, hey, I went to the FAQ didn't work out for me. Then we know you check that situation
Starting point is 01:05:12 and we can respond appropriately. Yes, just to finish up my hot note here, sorry. No, no, no, whatever. You were done. You were finished. I'm so sorry, George. Here's some constructive feedback, George. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:05:23 You were done. No. I'm just kidding. I'm so sorry, George. Here's some constructive feedback, Jordan. Oh no. You were done. No. I'm just kidding. I'm sorry. That was okay. No, I was just trying to, I have literally one sentence to go, so I'm like, I'm just gonna squeeze this
Starting point is 01:05:32 right here. Just kidding. I'm gonna do it again. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That was great. I think that was Wordsworth saying, and conversations worth having for sure. Or a arguments or set for Wednesday to
Starting point is 01:05:46 hear on appeal by the Miami Herald. Yeah. That has been doing a fantastic job covering the story and CNN has said that the Miami Herald has single handedly really helped move this investigation along basically and keep it relevant and keep it in the news because they're doing everything that they can, not the Miami Herald, the sex traffickers to cover it up basically or at least cover the fallout from it up. Okay, I'm done. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Thank you for that, dude. Yeah, of course. Yeah, and I think that that's Julie K. Brown. She received a Polk Award for her. Does it say perversion of justice? Yeah, that's a series. A series, okay. I thought, shouldn't be preservation of justice?
Starting point is 01:06:30 No, the person award. Yeah, but she's the one who's been forever on this Epstein case. And so high five to her for covering this, we need these kind of folks and these local journalists to do this work. Yeah, absolutely. Would they call it curatorial journalism? us, we need these kind of folks and these local journalists to do this work. Absolutely. What do you call it?
Starting point is 01:06:46 Curatorial journalism. There we go. Yeah, I've had a lot of wine and coffee. Supposed to cancel each other out. I know. It's tricky. All right, guys, well, let's see here. Jordan, you've spoken about the house taking up this matter with Epstein.
Starting point is 01:07:04 And I want to take a minute as part of being grateful for our system of government. I want to talk about house oversight. We're all waiting now with baited breath for the Mueller report to drop, but we shouldn't lose sight of all the tendrils that this investigation has grown thanks to the genius of Robert Mueller and how he delegated the different aspects of the investigation into Trump and Russia. We know he has granted his 17 agency employees, the angry Democrats, full power of the U.S. attorney, effectively cloning himself. So if he were fired or disappeared or got beamed up by aliens, they can all continue their assigned cases without interruption or diminished prosecutorial power.
Starting point is 01:07:44 He handed things off that weren't central to his charging memo from Rosenstein, the one that said he was to investigate crimes of collusion between Trump and Russia. And he handed those off to the DC District Court and the Southern District of New York. And then we have state attorneys general, and they've taken up much of what Mueller hasn't looked into because he felt it was outside the scope of his memo, even though nothing is technically outside the scope of his memo, but he, you know, he wanted to have that bulletproof case. And we have his grand jury, which was recently extended by six months, which has a lot of power on its own to petition the courts to release its
Starting point is 01:08:20 findings to Congress based on the precedent set by the grand jury under Jaworski during Watergate. And now thanks to you and your vote, we have investigations kicking off in the Democrat controlled House of Representatives. So let's take a look at what the house is up to this week. First we have Adam Schiff on ABC talking to George Stephanopoulos saying he would subpoena the Mueller report and he would want Mueller to testify if he were unsatisfied with what William Barr makes public saying quote, we will take it to court if necessary and in the end I think the department understands they're going to have to make this public.
Starting point is 01:09:07 We also learned this week that the house has begun holding hearings on the dangers of global authoritarianism. This comes on the heels of the news that Bannon and his nasty hands have been in a lot of pies from Cambridge Analytica to Brexit, UKIP, Trump Russia, Marine Le Pen, the Hungarian dude, the Svedig Demokratana, ochr, and all the right wing xenophobic nationalist, authoritarian movements, all those a-holes, that's pretty terrifying.
Starting point is 01:09:36 So we'll keep you posted on those hearings, and I'm glad they're having them because that's significant. Do Terete, everybody Trump likes, basically, Kim Jong-un. Yeah, from what about Tugun? Yeah, it's right about you, do you? Yeah. And the House is subpoena the Trump administration about family separations at the border with Jerry Nadler calling what has happened akin to kidnapping.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Jalisa, you reported on this in the midweek episode for patrons. We're learning all sorts of horrific things about the policy, including it was on purpose to deter asylum seekers. They intended to hurt children That thousands of children are unaccounted for there have been an ordinance amounts of reported sexual abuse children are dying in these camps and You guys make no mistake about it. This is America's Nazi Germany and we've already had indigenous genocide and slavery under our belts and They're gonna make movies about this and they're gonna write books about it
Starting point is 01:10:26 and everybody will wonder what the fuck we were thinking. But if you're listening to us, you're already on the right side of history. So just don't let the story get lost. I can't, I wish I could have like impart upon everyone the historic significance of this. Watch Schindler list and and replace you know Hitler with trump and
Starting point is 01:10:50 Did Jews with our asylum seekers at the southern border and see how you feel I Think they're like a fire Because you guys already know though some of them think that Obama is a fascist like he's the real Hitler I mean, I don't know how to convey to someone like that. That Trump is the real problem. Yeah, it's a full bucket. You can't add any water to it. Just walk away. It's a good point. I hope I said that once. Oh, did she? Something about like they're, they can't handle it like the cup is two full or something. Yeah, you can't add anything to a full glass.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Yeah, you have to close them out of your glass and then receive. dump some of your dumb shit out. Exactly. Make your first part shit. Yes Let's tell water called smart shit If you part of plants crave it. It's fucking essential. It's fucking essential smart shit fucking essential drink it And we learned that the houseways and Means Committees lawyers are also drawing up the request for Donald Trump's tax returns, and that request will hit the IRS in the next couple of weeks.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I bet my tax return that Trump supporters upon learning Trump cheated on his taxes will just call him a savvy businessman and brush it off. But this whole thing, the Houseways and Means getting the tax documents from the IRS on Trump, that was set, that was teed up by Alexander Carseo Cartez. This whole thing, the houseways means getting the tax documents from the IRS on Trump. That was set. That was teed up by Alexander Ocarso Cortez. And it was masterfully set up too, because she's like, oh, did he inflate his stuff, his assets, and did that happen?
Starting point is 01:12:15 Oh, and so he wrote that down, and then she goes, so would his tax returns probably shed some light on that, and Cohen's like, yes, and she's like, thank you, Jack. Very nice. And now they have, you know, they have a reason from a witness to get his tax returns. Smart. That was just brilliant. Her whole line of questioning was fantastic.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Also, Maxine Waters, anti-Maxine. She has said that the House Finance Committee is currently working with Deutsche Bank to get the documents they want to see regarding Trump's finances. Muller had subpoena Deutsche Bank, but then came under fire by Trump who threatened to fire him under fire literally. So Rosenstein blocked the subpoenaed Deutsche Bank, but then came under fire by Trump who threatened to fire him under fire literally.
Starting point is 01:12:46 So Rosenstein blocked the subpoena to save Mueller's job. But the house dems they don't give a fuck. So they followed up on that subpoena and they're already getting documents from Deutsche Bank. They're already working with Deutsche Bank. This is the same bank by the way. A co-intestified Trump gave inflated asset valuations to in order to secure a loan. There's the same bank that's been fined hundreds of millions of dollars for money laundering. Bank by the way, Cohen testified Trump gave inflated asset valuations to in order to secure alone. There's the same bank that's been fined hundreds of millions of dollars for money laundering, so that investigation will certainly be interesting, and that's happening in the house. And of course, there were the Cohen hearings this week, and Stephanie Miller and I will
Starting point is 01:13:15 be going over that in more detail later in the show, in the interview, but the big hits from the public testimony Wednesday in front of the House Oversight Committee were that Trump committed insurance fraud by falsifying the value of his assets to avoid paying higher insurance rates, and he committed bank fraud by submitting those inflated numbers to get bank loans. That's a federal felony. That's exact same crime metaphor it was found guilty of by a jury of his peers, and the exact same crime he'll be going to jail for. We also learned that Cohen has documentary evidence showing Trump paid off Stormy Daniels. Well paid off Cohen for paying off Stormy Daniels who did it with a home loan, thereby committing a campaign finance felony. We also learned junior signs some of those checks as well. And so did Weiselberg. And now we know the house is calling Weiselberg into testifying next week.
Starting point is 01:13:59 There's likely also documentary evidence that junior lied to Congress about Trump Tower Moscow and Felix Seder, the guy Cohen worked with on the Moscow Tower project has been called into testify on March 14th as well. We also found out Cohen wrote nasty letters to schools Trump went to and threatened them saying not to release Trump's test scores and grades and now every investigative journalist is going to go after those and that's awesome. And Fordham University where where Trump went, has confirmed they got that threatening letter. They said, oh yeah, we got a letter like that. I love it.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Then there are a few peripheral investigations connected to the Cohen testimony. First of all, Cohen mentioned he heard a call between Stone and Trump about the WikiLeaks dump of hacked Russian material, which, if true, makes Trump part of the conspiracy. But because I think he said, oh, that sounds great. Wouldn't that be great? Boom, automatically, you're part of the conspiracy. But because I think he said, oh, that sounds great, wouldn't that be great? Boom, automatically you're part of the conspiracy.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Because he had been told if the Russians contact you at all, you need to contact the FBI. Exactly. So not just the solicitation, but the acquiescence of being a part of that makes you a conspirator. Well, Stone, upon hearing that, or reading it, he read the testimony when it came out before
Starting point is 01:15:07 he actually, before Cohen actually testified. Stone read that, he actually texted an emailed BuzzFeed and vice news saying, cone was lying, which seems to violate his gag order. Although we haven't heard anything on that, oddly though, a minute order was filed this Friday by Judge Jackson in the stone case, asking for an explanation about a book. He's apparently participating in that probably violates his gag order.
Starting point is 01:15:32 And those responses are due Monday to Judge Jackson. Jackson's, so she's like, write it up. Let me know why the fuck. You're putting out a book about your case after I put a gag order on it. Yeah, she's like, think about what you just did. And he apologized to, he was like, oh, I forgot, oh, I forgot about that one.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Or I guess he could say it's not gonna be published until my gag order is lifted. Right. Does that count? It's not gonna be published till I'm in jail. So, yeah, when I need to pay someone for some decent toothpaste around here. All right, then you guys, Matt Gates tweeted a thread to Cohen, essentially saying his
Starting point is 01:16:07 wife would soon find out about his girlfriends, and he faced really harsh backlash. And he's now under investigation by the Florida Bar Association for his conduct in the matter. Then Gates personally apologized to Cohen after being sort of yelled at by Nancy Pelosi. And after the Dem Coalition filed a complaint that he violated the law and house rules with his inflammatory tweet, which said, quote, hey, Michael Cohen, do your wife and father-in-law know about your girlfriends. Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat.
Starting point is 01:16:34 I wonder if she'll remain faithful when you're in prison. She's about to learn a lot. Love, drunk driver. Gates was overheard by a reporter talking to Trump on the phone afterwards saying, quote, I was happy to do it for you. Keep killing it in Korea. What a dish.
Starting point is 01:16:51 And the House may refer this to the ethics committee and possible criminal referral for witness intimidation and tampering under US code 1512. So the House is doing that too. Back to Cohen. Lanny Davis went on Rachel Maddo after Cohen testified Wednesday behind closed doors and said that Cohen dropped a game-changing explosive new piece of information and he has documentary evidence to back it up. And then Maddo, we take kind of take what Lanny Davis says with a grain of salt.
Starting point is 01:17:19 So Maddo had swalls on there, Eric Swalwell on Friday. He's part of the committee and asked if Lanny was just blown, smoke up or ask. And Swallwell went, no, we were all on the edge of our seats when he told us and this information is not something he told us in 2017, nor did he testify it to it in the open hearing. We expect him to come back Wednesday with corroborating documents, unquote.
Starting point is 01:17:43 So I wonder what that is. Oh, and the house is also going to give Weiselberg, Calamari, and Lieberman invitations to come and testify since Cohen named them when being questioned by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AOC, I'm just going to call her AOC, and they want to bring in Ivanka and Jr. about the Trump work based on Cohen's testimony. So the House is looking into that too. And then finally, House Oversight's Cheryl Elijah Cummings has written a sassy letter to the White House demanding internal memos from John Kelly and Don McGann that allegedly show that Trump ordered Kelly to give Kushner and others a security clearance despite the FBI and CIA strongly recommending against it. Ivanka claimed in an interview just three weeks ago that her father had nothing to do with her and Kush's security clearance.
Starting point is 01:18:31 And Trump said in an interview in January that he didn't have the authority to do that. I don't think I have the authority to do that. And even if I did, I wouldn't. Coming says all documents related to security clearances are due to the committee by Monday. And on Monday. Coming says all documents related to security clearances are due to the committee by Monday and on Monday and the White House hasn't confirmed or denied either way, but Kellyanne Conway has moved the goalpost by saying, quote, the president has the absolute right to do that, unquote, which he does, but why would you lie about it?
Starting point is 01:18:59 But the best part here is Abby Loll, that's Kushner's longtime attorney. He's done this 180 on the issue, saying first, he said, quote, in 2018, the White House and Security Clarence officials affirmed that Mr. Kushner's security clearance was handled in the regular process with no pressure from anyone. But then Friday of this week, he said, quote, whatever the accuracy or not of recent news stories, we were not aware of nor told of any request for action by the president to be involved in the security clearance process. And then even later Friday, he amended his bullshit statement to say, quote, whatever the
Starting point is 01:19:35 accuracy or not of recent news stories, Mr. Lowell was not aware of nor told of any request for action by the president to be involved in the security clears process So Krishna's lawyer is slowly backing away as the house oversight digs into the matter He's like no the process was followed and then he was like oh, we weren't aware if it wasn't followed and he was like I wasn't aware if it wasn't followed. Yeah, bye. Just moonwalking away Moonwalking away. I love it like Northam exactly walking away, walking away. I love it, like Northam. Exactly. So those are just some things going on in the house right now.
Starting point is 01:20:08 So thank you all for voting and putting Democrats in power that are finally serving the interests of the American public by investigating everything that was outside Muller's scope. And thanks to Muller for staying well within his charge, so as not to give any ammunition to Trump, that would allow him to discredit his investigation. And thanks to US attorneys and attorneys general
Starting point is 01:20:24 for doing their jobs and the grand jury to investigate what Mueller could not. And grand jury, if you're listening, please petition the court to release your findings to the House Judiciary Committee. You have that ability, you have that power, and thanks to the Jaworski Report, you have a road map and a precedent, and I don't think the Attorney General can say anything about it. We'll be right back. Hey, Mueller junkies.
Starting point is 01:20:45 I want to thank Legacy Box for supporting Mueller, she wrote. I actually used the Legacy Box to send all of my mom's photos, photographs from all of the photo albums, and all of our VHS tapes and beta tapes, beta max tapes, of all of our vacations from when my dad was still alive. And we got all that together, along with all the negatives my dad took, and we put them all in the box and we sent them away. And I did this mainly because my mom is moving out of her house and she's retiring and she's
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Starting point is 01:22:49 All right, so today, Saturday, Trump gave a two-hour insane speech at CPAC, the conservative political action conference, which Laura Loomer, by the way, was kicked out of, which pleases me to no end. And even some of the staunchest Trump supporters have said that this speech that he gave today is like the weirdest speech they've ever seen. First, he was sweating like a horror in church, we support horror.
Starting point is 01:23:22 And so he either had the meat sweats, like hamburger sweats, hamburger sweats, or maybe it was Adderall, or it could have been his nerve, he was, maybe he's nervous about the fact that his organization, his hotel, his foundation, his taxes, his inaugural fund, his security clearance as in his campaign, or all under federal investigation, maybe. Um, but he spent a lot of, he was sweaty and angry, and he spent a lot of time bashing the Russian investigation, which we saw coming because he just failed spectacularly in North Korea, and the whole Cohen thing is all
Starting point is 01:23:50 over the news. And so he basically said there's nothing to show for the Mueller investigation, nothing, just everything of mine is under investigation, but nothing to show. And after two years, he said, they're coming up dry. He called it collusion delusion. Another Stephen Miller gem, I'm sure, because it rhymes. He called the investigation bullshit. He said they were bullshit.
Starting point is 01:24:14 And he spoke to Melania. He said he spoke to Melania about firing Comey. And while I don't think anything will come of that, he just waved Spousal privilege by saying that publicly, which is hilarious, but I don't think they'll call her in. I don't think anything will come of that, he just waved Spousal privilege by saying that publicly, which is hilarious, but I don't think they'll call her and I don't think not that, you know, to belittle her role or to belittle her. But it's just, I don't think it's something,
Starting point is 01:24:35 I think that was just an off the cuff remark that he lied about. And that's what's funny is Republicans are probably like, ah, he's just making that shit up and they're cool with that. So that wasn't, additionally, he said he was joking when up and they're cool with that. So that wasn't it. Additionally, he said he was joking when he asked Russia to find the 30,000 emails that we're missing. That was a new thing that he said today.
Starting point is 01:24:51 I was joking. Even though the Russians attempted to hack Hillary's emails within hours of him saying that. And this speech was a reminder that just because the Mueller investigation might be winding down, these investigations that have sprung from it are just getting going. And to quote, Mato, she said, quote, everyone told us this thing was winding down, but it looks like we're just getting started. Stay with us, she said. And I agree.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Oh yeah. Are you guys ready for the fantasy indictment leak? Yes. I'm going to be a di-tit. No, it is going to be okay. I'm going to be a di-tit. I'm going to be a di-tit. I'm going to be a di-tit.
Starting point is 01:25:24 I'm going to be a di-tit. I'm going to be a di-tit. I'm going to be a di-tit. I'm going to be a di-tit. I'm gonna cry dick. And die, nerd! Crying. Cry, nerd! They can't, it's gonna be okay. Just calm down. I can't calm down, I'm gonna be excited! I get to go first this week. Yeah, yeah. I don't know what that song is, but I felt like singing.
Starting point is 01:25:37 And I, I'm gonna draft. I thought I knew. I thought I knew what I wanted. Sater. All right, Julie, so who do you got? I'm gonna do Trump and not girl. I'm gonna do a super seating stone. Oss Stone. I'm gonna do AMI. Nice. Weiselberg. Ooh, because he only had limited immunity, right? Right. Well thought out. Yeah, sink here. Indeed.
Starting point is 01:26:16 I'm doing a sange. Damn you. Damn you. If you're gonna do a a son. I'm gonna do pecker Aldi junior I'll do Corsi plea deal Corsi plea deal Aldi Kush Trump org. So you got the org and the anog. Correct.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Alright. Fuck those guys. Ivanka. Ivanka for you. I'm gonna go with... Uhhh. Everyone's taken. Rando. Nice. Oh, bringing Rando back. Oh Everyone's taken
Starting point is 01:27:05 Rando nice. Oh bringing Randall back Do I have one more? Oh, yeah, we do have yeah, we each have you each one more. I'll do Kaiser Brittany Kaiser. Yes, head of The Cambridge analyst. Yeah, man. Kim and Rando Randa. Randa. All right, sweet. That is the Fantasy Enditement League for this week.
Starting point is 01:27:27 If you want to play the Fantasy Enditement League, we do it on our closed Facebook group for patrons to become a patron. Patreon.com slash Muller, she wrote, it's three bucks a month, you get everything forever. And the new show too, so check it out. So joining us today for the interview is the host of the Stephanie Miller show.
Starting point is 01:27:44 It's on Monday through Friday from 6 to 9 a.m. Pacific time, 9 to 12 Eastern. And she runs the Stephanie Miller sexy liberal blue wave tour. Stephanie Miller, Stephanie, welcome to Mueller, she wrote. Hey, gee, this is the greatest name of the podcast ever, because I am old enough. Absolutely me too. It was that and what was a facts of life, I think, were my two things. So, yep, and so facts are important to liberals. And I think that that was kind of a good building block
Starting point is 01:28:12 for both of us. So let's talk, let's talk about Cohen's week. What a week he's having. And as we all know, Cohen met behind closed doors, Tuesday with the Senate Intel Committee. Then he appeared publicly Wednesday with the House Oversight Committee, which we all watched an eight-pop corn two. And then, obviously...
Starting point is 01:28:32 Am I able to swear? Am I able to swear on this podcast? Fuck yes. Oh, okay, because what a shit show that was. Oh my God. Republicans are such stumble-fucks. They came completely unprepared. I mean, how many got your moments to think of for?
Starting point is 01:28:49 And you're like, wow, like where are the boxes? What do you mean in the really well? We all watched it on television. And that's kind of my first point was the Republican's behavior in this hearing because at first they were just trying to postpone the hearing and not have it. That was all tabled and motioned and all that stuff by the rules.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Here's Elijah Cummings, who just took the gavils. Thank you, by the way, for you're promoting Dems taking the House in November because that is going to be a huge part of the Mueller investigation or at least the investigation into Trump and his businesses and his crotch fruit. But didn't you just think, can you think it during the whole thing, A.T., you're like, thank God for the blue waves. This is what oversight looks like. This is what, you know, some sort of normal America is supposed to look like.
Starting point is 01:29:44 It's oversight. It's it's their constitutional duty I mean, and how awesome was it was Cummings how awesome was a OC? I mean Yeah, and all they were doing was Basically slamming Cohen, which is what you do when you're guilty and you have no other defense as you slam the witness They didn't have have any questions about Trump or Cohen's relationship to Trump. They just were like, aren't you a giant piece of shit? And he's like, yeah, I'm going to prison next week.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Thanks. Yeah, yeah, yep, you got me. I know. That was all they had. Was he a liar? He's like, yep, yep, that's why I'm going to prison. That's why I'm to... I mean, here's the reason why I think it just looks so bad, AG.
Starting point is 01:30:23 Is he has no upside to being there only downside. He cannot reduce his sense. He can only increase it if he lies again. He has absolutely no reason to lie. And so in here they are defending the president's unrecorded is what 10,000 times having lied? Yeah. And I mean, it's nuts. But you had mentioned something I wanted to talk about, which was AOC. And Alexander Ocasio-Cortez. And she actually masterfully set up. She teed up the fact that the House oversight committee needs to, to Sipina Trump's tax
Starting point is 01:31:01 returns. Do you remember that moment? Oh, God. It was fantastic. And she was so like, yeah, so might be a good idea to see his own tax returns. Oh, okay, thanks. My genius.
Starting point is 01:31:12 I mean, she's the one person. There's not an attorney. She's 29 years old. And she set the table for not only getting his tax returns, but for bank fraud, wire fraud, insurance fraud. I mean, it really was, I mean, I am so inspired by this young, multi-colored female blue wave that we created,
Starting point is 01:31:32 that it is just, you know. And she's basically living rent-free in their heads, and it's fantastic. Oh my God, a right-wing friend of mine just referred to her as that little bartender girl from the Bronx, and I'm like, What's wrong with bartenders? Do Republicans not have a good time? Is that like, I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Seriously. And I mean, I, you know, when I went to college, I put myself through college bartending and waitressing. And now I'm a PhD. So suck it, you know, like this is that's how we make money I was the worst cocktail waiters and I do and honestly I Would take the word and the ability to gauge people from a bartender or waitress Way ahead of somebody who went to Exeter and Harvard and didn't really have much of an interaction
Starting point is 01:32:28 with regular people, so. Yeah, yeah. No, yeah, I was gonna say, first of all, the Republicans during this hearing, they were yelling, they were rude, they were angry. They had nothing substantive to say. They just attacked Cohen. And again, they didn't ask any questions about Trump. And Cohen actually
Starting point is 01:32:46 pointed that out. He said, I find it interesting. All of your questions are about me. I've already been convicted. We know what I've done. The hearing is supposed to be about Mr. Trump. Yet none of you have asked me one question about that. And so he's sitting there. Probably the coolest thing that came out of this is when he said that he wrote threatening letters to Fordham University Wharton School of Business and his high school Trump's high school Threatening them basically saying don't you better not ever release his grades or his standardized test scores and now What's hilarious is that every single journalist in the country? That's worth their salt is going after those grades in those SAT scores
Starting point is 01:33:26 and i think we're gonna find out what they are you're like you're like oh just how shitty are they here's my theory a g is i think he obviously uh... like for his entire life he probably welch on the kids that he hired to take the test forum oh that's hilarious so you think he hired people to take his test for him and didn't pay him? That's probably totally true.
Starting point is 01:33:49 And I mean, we all know that Maria Boutna was a college student and that Paul Erickson was paying for her tuition and also paid people to take her tests and go to class and take notes for her so that she could use that as a cover. I'm sure it's the same situation. Isn't that every love story, really? Oh, totally. So Cohen also said a few interesting things besides handing over. And here's what it is.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Nobody's gonna believe a word Cohen says. And that's totally fine because he is a lying piece of shit. And my favorite part is when Trump comes out on Twitter and says Cohen is a liar, he's a lying liar, he's a piece of shit. I'm like, you hired him, he was your lawyer for 10 years, and he ran the RNC, he was deputy finance chair of the RNC. But you know, good on you, only the best people.
Starting point is 01:34:35 But what's interesting is that what's going to be really important here is not what Cohen says, but what he, the documentation, the documentary evidence he can lead people to. You knew Mueller has that. You know that he's not just going off Cohen's word. There's got to be other evidence, and I'm sure there is. I mean, and the thing I love, there's the stupidest fucking criminals in the world.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Did you see that Hannity probably has opened himself up to a subpoena now, because he had Trump on last night. And Hannity said, I had a private conversation with Cohen and he told me that you didn't know that he was just paying off stormy Daniels. What as you do, right, A.T.? Who the fuck believes that you just pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to son point star without Trump? Did you see now that they've, they're getting Weiselberg to come in on March 14th, I think. And so he's going to come in and he's, he's got limited or, or some sort of small scope immunity
Starting point is 01:35:32 in this. And it's probably just for those, those payments. And now the, I mean, and we've talked about this before. Mueller is not the end all be all. Mueller has handed most of this off to the Southern District of New York, the DC District Court, the DC US Attorneys, and then the AGs, right? The Attorneys General for all these states that these crimes happen in, so that the state crimes, which are obviously unpardonable, as soon as New York gets their shit together and passes that legislation. And so this Mueller investigation has become kind of a, it's like a cancer for Trump. And it brings me back to that John Dean moment where he's like, I said there was a cancer
Starting point is 01:36:12 on the presidency and it's going to kill you Nixon. And so we've got, it's metastasized to all of these different areas. And there's, there's really no way to stop it as much as maybe I don't know, I don't necessarily think that Barr wants to stop it or would try but I you know Even if he did if that were if the case he's not gonna be able to yeah right and let's take a page from Israel You can indict a sitting later you can this is like a ridiculous justice department what role? Yeah, it's like don't eat my lunch in the company refrigerator. Give me a fucking break. This is like a ridiculous justice department. What role? It's like, don't eat my lunch in the company refrigerator. Give me a fucking break.
Starting point is 01:36:47 This is treason. I mean, it's, you know, I mean, obviously there's rumors that the SDNY is going to win, you know, they think they can indict. And I've talked to prosecutors, AT all the way back to Nixon. Yeah. You know, Jill Weinbangs and others said they absolutely can be indicted.
Starting point is 01:37:04 I mean, that was something that was specifically to relate to Spiro Agnew. I mean, it was not, I just think, you know, this is, we are so far beyond high crimes and misdemeanors. I think that's part of it. Yeah, it's pretty astounding, honestly. And that whole, I believe Neil Cateal wrote the policy about not being able to indict a sitting president, and he's even come out and said, you can, that theory or that policy was written based on a sort of shaky ground memo from of legal counsel who said, you know, you can't, you can indict a vice president, but not a president, and it was sort of based on, there's nothing constitutional about it.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Right, no, I agree. I agree, and I think more and more legal experts are saying that, I mean, I just, I mean, I think if you, I'm still trying to get my mind around in co-insuring, Trump was just implicated in this week. Right, and that's really, I mean, I think if you I'm still trying to get my mind around in co-insuring, Trump was just implicated in this week. Right. And that's really I think going to be his undoing not necessarily.
Starting point is 01:38:12 And it saddens me because my whole podcast is based on the Mueller investigation, but none of this would have come to light if it weren't for Mueller and his investigations and what he handed off to Southern Districts of New York. And so it all ties together. And then let me ask you this, because I saw Lanny Davis, I think he showed up on the Maddo show yesterday. And he was talking about Cohen's Thursday
Starting point is 01:38:36 behind closed doors testimony and that there's new information that he admitted to during that testimony that none of us have ever heard and it has to do with obstruction and witness tampering. So I think maybe he was able to get those documents that, you know, from when Cohen submitted in written form to Congress about the Trump Tower Moscow, I think he was able to get those documents that were the originals and then what Trump's lawyers had amended for him to say.
Starting point is 01:39:08 And so I think that that is going to be hugely explosive. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, it was all hugely explosive. And, you know, there's like, there's, I mean, honestly, like, you look at all the different things, like, you know, him saying all my taxes are under audit. He's like, why wouldn't you really, you know, he didn't want us to be audited. So Michael Cohen confirmed, of course, he's not under audit. I mean, it's, it's one thing after another
Starting point is 01:39:32 that like I say, they're just, yeah. I think one of the bigger ones is the bank fraud, where, and Manafort was convicted, uh, uh, pleated guilt, well, he pleaded not guilty, but he was convicted for lying to banks about his net worth so that he could get loans. And now we have documentation showing that Trump inflated the value of his properties in order to do that. And that is bank fraud. He did that with Deutsche Bank. And now Deutsche Bank, they hadn't, I remember the Mueller tried to subpoena Deutsche Bank
Starting point is 01:40:03 and he was threatened to be fired and so Rosenstein I think stopped that but then Cohen brought those documents into the house oversight committee hearings and now it shows that he inflated the values of his properties bank fraud. I always say this idea but don't you feel like we're just in the biggest dumbest plot at movie that we're just waiting for other people? Yeah, I couldn't even write this movie. But this may be any more obvious. I mean, when Trump said, when Trump said, you know, oh, he said no collusion.
Starting point is 01:40:37 No, Michael Cohen absolutely did not say no collusion. In fact, he said, yes, I can, he said, I don't have direct evidence of it, but absolutely, I, you know, I think he's capable of it. And if that Rochester stone call, if that's not illusion, I don't know what you call it, it's, it's conspiracy, you know, the, the, and Mueller's got. Yeah. And we have all this, even just, just alone, Trump pressuring the Postmaster general to double Amazon's prices because he doesn't like the Washington Post that alone is an impeachable offense Right, right. No, I had time to skier on today, HG and I mean I was of the camp early on like let's wait till Mueller's done
Starting point is 01:41:17 We don't want to look like we're rushing to judgment or overreaching. I'm like fuck it. Are you kidding me, we can't, I don't think we should wait for Mueller. There are so many impeachable offenses. What is the management of the 25th Amendment for? If not for everything we're talking about, you know? It's like, we have got, they've got to do their constitutional duty. It is, there are too many things in the American public deserves to know. I mean, they deserve, that's why the numbers turned the way they did on Nixon because there were public hearings, you know, to be fair, they made every signal that they're not going to make them all a report public, you know, every move they've made
Starting point is 01:41:53 including fair, though, the electoral college was meant to stop people like Trump and it did not. So, you know, what do we do about that? What do you think about Cohen? And this is still freaking me out. Cohen says, again, on Wednesday, he's never been to Prague. And I know, I wish they had done a follow-up. I wish they had said, why was your cell phone picked up? Yeah, I'm of the ilk that he was in charge of the burner phones because I think they confiscated like 16 phones or some shit from his office.
Starting point is 01:42:24 So I think he was in charge of the burner accounts and what are those phones was in or near Prague? No one said were you near Prague? Or was a phone in your name near Prague? I'm surprised they didn't follow up on that unless of course they aren't allowed to because it's part of an open and ongoing investigation so maybe they didn't hit it. Maybe it may be, but that's exactly right. I was screaming at the beginning. Oh my God, I can't wait to watch Nerd News with you when you're up here next this month.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Because I was, that's what I was saying. I was like, ask him why he's so close with you. Yeah, and again, he might not be able to answer that, but they did ask a bunch of questions he wasn't able to answer. So I'm not sure why they didn't even just go there as a follow up, but Cohen then said, he has over 100 tapes,
Starting point is 01:43:06 he's willing to hand over, and Republicans gave him shit for violating attorney client privilege. And here's where I was yelling at the TV, because when that, I think it was, I can't remember who it was, was yelling at him. Some Republican, oh, you're just willing to hand over your tapes with your clients,
Starting point is 01:43:23 you're just willing to break attorney client privilege with your clients. You're just willing to break attorney client privilege and he's sitting there like, well, if the chair of this committee asks me for the tapes, I'm handing them over. But why he didn't just say to them, hey, look, there's something called the Crime Fraud exception. Where if you're having a talk with a lawyer and it's about breaking the fucking law,
Starting point is 01:43:42 I don't have to, you know, attorney client privilege doesn't apply. And so I'm not sure why he didn't just go there. Right. I just love it because it allows Rudy Giuliani to keep saying the word. So I'm just like, he would take turns. He's just like, I don't know, he just pissed more than usual. It was on a word of the day calendar and he just kept using it. Do you ever work with those people where they learn a new word and say 800 times? Yeah. For sure, whether this report, whatever is in the Mueller report, we've paid a lot of
Starting point is 01:44:19 money for it. Republicans and Trump supporters and Trump should want it to be released fully because if they think it's going to exonerate him, which is what they think, then why don't they want to see it? Yeah, well, I mean, of course, that's the whole thing. You know, on down from why did everybody lie about the Russian context? Why are the Republicans doing, I mean, they're near hysteria trying to prevent, you know, the truth and information from coming out.
Starting point is 01:44:47 It's not how innocent people behave, obviously. I mean, you got to wonder who else is implicated. Who else is, you know, Matt Gaetz belongs in jail. I mean, it's just, it's, it's. Yeah. And speaking of other people, Cohen, and you had mentioned Hannity earlier, Cohen said that he has tapes of other clients besides Trump. But they're part of an ongoing, open and ongoing investigation.
Starting point is 01:45:11 So seeing as Cohen only had three clients, Elliot Brody, abortion guy, and Hannity, and Trump. That means either Hannity or Brody are both wrapped up in some sort of other open and ongoing investigation. Or he's talking about tapes maybe with Junior, a Weelberg or Eric or Ivanka or Melania, but in any case, I'm sure he wouldn't hand over tapes that weren't evidence of a crime because that exempts him from attorney client privilege. Yeah, yeah, no, absolutely. I mean, I, boy, I still think, as much as we know, I still think as we have heard, they know this is going
Starting point is 01:45:46 to be devastating to Trump. Well, I think it's worse than even you and I probably imagined at this point, because they just think of what, look at what all we learned, exactly. Days ago. And I'm taking bets. What do you think his SAT scores were? Because he took them back on the, he took them back on the 1600, when 1600 was a perfect score.
Starting point is 01:46:09 I got like 1490 on my SATs. What do you think he got on his SATs? Like a 73730, 740, we're taking bets. We should put a pool together and do squares or something. Yeah, I remember my high school boyfriend told me what he got on his SAT keys and I, oh, he's like, I got 900 on the vocab? No, total.
Starting point is 01:46:34 I think it's like that. No, both of them. Oh my God. Yeah, I would have, what a't what I would that was the biggest He only speaks at a fourth grade level. So what would a fourth grader get? He should be on are you smarter than a fifth grader? Can we bring that show back just for a week to have Trump on there? Oh my God where you just like, you know, I good God he Inders himself eating pudding with a spoon. I mean, it's just it's like, he's really, I thought it was so amazing how on the same day
Starting point is 01:47:07 he's exposed this complete con man and fraud by Cohen. There he is, you know, with Kim Drongon, do we need any more evidence that he is literally the worst negotiator, the worst deal maker in the world? I'm just happy he walked away from whatever deal he was trying to steal headlines with. I was actually, oh good, he walked away from that. Should he have met with a murderous dictator, authoritarian asshole in the first place
Starting point is 01:47:35 and given him a seat at the table? No, but at least he walked away and didn't, you know, lift sanctions and make out with him or something. I don't know. They could have done a beauty in the beast like Erickson and Bhutna. They could have done a little thing. I liked it. I liked it. I liked it. Um, so here's the problem though. Cohen did. I think he, I think he lied in his testimony. First of all, when he said, well, he might not have lied
Starting point is 01:48:00 technically when he said he didn't go to Prague, he might have been outside or one of his phones might have been there. But he testified that he did not want a job at the White House. And we have heard all sorts of public reporting. We know that that's not true. He was dying for a job in the White House. So he could actually be in more trouble for lying to Congress. So because I know that you said earlier, he can only get in more trouble.
Starting point is 01:48:19 This is one of those instances. If he bore false witness to the House Oversight Committee, that's a crime, even though Republicans call it a process crime, and it's not important. No great, so we didn't need to impeach Clinton then. But I think he lied to Congress in those areas. Yeah, I, you know, but I mean, is that really like relevant to anything? Like, you know, I feel like some of the potentially evidence he brought or of Trump's crimes, this really isn't about him. Like what, I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:48:53 I see what you're saying, but I'm going, what, so you have to get inside his head. And so much, so many other things. And then how about I think one of the best parts of this is after, after his opening statements in testimony were released the night before he went in front of the house oversight publicly, Stone texted Buzzfeed and sent an email to Vice News about Cohen's testimony, saying specifically about what he said about Stone and the phone call.
Starting point is 01:49:23 And I personally think that that's a violation of stones gag order I tweeted that immediately, I said that is I mean, how is that not a violation of the cat and you knew you could he couldn't help himself I mean it really I Can't I again don't know why he's not in prison. Dunno why Matt Gates has not been arrested for witness, you know, intimidation. And now you're referring to the, you're referring to the phone call? Yeah, the phone call that was overheard by a reporter where, you know, Trump called him from Hanoi. And he's like, I was happy to do it for you, sir. You know, you just
Starting point is 01:49:58 keep killing it. I'm like, hey, I guess he was referring to his spectacular success with the North 3D. And, you know, yeah. And he was referring to his spectacular success with the North Korea deal. And, you know, yeah, and he was hovering around, he was hovering around the committee. He was like walking through and given mad dog looks. It's fucked up. Yeah, now he's groveling. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I get these cowards, I swear, the way he's groveling now, the way Roger Stone groveled before the judge. It's like
Starting point is 01:50:31 This is what happens these these fucking bullies a G all their life that you know, they've got these Don Jr all these smirky like Entitled Oh, but just I they all can't go to prison soon enough for me seriously. They're just the cubers and the brazenness and Umber Dan Ratherson like Roger Stone has always struck me as some of the some never thought he'd get caught. Well and Gates too. I mean, he's bought his way out of how many DUIs that his dad helped him with. Yeah. Uh, finally, I just wanted to hit this last point when uh, Meadows paraded out his token,
Starting point is 01:50:59 uh, black woman, uh, staffer, uh, to the, to the committee, just had her on standby. And that was absolutely horrific to me. And when he was called out on it, he started, he was so angry, he was shaking, saying, I have black nieces and nephews, like, you can't be a racist because your sister fucked a black dude. Like, I don't understand just and she even said just using that, you know, I have a black friend, I have a black staffer, he has a black staffer is racist in and of itself. And then to counter that with I have black nieces and nephews,
Starting point is 01:51:40 was just absolutely. I mean, it was, but I mean, they're just so tone deaf, a G to the optics of it. The fact to have for just stand behind you silently, like a, like a human prop, they don't get how, like, what fucking offensive that is. And, and to go, oh, you didn't hear Donald Trump say anything racist, so he can't possibly be, despite his lifetime of racism and racist comments and racist actions, I'm just like, and you know, when there's Mark Metta's on tape, I've reached me to that too. Yeah, no, not racist at all, right? Just completely normal. Yeah. That was seriously one of the more horrific. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're
Starting point is 01:52:18 we're an upside down world. I do. We're in the upside down for sure. We've been talking about Trump taking off a mask and being Andy Kaufman at some point. I did that joke two years ago. Yeah, exactly. Oh God. Stephanie, it has been a pleasure talking to you. I can't wait to come up and hang out and watch Nerd news with you. Thank you so much. And everybody tune in to the Stephanie Miller show. It's Monday's 6 to 9 a.m. Pacific, right? 9 to 12 Eastern. Where can they find your show? So you can find my regular show on stations around the country. It's serious XM on the progressive voices app. Good God. I hard app the tune in app. And then the Stephanie Miller's happy hour podcast. A. G is going to be doing with me this coming month,
Starting point is 01:53:07 and that's available. It drops every Friday, and it's fantastic. Or my Happy Hour Podcast with everybody from Martin Sheen to, you know, Lily Tomlin, Carol Bernat. Excellent. I will be there with bells on and a glass of wine, and we will have a time. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:53:24 You can get that wherever you get your podcasts. I love that I can call you up on a whim and we can talk about the co-in hearings. I don't really have a friend I can do that with, so I appreciate it. I'm your girl. All right, thanks, HG. I'll see you soon. All right, bye. Bye-bye. All right, guys, that's our show. Thank you again so much for listening. If you know anyone who wants to stay up to date with all the investigations into Trump, send them our way.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Because I know we're Mueller she wrote, but every single investigation that is sprung from the Mueller investigation counts. It's all part of it. It's all under the umbrella, the Mueller umbrella. So let him send him our way. And please subscribe on Apple Podcasts and leave us a rating if you have a chance
Starting point is 01:54:06 You can become a patron at patreon.com slash mullershi wrote and we will see you on the road You can get tour updates at mullershi wrote com where you can also get like t-shirts and mugs and hoodies and stuff Which is fun. So you guys have any final thoughts? Yeah, I just reiterating everything you said a Apple reviews are fun to read. I love those Yeah, and excited for the tour, definitely. Yeah, get your tickets if you're thinking about it. Yeah, I think we've learned our lesson for Largo. It's sold out, so get them fast.
Starting point is 01:54:33 And yes, one star reviews are always fun to read, but don't make them. Yes, no, they hurt us. They do, they do. All right, you guys, thank you again. Your support means the world to us. Be kind to one another and we'll see you next time. I've been AG. I been Julie Sajansen. I've been Jordan Coburn and this is Muller She wrote Muller She wrote is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo design by Julie Sajansen our marketing consultant and social media manager
Starting point is 01:55:04 Is Sarah Least Diner and our subscriber and communications director is Jordan Coburn. Fact checking in research by AG and research assistants by Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Our merchandising managers are Sarah Least Diner and Sarah Hershberger Valencia. Our web design and branding are by Joelle Reader with Moxie Design Studios and our website is mullersheroat.com. Hi, I'm Harry Lickman, host of Talking Feds. Around table, it brings together prominent figures from government law and journalism for a dynamic discussion of the most important topics
Starting point is 01:55:49 of the day. Each Monday, I'm joined by a slate of Feds favorites at new voices to break down the headlines and give the insiders view of what's going on in Washington and beyond. Plus, sidebar is explaining important legal concepts read by your favorite celebrities. Find Talking Fedsware every you get your podcasts.
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