Jack - Chris Kluwe and Rabia Chaudry Talk Mueller

Episode Date: May 28, 2018

SEASON 2 PREMIER - This week, Jaleesa gives a Broidy Bunch update, Jordan goes over a Roger Stone update, & AG breaks down some recent court filings by Mueller. Also, we have special guest call-ins fr...om Rabia Chaudry (Serial, 45th Podcast) & Chris Kluwe (former NFL player). Enjoy!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 They might be giants that have been on the road for too long, too long, and they might be giants aren't even sorry, not even sorry. And audiences like the shows too much, too much. And now they might be giants that are playing their breakthrough album, all of it, and they still have time for other songs. They're fooling around. Who can stop? They might be giants, and their liberal rocket gender. No one.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Decide what to pay for with somebody else's money. After you check out artistpodcast.com, please take a moment to rate us on iTunes and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Then feel free to share us with your like-minded friends and politicos. If you'd like to support women in podcasting and women in media, or just get in on the ground floor of our little project, head over to mullershearote.com and subscribe now. For as little as $1 a month, you'll get access to the MSW Book Club, our entire archive of bonus episodes, ad-free content, our weekly newsletter, and all kinds of great thank you gifts. We can't
Starting point is 00:01:10 express how grateful we are to be able to bring you all the pertinent news each week, so thank you for making all this possible. This podcast contains laughter. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what the opposition is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have, and I have communications with the Russians.
Starting point is 00:01:48 What do I have to get involved with food and for nothing to do with food and I've never spoken to them? I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So, it is political. You're a communist. No, mr. Green communism is just a red hairing Like all members of the oldest profession. I'm a capitalist Good morning happy Monday poop and slavery. Yeah, who was slavery? How's everyone doing? I'm doing good good This is muller. She wrote. I'm your anonymous host, A.G. Smashing the the investigations a year old, let's start our seasons with the anniversary of the investigation. It's your first time listening to us. You should go back to the last episode so you understand
Starting point is 00:02:48 that we weren't just saying poop and slavery for no reason. Oh yeah. Good point. Welcome. Yeah. Welcome to Monday morning. It's how we hear that, right? It's how we'd like to welcome you to our episode. We got some great news this week. We are going to be at Politicon in Los Angeles at the Los Angeles Convention Center in October, the 20th and the 21st. So please come down, check us out. Meet us. I'll be wearing a paper bag over my head, probably. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:13 With a question mark on it. Yeah. Don't know. Just to make sure to cut out my holes. There you go. And we have all sorts of awesome stuff in store for you today for this season premiere. Jalice is going to go over some new news about her boyfriend, Elliott Boydee. Yes, the party bunch.
Starting point is 00:03:29 How do we get such shitty boyfriend stories? I deserve better. Yes, we deserve better. Totally right. You do. You really do. And Jordan's gonna give us a Roger Stone update. Not my boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Not your boyfriend. And I'm gonna tell you about a recent court filing by Mueller. Also, we have some amazing guests calling in this week, including Robbio Shadri. She's the woman who kicked off the serial podcast. And she's the co-host of the 45th pod. And so cool. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And she's amazing. She's an attorney. She's a Pakistani American. I love her. She's incredible. Her book about Adnan Sayed is incredible. If you like the serial podcast grab the audiobook It's it's an extension and it goes way deeper than then the podcast does itself
Starting point is 00:04:10 Nice and also today we have Chris Clouy former NFL player punter for the Minnesota Vikings Total nerd and absolutely fantastic human being the best. Yeah, so we have a jam packed show So let's get it going with just the facts. Okay, we learned Monday that Cohen helped pitch the Marshall Plan. For a quick reminder about the Marshall Plan, check out episode six. There's so much important information we've referred back to in episode six over and over again. And the Marshall Plan is basically this idea by Flynn and Copson,
Starting point is 00:04:46 they were texting about it during the inauguration that they were going to build a bunch of nuclear reactors in Saudi Arabia, and then they would have reasons to build bases in the Middle East to guard those reactors, and then they were going to, quote, recolonize the Middle East. Oh God, what if that was just a bit? That's a elaborate, yeah. I wonder, right? Yeah. It's a weird chunk. Very intricate. So, so much important information we've referred back to in that episode. So, go check out episode six.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Sorry about the sound quality. So, in a story from the Wall Street Journal, Cohen helped a major donor to Trump's inauguration named Franklin Haney pitch a nuclear power investment to the Cutteries Sovereign Wealth Fund at a meeting in April. Haney hired Cohen as a consultant, much like AT&T did in the Korean Aerospace and Columbus, Nova, and Nevada. For access, right?
Starting point is 00:05:35 For the president. And Cohen and Haney met with Al-Tani. That's one of the Katari dudes at the Trump Tower meeting after the Rosneft deal that Avonati leaked. They met at the four seasons in Miami. That's a big place for them, the four seasons. They have rewards members, I guess.
Starting point is 00:05:53 The Atomic Energy Act prohibits the Nuclear Regulatory Commission from issuing licenses to nuclear operators that are owned by foreign people or entities. So break in the law, break in the law. So breaking the law, breaking the law. Big news on Monday, we learned that Nader and Broady pitched a billion dollars in business to Ibiza and Ibiza. That's the Saudi prince and the UAE prince.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Two princes, that's a terrible song. Oh my God. One of the words. You probably liked them. You're an unapologetic fan of Nickelback's. I am, I am. And Creed. Yeah. Dude, I love I love Creed. Amazing. We're thumbswaddle bum. I love it. Yeah. Two princes I do not stand by. That song I'll skip every time. Yeah. I feel the
Starting point is 00:06:37 same way about John Popper. It's like, I'm good. I don't know that one. It's always, you know, we get to a point where I don't know anything. Eventually. Yeah. A long enough timeline, you know that. Um, so, uh, Jalice is going to go over this, uh, this treasure trove of emails that the Associated Press got a hold of later in the show, uh, about this native Broidy billion dollar. Who hot?
Starting point is 00:06:59 Uh, on Monday, Trump and Justice have decided to meet, I call them Justice, Department of Justice. John Kelly was to set up a meeting with Nunez, Gaudi, Chris Ray, Trump, Rosenstein, and the DNI director, Coats. Interesting. And another DOJ guy named Ed O'Callahan. We've talked about him. He's the new principal associate,
Starting point is 00:07:20 Deputy Attorney General. It's a mouthful. P-A-D-A-G. Oh, who? Paydag. Paydag. People, who? Paydag. Paydag. People against goodness and normalcy.
Starting point is 00:07:29 P-A-G-A-N. Pagan. Trump tweeted Sunday that he was going to formally demand that the investigators investigate themselves. Rosenstein immediately complied by referring to matter to Horowitz. He's the Department of Justice and Inspector General. He's the guy who did the report on the scathing report on the cave. My boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I have a cooler boyfriend. You really do. You really do. Because I get to pick. Okay. This is true. Trump. Trump is blocked the Democrats from this meeting.
Starting point is 00:08:00 At first, he was basically politicizing the meeting. So that was interesting. We'll go over a little bit more about those meetings later on. Mueller got one step closer to flipping Cohen on Tuesday with his business partner, Evgeny Friedman, the taxi king of New York. Oh! You're Abe Froman.
Starting point is 00:08:19 That's right. I made Froman the sausage king of Chicago. Yeah, that's me. Everyone Trump knows has a king nickname. There's the taxi king, the condo king, lots of kings, I think he has a king thing. On a chess board though, the king is the weakest piece. So, this taxi king.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Wow, I never thought about that. Yeah, he's, I mean, Ponds. I'm pretty meta. Ponds can even move to spaces on their first out. So it's like, you suck. I just think of him. Yeah, he's, I mean, Ponds. Pretty meta. Ponds can even move two spaces on their first out. So it's like, you suck. Try to think of him. Oh, sorry, I was just gonna say who's our queen, like Oprah. Like, oh.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Yes, queen, that's all I know. Just yes, queen. Like, his wife is completely out of the question. Oh, yeah. As the answer to that, get all flotus with the bad kidneys. Right. Oh, no. She's okay.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I was kind of hoping it was a cover-up because she was talking to Mueller, but it's probably not true. That's just a tinfoil hat. Don't ignore me on that. That's not real conjecture. Yes, it's a fun one. So this taxi king pleaded guilty to Taxivation and Larsony and he got a sweetheart deal. He went from 125 years in prison to no jail time and went from five million owing in back taxes to $50,000. I want him to change. Trump change, instead of change, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I said Trump change, but that's funny. I was told to change. I'm saying change is better. Yeah, oftentimes what I hear is more interesting than what's actually said. But yeah, no, that is Trump changed to him. But in order to get that kind of a deal, he has to have the bomb proper. He's got to be offering something amazing, very juicy for prosecutors either in New York State or the Southern District of New York, US Attorney's Office, or both, or even Mueller.
Starting point is 00:09:58 So he's got the goods, yeah. He's got something. We also learned Tuesday that Trump's lawyers are looking to narrow the scope of the Mueller interview. They want to limit or eliminate questions about Trump's conduct after he took office. So all the obstruction of justice, he doesn't want to forget about that. The lawyers also floated the idea of just having written answers, but Mueller has already turned them down on that.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So I don't think Mueller will go for it. I think Mueller's line is a time limit with lawyers present to discuss obstruction and collusion at least. I mean, those four areas that we've talked about several times. Oh yeah. It can I just say it is so satisfying to be at this point in time where people before were saying it was such a witch hunt and it was absolutely nothing, and now it's like national news, they're having confidential meetings, and they're talking in detail, and I'm trying to make deals about how it's gonna go down. It's like, fuck all of you guys.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Seriously. But they still haven't moved on that. They still think it's a witch hunt. Right, well, because you have to, you can't turn back at that point. It's like, I mean, it's a whole. You're like, you're like, the on-grade joy.
Starting point is 00:11:00 You're like, I'm an asshole now. It's just the way that it is. Totally. I can't go back. There's a poll at 51% of Americans don't believe them. Mollers uncovered any crimes. 59. 59?
Starting point is 00:11:09 Oh, no. I think it's 59. I don't know. Double check. It's definitely the majority of the audience. It's way too much. It is too much. It's better than what it could be, though,
Starting point is 00:11:15 because that's how math works. Very true. Yeah, there's probably a little margin there. They definitely need to listen to our podcast. Yes, all those people can be new patrons. Yeah, join us now. We only need 9,500 more. We can quit our day jobs. Oh god. Save me. Yeah, provided I don't get fired, right? Provided there's not some investigation into me. I'm making it. No, it's not. Like I said, they asked for my employee records last
Starting point is 00:11:39 year and I flipped out. I was like, what? No. And they didn't tell me what it was about. So freedom of information act is a one way street. You don't get to get the information on why they're asking. Right. You just have to give it over. Oh yeah. Uh, Giuliani pivoted Tuesday from Trump is innocent to, so what if Trump colluded? There's nothing illegal about it. Oh God. And he said the emails from Russia were like a gift. Oh. Okay, Rudy. I think Rudy is probably helping our cause. Oh well, definitely. More than he realizes.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Oh, for sure. Do you think he has dementia? They are. He might. Pretty up in that age. I mean, if nothing else, delusional can be like any age. Maybe his tooth and plancer affecting his brain.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Oh man. I feel so bad now. You're like oh Yeah, so I think Rudy Giuliani's on our side. I don't know what's going on, but I'm rooting for him. Oh, yeah I'm sorry, Julie. So were you gonna say something? I was gonna start chanting Rudy. Honestly, well perfect. Yes, I'm glad that you guys get a reference that I brought into this one. Every now and then. Yeah. Some guy on Twitter was like, this is a great podcast, but these little clips are so annoying. And I'm like, that's like our number one thing.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah. It's so funny. There's always somebody. There's always haters. Muller and lawyers from Concord Management filed jointly Tuesday for a continuance of the case of Concord Management's indictment. They're part of the 13 Russian and 13 Russians indictment when I said a bunch of Russians. They both filed for this continuance because of the sheer volume of evidence that has to be reviewed. And in the filing, they put some details about the amount of evidence just in this case. There is 1.5 to two terabytes of digital information. I couldn't fill a terabyte with every song I've ever
Starting point is 00:13:34 listened to in my whole life. Anyway, so there's all that digital information, as well as documents from, quote, hundreds of different facilities, most of which are in Russian, so they have to translate them all. Oh, jeez. So they've asked to move the date from May 22nd to August 28th.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So, to just review all that, that's fair. Yeah, it's a lot, yeah. To go forward with that indictment. That Wednesday happened. What's going on with Wednesdays? Like the most news comes out on Wednesday. Humpty, yeah. Are you in my brain?
Starting point is 00:14:03 I think so. Like Twins. Yeah. Like like like my brain? I think so. We're like twins now. Yeah. Like my sisters from another missus. Yeah. Definitely another missus. It has to be. So Trump got caught saying that he discredits
Starting point is 00:14:16 and demeans the press on purpose so that when they write negative news about him, no one will believe it. Oh, yeah. That's according to a talk he had with Leslie Stahl behind the cameras. He's like a dumber, Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels took this approach and as do most fascists and authoritarianists, but they don't blab about it using fourth grade words.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Trump is like a toddler Goebbels. That's what I call a little baby dictator. Yeah, I call that from now on. Hashtag toddler goibles. If a smart Trump ever came along, like a muller, could be Trump. Oh, don't see that. Dude, don't jinx it.
Starting point is 00:14:54 That would be terrifying. Honestly, I'm afraid that, yeah, Trump is the beginning of a fascist America, not the end. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the first. Yeah, all empires fall. Yeah, they all do. For sure. But yeah, the first yeah, all empires fall. Yeah, yeah, they all do for sure But we have to insist that we're not an empire. It's like
Starting point is 00:15:09 Come on, be honest with yourself a little bit just so you can fortify yourself appropriately. Yeah, like really See like my goddaughter goes honestly So there's a cupcake. Yeah, yeah, it was a cookie. She cocks her head to one side and she goes, honestly. What is that from again by the way that? Awesome powers. Oh, you're right. We learned Wednesday that Kush got his security clearance back and that he spent seven hours with Mueller's team in April.
Starting point is 00:15:38 And I wish these stories didn't drop together because it made people think they were connected somehow. They are not. As far as the security clearance goes, the FBI doesn't decide. They gather all the information and hand it over. So they finally finished their report. It probably took so long because of all the money
Starting point is 00:15:55 Kush has tied in foreign interests. Yeah, the people at the side is that room of 17 year olds, right? Yeah, no. Yeah, they basically you hide a schmier not by so and if you find it you get security clearance. Oh my gosh, that's great. That's a, it's called top secret icing.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Very nice. But Trump has the final say. And it appears he's decided to grant Kush clearance anyhow. Oh really? Now it's entirely possible that the FBI cleared Kush and said he has no foreign issues and is not compromised at all, but that's not true at all.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah, I mean, he could have a wire. That's a thing, right? I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. Our listeners were kind of freaking out. There's some people posting in our group like, is anyone else freaking out about this? Why?
Starting point is 00:16:40 Does it seem like he's letting Kushner off the hook right now? Right. I'm wondering what this all means. I mean, something, right? Well, the second part of that story is that Kush sat down for a second interview with Mueller's team in April, right? That's the fact. Here's my theory.
Starting point is 00:16:52 I think Kush is flipped. You don't take seven hours to repeat the same bullshit answers you gave to Congress over and over, right? Mueller had him dead to rights on something, probably financial, and got Kush to roll on Trump's obstruction of justice, or at least for the real reasons he fired Comey. So I think Mueller handed off his financial shit to the Eastern District of New York, then used those potential crimes plus lying to special counsel to roll him on Trump. So look for a guilty plea from Kush.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Either that or Mueller just used the lying to roll him and sent all his financial crimes to the US Attorney in the Eastern District of New York who will charge him. It's hard to tell if it would have taken all that to roll him up or not. He seemed pretty wispy. He does. You know what I mean? I don't think he's loyal to Trump the same way Cohen is. I don't think he is at all. Yeah. So if he can get away with flipping, I think he would a lot easier than Cohen. Trump made his wife cry, you know? Yeah. Monster.
Starting point is 00:17:47 It's like dumb gods alone. Dumb gods alone. Yeah, in comparison. Not the educated gods alone that we're used to. He makes guys who like sophisticated in this comparison. Shout out to Russell Brock. Oh yeah. Mueller's team signaled Wednesday that they're ready to sentence Papa Dopolis.
Starting point is 00:18:04 And that can mean a few things. First, it means they're done getting information from him for sure. Joyce Vance, whom I trust implicitly, says that this move likely means that Mueller will not use him as a trial witness. That could be because Mueller won't be inditing anyone that Papa Dop's testimony is used for, or because the case is so tight without him, or because he's a shitty witness. I think it's a combination of the last two. It's gotta be, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I think he's got a tight case with Adam, and I think he's just a shitty witness. Yeah, he's kind of a shitty person. He couldn't even be trusted on his own side, you know? No, he keeps drunk blabbing. Yeah, holy. In nightclubs, the hottest nightclubs. It's one thing that flip, it's another thing
Starting point is 00:18:41 that's like get on the stand and actually be useful to the other side. Yeah, so anyway, that's kind of what I think, thing to get on the stand and actually be useful to the other side. Yeah. Anyway, that's kind of what I think, because put beans on that. Also Wednesday we found out Cohen was paid $400,000 by the Ukraine to set up a meeting with Trump, which he did. So Trump met with the Ukraine at the White House and a couple days later, the Ukraine stopped their investigations into Manafort.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And that's a stuff Trump doesn't want them to have in their scope. Yes. Understandably. Some Trump supporters might ask, what's wrong with that? That's not illegal. Yes, it is. It's obstruction of justice. Even though he was shutting down another country's investigations, he was preventing evidence
Starting point is 00:19:17 that could be detrimental to him from reaching the US federal prosecutors in the Manafort case. If Trump paid the Ukraine in missiles to stop them from giving Mueller evidence that could lead to Manafort flipping, that is corrupt intent and its obstruction of justice. It is illegal. And the Cohen payout is also illegal because he did not register under Fera, the foreign agents. Yeah. Registration act. If there were a children's book, Fera would be this cute little character and they keep neglecting Nobody puts fairer. No one yeah, no one needs a fairer. I'll save you
Starting point is 00:19:50 It's so simple Just a couple forms There's a just sign a trouble look at come on good teddy bears. I'm like yeah care bears there. I love it Julie Annie said Wednesday that the truth is relative Sejolese, that's what I'm getting at. I want to say morality is. That's relatively right. Oh no. Truth is not relative.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Justice is not relative. It is or it isn't. Okay. It's like Kelli Ann's alternative facts. You're right. You're totally right about this. This is the dangerous side of like subjective morality. And I think the only reason that I've come to terms with that
Starting point is 00:20:25 is because of like ISIS exists and people like them have always existed. So I'm like, well, I don't agree with them, but they think it's right, but you're right. We gotta draw a line because that's where you have the wars. Cutting off people's heads is wrong. Yes, it is. But they don't think so.
Starting point is 00:20:39 So I was like, well, I just don't want to say this anymore. It's universally incorrect behavior. It's so wrong. It's the way it is. The truth is not relative. And Giuliani told the Washington Post that Trump would sit down with Mueller, and then told BuzzFeed he wouldn't
Starting point is 00:20:53 until the whole spygate thing was figured out. Oh my goodness. And by the way, Trump was caught telling colleagues that he made up the word spygate, and he used the word spy because it sounds worse than informant, and it's catchy. So if you believe there's a spygate and you can't word spy because it sounds worse than informant and it's catchy. So if you believe there's a spy gate and you can't tell you're being marketed to, then
Starting point is 00:21:08 you probably have trump stakes in your freezer. You might have gone to Trump University. But her email. Those are the same bunch of people. Gollible double. Talk about Stalin too. Like no pun intended. He's just like, spy gate.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah, I'm not going to do anything until that's figured out. He's just making up investigations then. Yeah, he's fancy that way. I'll give it to him. He's good at marketing. Yes. To dumb people. Exactly. With bad taste. He's a genius in that sense. And there's a lot of them, apparently. Oh, yeah. Still on Wednesday, we're still on Wednesday. The White House bowed under pressure from Democrats and added a second Department of Justice and FBI briefing on the informant for the gang of eight now, which is a bipartisan group Prior to that as we mentioned early was only going to be new Nez and his no-till-to-handler Trey Gowdy They always send him to like, I don't know hold him back. I guess hold new Nez back. Yeah come on bro. No, don't do it
Starting point is 00:22:03 It's not worth it. It's not worth it, man. But yeah, so enough people were like, excuse me, that they added a second briefing for the gang of eight. Wow. And then right before I went to bed on Wednesday, I learned that the FBI had seized control of a Russian botnet where fancy bear lived. So a small ray of sunshine in the darkness of kush having security clearance. Yeah. Is that, because that was a, that was kind of a shitty news day. But that was like the little
Starting point is 00:22:33 silver lining of the day. Oh, we seized the botnet. Yes. So what is a botnet? Is this a physical thing? Or it sounds very metaphysical. Yeah, like the dark way. Well, it's like the internet research agency.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It's like a, how do they seize that? They, the servers. Okay, they take them back. Yeah, they seize, they take them. Okay. And I don't know if they physically went and got them or they hacked it. Got it.
Starting point is 00:22:58 So there was some physical thing that was seized. Yeah, or, or hacked. Or, or hacked. They seized, right. Got it. Yeah. I'm not sure they didn't give you details on that. Thank you. I wasn't sure if you were referring to a house or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:08 It was like the botnet hotel. The botnet hotel. Yeah, yeah. That's right next to the four seasons. Yeah. No. Although botnet would only suggest digital things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:17 It's a digital, it's a troll farm basically. I'm with he Jordan. I don't know anything about this. Yeah, I know. I've heard botnet this whole time and I've just been using context clues to be like, oh yeah, I mean, I got it, but then he said seas. I was like, well, how do you seize what I've been
Starting point is 00:23:31 for? Something tangible, yeah, I can't cool. Yeah, no, it was Fancy Bear's house. It was just a little cottage. A little cottage. A little cottage. That's what I imagined too, Lord of the Rings. Like a gingerbread house.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah. Style? Yeah. Indorable. There's a witch inside. Which is great, because there's a witch hunt house style. Yeah, adorable. There's a witch inside. Yeah. Which is great because there's a witch hunt. So. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Oh my goodness. We'll find her. I see a sketch in here somewhere. SNL, hit us up. I know. We're really riffing today. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Yeah. Thursday, Emmett T. Flood surprised everyone by showing up to the Justice Department briefing. I have never, in my whole fucking life, have heard of the subject of an investigation being able to send his lawyer to the prosecutors before he's indicted, before he's indicted, to get a look at the evidence against him. This completely shits on the rule of law, it shits on the Constitution. And as a veteran, I am personally offended by a man, first of all, who runs away from service five times,
Starting point is 00:24:24 And as a veteran, I am personally offended by a man, first of all, who runs away from service five times Then uses my country for his own personal profit and then circumvents the law to benefit only himself Is it like he's shitting on the constitution or he's using it as toilet paper? I think they're equally offensive, right? Okay. I'm trying to visualize it using it as a poop knife And I don't know what that is Google like a little net to catch it. Yeah I seriously hope he goes down and goes down hard I cannot express how unbelievable and offensive this is and I don't know what that is, Google. Like a little net to catch it. Yeah. I seriously hope he goes down and goes down hard. I cannot express how unbelievable and offensive this is. And I don't understand how anyone who has ever served in the military can support this blatant disrespect
Starting point is 00:24:54 to the Constitution. These are the same people who were mad when Obama did an end-run quote unquote around the Constitution to create DACA. Some feel it was an unconstitutional utilization of power. The courts have disagreed so far. Weird, Obama was a constitutional lawyer. Head of the Harvard Law Review. He writes. But he doesn't know what he's talking about. So the courts have disagreed on that. And the thing is that DACA, that program helped a million kids and saved a million families. This shit that Trump's doing, all Trump's actions do here is cover up his crimes and protect
Starting point is 00:25:29 his ability to soak taxpayers for personal gain, all while undermining the intelligence community and their ability to use confidential informants in the future. So fuck you if you support him. And then you guys, and then Sarah Sanders tells the press that John Kelly and Emmett T. Flood were only there to give a briefing on transparency and then they plan to leave. But sources now say that those two only left when several people cried foul. Probably the Justice Department, probably the PADAG. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:00 He's like, dude, you can't fucking be here. This is ridiculous. So Sarah Sanders lied to us again. What? Yeah, shocker. She came out without the smoky eye this week, and I have to say she needs to go back to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Oh. She's way younger than me. It freaks me out. It is a little sinister. Yeah, yeah. So it's not body shaming, right? It's more like a tip. That's my brain just freaks me out.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I was like, we're going to get shit for that. And why age it freaks me out. We're gonna get shit for that. Yeah, and my age it freaks me out when people who I think are decidedly older than me are not. For example, Cliff Clayvin from Cheers was 37. Oh. His character was 37 years old. I, what? Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And I love that guy. I do. I stand by Michelle Wolf II. She started the smokey eye joke and I'm just gonna follow her lead because she's really in. Yeah, it's funny. It's funny And it's not it's not the worst thing you could say about her like body shaming wise. We're not making monkey memes right? Yeah, good point If that's why Sarah stopped doing it though, that's really sad that makes me sad. Oh, no, you're right if it actually is I didn't make you do it on the inside about her smoke eye. Oh, yeah, she didn't laugh at the joke. Man, it's tough.
Starting point is 00:27:06 When I hate someone, it's like I become like them a little bit. Well, she came, yeah. And she came out this week saying that she was sad that people think she's a liar. Oh, that's hilarious. That's different. Yeah, that's cool. Maybe not a lie, a lie.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Yeah, yeah. And then you won't have that judgment. She's like, I'm not a liar, I'm just delusional. There's difference. She's totally normal. I gave the best information I had at the time knowing it was complete bullshit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:31 So if you were wondering what flood and Kelly were doing at the meeting, wonder no more. Because Giuliani told Politico on Friday that Trump's team wanted to know the details of the charges against them so that they could build their defense. He just came right out with it in broad daylight. That's their game now. Just tell people you're up to bullshit, breaking the law, and they'll
Starting point is 00:27:52 probably support you. Yeah, exactly. Much like how he how he said that maybe Trump did collude, but there's nothing wrong with that. Yes. Setting up their defense. Be littling it. Yeah. Well, be littling the press. Exactly. But setting up their defense. No, not be littling it. Hold the crap. Grabbing it. You don't think it's like saying, oh, I did it,
Starting point is 00:28:10 but what's the big deal? Be littling conspiracy. Exactly. It's like no shock to the people now. It's like, oh, yeah, Trump told us. He wouldn't tell us if it were a big deal. Oh, yeah, that's scary. The same way that they dismantled the news, basically.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Totally. Exactly. Yeah. That's all part of his little plan. Yeah. It's effective. I have a quick question. Yeah. It's not Wajuliano. Juliano, gosh. Oh, exactly. Yeah, that's all part of his little plan. Yeah, I have a quick question. Yeah, it's not what Juliano Juliano gosh. Oh my god, that's him with the drag costume. Oh yeah, that video. He better have called himself better. He missed a great opportunity.
Starting point is 00:28:36 He's a dirty man. I'm Julian. Can we put a link to that in the newsletter this week? Sure. Yeah. Can you make a note of of that because we gotta send that out. If you don't know what we're talking about, yeah, it's amazing. Yeah, that's true. We didn't put it in there, huh? Um, but if you don't get the newsletter, it's a dollar. Yeah. One dollar and you get so much more. But anyway, um, it's not illegal for him to do that. It's just against all precedent that's ever been set basically, right?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Um, I believe so. To get the evidence against you. But no, that's, yeah. Like, I mean, it's like, it's just like, who fucking does that? Don't do that, but? I believe so. To get the evidence against you, but no, that's, or just like, I mean, it's just like, who fucking does that, don't do that, but it's not illegal. It's a norm. It's a, yeah, it's just a,
Starting point is 00:29:11 I actually do think it's obstruction of justice. Yeah, which maybe isn't illegal yet, like in certain elements, but it needs to be made. No, I think it might be obstruction of justice. Like if you shook down a guy, a witness against you and asked him like, what are you gonna tell him, would you tell him? might be obstruction of justice. Like if you shook down a guy, a witness against you and asked him, like, what are you going to tell him?
Starting point is 00:29:27 Would you tell him that's because that's an obstruction of justice. Because it's intimidating a witness. Yeah. Right. Oh. I wonder if I think it's, I don't know. I think it's obstruction of justice. If you can prove corrupt intent, which is the big part of obstruction, then I think that
Starting point is 00:29:41 that's what it is. Okay. We also learned Friday that the lawyer, Peter Gleason, who filed the motion to suppress the communications he had with Cohen about the two women who came with assault charges against Schneidermann, remember this guy? Yeah. He wrote to the court and said, I talked to Cohen about these two women who came to me different from the four women who came forward with assault and sexual assault charges against A.G. Schneiderman,
Starting point is 00:30:06 the attorney general in Southern District of New York. Exactly. Yeah. So anyway, this guy, that motion that he filed to suppress that evidence was denied. Oh snap. And those communications will be sent to the special master for consideration. Nice. Good. the special master for consideration. Good, good. Now, obviously, if it falls under the purview
Starting point is 00:30:26 or under the umbrella of attorney, client, privileged communication, it will not go to the prosecutors. But it will have a chance to get sorted. Absolutely. It was going to Barbara Jones. Good. That's progress.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yes. Good news. We also found out that Trump and Mueller had a date. They had a date. What? January 27th was their date. They had agreed to sit down and talk about the 16 topics in the four areas for four hours.
Starting point is 00:30:51 The meeting was supposed to take place at Camp David. And this was, of course, before Cohen was raided. Oh, yeah. It's fun to note that had they sat down, the investigation into obstruction would probably be over by now. Trump would have put out, you know he would have. So, well, it's just, or because he's, he's sitting there like,
Starting point is 00:31:07 when's it going to be over? It's a cloud. Oh, yeah. It, that part would be over by now. If you had just sat down, right. But a perjury trip. Yeah, if you're a liar. Exactly. He would have totally sold himself out. So, and then finally, you guys, we got some news that Spain handed over tapes of wire-tapped phone conversations involving
Starting point is 00:31:27 Torshin that's the Russian banker with ties to the NRA Alexander one of your boyfriend's yeah, and those conversations Those conversations led to a meeting with Donald Trump Jr It's really funny in my notes. I usually put DTJR but right here it says DTFU That's funny. typo. hilarious typo. So those conversations led to the meeting with Donald Trump Jr. during the NRA convention
Starting point is 00:31:53 in May of 2016. These conversations were between Torshan and a convicted Russian money launderer named Romanov. And in these calls, Romanov refers to Torshan quote, El Padrino, which means the Godfather. Oh, that's right. Not King. Yeah. King that for one.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Sort of is, that's a good King. Yeah. That's never good. Why don't you name them something much less threatening? Yeah. Yeah. Have you seen the Godfather? The lead investigator said, quote,
Starting point is 00:32:21 Mr. Trump's son should be concerned. The lead investigator. Yeah. The lead investigator in Spain. Oh snap. The Spaniard. It was a gift in my word as a spaniard. No go- I know many spaniards.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Not that anywhere you thrust me. Nothing comes to mind. Alright, you guys, that's the week's news. That's the wrap up. So we'll be right back. Hello, thanks for listening to Mollershi Road. I'm talking to you because we could really use your help. There's a lot of costs associated with creating a podcast. There's editing and sound equipment, writing and research, hosting and shipping costs, merch, branding and web design, consulting, IT,
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Starting point is 00:33:26 You'll receive our weekly newsletter and access to our MSW Book Club. You get all sorts of great rewards like t-shirts, stickers, reusable tote bags made from 100 percent recycled materials, and even our limited edition Pallonium T from Russia with Love created just for us by our friends at joisttspoon.com. So please help us out and head over to mullershoerope.com and subscribe today. You'll be glad you did. Hot notes. Okay you guys, another insane week.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I hope we can pull it all together for you. That's what we do. Jordan is going to talk about Roger Stone, but first let's have Jelisa give us an update on her special special man, Elliott Brody. He is a special man to all of us. So this article is called AP investigation, a Trump fundraiser secret lobbying effort to win one billion dollars in business deals. Billion. Yes, a billion. This is crazy. So it's a Brody Bunch update.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And as we've covered before, Brody was working with two Arabian princes for over a year. And he thought he was finally about to sell that $1 billion deal. Now, the two crown princes, Brody, became business affiliates with, were from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. And Ambassador and Ambassador. Exactly. They wanted to pretty much change US foreign policy in order to punish Qatar. So Brody was hired to help spearhead a secret campaign to influence
Starting point is 00:34:56 the White House and Congress, so together they flooded Washington with political donations. And Brody and his business partner, George Nader, told the crown princes that he and Brody could work as a back channel to the White House for them, and he said they had access directly to the President. So in December 2017, Brody was preparing to be rewarded for all his hard work. So basically in return for pushing an anti-catar policy at the highest level of U.S. government, the Associated Press reported that Brody and Nader were expecting a huge consulting contract from Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Yes, so all of this information has been corroborated through a series of leaked emails between Brody, Nader, and the Crown Princess, not to mention that more than
Starting point is 00:35:37 two dozen witnesses have come forward. So we already know that Brody and Nader were pushing the anti-Ccatar bill through Congress while hiding the source of the money behind their campaign, you know, draining the swamp. And a new report, however. I'm feeling, I'm feeling this one. It's so ironic. It's so full. Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:56 So a new report reveals that they were also working on a secret lobbying effort to isolate guitar. Basically, they wanted to undermine the Pentagon's longstanding relationship with them. That was the whole plan behind the deal. And Brody's lawyers said that the AP's reporting is, quote, based on fraudulent and fabricated documents obtained from entities with a known agenda to harm Mr. Brody. So emails from yourself? Yes, essentially. My own words are from my haters. Don't listen to them.
Starting point is 00:36:23 This evidence came from my mouth totally. Totally, it's everyone. It's like, who the trying to fool? Probably Trump's base. Yeah, but the usually foolable, those who fall for spy gate. Yes, because they just want to believe it. They don't even care if it's true.
Starting point is 00:36:37 I hate to mention bias. They can just put anything in front of the word gate and have it be sufficient. That comes from Watergate. And now everyone's like, this gate, that gate. You're right. And I'm like, all these kinds. Why is it in the gate?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yeah, come up with your own term for once. It's so weird. So Brody's lawyer also said that Mr. Nader is a US citizen, and there is no evidence suggesting that he directed Mr. Brody's actions, let alone that he did so on behalf of a foreign entity. There's also new evidence that he messed with small children. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:10 He covered it right. Not at all. Exactly. So, after reviewing hundreds of emails and checking with dozens of sources, the AP discovered a previously unreported meeting with the president and it provides the most detailed accounts so far. So, on February 2017, Brody wrote to a staffer for the chairman of the House of Foreign Affairs Committee
Starting point is 00:37:30 about a bill aimed at sanctioning Qatar for alleged support of terrorist groups. Yeah, and the leaked emails, this was our- Our number one, one of our number one allies in the region, where we are cordoned and where there's a giant military base. Yeah, we have such a good relationship that no, this makes sense. I don't, I don't even think probably Trump knows that. I didn't know it before all this, but he's the president.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Like, even he doesn't know it and he should know it. Yeah, he ought to. Yeah, yeah, it's just, Matt has probably told him like, hey bro, you might want to chill. Yeah. On cutter, I got like 8,000 guys open. That's where my intel it is had quartered Thank you. It's ridiculous
Starting point is 00:38:08 So in leaked emails This is the part that Nader called hammering Qatar So the next day Brody forwarded Nader questions about a potential contract with Saudi Arabia to train Arab troops to fight in the escalating war in Yemen So yeah, it's getting really crazy. And in a note to Brody, NATO said the princes were very happy with the proposed contracts, particularly the crown prince of Abu Dhabi. Yeah, interesting. I can't get that song on my head now. I know you think Bhutan. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,'m a little bit yeah One two okay, that's great. So maybe put a clip in here somewhere. Oh, yeah, we'll fit it in Yeah, good so I you know what just really to put it in your head and a no way that should out of you nice
Starting point is 00:38:56 You're welcome mission accomplished your day As long as all of us is annoying as The song's almost as annoying as Oh my god, I love that good old Suzanne Vega You guys actually had that pretty good Well, we've been working on our singing okay, I got it man. I haven't been practicing guys. I'm so sorry. Jolissa. I know we've been meeting separately Yeah, you gotta put me in the memo is already fucked. Oh, he is You guys all changed yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry. I need to get there. We'll get there later in the show
Starting point is 00:39:38 Definitely love another chance. That's a special shout out to the people that think that bit is annoying. Oh Yes, other people who hit that. I'm sure. Twitter has everything. There's there's haters for everything. That's true. Yeah. Then someone said that he says it or he lets his daughters listen to it. Yeah. That's three-year-olds like. That's so cute. So cute. It's like that meet the parents. Yeah. I would have a similar parent in tech name. For sure. Oh, I would be a totally neglectful person. It would be bad.
Starting point is 00:40:11 You're welcome for not breeding America. Oh, yes. That's for you. Thank you, AJ. I did that for the world. And you're welcome. So just getting back to Brody, I know he's less fun. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:22 No, don't apologize to me. I love it. Wow. So basically, their focus was on the lobbying campaign. According to March 2017 document, they proposed a budget upward to $12 million to expose and penalize Qatar and get the US to pressure it to aid and coerce of action against Iran or Iran.
Starting point is 00:40:43 The gist of their plan. It's Iran. I am so sorry. Iran. I don't know. The gist of their plan. It's Iran. I'm so sorry. Iran. I don't know. I've heard so many different. Yeah, I'll go in nuclear. Nuclear.
Starting point is 00:40:53 So the gist of their plan was to show evidence that Qatar was too close to Iran and supported Islamist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood. Ideally, Brody and Nader would work to persuade. It sounds so friendly. The Brotherhood, Muslim Brotherhood. Yeah. It sounds like Nader would work to persuade... It sounds so friendly. The Brotherhood, Muslim Brotherhood. Yeah, it sounds like a friendly... That's the good one, right?
Starting point is 00:41:09 Like, it's like a PTA. Yeah, yeah. We have bake sales. Yeah, I like that. Not so friendly. Yeah, they have kind of... Well, some of them, right? I don't know. The Muslim Brotherhood sounds like an umbrella turn for Muslims in general. There's good people on both sides.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Oh, yeah, yeah. Definitely. In this case, yeah, definitely. Or as the term says, I think everyone is to blame. There you go. There's enough blame to go around. Everyone. Everyone except me. I'm fantastic. So ideally, Brody and Nader would work to persuade the US government to sanction Qatar and move a key military base from Qatar to another location in the Gulf and get this. Saudi Arabia? Exactly. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:47 The email showed that Brody reported he was making progress and that Nader kept the principles briefed on their adventures. It's probably one of the bases they're going to use to guard the nuclear reactors. Oh, totally. You know it. Because they're so invested in it. The Marshall Plan freaks me the fuck out. It's pretty crazy because that's where they actually get the leverage they need to do
Starting point is 00:42:02 if they wanted to do like a world war, like they would have the upper hand in that so Yeah on that note brody boasted that he'd got in the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Royce to back and Anti-Catal bill and at the end of March Nader wrote that he'd had a terrific meeting with a Saudi crown prince Terrific. Yes, Muhammad bin Salman. Yeah, in Bissa. Yes. And that the prospect for the billion dollar contracts were good. So this was around the same time that Flynn was all over the news for lying to the FBI, but Brody was undeterred. So Nader actually cheered him on. Well, Brody didn't know at the time he would have to take the $1.6 million abortion pay
Starting point is 00:42:40 out for. Right. This was all before that. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. yeah but later kept cheering them on telling him to keep hammering those bastards what do you think hammering those bastards such strong this catch this cuttery bastards yeah he really likes hammers yeah yeah right the second time he's used that I'd rather be a hammer than a nail oh yeah good point so broody then persuaded an American think tank the foundation of defense of democracies to stage an anti-catar conference. It was such thinking really goes on. That's funny, yeah, there's no think tank.
Starting point is 00:43:12 That's the same person who named Vesselnet Skye as group on like fucking what is called? I don't know, or East Coastal Consultants. Yeah, it's like generic. It's book essential. Yeah, the American group to combat. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, some freedom. That sounds amazing. The freedom conference. Freedom fast. The Pew Pew conference. Yeah. The Pew Pew conference. So this was set for May 23rd at the Fairmont Hotel in Washington, but soon after on April 21st, 2017, Brody sent Nader the draft of an op-ed to show the impact
Starting point is 00:43:46 on his campaign, and it was marked confidential. And Coenci didn't lay three days later this article. So Kushner can look at it. Exactly. Yes, the article was called The Two Faces of Guitar, a dubious midiist alley. Are they... All right. Yeah, they're clearly. The Ali. Yeah, they're, yeah, sorry. They're clearly Gemini's.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Basically, they were publishing this for the Wall Street Journal to have their whole opinion about Qatar validated. And the opinion piece co-written by retired Air Force General Charles Wald, who had been the deputy head of the US European command, called for moving US military assets from the Air Force base in Qatar and bringing it to the United Arab Emirates. He said it would be a logical destination.
Starting point is 00:44:30 You fucking traitor. I know. It's so tricky. Not all veterans are awesome. Just point of note. Yeah, he's an example of that. Fucking piece of shit. Yeah, what the readers didn't know at the time was that Wald was listed in company documents as a member of Brodyides team that was pitching contracts in Saudi Arabia so what if you got any kickbacks from that shit exactly of course he denied it but whatever uh... and one day was probably involved come probably cut some out yeah he was their connection so one day after the u.a.e. in Saudi Arabia began their blockade trumps in a series of tweets signaling support for the two
Starting point is 00:45:03 countries actions and embracing an anti-Catars stance. He said his recent visit to Saudi Arabia was already paying off. They said they would take, yeah, they said they literally had a hard line. I mean, like he's just being so blunt. He says that they would take a hard line of funding extremism and all referencing was pointing to Qatar. Perhaps this will be the beginning of the end to horror of terrorism, end quote.
Starting point is 00:45:27 God, I know. He doesn't make any sense when he tweets either. I'm like reading it and I'm like, he's kind of using the words. He's leaving out. I like how he's in all words. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, and then like, they're in the basics.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I like how he's terrorism itself, but you have to add horror to terror. And if it's not already, he's like the worst kind of terrorism guys It's built in it's the brown terrorism. Yeah, it's built in to it's brown people terrorism very bad Very bad words have two ours. It's exactly tomorrow I have a negative thinker T double E double R double I double F double F double I double CCC Oh, man, that is you don't know that no double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-d double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-d double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-d double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-d double-d double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed double-eyed to a g like now that you do the whole yeah very mother like no they're no tree like mother goose exactly there you go yeah yeah a dick but mothering yeah
Starting point is 00:46:27 only like my mom although I have no children I've podcasts though oh that's true yes so a week later transition real real smooth true nice segue thank you a week later on June 16th the Trump administration completed a twelve billion dollar sale of F-15 fighter jets to Qatar that had been approved earlier by Congress. The move was at odds with the president's red or rickland Qatar, but it paled in comparison with the $110 billion in arms deal with the Saudi Arabia with Saudi Arabia that Trump had previously announced.
Starting point is 00:47:03 So we gave $110 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia that Trump had previously announced. So we gave 110 billion dollars in arm sales to Saudi Arabia. And he gave it to the tar too. So that if they want to do another 9.11, they now have arms. Exactly. Yeah. It's like it isn't even care. So now we've learned that in late September, Brody arranged for a meeting with the president himself.
Starting point is 00:47:19 And prior to the meeting, the email showed that Nader wrote Brody a script. And in it, there were several objectives to sell the idea for a Muslim fighting force. A script? Like, yeah, a pitch, essentially. Opening scene, evening, outdoors. Right, the interior.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Like, did he use the script format? Yeah, like set the tone. So basically, they were two old assholes or talkers. They were trying to sell the idea for a Muslim fighting force to keep the president from intervening on Qatar and to arrange a discrete meeting between Trump and the crown prince of Abu Dhabi. So, Nader wrote, the princes are counting on you to relate it blunt and straight. He also told Brody that the meeting was potentially historic and to quote take advantage of this priceless asset. And one last thing, Nader asked Brody to tell the president was that his connections with the Crown Princess were to all be used through code names.
Starting point is 00:48:14 So he wasn't even to use Nader's real name or the Crown Princess. What did I call a Nader? I think he was like- Kid Fucker? Oh, that's good. Yeah. Because the Princess were like the two big friends, those were their coat names. Well, I call them in Bissa and in Bissa. Yeah, those are better ones.
Starting point is 00:48:29 That would be my coat name. They should ask us for them. And then, a kid, fucker, and then we have, who would be broady? Oh, um, Brady Bunch. There you go. Yeah, totally. They should hire us for that.
Starting point is 00:48:40 That's too close. I feel like he would need to hide it a little, like maybe, oh yeah, it'd be easy to trace. Maybe Greg loves Martha. Yeah, but the base wouldn't know. Yeah. Yeah. So after the October 6th meeting, Brody reported a back to nature that he passed along the
Starting point is 00:48:55 messages and urged the president to stay out of the dispute with Qatar. He also said he explained the plan to building Muslim fighting force. And Brody wrote, President Trump was extremely enthusiastic. Mm-hmm. Those two set his together as amazing. I Brody wrote, President Trump was extremely enthusiastic. Mm-hmm. Those two set his together as amazing. I'm considering what a fucking Islamophobic person is. Totally.
Starting point is 00:49:11 He also said Trump asked what the next step, if you're if you're if you're Islam, he hates you unless you have a shitload of my. Exactly. Yeah, dude, that did that moral subjectivity. Totally, totally. Hey, oh, yeah. Do his relatives.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Mm-hmm. So Trump asked what the next step would be and that he told he was told or he told the president he should meet with the crown prince. So the next step was to meet with him from the UAE and he added president Trump agreed that a meeting with Inviso was a good idea. That's great. He did. He came to the White House. Yeah. So lastly, Nate, which is abnormal. I mean, I need to go bomb I had the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, but now that we know what, just abnormal. I mean, I need to go bomb. I had the crown princess Saudi Arabia, but now that we know what they were planning, I just had, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:48 I just had a piphany kind of. And maybe this is, are you guys ready? Hell yeah. It's Jordan. Do you think that part of Trump being so Islamophobic is to try to divert from his dealings with super Islam forwardforward countries. No, I think he's just Islamophobic. For fascist purposes. Not only, but like, do you think he really plays it up
Starting point is 00:50:12 as a distraction sort of? It definitely can't hurt, but I think, and he also benefits from the post to the other ways. I feel like post to that. Yeah, yeah. Because I mean, if you remember right after 9-11 happened, they bush and the White House called all of their Saudi Arabian friends and said,
Starting point is 00:50:27 get out before we announce. Right, yeah. And that case, it seems more deliberate. And this one, it seems like while that could be helpful to him, his mangle, it seems to be like to divide people based on race because it's probably helpful for a dictator. It seems too smart for Trump.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Almost, yeah, yeah. I definitely agree with you that it's generally to enact enact his dictator plan, but I guess it's just an advantage benefit Yeah, yeah, yeah, the dictator plan totally and after thought but totally helpful So a native had had a personal request to get a picture of himself with seven children. Yes Definitely delivered to his front door. He is a creep So he wanted a picture of himself with Trump I love it. And he got it. He got it because okay, so he was denied one before probably because he's a convect or he's not convicted Child predator, right? He is convicted. Yes. Oh my goodness. This is insane. So on November 30th
Starting point is 00:51:19 Brody gave $189,000 to the RNC, more than he had ever given to the RNC. It's a weird number. 289,000. Yeah, that's a weird. Pretty weird. And soon after, It's even under 200,000, but not $199,99. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:34 To, to, to, They always do these like really interesting numbers. Yeah. So, as a little bit, or soon after the money was sent, a picture with Trump and Nader, come out. And that's one of them grinning in front of the American flag. And here's my question.
Starting point is 00:51:47 How all these donations from foreign entities like Inbisa, Inbisa, Russia, Vaxelberg and everything, all these donations to campaigns are they made through packs because we know that the maximum you can donate as an individual is a couple of 2600 is something. I don't know. It's 26 and 54. Guy.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Or 50, I don't know. It's not $100,000. Exactly. I guess they're making those donations through packs. Yeah. Or they're like, if I'm 100 times the person you are. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness That's fine every inch I am over five foot five. I get an extra ten thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:52:32 Nice. Thank you for being tall So Brody actually met Trump again on December 2nd and he reported back to Nader Yes, that he told Trump the crown princes were most favorably impressed by his leadership. He also offered the crown princes help in the Middle East peace plan being developed by Jared Kushner, but he did not tell Trump that his partner, Nader, had complete contempt for the plan. So, he didn't like... The leader had contempt for what plan?
Starting point is 00:52:58 For the plan to have basically Kushner involved. So he didn't like... He doesn't like Jared. Okay, so he's pro in implicit, and baza, anti-cutter, but also anti-Kushner. Exactly. Yeah. So he just has content mainly for a present and son.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Wow, if you're too shady for Nader, you're pretty shady then. So get this. Nader called Kushner. I'm not gonna deal with that guy. That guy is messed up. And that guy's done the guys are wrong doing that. Seriously, it's not a good look. Nader called Kushner a clown prince and said nobody would even waste a cup of coffee on him
Starting point is 00:53:30 If it wasn't for who he's married to oh shit. Yeah, wait, that's fucked up on many levels. Oh definitely Yeah, there's like 17 levels that work there. Yeah, whoa. Yeah, the fact that okay if Nader doesn't like you You got issues. Like what's going on? Is it because he's just not intelligent or something like why? He's the clown prince, and he wouldn't be who he was
Starting point is 00:53:51 if he didn't marry who he married. That's pretty much what it boils down to. Yeah, it sums it up, doesn't it? Yeah. And he's also Jewish. And Nader is a backing Saudi Reban UAE. You're right. And so there's probably a little anti-Semitism there.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Jesus. Totally. That is conjecture. Hey. But I'm right. Yeah. Yeah, totally. So just wrapping it up, according to a leaked email, days after Brody's meeting with Trump,
Starting point is 00:54:15 the UAE awarded Brody the intelligence contract the partners had been seeking for up to $600 million over five years. And in January Brody was, sorry, Brody was preparing for a third meeting with Trump at Mar-a-Lago during celebrations of the president's first year in office. But then a single opened up. Oh, yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Very nice of a time. NATO was supposed to join them, actually, but the initial payment for the intelligence contract was late. And so he delayed his trip to the US for a day, just to make sure it was wired. So, there hilarious. Yeah, and on January 17th, Brody reported that the first money or the first installment was received 36 million dollars and just hours after the money was transferred Nader was stopped at Delas Airport and a team of FBI agents working for Mueller was there to meet him
Starting point is 00:55:01 Yeah, I put that in a great movie scene. What episode was that I wonder? I forgive, I remember we talked about that. Yeah, yeah, you did it. You did the impressions of Nate or everything, right? I did a script. I don't know, man. I remember interior airport. Episode 21 is what I want to say.
Starting point is 00:55:17 We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. But you know what, just go back and listen to all the episodes. Absolutely. So basically, particularly six and 12, because the Marshall Plan actually packed episodes. Oh, definitely.
Starting point is 00:55:28 We didn't know that until later, but then, you know, just keep listening after 12 for all of them so that you can hear my music. Yeah, just binge listen. So basically, Nader was relieved of all his electronic devices and later,
Starting point is 00:55:42 relieved. Yeah, like here, I don't want these things anyways. Yeah, thank you, Mueller. And later he agreed to cooperate. So Brody Denyze reports from Nate, or Denyze anything that Nate is saying now, or the leaked emails, basically stating that he said, I believe the evidence is clear that a nation, state, is waging a sophisticated disinformation campaign against me in order to silence me, including
Starting point is 00:56:04 hacking emails, forging documents, and engaging in espionage, and numerous other illegal a sophisticated disinformation campaign against me in order to silence me, including hacking emails, forging documents, and engaging in espionage, and numerous other illegal activities. Qatar responded that it was Brody who actually engaged in a propaganda campaign. So they're just going this, you know, he said, she said, back and forth, but just a reminder, neither Brody nor Nader registered with the U.S. under the Fair Act, the law that requires people to register, even if they're not getting paid, let alone $600 million, but merely directed by foreign interests
Starting point is 00:56:30 with political campaigns. So violating that law carries a maximum of $10,000 in a fine or up to five years in prison, which is probably what they're looking at, but at least native, if he's cooperating. I wonder if he's... Well, native has been given partial immunity. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:56:44 And I don't know if it's on the kid fucking or if it's cooperating. I will. Nader has been given partial immunity. Oh, that's right. And I don't know if it's on the kid fucking or if it's on that. Exactly. But he's been given partial immunity. And no one else in this entire investigation has been given any immunity whatsoever. They've all pledged down or pleaded down to lesser charges. So the fact that he has been given partial immunity
Starting point is 00:57:02 is huge. Right. And this is just what we know, Mueller obviously knows more, but yeah, this is the latest update. We know that Trump met with Brody and Trump was very enthusiastic about the plan. There's evidence and Nader's cooperating.
Starting point is 00:57:16 No, he gets easily enthusiastic about things. Oh, totally. Right, thank you, Julie. Up to him. That's great reporting. It's been so satisfying to hear you covering him from just the infancy of corruption. Yeah, everything in there is now. Oh, totally. Right. Thank you, Julius. I'm very grateful. I'm very grateful. I'm very grateful. It's been so satisfying to hear you covering him from just the infancy of corruption.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Yeah. Every week there's something new. Yeah. In fact, we should put together a mini-sode of your cover of your hot notes and your hot notes. Yeah. That would be cool. All back to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Just our boyfriends. Yeah. Yeah. We can cut, well, we actually have to name it for. Right. But the real fans are now engine optimization But you know sentiment is there the parentheses. Jolissa's boyfriend. I love it Yeah, I think that'd be fun. Yeah, I mean he's obviously a really big player
Starting point is 00:57:55 Yeah, I think we do t-shirts and we can do a we can do it. Oh god stop with the t-shirts I think that'd be great. I'm Jolisa's boyfriend. Yeah. I'm Jorke's boyfriend. Yeah, even a chick. I'm cool with that. I'm on MaloShirt. I'm on MaloShirt's team.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Yeah, exactly. You go too. I'm with Stupid. I'm with Stupid. That would be fantastic. Yes. I know many sets. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:19 For you guys, and then maybe you could do where you find topics that we cover from episode episode like the NRA. Oh, we have to go learn NRA. Absolutely. I think that would be really fun. Yeah. Yeah, that could be great. A fun is a weird word for that.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Yeah, it's our kind of fun. Democracy is under attack. I don't mean to say that any of this is actually fun. No, but even when Watergate was happening, slow burn set, people were energized by it. They were moved for patriotic purposes. Yes. So it's fun because it's like bringing the country together, but under the worst circumstances.
Starting point is 00:58:52 It's fun in that way, and it's also fun in that I'm nerding out on it. Exactly. But it is sad. But I'm sitting here waiting for our Justice Department and the rule of law to win the day. Yes. And that's kind of what, that's my porn hub. Oh yeah, so I feel you.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Jordan, yes. Tell us about your boyfriend. Yes, so Roger Stone. Sun News came out this week. The Wall Street Journal broke on Thursday that former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone privately sought damaging information on Hillary Clinton from WikiLeaks founder Julian S. Sange during the 2016 presidential campaign. This was according to emails that were examined by the Wall Street Journal.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And this is significant for a few reasons. This contradicts testimony from Roger Stone to the House Intelligence Committee in September. In September, he had said- They have shut down their investigation anyway right because they think it's over right Yeah, it was like we're done. Yeah, that's totally fine. Yeah, to a chiff report. Yeah, you'll rule the day And not to mention since then all this came her channel it like a shit has come out Oh, yeah, Roger Stone should has come out and and meanwhile The GOP House is like,
Starting point is 01:00:05 no, we rightfully shut that down. We just, we don't care about the phone call 11 minutes to a block number that happened with Donald Trump Jr. This is not important. Yeah. God, I have no patience for idiots ruling my family. Okay, I'm lying.
Starting point is 01:00:18 By the way, I have to tell you, right now, Jordan is reading from a notepad where she wrote with her hand. Yes, I love it. Because we're all laptoped up, right digital. And she's like, I'm old. I'm a handsome Obama's analog too. He likes to write his things out. She's wearing a cure shirt. So everything she's doing right now is very 1986. I dig it, I dig it. She has Doc Martin's on. She's wearing my high school uniform. No way. Basically. With the no patina. Yeah. And reading from here.
Starting point is 01:00:51 I'm like looking in the like a time machine. She's got a man bun though. She's a woman. Though she's a woman. Absolutely fantastic. I love this whole, I love this whole thing. Thank you. Please continue. Thank you for the imagery. I appreciate we have to describe ourselves. Yeah, it's to our listeners. Yeah, we have to set the scene. So so back so back in segue. Yeah, so So the reason why this is such big news basically is because it's contradicts testimony that he previously gave. In September, Stonard said that he was merely requesting confirmation from an acquaintance that a Sange had information about Clinton period, and he was not looking for anything to dig to be dug up specifically at his request, essentially.
Starting point is 01:01:41 It has now come out that in an email sent on September 18th, 2016, Stone urged that acquaintance to who knew Asange for emails that related specifically to Clinton's role and allegedly disrupting a Libyan peace deal in 2011 while she was Secretary of State. It's important to note that Stone had no formal role in Trump's campaign at this time. The email that's referenced here, it gets super specific. He asks Assange for any state or Hillary emails from August 10th to August 30th, particularly August 20th, 2011. So what's that guy's name again? The middle man? Yeah, his name is Cerdico. Cerdico. Yeah, yeah. So, oh, thank you. That sounds better than Krediko.
Starting point is 01:02:26 I don't know, I like the emphasis on the dick. Yeah, I do. That's why I would have put it down. I'm just getting into it. So that's how he probably wants it. Oh, yeah, seriously. But yes, perfect, perfect you asked. You can't buy a big truck.
Starting point is 01:02:40 You name yourself Krediko. For sure. And hang some metal balls on the bank. Oh, yeah. So who's have truck nuts, Krediko? truck, you name yourself Crédico. For sure. And hang some metal balls on the bank. Oh yeah. So, who's how to truck nuts Crédico? Yeah. Own up.
Starting point is 01:02:51 So, who's this acquaintance, you ask? His name is Randy Credico. And he's a New York radio personality who'd interviewed a Sange a few weeks prior. Credico is known to support Sange's whistle blowing efforts. That's just kind of well known. Credico's response to Stone's initial initial request was that if those emails existed they would have been published on WikiLeaks website already. But stone keeps pushing and
Starting point is 01:03:12 he says how do you know that they don't have more than what they've already released. Credit code begins to grow frustrated with stones in thecessant request. Oh, I like credit code now. Can we just call them credit codes? Oh, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go for credit code. Credit code sounds like a new credit checking And we're going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, I'm going to be, oh, I'm going to be like, oh, can pay us to do what we already should be doing Thank you uh, critical
Starting point is 01:03:51 So critical is growing frustrated with stones andcessant requests right and in an email is like really annoying He's like dude. I fucking it's like a guy that always asks for favors and it's like come on man I can't keep asking this guy for international secrets. That's a one time thing. I can't, I can't, I can't. Where's how it works? At least in the comedy world, you build favors, right?
Starting point is 01:04:14 You do a, you do a solid for somebody, you do a solid for somebody, and then they owe you something. And then you ask for that one thing, like, hey, maybe could you do this, or could you vote for me on this, or tweet me here, or put me on a show here. And that's the end. Like it's, it's squid pro crow, right? Like you did this one thing. Yeah. And I'll do this one thing. I saw a bumper sticker one
Starting point is 01:04:35 time that said, I love tit for tat. I've got some tat. That's hilarious. That is. That's so. And that guy had a gun rack in the back of his truck. Oh, that's funny. That's hilarious. That is that's so and that guy had a gun rack in the back of the truck It's funny. That's that's the that's the earlier version of truck nuts. Yeah, that's how they start Yeah, and you know what happened? I bought that truck. It was for sale 1983 Ford F250. Yeah, it was $800. How did you get the bumper sticker off? I didn't I Believing to for tat want some tat That was it. I believe in different tat once I'm tat I left it rate and I believe in for tat, want some tat. I left it. And I left the gun rack. I just put your comedian.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I just put hats on it. That's really funny. I love it. Anyway, sorry. Our pots, please. Oh no, that's OK. So yeah, Stone basically keeps pushing Credico. And Stone, Credico finally says to Stone, he's like,
Starting point is 01:05:23 I can't ask them favors every other day. I can't keep doing this and So then I'm like wondering well, why did critical feel like he owed stone any favors at all? And it was because stone had helped get Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson on his show and Critical felt that he owed stone only a delusional disciple of Trump would think that that was a fair trade. Well, that's a good pro-crow, right? Yeah, like I got you Gary Johnson. By the way, that's not a big get.
Starting point is 01:05:55 I got you Gary Johnson, in return I need international secrets every day, all the time. Exactly, it's a radio show appearance for an international dirt he can campaign. Super even Steven. Fucking ridiculous. So, Critical getting sick of this whole dance,
Starting point is 01:06:11 then lies the stone and says that he had passed along the message to his son requesting those documents or emails if they existed, even though he didn't. He did it just to get Stone off his back, which I think is hilarious. Stone can't relate, of course, to getting things off his back because he likes things on his back. Oh, well done, Roy.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Thank you. Thank you. Nice. Right there, that's good. That's a good shit. Yes. Stone confirms that he never had access to clean emails or records,
Starting point is 01:06:39 but we know that this is only because he failed at his attempts in doing so. That's amazing. Stop giggling. So Grant Smith, one of Stone's lawyers, confirmed that these emails have not been turned over to investigators yet because they were, quote unquote, not encompassed within the scope of the committee's request, which you know is the most passive-aggressively incriminating reason for not turning over documents
Starting point is 01:07:10 to federal investigators. Definitely. But that, or you can't expect me to turn over all my communications with anyone who might be Russian. Right. Yeah, exactly. Don't investigate anything I did after I got into office. That's over it.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Yeah, don't look into office. So we did. No questions about my presidency. Yeah. Oh, great. That's a great deal. Yeah. That's not the table. Well, they actually said, and I have to say this because I didn't say it earlier, the
Starting point is 01:07:37 whole reason that Mueller floated the subpoena is that you can only do this and it's only it only works if their testimony has to be gotten and and Mueller said we can't get to Trump's state of mind without interviewing about that and Trump's state of mind is the focal point for obstruction of justice. Yeah exactly. So that that's kind of why he was like we can only get that from him. Yeah. Or his lies. So Yeah, exactly. So that's kind of why he was like, we can only get that from him. Yeah, for, or his lies. Totally. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:09 So that's why, anyway, sorry. I can't wait until technology advances that we can actually deduce people's motivations and their brains. That is terrifying. That is terrifying. Have you seen Black Mirror? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:08:18 That's what we're doing with it. Oh, yeah, that's what we're doing. We're the murder and watch people do stuff. But then it's like, don't murder people. Well, I've actually been in the law as whole. I've actually lived a pretty good life, and I'm cool with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:31 I've actually told people that when I die, you need to go into my internet browser history and make stuff up so that I'm more interesting. Yeah, I would want my loved ones to be able to see my memories, like, even the weird stuff if I had to, I'd be like, yeah, just fast forward through some weird stuff. And, you know, I'll be like, I just fast forward through some weird stuff and you know I don't smoke weed because military forever. I don't smoke weed. I don't watch porn. Never have.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Oh you don't need to then. That's a good thing right? Right because I'm you're good. I'm an animal. Well, you don't need to then, that's a good thing, right? Right, because I'm, you're good. I'm an animal. And then I create my own. No, but like my brows or inner and ass rees, so boring. Yeah, it's good for you. I need people to spice it up. Yeah, mine is so.
Starting point is 01:09:14 I have spray crayray. So tweet out us at Mola Shee wrote, let me know that I'll give you all the sealed indictment of all my passwords so that you don't get home. And just make, I love this plan. It's very practical. Pump up my search history.
Starting point is 01:09:30 There we go. To be a little cooler. Yes. And then if you ever run for office, that'll be really fun to explain. Oh my God, well, we have evidence right now. Hey, I'm thinking of running for Congress in 2020. What?
Starting point is 01:09:41 If I get fired, if Trump finds out who I am, how are you listening? If there's people in Russia listening nine people in Russia and Moscow city three of them Shit, I didn't know that place called Moscow city take one down to Moscow city Well, I mean, there's still plenty of like Regular just decent you decent people in Russia. I have a friend that lives in Russia right now. She's actually going through cancer and chemo,
Starting point is 01:10:10 and she's fucking amazing. If everybody could send good vibes there, that'd be awesome. But we called her Mother Russia on tour. And, yeah, but she's amazing. And she's in Moscow right now. Because that's where she gets the best health care. I'm curious, if you're out there in Russia listening, like if you're one of the nine people,
Starting point is 01:10:25 let us know, because that is trippy. I was thinking it's the whole Kremlin. That's the first thing I thought was like, oh no, it's all. Am I being giving ourselves too much credit? Yeah, that's like, hopefully it'd be too much credit. I don't want that attention. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Anyway, yeah. No, no, no, no, it's fine. Back to the action. Yeah, yeah. So just to wrap this all up, to put it in context, this all comes amidst a heightened likelihood that Mueller's team is looking closely at Stone's role in the 2016 campaign, and especially looking at his open middle of meeting with Assad during the campaign. Just to put a nice Russian bow on all of this, a reminder that US officials have said WikiLeaks received material from operatives working on behalf of Russia's military
Starting point is 01:11:09 intelligence group. So there's the connection. Um, Crédito is now willing, is now willing to talk to investigators. He had played the fifth previously in the House probe, but just this Wednesday he met with the House Committee's Democratic Democratic only criminals played the fifth. Why would you play the fifth exactly? Quickly, they all for it. But, but so he, he met with the House committees, Democratic staff members,
Starting point is 01:11:41 to discuss likely what is the discrepancies and stones testimony, because he's come out saying that there are definitely some discrepancies in that. Namely, I imagine him saying, no, I was just asking for confirmation that there existed some dirt on Hillary. I wasn't trying to solicit exact things by the fucking day. No, he was.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Not even that guy, Peter Smith, who killed himself. No one wanted any of that information. Right. It was just a, I'm just checking. Exactly. It was very nice of you. Thank you for supporting our democracy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:13 And so last thing, in early April, Stone accused Critico of an informant and an email or a text to him, I forgot which one I was. He says, everyone says you are wearing a wire for Mueller. And my favorite part about this is he spelled you, the letter U, and spelled out R, A-R-E. So he opted for the full spelling. Yeah, I know you are.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Yeah, and then for Mueller, he opted out of using the number, which was very available and spelled out for. That's amazing. Interesting. Yeah, he's a guy that just uses you explicitly. He's trying to gleam the cube, right? He's like trying to be rad. Yeah, to be my old expression.
Starting point is 01:13:00 He's like, you, but I spell everything else everything else out. When I text and when I tweet, I use full punctuation and everything. I don't, you know, I'm like overly proper sometimes, just to, I don't know, be sure, I guess. But I'm also old, so it's just how it goes. Right. The fact that he's an old motherfucker, by the way, and he's doing the you. Just to cheat. Yeah. And it wasn't like he was running out of Twitter letters. No, yeah. Because that was a short tweet.
Starting point is 01:13:31 For sure, right? Yeah. Oh, well, I think this was either text or an email. Oh, yeah. It was a tweet. It wasn't even limited. No, exactly. He was not limited.
Starting point is 01:13:38 He says that he fucking says you like a goddamn douchebag and then ends it with cool beans. That's how he did eating. No, he didn't. And it would cool beans. I'm just getting good. Some beans on it. But he, and then ends it with cool beans. That's a whole lot of things. That's a whole lot of things. And it would cool beans. I'm just getting good to my beans on it. But he, and then yeah, and he also says, he says something to the effect of, and it was in this format, like open your mouth equals get sued.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Yeah, that was, yeah, what he says. You threatened, yeah, if you, if you threaten, critical, yeah, open your mouth, get sued. That's crazy. It's like, talk shit, get hit. Yeah, yeah. It sounds like a Saul Goodman act. Yeah, open your mouth. Get sued. That's crazy. It's like talk shake it hit Yeah, it's like a Saul goodman act. Yeah, it's the white Definitely All right, thank you so much for your reporting. Thank you Jordan Yes, of course. I've went ahead and just let this go on because I thought it was so good Yeah, we're actually a lot into this. Oh, I'm actually I'm actually gonna take a break here
Starting point is 01:14:23 And we're gonna put a we're gonna put a roll in here. Oh, yeah, because I'm actually going to take a break here and we're going to put a roll in here because I think we need to take a break and then come back. And when we come back, we're going to have our interviews with Chris Clouy and Robby O'Shaudry. So please stick with us. Nice. Greetings, Mueller junkies. This is A.G. from Muller She Road. I wanted to remind you guys to book your summer holiday in San Diego for the week of the Fourth of July because on July 3rd we're hosting Muller She Road live at the Comedy Store in La Jolla. Patrons will get a
Starting point is 01:14:51 discount code for both regular and VIP tickets and the VIP tickets get you access to our exclusive post-show meet and greet cocktail mixer where you can meet and hang out with Jordan, Jolissa, our past guests and business partners and of course yours truly. Patrons not only get discounts to our live events, but you get membership in the MSW Book Club, access to our entire archives of bonus episodes, a weekly newsletter created by Jordan that includes all the week's articles and my personal research notes, and an array of great gifts, including free VIP tickets, T-shirts, laptop stickers, limited edition, loose leaf Earl Grey Pallonium T for my friends at joisteespoon.com, access to our closed Facebook group, and of course our
Starting point is 01:15:30 sexy Justice Calendar, which is out this month. So head over to mullersherope.com today and click subscribe to become a patron. And then head over to thecomodestor.com slash lohoya. There's a hyphen between love and joy. For your MSW live Q&A panel meet and greet tickets. You'll be glad you did All right, thank you guys so much. This is just sorry. It's it's been a jam packed episode and and I Needed to take a break. It's the premiere. Yeah. This is season two. What season two? Yeah Weird Season two, what? Season two. Yeah. Weird.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Everyone was worried when I put that out. Like, are you taking a break? And I said, no, no, no, I'm not John Oliver. As much as I love him. He disappears on us. He goes away. It makes me sad. And Rachel gets like, poison ivy.
Starting point is 01:16:17 What's up with that? And what's funny is when he comes back, we're like, oh, we missed you so hard. Maybe we should go away for a minute. No, we're not going to go away. I'll wait until people don't want to listen us anymore. And then we'll take a break. That's not going to happen.
Starting point is 01:16:28 There's no rest for the wicked. Okay. By the way, nice. And actually I found out the wicked get a lot less sleep. There's an actual study. Oh, I don't believe it. I would totally believe it. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:16:41 So first, I wanted to share with you all a phone call I had with Robbio Shodry this week. Robbio is a Pakistani American lawyer, a New York Times bestselling author, and the host of the 45th podcast. She wrote the book on Adnan Sayed. I've read it, and if you liked the serial podcast, you should really check this book out. She's the person who first reached out to Sarah Canig at this American Life and that kicked off the entire serial podcast. It's amazing. As we know, serial podcast is the number one podcast of all time. Yeah, download it.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Most of it. Yeah, popular. Absolutely. Like, head and shoulders above any other podcast It it it's an amazing podcast. I highly recommend it other pods. I recommend besides the 45 Our slow burn hell yeah incredible and it the parallels are creepy. Yeah and Are we speaking generally because I would give a shout out to rebel girl?
Starting point is 01:17:43 And are we speaking generally because I would give a shout out to Rebel Girl. Rebel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Rebel, they are fantastic. Oh, yeah. I think a lot of great female oriented conversations, just a lot of feminist stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of lady stuff. Yeah, lady stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Cold podcasts, kind of similar vibe to serial podcasts. It's so good. We've had Paige Wesley on the show. In our mind, yeah. And what an incredible podcast that is science faction. So good. We've had Paige Wesley on the show. In our manga. Yeah. And what an incredible podcast that is, Science Faction is another great pod. The Mean Boys is that one? It's called Mean Boys.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Oh my God. Conor McSpatt and his fucking hilarious. Yes, he is. And it's called The Perry. Yeah, yeah. Incredible podcast if you're looking for podcasts. Yeah, they're really. That's a straight up comedy.
Starting point is 01:18:21 They're so good. They're really good. Preat Baharra's podcast. Stay tuned. So good. Yeah, he doesn't know us. We're not friends But I like Chris Hayes a lot and he's got a new pod out. I haven't listened to it. Oh Russia if you're listening Oh, no, he's his a it's a question. Yeah, it's like what's up? Or something. Yeah, why is this happening? Why is this happening? Yes, but there's a muller related I think it's it's from like some people that are journalists. It's called Russia if you're listening.
Starting point is 01:18:47 It's the name of the podcast. Well, that's cool, but we are the... You're right. I said it was a podcast. Because our intro has that quote, so it's like, I don't want a podcast. And we have our very fun and awesome competitors who run the Mueller talk podcast. Yeah, Mueller talk podcast. Yeah, the homies.
Starting point is 01:19:03 They're really cool. We're going to play the con with them. Yeah, yeah. You're going to really cool. We're going to Politi-Con with them. Yeah, yeah. You're going to be there. And we are totally drinking. I don't know if you know this, but I think the entire Politi-Con convention is just set up so that we have an excuse to take over. Politi-Con areas can just get drunk together.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, I've got this amazing call with Robya. She wrote the book, like I said, on Anonsa Head. I've read it, and like I said, if you like the serial podcast, you should check it out. She's the person who first reached out to Sarah Canig at this American Life, and she kicked off the serial podcast. As a former immigration attorney, she had a lot to say about the new policy on asylum seekers and how children
Starting point is 01:19:45 are now being separated from their parents and even lost. We've lost 1,500 children. So here's an excerpt from our call. So I wanted to talk to you a little bit about, I know we kind of touched on this earlier, but what are your thoughts on this new immigration policy about, particularly asylum seekers and refugees being children being separated from their parents? I mean, there's a couple of things going on. You have people who are just arriving at the border maybe with no plan necessarily. I don't know to what extent how many of them would qualify for asylum asylum is I began my career
Starting point is 01:20:29 in immigration working just on asylum. And there's a specific criteria you have to meet. But from Honduras and other places, I think some of them could make the argument. The fact that we as a nation would take people who are ascii-lies, right? So fleeing persecution and separate them from their children and then detain the children and detain the parents,
Starting point is 01:20:51 I mean, I don't think anybody, I could have never envisioned America doing something like that. And they're not that we've never had that. And parents where their children are going, I mean, I think I heard a story one day that said your son is in Chicago. And what is Chicago to this woman? She has no idea is that a person is that a place that a prison is it a is it an institution?
Starting point is 01:21:15 What what is Chicago? You know, and it might as well be 10 bucks to. Right for her. They're not telling them and they're also apparently not keeping track. I mean, the report to, you know, been coming out for the last couple months, they're close to 1,500 children are missing. Children who are detained by, uh, home on security and they literally don't have any idea where they are. They just don't know. They say some have been released to trafficker or something. When they've been calling to follow up to find out, okay, are they still with whatever the foster family
Starting point is 01:21:47 is, wherever they place them, they can't find them. And I don't even understand how that happens. Why are people going to prison for that? How do you not keep track of human people? I can't imagine being a parent and child's taken away and now they say, we don't know where the child is. That I can't even come close to imagining that. And it's terrifying. It plays out in my head like a scene in a movie.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Yeah. A dystopian movie. I mean, this is like some other worldly list, you know, where you know, they're loading. They're peeling the babies off of their mothers and putting the fathers and sticking men in trains and sticking women and children and other like it plays in my head like a horror film. Yeah, and not something and it's the kind of thing where you would think, oh, you read about this happening in countries where we send, you know, we send NGOs and, you know, we send in all kinds of people to like help them foster democracy. I mean, like that's what I've been America's business forever. But it's us now.
Starting point is 01:22:55 And I don't know who's going to say that. You're right now, the shit hole country. Yeah. We need, we need some NGOs to invade us and liberate us and all that stuff. We have like some peacekeeping forces. Spain come over. We need aid. We need some NGOs to invade us and liberate us and all that stuff. Some peace keeping forces. Spain come over. We need aid. We need international aid.
Starting point is 01:23:10 We actually do. I mean, we need health care. We need all kinds of things. Some rich Arab, Gulf countries could do. I don't know. I wouldn't trust them either. So what's left? But now that we have these third world policies, it's insanity to me.
Starting point is 01:23:28 So shifting a little bit, I'm interested in your lawyer, you do a lot of legal work. And this week I know that the Trump campaign and the House GOP members are trying to basically get all access passed to FBI files and evidence in ongoing criminal investigations. But where do you think, where are you at with the entire Mueller investigation right now? You know, I hate to say this. There is a level of fatigue that's setting in. It's like, just hurry yeah, please do this already.
Starting point is 01:24:05 If this entire, this episode of this meeting that just happened, it's egregious. It's egregious that they can demand it and that the Department of Justice is capitulating to it, although in the last week's episode of that. We won't be extorted, right? Right. They're like, here we, but you know, Suson has a theory and I, Sususan Simpson is my co-host on the 45th, one of the podcasts we host together. And her theory that we discussed last week on the episode was that this could just be Rosenstein's way of just like buying more time, you know, it's not, we don't know what he's
Starting point is 01:24:40 showed, what's been shared with, with a committee or this administration or whoever it was in that room. And I also saw a story and to be honest, I haven't read closely up on it, but we're after they were presented with whatever documents. It was Mitch McConnell there, that Mitch McConnell said that he believes the investigation should continue. So that is a positive thing, I guess. Maybe they either scare them straight.
Starting point is 01:25:09 I don't know. And Tray Gaudi also. What's that? It's Tray Gaudi also. It's made us newness. And that makes me wonder what they have on him. Like what, what a Trump or the Russians have on Devon that is forcing him to play ball.
Starting point is 01:25:29 I don't know for sure, but I also share that theory with Susan in that I think these are political ploys to buy more time for Mueller. I think he's getting close. I think he's about to drop a bunch of indictments, specifically superseding indictments on Manafort, and then of course the whole Roger Stone, DNC hack, and a song, but I do think I'm with her on that, that he's just, he's kind of throwing bones
Starting point is 01:25:58 over to Trump and the GOP to be like, oh, and I honestly think that this guy, this informant who Trump calls a spy, I don't even think he's actually the real guy. I think he's probably a decoy. Oh, is that right? That's what my thought at everybody knows who he is, right? And he's kind of a shady guy. Like he's spied on Carter for Reagan.
Starting point is 01:26:26 He worked for Nixon. He's kind of a shady douchebag. And so I was thinking like, maybe this isn't even the real guy and it's just somebody they're saying is, okay, here's the guy so that they don't have to do like out of gallery play him kind of a person, you know, like a legit informant.
Starting point is 01:26:43 And then when this is all over to save face and to continue to be able to use informants and spies, the FBI will be like, yeah, we gave them a fake, it's totally fake, please come work on this. We covered form. Yeah, we're not digs. Yeah, that's a, that's a, I mean, a little bit of a left field tinfoil hat theory,
Starting point is 01:26:59 but that's kind of, no, it's possible, but I do wonder, like, how would we ever know if that's true? Or that's probably something that we'd never know, basically, you know, I'd just be buried forever. Yeah, I mean, I, I, but I will say this though, you know, I, you know, just reading like some of the testimony that's that's been released on last few weeks. I mean, I, I, I don't feel so confident about collusion charges coming to be honest. What do you think? I think they're...
Starting point is 01:27:27 Yeah, I don't know. I feel like it seems like they were all a bunch of idiots who just really didn't know what was... Even if they're trying to be... If somebody was trying to set them up and actually try to collude with them, Don Jr. doesn't seem like he really knew what was going on. I don't know. They all kind of seem clueless to me. I think, Daniel would just say yes to anybody who might have dirt on Hillary, but I think that the end of fort case specifically, there was a court filing yesterday of the day before
Starting point is 01:27:55 where the news, the press, the mainstream media was asking for a FOIA release, freedom of information act release, of all of their warrants on Manafort. Now that he's been indicted, you can just hand all that over, right? And Mueller said in this filing, just because we've indicted him doesn't mean there aren't more indictments coming, basically. We are okay with this case, and et cetera. And there's several other things that lead me to believe that there will
Starting point is 01:28:26 be conspiracy charges against Maniford at least, whether they extend to Donald Trump Jr. or Trump himself, I don't, you know, you know. Yeah, that's the pain I want to see. Those are the screws I, yeah, those are the screws I want turned and that's what we all want. Those are the screws I want turned. And that's what I feel like. But I guess if not that, then maybe obstruction could apply. But I just. The charges are clear and obvious. And I think that that he's also building a case on that.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Whether or not he indicts Trump for that versus just writing up a report remains to be seen. versus just writing up a report remains to be seen, because there is a Department of Justice policy written by Neil Cateal who said, you can't indict a sitting president, but even he came out on Twitter and said, no, you can, you just have to ask permission from the Attorney General, or in this case, the deputy Attorney General.
Starting point is 01:29:19 But if he refuses, that automatically triggers a report to Congress, the gang of eight, right? So it would become public either way. And so maybe Mueller is thinking, well, I'll ask for an indictment. I know I'm going to get turned down, but at least then I can write a full public report to Congress, because that's not required anymore since the Special Counsel Act expired. But I mean, I feel like I trust Mueller and I feel like he's set things up in such a way
Starting point is 01:29:53 that we will find out. We'll find out. Like Domino's when it happens, right? It's gonna be crazy. I'm also hoping fingers crossed that, you know, that the house flips and Senate flips and 2018 and in November this year and and we see some impeachment action. Well, Robbie, thank you so much for for talking to me today. I really appreciate it and
Starting point is 01:30:21 I love the 45th by the the way, the 45th podcast. It's one of my, it's one of my top that and slow. I think are my two top. That's awesome. Thank you so much. We love your podcast and, you know, keep up the good work. We're all part of the resistance. But this morning I was thinking I cannot wait till this presidency is over because I'm going to end that podcast.
Starting point is 01:30:43 What it is. I'll get a lot of free time back. That's the best. Yeah, exactly. It's a lot of work resisting. It is, it's a lot of work. Anyway, thanks so much for having me on. Yeah, great conversation. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend and thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:30:59 She is such an incredible person. She's an incredible woman. Oh yeah. And thank you so much, Rabbya, and the 45th pod for joining us this week. You can hear the full interview in a bonus episode this week. If you're not a patron, you can become one for $1. And you'll unlock all of the bonus content.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Yeah. You can't afford not to. Yeah, she's truly brilliant. That's when I tell my husband all the time. Oh yeah? It's for fun, these. Yeah, but no, you were saying Jordan She is brilliant. Yeah, honestly so brilliant. Amazing. She's incredible fantastic. So else spoken brilliant and
Starting point is 01:31:33 And you again, you can hear the entire interview we go over a lot of stuff in the interview In our mini-show this week, so now I want to talk a little bit about a court filing this week from Mueller's team. As we all know, Mueller is super tight with leaks, like super tight. There hasn't been any information about this investigation that has leaked unless he specifically wants it to leak. And this week's court found not like the Trump White House, which is just leak vest. Yeah. That's a new concert that's going right to Coachella. League Fest. League Fest. League Fest.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Oh my gosh. If you look for Trump, you get a discount. And this week's court filing sort of read like a note to the American public about this investigation. Media companies had filed a lawsuit asking for Mueller to release his warrant information on Manafort. So like CNN and Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, they've filed this lawsuit. We want to see these warrants.
Starting point is 01:32:31 They're so far behind the general public. We want to see why you broke. Well, you can't even figure that because he's been indicted that it's all good to be free. And Mueller responded to the suit in a court filing on Wednesday saying quote many aspects of the investigation are factually and legally interconnected They involve overlapping courses of conduct relationships and events and they rely on similar sources methods and techniques By the way Mueller uses the Oxford comma, makes him 10 times sexy. Oh, yes, oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:33:07 He continued saying the investigation is not complete and its details remain non-public. And then he goes on to say, quote, the fact that certain charges have been brought does not imply that the special counsel's investigation into the assigned matter is closed, nor does it imply that the search materials could be unsealed at this time without creating a serious risk of jeopardizing the ongoing and interconnected
Starting point is 01:33:32 aspects of this investigation. Then finally, the filing said, quote, media reports about the investigation may be inaccurate or incomplete and may be based on unofficial sources, half understood facts and speculation. Okay, that's what we do though. I like, that's kind of why we're here. But yes, all we have is what you give us to go on. And then Mueller did say he could release two of the earlier warrants because they're
Starting point is 01:34:02 going to come out in open court anyway and those lines of investigation are finished. And he offered to give that. Is that pop it up, Melissa? He didn't say specifically what it is, but I'm sure it's... You know what? I really don't know. He didn't say specifically which those were. But he did offer to give the judge a more detailed presentation of the case in private. That's a reasonable. And the biggest
Starting point is 01:34:30 bombshell of this filing, in my opinion, Mueller says he can't release later warrants because Manifort quote, has been charged with a subset of his conduct. Sorry, he's been charged only with a subset of his conduct. Sorry, he's been charged only with a subset of his conduct. So as you know, it's been my theory for a long time that there are upcoming superseding indictments on Manafort for conspiracy or collusion. It's conjecture, but I'm right. Right.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Yeah, so by saying subset, he just confirms that there will be superseding indictments. That's what he's saying. He's saying. He's saying basically it was like just because I indicted him on this, doesn't mean there aren't more indictments coming. And I imagine he doesn't have much breath to waste, so he probably would not. I just played double-sad to get for no reason.
Starting point is 01:35:19 Game point. The great thing about this entire release was that this whole court filing, it was multiple pages. And then at the end, he outlines all of the indictments and guilty pleas and everything that the investigation has uncovered. It seems to me like a, like a, hey, the public, here's what I've, here's what's going on. Like, this is his way of quote unquote leaking, what's going on in the investigation. Exactly. It's not even close to being over and hang on to your seats.
Starting point is 01:35:54 I love it. And that's how he does it. He does it in court filings. And the fact that none of this has gotten out. That's impressive. Yeah. He speaks to the integrity of his team. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:36:07 And all the allegations that they've been leaking stuff this whole time. Yeah. No. Every leak has come from the White House. Every single leak. The 49 question. Tell of his terrified aides.
Starting point is 01:36:17 Oh my gosh. Yeah. It's like, man, fuck this shit. And we know we have some shit right now. And we know Trump's into leaking. Cause, yeah. Oh yeah. Obviously.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Peate, Peate, we're waiting for it. We're waiting for it. God, I hope that's real. There might be like a porn version and storming. Oh, we mentioned this, right? Wait, would there be a not porn version? Oh, you're right. I guess it would be, I don't even think of it that way.
Starting point is 01:36:42 It's like a sad like just video tape. It's like one of those little pamphlets to get you to go to Christianity. Don't be like him. Alright you guys, thank you very much. We'll be right back. Thanks for listening to Mullershi wrote. The she and Mullershi wrote is no accident. Did you know that we are 100% women owned and operated? Every single person that helps make this podcast possible
Starting point is 01:37:07 identifies as a woman. Our creative and web design, our engineer and producers, our editors and digital media manager, our agent, and our ad execs. Our merchandising manager, our writers, the facility manager for the July 3rd live show, and even the postal service clerk who helps me with shipping.
Starting point is 01:37:27 All women and all LGBTQ plus allies. We will continue to employ and partner with women as our podcast grows, but we could use your help. Please support women in podcasting by visiting mullershiroat.com and become a patron today. Alright, are you guys ready for the fantasy indictment league? Yes! Today, we have a very special fantasy indictment league. As you all know, maybe this week the NFL owners, led by Commissioner Goudelle, voted to
Starting point is 01:38:13 require all personnel and players to stand during the national anthem, and they would find any player that did not. They did give the players the option to stay in the locker room if they wish to protest. So for this week's fantasy indictment league, we have a very special guest to comment on this and to give us his indictment fantasy picks. He was the punter for the Minnesota Vikings for eight seasons where he set eight individual a team records. During his tenure, he became an outspoken advocate for same-sex marriage and gay rights and many believe it's it's what caused him to be released from the Vikings after the 2012 season. Oh wow! He's made appearances on
Starting point is 01:38:53 Ellen and does extensive activism and philanthropic work so let's listen to this interview. Yeah, well I'm so sorry you are a member of the Factors Admission. Yeah, I know. People have been apologizing to me my whole life for having been born in Akron. Yeah, it's a truth of it. Yeah, it's a, they've been having a rough, what, century of it. Really well, actually, I think their only winning streak against the Vikings was from 1986 to 1989 okay with Bernie Khozar and Marty Shottenheimer oh nice
Starting point is 01:39:33 yeah that was my that was like the one time we ever did well and then of course the fumble and then the drive and then we were done. Yeah. How quintessentially browns Ian. I know. I know. And it really hurts me because I, you know, I'm a lifelong NFL fan. My dad took me to games when I was young. I Cleveland Stadium.
Starting point is 01:39:56 And now with their new rule, that I guess, I don't know if I think it was the owners who voted unanimously except for one guy abstained from San Francisco that if you want to protest the national anthem you can do that as long as you stay in the locker room. We don't want to see you actually protest the anthem. And that's kind of what I wanted to have you on this week for was to tell me what your thoughts are on this rule, this new rule. Sure, yeah, yeah, no, I think it's absolutely a conversation that people should be having
Starting point is 01:40:32 and my thoughts, which will surprise no one who knows me, is that can I swear on this podcast? Is that allowed? Well, it's long and square. Okay, sweet. I think it's complete and utter bullshit because the the simple fact is is that the the owners have been looking away looking for a way to try to make this protest
Starting point is 01:40:53 go away you know that that call in capernick originally started to protest police brutality and uh... he you know he took a knee with during the national anthem which is fine that's his right is american citizen he you know he's he's not disrupting the football game he's not taking plays off he's just saying that hey America right now is not upholding its end of the social contract and i would like to draw attention to that and hopefully get this fixed and as a result he was sitting and then he spoke to an army ranger veteran
Starting point is 01:41:22 who said perhaps you should take a knee because it gives reverence to the flag in the country without you know uh over it's more yeah it's more respectful yes absolutely and i'm a veteran and i appreciated that and uh i've been on his side since the beginning so yeah and then well and and the thing that's unfortunate is that when you look at the demographic makeup of the of the NFL the vast majority of players are African-American. Right. The vast majority of owners are old rich white guys and kind of a picture of America. Right and and so you see that they have very certain mindsets you know particularly the ones that are donating to Trump's political campaign, and one's like Bob McNair, who has gone on record as speaking out against
Starting point is 01:42:10 LBGTQ rights and other social issues. It's like you look at this and they're trying so hard not to shoot themselves in the dick, but they just do it every time. So now you said that you wanted to talk a little bit about the Deadman switch. Yeah, yeah, so I saw the news. I think it was like two days ago or three days ago, something like that where they're reporting that Mueller has a Deadman switch. And I know it's probably, I think what's been reported is that like he he has a bunch of stuff ready to send off to justice in case the There are several sealed indictments on the document now. I think that a lot of them are superseding indictments for Manafort
Starting point is 01:42:58 He's hinted several times that we're not done with Manafort We can't. Manafort screwed. But we can't release the warrants and all that stuff because it's still part of an ongoing investigation. Right. That he's got, I think he's got Superseating Sealed Enditements for Manafort on conspiracy. He hasn't released those yet, obviously, because he's not- There's more people to gather up. obviously because he's not there's more people to gather up. Yeah, there are a few, there's still some loose ends, right?
Starting point is 01:43:29 Yeah, I would say more than a few. Yeah, I mean, just the Manafort case alone has what, 30 subpoenaed witnesses? I think so. It's like, and so that's the other thing that gets me is all the Republicans saying, oh, there's an investigation going on, there's nothing there and nothing's happened. It's like, you assholes investigate Benghazi for what, three years, five years? Yeah, whatever. Zero indictments.
Starting point is 01:43:59 Nothing there. We already have how many indictments? Like it's been 22, it's been a little over a year. 89 felony charges. One guy's in prison right now, Vanderswan. Yeah. The little like level nobody's ever heard of him. He just like the FBI in his in his testimony about gates, right? Yeah, they're just working their way up the ladder. Yeah, well, that's how it works. And I feel like, have you guys ever watched,
Starting point is 01:44:29 I don't know, any mob movies? Have you ever watched Casino or Good Fellow? Right. Have you ever seen the wire or anything? The way that the investigations work is you roll up the little guys. Yeah, and oftentimes it isn't even the big crime that you get them for you get them for
Starting point is 01:44:48 tax evasion specifically with man-of-port they get they get them on all these uh... money charges they actually that turned in these charges against him in two thousand five to chuck Rosenberg and he turned down the case and now the whole reason that the ever you know the republicans are like all it's passed a statute of limitations and i guess in less it rolls up into a current
Starting point is 01:45:13 case right exactly that they've got him on conspiracy yeah uh... i mean just they're dropping all kind and muller is very uh... calculating is very methodical. Everything has a purpose. And in his filings, he kind of tells a little bit of a story to give a bone to the public and be like, I got this. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:35 And that's the thing. Seeing what Mueller's been doing and also the lack of leaks from his camp, that's a very heartening sign and that these are serious people taking it very seriously and as opposed to maybe say Evan Nunez who I used to run to the White House and then he dobers away into the night. Right like I still don't know how he's on the intelligence committee He's himself right because I run and that uh leak and then
Starting point is 01:46:10 Get somehow he's back It's a pardoning of Scooter Libby which is just a big middle finger right James homie It's just oh my god Dead man this dead man switch though really intrigues me because they reported this about him actually about a month ago And it came up again yesterday that basically if Mueller gets fired and he'll just drop all these indictments that he's been sitting on Mm-hmm Yeah, and and the thing the thing actually that Interest me about that is
Starting point is 01:46:42 The timing of that coming out is it makes you wonder behind the scenes, okay, you know, how how much pressure are they trying to put on him? Because usually that's a play that you make where you know, okay, they're they're looking very seriously at doing this. I need to let them know that if you do, there's going to be consequences. Yeah, well another thing that Mueller did, which is amazing, is the way that he set up his group, and he wrote some policy for DOJ, is that he's got special assistance to the special council and to him. And they are allowed to continue their line of prosecution without him,
Starting point is 01:47:25 he could drop off the earth tomorrow. But he's given this to his lawyers to say, all right, you're the man of Fort Guy, you're the Kushner Guy, you're the this guy, you're the that guy, and you have authority now to run these investigations to their completion without me. And so he's really just this
Starting point is 01:47:45 director, I call him Minnie Muller's, like you're really just, he's just directing this whole operation and setting up these fail-saves because he knows that, I mean, he was around during water game. He knows what happens. Yeah, exactly. The attorney general, deputy attorney general, they could all be fired at any moment or quit because they promised that they would. And I think that that's evident in that time that the sessions and Noel at the solicitor general and Rosenstein went out to dinner publicly and allowed their photos to be taken. That was kind of a, I don't know, like a public show of solidarity with one another.
Starting point is 01:48:33 So I'm not surprised, or I wouldn't be surprised that Mueller and Rosenstein and Justice and the FBI even Christopher Ray who is a Trump appointee and Rosenstein's a Trump appointee have a Like 17 backup plans Right, yeah, and a part of me is actually really hoping that like one of those backup plans is they just throw a bunch of To copies and one of those big minilal envelopes and then you know drop them in at that local newspaper and you know drop them in at that local newspaper. Like, you see from a notebook. Right, you see at the end of like every terrible movie. Right, all the questions man all over again. Yeah, because I know that's not going to happen,
Starting point is 01:49:16 but it's fun to think about. It is. And it's also kind of, we're almost like, go ahead and fire Rosenstein. Go ahead and see what happens. Right. But, yeah, that Deadman switch is an interesting thing. And this whole, the degradation of justice and the FBI is very frightening to me.
Starting point is 01:49:42 Yeah, I know. It should be very concerning because i don't think a lot of people realize how much of our our legal and justice system and kind of our our political system in general isn't necessarily codified by law it's more just accepted norms yeah i think that uh... once we do flip congress i think we'll start seeing a bunch of laws being passed solidify these norms
Starting point is 01:50:08 right yet because it's clear at this point that we have been trusting but i don't think we can afford to just go by norm anymore because we've seen what happened when a bad faith actor comes into play and works to subvert those norms. Yeah, alright, well, do. I remember, I saw you on Ellen, you did a kick into a giant... Oh, yeah, you had the giant hoop thing. That was held up by a crane, I'm like, there's no way. And you put it through like two times, I was like, what? Yeah, so funny story on that one, so kind of behind the screen's magic.
Starting point is 01:50:42 So when I was warming up, like practicing it, I nailed it like five times in a row. Then we go to do it live when they're filming it and my first three kicks, like we're either just over or just under. I was like, come on. They're like, oh, don't worry. We'll fix it. We'll fix it.
Starting point is 01:50:56 We should edit that out, OK. Yeah. So yeah, I'm not quite that good, but I was pretty good. Yeah, but we used to have went in and I couldn't. Yeah, so congratulations. Yeah, thanks. Thanks for having me on. I really appreciate it. And yeah, like, as I before, I think these are very, very serious issues to discuss.
Starting point is 01:51:18 That everyone should be discussing because, you know, even like, this is something that I saw a lot in the NFLs that people like to think, you know, oh, you're, you're just an athlete, right? Just shut up play sports, you know, stick to football. But the thing is, is that we're all, we're all human beings, first and foremost. And we all live in the society that we create. And if we're not invested in that society, if we're not interested in taking steps to, to keep it stable, well, civilization
Starting point is 01:51:45 has a 100% failure rate throughout the years. There is never been a civilization that has lasted longer than like 400, 500 years or so. Yeah, even the Rome was broken into fairly separate entities where I think there are a couple Chinese densities that lasted around, probably around the same length as Rome, but yeah, usually right around like 400, 500 years is right about when things start falling apart. And, you know, we're coming pretty close to that, what, that 300-year point right now. What early?
Starting point is 01:52:19 Yeah, so, so yeah, if we want to avoid the same fate that every other civilization had before them, it might behooves us to, you know, pay some attention and try to do things differently. So yeah. Thank you. You're a good thing. All right, well, thank you so much and have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. All right, thanks. You too.
Starting point is 01:52:42 All right. Okay. Bye-bye. Bye. All right, you too. Alright. Okay. Bye-bye. Alright, you guys. There's a full 45 minute interview and that will be available this week as a mini-sode. So if you're not a patron, please consider becoming one. For as little as a dollar, you'll have access to the full interview along with all of our mini-sodes, all of our bonus content, the weekly newsletter, the MSW Book Club, all sorts of gifts. So head to mullershearwrote.com, become a patron today.
Starting point is 01:53:09 I'm sorry if we're making an ad into the regular episode. And in this case, I think since we're doing something new, I think it's also a cool two really awesome interviews, not even trying to just sell it. It's just like we literally don't have time to put them in the regular episode. And the only format we have is to have you pay a dollar to listen to the mini-sodes, so. Yes, sorry, but they're really cool. Already so crazy because of all the news this week and that broady story was just soft to change. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:47 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:55 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:03 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, good. Sorry. What sabotage is is that there's usually a late breaking story right before we record that might have an impact on our fantasy indictment link. Or it's just a crazy late breaking story that we would not have otherwise got in. So that is what sabotage is. And so the idea is to sabotage our fantasy indictment league by adding this crazy new story. Yeah, doing something in the Orrinchin to the situation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:27 Yeah. And and what's funny is you say throwing a wrench into the situation. Right. Sabotage comes from the word sabot, which is French for shoe, where the workers through shoes into the machinery to sabotage that. That's hilarious. That's so cool. Yeah. Yeah. Revolution. And I want to say you told us that like maybe 20 episodes about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, with Cohen at Trump Tower during the transition. If Vexelberg sounds familiar it should, his cousin, in-trader, owns and operates a company called Columbus Nova, which paid $500,000 to
Starting point is 01:55:12 the Cohen slush fund for access to Trump. If you remember, Cohen set up that slush fund, selling access to Trump, and it was called essential consulting. It's fucking essential. You got it. I love it. Avonotti released this information that he got from a suspicious activity report and SAR leaked by a law enforcement officer who thought it was weird that two of them disappeared, but one of them didn't. Showing payments from AT&T, Korean aerospace, novartus, and Columbus, Nova. This doesn't really change my fantasy draft
Starting point is 01:55:45 because I already added Vexelberg and Intrater to the list, but it's definitely a late breaking weekend story. So I wanted to tell you all about it. It corroborates our picks if nothing else. Absolutely. Yeah, it's like, oh, back up. Exactly. Woohoo.
Starting point is 01:56:00 Makes sense. All right, you guys ready for Q&A? Yes. Oh, yes, that's my favorite, I forgot. It is. And today is a different Q&A, because we had one major question that's going to take it most of the time. But I wanted to, first of all, Mel Deco says, quote, I'm new to podcasts, but this is the best find ever.
Starting point is 01:56:16 A deeper dive than just about anything I've heard. And I remember my mom watching murder. She wrote religiously when I was a kid Warning f-bombs dropped in harmony and hilarious Five stars And Justin says quote a beacon of light laughter and justice in these dark times of American carnage Five stars very nice. Thank you so much and and guys Please head over to apple podcasts and give us a rating. It makes my day. I wake up and I read it It's really fun to read them.
Starting point is 01:56:45 We could really use them. Even the constructive criticism is great. Honestly, yeah, whatever you want to say. I'll take it. Yeah, especially the constructive criticism. I think if you've been listening to this pod for a while, you know me well enough to know that I take what you say seriously, I take it to heart and I will make adjustments.
Starting point is 01:57:02 Although we are going to stop laughing. Right, we can't stop laughing. We're gonna stop stinging on that. So, yeah, we could. No, no, no, yeah. You're all opening bit. We have all the swimmers. Yes.
Starting point is 01:57:11 Yes. And finally, we got an email from a concerned fan who took issue with something I said last week. The statement I made was that if the FBI and the DOJ had leaked out or announced that the Trump campaign was under investigation and had Hillary won, the legitimacy of her presidency could have been questioned. So I want to elaborate, I do not for one second think we are better off right now.
Starting point is 01:57:40 I would trade everything for a Clinton presidency. I definitely do not overlook everything Trump has done, and I apologize if that's the message that anyone got. If there's any question about how deeply this affects me personally, check out the end of episode 11. I think I start crying. Yeah, I hate to think that anyone would postulate that I'm apathetic toward all the horrible shit that Trump has done. I don't believe that we ended up with the best option.
Starting point is 01:58:11 I 100% agree with you that the Clinton presidency with a dash of illegitimacy would be a billion times better than a Trump presidency. Right. I truly hope that no one inferred that I think we are better off. Yeah, I think I specifically also said that that Komi made the best decision he could. That may have implied or added to that confusion.
Starting point is 01:58:33 Yeah, I think you said this is the best option. And I don't think that that's what you, that's the way you look at the situation. I didn't mean that this is the best situation to be in. Being that he was in that situation, he made the best choice he possibly could have. Right, Right. Yeah, exactly. In that situation, if we're looking at upholding our values of just federal, like, Bureau of investigation, and what role they're supposed to play, for them to overlook that, was going to undermine that specific investigation. For sure. Right. Sorry. An ionization. I do want to say that I don't think anyone in this podcast thinks that we are in a better
Starting point is 01:59:09 situation than we would be if Hillary had won the election. Yeah, we definitely don't. No one here thinks that, but I do understand that you may have gotten that message. And regarding Komi, he did say he thought Hillary was going to win, and that underpins my point. Komi was okay reopening her case because he thought Hillary was going to win and that underpins my point. Comey was okay reopening her case because he thought she was gonna win. We all did, yeah. Meaning his release wouldn't taint a Trump win.
Starting point is 01:59:33 Right, he let his bias actually kind of get in the way there. Yeah. But his bias I can understand at least, even if it were the other way around, I can see how anybody would come to that conclusion. And it's like it was just a bad situation all around. It's not like, you know, it was a good thing in any way. It was just the best worst decision, you know? Yeah. Unless you wanted to really test out our justice system, yeah, not a good way to do it. And by the way, in his email, in this, I'm sorry, in this email from our listener,
Starting point is 02:00:06 she said, what? Yeah, I know, I just can't say this to her. Oh, yeah, it's a sheet. She says, quote, you don't get to Harrison Bergeron, the presidential candidates, to even the playing field. Exactly. And well remembered, first of all, that I signed my emails with a Vonnegut quote,
Starting point is 02:00:23 and that's a Vonnegut quote. Harrison Bergeron is a dystopian future piece of fiction where no one's allowed to be smarter or richer or better looking than anyone else. How do you swing that? Sauce for the goose, so to speak. Okay. Everyone is literally equal.
Starting point is 02:00:36 And by not outing the Trump investigation and outing the HRC email investigation, which was already public and didn't jeopardize any investigation because she was exonerated, that the FBI and DOJ were ensuring that they did not Harrison Berger on the election just for the sake of evening the odds, right? They did what they thought was right. Had they leaked the Trump investigation and had Trump won anyway because Russia got on the 77,000 votes he needed in Wisconsin, Michigan,
Starting point is 02:01:05 in Pennsylvania, then Trump would have a reasonable argument that the investigation was political. And no one would have any problem with firing Mueller at that point, or even appointing him in the first place. And Trump would still be president and would have gotten away with everything. Exactly. And I'll just add that it sounds like Komi was just being a forward thinker and he, there was bias at play with believing that Hillary would win. It's a bias I can relate to, but it is still a bias.
Starting point is 02:01:33 And he tried to... Yeah, he tried to see the future and say, okay, since this person is going to win because I think I know how this works and I'm going to make sure that they can win with legitimacy. Whereas if he thought Trump was going to win, I think he would have done the same thing. He would have been like, okay, I can't do anything that'm going to make sure that they can win with legitimacy, whereas if he thought Trump was going to win I think he would have done the same thing. He would have been like, okay, I can't do anything that's gonna affect the winners outcome because the public opinion will be, you know, chaos. Right. Yeah, chaotic. I feel like it's just
Starting point is 02:01:55 He is trying to do the best. How we couldn't have done a better job. I don't think well. Yeah, my question is what would you have done? Exactly So now what we have is nowhere near good, but we are in a better position than we would be had the FBI and DOJ come out with the Trump investigation prior to the election, because then we would be, Trump would be able to say it was political. Right. And I appreciate that from time to time, by the way, that you all are going to disagree with me. And I have to say, particularly with Komi being my homie, I have to say, though, that I think the best thing is that we can talk about it like grown-ass women with awesome, vonigate references.
Starting point is 02:02:38 And I'll never know enough to know if what they did in 2016 was right. But what I do know is that we are where we are and we have to get where we're going fast before Trump completely unwinds this country and this democracy. So many fought and died to preserve it. And I think about that. I reflect on that on this memorial day weekend. Jordan, were you going to say something? Yeah, I was just going to say the unfortunate nature of the effect that Comey coming out with that release of the reopening of the investigation had on the election is obviously devastating. But the one pillar that we have in this country, I think,
Starting point is 02:03:23 is our the pillar of justice. And that's the pillar that's always in this country, I think, is the pillar of justice. And that's the pillar that's always going, it has to remain strong and uncompromised. It's the only thing that can protect us against the other branches of government. And it has stood the test of time. Yeah. It won out in Nixon, it won out in Clinton. And if it does not win out now we are doomed. Right, I was gonna do the fucked harmony. You ready? We are fucked.
Starting point is 02:03:57 Fucked. Thank you. But yes, sorry. Go ahead, A. No, that's all a triangle of I got a route. We're out. We're nothing to say. No, no, no, no, but no, I was going to say it's like there's a it's a short term loss, but it's a long term gain and saying that I get can be triggering to people. But it's strictly in the context of the justice department. Exactly. It is sacrificing a short-term game. Very good point of long-term game. And if this goes the way I think it will go and the justice department and justice holds the way
Starting point is 02:04:36 I think it will hold because the way our founder set up the constitution, by the way, if you're fucking gun-nut, you should listen. You care about the constitution so much. Listen to this part. This one part, if it holds up, I think it will be a necessary and incredible test of our separation of powers. And I think it will come out in favor of justice. Oh yeah. Just like Martin Luther said, will come out in favor of justice. Oh, yeah. Just like Martin Luther said, the arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice.
Starting point is 02:05:07 Absolutely. Yeah. I think it will do that in this case. And I'm hoping, at least me personally, I'm hoping that justice will win the day. Yeah. And that everyone who has sacrificed on this Memorial Day weekend
Starting point is 02:05:25 Will not have done so in vain because that is one of the most important Tenets that we hold In this country absolutely Anyway, well said a gee. I love you guys. You really are the best listeners in the land seriously Listen to two hours of this stuff, man. I know. Yeah, they let us be Lucy Goosey today. Thank you. Yes. They let us go. I'm not going to edit much out of this. No, I don't. I don't want to.
Starting point is 02:05:50 I think we should let this go. Okay. I think we've had really great discussions. I think we had, I think I interrupted you plenty during your broity. But I loved it. I honestly love the conversations in between. Yeah. I do too. And I think we should put it all out there and happy season two. Yes, and
Starting point is 02:06:08 have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I'm A.G. I'm Julius A. Johnson. I'm Jordan Coburn. And this is Mola She wrote. The Molar She wrote is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo design by Jolissa Johnson, Marke K. Consulting by Amanda Rita at Unicorn Creative. Our digital media director and subscriber managers are Jordan Coburn and Sarah Hirschberger Valencia. Our partners are fastgrass.org and joistysbun.com. Fact checking and research by AG with support from Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn.
Starting point is 02:06:49 Muller She Wrote Stuff includes AG, Jolissa Johnson, Jordan Coburn, Sarah Hersberg of Alencia, Jessie Egan, and Sarah Lee Steiner. Our web design and branding are by Joel Reader with Moxie Design Studios, and our website is mullershearote.com. Hi, I'm Harry Lickman, host of Talking Feds. Around Table, it brings together prominent figures from government law and journalism journalism for dynamic discussion of the most important topics of the day. Each Monday I'm joined by a slate of Feds favorites at new voices to break down the headlines
Starting point is 02:07:35 and give the insiders view of what's going on in Washington and beyond. Plus side bars explaining important legal concepts read by your favorite celebrities. Find Talking Fedsware ever you get your podcasts. M-S-O-W-Media.

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