Jack - DOJ IG Report Findings

Episode Date: June 17, 2018

BONUS - In this week's free bonus minisode we discuss the recent DoJ Inspector General report findings. Enjoy! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Greg Oliar. Four years ago, I stopped writing novels to report on the crimes of Donald Trump and his associates. In 2018, I wrote a best-selling book about it, Dirty Rubels. In 2019, I launched Proveil, a bi-weekly column about Trump and Putin, spies and mobsters, and so many traders! Trump may be gone, but the damage he wrought will take years to fully understand. Join me and a revolving crew of contributors and guests as we try to make sense of it all. This is Preveil. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said.
Starting point is 00:00:44 That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time, a two, and that campaign, and I didn't have, and I have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin
Starting point is 00:01:02 for having nothing to do with Putin? I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So it is political. You're a communist.
Starting point is 00:01:19 No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest professional capitalist. APPLAUSE Hello, this is A.G. The anonymous host of Muller She Wrote. With me, as always, is Jolissa Johnson, and Jordan Coburn.
Starting point is 00:01:36 And today, I wanted to go over our assessment of what came out in the Department of Justice, Inspector General's findings, into the 2016 election. The big DOJIG reports. And when I say DOJIG, I don't even know if it's easier to say the whole thing or not. Right. The IG report, 500 plus pages.
Starting point is 00:01:55 And there's just a lot that came out, but there are some main points I wanted to go over. And I haven't noticed anything, nothing in here surprised me. Nothing in here shocked me or is different from anything that we've been saying at all. But I wanted to really say this as soon as possible because I wanted everybody to know what is in this report before Monday. I just, I want to get it out there. First, let's talk about what was reviewed in this report, which we already knew because of our last episode. We went over this. First, the investigation was going to find out if there was bias in the FBI between struck and page.
Starting point is 00:02:30 The two people texting each other, the new Nes had a dick exploded. I don't know. Next, the report covers Comey's press conference on Clinton and his two letters to Congress to reopen the Weener laptop situation. The next issue is whether or not McCabe should have been recused altogether from the Clinton probe.
Starting point is 00:02:50 The next point of the investigation is whether or not a DOJ official fed information to the Hillary campaign. This is about the WikiLeak dump that showed a guy named Kadsik, the assistant AG for legislative affairs. He emailed Podesta about an HRC oversight hearing and a FOIA request for state department emails. They were like, should he have done that? Finally, the report was supposed to cover any other note where the DOJ and FBI leaks.
Starting point is 00:03:16 This should have been about the New York field office threatening to leak the Weiner laptop, but it really didn't go into it like I wanted it to. Well, anyway, let's start with whether or not the Struck and Page Texts had any political influence on the FBI investigation. We here at Muller, she wrote, said, no, the answer is no. The IG finding states, quote, our report did not find evidence to connect the political views expressed in these messages to specific investigative decisions that were reviewed. Rather, we found the investigative decisions were the result of discretionary judgments
Starting point is 00:03:51 and were not unreasonable. Nice. Point for us. Yes. It's no one in conjecture. It's no one in conjecture. HMSW1 Trump Zero. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:04:00 You put beans on it? They were there. Ha ha ha. Next, the investigation wanted to determine if Komi acted within policy when he made his July 5th announcement and then again when he sent letters to Congress about the Weener laptop. We said he went against DOJ policy, but didn't have a choice. The OIG found that Yes, he did go against DOJ policy. Yeah, I mean no.
Starting point is 00:04:23 We also said that not sending the letter could delegitimize a Clinton win and that leaks pressured Komi into announcing. The IG did determine that the FBI should have acted on the Weiner laptop sooner than it did, and we'll get into that more later. The IG, however, found no evidence that Komi's decisions were politically motivated. Quote, instead we found that his decision was a result of several interrelated factors that were connected to his concern that failing to alert Congress would harm the FBI and his ability to lead it.
Starting point is 00:04:55 And in his view, Clinton was going to win the presidency and that she would be perceived to be an illegitimate president if the public first learned of the Weiner laptop after the election. Although, yeah, although Comey told us he didn't make the decision because it would leak otherwise. Several FBI officials are saying that the concern about leaks did play a role in the decision. All right. Oh yeah. Correct. Next was whether or not McCabe should have recused himself from the Clinton email probe. We said no. He did everything right when he hired the ethics guy and he talked to the FBI and tried to figure it out because his wife was running.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Right. And he was getting money from the D-Triple C. So we said no. He did everything right. And the IG report says, we are correct. Yeah. On this issue, quote, we believe McCabe did what he was supposed to do and that McCabe was not at any time required to recuse under relevant authorities Even though he voluntarily recused himself on November 1st
Starting point is 00:05:51 Hmm, this feels good, very validating I was gonna say, can we do this for all of our segments? We don't wear wrong, though Uh, burp burp burp burp burp Yeah, bow Then the price is right wrong Or blue's clues, it's down there Buh, bap, bap.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Bap. Next is the whole Codzic affair. Did Codzic release non-public information? We said no, the IG said. No! No! That is correct. The IG found, quote, we did not find that Codzic released
Starting point is 00:06:21 non-public information or misused his official position. All right. Conzick was the guy who emailed Podesta about the HRC. For your request, this is the thing that Trumpers keep harping on Podesta about. Podesta is gonna go to prison. Podesta this. Yeah, you know what?
Starting point is 00:06:33 SheaVet. We were right. Nice. So the main piece I was waiting for, and I think I wanted was waiting this whole report to come out, was the New York Field Office leaks. And it's important to note that a source briefed on the IG report says that the issue of alleged leaks to Rudy Giuliani about the Weiner laptop is not limited to what's in this
Starting point is 00:06:52 report. We've conjected that there's an entire other investigation into those leaks and now that's been corroborated. One should note what Devon Nunez said on Fox this week. Tell you what we know about that at the time. So we actually had, I've never actually said this before, because we had whistleblowers, but we couldn't really use the information, but now that it's in the IG report,
Starting point is 00:07:13 we can. We had whistleblowers that came to us in late September of 2016, who talked to us about this laptop sitting up in New York that had additional emails on it. I mean, the House Intelligence Committee, we had that, but we that had additional emails on it. I mean, the House Intelligence Committee, we had that, but we couldn't do anything with it. When was that again? In 2016. What, do you know when exactly? I think it was late September.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Okay, so ultimately they didn't move on this until late October. So good FBI agents brought this to our attention. But what could we do with it? Well, there's another exchange I want to bring to your attention. So hey, Nunez was in on it on the New York Field Office leaks, and may have been pressuring Komi, or may have been the reason Komi had to come out in front of all this.
Starting point is 00:07:59 All of the, you know, it's all stacking up in our favor on what we think, the reason why Comey had to break go outside of DOJ policy and be insubordinate. He was cornered, almost framed in some ways. He was blackmailed. Yeah, yeah. If you, you know, we're gonna come out with this from a pro-Trump anti-hillary point of view.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And if that had happened, shit would have been fucked. Totally. So there's that, also of note, Eric Prince told Breitbart in November of 2016 that he had contacts inside one P.P. That's one police plaza. It's not a P.P. tape that told him about the Weiner laptop. So he knew about it. So make sure to check out the full episode this Monday that includes an exclusive scoop on the New York field office that came out of an interview with Scott Stedman, really brilliant young journalist out of UC Irvine. I fully believe now that something will come out
Starting point is 00:08:51 Exonerating Comey and his decision to come out with the Weiner laptop news ahead of the of any pro-Trump leakers out of the New York Field Office. Hmm, so put some beans on it. Yeah. What do you guys think? That was amazing. I wish we could do that every 30 or so episodes I'll make me so happy All right, you guys thank you so much for listening and please check out our main episode Monday morning in the middle of the night probably I am your host A.G. I've been Julia Sajonson. I've been drawing Coburn and this is Miller. She wrote is Muller She Wrote. Muller She Wrote is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo design by Jolissa Johnson, market consulting by Amanda Reader at Unicorn Creative. Our digital media director and subscriber managers are Jordan Coburn and Sarah Hirschberger
Starting point is 00:09:43 Valencia. Our partners are fastgross.org and joisteespoon.com. Fact checking and research by AG with support from Jelisa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Muller She Wrote Staff includes AG, Jelisa Johnson, Jordan Coburn, Sarah Hershberger Valencia, Jesse Egan, and Sarah Leastiner. Our web design and branding are by Joel Reader with Moxie Design Studios and our website is mullershoewrote.com. Season 4 of How We Win Is Here. For the past four years, we've been making history in critical elections all over the
Starting point is 00:10:33 country. And last year, we made history again by expanding our majority in the Senate, eating election denying Republicans and crucial state house races, and fighting back a non-existent red wave. But the Magga Republicans who plotted and pardoned the attempted overthrow of our government now control the House. Thanks to gerrymandered maps and repressive anti-voter laws. And the chaotic spectacle we've already seen shows us just how far they will go to
Starting point is 00:11:04 seize power, dismantle our government, and take away our freedoms. So, the official podcast of the persistence is back with season 4. There's so much more important work ahead of us to fight for equity, justice, and our very democracy itself. We'll take you behind the lines and inside the rooms where it happens, with strategy and inspiration from progressive change makers all over the country. And we'll dig deep into the weekly news that matters most and what you can do about it, with messaging and communications expert, co-founder of Way to Win, and our new co-host, Jennifer Fernandez and Kona. So join Steve and I every Wednesday for your weekly dose of inspiration, action and hope.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I'm Steve Pearson. And I'm Jennifer Fernandez and Kona. And this is how we win. And this is how we win. M-S-W Media.

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