Jack - "Essential" Consultants, LLC

Episode Date: May 14, 2018

MAIN - This week, Jaleesa covers Black Cube, Jordan gives an update on her boyfriend Nunes, and AG breaks down Michael Cohen's totally-not-fake company "Essential Consultants, LLC." Enjoy! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Teacher Quit Talk, I'm Misredacted, and I'm Mrs. Frazzled. Every week we explore the teacher exodus to find out what if anything could get these educators back in the classroom. We've all had our moments where we thought, what the hell am I doing here? From burnout to bureaucracy to soul-sucking stressors and creative dead ends, from recognizing when it was time to go, to navigating feelings of guilt and regret afterwards, we're here to cut off a gaslighting and get real about what it means to leave teaching. We've got insights from former teachers from all over the country who have seen it all. So get ready to be disturbed and join us on teacher quit talk to laugh through the pain of the
Starting point is 00:00:31 US education system. We'll see you there. Happy Monday, Mueller junkies. The world is pretty crazy right now and separating out the noise from the news can be pretty tricky. Mueller, she wrote, is now the premiere podcast dedicated to the Trump Russia investigation, and we owe all that to you. Please take a moment to rate us on iTunes and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Then feel free to share us with your like-minded friends and politicians. If you'd like to support women in podcasting, or just get on the ground floor of our little project, head over to MullerShe Wrote.com and subscribe now.
Starting point is 00:01:02 For as little as a dollar a month, you'll get access to the MSW Book Club, our entire archive of bonus episodes, add free content, our weekly newsletter, and all kinds of great thank you gifts. We can't express how grateful we are to be able to bring you all the pertinent news each week, so thank you for making all this possible. This podcast contains laughter. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign. And I didn't have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for having nothing to do with Putin? I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So it is political. You're a communist. No, Mr. Green.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist. PAPA PAPA Hello, this is Mola, she wrote. I'm your anonymous host, A.G., trying to lay low, because I work for Trump. Not directly though, I don't have to smell him every day.
Starting point is 00:02:27 So that's a blessing. With me, as always, is Jolisa. Hello. And Jordan Coburn. Hello. That's Jolisa Johnson. By the way, I left out your last name. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Oh, yeah, it's my slave name. Don't worry about it. She's already fresh out the gates. Happy Monday morning. I'm never off, man. It's either poop or slave jokes. Exactly. Yes.. I'm never off, man. It's either poop or slave jokes. Exactly. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:48 That's how I live my life, man. Tell me you live your life. You should make a slave poop joke. Oh, that's my new goal. Yeah. We work on that. We'll hear it next week. It actually says in my script, sorry for that, right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:03:03 You already knew. I knew you guys were just talking about pooper slaves. I don't know about that. I don't make the news guys. I just bring it. This week we have a couple of great mini-sodes breaking down the incredible phone conversation we had with Kimberly Phillips who had spoken to a lawyer that was present in the Manafort hearing in the EDVA. If you haven't listened to episode 27 yet, you should. It's got that phone call and it was great. Then we're going to do something we haven't done before. A review of a piece of socially relevant art.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I was absolutely floored this week by the release of This is America by Childish Gambino. So we're gonna go over that and talk about how the Trump Russian investigation might be some subsumed in that video. Finally, a third mini-sode will be released this week. Duh, duh, duh, duh. Yeah, not too-sode will be released this week. Not too many so did you get three this week. You definitely want to head over to Mulshearout.com and become
Starting point is 00:03:50 a patron today because you'll get all three of those. The entire archive, what do we have like probably 50 mini-sodes now? Pretty much. Yeah. Definitely. And all of Russian Relent. Oh yeah, the whole book review is on there too. It's totally worth it. Toads worth a dollar. And anyway, that third mini-sode will be about my Manafort theory about superseding indictments and how his old and out-of-date financial crimes are connected to the Russian collusion thing that's happening right now.
Starting point is 00:04:23 So if you're not a patron, as I said, you can become one with just a few clicks and a dollar, just head to mullershearout.com and support the pod. 9,000 more patrons and I can quit my day job. Woohoo! And using my real name, I don't have to hide in the shadows. How many do we have right now? 400 something? Yeah, we have 4, 12 or 60.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yeah, oh really? We've got nice. Yeah, it is amazing. Oh yeah, just Patreon I'm thinking. Yeah, we have four 12 or 60. Yeah, oh really? Yeah, we've got nice. Yeah, yeah, just Patreon I'm thinking. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, we need about 10,000 for me to quit my day job. We're on the right path. We are. We're there almost. We're halfway to the free PS4 for a lucky listener. Yeah, on Twitter. On Twitter. Yeah, we were over 5,000 Twitter followers. If you follow us on Twitter, go make a Twitter account
Starting point is 00:05:08 and follow us. You automatically enter to win a PlayStation 4. Yeah. And the reason is, is because a while ago, I posted something politically relevant and it got like seven likes. And then I posted that I bought a PlayStation and I got like a 180 likes.
Starting point is 00:05:20 So I was like, all right, I got to trick the algorithm. I'm just going to talk about PlayStation's all the time. Oh, yeah. Working the system. I'm just gonna talk about play stations all the time. Oh yeah. Work in the system. Mix it in with my politics. So that's why we're giving a play station for away. It's just really. Oh my God, you just gave me an idea
Starting point is 00:05:32 or someone should make this at least, like a Robert Mueller video game. Wouldn't that be cool? Just indictments and, you know, like. He serves people with some people. Yeah, pretty much. Rades, all the raids would be the best part, yeah. It's just pongong but it's like
Starting point is 00:05:45 coming in fucking definitely I would play that I would play that Basta Basta or Bill Gates could fund us I mean he owes me five bucks you guys this little known fact that's actually Dallas McLaughlin's Yeah, put some beans on it.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Today, Jolisa is going to spend some time going over something called Black Cube. Jordan will be calling or excuse me, will be covering her boyfriend. We're calling your boyfriend what it is. His tireless pursuit of shit he can't read. And I'm going to talk about Squid Pro Crow with Michael Cohen. But for now, let's see if we can't get through this week's news with just the facts. All right, lots happened over the weekend while we were recording episode 27. Speaking on the phone with Kimberly, that was such a great
Starting point is 00:06:44 conversation. So good. We got an exclusive scoop phone with Kimberly. That was such a great conversation. I was so good. We got an exclusive scoop out of it. It was pretty cool. Yeah, that was so cool. But yeah, a lot of shit happens on the weekends. It's news. It's not just for weekdays anymore, I guess.
Starting point is 00:06:54 So it's end day we found out Trump hired foreign spies to discredit Obama diplomats that I can't believe that's just like, I'm just rolling with the news this week. Trump hired foreign spies. I can't even process. Yeah. To discredit Obama diplomats that we're working on the Iran nuclear deal to help discredit and undermine the agreement so it would be politically easier to back out of it. Which is totally his style. Very Trumpian. As we learned later in the week, Trump did back out of that deal and we'll dive into that later in our Q&A. Nunez announced that he wants to hold Jeff Sessions in contempt of Congress for not handing
Starting point is 00:07:28 over fully unredacted intel that the court doesn't even have yet. In the ongoing open Russian investigation, Jordan, you're going to go into detail later. I will. Awesome. Yeah, Todd makes me feel too. I'm smashing the project. I can't talk today. Sorry, guys. It's all good. I can't talk today. Sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:07:45 It's all good. We're just a talk show. No big deal. The only one thing you have to do. No, you're great. Even when you're bad, you're great. You're not even bad. It's just like you can get away with it.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Yeah, I like that back up right there. Even when you're bad, you're great. You're not ever bad. We'll have Stephen Hawking systems one day. Oh, yeah. We'll have the three darbines. Oh, man. Maybe that's a way to keep my head alive after I die. Oh, yes. Future Amistyle. Yeah. Yeah. The story came out over the weekend about Mueller investigation, the Mueller investigation,
Starting point is 00:08:17 going dark possibly as the midterms near. It's a longstanding policy in the Department of Justice not to release anything that could impact the outcome of an election. Too late. Whoops. So Muller might lay low for a while. Though I'm not sure how they're going to do that with the DC trial of Manafort starting in September. Like what do they consider the midterms? Because that's two months before the midterms.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Right. And I don't think I assume not trial might last a little while. I feel like this is an exception. Yeah, I think so definitely or I would think it would be I don't know I feel like Mueller is such a by the book dude. I mean he'll keep investigating keep working Maybe he just won't I mean he doesn't really leak anything. You're right. Trump sort of does everything to himself, you know? Yeah, maybe he'll let Trump dig a deeper hole. That's what'll happen. Yeah, I can't stop it from doing that. But maybe we'll see a postponement of that trial. But the Eastern District of Virginia trial is set
Starting point is 00:09:11 to begin July 10th. So he's got two trials going. So I actually I'm really excited about that. I can't wait for that. Oh yeah. I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so... That is scary! We also learned that Trump is not invited to McCain's funeral. Oh damn! But Obama and Bush have been asked to give you legies. What?
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yeah, that's pretty heartwarming. I know, it's perfect. It's like a... Why, what kind of sandwich is that? O'Fucked up Oreo? Oh yeah! Yeah, yeah. McCain in the middle. I can see that. I can see that. What kind of sandwich is that a fucked up Oreo? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:09:46 Mommy it's it's pretty weird, but that's what Trump is done. He's pushed us as far It's like you can't sit with us now. Yeah inviting Trump to functions has to give people the same anxiety is inviting like your drunk uncle Elmer or whatever just best for everyone if you don't especially if there's long darts right? I think they should let him go if he does the truffle shuffle What is first you gotta do the truffle shuffle? Come on do it Come on
Starting point is 00:10:13 do it Jordan you don't know what the truffle shuffle was? I'm with her on that. What is... Is that a thing dogs do? Yeah. Oh yeah, you know what? I wanted you to guess. Okay, it's not at candy, right?
Starting point is 00:10:32 We established that. It's definitely a dance. Truffle shuffle sounds like a cupid shuffle, like a originator. Like maybe it's got a little bit of like... Cabbage patch, I don't know what these... Yeah. Because our...
Starting point is 00:10:44 I'll see you like Chachau slide kind of thing. One of those many dances in that song. There's like a hundred instructions. Which one is it? It's what they make chunk do before they let them into the house in the movie Goonies. Oh, never from the Goonies. Yeah, he pulls his shirt up and he goes, oh, you heard it in the clip. Yeah, yeah. Monday, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman resigned amidst allegations of sexual assault from four women, two on the record. In response, we immediately pulled him off the sexy justice calendar.
Starting point is 00:11:14 We replaced him with Eric Swalwell from the 15th District of California. I really wanted a spot for him. That's good. I worked out. I'm glad he got one. It worked out for something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Not for others. Not the best for him. Yeah, that's not really the best way to change a calendar picture, but if we must I Got quite a bit of flack for that actually for changing it. Yeah, because of the ties to Cohen well People saying you know, what if these women were paid by Trump? What about innocent until proven guilty? Don't you believe in that anymore? Right. And of course, I believe in the presumption of innocence
Starting point is 00:11:48 in a court of law. Muller she wrote, is not a court of law. We are a purveyor of calendars. Our standards can be set wherever I want to set them. Yeah. As protected by the First Amendment. So I have rights too. And I'm always going to side with the women
Starting point is 00:12:02 until proven otherwise. The court of AG is not beholden to the innocent until proven guilty standard. And until dude stopped raping people all the time, I'm going to side with the women first. Thank you. You might not like that, but that's not my problem. I've been around the block enough to know
Starting point is 00:12:15 that it's difficult enough already to report assault for both men and women. And I'm certainly not going to add to the difficulty level by never believing women until the court proves them right. Well, they want cameras in Ive a giant one. A large vaj cam. A large percentage of rapes never make it to court anyway, and the ones that do rarely win.
Starting point is 00:12:32 So again, if you don't like me siding with women, stop raping people. Thank you. Also, by the time due process is through with our calendars already be printed in out, then we're not going to hold off the production of our calendars just for wine and potential rapists. Yeah, exactly That's the main lack of sympathy. Yeah, right and I'll go into this later, but those two women that
Starting point is 00:12:52 Was it we're in the court filing that Trump knew about and co-new about in 2013 are not are separate from these four women Interesting not the same women also question was it rape? Okay, you're right. I'm sorry. I'm I'm? I didn't think. I've heard sexual and physical assault, but I've heard physical assault more. No, I was sexual assault. Okay, okay. Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't know if it was rape.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Yeah, I haven't seen rape. I don't think it was rape. I used that blanket term way too loosely, I'm so sorry. And it was, yeah, one was physical assault, he smacked her in the face during an event. And I guess one was sexual assault because he choked her when they were bonin. Oh, TJ Miller style. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Come on. It's like you know when she wants and you know when she doesn't. Sorry. I just, okay. Nevermind. Yeah. It's a whole nether can or. It's a silly better style. Like we can talk choking all day, but yeah. We'll save it for an open mic. Or a mini-sote. Oh my gosh. Save it for an open mic. We should have an open mic mini soaps. Yeah, everyone could see their true
Starting point is 00:13:49 only patrons five minutes each. We actually would say bring your pod. Yeah, that's an inside a live stream breaker of Mike podcast. I'm telling you we want want that would be the worst thing ever. Probably the worst idea. Also, Monday, Mueller rejected Trump's lawyers request to answer questions in writing. SA forum. Mueller has the upper hand here, and it has a subpoena in it. So Trump's team is gonna have to do better
Starting point is 00:14:15 than an SA contest, really. I think, and this is a guess, but I think Mueller would be okay with a sit down interview that has a time limit to it with his lawyers president or president, with his lawyers president, particularly Emmett T-Flood. Cute, cute. The new guy. And like I said, it would have a time limit like three or four hours and it would be restricted to a specific areas of inquiry.
Starting point is 00:14:38 But I think that's about as far as Mueller would go. That's pretty fair. Definitely. Anything short of that, I think will result in a subpoenaena which Trump will ultimately lose. Anything short of that is privilege. Yeah. Well, you can be half. I also don't think Trump ever learned the concept of a body paragraph versus an intro and a conclusion. Thank you. Is that say responses would probably be? What his piece is no collusion? Yeah. In conclusion. No, it's always started. Oh, my God, it's gotta be like a hashtag or something. Anyway, that's conjecture, but I'm right.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Trump's lawyers say they will decide by May 17th, if they will sit down with Mueller, who is currently crafting a counter offer. Two-year bullshit essay request. Goddamn it. Late Monday and into Tuesday, multiple reports started coming out that Trump is growing frustrated with Giuliani. If he's not gone by the time this episode airs, I lost a bet. I'll give him till mid-May, Max, I think.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Why does anybody touch Trump? Anybody that wants to continue to have a career, why would you accept any offer for this? Their friends. He's trying to help his friend. That's really all it is. Sounds like living with a friend. He's trying to help his friend. That's really all it is. It sounds like living with a friend. It's like living with a friend. You're right.
Starting point is 00:15:48 It's blinding them though. Yeah. A little later in the week he said he resigned from his law firm, but we know his law firm fired the fire. Oh, definitely. My dad used to work for that law firm. Oh really? Great.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Great work. Great work. Yeah. Because they actually, after he resigned, quote unquote, the law firm is like, oh yeah, and by the way, we want everyone to know that we disagree 100% with what he says. We don't make payments to clients without, to people without consulting the client first,
Starting point is 00:16:14 just ignore him. Exactly. Yeah, crazy old man. He was definitely fired. Oh, you know it. It's a bye bye. Yeah, I'm just a bit. A bye bye.
Starting point is 00:16:24 But if you just wait. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye bye. Tuesday, Trump backed out of the Iran deal, which may not have anything to do with Russia, unless that was a promise Trump made to Putin, so Russia could sell Iran arms again. I don't know. For now, it seems separate.
Starting point is 00:16:41 So we'll keep him separated. Okay. All right. So remember when Giuliani infamously and stupidly used the word funneled to describe the money that went from Cohen to Stormy Daniels, vis-a-vis. I really forget.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Cohen's Delaware LLC called Essential Consulting. It's essential. Right. I just see him, it's fucking essential. You need 10 seconds on that name. He's like, it's a fake company. Who cares? It's essential, I'm essential.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Well, beginning late Tuesday, we started learning about all sorts of other money that flowed through, bundled through, if you will, that shell company, including some major corporations. And I'm going to go over this reporting in detail later. So that'll be fun. Oh, yeah. Wednesday, we found out that Rosenstein, Mr.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I won't be extorted. I seem to grant access to classified information for Gaudi and Nunez, but then maybe revoked it. Jordan, are you going to talk about that? Yes. Yeah, OK, cool. So we'll learn a little bit later in hot notes. In McCain's new book, he confirms that he gave the dossier
Starting point is 00:17:42 to Comey and the FBI saying it was out of duty to his country. So that confirms that part of the fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson testimony to Congress and our podcast reporting on it. It's important to note that to this date, nothing in the dossier has been refuted. That's crazy. It's only been corroborated. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Also, Wednesday, Wednesday, we're only halfway through the week. I know. How'm a day. House Democrats, led by Adam Schiff, who was in our sexy justice calendar, got a hold of documents from the estate of Peter Smith. If you remember, Peter Smith was a GOP operative who was going nuts in 2016 trying to find Hillary's emails on the dark web. Remember that guy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:20 This action was a unilateral move by the Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee who have decided to keep investigating Russian meddling and conspiracy since Nunez shut it down last month, who's recused, I don't understand. It's all crazy. Peter Smith also committed suicide in May 2017, leaving a note saying, quote, no foul play whatsoever. We covered that in our MSW Book Club review of Russian Roulette. Check that out if you get a chance. And in our main episodes, too. The Senate Intel Committee released its preliminary findings into Russian targeting of our election infrastructure, the machines, the actual election part.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And they found a small number of states where Russian-affiliated cyber actors were in a position to, at a minimum, alter or delete voter registration data Oh my goodness lots of folks are asking me if if it's found that actual votes were tampered with or voters were removed from Rolls and couldn't vote if the election can be considered null and void some are asking if All Trump has done can be undone or all he's undone can be put back together again Are they asked if we can install Hillary quote unquote install Hillary. That's so funny because like they call her robotic. What they're gonna plug her in. All right Hillary you're up. Yeah clap on. Yeah. You're off the bench. Yeah no guys. We can't that's not how it works.
Starting point is 00:19:39 You can't stay time out as everything was a farce. Take Gorsuch off the bench and let the immigrants back in that you kicked out like you can't. It's not that simple. And you don't put, if he's out, Pence becomes, if Pence doesn't, Ryan becomes, there's a whole line of success. And then there's a fourth guy that I keep
Starting point is 00:20:00 forgetting his name. It's like, people keep saying they want this revolution in this special election, but I'm like,'s a little like you said long line of people that aren't even probably involved with the with the Russian. No, there's a whole succession. But and also people say, well, if you flip the Congress, wouldn't the speaker the House be Nancy Pelosi? Wouldn't she become president? Probably not because if Paul Ryan or of Pence or whoever was next would probably immediately appoint another Republican vice president.
Starting point is 00:20:26 There you go. Yeah. So it would just keep going back to that guy over and over again. So what do we do then? Yeah. We toss him out in 2020 or we indict him. Yeah. That's probably it. Or we get him to resign. Avon Audi seems 100% convinced that he will resign before the end of the term. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And he's been right about everything. That guy's interesting douchebag. He's an interesting fellow. A lot of people love him. Yeah. I get that. I love a douchebag. I'm a fan of him because the worst thing he's done is be confident.
Starting point is 00:20:55 You know, like I think that can be annoying. But technically he hasn't said anything that I haven't heard other people with strong personality say. And I'm just, I guess like if your biggest crime's just having a strong personality, it's not so bad. Yeah, well, I think he just puts a lot of flair on things that he doesn't need to as an attorney. There's like a molar type and then there's a, there's a, a vanity type.
Starting point is 00:21:15 True. And they're both right and doing good work. Yeah, but their methods, you're right, are very different. Yeah, like, Avanatti loves the spotlight. He loves being a talking head. He loves going, hashtag, basta. I appreciate it because I feel like someone needs to at least make Mueller seem like Mueller.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Like we need people to understand that Mueller. Is it Mueller? It's a new tool. Yeah, so basically, you know how you have to have the extreme version of the tools to make nice people seem nice. Essentially, we need Mueller to look better by having someone like Avonati preaching the good word,
Starting point is 00:21:43 but in a way that's so aggressive that it turns people off and they're like, oh, I guess the Mueller guy has a better head. He's an adult film actresses attorney. I think he's a New York guy or an LA guy. It's expected. I don't have an issue with it. Right, and I personally find it very entertaining.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Like, Trump's entertaining too, but at least I agree with Michael Avonati. So it's kind of as a joke. It's like when Joe Biden starts talking shit. Exactly, I love it, but I guess you're right. And this whole industry, people like us are the ones that are allowed to be like this and people like Michael Ivanova you're supposed to be like put together and I'm like no be like me. I'm cool. That's stormy I love stormy. She's the best a riot. Yeah, she's pretty bad at it on Twitter
Starting point is 00:22:19 And she's on snl. Yeah, that was so great when she was on snl Yes, she picked up the phone and and Alec Baldwin is Trump is like, what can I do to make this go away? What do you want? What do you want? She says, a resignation. Beautiful. So funny.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Beautiful. We're not known for our acting. Yeah, that's so great. But anyway, yeah, tweet at us at Muller She Wrote. Let me know what you think of Michael Avonotti. Yeah. We've got some differing opinions around the table and I've heard people love him
Starting point is 00:22:45 or they think he's a douche. It's like no middle. I think he's brave. I know it sounds kind of crazy because it's like, oh, he's just talking crap. But think about it. I think he just wants to be famous. My family get scared when they hear the things
Starting point is 00:22:55 we say about Putin. They're like, he's gonna poison you. I'm like, no, he's gonna poison Rachel Maddow first and Michael Avonotti first before he poisons me. So I'm like, well, he's going to be brave and people will speak out. Yeah, it's brave. I think it's brave. Yeah, yeah, I think so. I think so too.
Starting point is 00:23:08 But like I, yeah, I mean, like, Zeus, he's still a douchebag. Yeah, still a douchebag. I can see that. I think what we need to do is watch what happens with Cambridge Analytica in the UK, because they're under investigation now. And it's been shown that they swayed the vote, the Brexit the leave vote with their you know psycho targeting or whatever the fuck they call it psycho graphic Targeting yeah, they just make it up words for news. I was like there isn't yeah, it's good scary It's really and and so there it you know they might actually Redo that referendum. I mean they might redo their vote
Starting point is 00:23:43 So I don't know we should probably watch what they do and see kind of, I know that they're a law and constitution is different from ours, but they're similar enough. Similar enough to where we might be able to see what happens if it's proven that actual votes were tampered with in our election. Like, what do you do? It's never happened.
Starting point is 00:24:00 What do you crane do when it happens to them when Russia changed their election? They overtrue them. They overtrue them. They overtrew it. Oh, well maybe we don't want to do that. And then they all sort of, and then they out what was cool was like they over through the guy and he flew, he flew. He fled to, he fled. And boy, his arms tired.
Starting point is 00:24:15 He fled to Moscow, Yana Kovic, this is Yana Kovic. And then all the people like raided his properties and his mansions and stuff, but they didn't destroy anything or loot anything. They just wanted to see what it was. Oh, that's right. That was stolen from them. That was the guy. And they went in and they looked all around. And they were pissed.
Starting point is 00:24:34 And they, yeah, but they didn't destroy anything. They were just like, this is how the king lived. Golden toilets and all this stuff. I would still, this is what I would take his toilet paper. I would take something. This is, they just wanted to document what was purchased with their stolen money Yeah And then then they found all the files hidden in at the bottom of a lake
Starting point is 00:24:54 And then they tried and then in the fireplace and they've been taping it back together and trying to put it all together And that's when those four suits came out from that the Ukraine was looking into Manafort. Yeah. And then they dropped it. So they popped up on all those documents. So that's the whole issue. That's a dream version of what we could do. Yeah, that's like the Titanic rendition
Starting point is 00:25:13 of an overthrow. So that's crazy. Just unearth it from the depths of the sea. Yeah, I would like to see something in between because I have friends that are like really liberal and progressive and they're like, yeah, man, let's overthrow the government. And I'm like, you don't want to live in a country that's going through a revolution like that.
Starting point is 00:25:27 That's not a good way to spend your adult years. It's just turmoil and chaos and fear. I'd rather like you said, see what the UK does. I think you're right about that being that like sweet spot of, let's just see if they have any trouble and if they don't, then we'll just follow their lead. What do they do? Yeah, I don't want to overthrow Trump and eat him or anything. No.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I do want his toilet paper. I'm not going to lie. That sounds amazing. I'm big on eating the ribs. I've never heard anyone suggest eating Trump. It's so funny to me. You already hear it for us guys. There's going to be some cannibal running for Congress.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Oh my god. I have one agenda point and one on like dude. Eat Donald Trump. That sounds like an amazing movie. The cannibal congress. Oh my god, I've won a Jenna point one on like dude eat Donald Trump. That sounds like an amazing movie the Cannibal Congress So miss the rotten tomato's guy that reached out to me this week. Maybe he can do he's really into I forgot his name. We'll pull a wine trough. Maybe it's later on in my script I'll bring it back to it put a pen in it put beans on it will be right back Pence Pence said Thursday that it's time to wrap up the Mueller investigation
Starting point is 00:26:29 It's getting too close to me. He says, I'm not sure he wants to stick his creepy nose and all this. He's been quiet up until now. Like what's going on? He homophobic, you know, Jordan said it. We know what's going on. Right. Yeah. He's managed to stay low this whole time, not connected. And yeah, that can that's going to run out. He's connected. He's most definitely connected. Yeah. John Kelly sat on Friday in an interview with NPR, gonna run out. He's connected. He's most definitely connected. John Kelly sat on Friday in an interview with NPR, which is weird, he never does interviews, and then he does one with NPR.
Starting point is 00:26:50 But I guess the journalist in NPR was embedded with him in Iraq, Afghanistan, and they became close. Yeah, cool. So he did this interview with NPR, and he said the investigation was less of a cloud and more of an embarrassment. Oh, Trum. Trum, Trum, Semberius.
Starting point is 00:27:09 The country's embarrassed. Or with O'Tum. Then he later corrected himself because he knew his boss would be pissed if he said that he was embarrassed about anything. And he said, no, it was more of a distraction than an embarrassment. Okay. Change to story. Yeah, wrap up this investigation because it's a distraction.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Like, they're excuses aren't even good. Like, it's insulting. I know his base is fine with it, but like, most people are not their base. So, most people are insulted, and it's really annoying. It's insulting, you're right. Yeah. Finally, Congress is working on a legislation
Starting point is 00:27:39 they're calling Plan B. I'm not sure if they know what Plan B is. Yeah, I'm probably not. A board. A board of directors. I don't know. Maybe B is. Probably not. A board. A productive health. I don't know. Maybe this is plan C guys.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Oh yeah. And this is to protect Mueller's work. It would allow for Mueller and his, sorry, not Mueller, Mueller's reports to be released publicly. It would allow for Mueller to be released publicly. He re-is guys. Hi, Madden. It's those local zoos.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Take down. It also allows for Mueller to release all of his work if he's fired. It also allows for Mueller to resign and release his findings if Rosenstein is fired. It appears this legislation has enough support for a veto-proof majority, which would force the president to sign it, which would just be so fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I don't think he'll tellivize that signing. No. But he hates signing some stuff like the sanctions that signing. But you know, he hates signing some stuff like the sanctions, the Russian sanctions. Oh, he was pissed. He was, I have to, yeah, with the red crayon, he used that one. He still hasn't enacted those fucking sanctions. Okay. And then, as if some weird group of stars aligned once in a zillion years, a connection was established between the sexual abuse allegations against Schneidermann and Michael fucking Cohen.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Like a true mobster, this guy apparently has his fingers in all the pies, so. No pun intended. Wow, sorry, that was. No stormy Daniels pun intended. In a clothe. A fingering joke? That was a fingering joke.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I know you didn't mean to, A.G, but I was like, we gotta let them know we didn't mean to, because that's a visual finger in the pies. That was not a finger blast joke. Anyway, in a court filing by the attorney representing these two women, Peter Gleason, according to his filing, we learned that additional women had come forward with allegations, and were referred to a tabloid reporter who then told Trump, who eventually had Cohen reach out to the women. And this is back in 2013.
Starting point is 00:29:27 That's so fucked up. Right around the time when Schneidermann was filing the lawsuit against Trump University. So basically this lawyer, these two women came to this lawyer and they go, don't report it to the cops. Let me talk to Donald Trump. Because I think Trump was thinking about running for governor and he was being sued by Schneidermann.
Starting point is 00:29:43 So he had dirt on Schneiderman. Okay, so do you think that they actively thought the most retribution they would get is if they could take it down politically versus through an actual line of law? Right. Wow. And Trump ended up settling that. It was a Trump University lawsuit. He settled for 25 million.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Oh my goodness. I should have enrolled. No, he should. I should have enrolled. The dirt was never used. But now there's allegations from four different women, just as the Mueller investigation is nearing its apex and the Attorney General of New York has been poised to back up Mueller with state charges in the face of Trump pardons. You know, and trying to get that legislation through the state assembly that would close that double jeopardy law so he could be prosecuted in federal and state court. Exactly. He's been replaced by another Democrat so everything's fine. It's continuing. Good. That's all I care about. Yeah. I imagine
Starting point is 00:30:33 he trained his team really well. And Peter Gleason is asking the court to seal any communications between his clients from 2013 and Mr. Cohen. Okay. Mr. Gleason is a known tabloid style lawyer in New York and his letter to the court begs a question, why did he go public with this? Because he didn't have to. Should I do it? No, the guy that went against her, right? Gleason, the guy who filed the public court document saying, I want you to, I don't know, but I think they put a, he called it a restraining order on the communications and not let
Starting point is 00:31:08 prosecution see it. Barbara Jones, who's the special master's already going through all this stuff. I guess one computer is encrypted and she's having trouble with, but she's got all 12 phones and I was like, they're making some 12 phones and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of boxes of files and computers. And but one computer's given her trouble, but it I'm sorry, they're making some 12 phones and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of boxes of files and computers and but one computer is giving her trouble But I'm sorry, but it's going to be up to her whether or not those communications are considered privileged And if there is any Illegality it is no longer covered by attorney client privilege. So I think he's just asking I think he just made the public ask to
Starting point is 00:31:43 Draw attention to himself. I mean that's the only reason I can think just made the public ask to draw attention to himself. I mean, that's the only reason I can think. And I don't even want to be mad about that because like I hear people say all the time about the victims like, Oh, he's one attention. And I'm like, well, yeah, they want attention. Like they want a lot of attention for something that they think, you know, deserves it. So on the one hand, of course, I respect it. Shyterman, Shyterman's work, but on the other, I have no beef with a dude
Starting point is 00:32:05 that is representing the women personally in terms of his reason for going public. I don't know what it was. Just that theory. Not what it was. I'm not. As far as that theory I agree with you. I think it just makes sense that he just wanted attention, just like anyone else would in that case.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I just have to withhold judgment until. It did. Which is like me. It's good though. It's a good practice. Yeah. Totally. I really want to believe this guy, especially since he's the which is like me. It's good though. It's a good practice. Yeah, yeah. I really want to believe this guy, especially since he's the one that was connected to
Starting point is 00:32:30 Trump right, the Gleason guy, is he the one that, no, yes. Yeah. So a part of me wants to believe that he's shady, the other part of me is like, well, I guess we'll see, right? Well, the thing is that that I Don't know he didn't he didn't have to go public with this and He also told the women not to report it to the cops. That's right. So that's weird. That is very weird So yeah, it's I don't like that. Yeah, I mean either and well It is an interesting point though because you think if there's first off the
Starting point is 00:33:03 Court of laws generally are not very forgiving and helpful to women in the whole process when you go to report and you go to prosecute. Right. And that's just how it's been historically. It seems right. Right. And so I wonder maybe if it was explained to them in a way like, Hey, do you want to actually
Starting point is 00:33:18 get him and hit him where it hurts? Or do you want to get it? Because this is his livelihood. So if you want to attack his livelihood come with me I wonder if it was a kind of I know it's not like which is awful, but still you're totally right The way the world works and want a lawyer would tell well Someone's been the bagman for Trump for so long that his his whole MO was to get dirt on people right Right, right. Just never use the dirt then and I don't know why it could have been opportunistic
Starting point is 00:33:42 But also what Jordan said he did have both. He didn't use the dirt. Then it could have just been that. I mean, I just think that theory makes a lot of sense. Oh, you're talking about why he felt the court exactly why the women would listen to open attorney that's telling the motives and all of this. You know, yeah, I guess we'll still find out. We're just conjecture, but I really do feel like it does make a lot of sense that he would be like, hey, let me help you in a way that actually is going to work.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Well, that was, remember, when he had these conversations with these women, it was 2013. He filed the court filing this week. So it's not. Are you allowed to, is there not like a, what is that statual limitation? Well, not for, not for asking for a restraining order against letting.
Starting point is 00:34:22 He basically said he didn't want their names to get out. Which is fine, but that fine we'll call them woman A and woman B. But why so long? It's going to be, well, no, not why so long. I just wanted you, because you sounded like you were talking like it just happened. Yeah, yeah. I just learned about right, right. But you know, it's, I don't know,. It's just the timing is weird, but
Starting point is 00:34:50 Jane mayor of the New York Times made it clear that this letter and this lawyer have nothing to do with the four women She reported about coming forward with allegations against Schneiderman. Okay, the ones he resigned over and she added that the women She spoke to our all anti-Trump and deeply disappointed that Schneiderman let them down. So yeah, that's actually really interesting It's important to note that this is a completely separate to women. So now we have six. Yeah. Okay. And that's enough. That's a shame. My guess is they probably went to this guy, Gleason, because there was sexual assault or physical abuse. And he said, hang on a second. And he got Trump to call, Cohen to call them, and they had communications. And now he is saying, since Cohen, why is it happening now? Because Cohen's place was rated.
Starting point is 00:35:32 So he's saying, oh, they have all the documents. I want to make sure that these two women don't get out. And he made it public. So either he's just wanting to pile on to the Schneidermann story or get some recognition or something, get his name out there, or get some recognition or something. Get some name out there. Or make sure that people know. He might have, me, I would have said,
Starting point is 00:35:50 yeah, don't let anyone know about those communications just to draw attention to those communications. You never know why people do things. Good point. Why people do do things. Yeah. Do do. Alright guys, those are the facts.
Starting point is 00:36:01 We'll be right back. Hello. Thanks for listening to Mullollarshi wrote. I'm talking to you because we could really use your help. There's a lot of costs associated with creating a podcast. There's editing, sound equipment, writing, research, hosting, shipping costs, some merch, branding, and web design, consulting, IT. I'm not too proud to ask you guys for your support.
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Starting point is 00:37:25 Okay, so this is a story that came out on Monday from the New York Times and the Vogue. They reported that opponents of the Iran deal possibly people tied to Trump hired an Israeli spy firm named Black Cube to dig up dirt on ex-Obama AIDS. Now for many years we've known that the opponents of the Iran deal have accused Benjamin J. Rhodes, a former top national security aide to Obama, of plotting to sell the agreement on false pretence at the public.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And we'll talk about that. But now, as Trump officially backed out of the U.S. deal, there's evidence that surface, basically that says the opponents of the agreement have engaged in a Sophisticated effort to dig up dirt on roads and his family that continued well after Obama left office creepy It's really creepy the whole black cube name is creepy to me So this report on roads from black cube contained pictures of roads apartment in Washington Telephone records and the email addresses of his family members, as well as unsubstantiated allegations of, quote, personal and ethical
Starting point is 00:38:31 transgressions. So, who wants to donate? In a separate case from last year, the same firm, BlackHube, was hired by Harvey. Is it Weinstein or Weinstein? What do we decide it on again? Weinstein. Is it E.I. at the end? Or EI? It's EI.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah, yeah. It should be Stein. Yeah, that guy. But I hear Weinstein. Same. We all know that creepy person. As whole. We can just call him As Whole.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Yeah, As Whole. He hired Black Cube to gather dirt on women accusing him of sexual misconduct. Are you fucking kidding me? No, this is real. This is real life. Oh my god. Repeat that again. So Harvey Weinstein hired Black Cube to gather dirt on women,
Starting point is 00:39:13 accusing him of sexual misconduct. This is the same firm that was digging up dirt on these exobama aids. And we're suspecting, I say we, in the anonymous sources, that suspect the aids that hired black hue were connected to Trump So yeah, it's all very sketchy and Trump has AIDS Trump has AIDS. That's the moral of the story Okay, and you know what I'm sorry. I know it fence the people that have it But yeah, we don't like Trump so black hue is on some say shady as shit basically and they don't sound like it people at all In fact the whole and that sound at all. In fact, the whole investigation... The whole investigation... They sound very mean.
Starting point is 00:39:45 And the whole investigative firm was created by a former intelligence analyst from the Israeli defense forces. So they're bad guys that actually know what they're doing, which is really scary. Yeah, the idea for bad asses. Oh yeah, definitely. And although it's unclear who hired Blackhub, we suspect the Trumpates, but it's totally unclear right now. To prepare the report on roads, a similar report came out
Starting point is 00:40:08 on Colin, Colin, Colin, Colin, yes, he's a former national security advisor to Vice President Joe Biden. And according to the Guardian, who was the first to publish these reports, they claimed that Trump AIDS were behind it, and their whole thing is we just have a feeling, we just know. So at this point, there's no actual evidence
Starting point is 00:40:28 in the documents that they hired, but that they, that Trump A, it's actually hired him, yeah. But, but there's just this little whisper going on in Washington right now. It's like, Trump's behind it. So, furthermore, Edo, Minkouiski, well, how would he even pronounce that? Minkouiski, this is the spokesperson for Black Cube. It's an interesting name. How do you spell it?
Starting point is 00:40:47 M-I-N-K-O-W-S-K-I. Minkowski. Minkowski. What's wrong with me? So, yeah, he's the spokesman. What do you have against the Polish? I know, I'm thinking like I'm breaking it down. Minkowski. So, he said, quote, black cube has no relation whatsoever to the Trump administration, to Trump AIDS or to anyone close to the administration or to the Iran nuclear deal. And anyone who claims otherwise is misleading their readers and viewers. So, you know, complete denial, of course.
Starting point is 00:41:19 One person with knowledge to the report suggested that black cube had been hired by a commercial client with an interest in opposing the nuclear deal. So, as of right now, at least, there's just speculation that Trump's behind it. There's no real evidence. There's a couple of different theories. But, regardless of who requested the investigation, the reports appear to be, quote, clearly aimed at undermining public support for the Iran deal by finding ways to discredit roads and call who have
Starting point is 00:41:45 been staunch advocates of the deal on social media and in television appearances." So even in an interview on Monday, Rhodes said he was surprised at the amount of criticism he was receiving even after he left government. Obviously Hillary Clinton kind of warned him of that. They still want to impede her. She never got elected. But anyways, roads went on to say, quote, I never imagine that upon leaving government, that not only would that
Starting point is 00:42:10 information campaign continue, but that it would be supplemented by investigations into me and my family by shadowy international operations involving foreign entities. He speaks really well about this. It's a really interesting contrast compared to the people we've covered before that are like, God damn you to hell. He seems like he's pretty calm, but you know, he's frustrated. And just to wrap it all up, honestly, to me, this feels like something that's going to be unraveling for a while. We're going to figure out exactly who was behind this in the next coming weeks, I suppose, Mueller may already know. But the argument that the opponents of the Iran deal even have against roads and call, it's not very substantial, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:42:52 So what they're saying is that basically, there was this New York Times article in May of 2016 describing a White House war room in which roads was trying to manage news coverage of the Iran nuclear negotiations. And in the article, roads was quoted as saying, we created an echo chamber. They were saying things that validated what we had given to them to say. And so this is
Starting point is 00:43:12 what those critics of the Iran dealer holding on to. They're pretty much saying that by extension, the entire Obama administration was secretly manipulating public opinion by misrepresenting the implications of the nuclear deal. Just by saying they had reporters that agreed with them and that we're saying what they were saying, that's what they're hanging on. Or it was a good deal. Exactly. That's all they have. Yeah, people just universally agree. That's why they decided. Every country assigned off on it, the UN passed a resolution, nobody objected, everyone was into it, man. It's so obvious it was a good thing,
Starting point is 00:43:42 but the opponents basically thought that that was enough, that article about the echo chamber comment was enough to spy on them and their families. It's crazy. I hate that people are allowed to just subvert logic like that and are able to speak. I took this symbolic logic class in college once that goes through essentially how, when you showed up, was there no one there. Yeah. You said you had to figure it out. Yeah, I love it. But basically we learned all of these rules of arguments and the straw man. Exactly, yeah. Yeah, and so learning logical fowsies is part of it
Starting point is 00:44:14 and then just learning about like proofs and logical proofs. And I remember thinking, God, this class is so great. I wish people that were public officials had to pass all of this logical proof that they probably could be said, because you can literally prove people long time ago. No, they'd probably take that class so they know what not to do.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Good point. But seriously, we know that those are logical, but those are logical fallacies. Yeah, it really is. Yeah, try to explain that to a term supporter. I know, that's true, exactly. I quit. I quit doing it.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Did you see my tweet? You gave up, I'm like, done. Educate yourselves for once. It's a waste of time, so. Yeah, I thought. I quit doing it. Did you see my tweet? You gave up. I'm like, I'm done. Educate yourselves for once. It's always sometimes. I'm not even in the talk to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Anyway, thank you for that reporting. Of course. That was great. Thank you. The Weinstein, Weinstein part. Sketchy ass for her man. Weinstein, Weinstein. There we go.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Rosenstein. Yes. Stein's your cool. Steens are perverts. Yeah, it seems like a- Sorry, I shouldn't say that. That's wrong. Yeah, wait a blanket statement. Yeah, don't quote me, please.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I know we had a whole thread on Rosenstein versus Rosenstein, and I have since flipped how I say it. So I forget all the time. I apologize for that, and I'll wear it. I also ask, what is the right way to say it again? It's Rosenstein. Oh, fuck, I was going to say Rosenstein. No, it's Rosenstein. I doubt many people even notice, but amongst us, we try to keep it again. It's Rosenstein. Oh, fuck! I was gonna say Rosenstein. No, it's Rosenstein.
Starting point is 00:45:25 I doubt many people even notice, but amongst us, we try to keep it distinct. Remember when we called him Mueller for the first three other times? Yeah, welcome to Mueller, she wrote. And Chessie's like, hey, I think it's Mueller. I'm not like, yeah, I know, but I've been saying Mueller, I can't change.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Mueller. It's too late to turn back now. No, we'd get Mueller. Anyway, Jordan, you've got some information on your boyfriend? Yes, my boyfriend, David Nunez. It's a love-to-lead relationship. More of a eight, it is.
Starting point is 00:45:56 It really is. Also more of a, he doesn't know who I am. Relationship. Like most relationships. Lately, I'm not a lady that sends 65,000 text messages. It was a great one date. But seriously, oh god, I digress. So I'm going to take you to the point that comes before the Thursday meeting that Nunez and Gaudi go to have with the DOJ. And then I'll do the big reveal at the end of how it all ends up.
Starting point is 00:46:29 I look forward to it. So we take you back in time to before. Before, before, before Thursday meeting. So David Nunez, as you know, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and Trey Gaudi, who's a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman, they request and wind up receiving a private briefing pertaining to documents related to the Mueller investigation on what happened to be Thursday. That's when the meeting was to take place. The two were going to be visiting the Justice Department to receive this briefing.
Starting point is 00:46:59 And this comes after David Nunes has requested and filed for a subpoena for classified documents relating to the molar probe. The Department of Justice has been very hesitant to turn these documents over due to the high stakes nature of this intel. In fact, top intelligence officials are saying that the devulgence of this information could actually threaten the life of a top intelligence source
Starting point is 00:47:21 to which sociopath Nunes respondsz responds, yeah, I know, that's why I'm doing it, I'm a monster. What? No, that was my joke. Oh, you never know. It's like, wow, it came out of the closet finally. That's a real monster, sorry. Got to get better at sarcasm.
Starting point is 00:47:40 That's why I do end quote, I'm like, they'll never know. They'll never know. God, that's just, I't I can't even yeah me neither And of course we all know that the easiest way to get newness to be able to view documents is apparently to tell God He can't see them She cannot let it go. It's like crazy. He threatens to hold Jeff Sessions and contempt for not signing off on releasing the documents to him quickly enough It just reminds me of Scooter Libby like all over again. Yeah attempt for not signing off on releasing the documents to him quickly enough. It just reminds me of Scooter Libby, like all over again, releasing Valerie Plame's name.
Starting point is 00:48:11 And I just said it again, but it's out. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's very much out. So Nunez says this. He says they are citing they referencing the DOJ and the FBI. They are citing Spirious and national security concerns to evade congressional oversight while leaking information to the Washington Post ostensibly about classified meetings.
Starting point is 00:48:34 He said this to the Washington Post. Congress has a right and a duty to get this information, and we will succeed in getting this information, regardless of whatever fantastic stories, the DOJ and FBI spin to the post. Lovely. Thank you for undermining our faith and the only pillars of justice we have in this country. Fucking asshole. Logical fallacy.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Yeah. Assistant Attorney General Steve and he void response to this, with this quote that I thought was fantastic. He says, disclosure of responsive information to such requests can risk severe consequences, including potential loss of human lives, damage to relationships with valued international partners, compromise of ongoing criminal investigations, and interference with intelligence activities. Thank you, Stephen Boyd. But newness is like a child that gets away with this.
Starting point is 00:49:31 The more he says, give me, apparently, they listen to him. I don't understand why. And I'm wondering where his parents are. So they can tell him, shut the fuck up. A group of conservatives, home on the phone. Yeah. A group of conservatives have, this day drafted eight articles of impeachment over Rosenstein not getting documents, Rosenstein, not producing documents quickly
Starting point is 00:49:53 enough to which Rosenstein responds, this is not a joke, this is real, he says that the Justice Department is not going to be extorted. Fuck yeah, Rosenstein. I think we played that clip last week. Yeah. I feel like he's evolved from a spineless water snake to like a toe sucking the sucker bitch. Yeah, he's like a Pokemon. He's getting more bones. Nivered a brain. More just to see over time.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Little vertebrae action. Yeah, really? Yeah, really? Rosenstein land. He really is. Rosenstein says something that I thought was pretty cool to hear him say. If we were to just open our doors to allow Congress to come and rummage through the files, that would be a serious
Starting point is 00:50:29 infringement on the separation of powers. And it might resolve a dispute today, but it would have negative repercussions in the long run, and we have a responsibility to defend the institution. Yeah. Hero Nunes. Dude, I love him. Yeah. Well, remember when he's sucked. Oh, sorry. Yeah. Remember when he he's stuck. Sorry. Yeah, remember when he's stuck so bad He would never since they had that dinner Everyone he sucks up. Yeah, yeah, no honestly. I love how this whole journey has made us like warm up to people that are a little racist Possum. Yeah, no really cane. It's bringing a soft But yeah, um-hmm. Well, McCain's having to kind of a change of heart. Oh for sure
Starting point is 00:51:03 He's apologizing for Palin. Did you see that? I saw. Wow. He regrets Palin. He was hanging out with Joe Biden. They're really good friends. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 00:51:11 He just had to get closer to that. That's fucking depressing. Sometimes, yeah. They're privileged. Yeah. It doesn't wait until you have brain cancer. Please don't. We can be friends now.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Yeah. And maybe it was all, I'm not even kidding. He got camaraderie with NFL. And maybe having more black people in his life and A lot of races So what so anyway, so Thursday what happened? Yeah, so Rosenstein they after they go and you know They're supposed to be viewing these documents They have a meeting with Rosenstein and the result of which was the a Nunes comes out and he says I have this quote also, but essentially he says that they talked through it
Starting point is 00:51:48 and they're not going to move forward with seeing the documents right now. They had a productive conversation where Rosenstein will explain a lot of things to him. This pronounced fronconcy. And it was a productive conversation, but he leaves it by saying they will continue to have these conversations so that Congress can get the documents that they need. So it's kind of put on a hiatus a little bit right now, which is a victory because that asshole has been so successful. And it'd be true. More or less the DOJ has wound up turning over documents to them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:26 And a little fun fact that I think is good to know is through the process of requesting these documents, there was a time when Nunes initially subpoenaed them for the documents where they got to the intelligence officials and the FBI got together and Rosenstein. It's got to be a two-row and Rosenstein. I forget, I don't remember which way it is. I don't remember which way it is.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Which I feel is comfortable. Yeah. And they get together and they come up with a statement saying that this will be bad for national security and they actually get the White House including Trump to sign off on that response. Yeah, Trump agreed. Which is crazy. But obviously it looks like that support is wafering and it's just a big game of back
Starting point is 00:53:06 and forth between Rosemostine Trump, Nunez. I mean, Trump doesn't have too much power yet as he's threatened to, I can only stay away for so long. But I'm going to have to stick. I'm talking like a true predator. All right, cool. We didn't get the documents. He wouldn't have read them anyway.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Anyway, thanks for that great reporting. Jordan, of course. Victory for Congress. We're not Congress, the DOJ. Yeah, little victories. We got to celebrate them while we can. F the Cannibal Congress. All right, I'm going to tackle the elephant in the room, guys.
Starting point is 00:53:35 The elephant's name is Essential Consultants, which is a weird name for an elephant. But I'm so corny sometimes when I write it. He's a sophisticated elephant. If you hadn't heard about that shell company from us already, you've definitely heard about it this week. On Tuesday, Michael Avanotti, Stormy Daniels attorney of all people, published a seven-page report via Twitter alleging that Michael Cohen's Delaware shell company called Essential Consultants,
Starting point is 00:53:58 Essential Consultants, received me, you have to say it like that every time. Received money from AT&T, Korea Aerospace, Novartis, and Columbus Nova. A big story that hit first was Columbus Nova, whose largest client is a company controlled by Victor Vexelberg, a sanctioned Russian oligarch, close to Putin, close ties to Putin. Columbus Nova is run by Vexelberg's cousins, Intraitor. Excuse me, just one. His name is Intraitor, and it's a weird name. It is Intraider.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Intraider, it's so funny. And we already know Mueller had spoken to him regarding the Russian conspiracy. We've reported on that. So yeah, interesting, Russian money. Oh yeah. He also donated, I think, Vexelberg donated $250,000 to Trump's inaugural fund. Well, he did.elberg donated $250,000 to Trump's inaugural fund.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Well, he did. And then like $35,000 to their Republican causes. And goops. How could that go? How did he miss me? That's not even legal. I don't even know. Anyway, yeah, I could point.
Starting point is 00:54:56 It came out Thursday that Cohen had a pitch. He was peddling, basically saying, if you want close to the president, fire your guys and hire me, because I'm the best. I'm just legal. I'm was bleega. I'm his attorney That's how I imagine it when you spot on thank you in a blood blazer Totally except comies was so stylish. Oh, yeah, this little beetle boots. Anything co-intouches is garbage Correct including garbage including Trump
Starting point is 00:55:22 Yeah, yeah garbage looks good in his hands. That's what he's like, uh, feels right. Anyway, a few giant rats followed the pipe or apparently interestingly enough, Avenatti said he purposely under reported the dollar amounts contributed by AT&T Novartis, Korea Aerospace and Columbus Nova to see if they'd come clean on their own. Okay. Columbus Nova to see if they'd come clean on their own. Okay. Interestingly, the statements from these companies kept changing as the week went on and I have to go through this because it's hilarious to Please. Let's start with AT&T who mind you was up for a merger with Time Warner recently and who stood to benefit greatly from the abolishment of net neutrality and obviously this Time Warner merger has to be reviewed for antitrust issues. And let you know what an antitrust is.
Starting point is 00:56:10 The antitrust is, are the laws that are in place to prevent monopolies, basically. It's not what I have for Trump. No. Antitrust. Right, exactly. It's very different than that kind of antitrust. Got it. And in order to do a big merger between time-warner 18T, they would have that kind of antitrust got it and in order to do a big merger between time Warner 18T
Starting point is 00:56:26 They would have to go through antitrust as they have to be approved by Trump, right? So hmm interesting The initial report from Avonati said AT&T paid co-in $200,000. That's for that's what Avonati said AT&T's first statement said yes, we paid that to get info on regulatory reform and antitrust policy. Oh, but we actually paid $600,000. Then they made a revision to their statement, adding, oh, and we were paying for an understanding of the inner workings of Trump. Then they made a third revision, saying they were contacted by Mueller's team about this
Starting point is 00:57:01 matter in November of last year. And of course, this wouldn't be complete without a fourth revision stating they were specifically looking for help with the time-worn merger. Did I cover all the dollars? Did we get them all guys? Did we cover, yeah, okay, good. Yeah. Got our lives in order.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Great. All right, let's talk about Korea Aerospace. The only aerospace company in South Korea, recently emerging from giant scandal that led to their CEO's suicide and who was up for a $16 billion Pentagon contract this year. And he killed himself to make jet trainers. They contributed, I guess I probably killed himself before they were up for that contract. Good point, good point. They contributed $150,000 to the slush fund and said they received legal advice on cost accounting standards
Starting point is 00:57:47 Because they're trying to comply with global accounting practices and standards. Sounds like that should be public information Yeah, they said they did not have contact with Cohen himself and the deal was done by quote someone else They have not provided any further information All right Kater revise your statements sir. What do you want't revise your statements, sir. What? Do you want to change your bullshit story, sir? Next to join the slush fund Delaware LLC Essential Consultants slumber party was pharmaceutical
Starting point is 00:58:14 giant Novartis, who in recent years has had to settle three major cases on bribery charges against them. The first report said they paid $400,000 that was Avonati's report. Their only first response was, any deal made with Cohen was our previous CEO, the end. This is a new management. Yeah, you can talk to him in jail. Then they put out their first revision.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Not in jail. I'm sorry, that's the problem. So then they put out their first revision. Adding, in February 2017, we entered into a one-year agreement with Cohen for healthcare consulting and we were contacted in November 2017 by the Special Counsel's Office. Not to be outdone, they made a second revision saying they actually paid $1.2 million, not $400,000. Oh, our bad. They paid them $100,000 a month and actually they paid him like $99,980 a month. So it
Starting point is 00:59:07 wouldn't like pop because that wouldn't look weird. Yeah, the price is right. Yes. So they said they paid him the highest without going over $1. So they paid him $100k for the first months, then met him and decided he couldn't provide healthcare expertise. No. But kept paying him for 10 more months anyway, because they claimed they were stuck in the contract. Well, then they made a third revision, saying their previous CEO was contacted by Mueller's
Starting point is 00:59:38 team last November. And a final fourth revision, saying the episode was clearly a mistake. I love the four revisions. It's like their number, their safe number. It's like four. We can't do five guys. We gotta just do four max. Yeah, I read some of that.
Starting point is 00:59:51 So they're CEO told employees we made a mistake on the code. Yeah, understatement of the year. Like they didn't do enough research to know that they were involved in desperately deeds or what. They must be watching the news in panicking just as much as Trump sometimes. Like I think about all these different companies that were involved and it's just all coming out.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Well, we'll get into that in a minute. But finally, we have Columbus Nova, a company owned by Intrater, whose cousin is the owner of the largest investing company and a sanctioned Russian oligarch named Vexelberg. He donated, as we said before, $250,000 to Trump's inaugural fund, and he was in attendance. He was there with Cohen and somebody else, Intrader and Vexelberg and Cohen were seen together.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Conutling at the inaugural. Oh. As we... One of which is sanctioned, Russian. They're so fucking crazy. I know. As we previously reported on MSW, he stopped and frisked.
Starting point is 01:00:45 He was stopped and frisked in airport by Mueller's team. And in Trader was questioned last November also. They confirmed that they paid co-in $500,000 for consulting on potential sources of capital. But potential, I love it. At least they were honest. Yeah. We gave them money because we want to make more money and he knows the president. They denied the money had any connection to Vexelberg though and they have not revised that
Starting point is 01:01:08 statement. It was reported later in the week that Cohen also reached out to Ford Motor Company who had the good sense to tell him to kick rocks. I know. I love Ford for this. And Miller has asked for those communications as well. I want to hate, like, just, nothing legal. I just want to hear him say no to you.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Exactly. That would be my way. I wonder why they turned him down like specifically because we can get it always full shit Yeah, I mean, but even so like why didn't AT&T know this like I just wonder it's just interesting one of our listeners Heather She pulled from AT&T after this news came out. She's good for you, Heather. Yeah, it's pretty cool. She's boycotting them I roommate or at least I got from her Twitter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I canceled my Amazon direct TV. Let me talk to my roommates. I'll see what I can do. Yeah, it's not in my name. I'm like I went with local cable company. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. Protests in my house. Yeah, and Amazon's over two. They still are showing NRA TV. Yep. And they're upping their premium membership to double whammy. $119 so that they're not only like,
Starting point is 01:02:06 yeah, fuck you. Double fuck you. It's crazy. Any of that. Two scoops of fuck. Well, now that only conservatives follow us, let's up the price. Seriously.
Starting point is 01:02:15 They're accommodating. Some people, including Giuliani, actually believe that Cohen did this all in his own selling access to the president and never telling the president. I mean, he could have. I mean, he was out pitching his services hard. Yeah, yeah. But let's be real.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Are we supposed to believe that everyone believed he was a healthcare lobby telecommunications anti-trust global aerospace accounting standards expert? Right. Fuck no. They were buying access to the president. It's clear. They weren't for consulting work. They were for access to Trump. It's important
Starting point is 01:02:46 to note that paying for play is legal. It's normal in Washington. Yeah, I would imagine. It only looks bad. Yeah. Now, it's legal if you're a registered lobbyist. And somebody actually said it's not what's illegal that's scandalous. It's what's actually legal that will blow your mind. Yeah. Case treat is full of lobbyists that take money for access, but they are lobbyists. Cohen is not a registered lobbyist. And to me, that makes what he did,
Starting point is 01:03:12 bribery, extortion, or racketeering. Exactly. But to think that all you have to do to make bribery legal is to register as someone who takes bribes for a living. That's pretty scary. That's pretty scary. Like, yeah, fuck. I imagine it would just, it's the scandal.
Starting point is 01:03:26 What's legal is the scandal. Yeah. And how do I apply? And if they legally registered, it must have still been so in your face, fishy looking or something. And that's why they didn't register. That's why education is so important.
Starting point is 01:03:39 And we're not big into registering. If more people knew the laws, just knew the law, I think there would be a lot more like protests. And just for the laws alone. And did Trump know? Because I could see Cohen just going around saying, calling people at Column Up Ford, calling AT&T, calling people that he mentioned by name on the campaign trail.
Starting point is 01:03:55 You know, when he was calling out Ford to say, and you get a factory out of Mexico, you're shipping jobs in Mexico, I'm coming after you Ford. They were milking. He went after the pharmaceutical drug companies, we have to get pharmaceutical cheaper. He went after AT&T by names. Oh, you're saying to your Kushner style He was saying hey come on my side or I'm gonna work against you. No, no, no
Starting point is 01:04:14 He's these are just campaign speeches. He's just mentioning these oh, these firms say anything specific that I like His agenda okay, okay, they already gave him money I thought you were saying that he wasn't having given him him money Oh, right. He was campaigning against Ford saying shit about AT&T. There you go And shit about drug companies. Yeah, and then after he's elected Cohen goes to Ford Yes, and the drug companies and says you need me that is Kushner style It's like you either work with me and give me money or I'm working against you. Yeah, it's my fios. So it's look as a no-struck Absolutely, it's it's back man with me and give me money or I'm working against you. It's my fios. It's La Cosa No Strap. Absolutely. It's Basta.
Starting point is 01:04:46 It's Basta. Yeah. Hashtag Basta. Hashtag Be Best. God be best. That sounds like broken English to me. She knows better. You know she knows better.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Have you seen that? There's a meme. I'll put it in the pictures this week that the in the newsletter, Jordan sends out. It's just a picture of Melania and it says, don't be a bully. Yeah. At this point, I think she's trolling her husband just as much as we do.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Like, I feel like she's just trying her best to get her kicks where she can. I heard her speech she did was taking from Michelle Obama's work. Yeah, and her brochure on bullying is Michelle Obama's brochure. I also appreciate, I guess she's a white woman, right? Looking, looking. She is. Yeah, I appreciate, I guess she's a white woman, right? Looking, looking.
Starting point is 01:05:25 No she is. Yeah, I appreciate the fact that even though it's like obvious that she's plagiarized Michelle in the past, it's like, oh, the role model is the black woman, hell yeah. Hell yeah, that's her progress. Yeah, totally. But yeah, I don't know, I could see Cohen selling access to Trump and never delivering and never telling Trump.
Starting point is 01:05:44 You know, like it'd be me walking around saying, I could see Cohen selling access to Trump and never delivering and never telling Trump You know like it'd be me like walking around saying I know Jordan you need to get on Jordan actions 10 bucks for Jordan And then they just give me 10 bucks and I never tell you or anything I could pick a pin baby. It would be you. Thank you $10 since fair. I think yes You're very incognito like that I wasn't talking about sex, but okay. Oh, for her, he's talking just fine. Whenever you need.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Oh, sorry. I've been convinced. I would tell you for $10. But if it's not going to have to happen, then you would. Your priceless shortback. Yeah, then they'll be like, that's too good to be true. Anything else to say? Oh, also, there were three payments made
Starting point is 01:06:24 from this slush fund to Cohen's personal account at first Republic Bank, totaling I think two million dollars, one million or two million. Oh my goodness. If that sounds familiar, it should. We reported on this bank a couple of months ago when we all learned from the Wall Street Journal that first Republic Bank had flagged the Stormy Daniels payments as suspicious and an essay of right and as suspicious activities report. They just get an automated phone call in S.A.R. Right. And as suspicious activities report,
Starting point is 01:06:45 they just get an automated phone call about it. Hello, you've selected Packer. Have you fucked the president? Oh my gosh. And there are bank records that which show exactly where all the money went. The third thing we don't know is how the hell that stormy Daniels lawyer could access to this information? Good question.
Starting point is 01:07:05 In fact, the Treasury has opened an investigation into who... Hey, sources. Delete the info to have an audience. That's important. So, three questions. Did Trump know where did the money go and where did Avonati get the dirt? What do you guys think? Do you have any theories?
Starting point is 01:07:20 Okay, I think Avonati has someone in the Mueller team working with him. I don't think it'd be Mueller. I think it'd be someone working like without Mueller's. I don't know. It sounds like Mueller could potentially be cool with a leak, but also he's supposed to be a by the book guy. So my guess is Avonati has a friend who's willing to leak against Mueller's will.
Starting point is 01:07:40 And so that makes Avonati Mueller so the whisperer. I think he got him from the SARS from the bank in Discovery in the Stormy Daniels case. Oh, so like you think it did come legit from Discovery? I think so. Why wouldn't they figure that out by now then? Why wouldn't they be able to find out immediately? He's, Avonani's not telling. Oh, so he don't know where to look exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Technically, they don't know where to begin. Yeah, okay, yeah. He's not going to reveal his sources. Yeah. Based on the nature of the case, he would have the most exclusive discovery privileges, get involved, those contacts and records. Yeah. So he may have just gotten bank statements. Yeah. His source could just be whatever he got. And if he does have the bank statements, he knows where the money went. Mm-hmm. Oh my goodness. Checks. Checks. Yeah. He's playing chess, man. He's like, and it's like like the sorry. No, he's just like 10 steps ahead
Starting point is 01:08:26 Go ahead. Mm-hmm. I'm just gonna say the the transactions are there and we'll talk about this in the Komi book He Komi talks about how when you're prosecuting mobsters It's so weird because it's it's like you already have all the transactions in front of you the only thing you're You know litigating or arguing is what they say was the reason. The intention, the mode, the plot. Right. So to get all of those, I bet a bunch of those transactions will just be, you know, explained away or whatever. But that's probably why he's not saying where he got it from. He doesn't want them to catch up to his investigation. I'm sure of an audience like, I'll give you what I can that helps my case, but I won't give you anything that helps their case.
Starting point is 01:09:09 You didn't want them to catch up, just like Muller. Yeah, I'd imagine that he would know more, but would withhold it for the sake of not giving that leg up to the Trump administration. So the Stormy Daniel stuff though isn't something that Muller's focusing on? No, but the SARS that AG reference, that sounds closer. Yeah, and that's how it's so tricky how Avinatti
Starting point is 01:09:28 swooped in with the Stormy Daniels issue and then ended up saying, you know what, I'm just gonna follow the money. I'm gonna just go wherever it takes me. That's beautiful. He's my hero. I know he's a douchebag. You're totally right, Jordan.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Oh, it's cool. No, I love douchebags. I have emotional abandonment issues. I have to say they're my favorite. And he come out sooner, we would have had him in the sexy justice calendar. Exactly. He probably would have put himself in the sexy justice calendar.
Starting point is 01:09:51 He slipped a little picture in their headshot. That's absolutely. Did you see his tweet where it was like, he's complaining about, I don't know, as a Fox News host or something, that someone that's coming at him for having eyes that are too close together. And he's like, in all this coming from a guy that then drops an insult. It's's like, in all this coming from a guy that then drops an insult.
Starting point is 01:10:07 It's just like he's petty and he's shallow. But George Zimmerman also has eyes really close together. And so that insult, yeah, I'm for it. Okay. Interesting perspective. Yeah, think about it. Alright you guys, stick around. We'll be right back.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Thanks for listening to Mollarshi Road. The She and Mollarshi Road is no accident. Did you know we are 100% women owned and operated? Every single person that helps make this podcast possible identifies as a woman. Our creative and web design, our engineer, our producers, our editors and digital media manager, our agent, our ad execs, our merchandising manager, our writers, the facility manager for our July 3rd live show, and even the USPS clerk that helps mow a shipping. All women and all LGBTQ plus allies.
Starting point is 01:10:52 We will continue to employ and partner with women as our podcast grows, but we could use your help. Please support women in podcasting by visiting mullershoewrote.com and become a patron today. Alright, you guys, thanks for checking out our ads. Woohoo! It's time for the fantasy indictment leave. Yeah! Hopefully I'm chickened up. What? It's a super bowl. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:28 I'm vegetarian, I don't know. Oh my goodness. Anyway, this one's pretty simple. I already had Vexelberg on the list, but now I'm adding in trader. For sure. But I'm adding him to the cooperation column. I Would also add Columbus Nova ATT AT&T Novartisan Korea Aerospace however paid a play is not illegal I'm wondering though if it could be called bribery. We shall see because they didn't register right right But could AT&T have known that he wasn't a registered lobbyist right?
Starting point is 01:12:02 We we have all other communications So I guess we'll find out what they knew. You would think their legal team would think to ask, are you a registered lobbyist? What they though? A very simple question. Unless they're equally sketchy and don't even care. I mean, that's probably what it is.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Maybe that's what happened with Ford. Yes, Ford was like, let me see what you actually can do. And to me, like, honestly, someone was asking actually if they could get the whole list of the fantasy and diamond ring, are we going to do that, by the way? God, that sounds like a lot of work. It's a lot, but I'm, I'm down. I would, it might take a while, but I remember when Kushner was like the first names, yeah, three names.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Yeah, let's see. It's been a while. I've got it in the top. People have always been there. The whole family, you know, Trump We know he might not actually be indicted, but he's the biggest fish of course Under that though, we got like hundred people. Mm-hmm. I don't even know what priority. There's all the Russian I'm cool with like making a graphic about it, but yeah, the research would be intensive Yeah, I guess we could just go back and listen to all her episodes to make sure it's consistent. What would we very soon?
Starting point is 01:13:07 Yep. Like a tally. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm down for that. But at this point, it might be, we might not have that ready until the manifold trial, if we do it ourselves. Yeah, because we're kind of backed up.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Yeah, we still write this down. I'll have to figure. I'll have to look into it and put it together. We'll put some beans on that. I think some people were trying to put together a point by point. Timeline. I saw that on Twitter. On Twitter.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Although I think someone else already did it. I don't know if it was for us. They began with episode 27. They're talking about putting a Wikipedia. Yeah, a Wikipedia. A Wikipedia something. A Wikipedia. A Wikipedia something.
Starting point is 01:13:39 WikiLeaks page. Yeah, I think I'm all for it. Lots of work. So it might be a while before it's complete, but yeah, like you said, Jordan, someone began with episode 27, and even that had a lot of details, so let alone all of our episodes.
Starting point is 01:13:52 That was the one with all the little faces and stuff. I remember seeing, because on my phone, it may be different, but it came up as like a timeline, like an interactive time. Yeah, I know, it's like a line. Yeah, yeah, it's like literally like just text and timeline intervals. Yeah, did you see? Oh, sorry. Go ahead, no. No, we'll just we'll make that we'll make it around to it Mm-hmm also, I know some people listening to this I'm not patrons
Starting point is 01:14:11 But one of our patrons in our Facebook group posted the idea that everybody taken episode and they all list out all The events and then they try to make like a timeline Consolidate based on that's what I was talking Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, so that one's already I've got show show notes all the way back to episode two. Yeah. Yes. So episode one doesn't have notes because there were no we did it on the fly. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I can listen to that one. And so yeah, we just have to really listen to episode one because all my notes are in my phone. I can just see you know them to whoever. Worth it. And you get my show notes if you're a patron, but you wouldn't have
Starting point is 01:14:45 the whole archive. You would just have from when you joined. Yeah, yeah. Maybe we'll have an incentive someday. But yeah, if no one makes it, if we have a wiki page, we'll definitely have the fantasy indictment league on there. Back to Intrater. Yeah, sorry. No worries. Still relevant. Oh, you want to talk about the stuff that's part of the show now. Sort of. I mean, it's like we're in the segment or anything. You want to talk about the fantasy indictment league during the fantasy indictment league section? Tell yourself. Oh, no. We should get a NFL player.
Starting point is 01:15:13 That should be our next goal. Yeah. A progressive NFL player to compete on our show. I think it. At least for the royal to leave the NFL song if nothing else. Oh, god. Just put in a good word for it. Please. Don't tell anyone.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Tell them I stand for the National Anthem every time. I think it's actually Fox's. I don't think it's the NFL. Oh, no way. I'm not sure though. We'll find out. Yeah, we will. Probably.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Fox seems chill. Yeah. Toad's chill. But I saw Intrater explaining those payments. And he was just, I mean, yeah, just the most the most basic explanation like that didn't have anything to do with that That was in this book right now the Madeline all bright fascism book and it's all about those little things that people keep saying Oh, what's the big deal? It's what are you kind of connect the dots for mm-hmm? You get a hundred dots and then you're in Hitler world You kind of connect the dots for, you get 100 dots and then you're in Hitler World. Yeah, the hand man's tail.
Starting point is 01:16:06 Hitler World. God. That's the worst theme part. Oh, God. No. The food's probably pretty decent. What was the worst pub ever? The Kushner Old Yield Kushner.
Starting point is 01:16:19 We got to make this a universe. We're so pumped ever. I love it. All right, you guys ready for sabotage? Oh yeah. Yeah. So, Mueller is probing the inaugural fund. Dented, that's your sabotage this week.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Nice. We've been reporting on this for a while now that the inaugural fund and that there's $50 dollars. It's just missing. Oh, yeah, yeah. Uh, Mueller interviewed Tom Barrick, uh, the head of the inaugural committee. Guess who the deputy chair of Trump's inaugural committee was? Oh, I feel like I know this. I do not. Gootlet laid on me. Yeah. Rick Gates. Yeah. I'm Rick Gates bitch. Good late on me. Yeah Rick Gates. Yeah, I'm Rick Gates bitch So Tom Barak was added a while ago to the old fantasy indictment league
Starting point is 01:17:14 That he's moving up in the draft I think For this the the inaugural fund for Trump raised a hundred and seven million dollars And they claim to have spent 94 million which is about 50 million dollars more than Barack Obama's giant huge biggest ever most tremendous inauguration in history. Whoa! There's uh then there's the Russia angle, Vexelberg and Intrater who gave $250,000 to the Trump inaugural committee and a guy named Simon Kukiz, a Russian-born oil exec, he's a US citizen now though, gave $280,000 to the inaugural and the RNC. A lovely laundering opportunity. Yeah, that's what I think you've heard of these guys because they also came up in a co-in story. They gave him $500,000 in 2017. So yeah, that's what I'm wondering. Did
Starting point is 01:17:58 Trump use the inaugural fund as a money laundering operation? I know, he's a businessman. Yeah, I would think so. I wouldn't put it past him. And we're gonna find out where that 50 million went. Or at least Muller's gonna find out. Yeah. And you just, yeah, just look at all the list of people that donated to him.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Yeah. All the people that listed to gain things seriously, stood to do on their money. Not the best money. Despite what his slogan was, and not the simply the best people. I just definitely not the best people. Sketchiest people, yeah. They're icing each other. All right, guys, time for Q&A. what his slogan was and not the simply the best people. I just definitely not sketchy as people.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Yeah, they're icing each other. All right, guys, time for Q&A. Yay. At O210 Jag asked, did the 666 building recently find last minute funding? And a lot of it? Yes, it did. He did a handshake deal.
Starting point is 01:18:39 We reported on this, I think, in episode 24 or 25. One of the mid-20s episodes that he did a handshake deal with somebody that invested the one point two billion plus bought out the rest of the other people who own it. So now it's all a cushion of property, but we don't know where the money came from. My guess is Saudi Arabia. Yeah, because, I mean, they have a lot of money and Trump sabbathsly friends with him and there was a squid pro quo. Crow. He gave. I'm all serious
Starting point is 01:19:11 about. He's a squid pro. I can't even say quid pro. I know we're all gonna forget more. I can't say quid pro. Crow anymore. Let's rename all of those little jargons. Yeah, hell that Latin. When he gave when Kushner gave ambissa the the Saudi prince Intel on who the traders to the crown were And then because we what basically we don't know that he did that. I know I know he did it But we don't know that he did because he the the Saudi prince came to the White House He talked to Kushner then he went back and he made all these arrests.
Starting point is 01:19:47 And that's all we know. Yeah, yeah. And, and Kushner, there are reports that Kushner gave that intel to the Saudi prince. So it is actually publicly reported. Okay. And did he do that for $1.2 billion? Hmm. I don't know. I wonder. Yeah. That would be SquidProgram. I'll find out. Actually, Judd Aarrington wants to know, she's the, I think she's the one who told us about the White Night Prophecy. Oh yeah, she's cool. I love her, yeah. She is.
Starting point is 01:20:10 She's also the gymnastics coach. Oh, nice. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. That's dope. I think that's great. Yeah, because she said words I didn't understand. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:19 And you were like, yeah, what was that word? Totally. You can speak in my language. Yeah. She's you being Russian, right? That was the one. Well, she was American, but yes, she, she, she was,. Yeah, she's you being Russian right that was the one well She was American, but yes, she she she was I think she was of Russian descent. Oh gosh. I don't know I'm pretty sure probably clearly spoke to Jill Stein There you go. Yeah, she should report that
Starting point is 01:20:36 You off the hook, Jill I want to know who you talked to everyone with Russian descent. How many Russians do you know? I want to know who you talk to everyone with Russian descent. How many Russians do you know? Anyway, she wants to know if she's in tinfoil hat land, if she thinks that 45 backed out of the Iran deal to set up a Middle East arms race between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which would monetarily benefit Eric Prince, MBS, Ibiza, Putin, Flynn, Trump, etc. With the Mayflower meeting, I wouldn't put it past the administration. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:03 You're not a tinfoiler. I don't know. I think that makes a perfect sense. This is what John Bolton has been fighting for since forever. More is money. There's just a whole new cast of profiteers now that Trump's in the White House. No, this might sound tinfoilish. Is this anything related to the Marshall Plan? That's kind of something that you can maybe work into it because it is Saudi Arabia that Rick Perry went to visit to talk about getting nuclear reactors to them.
Starting point is 01:21:28 But this is more about nuclear weapons. Got it, very, very different. It's important to make that distinction your right. However, it is, you know, Saudi Arabia friendly. It's a Saudi Arabia friendly plan. Totally, totally. As is the Marshall plan and it's also a Russia friendly plan. So I guess we'll see if that connects over time, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:47 And without the inspections, you know, pulling out of the Randia without the inspections, they can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want.
Starting point is 01:21:59 They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. They can just do whatever they want. Yeah, Michael Cambron asked if I think the co-in investigation will get sent back to Mueller or stay in the Southern District of New York Well, we know that Mueller was investigating the Cohen essentials consulting slush fund last November before he handed off the co-in case to the SDNY That's the said that that's my Southern District of New York acronym
Starting point is 01:22:18 I'm assuming that all things Russia and all things tied to Russia will stay with or go back to Mueller and things like Stormy Daniels payment and the $1.6 million Brody actually Trump abortion payment, which I think was Trump because Trump's alias denison was used on that NDA. Exactly. Brody has never been a client of Cohen and he's never done anything like this and Trump has a habit. Anyway, you're right, yeah. But stuff like that, I think we'll. Anyway, you're right. Yeah. But stuff like that, I think, will stay in the Southern District of New York.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Yeah, yeah. Do you think the same documents that Southern District of New York has are the exact and documents Moor has also from his probe? Yeah, probably. So the... And I think Southern District of New York, though, has more because they have all the stuff that I'm saying. Well, I think it's all with Barbara Jones right now.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Yeah. And so it hasn't been given to prosecutors, so I don't think Mueller had that. Yeah, I might know, but he might not need it. I think it's what it is. Yeah. And I'm wondering too, like, because I know, I don't know how much it's in his head, this game plan of trying to preempt the national sentiment, apparently, that is getting generated right now that they can't trust Mueller. So I wonder if they, if anyone believes in federalism to any degree, if they would be,
Starting point is 01:23:27 if he thinks it's wise to have some sort of court proceedings happening in another court of law. And imagine he would, right? It sounds like it. I'm wondering, I'm wondering, I'm just wondering, if personality wise. Because if he can still get all the same documents and integrate them into his investigation,
Starting point is 01:23:42 whatever time it's pertinent, he must know that it's more valuable to have that secondary source as a sense of like, you know, it could have been handed off to the Southern District of New York to get the raid done outside of Mueller's purse. Yeah, exactly. So look who get a, a, a, and then put a taint team on it and then a special master on it and then and you're, you're, it's like money laundering, but that's sounds like Mueller. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Righteous like Mueller. Doesn't he know? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:05 It's righteous. Yeah. He's always been, from what we've investigated, he's always been about the entire body, the bigger picture, it's not about him. He's very opposite of Trump in that sense that he wouldn't be so prideful to be like, I want all the documents from my case.
Starting point is 01:24:19 I think he'd be like, how can we get this moving along in the best way, in the public eye, too? Yeah. All right, well, let's see who's next here. Oh, I only joined to talk to MSW. Is there a name? Oh, yeah. At only MSW said, quote, I have no followers,
Starting point is 01:24:34 so I'll just keep talking about you. I'm going to wear my MSW shirt to a glass blowing local craft festival in a few weeks. Nice. Fuck yeah. Hell yeah. Guys, go follow at only MSW for us. Please do, yeah. And then follow at mola. She wrote while you're at it
Starting point is 01:24:47 And then leave us a rating on iTunes if you Yeah, it's very important also five star rating right now like 150 reviews. Thank you guys Thanks guys keep it up. Yeah, woohoo one day. You'll be like pot save America. We'll have like 33,000 Yes, we can dream. I just got to get on the tonight show. Yeah, people are like nine times over 9,000 subscribers. So a GP Twitter job. Yeah, yeah, we only have about 90 600 to go. That's not bad. People keep like tweeting out to Pots of America too. They want to get it on the show and please keep that up guys. Yeah, every day, please tweet them. I want to thank well, don't get annoying. Okay. Yeah, we have so many tweets though. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:25:25 65,000. Yeah, they get so many tweets a day that I feel like even our fans tweeting them once a day would barely make a dent. You're true, you're true, you're right. That's true. You're true. You're true. Thank you, A.A.
Starting point is 01:25:39 You're true. I want to thank, here is Scott E. Weinberg from Rotten Tomatoes and Nerdist for the Rando recommendations. He's a bad ass. Check him out at Scott Weinberg on Twitter, especially if you're into horror and sci-fi in the 80s. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:25:51 It's pretty dreamy, too. He knows his stuff, man. Yeah, it's fantastic. And if he comes out here for Comic Con, I want to, I always go to Comic Con every year. I've never been. Me neither. Maybe we should interview, like go in and interview people about the more.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Or if that's the part. No, seriously, anyone that likes the pot that's gonna be a Comic Con, we need to start targeting them and be like, you, can we slip in with you? Like, can we get? Well, I'm friends with some people. So nice.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Let me see what I can do. Yeah. Maybe we can get a press pass or something. I'd be amazing. But yeah, if you're coming out, I would love to meet you. I met Chris Hardwick. No way. I'd be amazing. But yeah, if you're coming out, I would love to meet you. I met Chris Hardwick. No way. I love him. And so, and I think he's nervous, right? He's nervous. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:26:32 he's the the nervous. Yeah. So yeah, anyway, just anyway, cool. Just a cool mention. Absolutely. Very cool random recommendation. And I mean, Woolerites are coming down for Comic-Con. By the way, that's kind of our crowd. Yeah, yeah, we need to hook up for that. Well, you know, take that as you will. Pimson Hooker. I love our fans. Yeah. If you need access to Jordan, tell me.
Starting point is 01:26:55 You're feeling stressed out about the administration. Don't fuck me, A.G. I want a fair rate. I'll fuck you. Don't fuck me. Holy crap. All right, guys, that's our show. Stay tuned this week for our three mini soads and head to mullershearote.com and become a member. I've been AG.
Starting point is 01:27:12 I've been Julie Sajansen. I've been Jordan Coburn. And this is Mullershearote. Mullershearote is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo designed by Jolissa Johnson, market consulting by a Amanda Reader at Unicorn Creative. Our digital media director and subscriber manager is Jordan Coburn. Our partners are fastgross.org and JoyceT spoon.com. Fact checking and research by AG was support from Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Mola She wrote, staff includes AG, Jolissa Johnson, Jordan Coburn, Sarah Hershberg of Alencia, Jessica Egan and Sarah Least Deiner. Our web design and branding are by Joelle Reader with Moxie Design Studios, and our website is molashewrote.com. Season four of How We Win is Here. For the past four years, we've been making history in critical elections all over the country and last year we made history again by expanding our majority in the Senate, eating election denying Republicans and
Starting point is 01:28:14 crucial state house races and fighting back a non-existent red wave. But the Magga Republicans who plotted and pardoned the attempted overthrow of our government now control the House. Thanks to gerrymandered maps and repressive anti-voter laws. And the chaotic spectacle we've already seen shows us just how far they will go to seize power, dismantle our government, and take away our freedoms. So the official podcast of the persistence is back with season 4. There's so much more important work ahead of us to fight for equity, justice, and our
Starting point is 01:28:50 very democracy itself. We'll take you behind the lines and inside the rooms where it happens, with strategy and inspiration from progressive change makers all over the country. And we'll dig deep into the weekly news that matters most and what you can do about it, with messaging and communications expert co-founder of Way to Win and our new co-host, Jennifer Fernandez-Ancona. So join Steve and I every Wednesday for your weekly dose of inspiration, action and hope. I'm Steve Pearson.
Starting point is 01:29:23 And I'm Jennifer Fernandez-Ancona. And this is how we win. And this is how we win. And this is how we win. you

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