Jack - Fire and Fury

Episode Date: January 8, 2018

This week on Mueller, She Wrote, we discuss the many ways Trump has obstructed Justice, Devin Nunes, and noteworthy parts of “Fire and Fury” and how they may into the criminal investigation of obs...truction of justice. Enjoy! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 They might be giants that have been on the road for too long. Too long. And they might be giants aren't even sorry. Not even sorry. And audiences like the shows too much, too much. And now they might be giants that are playing their breakthrough album, all of it. And they still have time for other songs.
Starting point is 00:00:17 They're fooling around. Who can stop? They might be giants and their liberal rocket gender. Who? No one. Disadmissed paid for with somebody else's money. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said.
Starting point is 00:00:43 That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I didn't have, not have, communications at the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for having nothing to do with Putin? I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Russia, if you're listening, I hope you know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So it is political. You're a communist. No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession, I'm a capitalist.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Hello, welcome to Mollers Shiro. This is episode 10. My name is A.G. I got to go by A.G. because of the Hatch Act. Although if you are any kind of a sleuth, you can probably very easily figure out who I am. The important part is that I don't say my name on this podcast and I associate my federal government work with these politics in any way, shape or form. So with me, as always, is Jalisa Johnson. Hey,
Starting point is 00:01:50 guys, she's gonna be talking about fire and fury. Yeah, it came out this week. And we also have Jordan Coburn. Hello. Hello. She's talking about new news. Nunez. Nunez. I guess he's whitened it up, so he's new Nes. I was gonna say it took off the accent mark. Yeah, no Tildos. It's not. It's not. No Tildos for Nunez.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And yeah, it's almost like Pedro, both for Pedro. You should just run as that. So I'm gonna cover today. I'm gonna cover Michael Schmitt's amazing New York Times bombshell reporting on obstruction of justice and some of the fusion GPS op-ed Schmitt's amazing New York Times bombshell reporting on obstruction of justice and some of the fusion GPS op-ed that came out New York Times as well. So I just want to first open up by saying please follow us on Twitter We look totally illegitimate like babies because we only have like 200 and something followers, but we're brand new
Starting point is 00:02:39 I swear what's we're gonna have millions. It's gonna be bigly And be the most amazing Twitter followers I don't like to buy them so whatever also check us out on Facebook at Muller She Wrote we're there it's spelled M-U-E-L-L-E-R even though it's pronounced Mueller it looks like Mueller so go and check us out on Facebook we're almost up to a thousand likes, so click and like us there. And also, please subscribe to us on Podbean sometime in the night. Last night, we surpassed 3,000 downloads.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Yay, SDA, we're going to have a glass of, I don't know, milk or champagne or something. We're sponsored by Milk. Yeah, it was. It's called Milk. It's called Milk and Corn. Milk and Corn. We're going to have some celebratory milk and corn. And please, if you like us at all, we don't ask you for any money. Just go and subscribe on Podmean and iTunes.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. It's the best thing you can do for us. It'll take you a minute and I will be your best friend even though you don't know what my name is. Alright so we're gonna start with just the facts. Alright Monday well Australia's upset on our reporting because we named their source Alexander Downer and I'll tell you who he is again. Sorry. Sorry Alex. I just I love that his name is Downer. That's pretty much what he used to the White House. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. So that was what bring memes already. It's a new Saturday life character. It's kind of yeah. They got to bring it to Foster's or something.
Starting point is 00:04:20 I love the candy. The candy would kill that. A dingo stole my baby, something. I remember the joke used to be that Trump would nominate a dingo to be in charge of babies. So, I think that that's funny. I can't remember who tweeted that or I told you to give you credit. It might be me, it might be somebody else I can't remember. Tuesday, the New York Times op-ed dropped from the co-founders of Fusion GPS. Their main ask was to ask Chuck Grassley to release their 21 hours of testimony that they've given to the House and Senate Intelligence and Judicial Committees, 21 hours of testimony. So I'm going to go over that a little bit later in more detail. On Wednesday, Manafort, our good old buddy, Paul.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Filed a civil lawsuit, suing Rodros and Stein at the Department of Justice, and Muller, Robert Swan Muller III, for sniffing around in his finances, asserting that it's outside of the scope of the special counsel. So he's suing Muller for loser. Yeah, right. You see somebody for anyway. So he's suing Mueller because he investigated his finances and he's suing Rod Rosenstein because Rod Rosenstein let me investigate the privilege. So strong. I don't like this. I don't like this. It's totally a dumb life. Take their luck.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I'm super happy about this lawsuit. Personally, I'll tell you a little bit later why I am when we get into another lawsuit that's being filed. Okay. But, well, now I'll go ahead and tell you now specifically. This isn't a fax, this is just me. I think that this is such a throwaway case. It could be considered a fraudulent or a frivolous
Starting point is 00:06:05 lawsuit that if he goes through with it, he's gonna get wiped up, you know, they're gonna wipe the floor with this with Manafort on this and that's gonna bolster and shore up Mueller's and Rod Rosenstein's credibility. So I wonder why he's even doing it. Please, Matt, he's just angry. I don't know. Maybe I like to think Muller said Hey, I'll take one of those charges away if you try to sue me. Oh Chess move. Yeah, right. Yeah, it's he doesn't do anything. Then he just looks dead in the water. Right. Doesn't look good. Maybe yeah Yeah, that would be fucking hell. I know how psychopaths think man. Well, it's just weird. It's just weird
Starting point is 00:06:44 Also on Wednesday after the man for it, Lossy was reported. Fire and fury was dropped, it's shared with the press, and the band in Trump war has begun, which I think is hilarious because Nazis are probably like, who do I support now? Exactly. They're so conflicted. Oh, damn. Please stop fighting. They're yell-up from their basement. Hey, dear. Please stop fighting. They're yellow from their basement.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Hey, help me, Pinn. Also, a surprise meeting occurred between Ray, Ryan, and Rosenstein. The three hours except Ryan except Ray begins with W, but whatever. Yeah. Smelling. A arithmetic begins with an A and they call it the three hours. So, you know, just bear with me. Ray?
Starting point is 00:07:25 I don't know. Apparently you didn't get the reading in the writing part. Which begins with a W. You know what, never mind. Just never mind. Don Fonix. So they met. Nobody knew about this. Apparently Rod Rosenstein called the meeting.
Starting point is 00:07:43 And they met with Ray. He's the director of the FBI. Super Trump fan. He's donated like $30,000 to Trump and both his associates. He's the current director of the FBI, who replaced Comey. And Paul Ryan. Good old Paul Ryan. And charge to the house. What I got to call the Compromot House. Compromot with Dissin for Matsia. That's how I refer to the house now. So they met and we're gonna talk a little bit about that meeting later and it's got to do with Nunez. I knew initially when that information came out that it had to be about Russia because otherwise Jeff Sessions would be there. If Sessions isn't going, it
Starting point is 00:08:19 can't be about Russia. Or it has to be about Russia because he's not allowed to talk about Russia. A little creepy guy. Also that be about Russia because he's not allowed to talk about Russia. Right. Little creepy guy. Also that day, Grassley says he will not release the fusion GPS transcripts, citing that they contain sensitive law enforcement information. And he said he would. After the testimony, he said, I want to release these to the public and he sent the transcripts to the Fusion GPS lawyers and said, clear these for me to release. And they did, and now he's flipped.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Hmm, yeah. I'm going to talk a little bit about why he might have flipped as well. On Thursday, the New York Times reported that Trump told McGann to lobby sessions to not recuse himself. This is that big New York Times article, and I McGann to lobby sessions to not recuse himself. This is that big New York Times article and I'm going to go into it. It's too more detail in a little bit. But that's one of the bigger things that came out of it. Also, they also reported Mueller now has handwritten notes from Rites Previst confirming the Komi memos. So I tweeted this, Bonshell. This is every, all the Republicans and Trumpers are always like, no, you don't have any evidence.
Starting point is 00:09:24 There's no evidence You lie. There's no evidence You lie And now he's got handwritten evidence. Mueller does it. I don't know how this got out because Mueller is as tight as a I was gonna say He's watertight and And that it got out. I thought was really interesting. And I still want to know why and how it got out.
Starting point is 00:09:48 But in any case, I posted it on one of my pages, and I said, oh my God, bombshell. There's proof corroborating the Komi memo is bombshell. And I got like six legs. And I had earlier posted about a PlayStation that I just got it's right over there in the box. I'm really excited to put to hook it up later. 175 likes for the PlayStation. Six likes for proof. Defines America right there. Oh, the abstractions of justice. They want to be distracted from the chaos. I don't blame
Starting point is 00:10:22 them. So I think when we share this episode, we just need to put... Hashtag in a place. We have a PlayStation and Muller'sy wrote this week. I did that on a couple of my other political posts and the likes doubled. So I think it's got something to do with the algorithm. One day, okay. We offer a free PlayStation. Oh my gosh. We have to get a million likesstation. Oh my gosh. I'm a lot of person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:45 But we have to get a million likes first. There we go. I like this. A million likes. And we need a couple of thousand followers on Podbean. And once we hit 3000, we're going to randomly pick somebody off Podbean. I will buy you a PlayStation. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:58 We're going to call this the tournament. Seriously. I'm going to blast this everywhere now. People are going to love it. All right. So we'll come up with the rules and we'll post it. We do that too. We'll do that right now, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:07 How many likes do we have to get? How many subscribers on PodV? Do we have to get? I'll buy your PlayStation for a while. And I'll be either Battlefront 2 version 2 because everyone seems to hate it. Yes. You know, I'm just gonna show this sound.
Starting point is 00:11:23 So those are my New York Times playstation stories. On Friday, Camp David meeting, big Camp David meeting, ad Camp David with Camp David people. I saw a McConnell walk out in a pair of jeans and I had a niche. I want to poke my eyes out. Yeah, it's a turtle. Yeah, and hands, what's up with that? I call Ryan had some khakis on, that's his dress down. Oh my gosh, the party. It's hard, I out. Yeah, it's like a turtle. Yeah, and hands with that. Yeah, and Paul Ryan had some
Starting point is 00:11:45 khakis on. That's his dress down. Oh my gosh, the party. Hard like that. Yeah. Paul Ryan's sexy man. Okay, that's what happens at a Republican party. One guy shows up in jeans and messes up the whole vibe. So thank you, Turtleface. NBC reports that Trump sent multiple people to lobby sessions, not just McGann, not just the White House Council, and AP corroborated the New York Times reporting on sessions and the NBC reporting on sessions. So now we've got three pretty solid new sources. Okay. Reporting this lobby accessions to not recuse situation. That's back in, that's back always March I think. No April. And March April. Also Graham, Lindsey Graham, who has been known to call President Trump a cook on several occasions.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I love him and old people say, Coop. Such a cook. Gold, aren't it? By Jove, he's a cook. darn it by Jove, he's a cuck. So Graham and Grassley have both flipped and they have now submitted a criminal referral to the Department of Justice to investigate Christopher Steele. Their first criminal referral of the entire Russia Prove is St is steel, not even an American. Yeah. See the priority? And what's really funny about this is normally you can get criminal referrals to the DOJ from congressional inquiries. You're getting it happens, right? But what when it happens is generally if the DOJ already doesn't have the information,
Starting point is 00:13:18 the information that Grassley and Graham are going off of is information they got from the Department of Justice. It's just a waste of time all around. So they're doing a criminal referral to the Department of Justice on the information that they already had. They're buying time. They know what they're doing. Yes. Also, it was about the huge waste of tax dollars. Oh, always. Yeah. A whole podcast on that. Yeah. Yeah. That's a really stupid thing. No, no, never. Never. Never. How about these street lamps? Another thing that happened is Mueller, this is LA Times reporting. Mueller has recalled someone from the June 2016 meeting to come back and then talk to
Starting point is 00:13:53 him. We don't know. Okay. We don't know. There's like enough clue. This happened last night? I know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I don't know what it is. I don't know what's happening. But that wraps up just the facts. All right. So now a little bit about fire and fury by Mr. Wolf with two F's. Yes. That book dropped all of the news media got it and just started pouring over it and looking into it. Solacious I think is the number one Google word. What? No, I'm just making that up. I can believe it. That's news. All they say, that's all they've been says is this solacious, tell all gossip, you know, inquire or type thing. Which, by the way, Trump has cited as real news.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Exactly, because he, like pretty much has connections there. So it, the hypocrisy is just... For when he said Ted Cruz's dad killed James Care, whatever he said the inquire he made him run that story he bragged about it he sure did so Jalisa take it away talk about foreign fairs fire and fury inside the White House should be a movie this should be the movie by Michael Wolf it's like an insider look into Trump's administration it's got over 200 interviews and Trump course, says the book is fake news. So it's putting that out there first. But there were so many things, so many new revelations.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I like that it calls a news at least. Yeah, I mean, that's progress. I noticed there was just too many things that I could talk about that were interesting. So I went with my top 10. So here are the top 10 revelations that stood out to me in no particular order. So number one is that Steve Bannon says the Russian meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was
Starting point is 00:15:29 treasonous and unpatriotic. And yeah, I'll agree with that totally. Even though he said this kind of shit too. Yeah, he was pissed. Whenever he talked to Michael Wilk about this book, he was in a whole different headspace. Because right now he's a bagtracking. You heard about that, right? He says, I stand by thespace. Because right now he's a backtracking. You heard about that right? He says,
Starting point is 00:15:45 I stand by the president. Of course he has. He lost his money. So I was wondering what, okay, yeah, always money. He's dead at bright part. He's in trouble. So you think he still fills his way, but he's just trying to hide it at this point. I wonder if he's just so weirdo that goes back and forth for political reasons. I think he's just a crazy like a little cling on guy. Yeah. We just kind of goes on the co-tails of whoever will.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yeah, but I think he meant this. I just get the feeling that he was truly being honest with this guy. And I don't understand how people let Michael Wolf even take these notes. Well, he gave him access to it. I know, but it's so crazy. Yeah, I heard him say that he said that he definitely said everything he knew if he would Possibly need to say to get past yeah, yeah, because he Bitter them up. Yeah, but they go for it. You think ban and I mean, that's why I have it feeling he wanted this to come out of the time
Starting point is 00:16:35 I don't think it's amateur hour over there exactly. No, you've got to be nuts Go ahead no worries number two No worries. Number two, Bannon also believes that there's really no doubt at all that Donald Trump Jr. brought the Russians from that meeting to Trump's office, which was what, three floors above were the meeting took? One floor. Wow. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:00 26th floor. It's almost like we all speculated this, but hearing it from Bannon himself, it's like, who else wouldn't know how likely that kind of thing is the only problem with Bannon is that if I were Mueller I wouldn't even include him on my witness list because I think he's just Discredited he's just totally incredible. He's an insane weirdo And he's already got if if they went upstairs to talk And first of all I think it's hilarious that Donald Trump Jr. claimed that the conversations he had with his father about that June meeting, he claims a attorney claim, privilege on.
Starting point is 00:17:35 It don't, it don't, what if he's, what if he's, what if he's claiming attorney claim, privilege because Vesselnet's sky was there? Oh my goodness. That would be insane. She's a lawyer. Like what if we count? They're smart in their own way. No, you can't use that.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Even if there was a real American lawyer. Yeah, of the rich. A for effort though. I would give them that. No, Vesselnet's got her. She's a lawyer. Technically. My son are a degree.
Starting point is 00:18:01 It's beautiful. God says. But yeah, if you don't, if you know the thing that he didn't go, he just didn't take him upstairs and talk to him, you're nuts. But I think Muller already knows that from credible stories. Right. We're all just catching up because of this book, which is to me it's like that, uh, the book that came out during the OJ trial from the, uh, if I did it, the one that he made. Actually, no, the one that, um, the that the victim, his ex-wife's friend made. She wrote a book in the middle of the trial, right?
Starting point is 00:18:28 And then everybody had to put things on pause and read the book to catch up with the facts. That's kind of how I feel about this. So it's juicy, it's gossipy, but maybe we can find some facts in there. Number three, apparently Trump didn't want to win, which some people speculated. And apparently no one really in his campaign did.
Starting point is 00:18:44 And one of the quotes, yeah, I never know one of the quotes that kind of, I guess, verified this, so to speak, is from Flynn. Flynn said, in regards to the $45,000 check he got from Russia for doing that speech, he said, it would only be a problem if we won. Yeah. I mean, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:01 A lot of people are speculating that that's why they didn't take Russia very seriously. Exactly. Yeah. That's why they didn't tell the FBI when they were supposed to which I think enough is another thing ban it said Absolutely is because they were like we're not gonna win Wicked leaks with the response when they found that term once while like nobody saw that coming we all were Oh, yeah, and number four Trump apparently didn't know what a golden shower was when he was accused Number four, Trump apparently didn't know what a golden shower was when he was accused. Yeah, I mean, not to say he probably is still that one, but like he just had to look up what a gold.
Starting point is 00:19:31 They probably just said, hey, lay down, let me do something to you. Yeah. You're like, hey, Trump, you want to try some water sports? Yeah. Are you cold? I don't like tubing. I don't like water sports. I don't want to try water sports.
Starting point is 00:19:43 This is so fun. I don't like swimming.. I don't want to try water sports. This is so fun. I don't like swimming. You met them in my hair. His hair was one of the things. I was going to put it in my top 10, but there were so many others. But apparently, Ivanka said that. It's like engineered, she said. Like, it's a perfect scope.
Starting point is 00:19:56 It's just ridiculous. That would be the only thing that makes sense. Absolutely. Like, it's just the most raffling. Right. Little precious thing to him. Number five, Jared and Ivanka says that when the time comes that one of them
Starting point is 00:20:11 can run for president, it would be her. So that's a plan that they apparently had and Bannon just was like laughing at that when he heard. So the funny thing about this book is that. They made a sexism. Right, Wilf was going around. Michael Wilf was going around talking to everybody and just sharing what he knew with everyone and getting the reaction So it's just like it's just funny to me that he did it that way instead of getting just quotes from like you know
Starting point is 00:20:32 One side of it. He actually shared the information so you can kind of get everybody's reaction so Bannon was laughing at that and Number six is really funny to me Trump eats at McDonald's because he's a germaphob and paranoid about being poisoned. So the idea behind that, which to me I think is flawed, is that he thinks McDonald's is clean. And he also thinks that because no one knows he's showing up, the food will not be poisoned. Which McDonald's, it's all poison. But I mean still. And that working out.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Well, he just says people are not gonna don't like that. Right. He just sends popodoppelies out to get it. That's what he wants. Yeah. Mickey D's. He didn't have a high up position or anything. And this is another funny one. Apparently people in the campaign they said that Ivanka was Trump's actual wife and hope Hicks was his absolute daughter. So like that was their idea. Yeah the position is there. I mean all of a speculated's speculated all of them, are just kind of funny power plays. Also, this guy, the former advisor to the Trump Sam Nunberg,
Starting point is 00:21:32 he says that Trump has no interest in learning the Constitution. No, it's very little about it. And I wish it were the exact quote that I burger. Oh my God, that's true. I like it. You guys, it's just a big number. Zero was zero fries. It's a number.
Starting point is 00:21:52 From McDonald's. It's beautiful. It's from clean McDonald's. Oh man. You know that flag that has, it's like the capitalism America flag and it has the McDonald's sign and all the corporation signs. Oh yeah, yeah. It starts to be supposed to be. It be it's all becoming teacher man. It's like total. Yeah, it makes perfect sense now I don't know everywhere and
Starting point is 00:22:12 Lastly Trump hated his own election like apparently the night before he was a shurink or the night before the The actual election he was a shurink Melania that he wouldn't win. So he needed his inauguration and so apparently Melania was crying at the inauguration but not tears of joy. That's what he was saying. That's the best that he won. Because I heard a rumor that they made a deal that if he didn't win she could divorce him. Like she was planning to leave his ass. But then he was at first lane And his advisor said, hold up. You might win.
Starting point is 00:22:48 No. And he's like, no, I'm not going to win. You'll be free. Hashtag free millennia, guys. Like the job of the hut in Laya, Slaia, Sucks. But yeah, that's the bulk of it that intrigued me from this book. So I'm going to read.
Starting point is 00:23:02 You bought a copy, right? And she? It's on the way. Yeah. Another one that I wanted to ask you about was I heard that There were accusations that Kushner threw Donald Trump Jr. Under the bus for the June meeting They wouldn't have found out about the June meeting where not for Kushner's emails lawyer Kushner's lawyers And in the emails over so Kushner's like oh crap and Kushner's lawyers and in the emails over so Kushner's like oh crap and
Starting point is 00:23:27 Released a mall because they came from Donald Trump Jr It implicated Donald Trump Jr. And just released a mall to get out ahead of it and totally through your DT Jr Under the bed. I love it. Also another really big thing that came out of that was that Mark Karayo Quit he was one of the that Mark Carrio quit. He was one of the, kind of, he was a deputy or a spokesperson for the legal counsel. And he was on Air Force One when the statement was crafted about the June meeting. That's right. And he actually quit because he felt he had witnessed obstruction of justice. That is the biggest bombshell I would think. That and Sessions asked back in March when Trump was trying to get him to not recuse himself.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah. Sessions asked four days before Comey was fired for dirt on Comey. Wow. He said, every day, I want a negative story about Comey. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. You're living in the movie, guys. You're like, isn't it insane? And also, Keith Schiller retired. Remember the bodyguard? Ohomi. Oh my gosh. You're living in the movie, guys. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And also, Keith Schiller retired. Remember the bodyguard? Oh yeah. He's gone. And they already interviewed him, right? Yeah. Oh, what did he tell them? Yeah, he's gone.
Starting point is 00:24:34 So when I get to sabotage, Schiller, Schiller may come up again. Jordan, I want you to talk about Nunez a little bit. Yes. Pedro Nunez. Pedro. No tilde Nunez. That was tilde Nunez,ness. That's a great name for him. Okay, so yes, newness is a Republican representative from California, very
Starting point is 00:24:55 disappointed in California. No, no. Yeah, he's basically leading the counter, the counter efforts against this investigation just into Trump and all of his corrupt doings, most specifically right now, though, the FBI and DOJs, you know, involvement with the dossier. And to give you a little framework, he's the one who was gathering the subgroup of Republicans from the House Committee. Yeah, head of the House intelligence. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:24 He was gathering that little subgroup of Republicans that were meeting behind closed doors from the House Committee. Yeah, head of the House intelligence. Okay. He was gathering that little subgroup of Republicans that were meeting behind closed doors without telling Democrats about it to try to discredit the dossier. Yes. Yes. Total asshole.
Starting point is 00:25:35 And basically right now this meeting that happened on Wednesday that A.G. was referencing before with Speaker Ryan Ray and himself and who was the last guy in the game? Oh, Rosalind sang, yes. Okay, so it wasn't that. Right, right. Oh, he wasn't. No, he wasn't at the meeting.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Oh, so sorry. Everyone. I'm trying to do this thing where I don't look at my notes. So it's more free-flowing, but the facts get messed up. I think it's a fact checking in real time. That's better than later. Yeah, because it's okay to be mistaken. Right, Trump, if you're listening to him,
Starting point is 00:26:10 I'm just okay to be wrong. Yeah, but so they have that meeting, which I'm now seeing how he knows about him. Yeah, about him and so basically Paul Ryan is standing up for Nunez's requests for these documents that unprecedentedly he's wanting to be given up to members of Congress to look at. They're very sensitive documents. The country does not have a history of letting Congress see documents from the FBI and the
Starting point is 00:26:40 DOJ that are like this. Particularly an ongoing criminal investigation. And if you remember Chuck Grassley refuses to release diffusion GPS transcripts because they have sensitive law enforcement information in them. So suck it. So they call this meeting the last throw at Ryan seeing if they can get him to not take the stance,
Starting point is 00:27:00 which he does take, which is this, as reported by his spokeswoman, Ashley Strong. She reported a CNN on Thursday. The speaker always expects the administration to comply with the house's oversight requests. So Raul Paul Ryan is taking me to his side on this, which would appear that he is kind of now taking the side of the GOP's efforts to completely discredit the origination of these investigations into the Trump Russia probe. Although they're saying that they didn't speak specifically about anything related to Russia
Starting point is 00:27:33 and that it was just about the dossier, but everyone knows that's code for the Russia investigation since the GOP is convinced that that is what was corruptly you know started the whole thing before yeah pay for by the Democrats yeah even Christ oh yeah the demon rats oh yeah that's like metal yeah I like that yeah that's hard core but yeah basically this guy is kind of just a piece of shit and is the head of the House Intelligence Committee. He wasn't. He had to recuse himself if you remember. Right, because, yeah, because they...
Starting point is 00:28:12 But he never really did. And I think he's violated his recusal. Oh, yeah. Because he is... Well, so for my understanding, he had to do that because they didn't agree entirely on if what he did was legal or not in terms of leaking that information to the right to essentially, you know, public. Yeah, yeah, there's very strict rules on where people yeah, and then he couldn't. It's not a feeling. Not a feeling. Yeah, the DOJ. The DOJ has very, very strict rules. Now, as far as House Intelligence committees and Senate Intelligence and Judiciary committees, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I don't think the DOJ rights rights the DOJ rights rules for those Right. I assume they can be that different. Yeah, but apparently they didn't find that he was guilty enough of you know doing anything in Regarding the leaking of them for me. Yeah, yeah programmatively so he is back where he was before in Strong and where he was before in strong and the head guy really that's kind of stepping in leaving this this counter effort against essentially the molar investigation. It's insane. Yeah, it's insane and it's very scary to me.
Starting point is 00:29:17 It's just really scary. And it's expected though I guess I guess it's expected. Sure. It's someone's got to be the voice or someone is going to be the voice. If we will fan fiction about this, sure, but it's too scary. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, if this is essentially they're going to be their only method of trying to stop this or if it's another one, then it makes sense that it exists, but it's just disturbing. Definitely. So blatantly.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Now, another thing that came out in that meeting was that not only did when Nunez wrote to the DOJ, we're going to demanding all these documents involved in the Rush Pro investigation, he also demanded that he interview all the FBI agents that have been involved, particularly in the dossier. Invest, follow-ups on things reported in the dossier. One of those people that he requested to interview was Rebecca. Now, if you remember, I think it was last week.
Starting point is 00:30:16 I was talking about the five people, Comi, who had contemporaneously corroborated his meetings with Trump with. They were high-level officials in the FBI, and the first two to go down were McCabe and Baker. Baker was the general counsel to the FBI. He's being moved, demoted. McCabe was called to testify in front of the House Intelligence Committee and now he's retiring this month. Now the third person on that I said watch out for these last three guys. Ribiki, Bodich and I think Geras. Watch because they're just going
Starting point is 00:30:58 down this list picking off dudes. Sorry ladies these are just guys. I wish there were more with ladies. Now Nunez has asked to bring Rebecca in front of the House Intelligence Committee and I predicted that this would happen and not only did it, but I tweeted it and it got picked up on the racial matter show. That's pretty cool. I don't know if they have anything to do with each other, I think they did, but you know, it's not. It's not. It's not. I don't know if they have anything to do with each other. I think they did but you know It's not strange. Oh, if not I reported something before
Starting point is 00:31:28 MSNBC I think she's late night still She's I have a crush on her. Same. Actually my husband does too. I think I think I went over this. I'm an Anderson Cooper person What'd you get. So, so, so, Rebecca is going to be interviewed, watch what happens. I guarantee you, he'll either be demoted or resigned or something. Something's going to go down, yeah. They're going to use his testimony against him in some way or somehow to discredit the
Starting point is 00:32:01 dossier and I think Bodich is next. So mark my words. Do you hear that Rachel? Make sure you tell him about Bodich. Though now, the thing is, though, this attempt to discredit the dossier has kind of gone out the window. Not only did McCabe corroborate during his testimony that Comey had spoken to him.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Before they pick these guys off and try to, you know, make them look like idiots, they're going to be testifying. Mueller has already asked him this, and I'm sure that there's documentation on it, and I'm sure Mueller has it. But Rabicki, I mean, well, now we have the notes from the handwritten notes from Ryan's Privis. So, okay, go ahead, discredit the FBI guys, Komi, talk to. We have notes that Priebus talked to Trump about it. So, and legally those GFY notes are evidence. It's not just like, you know, a random craft or industry where it's like just jotting notes down. It's like legit proof, right? Well, the notes would not be entered as evidence.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Okay. But they let Mueller know what to ask. Okay, yeah, direction. It was like as much as coming could do in that moment. I tried to just make some sort of a feature. Which way he did that was super helpful. Yeah, those mimos, yeah. Because yeah, because testimony in a court of law is gonna hold a lot more weight than a handwritten note.
Starting point is 00:33:22 These handwritten notes are just there to guide Mueller in him the correct question. Yeah, yeah, I love it. So this New York Times article, you guys, moving on now to the New York Times. This is specifically the one where Trump told McGahn, he's the White House Counsel. He's not Trump's lawyer, he's the White House's lawyer.
Starting point is 00:33:41 We went over that last week. Told McGahn to lobby sessions. He said, go tell Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself. And he did. McGann did. I'm surprised he did. Yeah. I thought that was strange that he went ahead and did that.
Starting point is 00:33:57 But he did. And Sessions said, no. I can't. And this is what I was referring to earlier. There are very specific rules about recusal and department of justice. It's not a choice. Yeah. It's not a choice. It's not a feeling.
Starting point is 00:34:06 It's not a, hmm. It's not like the appearance of. Right, it has to be like black and white. Like white, muller-fired struck or removed it from the team. That gives the appearance of impropriety or the appearance of bias. This is straight up rules.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah. He was involved in the Russian meetings. He worked on the campaign. He's not allowed to- He went anything with it. To oversee any investigation involved. That's a light about them, I'll get that. He's helping those things.
Starting point is 00:34:31 So McGann went and said, recuse yourself. Session said no. And when McGann came back and told Trump, he's not recusing himself. Trump apparently exploded. Trump had a fit. And he actually said he was mad and he said he's supposed to protect me. Where is Cone? Yeah. Now Cone is Trump's old school lawyer. He's such a POS. And it's just, he's ridiculous. But now, if you're the president and you say, can you go ask Jeff Sessions if he'll recuse himself
Starting point is 00:35:14 in this investigation? I'm curious to know. That's not an obstruction of justice. Or why he's going to recuse himself, if he does. I'm interested in knowing the legal workings of this. Can you show me the policy that says he has to recuse himself? I'm interested to know. That's not obstruction.
Starting point is 00:35:29 When you say he needs to stay in place to protect me from the Russian investigation, you're getting a little closer to obstruction. Trump just simply doesn't understand the role of the attorney general. The attorney general is a lawyer for the people, not the president. He's Not come. So if you're asking the AG to recuse himself to protect you from a criminal investigation, that to me shows
Starting point is 00:35:54 corrupt intent. Yeah. Probably to other legal monitoring. So that's interesting further. The previous notes, right? Comey told Trump, okay. So Trump called up Comey on April 11th and said, hey, bro, loyalty. You up? I'm paraphrasing. You up. You loyal? You phone, who does?
Starting point is 00:36:19 So he said, basically, Comey, I want you to publicly say, I'm not under investigation. I want you publicly exonerate me. He probably didn't say the word exonerate, has no idea. He tried. I want you to love to hear that. Publicly come out, say I'm good,
Starting point is 00:36:35 tell everyone I'm fine, I'm tremendous. You know, he's using a six book calculator. And Comey said, no, I can't do that. I can't do that. What you need to do is talk to the department of justice. And at the time, no, I can't do that. I can't do that. What you need to do is talk to the Department of Justice. And at the time, do you guys remember episode three or four is talking about Dana Bente? Yeah. Yeah. Dana Bente was the acting attorney general at the time. Oh, went to the Justice Department. Komi said, go talk to Bente. Okay. So maybe Trump went to talk to Bente, but he
Starting point is 00:37:01 told Pribus and Pribus wrote it down. I talked to Ky, Comey's not gonna publish on Rebe, I gotta go talk to Dana Bente. Now Bente was fired five months later. I think that's too much time. I don't think that that's what it is. I don't think, the reason I don't think there's a connection there is because he fired all to US attorneys. Okay, yeah, yeah. Now Dylan, this guy named Dylan, this was in the article two, this is one of McGahn's deputies, purposefully misled the president. He told the president, when the president asked him,
Starting point is 00:37:32 can I fire Kobe? He said, no, you can't. Now, at the time, according to Dylan, when he said, no, no, you can't, he meant that, like, no, you can't. And then he went and spoke to McGahn and other counsel and said, can he? And they were, oh, yeah, he can fire him if he wants. And Dylan did not correct the record with the present. He let the president believe he couldn't fire Comey.
Starting point is 00:37:59 He said, the reason he let him believe that is because he believed that firing the FBI director wouldn't paraly peril his presidency. And it is on to something. We have a special counsel because of that. Oh yeah. The podcast because of that. Dylan still works for the White House, by the way. What?
Starting point is 00:38:17 Yeah. So previous his notes. Yeah. So now we've got the previous notes, right? And, previous has the same lawyer as McGann. The White House lawyer has a lawyer. That's right. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:38:31 They have the same lawyer. The same lawyer is McGann. And so we know they're saying the same thing. Yeah. Because you can't, as a lawyer, represent two people who have conflicting statements. And he is still the lawyer from McGann and previous. So let's go over the obstructions of justice. Multiple.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I really felt like I needed to keep a list of this. Yeah, more keep going up. Yeah. Make these straight. First of all, there's the Air Force One meeting, where the guy quit because he said I witnessed obstruction of justice when they decided to craft the statement,
Starting point is 00:39:00 saying the June meeting was about adoptions instead of the Magnetski Act, which is the same thing anyway. Right. If they should have just said it was about McDonald's because saying it's about adoptions means it's about the Magnetski Act, which means it's about sanctions. Now did they have dirt? Who knows? We'll find out.
Starting point is 00:39:18 But I think the investigation is looking more at obstruction than collusion. So the Air Force One meeting. Then tell him again to lobby sessions not to recuse himself for the purpose of leaving him in the oversight position to protect him from the Russia probe. Then pressuring Burr, Senator Burr and others in the Senate to shut down the Senate investigation into Russia. Then asking Komi to stop the investigation into the FBI and telling Komi to stop the investigation into Flynn. Then telling Rines Previous, he spoke to Komi about clearing his name and then firing Komi to stop the investigation into Flynn. Then, telling Ryan's previous, he spoke to Komi about clearing his name, and then firing Komi to relieve pressure from Russia,
Starting point is 00:39:49 which isn't conjecture, it's what Trump told Lester Holt during an interview, and he told two Russians in his office that we had to learn about from Russia, because he wouldn't let the American press inside that meeting. He tweeted that he fired Flynn for lying to the FBI. That's obstruction. He told COTES he's the director of national intelligence to press the FBI to stop the
Starting point is 00:40:11 investigation and he told Tom Tillis to drop his legislation that he was working on to protect Mueller. Would he not obstruct, when he was golfing? No, when did he have time? Structs probably just like views. Right. He's golfing. So it's interesting that Comey told Trump to go to Bente,
Starting point is 00:40:32 as I said, for public exoneration. Because Bente, this was in April, Bente was fired in October. And like I said, I don't think they're connected. Because like I said, you guys are just to think that all the US attorneys were fired and including some of the top ones that he had said would keep their jobs like the one in the New York district that's being replaced. Now I don't want you guys to worry. The US attorney, the US attorneys are
Starting point is 00:40:57 not the ones who bring state charges. Okay. Those are the state attorneys general All the blue states their attorney general attorneys general aren't going anywhere. Yeah, so we still have the backup For in case pardons happen exactly I want I don't want you to worry that just because he he knocked out all the U.S. Attorneys and is replacing 17 of a medal last minute There's plenty more. Yes. Now, I mean, that does limit their ability to look into it on a federal level in those areas. And can they not subpoena certain documents? Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Is there just a little? Yes. So, well, they're US attorneys, so they're federal. Okay. But the important note is that they can't be this doesn't interfere with state charges to certain good partners. Yeah. Fusion GPS dropped a bomb this week in the op-ed section of the New York Times. And it's the stunning op-ed in response to the New York Times in response to the GOP attacks on the steel dossier.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Now fusion GPS, those are the guys who put together the dossier. They hired steel. They're the co-founders of fusion GPS, and they fired back in this op-ed. First, they're calling for Chuck Grassley to release their transcripts. Grassley had previously agreed to do so, but he's flipped since then him and Graham. Yeah. And I wanted to, this is what I was talking about earlier. What's causing Graham and Grassley to flip? And I think it's got to do with the RNC hack.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Oh, they're susceptible, yeah. Right. I think they have, yeah. I think they benefited from that. You know, mall out there. They're compromised. So, compromised many favorite words. Like salacious. So Compromots, many favorite words. Like Celacius.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Fusion GPS stands by the credibility of their dossier. Fusion says they told Congress then to look into the money laundering through Trump's real estate properties, and they did not. They stated they hired steel without telling him who they were working for. So they didn't say, because the first Fusion GPS was hired by Washington Beacon. That's a conservative group. That's a conservative journal, whatever. Then Hillary paid. But when they, when steel hired,
Starting point is 00:43:14 or excuse me, when fusion GPS hired steel, they didn't tell him. Any of that. Who, who they were working for. They gave him no specific instructions other than why does Trump seek deals with dubious Russians? That was the only thing. Yeah, and he got pee out of that Steel
Starting point is 00:43:42 Steel his sources in Russia were not paid Okay, there was no transfer money Yeah, steel. Steel, his sources in Russia were not paid. Okay. So there was no transfer money, and there was no, you know, on toward activity. There was no incentive for these guys to lie. They weren't getting paid to say anything. Right. What steel found when he came back disturbed him so much that he decided to share this intel with McCain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Through an emissary. That's how McCain found out about it. So that's interesting. And they also indicated there may be a mole in the Trump camp. And like Mueller may have his own deep throat. So deep throat. Who was deep throat? If you don't think.
Starting point is 00:44:17 It's clarified. It was a porn in the 70s. But deep throat was an informant in the Nixon White House very high up. In fact, I think he was the when they released his identity he was the deputy director early FBI. Okay. Which is, who is it now? I know Ray is the director.
Starting point is 00:44:37 McCabe. Oh. So it was that level. Yeah. That's who deep throat was. He met in the garage, an underground parking garage with Woodward and Bernstein. Woodward specifically, I think, and gave this information
Starting point is 00:44:51 about what was going on in the way. It has how it was so much bigger than Watergate. It was so much bigger than they thought. And now they're speculating, based on what Fusion GPS says, and this might be why Grassley doesn't want to release the tapes that Muller might have a deep throat. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:45:08 And so who is it? Because I want to know. I want to know. I think it could be previous. I mean, at this point is definitely not Bannon, right? No. He just said some angry things. Bannon.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Because he was gone. Bannon isn't worth it. So it's got to be someone still in. He's said some angry things. Yeah, because he was gone. So it's got to be someone still in. He's not worth a crap. Actively. But speaking of Watergate, there's a podcast out there called Slow Burn. You should check out. And the reason I think you should check out Slow Burn is, think of the name of Slow Burn. We're facing right now this all this backlash from the Republicans trying to stall this investigation
Starting point is 00:45:46 on all the fronts and the FBI and the DOJ and in the Mueller and in this office of special counsel. Now, they're doing it by, first of all, Nunez asking for all these documents. The House Intelligence Committee doing all this stonewalling, stacking the interviews, not giving people enough time to prepare, holding interviews with key witnesses in New York on during votes and during holidays that so staffers have to interview them. They're doing all that stone walling.
Starting point is 00:46:12 We've got the baker being moved, McCabe. Yeah. Rebicki. But what I want you to understand is that these things take so much time. And if you look at watergate, the interesting thing about watergate is that it started and it ramped up and then it died.
Starting point is 00:46:35 They politically squashed it. Nixon successfully, politically squelched that investigation. Yeah. Nixon was then reelected in a landslide and it wasn't until after that Year 18 months later that it started picking up steam again. Wow So all of this FBI sort of crumbling under the political thumb of the White House all of this Stonewalling all of this it's to be expected. It's how you behave when you're guilty, right and I Just don't want you guys to lose faith. Yeah, that's a good point because sometimes I find myself just like you know
Starting point is 00:47:11 It's how you're gonna go down, but I like that you mentioned that this is probably not the end Even if they found a way to just shut it down for a moment, you know, it'll come back up. It's the truth We're at the end of the beginning. Yeah, I like that. They're essentially trying to just fill us through the whole process Yeah, any way they can when you and his get those documents to every single word that he can possibly try to bring any sort of Find on that he finds in them. He's going to it's just gonna take this is a crazy tree branch Yeah, that's just I love it. So check out slow burn. I'd love you guys to feel the breaks and the slowness and the deliberateness of these investigations and know that Muller is 10 times more meticulous than Archibald Cox. I mean he had a great sterling reputation too, but Muller is just like I said airtight. And you'll get the feeling for how it must have been to wait, and wait.
Starting point is 00:48:06 And lose faith and watch judges get nominated and crappy laws get passed. Next and get re-elected. Oh my God, what if Trump gets re-elected? Oh. So then we had a question online. This was a good question, David Thorn. I think he's a right guy, but he had a good question.
Starting point is 00:48:23 He said, if the dossier means nothing, because I had posted something on the Mollarshi Road page that said, oh, we got notes from previous, dossier means nothing. We don't care what you think about it. We don't care if you're trying to crap all over it, but they could look poopy or pee on it. I wish I could hear your interior. We don't care. We've got other corroborations. We've got other collaborations.
Starting point is 00:48:46 We've got it with the five guys from the FBI, McCabe Baker, Ripokey, Bodich and Garros. I think I... I'm so many names here. And we have the notes from Prebus that Trump spoke to Komi about exonerating him. We have other proof. So he said, if a dossier means nothing now, why did anyone pay for it? He was the beginning, right? Well, that's campaign research.
Starting point is 00:49:13 That's what happens. First, first of all, I asked him, why did who pay? There were two payers. Washington, Beacon and Hillary. I told you, Hillary's campaign. I don't know if Hillary even knew. I don't care. I told you, Hillary's campaign. I don't know if Hillary even knew. I don't care. Right. I really don't care. Because, because ask hiring a fusion GPS, an American company,
Starting point is 00:49:31 who then hired Christopher Steele and MI6 guy to then look into Russia, is not conspiring with Russia. Right. Conspiring with Russia is saying, oh, you've got dirt. Let's meet. I love it. Yeah. And meeting with Russians. Yeah. that's conspiring to Russia. I'm just wondering, how does it matter underlining the effect of our election process? Yep. So, and the dossier doesn't mean nothing
Starting point is 00:49:55 as much of it has been corroborated by multiple sources. However, the GOP is trying to discredit the entire investigation. Based on. By asserting the dossier is what kicked off the FBI investigation into Trump's pollutants. If you separate it we can move forward is the idea. That's pointless though because it's like what Mueller is doing right now is and I'll set on the precedent
Starting point is 00:50:14 of just the dossier that's not it at all it's not like you can discredit that it's going to discredit. Right but they think so. And we also know now that pop-up doobos had a little drunk time with Debbie Downer. So, but you know I said that that it kicked off the Russian investigation because we know that's not true. We can't, meaning the House Republicans cannot use the unsubstantiated parts of the dossier to discredit the FBI, CIA, NSA, and the same conclusion that Russia did in fact, metal and our election on behalf of Trump. So that was a good question, I thought. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:52 I don't, I'm not saying that the dossier means nothing. It's a very important piece of work and a lot of it's already been corroborated. Yeah. I still want the p-tapes, but I, I love what's already been corroborated. Yeah, we can live the rest behind. I'm happy with it. It was investigated and reported on by a very credible man who is an expert. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Alright. You guys... ...sabotard. Yeah, let's do it. Alright, I found out today from a source. Okay. Can't tell you who Source close to more three indictments were made at the end of December. Oh shit. They are sealed One's an a-lister and two or shatamin. Oh
Starting point is 00:51:38 Okay, all right I don't know. I don't know But they're sealed right now. They were made. Nice. So it's like a done deal for whoever those three people are. Alright, well, it's exciting. Yeah, that's a good note to end up.
Starting point is 00:51:55 So indictment fancily. Yes. I'm thinking, previs. Mm-hmm. Now, I think previs is the big fish. Okay. And it's going to be like one count of something because he's potentially working with more or more. Now I think pre-bis is the big fish. Okay. And it's gonna be like one count of something
Starting point is 00:52:06 because he's potentially working with more of them. Or it could be Kushner is the big fish and pre-bis is one of the background guys and who else was I talking about earlier that I wanted to bring up? It was a Schiller, could be, Spodigard. I don't think it's gonna be a band-in. Like I said, I just don't think Mueller wants band-in. I don't think it's gonna be a band and like I said I just don't think
Starting point is 00:52:25 Miller wants band it. I don't know what he wants to do with it. Yeah, I'm crazy. Like, oh good, you kind of mad man. Do you know I'm going to beat a discredit? Oh yeah totally. He would be so easy to discredit over the shares. So we got three. Maybe Kushner, no, Kushner DTG, you know would be too big. Yeah, who does this worst considered to be Shadowman? It's just lesser people. Yeah, it sounds like it could be someone like Kushner. Your Kushner is the biggest piece of shit he deserves it so bad. That would be nice. Kush and the Tishush, and we already know he's got enough to indict Kushner. So maybe a Kushner was indicted. There might be more indictments on Man of Fort.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Yeah. It could also be it. Oh, so that would be a separate document, even for the same people that have already been indicted? Yes. OK. But I think Privis, he's either going to be indicted in charge, or he's been cooperating,
Starting point is 00:53:23 and it's going to be an unveiling of a plea deal much like what happened with Flynn also the I mean can be a plea deal. It's not just an automatic like sealed I'm just like I'm dieting on like one count of some small what is what is it that they got man For a ride to the FBI. Yeah, yeah Oh, yeah, yeah, what I what I don't know and what I did ask and I didn't get an answer to was is Could these indictments be a seal a plea agreement? Okay, and I don't you don't know you didn't get the answer right? But that's a good question. It is a very good question
Starting point is 00:53:57 So can they indict would they ever indict someone first with one kind of line of FBI and then do a plea deal? Oh, and that would come after or is it always going to be the same? So far, his indictments are for people who are pleading not guilty. Just the one that gave it up, where they charge the withdrawal. You would have turned on drugs. You're right. Well, things. And it's the people who have agreed to work with him.
Starting point is 00:54:21 That's something. And then a plea deal with. That have pled guilty. And like I said, I don't know if those can count for these sealed and diolated. I love it. I love it. It's Kitchener. Because there's, there's, I mean, he was in the news a lot, like, you know, four or five weeks ago when he did the
Starting point is 00:54:35 episodes and it's kind of been like, even talking to his love for Kitchener. But you still a huge piece of it. That's an A-list there. Yeah, oh, big. No, yeah, he's an A-list. Now, this brings me to, this brings me to what I think Mueller should do. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Are you listening? Are you listening? Hot stuff. You're going to be in our calendar. You're going to be in our sexy, sexy justice calendar. You're going to be January 2. That's my very first. Or Komi.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I can't choose. I love you both so hard. Komi is February. I'm feeling February. I love you both so hard. Yeah, Komi for Valentine's Day. Oh, please. So first, what I think Mueller should do, I think he should indict Trump.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I think he should charge a sitting president. Just go for it. It's never been done. There's memos that say it can't be done, but it's never been litigated. Is that a precedent? I say do it litigated, set a precedent. If it doesn't work, we're just right back where we are now. Which isn't hurt. No. We still have things we can do after that. Correct. Losing a case might hurt them a little but honestly I
Starting point is 00:55:33 don't. He's got to be prepared for it. But how would like how would he lose? You mean lose like they straight up just find it. No if the Supreme Court says we're not gonna die. You can't indict him. Oh, okay, it would say they could choose that. Oh, snap. But it puts us kind of back to where we are. So I think step one when you've got enough, obviously, and die Trump. Yeah. Step two, if that doesn't work, if it works, yeah, we go to trial. Right. If it doesn't work, go ahead and prepare your report for Congress. Yes. But do it after we flip the House of Representatives. There you go.
Starting point is 00:56:07 We are going to be able to get enough seats to flip the House of Representatives so that we can have an impeachment hearing and we'll be able to complete impeachment. Now, for removal, you have to get two-thirds vote in the Senate. There are nine seats up for grabs in the 2018 midterm. That is, if we won all nine, which i don't think we're gonna do yeah that's not enough seats to get a two thirds vote we would have to depend on some republicans uh... so get romney
Starting point is 00:56:34 oh yeah that's right get romney to leave a republican charge in the senate to for removal after we impeached that's what i think you should do more take it as you will and no one is probably thinking the same thing 10 steps ahead of us. I know he listened. He's like, oh, I hadn't thought of that. That would be nice. Thanks, A.G. I would lose faith.
Starting point is 00:56:56 You're being serious. No, it's a good idea. It was not you work for him. I think that. Yeah, I'm right. To help him with his tongue chases, like a million of those text messages. Oh, definitely. So next week, oh, I want to talk about this too. I think I have a prediction for this week. I think sessions is going to get fired.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Oh, that's right, yeah. I think they're going to fire sessions. They didn't invite him to camp, David. He was the only jerk that wasn't invited. Poor thing. He gets fired and then he'll flip. I think it's getting fired. I think it's thing. He gets fired and then he'll flip. I think he's getting fired.
Starting point is 00:57:27 I don't think he'll flip. Really? I think he wants to stay on politics somehow. Did you have enough? Yeah, there was. How? Do you spend a senator for E. It's like a crappy guy.
Starting point is 00:57:37 I thought he was an eraser since he was born. Oh yeah. Since then you can throw regards. Very impressive. What was in born erases? You imagine a sweet little boy garbaby. Did you just tell every race who starts? Yeah, she's a sweet little baby.
Starting point is 00:57:51 You learned to be racist. Yeah, we're all blind canvases. Yeah. And then sessions happen. I think he'll be fired. Yeah, I thought he'd be right. And this will put them all in investigation into danger. And that's why I'm saying listen to slow burn.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Yeah. Don't lose faith. Okay, it could stall the new attorney general could defund him you can tell him you can't look into finances right but it can always come back yeah yeah I don't know why I just said it like even if it comes back after the 28 2018 elections like this wow this year yeah even if it's after that some better hopes you stays in office because once he gets out office office he's going to jail. Like can they do that? Can they reopen it? Or how long is the... If they haven't charged him? Yeah. And it's decided they can't charge him. He's that's still
Starting point is 00:58:36 without prejudice. He can still be charged for that. It's not a full-geoppity. Yeah. And if he pardon somebody, pardon them, then the states can do it it. I love it. My management can do it. Yeah. So next week, you guys, I want to see what happens to sessions. We're going to talk about that. I might come on. I might have to eat some crow because maybe they'll still
Starting point is 00:58:54 have a job. But I don't think it's going to happen. I don't know when Rebecca's interview is, but when it is, I'm sure you'll hear from me. I want to see if Pribus pleads pleads is what I'm talking about. And if that's one of the indictments, we might get three indictments in a plea. We don't know how the correct terminology for that.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Right. I'm just a doctor of health administration. Hey, you're a good one. I don't know. I'm not a lawyer. Maybe I'll have Jordan Parker. I was like, what? I think these three indictments are coming this month. I'm not sure if they're coming this week.
Starting point is 00:59:28 I hope that they do, but I'm not feeling it yet. And I think all these lawsuits that are being filed are going to just strengthen the investigation and we're going to talk a little bit more about those lawsuits as they happen. So again, follow us on Twitter. And Mola, she wrote, find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and muller she wrote find us on Facebook follow us on our subscribe to us on iTunes and podme we love having you listen I am very appreciative that you're here this is a labor of love for me I know so it's always kind of been I I want to take all this crazy information and just kind of condense it down and give it to you so that you can know what's going on.
Starting point is 01:00:06 So I've been A.G. I've been Jordan Covering. I'm Julie Zajanson. Thanks for listening to MoloShiRote. Season 4 of How We Win Is Here. For the past four years, we've been making history in critical elections all over the country. And last year, we made history again by expanding our majority in the Senate, eating election denying Republicans in crucial state house races,
Starting point is 01:00:35 and fighting back a non-existent red wave. But the Magga Republicans who plotted and pardoned the attempted overthrow of our government, now control the house. Thanks to gerrymandered maps and repressive anti-voter laws. In the chaotic spectacle we've already seen, shows us just how far they will go to seize power, dismantle our government, and take away our freedoms. So the official podcast of the persistence is back with season four. There's so much more important work ahead of us to fight for equity, justice, and our very democracy itself.
Starting point is 01:01:11 We'll take you behind the lines and inside the rooms where it happens, with strategy and inspiration from progressive change makers all over the country. And we'll dig deep into the weekly news that matters most and what you can do about it. With messaging and communications expert, co-founder of Way to Win, and our new co-host, Jennifer Fernandez-Ancona. So join Steve and I every Wednesday
Starting point is 01:01:36 for your weekly dose of inspiration, action and hope. I'm Steve Pearson. And I'm Jennifer Fernandez-Ancona, and this is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win. This is how we win.
Starting point is 01:01:48 This is how we win. This is how we win.

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