Jack - Immunity Peckersode (feat. Malcolm Nance & Greg Proops)

Episode Date: August 27, 2018

Ep #43 - This week, Jaleesa covers more 2018 midterms Russian interference, Jordan recaps Trump's latest Fox News interview, and AG breaks down the week's Cohen news. Also we've got interviews with Ma...lcolm Nance (MSNBC Contributor) and pod favorite Greg Proops returns! Enjoy!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Teacher Quit Talk, I'm Misredacted, and I'm Mrs. Frazzled. Every week we explore the teacher exodus to find out what if anything could get these educators back in the classroom. We've all had our moments where we thought, what the hell am I doing here? From burnout to bureaucracy to soul-sucking stressors and creative dead ends, from recognizing when it was time to go, to navigating feelings of guilt and regret afterwards, we're here to cut off a gaslighting and get real about what it means to leave teaching. We've got insights from former teachers from all over the country who have seen it all. So get ready to be disturbed and join us on teacher quit talk to laugh through the pain of the
Starting point is 00:00:31 US education system. We'll see you there. Hey Mueller junkies, thank you so much to all of our new patrons. You're now eligible to join our closed Facebook group so head over to Facebook, search for friends of justice, ask to join and answer the questions and you're all set. And you can now play for points in the fantasy and indictment league. Just check the announcements section for the pin post, verify the date, and post your five picks. The point structure and rules are all right there in the post. You have also unlocked all of our past bonus episodes.
Starting point is 00:00:58 There's over 30 of them now. And you're also a member of the MSW Book Club which should pick back up with a new book in mid-September. But you've also unlocked all of our previous Book Club episodes on Patreon. And, you'll receive our weekly newsletter, sent in the email address you registered with, which includes photos, infographics, announcements, and my personal research notes. It also includes instructions on how to drop your new private premium RSS feed into your podcast player.
Starting point is 00:01:22 We're also working on posting the archive of newsletters on Patreon as well. If you're not yet a patron, you can become one for as little as a dollar, so head to mullershoewrote.com and click subscribe today. And thank you again so much for supporting Women in Podcasting. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I have been called a surrogate at a time of truth in that campaign, and I didn't have, not have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for having nothing to do with Putin? I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So it is political. You're a communist. No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm professional capitalist. I'm your anonymous host, A.G. I work high up in Trump's executive branch, so I have to use
Starting point is 00:03:19 a pseudonym so I don't break the Hatch Act. With me, as always, is Jolissa Johnson. Hello. And Jordan Coburn. Hello, you guys This was an incredibly shitty week for Donald Trump, but the best for us Not to mention his campaign chair his fixer and his crotchfruit children If I talk fast today It's because we have a lot to get to but you can always slow us down to half speed, which is hilarious, because it makes us all sound super drunk.
Starting point is 00:03:52 This week, Jolisa is going to be covering more 2018 midterm Russian interference stuff, and Jordan's going to go over Trump's Fox interview, and Samura of Giuliani's Loved the Truth Tour, I'll be covering the co-investigation and everything that sprung up out of that. And I just want to thank everyone who became a patron to listen to our emergency episode last Wednesday, and the full Manafort trial coverage by Randall of Honey Badger Don't Care. Fame, I love that guy. Manafort don't give a shit. So funny. He's guilty.
Starting point is 00:04:20 It's just so fabulous. And this week you're going to be glad you joined as well because we have Greg Proops on the show today and we've got about a little bit of an interview with him but we actually ended up talking to him for about an hour and we're going to post that whole unedited interview for patrons. And we have Malcolm Nance this week. He's an MSNBC contributor and I think what did he say is an expert in everything? He's an expert on everything. Yeah. So that would be interesting. And yeah, so proofs is going
Starting point is 00:04:50 to join us during hot notes to talk about Cohn and Weiselberg and Pecker. Pecker. But for now, I'm going to try to cover, I'm going to try to cover this week's news with just the facts. So of all the weeks we've been doing this, all the weeks we've been covering this investigation, this is by far the biggest week. It's bigger than our first episode when they undyped Gates and Manafort. It's bigger than Flynn pleading guilty, I think. A huge brick was knocked loose this week and I think you'll find it's going to be the beginning of the end for 45 and his stupid family.
Starting point is 00:05:25 And we couldn't be more pleased about this. And again, it's not for the sake of wanting to see other suffer, although that's nice. It's more for the justice is winning. And I think that's hugely important. And so we're going to kind of try to focus on that. And the news happened so fast this week that it seems like months have gone by since Monday. So when I start Monday, realize it was only Monday. First day seemed like a week.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And the second day seemed like five days. And the third day seemed like a week again. And the fourth day seemed like eight days. we could get in the fourth day seemed like eight days the fifth day you went to see your mother and that seemed just like a day but then you came back and later on the sixth day in the evening when we saw each other that started seeming like two days so in the evening it seemed like two days spilling over into the next day. And that started seeming like four days. So at the end of the sixth day, on into the seventh day, it seemed like a total of five days. And the sixth day seemed like a week
Starting point is 00:06:40 and a half. So I will do my best to get to it all if there's anything I miss that's critical Please tweet at us at Muller. She wrote and speaking of Twitter We have a winner of the PlayStation 4 Melanie Adamo, right? Congratulations, we who and stick around become a patron or follow us on Twitter will have more prizes things will happen We'll have contests. I don't know what yet and there's no gambling No gambling and I'm not asking you for any contributions to campaigns because that's against the law. Monday, here we go, all the way back to Monday. We learned
Starting point is 00:07:13 that prosecutors were gearing up to charge Cohen while we patiently waited for the Manifort verdict. And they said it was likely that Cohen would be charged by the end of August for bank and tax fraud. Oh, Monday, how innocent and young we all were. It's so amazing how I go day by day with just the facts and how quickly situations change within the week. So, yeah, Monday, we were thinking Cohen might be charged by the end of the month. Also Monday, we got some big news related to our old Nordic buddy, Vanderswan. Remember that guy?
Starting point is 00:07:42 Mm-hmm. Yeah, so V. Dizzle's dad is a guy named Herman Kahn, who is one of three dudes that ran Alpha Bank. And if Alpha Bank sounds familiar, that's because it was mentioned in the Steel dossier. We talked about it during the Fusion GPS transcripts. And it's the bank whose servers were mysteriously communicating with a server and Trump tower
Starting point is 00:07:58 way early on in the campaign, in the campaign. In the campaign. In the campaign. In the campaign. In the campaign. Okay. Alpha Bank is also the entity that American lawyer Brian Benchkowski represented who was just appointed by Trump to lead the criminal division at the Department of Justice. Well, this past April, Hermann Khan filed a lawsuit against Christopher Steel for defamation against Alpha Bank in the dossier and Monday a judge dismissed the lawsuit
Starting point is 00:08:27 So that shores up to steal dossier yet again. It has still not been debunked. Nothing has been disproven in that thing It's been over a year Yeah, still no evidence that it's not correct Then this oh that's biased. Sorry, that was conjecture, the asshole part. Then in the sentence in case of pop-a-dop, it appears his lawyers are asking for zero jail time, while the government is arguing for at least some jail time because he was such an uncooperative shithead.
Starting point is 00:08:58 It's important to note that this was not a normal plea agreement, and pop-a-dop could still be wrapped up in additional criminal liability. So put some beans on that. Matt out brought up something interesting in her show last week. And that is that the special master in the Cohen case charged, she was charged with weeding through four million pieces of evidence and determining what bits were privileged under attorney clan privilege. She told everyone last Friday that she never got that cracked blackberry from Cohen. Remember the FBI was supposed to unlock it?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Right. Well, they didn't. So, I think that if Cohen and Matt out said she's like, if Cohen were cooperating, you'd think you'd give them the password. Yeah. So, that could be a hint that he's not. I don't know. But I'll be going over the Cohen investigation later in the show.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Also Monday, Trump tweeted out that John Dean, that's the White House Council for Nixon, is a rat, R-A-T, all caps. It's being reported that he's scared of Mueller calling an interview with Mueller a perjury trap, of course. He's like scared, he's shaken, like all of his inside aids are leak and saying he's scared. Trump, he's scared, bro. Trump had an insane week on Twitter, likely because he got the heads up that his circle of loyalty was about to completely fall apart. Lots of talking heads on the news, we're discussing how much a mob boss Trump sounds like. He's just the way that he speaks. Jordan's
Starting point is 00:10:23 going to go over a lot of this later with his interview and It's just insane the things that he's been saying this week. We kind of expect that I mean just in general He he's insane, but when when should's about to go down his Twitter account blows up. Yeah, very telling Yeah, Komi called that in his book to literally saying that he acts like La Cosa no Straf exactly Yeah, he's wants him to be an amica no Straf and he's using all these terms to literally saying that he acts like Lakosanostra. Exactly. Yeah. He wants him to be an amica-nostra and he's using all these terms. He's probably so proud of himself that he knows that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And he picks criminals that otherwise would have a really tough time getting a job after leaving Trump and all of his work. That's true. So it's like they're forced to be loyal sort of. And it almost seems like he picks criminals that aren't going to be very credible witnesses because the, you know, the people in the in the Manafort case said they threw out Gates testimony because he's just a dick. Yeah, you know, but they but the Documentary evidence was so overwhelming. We'll get to that. It hasn't happened yet in just the fact. We're still waiting for Manafort
Starting point is 00:11:17 To come out years and years ago We all talk like it's today because it is We all talk like it's today because it is. One of the multiple insane tweets from Trump, including one about security clearances and his enemies list, dropped this week too. Jalisa spoke to our first guest about that issue, so let's take a listen. So one of Trump's crazy tweets this week said, quote, even John Clapper has it modest John Brennan for having gone totally off the rails. Maybe Clapper is being nice to me so he doesn't lose his security clearance for lying to
Starting point is 00:11:49 Congress. Joining us today to talk about this potential abuse of power is counterintelligence expert and MSNBC contributor Malcolm Nance. Malcolm, Malcolm, to Mueller, she wrote. Well, great to be here. Thank you. So right off the top, let me just get your thoughts about that tweet regarding John Clapper and security clearances.
Starting point is 00:12:07 What do you think about that? Well, you know, Trump just can't help himself. You know, I've written a couple of books about this and one of the things that I identified in the way that Trump behaves is a very similar way of behaving that Vladimir Putin uses as well. But without Trump, it just has another dimension. So I call this LDAC, right? Lie, deny, that arrogantly confess. And what he always does is he comes out and he will do some action.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And when called out for that action, the first thing he will do is he will lie. He will say, you know, that not what happened, you know, some other thing happened, some alternate reality. Then when really pressed up against the wall, he'll deny it. He'll just say it never existed. And then finally, of course, he always does this arrogant confession thing where he steps out and essentially like a mafia boss dares you to challenge his great wisdom for doing whatever it is that he did. So with regards to Clapper and his security class, that's precisely what you saw here in that tweet.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I mean, he had gone around with Sarah, Huckleberry Sanders and had essentially said, this was all within the commander-in-chiefs constitutional authority, right? Not mentioning that this abuse could be an impeachable offense. It could be a crime, and also that it could go straight to the courts and these people could get their clearances back.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Trump comes out, went confronted, and then essentially arrogantly confesses, which is why you should always wait for the third tweet from Donald Trump. He'll tell you what he's thinking. Nice. With regards to the clearances tell you what he's thinking. Nice. So with regards to the clearances, of course it's personal. He does not like anyone.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I mean, if you recall the comment that he made a day later about Phil Mudd, the CNN version of Malcolm Nance, right? They're counterterrorism contributor from the agency. And which I'm upset about because I have been trying to get a Trump tweet for at least two years now. I've got two books under my belt that calling them a Russian asset, and I don't get nothing. And all it takes, I guess, is fighting with Paris-Denard. So that happened, and he did the same thing, where he calls him essentially a loser and says these horrible things and says
Starting point is 00:14:47 Maybe I should pull his clearance because he fought with Paris denard, right? so This this behavior of Trump's is just something first off not normal not normative Another, you know article that should be online for his impeachment when saying people take back the congress oh yeah definitely I love that you have it down to his science too actually it's L4 DAC but I spared you the other three so the three D's that he he involves in his lives interesting yeah and it's clearly an enemy's list that he has... he involves in his lives interesting yet and it's clearly an enemies list that he has to
Starting point is 00:15:25 trump also treated to secretary of state Pompeo to look into the reclaiming of land in south africa in regards to the government season land from white farmers i know you're an expert on south africa uh... you're kind of an expert on everything can you talk about that sweet and what he's referring to yeah well i'm not so much an expert on South Africa, except that I've been there and I have some experience. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And although I was a private security contractor, I created the Peace Corps Global Security Program and I started with Africa. So I knew a little bit about how horrible the security environment can be there. But what Trump is pushing was a white supremacist scheme that comes directly from a white and alt-right white neo-Nazi group that operates in South Africa and has been pushed amongst the mainstream of the Afrikaners community The Afrikas are the white South African descendants of the Boer-Vor Trekkers, the people
Starting point is 00:16:31 who invaded South Africa, colonized it, then killed all the natives and took over all the land. And that issue is particularly fraught because not only is he saying that there was this, that white farmers are being killed in South Africa, he was saying that the government of South Africa unjustly is seizing the land of these farmers and doing this sort of 40 acres in a mule black redistribution of lands, Allah Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabi did that about 25 years ago Where he seized white farms and destroyed his sense of the economy Trump plays into these themes because he's a white supremacist. Let's just be honest everybody sees that
Starting point is 00:17:16 Right and he caters to racist Because he thinks that these themes as he saw it come from Tucker Carlson, who walked back the theme the next day when the government of South Africa are really hammered the Trump administration. In fact, the government has not seized any land that was not compensated. Here's a little statistical fact. When apartheid ended in 1994, apartheid was the system of government where blacks were
Starting point is 00:17:46 literally written into the law. They weren't even second-class citizens. They were third-class citizens. First class was the whites, descendants of the British and the Bowers. The second class were the colors, which are mixed race people or people from South Asia, you know, like from the Indian subcontinent and any other place where they weren't black. And then third were the blacks,
Starting point is 00:18:11 who of course are 45 million of the 55 million people in South Africa, right? People had zero status. Their status were of essentially farm animals. And that system which existed for almost 150 years went away in 1994. But in doing away with that, one of the things they didn't do when they had their reconciliation was, 94% of the land of South Africa was in the hands of 8% of the population. And, you know, South Africa has a horrific unemployment rate out of 45 million blacks. 40% are unemployed. So somewhere between 18 and 20 million men are not working. And that led to a phenomenally high crime rate
Starting point is 00:19:08 because there's nothing to do if you wanna eat, but steal, right? When I was in Cape Town, which is a bastion of diversity, you go outside that place and you go to any place, really, there was a very high, high crime rate and a high murder rate, particularly in Johannesburg, I mean, that was very high, but the country had all farms, right? Whether it's wineries on the South Coast or the Southwest or big,
Starting point is 00:19:40 you know, agrarian industrial farms of the northwest towards Namibia, hey, all the work is owned, the farms in that country. And so people were going and killing the only source of money that they could see, they would attack whites and enraub them, but they also were attacking blacks who worked on these farms. So technically, reams of murders were happening in farms. And so last year, though, was the lowest number of murders of farmers in South Africa as a
Starting point is 00:20:17 history, 50. And that's out of a population of 55 million. And the government has been trying to lean down some of this farmland and get some of this farmland legally through full compensation for these farms and then redistributing it so that they can start sharecropping. Because South Africa is in a grary in society. And these people who were in these shanty towns, they got nothing. All right, so best way to resolve the issue is that.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And this white supremacist story went to Tucker Carlson and Trump retweeted it and directed Secretary of State Pompeo to look into it. And now you got South Africa mad at you. But look, give Trump some credit. He actually figured out there was a, in his mind, there's a country named Africa, and the southerners are mad, right?
Starting point is 00:21:14 So I don't think he can understand that there are actually 48 countries in South, in Africa proper that it's a continent when that this particular one has this particular issue because he really should have been mad at Zimbabwe, right? Who really abuses people. But Robert Mugabe is a dictator, so maybe Trump just loves him.
Starting point is 00:21:38 He's out of power, he's out of office Mugabe, but his party still runs the place. Yeah, that's crazy. Honestly, it's not an easy thing to resolve it all. out of office mugabe so but his party still runs the place yeah that's crazy honestly i it's not easy thing to uh... to resolve it all and i can imagine that trump being like you mentioned a white supremacist at least you know capitalizing this opportunity it's not unlike him it's not the first time that he's even retweeted a white supremacist idea before so he has a
Starting point is 00:22:02 history of using this to his advantage what it was he equated their plight and was putting it in line with whites in the United States. Right. He almost is like evangelizing to as a white savior for, you know, just for I guess whites all around the world in the same way that he evangelizes using the phrase protection of Christians in the Muslim world, like that one priest that he's having trouble with, that was detained in Turkey. Now he's on jihad against Turkey, right? Another dictator that he liked until this issue was brought up to him by Franklin Graham
Starting point is 00:22:45 and the evangelicals. Now he hates them because they're Muslims. You know, this guy lives in a cartoon world mentally. And have you ever seen that 30-rock episode where they ask where they show everybody's view of 30-rock as they see it in their head. And and Kenneth the page by the way 30 Rock not a TV series but a documentary about 30 Rock. It's really like that. But Kenneth the page when it comes to him the entire world is made of muppets.
Starting point is 00:23:25 That's sort of Donald Trump's worldview. Where when he thinks of Africa, he thinks of, you know, Octary and people riding in the belt and shooting elephants. And, you know, maybe, you know, this H, you know, H, writer haggard view uh... h writer view of of the african
Starting point is 00:23:48 bush country with bongo drums and all that stuff technically juman jie right yeah exactly that's his cartoonish view of the world he is easily the stupidest president ever elected i mean you make the right uh... George W. Bush like a red scholar, but that would explain his actions and it's freaking dangerous. Because as I said on television,
Starting point is 00:24:12 I was on hardball that same night. I said, look, the guys at the CIA, African deaths, must just be pulling their hair out. You know, and I'm sure there's no one at the State Department of African deaths. You know, they got rid of them. They will consolidate the entire continent into one desk with two guys and a coffee maker. And really quickly, just one before I let you go, I wanted to just mention you have a number one best seller right now, actually, the plot to destroy democracy. Do you want to talk about that for a little bit? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Well, as most people, anyone that follows me on Twitter knows. Plot to destroyed democracy is still in its 10th week on the New York Times best-sellers list. So Plot to destroy democracy is the deep read about not just how the Russians did it, how this was all very old KGB stuff, but how they completely co-opted Trump. As a matter of fact Sebastian Unger is going around with Craig Unger, the journalist is going around with his new book, House of Trump House of Putin saying, aha, he says Trump is a Russian asset. Yeah, well,
Starting point is 00:25:15 you know, your two books behind there, buddy. But so, you know, mine comes from an intelligence perspective. His comes from Trump's dealings with the Russian mafia. So both books are good. So go get it, because it will tell you just how horribly in danger we are. Should we lose this, taking back the House this November, it could literally be the end of American democracy. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Well said. And I really appreciate that. You guys go check out that book, MSNBC contributor, and counterintelligence expert Malcolm Nance. Thank you again for joining us. Hope you talk to you soon My pleasure. Bye. Bye. Also on Tuesday we got news about more 2018 midterm interference and Jelisa's gonna go over that for us later in the show But that was only the beginning of what I'm now calling news day Tuesday Think of anything more clever. Doomsday for Trump Tuesday?
Starting point is 00:26:07 No, that wasn't quite News Day Tuesday. Because Taco Tuesday has taken good point, although you may very well have celebrated with tacos on Tuesday. And Trump didn't. No, no. Come for food. Maybe he'll stuff his face.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Maybe a taco bowl bowl show that he loves Mexicans but as the news day Tuesday went on we learned that Manafort was indeed found guilty on eight charges of bank and tax fraud but that is just because one jurist was hung up on the remaining ten counts and the judge declared a mistrial on those ten here's a clip of the reading of the verdict. So, logically, if she was the same as a duck, she's might of want. And therefore, away! So, there are a few things we're waiting on. One, being whether or not the prosecution will retry those 10 counts, which they have the right to do, and they haven't to August 29th to decide.
Starting point is 00:27:12 And now that they know only one juror was the holdout on those 10 counts, that may influence their decision. They might be like, this would be way easy. We could do that, and we'll have to wait and if Maniford is going to appeal the eight guilty counts They have 30 days to decide But by then they'll be well into the trial in DC His second trial and interestingly his lawyers did not immediately announce an appeal usually they do They just said quote Mr. Maniford is weighing all of his options and to me That's an obvious message to Trump saying hey, if you're gonna pardon me, bro send me a sign Come on throw me a bone. And Trump did.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Trump tweeted Wednesday after that that he thinks Maniford was treated unfairly in the justice system, did him wrong. And he put justice in quotes. It was obvious to everyone. It was a signal held pardon, Maniford, on the eight counts. That's five counts of tax fraud, two counts of bank fraud, and one count of failure to disclose a foreign bank account. That means they were hung on the
Starting point is 00:28:08 cock count, which is worth it to me, to be hung on cock. When Sarah Sanders was asked if Trump was considering a pardon, she said, quote, there have been no discussions on the White House grounds. And no one in the media picked up on that, but we did. Here, listen to this clip from last week. And then Sarah Fuckface was asked today, if a pardon was considered, and she said, quote, she swear to God, and no one's making a story out of this. And to me, this is huge news. She says, a pardon for Manafort was not discussed on White House grounds.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Oh, shit. On the White House grounds, like Trump spends any time on the White House grounds. He was just in Bedminster New Jersey. He makes a lot of bad decisions in Bedminster New Jersey. Yeah. So see, to me, she was saying they have discussed it just not at the White House.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And wouldn't you know it this week, The Washington Post reported that Trump had actually discussed a pardon with his legal team while they were in Bedminster, New Jersey. Sneaky, man. So, we called it. Yeah. She doesn't want to be a liar anymore, man.
Starting point is 00:29:11 I think, yeah, she kind of see her going, I'm not going to guarantee that. I know I don't know anything about not on the White House grounds. Mm-hmm. Not while I was there. A mental gymnastic she has to do to still lie, but not totally lies. But she used to just pivot.
Starting point is 00:29:26 You're right. She used to just be like, like if they asked her if there was an in-word tape, could you guarantee? She would say, the president's been clear on this, talked to outside counsel. But now she's like, I can't guarantee that. Yeah. She's like, I'm going to get it on the record that I'm not going to say that. I can't guarantee the tape is not in the Oble Office right now.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I think that Sarah has a sort of innocence that they're trying to say Pence has. I think she legitimately is just being completely lied to and is repeating that. I don't think that she's in actual lie. Like complicit so much. I don't think she's acting completely aware. I don't know, I think that sometimes she knows
Starting point is 00:30:02 what she says is a lie, but she has to say it anyway. Yeah, but she maybe not, she maybe she doesn't, I don't think, I think it's a way. Sometimes she knows what she says is a lie, but she has to say it anyway. Yeah, but she maybe not, maybe she doesn't, I don't think she knows the truth. I guess I'm her saying, I don't think she's gonna go down criminally for all of this. No, I don't think she's gonna go down criminally. I don't think she's culpable at all,
Starting point is 00:30:15 because even lying to the public is not a crime anyway. You know, be funny if she learned about her lies from our podcast, like she listened, she's like, oh my God, I know I did. She's reflecting. Yeah. Taken off her smoky eye in the mirror what have I done all of her podcasts are just like evangelical preacher ones probably yeah nothing against that I just think that's what she does and probably yeah she really
Starting point is 00:30:36 loves Jesus I think she's a Satanist I think she's a piece of church so sure Trump could pardon Manafort but there's a lot of balls in the air right now, no pun intended, pecker. The prosecution could decide to retry the 10 counts, right? Or they could hand them off to the state attorney general, and then if he's convicted, he couldn't be pardoned because Trump can't pardon state crimes. Not to mention, he has a way bigger trial with massive consequences, five times as much evidence.
Starting point is 00:31:04 We thought it was going to be a thousand pieces of evidence. out to 2100 pieces of evidence coming up in September on the 17th in DC and the jury will not be as kind as they were in Virginia. This is DC. They went 96% for Hillary or some shit like that. 94, 96. One of those two. Bussam in Manafort says. Bussamid Manafort says. You're missing out those taxisters. Stillenay. Yeah, Bussam, Bussingham, and their paid voters. And finally, don't forget about the superseding indictments. And this is conjecture, of course, but I'm 100% sure there will be more indictments for
Starting point is 00:31:39 Manafort for crimes of collusion. But as we discussed before, it might not be jail, Manafort's afraid of. It might be Putin. And also important to note is what cases Mueller has handed off and what he's kept. On Maddo's Tuesday night show, she said it was just the Manafort case he's kept and everything else has been handed off. I'd like to point out that yes, that indicates that Manafort case will lead to crimes of collusion with Russia, but it's important to note that Mueller has also held on to the stone investigation. It's not just the Manafort. He's held on to the stone investigation, Stonehenge, and he's doing the obstruction case.
Starting point is 00:32:16 But in any case, everything he is hanging on to has to do with Russian collusion, so that he can maintain the appearance of staying within his scope, even though he can investigate and has a perfect right to investigate anything that arises. But he wants that appearance so people can't poke holes and people are still walking around going, Cohen has nothing to do with Russia, nothing to do with Russia. You're like, yeah, that's why Mueller's not investigating it. Exactly. It's not Mueller shut your whole. It's the Southern District of New York he handed it off. Remember we call it evidence laundering? Yeah. Well, it's because people have this whole narrative that
Starting point is 00:32:47 Mueller sold purposes to just undermine Trump in any way possible. So they're just making the assumption that if something is unfavorable to Trump that Mueller is then going to have some jurisdiction over it. Yeah. Well, he he he does, but he's handed these off. So they're just wrong. Because his goal isn't to fuck Trump over. It's just to come to the truth. To be fair. Yeah. And he doesn't want any appearance of being outside his jurisdiction on that. So, so Maniford, in my opinion, is central to Mueller's Russia probe, and he's working really hard to flip him. Remember, quote, Cyprus as an enter, the note that he wrote during the Vesselnet sky meeting. And imagine the conspiracy that occurred there.
Starting point is 00:33:25 We, using Cypress as an intermediary to pay who, Russia for setting up DC leaks, probably, and Gucci for 2.0, definitely. Actually, they're both definitely. We can't forget that Manafort worked for free, so he could offer private briefings on the campaign to Oleg Darapaska, who e-Oed like $19 million for Willis-Make Hole.
Starting point is 00:33:44 That's a weird way to put it but that's what he said. And that's proven in his emails and video released by Nasi Arribka. Do we have an update on her? Oh yeah, pretty exciting one. So when she was in Thai prison, she's just finally starting to go to court now. She's again just a reminder. She's there being charged with setting up, and it basically not a sex ring or anything, but teaching sex classes and promoting sexual intercourse. Oh, sex head.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Okay. Yeah, they're not okay with that. Sex on the beach. Yes. So the update, just a reminder, she's the one who back in February claims that she had seeker audio that she had recorded of Derapasca when she was being an escort for him that would essentially corroborate and reveal Russian
Starting point is 00:34:34 collusion with the Trump campaign. So the update from her is when people were asking her in court, if she had that information still, she said, I've given all that stuff over to Derapaska. And basically, he's given me a repromised to give me stuff. So I don't speak. She has really broken English. This is her quote. Okay. So she says, he gave her a little something to keep quiet. He promised me a little something already. If he do that, then there will be no problem. But if he don't, she said before shrugging and smiling. She also shrugged and smiled when asked
Starting point is 00:35:10 if she had kept her own copies of the information. I bet it's a little something. Yeah. But he's going to give her. Happy so funny. If he's like, try to literally just give her sex. He's giving me a little something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:23 And then when they asked what material she had, she just said, you'd have to ask Daripaska. Wow. Alright, where is he? Yeah, that's it. Yeah exactly. Well, Rustam, she is facing up to 10 years, so which is kind of insane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:39 No. I'm surprised she's still alive, that he had gotten to her and told her to change her story and that she's still living means that he probably likes her. Yeah, I mean he did hire her in the first place. So you know there's that. Well love story. The strangest place. Make a movie. Have J. Lobby in it. Did she have such a deviant smile too and all the photos of her? She's always like sad looking at the camera just smirking. Well that's less than one in sex coach class is how to be coy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Give the side eye. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. That's right, she's an Instagram model. She knows what she's doing. Yeah, she's also a fucking troll. Yeah, super troll. Yeah, well, thanks for that update. But the news did not stop coming on News Day Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Representative Duncan Hunter from San Diego's 50th District, the guy running against Amar Copp and Azhar who we've had on the show, and was lovely, was indicted on over 60 counts of campaign finance violations by spending over $250,000 of campaign money on personal shit, weird personal shit too, like a $3,000 bill at a restaurant for tequila shots and a pizza or something. Oh, there were some other, wow. It's some one food item. 30 Kikila shots, that's insane. It reminds me of when I used to work in fancy hotels and some guy would be hitting on a lady
Starting point is 00:36:55 and then he'd cut barkeep and he'd snap his fingers, which is so great, we love that. Maybe like two shots of your finest Kikila. And I'm like, should I tell them it's a hundred eighty five dollars a shot? Neh For it be like that's gonna be three hundred seventy dollars, please and he's like what yeah ladies all year a James gate It's just really fun No, no definitely not eight cents. I don't
Starting point is 00:37:20 He's doing shots of like a hundred eighty five dollar tequila get a job I did that once in a date though. Somebody bought me Johnny Walker Blue label and I just shot it. And he's like, what are you doing? And I'm like, what, it's delicious whiskey. Putting it in my belly fast. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:36 $25 a shot. I'm like, okay, what do you want? $25? I'm still gonna shoot it. Yeah, I don't wanna be here for long. I just get in the free drink. Really, I would have just taken the cash. So, here's some other things that came out about Dunkin' Hunter.
Starting point is 00:37:51 We found out he told the Navy to go fuck itself. The whole Navy. Yeah, the entire Navy. When he wanted to go to Italy and he asked for a tour of some Naval installation so that he could make it for work, they spent $14,000 in Italy. I think this is true. Or I mean, I know what he said was true, but I think these are the details. I might be hazy on them. But apparently he asked for this too. And the Navy's like, no, we don't do that. And he said the Navy can go fuck itself.
Starting point is 00:38:15 The Navy's like already on it. Yeah, like I already did it. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome. you. And he's blaming his crimes on his wife. What a pile of shit. She takes care of the finances. Oh, so you're completely incompetent. The only person who can do math in your house is a woman. And she's a criminal.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Yeah. Because you don't want to be. You're really feminist, but yeah. Criminal. That's brutal, dude. Just be true. Right under the bus And he's turtied's paying his legal fees with campaign funds
Starting point is 00:38:53 What a dick? How could he do that? I don't know, but I hope he rots in jail I mean if he at least just reports that he's allowed to right No, no, you know what you could not allow to pay legal fees with campaign funds good to know I'm pretty sure that's illegal But wait, there's more the hits kept coming You get not allowed to pay legal fees with campaign funds. Good to know. I'm pretty sure that's illegal. But wait, there's more. The hits kept coming on Tuesday. As Michael Cohen surrendered himself to the FBI and then pleaded guilty to eight counts of bank and tax fraud and two counts of campaign finance violations
Starting point is 00:39:18 and I'll go over that later in the show. It's absolutely fantastic. It's the story of the week, I think. Then more stuff happened Tuesday night, including Mueller suspending the sentencing of Flynn again, Flynn again. He's putting it off until November. That's another bad sign for Trump, easily the worst day of his presidency Tuesday. Mark August 21st on your sexy Justice calendars. I think it will go down as a red letter day in his tree of the United States.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Seriously, it's a watershed day. And all this happened on his way to West Virginia for one of his Nazi rallies. Of course, he didn't mention any of it, but instead they chanted lock her up. Oh, okay. Oh, the irony. Yeah, yeah. So facts don't matter, Steel. Got it. Lock us up. Just doesn't have the same ring to it, I guess. And they don't want to waste all the Hillary prison uniforms with that. Oh, good point. They already ordered them custom media. All the actors they paid to dress in as Hillary in the fair enough for a stripy suit. We still wear stripy suits in prison.
Starting point is 00:40:10 The only good news for Trump came Wednesday, and it's not even really good news, but the prosecution asked for an extension to hand over the 2,100 pieces of evidence they plan to use in the Manafort case in DC. They're like, it's an overwhelming amount of evidence. We'll get it to you as soon as we can. We've been waiting for this since a week ago Friday
Starting point is 00:40:25 And it's still not out as of today Saturday when we record Wednesday We watch Trump take a shit all over Jeff Sessions Hey Cleveland steamer on his chest, but this time sessions fired back saying it's justice bro. There's no friends and justice It's not show friends. It's show business. I'm kidding. Basically, though. I'm paraphrasing.
Starting point is 00:40:51 He said the Justice Department will not be improperly influenced. After that, there was a lot of discussion about whether or not Trump is going to fire sessions and something weird happened. Lindsey Graham crackers. That's what I'm calling him now. Lindsey Graham crackers. He only a year ago said that if Trump fired sessions, there would be hell to pay. That was his quote, not mine, hell to pay. He has now made a stunning reversal, saying maybe it's time for a fresh face in the Justice Department. And I would speculate that he
Starting point is 00:41:19 was hacked by Russia. Back when they hacked the DNC and the DEE triple C, and we know the RNC was hacked, he was one of them, I think, that's my conjecture. And we know he's taken campaign donations from the Russians. So watch for him to continue to fold. I think that's why he's made this reversal. He used to hate Trumps, talk out of Trump all the time. I think somebody showed him his emails and said, we're going to really see if you don't, you know, play nice. I think he is. So some of Trump's Dinkleberries have advised him not to fire sessions until after the midterms but that could backfire. I think if you think Rudy Giuliani he think about it. He
Starting point is 00:41:57 said a time limit of September 1st. Remember when he said you have until September 1st to wrap up this investigation or there will be hell to pay. And so that basically means that he wants Mueller to stop dropping indictments after September 1st, because it's too close to the election. It could have an influence on the election. That actually could have prompted prosecutors to light proverbial fires under their asses, which might have led to this glory
Starting point is 00:42:21 as just a see-weak we're having. And by that logic, if Trump floats the idea of firing sessions after the midterms and Mueller catches wind, which I'm sure he has, it might prompt him to bring out charges prior to the midterms. Then if all that weren't enough, Trump tweeted at Jeff, he called him Jeff, which is weird. Come on, Jeff. And he told him to investigate Hillary and his other critics. And that's insane. His tweets escalated as the week went on, continuing the pressure on sessions to investigate Hillary.
Starting point is 00:42:52 It seems like he's building a case to fire him. That's what it seems like to me. Totally. I asked him to investigate Hillary and the crooked Dems. I asked him to look into Uranium One. I asked him to look into the crookedness and the collusion of Hillary and Russia.
Starting point is 00:43:04 We all know what happened. And he didn't. So I fired him. And I just feel like I feel that's coming. Yeah. He would make a lot of sense. Yeah. But this week did not let up on the Trump family.
Starting point is 00:43:14 You guys, the dominoes started falling continued to fall. As Thursday we learned that Pecker was given immunity. Pecker is David Pecker. He is the head of AMI, American Media Inc. He runs the National Enquirer and I'll go over Pekker later in the show when we talk about Cohen. But wait, there is more. Also Thursday, we learned that the Manhattan Attorney General is working on filing criminal charges against the Trump organization and two executives from the Trump organization and connection with Cohen's hush money payments to Stormy Daniels.
Starting point is 00:43:49 The case would center on how the Trump organization accounted for the reimbursement to Cohen for the $130,000 pay off he made after taking out a second mortgage on his home. And we'll go into Cohen details later on, like I said, but it's important to note that the New York State AG's office also moved to open a criminal investigation into whether Cohen violated tax law. And two things I want you to know here, Trump cannot pardon these crimes because they're not federal, they're state. And something I didn't know until just this week, New York's double jeopardy laws do not apply to tax crimes.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Nice. At all. So if they're tried in federal court, you can retry them in state court for tax crimes without having to wait on that legislation where they're trying to give an exemption for pardons to federal crimes to prosecute. Oh, yeah. That's amazing. Yeah, that's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Not to mention, these state investigations could be complicated because of the three other open inquiries into Trump, including the federal investigation in Coen, the Mueller investigation, and the lawsuit filed by the state attorney general Barbara Underwood against the Trump Foundation, which is different than the Trump organization. That's the charity thing, and they were using charitable funds all illegal. Right, all illegal. All illegal, like most nonprofits sadly. Yeah, yeah. True. And the IRS doesn't have enough funding to to look into it.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Then if all that weren't enough, we found out that Weiselberg was given immunity. Weiselberg is Trump's long time CFO for the Trump organization and we'll cover him when we go over Cohen a bit later. It's hard to save the Cohen story for hot notes when so much news is we relate to it. So relevant. And I'll talk about it later. We will. I get to it a swear. See? After all that Fox news was strangely quiet. The only thing they reported on during that whole couple of days was the murder of Molly Tibbets, who Trump uses upon in his political rallies this week saying she was killed by an illegal immigrant to drum up fear in xenophobia. Tibits family is pushing back, saying that her murder's legal status has nothing to do with her death, and their very upset Trump is using her murder to stoke fear, saying
Starting point is 00:45:55 evil comes in every color. No one mentions the Iowa dairy farmer that employed him, and what's up with Republicans politicizing death when they come at us every time we want to discuss gun control after school shootings. Like, where's that? Like, why, how is it cool now? I guess they're saying that if this guy had paid a fee and signed a piece of paper, he wouldn't be a murderer, which is the dumbest thing ever. And if they weren't so busy caging toddlers, perhaps border security would have the resources to actually stop criminals at the border instead
Starting point is 00:46:24 of separating and subsequently trying to reunite refugee families. It's clear what their agenda is. It's to make money for private contractors and ignite their base with racism. It's well documented that American citizens are responsible for a way more violent crime in this country. And it's disgraceful and it pisses me off. And I think Jordan Teaman said it best on Twitter posting quote, Molly Tibbets was murdered because she told a man to leave her alone while she was jogging. But because he was an illegal immigrant, you all want to advocate for border control instead of the root of the problem,
Starting point is 00:46:52 which is violence towards women who say no. Thank you. Yes. Okay, really pisses me off. Did she say no? I saw that he had been following her in his car for a while before it happened. Yeah, just like, leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:47:07 No, not interested. I was just wondering if it's for you. I mean, I can't say that he was just a nice fella trying to have a date, make a date, and then got told no, and then violently lashed out, or if he was already premeditated, he's following her to murder her. But fucking leave us alone. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I think it's still a lie.
Starting point is 00:47:27 It's too much. We got her phones on, just go away. No murders, no dates. Yeah. Just leave us alone. Yeah. And don't say, good for you when I'm jogging either. That's, I'm done with that.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Oh my God, you get, that's ridiculous. Not anymore, that's how I know I've met my fitness goal. Oh no. I don't get, good for you anymore. Oh God, I know I've met my fitness goal. I don't get good for you anymore. Oh God, but we're not done yet. Late Friday, we learned that the door guy that knew about Trump's love child with his housekeeper, I can't believe these words are coming out of my mouth, has been released from his contract with AMI. So now he's free to tell his story.
Starting point is 00:47:58 And I have this image in my head from the movie Ghostbusters, where Walter Peck from the EPA shuts down the protection grid and releases all the ghosts loose on Manhattan. Well instead of Peck it's Pecker and instead of a protection grid he opens his safe and releases all of his catch and kill stories and I think we're gonna see a lot more of these so put some beans on it. Most definitely. These men are consummates snowball artists. They use sense and nerve gases to induce hallucinations. People think they're seeing ghosts
Starting point is 00:48:26 And they call these bozos who conveniently show up to deal with the problem with the fake electronic light show Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by Dickless here. They caused an explosion Is this true? Yes, it's true. This man has no dick Yes, it's true. This man has no deck. Finally, before we go to break, I wanted to switch gears to take a minute and thank John McCain for his service to our country. This week, he and his family have decided to end the brain cancer treatment. He's been receiving for the past year. McCain and I pretty much never agreed on policy, but he was a hero. He was the recipient of the Brown star, the silver star, a purple heart, the flying cross. He was a prisoner of war for over five years in Hanway.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And then went on to a life, an entire life of public service. The only people who criticized him are those that have never served in the military or had never met him. Except, you know, unless you're talking politically, we can disagree respectfully. And while he and I rarely see eye to eye, I believe he truly loved this country. And despite Trump's attempt to throw 33 million people off of their health insurance, McCain defied his party and gave that dramatic thumbs down on the repeal
Starting point is 00:49:40 of Obamacare on the Senate floor, and the wee hours of the morning surprising us all. And reminding us all of what it means to be a public servant. So our sympathies and gratitude go out to him and his family in these final days. Fair winds and following seas should mate. Rest easy, we have the watch now. We'll be right back.
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Starting point is 00:50:27 Don't ask. Thank you so much for listening. We would not be here without you. All right, welcome back. Lookin' awesome. Hot notes. See me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me me see me see me see me see me see me me see me me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me me see me see me me see me see me me me see me see me me see me see me see me me me see me me see me me me see me me me me me see me me see me me me see me see me see me see me me me me me see me see me see me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me Today, Jordan is going to go over the weirdness of the Trump Fox interview, along with What's Up with Rudy Giuliani this week. But first, Jelisa has an update for us on the 2018 midterm election Russian interference. Jelisa?
Starting point is 00:50:53 Oh yeah, so on Tuesday, Microsoft reported yet another Russia-linked spearfishing email attack during the 2018 midterms, but this time the targets were conservative groups. Specifically, the Hudson Institute and the International Republic Institute. They also targeted some members of the U.S. Senate. The Microsoft's president, Brad Smith, said that he believes this attack was less about helping one particular political party over another, but instead, quote, more fundamentally focused on disrupting democracy, which we've talked about in the show before.
Starting point is 00:51:26 It reminds me of that dark night quote. Some men just want to watch the world burn. That's potent. So on Tuesday, the FBI also made a statement about the investigation. They said they are aware of Microsoft's actions to disrupt the sites. However, they wouldn't confirm whether they were working with Microsoft to fight off the hackers. We did learn from Microsoft's court filings that the hackers used the fake websites
Starting point is 00:51:47 sometime after April 20th, and that there are no signs that their attempts were successful. Both groups were on high alert for spearfishing scams, such as these. They believe since they have pro-democracy agendas that makes them a pretty likely target for dictators like Putin. And the spokesperson for Hudson Institute, David Tell said, quote, we're glad that our work is attracting the attention of bad actors. It means we're having an effect presumably. David Tell from the Oh, not Dave, I tell David tell.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Oh, sorry, difference. Right. I'm going to say, hey, David Tell, what's up? I don't know. You were switching over to politics. You know, as many hats. Yeah. very cozy. Does the bar thing, and then it does this in the spare time?
Starting point is 00:52:28 Exactly, exactly. Yeah. So in other words, for that quote, it's like, you know, haters going to hate, dictators going to dictate. And the Russian foreign ministry did respond to these reports, calling them a witch hunt, oh, super original. And they said that Microsoft did not present any proof of Russian involvement because, quote, there can be any. That's their big rebuttal. We destroyed all the evidence.
Starting point is 00:52:51 There can be any because I said so. Yeah, basically. So we do know that the Hudson Institute is a very outspoken critic of the Kremlin in April. They published a report titled countering Russian kleptocracy. What a weird word. I've never, I always want to say kleptocracy. But basically, they wrote an article outlining the ways that we can and should punish Russia for its political corruption. So very blatant, they were against them.
Starting point is 00:53:15 And then the International Republican Institute, which trains foreign political parties how to run elections in govern, their mission is to improve public confidence and elections. So basically Putin's nightmare. And not to mention one of the Institute's six board members is Mitt Romney. And we all know how he feels about Russia. I know. Yeah. Of course, prophecy. Exactly. So these guys got hacked. They're conservative think tanks, but because of their kind of pro-democracy agenda, they're still, I know, right? It's like, it's just sucks. We should tell everyone with the White Horse Prophecy
Starting point is 00:53:47 as there's a Mormon prophecy. I didn't know this because I just, I made up this thing where I was like, you know what should happen is in order to get Trump impeached. We'll flip the house, right? But we need 67 votes in the Senate. So that means that if Mitt Romney wins Utah and Mitt Romney hates Trump,
Starting point is 00:54:01 he needs to bring like nine of his friends over to vote for the impeachment, to remove all after impeachment. And I called it the Romney hates Trump, he needs to bring like nine of his friends over to vote for the impeachment, to for removal after impeachment. And I called it the Romney 9. And then we have apparently we have a lot of ex-mormons who listen to this podcast. And they said, you know what, that's a prophecy. It's called the White Horse Prophecy, where Joseph Smith said that the Constitution of the United States will be hanging by a thread and a Mormon will ride in on a White Horse and save the day. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:54:25 I'm all down for Mormonism if it saves our country. It's like you can get this done. I'll give my high five. Nice. I love it. So the insides are there. No, go ahead, please do. Side now, I learned that recently now Mormons would no longer like to be called Mormons.
Starting point is 00:54:38 They want to be called, if it's like, you know, Church of Latter-day Saints or Church of Jesus Christ. Yeah, they don't want it to be Mormon. Because that's like oriental or Hispanic or something. It's like almost a rot of Latter-day Saints or Church of Jesus Christ and yeah, they don't want it to be Mormon because that's like Orientol or Hispanic or something. It's like a most erotic at this point. I don't know Maybe it's because of their ties to like FLDS fair enough. I don't know that. Yeah Yeah, just you know switching it up my day of feminine spray Oh, that's FDS FDS woman
Starting point is 00:55:01 All right, everyone over four days in a log FD sorry, I'm just kidding. Sorry, please continue. Oh, thank you. Thank you. We're we got New Mormons of a gin as we'll bring it back to the election Absolutely, so the president of the International Republican Institute Daniel Twining said in a state I know I know hashtag twinning Donald Trump's like so jealous. I want that last night So he said in a statement that the hacking is, quote, clearly designed to so confusion, conflict, and fear among those who criticize Putin's authoritarian regime. So yeah, spot on about that. And Microsoft calls the hack, so this is interesting. We usually call them fancy bear or AP28, but Microsoft knows them as strong Steve.
Starting point is 00:55:45 No, I'm just gonna say Steve. Sorry, Microsoft knows them as who? It's the name is Strong, Strong, T.M. or Strong, T.M. Spell it for me, please. S-T-R-O-N-T-I-U-M. Strong, T.M. or Strong, T.M. Strong, T.M.
Starting point is 00:55:59 That's their name for Fancy Bear. Strong, Jim. Yeah, I didn't know we had different names like that. Like, do they have a different fucking Microsoft never compatible with anything. That's a good point. Actually, that's more Apple, so whatever. It's so funny. This group knows that.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Thank you. Astronium, they're tied to the GRU and Smith said that they have no doubt in their minds who's responsible for this, you know, Russia. And Microsoft has actually been in a legal battle, battle with strony, since they sued it in 2016. And just last year Microsoft obtained court approval to see certain fake websites created by the hackers. And with the help of the courts, Microsoft has been able to shut down
Starting point is 00:56:35 84 fake websites so far. Nice. Yeah, so all this said, Microsoft also announced on Tuesday that they are offering free cyber security protection to all US political candidates campaigns. Oh my fucking other political organizations. I just imagine the DNC they have that pop up that says you want to renew your McAfee virus protection? Russia is coming.
Starting point is 00:56:56 That's a very good one. McAfee. How do you say McAfee? McAfee. They should really make notifications that look less hackish. Their notifications are like low resolution and look really sketchy. Yeah, very basic. Like, never change your password unless you ask your IT professional.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Yeah, yeah. Don't do it, man. Or just use Gmail. This seems to be every single thing you've reported on has been a spearfishing expedition. Totally. So just don't change your password, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:25 But that's basically it. That's the update there. And, you know, we'll probably keep getting hacked if we don't do anything about it with the money we're supposed to spend on cyber terrorism. So, yeah, that's that. It's at least we're aware of it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:57:37 It's just, you know, checking it off, tallying. Yeah. Speaking of fake Russian accounts, too, I read that regarding the Molly Tibet story as soon as that came out, like all of the fake Russian accounts, too, I read that regarding the Molly Tibet story as soon as that came out of like All of the fake Russian Twitter accounts came on and we started pedaling that Oh, if Russian bots and David Duke retweet you you're wrong Thank you for that Julie. Thank you very much Jordan
Starting point is 00:57:58 What do you have for us on Trump and his weird ass interview with Fox and yeah? I'm gonna the truth with Giuliani. Oh,, so this is, I'm gonna start with Trump because it leads into Giuliani's couple of comments, but this is my favorite interview I've ever seen Donald Trump do, I think, for a couple of reasons. Yeah, what are your reasons? Number one, honestly, it's the most articulate I've seen him, which is, I'm not saying that in a good way,
Starting point is 00:58:19 more so that it's indicative to me, I think, that it's like, he understands its serious business now sort of, and he's not flippantly answering questions. It's like he's on message. Yes, like he's got his lies totally concise, and he has all of the responses that he needs to pedal out. He was efficient in his words. And as much as that's a bummer,
Starting point is 00:58:39 because I think it was honestly probably more effective for his base than most of his interviews, it's assigned to me that he's fucking scrambling. That might be the first work he's done in his life, was memorizing those lines. Also, obviously, he's a crack pot. So, you know, I saved this all with a great stuff. Because that's work, you know, to memorize lines, to make a message. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:01 So, yeah, CNN did a great piece of, they had like a op-ed piece pulling their 36 favorite, you know quotes like the most outrageous things He said in this interview so I'm gonna use that as a format to go on because I have something my favorites and it was a It's like a 15 minute long interview so you can go back and watch it We'll put it in the newsletter but starting off we're just gonna go down the line here first quote Okay, so he's talking to Fox and friends host I don't even know how to say her first name. Blond McTits. Oh, that's good. Her last name's earned a heart.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Blond McWide. She has, yeah, she should have a wider first name. Blond McWide Tits. Yeah. Only her tits are nice. Blond McFoundation is a match from a necktits. Exactly. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Yeah, that's okay. You think you're white. You could get your foundation, right? I don't know. Yeah, that's my necktits. Exactly. I'm sorry. That's okay. You think you're white. You could get your foundation right? I don't know. Yeah. Maybe I'm wrong. I mean, it's hard being white, AG. Well, you're translucent. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's your joke. I just totally. No, no, it's totally fine. I did do that joke. And then there's a black woman in the crowd. She started like making a face like, please, because I made the joke that it's hard being white and I was like, I can't go into the irony, I'm saying this with right now, but I hope she just knows. You're like, it's a joke. She's just going through the ride, Black Lady.
Starting point is 01:00:13 You just know, but then I'm like also like, oh, yeah, I don't like it. It's humor, it's a comedy show. If I could give a Black person a chance to express anger with white people, I will obviously let that happen. This is like, anyone's gonna seriously get up on stage, a black person a chance to express anger with white people, I will obviously let that happen. Like anyone's gonna seriously get up on stage that's not Donald Trump and say how hard it is to be white.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Yeah. When any kind of a straight face or, you know, actual actually meaning that, I understand why people are traumatizing, it can't blame her. So, all right, the champion is under attack. I saw it with a white businessman. Okay, so Trump goes on with Fox and Friends. This is his favorite place to go. Obviously we had some of his best interviews come out
Starting point is 01:00:51 of the show. Okay, so he says a bunch of things. First thing I want to talk about, he says, I've always had, this is in response to, you know, being asked how he's holding up and he says, I've always had controversy in my life and I've always succeeded. I've always won. I've always won.
Starting point is 01:01:05 I've always won. Do you shback? You always cheat. Great way to start. Yeah, exactly. Exactly, because, and someone, I forget who was, but they were talking about this, this quote just exemplifies how important
Starting point is 01:01:19 just the winning part is to him. He doesn't care how he gets there. He doesn't care what happens along the way. I mean, I only met his successes being on top. I always one heads up seven up, but because I cheated and looked at people's shoes. I had a complete, I was undefeated. Yeah. Because I cheated. Right. Undefeated because you cheated. Yeah. His favorite janglesh. Right one for him. You're a good musician.. Also something to note in this quote, he admits that he's always had controversy in his life. Red flag. Why are you saying that? Maybe I take back everything I said before about this being one of his better.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Well, it's more than most honest, I guess. It gets, he gets, you know, better at staying on brand as it continues. Don't people understand if they always have drama and controversy in their life that it might be them? Yeah. Oh, of course it's him. That's how he wants it. I guess that's true. Because he always wins.
Starting point is 01:02:12 I don't think I've ever heard of you like, I don't know what it is about me. There's just always controversy. You know, is it? It's never that. He owns it. Yeah, he's like, yeah, I do. And I fucking win every time.
Starting point is 01:02:21 He invites it because he sees it as a chance to come on top and fucking cheat. Exactly. Fucking weasel and fucking cheat. Exactly. Fucking weasel. All right. Anyway. Then he goes on a rant about the media obviously because it's not an interview with Trump unless he, you know, starts knocking the media. He says, quote, they like to cover nonsense to which the Fox interviewer responds, yes, right, which is hilarious. Because she's the meta. Wow.
Starting point is 01:02:46 So funny, because they don't make any distinction. She's non-ironically. Yes. She was just the brief. I mean, it's because he's done such a good job with equating media with, you know, liberal everything but Fox. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, what is Fox, if not a media organization?
Starting point is 01:03:01 Hmm, the, the, they're definitely not a media organization. They're the ones who won the Supreme Court challenge to be able to lie as a media organization. The, the, they're definitely not a media or two who won the Supreme Court challenge to be able to lie as a news organization. They were the ones who did that. So, yeah. Alex Jones can think them, except 911. I don't think Canada even airs Fox News because of that.
Starting point is 01:03:17 I've heard some country. Thank you, can you say that? Yeah. All right. Then he goes on, so she asks Trump about his relationship with Cohen, right? So he completely downplays his relationship with Cohen, saying that Cohen was just one of many, many, many attorneys that he has, right?
Starting point is 01:03:34 This is what he says, quote, Cohen was somebody that was probably with me for about 10 years and I would see him sometimes. Sometimes, he says. there are so many, how many documents did they see is from Cohen's office? Four million. Thank you. Sometimes there's not enough time in the world
Starting point is 01:03:53 for you to only see Cohen's sometimes. You fucking liar. All right, moving on. There's so much here. So much. Just unbiased reporting. Yeah, oops, sorry. I'm Jordan Gober and I am biased.
Starting point is 01:04:04 We can say that. All right, he also goes on to say that Cohen made the deals. Cohen always made the deals, which I guess affects. Sometimes. Yeah, exactly. All right. Okay. So then he goes on to talk about the two counts that Cohen played guilty to in Trump says, quote unquote, those two counts aren't even a crime. They weren't campaigned finance. This is a demonstration of his gross misunderstanding of the law and specifically campaigned finance laws. Federal judge says it was a crime. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:04:36 It's absolutely what he does, he doesn't understand, he just does not understand the law. If it wasn't a crime, the judge would have said, that's not a crime. You're out of here. Yeah, exactly. What he and said what he did mm-hmm and i think what he goes on to say shows what he really means when he says that it's not a lot in what he's what he's trying to say is it's not a big deal really you know exactly because it's a crime i committed so i'm telling you it's not a big deal he says a quote unquote if you look at president obama he had a massive violation, but he had a different attorney general and they viewed it a lot differently. Just to the fact check here, Obama's finance violation, he was fine, $375,000 by the FCC in 2013, for failure to file 48-hour contribution reports.
Starting point is 01:05:18 These are donations made within the final weeks of the campaign that totaled 1.3 million. So that's one thing. And then there's Trump's thing, which is a hush money payments to keep the story of him having an extra marital affair out of the news right before his election. So fuck off. All right. Unbiased. All right. So then the next quote, he says, but when what Michael Cohen pled to weren't even campaign related, they weren't crimes. We just went over that. They were and they were. All right. Next quote, for 30, 40 years, I've been watching flippers. He calls that. Slipper. The dolphin. It's so cute. Yeah. Everything's wonderful. And then they get 10 years in jail. And then they flip on whoever the next highest one is or as high as you can go. So this is gonna be Trump's narrative moving forward.
Starting point is 01:06:07 He's gonna say that anyone that flips on him is doing it because they're being faced with a larger sentence and if they can talk badly about someone that's higher up, they're gonna get a lesser sentence. I like his description of their life. Everything's great and then you're in jail for 10 years. Yeah. Nothing in between. Kind of missed that part where they committed crimes.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Mm-hmm. And you know what he also says in the interview, he says, I've had lots of friends that have been in the situation, lots of friends. Who the hell are your friends? Why would you admit that? The best people, you know? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Not criminals. Exactly. And then he talks about how flipping, he says, quote, it almost out to be outlawed. It's not fair. To which Giuliani has to go and cover his ass later in an interview this week saying, I don't think Trump is, he understands sort of, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:52 he says, don't hold Trump to this, basically, he's not an attorney. He doesn't understand the importance of flipping. Not to mention the fact that Trump has been a flipper and FBI informant in his life. It's a piece of shit. He's flipped like a few times, FBI informant in his life. He's a shes what? Like a few times I heard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Yep. All right. OK. So I'm trying to go through these so quickly. There's so much. Holy shit. All right. So then Trump manages to work in his issues with Mueller
Starting point is 01:07:21 personally, says that he had a really nasty business transaction with me, which he never reported. I've been talking about it. He never reports it. He says that Mueller is written with conflicts. Yet, he interviewed him to be head of the FBI after that. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Okay. And this is what the major conflict was. We've reported on this before. There was dispute over fees at one of Trump's golf clubs when the former FBI director Mueller resigned his membership in 2011. So scandalous. You dick.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Yep. All right, moving on. He gets asked about Manafort and he goes on saying accolades about Manafort. He says, quote, I have great respect for what he's done in terms of what he's going through. Breaking the law. And not ranting.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Oh, that's right. He was like, he didn't rat. He didn't rat him out. Like, ratty rat, jaundine rat. Yep. He says he has so much respect for him because he doesn't turn on him in that he wasn't also quote, he wasn't with the campaign long five months. And that's a really long time.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Absolutely. This just sounds like another like, I will pardon you, Maniford, song. God, I hope they bring those state charges. Tax, retry those tax counts in state court. Just do it. Yeah, yep. Yeah, so how he's handling Maniford makes sense. He's trying to like kind of distance himself
Starting point is 01:08:39 by saying he wasn't with the campaign that long while simultaneously praising him for not flipping on him. Classic, nailed it, Trump. Then he gets asked about Jeff Sessions and then of course he has to go on saying what a piece of shit the person he appointed is. He says, you know the only reason I gave him the job because I felt loyalty.
Starting point is 01:08:59 He was an original supporter, he was on the campaign. Nice admission of patronage, bro, you fucking 80. Had nothing to do with the fact that he's got any qualifications or anything, but he was nice to me one time. There's literally like literally 14 people on the planet. There'd been nice to him. So he's got like a small pool to pick from.
Starting point is 01:09:18 But the next quote is the best about sessions. Yeah, well, so I don't have the next quote, which one are you talking about? Oh, didn't he say something like, why would you, he offered me a job and then you recuse himself? Oh yeah. You didn't tell me before he was going to recuse himself. What kind of a man is this? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:39 What kind of a man is this? A law-biting man? Yeah. I mean, he's a racist possible and I hate his guts, but yeah, what? And he's like, what kind of a man? Like, there's still stupid voice. Yeah, his whole idea of what a man is, is probably so skewed like such a typical bro to touch your own idea. Yeah, absolutely. And okay, just to start wrapping this up here, then he gets asked
Starting point is 01:10:04 about impeachment, what he's going start wrapping this up here, then he gets asked about impeachment, what he's going to do if he thinks, um, does he think that he's going to get impeached? He says, quote, I don't know how you can impeach somebody who's done a great job. And then he says he would give himself an A as a rating if he has, no one asked him to give himself a rating. They've not a rating. He's a great. Yeah. So, he says, quote, I tell you what, if I ever got impeached, this is incredible when he
Starting point is 01:10:31 says this, I think the market would crash. I think everybody would be very poor. Well because we all have money on the stock market. Totally. Yeah, we're not already poor. Yeah. Well, it's because he only only season fellow rich people as people Exactly. That's when he says everybody call out to his donors
Starting point is 01:10:49 Totally absolutely. That's a call out to his rich donors Yeah, who are heavily vested in the stock market? It's a none of us and if anybody in fucking Georgia Says it's right. We got to keep man to the stock market stays good. You know, no And that was probably a root me to use that accent, but that's what I never mind. That's okay. We need some impressions in comedy.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Yeah, and he kills two birds with one stone because while it is a callout to his major donors, it also doubles as fear mongering for his base, saying that the market's gonna crash and everybody's gonna be really poor. And this is why I think this was my favorite interview with him because this is really the first time was my favorite interview with him because this is really the first time where he has to speak about impeachment as a very, very real reality.
Starting point is 01:11:31 And all the time he's been calling it a witch hunt, he's been refusing to go there to talk about impeachment. And he really, he's forced his hand is forced now because of all the news that came out this week. And it's incredible because he's scrambling and the cards are falling. The investigation is coming to an end. It's really good news, I think, that he's even talking about this stuff and this interview. Hold on. Hold on a corner for sure. He's like a little cornered, rabid raccoon.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Yep. I don't know. That's the noise he makes. That's offensive to raccoons, AG. I wish he lived in a trash house. I apologize to all the raccoons. Trash pandas for trash fans. We may have got thank you, Moshe.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Yeah, yeah. And so Rudy Giuliani, you know, he goes and doubles down and what Trump says this week, he says that the American people would revolt if Donald Trump is impeached. I think what he meant to say is the American people would revolt if Donald Trump is not impeached. I think we're up to 66% are interested in that idea. Yeah. Or impeached to not impeached is 42 to 42 right now.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Oh. So it's dead eve, even Steven, it's on a page. What if we get down to that 30% bro? What if we get down to that 30% where that's like where it's based never really budgets and like they don't want the impeachment ever. What if they do some weird stuff? I don't know. I guess it's not up to them. I mean, the court of public opinion is important in an impeachment, but it's really up
Starting point is 01:12:57 to Congress. That's why we have to vote in November. Exactly. Yep. And just to close it out, Giuliani ends his interviews today with today is Saturday when a recording everyone peaked behind the curtain. He goes on the news today has an interview and he basically says that they will only acquiesce to Mueller's credibility when they find that Trump has done nothing wrong. This is his this is Giul Giuliani's quote. He says, when we'll call it fair, everybody help.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Yep, he says, just a few days before 60 day run up to 2018 elections, if Mueller wants to show he's not partisan, then issue a report on collusion and obstruction. They will show President Trump did nothing wrong. Then we will have to admit you were fair. Oh, God bless you Rudy. As whole.
Starting point is 01:13:48 It's just that way. Like just today, somebody, Trump has told the White House that he's not, he doesn't regret, he doesn't regret saying anything bad about McCain and he doesn't regret saying McCain is not a war hero and he tells advisors that he's not gonna say anything against about him at all. And, uh, Preet Bharara, and the reason I wanted to bring this up is because it reminded me of some stuff that you were saying. He says, Trump detests the admirable
Starting point is 01:14:14 and admires the detestable. That's good. That's a good one, Preet. If you think about all of this, like, in the big picture, and each day that Trump gets away with like these little things to serve a reminder of how it does come down to not just racism but sexism too because neither Obama or Hillary would have had the chance to get away with any, they wouldn't have made it this far. Oh hell no. It's crazy. I don't think it's just the GOP. I feel like sometimes it's the system, but we, you know. Yeah, man. It is. I think it is. I think there's a lot of systematic issues with sexism and racism that do play a part in this.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Absolutely. Thank you for that reporting, Jordan. Of course, I can't wait until he talks next. Okay. Okay, we'll be here to cover it. I'm sure. So, ton of big news this week, but I think the biggest news of the week was the guilty plea from Trump's long-time fixer and piece of shit, Michael Cohen. Now, I know if you're a patron, you've already heard this part
Starting point is 01:15:05 because we released a bonus episode for patrons last Wednesday, so you could get it first. But stick around, because we're gonna have Greg Proops on in a minute to weigh in on this and it's always a, he's a gem. So, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight counts of bank and tax fraud. Five counts are tax fraud, where he hit over $4 million from the IRS,
Starting point is 01:15:22 costing us the taxpayers about $1.3 million the tax payers about $1.3 million. So he owes us 1.3 million. I say we get a house and party in it all the time. One big house for all the liberals. We can have 10 couches and a cagurator and we can have my house. And my foot graphics bomb named Chubanka and we'll just all chill. Then there is one count of lying to a bank to get a bank loan. Basically, we reported this month ago that Cohen lied to get a HELOC, which is a home equity
Starting point is 01:15:50 line of credit, which is a second mortgage for all intents and purposes, to pay off stormy Daniels. And we were right. Beans come true. He told the bank he wasn't as in debt as he was and got a $500,000 line of credit on his house against his house that he used as the hush money payment. And that brings us to count 7 and 8. And this is the big news because both are for campaign finance felonies and Cohen implicated Trump in both counts. Not only that, but Trump paid Cohen back out of the Trump organization.
Starting point is 01:16:18 For one of the payments under the guise of retainer fees, but according to records, Cohen wasn't retained for the entire year by the Trump organization. So Trump had Cohen take out a second mortgage, then paid him back out of the Trump organization. And here's what Cohen said in court. He said, quote, I in coordination, I in coordination with and at the direction of candidate, I sound like JFK. Yeah. Take it from the mayor for the sentence.
Starting point is 01:16:42 I in coordination with and in the direction of Canada for federal office, we will go to the moon in 10 years. In this decade, sorry. Anyway, I, in coordination with, and at the direction of a candidate for federal office, I and the CEO of a media company, at the request of the candidate, work together to keep an individual with information that would be harmful to the candidate,
Starting point is 01:17:03 and to the campaign, from publicly disclosing the information. After a number of discussions, we eventually accomplished the goal by the media company entering into a contract with the individual under which she received compensation of $150,000. I participated in this conduct which on my part took place in Manhattan for the principal purpose of influencing the election. Then he goes on to count eight and says, on or about October 2016 in coordination with and at the direction of the same candidate, I arranged to make a payment to a second individual
Starting point is 01:17:32 with information that would have been harmful to the candidate and to the campaign to keep the individual from disclosing the information. To accomplish this, we used a company that was under my control to make payments in the sum of $130,000. The monies I advanced through my company were later repaid to me by the candidate. Then there's this criminal information document that was submitted that says Cohen coordinated with one or more members of the Trump campaign
Starting point is 01:17:57 and a thing that says executives of the company grossed up for tax purposes that Cohen was requesting re-embursement of $180,000 to $360,000. And when you gross up for taxes, that means like if my boss wants to give me a $1,000 bonus, he'll kick me $1800 so that when they take taxes out, I get about $1,000 bucks. That's grossing up. But they did $180,000 to $360,000 and then added a bonus of $60,000 so that Cohen would be paid $420,000. $420,000.
Starting point is 01:18:26 That's the president's company. Trump org is now implicated in this, and so are the executives that agreed to and signed the check. And the only executives of the Trump organization are Weiselberg, Eric, and Don Jr. Wow. And now this. So as the week went on, we learned that both Pecker and Weiselberg, I call him Pecker because that's how the movie phone guy explained the movie Pecker to me when I was young.
Starting point is 01:18:52 And Weiselberg, right, the CFO, the Trump work, they were given immunity this week. And now I fully believe that they were not granted immunity just to wrap up Cohen. There's no way Cohen is the target of this investigation. I would think Weiselberg would be more valuable than Cohen, but I mean, you know, what do I know, what type of the iceberg? But, you know, he would have, and you know, not to mention Cohen, if he were the target, he would have faced way more charges and gotten way more
Starting point is 01:19:17 than seven years. And here to talk about this today is the host of the smartest man in the world podcast and the author of the smartest book in the world please welcome the smartest man in the world comedian Greg Proops Greg it's so good to have you back. Hi, I'm Jolissa. Although so I don't know anything loyalty loyalty seems to be the most important thing to Trump right which is why he's probably super pissed and seething this week all his loyalists are jumping ship, though they may have been forced
Starting point is 01:19:47 through the granting of immunity. I'm not sure we don't know that yet, but because if someone pleads the fifth and you offer immunity, they're compelled to tell you what you want to know. But what do you think about Peckers? First of all, Peckers, safe full of catch and kill stuff.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Is that important? I mean, catch and kill isn't illegal, right? I know, but, Is that important? I mean, Ketch and Kill isn't illegal, right? No, but influencing the campaign and those payoffs are certainly not the most legal thing that ever happened. The fact that he has a giant history of being a propagandist for Trump, and obviously now we know on a very big payroll for him.
Starting point is 01:20:21 That he went out of his way to turn Hillary into basically projecting, which is what they always do. It's an orange 45 never stops doing it and they inquired it as well. You may remember Hillary was dying. She was tired. She's a pedophile. All those things, you know, are what the Republican Party is, are what Orange 45 and his crime organization, the Scambino crime family that he runs. They do all those things. They traffic and girls, obviously, literally by bringing children and separating them
Starting point is 01:20:57 and keeping them in camps is a one form of child trafficking that the federal government is doing right now. But also, when he had his modeling agency, it was kind of well known that that's what he did, and there's been a lot of evidence about that. I'll get back to your point. I think it is important what's in the safe, and also I wanna find out about other people too,
Starting point is 01:21:14 because if he's been covering for 45, he's been covering for other famous people, and that might come to light. And we might find out even more about what a serial predator, philanderer 45 is and that he's gotten women pregnant. It's we know now that there's a maid right that was pregnant because his door man at Trump Tower is no longer bound by an NDA and he can freely speak.
Starting point is 01:21:43 So yeah, I think it's explosive tabloid stuff, but I think what you said at the top of the show is what's really important. Why is the book the tool that works for him that writes all the checks and knows where all the money is gone has definitely been run to ground by the feds. He has, as they keep saying, on television, criminal exposure. That's why he got the immunity. They're saying it was just for the Cohen case, but don't you feel like in order to cut the head off the monster, you've got to go through the kids. Once the kids are in peril, then it's a different ballgame. All the guys around him being corrupt is news, and of course Cohen saying directly through his lawyer, and in the affidavit, that he did this to help Trump, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:37 and change the campaign. I mean, he admitted felonies, and he's pleaded guilty to them. Everyone around him is stewing in their own juices. Tuesday was the most exciting day in his presidency because it was in Diamond Tuesday and there was 16 guilty counts on two different people. His lawyer, his personal lawyer and his campaign manager, then the flipping came on, what was it Wednesday and Thursday, first pepper than Wastelberg? And then he went on TV on that really weird interview on Fox, at 45 and said, he paid him the money himself, which is a crime. And he kind of rambled on about being the mafia boss that he is. He don't want like flipersers and he's been around in his
Starting point is 01:23:25 whole life. And like for anyone who holds the office of president to say they've been around people who flip their whole life and that they don't like them because they're squealers is so inconceivably low brow gangster. We're so below Frito now there's no sub basement. People keep calling them all Fritoto, but free-to was kind of charismatic and was played by John Cousal, which was very intelligent actor. And then we've reached the sub basement on this. It's clear that the entire election was a criminal enterprise. For people who could make profit, it's clear that the entire administration is a criminal enterprise. I don't know that they have this much on Nixon before they started impeachment,
Starting point is 01:24:05 you know, the election tampering and everything. He's an unindicted co-conspirator and three or four counts on Cohen's guilty pleas. He said the manifold, he said Paul Manafort was a great guy. What was it a good guy and that this was tragic and he has a wonderful
Starting point is 01:24:21 family. Manafort's daughter hates him. Manafort forced his wife to have group sex in hotel rooms while he watched. This is not a wonderful guy. This is a vile, really, really awful human being. It took money from the worst oligarchs in the world to buy ostrich codes. It is tackiness as unparalleled.
Starting point is 01:24:41 But the unbelievable comprehensive oily ocean of their evil is what I can never get over. Trump has that thing where he thinks anyone who has an honest impulse, anyone who plays by the rules, anyone who pays their taxes, anyone who is kind to other people and supported, anyone who's not a predator is a sucker. Yeah, they're a target. They're a mark. And a mark. And that's so vile to me that everyone signed off on this. And by everyone I meet, of course, the Republican party. I think a great deal of the country isn't buying this at all.
Starting point is 01:25:21 You saw the juror, right? The one who has a make America great hat in the back of her car. The rural juror? Yeah. She thought Maniford was guilty on all 18 counts. Yeah. It was just one holdout that was the problem. And I'm totally with you.
Starting point is 01:25:38 I kind of, I see this like a video game, right? You got to kill the drones, the low guys. Then the next level is the medium bosses, and then you can get to the big boss. And I'm sure that Weiselberg and Pecker are drones, and you have to kill them to get to the Trump kids, which are medium bosses. And Cohen is a drone. He's not a boss. He's not even a medium boss. So there's no way that this immunity can be solely for the purpose of wrapping up Cohen. There's just no way. No, like you say, Cohen's going to get his five years or whatever.
Starting point is 01:26:08 He wanted to protect himself, because he's reasonably young. He's middle aged. He has a family that still speaks to him. Matter of where we're all hoping is going to go away until he parishes in incarceration. The long game is what Mueller's playing here. He's prosecuted mobs before. Cohen is a such a low level fixer type.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Obviously, you saw Wes over a kick-to-mob bunch of backsheesh for closing the Stormy Daniels deal through the direction he gave him to say that it was legal fees. And then it went from 160 to what, 400,000, and he kicked him, 60,000 and all that. So you can see the graft and the corruption there. And you know that Weisselberg has signed off on everything that Trump org has done since day jump.
Starting point is 01:26:54 But the key I think is he's also the treasure of the Trump Foundation, which he said was news to him a couple days ago. I saw that. And Don, Jr., Ivanka, Ann Erick's, all stood on the board. And as we know, the Trump Foundation is the opposite of the Clinton Foundation. It was set up to steal money from the needy and plague those who need help, like everything that he does. He doesn't have a charitable impulse.
Starting point is 01:27:23 I don't know, like his, like his veterans thing where he raised money for veterans and then used, like, at least half of it to doll out checks and campaign rallies to buy people's votes. Yes. So I think you're right. I think Mueller's giant end game is to activate all the forces he can by the next trial for Manafort is in D.C. where he's sure to get a jury that's a little less sympathetic and hopefully a judge that's slightly less of a psychopath. Although, I think the judge did everyone a favor because you know how the media is. The media is so chuck-todd, what aboutism oriented. Everybody reads false equivalency magazine every morning before they get up. I sure do. Oh, and that judge was so far up the prosecutors
Starting point is 01:28:10 Cooley that he kind of did everyone a favor because no one could say that trial was, you know, a liberal side jail or anything like that. We know that Wondjerr was a Trumpkin of the highest caliber and didn't allow all 18 counts to stand. So you notice how quiet everybody is on the right. You know how no one's really jumping for and is saying this is a huge victory for him this week. Mueller's got him in a vice. He's going to keep going with the New York State AG, the
Starting point is 01:28:43 DA in New York, even though I just like him, they're going to carry on with lots of trials where the ultimate outcomes can't be resolved with presidents. Presidential partners don't stand in a couple, you know, in New York and whatnot. And at the same time, this isn't getting better. I had a comedian turn to me last night who shall remain nameless and said, it doesn't matter, it's based on likes and nothing's going to happen. And I said, would you mind going away and not being a cynic? This isn't getting better.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Let me put it that way. If I can put it at the least, if I can understand the entire affair, this was the shittest week ever in the history of the presidency. He's clearly shown now to have made payments to people to shut people up before an election to sway the outcome of the election. His campaign manager was a fraudster of the highest caliber who's going to do federal time for tax evasion, which is what all gangsters do. They pay taxes.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Oh, hey, Greg. Did you know, I found this out this weekend. I thought this would be of interest to you that you know the whole double jeopardy thing. New York right now has a law in place they're trying to change or at least add an exemption for pardons to where you can't try the same crime in federal and state court. I found out that that doesn't apply to tax fraud. Yeah, isn't that great? That's so great. So they could even take these 10 charges that they had a mistrial on and charge them in state court if they wanted to and make him unpartenable. That's what I would do, but I don't know. I'm not a lawyer.
Starting point is 01:30:18 I think that's awesome. I've heard that this week. And that was what's so excellent is that the charges they didn't get them on the 10 that didn't stick are absolutely retryable. And they're going to do that. She's going to face trials forever and ever and ever. And Cohen sentencing is in December. Flynn sentencing is on November. We still have not talked about the national security advisor. In other words, this whole attitude of the Republicans aren't doing anything. That's exactly correct. They're going to hold the line until the last minute when they finally have to pull the rip cord.
Starting point is 01:30:48 But the situation isn't improving day by day. The situation is exponentially worse from Tuesday to Friday. It went from a shit storm to a boiling volcano of refuse that can't be stopped. And I don't think that improves. I don't think the cynical viewpoint that nothing's gonna happen, because no one cares, is true. I think that the wheels of justice are grinding on
Starting point is 01:31:13 and he is going to be ground under them eventually. Yeah, I think it was a big, I don't know, been like injection of hope for how our justice system hasn't failed us when everything that went down Tuesday went down. Well, thank you so much for joining us. Everyone, you can catch Greg Proops on whose line is it anyway? Mondays at 9-8 Central on the CW. And whose line is starting a two-month tour on September 7th, and you can also catch Greg
Starting point is 01:31:39 on August 29th. That's the deadline for the prosecution to decide if they're going to retry those ten counts by the way uh... he'll be a flapper's comedy club in berbank on the twenty ninth i love that club and at the aterson in bravin dollas august thirty first through september second and on september second he's recording the pod so great thank you so much for joining us uh... thank you guys can i believe on one note of hope here
Starting point is 01:32:02 uh... there's four hundred and sixty women running for the house House and 51 running for the Senate and of course loads of governors. So it's a very groovy time. This next election I think for women I think that will change a lot. Yeah, I think women are going to really make a change and I agree with you and thank you for saying that. My pleasure. Thanks for having me on you guys. No problem. Thanks for listening to Muller She wrote. The She in Muller She Road is no accident.
Starting point is 01:32:26 Did you know we are 100% women owned and operated? Every single person that helps make this podcast possible identifies as a woman. Our creative and web design, our engineer and producers, our editors and digital media manager, our agent, our ad execs, our merchandising manager, and even the Postal Service Clerk that helps me with shipping in our PO box, all women and all LGBTQ plus allies. We will continue to employ and partner with women as our podcast grows, but we could use your help. Please support women in podcasting by visiting mullershoewrote.com and become a patron today. Alright, you guys ready for the fantasy indictment league? Yes! Ding ding ding ding! We have one! We got one! Everyone who had Cohen in their fantasy indictment
Starting point is 01:33:24 team this week gets five points. Good job for drafting him. Five points for Cohen. Remember that case is handed off by Mueller Count. As do guilty, please. So give yourself five points. And remember this as we go forward. There can be superseding indictments
Starting point is 01:33:37 and there can be state charges brought, which will also count. So you can always keep them on your team. He may be the gift that keeps on giving. He could be the herpes of the fantasy indictment week. We don't know. I think this week I'm going to keep Kushner, Jr. Bhutina and a Russian, but I'm going to add the Trump organization this week. What about you guys? Okay, I think I did have Cohen and I had Trump Jr. Kushner broady. I added last week and then I had a rando. So, Brody, I added it last week, and then I had a rando,
Starting point is 01:34:05 so I'm gonna switch my rando to the Trump org as well for this week, because that's hot. Yeah, hot notes. I think I'm gonna save the Trump org for next week and this week I'm doing super seating and diamonds for Cohen Kushner, well that wouldn't have that fast either. Okay, I'm doing two rando's,
Starting point is 01:34:21 Kushner Jr. and Bettina. Nice. All right, cool. You guys ready for sabotage? Yeah. Yeah. So we got a story that dropped last night from CNN on the interwebs that said Andrew Miller of the Stone, you know, stones aid,
Starting point is 01:34:45 has been given immunity and we all went what? And I went what? And everyone sent it to me like millions of times. But apparently the inquisitor and CNN had reported, possibly an error that Andrew Miller was given immunity. I spoke with MSNBC contributor and former US attorney from Birmingham, Alabama, Joyce Vance, just by email, she's not going to be on the show today, but love you, Joyce. She said she's not heard of this. And so I looked it up again. Here's how it reads from the
Starting point is 01:35:13 inquisitors website. As of today, it says, quote, CNN reports at long time age Roger Stone has been granted immunity. Andrew Miller worked for Stone for years on and off. Miller is currently refusing to testify before the grand jury. Well, I went back to the CNN story that had a link there in that inquisitor report. And CNN, even though the headline still says Andrew Miller given immunity, in the thing it says that there's a correction on the side way down at the bottom in italics update.
Starting point is 01:35:43 Andrew Miller is not given immunity. He's just resisting the subpoena and they made an error. So please note, Andrew Miller has not been given immunity as far as we can tell, as of Saturday, whatever time it is right now. And even if you were, Joyce Fantz says he still has the right to pursue the appeal. So yeah, they could give him immunity
Starting point is 01:36:00 and compel him to testify, but he still can appeal because he held himself in contempt. So that's what you get for holding yourself into contempt away. And to contempt of... That's what happens when I stop thinking before my sentence is over. Does that happen to anyone else? 44 years old. Yeah, mental cruise control.
Starting point is 01:36:19 His crash. I can finish this sentence and turn my brain off. Nope. Doesn't work. And do you think Adry Miller is doing this just strictly in loyalty to Roger's sound? No, I think what he's doing is he's creating a vehicle to get Mueller's constitutionality heard
Starting point is 01:36:34 at the Supreme Court level, or at least the DC Court of Appeals, which is the second highest court in the land, the Appellate Court and DC District. This is their way, Trump's groups way of having Mueller's constitutionality challenged at the highest levels in the land. I don't think it'll win, but he's going for it. But he's going for it. Yeah. Which means he's probably going to get indicted then. Miller could be undyeded or he could be granted immunity and given a plea deal, he could do a cooperation. If you're granted immunity then you refuse to talk to them about anything,
Starting point is 01:37:09 did they kind of have no choice other than to? They can, but you then you hold you and contempt and put your jail hand until you forced it to you. Talk. There was one person at Watergate that was in jail for 18 months to try and do that. Wow. So I guess maybe he necessarily didn't do anything criminal, but they just know he has information that they need.
Starting point is 01:37:24 But it is criminal if you have that information, isn't that eating in a bedding in some way? Yeah, yeah. It is, but I think he's protected now because he's appealed. And he's been able to appeal because he held himself in contempt. Huh. Tricky, tricky. He's got one of the smart lawyers on that side. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Not Trump's lawyers. No. All right, guys, it's time for Pecker jokes. Woo. There's no song for this. It speaks for itself. I have a quote though here, listen to this. Packer Jokes
Starting point is 01:37:51 His name is Packer. Okay, so we decided to read some of our favorite Packer Jokes this week from social media because what is this investigation even for, if not for Packer and Cockjokes, first from at Tweed S. Quair. He writes, tinkler, no, excuse me, tinkler jaylor pecker spy. That's a play on the tinkertaylor soldier spy. Okay, okay. Tinkler jaylor pecker. Are we judging these two, are we like? I have a winner. I have a winner. I have a winner already. It's already just hands down. At Vixapolvita has the headline, quote, pecker takes down pussy grabber, and quote, pecker stands firm against Trump.
Starting point is 01:38:31 That's good. That's a good one. Someone made a meme changing the chiron on the bottom of MSNBC to say, quote, Trump worried about pecker leaking. There's quote, prosecutor's squeeze, Pecker. Okay. That's mine.
Starting point is 01:38:48 At Schmaniel says, quote, who could predict a Pecker would contribute to Trump's undoing? Everyone. Literally everyone. And I say literally like the guy from Parks and Rappers, because that's funny. And quote, Pecker immunity gives new meaning to MC Hammers. Can't touch this. That's funny. At who the whole says, quote, never trust a pecker
Starting point is 01:39:06 that leans to the right. That's a good one. At mean D. Tattoro has the, I love Tattoro, has the headline quote, Mueller cock blocked, turns Trump pecker against him. And dang it. Yeah. So cock blocked, Mueller turns Trump's pecker against him.
Starting point is 01:39:26 I like it. At Kelly H78 says Trump shafted by pecker. But for me, the winning joke comes from Michael McKean, from Clue, the movie Clue. We have that in a quote from that in our opening sequence. And better call Saul, Michael McKean, love him. He says, quote, Mr. Pecker does not appreciate all the childish jokes about his name.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Signed AMI spokesperson, Fanny Goblincock. Beautiful. Beautiful. All right, you guys. I'm sorry. No, go ahead. I'm just going to say just on the nub of Pecker, catching kill should be illegal. Maybe after this, it will be, I guess we'll see. It's just not. Yeah, a lot of things that shouldn't be legal. Are legal and if you sued, you'd be considered made a whole by being given that $150,000. Exactly. It's just, it's too sketchy. I don't like it either. Yeah, it's so sketchy. Sorry, I'm sorry to not end this on a super funny high note.
Starting point is 01:40:16 No, people should be wary of peckers peddling their wares. Yes. Thank you. Always. Bringing it back. Anytime. Alright you guys, thanks for joining us on this historic week. I've been AG. I've been Julie Sajansen. I've been Jordan Coburn.
Starting point is 01:40:32 And this is Muller She Wrote. Muller She Wrote is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo designed by Julie Sajansen. Our sound engineering is courtesy of Resonant Recordings. Our digital media director and subscriber managers are Jordan Coburn, Sarah Lee Steiner, and Sarah Hershberger Valencia. Fact checking and research by AG will support from Julie Sachanson and Jordan Coburn.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Our web design and branding are by Joelle Reader with Moxie Design Studios and our website is mullershirode.com. Hi, I'm Dan Dunn, host of What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn, the most wildly entertaining adult beverage-themed podcast in the history of the medium. That's right, the boozy best of the best, baby! And we have the cool celebrity promos to prove it. Check this out! Hi, I'm Allison Janney, and you're here with me on What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn.
Starting point is 01:41:28 And that's my sexy voice. Boom. Boom is right Academy Award winner Allison Janney. As you can see, celebrities just love this show. How cool is that? Hey, this is Scottie Pippin and you're listening to the Dan Dunn Show, and wait, hold on. The name of the show is what? Alright, sure. Scottie Pippin momentarily forgot the show's name, but there's a first time for everything.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Hey everyone, this is Scoot McNary. I'm here with Dan Dunn on What Are You Drinking? What's it called again? Fine, twice. But famous people really do love this show. Hi, this is Will Forte, and you're you're for some reason listening to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn. Now what do you mean for some reason Will4K? What's going on? Hi this is Kurt Russell listen I escaped from New York but I couldn't get the hell out of Dan Dunn's happy hour. Please send
Starting point is 01:42:19 help. Send help. Oh come on Kurt. Can somebody out there please help me? I'm Deed of Antease and you're listening to What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn. Let me try one more time. Come on. Is it right? What we're drinking? It's amazing. Is it right?
Starting point is 01:42:37 Ah, that's better. So be like Deed of Antease friends and listen to What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn, available wherever you get your podcasts.

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