Jack - Manafort Goes to Jail (Feat. Scott Stedman)

Episode Date: June 18, 2018

MAIN - This week, Jaleesa covers the Tom Barrack story regarding the UAE/Saudi interference, Jordan gives an update on the NRA & Russia, and AG breaks down the latest on our good pal, Paul Manafort. P...lus, a very special sabotage from journalist Scott Stedman. Enjoy!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Harry Lickman, host of Talking Feds. Around table, the brings together prominent figures from government law and journalism for a dynamic discussion of the most important topics of the day. Each Monday, I'm joined by a slate of Feds favorites at new voices to break down the headlines and give the insider's view of what's going on in Washington and beyond. Plus, sidebar is explaining important legal concepts read by your favorite celebrities. Find Talking Fedswear every you get your podcasts. Hello, best podcast fans in the world. This is AG from Muller She Wrote and I just wanted to remind you
Starting point is 00:00:35 about our live Q&A panel and meet and greet coming up this July 3rd at the world famous comedy store in LaHoya. The next day is a holiday, so come out and spend your summer vacation with us. We still have some free VIP tickets to give away to new patrons. The VIP tickets get you access to the post-panel Cocktail meet and greet where you can hang out and have some wine with the host and the crew. So head to mullershearote.com now to become a patron and get your free VIP tickets or head to Eventbrite for your tickets or you can call 8584549176 and we'll see you July 3rd. So to be clear Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said.
Starting point is 00:01:23 That's what I said. That's obviously what said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have, not have, communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for? I have nothing to do with Putin. I've never spoken to him.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So, it is political. You're a communist! No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest professional capitalist. Hello, welcome to Muller She Wrote. I'm your anonymous host, A.G. Crash in the Chonch Act. With me, as always, is Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. The weeks are getting intense. The news stories aren't as plentiful, but they're huge. And the dominoes are starting to fall. We have a great show for you with Jolisa giving us an update
Starting point is 00:02:30 on Tom Barich in the UAE Saudi interference situation. Jordan has an update on Russia in the NRA. She's our NRA girl. Sorry, I just associate you with the NRA in Nunez all the time. Sad. And I'm going to talk about your pal and mine, Paul Manifuck. That's his name now. We also, he got to take off his ankle bracelets though. Yes, silver landing. So that's nice. And replaced with shackles.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Yeah. We also have a free bonus episode that's out now about the Department of Justice's Inspector General's findings from the investigation into the handling of the Clinton email investigation leading up to the 2016 election. So check that out. And then we have the MSW Book Club coming out Wednesday and we have a couple of mini-sodes for our patrons.
Starting point is 00:03:14 If you're not a patron, you can join up at Patreon. For as low as a dollar, we'll hook you up with all of our episodes, bonus episodes, news letter, ad free content, show notes. Thank you, Gifts. It's awesome. And stick around for a sabotage this week by journalist Scott Stedman. Guys, how was your week?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Oh, man. You know, okay. Let's get into it. It was a rough week for us in San Diego. Right, I wanna give like, you know, oh, you know, it was fine, but it was not as fine as it could have been. We lost, yeah, San Diego comic that we all knew well enough to fill it factored by it. I feel like I knew him pretty well and it's just, it's really sad. Yeah, Jimmy Will Perant, we lost Jimmy Will Perant
Starting point is 00:03:54 this week. Ficture staple in our scene. He is a comedian for a while. He was kind of doing comedy on and off but he worked, I believe, with the palace. Yeah, he was like Tony's right-hand man. Yeah, he did sound, he did lighting, he did photography, and he was just an absolute beam of light. He was just a joy to be around a super great guy, had the best laugh in the world. We have a handful of comics here in San Diego. This is a pretty good scene, but everybody's pretty supportive, but there's a handful of comics that are just head and shoulders, the nicest, and he was one of them. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Yeah. It really did affect us all. So many comics, the first friend that I ever met in the scene was Jimmy. Yeah. So we pour a little up for you, homie. Sorry to see you go. So that's a downer. Sorry to...
Starting point is 00:04:43 We couldn't avoid it. Yeah, I don't think face the truth head on. It was important to us. I was out of town all week and I missed all the vigils and shows and tributes. I was out of town at an undisclosed location doing undisclosable things for my undisclosed government job. I can't tell you about any of that but I can get into the news. So let's kick it off with just the facts. So Monday, the Maclatchy report zatted again. They reported that a web of Russians met with NRA executives during the 2016 campaign. We've been following the NRA story for months, and Jordan's going to have an update for
Starting point is 00:05:20 us later in the show. Washington Post reported Tuesday that Kellyanne Conway's husband, George, rebutted Trump on the constitutionality of the special counsel. If you remember last week, Trump tweeted that the special counsel was totally unconstitutional. But Monday evening, George Conway published an essay asserting that Trump's tweet was a meritless legal position rooted in assumption that is uncomplicatedly and flatly wrong. Wow. He also wrote a public inn or do they have a chain of people?
Starting point is 00:05:48 He is. He's very conservative. But he said, quote, such a lack of rigor sadly has been a disturbing trend in much of the politically charged public discourse about the law lately and one that lawyers, regardless of their politics, owe a duty to abjure. Unquote. I wonder what it's like in the Conway House. Like he says stuff like that and Kelly's like,
Starting point is 00:06:08 what's abjure mean? I don't even understand. As we've mentioned before, I think that I can make for some great, you know, relations. I think. Some hate fucking. I have no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Sure. Yeah. For sure. Hate fucking his wife, everybody. That's really fun. Yeah, that house house that has, fuck it, his wife, everybody. Yeah, that's really fun. Yeah, that house house that has to be interesting, to say the least. We all know I've married a Reagan Republican,
Starting point is 00:06:30 but he's not a Democrat. Kill you, I'm con with. What does that work for? Oh my gosh. Yeah, but a Comey in the Sheets. That's, there you go. Yeah, that's it. I'm a muller in the streets.
Starting point is 00:06:44 But a Comey in the Sheets. Yeah, that's both pretty boring. I'm gonna put that around. Yeah, that's it. I'm a muller in the streets, but a Comey in the sheets. Yeah, that's both pretty boring. I'm a Roger Stone in the sheet. Oh, that is insane. I'm full of non-Burgen sheets. Oh, I'll go there. In a report from Politico Tuesday, judge Amy Jackson ordered Muller's team to identify by Friday June 15th this past Friday. All individuals and organizations involved in former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's alleged scheme to lobby on behalf of Ukraine without registering as a foreign agent under U.S. law.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So basically, Mueller had to tell the court of the names of the two EU lobbyists that he asked Kalimnik to reach out to, the two guys he wanted to live on. Muller filed those documents and then they were inadvertently released and unsealed and we learned the names of the Habsburg contacts up until then only known as D1 and D2, Dick1 and Dick2, as Eckert, Sager and Alan Friedman. Former journalists turn public relations specialist, one of them used to work for CNN, the other used to work for Manafort. And after Gates flipped, Manafort and Calumnik texted them to try to get them to tell authorities that Manafort never lobbied in the US. He only lobbied in the EU and was therefore not beholden to the registering under the FARA Act or the
Starting point is 00:07:58 Foreign Agents Registration Act. When the two journalists found out that Manafort and Calumnik were trying to reach out to them, they called the FBI and reported them and said, yeah, you probably want to know about this. There's always a time to snitch. I think there's a proper. Yeah, I'm yeah. I also know, so there's a morning purgey
Starting point is 00:08:16 that was being thrown around, which would imply that what he was telling them to say would be a lie. Is that confirmed, you know, or is it just simply that he was witness tampering period or attempting it? That gets the instruction to judge this charge. Those are the charges. That's part of the charge. He has not been tried or convicted on any of these charges yet. That's an important note because people think he's in jail right now because he he's been convicted of something. He's not. We'll go over that a little bit later.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Oh, yeah. Also Tuesday, Mueller filed a motion to lock down any documents shared with a Russian company in the case of the 13 indicted Russians. If you remember, in response to those 13 indictments, Concord Management and Consulting Group, one of the Russian entities requested that Mueller turn, turn over millions of pieces of data in discovery. And Mueller wants these documents to be made safe from unauthorized disclosure because that could result in assisting foreign intelligence in future ops against the US.
Starting point is 00:09:08 In a related story, Mueller told us all that Russia is currently actively meddling in the 2018 midterms. Because we've spent zero of the 120 million. Yeah, something like that. Yeah, that we're supposed to a lot to this. Yeah. Cybersecurity issue.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yes, cyberterrorism issue. Right. And basically what happens is the head of the FBI or the DOJ has to come to the president and say, I want to do this. And the president has to say, yes, or no. And who knows if they've asked and he said, no, that that would be ultimately scary. That's conjecture. I'm just making things up right now. Yeah. But I wouldn't put it past him. Later Tuesday, Rosenstein called on the house to investigate yourself. Um, but I checked your question. I checked yourself before you lose the admit term. So he wanted to request the House General Counsel, so the House has a General Counsel, to conduct
Starting point is 00:09:53 an internal investigation of the conduct of congressional staffers, including the staffers of Devon Nunes. Rosenstein is expected to make a full formal request for the investigation sometime this week. So we'll keep an eye out for that. Don't worry. We'll keep you posted. Then Tuesday night, rumblings around New York said that Cohen had told quite a few people that he expects to be arrested soon. When asked about it, Cohen denied it. No, no. But you're strong. We all know that if Cohen goes down, Trump is in a lot of trouble. Though by now, the special counsel might not even need Cohen's proffer, and he could
Starting point is 00:10:25 just be left out to dry. But the thing is, is that while you might have all the evidence that you need, and we've said this before, his testimony to corroborate that evidence is gold. So we can still use that. Oh, yeah. And so his cooperation would be immense. Yeah. So there's that.
Starting point is 00:10:43 We'll see what happens, but I think I know. There was also a shake-up in Cohen's legal counsel. There was a lot of speculation about this, but MSW us, we believe that the change in legal counsel indicates that Cohen is thinking about cooperating. That's what happened with Gates, right? And or and that it was a signal to Trump that he was going to cooperate. So he's probably fishing for a pardon. We also think Cone is probably out of money after having to shell out all that cash for his previous legal team to comb through all that discovery from the special master. Remember when they're like we can't get it by June 14th. We have 29 guys working 24-7. We missed the memorial day happenings and stuff and that's gonna cost a lot of money. I think Avonotti said he calculated it scratched it out on an app. And it was like $500,000 a week between a quarter of a million and a half million dollars a week to do that
Starting point is 00:11:33 legal work. So he's probably on money too. So I don't know if this legal shake up is like gates where he's trying to shift over to somebody to help and cooperate. Somebody that's more into that as opposed to not guilty versus, you know, well, yeah, one of, I mean, usually one of those two things, right? He might open to all of it, whatever comes first. Yeah, or we don't know if it's because he's just out of money and he can't afford these guys anymore. And they're like, we're done with you because you don't have any more money.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Yeah. I heard in ABC report that said sources that are close to home, told ABC he's thinking about flipping explicitly. Wow. Yeah, he is. that are close to home, told ABC he's thinking about flipping explicitly. Wow. Yeah, he is. He's been talking to his family and close friends about cooperating.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Then Mueller filed a request for 150 additional subpoenas in the Eastern District of Virginia. That's the case to begin July 25th. That was in addition to the 70 he already reported, or we already reported. So now there's like 220 sealed subpoenas on the docket for one trial. He can subpoenas.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Would that be great? Yeah, we can meet Muller. Oh yeah. We're gonna need Muller, she wrote to come in. Yeah, just test him on. We think that they've subborn perjury. We learned Wednesday from Ross' story that prosecutors began prepping to arrest Cohen.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I don't know what that's like. Like you just sit in the corner, like rubbing your hands together. Here we go. Get the tiny handcuffs ready. They're putting like flour on so they can neutralize the slime on him. Yeah, the gloves and then full on like hazmat suits because he's so fucking gross. Shock. He's just so toxic. We also found out Wednesday and this is a little story that sort of slipped through the cracks. Don McGann has actually recused himself from the Russia probe and he did so last year.
Starting point is 00:13:10 He did so a year ago. So we were kind of correct when we assumed that Emmett T. Flood was probably coming in to take over for White House Council. And I still feel bad for that guy. QQ. New York's sad one. QQQ. New York Times released a big story Wednesday night about Tom Barracks ties to the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Jolice is going to go into that in more detail later in the show.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Then Thursday, the big DOJ IG report came out. That's the Department of Justice Inspector General report came out. That's Horowitz. That's the guy who did the whole McCabe report, too. Over 500 pages. I went through the report, tired. And the outline of the major findings, we hear at MSW consider important, we outlined those in a bonus episode that already came out over the weekend, so check that out if you haven't already. But basically, there's nothing new if you're a listener to this
Starting point is 00:14:01 podcast and all of our predictions were pretty spot on. Of course, the information on leaks from the New York field office were not, we know, mysteriously not in the report. They talked about a bunch of leaks, but they didn't go as specifically into where they were coming from. We think here that there's a whole separate investigation into that, and I go into that in depth in that bonus episode that came out about a day and a half ago. Check it out. It's free for everyone.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Then Thursday, we learned that the New York Attorney General is suing the Trump Foundation on sweeping violations of non-profit status and persistently illegal conduct. Mostly that Trump used his charitable foundation to buy fancy things for himself, like a giant painting of himself. He has a cold one. He used it to pay off lawsuit settlements
Starting point is 00:14:43 and he used it to fund his campaign. All of that is illegal. And they're asking for 2.8 million in damages and that the Trumps be blocked from charity work for a year. Now, according to Maddo on Friday night, Maddo's Friday night episode was pretty epic. This could be very, very serious. And there's a consensus forming that this is potentially extremely bad news for Trump's family because while it's just a civil suit, it's also been referred to the IRS and the Federal Election Commission. They could do a criminal referral.
Starting point is 00:15:14 This is just a civil case. They could make criminal referrals. The New York AG did this because, as I just said, you can be criminally prosecuted for far less for lying to the IRS about your nonprofit taxes. Well, no. Wesley's name's, yeah. And it's important to note.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Maybe do that with nonprofits. No, not nonprofits. He was bad movies. It's important to note that not only is Trump and the Trump family in a lot of trouble, but everyone who made donations to the nonprofit disguised as campaign donations has committed tax fraud because you can write off charitable donations but not political ones. And if they got a tax break for that, they are guilty of criminal tax fraud as well. Because that misprision? I don't know. I think I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. I want to use the word. I don't want that word.
Starting point is 00:15:58 So we should keep an eye on that because that's potentially humongous. Very, very badly. That's kind of intense that you're supposed to be keeping track of where your money is going exactly. Although it's good that rules this obviously because I feel like most foundations at a higher level are cover-ups generally, which is bad to say, but it's some degree. That's why we don't like superpacks. Yeah, exactly. You don't have to solve dark money. Then we had another felony Friday.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Manafort was sent to prison, awaiting trial for violating the terms of his bail agreement. Yet again, this will now put incredible pressure on Manafort to cooperate. Buddy, where's the spatula? Okay kids, let's go. There's just one place to go for all your spatula needs. A giant warehouse of spatulas for every occasion. And I will be going over this hearing later in the show in a lot of detail because the transcript from the court hearing came out.
Starting point is 00:17:00 So we all say, yeah, it's pretty crazy. There's man, no spoilers. Yeah, you'll get there. We'll get to it. Also, we learned Friday that the FBI was able to crack the two blackberries and reassemble the shredded documents seized in the FBI raid on Cohen's offices. And they found over 700 pages, 719 pages, I think,
Starting point is 00:17:18 of texts and messages from encrypted services, including Signal and WhatsApp. Oh my God. And the FBI was able to reconstruct 16 pages of shred that turned out to be printed encrypted messages. Oh my God. Why would you use an encrypted messaging service
Starting point is 00:17:31 and then print them out? And then shred them. You're so proud of yourself, like what you did. And then shred them. He was like, I'm gonna hang this on the wall. And maybe I shouldn't shred. That's destruction of evidence. And while there are a lot of crimes going on here,
Starting point is 00:17:45 the ones that impede justice are the ones that piss the court off the most. Abstructing justice, witness, tampering, destroying evidence, anything that kind of interferes with the system of justice is super no bueno. Right. Can I have fun fact in here? Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Trump shreds all his documents that he touches. He tears it up. He tears us up. He does not do that apparently. No, that's illegal. The residents are supposed to keep everything they have. He used to have a whole team that would follow them around and pick up his torn Up shit and tape it together That's why deleting tweets is illegal apparently right around
Starting point is 00:18:11 Constitutional well, he wasn't deleting tweets but blocking people. Yeah, I would imagine also deleting tweets might be under the same reason Yeah, like shredding that could be we've probably don't have a lot of that you but it should be a presidential record Also Cohen began showing more signals of cooperating, Jordan, you were talking about this. Earlier in the week, his legal team left, as we mentioned, and now he's apparently telling family and friends he's considering flipping. The defense, sorry, cooperating. The defense has been given until June 25th now to review these remaining documents, the shred and the blackberries before they're sent to the prosecution.
Starting point is 00:18:43 The special master's already gone through them them and said none of it is protected. Yeah, I think it was in the double digits or something than the amount of papers that were like 17. Well, just this is just the two blackberries in the shred. Oh, got it. But yes, the other thing was about 400,000 pieces of evidence and like 160 were protected. Yeah, very low. And what's interesting is they have to do in 25 to look through it all and file any objections to submitting it into evidence, but all their objections must be filed publicly.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Trump's legal team and co-ins, legal team submitted a motion to have it filed exparte and under seal. And the judge said no. So they have to file those objections publicly. And all of the objections they filed on the other stuff have been denied. So it's all admissible. Hell yeah. This is great. Then Friday, I know I love when Justice works.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Then Friday, Giuliani went on TV, which he should just keep doing. He just keep doing it, buddy. And he said the molar probe could be, quote, cleaned up with a bunch of presidential pardons. Oh. Odd timing considering Cohen's smoke signals that he's changing legal teams and considering cooperating. Cohen would be wise not to expect a pardon from Trump, however, as pardon would,
Starting point is 00:19:48 a pardon would remove his ability to plead the fifth. This news is way bigger than the media is letting on because Giuliani is dangling pardons and that's town amount to witness tampering and obstruction of justice. Totally. Abstrruction of justice is a little bit harder to prove but it's definitely witness tampering.
Starting point is 00:20:02 And this, this happened back in Watergate when Nixon called John Dean and he's like, there's good, you know, keep the faith, keep the faith. And he's like, don't even talk to me about this. And this is just on a private phone call. And then later on, he said, there'll be a pardon in it. And he's like, don't say that. Exactly. Don't say that.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Right. It's the worst thing. Nope. You're going to get up. You're going to get, no, stop talking. La, la, la, la, la, la, you know. You're so desperate and so un- And he pointed out how this works. Here's Juliani, just on TV.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Dangling Partons. I wonder if they're dangling Partons on national television so they don't have to go through a back channel which would be entirely obstruction of justice. Maybe, yeah, maybe they only face witness tampering and not witness tampering and obstruction of justice or conspiracy
Starting point is 00:20:40 to get obstruct justice. I don't know. It's ridiculous. Also Cohen applied for a restraining order against Avonati and lost, which is hilarious. Within an hour, the judge is like, get the fuck outta here. He didn't want Avonati to appear
Starting point is 00:20:56 on the Lorenzo Donald show with him. And Lorenzo Donald immediately tweeted Avonati, he goes, have you seen this? You know what would be my show tonight? And he's like, absolutely, because they knew that a judge would deny it immediately. It was pretty hilarious. That is so weird.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I know, reality TV made a tweet at MSNBC. Yeah. We also learned that Trump's legal team will be using the IG report to fight any subpoena that comes from the special counsel's office. They're basically saying that because the IG report said that Comey acted in subordinately, that matches Rosenstein's letter that he wrote for why they were firing Komi.
Starting point is 00:21:29 So he can't have obstructed justice when he fired Komi because he had a good reason to fire Komi and this IG report proves that. I don't think that's going to work since Trump said with his own mouth on television that he fired Komi because of Russia and he told Russians that he fired Komi because of Russia. Yeah. And Mueller will have to speak to him now to ask him the real reason he fired Komi because now it's muddied. I think it actually gives more power to the subpoena.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Not to mention, Mueller would not kick out a subpoena to the president that wouldn't stick. And Trump also said that he would have fired him anyway before he decided he was going to fire Komi before he even got the recommendation from Rosenstein to he said that already decided because of Russia yeah I don't think Trump's used to I mean he's a celebrity and all but I don't think he's used to social media the law technology the law as well but specifically you see it with Rudy Giuliani to their surprise when their own words are being used against them and video and audio they're like wait where did you get that what is this
Starting point is 00:22:24 magic Giuliani should not be surprised. He was New York Attorney General. He was Attorney General in New York. Back then, he shouldn't be. I guess he's just crazy. Just technology has exponentially grown and the things that people can dig up on you like it's fair game out there.
Starting point is 00:22:38 But he should know. I don't know. Yeah, they just don't think about it. They feel immense. Syphilis can cloud your brain. Very true. No offense to my listeners with syphilis. Or scarfic. Yeah, best of don't think about it. They feel a minute. Syphilis can cloud your brain. Very true. No offense to my listeners with syphilis. Or scar face.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Yeah, best of luck, Godspeed. My, no offense to, what did you say? Scar face. Scar face. He died from it, right? Yeah, yeah, the original scar face. That was the most beautiful face. I don't remember that in the movie.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Yeah, of all the crazy. He had to do his life. Sex, Adam, yeah, I'm sorry. That's okay. I just a fun fact Yeah, I'm sorry. No, it's okay. I just a fun fact, before I had mentioned that the same law firm that my dad had worked for had hired Giuliani. And I didn't think that there was an overlap. But my dad told me that there's actually a week long
Starting point is 00:23:14 overlap where they were working as partners together. And he said that Giuliani is a horrible attorney. Yeah, he's like very, very bad. And he always has been, right? And he hasn't practiced law in years. Yeah, but even when he did, wasn't he also a piece of shit then? Like, yeah, I've seen a, like, some kind of documentary on him,
Starting point is 00:23:30 and I skimmed over it. It was late at night, but it seems like he's always had a crack record. We should do just a segment, or maybe a mini soda and Julianne agent. All right, you just given yourself some work. There we go. That's wait. Love it. And I think it was Al Capone that had several us.
Starting point is 00:23:42 There you go. Sorry, sorry, Al Capone. Thank you. Finally, Al Capone. Thank you. Finally, you guys, the Associated Press reported this week that Trump, the Trump 2020 election is now campaign is working with ex-cambridge analytical executives associated with Brad Parscale, who is on our fantasy indictment league. It's almost like they know Trump won't be in the 2020 election and he's really only
Starting point is 00:24:03 running to make money. That's kind of. I think that's, yeah. Then interesting theory. Pretty accurate. You get to give your money if you raise stuff and then you don't want to run it? Right.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Trump TV was in the works too before he got elected. I think he intended to go back to media, right? Yeah, and it's not just, yeah, with Breitbart and it's not just the money that you raise. It's all the the rallies and meetings and events that he has at his own hotels that he is banking that money. Yeah. So yeah, you're getting ripped off Trump voters. Ha ha. Anyway, that's the news you guys. We'll be right back. Thanks for listening to Muller She wrote. The The Shee in Muller Shee wrote, is no accident.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Did you know we are 100% women owned and operated? Every single person that helps make this podcast possible identifies as a woman. Our creative and web design, our engineer and producers, our editors and digital media manager, our agent, our ad execs, our merchandising manager, and even the Postal Service clerk that helps me with shipping in our PO box. All women and all LGBTQ plus allies. We will continue to employ and partner with women as our podcast grows, but we could use your help. Please support women in podcasting by visiting mullershoewrote.com and become a patron today. Alright, welcome back.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Hot notes. I think cracks me up. Today, Jordan is going to give us an update on the NRA taking Russian money and funneling it to Trump. But first, Jolisa has a story about our buddy, Barric. Tom Barric. Jolisa? Yeah, Tom Barric. So this was a New York Times article published on Wednesday called Who Is Behind Trump's
Starting point is 00:25:46 Links to Air Princess, a billionaire friend. Thought that was a weird title, but anyways, the billionaire friend's name is Tom Barrick. So in April 2016, Barrick's good friend, Donald Trump, was about to grasp the Republican presidential nomination. But Trump's outspoken hostility towards Muslims, exemplified by his infamous Muslim ban, was pissing off the Persian Gulf princes that Barrick depended on as investors. When Barrick tried to introduce Trump to use of Al-Otaba of UAE, the ambassador wrote back, quote,
Starting point is 00:26:19 "'confusion about your friend Donald Trump is very high and and he warned that Trump's image had, quote, many people extremely worried. But undeterred, Barrick, a longtime friend of the ambassador, assured him that Trump understood the Persian Gulf perspective by emailing, quote, he also has joint ventures in the UAE. So that was his pitch. And the emails were beginning, or the beginning of Trump's transformation from a candidate who campaigned against Muslims to a president celebrated by the royal courts. He's even perhaps one of the best allies in the White House that their rulers have ever had.
Starting point is 00:26:54 So during the Trump campaign, Barrick was a top fundraiser and trusted gatekeeper who opened communications with the Emirates or Emirates and Saudis. He even recommended Paul Manafort as campaign manager and then tried to arrange a secret meeting between Manafort and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. I know. Barric was also later named Chairman of Trump's inaugural committee. And since Manafort's been indicted, the Mueller investigation is examining whether the Emirates and Saudis helped to sway the election in Trump's favor, potentially in coordination with the Russians. So a spokesperson for Barrick said he has been advised he is not a target of the investigation,
Starting point is 00:27:32 even though Mueller interviewed him in December, it's reported that he was asked questions almost exclusively about Manafort and Gates. In Barrick's company, Colony Northstar has to raise more than $7 billion in investments since Trump won the nomination. And 24% of that money has come from the Persian Gulf, all from either the UAE or Saudi Arabia. And of course, Colony North Star has not disclosed the investors and its funds. But Barrick's representatives did not dispute the authenticity of the emails.
Starting point is 00:28:02 His spokesman said in a statement that Barrickrett quote, sees his business in the Middle East as a way to help political dialogue and understanding not the other way around. And he does so through relationships that span as far back as the reign of even some of the grandfather's of the current regional rulers. However, Roger Stone said, Barrett is the only person he knows who the president speaks to as a peer. I guess besides he won't go, but that's a different relationship. He said, quote, Barric is to Trump as
Starting point is 00:28:31 Bay Bay Robozo was to Nixon, which was Nixon's best friend, I guess. Is it Bay Bay? It's like a little Latin nickname there. Baby. Baby, oh, it's a white version. Okay, cool. I'm used to Bay Bay.
Starting point is 00:28:43 So, yeah, or the store. Is the store also pronounced baby? I've always thought I used to baby. So yeah or the store is the store also pronounced BB? I've always thought my head's baby. Okay I'm confused now. I'm just gonna yeah don't sweat it. But there's BB Nanyahu. Oh yeah. There we go. And then there's a baby something or other who played Lilith on chairs. There's all sorts of babies. Yeah yeah they're all out there. So. Oh, baby. Barrick's closeness to Trump extends to the Trump family as well. By 2010, he'd acquired $70 million of the debt owed by Trump's son and law, Jared Kushner, on his $1.8 billion purchase of that sky scraper we've
Starting point is 00:29:15 talked about at 666 Fifth Avenue in New York. 70 billion. Million. 70 million. Oh, I'm sorry. That's a million. No, you said million. Okay. Yes. 70 million, which is still to me. It's all the same. That's a lot. If it's more than $8, I don't million. No, you said million. Okay. Yes, 70 million, which is still to me. It's all the same That's a lot If it's more than eight dollars, I don't know that's might as well be eight million So after just one call with Trump Barrett was among a group of leaders who agreed to reduce Kushner's obligations to keep him out of bankruptcy and
Starting point is 00:29:38 A month after his first outreach to ambassador Oteba Barrett wrote again on May 26th to introduce Kushner, who was preparing for a role as a presidential envoy to the Middle East. Barrick wrote in another email, you will love him and he agrees with our agenda. So I feel like I can go on and on about all the things in the emails that express how there was clear collusion, but I'm just gonna go ahead and skip to the part where things get a little tricky. So when Trump won a November ambassador O'Table was eager to pull Barrick even closer, he wrote in a note, quote, we have a lot of things that we'll have to do together, together being the operative word, and quote, and Barrick responded, let's do them together, and
Starting point is 00:30:18 later Barrick attended a dinner party at Ambassador O'Table's home with other air ambassadors in former American officials. Barrick offered to make introductions in the new administration. He said, quote, tell me who is high on your hit list. And Ambassador O'Tayba wrote back, thanks to you, I am in consistent contact with Jared, and that has been extremely helpful for both sides, I think, in quote. Yeah. And they celebrated again.
Starting point is 00:30:41 I know. It's kind of heartwarming also. Yes. Fuck you by eating squids and crows. Yes, definitely. That's a friend, a billionaire. And just to wrap it all up. So they celebrated again in May 2017
Starting point is 00:30:52 when Trump made his first foreign trip as president to Saudi Arabia at an Arab summit meeting and Barak wrote back, quote, it all started with you and JK. And I so congratulate, is a typo on their part and I so congratulations on a great beginning. I so congratulations. Trying, they're trying. I think it's really funny that I tried to spell.
Starting point is 00:31:14 To speak English. Jared's initials are JK. It makes me think like Ivanka would say like, I love you, JK. I'm like, you're like a son of me, JK. Okay, sorry, that may be giggle. But yeah, and Saudi Arabia and the UAE being investigated more. This is all because of Barrett. He's their main connection.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And so now with Maniford being indicted and going to jail, it's like this guy's got to be next on the list. So he's not a target right now, but chances are he's definitely coming up, I think. Yeah. So that's that. Yeah. Well, thank you very much. Of course.
Starting point is 00:31:50 And that, you know, we've been talking about Barrick for a while. He's been on our fantasy indictment team for a bit. But yeah, that's an important expansion on the story. So thank you for that. Jordan, what do you have for us on the NRA? Yeah. So news came out this week that several Russian elites have been identified as having direct contact with NRA officials during the 2016 campaign.
Starting point is 00:32:11 These contacts have emerged during deeper investigation into NRA member Alexander Torshin, who we've reported on before, who allegedly funneled money from Russia to the Trump campaign directly through the NRA. I guess that doesn't mean directly. Essentially. Essential consultants are just kidding. It wasn't them. But so other Russians have been identified that met with the campaign on top of Alexander Torschen and those are number one Demetri Rogozin. He served as deputy prime minister to Russia overseeing Russia's defense sector and industry.
Starting point is 00:32:45 And then the second person is Sergei Rudolf, who is head of one of Russia's largest quote unquote, philanthropy, St. Basil, the great charitable foundation. Rudolf the Red Nose Russian. There you go. And that quote unquote philanthropy organization was founded by an ultra-nationalist, not a surprise. Russians, so it comes out this week that Russians had wine to dine NRA representatives, mainly in Moscow, and it's being investigated exactly why they were doing that. It's a crime, just so we know that's punishable by prison time to donate any foreign money into
Starting point is 00:33:22 US election or campaign. Just a reminder. So, both Mueller and the Senate Intelligence Committee are looking into the potential money flow and what potential criminalities come from that. Then, or identity, $30 million to boost Trump's candidacy, and that's more than any other backer that he had. And it's also more than double what they gave to Romney which is an indication probably more than double. Way more than double. Isn't a lot.
Starting point is 00:33:50 That was a ridiculous amount. Yeah I think they gave, yeah it's like a 10 or 11 million to Romney and it was 11 or something. 30 million to. So torsion has been implicated. Romney, you're the prophet. White horse prophecy. So Torsion, just a reminder,
Starting point is 00:34:08 and also some new information that I learned, he's a sketchy guy, you know? I think we already do. He's gross. Super gross. And he's been implicated in a year's long investigation by a Spanish prosecutor named Jose Grinda. He's gonna be on the next sexy justice calendar.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah, he's doing a lot for the more investigation. Good old Jose. Yeah, and so he's investigating money laundering basically by the Russian mob into Spanish hotels and banks. And it's come out now that wiretaps, wiretaps. Wiretaps? Wiretaps. Wiretaps. Go ahead and get it.
Starting point is 00:34:46 It might be easier. Free and fast. If we want to leave it, it's endearing. Yeah, sure. Why are tapes? Have a reason in which are some of your works are. In which
Starting point is 00:35:02 a SIDS convicted Russian money launderer spoke with Torshin and called him El Padrino, which means the godfather in Spanish. Yeah, and these are the ones that they sent over to us that are going to get DT Jr. in a lot of trouble. Yeah, that's always fun for me. Exactly, because they met DTJ meant briefly, right, with him, and tried to set up a one-on-one meeting with Trump, but was unsuccessful.
Starting point is 00:35:26 But we'll see. Donald Trump, little teeth, junior. Yeah, little teeth, little mouth. Native American name. Little teeth. Torsion has, of course, denied all ties to the mob, not surprising. Back in our home front, Democrats and the Senate Intelligence Committee have reached a preliminary conclusion that the Kremlin may have used the NRA to secretly fund the campaign.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Not an edgy observation, man. I've kind of a stretch out of show for you, Sherbro. Democrats in the committee actually asked Christopher Ray in a May 24 letter to expand their inquiry into seeing if Kremlin NRA money may have been flowing into House and Senate races as well in addition to the 2016 campaign. If Trump received secret money from the Kremlin through NRA, this could be held over his head by Putin effectively serving as compromise. NRA's general counsel, NRA's general counsel, John Frazier, or Frazier.
Starting point is 00:36:27 It's just a Z. I don't know how I prepare Z. Frazier is in the frames. It's like how I say, Lise. Lise, Lise, Lise. Look at John Frazier. Frazier. He has, that turd has failed to, total turd. He's failed to disclose any of NRA's dark money donors,
Starting point is 00:36:44 like you mentioned, a couple minutes ago, IG, and then just, NRA's dark money donors like you mentioned a couple minutes ago IG who and then just you know dark money donors are people who can contribute anonymously and they often hide behind shell companies So there's a essentially undisclosed amount of money and people that have been donating Yeah, basically Russia has been donating a shitload of money to the NRA for the Trump campaign hiding it and funneling it through Shell companies and anonymously, which is illegal. And Torschein has been a friend of the NRA since 2011 when he first helped his protege, Maria Bhutna, start a Russian gun rights group called Right to Bear R. It's her name, really Bhutna.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Bhutna. Bhutna. And she was the one who asked the question at the Freedom Fest when Trump first said he would ease sanctions. She was the plant in the audience that said, what do you do with four sanctions? And he said, well, this is a good question. And he said he would ease them and we know we should have a better relationship with Russia, et cetera. And that was that was Freedom Fest. That's what we're without we're our whole thing with freedom festering She is and so is the right to bear arms
Starting point is 00:37:50 I'm not family guy With the actual bear arms Yeah, no not the right in general the the little guy group. Yeah, they literally call themselves right to bear arms Yeah, I hate their names They can really stop stupid names. Like Fesselnut Skia's, the international, wonderful, most happy monkey love. You think someone made us a generator for a super PAC?
Starting point is 00:38:13 A super PAC named generator. We got a tweet about our fishers. Yeah, that's a good one. We got a fisher, he's badass. Yeah, he really is. He's cool. It's got a good hair. He does.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Very nice hair. He's surprising. Yeah, surprising. It's surprisingly good hair. It's hard Very nice hair. It's crazy. It's surprising. Yeah, surprising. It's surprisingly good hair. It's hard to have good hair now. It is. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Come on. Yeah. God. I still do not understand what's happening with his hair. I really do not get it. My little sister actually, she somehow, I have to show you this picture. She did something to her hair that looks just like it. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Have you ever seen how you can trump your cat? You brush your cat or your dog. You can trump your dog too. You brush and then you take all the fur and you mat it into like a pancake and step it on top of their head and take a picture. Oh my goodness. Hashtag Trump your cat.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Hashtag Trump your dog. Tag at Muller She wrote, I want to see you guys trump your balls. That is so funny. The next time you brush up, they love it, by the way. That's so funny. Especially cats. All right, so just finishing up here,
Starting point is 00:39:11 a Russian expert in Atlantic Council fellow named Anders Asland was appalled by the NRA delegation met with sanctioned Russian officials. He said it's quote, so embarrassing. AKA Rogazin, he tweeted photos of this meeting when the NRA met with them. quote, so embarrassing. AKA Rogazin, he tweeted photos of this meeting when the NRA met with the with them and they're shooting guns and they're just pictures of them blatantly meeting and talking. Yeah, it's just fucking stupid. It's important to note that the Russian
Starting point is 00:39:38 government doesn't even really have a shared interest in their right to bear on. That was the clear. That's the thing that makes this so obviously just deployed to get Russian money into American politics. We are not pro-gun in Russia at all. Putin will kill you with his bare hands. Yeah, I was gonna say the last thing he wants. His, yeah, their bears come up a lot for right to bear hands.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Yeah, bear cops, remember? Yeah, bear cops. Yeah, they generally restrict citizens from even owning a shotgun. And I think in like five years of ownership of a shotgun, then you can apply to have an actual hunting rifle or something. Or something. I get to agree with Russia on something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Well, there are only like nine people that live there. Yeah, and it's afraid of his own people. I'm going to say, I feel like that's mainly for oppressive reasons, which I hate to make that argument. Yeah, because they make it in America. First, they take your guns, then they take your freedom. But typically, we don't have dictators. Right, look, look, look. We don't want to take your shotguns, your handguns, we just want to take your fully insomniotic
Starting point is 00:40:36 assault rifles. But then I'm high. You should only have a fear in the military. And if you need them to shoot, you suck at aiming, and you should find a new hobby. And if you want to carry around an M16 or any kind of even a semi-automatic assault rifle, you can join the military like I did. You pussy. Not too insole.
Starting point is 00:40:51 There you go. Pussies. Nice around the nose. Thank you, no emails. Thank you. I'm a pussy and I'm offended. I'm sorry. So my pussy is way better than you.
Starting point is 00:41:05 That's a good bumper sticker. In a conclusion, considering the exclusive contacts between the NRA and top Russian officials during the campaign, investigators have said that it appears, quote, something very bad happened in 2016. That's a good bumper sticker. Yes, something we don't know what it is. Something that went that way went. We should make that.
Starting point is 00:41:33 We should make. There's really things we should make. Did you see the Ghostbusters poster? I did. Someone made for us. That was so good. It was so good. I didn't realize Barbara Jones looked like that.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And then I was like, you go Barbara. And then there was the leash. It was gaudy with new nails on a backpack. Child backpack leash. That was fantastic. You guys, if you're on a patron newsletter is so worth it. You can just see all these great memes that everybody makes.
Starting point is 00:41:59 They're pretty. I'll send out the ghost fest. They're pretty dank. All right, you guys, I want to talk a little bit about Manafort, getting thrown into prison this week because it makes my heart happy, so satisfying. And if you're someone who thinks I shouldn't take pleasure in the pain of others,
Starting point is 00:42:13 something Germans call Shadenfreude. You guys know Shadenfreude is? No. Yeah, Germans have a word for it, taking pleasure in other people's despair. We're all petty deep down, even on a minor level. But I want you guys to know that I only am taking pleasure in karmic retribution and when our justice system works,
Starting point is 00:42:32 like it should. That's what pleases me. Exactly. And if you, I'm sorry, if you're a Nazi or a kid fucker or a man of fort, I'm not going to feel bad for being happy that you're in jail. Yeah, you Yeah, man of fucker. There's about to be some Rehabilitating a kidfucker or a man of fort. No, not my studying. No, it sounds so patriotic. Not my America No, I mean it though like I don't like those people the majority of people in prisons right now are people with drug problems
Starting point is 00:43:01 And they can be rehabilitated totally The people who cannot are these white collar criminal assholes pedophilogen really hard to rehabilitate. Mophos. Yeah. Yeah, and it just, it's proven by Manafort's conduct during his bail release. And here we go. Let's get into it. In court on Friday, in the hearing, there were three prosecutors from Mueller's office, along with an FBI agent, probably the agent who was contacted by D1 and D2, that Maniford was trying to tell him to lie. Then there were three defense lawyers working for Maniford, along with Maniford himself. The hearing began with an arrangement for a seven-count superseding indictment, including conspiracy against United States, conspiracy to laundrom money, acting as an unregistered agent in a foreign principle, of a foreign principle,
Starting point is 00:43:48 false fairist statements, false regular statements, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to obstruct justice. Man of Warplated not guilty on all counts. Wow, bold. The last two counts are the ones that came up this past week. The ones where he was indicted jointly with Constantin Kalimnik for trying to get the two guys in an EU public relations firm called Habsburg to lie for him and say that Manafort only lobbied for Yennecovic in Europe and not the United States. So he's pleading not guilty to those charges as well. After that plea, the judge took up the issues,
Starting point is 00:44:21 the issue of Manafort's release agreement, and whether or not he violated his bail by conspiring with Columnick to contact D1 and D2 in an effort to secure material false testimony. Materially false testimony. Last week, Mueller filed the motion to review Manafort's release and then shortly after brought these two felony charges against him for obstruction and another superseding indictment, obstruction and conspiracy to commit obstruction. According to prosecutors, that is witness tampering, and the judge should reconsider the fact
Starting point is 00:44:53 that Maniford is out on bail awaiting trial. In the transcript, according to Mad Al, Mad Al, I think was the first to break the transcript. Right. We get a unique look into just how much pressure a manifold is now under. Maniforts lawyers tried to argue that when he was trying to contact D1 and D2 who we now know are Sager and Friedman,
Starting point is 00:45:13 that he could not have been tampering with witnesses because he was just reaching out to buddies and he didn't know they were witnesses. Hey, you up. Let's get our story straight. New phone, who it is? At that? I'm sending my friend's cryptic messages.. New phone, who does? At that? I'm sending my friend's cryptic messages.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah. Is it emoge, like? It would be so great if D2 was like New phone, who does, and then he calls the FBI, dude, Manfred, taxing me and asking me to answer his. At that point, Manfred's lawyers give, well, one of Manfred's lawyers gives Manfred's defense against the motion to revoke bail.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Basically, here's my argument why you don't put him in jail. Quote, the difficulty here is that there is a broad ranging matter. This is a broad ranging matter that is largely something the government continues to expand. And with that, it puts Manafort in a position of not knowing whether any calls he makes is a risk of violating the unknown list of witnesses in a situation where it's not made clear. So from my perspective, a clear no contact order will solve the problem.
Starting point is 00:46:12 I think if we can simply cut off that line of contact, it will solve this problem. And I know that this is the kind of thing that the judge wishes they didn't have to deal with to which the judge replied, this has been and continues to be to this minute an extraordinarily difficult decision.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Manafort's lawyer goes on to suggest that a no-contact rule that is clear and unambiguous from this court that this will not happen again will basically do the trick. He suggested that the goal of what the court does is all about preventing this from happening again, and he goes on to say that jumping to the thought of remand, putting him in jail, could achieve that result, but that it would be more harsh and creates more challenges for Manifort because he faces two trials and separate courts
Starting point is 00:46:54 and he's preparing for those trials. It would cause, it would be more harsh than the Bale Reform Act compels under these circumstances. Well, that's when it was Mueller's team. Mueller's team's time to respond. Oh yeah. Mueller wasn't there himself, but he had three pretty great guys. And the judge reminds them. He says, all right, you ready to go, Mr. Anders? Because he's already standing up like, I'm ready to go.
Starting point is 00:47:19 He's like, all right, the burdens on the prosecution hit it. So he says, quote, my colleague has the law. He's talking about the other lawyer. My colleague has the law absolutely wrong with respect to witness tampering. Absolutely wrong. A defendant can be involved in witness tampering without a list of witnesses.
Starting point is 00:47:37 It's any person who might give testimony with the Habsburg group, D1 and D2, control the Habsburg group. These two guys are in charge of it. It's inconceivable, inconceivable, that he did not know that they were potential witnesses. And that's what the law is, not that they've been told that there's a witness.
Starting point is 00:47:56 This isn't about a no-contact list. This is about influencing the testimony of potential witnesses, a crime for which Manifort has now been indicted. He absolutely violated the terms of his bail by committing a crime wall out on bail. That's one. Two, he has the law absolutely wrong
Starting point is 00:48:09 about the threats of violence and witness tampering. When a defendant tells a witness a false story and reminds him of that story, the courts have repeatedly appelled that that constitutes witness tampering. So the defense council is wrong about what it means to be a witness. He is wrong about having a no- no contact list or a list of witnesses.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Any quote? He need a Trump quote of the clip where he's like wrong every time. I love it. That is so, I wish I were in that room. I got hot just hearing. It gets better. The prosecution went on to talk about the encryption apps for Manafort that he used to contact D1 and D2 along with a technique called foldering,
Starting point is 00:48:45 which is where you open up your Gmail, you write emails, save them in the draft folder, give someone else your password, so they can read your drafts without it ever being sent or received. Oh my God. So that's obviously Maniford trying to evade surveillance. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:59 If you didn't know that you were not supposed to contact somebody, why would you be foldering? The prosecution then told the judge that they didn't learn about this witness tampering through surveillance, okay? They learned about it because the witness told the prosecution about it. That is what kicked off this investigation. So there's no way to monitor Manafort's communications in any effective way. You just have to hope somebody tells you about it. So a no contact list is not sufficient to protect the community
Starting point is 00:49:27 from Manifort doing this again. Not to mention that this wasn't a single episode. It was a campaign to subborn perjury that occurred over five weeks. The simple fact is that Manifort is out on a $10 million bond and that he committed a crime while he was out on bail. So after some more back and forth, Judge Amy, Miss Jackson, if you're nasty, took a 15 minute recess and then came back to give her ruling and it is fucking epic.
Starting point is 00:49:54 She's eating a sandwich here to do what she was gonna say. She actually wrote a really well thought out response. Okay. And I'm this, okay. Let's do it. We're not gonna talk about how excited I am about this It's not healthy quote
Starting point is 00:50:12 The touchstone of the Bale Reform Act is still and always has been flight and safety The law is clear that I cannot impose pretrial detention to punish the defendant for the alleged conduct in the new allegations And so I have struggled with this decision because she really wants to punish him for this. Here, I don't believe there's any charge in the defendant's risk of, or excuse me, any change in the defendant's risk of flight. The additional charges don't really change that calculus given what he's already facing. Now, is he a danger? While the grand jury has found probable cause to believe that the defendant has attempted to correctly persuade people to lie, there's been no evidence of a threat of harm to any person. We do not have what one would consider
Starting point is 00:50:55 the typical sort of harm to the community at large, like danger of substance and substance is being peddled on the corner or in lawful possession of firearms. So time out right here because what she's getting at right now sounds like she's going to let Maniford off the hook, that she can't prove that his flight risk has changed and that he doesn't seem like a danger to others. Because in the normal sense of the word, he's not going to go out and continue to sell drugs. He's not going to go out and continue to carry an unregistered firearm. But then she says, the harm in this case is the harm to the administration of justice.
Starting point is 00:51:29 It is the harm to the integrity of the court system. And I've wrestled with this. What conditions could there be? This is not middle school. I cannot take his cell phone. And if I say, well, don't call the 56 witnesses that the defense tells me I need to clearly list in this order what if he calls the 57th. All the defendant has said to me is that there wasn't a clear enough order not to do it,
Starting point is 00:51:52 and my problem is, I don't think I can draft a clear enough order to cover every possible future violation of the United States code, and I shouldn't have to. I've thought about this long and hard, Mr. Manifort, and I have no appetite for this, but in the end I cannot turn a blind eye to these allegations, given the number of contacts, the persistence of the contacts, and their obvious intent and import. It is how they were perceived and received
Starting point is 00:52:17 by the person to whom they were made, and this witness tampering occurred while the defendant was already on bond and already under an order by another judge not to do this. The indictment alleges a corrupt attempt to undermine the integrity and truth of the fact finding process upon which our system of justice depends. The defense suggested that it was inappropriate for the government to bring these matters to my attention, and so I want to state quite clearly that it absolutely was not. You struck that note repeatedly in your papers, but this hearing is not about politics.
Starting point is 00:52:50 It's not about the conduct of the Office of Special Counsel. It's about the defendant's alleged conduct. And I'm very troubled that the contacts with these witnesses are alleged to have taken place even after you were under an explicit order not to contact witnesses directly or indirectly. I'm concerned that you seem inclined to treat these proceedings as just another marketing exercise, and not a criminal case brought by a duly appointed federal prosecutor in a federal court. And so, all of this at the bottom affects my judgment about whether you can be trusted to comply with the court's directives. And that is the finding that the statute also requires me to make if I release you.
Starting point is 00:53:28 And I can't make it. You have abused the trust placed in you six months ago. And therefore the government's motion will be granted and the defendant will be detained pending trial as of today. Woo! Yeah! And we were there, and we were like, oh shit! I would do the wave!
Starting point is 00:53:43 Woo! That's so dramatic. Wasn't that a badass? Yeah. Little things she wrote in 15 minutes. Yeah, I love it. And I love how she talks about not politicizing it and how it's not.
Starting point is 00:53:53 This is not political at all. This is not your marketing platform. Yeah. Because that's what's been tainting this is people interfering with the functioning of the Justice Department trying to say that it's politically motivated. And this is like, get the fuck out. this is about how the fucking Justice Department works. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:09 And it's about flight and harm. And while I don't think your flight risk has changed, and while you might not go out and punch somebody in the face, the harm is to the system of justice. Oh, that was sexy. Sexy justice. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:21 So after that, sexy justice calendar. Yeah, absolutely. Amy, Miss Jackson, if you're nasty, she's going So after that, sexy justice calendar. Yeah, absolutely. Amy, Miss Jackson, if you're nasty, she's going to be in the next sexy justice calendar. The defense then asked for a stay so that they have time to appeal. Can he stay out of jail while we come up with an appeal? Mueller's team opposed that application and the judge said, quote, and I'm also concerned that now that I've issued this order, the risk of flight has just multiplied substantially. Oh. So I appreciate the request, but I'm going to deny it.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Yes. Sorry, not sorry. Then they took them away. They let them out of the courtroom to jail. And a couple minutes later, the marshal came back in with his belt, his wallet, and his tie, and gave it to Maniford's wife. Yeah, take that belt away.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Right, we don't need that. Oh my gosh. Yeah, you know what? That is insane. And he's a VIP in the jail too, right? He's like a... He's gonna VIP people jail. Yeah, he's separated, which is a very nice...
Starting point is 00:55:11 He's not fancy. It's not fancy. He's just like a separation kind of thing. Yeah. I hope it's not fancy. It's still jail. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we'll see how long he lasts.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Anyway, guys, those are hot notes. We'll be right back with a fantasy indictment. We're gonna have a very special sabotage. Anyway, those are hot notes. We'll be right back with fantasy indictment leading a very special sabotage. Hey, Mueller junkies. Thank you so much for supporting our show and supporting women in podcasting. I need to ask you for a quick favor that will not cost you a dime. Please head over to Apple Podcast and give us a rating. And then subscribe. That simple act goes a long way to helping us get the word out about the Mueller investigation, and more importantly,
Starting point is 00:55:45 it expands our efforts to flip Congress blue in November. And don't forget, follow us on Twitter at Mueller She wrote to be automatically entered to win a PlayStation 4. Don't ask. Thank you so much for listening. We would not be here without you. All right, are you guys ready for the fantasy and diamond league? Oh yeah! Alright you guys this week, I think, inspired by Jordan's lovely report on the NRA execs, we should add the ones that we didn't already have on our team, along with the Russians they met, including Rogozhan, Rudolph, Wayne Loppier. I think we might have had Wayne Loppier on there. David Keene, David Clark, Sheriff David Clark, with all of his flair, and Pete Brownell. So I'm going to add those guys, because I think the NRA is going down and they're going
Starting point is 00:56:42 to go down hard. Yeah. And we already have some other guys like Erickson and Mashburn and Deerborn and totally as well as. Barry, Bhutina. Bhutina. Bhutina. Torshin, we've already had on there for a while now.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Right. He's just creepy. I think we are so overdue for a large fantasy indictment leak chart. I want to put it on my wall. I just got to make it. I got to listen to all of them. Yeah, I've been writing them down. I just have them in my notes. Exactly. It's really all in the episodes. Yeah, I've got to dig back,
Starting point is 00:57:08 but it's worth it, I think, because the list grows every week so exponentially that I'm just reading. We have over a hundred people on it. And probably about 10 or 15 entities on there that have not already been indicted. Right. Several that have been. Yeah, yeah. A big whiteboard would be appropriate until we're done. And then yeah, what we could do is for each one that we got right in time You know, we could give ourselves a little check. I don't know. That's the way to do it That's how they do most actual leagues right we have an actually could you squares? Yeah, but square and you're all this pool It's not gambling. It's not illegal at all nice nice. All right you guys so yeah, but let's just add up those NRA Exacts and as well
Starting point is 00:57:45 I hadn't I hadn't had them on there already like rego'sion and Rudolph I didn't okay Well they're on there now cool. Are you guys ready for sabotage? Yeah Today we have a very special sabotage. Let's have a listen. Hello. Hey, is this Scott? Yes, it is. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:58:11 Good. Good afternoon. This is A.G. from Muller She Road. How are you? Good. Thanks for having me. Yeah, no problem at all. We're really excited to have you.
Starting point is 00:58:20 I just kind of wanted to set up this amazing recording. I'm going to do a recording. I'm going to do a recording. I'm going to do a recording. I'm going to do a recording.. Yeah, no problem at all. We're really excited to have you. I just kind of wanted to set up this amazing article that you put out, I think it was yesterday. Not safe. And basically, a little less than a month ago,
Starting point is 00:58:39 I think it was May 19th. The New York Times broke a story that Donald Trump Jr. had met with Nader Eric Prince and a guy named Zamol from an Israeli firm called Sci Group and they met at Trump Tower on August 3rd in 2016. And we talked about it on the podcast and apparently Zamol had offered assistance to the Trump campaign for like for social media assistance and then after Trump was elected, NATO apparently transferred $2 million to the side group
Starting point is 00:59:08 after Xamol had produced this fancy PowerPoint showing how they had successfully manipulated social media to help Trump win. And you broke an exclusive update to this story this week. And we're really happy to have you. We want to hear all about it. But first, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:59:28 I just graduated from college yesterday. I had my last day at school. Oh, congratulations. Thank you so much. I'm glad to be done. So yeah, I finished with the political science degree. And I'm basically just starting my career as an investigative journalist. And I've been writing for the past nine months or so on the Trump Russia story.
Starting point is 00:59:52 And I know this might be a personal question that we don't usually ask our, you know, our interview is like, how old are you? I'm 22. I turned 22 in January. Yeah, that's truly amazing for what the sources you've been able to make already and the contacts you have and the reporting that you've done. I've been following you on Twitter for a while. It's pretty astounding that you've done all this at such an age. So congratulations. Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Thank you so much. I appreciate that. I know you have an amazing career ahead of you. And I think we'll be amazing career ahead of you. I think they'll be hearing a lot from you. So what happened now with this this side group? I remember we saw it on the news. We reported it. This was a big deal about this August 3rd meeting. Well, it's a huge story and I think it got overlooked just because of the the avalanche of news that's been coming out. But yeah, that was a good summary, Gave.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Basically, Mueller's been looking for every bit of info about this second Trump Tower meeting. He's subpoena bank records in Cyprus based on a bunch of news stories and a source that I talked to who is familiar with, you know, recent testimony to Mueller. It's really been a focus of his. You know, earlier this year, he was looking a lot at Roger Stone and the WikiLeaks connection,
Starting point is 01:01:16 but basically these past few months, this second Trump tower meeting has been a key point for Mueller and his investigation. And as far as my report last night, basically, I've analyzed the ownership of this Israeli private intelligence group, PSY Group. And I've found a ton of connections to Russian business and Russian banks,
Starting point is 01:01:42 specifically state-owned banks, which is, you know, under the control of the Cremlin. Yeah, I think you used to have three big ones in your article. Yeah, there's three big banks, two are owned by the Russian government. One is a smaller private private bank that's owned by an oligarch, so pretty much the same thing as the Russian government. in oligarch, so pretty much the same thing as the Russian government. Right. Yeah, so Mueller's been trying to figure out if this offer of help from XAML and Sci-group was coordinated at all with Russia.
Starting point is 01:02:16 The story that's been out is that it was, the offer of help was on behalf of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Yeah, that's what we had reported. That's kind of what everybody was figuring that this had now cracked open to not just being a Trump Russia probe, but a Trump Russia UAE Saudi Arabia Israeli probe. Yeah, and that's certainly still possible,
Starting point is 01:02:39 but I'm sort of getting the feeling that that is a cover story. There's no, nothing that I've looked through hundreds of documents on Cygroup, their parent company and all these shell companies that they set up. There are zero connections to the Middle East. There's not been one Israeli person involved apart from the company that operates in Tel Aviv. So it's a really interesting structure that they set up and it disguises completely who's actually behind this intelligence group. Yeah, I throw Eric Prince in your fantasy draft.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Oh, okay. So you have Prince Cohen and who was your third? I think I think probably Roger Stone. He's an easy easy pick for that. Yeah, him and his Nixon tattoo. Yeah, that'll do well in prison. We thought about that. Actually, it might be a pretty good deterrent. Yeah, yeah, I don't think, yeah, let's not go there. That's not a mental picture that we want to create, especially in this day and age, but that's really interesting that you say that. And I, and I'm glad somebody agrees with me on the New York field office leaks, and I'm surprised. Well, I'm not surprised that Komi andccabe haven't said anything about it because
Starting point is 01:04:06 it would put a huge black eye on the fb i and that's uh... in his book he talks over and over again about protecting the reservoir of trust that has been built up by all the agents of the past you know so yeah i mean it's it's he was an impossible situation and you know the new york field office is just, you know, it put him in a position where he couldn't win. And, you know, he made the dishes and she had to at that point, but... Yeah, that's true. All right, well, we got your picks.
Starting point is 01:04:39 And... Awesome. We really appreciate you taking the time to let us talk to you about this side group situation. And it's ties to Russia that you found. Congratulations on that scoop. You're going to go far. And please, make yourself available to us when this prints stuff drops, because I would be really
Starting point is 01:04:59 interested in having you on about that. Yeah, definitely. Thank you so much. And thank you for having me on. It was fun. Great. You have a good day, OK? You too. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Bye-bye. Bye. What a cool interview. What a cool kid. 22. Yeah, that's what I'm mind when I saw that. Just graduated. Congratulations, Scott.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And we're going to keep in touch with you because you seem to have, I don't know, a lot of Need upcoming exclusive breaking stories and this one you put out with medium this week that was really really intense And you know an alarm bell went off for me in my head So you know an alarm bell went off in my head after that interview Do you guys remember in the fusion GPS transcripts when Glenn Simpson talked about the notes that Manafort wrote in his phone after the first Trump Tower meeting in June.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Yes. One of the notes was quote, Cyprus as an intern, INTEAR, assuming that means using Cyprus as a fiscal intermediary. Could they have talked about the side group in that first meeting? Because as you heard, Scott Steadman just say that a lot of this Russian money that back to side group came through Cyprus, through Cypriot shell companies. So if that first Trump tower meeting was a bust
Starting point is 01:06:16 and they went in looking for dirt on Hillary and they didn't get it and they talked about adoptions for a minute and then they went fuck this. Why would Manafort have caused a right and note that said we could use Cypress as an intermediary if it's going to be an intermediary? Because that side group meeting at Trump Tower only took place like a month later.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Are they connected? It's a good question. Yeah, I don't quite know. Maybe they brought up the side group in that first meeting. Maybe that was Vessel Nuts guy's other pitch. Not to mention goldstones Fuck goldstone Goldstones follow up email after that
Starting point is 01:06:51 First meeting and then the DNC hack went down and goldstone said Erie considering what we talked about in Trump Tower meaning the first meeting so it wasn't just about adoptions and you know dirt on Hillary that they didn't get. Oh, yeah. So I'm wondering if the side group was in there. Something else went on in that first Trump tower meeting. What's that? Oh, you're saying like, what to do with the side group?
Starting point is 01:07:17 Well, it's got to do with the social media campaign, either through the internet research agency in Russia, and the side group out of Israel funded by Russia backed by UAE and Saudi Arabia or both. Yeah, something went on. Adoption sounded bizarre, but what if that was a better excuse than what actually was going down? Well, they actually, according to somebody who was at the meeting, they said that they tried to save the meeting.
Starting point is 01:07:43 When they couldn't get dirt on Hillary, the Russian guy tried to save the meeting by saying, oh, but we could, you know, if you get rid of the magnet's gait, if you ease sanctions, we can start adoptions and then your Christian white ladies will love that. And manifold and Donald Trump should be like, fuck off. And then maybe they brought up sigh after that. Or before that. Well, yeah. Because I know that Vessel Nutskaya was there with her big binder, the same one that she gave, Rora Bacher, about the Magnets Gact, her campaign against the Magnets Gact. But between that and the breakdown of the fact that they didn't have any dirt on Hillary, was their discussion of social paying for social media campaigns from foreign enemies.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Because just a month later, we now have this, and it's all tied to Russian money, and it did include that whole PowerPoint presentation on how Trump won and how they native paid him $2 million after the Trump won the election. And I could see them being like, all right, we're going to try these ops. We're going to do it out of Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Russia. Russia is going to back the whole thing. We're going to use Cyprus as an intermediary if this go into a mediator to hide where the money is coming from. Oh my goodness. It's going to back the whole thing. We're going to use Cypress as an intermediary if this go intermediary to hide where the money is coming from. Oh my goodness. It's going to go through that slush fund in Cohen's bank account. And then if he wins, we'll pay you. A.G. I think he has nailed the whole thing. I mean, at least one huge chunk of it.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Well, I'll put some beans on it. All right, you guys. Now we are to our Q&A segment, which I love this segment super a lot. So fun. Yeah. All right. So here we and now we are to our Q&A segment, which I love this segment super a lot. So fun. Yeah. All right, so here we go. At Hook Magic, Dustin Jones says, quote, Mueller asked to interview DT months ago, Donald Trump months ago.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Why is he waiting on the subpoena? It seems I'd rather get that ball rolling now. If it's going to end up in the scotus anyway, is he just not ready? What's the hold up, yo? That's what he says. I think it's better for all parties involved if they're actually able to negotiate an interview. I think if it comes down to, yeah, but you're right. Trump is doodling to try to push it closer to the midterm election so that they can black out for them and then come back again later and maybe and touch on it. So it loses steam.
Starting point is 01:09:45 We're all, the polls are showing as we talked about earlier before the show started that the people's faith in the Mueller investigation is don't dwindling. I think it's fatigue. Yeah. And I think the Trump knows longer you push it on. The more people will get sick of it. That's right. So why is Mueller waiting?
Starting point is 01:10:00 I honestly, the only thing I can think of is that it's more expeditious for all parties if he can actually get the interview. I still think that if he doesn't, he'll subpoena him. I don't think that the DOG IG report is going to save Trump from a subpoena, but I do know that I know this Mueller will not issue a subpoena unless it's going to hold up in court. Yeah, he's a man of the law. That's why he's waiting. He's patient because the law requires you to be. Well, not only that, but if he does have to issue a subpoena, it could drag it out even further. Oh, and he's probably thinking about that.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Yeah. He wouldn't want that. Yeah. At JC Duelos 1, wants to know if we think Trump will actually end up in prison, we get this question a lot. I think yes, but maybe not until after he's out. You said Trump? Trump.
Starting point is 01:10:41 I have a theory that he won't. Yeah? I think he'll flee. I think he'll flee. I don't think Trump will spend his last 10 years in a prison in America when he's so rich when he could flee to Russia I think Russia would take him in yeah, that's true. He's an old as fuck. I don't know I think Putin would be like fuck off hopefully. Yeah, I'll do that whole thing that he's he when he dangled the Trump towers in front of him And like or when they tried to get page You know they they string them along and then when they get what they need, they say fuck you. Well fuck yourself.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Yeah, I don't think Putin will give Trump a silent. Yeah, I didn't Putin take Snowden in. Yeah, but that was. Only to make America mad and I think he would take Trump in just to make his mad. That's because when you release our, you know, sources and methods, it destroys the integrity of our justice system, which he's for. Exactly. So Trump fleeing, even though Putin isn't care about Trump He cares about hurting hurting hurting America, and I think even after Trump's gone
Starting point is 01:11:31 He doesn't want this blue wave now. Here's another thing that you have to consider to Trump his whole 100% the reason that he's alive is to have cameras on him and fame Do you think you would really go into hiding? Yeah, or would he rather be a famous in jail figure for the rest of his life. A reality show, Trump and prison would keep him in a meeting. He would make money on that. Totally. He'd use kids. And I'd watch it every day of my life.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Not yeah. I pride what it be torn. Ashley Judd, Arington says, quote, do you think we will make it to November or will we slide into full blown authority terrorism before then? Oh god. To that, I say. Yeah, just hang in there man. It's probably not going to be one more day, but I don't think it would be a full blown fascism as long as the blue wave is true. Well, that's what she asked it That's what she's asking is we make it full blown fast
Starting point is 01:12:29 I think we'll make it yeah, I don't think it's you. We're gonna make it after all. Yeah I think we'll make it It's scary though. Yeah, and there's a lot of fatigue and it's good. It gets old. I get it But we we have to keep it's work to run a Democracy totally more authoritarian and honestly, I feel like a dictatorship. I feel like Trump wouldn't be able to put in the work. Well, I think it's easier to slide into authoritarianism than it is to maintain a democracy.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Yeah, like sliding in your DMs, it's just like, so tempting, you're weird. Sorry. Yeah, there's like this cycle of governments that I learned about when I studied political theory that Aristotle basically says that all societies circle through and authoritarianism is always one that we inevitably kind of land on. It's inertia.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Oh man, I hate that. The pendulum swinging kind of. That's what happens when you're lazy, when you're a lazy electorate. Oh and we are. We're the lazy. And on an educated electorate, we're sliding to a authoritarianism. I say, all a garkey to totally. Yeah. It'd be cool if we could have like an actual aristocracy with a garkey to totally. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:25 It'd be cool if we could have like an actual aristocracy with a competent leader, but yeah, but a balance. Can we force him to be king? Can we just like make him? No, that's not against this. Okay. That's the way. That'd be nice.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Well, I had said, we were talking about, you know, how Trump wants to be president for life. I'm like, no, we need a muller for life. We need an all the time office, a special counsel continually and always investigating our politicians. And someone was like, well, that's against the Fourth Amendment. I'm like, no, if you want to run this country and you want to be in charge of stuff, you do not get that right.
Starting point is 01:13:56 You are subject to constant criminal and investigative scrutiny all the time. Totally. And I want that tattoo muller for life. I've got to be the number four Totally. And I want that tattoo, Mueller for life. Gotta be the number four though, and now why? F, yeah. And like in Old English across your back. Definitely, yeah. I love it.
Starting point is 01:14:12 I love it. And I want like, Roar Bacher getting investigated constantly too. People like him. I think he is being investigated right now. There's actually a couple of sources inside that I can't mention that are saying Nunez, Roar Bacher.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Those guys are actually under criminal investigation right now. Good. Yeah, so we also speaking of your thug life tattoo. I want a bullishy road tattoo. Yeah. I want like the headphones, you know that little headphone icon with maybe an MSW in the middle. I like that. Or something with the lady, I don't know if I may. I'm gonna get if I may. Because that's more Nancy Drew about that.
Starting point is 01:14:48 You're gonna get the Nancy Drew, yeah, and the MSW right next to it like on my inner wrist. I've decided like as soon as I can. Yeah, and you're gonna do the headphones. So we'll have different MSW tattoos. But if you're an artist, you want to throw out a tattoo design. Although I really love the squid holding the black, black birds matter. Oh yeah. The squid pro crow.row. The squid pro-crow. Yeah. He was pretty cute. Um, I don't know, just doesn't feel epic,
Starting point is 01:15:10 but it's amazing. Yeah, let us know what you guys think. I'm open to anything, but so far the spyglass Nancy Drew thing has me. Yeah? Yeah, totally. Something. Spyglass, headphones, microphones.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Yeah, yeah. Squids. Squids, pearls. Yeah, all in there. Squids, crows, headphones, microphones, yeah, yeah, squids, squids, all in there. Squids, crows, beans, whatever. Put them in the middle of a little malgum. All are weird inside jokes. Totally. Crotch act.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Conjecture, but I'm right, yeah. All right, Carly on Twitter, at only words to play with, at ONLYWRDS2 S two number two play W says quote hypothetically Trump could pardon Manafort but not Cohen because Cohen is being prosecuted in New York state right no Cohen is being prosecuted in it by the US Attorney's Office that is a federal case so that is not a state crime it could be part of the bill but as I said before I don't think he's gonna pardon him if Trump pardons anybody
Starting point is 01:16:05 First of all, you have to wait until the jury is impandled and if you don't you're in trouble That things can happen, but you can't you no longer are protected by the fifth amendment and you have to accept guilt for all your crimes If you accept a pardon. Yeah, so it could backfire on him that in Trump's just a dick man He expects loyalty from everybody and shows none Yeah, and I don't think that he would I think he would F. Cohen in the a With a D totally. Yeah, yeah tiny D, but a D no no Vaseline is people wouldn't get that if I said no fee We may have talked about this already But if you pardon someone and then get indicted and charged what happens with the people that you can pardon somebody pre
Starting point is 01:16:44 You can only pardon somebody after they've been, and I think convicted. No pre-party? Well, sorry, that's what I mean. Like let's say Trump pardons people and then Trump gets indicted. What happens to the people he pardoned? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:55 We'll have to think about it. Any but lawyers let us know at Mollershi Road. And actually, I think Ford pardon Nixon. Oh, but I have. Of all future crimes, right? I wanna say you're right. I heard that before And it was like full and full-faced pardon of Nixon and everything he's done I think it's everything you've done wrong up to that point. Yeah, yeah, totally you can't pardon people for future shit Got it. I'm not sure lawyers help us out Becky Butler at Becky with the hair
Starting point is 01:17:22 It's a Becky. underscore the hair. Wanted to know if Giuliani's comment on Partens was in reference to Manafort's jailing obstruction. Yes, I think it was. I think it was when Manafort ended up in jail. I think that's the timing suggests that he was dangling. Dangling a pardon for Manafort. Totally.
Starting point is 01:17:41 And maybe you know anybody else, hey, hey, Cohen probably. Just anyone that needs it, yeah, totally totally Hachita 214 at Hachita We she goes by Hach on Twitter. She says do we think Trump is gonna pardon everyone? You know what I don't know what he's gonna do and it'll be interesting to see what happens Yeah, if he needs to I don't think he's above it I think he'll part and put in if he gets him out of going to jail somehow. Yeah, but his legal counsel is so dumb. He won't even listen to him.
Starting point is 01:18:09 That I don't think he'll do it properly, and it'll turn around a bit of an ass. Oh, yeah, I definitely won't do it properly, but he'll do it. Yeah, I don't think he'd pardon everyone. Really? You don't think he'd pardon any of the Russians? Because what if I mean that?
Starting point is 01:18:21 No, that would be political suicide. His only adipation, I don't think he can pardon Manafort. But pardoning the Russians isn't going to keep him out of jail. Oh, okay. Because the Russians aren't coming to court to testify about it. Got it. So pardoning, but pardoning, but like for example, pardoning Manafort on these last two charges with Kalimnik, he would have to pardon Kalimnik as well.
Starting point is 01:18:38 And that would be politically very bad for him. I would like to think. Seriously. I mean, he's pardoning a Russian spy. Yeah. Would be bad for him, but his base, I don Seriously. He's partying a Russian spy. Would be bad for him, but his base, I don't know. Like he said, he could shoot something at the end. Yeah, my biggest fear is all of these talks, you know, of what is considered to be political suicide is sort of
Starting point is 01:18:54 based on an electorate that's going to hold them accountable and push their representate into the system. Which don't exist now. When it comes to this topic, I always fear the thought of a civil war because I know it sounds like when you say things like that or Marshall plan it's like oh scary why would you say that but it's only because everything's pointing to if Trump flees or if he goes to jail and his Base gets upset or we get upset if he gets away like someone's gonna be mad someone's gonna be really mad Yeah, it's true
Starting point is 01:19:20 All right, let's see Meredith McLaren asked on Twitter. I don't think she was talking to us, but I saw her question in the morning. Concerning Manafort's $10 million bail, he used not only his property, but property his children were meant to inherit to post his bail. Since the bail was revoked, what happens to all that property? I think Forfeiture is a separate hearing, but that property isn't worth shit. And that's why there was an earlier hearing. That's why he ended up with two ankle bracelets. Was because they found out that he violated the terms of his bail by saying I got $10 million in property when it was only worth a lot less than that. So His kids would just be inheriting a bunch of debt
Starting point is 01:19:58 Honestly, but if the government sees is it win? Yeah Dennis Careathers Burbank asked if Manafort is locked up on federal or state charges. Good question, as we said before, Manafort is not locked up on any charges right now. He is locked up because he violated his bail. He's been remanded. He is a threat to justice. Mm-hmm. I was going to say a threat to the community, but he's a threat to justice. And that is why the judge, Amy, Ms. Jackson, here for Nasty, says, you, that's her name from now on. I love it.
Starting point is 01:20:28 That's why he's not allowed to roam free. Because we can't monitor him. We would have to rely on witnesses to tell the FBI that he was trying to contact them in subordinment purgeery. So he's in jail for that. He's not been convicted of anything yet. His trial doesn't start until July 25th in Eastern District
Starting point is 01:20:46 and in September, I think, in DC. So until the end, gel until then, at least. Yeah, maybe forever. Yeah, and if those trials keep getting pushed back. Mm-hmm. Is he asking if this charges bring brought by a federal prosecutor or a state prosecutor? All of his charges so far.
Starting point is 01:21:01 All of his charges so far. Okay, okay. I just thought he asked if he was locked up on federal charges. far are federal. Okay, okay. I just thought he asked if he was locked up on federal charges. Right. No. But like I said, he locked up because he violated his bail. Every single charge against him right now is federal.
Starting point is 01:21:14 He has no state charges. Got it. And Mueller seems the prosecutor. Yes, it's all Mueller. Chris Bliss wants to know if it's possible, Cohen and Manafort don't have evidence to trade. Like why would you even make a deal? Yeah. I think I brought this up earlier too, very good question. I asked Edmund about this and he feels and I tend to agree that the cooperation is excruciatingly
Starting point is 01:21:33 valuable because we would get their testimony. And while documentary evidence is great, it is, I don't, I don't, not the only factor in play when the whole, well, no. If you have documentary evidence, that's, that's fantastic. But if you can bring testimony along with it to back up that documentary, you are, it's more the, the, the sum is greater than, the whole is greater than some of its parts. There you go. Yeah, yeah. It's, what is it?
Starting point is 01:22:01 It's a synergistic, I guess, is, is the way to say. And, and that, is the way to say and and that Testimony is gold and if you can get the testimony from Cohen to back up all the documents We have on Cohen if you get the testimony from Manifort to back up all the ship. We have on the fort Yeah, it increases your chances of conviction. It's like going from 95% conviction chances to like 100% I don't I think it's even more than that 110% conviction 187% which is not possible Chris Kroninger says can you explain who the Russian and died it with Manafort is and how they're connected? Yeah, Chris Kalimnik or excuse me Constantine
Starting point is 01:22:38 Kalimnik he Started work with Manafort way back in the Ukraine days when Manafort was hired by Yanukovych this We started working with Manafort way back in the Ukraine days when Manafort was hired by Yanukovych, this frumpy asshole, to try to help his image around the world because he wanted to be basically installed as the leader of Ukraine by Putin. And so he was working for Yanukovych, got him dressed up in some nice suits, took him around the world, lobbied for him in Europe, in the Habsburg group, lobbied forum in the United States through Roarbacher and Congress, lobbied Congress, although he's trying to tell everyone that he didn't because he'd never registered as a foreign agent.
Starting point is 01:23:17 So, Kalimnik is also the guy who, when Oleg Darapaska was working with Manafort back in the day and they went in half these on a cable company or something and Oleg Darapaska, who's a Russian Oleg arc, gave Gates and Manafort like $19 million and then they disappeared and then he went after him for it. He sued him in, I think Georgia and then he sued him in Atlanta or I don't know, some guys. He just kept chasing him, it. He sued him in, I think Georgia, and then he sued him in Atlanta or I don't know, some great. He just kept chasing him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:47 In a couple of places. I heard British Virgin Islands. I can't remember where he sued him twice. And then Manafort became the campaign manager. And Manafort talked to Kalimnik and said, hey, I'm the campaign manager now. What can we do to quote, make whole? Hmm. Basically not like a WHOLE.
Starting point is 01:24:02 Right, right. I mean, how can I, can I use my position as the campaign manager of an American president to pay you back? Presidential candidate to pay you back your $19 million. And as they said, yes, they said that we can do private briefings. And so that's when he met with Kalimnik at 6666 Fifth Avenue, which is the same the night before that second Trump tower meeting took place. So when Dura Pask flew in, was he also not just talking to Kalimnik and getting Manaforts download, was he also getting the information from the side group meeting at Trump Tower?
Starting point is 01:24:34 Wow. Then he flew, we tracked his plane flying back to Moscow to pick up the Prime Minister and then they went to Norway and they went on a yacht and that's where Nastya Rybka recorded them. Oh my goodness. And Navalny released the tape and now they're both in prison. It all comes together. There could be like a little timeline of events with the boat and like everything.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Yeah, so yeah. And Kalumnik is a former, he was Russian military intelligence guy, FSB, former KGB. Okay, okay. FSB used to be the KGB. He was FSB. Yeah, just like Putin. And yeah, well Putin was actually a KGB. Oh, okay. This guy was FSB, which used to be the KGB. He was FSB. Yeah, just like Putin. And yeah, well, Putin was actual KGB. Oh, okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:25:07 This guy was FSB, which used to be the KGB. Sorry. Same ZZ. And then he is still has ties to Russian intelligence, military intelligence, and the GRU and stuff like that, and FSB. Yeah. And that's how we learn English and all this other stuff.
Starting point is 01:25:20 So he's, he's a Russian spy. Yeah. And he is the go between, between Manaifort and anybody, Russia, or Ukrainian that's a separatist. Yeah. I mean, anyone that thinks that they're not Russian spies working for the White House at this point, it's like, come on. And when I say separatist, I mean, people who want to separate Crimea from God and make it part of Russia.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Okay, okay, I see. Pro-Putin Russian separatist, is a bad guy. I love it. Yeah make it part of Russia. Pro Putin Russian separatist is a bad guy. I love it. Yeah, it makes sense now. But then Yanukovych lost and he fled to Moscow and then the whole thing went down and they found out about it. Manafort had to quit. Trump went on TV and said Manafort only worked for me for 49 days and that was a lie worked
Starting point is 01:26:03 from 144 days or it's 49 144 reverse that something it was three times longer. Exactly. Yeah, he's just full of shit. It's crazy. So that's Kalimnik. John Patrick K says, quote, sharp witty and in-depth coverage of one of the biggest investigation in crises in American history all by women.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Did I mention it's just plain addictive and fun? Please listen to five stars. Yay. Thank you! Thank you! All right you guys thank you again so much for listening you were the best fans in the wide universe and this podcast would not be possible without you. We will see you next week. I've been A.G. I've been Julie Sedgiansen. I've been Jordan Coburn and this is Mullershi Road. Music Molar She wrote is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo design by Jolissa Johnson. Mark K. Consulting by Amanda Rita at Unicorn Creative.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Our digital media director and subscriber managers are Jordan Coburn and Sarah Hirschberger Valencia. Our partners are fastgrass.org and joistyspoon.com. Fact checking and research by AG with support from Jelisa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Muller She Wrote Staff includes AG, Jelisa Johnson, Jordan Coburn, Sarah Hershberger Valencia, Jesse Egan, and Sarah Leastiner. Our web design and branding are by Joel Reader with Moxie Design Studios, and our website is MullerShewrote.com. Hi, I'm Dan Dunn, host of What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn, the most wildly entertaining
Starting point is 01:27:45 adult beverage-themed podcast in the history of the medium. That's right, the boozy best of the best, baby! And we have the cool celebrity promos to prove it. Check this out! Hi, I'm Allison Janney, and you're here with me on What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn. And that's my sexy voice. Boom. Boom. Boom is right Academy Award winner, Allison Janney.
Starting point is 01:28:08 As you can see, celebrities just love this show. How cool is that? Hey, this is Scottie Pippen, and you're listening to the Dan Dunn Show, and wait, hold on. The name of the show is what? All right, sure. Scottie Pippen momentarily forgot the show's name,
Starting point is 01:28:23 but there's a first time for everything. Hey everyone, this is Scoot McNary. I'm here with Dan Dunn on What Are You Drinking? What are you calling it? Fine, twice. But famous people really do love this show. Hi, this is Will Forte and you're, for some reason, listening to What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Now what do you mean for some reason, Will Forte? What's going on? Hi, this is Kurt Russell. Listen, I escaped from New York, but I couldn't get the hell out of Dan Dunn's happy hour. Please send help. Send help. Oh, come on Kurt Russell. Can somebody out there please help me? I'm Deed of Ante's and you're listening to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Let me try one more time. Come on. Is it right? What we're drinking? It's amazing, isn't it? Is it right? Ah, that's better. So be like Dita Von Tees, friends,
Starting point is 01:29:12 and listen to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn, available wherever you get your podcasts. M-S-O-W-Media. M-S-O-W-Media.

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