Jack - Michael Cohen, Broidy, and the NRA (feat Scott Dworkin)

Episode Date: July 9, 2018

MAIN - This week, Jaleesa gives an update on Broidy, Jordan gives an update on the NRA, and AG breaks down the latest on Cohen. We also have a special interview with Scott Dworkin (The Dworkin Report).... Enjoy!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Greg Oliar. Four years ago, I stopped writing novels to report on the crimes of Donald Trump and his associates. In 2018, I wrote a best-selling book about it, Dirty Rubels. In 2019, I launched Proveil, a bi-weekly column about Trump and Putin, spies and mobsters, and so many traders! Trump may be gone, but the damage he wrought will take years to fully understand. Join me and a revolving crew of contributors and guests as we try to make sense of it all. This is Preveil. Thanks for listening to Muller She Wrote. The She in Muller She Wrote is no accident. Did you know we are 100% women owned and operated?
Starting point is 00:00:38 Every single person that helps make this podcast possible identifies as a woman. Our creative and web design, our engineer and producers, our editors and digital media manager, our agent, our ad execs, our merchandising manager, and even the Postal Service Clerk that helps me with shipping in our PO box, all women and all LGBTQ plus allies.
Starting point is 00:00:59 We will continue to employ and partner with women as our podcast grows. But we could use your help. Please support women in podcasting by visiting mullershearote.com and become a patron today. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said.
Starting point is 00:01:24 That's what I said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time, a true, in that campaign. And I didn't have, not have, communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with food
Starting point is 00:01:41 and for having nothing to do with food? And I've never spoken to them. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So, it is political. You're a communist! No, Mr. Green.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession, I'm a capitalist. Applause Hello and welcome to Muller She Road. I'm your anonymous host, A.G. With me, as always, is Julie Sir Johnson. Hello. And Jordan Coburn.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Hello. What a crazy week. Yes. First, thank you to everyone who came out to the live show. We had such an amazing time. Our next public appearance will be next week when we'll be walking around Comic Con here in San Diego and then in October at Politicon. So many cons. So little time.
Starting point is 00:02:31 So many pros. So that's going to be an LA on October 20th and 21st I believe. So we hope to see some friendly faces. How are you guys? I'm great. I'm feeling real energized for our live show. It was so fun. It was amazing. So fun. fun. Yeah, our fans are the best fans ever. Yeah, sorry, everyone else. It was amazing meeting them. Favorite part by far. Yeah, that meeting great afterwards was pretty great. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Just to see, like, just to put faces and people with, like, the people we see online all the time. Mm-hmm. Yeah. We have a great show lined up. Jelisa is gonna give us an update on Brody, her boyfriend, and Jordan is going to bring us up to speed on the NRA and their role in the Russia probe. I'm going to be talking about Michael Cohen, but before we dive into the news, I have a correction from last week. I meant to say Murkowski, not McCaskill.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I had just gotten off a 17 hour travel day of an 80 hour work week and I was delusional and I apologize I know it's not McCaskel. Sorry McCaskel if you got a bunch of calls I'm glad you I'm glad you got to talk to some of your constituents I'm sorry if they were unusually angry with you since you're a Democrat and would not have voted for Trump's scotus pick anyway But you know just in case just you know showing up the support there Yeah, that was my call to action to get them to block the scotus pick because it makes no sense that he can pick a judge that will likely be deciding whether or not he has to honor
Starting point is 00:03:53 a Mueller subpoena. Anyway, sorry if you got those calls. I also wanted to give a shout out to Bust Magazine for doing a write-up on us. Truly incredible women over there. We appreciate the support. So check out Bust Magazine at Bust.com. They're doing wonderful things for women in media. Yeah, that was an awesome article. It was. It was super, super nice of them to do that for us and we really appreciate it. All right, you guys. We had some wins this week in the news. So let's get into it with just the facts. Okay, so there was a ton of news last week, and it started over the weekend, which is rude. It's supposed to wait until Monday, so I can have some rest. But last Saturday, a federal judge barred evidence sharing with Putin's chef in the Mueller probe, saying
Starting point is 00:04:38 there is, quote, ample cause that identifying sources in the probe could tip off Russian intelligence and other foreign services to ongoing investigations, and it could help Russian their future efforts to interfere in our elections. Muller filed a motion after Concord Management, that's the Russian entity, requested pretty much every single counterintelligence operation documentation from the United States going back to 1945 in like 51 different categories. And one of the indicted Russians is Progoshin, and that's Putin's chef, right?
Starting point is 00:05:07 He's also a sanctioned Russian oligarch, so. That's good news. He's the emerald legacy of Russia. He's done the food. That's so much sense. How do you say bam in Russian? Oh, that's how you poison everyone. Yeah, exactly the shaman.
Starting point is 00:05:20 The shaman. Yeah. We also learned over the weekend that Mueller is looking into pro-Brexit-rich guys and their contacts with Trump campaign operatives and the Washington Post named Aaron Banks specifically, who met with the Russian ambassador at Russian ambassador. The Russia probe. He met with the Russian ambassador to London in August of 2016. A lot of shit went down in August of 2016. And a week later he traveled to Mississippi to a tent of fundraiser that Steve
Starting point is 00:05:47 Bannon invited him to. This is the Aaron Banks guy. It's also reported that along with Aaron Banks, Mueller is looking into Nigel Farage. He's the leader of UKIP, which is the UK Independence Party. There are prominent figure in the Brexit campaign. And two witnesses have said they were asked about Farage's relationship to Trump associates when they were interviewed by the Mueller probe. So Aaron banks sound like someone that would be broke. Aaron banks sounds like someone who would be broke. Tyra banks his rich. Aaron banks. Oh get it. Oh word for you. Oh I'm sorry. Oh no I'm sorry. It's a little early for puns. In short, oh man. Air in banks, I get it.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I see, we're going, sorry. I'll wait till we're deeper into the episode. Let's just have a coffee break. And then we'll discuss puns. All right, so also Michael Flynn, remember that guy? Oh yeah. Yeah, he's got a hearing set for July 10th. After Mueller asked for another 60 day extension on his sentencing.
Starting point is 00:06:47 The judge said Flynn needed to be there for it. So we'll see how that hearing goes. My guess is it will be the prosecution explaining that they still need Flynn and they still want to be able to dangle that sentencing over him to solicit his continued cooperation. And I think the judge will probably agree. But she did call, I think it's yeah, for in a minute order that there was going to be a hearing on the 10th and that Flynn needed to be present. So, hmm, we'll see what happens. Do you know what happens if they go there and then they decide to not grant that extension? Then they wouldn't just carry on with the sentencing right then, right?
Starting point is 00:07:20 They'd reconveered maybe. Well, I think the sentencing is scheduled for, I'd have to look it up. I don't know, you know what, honestly, I don't know. Yeah, I wonder. I don't know what happens. I doubt they would say, because this is just a hearing, it's not a sentencing hearing,
Starting point is 00:07:36 but they would probably say you have to start preparing pre-sentencing now. Got it, yeah, that means. And then there's probably a bunch of shit you have to go through to do the sentencing anyway. So I'm sure that Muller could legally buy more time somehow by filing other motions in the pre-sentencing, you know, appeal or situation or whatever. I'm not a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:07:55 People think I'm a lawyer, I'm sorry. Because of A.G. You turn in general. I know people think I'm A.G. No. No. I can't tell you what it stands for, but it's not A.G. I know people think I'm the AG. No, no. I can't tell you what it stands for, but it's not AG. We also learned that Broidy stopped making payments to Shira.
Starting point is 00:08:12 So she's the playboy playmate that Cohen negotiated a $1.6 million pay-off with for an abortion and a cover-up, hush money. I think he stopped, I think he stopped paying for her because he didn't do it. And Trump was supposed to be given Broidy the money to pay her off and just hasn't given it to him yet. That sounds like something Trump would do. Oh totally. And I didn't read this anywhere. This is just what I think.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I think Trump was like, dude, take the fall for me, take the fall and he's like, okay man, but you gotta give me the money. And he's like, I will, don't worry. I'm the man in my word. And then he just never gave him the money. So I think, I think Broady stopped paying. Put some beans on that if you want. That's just conjecture. I wonder if they thought they could just solely fade into the background if they stopped paying,
Starting point is 00:08:51 like Homer and the shrubs. As we never, but this was never a thing. Yeah, but at the end of the week, she ended up suing Brody and Jelisa's going to go over that for us in detail later in the show. Oh, yeah. The Senate Intel Committee released some preliminary findings and determined in a nice, nice bipartisan decision that the intelligence community's report about Russian interference was correct.
Starting point is 00:09:16 They basically broke it down piece by piece and said, yep, we agree. And then here's the next part. Yep, we agree. So they determined that Russia did interfere in our elections. They determined that they did so on behalf of Donald Trump and they determined that they did so to hurt and just franchise the Hillary campaign. They also confirmed the findings that the I.C. report did not say the Russians had no effect on the outcome of the election as Trump claims. Remember when that report came out and he was like, oh, look, Russian interference didn't have any effect on the election, I'm totally validated.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah, they're like, no, we never said that and they're saying it again, no, they never said that. Yeah, he'd be the worst person or I'd spark in its books. Oh my goodness. It'd just be so wrong. So basically. Did you hear that part of his speech?
Starting point is 00:10:07 this week When he when he had his rally. Uh-huh. He said He was the best thing. He said I have broken more Elton John records He seems to have a lot of records and I by the way. I don't have a musical instrument I don't have a guitar or an organ no organ Elton has an organ and lots of other people helping No, we've broken a lot of records. We've broken virtually every record because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room for basketball, for hockey,
Starting point is 00:10:35 and all of the sports. They need a lot of room. We don't need it. We have people in that space. So we break all these records. Really, we do it without like the musical instruments. This is the only musical, the mouth, and hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important. Oh my god. That's our president of the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I wish we had that at the live show for the game of you know, did is this an actual trunk quote or not because yeah Well next round next time exact did a good job though reading reading that real Trump nobody got it right I know yeah the predictive text yeah, we should get together and do something for the law That's a thing yeah, you should do a thing for the law He just chooses to emphasize the weirdest things like he had an organ in organ. Yeah. Yeah. Why why that the mouth the mouth attached to the brain? It's very important brain. It's attached to the brain. I Mean, I don't even know where to begin with that anatomy like I'm just gonna Technically the mouth is attached to the brain.
Starting point is 00:11:45 True. Yeah, he did get that right. Yeah, so there is that. I mean, there's no mouth nerve, like an optic nerve right there. Right, it's there. I'm sure it's somehow attached. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Because when I, you know, when my brain thinks words that come out of my mouth, so they must be attached somehow. Fun fact, that's the called the Warnakies area. Oh, it is. Yeah. I knew that and forgot. Yeah, good job.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Thank you, man. Warnakie. Those back before I smoked pot when I learned that fact. Yeah, but you retained it. So good job. Nice. Left a tweet, Trump. Hey, that mouth, brain connection.
Starting point is 00:12:19 It's Warnakies area. You're welcome. Is this what our reviewer on iTunes meant about us being toddlers? Yeah. Okay. Maybe. They must. Oh well. Yeah, we got a reviewer that said that we're toddlers. And his name is Kevin loves your anus. Yeah. The glass house buddy. I'm betting he's a troll. He's got to be right. That's pot and the fucking anus dude. Pot, call the anus black right there. Don't even go there. That's a great anus.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Alright, so I like a good Uranus pun as much as the next person, but then don't call me a toddler. Anyway. So remember last week, you guys remember last week when we reported that journalists were stalking out, like staking out Mueller's's office and they saw Rosenstein go in with another DOJ official and then when they asked him after they came out they said oh we come here every other week and we've been doing it for a while Even though no one had ever seen them go in there on a regular basis. Well that other DOJ official that was with Rosenstein was the A-Dag the associate deputy attorney general schools and
Starting point is 00:13:23 He resigned this week and nobody knows why. Right. And he's the guy who went into the office with Rosenstein in the Mueller's office. Related to his resignation perhaps? I don't know. But I think it has something to do with the New York field office leak investigation. Um, but hopefully we'll find out. Um, but he left. I know struck was removed from the FBI building. I'm going to talk about struck a little bit later because he's going to be testifying
Starting point is 00:13:46 in an open hearing this week that he testified behind closed doors for 11 hours last week and the Republicans are refusing to release that transcript. Amazing. Yeah, I know. I like it's so reasonable. We can't let people read this. Like, that's really weird that you hate him and you want to show everybody what a biased son of a bitch he is, but you won't release the transcripts of his
Starting point is 00:14:07 interview I was kind of hoping that there was somebody in the judiciary maybe swallwell or something that would just release them You know, laterally the way finds Dinda. Oh my gosh. Yeah, that'd be great. Yeah, come on swalls Um, also this week another win for us Jim Jordan is fucked Also, this week another win for us, Jim Jordan is fucked. This week five people, and now I think there's a sixth, have come forward and said that Jim Jordan knew about sexual abuse allegations on his watch as an assistant coach at Ohio State University for the wrestling department, and he failed to report it.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Interestingly, I got to have a conversation with Atfunder this week that Scott Dworkin. Here is an excerpt of that conversation. Hello, today we're joined by the co-founder of the DEM Coalition and a contributor to MSNBC that helped uncover the Trump Russia scandal. Please welcome the host of the Dworkin Report podcast, Scott Dworkin. How are you today, Scott? You're doing great. How about yourself? I'm doing really well. Thank you very much for asking. I had a great holiday week yeah it's uh... it was really nice that the proof resigned especially yeah that was a very nice bonus we had a couple of wins this week
Starting point is 00:15:11 uh... i wanted to ask you today about what is going on with uh... rep jim jordan we know that uh... we were here at least on this podcast we played some of the clips from uh... the public interview with the house judiciary committee where jim jordan pretty much got his ass handed to him by uh... the clips from the public interview with the House Judiciary Committee where Jim Jordan pretty much got his ass handed to him by Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, which was fun to watch. But apparently he's in a little bit of hot water.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I was hoping you could tell us about that. Yeah, so I can tell you first, we did announce it already, but we moved the date of it. Just as an FYI, we're filing an ethics complaint, we can file ethics complaints on things that members of Congress did before they were in Congress that were on ethical. So we are going to highlight that in a legal filing on Monday. But what happened was is allegedly right now there's five credible people who were sexually abused at Ohio State while Representative Jim Jordan was a coach there and all of them say you know he knew about it and did nothing. It looks like there's gonna be another
Starting point is 00:16:18 10 to 15 guys that come forward and say the same thing. So I don't see how he survives this. Now what's even crazier is he spent the time now he started to change his story. He said that, oh well that was talking a locker room. There were no people who really came up with me. So he started to break from that. He even last night said that, you know, he tried to link it to the dossier and it just was, you it's like all the same law firm that represents some of these people it's one of the bigger law firms in the world uh... you know it's is attacking me and they were involved with the dossier
Starting point is 00:16:55 and i saw that that was the fox news report we was talking about perkins kooie right right it's just like okay well that's that's not gonna hold any water but they're they're trying their best to do everything they can you know and then they have a bunch of trouble cronies trying to defend him but the bottom line here is uh... it there does seem to be good cause for him to no longer be in congress besides everything else he's he's done you know it is lifetime
Starting point is 00:17:21 uh... but he it really is i think that he i think that you is, I think that he knew, and I think that he's caught, and I think that he's going to have to resign within the next week. Okay, oh, next, you're predicting within a week? I would say that based on, I mean, we have a big campaign for the Supreme Court coming up, but we are going to have a very focused campaign
Starting point is 00:17:42 in the next 48 hours on his resignation, and bringing that to light, and making sure that Speaker Ryan we are going to have a very focused campaign in the next 48 hours on his resignation and bringing that to light and making sure that speaker Ryan either calls for it or on top of an ethics investigation and I really don't think that they're going to want him to keep stay around longer. Yeah, I can't imagine it would be good for their chances in November, not that really anything they do is but uh... i think they're probably want to
Starting point is 00:18:08 you know can this before it gets too close to the election right right and i think they i think they will i think they will i think what this is one of the worst uh... you know sexually sexual abuse related cases that we've seen a member of congress in broldon before yet and specifically because he's i believe as an assistant coach there i'm mandated reporter um... so regardless if it's quote-unquote locker room talk
Starting point is 00:18:34 uh... he was required by law i'm pretty sure to report that yes that's correct yes and he uh... he did not and he you know basically acknowledge that by saying, locker room talk, he's acknowledging the fact that he knew. And that's enough for me. I mean, again, this is not... There's a lot of guys that... And I've spoken to some off the record, but there's a lot of guys that were wrestlers that their lives were ruined from that instance.
Starting point is 00:19:05 And they begged for help. It was not as simple as somebody just coming up to them. But we're talking about groups of young men coming up to Jordan and asking him to help them. And he just refused. He was more along the lines of like, well, let's see how we can fix this internally and that sort of stuff stuff so the same old jargon that we hear from other universities sort of like paterno and others and you know he should serve the same faith.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Yeah they do that in the military too which is something I personally experienced they just like to kind of brush it under the rug so they don't get a black eye on the organization. Right right exactly and I know, I think that this links back to one bigger picture is that the people that, you know, all the people that are accusing Boller, you know, of things, the patriot, turn out to be these criminals and no one should be surprised, you know, I mean, that's who they are. Yeah, no, I don't think it's a surprise for anyone uh... it shouldn't be a surprise for anyone when someone who's accused of something or someone who's trying to cover something up
Starting point is 00:20:12 goes after the prosecution i mean that's pretty typical right right now it's just it's just an unfortunate incident i really hope that uh... you know he comes to a sense and realizes that it makes Congress look bad entirely, even if he's innocent of everything. It's too much of a distraction for him to be in Congress
Starting point is 00:20:35 under this kind of probe, and it really is a liability on everybody in Congress and the United States of America makes America look bad as well. And it's not just, if it were a simple, even if it were just one, that's enough. You know what I mean? And these are credible witnesses for them with their names attached to it. You know what I mean? And so it's not as simple as like, oh, one guy made this claim.
Starting point is 00:21:03 It's five guys in counting and it's just going to expand from there it's just going to get worse so they can stick it out but we're just going to get louder about you know calling for his resignation. Yeah it is definitely not a workable or tenable situation for him you're right even if he is 100% and it's that which it doesn't seem so at this time but of course I'll give him his day in court but uh... the democrats learned that with the al franken situation so you know we
Starting point is 00:21:31 that's the correct and proper way to go about uh... these kind of things when they when they pop up right and you know if there's a defense and it's very clear at the beginning and it needs to be played out that's one thing but if there's you know witness after witness that starts the slow drip of uh... you know basically linking someone to the section abuse scandal you know they should focus on that and only that and focus on the defense and they should not be representing the united states of america at that point yeah unfortunately this administration seems to be very sympathetic to abusers, misogynists, sexual assaulters, and rapists, as shown time and time again with the staff that they surround
Starting point is 00:22:14 themselves with and hire and protect. Right. No, and they had that one guy, I can came remember his name now uh... but it's portard rob portard uh... you know he beat both of his x-wifes uh... was dating hope it's at the at the time and they actually covered that up and hit that and refused to not hire him because of that yet now we've got now we've got well that we have really more and now we've got this guy shine who they're bringing on he and he was uh... drummed out of fox for his sexual abuse allegations right and then okle home uh... their their chair there got uh... arrested and
Starting point is 00:22:53 convicted of uh... pedophilia that's right and the head of the republican party in okle home alright that's correct and there's another guy that just resigned a state rep in Ohio I believe but a senior guy in the Republican party there that also resigned to a mid-sexual abuse allegations as well.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Yeah, it's kind of tough to parade around as the party of morality when you're locking up children and you know, your sexual offenders, your sexual predator. Right. Now, I think Trump is okay with it because if he keeps these folks around, they don't focus on the fact that he's a serial sexual predator that's, again, credibly accused by 21 women and counting of rape, sexual assaults, groping, unwanted touching, and things like that, propositions and payoffs. And the thing that you and I both know
Starting point is 00:23:52 and that most Americans probably can assume is that this is all going to get worse. As you see, the scandals coming out of the White House, and as you see everything starting to build right now, these scandals are just the tip of many icebergs and it's just going to get worse and we see it in this disorganization that they have of a White House.
Starting point is 00:24:16 You can see the example of this morning of North Korea saying they're trying to make us get rid of our nukes unilaterally and it's like all of a sudden they painted us as the villain and they did it very well. And they made Pompeo look like a joke. And they're doing the same thing in Russia. We had eight Republicans over there on July 4th. You don't think that was obviously intentional in regards to the Kremlin. And Putin didn't the meeting with them kim Jong-un to be meet with pump a
Starting point is 00:24:48 i mean it's starting to add up as okay this is a really great propaganda campaign against the united states yeah well i think and i think you probably agree that i think trump was played from the beginning uh... oh yeah in both of those situations both of the north korea and russia i think the russia Khan is a long Khan A little more little longer of a con than Kim Jong-un
Starting point is 00:25:10 But yeah, he seems to certainly have gotten played on that one Yeah, I think the North Korea thing is completely linked to Putin I think that those are two of his oligarchs that got together, you know Trump the Trump and Kim Jong-un Because you know, um, wouldn't have survived a lot of this if he didn't get oil from Russia shipped over you know, to Trump and Kim Jong-un, because you know, who wouldn't have survived a lot of this if he didn't get oil from Russia, shipped over, you know, around sanctions from the UN. And, you know, Russia's biggest supporter
Starting point is 00:25:36 and it's the thing for Iran and Syria. And so it's kind of like this axis of evil that Trump's involved with in our World War III, which started online. So it's just going to get crazier from here, but I think that the tolerance of the American people, they're getting sick of this, especially, you know, coming with elections coming up so soon, I don't think that people are going to forget what's happening right now. Well, thank you so much for joining us.
Starting point is 00:26:02 You guys, we've been talking to Scott Dwork and check out the Dwork and Report podcast. It's amazing. You can find it wherever you get your podcasts. He's a co-founder of the DEM Coalition and you heard of here first. He's filing an ethics complaint against Jim Jordan. So thank you very much for your time. We really appreciated it and have a great rest of your week. Cheers, thanks so much, a big fan of the show. Thanks so much. All right, you guys, please check out his podcast, The Dworkin Report, wherever you get your pods. It's, he's just such a cool guy for coming on
Starting point is 00:26:35 and giving us that little exclusive piece of information about him filing the ethics violation. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's so that's great. I'm so happy that he could join us anyway. Yeah, that's so that's great. I'm so happy that he could join us anyway. Yeah, that's awesome. Wednesday, we had a civil war. We would like to thank everyone for participating.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Thanks for your service. I think it went very well. The South lost again. It's just, you know, their own two now. So they have to go home because it's the best of two or three round robins. So now they actually they have to go home because it's the best of two or three round robins. So now they actually have to leave.
Starting point is 00:27:07 It's best to add a three. It's only fair. I wonder if Alex Jones actually had to pretend like he was worried or if he just got to kick back and enjoy his fourth of July. I'm sure he got to kick back. I think he said, and there are people who are on the left that are friends with him, and I can't remember specifically
Starting point is 00:27:23 who Joe Rogan Joe Rogan That's right. He counts as left. I don't know. Yeah, he's probably not but yeah Yeah, he he was saying that he's completely just acting. He's just an actor and he's he's just playing a character And he doesn't believe any of the shit he says But he's making millions of dollars left people buying his fake supplements and stuff it. It's just it's hilarious And I loved when John Oliver punked him for it Is this Joe Rogan we're talking? We're talking about Alex Johnson. Oh, okay. I was like, I don't know if Joe does supplement. It sounded like him.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Yeah, that would be something he did. It would. It would. Although his might actually work. Yeah, yeah. Go point. I see now. We learned Thursday that Muller has tapped prosecutors from the Department of Justice to help with the ballooning number of legal battles. It appears that he and his team of 17 prosecutors from the Department of Justice to help with the ballooning number of legal battles. It appears that he and his team of 17 prosecutors, the OG 17, are coping with a higher than expected volume of work because the investigation just keeps ballooning, expanding, right? And there's no way that he's going to be able to ask for any funds from Congress to hire more lawyers, right?
Starting point is 00:28:22 They're never going to say yes. So he's borrowing them from the government. Good on you. Next time you're arguing with a Trump supporter online, thank them for paying Mueller's team salaries and then ghost them. It's super fun. Oh man, they're not gonna like that.
Starting point is 00:28:34 I also like to thank them for paying for transgender confirmation surgery for our active duty soldiers, men and women in the military. So thank you for paying for those with your tax dollars. We appreciate it. They get really mad.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Oh yeah, I bet. And then I say, well, you know, my taxes go to a bunch of shit. I don't want to pay for it. Yeah, suck it. Pretty sure Viagra, right? And mom? Oh, right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Yeah, they provide, there's like government funding for like, really? Yeah, government funding for, yeah, Viagra. Yeah, well, that's important though, because a lot of the soldiers come back with combat PTSD, and they have erectile dysfunction because of depression. Yes. Secondarily caused by depression.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yes. But yes, we do pay like 10 times more for Viagra than it costs to do gender confirmations or anything. Right. Yeah, that's what, that's what, that's the more sad. It's like so much more money is spent on the biagra than like, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah. Women's and children's. Oh, yeah. I'm happy to pay for dick pills for our service members as long as we could pay for everything that everybody needs for their health. That's on. Exactly. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I mean, that's all Matt has thanks to, I think Matt has an adjoint chiefs are on board with that. Yeah, yeah. No one wants to take the dick pills away. No. Just when. We all benefit from dick that. I think that's just true. No one wants to take the dick pills away. No, just one. We all benefit from dick pills. Yeah. It's a better world.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Most of us, yeah. Then Thursday, we all benefit from dick pills. It doesn't matter. Where are you? I'm kidding. I don't know. Thursday, Cohen hired a guy named Lanny Davis. He's a former Clinton White House lawyer.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And he's also a guy who believes, as we do, that the FBI field office in New York, along with Giuliani, Princeton, DeGenerna, pretty much blackmailed Komi into reopening the Clinton email investigation, possibly handing the election to Trump. Right. So I know that a lot of you want to blame Komi, but you're going to start wanting to blame the New York field office FBI agents for that because they're the ones, they're the catalysts for that. And their Trump supporters. There was also news out this week that Brian Benchkowski is being nominated to lead the Department of Justice Criminal Division. And we reported on this nomination in episode 11, you guys.
Starting point is 00:30:36 That was like the second or third week in January. And well, the confirmation vote is coming up this week. And I'm pretty sure he'll get confirmed, despite having represented Russia's Alpha Bank, which is the initial server that was communicating with the Trump campaign. Yep. Because nothing matters anymore. And Alpha Bank was named in the dossier, and they are under criminal investigation. Senator Dick Durbin tweeted that he thinks this confirmation could be pivotal in the
Starting point is 00:31:03 Russia investigation. So we'll see how it goes. I think that the Scotus pick and this could both really kind of make it difficult. Yeah, yeah. Make Mueller's life a little harder. I do feel like every week something pivotal happened. It must have to be Mueller. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Pivoting all over the place. I think he's ready for it. I really do. Yeah. I don't know if he was ready for well You know what with the with the Kennedy resignation He might have known all that way ahead of time because he's been investigating Kennedy's son probably in the Deutsche Bank A billion dollar loan to Trump. Yeah, so he probably knew all along that either Kennedy was gonna have to resign or recuse himself
Starting point is 00:31:38 And there are people who spec- who are speculating he resigned. So he wouldn't have to recuse himself And leave a split court to decide his son's fate. That makes sense. I don't know. We'll see how it all shakes out. Yeah, I don't like it and it seems like it's sort of undermining justice. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:31:56 I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. Yeah, it's like, you should just recuse yourself then and not play fucking games. Yeah. Yeah, just recuse yourself then and and did not not play fucking games. Yeah. Yeah, just for cues And honestly, I think that if he if he picks this other Supreme Court justice and they have to decide whether or not He has to comply with subpoena that person will prior to recuse themself anyway. Oh Good point. I don't know maybe beans It's been abbreviated short beans
Starting point is 00:32:24 Then Friday, oh no wait, we got, this is so cool. We got another big win this week. The US Attorney in DC dismissed all the remaining mass arrest cases from inauguration day protests. Hey, they've been unable to secure any convictions. So they dismissed the remaining 38 cases around the docket. They were still going well.
Starting point is 00:32:43 That's how long shit takes, man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I was just agreeing. Everyone felt silent. Sorry. That was really. Then Friday, Manafort filed for a venue change from Alexandria to Roanoke.
Starting point is 00:32:58 In one of the many cases, he's being a 12, 1 of 2, half of his cases. He filed for a venue change because he says Alexandria is too liberal. This is the Ellis case, member, Judge Ellis. Right. And I wouldn't be surprised if Ellis, he could grant him the change of venue, but I don't think so. But either way, I don't think it's going to make that much of a difference.
Starting point is 00:33:20 It was like when he would have to prove that he is egregiously hurt by the bias in that area in order to move. So for example, when the Oklahoma City bomber was being tried, they moved it, they asked for a change of venue from Oklahoma City. And they were like, okay, yeah, fair. You just bomb the shit out of that city. You're probably not going to get a fair trial there. So they moved it to Denver. He was still going to go down. The evidence against him is insane. So if he does get the change of venue, I still I wouldn't worry at all. Because first of all, he doesn't understand how jury is building
Starting point is 00:33:53 jury's work. I was just going to say that's not his job to like. But you also don't pick them based on the voting districts. They're pissed. They're pissed based on judicial districts. Right. And so people are brought into Alexandria from surrounding counties, which are pretty rural, so I mean, I don't, he's dumb.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yeah. Yeah, and it's also like, he's essentially asking if he can rule out 50% of the country or as a geographical location. I think they would all love that. Yeah, but I guess Alexandria went for Hillary for like 70 to 30 and then Roanoke where he wants to go went for Trump Like 68 to 32 or something like that, right, but yeah, that's the process of picking a jury to make one that like they got it Man of Fort and it's not like the news because he's pissed about the news the media leaks about his case And it's like it's not like it just leaked to Alexandria the whole country got a hold of that information dude
Starting point is 00:34:42 Yeah, I don't know where you're gonna go, right? And it's not detrimental to your case anyway,, I don't know where you're gonna go. Right. And it's not detrimental to your case anyway. So I don't think Ellis will grant him that. Yeah, I trust him. We'll see. Yeah, he's a little over the top, but he's come down on the right side already
Starting point is 00:34:55 on several other issues. Right. Something that did come out though is they will be accusing Maniford of Squid Pro Crow when he accepted a $16 million loan from Koch, remember Koch? Oh yeah. An exchange for a White House job.
Starting point is 00:35:07 How could I forget? That's Bankfrog guys. Oh yeah. Hell yeah. And probably conspiracy or something. I don't know. But that is part of that case. They did make a mention that we aren't doing any Russian collusion crimes in this case,
Starting point is 00:35:21 which is hilarious because that seems to me like, oh, we'll get there. Just not today. Right. Yeah. That's like, why would you say that? We're not going to do the murder charges here. Yeah. There's murder charges? No, not here. Not here. Nothing is here. Don't look over here. Yeah, I want, I mean, the implications for some of the things he's going to get charged with absolutely have ties to Russia. So maybe just saying we're going to stop there. Yeah. That's a good point. Here's the Peter Strach story I was telling you about. He testified behind closed doors for 11 hours last week.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Republicans don't want those transcripts released. Wonder why? But he will be testifying publicly this Thursday at 10 a.m. before the oversight and judiciary committees. That means Jim Jordan will be there. And I think any question Jim Jordan asks should just be met with why do you let a guy find all kids? Just every time. Why do you keep your acting information? Why do you let a guy touch a kid's dick in front of me?
Starting point is 00:36:14 Mm hmm. Bye. Nothing can top that. Oh, podcaster playing piano. Last week they played the A-Train somehow perfectly. Oh my gosh. And I don't know. I don't know. Got to catch them at the right time. Yeah. I heard of you put a bunch of monkeys in a room with typewriters, eventually they'll type Shakespeare. Or a Kanye album.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I don't know. It depends on which meme you're playing. I want to point out that it's Julie Suss. That was Julie Suss. That was Julie Suss. That's fair. That's fair. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:36:42 OK. No emails. They know my voice. But in so you're just tuning in. Don't need a Roseanne situation. There you go, yeah. Definitely don't, but that was pretty hilarious. I'm not even gonna laugh at that because I am not allowed to do that.
Starting point is 00:36:58 It's not personal, right? It's just emails. Anyway, you guys, that's the news this week, so we'll be right back. Hi, I'm Kelly. And I'm Sophie. We're two brothers talking politics. We're two Midwestern moms who love politics. We've always been Democrats, but we got more politically active after the 2016 debacle.
Starting point is 00:37:25 On our episodes, we talk to activists and candidates and authors and directors of nonprofits. To help us all figure out, where do we go from here? Check us out at 2Broadztalkingpolitics.com Or anywhere podcast your phone. Alright, welcome back. Hot notes. Welcome back. Today Jordan is going to give us some good news on the NRA story we've been following for a while now, right?
Starting point is 00:38:09 Yeah, since January, since when I started writing those letters I think. But first, Jolissa, what is your boy broady up to these days? Oh yeah, so I read this article from The Hill called GOP Mega Donut will stop hush money payments to mistress by Justin Wise. And the GOP Mega Donor that he's talking about is my boyfriend, of course, Elliot Brody. And I guess that means he cheated on me, but in his defense, he never agreed to date me.
Starting point is 00:38:39 So as many of us know, Brody is a top GOP fundraiser who made payments to an ex-mentress mistress who signed a hush money agreement that was created by Michael Cohen. And Brody also recently stepped down from his position as finance chairman of the RNC and misdramers of this payment. We all know that. But on Sunday, it was revealed by the Wall Street Journal that the model's name is Shira Bashard.
Starting point is 00:39:04 I call her Shira, just because I like Shira. Yeah, it is. I heard the young Turks call her Shira, but you know Shira Shira Bashar. Shira. Yeah, Shiruna. We can all agree. We know who we're talking about. Yeah. So Shira agreed to take $1.6 million to keep quiet about the fact that she became pregnant during Sheen Brody's alleged affair, which lasted more than it. I love it. I want the drinking game to continue. I just only have juice with me right now.
Starting point is 00:39:30 It's probably best, it's like 11 a.m. You're wondering what that's about during our live show. We set up a rule that if anybody said Trump, you had to drink and the audience would call us out on it. So if you're listening to that live episode and you just hear all of a sudden, somebody's every with the whole audience goes, drink! That's why I like that. Yes, go listen to that live episode and you just hear all of a sudden somebody everybody with the whole audience goes, DRAAAAAY!
Starting point is 00:39:45 That's why I'm here. Yes, go listen to the live episode. So he was prepared a Brody to make payments in eight different installments starting in 2017 and these payments stopped last week. So Brody has reportedly not paid the third installment of $200,000 because of an alleged breach of the non-disclosure agreement. So, Brody's lawyer, Chris Clark, told the Wall Street Journal that Bashar's lawyer Keith Davidson improperly discussed the details of
Starting point is 00:40:15 the arrangement with Michael M. Van Nady. He just makes his lay-ins at everything. I love it though, I love it. So, Brody's lawyer said, quote, Elliott specifically was paying for confidentiality that would shield his family from the embarrassing mistake he made. We can prove there was an intentional breach that renders the contract null and void." So a spokesperson for B. Shards lawyer denied the allegations and Avonadi said that he would neither confirm nor deny. Quote, what information I have about this, whether it's all been disclosed yet, or whether I learned it, but I would encourage Ms. Bashar to disclose everything she knows about the situation to the public.
Starting point is 00:40:58 So yeah, that's the update on that. Brody is probably, I don't know about flipping, but he's definitely not interested in taking the fall, it seems, anymore, and that could be interesting. Yeah, I mean, the other option is, is that he did it and Keith Davidson f'ded up, talked to Avanatti, and broke the non-disclosure agreement, which is what he's paying $1.6 million for.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Right, just for mentioning it at all, even if it is the truth. You're right, it could go a lot of different ways. But the odds that he's slept with a Playboy Playmate are pretty low. And not because this isn't a look-shaming thing. This is a pattern of behavior thing. He's never done that before. You're right.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Trump's done it a miszillion times. With the same lawyer involved, right? Exactly. Lawyers and two out of three times. And the NDA that was used by Trump using Trump's fairly pseudonym. Yeah, so anyone with eyes and a brain connected to the mouth would know. But this is likely a cover-up.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Yeah, if your Warnockies area is malfunctioning you might not understand. Yeah. What's happening here, even though that doesn't have anything to do with understanding. Anyway. Well, that's that. Well, thank you. Thank you. What's happening here even though that doesn't have anything to do with understanding Anyway, well, that's that well. Thank you. Thank you. Of course good reporting. Thank you on the broady updates Jordan what do you have for us on the gun bros? Yeah, so Monday of last week. This was after we recorded So it's coming out now in this episode Monday last week we learned that Moller's team
Starting point is 00:42:24 likely has secretly gained access to the NRA's tax returns as part of the investigation, which is exciting news and NRA keeps coming out saying we haven't been contacted by the FBI, but that's not typical in the first place. People aren't going to contact the organization and ask for their literal tax documents as they go to the IRS and they get them. So legal teams all around basically are just saying it's very likely that they just went directly to the IRS and for background the NRA spent $30 million in support of Trump's campaign in the 2016 race
Starting point is 00:42:56 and the thing that is awesome about them getting those tax documents is they'll be able to see the names of the dark money donors that we've talked about. Right, because it's a requirement to be a 501c3 that you report those to the IRS, though, because you're a 501c3, you're protected from having to report them to the public. But the IRS has to know who, where they're coming from. Absolutely. And I guarantee you, it's just a ton of shell companies. Right. Yeah. And so we know that we have have the NRA is saying in April they came out and said in total from the 23 Russia linked individuals that have contributed to their organization it's only amounted to $2,500 right
Starting point is 00:43:37 right only in dues exactly nothing that's like set aside for their political funds or whatever yeah you're um, you're short. Absolutely. You're like 29 million, 99,999,950 short. Right. So we're going to need you to. Go, be the money! Uh, this also brings back around the name Alexander Torshin, as we have reported on previously, who is one
Starting point is 00:44:05 of the sanctioned Russian officials that basically he towed it around saying that he had tied a Donald Trump through the NRA. He said that, so it's like, kind of put a target on your back, but yeah, don't use my words against me. Yeah, exactly. NRA's General Counsel, John Fraser, however, said in the April disclosure that torsion is not made additional contributions beyond his dues as a member of the organization. Then he later says that the NRA now is reviewing their responsibilities with respect to Alexander
Starting point is 00:44:37 torsion after he was hit with the sanctions from the Treasury Department. And the report has reached out to NRA and they have not really given back any comment. So I guess we'll just circle back around when we learn more about that because I would be very surprised if we don't learn about, I mean, I don't know if the public would get the names for a decent amount of time,
Starting point is 00:45:00 probably not. But it depends. If it comes out, like if we do the thing where Mueller goes and asks Rosenstein to indict and Rosenstein says, No, he'll write a full report to Congress, and that would mean that we would have it in 10 seconds. Because Congress is a leak machine, as we know. A leak machine. Wow. Yeah, and Since, you people from Trump's campaign have totally been connected with the Russia NRA
Starting point is 00:45:29 group. So, like Donald Trump Jr. had dinner over there. We have the torsion thing. We have the right to bear arms, with the boutina, and they have their cops unrelated. Yeah. They're weird affinity towards arms, even Russia is like not an arms heavy country They're actually very anti-gun. All right. All right. Well, so we'll see we'll put some beans on it We will and our beans gun beans and and it's just be begins
Starting point is 00:45:55 Yes, and it's buckshot. It's funny that I mean this on our a thing this NRA Chase has been going on for a while And it's just it's awesome to think that Mueller's known the whole time I mean, this Honor A thing, this Honor A chase has been going on for a while, and it's just, it's awesome to think that Mueller's known the whole time. Because Wyden wrote letters back and forth with them several times, and the Treasury Department several times trying to get the information, and they're like, no, and he doesn't have subpoena power because he's number two. He's, he's, he's the minority, right? And so he can't, subpoena those records from the IRS, but Mueller can go get them.
Starting point is 00:46:23 So, because that's criminal investigation, and he doesn't have to, the IRS and Mueller do not have to inform the an array that they're getting them So he's probably had them the whole time All right, you guys that brings us to the Michael Cohen portion of our show So Monday Cohen had an interview with George Stephanopoulos. He sat down with him for about 45 minutes. It wasn't televised or even it wasn't even released in audio format. It was written down. And when you release a transcript interview like George Stephanopoulos did for this, it's
Starting point is 00:46:58 important to note what is intentionally left in the interview. There were a few questions that Cohen said he could not answer. I'm unable to answer that question at this time based on my legal advice, right? But they left those in the interview. Specifically, they asked him if Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting before it happened, and if Trump directed Cohen to make the Stormy Daniels hush money payment. And Cohen said, I'm unable to answer those questions. And instead of leaving them out of the interview, in written form, they left them in, which indicates to me that Cohen knows that information. And he's willing
Starting point is 00:47:36 to share it with prosecutors. And he wanted to get that word out, whether it was to try to get Trump to pay his legal bills in pardon him, or whether it was try to just give a hint about what he knows and that he's you know reaching out saying I won't please make a deal with me. I know these two things. Pretty smart. I mean desperate. But smart will yeah and I wouldn't call him smart. I would call his new lawyer. Petrilo. The smart one. I know a lot of you think he's not going to flip. He's just signaling Trump for money to pay his bills. But I have to tell you, mentioning his family in his country again, removing Trump's name from all of his online social media bios, changing lawyers, and then cutting communications with Trump's legal team are all pretty big hints.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Plus, I got to speak with a guy named David Baerwald, and his friend Hillary, who had a conversation with Cohen on the 4th of July they ran into him twice in one night. You might have seen this conversation because it went viral on Twitter and Facebook, and here's a little bit of the call I had with them. I'll tell you that David Bairwald is a musician, probably best known for writing Come What May, which is the theme song, the love theme for Mulan Rouge, nominated for Golden Globe for that. So let's listen to this conversation that he had with Cohen. So today on the phone, we have David Baerwald. He's a New York musician and his friend Hilary Bratton.
Starting point is 00:48:57 She was visiting from Palo Alto, California here on the best coast. And they were in New York. And I think something very peculiar happened to them on on the 4th of July. David how are you today? Terrific! Wonderful, Hillary are you there as well? Yeah I'm here. I'm dying to hear about this encounter that you had. This was last night right? Yeah. Yeah tell us about it. Tell us about it. Yeah, tell us about it. Well, it was actually two things.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Hillary is staying at the lowest region seat on Park Avenue, and we were going out to dinner and something. Anyway, and Hillary goes, hey, let's go through Michael Cohen. And street on park. Just on the street with a couple of people, with three people. And we kind of exchanged eye contacts somehow, and uh... street on park just on the street with a couple of people with three people
Starting point is 00:49:45 and uh... and we kind of exchange eye contact somehow but we didn't talk at that point and we went off and did our thing and they went off and did their thing and then two hours later two and a half hours later we ran into them again and so we were actually well you know and we'll follow the first time yeah the first you know once is well, you know, the first time, yeah, the first, you know, once is strange, but, you know, whatever, twice is like you should do something about it.
Starting point is 00:50:10 So I said, you know, I beg your pardon. And he looked around, sort of, you know, the states are pretty empty, and there weren't that many people with the dream. Yeah. And he says that, you know, he looks around to make sure I'm not, you know, on a staff that there's nothing. He looks around you to make sure I'm not on a staffer or something. And we just started talking. First I said this must be a difficult moment for you.
Starting point is 00:50:34 I said that. It must be a difficult moment to find yourself in the middle of America's national debate. So I stayed there. And I said, yeah, you must feel like you're in an industrial washing machine at high speed. And I said, well, I just want you to know that America's hopes and prayers are living with you. And we hope you'll do the right thing. And he says, the truth will set me free. And I said, that's right, the truth will set you free.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Yeah, I got to say that that was the most surprising thing about your story was that Michael Cone was trying to quote San Buddhism. Yeah, I was very surprising. Yeah, I'm a slut as well. I'm like, oh my god, I can't believe what you're saying. Yeah, then I said, you're in an amazing position to help this country get out of its national debacle. And he said, the farther I walk away from the truth, the farther you walk away from the truth, the more people call you a liar. And I said, the farther I walk away from the truth, the farther you walk away from the truth, the more people call you a liar.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And I said, well, the farther you walk away from the truth, the more you are, and he said, two shades. That's amazing. That's brilliant. Good luck to you. Have a wonderful evening and you know see you later. Did you kind of get the feeling that he's trying to like flip the narrative and be more of a more of a hero than a villain in this story? Maybe he's just like yeah he just think he seemed like he was very open to being open and like he wouldn't even have been happy to talk further. What the like yeah we could have talked about. What was that just humoring us. Well you guys are Hillary David I've been really good to have
Starting point is 00:52:30 you on David your a New York musician where can folks find you. Go go see Moon on Rouge and you can hear my hear my insanely corny song. You wrote a song for Moon on Rouge? I wrote these songs that only original killing the movie which one come with me oh my god well nice no i'm a distinguished smug well that's a good to know good to know
Starting point is 00:52:59 alright you guys but i really appreciate your time this is a fascinating story and i'm glad that you had a chance to talk well i will say this i would like to talk. I would like to say this. I would like to say that I felt that he was sincere. I think he's going through a kind of psychological, spiritual moment. I myself have experienced being under the spell of, you know, charismatic psychopaths and I know how quickly it can change when you know, charismatic psychopaths, and I know how quickly it can change when, you know, when you get on the other side of that. When you're staring down the bird.
Starting point is 00:53:31 And you know, five-year prison sentence, yeah. Well, yeah, that, at minimum. And the ruin of your family all for the sake of this, you know, mind-bogglingly selfish individual. Or you could be a national hero and people would forgive you for your sins and call you a picture-esque character from the underworld who found the light somehow and go on to lecture circuit and do perfectly well and be out of the mob and not be shot at every or people throw tomatoes at you where you go. David, it's so funny you mentioned that because we did a bonus episode this week and where I say it would be so easy for him to go from villain to hero just by changing his narrative.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Right. And cooperating. He, you know, of course a lot of our listeners are like, no, if that guy, he'll never be a hero. He's a P-P-O-S. And I'm like, yes, but for him, what's the better alternative? Just like you said. I mean, whether you sincere or not, but I haven't believed you. I think, you know, Hillary doesn't agree with me. I think the older woman that was with us was his mom. Maybe I'm just that way. But Hillary does not know. All right, guys, well, thank you so much for your time. mom. Maybe I'm just that way, but Hillary does not know.
Starting point is 00:54:45 All right guys, well thank you so much for your time. And I hope you have a great rest of your day. Thank you. Thank you. All right, bye bye. Bye bye. Also this week Buzzfeed published the reconstructed shredded documents that were seized in the Cohen raid. Keep in mind that they are the ones who published the dossier. Buzzfeed were the first to publish the dossier. And that leads me to believe that these probably were leaked by Cohen's team. These reconstructed documents. Also kind of
Starting point is 00:55:19 a liquid I got. Um, scenario, either call for help for Trump from Trump or yeah, please ever come to my side. Look what I got. Let's make a deal. And that's because the only people who had these shredded documents were Cohen's legal team, Trump's legal team. So why would Trump give it up? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:38 I wonder how they pick which news. Well, how does the leaking process work, you know? You just contact, you get it, you contact your journalists friends. Sticking in a mail box. Yeah, since Buzzfeed had leaked that story before, the dossier, and maybe they're like, these are good leakers. Either that or Michael Cohen leaked that dossier to Buzzfeed. Damn.
Starting point is 00:55:57 You know, and he peeped, like, some people clickbait. Some people say he might have been cooperating since before the raid that's right yeah yeah yeah anyway there's let's see oh oh this Monday too in more Cohen news the special master Barbara Jones released her report we've already heard some preliminary findings 1.3 million documents have been given to the prosecutors 23,000 documents were given to Trump and his legal team to review and he had until July 5th to finish and file any objections. And those had to be filed publicly and I hadn't heard anything. So I don't know if he had any or if he asked for
Starting point is 00:56:35 more time and got an extension, I'd have to look into that. I also wanted to remind you all of something we discussed in a past episode about why the Cohen case was handed off to New York and not kept in house. I think that Cohen may have the most evidence of Russian collusion. Remember, he has an entire chunk of the steel dossier dedicated just to him and his alleged trip to Prague in 2016 where he met allegedly with folks to make plausibly deniable cash payments to foreign social media sources on behalf of the Trump campaign. So Cohen, having all that intel, made the proper seizure of it all very important to Mueller,
Starting point is 00:57:12 meaning all that documentation on the slush fund payments to Russians and the UAE to do the social media campaigns on behalf of Trump, Cohen has all that. So it was very important that Mueller obtained those documents and those evidence properly. And had Mueller ordered the raid and procured the evidence himself, it could have been seen as ill-gotten or part of the witch hunt that Trump is trying to create
Starting point is 00:57:38 in the minds of his base, right? It would give Trump ammo to be like, he did it, Mueller's corrupt and he got the evidence Right, we were all confused. We can't it's not fair It's wrong and because we think we're going down the impeachment route the court of public opinion is very important so Anyway, by handing the case off to the US attorney in New York They ordered the raid New York ordered the raid they seized the evidence
Starting point is 00:58:03 They appointed the special master and I'm sure there was an additional taint team involved so the validity of all that evidence it's it's squeaky clean evidence now and more knows he'll get anything back that's associated to russia i referred to it as evidence laundering uh... and i think it will serve the investigation well it robs the right of any message that the evidence was tainted or somehow
Starting point is 00:58:23 obtained illegally i think it was a genius move and all bet that we learn later on that it was intentional. Of course, the main reason it was handed off is because Cohen lives in New York and I assumed the Department of Justice didn't want any hint of inappropriateness. So when they hand off the, you know, the Stormy Daniels payment and the medallion stallion stuff, the taxi cab adallion case, it could be argued by Republicans that Mueller was out of his scope. Even though he wasn't. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Anything that comes up is in his scope. Yes, Quique clean is a good way to describe it. So he's hands off this. The evidence was gathered. Anything that's Russia will be handed right back to him. Very nice. Yeah, smooth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Clean clean. That's delegating. Mm-hmm. I need you to get better Very nice. Yeah. Smooth. Yeah. clean clean. That's delegating. I need to get better at that. Teach me your ways. Mueller. You also need to remember that all the other evidence, all the other evidence Cohen could possibly have. There are stories about all kinds of tapes now and Compromot that the Russians might have on Trump maybe involving underage girls. The Cohen evidence is unrelated to Russia. Or excuse me, the Cohen evidence unrelated to Russia may be the undoing of Trump.
Starting point is 00:59:31 But some beans on it. And if you want some more discussion on the Trump underage tapes, sex parties, with Epstein tapes, listen to the full Scott Dworkin interview. It's gonna be a bonus episode this week. We go into that a little bit in there. So anyway guys, we'll be right back. Hey Mueller junkies, thank you so much for supporting our show and supporting women in podcasting. I need to ask you for a quick favor that will not cost you a dime. Please head over to Apple Podcasts and give us a rating. And then subscribe. That simple act goes a long way to helping us get the word out about the Mueller investigation
Starting point is 01:00:08 and more importantly, it expands our efforts to flip Congress blue in November. And don't forget, follow us on Twitter at Mueller She Wrote to be automatically entered to win a PlayStation 4. Don't ask. Thank you so much for listening. We would not be here without you. Alright, are you guys ready for the fantasy indictment league? Yes!
Starting point is 01:00:39 Today I'd like to add Aaron Banks to the fantasy indictment league. He wasn't on our radar before. Perhaps even Nigel Farage of UKIP. And then we need to bump cock on the list. OK. And cock needs a better position. Because I think we're going to start getting some indictments on that guy as well for that.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Because of the Manafort case and the reveal in the minute order that they're going to be prosecuting him for the $16 million loan he made to get a job at the White House for Manafort. Yeah, that's against the law. And I think we're gonna start seeing more indictments this month and next. I think this should start hitting a fan here pretty soon.
Starting point is 01:01:15 So keep listening, get caught up to get all the players and all the different little tendrils of this investigation that we've been covering. Keep listening will keep you in the know when these indictments drop and where they come from and all that different little tendrils of this investigation that we've been covering. Keep listing will keep you in the know when these indictments drop and where they come from and all that other stuff. Can I add a name to the, or potential names? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:01:33 The dark money donor names that we will find out with the NRA. I wonder if you can indict shell companies, at least probably the owners of the shell companies. Exactly, yes, you can have works. The registrants, right? It'd be nice if Citizens United worked reversely. You can charge an entire corporation, yes.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Yeah, well, we've indicted a few entities already in this and we, I'm over there. I'm working for really. A.D.A. I'm the A.G. I'm not. Anyway, Aaron Banks definitely keep listening. We're going to keep you seriously.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Indicuments are going to start coming out pretty fast and furious in the next month or two. Now, we had the wonderful opportunity to speak to a friend of mine, friend of you guys, Chris Cope, comedian Chris Cope, to find out who his picks are for the fantasy indictment. Leave this week, so let's listen to that. BAM!
Starting point is 01:02:24 All right, with us today is a good front of mind and comedian actor Chris Cope. You can see him on cooking on high on Netflix and impaired on all things comedy. He also works for Tosh.0 and he is the big sky comedy festival winner in 2015. Chris how are you today? I'm good I'm sweating. You hear the fan in the background. It's a little because I have pointed. I mean, the only reason I stepped out of my fridge was to take this call. Well, I appreciate you. Take it some time away from your refrigerator. To join us today. You got nine minutes. Nine minutes. Roger that. So we'll just get right into it. We like to do what we call our celebrity edition of Fantasy Indightly. And I wanted to give you a call
Starting point is 01:03:04 and find out who your three picks would be if you had to pick the next three people that would be indicted. And some in the Mueller investigation, obviously. And some people they like to pick two solids and then maybe like a one-hail Mary, like a wish. And that, or sometimes they make three sensible picks. So it's really up to you how you want to strategize this. We just like to know who you think the next three people that are going to be indicted in the Mueller investigation are.
Starting point is 01:03:31 All right. I'm going to say I'm going to go Cohen. Okay. And do you think, is he going to really be indicted in the Mueller investigation? Or is he going to be indicted by the US attorney in the Southern District of New York? I think that I mean he'll be indicted by the New York but I think that one that uh like I think once you flip she will give more and that will help out more. I think this guy seems to just have the goals and key.
Starting point is 01:03:59 I mean if he's the guy you go to when you fuck up. Yeah he's your friend. And he starts to take care of stuff. Yeah when he's that guy that means he starts to take care of stuff. Yeah, when he's that guy, that means that's the kind of that can count up there. You know, I mean, I guess you're a scumbag, you got to trust one person.
Starting point is 01:04:12 I mean, if a guy, I mean, what the funny thing is, anyone that's saying, I mean, he's a snake just like Trump is in that sense of, you need someone to do, when you're not man enough or can't do your own dirty work and you have to hire someone out, you know that guy's going to be a scumbag and you know you're a scumbag yourself when you can get your tie on in the morning. So, like, why wouldn't you not anticipate Trump's going to just stick it as soon as he can to you? Yeah, very true. I don't know why you didn't see him coming to myself, but good pick.
Starting point is 01:04:43 All right, Cohen. We've got him on top of our list as well. I know, right. I think he, uh, I just don't. And I mean, I'm in and I'm courting if I'm wrong. I mean, was the reason I'm on it. I mean, outside of those, it was not the fact it was outside of his preview. Didn't he also kick it down to the state's level because it allows? Because can a president not pardon state crimes?
Starting point is 01:05:03 Is that right? Well, he hasn't kicked it down to the state level yet with Cohen, but yes, I think he wants to kick a lot of these down to New York state, but right now they're working on adding a caveat to their double jeopardy rule that allows for someone to be prosecuted in New York state, even if they've been prosecuted in the federal courts for the same crime, as long as, you know, in the case of a pardon, if there's a pardon, they're going to make a pardon exemption. And they're working that through the New York legislature right now.
Starting point is 01:05:36 That's really. Yeah, and that's headed up by the New York Attorney General who took over for Schneiderman when he had to leave because of the sexual assault and physical assault accusations. All right, well let's go on to pick number two. I mean, these are going to go home and see what I would love to see them both. Just wearing matching bracelets. And I mean probably everybody. It's pin number one, which is your personal.
Starting point is 01:06:03 All right. And all ships smiles Donald Jr. On a close of my favorite, like, my just want the people closest to Trump, just start feeling the fire because I want Trump to start acting completely erratic. You know what I mean? I want, I need to say this, but I kind of want to call it a crash in a way. Even more than he is already. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 01:06:22 No, I want to somehow make this worse from a poll water went through. Like I want this just to, that was a main joke. I took that back. I took that back. That wasn't nice. Um, no, but I mean, I think I honestly think that, and this is just, just what I'm judging off like Trump's psyche. Is that in the closer you get to his kids and his kids and off he will start just doing some completely erratic and like cross the threshold type stuff. Or it's like, okay, this guy is literally just trying to take over this point.
Starting point is 01:06:57 You know what I mean? He's just trying to completely bypass any rule law and we've got to act. Let me turn. Yeah, it makes sense. So you're you're you're you're gonna put Kushner and DT Jr. up there, huh? I would love. I mean, I'm gonna pick two things. I like, those are my deeper polls. Okay. So I mean, because I know we're sure someone, but I want to. Okay, so we're gonna do for the that's cool. So you've got Cohen is your safe
Starting point is 01:07:27 Okay, so we're going to do for that. That's cool. So you've got Cohen as your safe bet. Then DT Jr. and Kushner as your your dream team there. And then who else would you choose? It has an already been guided. I mean, I don't know. I mean, I mean, I can make those. We can make those your three if you want. We can just make those, I'm gonna go to my three to stick out I think who else is a big enough because I feel like they've got enough names and they're having enough people It's also like there's not many last in terms of To go after people with substance. Yeah, I think that I think that my personal Rather than putting I put cushioner in there too, but rather than DT junior quite yet I think that's gonna roll out with all the conspiracy and crimes of collusion indictments. They're going to drop maybe in the fall or August, but I think Roger Stone is probably on the block pretty soon.
Starting point is 01:08:13 You think? I mean, we have to. I mean, well, the fact that I read today that some of the bank crimes that I'm in for King Charles with actually time at the Trump campaign. Right. I read that today. So I mean, the factor of Archdio is with the company. I mean, he might be after I want to talk about documentary and it's just kind of really reminding me of what a slimy shipbag is. Yeah, the two Roger Stone documentary, yeah, it's pretty amazing.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Yeah, like he literally brushes his teeth for dogs you'd ever dance miles. Like there's this, there's a heated sociopox. If you don't think he is, he just feels nothing for anybody. So I mean, I would love to see him and die to him because I know he would quietly roll like a mother sucker. Yeah, he would that he would sell out his mom Is 95 year old mom that I saw him give her for it. No, I think you sell them out. I think so too I think you're right. Yeah, no, I was I was love to see that stone unturned. Oh, he gets it in
Starting point is 01:09:22 All right, well hey, I really appreciate you coming on sharing your picks with us. Again, you guys, if you haven't seen cooking on high on Netflix, you have to check it out. Thanks for joining us. Chris Cope, you can follow him at Chris Cope comedy on Twitter. Yeah, let's get this done, guys. Let's get on that. I also make sure you're by folks. If that's not reiterated in every episode, please vote.
Starting point is 01:09:44 We need change. Yeah, we definitely found that one home too. So actually get out there and vote. Flip it in November. We got to, you know, reopen the Russian investigation in the in Congress and start getting some of this stuff made public. I appreciate your time. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, thank you. I'll talk you guys later. Hey, yeah, have a good week. Bye. Bye. All right, you guys ready for sabotage? Yes. All right, this week Giuliani reared its ugly head again. After being quiet for like a couple weeks, it was nice, right?
Starting point is 01:10:22 I didn't have to hear him. I always see his face on Fox News. Mike Schmidt and Maggie Haberman wrote up a thing in the New York Times about the Trump team's new combative stance against the Mueller investigation. Apparently Trump has new conditions for an interview with Mueller. He's just dragging this out, man.
Starting point is 01:10:41 He's just dragging it out. He finished this the hell up. But you're the one who's fucking dragging this out, man. He's just dragging it out. He finished this the hell up, but you're the one who's fucking dragging it out. So stop being a bitch. Let's see, first, his first condition, Mueller would have to prove that Trump committed a crime by providing evidence prior to the interview. That's just a way to get evidence prior to the interview.
Starting point is 01:11:02 And that Trump's testimony, the other thing is that Trump's testimony is essential to completing the interview. And that Trump's testimony, the other thing is that Trump's testimony is essential to completing the investigation. It has to be proven that they can't get this any other way besides talking to Trump. Giuliani seated that Mueller probably won't agree to those terms, and I'm sure he won't. You're not going to hand over evidence in an ongoing investigation to the subject of the investigation. I'm going to die last. Seriously. Yeah, I need you to do a sole source verification verifying the only one that can give you the testimony.
Starting point is 01:11:34 What if he thinks he can do like an executive privilege just to get like, I guess he could, can he, to do all these crazy things? No, he can't have it. Good, good. Juliani and House Trump know that when Dems take over in November, they're going to probably move to impeach Trump, and that explains this combative stance, and they all out of salt on the media and the Mueller investigation.
Starting point is 01:11:54 So it's just way public opinion, as I mentioned before, that's their only go-to, and it's working. Forty-something percent of people, 49 percent don't think the Mueller investigation is going anywhere and should finish. That's up 18 points from April. It's working. This is this assault on the public opinion from Trump, Giuliani, Congress, people like Jim
Starting point is 01:12:19 Jordan, Devin Nunez, although we haven't really heard from Devin Nunez in a while. Anyway, he knows they're going to move to impeach him when they take over, so they're trying to get the public on their side to say, no, don't impeach him, you're wrong. Exactly. I'm afraid of what's going to happen if we do impeach him regardless. Well, I don't think Penn will be around anymore either, so we'll see. But personally, I think Mueller should shove a subpoena of his ass, really. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:12:46 I think you should do it Monday. That's beautiful. And kill his scotus nomination. Because it's going to be tough, like I said, for Trump to pick a judge with a subpoena in the mix, especially for a court that's likely to go and have to decide whether or not he has to comply with it. So come on. Monday.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Yeah. Subpoena the man because you got. Subpoena, possess. You got the subpoena. You've been served.poena you've been served Smash you've been served You you Do it just a peanut him. Yeah, Julie. Ony is already pretty much said. We're not gonna sit down talk to you
Starting point is 01:13:15 You're gonna have to give us all the evidence in the case first or prove that he committed a crime before Trial even happens and that's just not gonna fucking happen So you know that this is just a drag-out signal so Monday morning Come on, let's do it. Let's spina this guy. Let's do it on Monday. That's my that's what I'm hoping for nice anyway. That's sabotage All right, you guys it is time for our Q&A segment. We got some good questions this week at We got some good questions this week. At M. Lynn K.C. wants to know, do y'all think the broady news is significant in any way? Yeah, I'm hoping so at least. I think it's significant since it's an update on something we've covered.
Starting point is 01:13:55 We're getting more information, which is, you know, it's an interesting development. But yeah, we were just saying we don't know what it is going to, what difference it's going to make. It can go two ways it seems, right? He could either be telling the truth and we're going to find out, which I don't know if anyone will care at that point, or we find out that it's Trump's kid, and then we all care for different reasons. I don't think it'll make a difference politically, right? It could.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Right now, he's losing a lot of suburban moms because of his treatment of Asylee's at the border mostly. The benefit came out that he also paid for an abortion. These are generally God-fearing salt to the earth people who would be politically bad in that demographic. White men, no, they won't give a crap. Right, right. But it's not about them anymore. At least then all I should say straights this white man. Yeah, yeah. You're right. Yeah, there's more opinions out there. I'd do it. Yeah, I do think it's important though. Um, at Hook Magic, Dustin John says, uh, wouldn't it make sense for Mueller to subpoena Trump now? Wouldn't that initiate a court
Starting point is 01:15:00 battle to which you could make a legit argument that he can't name a scotus justice for his own case. Am I crazy? Doesn't anyone notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! Yeah, no, you got it, buddy. I agree with you 100%. I think you should do it Monday. Before he, like, take all that, you know how he's been piping up the... I'm gonna make the scotus announcement Monday, 9 p.m. Eastern, and he's told all of his people, don't fucking leak it, don't you leak it. I wanna make the announcement. I want the glory.
Starting point is 01:15:29 And so I would love to just take that wind out of his sales by throwing a subpoena up at him on Monday morning. Be like, oh, I'm sorry, are we gonna announce something tonight? And then aside from that, just like, it's time, right? It's just time, I think. It, I don't know. I guess Mueller's the one that I would know for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Yeah. Unless he stands to gain something by this being prolonged, I imagine he will do it really soon. Yeah. I think that this final, they've been negotiating for months now to get Trump in. That means the investigation is pretty much done. They just need to talk to him to get his state of mind when he fired Komi and if he knew about the Trump Tower meeting, specifically those are the big ones, I think.
Starting point is 01:16:11 But they're just signaling, drawing it out, dragging their feet and this last thing with these conditions of having to have evidence of a crime first. I think it's over just to paint him. And I think too, it's important for Mueller and his team to do their due diligence to work with the president on an interview. And now it's like so many times they have tried to work with him. And I think they have enough. Exactly. Yeah. And of course I do have to say, I don't know shit about shit with what Mueller has and what Mueller needs to do. It's an iceberg, you know. Yes. Again, we know the top one 10 to one percent of what's happening. Yes. In this investigation, that's my Bernie Sanders.
Starting point is 01:16:45 I'm sorry. That's pretty good. But yeah, again, there could be a million things I don't know. It just from what I see. That's just how I feel. That's crazy that this is enough and more knows more. And we think this is time. I mean, we're not experts.
Starting point is 01:16:59 We don't know anything. We don't know anything. We don't know anything. We don't know. Public opinion wise. The more we know, the more we don't know. Exactly. And how telling us that, too, that he's like, I want to see all the evidence against me
Starting point is 01:17:10 before I go into this, before he was, you know, just going with an narrative that he was an under investigation. Or, yeah, or at least proof that he committed a crime is how he put it. Right. I need proof I committed a crime so he can still kind of keep that stance of that he didn't do it. Yeah, yeah at Marissa Gabrielle asked for an update on Nastya Rippka. Oh, yeah, so Sorry, I was gonna see if you could look it up
Starting point is 01:17:34 Absolutely, yeah, I was usually checking I was just gonna give a background on her real quick. She she is the Russian sex worker sex coach It is the Russian sex worker, sex coach, who was on the yacht with Darapaska in the Prime Minister of Russia when Darapaska was downloading what he got from Kalimnik and the Kalimnik talk that he had with Manafort when Manafort promised to give Darapaska these updates on the Trump campaign. So she got video of that Navalny who was Putin's opponent in this last election released it. Navalny's been jailed and then Nastya Ripka was jailed. They caught up with her in Thailand and put her in Thai prison and that was pretty much the last we'd
Starting point is 01:18:13 heard. Yeah, the latest piece of news I can see is from April 17th, headline sex worker who claims dirt on Russian oligarch appears in court and I haven't like nothing after that. Yeah, I think she was sentenced to like six years or something Wow, and we don't we haven't heard anything back about that So I don't know if she's been deported to Russia. I don't know if she's alive. I don't know if Mueller has her in a safe house I don't know I have no idea Unfortunately, we just haven't heard anything. Yeah, that is crazy crazy. Yeah maximum 10-year sentence They're thinking for visa issues. That was what they ended up charging around.
Starting point is 01:18:45 I think so. That's a good question. I'm actually working past revisa. Exactly what they got. Yeah. She was sex coaching past revisa. I mean, when they want to target you, they'll get you for whatever they can, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Of course. Yeah, absolutely. Russian bot 45312-7758 at Jin of Snarf asked, what Cohen's papers say? Are they just dinner receipts or a stack of love letters to Putin? As I alluded to earlier, I'm pretty sure that there's tapes in there of him talking to Trump as Avanati has told us, he's heard one of them. I think that a lot of the papers, Buzzfeed got a lot of the reconstructed documents, you can go check them out on their website.
Starting point is 01:19:21 And then I think a lot of it is, a lot of his business dealings with the tax cap shit, obviously, but there's going to be his slush fund documents in there and what payments he made to whom and how in his travel information is going to be in his phones and they're going to be able to find out where he was, who he talked to, who he gave money to and who he took money from. And that is going to be really, really important. I think that that's why he keeps just this whole big flip thing is such a big deal. I think transactions like show patterns, right? That's what they can look for at the very least to see what his patterns are and like tie
Starting point is 01:19:56 that with like a behavior or motive. They did that with the like paying off the porn stars. They were like, oh, these are patterns. That's how you get like I guess, a social or moral issue to become a legal issue or political on smart. Yeah, or just direct fucking evidence that they paid Russia to- If we're lucky.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Yeah, for the, you know. Just like I did it like, Deniable cash payments to Russians and the UAE and Israel to, you you know interfere in the election I wonder if it'll be that easy. You think Mueller is just like it can't be this easy I think it can I think about who we're dealing with Jim van Ostrans says all effective dictators have the military in their back pocket How is Trump's relationship with the military leadership? Do you think they think he's a clown or would they follow his orders even to one over the edge?
Starting point is 01:20:44 My feeling is the joint chiefs think he's he's a clown or would they follow his orders even to one over the edge. My feeling is the joint chiefs think he's an idiot. Kelly, we already know things he's an idiot, Tillerson thinks he's a fucking moron, but Tillerson isn't military. But all these guys just think he's an idiot and they don't thought like when he tweeted about banning transgender troops from joining the military, Mattis and the joint chiefs are like, get the GTFO dude, no, we're not doing that, it's gonna cost too much money, it doesn't do anything for military readiness, in fact it hurts us, we've done studies, shut up.
Starting point is 01:21:15 But do they actually protest through action or just, cause I wonder, yes they do, because we still allow transgender troops in the military. Oh okay good, I was gonna say, do they do anything to stop him from, he. I was gonna say, like, do they do anything like to stop him from, like, he tried to go to war, like, with a... We'll see.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Yeah. They couldn't stop him from talking to North Korea, and that just fell apart today. I don't know if we saw that. Yeah, because what can they do? They still have an oath to, like, their position. There's a lot they have done. Like I said, they haven't listened to his tweets
Starting point is 01:21:42 about certain things. We're not gonna do that. So they do their own little weird little protest. Yeah, they do what they can. I have a friend who's in the military and he's thinking about just going in a private contracting instead of staying. Yeah, I have a friend who worked for a private security contractor in the Middle East. You get paid a lot more. You get a lot more, you get better gear. Yeah, right. Because the budget right now, it's like, especially for their Marines, there's been so many stories of planes literally just them not even making it to their training. No operations, they're dying on like, like
Starting point is 01:22:13 planes crashing in the middle of America. It's like really crazy. Yeah. Or the like, that you're supposed to have these steel plates bolted the bottom of your Jeep so that ideas don't get you, or you know, flack jackets or whatever, and they just, they're short. So, it's crazy. It's crazy, isn't it? It's all going to a private industry. I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:22:30 I was going to say. I was going to say. I was going to say. I was going to say. I was going to say. Exactly. It's like so much, we think of military funding as, you know, having some of the highest in the world,
Starting point is 01:22:38 and then it's that these things still have. Yeah, but they shorten them to keep the money. Exactly. It's bad. Yeah. Not only nope asked if McConnell or his wife's family is benefiting directly from Trump's tariffs, and how one could find out if they're invested in Trump or Kushner properties.
Starting point is 01:22:50 I don't know. I haven't heard anything of along these lines. I can pretty much guarantee you that anybody who's worth over a million dollars is benefiting from these tariffs, especially if they're in steel or aluminum. It's the consumers that suffer from trade tariffs. So it's definitely not the rich. Otherwise, he wouldn't be doing it. He's benefiting from it as well.
Starting point is 01:23:11 And as far as invested in Trump or Kushner properties, I suppose that's something that once we flip the Congress and Maxine Waters is in charge of financial fiscal oversight, she can submit, as she can subpoena his bank records and find out. Is that your fantasy or your thing is actually going to happen? I think it's, I think we'll flip the Congress. Like you think she'll be in charge of that?
Starting point is 01:23:29 Is that she automatically becomes in charge of it? Oh snap! That's going to be a nice. It'll be fun. She can get Trump's taxes too. It'll be great. Wow. Although I'm sure a molar already has them, but then we can see them. Exactly. You guys are so important to vote.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Remember, we can get all the information we need, we can take over the Russian investigation, we can fuckin' fix this shit. We can get all the corruption. At Reading Kender asked what happened to the 30 plus high ranking officials and staff members, we haven't heard a tweet or a peep from people like Hope Hicks, where are they? Could be gagged, could be cooperating.
Starting point is 01:24:05 That would be my guess. That could be smart, where usually your lawyers will tell you just don't talk about this investigation and don't tweet about it. And they are listening, whereas Trump does not. So you might be having, you know, taking your cues from how Trump acts, don't, because he breaks all the rules.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Exactly. Kimberly Phillips wanted us to explain why the Mueller investigation is so important to our democracy beyond Trump being a bad umbrae. Well, there's so much I could say about the why the why this investigation is so important to our democracy. First of all, it's a massive test of our rule of law and our checks and balances and our judicial system in the country. If you try to think about why Watergate was important,
Starting point is 01:24:53 the concept that nobody is above the law, going all the way back to Robert Jackson, who I think is Rod Rosenstein's hero and one of Comey's heroes too, is that no one is above the law. And if we allow that to happen, we slide into dictatorship pretty fast from there. That's why it's, that's the main reason. This is so hugely important that we, that we respect and maintain the rule of law in this country and that it works.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Because if it doesn't, we're lost. I think. Yeah. Well, sad, yeah. Yeah, I think also this is a moment where the intelligence community has been attacked and undermined constantly and for them to be resilient and to reestablish, quote-unquote, their legitimacy with the American people is so important for the foundation of our democracy.
Starting point is 01:25:49 To Weafwill, the Weaservoir of Tuest. Exactly. We must Weafwill, the Weaservoir of Tuest. Exactly. Thank you. That's based on a mistake from a past episode. You're welcome. At the Deep Magic, once you know if we're're gonna have any kind of meet up at Comic Con.
Starting point is 01:26:05 I'm working on it. I think we're getting press passes and I'm gonna try to do some stuff. Like I might set up the gear in a hotel room and just have rotating folks coming through. I don't know. We might go on the floor and interview people. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:21 It's interesting and odd to me that Mueller is pop culture. Yeah. It's just true. And is it Comic Con pop culture though? No, I don't know. I don't know. We're the other category, but I've seen them there. I don't know. So I'm trying to figure out a way to make this work because I Comic Con's been something that I've seen them there. I don't know. So I'm trying to figure out a way to make this work, because I, Comic Con's been something that I've been going to for years. I love the organization. I think that they're one of the most great, awesome
Starting point is 01:26:54 philanthropic groups of people in the world. And I love it when my downtown is taken over by Comic Con, because it's beautiful. All the bro dudes get the fuck out, you leave, and they all like, we're not gonna, ooh. The gas lamp is taken over by nerds, and I am so much more comfortable around them. I was gonna say, the episode you had with making Star Wars, we could do something with Star
Starting point is 01:27:17 Wars fans, we could do something like about Mueller being a Jedi. Yeah, seeing what superheroes think of the investigation. Well, I definitely want to see about getting Jason Amanda back on the show Yeah, and I'm from I've been Lobby and Pat Naswald pretty hard Oh, snap. We know his feelings on this administration and In general and he I know he goes to ComCon every year. I've seen his show every year at ComCon, but I'm Pat and you're listening you should come be on the pod That's what I'm that's what I'm a patent or listening, you should come beyond the pod.
Starting point is 01:27:47 That's what I'm saying. We would love to have... Your voice is one of the most important voices in this investigation, in this political age. I think... And maybe it's just because I'm biased, because I am a comedian, but I think comedians are the saviors of our free speech. Yeah, absolutely. And the protectors of it.
Starting point is 01:28:07 And I think that your voice is one of those that's very important to it, so. Guys, you did. Yeah, I hope that someone dresses up as an epic Robert Mueller. That's great. That's what I'm hoping. Mueller cosplays.
Starting point is 01:28:20 Yes. Oh, we should be Mueller's angels. Ooh. We gotta do something. Oh, my goodness. You know, we should be Mueller's angel. Ooh. We got to do something. Oh, my goodness. You know, we'll see. At Clint Jenkins, 85 wants to know what it would take for Trump to lose hardcore supporters.
Starting point is 01:28:35 We get this question all the time. If all the compromise Trump tapes come out, would he lose supporters? He says, I'm not sure Mueller is enough. I think if there were a tape of Trump having sexual relations with an underage girl, I think he would lose. I think that would be the end of it. I think he'd lose maybe 20 to 30% of his women's supporters if it came out that he did
Starting point is 01:29:02 pay for that abortion. Other than that, like he said, he could shoot somebody in the middle fifth avenue and then the man. Yeah, right. I wonder, yeah, I'm sorry. Go ahead. I was just going to say that I wonder if I even agree with that just because I feel like I want to believe that. But also, they've pushed us so far from what we started,
Starting point is 01:29:19 from what our standards were, what he can get away with. That I think it's just wishful thinking. I feel like we almost don't even need to lose his face, right? It's like, yeah, we can fantasize about it, but we don't need to. If the rest of us would just vote. Yeah, we just need to vote, and we need to impeach him. And I think that's it.
Starting point is 01:29:33 They can still exist. We can coexist with maggots, and you know, like whatever. I do think kid fucking is a line though. I do think it's a line. That is how a Democrat won a seat. Exactly. I was gonna say that's the whole thing that makes me wonder if it would even matter to the base because they almost voted for that guy.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Yeah, but they lost. They lost, but it was too close for me. Yeah, but for a Democrat too close is a win in that area. Yeah, exactly. It's like a millennial no less. Mm-hmm. A millennial, yeah, Conor Lam, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:03 And I think too, it's also in that, the people that voted for Roy Moore still, after that came out, I was listening to interviews with them and their reason for it was, Roy Moore stands on abortion. So, if it comes out at all, hello. He paid for an abortion, right? You lose that, though.
Starting point is 01:30:19 I do think abortion, any of the hardline Bible built, but you know what, though, I bet they could pivot and say, well, she should have kept her legs closed, she's the whore, she's the fault, she trapped him. Yeah. Blaming the whole thing. We'll see how shitty people really are I guess if that comes out. Well, we have. Yeah, we have and it could keep going. I do think there's a couple of lines I think that's right. Yeah, for some. For some. Yes, and not for all. There still will be people who hang on to him. Yeah, yeah. Prepare to lose faith in humanity. I would think too that, like, if it comes out publicly that he did collude with Russia and there was conspiracy
Starting point is 01:30:50 that just all the nationalists, they would have to not be okay with that. Or that under my ins. I don't think they'll believe it. I think that they're already on the narrative that Mueller's corrupt. Yeah, and that's enough for him. And the FBI is corrupt and they were biased.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Yeah, we have for sure. But you're definitely a possibility. Which is cheating. Yeah. I wish's enough for us. And the FBI is corrupt and they were biased. Yeah, we have for sure. But you're definitely not really the teacher. Which is cheating. Yeah, I wish everyone agreed with us. That'd be an interesting one. You would think that no veteran would support, or no active duty member would support Trump after what he said about POWs,
Starting point is 01:31:16 what he did to the Gold Star family, what he, that he's a five time draft Dodger, that he insulted McCain again, dying John McCain this week. The Mueller is a war hero and he's picked on him. You would think no veterans would support him, but they do. Yeah, I mean, in this country, we're very unique people. Everyone is their own little snowflake and good and bad ways. And it's not split.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Now, we're a virus, we're all the same. We're not stuck. That's the one way to look at it. We're not special. It's fine. I mean, we are special, you guys. Yeah. Anyone can be president. I went through the theory that global warming is actually just the earth inflicting its own
Starting point is 01:31:54 fever against all of us. Well, yeah. I think the old George Carlin theme that we're a virus, we've invaded the planet. Yeah. If you were the planet, how would you get rid of a virus? Will they seem to be... Swing it, they seem to be susceptible to viruses. Maybe if we made a virus that made them reluctant to procreate. Um, and so AIDS, uh, was the way that the earth was healing itself. Oh, right. Um, I imagine that's an old George Kralin bit. Yeah. It was totally ragged. Oh,
Starting point is 01:32:24 man. That is great. I love these like scientific and conspiracy theories. They're interesting. Yeah. No, it's not, it's not anything like that. But yeah, or what did you say fever? Climate change. Yeah, more like philosophical and environmental philosophy kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Yeah, yeah. Friction. It's a very nihilistic. Correcting itself. Yeah. It's very cynical and very nihilistic. I think that's a whole hashtag no lives matter. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:48 What that is? I think it's hashtag earth matter. Yeah, no. Okay. But that's like the let fam and happen people. Yeah, right. Jesus Christ. I'm not saying I want to be here for it.
Starting point is 01:32:58 I'm pro choice, but come on. All right, at Big Politics Nerd wants to know who we think Trump will be most surprised to learn has been secretly cooperating all along Baron She's saying sessions are banned and you know who I think Cohen no There's them all you guys oh Prebis you think he'd be surprised. I think it would be some he'd listen to the brush. He'd probably see Ro the, well, yeah. You know Trump lead at night, listens, and he just hates himself.
Starting point is 01:33:29 No. He's just joking with that. That was crazy. No one would have let him listen to Ro the. We haven't seen any tweets about Mueller, she wrote. No, you know he would, yeah, we're not that cool yet. At Eve is a Pisces wants to know when we're going to be on Potsayva America. I don't know, hopefully someday.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Yeah. That would be my dream come true or love it or leave it. Any of it. Historia. I know. I forgot to ask Dan while I was talking to him. I should have done that a while. Maybe someday. Yeah. Definitely someday. That'd be great. But we were in the just like immense appreciation that he was on our podcast. Yes. That's where I am right now. It's just I'm on my high. I can't believe he came on. That's so cool that he came on and that he, and that he, you know, says that it's podcasts would like Potsave America, love it or leave it, Moller She wrote that are gonna be huge.
Starting point is 01:34:14 That may matter in 2020. I know I'm so excited, so nice. That's a great podcast and all those guys are super great dudes. So check them out. If you haven't listened to Potsave America, Potsave the world, love it or leave it. They're all really great. They're all former Obama advisors. Love it was his joke writer for the correspondence dinners.
Starting point is 01:34:32 It's amazing. It's so funny. Jessica Lee Harper says, quote, in regards to the scope of Mueller's investigation, what legal charges is Trump facing at this point, assuming he's indicted. I don't think he's going to be indicted. I think he'll be subpoenaed and I think he'll lose and then I think a report will be written up, but I'm not sure he'll be indicted until after he leaves, but he could be facing crimes of collusion. He could be facing conspiracy,
Starting point is 01:34:59 bank fraud, tax fraud, lying. Everything Paul's got to change. Everything Manfort is facing. Whatever crimes of collusion looks like, it's what the DOJ called it. So I'm just going with their language. And then probably, assault, I think there's gonna be proof.
Starting point is 01:35:18 Assault on American values. Sorry. Assault on underage women. Oh geez, that would be the one to really shock. I think it would shake the world it wouldn't shock the world But it would like even in the people that wouldn't that would still support him It it would truly show their colors in a way of that like If people are this like we are now about Trump supporters
Starting point is 01:35:38 I wonder how much worse it can get like how Uglier people can see him, you know, like the things they can put up. The longer they support Trump, the uglier they get. Yeah. And how we put up with that, like at what point, because it's already getting really tense, we're not letting people eat, you know, we're like, yeah, chewing them out of restaurants. This is kind of like the boycott era.
Starting point is 01:35:57 But that's okay. It is okay. I'm for it, but I'm just wondering, like, I don't want to be a pessimist and assume that, you know, we're joking about Civil War, but like, yeah, would it but like yeah would it be political enough for them there's not enough of them to win and then also I don't think we're a violent of a political body like you mentioned you joking the live show a civility war yeah it'll be like a real big shouting shouting match no we and and I think that that's one of the things that and I know that I know that Scott Dworkin was talking about how when that woman, the teacher went up to
Starting point is 01:36:29 prove it in the restaurant with her kid on her hip. And so look, this is what I think and my kid likes clean air and my kid likes clean water. And I think you should resign immediately. It's disgraceful what you're doing. You're supposed to be protecting the environment. That's why it's called Environment Obtection Agency. She was very professional, very polite.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Yeah. And, and that's it. And that's, that's how we do things, right? And I heard, I loved what Okumo said after she climbed the Statue of Liberty. She said, Michelle Obama said, if we go, they go low, we go high. Well, I went as high as I could go. And that was really great. Incredible.
Starting point is 01:37:01 Yeah, this is this kind of stuff that I'm down with. If he went and call it a war, a war on values, like, yeah, this is this kind of stuff that I'm down with. He went and called it a war. A war on values. Like, yeah, this is the kind of like peaceful protest. Peaceful protest. Yeah, she was Congolese. She was, you know, she was from the area close to
Starting point is 01:37:14 some of the countries that Trump called shit hole countries. Yeah. So it's a movement. It is. Yeah, yeah. And I think that this peaceful, like Obama said, Dan Fyferhood has said this wave of young people
Starting point is 01:37:26 is going to wash this country clean and we're going to move forward into this great new era. I don't think guns will win. I think people say sometimes, like, oh, but we don't know how to shoot and all that or whatever. I got a 22. Right. Some of us can shoot.
Starting point is 01:37:39 But, you know, in the apocalypse, the 22 is going to be the most available, ammunition on 9 millimeters. So make sure you don't have a 40 caliber. I have faith it won't come to that, but I guess I don't know. It won't come to that. Yeah. Love you, dead. At SoulStealer 25, asked if we think Mueller is waiting for the perfect time to indict Trump
Starting point is 01:37:56 and how much longer we think the investigation will continue. I do not think he's going to indict Trump. I think that he'll ask maybe and get the know and then write up a full report to the gang of eight so we can have all the information. That's how I truly think it's going to go down. He might also make impeachment recommendations via report to Congress that might not be made public based on some other evidence he has. How long do I think the investigation will continue? Well, if we flip the Congress in November, we're going to reopen the Russian investigation starting in January. So at least in other two years.
Starting point is 01:38:30 And then everything that's been this investigation, the scope of this investigation, the depth of it is so much bigger than water bait. Just for a flag thing on it once it's done, that it's going to take years to parse out what happened. We're going to be getting information coming out as time goes on. I don't know that I see an end to this anytime within the next five years. No, and the influence is it's going to have on day to day politics in the future. It's going to be things worth covering. Yeah, the residual influence. I don't know if I'm decided on the indictment, whether or not he will be. Well, you can't indict a president, right? Or you can if he choose to, but Mueller, his style is not.
Starting point is 01:39:13 You can. Right. But he likely will just write the report is what you're thinking, right? Well, I think he'll ask for the indictment, so because he knows he'll get a no, and that would trigger a report to Congress. Right, right. That's what I think is going to happen. Okay, but ideally, he would want to just to get it over with, just to get just to get to in. Yeah. No, there's a DOJ policy that says you
Starting point is 01:39:28 sure you can't indict a sitting president. Okay. Muller is a straight arrow. So it's just a move. Just. Yeah. He's he can. You can indict a sitting president if the attorney general, which is who is recused right now. So the deputy attorney general says, go ahead and indict him. Right. I'm I'm in charge of these policies at the Department of Defense. I can, or Department of Justice. I can change this. If I want to, I'm the fucking man. I'm the boss.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Yeah. And we all know he's not afraid to, to be the boss. Exactly. So he can overturn that and let, and let Mueller indict the president. He can do that. But I think it will probably be more of a ask for indictment. No, trigger report to Congress because there's no other mechanism for a report to Congress like that. Right.
Starting point is 01:40:06 You would be forced to do it if he was told no. What do you think, Joy? Yeah, I mean, I think that sounds more likely and more in line with Mueller's behavior. And like he said, him and Rosenstein's dedication to the laws and presidents. But part of me just kind of hoops. Yeah, I think they also have a very, they also have a very no one's above the law. A point of view on life too. So yeah, who knows maybe the urgency will make a difference,
Starting point is 01:40:28 but depending on what trump death between now and then. Yeah, also we'll see if Mueller has a temper of any kind. Yeah, right. That's one solution. I think he's a seething cauldron of bubbling desire beneath the surface, which I think is how Freud described the id. Yeah, but yeah, we'll see what happens. I think he's just probably one of the most even keeled doesn't get angry, doesn't get upset, isn't biased at all people.
Starting point is 01:40:55 He is human though. Maybe. Ash Manu, you'll want to know how we celebrated the news that Manafort spends 23 hours a day in solitary confinement. I kept scrolling. I was like, hmm, good. Here's how I celebrate. Every time Trump tweets something ridiculous, I just say your former campaign managers in solitary confinement. I just replied to all of his tweets. Because the context is bizarre. It really is crazy to think that our current president's former chairman is currently in solitary confinement. The term is still happening. I encourage you all to just go on to Donald Trump's tweets and just let them know.
Starting point is 01:41:32 Just remind them. Never let them forget for a moment. Your campaign manager is a solitary confinement. That should be a response to every tweet. Go do it. Can you, I mean, we can play the game. Could could you imagine Opholmah did this with like so many things, but this one. There's so many. Yeah. You're right. El Marena Barbou asked if Mueller proves there was no, excuse me, if Mueller proves there was collusion with the campaign, including Agent Orange, what does that mean for the presidency? I'm not sure if you mean the office of the presidency or the guy who's occupying it. It's really bad for him. If proof comes out, which I'm sure it will, that there was collusion and that he knew about it, I co-in-nose that he knew about the Trump Tower meeting and that's proof enough right there.
Starting point is 01:42:15 And the office of the presidency itself, I think, has been damaged pretty significantly and it's going to take a series of great presidents to fix that and restore it to its former glory and the respect it deserves and and things like that. Yeah, we have to prove this This is a fluke to the rest of the world that it won't happen again for at least a long time and I can't even promise that to myself I can't wait to see what London does with his no with his he's visiting there and they're going to be floating a 40 foot Trump baby balloon over parliament for his visit. I thought it was already happening. There's gonna be promotion. There's gonna be anti-Trump marches. It's gonna be great. I'm excited to see. Yeah, Mueller. She wrote fans. They pictures out there. Yeah, definitely and
Starting point is 01:43:01 Hit us up at Mueller. She wrote on Twitter. I want to see that. Guys, thank you so much for listening. A special thanks to our patrons this week. You make this show possible. And thanks to everyone who came out to our live show, July 3rd. You guys are truly amazing. Join us next week.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Our guests will be one of my comedic heroes, Greg Proops, and the liberal red neck, Trey Crouter, is going to join us. So I'm super excited about that. You guys, I've been AG. I've been Julie St. Johnson. I've been Jordan Coburn. And this is Muller She wrote. Muller She wrote is produced and engineered by A.G. with editing and logo design by Jolissa Johnson. Mark K. Consulting by Amanda Rita at Unicorn Creative. Our digital media director and subscriber managers are Jordan Coburn and Sarah Hirschberger
Starting point is 01:43:49 Valencia. Our partners are fastgrass.org and joistyspoon.com. Fact checking and research by AG is support from Jalisa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Muller She wrote staff includes AG, Jalisa Johnson, Jordan Coburn, Sarah Hirschberger Valencia, Jesse Egan, and Sarah Lee Steiner. Our web design and branding are by Joel Reader with Moxie Design Studios, and our website is MooshieRote.com. They might be giants that have been on the road for too long.
Starting point is 01:44:32 Too long. And they might be giants aren't even sorry. Not even sorry. And audiences like the shows too much. Too much. And now they might be giants that are playing their breakthrough album, FLE. All of it. And they still have time for other songs.
Starting point is 01:44:46 They're fooling around. Who can stop? They might be giants and their liberal rocket gender. Who? No one. Disadvantaged pay for with somebody else's money. M-S-O-W-Media. you

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