Jack - More Russians Indicted, Strzok Hearing, Manafort, & Kavanaugh (feat. Greg Proops)

Episode Date: July 16, 2018

MAIN - This week, Jaleesa explains how Trump may have been a Russian asset since the 1980s, Jordan gives an update on Manafort, and AG talks about the Strzok hearing. Also, we have an interview with b...eloved comedian Greg Proops (Whose Line Is It Anyways?). Enjoy!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Greg Oliar. Four years ago, I stopped writing novels to report on the crimes of Donald Trump and his associates. In 2018, I wrote a best-selling book about it, Dirty Rubels. In 2019, I launched Proveil, a bi-weekly column about Trump and Putin, spies and mobsters, and so many traders! Trump may be gone, but the damage he wrought will take years to fully understand. Join me and a revolving crew of contributors and guests as we try to make sense of it all. This is Preveil. Thanks for listening to Muller She Wrote. The She in Muller She Wrote is no accident. Did you know we are 100% women owned and operated?
Starting point is 00:00:38 Every single person that helps make this podcast possible identifies as a woman. Our creative and web design, our engineer and producers, our editors and digital media manager, our agent, our ad execs, our merchandising manager, and even the postal service clerk that helps me with shipping and our PO box, all women and all LGBTQ plus allies. We will continue to employ and partner with women as our podcast grows, but we could use your help. Please support women in podcasting by visiting mullershearote.com and become a patron today. chips with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said.
Starting point is 00:01:25 That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time, a two, in that campaign, and I didn't have, not have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for having nothing to do with Putin? I've never spoken to him.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So, it is political. You're a communist! No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Hello and welcome to Muller, she wrote, I'm your anonymous host, A.G. Ben Addicting the Cumberbatch. I work high up in Trump's executive branch, so I have to remain anonymous to comply with the Hatch Act. With me, as always, is Julie Sajansen. Hello. And Jordan Coburn. Hello.
Starting point is 00:02:23 We have a jam-pack packed show for you today. In case you didn't recognize, there was a little bit of news this week. And we also have Greg Proops from Whose Line Is It Anyway, the airs on the CW. And he is the host of the podcast, the smartest man in the world. He's also a staunch feminist and kind of a hero of mine. So that'll be a fun interview.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Jordan is going to give us an update on Manifucked and Jalisa will be going over a New York magazine story about how long Trump has been a Russian asset. It's an interesting theory and I wanted to share it with everyone. And I'm gonna be talking a little bit about the struck hearings, but in order to get to everything we have this week, we're gonna just jump right in with just the facts. everything we have this week, we're just going to jump right in with just the facts. Okay, so Giuliani, our good friend, made some definitely not suffering from dementia, made some television appearances, and he blathered on like an idiot almost as if he heard me last week saying how nice it was to have a break from him.
Starting point is 00:03:20 It appears he's continuing what I like to call the Loub the maggots tour. He basically goes on TV and defies things Trump has lied about in the past so he can Loub up his base with the truth So that when it when he has to slide the truth in if it goes in a little easier. Oh, yeah Your ears by the way don't get dirty Yeah, so I'd Loub the maggots tour this. He told us that Trump did ask Comey to drop the Flynn investigation. Something Trump has emphatically denied multiple times. And our guest last week, Scott Dworkin, tweeted about another Giuliani thing that he said when he told ABC, he had debriefed all the Mueller witnesses, which sounds an awful lot like
Starting point is 00:04:04 witness tampering and obstruction of justice. Definitely. But anyway, it appears that that's his job now is to get the truth out casually and slowly or loop the maggots like I said over time So that when the impeachment happens none of the Trump supporters will will care They'll be like, oh no, we know he did that. It's not illegal even though he's lied multiple times about it because he knew it was illegal. Yeah, I can see that working sadly. It will. It'll work for about, I think, probably about 31%.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Yeah. The people that easily forget. 24, definitely. 24% definitely will continue to like take that, you know, that lubed up truth. Yeah. Handily. Then a sixth and seventh person has come forward with allegations against Jim Jordan
Starting point is 00:04:51 in the child molestation story at Ohio State University, where he was an assistant wrestling coach and mandated reporter of abuse. By the way, it was by law, he had to say something and he didn't. We spoke to Scott Dworkin, as I said last week, about Jim Jordan, so check out that episode for more details. Jordan has still not resigned amid these allegations, which is indicative of Republican family values, I think. Giuliani confirmed this week that the White House tried to stop Mueller from interviewing John Kelly. Emmett Flood sought to limit the scope of interview questions for Kelly, and Giuliani confirmed this stance of saying no to interviews, and he confirmed that it's a new thing, because
Starting point is 00:05:30 the old legal team used to allow interviews to go forward all the time, such as with Kushner. So he basically stood up on television and said, oh yeah, we're dicks. Flynn, our good buddy, he attended a hearing on Tuesday. We talked about that last week. Where have you been Flynn? Last week a judge ordered Flynn to appear at a status hearing for his pending case. And it turns out what happened was the judge really just wanted to meet him. Because if you remember, the first judge in the Flynn case had to recuse himself likely
Starting point is 00:05:59 because he's a former FISA court judge. And this new judge had not met Flynn yet. The judge also used the opportunity to tell Mueller's team despite Flynn's lawyer's ask to hurry it up. Like he wants to get back to his life. Yeah, shut up. He told the Mueller team that the prosecution can pretty much take all the time they need. A status update is due from Mueller on August 24th,
Starting point is 00:06:21 but the judge said that even then, he would happily grant additional delays in sentencing. So just whatever you need, basically. And they're getting more information from him and the longer this goes on to, I imagine. Yeah, either that or they're waiting for the trial so that he can testify because you don't want to sentence until after you want to have that sentencing hanging over their heads while they're you know, testifying in a trial. Then we had a lot of Manafort news this week, and Jordan will go over that later in the show. Then more American journalists and the BBC started releasing reports
Starting point is 00:06:55 about the Trump and Epstein underage sex parties in the 80s and 90s. They were well attended by Trump and underage models as young as 14. We alluded to these allegations and the potential existence of video evidence in last week's episode. So keep your eye on this. There may be evidence that could really bring down this entire administration.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Be wary of all of these allegations will also likely take down Bill Clinton. He was a member of that group and he attended those parties as well. Oh, wow. Yeah. Well, it sounds like he might need to be taken down. And I've said on multiple occasions with Mueller and Dite's any Democrats, I'm going to take that as truth because you can't.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I'm not a Republican. Being a Democrat doesn't automatically make you a good person. No. And I don't pick what's true and what's not based on who I like and who I don't like. And I thought Bill Clinton was a fine president, but I mean, if he did this, he needs to be prosecuted. Yeah. He's too smooth with the jazz. Yeah, I was like, I was your master.
Starting point is 00:07:55 What if he was just a total nerd at the party's like, ladies can I play my saxophone for you? Like, nothing ever happens. He's totally going to be one of those creepy old grandpa's. Already, it is like... I was just like, oh, let me see that. Tush over there. He really likes balloons. Also Wednesday, something hugely consequential to the Mueller probe went down.
Starting point is 00:08:17 The Senate confirmed Brian Benschkowski. We've been talking about this guy for a year. He's a former lawyer for a Russian bank, sanctioned for money laundering called Alpha Bank. Alpha Bank was also mentioned in the dossier, and we found out early on that the Alpha bank servers were communicating with the Trump campaign servers in Trump Tower way in the beginning of the campaign. So here's what I think the grand plan of the GOP has been with this bench-cowsky thing.
Starting point is 00:08:44 This is kind of the grand plan of the GOP has been with this bench kowski thing. This is kind of the grand plan. Step one, request impossibly top secret documents from the Justice Department that you know Rosenstein is not allowed to hand over. Step two, try to impeach Rosenstein for not complying with the top secret document request. Number three, fail at impeachment, but Trump can fire Rosenstein for facing impeachment in the first place. He's like, well, he's bad guy.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Should have been impeached. Didn't get impeached. So I'm going to fire him. Number four, install a Russia friendly guy to oversee the Mueller investigation. We've been positing this for a year. And now he's got bench Kowski in place. So he's the next in line. It would have been no well, Francisco, who, you know, we found having dinner with
Starting point is 00:09:25 Rosenstein in sessions. Yep. But I guess it's not him anymore. Note that Joe Manchin, Democrat from West Virginia, is the only Democrat that voted to confirm Benchkowski. I don't understand why he's a Democrat. He always votes Republican. It makes no sense to me. It's a Joe Lieberman. If you walk like a Republican, if you talk like a Republican, if you have sex with kids like a Republican, you're probably a Republican. Is that make him the old school Republican? Like our old school Democrat?
Starting point is 00:09:53 Cause there was a switch, right? So maybe. Oh, from like Abe Lincoln time old is he? It might be a reason. He could be a former slave owner. It's maybe like, uh, who was the one guy? Anyway, it's no. He's not that old. He's just a former slave owner, maybe. Yeah. Like, who was the one guy? Anyway, no. He's not that old.
Starting point is 00:10:07 He's just a Republican. Like, why are you even? Anyway, Joe Manchin, each hit. The House Intel and Judiciary Committee subpoenaed Lisa Page this week, because they wanted her testimony ahead of Peter Strux. But she refused. Her legal team said, no, you gave me short notice, and you didn't give me any materials to review, so I'm not coming in. So, haha.
Starting point is 00:10:28 So that they, you know, they didn't get their little Lisa Page interview prior to the Strach interview, the public Strach interview, which is what they really wanted. So they tried to do what they did to Rose and Stein and Ray. Yeah, pretty much. And then have all this information from Lisa that they could throw out and spin conspiracy theories on television during the hearings for Struck, for Peter Struck. So she can do that legally, she can refuse.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah. Well, I mean, they can always sewer and go to court, and they can force her to comply, but you can refuse a subpoena. Like a nunberg thing, like when he was refusing? Because that seemed pretty crazy. Well, no, he ended up going. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:06 He just had that drunken moment in his dream. Yeah, because he's sitting on the MSNBC panel and this lawyer lady's like, dude, that is the dumbest thing you face 18 months in prison. And he's like, oh, really? And then, you know, maybe I'll go. Yeah, yeah. Dumbass.
Starting point is 00:11:19 We also have a new nominee for the Supreme Court. And I had the privilege this week of speaking to a staunch women's rights activist about it. So let's take a listen. Today we are proud to have one of the stars from whose line is it anyway that you can see Monday nights at 9-8 Central in the CW and the host of the smartest man in the world podcast. One of my comedic heroes please welcome Mr. Greg Proops. Greg, how are you today? Thank you, AJ. You had a lovely intro. I'm quite well thank you. I'm a little hungover. I odied on the hearings for a couple
Starting point is 00:11:54 days ago and yeah, I had to blow out some steam last night. Yeah, understood. They were hard to watch. Oh my god. I think Jordan Coburn and I may or may not have had some wine last night. It's it's undisclosed. You right. So what I wanted to talk to you today about is among the massive news stories this week. We found out that Trump nominated a guy named Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court after the suspicious departure of Justice Kennedy, by the way, who to be fair was probably already in Trump's back pocket because his kid Justin lent Trump a billion dollars when he worked at Deutsche Bank. It's absolutely a coincidence, by the way. Totally, just a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Nothing to see here. But I know you're a feminist. You're a huge supporter of a woman's right to choose. And I was wondering what your thoughts on this nomination are. Well, it's a broadside isn't it? First of all, as Jennifer pointed out to me the other day, of all the justices that have ever sat on the court, there's been what, five is it that weren't what men?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Yes. So the idea that he was going to do this and around, there was that crop theory in the mainstream media for a while, that he was going to do an end around a pick of woman. And then the woman would be the one to help destroy a movie weighed. And then no one could go against her because you got to play the woman card no matter blah, blah, blah. That didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:13:15 And I think picking Kavanaugh who's spent a career with Clinton to arrangement syndrome and both of his mentors did as well. I'm talking about Ken Star, and yeah, they're Kat, his name, I cleverly have forgotten just now. Shows that he's an insanely misogynist. He's consistently voted against workers rights, he's consistently voted against women's rights.
Starting point is 00:13:43 And, you know, the whole carpool dad article that came out this week, and all the crappy Republicans, well, he may be a misogynist Nazi, but Gush, Dynity, he's great to eat hot dogs with. I really hate when they do that home spun, he's a regular guy, even though he kills Jews and ovens. Defense, because it's so crap, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:14:06 You can be two different people. People are complex. Hitler loved his dog. Just because you have one redeeming quality in your fund to carpool with, doesn't mean you're not a Nazi. Two, I find it fascinating that he went into credit card debt over buying nationals tickets. Have you no connections? After 40 years in Washington, there's nobody who, I mean, my God, I don't have lived in San Francisco in a long time, but I could get giant tickets if I needed them. So I think he's dreadful. I think he's that. What they really love. He's in the John Roberts mode of a
Starting point is 00:14:47 lovable handsome Catholic guy Neil Gorsuch who's really rotten to the core evil middle-earth wizard evil. Yeah well we know that this wasn't so much a Trump pick as much as it was like a you know that guy Leonard guy Leonard Leo, the guy from the Far from Federalist Society. He put together a list of 25 judges that would work to overturn Roe v Wade. And he also donated a million dollars to Trump's inaugural fund and tried to cover it up. And he was instrumental in working to block Mara Garland and also scores of other Obamac judicial nominees. So he's a peach.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Sorry. That's it. That's he's a speech. Sorry. That's it. That's he's a peach. Well, he's totally behind this, as well as the fact that it's my understanding having read all these articles this week that basically Kennedy signed off on Kavanaugh. It was kind of a baton passing. At no point did democracy or vetting rear
Starting point is 00:15:43 their ugly heads. And that's how this group works now. We're in a real rush controlled, I'm going to mix about 15 political groups here, but we're in a rush and controlled mafia Nazi situation here. And of the two main points of their agenda are to enrich themselves, obviously. And the other one is to inflict pain on women. Wow. I don't see it.
Starting point is 00:16:07 How can it be any other way? To restrict abortion, to put children and then jails, to cut back health care, to an ignored gun control, those are all aimed directly at women. You're right. And particularly poor women and particularly women of color. Because those issues that I just named, those five issues, no one is hurt more
Starting point is 00:16:27 by ignoring them and destroying them than women of color. And that means poor women, and that means immigrant women, and that means maids and fast food workers and domestics, and the people who basically keep the country going, especially in California. Yeah, and I, you know what, I would add a third goal here.
Starting point is 00:16:51 But he, he, Kavanaugh was the only pick that has written extensively that the president is above the law and can't face civil or federal criminal investigation or prosecution. And that's where it ties into the Mueller investigation, because if Mueller subpoenas Trump and Trump fights it, it will likely go to the Supreme Court, like the Nixon tapes did, and now we have two judges on the court selected by Trump that would have to rule on that case, and it seems highly improper to me. So I think there might be that third
Starting point is 00:17:16 self-preservation motivation as well. It's mortally improper. Kennedy would have done the same thing for him, but was too old and wanted to split with his money. And so, Kavanaugh was the designated hitter on this one, I think. And I think you're absolutely right. The other overarching concern of this was to make sure the court was sealed up with someone who'd make a completely unconstitutional out of field ruling for him.
Starting point is 00:17:39 There is, of course, no way that that stands. They can get it to stand at a Supreme Court. But if you look at Clinton, Nixon, Andrew Johnson for Christ's sake, the times it's been trotted out, you know, a president is absolutely liable legally for what they do. And as I boringly pointed out before, Kenneth of his mentors and Ken Star had an insane impetus, whatever you want to call it, to destroy Bill Clinton by dragging his intern through the mud and humiliating her. So I think you're right. What I'm hoping for is that they can stall this, even if it requires cheating or changing the rules or falling down down on the floor of
Starting point is 00:18:30 the Senate or whatever it is they're going to do. We've known that the calls moved everything around so that it doesn't require an acclamation of what I can remember the number now. The number changed from being a majority to being like three Republicans from states that have no people in them is the new requirement to confirm a Supreme Court justice. But I'm really hoping that Schumer and all them are going to make good on this and just stall the Dickens out of it. I mean, Schumer is not my favorite, but there are a lot of really smart legal minds in the Senate. Dick Blumenthal and Kamala Harris, and I really feel like with not many, you know, and the Congress as well. Obviously, the district I live in is we're lucky because I we have Ted Lou. Right. And Adam Schiff is a nearby district and they're both real smart. And Adam Schiff is a keen legal mind. So there's
Starting point is 00:19:26 got to be a way I think to if you'll pardon the expression jerk this around and stall like they did with Garland. I mean, there's no other way around this. They can't acquiesce and put this guy on the court. The illegitimacy of the presidency is, you know, other than to the Republican party, a genetic issue right now. Right. There's too many things going on for them to even entertain filling this seat. Yeah, and I think it's interesting
Starting point is 00:19:54 that you bring up, you know, Kennedy might have done that for Trump too, if a subpoena went to the Supreme Court, but Kennedy, quite. You did for W, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but the way for W in 2000. You're absolutely right. Because we have to remember that Kennedy might have had I did for W. Sorry, I didn't even know. But the point for W in 2000, you're absolutely right. The swing go down. But we have to remember that Kennedy might have had
Starting point is 00:20:08 to recuse himself because of his son's ties to Deutsche Bank. And so that could have been part of the deal too. A stupidly noted, and I think you're right there as well. If that had blown up more, which they've really pushed off the front page, I noticed. But then again, how do we keep everything on the front page? You've got Wilbur Ross and Jim Jordan and, you know, a hundred other plus the children
Starting point is 00:20:29 and cages, which isn't going away. I agree with you. I think he would have, he would have, because he was older and had actually read a law book, probably recused himself from having to make that ruling, which would have left him in the same gigantic subway sandwich, both there now which is facing a 4-4 with four sentient members of the Supreme Court and four Nazis on the Supreme Court Absolutely, all right. Well, that's the Greg. That's the part about I wanted to talk about Kavanaugh with you I wanted to see if you maybe wanted to give us your thoughts on the twelve russian
Starting point is 00:21:06 indictments that came out this week and he any speculations as to maybe who might be next well i think it indicates the president completely obviously uh... besides that i mean it's clear that he's you know the conclusion uh... jennifer and i've been having a good old discussion about it and uh... i believe it's her assertion that I can't pronounce his name. What's the Russian?
Starting point is 00:21:29 Mugolovich? Yeah, Mugolovich. That Mueller has his sights on the heights here. Roger Stone and all these other crap players are going to get theirs, I think. All right, let me retract here. First of all, I was very proud of Rod Rosenstein after having been drawn in front of Congress and humiliated a week ago.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And then having debriefed orange 45 on what was going to happen yesterday, had the moxie to get up there and deliver a real pointed indictment. Not only did he go into the charges against the 12 Russian secret agents at GRU, he made a real note out of the crappy mockery of a sham of a sham of a mockery of a sham that was that hearing. He did it in a very subtle way by just saying, we don't conduct our business by hearing and we don't do it on TV and all that.
Starting point is 00:22:24 We follow the rule of law. And absolutely, if there's one thing this GOP isn't going to follow, ever is the rule of law. So that gave me heart to know that the deputy AG had that kind of, to Marity, to, I pointed this out to Jennifer, and she was bored to death by this point, but I think it's worth bringing up because it's kind of like analogous to when Dick Cheney shot the guy in the face and never spoke to any legal authorities and was just let off for shooting someone in the face.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And then I remember doing jokes about it a month later and my friend Wilders was doing jokes about it in New York and the New York Times review said, who cares about the Cheney thing anymore? And Will and I were like backstage somewhere and one because the vice president shot someone in the face and faced no legal ramifications for it. That's why it's important.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Jeff Borgard sessions did not make this announcement yesterday because he had to recuse himself at the very beginning of this because he's down with the Russians. And that to me is disgusting. That's the deputy AG. That's the attorney general's announcement to make, but he can't. He couldn't even go near it. He's probably not even privy to this other than what he can siphon out of the DOJ, because he's such a corrupt, racist, misogynist, you know, a scourge whizzle.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah. And I think the terrible state of affairs when the uh... pointed deputy a g who they thought was going to be one of the boys like they thought uh... mollor was going to be one of the boys which was hilarious the misjudgment on those two parts i think is the undoing of this scambino crime family here uh...
Starting point is 00:24:00 because firing comi was a terrible move on this part comi loved him comi loved him yeah comi was going to be president. He loved Comey too. I mean, uh, absolutely. He fired him because he panicked. Yeah. You instead you left the most staunch Republican paratrooper that ever wandered the, the lantern job halls of character acting is, um, uh, you know, grim and determined, and also this GOP can't keep a secret. It's full of boob hatches and slow coaches like Devon, Nunez, and Louis Gomer, and Orange 45 themselves, who do all the leaking. But Miller's operation is not. Well, there's operations airtight.
Starting point is 00:24:43 The Russian gangsters, my new conjectural theory that Jennifer and I have concocted through research is that he's the biggest crime lord in the world and that he's the fish, I think, that Miller really might want to fry at the end of the day here because he's an oligarch, he has a crib at Trump Tower. He's been up to his caducas in this since day jump. He's also got a degree in economics. He knows how to cheat at a real high level. And I think there might be more. You notice how many Russians, Mueller, and Dites,
Starting point is 00:25:22 and I find that interesting. Yeah, there's been a few campaign people. And no one in the administration, other than Flynn, right, who had to, I guess, page of a Dr. Pusser, delivering all that delicious coffee. But I think by going after the Russians, he's trying to get to the heart of the matter here. Yeah, that's the big, that's the godfather of the Russian mafia pretty much. All right, well thank you so much for talking with us today. Greg Proops will be at Barelubich in West Hollywood on July 22nd, August 15th and August 22nd. And he will be recording a new live album at the Punchline in San Francisco, July 27th and 28th.
Starting point is 00:26:02 He'll be in just for laughs Toronto September 20th through 23rd. And of course you can catch him on whose line is it anyway every Monday night on the CW Greg. Thank you so much for being here. Can I throw in one last thing? I'm recording a podcast on the 26th that San Francisco to punchline and plan parent who'll be there as well. So I invite everyone to come to that fine show in San Francisco. We'll be smoking dope outside on Okale Plaza beforehand. And then salying in for the podcast at 8 o'clock on the 26th. Great. Well, we'll make sure that everybody knows about that.
Starting point is 00:26:34 And again, this has been absolutely wonderful. Thanks for taking the time today. We appreciate it. Thanks, A.G. Good luck to you. And thanks for doing this podcast. No problem. Have a good day.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Cheers. Also this week, CNN reported that despite Facebook's reassurance, remember when he went to Congress and he sat in his little booster seat, Zuckerberg, Zuckerberg seat, he reassured as there were no longer any connection between Russia, we weren't sharing data with Russia anymore via Facebook. However, we found out this week the Russians did keep mining our profiles long after it was reported they had stopped and Facebook could face a lot of problems tied to this story as they should. They absolutely should. I think they got fined like $635,000 this week and everyone was like,
Starting point is 00:27:18 oh, how sad for you. You're worth like $9 billion or whatever. Yeah, I understand that it's really difficult and it's a brand new field A lot of the things are doing but it's no excuse when national security is compromised because you haven't created the failsafe that you need to have yeah, absolutely Facebook I can't quit you That is true, it's impossible to leave for I'm like, fuck that guy. Fuck Facebook. And then I go check Facebook. Yeah, exactly. I say, fuck Facebook on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:27:49 He can't. It's very good. This week, Cohen's lawyer said that Trump had committed impeachable offenses. This is Lanny Davis. He said that by, well, basically he said that by lying about asking Komi to go easy on Flynn, he was committing a clear abuse of power. And as we said, Giuliani said this week that Trump did ask Comey to drop the Flynn investigation. So that might be, you know, where Lanny Davis is coming from.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And that's Cohen's lawyer, his new lawyer. House GOP appropriators bought and paid for by the NRA, which, as we know, funneled millions of rubles into GOP congressional coffers and Trump's inaugural fund. Anyway, these appropriators in the House GOP blocked funding this week for research of gun violence. Interesting. Yeah, you're welcome. Again, it's been blocked for decades.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And there's a whole group of guys ready to do it. We're like, here we are. We just need to go ahead and they've just been waiting. Yeah, it's like studying marijuana. Just refuse unreasonably. ahead and they've just been waiting. Yeah, it's like studying marijuana. Just refused. Yeah. And reasonably. Upwards of 250,000
Starting point is 00:28:50 Britons or UK citizens turned out in protest to Trump's visit to Britain this week, including a floating 40 foot angry baby Trump balloon. Near Parliament as approved by the mayor of London, which is amazing. Yeah, that's savage. I love it. I wonder how it feels to be the most hated man in the world. It's like the way less cool than the most interesting man in the world, for sure. He must think he's the most loved, though, right? I feel like he really must think that.
Starting point is 00:29:17 People could be telling him, like, look how much they love you. Yeah, because he only limit his, you know, access to certain reviews. He can be convinced that the word like Hitler probably I keep going I keep thinking because he's so weird like the way he Geez, yeah, I'm more like Hitler, but Trump's a wannabe He's a poser. Yeah, he really is. It's people are like you're not even good enough. Yeah It's people are telling him that baby balloon It's just a depiction of his inner try. Yeah, everybody Somebody you're somebody said it's because England wants you to be the king and marry the queen and the trump baby is so that you'll have Trump babies
Starting point is 00:29:56 Wow, I kind of want England to you know fight it for a get take us back Let's become a let's become a colony of England. Oh, come on, Queen. I like their architecture. I mean, that'd be cool. I do too. I was looking at the protest and they look so much better amongst beautiful buildings. Yeah, Trafalgar Square is really, really beautiful. I think it's where the the locus of the protest where I was really, really nice. It is America fucking get out there. This guy's here every goddamn day. Yeah, well, 89% of Britain's hate Trump, that's his disapproval rating is 89% there.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Wow. And I don't know if that's UK, I don't know if that's England, I don't know if that's a great Britain. They have that kind of weird breakdown. breakdown of what's a country and what's a... And then he visited Scotland for a while and everybody hates him there. Tens of thousands of people are protesting there. Yeah, they followed him there.
Starting point is 00:30:57 He was like felt so shitty in England. He's like, I gotta get the fuck out of here. And so instead of coming back to America before he goes to talk to his boyfriend, Putin, he stopped, he figured he'd stop it. One of his golf properties. Right, I was gonna say, on your diet. That Scotland golf course that he has. Yeah, he's got a couple, two in Scotland, one in Ireland.
Starting point is 00:31:19 They're all black holes for money too. Oh, yeah, of course. And they were all funded by Russia, cash. Anyway, and I think Eric, I think Eric Trump bragged about that. They were like, would you get the money to pay for this? And he's like, we don't spend our own money. We get all the money we need from the Russians.
Starting point is 00:31:33 And then later on, he denied that he said that. Too many. His teeth are too small. Yeah, they're like, look, Eric's special, everyone. Please, just don't listen to what he says. I love that one of our previous guests gave us that noesferatu, Eric Trump, side by side. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:50 So good. The Hill published a story Friday saying that they have sources that have heard that the House GOP led by Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows are planning on filing impeachment articles against Rosenstein as early as Monday. That's today, it's one of the show airs. For information on how to respond if Rosenstein is removed,
Starting point is 00:32:10 visit our Twitter and catch our retweet of Rogue NASA. You can find that at Rogue NASA or at Muller, she wrote. We've got all the information on marches, how to find marches in your area, because we definitely need to take to the streets. We need a thousand giant baby tromboloons. And then, of course, felony Friday. Twelve more Russians were indicted in the Trump-Russia probe and we'll go over that later in detail. So, guys, that's the week's
Starting point is 00:32:35 news. All right. Hello, thanks for listening to Mollershy Road. I'm talking to you because we could use your help. There's lots of costs associated with creating a podcast. There's editing, sound equipment, writing and research, hosting, shipping costs, and merch, branding and web design, consulting and IT, and I'm not too proud to ask for your support. Our patrons are the single source of revenue to cover these costs, and to be totally transparent, or still in the red.
Starting point is 00:33:01 That's where you come in. By becoming a patron, you not only support our efforts, but you support women in podcasting and media. And the best part is that it's not a one-way street. In return for your pledge, you'll get access to our bonus content and ad free episodes. You'll receive our weekly newsletter and our MSW Book Club membership. And you'll get all sorts of great rewards like t-shirts, stickers, reusable tote bags made from 100% recycled materials, and even our limited edition Polonium T for Russia with Love created just for us by our friends at JoyceTeespoon.com.
Starting point is 00:33:31 So please help us out and head over to mullershoewrote.com and subscribe today. You'll be glad you did. Alright, welcome back. Hot notes. Today Jordan is going to give us an update on Manifact. Hot notes. See me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see me see In 1987, it was like Trump's breakout year and some politics because he never really commented on politics before that. And there's two theories about why that year was important. So the first is that he published the art of the deal, which has, we know, was his love letter to, you know, capitalism, basically, like, you know, pledging his allegiance to money. And the other thing is that he took a trip to Moscow.
Starting point is 00:34:22 And legilegians to the money of the United States of America. I think it's the only thing he cares about. I mean, besides his reputation, but his money is his validation to him. So it kind of changed his whole political view. And then also his trip to Moscow, of course, was really interesting because he left it with a lot of political ambition.
Starting point is 00:34:42 He got really fired up. And so the idea is that during the Soviet era, Russian intelligence, they cast a wide net to gain leverage over influential figures abroad. And they still practice this today. So the Russians would lure or entrap not only prominent politicians and cultural leaders, but also people whom they saw as having potential for gaining prominence in the future. So in 1986, Soviet Ambassador Yuri Dubibin, I'm assuming, met Trump in New York and pretty much flattered him with praise for his building exploits and he invited him to discuss the potential of building in Moscow.
Starting point is 00:35:19 So, Trump visited Moscow in July 1987. And this is something he described in the art of the deal so it was kind of like I guess the whole experience for him that whole year was just like kind of life-changing so much. Were you guys born? No, not even close. No, okay. 92, yeah, yeah. Go into high school. Oh, okay, so you were born when I graduated. Oh nice. Yeah. Cool. Cool. Maybe I saw you there. Yeah. It's like, hello, cruel world. Yeah, we could have been conceived of a low.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Hello, cruel world. Oh, no. Start and strong. Oh, yeah. Stop giggling like babies. Oh, yeah. I'm so sorry. I'm like a big, strong baby.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I'm a serious news organization. Absolutely. So, as you come, he basically began the first of a long series of presidential flirtations, which included a flashy trip to New Hampshire, and two months after his Moscow visit. There's such a thing as a flashy trip to New Hampshire, really. I'm just gold everywhere.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I imagine a gold suit. Gold fair. I've never been. So I shouldn't judge. What do they do, Arthur? Make jam. It's beautiful. I'm sure it's absolutely beautiful. I love the whole so I shouldn't judge. What do they do out there make jam. It's beautiful. I'm sure it's absolutely beautiful. I love the whole Easter Seaboard so no nails. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Very nice. Two months after Trump's Moscow visit he spent almost a hundred thousand dollars on a series of full-page newspaper ads that was basically a published political manifesto and that was basically a published political manifesto. And it was quoted an open letter from Donald J. Trump on why America should stop paying to defend countries that can afford to defend themselves. Oh, so he's been a NATO hater for a while. Exactly. And this is right up, like, a line with Putin's whole idea,
Starting point is 00:36:59 of splitting NATO up and like destroying these Western alliances. And I think in 87 Putin was actually still in the KGB. Oh snap, yeah, I think they mentioned it in here too. Yeah, he, I mean, he's been playing this the whole time and it seems like Trump was actively like aligning with this agenda even though it didn't go with what he previously thought,
Starting point is 00:37:18 like as if he couldn't have possibly not been aware of what he was doing. Because some people like to think like this article to talk about how people think that Trump's just like, oh, I just kind of played along with the idea of being powerful. I know what I was doing, you know? But the way that he writes this letter and the, you know, that the strong stance that he has against like anyone
Starting point is 00:37:36 that we're spending. I can hear him now. I didn't know America was underage, I swear. Oh, my God. He just loves to play, you know, like he says he's super smart, but then he loves to play dumb about the whole Russian thing. So it doesn't really add up, you know. Is his brain attached to his mouth, though? Well, we can have that verified. We can get on that. Basically, yeah, he's been doing all these things like having the strong stance against
Starting point is 00:37:58 Western alliances and all the defending spending we have against the Soviet Union since the 1980s and Obviously, we you know know all about the connection since then you can go on and on about there's like a 20 page article It's a really long one. I list every yeah, I really hope everybody gets a chance to read it definitely It's in what New York magazine, right? Yep exactly. I had like a hundred people send me that and it's so good Yeah, it's a really good article they they talk a lot about how Trump is an easy target. You know, like we've discussed this before too, because if his greed and the art of the deal, you know, is a good reason why people think that.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And his sex campaigns, honestly. Yeah. Yeah, his sexual appetite, they specifically mentioned that. And it made me think like, yeah, Hillary would not have gone for that. Like, she only gets horny for like, women's rights or something. Like, I don't know. I feel like she just wouldn't have been a good target and of course she hated him. But yeah, Trump just fit the bill like and and so kind of like how Carter page fit the bill. Totally. You know, just like somebody who's easily compromised that is kind of
Starting point is 00:38:55 dumb. Yeah. And the narrative or at least greedy like you said. Exactly. Yeah. Greedy. Very egoistic. You know, the sexual drive, all that. Just because even Barack wasn't like that. Like, there's just certain people who recently, I don't even know if Bush would have been so, no, I don't think so. Yeah, Trump is just the guy for Putin. And so, yeah, of course, this meeting coming up, I mean, Bush did a lot of coke and stuff, but it was a, yeah, he wasn't, uh, what's so funny, I think about how Bush was the guy they said you wanted to have a beer with and Trump's the guy you want to have coke with. That's kind of, yeah, he's do funny. I think about how Bush was the guy they said you wanted to have a beer with and Trump's
Starting point is 00:39:25 the guy you want to have coke with. That's kind of the yeah, he's definitely brought it up on Trump's. Trump's the guy you want to have a 14 year old with. Oh man. He well, sorry, you know, no, not us, not you as in the collective listeners or hosts, but uh, yeah, probably no one we're talking to. Yeah, no, and the people on support Trump, they're all okay with this. This whole lifestyle to them is like, it's, it's really down to morals. It's money, human
Starting point is 00:39:48 trafficking. Yeah, yeah. They're like, whatever man, yellow, and oil. That should be his slogan. Yeah. Yeah. They're acting like they're... Please don't make... Sorry, go ahead. I was just saying, please don't make red yellow hats. Oh no. Oh no. Jesus. Nice. I just saying they're acting like the oligarchs of the most corrupt countries in the world. Right. Engaging in that behavior. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:08 That's what they do. They agree. They do whatever they want. Like they feel untouchable. This is what they're doing. But our president is wonderful. Yeah. And Putin.
Starting point is 00:40:16 He murders people just because they disagree with him. So Trump, like he's, you know, he's not there yet. You're not supposed to do that. Yeah. But it's just like the solution. I didn't know. We're going gonna have to pack up the studio and leave. Yeah, unfortunately. No, no, I'm kidding. No, it's it's just
Starting point is 00:40:32 so scary that Putin is a doer. He's a real big doer. And then Trump's a talker and Trump's been talking for Putin for decades now on his behalf. And now it seems like Putin is caching in on this. I mean, the second Moscow trip is when the PP team allegedly went down. So it seems like Putin is caching in on this like I mean the second Moscow trip is when the pp tape Allegedly went down so it seems like Putin got Trump all riled up at the first one He's like yeah, man. You can do anything like this is perfect We're gonna be kings and then the next time he has him over he records You know doing some weird stuff allegedly and yeah, he seems to have you know
Starting point is 00:41:01 Trump by the balls in this summit coming up from the germaphob I would never let people urinate. What a weird detail to mention, to defend yourself. You know when people lie and they're just like, I'm just gonna throw you off with a random detail. Yeah, it's not like I would never be with prostitutes because I love my wife and child. It's because it's achy.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I'm sorry, I love my three wives and children. No, it's not nothing like that. It's like, I'm not saying I wouldn't be with prostitutes in Moscow, but I certainly wouldn't let them pee near me. Right. You're a fool, body suit. Come on. I'm no animal. But yeah, it's weird. It's like, I'm no animal. He's meeting with him, you know, at the summit, and it just seems like Putin just handling his asset, you know, like just check in and you know what are people call it their annual employee review, like Trump's annual employee review.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Right, he's getting his performance of these. Yeah, yeah, and they're, you know, they're tight whether it's like against Trump's will or not, like Trump is clearly aligning himself with Putin and he's not backing down. He's only doubling down, like they went through every little thing Trump's done in it. It all matches up. Yeah, well we know that's his MO, like double went through every little thing Trump's done in it. It all matches up Yeah, well, we know that's his MO like double down attack and blame others Exactly. Yeah, yeah, and this was just a really in depth review of that and it's just so depressing Yeah, the fact that he's still having this summit is astounding. Yeah, I wish there was a legal way to bug him
Starting point is 00:42:20 When he goes into that talk that would be amazing. Yeah, sinky? Yeah. Well, I bet they'll do it there. They have really good intelligence over there. We get a lot of our intelligence from countries like that. So interesting. Yeah. All right. Well, thank you very much. Jordan, what do you have for us on Manifort shenanigans?
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yes. Manannigans, I call them. I was thinking of, we could start a new segment. Manifort fucks himself. Oh, very nice. So a new segment. Manafort fucks himself. Oh, very nice. So, this is a new segment. Yes. So today, just when we thought Paul Manafort couldn't screw himself any further, he and his team
Starting point is 00:42:54 managed to do just that this week when the judge presiding over his Virginia trial called a bluff on Manafort and his attorneys. So what happened basically is Manafort requested that the trial, which is only two weeks away right now, be pushed back due to the time and logistical constraints that manifold and his team are experiencing while preparing for trial due to him being jailed in this rural Northern Nick Regional jail in Warsaw, Virginia.
Starting point is 00:43:19 So this jail is the argument, basically, it came out by Mueller's prosecution team that he's living as the IP jail cell that has a laptop, phones, private bathroom, private shower. He gets access to the outside world all the time. It's a 14 by 14 foot cell. He doesn't have to wear the uniform. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:43:41 So. And then I think his lawyers are carton and a laptop for him to send emails on. Yeah, he's sending emails. He's sending emails from jail from jail where he is for witness tampering. Yeah, I'm just crazy. Put that out there. Yeah. Yeah, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:43:55 So it comes out that that's the conditions of his living. And then to very timely him and his lawyers file request to the judge that they need more time to prepare for trial due to how far away the judge, or the judge, the VIP jail that sell that he's staying in is, it's like a hundred miles away from his attorneys. So yeah, and they're all whining. It takes two hours to get there.
Starting point is 00:44:20 And we just don't have time. And it's really, it's putting a lot of pressure on us. Do you go over why they really wanted more time? I mean, I don't think so, not in the stuff I read. Because right before they filed that motion, they got all the discovery from gates. Oh yes, that was in there. Yep, yeah. And like thousands and thousands, 800,000, something crazy number of things.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yeah. Probably all really fucking bad. So they flipped their shit and they're like, they asked for a to push the trial back to November. And the judge was like, fuck no. Yes. And yeah. And then that's when they started saying,
Starting point is 00:44:55 oh, it's hard for us because it's so far away. We need to, we need time. That what they were trying to do was say that it's so hard to prepare for trial, that we need the trial to be in November. But what happened was beautiful. Yeah, so they basically tried to say that the reason why they needed more time was because of the length between them and where he was staying in his attorneys.
Starting point is 00:45:18 And so the judge totally calls his bluff. And in response, Judge Ellis was like, all right, well then, how about instead of extending the trial, we move you to a jail that's just closer to the Washington DC area. It will just solve it that way. And then of course, within hours, a man-of-fourth legal team, essentially with Drew their previous complaints
Starting point is 00:45:37 by asking Judge Ellis, after further, you know, here I have a quote, it's really funny to me. I think they actually filed a motion. Yeah, what did I say? To stay, yeah, yeah. Or made funny to me. I think they actually filed a motion. Yeah, what did I say? To stay, yeah, yeah. Or made a request, but I think they actually made a legal filing to stay.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Because I don't think that the DC jail has very nice accommodations. Right, and that's where a bunch of super high criminals stay. It's like, oh, snap. Yeah, it's like high crimes people. And Ellis' quote is fantastic. Yeah, Ellis' quote is great.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I'll get to that. This one is what Maniforce Team says. They say, after after further reflection issues of distance and inconvenience most yield to concerns about his safety and more importantly the challenges he will face and adjusting to a new place of confinement. Like having to wear a prison uniform and not having your own shower and toilet. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. Blue fucking you. I'm sorry, I'll rich, very rich clients not used to living in
Starting point is 00:46:26 squalor, like a common person. So we need to stay. Yeah, it's going to be very hard for him to focus. It's worth a try, right? Yeah, they thought so. So, so Ellis totally slams them down. Says, absolutely not. Molar prosecutors were able to pick up, like we said, on the high life conditions of his cell,
Starting point is 00:46:48 so that doesn't look good for their request either. And it's the judge denies these requests to stay and orders him to leave. And this is what the judge says. It is surprising and confusing when the counsel identifies a problem and then opposes the most logistical solution to that problem. Defense council has not identified any general or specific threat to the defendant's safety
Starting point is 00:47:11 at the Alexandria Detention Center. Yeah, you can't see that coming as his legal team. You can't see if we complain if we ask for a delay and we complain about the distance. If you can't see that the judge might recommend you move jails. If you can't think that far enough ahead and you're not that smart, I am not worried at all about how this trial is going to go. Yeah. Yeah, it's insane. Especially when they're being monitored by Mueller's team and he's living in these conditions, which are just so excessive, he's getting all these privileges. It's like, what are you doing? Like, of course, they're going to move you. This is what else would they come back with? They're going to be like, Oh, yeah, you're right. Let's give you, let's give you more
Starting point is 00:47:52 time and more privileges because you're really roughening it out here. It's like not on his side at all for them to ask that. Yeah, but they were still worried. Like, but what about his safety? What about his safety? Yeah. Right. But I think Ellis had a reply to that too. But I didn't, I don't have that quote. Do you have that quote? I think I have it in my head. He said something the effect of the good people at the prison that I'm moving you to
Starting point is 00:48:13 are very, very skilled at protecting spies. What does he say? Spies, terrorists and traders. Oh yes, I remember just talking about that this week. I was like snap Alice. Yes, you just got Alice, man for it. Yeah, no, that's insane. It's just so beautiful for him to get shut down. And just a reminder, Maniford has been held at the Northern Neck Regional Jail since another federal judge presiding over his case in Washington, DC, revoked his bail last month in order that he be jailed upon learning that Manafort had attempted to contact potential government
Starting point is 00:48:48 witnesses in the days after Mueller brought superseding and diamonds against him. A.K.A. witness tampering. Yeah. What a piece of shit. Yeah. Mueller has now slapped Manafort with three superseding and diamonds in two federal courts amounting to more than 40 charges related to money laundering, tax and bank fraud, conspiracy, and other financial crimes.
Starting point is 00:49:08 So Trump, if you're listening, your former campaign manager is sitting in jail awaiting trial for conspiracy. You guys are fucked. Wow. Yeah, and also, too, just to add on a little add on to that story. That judge also denied the motion to dismiss
Starting point is 00:49:21 all that storage locker evidence in Virginia that they found. It's already been dismissed in DC. He asked for that too. He's asked for like Nine different ways for this to be dismissed. He said he filed a civil suit saying that Muller was out of his scope. He filed another motion saying Muller shouldn't have been appointed in the first place and Every single one of his motions has been denied. He is Fucked thank you Every single one of his motions has been denied. He is. But. But. But. But. But.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Thank you. It's been a while since we've done that. Yeah, but I wanted to give one. Yeah. I was forgot. I wanted to give one. All right, you guys. So this week, after testifying for 11 hours behind closed doors last week, Peter struck
Starting point is 00:50:02 testified, sort of, before the same house committees that he did last week, but this time it was televised and it lasted for 10 hours. And when I say he testified sort of, I mean it was more like a house republican, they were just spewing idiocy at struck for five minutes and then not allowing him to respond. The hearing was absolutely ridiculous. Trey Gowdy got to question him for over 15 minutes twice, instead of the usual five minutes,
Starting point is 00:50:28 and good lot was like, don't worry. I feel like he's the heat miser. Don't worry. I'm gonna give liberal time to everyone. The normal five minute rule doesn't apply it. And then after Gowdy and Jim Jordan, and then Gowdy got to go again, then he's like, all right, we're gonna adhere now
Starting point is 00:50:44 to the strict five minute rule from here on out. So the Dems didn't get more than five minutes, even though they were promised liberal time. But yeah, he revoked that after Gaudi got to grill him forever. And then early on, the Dems asked for the GOP to cite the committee rule that prevents them from releasing the transcripts of the private hearings. And then they had like a 15 minute argument about it where the GOP ignored parliamentary procedures and ran rough shot over the minority just disgustingly and blatantly. They ended up tabling a motion to consider a motion to have a vote to talk about it, which is the dumbest bullshit I've
Starting point is 00:51:18 ever heard in my fucking life. But it makes sense, as we said last week, that the GOP doesn't want the private interview released, I'm sure Struck was actually afforded the opportunity to answer questions during that hearing because it wasn't televised. There was a point when Goodlott wanted to hold Struck in contempt because he refused to answer questions about an open and ongoing investigation per the Department of Justice rules and per the FBI, which
Starting point is 00:51:40 prompted Swalwell to ask for a subpoena then to compel Bannon to answer the questions as a point of fairness. And that was of course tonight. Yeah, after a really annoying roll call vote and just getting literally every body they could in the room. Seriously. Yeah. And that was just the motion to the table it to. Uh-huh. Yeah. It's always voting on, it's like, let's vote on voting. And that is usually what takes the longest. Yeah, are we gonna
Starting point is 00:52:07 Have a vote let's vote to vote on it. Yeah, then talk about it later That is so annoying. It's so and then you could just table and definitely as a cherry Yeah, the hell you want yeah, and they know that but I think I think the main point of that is to get their voices on the record Oh, okay, just to say hey, I did a motion. It was seconded. We were supposed to vote It would they didn't allow it. And they could write up this whole long report about all the shit that they obstructed. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:29 So this hearing was such a farce that the GOP members were basically yelling at struck for the adoration of their time. And then not only would the chair not let him respond because there was no question, like each GOP member would be like, and my final comment, and this isn't a question, and it doesn't require an answer is this. M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m- aren't after the truth here, and it's so effing obvious to me and pretty much everybody else. Yeah, Trigout had a great performance.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Oh, yes. Well done. Well done, sir. You seem very upset. You're in your point, he has. You see his little mic drop, but they can't really drop it, so he just kind of bent it. Yeah, they have these little stretchy mics on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And then he's like, he's like, let's do it in my time and he just bats it down. He's like, you're just pout for the rest of the time. I was watching friends like files this week and one of the prosecutors going after a murderer was tragging, tragging out of him. Oh man. And I was like, I'll just know that we have to prosecute people and we're gonna get his ass.
Starting point is 00:53:36 And I'm like, oh my God, I hate you. I want to find all the bullies that bullied these pieces of shit as kids and just be like, you guys started this. Are you sure he wasn't the bully? I don't know. He just, he made it into Congress. He has such a pointy head.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Yeah. So the majority of the hearing was the GOP drilling him on his text messages to Lisa Page. But they were never able to connect Strux bias against Trump to any wrongdoing in his investigation. They kept alleging that his bias shows his clear intent to take down President Trump, but that argument is so dumb. If struck wanted to take down Trump and ensure he wasn't elected, all he needed to do was leak what he knew to the press, and he didn't.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Which is, you know, that completely destroys any argument that he was intent on some sort of insurance policy, quote unquote, to make sure Trump didn't get elected. He also put his texts in context for the GOP, but they weren't interested in hearing the context. His bias against Trump came from his knowledge of what Trump had done, both public and classified. For instance, his text about Trump being unqualified to be president was in response to Trump insulting a Muslim Gold Star family. But the GOP wouldn't let him talk about this.
Starting point is 00:54:46 They didn't give a shit about the context. They just parsed the actual literal meaning of the texts, which you can't do in text messages. And they talked over him to try to shut him up. And privately speaking, Struck said that if we knew what he knew about what Trump had done, we wouldn't want him to be president either. One of my favorite moments was when the Democrat from Northern Virginia seemed to be attacking him at first by asking him if he emailed or tweeted or texted
Starting point is 00:55:11 a series of communications that were demeaning to Trump. But they actually turned out to be things. The Republicans had said about Trump. He's like, Mr. Struck, did you say Mr. Trump is unfit to be president in his sexual actions? And the way that he speaks are completely unacceptable. And I can't support him as president. Did you send that text and he's like no? And he's like, that's right. Congressman, Republican congressman, so and so said that. And he just went off on this whole thing. Basically the point being that most people shared
Starting point is 00:55:36 struck feelings. Republicans included and I for one would like to see tray gaudy's personal text messages about Hillary during the Benghazi Inc. email investigations. I'm sure they're completely unbiased and totally fine and normal. Anyway, take a look at it. It's also important to note that some of the same Republicans questioning Strux's integrity have conspired with the mob. They've been caught paying for abortions
Starting point is 00:55:58 and covering up affairs. And in the case of Jim Jordan, he's embroiled in a scandal where he failed to report child molestation when he was required by law to do so. So listen to this clip by Hakeem Jeffries and he goes after the concept of what a Republican villain looks like. Russian collusion in the 2016 election has resulted in 23 indictments correct? I don't know the number but it's sizable. It's resulted in 18 individuals who have been indicted true. Again I don't know the numbers but I'll... Three corporate entities have been indicted in connection with the Trump Russian collusion investigation correct.
Starting point is 00:56:36 I'll accept your representation I don't know. The investigation has identified at least 75 different criminal acts. Correct. Uh, against her I haven't tallied them up. There have been five guilty pleas, true? Uh, I believe that's correct, sir, but I'm not certain. Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort has been charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States of America, correct? Uh, he's been charged, I don't know the specific crimes. He's sitting in jail right now as a result of alleged witness tampering correct? Yes sir. Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn has played guilty to lying to the FBI correct? Yes sir. Trump's deputy campaign manager Rick Gates has been
Starting point is 00:57:14 indicted for conspiracy to defraud the United States correct? A series been indicted I don't know the charges. George Poppindopoulos, a former Trump campaign national security adviser, has played guilty to lying to federal investigators about his contacts with Russian spies during the campaign. True. Certainly with Russians, I don't know how to characterize those Russians. Okay, now the FBI publicly disclosed information about the Hillary Clinton email investigation 11 days prior to the election in 2016. True.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Yes, sir, I believe that's right. But the FBI maintained confidentiality about the Trump-Russia criminal investigation during the entire duration of the Trump presidential campaign. Correct? Yes sir. So if you really wanted to stop Donald Trump from becoming president, you could have revealed the criminal investigation into the Trump campaign to the American people prior to the election. True? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Mr. Strut, you are before this committee for one reason to serve as a monumental distraction. There was a criminal investigation into the Trump campaign and possible crimes related to the 2016 presidential election involving collusion with Russian spies to sell out our democracy and hijack the presidency. My colleagues in the cover-up caucus don't like that criminal investigation. And therefore, they need to identify a villain. Mr. Struck, tag your it. Here's what's so ironic about that characterization. Vladimir Putin is a thug and a dictator who hijacked and interfered and attacked our democracy.
Starting point is 00:59:07 But apparently, he doesn't meet the Republican villain test. Our so-called commander-in-chief continues to play footsie with him. Kim Jong Un murders his people and has threatened nuclear annihilation against American cities. But apparently he doesn't meet the Republican villain test. The administration continues to engage in fake negotiations with him. David Duke and Neil Nazis apparently for some don't meet the Republican villain test. Oh that's right I forgot there are fine people on both sides. Roy Moore in in alleged serial pedophile. Apparently, doesn't meet the Republican villain test. He was the nominee of your party
Starting point is 01:00:15 for a seat in the United States Senate. But we're supposed to believe that agent Peter Strug, a former army officer who has served the FBI with distinction, yes, made some mistakes, is the gravest existential threat to our democracy. How dare you lecture us about villains? When your party continues to turn a blind eye to that parade of the generates that I just listed. This investigation is a joke. It's a fraud. This hearing is a kangaroo court. It is a three
Starting point is 01:00:57 wing circus. It is not even meritorious of an investigation by Ace Ventura detective, let alone 75 members of the United States Congress. Let's stop wasting taxpayer dollars. And then Democrat Jackson Lee asked a question about why struck had texted that they had to hurry to follow up on a lead, to which he responded that they had a very scary piece of intel from a single reputable source that they had to get to the bottom of as soon as possible. And that's the first time a law enforcement officer has mentioned this source publicly. I personally think the source is Alexander Downer, and the intel the Australians had on
Starting point is 01:01:39 Pop-a-Dop after he spoke to Miffsoud, but I'm speculating there. And then Nadler asked Struckwai, he had prioritized Trump Russia over the Weiner laptop. And he said, first, his director told him to. And second, when you're looking to allocate resources, you have a limited number of resources to allocate. You're going to go after a presidential candidate, colluding with a foreign adversary,
Starting point is 01:02:00 or you're going to go after a lady on would unwittingly mishandling classified information. It seems like a no-brainer, right, to me. So that's why he did it, and that the IG report Horowitz bears that out as well. And I would be remiss here if I didn't mention a tweet from Rick Wilson saying that we actually got very good news on Thursday that hasn't been made public yet.
Starting point is 01:02:19 And I have an ungood authority that the news is about the private struck hearings last week, and it's a bombshell so beans and finally i want to play for you one of the only times the gop gave struck time to respond to anything and it's amazing my husband and i were wondering if sorkin wrote it for him i guarantee that this monologue will end up in the movie they make about this investigation
Starting point is 01:02:42 uh... so i think it's important when you look at those texts that you understand the context in which they're made and the things that were going on across America. In terms of the text that we will stop it, you need to understand that that was written late at night off the cuff and it was in response to a series of events that included in candidate Trump insulting the immigrant family of a fallen war hero. And my presumption, based on that horrible, disgusting behavior, that the American population would not elect somebody demonstrating that behavior to be president of the United States. It was, in no way, unequivocally any suggestion that me, the FBI, would take any action whatsoever to improperly
Starting point is 01:03:27 impact the electoral process for any candidate. So I take great offense and I take great disagreement to your assertion of what that was or wasn't. As to the 100 million-to-one that was clearly a statement made in jest and using hyperbole, I've of course recognized that millions of Americans were likely to vote for candidate Trump. I acknowledge that is absolutely their right, that is what makes our democracy such a vibrant process that it is. But to suggest somehow that we can parse down the words of shorthand, textual conversations like there's some contract for a car is simply not consistent with my or most people's use of text messaging.
Starting point is 01:04:06 I can assure you, Mr. Chairman, at no time in any of these texts did those personal beliefs ever enter into the realm of any action I took. Furthermore, this isn't just me sitting here telling you you don't have to take my word for it at every step at every investigative decision there are multiple layers of people above me the assistant director executive assistant director deputy director and director the fdi and multiple layers of people below me section chief supervisors unit chiefs case agents and analysts all of whom were involved in all of these decisions they would not tolerate any improper behavior in me any more than I
Starting point is 01:04:44 would tolerate it in them that is who we are as the FBI. Hey Mueller junkies, thank you so much for supporting our show and supporting women in podcasting. I need to ask you for a quick favor that will not cost you a dime. Please head over to Apple Podcasts and give us a rating. And then subscribe. That simple act goes a long way to helping us get the word out about the Mueller investigation, and more importantly, it expands our efforts to flip Congress blue in November. And don't forget, follow us on Twitter at Mueller She Wrote to be automatically entered to All right, you ready for the fantasy indictment league? Yes. Yeah. All right, you guys, well, we got another felony Friday this week. And we got another point for naming the next indictments to be a bunch of Russians.
Starting point is 01:05:43 I think that was what we were saying. Friday morning, Rosenstein held a last minute press conference. I was sleeping. Everyone's texting me, get up. Rosenstein's going to talk. It's not an emergency though. It's just last minute. And I was like, oh shit.
Starting point is 01:05:56 So I tweeted out, I bet it's Russians. I bet he's got the Russians that hacked a DNC. Boom. That's what happened, right? He announced that the indictment of 12 Russian GRU officers that hacked the DNC, boom, that's what happened, right? He announced that the indictment of 12 Russian GRU officers that hacked into and fished the DNC, Podesta, and the D-Triple C, along with an attempt to hack Hillary Clinton's emails, which
Starting point is 01:06:15 happened on the same day, Trump called for the Russians to find her 30,000 missing emails. Our opening sequence is getting very prescient. It's prophetic. If you've been listening to Mollershi wrote, nothing Rosenstein said in his press conference was particularly surprising. And it appears the mainstream media is catching up with Mollershi wrote, so that's good. Thank you. Rosenstein began by saying 12 GRU officers by name conspired to interfere in our 2016 election. They hacked in, stole, and released the documents,
Starting point is 01:06:47 and one conspired to hack into state run election computers and software systems. There were two units in this indictment, one that broke in and stole, and the other that distributed the stolen materials, weaponized them. They used spearfishing and direct hacking, and tried to conceal their connections to Russia by paying for it all with Bitcoin. So they are all kind of dorky-weren fedoras and they have pet ranchalers.
Starting point is 01:07:09 I guess that would be why I was saying third visors like some 13-year-old kid in a basement. Sorry, if you're into Bitcoin I love you. We went on to say that the Russians created, sorry, he went on to say that Russians created fake online personas including DC leaks and GUSA for 2.0 which Trump originally said was probably a 400-pound guy in his bedroom. And then other people said he was a lone Romanian hacker. Goosefru said he was. But turns out, there's proof both were Russians linked to the GRU. Not just rogue Russians, government Russian officials in their intelligence community.
Starting point is 01:07:43 He said they used an unnamed organization as a pass-through, which we know as WikiLeaks. They don't name it, but we know. And it's likely not mentioned in this indictment because it ties Trump or Trump campaign aids in it to it, and Mueller isn't done with that investigation yet. Roger Stoon. Good, too.
Starting point is 01:08:03 No, it's different guy. And then he made a very telling statement that Trump and Trump supporters believe exonerates the president from participating. He said, quote, the conspirators corresponded with several Americans during the course of the conspiracy, but there's no allegation in this indictment that the Americans knew they were
Starting point is 01:08:23 corresponding with Russian intelligence officers. He tried so hard not to put a little stank on the word this. There's nothing in this indictment. He just kind of glazed right over it. He's like, there's nothing in this indictment. Right. And I'm like, you motherfucker. He also said, quote, there's no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. and there's no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count. There's no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result, but the investigation is ongoing. But the investigation is ongoing. That's him, not me. He's saying that.
Starting point is 01:08:58 So basically there's no Americans indicted yet. There's no collusion yet. There's nothing in here about the vote count changed yet. Stay tuned. Did someone ask him or did he just say that in a statement without being asked? That's in his statement without being asked. That kind of annoys me. I don't know why they did. Like, why they have to say that.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Yeah. I guess because it's almost like pandering a Trump who always wants to be exonerated publicly and that fucking pisses me off. I think what Mueller is mostly trying to do here with this speaking indictment is to make sure that we're doing something to stop the fucking Russians. That's like number one. We can get them all on collusion in a minute and we will. He's meeting with Putin.
Starting point is 01:09:40 They drop this indictment the day before he was going to leave to go, it's time to go to Helsinki. He made a stop in Scotland, because he was bored. But the timing is really interesting and very crucial. So after the official announcement, I personally read the 29 page indictment. I read the 29 page indictment, and I watched 10 hours of struck. First, I think Roger Stone has flipped. And the reason I think that is because of the illusion to him in the indictment, quote, the conspirators posing as goose for 2.0 also communicated with US persons about the release of stolen documents, honor about August 15, 2016, the conspirators posing as goose for 2.0
Starting point is 01:10:18 wrote to a person who was in regular contact with a senior member of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump, quote, thank you for writing back. Do you find anything interesting in the docs I posted? And then on or about August 17th, the conspirators added, please let me know if I can help you anyhow. It would be great pleasure to me. Yeah, that doesn't sound like English is second language or anything. Then actually, it's probably a fourth. Anyway, then on or about September 9th, the conspirators referred to a stolen D-triple C document posted online and asked the person, quote, what do you think of the info on the turnout model for Democrats' entire presidential campaign? And the person responded pretty standard.
Starting point is 01:10:54 And we know from previous credible sources and reporting that those were the texts exchanged with stone. So note that we think stone has flipped, or he's either flipped or he's in complete denial because he's actually refuting that he's the reference, or that he's the person referenced in indictment, and he's saying that there's still no collusion. Yeah. Also, Stone doesn't write in full sentences. Every.
Starting point is 01:11:17 That's the biggest game I want to be. He's Russian too. We also learned that on the same day that Trump said he hoped the Russians could find the 30,000 emails that are missing, the conspirators attempted to hack into Hillary's private server. Mueller even noted the time in the indictment so that we would be sure to know that the hack attempt came after Trump called for it. So is that a coincidence or did someone tell him to say that? That's the whole crux of whether or not he is a conspirator. We also learned that the Russian interference went well beyond hacking and releasing and troll farms. There
Starting point is 01:11:53 were Russians posing as American journalists and some were writing for left-leaning publications like Counter Punch and Mukhräker, specifically named as Alice Donovan, and that brings me to the astounding level of detail in these indictments. Much like the first round of Russian indictments, Muller's team has information they could have only gleaned from a very close, like, full-on, ongoing surveillance. So Muller knows everything, you guys. Something peculiar is what is not mentioned in the indictments. It completely leaves out the hacking of the RNC. And I think that's very telling.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Because everything that's left out of these indictments means that it's wrapped up in my mind, means wrapped up in the collusion on the American side. So that must mean that the RNC hack is somehow wrapped up in the collusion investigation. And I think that will be exposed in later indictments of Americans. But like how?
Starting point is 01:12:41 Does it prove the GOP knowledge of the conspiracy? Or was it used as leverage to control their votes and their actions against the Department of Justice and the FBI? It's just really peculiar that it's not in there. Also of note when Rosenstein refers to the conspirators, he means the 12 Russians plus That was weird I got like drunk for a second weird. I was like drunk for a second. This is 12 Russians. When he refers to the conspirators, because the conspirators comes up a lot in this indictment, just that word. He means the 12 Russians plus quote, others known and unknown to the grand jury. If there were no others,
Starting point is 01:13:20 he would have just said that Americans didn't know they were talking to Russians, but that is not what he said. And as I mentioned, he said there are no allegations in this indictment. That statement coupled with the fact that he defines the conspirators as Russians mentioned and others known and unknown to the grand jury. Make no mistake just because there are no Americans indicted here doesn't mean there won't be. You guys ready for sabotage? Yes. All right, this is interesting. In his press conference announcing the new Russian indictments, Rosenstein mentioned that he had briefed the president. Oddly, hours before the announcement, the night before, at about 11 p.m. Trump tweeted
Starting point is 01:14:06 out a random tweet in support of Matt Gaetz, seemingly out of nowhere. He said, quote, Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida is one of the finest and most talented people in Congress. Strong on crime, the border illegal immigration, the second amendment, our Greek military and vets, Matt worked tirelessly on helping get our massive tax cuts. He has my full endorsement. Well, he's already in office, so. Yeah, you have that. This is weird, right?
Starting point is 01:14:32 Like, every time Trump tweets out support for somebody, it means they're fucked. It's especially interesting because the indictments mention a US congressman that reached out to Goosefurt 2.0 to get hacked materials, and that Goosefurt 2.0 gave that US congressman that reached out to Gooseford 2.0 to get hacked materials and that Gooseford 2.0 gave that US congressman hacked materials. And that there is a Florida GOP campaign operative that was also mentioned.
Starting point is 01:14:53 So that's interesting. It's a Florida person and Gates is Floridian. Could the congressman be Matt Gates? If so, that's conspiracy and aiding and abetting. Just wow. So you know, the other option is that it could be Brian Mast, whose campaign manager said he used hack materials he got from the Florida operative, Aaron Nevens, we know him to be Aaron Nevens. And he did that to win his seat in Florida's 18th. The other option is Kerbello, because on August 15th, Gusefor blog posted a memo that there was possible dem vulnerability in the campaign of
Starting point is 01:15:26 Tadeo and Garcia and those are the two dems facing off in the Florida primary and then on August 15th is the same date that Muller says US congressional candidates reached out to Goosefer forget to get hacked materials. Garcia won the primary but lost to Kerbello in the general. So I just find it but I really
Starting point is 01:15:42 find it so odd that Trump tweeted about Gates last night right after Rosenstein likely briefed him on this indictment. So Gates, Master, or Kerbello puts in beans on it. All right, you guys, it's time for our Q&A segment. We only have a few here this week. At OBS509 asked, what are the odds that Rosenstein will be successfully impeached? And if the GOP fails, what's the downside for them? Well, to impeach somebody, I think you need two-thirds of vote. I don't think they're going to get it. They might get it in the house, probably not. They definitely have zero votes in senate for this. But the point isn't impeachment. The point is to create a pretext for Trump to fire Rosenstein. So...
Starting point is 01:16:20 Yeah, I don't know. Do you think they're actually going to try? I don't know. The downside for them're actually going to try? I don't know. The downside for them is that this could be somehow linked to obstruction or part of the conspiracy if it comes down to it to create sort of an intent, a corrupt intent. Exactly. You're just kind of piling on to that. Exactly. They need to be smart about that if they're going to make it out of this alive, which I hope
Starting point is 01:16:40 they don't. But if I were consulting them, like a, like guys, chill out and let the, let the investigation run its course. If you're innocent, you have nothing to worry about. Exactly. But also, yeah, I don't know how much of it is them being all trade gaudy like just wanting the stage time, honestly. They're like, this is getting a lot of hits.
Starting point is 01:16:59 So I'm going to jump on this and be real dramatic about it. Yeah, or they took Russian money and Russia has emails on them, Compromot, and they have no choice. Yeah, I definitely know a lot of the key players, that's the case. At Yagerman, appreciates our confidence in flipping the house and wonders if there are certain races that need more help than others. Yes. And what you can do, Jordan.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Go to Swing Left. If you just Google Swing Left, first result that comes, Jordan. Go to SwingLeft. If you just Google SwingLeft first result that comes up, you'll take you to their website. They basically you type in your zip code. They'll tell you the closest swing election to you. And then they will, whether or not you're in it, they'll send you email updates on how you can help, whether it be donating, volunteering, phone banking.
Starting point is 01:17:42 So that's very important. There's obviously the really hot button ones, like Andrew J Jans against Nunes. We had him on the pod. You can look back and listen to that one. Route against Roarbacher. Yeah, there's a lot of swing. 136 swing districts I think in the country where where Hillary won, but there's a Republican who's up for re-election. So yeah, swing left org for sure. At big politics nerd says, quote, assuming Roger Stone is the unnamed person in Mueller's indictment, what do you think is the rationale for not naming him? Is it just to keep it sealed so Trump doesn't completely lose it or
Starting point is 01:18:16 is it part of a bigger play? I think that everyone who's not named and the leaving out of anything in these indictments is because whatever left out is rolled up in the collusion investigation. And he's gonna just throw all those out at once because you can't, he's got the outer ring, right? He's got the low hanging fruit, the Russians. Okay, now he's gonna move into the inner ring and you can't start moving into the target, to the center until you know, because you don't wanna,
Starting point is 01:18:40 you don't wanna indict stone and then indict Kushner and then indict Donald Trump Jr. Because you want to have the whole package right bam get everybody at once It's kind of what I is my thinking otherwise you give people the opportunity to prepare their defense or you it gets leaked And all the information gets out to them on on how to you know on how they can expect to be prosecuted Yeah, and they keep and they keep getting people to flip that previously word, you know, never going to flip Cohen. Yeah, you know, Cohen's stone, I think Stone's flipped.
Starting point is 01:19:13 If he's not, he's just, he's just insane. Manafort they aren't, I don't think they're trying to flip him. Definitely not. That guy's fucking so gone. There's nothing, I don't think there's anything he can offer on this. And I think all the collusion is going to come out of the other areas. Russia will just kill him. Yeah. I think there's a legitimate chance that would happen. He's better off in jail. Yeah. Yeah. Saper. Yeah. There's nowhere he can go. Venezuela, maybe. I don't know. I don't know. At South Gilbert, 19 wants to know if a sitting
Starting point is 01:19:43 president in 2020 can add to the total number of Supreme Court justices because if not, our progressive policies will be obliterated for the rest of our lives. That brings me to the Democratic backbone. It needs medical attention. We cannot beat Republicans without bold action. And here's what we need to do in this order. Flip Congress. Okay. We have to flip Congress. If we don't do need to do in this order. Flip Congress.
Starting point is 01:20:05 We have to flip Congress. If we don't do that, none of this other shit's going to work. That's why it's so imperative to vote this November. Help Obama and Eric Holder fix Jerrymandering. That's step two. Grant Statehood to DC and Puerto Rico to add representatives and senators on the Democratic side. Give dreamers an immigrant citizenship and the right to vote.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Past legislation adding two seats to the Supreme Court after we win the presidency in 2020. Then we will have the majority needed to overturn citizens united, get money out of politics, and create a parliamentary democracy that dovetails with our constitution. Okay, unless we create a system of government that actually represents the citizens, we will be stuck in this GOP-shit spiral that will last decades and millions of Americans will be left behind. Our rights are going to get trampled. It is time for the Democrats to get serious. This is our last chance.
Starting point is 01:20:53 We have to stop dickin' around. And the most important step is this November. So as Jordan said, visit swingleft.org or you know, and there's tons of calls to action there and just keep listening to Mueller. She wrote, I've been AG. I've been Julie St. Johnson. I'm Jordan Coburn. or you know, and there's tons of calls to action there and just keep listening to Muller Shee wrote. I've been A.G. I've been Julie Sojonson. I'm a Jordan Coburn.
Starting point is 01:21:09 And this is Muller Shee wrote. [♪ Music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, by AG with editing and logo design by Jalisa Johnson. Mark Kikonselting by Amanda Reader at Unicorn Creative. Our digital media director and subscriber managers are Jordan Coburn and Sarah Hershberger Valencia. Fact checking and research by AG with support from Jalisa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Molochi wrote staff includes AG, Jalisa Johnson, Jordan Coburn, Sarah Hershberger Valencia, Jessie Egan and Sarah Lee Steiner. Our web design and branding are by Joel Reader with Moxie Design Studios, and our website is mullishywrote.com. For the past four years, we've been making history in critical elections all over the country.
Starting point is 01:22:19 And last year, we made history again by expanding our majority in the Senate, eating election denying Republicans and crucial state house races and fighting back a non-existent red wave. But the Magga Republicans who plotted and pardoned the attempted overthrow of our government now control the House thanks to gerrymandered maps and repressive anti-voter laws. And the chaotic spectacle we've already seen shows us just how far they will go to seize power, dismantle our government, and take away our freedoms. So the official podcast of the persistence is back with season 4. There's so much more important work ahead of us to fight for equity, justice, and our
Starting point is 01:23:02 very democracy itself. We'll take you behind the lines and inside the rooms where it happens, with strategy and inspiration from progressive change makers all over the country. And we'll dig deep into the weekly news that matters most and what you can do about it, with messaging and communications expert co-founder of Way to Win and our new co-host, Jennifer Fernandez Ancona. So join Steve and I every Wednesday for your weekly dose of inspiration, action and hope.
Starting point is 01:23:33 I'm Steve Pearson. And I'm Jennifer Fernandez Ancona. And this is How We Win. M-S-W Media.

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