Jack - MSW Vol. 2 Episode 7

Episode Date: June 20, 2021

This week: why did Jill Stein loan her campaign $10; why did McGahn's information get subpoenaed in Barr's leak investigation; what is in Joyce Vance's recent op-ed; plus much more, and points in the ...Fantasy Indictment League!Follow Allison Gill on Twitter:https://twitter.com/AllisongillPromo codes:http://MagicSpoon.com/MSW http://risescience.com/MSWhttp://HelixSleep.com/msw

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Kimberly Host of The Start Me Up Podcast. If you like your politics with some loose talk and salty language, you're going to love my show. I interview the coolest people like Mary Trump, Kathy Griffin, and DNC Chair Jamie Harrison. The Start Me Up Podcast has an easygoing, casual style and a strong emphasis on left-leaning politics. We also have Frank discussions about sex and more than a few spirited rants. Just visit patreon.com slash start me up or wherever you get your podcast and start listening today.
Starting point is 00:00:31 This is Greg Olyar, the author of Dirty Rubles and your listening to Mueller clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time of truth in that campaign, and I didn't have, and I have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for?
Starting point is 00:01:08 I have nothing to do with Putin. I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So it is political. You're a communist! No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red hailing. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist. Hello and welcome to Muller Shiro, volume two. I'm your host, Alison Gill, formerly AG.
Starting point is 00:01:40 We have a lot of news today, but first I wanted to thank our patrons, who get these episodes ad-free and early, along with ad-free daily beans episodes that come out every week day morning, and all our bonus content and happy hour's-oom calls and all that stuff. You can become a patron of all those shows for one subscription just head to patreon.com slash mullershiroat and sign up. Today we're going to be talking about Jill Stein lending herself $10, which is weird. This draws questions from the FEC. We have a Department of Justice under Trump subpoenaing Don McGahn.
Starting point is 00:02:10 There's new evidence showing right-wing groups posed as left-wing activists on social media to divide Democrats. We have an update from the special master in the Rudy Case and a military expert who believes Putin will eventually leak what they had on Trump. Plus, we have some shot in Florida. and of course, the fantasy indictment leak. But let's kick it off with just the facts. Alright, the top story this week is an extension of what I reported last week from the New York Times, the Trump's Department of Justice had subpoenaed metadata from Apple and Microsoft
Starting point is 00:02:39 for at least a dozen people associated with the House Intelligence Committee, including Swalls, Biggie Swalls, Swallwell and Sch Schiff, and their families, including a minor and their staff. Since that story broke, we've learned that Don McGahn was also notified in May that his metadata was subpoenaed by main justice under sessions and that a gag order, much like the gag orders for CNN, the Times, and the Washington Post, and Schiff and Swallwell, were renewed under Bars Department of Justice. Now, of course, this is metadata. We've talked about that. We don't know exactly what the ins and outs are of this so far, but it's interesting, though, that right around the time again,
Starting point is 00:03:18 agreed to testify to the House Judiciary Dems that he was notified that his metadata was subpoenaed. Now, from the New York Times, quote, it is not clear what FBI agents were investigating whether Mr. McGan was their specific focus or whether he was swept up in a larger net because he had communicated with someone who was under scrutiny. As the top lawyer for the 2016 Trump campaign and then White House Council, Mr. McGann was in contact with numerous people who may have drawn attention, either as part of the Russian investigations or a later leak inquiry.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Still, the disclosure that agents had collected data on a sitting White House Council, which was kept secret for years, is extraordinary. Extraordinary indeed, from the administration that wrongfully accused the Obama administration of spying on his campaign. Of course, the main difference between the Russia investigation and the bar session's subpoenas is something called criminal predication, at least so far that we know. The Department of Justice Inspector General Horowitz investigated the Russia probe, the oranges of the Russia probe, and determined there was sufficient criminal predication to
Starting point is 00:04:23 open the investigation into Trump campaign's ties to Russia. And now Lisa Monaco at the Department of Justice has officially tasked the same inspector general that's Horowitz with investigating the oranges of the bar sessions probe into Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee to determine if they had requisite criminal predication. But he'll also be looking into the subpoenas of reporters' information. And also whether or not these were politically motivated, or what's previously found the Russia probe and Carter Page FISA warrants were not politically
Starting point is 00:04:54 motivated. But the Senate and House Judiciary Dums are not keen to wait months for the Inspector General's findings and have launched investigations into the issue of their own. From the Hill, quote, the Senate Judiciary Committee kicked off its investigation into subpoenas initiated under the Trump administration, asking the Department of Justice to turn over reams of documents as well as the justification for targeting two House Democrats. In a letter to Attorney General Garland Monday, lawmakers asked the Department of Justice to name names by listing the officials responsible for initiating the subpoenas of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and Rep Erick Swalwell.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Quote these actions by former President Trump and Attorney General Barr raise additional concerns that the Department of Justice's investigative decisions were motivated by improper political considerations. This letter that they wrote also asked the department to preserve all relevant materials, noting that several officials who reportedly oversaw these egregious overreaches remain at the Department of Justice, including the hand-picked prosecutor that Attorney General Barr assigned to the case in February of 2020. The request comes as the Department of Justice is scrambling to contain the fallout following
Starting point is 00:06:07 the news that under the Trump administration, the Department sees the records not only of lawmakers, but also reports from three news outlets in former White House counsel Don McGahn. The initial inquiry from the Senate Judiciary focuses squarely on the lawmakers asking the Department to explain, quote, factual and private predicate for targeting the two members, along with their other staff and family members, as well as the process for obtaining the subpoenas. It asks the Department of Justice to disclose if it sought the records of any other lawmakers. We will see how Merrick Garland responds to this request from Senate Judiciary, all 11 Dems.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Also in the news with regards to the Senate Judiciary, from Greg Sargent at the Washington Post, quote, President Joe Biden's Justice Department is in an undeniably difficult position, given the epic corruption of the Department by his predecessor, Donald Trump, maximal transparency and accountability are now imperative. But this will inevitably clash with the department's understandable desire to cling to certain institutional prerogatives. Senate Democrats have a key role to play in pushing the department toward transparency and accountability, and they are doing so prompted by the department's highly questionable refusal to release
Starting point is 00:07:19 the full memo that purportedly justified Bars' decision not to charge Trump with criminal obstruction of justice in the Russia scandal. All 11 Democrats on the Senate Judiciary fired off a letter to Merrick Garland calling on him to release this memo in full with no redactions, led by Dick Durbin, the committee chair they argue that precedence and transparency require it. That's why we're here to ramp up public interest and to pressure Garland to do the right thing. I'm still not giving up on improsticating Trump's obstruction of justice charges. That's essential to set the precedent that a president cannot obstruct justice and get
Starting point is 00:07:58 away with it. And despite how conservative Mueller was, that's what he intended. I can't imagine Garland would ignore that in the interest of moving forward, as it were. We will see. I'd like to encourage everyone to withhold judgment until he actually makes a decision on whether or not to charge Trump, and to continue to be loud about wanting him to. If we push our senators and representatives, they will push the Department of Justice. When we write back with more headlines from the week, stay with us. Hey everybody, it's A.G.
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Starting point is 00:09:54 Hey everybody, welcome back. I wanted to take a moment to discuss Garland and the Department of Justice, which we were talking about in the first segment there. And I want to do this using an op-ed from our friend Joyce Vance in the Washington Post this week called Garland inherited a booby-trapped DOJ. Here's why it won't be easy to fix. Most of you know Joyce Vance is a former US attorney and now a law professor at the University of Alabama School of Law. She opens her op-ed by explaining that Garland had to know he was stepping into a job where he'd find several ticking time bombs, but probably didn't expect
Starting point is 00:10:22 what we had discussed in the lead story earlier today with regards to the former DOJ subpoenaing House Intelligence members, staff, family members, and the press in their wide-ranging leak investigation. She says, quote, that's a shocking departure from the respect for the separation of powers that prevented even Nixon with his list of enemies from investigating members of Congress. We don't know the story behind the subpoenas who ordered them or whether the White House was involved. It's possible that this was incidental, an incidental collection in the course of a properly predicated league investigation, but there's an awful lot of coincidence.
Starting point is 00:10:57 The subpoenas just happened to home in on two opponents of Trump, Reps Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, and these or others also retrieved information about Jim Comey, the FBI director Trump fired, and Trump's own White House counsel Don McGann. Rumored around that time to have been cooperating with the Mueller investigation. It's also odd that a prosecutor from New Jersey without much experience in leak investigations was brought in by Barr in 2020 to resuscitate the probe, which hadn't produced enough evidence to charge a crime in three years since it began under bar's
Starting point is 00:11:30 predecessor, Jeff Sessions. Now, that New Jersey prosecutor has been identified as Osmar Benvenuto. Josh Gerstein, a political wrote, quote, friends and allies of a federal prosecutor tap last year to dig into a series of leak cases or pushing back against perceptions that he was a pro-Trump crony brought in to pin leaks on Democratic members of Congress. Associates of Osmar Benvenuto, who's 39, had misgivings about taking the assignment because he feared he might be seen as tarnished by the work given the perceived politicization of the Justice Department under bar, but the New Jersey-based career prosecutor ultimately decided to accept a job after friends counseled him to do so.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Several of Ben Vanito's friends and mentors said they found it utterly implausible that he would have taken on a political mission for the Trump administration. For one thing, he's registered to vote New Jersey as a Democrat and previously registered as a Democrat in New York City. Paul Fishman, the Obama-appointed U.S. attorney who hired Ben Venuto back in 2012, said he was startled by language in a New York time story Thursday that suggested Ben Venuto, better known as Oz, was part of a small circle of trusted aides around Barr. Former US Attorney, his name is Craig Carpignito, confirmed that he offered Ben Venuto to bar after bar reached out seeking a seasoned prosecutor to handle unspecified cases at headquarters that had been lingering without resolution. Quote, the attorney general told me he wanted someone who was an experienced prosecutor and
Starting point is 00:13:01 wasn't afraid to make decisions. What he wanted to know was whether or not there was anything to these investigations, whether they should be closed or brought forward. Carponea said in an interview, he said, I told him Oz Benvenuto was someone I trusted to give him an honest answer, and that he had the experience to separate the wheat from the chaff. I also told him Oz had the intestinal fortitude to give him a real answer. He would say yes or no. I guess he said no.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Given his background, I can't imagine him refusing to testify to Congress about this either, especially if it's behind closed doors. I don't know if the DOJ will let him. Curious as to why bar chose him unless his plan all along was to extend the gag orders until he could ghost the DOJ, get himself out of impeachability, and then pull the pin on Oz like a grenade to go off on Trump after he was gone. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:52 It's interesting though. Now, back to Joyce Vance's op-ed. She says with respect to Garland cleaning up the DOJ, the problem cases don't identify themselves. Files don't come with bright yellow stickers that say warning or danger. It will take a top to bottom review of the Justice Department to root them out and has to happen fast. But then Joyce reminds us of the scope of this task. She says, the sheer scope of that review will be daunting.
Starting point is 00:14:16 The Justice Department has an enormous docket of pending investigations and cases. In 2020, U.S. Attorney's Office is alone and dided more than 57,000 criminal cases and handled 92,860 civil matters. That doesn't include the work in the Justice Department's seven Washington-based litigation divisions, criminal, civil, national security, civil rights, antitrust, tax, and the environment and national natural resources. There are lawyers in other components of the department as well, such as the pardon attorney's office, the office of professional responsibility, and the Bureau of Prisons. And there are lawyers in the department's four law enforcement agencies, the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau
Starting point is 00:14:56 of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms, and Explosives, and the U.S. Marshal Service, while agents work on matters that have yet to be referred to a prosecutor, to complicate things, investigations can be international in scope. It's an enormous portfolio, Joyce says, for a new attorney general to take control of, especially without his full team in place. The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for the head of Garland's Criminal Division was only held last month. There is a single Senate confirmed U.S. attorney nominated by Biden in any of the 94 offices
Starting point is 00:15:25 across the country. The Inspector General's investigation is an important step toward understanding whether and how the Justice Department was twisted into a weapon for use against Americans, whom the former president viewed as his enemies, but IG probes take time, and this department doesn't have a lot of it. The longer questions and concerns go on addressed, the more difficult the department's mission becomes. It's not just the most recent disclosure. Everything awful is additive.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And Americans reservoir of trust for the justice department is running low. The process of replenishing it can't be shunted aside with the new team, while the new team assesses the damage. This is a moment for rebuilding the airplane while you're flying it. So, how does Garland do it? She says one critical step is for Garland to commit to transparency. He can't depart from the Justice Department's culture of reserve,
Starting point is 00:16:16 a culture that avoids much in the way of public explanation. The Department can't publicize the details of investigations in progress because they could compromise them and danger witnesses or smear the reputations of people who are never charged. A disclosure of grand jury proceedings is prohibited by law, but the department can be transparent about the way it works and its decision-making processes. It can openly discuss why it takes certain legal positions, especially when institutional interests are at stake.
Starting point is 00:16:42 It can make sure the country learns about any additional problems the department uncovers and how it's fixing them from the attorney general himself, not from investigative reporters. And Garland can be candid about what information he may not share and why. Justice seeks and needs a trusted voice that can explain complicated issues and share even bad news with openness and honesty. And Garland could take on that role. Many Americans have emerged from the Trump presidency with new interest in Howard,
Starting point is 00:17:10 government and legal system work. That's so true. Garland can further the understanding of the rule of law. He can explain why positions he advocates for are in the country's best interests instead of allowing them to be written off as institutionalism and letting that become a dirty word. Not everyone will agree all the time, but people who are trusted with the truth will better understand the complicated web of nuance and consequences that surrounds legal decision-making.
Starting point is 00:17:35 That's kind of what I try to do here. I'm all she wrote, and on the beans. And I do recommend you read her entire piece in the Washington Post. We'll be right back with more headlines than we have the fantasy indictment league action, so stay with us. Hey, everybody, it's A.G.
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Starting point is 00:19:46 First of all, I wanted to discuss a little bit about the special master, right? This is Barbara Jones. She was appointed to go through the Rudy files after he was rated in April. She has the same special master, as I've told you, who was appointed to go through the Cohen files after he was rated in April of 2018. While she put in a report this week and it says by order of appointment, the court appointed Barbara Jones, special master to render decisions regarding privilege issues relating to the material season, the execution of search warrants, date of April 21st, 2021, and April 28th, 2021, and executed April 28th, 2021. This report is submitted to provide the court with a scheduling plan, setting forth the
Starting point is 00:20:29 procedure and timeline for conducting the privilege review of the seized materials and resolving any disputes to privilege. Special Master is conferred with the parties regarding the status of production of the materials. The government is currently processing the seized materials. The government will provide electronic copies of the materials to counsel for Mr. Giuliani and Ms. Tonezing in an expedited and rolling basis. This is pretty much word-for-word the Cohen one. The procedures for review as follows.
Starting point is 00:20:55 As the materials become available, special master would designate batches of documents in the order they will be reviewed. For each batch, counsel for Mr. Giuliani and Ms. Tonezing will conduct a privilege review and submit privilege designations to the special master. These designations shall identify potentially privileged documents, etc., etc., attorney-client relationships. In addition, counsel for Mr. Giuliani and Ms. Tonezing may submit designations for highly personal information, medical records, and shit like that. She doesn't say that, I said shit like that. It's understood by
Starting point is 00:21:23 all parties, however, the special Master will not conduct a review of all materials for responsiveness after all privileged or highly personal designations are made by Council for Mr. Julianian Tonzig and a batch, the remaining non-designated documents and materials will be released to the government. The designation submissions from Council to Mr. Julianian is Tonzig and any subsequent conferences regarding those submissions will be exparte. Should the Special Master require additional facts or background information to assist her in making her privilege determinations,
Starting point is 00:21:51 she will also in might confer with the government and receive submissions from the government or an exparte on an exparte basis. The Special Master will not provide designated documents or materials to the government. Once the Special Master is considered the privilege positions, she will render decisions on the materials and submit the report and the recommendation to the court. Special master's final privilege determination will include privilege materials, partially privileged materials,
Starting point is 00:22:17 non-privileged materials, or highly personal materials. Those are the four categories. The special master will provide the court with a timeline for concluding the privilege review once she better understands the volume of material to be reviewed. The government has provided Special Master with a copy of search war and sticks queoted in the matter and underlying application
Starting point is 00:22:35 materials for those warrants. Pursuant to Section 10 of the Order, the Special Master, has conferred with parties regarding her compensation and expenses. The government will be responsible for the payment of special masters compensation and expenses of the review process and the manner described above. Special Master has discussed the relevant hourly rates with the government and the special Master intends to submit invoices for the court's review and approval
Starting point is 00:22:57 on a monthly basis. Signed the Honorable Barbara Jones. So that's the update. No real timeline yet. She wants to get an idea of the volume of the documents. I think once we see her next report, we might have a clear picture of how long this could take. We can compare it to Cohen's volume of documents. And if it's about the same, we can imagine it would take about the same amount of time. We just do a little, you know, back of the envelope math there. Also today, from the Guardian, Beans come true. A digital marketing firm closely linked to
Starting point is 00:23:29 the pro-Trump youth group, Turning Point USA, was responsible for a series of deceptive Facebook ads promoting green party candidates during the 2018 midterm elections. In an apparent attempt to split the Democratic vote in a number of close races, the ads purported to come from an organization called America Progress Now, APN, and used socialist memes and rhetoric to urge left-wing voters to support green party candidates. Facebook was aware of the true identity of the advertiser, the conservative marketing firm Rally Forge, and the deceptive nature of the ads. Facebook was aware, this is according to documents seen by the Guardian, but the company determined that they didn't violate
Starting point is 00:24:07 any of its policies. So I can't post pictures of my butt, but you can post fake things posing as opposite parties and straw candidates to divide elections. Okay, sounds good. Rally forage would go on to set up a pro-Trump domestic troll farm for Turning Point Action, a sister organization of Turning Point USA in 2020. That earned a permanent ban from Facebook.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Quote, there were no policies at Facebook against pretending to be a group that didn't exist. An abuse vector that has also been used by the governments of Honduras and Azerbaijan. That's Sophie Zhang, former Facebook employee and whistleblower, who played a small role in the investigation of the Green Party ads. She added, the fact that Rally Forge later went on to conduct coordinated inauthentic behavior with troll farms reminiscent of Russia
Starting point is 00:24:56 should be taken as an indication that Facebook's leniency led to more risk-taking behavior. The revelation that the ads were linked to the right-wing organization raises questions about the federal election commissions enforcement of campaign finance laws. APN and its ads appear to violate federal laws that require independent expenditures to be filed with the FEC and include proper disclosures on advertisements.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And O. Lucky here. On 27 October 2018, just days before the November 6 election, APN, American progress, now began running a series of ads that used leftist motives, such as the Red Rose emoji and images of Bernie Sanders and AOC, to rail against the, quote, corporate to party oligarchy, and the, quote, corporate capitalist wage system. Some of the ads urged voters to choose a third party, but others endorsed Green Party candidates by name triggering FEC rules for independent expenditures.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Hmm. Hmm. God, how many times did I get dragged on social media for pointing that out? And speaking of Green Party candidates, this is weird. Jill Stein floated her campaign $10 on March 30th, according to the FEC.
Starting point is 00:26:08 It's unclear why Stein's 2016 primary campaign needed such a small amount of money, especially since it ended the quarter with $7,100 on hand. A look at Stein's social media profiles around the date of the loan provide no clues about the disbursement and her campaign didn't report any expenditures on March 30th, another Stein nor her campaign responded to request for comment, quote, I've never seen another campaign committee report a loan from a candidate for such a small
Starting point is 00:26:34 amount. That's Brett Kappel, an attorney specializing in campaign finance at Harmon, Karan, Spielberg, and Eisenberg. There are other oddities about her $10 loan. The FEC filing says the interest free, unsecured loan is due January 1st in the year 1900. Couple says the incorrect maturity date may trigger a request for more information from the FEC. Yeah, I would, you know, I know it's only $10, but what the fuck is going on? And now from Ross story this week during President Joe Biden's trip to Europe, it has been obvious how greatly he differs from former President Donald Trump in terms of foreign policy,
Starting point is 00:27:14 while Trump was favorable to Putin and openly hostile toward the United States. Long time NATO allies, Biden is stressed how much he values the United States relationship with NATO and has been a much more critical president of Putin. This is according to General Barry McCaffrey, a military analyst for MSNBC, and he was discussing Biden's meeting with Putin during a Wednesday, June 16th, the parents on the 11th hour. He stressed what a great contrast it was to the Trump era. McCaffrey told Brian Williams, I think, without question, the president Biden and his senior team were right to engage with the Russians and meet with Putin.
Starting point is 00:27:48 There's no question we have to have an ongoing dialogue with Putin. The retired general went on to say he believes Biden is dealing with Putin from a position of strength. McCaffrey explained, quote, Putin heads a state that is hostile to American interest. They've interfered with our election. They're using hackers, surrogate hackers, to attack our economic system. So I think Mr. Biden will do just fine to show up,
Starting point is 00:28:11 engage him, leave a marker on the table. But then we must take action, or this daring clever kleptocrat Putin will not change his behavior. The MSNBC military analyst said of Putin, what he does have going for him is a daring and lack of respect for the law. I look at this with almost amazement at how far he got with Trump. Eventually, the Russians will leak what they had to control Mr. Trump
Starting point is 00:28:34 with his anti-American activities. As those days are over, Biden and his team are in charge. We do not need military operations against the Russians, but we do need to directly confront them on cyber-hacking and interference with our election. I'll read that little part again. Eventually the Russians will leak what they had to control Mr. Trump with his anti-American activity.
Starting point is 00:28:57 So put on your poncho. We might get that p-tap yet. Everybody we'll be right back. Hey everybody it's Allison and I talked in the last segment about how much I love sleep, and I want to tell you about what makes my good night's sleep possible. I used to toss and turn, I would wake up with night sweats, I could never get back to sleep once I woke up, and I thought this was because of the stress and anxiety from covering the news, because it turns out my mattress was the culprit.
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Starting point is 00:30:26 And Heelix is offering up to $200 off all mattress orders and two free pillows for listeners at helixsleep.com-slash-msw. That's helix-h-e-l-i-x-sleep.com-slash-msw for up to $200 off all mattress orders and two free pillows. Welcome back everybody, time for a little shot and Freud. SAD AND POIN A YouTube has suspended the account of Senator Ressho Rohn Johnson for seven days for promoting misinformation about coronavirus treatments. Johnson promoted the use of two drugs for treating COVID-19, good old hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin, Ivermectin, which the National Institute of Health has found provide no benefit in the treatment of the respiratory infection. YouTube is specifically banned promotion of these drugs for treatment of COVID-19. Johnson's video is available on C-SPAN. Johnson said in a statement,
Starting point is 00:31:14 big tech and mainstream media believe they're smarter than medical doctors who have devoted their lives to science and use their skills to save lives. They have decided there's only one medical viewpoint allowed and that's the viewpoint dictated by government agencies. So, uh, Rush Rang Johnson, banned from YouTube for spreading COVID disinformation, you know what all makes sense? When you frame Rush Iran as doing Putin's bidding, it makes sense that he wants more Americans to die of coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:31:41 It really does. All right, time for the fantasy indictment league. I'm gonna be a di-t-it! No way, it's gonna be okay. Di-t-it! I'm gonna die, dick! And die, dick! I'm gonna die, dick! I'm gonna die, dick!
Starting point is 00:31:53 Oh, that they can't, it's gonna be okay. Just calm down. I can't calm down, I'm gonna be a di-t-it! All right, if you had founding member of the Fuji's Prasma Shell on your fantasy indictment draft for a superseding indictment, give yourself a point. If you had Jolo down for a superseding indictment in the 1MDB case, you also get a point. This case was probably one of my most famous murder board cases that we covered during
Starting point is 00:32:14 the initial Mullershy Rote podcast. Fair warning, this goes fast and there's a lot of players, a lot of strings, a lot of yarn. Allow me to read to you from a muller she wrote Twitter thread going all the way back to November 1st, 2018. In episode 44 we told you about Jolo and how the Department of Justice was investigating the Malaysian financier for laundering tens of millions through two associates. He was indicted today and naturally he's got ties to Trump.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Let's read on. As it turns out, Jolo has used embezzled and laundered funds to pay for some lawyers' stateside, including Chris Christie, who repped him in a California asset forfeiture case, and Mark Casowitz, who reps him in the Justice Department matters. But wait, there's more. We all know who Chris Christie is, as a piece of shit that stole millions from New Jersey pensioners to fund AMI and David Pecker, which covered up Trump affairs, the COZWITS is the A-hole. Kamala Harris kept asking Kavanaugh if he spoke to about Bob Mueller. But wait, there's more.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Jolo is also rep by Bobby Birchfield, who has served as an ethics advisor to the Trump administration, clearly a terrible person, and a GOP consultant named Ed Rogers, who consults Jolo. But wait, there's still more. Elliott fucking Broidy also consults this guy and met him through Get This, prize Michelle. Yes, founding member of the Fuji's. Don't forget the Department of Justice is investigating Broide for selling Trump access to Malaysia and China. But wait, there's more.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Jolo is also close to the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, who was reported for being arrested in Kuala Lumpur for money laundering through the same fund as Jolo. Remember when Mato said we got a yacht in asset for-fature cases? That was Razox Boat. There's still more. Don't forget Kazawhits also helped Kushner get loans from Deutsche Bank and probably
Starting point is 00:34:11 played a key role in firing Preet Berara, who is a national treasure. It's that Trump lawyer that wrapped Jolo. Well Jolo was indicted today. So if you had Jolo on your fantasy indictment team this week in grads, this is one of those seemingly obscure indictments, but if you're an MSW listener, you know about Jolo and his trumpties. Who knows, Mato, maybe we'll get another yacht. Okay, so all that was back in 2018.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Now, this is me right now in 2021. Jolo was initially indicted back in 2018, as you heard in that thread, and Prasmischal was initially indicted back in 2018, as you heard in that thread, and Pras Michelle was initially indicted back in 2019, and now. District of Columbia Grand Jury has returned to superseding indictment, charging Jolo, and Pras Michelle, with orchestrating an unregistered back-channel campaign starting in 2017 to influence the former Trump administration and the Justice Department to drop the investigation of Jolo and others in connection with the one MDB, and to return a Chinese dissident back to China.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Jolo and Praz, Michelle conspired with Elliott Brody, Nikki Loom Davis, and others to conduct an unregistered lobbying campaign under the direction of Jolo and vice minister of public security peoples Republic of China to have the one MDB embezzlement investigation and forfeiture proceedings involving Jolo and others closed. And to have a Chinese dissident sent back to China. Michelle and Lowe are also charged with money laundering conspiracy related to the foreign lobbying campaign. So, big swirling of superseding indictments.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And I did not see a three-year-old superseding indictment coming. But good on you, Merrick Garland, for picking this probe back up. And you can bet on God and Sonny Jesus that if Brody hadn't been pardoned by Trump, he'd be indicted here too. Can't wait to see what other old investigations find new life under this Department of Justice. My fantasy indictment picks for the week include Matt Gaetz, Rudy Giuliani. I think Ellicott might strike a plea deal. That's in the Matt Gaetz investigation. I think Ingersoll will be indicted, or maybe strike a plea deal. That's in the Met Gates investigation. I think Ingersoll will be indicted
Starting point is 00:36:06 or maybe strike a plea agreement. I'll go with indicted. He's a Joel Greenberg pal. That's, let's see, that's a one, two, three, four. Well too early for Trump, still too early for Rudy, actually, for him to even be on there. Maybe a booh.
Starting point is 00:36:30 How about, you know, let's take Rudy off and let's put Trump on there and, uh, uh, Ivanka, let's do it. Let's put her on there too. Um, everyone, thank you for listening. As you know, I'll be back for the season finale next Sunday. Then we have one week off of this show before we kick off season two. Until then, you can find me every weekday morning with Dana Goldberg, a name of Carrero, and a host of experts and special guests at the Daily Beans pod.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I'm your host, Alison Gill, and this is Mullershi Road. Mullershi Road is written and produced by Alison Gill in partnership with MSW Media. Sound Design and Engineering, or by Molly Hockey, Jesse Egan is our copywriter and our art and web designer by Joa Reeder at Moxie Design Studios. Mullershi Road is a proud member of MSW Media, a group of creator-owned podcasts focused on news, justice, and politics. For more information, visit MSW Media dot com. Hi, I'm Harry Lickman, host of Talking Feds.
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