Jack - Mueller Megasode (feat. Zoltan Kaszas and Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's)

Episode Date: October 15, 2018

Ep #50 - Joining us this week is Zoltan Kaszas (This Week In Zoltan) and Ben Cohen (Ben & Jerry's)! Also, Jaleesa covers the referral of the Kavanaugh investigation, Jordan goes over Trump's new defen...se in the face of Russian interference, and A.G. breaks down the Mueller hat trick this week that includes the reporting on the Alfa Bank server communications with Trump. Enjoy! Register to Vote HERE: https://vote.gov 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Harry Lickman, host of Talking Feds. Around table, the brings together prominent figures from government law and journalism for a dynamic discussion of the most important topics of the day. Each Monday, I'm joined by a slate of Feds favorites at new voices to break down the headlines and give the insider's view of what's going on in Washington and beyond. Plus, sidebar is explaining important legal concepts read by your favorite celebrities. Find Talking Feds wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, Mueller junkies. We're working on taking Mueller She wrote to three episodes per week,
Starting point is 00:00:34 and we have a goal of 7,000 patrons to make that happen. So head over to patreon.com slash Mueller She wrote and join today. We'll send you gifts, you'll get ad-free episodes, access to our bonus episodes, and membership in the MSW Book Club. You'll also get our weekly newsletter with infographics, Today we'll send you gifts, you'll get ad-free episodes, access to our bonus episodes, and membership in the MSW Book Club. You'll also get our weekly newsletter with infographics, pictures, and my personal show notes with links to all the pertinent articles for the week. You'll also get discount codes to our live events, and you'll get access to our closed Facebook group where you can participate in our fantasy indictment league.
Starting point is 00:01:00 So head to patreon.com slash muller she wrote today, and sign up to get access to our additional two episodes per week. You'll be glad you did. So to be clear Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what the opposition is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time
Starting point is 00:01:32 or two in that campaign and I didn't have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for? I have nothing to do with Putin. I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So, it is political. You're a communist! No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist. all members of the oldest profession of a capitalist. Thank you. Hello and welcome to Muller She Wrote.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I'm your anonymous host, A.G. and with me as always is Julie Sedganson. Hello. And Jordan Coburn. Hello. Thank you guys so much for listening. We have an amazing show for you this week. It's all Muller all the time. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:02:19 There's an insane amount of news. In our Fluid Blue segment, we'll be talking to activists and confectioner Ben Cohen from Ben and Jerry's. And we have a very special guest live in studio today, one of my favorite comedians, National Touring Headliner, Zoltan Cassis. Woo! Hi. Hi, Zoltan.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I'm saying Cassis, right? You are saying it right. I feel like I should have gotten introduced before Ben from Ben and Jerry's. It didn't build up the right way. When Ben and Jerry's, then it didn't build up the right way. Went Ben and Jerry's and then, this is all Tans here too. And you're like, oh, all right. Well, they only knew you.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Yeah. Have you ever thought about just by going by Zoltan? So I did in the beginning. I went by Zoltan because open mics, no one could pronounce my last name. And then I think one person came up to me and they would just went, you go by Zoltan. What do you think here? What do you think? You're Sinbad. And I was like, I love Sinbad. But yeah, they never left my head so I'm like, Zoltan Cassis, please.
Starting point is 00:03:13 They got to you, basically. Yeah, they got to me. All right, well, welcome. Where I'm super glad to have you here. You did pick a hell of a week to join us, man. There was a tons of Mueller and Trump Russian news this That hit this week, but we didn't hear about it in the media because Hurricane Michael made landfall and most of the news coverage has been about that You were on a cruise ship doing comedy. Yeah, that had to be diverted away from the camons. We're all of a Manafort's bank accounts are So because of the because of the hurricane. Was it scary? Yeah, it was terrifying. And yeah, I missed all this news because of the hurricane. And I was in the hurricane,
Starting point is 00:03:49 and I got to see the people affected by this hurricane. And it shouldn't have been newsworthy. It was just a bunch of people going, we're all grown-down, the deep, the deep, the new. And like, why are we interviewing how this person put on floaties and stayed in their trailer? I, we could have learned about this, but that thankfully we're gonna learn about it today. Yeah, that's what it's, that's what the, that's why we do this.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Um, so why we're here? So, uh, and, you know, despite the hurricane, Trump went on with his eight rally in Pennsylvania, uh, but I had to expect nothing more of him to act like a complete pile of hypocritical garbage because he tweeted in 2012 when, uh, there was another hurricane that Obama was doing a rally and he's like, bullshit, you have to be impeached immediately if you act that way. And here he is. There's a Trump tweet for everything. I mean, I'm so hard to cover this hypocrisy because it's like every week he's doing something that Obama would have been impeached for. And it's hard breaking every time or they would have tried.
Starting point is 00:04:41 But no matter what's going on, you can tune in here and hear the latest on Bob Mueller. So this week, Jolise is going to be covering the referral of Kavanaugh investigation by Justice Roberts to the 10th Circuit Court. And Jordan, you're going to go over Trump's new defense in the face of Russian interference. It's really funny and sad and also it'll probably work. And I'll be talking about the Mueller hat trick this week
Starting point is 00:05:02 that includes the reporting on the alpha bank server Communications with trump tower Peter Smith's connection to Michael Flynn and Rick Gates's connection to the side group and what they all have in common I picked this out and I haven't heard anybody else talking about it. I think it's significant But I also could be crazy I'll give you the straight up facts and what's new and then I'm gonna go wildly you know go off on some conjecture for you And I'll make sure to delineate which is which. Zoltan, feel free to jump in anytime. I will. I will.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Mainly to ask questions like, what's conjecture man? I think that'll be helpful to some newer listeners. Like, oh, I think I think that's a, that's a, that's a dummy's on there. Definitely, I learned on this podcast what conjecture man. It's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And I want to kick it off though before I get into the news. I had, we don't know, it's not a correction from last week, but I did get an awesome email that we got regarding our conversation about pap smears and bagels. And smear, no relation. Well, you know, smear, smear. And basically here's the little note we got. She says, I was listening to your podcast last night while I was looking at pap smears at work. I'm a pathologist and a significant portion of my job
Starting point is 00:06:11 consists of analyzing these samples. AG, you're right about the smear, being the action of smearing the cells from the cervix onto a glass so they can be examined under the microscope. Zoltan, how you doing? I'm doing all right. The pap part is short for PapAPa Nakalau, which
Starting point is 00:06:25 is the name of the coloring technique used to make the cells visible, named after the guy who invented the test. Papadopolis was not involved in this. Well, that's fortunate. Yeah, that would involve time travel. Yeah. It's Papa Nakalau.
Starting point is 00:06:40 How about these? Did he play for the Steelers? Yeah. Well, there's been a few, the long Greek names, but how about this, some of our overall theme? What's over these, like, selfish doctors, just naming things after themselves? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:53 And scientists, like, that reminds me, like when I was at the movies, and there was the Gary Seneese Foundation, and Gary Sene- I don't even know what the foundation it does, I just couldn't get over the arrogance of naming it after yourself. Yeah, it's not even an easy name for people to pronounce, it's selfish. Yeah. it's not even an easy name for being able to pronounce.
Starting point is 00:07:05 It's just selfish. Yeah. How'd you come up with that name, Gary? How'd you come up with the Gary Senees foundation? You arrogant bastard. It's like Lou Gary's disease. Yeah, Lou Gary. He'll say how about...
Starting point is 00:07:16 Once you have a wife you care about, like naming after her. Isn't it enough? You're already given the speech and a stadium? All right. It's perfect. Oh my goodness. Alright, well anyway, with everything that went on this week, we should get to it. Let's kick it off with just the facts. Well, the news hit the ground running Sunday
Starting point is 00:07:37 of this week with a story from the Wall Street Journal with an update on Peter Smith. He's the Republican strategist that committed suicide last year. If you recall, we first came across Peter Smith a couple years ago when Slate wrote an article about him and his hunt for the Clinton emails. He was going online on the dark web and he was trying to find, you know, get me the emails, I'm looking for the emails. And then again, we talked about him during our review of Russian roulette. When we learned Peter Smith had reached out to Matt Tate, that's a cybersecurity expert with the FBI. He's the one who outed Gucci for 2.0 is Russian. And he reached out to ask him to verify
Starting point is 00:08:09 if what he found were actual Clinton emails. And Tate was suspicious, first of all, because that's weird, but also because Peter Smith wouldn't say who his dark web contact was, or what the dark web is. And he got the impression that Smith was working for the Trump campaign because he said he was in touch with Flynn and Flynn's son and other top Trump aids.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Smith accidentally sent a memo to Tate saying he was planning to set up a Delaware LLC called KLS Research to conduct op-o research on Trump or for Trump against Clinton. But in a way, he wanted to do it, and he said in the memo, I wanna do it in a way to avoid campaign reporting. The memo also. In a memo. Why do people with a shit in writing, I don't know what. What was their email subject, like not colluding
Starting point is 00:08:55 or something like that? Oh, yeah, that was the Russian one. Yeah, yeah, that was a, what was it, spying or like camera, it was absolutely. It was obvious. Yeah, very obvious. The memo also noted that several top trump aids were involved. He named Bannon, Kelly, Unconway, Flynn, Clovis,
Starting point is 00:09:12 and Lisa Nelson. Tate's name was in there, too, though Tate said he never agreed to be part of it. Their conversations petered out, and Tate was never clear as to whether or not Smith had any contact with Trump insiders. Bannon and Conway would say later that they didn't know
Starting point is 00:09:25 who the hell he was. And Smith later told the Wall Street Journal, he had found five groups of hackers that claim to have the Clinton emails and suggested they take them to WikiLeaks. Interestingly, the Wall Street Journal came across a piece of intelligence that the intelligence community had collected.
Starting point is 00:09:40 They had collected information indicating that Russian hackers were indeed discussing how to find Clinton's emails and how to get them to Flynn through a cutout. And it was never determinative, Smith was that cutout. Seems pretty obvious now. In May 2017, he committed suicide by asphyxiation himself within a hotel room in Minnesota. Minnesota, I'd have to say it that way, sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:59 This is most appropriate time for that. And we have so many fans there too, I love Minnesota. And there was a note next to him that read, no foul play whatsoever. Like that's like Trump wrote it himself. It's in crayon. No foul play. No so called foul play whatsoever. Because who uses the word whatsoever?
Starting point is 00:10:17 He uses it all the time. Then in episode 28, our episode 28 back in August, we learned Adam Schiff had gotten a hold of all the documents from Peter Smith's estate I don't know if he went to an estate sale and they just had him But he got him and then in episode 41 in August we reported on the Buzzfeed story about the timing of Peter Smith looking for the emails It was in the time period right before Trump made his plea to Russia that he hoped he could find the 30,000 emails that were missing So that's kind of spooky and then finally this, this week, more news broke on Peter Smith, including the discovery of over $150,000 put into that Delaware LLC.
Starting point is 00:10:50 We know that he opened, but we don't know if or to whom he paid that money. And later this week, we learned that there is now email proof of a link between Flynn and Smith. They had met in the fall of 2015. So it's looking more like he is the cutout that Flynn between Wiki, Leaks and Flynn. And that could be the tide of 2015. So he, it's looking more like he is the cut out that Flynn between him, between Wiki, Leagues and Flynn. And that could be the tide of the Trump campaign.
Starting point is 00:11:08 So put some beans on that. And remember, Peter Smith, because I'm going to bring him back up in hot notes. Okay. So that's one of the hat trick is Peter Smith. Nice. Traject. I don't think Russia did it though, because Russian never leaves notes like that. They're just like, Matt fuck you. Maybe he jumped, maybe we killed him. Whatever. Yeah. They just actually know Vichok and people are foaming at the mouth or they fall down six times and hit their head real hard and break their neck when they fall down. Yeah, they're no fake notes. On Tuesday, we learned that the feds have seized Olegg Darapasca's upper east side mansion as part of being sanctioned. Woohoo. Olegg
Starting point is 00:11:44 Darapasca is the Putin guy. He was hanging out with Manafort through Kalimnik, who was indicted with the Russians. That's who Darapasca was. He was hanging out with Nastya Rybka, the sex coach on the yacht, Norway, downloading the PM stuff, the Prime Minister Russia stuff, yeah. Is he also known as an oligarch? Yes. That will be the smartest thing I say on the internet. He is a Russian oligarch. an oligarch. Yes. That will be the smartest thing I say on this.
Starting point is 00:12:06 He is a Russian oligarch. An oligarch. And he's, oh, an aluminum gark. Yeah. Aluminium. Wait, he doesn't have any ties to oil? I'm sure he does, but he's the aluminum magnet. Aluminum magnet.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Aluminum magnet? He made it sound so cool. He gradually acknowledged. Yeah. Yeah, he's the aluminum guy. Which is why the tariffs are such a big deal. And there's more news on that later. Then on Tuesday, the New York Times dropped a bomb about the side group. Jalisa, you did a bit about the side group and one of your hot notes.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And the second Trump tower meeting, right, that's the one that happened August 3rd, which to me is way more important in the June 9th, 2016, Trump tower meeting. But back in March, we spoke to Scott Stedman and Jolisa did that hot note like I was talking about on side group. They're a Russian funded Israel, sorry, Israeli research group. A lot like Fusion GPS or Orbus, where like X spies get together and make a company where they sell their services to get secrets and dirt on people. And that, there were links to Eric Prince and Nader to the side group through the owner of Sci Group named Joel Zamol.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And we learned back then that Zamol had received $2 million shortly after the election, and that the firm was working with those who attended the Second Trump Tower meeting in August 2016, like I was talking about. This week we learned that it was Rick Gates, actually, that had been put in touch with Sci Group by a guy named Bernbaum who asked for Gates's email address from a guy named Sager, not Sager, not Nader, but Sager, and not Bob's Seager. It turns out Rick Gates had received proposals as early as March 2016 during the primaries
Starting point is 00:13:39 outlining a plan for Sy Group to sway over 5,000 Republican convention delegates to the RNC by attacking Ted Cruz, personally, and then got further proposals on opposition to Hillary Clinton after the primaries were one. Gates reportedly turned down the proposal, but this new reporting shows that it was Nader, in fact, who was the second Trump- who was at the second Trump Tower meeting that paid XAML and the Cygroup the $2 million just after the election. It's important to note that Nader is one of the only people in the entire molar investigation to be granted immunity in exchange for his testimony. So remember the side group, Saggering Gates, from my hot note, that's the second part of
Starting point is 00:14:11 the hat trick. Bernbaum, that's the best name I've ever heard, I think. Bernbaum. That sounds like it. Bernbaum, that's what I was thinking. Baum, B-A-U-M. Oh, okay, okay. Bernbaum.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Sounds like a generic I-C-Hot brand. And you know, their family made millions off of them. Oh, definitely. Yeah. So he's on the rowing team. It's a waspy name. Oh, like burn bomb. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Like the bomb. The bomb. The bomb. This is, oh yeah. Burn all the Boston, burn bomb. That's very true. They're like side-to-state. It's a third huge story dropped early in the week, all around the same time these three
Starting point is 00:14:45 stories. It was in the New Yorker, which is a really well written piece about what might have been going on when we found out the Alpha Bank servers were communicating with the Trump Tower servers. The bottom line of this reporting is that two independent groups of experts, cyber experts, were deployed to research the data. What they concluded was that the communications were not normal kind of communications. They didn't seem automated.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And once the New York Times reported this story in 2016, the Trump domain name was taken down within two days of that report. And a new one was put up in its place. It was like Trump domain one instead of just Trump domain. And then the communication resumed with that new server name. And so it's also a note that both groups of experts independently reported what the communications known as DNS lookups could have been. They could have been messenger apps or even something called foldering.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Now, foldering, I know that sounds familiar to you, is when you log into Gmail, you write a draft and you don't send it, and then someone on the other end logs into that same account by pinging your server, creating a DNS look lookup opens the drafts and reads your message because if you send an email That's too obvious. So whatever the communications were the expert say it was not typical. It was not automated It was kind of primitive. It looked like it was something set up at Hawk that had already existed and That was you know was put back into use all of a sudden So keep this story in mind for the third part of my hot note. Could someone folder a dick pick?
Starting point is 00:16:09 He's like a folder anyhow. You can folder anything, man. He just leave it on your draft and like, I'll check it out later. Yeah, but you'd have to give somebody your log in and information. Oh, well, we are being intimate at that point. Just create an intimate. I mean, there's dick pick intimate, and then there's like, you can get into my Gmail account.
Starting point is 00:16:24 That's fair. I take it to that. We need to go to see Hall and sign paperwork for that to happen. Yeah, nobody sends me unsolicited Gmail logins. And to wrap up Tuesday, Richard Pinedo was sentenced to six months in prison, with six additional months of house arrest and two years of probation. Pinedo is a California guy who was indicted along with the 13 Russians and three Russian entities because he set up their fake identities and bank accounts so they could walk around in America acting
Starting point is 00:16:47 like Americans and trying to campaign for Trump. In the court transcript, we learned that Pinedo did implicate other criminals, but the prosecution said those crimes were outside the scope of the Mueller probe and they couldn't divulge the information because it could be used in a future investigation and that they would likely refer those out to other US attorney's offices because they don't fall within the Mueller scope. Unfortunately, because the case is open offices because they don't fall within the Mueller scope. Unfortunately, because the case is open and ongoing, and it's not within the scope of the Russia probe, the government could not commit to a rule 35 motion, which is a motion to
Starting point is 00:17:13 consider a lighter sentencing for cooperating. A panetto apologized, basically saying he was just a petty fraudster who, yeah, I set up fake identities, but I had no idea I was helping the Russians commit treason in the 2016 election. And the sentencing guidelines for him were 12 to 18 months, so he got six months, that's not too bad. But he could have gotten a lot less if he were able to use, if they were able to tell the judge what information, you know, who else he battled on, basically.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Matt made it seem like it would scare guys like Manfort Gates and Flynn that there was a six month sentence. But I don't think those guys would implicate anyone who would fall outside the Mueller probe. So the government wouldn't be as hesitant to commit to a rule 35 motion in their cases. So that's when you use their proper to get them a lighter sentence, like they really helped us out. And they weren't allowed.
Starting point is 00:18:02 They couldn't say the government couldn't say who he turned in, like who he implicated because it's outside of the Mueller probe. So kind of screwed him that he's got caught up in this Mueller probe. It had been any other regular case. They could use the role 35 motion, but it's because it's outside. Yeah. They couldn't say it. And and Pinedo is the third witch, by the way, to be sent to prison in the Mueller probe. So three guys have got it out. Focus, style. Someone should make a meme for us of like a poster with a three guys that have been three witches Yeah, yeah, so basically he's a fake ID guy a fake identity guy and a fake bank account guy Yeah, so he set up all their bank accounts and stuff not knowing they were gonna do it to commit treason
Starting point is 00:18:37 Just I'm just you know, I'm just I'm a regular criminal. Yeah, and you're gut. H.E. What do you think you think he didn't? He I don't know. He list. Okay. That's okay, I don't think you know. I don't think he knew. Okay, that's good. He doesn't need to know. He just has to set the shit up, I guess. And he immediately helped. Like he was like, oh, when they found out, when he found out what he did, he was like,
Starting point is 00:18:51 oh, here's who told me to do it. Oh, yeah. Here's who helped me do it. So he implicated all these other guys in, in identity fraud who were now wrapped up in the more investigation because it was for Russians. But he, you know, like I said, he can't tell the judge who those guys are.
Starting point is 00:19:06 They haven't handed them off publicly to any other court because they don't want to let anybody in on what the open and ongoing investigation is. And so he couldn't get credit, sentencing credit for those dudes. This guy is essentially like the guy in high school that made fake IDs, but the only reason he could is because he had a laminating machine. Yeah, it's not that he was this genius. He's just like, no, my mom's got this laminating machine. I can make you guys' ideas and then he gets busted.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I didn't know anything. He's just a dummy with a laminating machine. That's all he is. Yeah, and I picture the Russians standing in front of a big board, like a life-size drawing of an ID, like standing, putting your head through it like, hey. National Amphoons, Vegas, vacation, we're just holding up the cutout.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Here's your new driver's license. Yeah, I had one of those guys in college. He was called Chinese fake ID guy. Oh, in your phone? No, you had no order. I don't even know if he was based in Shreddye. I don't know who this person was, but you could only order 10 at a time at minimum. So you had to get a whole range going.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And then they would send them to you and these really like extravagant things. So he sent like a jewelry box once and you like opened it up and there was nothing in there. And we're like, what the fuck? And one of my friends grabbed it and smashed it on the ground and they all fluttered out. He had hidden them and it was fucking sad.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That's cool. I like this guy. I mean, had hidden them, and it was fucking sad. Yeah, that's cool. I like this guy. I mean, it's illegal, but I like this guy. Yeah, it's illegal in the way that the Wolf of Wall Street is fun. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what you're gonna do with the money that he has.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Yeah, yeah, yeah, can get down with that. Quailudes are nice sometimes. Sometimes, Mondays. Check this out. Wednesday news broke that someone broke out a window at the internet research agency in St. Petersburg in Toast of Molotov cocktail inside. Very fitting.
Starting point is 00:20:48 The troll farm is believed to be run by billionaire restaurant tour Yivgani Progoshin. He's also known as Putin's chef and he's one of the 13 Russians that was indicted in the Mueller investigation. He also cooked some trees in. Yeah, so somebody lit that thing on fire. But Wednesday was not yet finished with us. A friend of the podcast and staff writer for the Atlantic, Natasha Bertrand, wrote a piece about Trump's pivot from, we didn't get any hekt Russian emails to exploiting hekt emails
Starting point is 00:21:13 as free speech. And Jordan has that story for us later in hot notes. So that'll be interesting. Still Wednesday, a bipartisan group of senators led by Corker, Lehi, Graham, and Menendez triggered the Global Magnitsky Act in response to what appears to be a state-ordered killing of Saudi journalists at the Washington Post named Jamal Kashaji. In October, actually on October 2nd, Kashaji went to the Saudi consulate in Turkey to pick up some marriage documents and never came out.
Starting point is 00:21:41 There's going to be a lot of why you don't get married jokes in there, I'm sure. But he didn't ever come out. And he could have been lured, but he was ambushed by the Saudis inside the consulate. He was interrogated and murdered and dismembered with a bone saw according to Turkish intelligence officers who say Kashoggi was recording the entire episode with his Apple watch. The bad guys got the watch and deleted the files when they were, I guess, when they were, you know, their thorough, yeah, and they deleted the files, but not before those files were backed up to his iPhone, which his fiance had back at the house. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Which was his fiance. And at the time, so, yeah, his fiance got those, and she turned him over to Turkish authorities. So they actually have the files. I was, oh my goodness. They were up to the cloud and onto the phone and they went straight to his fiance. Wow. No question. Yeah. Yeah. The Trump administration has 120 days to investigate and if wrongdoing is found He would lay down sanctions against Saudi Arabia. However, Trump has not only indicated He does not want to do that and he's bragged about his 110 billion dollar arms deal with Ibiza That's Mohammed bin Salman MBS, I call him Ibiza.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Which we fact checked, and it's only actually $14 billion, whatever. But he and his son, Lee. Trump and his son have started a smear campaign against Kashoggi, saying he's got ties to Osama bin Laden and G-Hotests, and he's tweeting that he's a bad guy, bad dude, bad ombre. Don Jr. went as far as to say he's a Godest and one has to wonder about Kushner, who has
Starting point is 00:23:09 already been caught giving Ibiza intel so that he could topple traders to the crown in Saudi Arabia. And I wouldn't put past this administration to be complicit here somehow. But at the very least, I'm sure Trump's investigation into this is going to be about as thorough as the one into Kavanaugh. Unfortunately, most congressmen and women seem pretty hesitant to let this one go on both sides of the aisle. Republicans and Democrats, a ton of other senators,
Starting point is 00:23:31 both on both sides of sign onto that letter. And they could pass sanctions on their own, though the president would have to sign them. Hold his nose and sign them, like he did last time with sanctions that still most of haven't been enacted. Trump said that was against Russia, though. Trump said he doesn't want to give up his $110 billion arms deal with Ibiza.
Starting point is 00:23:50 But, you know, I'm sure he'll sell him out on this one. So, in fact, Saturday morning, Trump did an interview where he said that the Crown Prince denies murdering Kishouji. It sounds just like when Putin denies interfering in the election. Thank you. They're a pretty hard core if he admitted it. He said,
Starting point is 00:24:06 Kushner, Jared Kushner called the prince and they denied it. And then he goes, they denied it in every way you can imagine. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, in like eight languages. What does that even mean? I wish we could hear that conversation. Yeah. It's like, did you guys do it? No. Are you sure? No. No. That's pretty certain. Yeah, that's all it takes for Trump.
Starting point is 00:24:31 They denied it in every way you can imagine. Extra denied it. They denied it hard. And he goes, we're going to have to see what we're going to get, we're going to get to the bottom of it. And if it happened, there would be severe punishment. Although he's not going to let go of the arms deal. That it would just be sanctions. But they would continue to sell arms to Saudi Arabia for
Starting point is 00:24:48 a 110 billion, 14 billion. So he doesn't intend to punish them by canceling the arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Yeah. The 9-11 guys. Exactly. And can I say something real quick, the 9-11 guys? I understand that Trump and the administration won't do anything. That's obviously the case.
Starting point is 00:25:02 But for the resistance, I feel like, you mentioned like, you think people won't let this go? Like the Kavanaugh thing, but I was watching the Stanford prison experiment last night and Jordan was telling me to watch. It's amazing. And the guy in the end, he's like, I just kept doing more profane things
Starting point is 00:25:18 than no one stopped me. And I feel like that's where we are. It's like, we can't just hope that people won't let it go. I mean, I trust that you're basing that stuff. I'm talking about senators. Oh't just hope that people won't let it go. I mean, I trust that you're basically like, I'm talking about senators. Oh yeah, exactly. They aren't letting it go. Yeah, and that's what, I mean,
Starting point is 00:25:31 we did talk about Stanford prison experiment on this show, but we have to say, like we have to say like really stop. And like, it's crazy, because I guess we've been saying that and nothing's happening. So, you can't blame us, we're saying that. Yeah, yeah, it's just just it's a crazy time. I wonder like what they're going to do.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Well, it's important to note that in 2016 Saudi Arabia basically exiled Kashoggi for talking trash on Trump. So there's a motive. And another note to this story, just this week, Turkey released Brunson, one of our guys, that they've had for a while, a pastor. I'm not sure if they're trying to curry favor with Trump or making some sort of trade, but I'd be very interested to see what happens with Gulen in the coming weeks.
Starting point is 00:26:08 He's the Turkish cleric, the Erdogan tried to give Michael Flynn $15 million to Kidnap and ExtraDite to Turkey. So I'm not sure what yet, I'm not sure what the motive is, but Trump is a very transactional man, and there's probably some squid pro-crow here somewhere. It could be as simple as Trump or Kushner both taking a bribe from Inbissa in exchange for complicity. Kushner's got a lot of buildings he needs
Starting point is 00:26:27 bailed out on. And Qatar already helped him, but Qatar is a Turkish ally. So it's all messed up. Put beans on it somewhere. I don't know how it means. I don't like the idea that they just have guys that they just release sometimes. I mean, the hits were very blosy. Yeah. Yeah. The will they describe them rolling in and the trucks. They're fluent.et, yeah. Yeah, the way that they describe them rolling in in the trucks, they're fluing, yeah. Well, well, no, that they just are holding people. And then, and then they just release them sometimes if they can do a nice little trade-a-ru with
Starting point is 00:26:55 a marriage woman. Yeah, you said it was an appeal. Totally. Yeah, he's an American guy. Yeah, they had the same with the other guys who could come back to Korea. And he was like, oh, we don't need to the best of our knowledge. We don't know if he's an American citizen.
Starting point is 00:27:06 And they had to correct him like Trump in real time. They're like, he's a permanent resident. Trump was like, this guy would... Which guy, I'm sorry. Jamal, the one that was Marisa. He's not a citizen. He's a permanent resident. And but he was trying to brush it off like, oh,
Starting point is 00:27:17 why am I here? He's not a citizen, right? Yeah, very belittling. Would you kill a citizen for $14 billion in arm sales? That's basically what he's saying. Except he's saying $110 billion. Exactly. So he doesn't sound like so much of an animal. He was like a regular contributor $14 billion in arm sales? That's basically what he's saying except he's saying 110 billion Exactly. So he doesn't sound like so much of an animal. He was like a regular contributor to Wapo, right? Yeah He's a Wapo journalist
Starting point is 00:27:31 Very sad Wednesday night the Washington Post dropped a story about what really went down with the Rosenstein fire drill We had last week remember that remember remember we woke up one morning in the Kairan on CNN said Rosenstein was fired And then it changed to Rosenstein resigns. And we reported that for some reason it leaked that Matthew Whitaker, who is a Republican Fox News pundit, turned Trump's staffer, would be given the assistant DAG spot, that's deputy assistant deputy attorney general or A DAG spot instead of O'Callahan, who is the pay DAG, which is a principal assistant deputy attorney general, who should be the
Starting point is 00:28:03 next in succession. So, but this was right in the middle of cabinet hearing, so this kind of went under the radar, but it seems like a year ago, it was last week. But now reporting in the post says, Trump recently talked with Sessions, Chief of Staff, about firing sessions. Do you know who Sessions Chief of Staff is?
Starting point is 00:28:20 It's Matthew fucking Whitaker. Which is his name now, as far as I'm concerned. Because we have Snoop Dag, we have Papa Dot, we have Lindsey Graham crackers. Inbisa. Inbisa, inbisa, Roger Stonehenge, and now Matthew fucking Whitaker. Papa Dingus. That's what I always called him because I couldn't read his name. So, you know, that Papa Dot, Papa Dingus guy. Papa Dingus, that sounds like that one Connor would come up with.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Inside joke, anyhow, the post says that Trump was going to replace sessions with Whitaker. The AG was going to replace sessions. That's the top guy at Justice with Whitaker who's not even fit to serve as the assistant deputy attorney general. It's not clear if it was intended he would serve in an acting capacity or more of a permanent role. I thought for Sherylins, he Graham crackers was auditioning for the attorney general job and his stunning performance in the cabinet hearings
Starting point is 00:29:06 However, it seems Trump has abandoned all that including the plan to install Whitaker as the A-Dag and he his plans to fire Rosenstein in sessions He seems to have abandoned that though It's been reported that everyone in the DOJ does their job like it's their last day So watch these beans. Yeah, well his last name has the word white in it So Trump likes that, you know. He's true. He's gonna fast track to the top. Off to it gets that way.
Starting point is 00:29:28 He is very white. So, oh yeah. I didn't even fact check myself. If I'm glad he wasn't black, that would have been a good or a rosy end moment. You're taking a safe bet by anyone that's working with Trump. You can just say white, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Yeah. You don't even have to, yeah, you don't have to look into it. Yeah, I was banking on that. I'm glad to pay it off. Well, if that weren't enough for Wednesday, there was more Wednesday. CNN reported that Justice Roberts referred a Kavanaugh investigation to the 10th Circuit Court, and Jalice is going to tell us about that later. And finally on Wednesday, we have officially become the proud owners of five man-of-fort properties, including his apartment and trump tower I think it's time we throw a kegger
Starting point is 00:30:08 We just show up right? We just don't we don't invite Kavanaugh right? We could play some devil's triangle Maybe do some boofing yeah, I don't know what do you guys think? Okay, so it depends if are we talking boofing anal? Because or is it just an only in directing alcohol? It's still anal. Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, but you could boo you know. Evasionally, it's just, I guess it's not booing anymore, but I know. Yeah, but about this crazy idea for a party. Consent. We can have a consent party and Trump task too late.
Starting point is 00:30:37 It's all tantas. I think it is. Her publicans will come dress as squares. Spin the bottle. Her Republicans will come dress as squares. That's not... That's not... That's not... Spin the bottle. Um, then Thursday finally came. And something really weird went down with Crazy Judge Ellis. Crazy Judge Ellis from the Manafort trial.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Remember, Honey Badger don't give a shit. Oh yeah. Um, we had Randall from Randall's Animals who did the Honey Badger thing. He came and did our Manafort trial. That is awesome. Recap. That was so funny. Like, Judge Ellis is crazy. Like, Honey Badger. Look, he doesn't give a shit. Manafort is fucked. It was awesome. Recap. It was so funny. Like, Judge Alice is crazy. Like, honey badger.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Look, he doesn't give a shit. Maniford is fucked. It was awesome. So remember Maniford's first trial? Baby's first trial? He was found guilty on eight counts, but the jury was deadlocked on 10. They were hung on 10 counts. The prosecution usually has about 30 days to decide whether or not they're going to retry
Starting point is 00:31:20 those charges or dismiss them. In this case, Mueller asked for an extension because he was trying to get a deal together with Manafort and that extension was granted. And he wanted to hold those 10 counts over his head to see what kind of, be like, hey, if you do good, we'll get rid of them. If you do bad, we're gonna charge you when we try them. And they set a hearing for,
Starting point is 00:31:41 this judge Ellis set a hearing for October 19th to figure it out. Judge Ellis is demanding they make a determination on those 10 charges. And he's like, we're gonna get together in October 19th and we're gonna talk about it. And Mueller, I think the motive here is just to wrap this up. The Virginia court is known as the Rocket Docket
Starting point is 00:31:55 and Ellis is a honey badger. So I think he just wants to move this along so he can get Mueller's delayed decision on the 10 dead lot counts. But Mueller wants to be able to hold those 10 counts over Manafort as leverage until he finishes finding out if the information Manafort gave him is worth dismissing the charges. And I have a feeling Manafort already has an idea as to whether or not he's going to dismiss those charges. Because as Renato Marriotti told
Starting point is 00:32:17 us, Mueller would already have all the profit before the cooperation agreement was even signed because he'd have to know, Mueller would have to know if it was worth it to move forward with the cooperation agreement. Additionally, Mueller he'd have to know, a muller would have to know if it was worth it to move forward with the cooperation agreement. Additionally, muller doesn't have just those 10 counts to hold over Manafort. He's got the sentencing for the eight guilty charges, plus all future indictments for crimes of collusion. And I use the term crimes of collusion
Starting point is 00:32:36 because that's how they were categorized in the Rosenstein memo, the outline, the scope of the muller probe. So muller has other carrots and other sticks for leverage. And he likely already knows if Manafort's proffer has been fruitful enough to dismiss those counts. But the problem here is that Ellis wants to know who Manafort has implicated and for what? And that could expose the investigation prematurely.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So my guess is, and this is conjecture, is that Mueller will file a motion to provide that information, but only under seal and ex-parte to protect the integrity of the ongoing investigation. The report on Manafort isn't due until November 16th, so we'll see what comes out of the October 19th hearing. All right. It was like. The picture means that you can see what.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I'm just guessing. It's not a fact. It's just me going, probably this. It was only one vote, right, that made those 10 charges on, yeah. So if he could retry, he would probably win a mullerwood. So that's why he wanted to hold those over. But he's probably got so many other charges on crime's occlusion that the future indictments, etc. And that's why when muller was asking
Starting point is 00:33:35 for all the shit to be dismissed because he thought muller was out of his scope, he was asking also to be safe from future indictments because he knows he's going down for this for crime's occlusion. It's just not he had, you know, Mueller just has to wait and he's got to blow his load all at once because if you leak it out little by little, if you trickle down, then you drip, then you can't, then, you know, other defendants get wise to what you're doing and they can plan their defense and hide and destroy evidence. Spoon their way out of a jail cell. Hide in Joey and Chandler's Entertainment Center.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Oh. I've been watching friends. Also Thursday, Gates asked the court, pretty pleased, could he get his ankle bracelet off him and quit his curfew. It appears that Mueller is OK with that, so he can probably look forward to a little more freedom. He's still under very strict cooperation agreement,
Starting point is 00:34:22 so I'm sure it'll be fine. If Mueller says it's OK, it's OK with me. It's your dad's cool with me. But Gates is having issues including a lawsuit that was just filed against him from his former attorneys saying he owes $369,000 and unpaid legal fees. Remember, remember he did that fundraiser via Skype in the Hilton Hotel lobby? That was sad, sad little man. Yeah, he got to go fund me. What are you doing? Come on, Patron. A Skype fundraiser. And his poor, well, he appeared via Skype because he couldn't go there publicly. Oh, it was under house arrest. So they had it, okay, got it.
Starting point is 00:34:52 He's like helping pay my legal fees. And he, it was a Hilton, I know, it was funny. And nothing says you don't need money. Your big fat face coming on a projector, in a conference room at the Hilton. Yeah, I really need some money. I want to do, just set this up at a rem center. I really need some money. You'd set this up at a Ramada.
Starting point is 00:35:07 What are you doing here? I'm Rick Gates. That's funny. So yeah, I thought that was pretty funny. It's got to be like, other lawyers. His current lawyers have to be like, uh-oh. Yeah. That does not look good.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Are you going to pay us, bro? Are all his assets locked up or something? I don't know if he has any assets, but I'm sure they'll be for if fit if he does. He's pretty broke as family. He's never really rich except for the $750,000. He's still from Manafort, but I think that that was probably spent.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I need these guys, really that rich. Because it seems like one thing happens and they're just like, they got nothing. And I'm like, why are you living like me? Oh, Manafort's pretty rich. All right. He had like $60 million he got. But yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:35:49 It definitely does seem like there are money's tied up and other things that they don't have access to, like an actual bank. Yeah, and they have to spend it. Like, I only have 10 grand in my name, but I have access to all of it. Like, now touch you. Yeah, but they're like, I have to launder it.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah. When you launder 10,000, you only get about 3,000 back. So, no, it's all of it. I just go talk to Bank of America and talk to someone through a piece of glass, and they can give it. Yeah. That's very lucky. You can turn your couch covered in unicorn skin
Starting point is 00:36:18 to a pawn shop or whatever they do. They have a lot of cans. I just, also Thursday, we learned Trump is taking remedial English classes so he can respond to the written Mueller questions I made up the English class thing. Oh All right If you remember a few weeks ago Mueller agreed to allow Trump to answer the collusion questions in writing Well, he's been sharpening his crayons. It appears he's going to respond in writing Well, he's been sharpening his crayons. It appears he's going to respond in writing.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Feel free to create Trump responses and post pictures of them online. Make sure to tag us at MullerSheRote on Twitter and Insta hashtag Trump. Trump answers Muller. I think that would be funny. I'd like to see what you come up with. Keep in mind that Muller is not allowing Trump to answer obstruction questions this way. But I don't know if that's because he's given up on getting them or if he's going to float a subpoena. My beans are on the ladder. I think he'll subpoena him for the obstruction. obstruction questions this way, but I don't know if that's because he's given up on getting them or if he's gonna float
Starting point is 00:37:05 The subpoena my beans are on the ladder. I think he'll subpoena him for the obstruction because he you know Muller is a log guy. He's a truth guy and he knows that you can't get to someone's intent Which is the crux of proving an obstruction case unless you interview them face to face So I don't think he's gonna go he's gonna be satisfied with a really questions or no or. I think he's gonna subpoena him and that's why we all kind of wanted to keep Kavanaugh off the court But I think the rest of the court will be fine Finally Thursday we found a memo filed from the court about the New York Times request to unseal the Cohen warrants They filed a request like they sued or a suit to they I don't know if they sued but anyway the government
Starting point is 00:37:42 Had filed a motion not to hand those over or at least least if they had to, to do it under seal and ex-parte. The judge granted part of the motion and denied part of it. My guess is that he denied the October 26th or the November 2nd deadline and moved it to October 26th, but that he granted the rest of it. So that he can do it under seal and ex-parte. What is ex-parte? The other party can't see it. So it's just, it's just like, I'll just hand you some papers and you can do an under seal on X part A. What is X part A? The other party can't see it. Oh. So it's just, it's just like, I'll just hand you some papers
Starting point is 00:38:08 and you can read them, but nobody else can. Right. Like middle school. Nice. Like middle school. It's passing notes, yeah. Oh my god. I thought I'd receive it.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Oh my god, sorry. Three geniuses, I. Ah, for your eyes only. Yeah. What was the, yeah, FYEO? Yeah, that's it. Oh, it takes me back, yeah. That's what I'm gonna say instead of X part A and under seal, FYEO.
Starting point is 00:38:30 So they have to October 26th. We'll keep you posted on that. Important to note, the court filing said there was an open and ongoing investigation. And as we know, the Trump org is being investigated. So we'll probably see some Trump indictments soon. Beans. And Friday, we made it. Trump thought it would be cool to give Darra Pasca more time
Starting point is 00:38:47 to sell off his stock and relinquish control of his aluminium company for our friends across the pond. It's aluminum. And that way he can avoid sanctions. But we got his mansion, bitch. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. We would be cool if we could. No, we did.
Starting point is 00:39:04 It belongs to the public. Oh, like a museum, like a government seized it. Can I take a shit, like in the toilet? No, probably. Oh, okay. Although homeless people sleeping on a bench up front, we don't have it. We don't have it.
Starting point is 00:39:15 And that outposted a funny tweet. She's like, the sign-up sheet is on a clipboard hanging outside. Weekends are filling up fast. I love it. Or actually, that might have been the Trump Tower that we got from Manafort Anyway, we'll be right back Greetings, Mueller junkies. We're going to be at Politicon and Los Angeles on October 20th and 21st And we will be having a live show on the podcast main stage on Saturday
Starting point is 00:39:38 October 20th at 3 p.m And we have 10 pairs of totally free tickets available. That's like $120 value each. All you have to do is become a patron at the $11 a month level, no contracts. Just visit patreon.com slash muller she wrote, find the $11 tier and send us the name of you and your plus one. You'll not only get your two free tickets to Politicon,
Starting point is 00:39:57 but you'll get our newsletter with my personal research notes, access to all our bonus episodes, membership in the MSW Book Club, ad free episodes so you don't have to listen to this yet. And you can join our close Facebook group where you can play in our fantasy indictment leagues. So head to patreon.com slash mullershiewrote today, then do us a big favor, follow us on Twitter at mullershiewrote for updates and breaking news, and then head over to Apple Podcasts
Starting point is 00:40:17 and subscribe. It's so much fun when we out-chart Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, and it's the subscribers that drive it. So feel free to give us a rating, We may just read it on the next episode. And thanks for supporting Women in Podcasting. All right, welcome back. Hot notes. So today we have some amazing reporting from Jordan on a pivot from Trump on hacked emails, but first, Julie, so you have an update on Kavanaugh for us, what do you got?
Starting point is 00:40:55 Yeah, yeah. I love how you're like, you get some amazing reporting. But first, let's just get this. No, no, no. You do have amazing reports, right? But before we get to the amazing part, it's reporting something someone else has reported on. So it's amazing as that could be. We have more amazing reporting.
Starting point is 00:41:09 So, yeah. On Wednesday, Chief Justice Roberts announced in a letter that he's transferring Kavanaugh's Miss Conda complaint to the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals for further review. This news comes despite the fact that the complaints were originally made with Kavanaugh's previous court,
Starting point is 00:41:23 the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. In fact, the Circuit Executive of that court asked Robert to transfer the case to another circuit out of quote, concern that local disposition may weaken public confidence in the process. So these conduct complaints include even like the testimony that Kavanaugh gave last month during his confirmation hearing. However, they do not include his conduct as a sitting judge, and Robert specifically addressed the letters to Judge Timothy Tim Kovic, Tim Tim. The chief circuit judge of the Denver-based 10th Circuit, in it he explained that he selected this court to review the enclosed complaints and quote, any pending or new complaints related
Starting point is 00:42:00 to the same subject matter. This allows Tim Tim the authority to handle the complaints himself, dismiss them, or appoint a special committee to review them. There are more that it doesn't complaint filed against Kavanaugh between September 20th and October 5th. Yeah, he's busy. And a press release, DC Circuit Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson stated, quote, the complaint seek investigations only of the public statements he has made as a nominied to the Supreme Court of the United States In quote and according to this article judge Henderson dismissed some allegations that she found because they lacked sufficient evidence
Starting point is 00:42:33 But she still chose to move forward with other complaints and I don't know how optimistic we should be considering that this Tim Covitch guy is you know the leader of that court and he's a George Bush appointee that is also on Trump's short list to be the next Supreme Court justice. So he's handling the Kavanaugh complaints. This is what we learned. Yeah, that's weird since Merrick Garland recuse himself from the complaint filed by the ethics. Why, dumb coalition, Scott Dorkin,
Starting point is 00:42:58 but this guy is gonna, I'm not gonna recuse myself, even though I'm next in line. Yeah. Although if you think about it, it could go either way because if Kavanaugh gets removed and he's next in line, it could go either way because if Kavanaugh gets removed and he's next in line, then he could get a job if Kavanaugh goes down. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Or he could be like, Ah, if Kavanaugh goes down, Trump's not gonna give me a job. So it could go either way. I'm sure he's out of meeting with him. Yeah. That seems like another conflict of interest. And why would you pick someone that's on a short list?
Starting point is 00:43:20 It's a huge conflict of interest, but they don't care about that. They got bigger conflicts too. So this one's probably not even gonna make it on the radar. Yeah, it's a conflict of necessity. Yeah, other things, I think they're dealing with. Alright, cool, we'll follow that. We'll keep y'all posted. I mean, obviously it's our goal to get that guy unceded.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I mean, do you think anything's actually gonna come of that, though? I hope, but like, you know, I don't know, I guess at this point, like A.G. said, if the guy's gonna do anything in our favor, it'll be probably for selfish reasons. Well, pilot on. I mean, it might not be any one specific thing that gets them off the bench. It could be a combination of a bunch of different things that force them to resign. So pilot on, as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, yeah, let's just see.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I mean, I hope so. I'm getting more skeptical. I don't want you. I just hope maybe riots will make me. Well, look at it this way. Don't be sad about being skeptical because at least we have somebody on the court we can remove.
Starting point is 00:44:08 There's a chance we can remove him. If he hadn't gotten through and Trump would have appointed someone else, they'd be there forever. Yeah, yeah. So at least take a little solace in the fact that we've got somebody who's not untouchable. Exactly, good point.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I have a question. What does it take to unseat a judge? Well, there's impeached me. I have no idea. Yeah. You can impeach him, but you got to have two thirds of the vote. So that's unlikely. And it depends on what you find on him. I mean, if there's some sort of crazy smoking gun, or if he, you know, the bar association could take his, could disbar him, but that doesn't preclude you from sitting on the court. But if he gets enough, he's like, you can't practice law,
Starting point is 00:44:44 but you can still do this. Yeah. Yeah. What? Yeah. All right, so impeachment, but how many tweets? How many riots and tweets so we can get that cooking? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:58 And we have to remember that the way that our system is set up, it does work. It worked for Nixon. It worked for Clinton. I think it'll work in this case. we just have to have faith in it. There are always improvements we can make. When I say the justice system is awesome, I'm not talking about the kind of justice system that incarcerates majority people of color and fucks them over for the rest of their lives
Starting point is 00:45:18 and makes them felons and doesn't let them vote. I'm not talking about that justice system. I'm talking about the, it's like when you know, on HGTV, when it's got what a house has good bones. Yeah. We have a good foundation. That makes sense. I do believe in that.
Starting point is 00:45:30 You're right. It's like as soon as we can get everything on the same level of what the system is supposed to be. Hence the in order form a more perfect union, which is grammatically incorrect, but it is a good sense. It's an aspiration. Yeah. It's food.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Like we can go get food right now, or we can sit down and wait 30 minutes and get some better food Yeah, like more sustaining food. I love that I don't want to hurt in three hours when we're sitting on the can Yeah, yeah, if we tackle that now we'll get diarrhea So it seems like the justice system is not fast food. It's fine dining. Oh I'm gonna leave on that now you guys been lovely. Yeah, we'll not say anything better on that. No, you guys have been lovely. Yeah. We'll not say anything better than that. I don't think you can get it, baby.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Yeah. You topped out there. All right, thanks for that, Julie. Said, now, Jordan, in other amazing reporting. What do you have for us from Natasha Bertrand? I'm not very insecure here. Yes. I know.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I've got to lift you all up. Yeah. Natasha is a friend of the podcast, and she's been on a couple times, people who listen will know that. So it was cool. I didn't know she wrote the article until I got to the end of it. And then it says, she wrote it.
Starting point is 00:46:34 That's how reading things works. All right. So Donald Trump's legal team is motioning to dismiss a case that was brought against them by two donors in one former DNC employee This case is happening in the Eastern District of Virginia and it is for illegally conspiring with Russia to disseminate hacked information So this is basically over them Publishing all of the hacked emails and What their defense team is trying to say, they're trying to dismiss the case
Starting point is 00:47:05 on the grounds of free speech, like AG said earlier. So they're saying that they have a first amendment right to disclose information, even stolen information. So long as one, the speaker did not participate in the theft of the information itself, and two, the information dealt with the information that they're disseminating deals with important matters of public concern.
Starting point is 00:47:27 As such, they're saying that voters had a right to know and that the need for free speech supersedes the need for privacy. So that's what their argument is. This is supersede the need to not conspire with a foreign adversary to... Thank you. I think this makes me think of the gun laws we have, which are also pretty weird. That's like saying I committed treason, but it's OK because of free speech. Yeah, or there was a crime committed
Starting point is 00:47:53 with the gun that I sold, or that I bought, but I didn't know. It's just like, you should be held responsible if you're involved in something terrible happens like that. And this is a terrible thing. Yeah, sure is. Yeah, so they actually, thing. Yeah sure is. Yeah so they actually of course. Sure is. I just noticed I said that and I was like what the fuck was that?
Starting point is 00:48:11 And how guys right? Am I right? Wait what? Who's Ann How? And how. Oh and how. I thought it was that yeah yeah. I feel like what I've learned from what I've said here
Starting point is 00:48:25 and listened to in this whole case, it's like if you're gonna break the law in this country, shoot for big air. Because first of all, the punishments aren't that long. He's gonna spend six months in jail. But like if you go outside and you kill somebody, that's like a low level crime. You're gonna go to prison, feel like.
Starting point is 00:48:40 You're gonna break a law, go for treason. Or hire someone to kill for you, because obviously you'll get, yeah. That's the lesson we're learning. Yeah, no, that's brilliant actually, because that's the American dream. We're not here.
Starting point is 00:48:51 You could become a mediocre. We're here to shoot for the goddamn stars, all right? Yes, we're here to shoot the stars. And you will be rewarded if you do so, yeah. Because it's harder to prove higher crimes. And like you said, if they can't prove it Then they just give you six months for lying in the FBI or some shit. Yeah, I'm just gonna start going to that white collar criminal symposium That happens white
Starting point is 00:49:13 White collar symposium. Oh, yeah, they have a white collar crime defense symposium every April at an undisclosed location Some members every month. I'm gonna find out where it is, but it's all like white collar criminal defencilers hanging out talking about white collar. I'm like I can go learn. If I were a white criminal, I would love that. How does she put the stars? You just need to, you're only your collar. Your collar just needs to be white. They're an equal opportunity group.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Okay. My dad wears his do-shared cell at the time. I love my dad. I love that. He's a big fan of the show. I guess you're listening, dad. Okay, anyway. So when these when this defense team was explaining their reason, you know, their motion to dismiss, they quoted citizens united. Now, to surprise, adding that the First Amendment leaves parties quote, free to obtain information from diverse sources in order to determine how to cast
Starting point is 00:50:12 their votes. But the issue with this is that in, like you were pointing out, in doing, they're acknowledging the values of the emails that they got. And like they even said, the DNC emails clearly deal with matters of significant public concern. They're saying that that's the reason for releasing them and why it should be okay. But on the other side of the coin, that makes it so it becomes something of value from a foreign government, which under campaign finance law is illegal to obtain some in the pooper. You know, I mean, when you think about it, if you say, you know, releasing them because
Starting point is 00:50:54 they have value, gives them intrinsic value and conspiring to get something of value from a foreign entity is illegal. Exactly. Wow. Yeah, and the defense continues to acknowledge the values of the emails. And by putting so much value on these emails, there's a way to argue that they're right to free speech overrides the right to privacy. Like you said, they're kind of backing themselves into a corner on the whole, you know, not allowed to accept anything of value from a foreign government side of the coin.
Starting point is 00:51:20 So they're emphasizing the emails. They keep saying, you know, we had essentially argument is we had to do it. It was important for the public to know that's why we did it. They deserve them a red to know. And we weren't breaking any laws. But obviously, I think they're going to be like, maybe that's just their defense against the weaponization of the timing of the release of the emails. And not necessarily the conspiracy to get them. Right. I don't know if they have a defense against that yet. Yeah, well, no, that is. So I sent the prosecution is getting them
Starting point is 00:51:50 on the dissemination of the emails, not the hacking of the emails themselves. So by that, they don't even have to answer to the hacking part. They're just saying it wasn't illegal for us to publish something that we got from another source. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Interesting. Yeah. So that's a pretty incredible way to go something that we got from another source. Wow. Interesting. That's a pretty incredible way to go with that. They need to put a foot in their mouth as always. That's the nicest thing I could ever say. It's very sweet of me to be trying Trump campaign defense attorney. They said that the DNC's interactions with rich donors were exposing these emails and they go on to list
Starting point is 00:52:27 all of the really valuable amounts of information they got from them. So they just, I don't even, I don't know, dude, they're not, I don't think it's gonna go anywhere. I don't think that motion is gonna be... No, probably not. Much like all the motions to contest Mueller's legitimacy or the scope of this probe.
Starting point is 00:52:43 The scope of this probe. Yeah, and then also preempting probes go What is that what I'm from her so Probs go I don't know I imagine it's not covered by insurance Get in the paper Only doctor recommends All right And then to close this out they defended themselves against a potential conspiracy charge saying quote a conspiracy
Starting point is 00:53:11 Is an agreement to commit an unlawful act since WikiLeaks posting of emails was not an unlawful act an alleged agreement that it should publish those emails could not have been a conspiracy Okay, whatever. Nice try. Yeah. It's never good when your defense is just reading the definition of the word. Yeah, according to WikiLeaks. I mean, Wikipedia. The definition of, yeah, no, it's a great point.
Starting point is 00:53:39 And that happens a lot. That happens a lot. Yeah. Definition of murder is, dude, you killed that guy. Yeah, yeah lot. Yeah. Definition of murder is that you do, do you kill that guy? Yeah, technically though. Technically. That's him good shit though.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Thanks for it. Yeah man. Yeah. All right. I'd like to talk a bit about a theory I'm cooking up. About the three big stories that dropped this week of one about the Alpha Bank servers, one about Gates and his connection to the Israeli firm, Cy Group and the Peter Smith update. And let me say, this is conjecture.
Starting point is 00:54:08 A lot of this is conjecture. There'll be facts in here, but this is, just hold on, because it's gonna get tinfoil. I noticed there was something that was mentioned in all three of the stories, a thread that runs through them all. And if they all dropped pretty much at the same time, almost the same day, within the same 24 hours, 48 hour period, I think it could have been because of that one common thing,
Starting point is 00:54:28 like something was found and somebody had, you know, that had gotten out. It just seems odd, the timing and that this is one thing that goes through everything. And I started to wonder about the timeline of the Trump campaign and the officer of communication. So let's start with a common thread. All three stories, Peter Smith, Sygrupe, and the Alpha Bank story, officer of our communications. So let's start with a common thread. All three stories, Peter Smith, Sy Group,
Starting point is 00:54:46 and the Alpha Bank story, all mentioned foldering, and messenger apps, right? So foldering is that communications technique, like I said, where you log into your email, write a draft, don't send it, because sending it is detectable. And there are all three of these stories come on the heels of the Manafort Cooperation deal.
Starting point is 00:55:03 And Manafort is a known folderer. So what makes that common theme of foldering and messenger apps important is the timing of these stories. It seems to me that foldering or messenger app intel could have been the catalyst for these stories. And Manafort, as I said, he's a known user of foldering and messenger apps like WhatsApp and Signal. If you remember when Manafort was on house arrest wearing two ankle
Starting point is 00:55:25 bracelets. The feds caught him foldering with a guy named Sager and attempt to influence his testimony in Manafort. So then upcoming DC trial Manafort was subsequently charged with witness tampering thrown in jail and his bail was refoked. According to the amazing reporting about the AlphaBank servers, as I mentioned earlier in the show, there were peculiar communications between the AlphaBank server and the Trump domain, Trump Tower server. And to get answers, the cyber experts found that these communication, they put two groups of cyber experts together, separated them so they didn't communicate. And the cyber experts found that the communications between the servers, called DNS lookups,
Starting point is 00:56:00 did not seem to align with patterns associated with normal email marketing or spam, which is what usually happens between servers like that. Two separate independent groups of experts concluded these communications were likely not emails or spam, but the DNS lookups seem to be random and manual, not automated, and they could be foldering, which requires a DNS lookup for the other person to log into your Gmail account or whatever email account you're using to folder or The utilization of a messenger app. They do not have the messages They only have the DNS lookups and when they occurred though Adam Schiff did request the meat of the messages from Sendine and alpha bank Without but without subpoena power. He couldn't he couldn't get those data
Starting point is 00:56:44 So please bank without subpoena power, he couldn't get those data. So now remember Sager, that's the guy Manafort was trying to communicate with and was ultimately charged with witness tampering for an obstruction of justice for. Well he pops up in the New York Times story about Rick Gates and SIG Group. SIG Group SIG is the guy Burnbomb got Gates's email address from to discuss SIG Group capabilities. So now we have Manafort Gates and S and Sega all using Fuldering for sure, and probably Messenger apps as well. Now, Gates and Manafort went to work for the Trump campaign for free in March of 2016.
Starting point is 00:57:13 That is the same month Burnbound reached out to Gates about side group with the proposals coming in March and April, and they outlined a plan to sway R&C delegates against Ted Cruz, Trump's number one opponent of the time, and they also outlined ways to do the same thing to Hillary Clinton after the primaries. The timing here is important because Gates and Manafort, known folders, start with Trump in March. They get the proposals in April.
Starting point is 00:57:35 And the experts looking into the Alpha Bank server say that the bulk of the communications started and occurred between May and September. It's of note that Vandorswan, you remember Vandorswan, he's gone to jail. His dad was the director at Alpha Bank and Vandorswan did 30 days in jail for lying about communicating with gates about the Scad and Law firm report.
Starting point is 00:57:54 They commissioned saying Yennecovich's opponent, Temeschenko was indeed a criminal lock her up and that Yennecovich was a good dude. He's a good bro. Yennecovich is the Putin-backed Ukraine candidate that Manafort and Gates worked for, and got paid over $60 million for their work, which they subsequently laundered to avoid paying taxes.
Starting point is 00:58:12 It's not a stretch here to presume Vandorswan with ties to Gates Manafort in the Alpha Bank would have used Fuldering and Messenger Apps to communicate with Gates and Manafort about their work together on Yanakova, so that system was already in place. So that establishes Fuldering as a common practice for man-afforting gates. And that makes it very interesting that the independent cyber experts in the Alpha Bank
Starting point is 00:58:30 story, both groups, said that they have said that the communications they saw between Alpha Bank and Trump Tower seemed to be an ad hoc system, or an already established practice that was employed just to communicate on the Alpha Bank back channel. And don't forget, all the meetings between Flynn, Don, Jr., and Eric Prince, where secret back channels were discussed. And speaking of Prince, the only other server Alpha Bank was communicating with during that time frame made a September was a pharmaceutical company associated with Betsy DeVos, Eric Prince's sister, and the now wholly ineffective secretary of education.
Starting point is 00:59:04 She maybe she got that job for lending her's server to build a back channel on it. Who knows? She's certainly not qualified. So, to me, it seems as though Manifort and Gates brought foldering with them to the Trump campaign in March of 2016, got in touch with organizations like SIG Group and began using their old ad hoc technique of foldering to communicate with Russia via the Alpha Bank server from Trump Tower between May and September. So how do that's the conjecture? So how do we prove this? Well first we have to flip the house so Adam Schiff can get the
Starting point is 00:59:31 gavill back and order subpoenas of Sendine's records of what was actually communicated, what the messages said. Though Mueller probably already has these records because he has subpoena power and there are still sealed subpoenas on the docket. But most importantly the new reporting this week shows that after the election Cygroup was paid two million dollars by Nader not say they're not Sagger but Nader. He's the child molester guy Oh that guy and the Trump operative yeah Yeah, and we knew that the payment occurred
Starting point is 00:59:58 But it wasn't until this week that they could connect it to the campaign activity He they you know, Xaml and Cype was paid by Nader for campaign stuff. And now I'm 100% sure Nader can answer some questions, including why he paid SciGrupe the 2 million if Gates didn't use their proposals. Or did they, in fact, do the work? Did SciGrupe do the work and get paid 2 million dollars? Where that 2 million dollars came from? Did it come from a Cypriot account?
Starting point is 01:00:22 Because remember, when Manafort had noted in the Trump Tower meeting, they could use Cypress as an intermediary. And Nader would have all those answers. And Muller granted Nader immunity a while back. Nader is the only person in the Muller investigation with immunity. And considering what a shitbag he is. Oh yeah. But you said child molester? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm still hung on that. Like as if one or the other wasn't bad, you did both. Yeah, yeah. Just a footnote in his resume. Yeah. Well, that's indicative of how central he is and how central this payment is to Mueller's case. It could be the crux of the entire conspiracy. It could explain why Manafort, the Manafort case, is the one that Mueller has not handed off. This theory also supports the importance of the Manafort
Starting point is 01:01:00 cooperation deal. Nice. That's some good beans, eh? I have a quick little stupid thing. When you say we should give Adam Schiff a gavel back and maybe think we should do a hashtag like get Shifty or something. Like, we're working more to get Shifty. Oh, yeah, get Shifty. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get Shifty.
Starting point is 01:01:19 And then an emoji of a gavel. Yes, we need to. The young people, they need that. We can do it, we gotta get the youngs. So how does that work? How many tweets do we need to the young people they need that we can do it. We got to get the youngs So how does that work? How many tweets do we need to get? Like 50 million I think In our lifetime I think that'll eventually be how we vote on How many tweets do we need? tweet hashtag should we take these steroids out of this milk? I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet.
Starting point is 01:01:45 So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet.
Starting point is 01:01:53 So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so sweet. So, I'm so country. Yeah, like what he does. I didn't even realize that with Obama, because I just like, no, everyone's just nice. Exactly. And then he comes in and everyone talks the way he does. Like people say sad with a period at the end. Yeah, yeah. And they use all his work. And I'm like, oh, that's so unoriginal.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Especially kids, I've seen a lot of young kids imitating Trump. And I'm like, oh, that's what the power is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I never noticed it until it was used for evil. Exactly. Oh, there it is. Yeah, it's all fine and good when it's awesome. until it was used for evil. Exactly. Oh, there it is. Yeah, it's all fine and good when it's awesome, when it's an awesome person.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Yeah, and you travel a lot, it's all tantos, so you know how people see us probably. Oh, yeah, they just look at me. I was able to write a new political joke, but I made it about food. And it's about me working in Lake Tahoe and they gave us $75 a day food per DM. So I ate at the steakhouse every night for six nights, and I told him I go, I was one steak away from being a Republican.
Starting point is 01:02:49 I was right there. Because I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables, and that's why I'm liberal, because I'm always on the way to the bath. That is beautiful. So, and then people laugh, and I have both sides of the aisle there. And then I go, I figured out how to write a political
Starting point is 01:03:01 joke that everyone can be on board with, and you may get about food, because we're very political right now, but America will always be fat first It will always be food first and then politics Oh my god, so that's why Thanksgiving. It's the best holiday That is so good. Yeah, I was happy about it I wrote it by accident just because I was constipated. Yeah, yeah, I'm eating all that steak and That's the only difference. Some of us are going to the bathroom too much
Starting point is 01:03:27 and some of us aren't going enough. There's a happy media. Yeah, yeah, some independence in the middle. I think you will way better spend on it, but it reminds me of my OKCupid bio. It's like one of those questions. It's like one of your goals, and I want to be rich enough to consider
Starting point is 01:03:39 being a Republican. Like I don't know if I'd go full on, but I just want to have the option. Just like, feel that. I just said, what was it? If I had a dollar for every time I had to explain a I'd go full on, but I just wanna have the option just like, for the end of the day. I just said, what was it, if I had a dollar for every time I had to explain a joke to a Trump supporter, I'd be rich enough to benefit from his tax plan.
Starting point is 01:03:52 That's a full circle, yeah. Yeah, all right, so let me wrap, let me sum that up for you guys, because I was a lot on the hat trick there, this crazy news that came out this week. So, Manafort and Gates use foldering to talk to Alpha Bank back when they worked for Yana Covitch. Then Manifort and Gates went to work for Trump in March of 2016 for free with promises
Starting point is 01:04:12 of campaign briefings to the Kremlin through Oleg Darapaska. We got his mansion. And then they got proposals from side group through Trump asking through a Trump aid, asking Sager for Gates's email address. Alpha Bank communications begin in May. The Trump Tower meeting is in June with Manafort noting they could use Cypress as an intermediary. There's a second Trump Tower meeting attended by Zammel from Cygurb in August, and Nader pays them $2 million for their work right after the Trump wins the election.
Starting point is 01:04:37 And Mueller has all of that information, and I'm sure he's got the Sendine records too. Sendine is one of the servers where all the messages are kept. And if we want a public investigation into these communications, we have to flip the house, we have to get control of the Intel and Judiciary Committees. Unless of course, when Moler drops the bomb, likely before the end of the year, he's going to use, maybe he uses speaking indictments
Starting point is 01:04:59 that spell it all out for us. And I think that we can safely say now that Trump is you gotta get the bass. I love how you yes and as. I didn't even say. This is a one improv thing I know. Like you better join in you dummy. That's nice. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Our listeners will love that. They love that. Alright, we'll be right back. Hey, Mueller junkies, we have an exciting announcement to make. We will be broadcasting live on election night on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Periscope from 8 to 11 p.m. Pacific time. We'll be broadcasting live from the second stage of the Comedy Palace in San Diego Tuesday, November 6th, but wait, there's more. The same night on the main stage of the Comedy Palace will be hosting a comedy show featuring
Starting point is 01:05:47 A.G. Jolissa, Jordan, and Friends of the Pod, Jesse Egan, Tamer Katan, and the architect of putting beans on things Dallas McLaughlin. The show will be hosted by Pasquast Zach Miller. You can get discount tickets by proving you voted, or with the code Muller. Tickets will be available at vcomedypalace.com. If you're a patron, you can get into Supercheap, and we'll be sending out a code to you in every newsletter we send out between now and the election. So winter, lose, laugh or cry, spend election night with friends, and join us Tuesday
Starting point is 01:06:13 November 6th at the Comedy Palace in San Diego. Doors are at 7 p.m., we'll see you then. Alright, so I'm gonna change it up a little this week. I'm gonna go with Junior, Kushner Stone, Arando, and Burnbomb. Burnbomb is the guy that got Rick Gates the email address from Sager and put him in touch with Sci-group. So I'm just gonna add Bernbaum. I don't know. I just like Bernbaum. So I love paybacking off of you. He's like, I think of anything else. I had a Ram, Ram, Rando in my place. I'm gonna put Bernbaum in. So that's just Cush, Junior, Ivanka, Bernbaum and Stone. Stone, yes, thank you. No problem.
Starting point is 01:07:05 I'm gonna play it safe. Kushner, DTJ, Stone, two randoms. Two randoms, nice. Random. Random, very random. Yeah, like, like, like, someone we never heard of. Like when Vanders One got indicted and we're like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:07:20 What's a Vanders One? The first time we hear their name is that they're getting indicted. My favorite guy to dislike is Roger Stone. Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's my, because I watched that documentary on Netflix. Yeah, I haven't seen it yet. And I couldn't take my eyes away from his son in hair.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Yeah, yeah. He is the worst body in hair I've ever seen. He just sees Nixon tattoo? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, like this. Can't miss it, yeah. So I got to have Stone in there. And just because I like saying his name, I pop it up at dingus. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:07:45 He's in there. I don't know what new information. He's gonna come out with but maybe something bad will happen We're gonna dig biggers cross it. All right, so super stating indictments on pop it up. Yeah, pop at dingus and What oh, can we tell Nikki Haley? Oh, can I throw her in as a Wild car. Yeah, it would be my flex position Nikki Haley. Oh. Can I throw her in as a wild car? Yeah. She'll be my flex position. I'm like a fantasy footballer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:10 You know, she could get no points. She could get a million points. Right, right. Yeah. You never know. That's interesting, yeah. And she randos. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:19 She might plead for something someday. Yeah. She's complicit in some bullshit that we already see. So I wonder if she's done some shady shit behind the scene. That was what the hell she's, I think she's trying to get ready to take Lindsay Graham spot. Yeah, I heard she's divin' else that she can, yeah, cure up to run. Can I have something about, or just be put, just be put there.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Because if you're a senator, you just replace a senator. Remember the governor replaces the senator like Al Franken got replaced. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If Lindsay Graham resigns to go be something else, A.G. or whatever, Satan, then promotion. Then the governor of South Carolina can just appoint her. Now, she'd have to run again at the next election, but it's only special elections for House of Representatives, people. What were you going to say about Lindsey Graham?
Starting point is 01:08:58 Oh, I was going to say, because I watched all the Republican primary debates, like, remember when there were 16 of them. Yeah, oh, my God. I watched all of those. The Apprentice. Yeah, I was on the road and lonely, so I watched all the Republican primary debates, like everyone there's 16 of them. I watched all of those. The Apprentice. Yeah, I was on the road and lonely, so I watched all of it. I didn't watch highlights. I was at home and not lonely,
Starting point is 01:09:12 and I still watched all of it. What does that say about me? I watched all of it. And from what I remember, Lindsey Graham hated Trump. Like, didn't they have a big beef or am I misrememberable? Oh, all of them.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Oh, yeah. They all, and what a spineless coward. Yeah. And he's still talks,, it's a spineless coward. Yeah. Then he's still talks, like he's got balls on him. Yeah. It's like every news organization that wants to have the truth every time that he says something, they should play a clip of him from two, three years ago,
Starting point is 01:09:36 trash in this guy, and now he's like, holy are the now two. Yeah, yeah. And same with Ted Cruz, especially in the light of the news that came out this week where it's found out that Trump conspired with Russia to fuck Ted Cruz, right? via an Israeli side group and Ted Cruz is using Trump to campaign in Texas against Beto. They're disgusting. I like he's
Starting point is 01:09:57 It also shows how worthless you are that you need foreign help to take down Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz was supposed to be the Trump of the election until Trump showed. That's right. It's like the least likable guy in all of politics. Everything in his face points down, like there's nothing. Nipple isn't off. Yeah, just, and he played basketball with Kim Old
Starting point is 01:10:16 to try to be likable. And I'm like, no, we don't want to see you in shorts. You creep. At least it's not like Jeff Flake's face, which seems to be italicized because his nose is all weird. It is the weight of his guilt on his face. It's getting too shiny. He won't last much longer.
Starting point is 01:10:32 What happened to your nose, guilt? Guilt nose, the new GOP. No, that is so true. I wonder if it's because when news first came out that Trump was getting elected or something or he was running, they're like, no, this is ridiculous. This is a flu. No one's going to go for this. And then as it seems, he's still holding his power, it's our happy day.
Starting point is 01:10:49 They're like, all right, well, I guess we got to just join them now. Everyone turned. Because I remember I was in the South, I was performing at all these colleges in 2015. And I was the only things you can listen to when you drive our Christian radio or rush limbaugh. And I get to be honest with you, the only person that was behind Trump from the early days was Rush, Pillpop Rush Limbaugh. And I get to be honest with you, the only person that was behind Trump from the early days was Rush, Pill Pop and Limbaugh.
Starting point is 01:11:10 And everyone else is like this dude, trash, or maybe that other crazy guy who's like, Alex Jones, who's like on a literal soapbox now because he has nothing left. Yeah. Those are the only two. His soapbox like quits. Am I, even that sponsor left?
Starting point is 01:11:25 Am I not here? Now he's on a street corner while people zoom by on bird scooters and he's just like, that's the, the, the, chemtrails. Uh, frogs are gay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Exactly. But those were the only two guys that begged him from beginning and all these people are just like coming out now because they want to get reelected or they want to keep viewers on Fox News. Totally. Totally. Or they're compromised. Also, they took a lot of Russian donations and the RNC was hacked when the DNC and the D-Turple C were hacked. Yeah. No, no, no, no. None of those emails came out so somebody's got them and they could be using them. Lindsey Gramps emails were personally hacked actually. Yeah. Yeah. So I know we've talked to me that had Sarah Kenzie are on here.
Starting point is 01:12:02 She came out a couple of years ago saying I I think they probably got some shit on Graham, and that's why he's flipping. And even if they don't, I think they very well could. But even if they don't, you think they could? Well, I think they do, but even if they don't, I feel like when we mentioned last week with the Hindenburg effect, like the guy that gave power to Hitler,
Starting point is 01:12:17 all these guys, they just feel like they're not gonna go down for it personally. So there's going along for the ride, that popularity boost Trump gives them, just by the fact that they go against their route Completely, yeah, yeah, yeah, let's just I knock them. They're kind of doing what I would do as a kid When I got busted in a Y I would take it to the grave double down Yeah, double down you go no, no, it's not you and you could have all the evidence on a table
Starting point is 01:12:37 And you've learned somebody else for yeah, and then if all else fails you start crying. You still don't admit to it That's Trump's great. That's Trump right there. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, Lindsey Graham is, but he's like the anti-Mr. Roger sort of, like he seems, he seems like he's like forcing trying to be hard all the time sort of, but he's obviously such like a, I don't want to say meek. I don't want to say anything disparaging about Mr. Rogers in this analogy really. Right. Just like soft spoken, just trying to show up and be like this or all.
Starting point is 01:13:06 It would be pretty funny if they did a Mr. Graham's neighborhood. And he comes just put like, just like storming to the door like, God dammit. And it throws his shoes at people and puts on his fucking sweater. And it'd be like the Eddie Murphy S. Nell's catch, but from the white race is perfect. Yeah, it isn't wanna be your neighbor. When the Eddie Murphy SNL sketch, but from the white race is perfect. He doesn't want to be your neighbor.
Starting point is 01:13:25 When the black cop goes to like, rest his feet in the kitty pool, he's like, no, just sprays them. Don't start dumping bleach in it. All the fish in his tanker did. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, he just looks like a guy that would make puppets not fun.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Yeah. Like he wouldn't even try making a different voice, he would just keep his same voice. He's like, hey, can you just put a twin John? Like Mr. Rogers wasn't a ventriloquist you could see his lips move, but he'd put a voice on yeah, yeah Graham would just be so not fun. He grew in puppets for us. Yeah, he's a puppet Yeah, I was gonna say his face looks like one of the puppets. It looks like that It has a very parents and philippy kind of cut. Yeah, that's why I came a cannon looks so easily
Starting point is 01:14:02 Like my cannon is great, but she's got a lot of makeup on for that. True, true. She gave herself jowls. Yeah. That's one of my favorite words. I love your jowls. Wait, so we got jows and what? Jowls, jowls.
Starting point is 01:14:15 So it's, oh, so there's no combination, so there's no mash-up of a word here. No, that's what you're gonna know. Jowls are the extra jowls. Oh, not like cancels. Okay. Yeah, watch, look at any Republican. They're over the age of 65. Totally.
Starting point is 01:14:27 They have extra jala. That's where they hide all their extra money. Also, they're super. Sorry, yeah. Yeah. They're secrets. All right, you guys ready for sabotage? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Oh, yes. All right, guys, there are now late breaking predictions for the midterm elections. In the House of Representatives, 218 seats are what is needed to control the house. That's the majority, if it's of 218. Worse case, the DEMs could only get 205. Best case, 262. CNN is predicting they will take 229 seats and they need 218 so they'll they'll take the house. For the Senate they're predicting the Republicans will actually pick
Starting point is 01:15:12 up a seat making it 52 to 48 in favor of the Republicans but Dems could pick up three seats if they do really well making it 51 49 in their favor. Worse case scenario Republicans could end up with as many 57 seats which is not enough for a supermajority that's needed to pass laws or legislation that aren't attached to the budget. But if they retain a simple majority, they can still appoint staff and judges since Mitch went nuclear last year with the SCOTUS norms.
Starting point is 01:15:38 So, meaning he decided we don't need a 60 vote majority anymore, we're going nuclear, you only need 50 now. So, the summary is that Dems will win the House back, but not the Senate. If everyone, including people 18 to 29, show up at the polls, we could conceivably win the Senate, which would allow us to block judges, though we would need probably 52 seats
Starting point is 01:15:57 because Joe Manchin is basically a Republican. And Pence can break ties. So that's how important this is that everyone votes. Yeah, and I was just thinking, sorry, I just lost it. No, that's it. You were just thinking. Yeah, that's it, that's like, no, I'm,
Starting point is 01:16:12 it was just, this just, like we backtracked two seconds, it'll dawn on me. We talked, I said this, if everyone including people 18 to 29 show up to the polls, we could seeably win the Senate. There we go, okay. So going on this Polar Coaster,
Starting point is 01:16:24 like a lot of people are skeptical about, you know, polls. Do you think this is, because I mean, you got to go by something. But do you feel optimistic? Should people be like, oh, cool, we're good. Or should they be like, oh, well, this is actually too close. Like, how do you feel about the polls? Well, I'm not going to tell anybody how to feel. I think that we learned our lesson about polling in 2016, where when Hillary had an 84% chance
Starting point is 01:16:44 of winning, right before the election. So and that was after Komi reopened the case against her emails because I think he was blackmailed. We don't have the IG report yet. A lot of people are mad at me for liking Komi. Sorry. I still love Komi. He's my homie.
Starting point is 01:16:58 And I promise you guys, if it comes out that he wasn't blackmailed, he fucked Hillary. I will be very mad and I'll tell everybody. Yeah, and I will personally punish him. I'll tell everybody that I'm personally punished. I'm just no more sex for Komi, but I will for me and that's I'm his main source. So conjecture. Yes, that's yeah. So I will, I'll be mad, I'll tell the world, but I'm waiting for the IG report to come out, I'm giving him benefit of the doubt until then so we'll see how that goes, but
Starting point is 01:17:28 Yeah, I don't know and 52 seats I would I wouldn't be comfortable with the majority in the Senate unless we had 52 Because even I mean Joe Mangins a Republican, but there's even Heidi Hyde camp who's kind of Exactly, yeah, so basically Not totally but kind of fuck the polls and just keep getting people to vote regardless It's just try to you know when you just want to have a goal of like let's not put a number on it Let's just do as much as vote can yeah, yeah, that's how I feel about that You're your best and also because a lot of times people think it's not important to vote because they live in a state that votes one way or the other
Starting point is 01:17:59 Yeah, but in this situation these numbers count. Yeah, these numbers count more than, because it's, yeah, yeah, yeah. And not only that, but I think a lot of people are still stuck in that. No, totally, that's a good point. And not only that, but your local elections are important, your propositions, I mean, why would you not want to have a say in what goes on in your city?
Starting point is 01:18:16 Yeah, to me, that's, And to think you could have stopped Ted Cruz in his early stages if you're just going to get tension. Or we could have stopped Trump. I mean, really, he was just a larva. Yeah, a wee little peat in his boy. Before the pupa stage, when he spawned,
Starting point is 01:18:31 and before he's skinned, and they traded shells. Oh, yeah, it was a beautiful transfer. Yeah. Metamorphosis. Yeah, that would be great to do like a mockumentary about all of their origin stories, and they all are related to reptiles. Tecurses are super is super-coffka.
Starting point is 01:18:46 And I think it needs to be done by Stan Lee. It needs to be like superhero villains. Yeah. And he can make a, he can make a cameo. It'd be great. All right guys, time to flip it blue. I'm gonna go with the other guy. I'm gonna go with the other guy.
Starting point is 01:19:02 I'm gonna go with the other guy. I'm gonna go with the other guy. I'm gonna go, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a guy, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I thought he would say that, I'm really if I were green, I would die. I think that's been a hotly debated line. Yeah, so what the fuck is he saying? We'll find out. If I was green, I would die or, oh, fuck, I don't even know what else it could be. Yeah, what's gonna be? Fuck Jill Stein, I think is what it means.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Oh, yeah, yeah, I don't know. I'm gonna lay it backwards. All right, so there's a lot of untoward shit Republicans are trying to pull this election season. From Trump not spending a dime with 120 million to prevent Russian interference, to blatant lies and attack ads, like Omra Camp in a jar being called a jihadist
Starting point is 01:19:50 and detised to al-Qaeda, to voter suppression and gerrymandering, even Matt Kemp, the Secretary of State of Georgia, running for governor against Stacey Abrams, potentially to be the first black woman to ever be governor in our country, holding 53,000 ballots, well not ballots, but voter registration applications hostage. 70% of which are ethnic minorities because of his new exact match rule, which is 100%
Starting point is 01:20:13 completely designed as a disenfranchised people of color. Because if your voter registration information doesn't exactly match your ID, hyphen missing, wrong letter, you cannot vote. And disproportionately, it's non-whites that have names that are more difficult for the county clerks to enter into the system. And this is, I'm sorry, go ahead. Well, this is the same Matt Camp who said Russia
Starting point is 01:20:36 could never attack Georgia's voter rolls and that it was stupid. But Georgia was named in Mueller's indictment of Russians as one of the states that was hacked by Russia. And so there's just all sorts of terrible shit going on, but there's some good news. A lawsuit has been filed against him for holding those 53,000 ballots, and I think they'll win, and he'll have to register them all. But Georgia, if you're listening, you can still vote.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Bring your ID. If they don't, if they don't have you exactly matched, ask for a provisional ballot. You shouldn't even have to have a provisional ballot just you know it's your right you know and make it make it happen yeah more good news there was a voting issue in Texas where a majority white city that has a majority black college was not going to allow the students to vote without writing a letter of residency that's just a barrier to vote and just Friday the secretary of state in Texas has said that the students can vote without any impediment. So yay! Yeah!
Starting point is 01:21:25 And there's more good news I got a chance to talk to Ben Cohen from Ben and Jerry's about it. Let's take a listen. Hello, A.G. What's going on? Hey, welcome. We're so glad to have you. So a couple of weeks ago, the Associated Press reported that my favorite ice cream company
Starting point is 01:21:42 is creating take back Congress flavors for seven progressive congressional candidates. And one of them is a Mar camp in Najar who we've had on the show and is just an incredible candidate here running against Duncan Hunter in the 50th district in San Diego. And he's just truly one of the one of the coolest guys. So I was hoping maybe you could tell me a little bit about what inspired you to create these flavors. You know, Jerry and I wanted to pull out all the stops and do as much as we can to try
Starting point is 01:22:13 to help flip Congress. And you know, I mean, it's a recognition that whatever any of us did last election, clearly it was not enough. And so for us, pulling out all the stops, meant cranking up the old ice cream freezer and we decided to pick seven candidates for the house around the country that were very progressive and had a chance
Starting point is 01:22:49 of unseeding some Republican. And Omar is one of them. His flavor is Omar, a red-o-American dream. It's a coffee ice cream with amaretto fudge swirl and chunks of almond discotty. Yeah. Yeah. So the idea was that Amar is an interesting amalgam of nationalities from different places. And this flavor also comes from a lot of different countries, you know, Italy and cocoa from Africa and almonds from who knows where, I think, probably California. Yep, probably California. Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's amazing how, you know, it's the old propaganda
Starting point is 01:23:47 and advertising technique. Tell them what you want to tell them, tell them often enough and sooner or later they take it as a matter of fact. And, you know, I mean, the environment that we're in now is that truth doesn't matter. But I do believe that people, progressives understand what Amara is about and the other candidates and hopefully they're not going to be fooled. You know, I mean, I think that my hope and my, I guess my plea is that everybody really turn out
Starting point is 01:24:40 to vote this time and donate as much money as you can, volunteer as much time as you can, get as many of your friends to do the same. Because otherwise, we're not going to stop Trump and then it'll be official that uh... americans knowing what they know now about uh... the guy occupying the white house affirmed that uh... he's our president we can't let that happen
Starting point is 01:25:16 yeah and it's a really better race down here too and they're pulling out all the dirty tactics i know that there's some ads that have been running and i think everyone's at least heard of them if they haven't seen them where Duncan Hunter is saying that he's like a jihadist with connections to terrorist groups and it's just really a, just those kind of just dirty propaganda tricks or what we see every day here in our district. Yeah, I think, you know, people really need to understand that hope is not the answer. It's getting on your feet and getting to the polls and getting your friends out and donating
Starting point is 01:25:54 money to these candidates. You know, I was just talking with somebody about that song. I think it was by John Mayer. It's talking, it's waiting on the world to change. that song, I think it was by John Mayer, it's waiting on the world to change. And it's talking about how young people, they just can't wait for the world to change. So that, they can get involved in it.
Starting point is 01:26:20 And the message really, that's not the right message. I mean, the message is that if you want the world to change, we got to make it change now. Yeah, and it's really up to us this time. We really have to turn out and make sure that we knock on doors and do everything we can. You're absolutely right. And that was one of the great things
Starting point is 01:26:41 that Mark, a Nijizhar talked to us about was just this grassroots campaign that he has going. And I think it's really important to spread that message. And that's why we're so glad you're here talking about this with us today. Is this kind of, you know, you're going to be at your counter making 40 points. You know, we all have to kind of chip in and do this. Yeah. That's the interesting thing about democracy.
Starting point is 01:27:12 I mean, the reality is that there's more of us than there is of them. It's just that us guys don't seem to be voting. We gotta change that. Otherwise, democracy is going to work against us. I mean, it's not, it's not rule of the people. It's rule of the people who vote. Yeah, you're absolutely right. It's true.
Starting point is 01:27:38 When Democrats don't show up, Republicans win. That's the only way they can win. And that and cheating with Russia. But definitely voter suppression is a big part of it. And that's another hurdle that we need to overcome. So we need to get even more of us out to vote. And on the issue, I think, is that a lot of people very rightfully have turned off to the political system and they've checked out and they don't vote because none of the candidates represent them. They're all corporate candidates, but in these particular elections that we are supporting, these are all progressives.
Starting point is 01:28:29 These are all candidates that are not your run of the middle corporate clowns. Yeah, and it is really nice to see some authentic people running, and we really picked that up when we spoke with aar Camp in azhar. He was just truly a progressive candidate but he cares so much about his district and he cares so much about his constituents and that's I think that is what is the most important is when people are representing the people they represent and not the corporations who fund them., and the other amazing thing about Amara's campaign is that his opponent, the incumbent Republican, has been indicted for, you know, campaign money fraud. You know, I mean, as it says on the outside of his pint
Starting point is 01:29:25 uh... his opponent congressman hunter is barred from eating the side screen not just because he's in the behind bars but also because he's been propped up by big money yeah exactly and uh... i think it's really wonderful what you guys are doing uh... our co-host her share her home stain is vermont she loves you guys, we all love you. And I was just wondering if you can tell people, I think that there are going to be limited numbers
Starting point is 01:29:50 of these flavors available for these seven candidates. And really quick, let me just say that these seven candidates are Jess King and Pennsylvania, Lauren Underwood and Illinois, Off-Tob Peruvale and Ohio, JD Shulton and Iowa, and of course, Armour Campanajoval in Ohio, JD Shulton in Iowa, and of course, Armour Company, JAR here in California, Stephanie Rose Spalding in Colorado, and James Thompson in Kansas. Can you tell my listeners maybe where they can get these pints from the last reporting I read you're gonna raffle them off to raise money for these
Starting point is 01:30:20 candidates? That's correct. We are, I am going to personally be making 40 pints of each flavor on my whole my screen maker, on my counter, and then we're going to raffle them off through move on. And the way you can get them is by going to move on dot org slash ben and jerry okay great well we'll send everybody over there and uh... i assume that there'll be uh... updates at that that site when those uh... become available and we really appreciate you appreciate you coming on today everybody it's
Starting point is 01:31:04 uh... ben coen from from Ben and Jerry's thanks Ben. All right. Good talking to you. Bye. Bye So Ben Cohen what a cool guy. He's gonna make that ice cream in his kitchen himself 40 pints for all seven candidates. That's so awesome This was a crazy episode So we were just talking about all this voter suppression shit that was happening. It's it's absolutely I don't know. It just seems so obvious to me what they're trying to do. And to hear the arguments, it makes me really mad that people argue for putting up barriers to vote.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Yeah, I don't understand. I can't you see why they're making these rules. They're making it harder. They're disenfranchising people of color, people who usually vote Democrat to vote. And that's what your rules do. They're totally cool with breaking rules as long as it benefits them. I mean, that's the same reason why people on that side of the aisle, you could come up with all the facts about Trump being dirty that you want, but they're like, we don't care
Starting point is 01:31:59 because the stuff we like is getting done. Absolutely. So, Hindenburg Effect, someone should hashtag that. I really do feel like my middle name is like, it's misspelled on my births to begin. It's my mom's billeted. So I feel like it's so easy for someone to be fucked by that. And they're being really creative and subtle about the ways that they fuck us.
Starting point is 01:32:16 And it's just like, I don't even know if we can tackle them all at once. I love that there's a case against it. But Gary Mandarin has been an issue for so many years and people still really haven't caught on to that, like, as such a huge issue. It's just one of those things. They say, oh, holy do that, you know. Well, there's a whole theory that the whole reason that they made weed illegal was so that they could make people of color, they could turn people of color into felons so that they could take away their right to vote.
Starting point is 01:32:38 Oh, yeah. War on drugs. So many minorities. And keep my jail. I mean, you know, it's, so people are like, weed is illegal because if you cure cancer, the pharmaceutical companies would go under. I'm like, I don't think that's why weed is illegal. I really think it was a suppression tool. Yeah, yeah. Calling a marijuana even as opposed to calling it cannabis was a racist.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Yeah, healy. I don't know that. It was to like fit into the narrative of like people of color being drug users and degenerates. On top of that, I think sometimes people that make those laws don't know what those drugs are. I was in Utah and they have really strict drinking rules. You can only order one drink at a time at a bar.
Starting point is 01:33:17 I went out there, I did perform at a club, and I was there with the comics and the waitresses, so I ordered eight shots for all of us. The bartender was like, you need eight people. And I'm like, they're here. And I had to like count them out. Yeah, yeah. And then they gave us the shots.
Starting point is 01:33:30 And it's because the Mormons over there came up with the drinking loss. But here's the thing, the people at that bar were the drunkest people I've ever seen. Because instead of slowing them down, they just get a drink, pound it, and immediately order another one. That's not it.
Starting point is 01:33:42 That happened to my cat. It's just two beers and just that happened to your cat. It happened to my cat. I have a really cat. That happened to your cat. It happened to my cat. I have a really fat cat. Okay, he's like 28 pounds. And I was, I had him on a diet, like a restrictive diet. So I was only feeding him like a can of softies in the morning and then a cup of crunchies at night.
Starting point is 01:33:57 And he, when I put it in front of him because it's a limited amount of food, he would eat the whole fucking thing. But then I started free feeding him where I'm like, eat what you want, bro. And now he's not as scared, so he doesn't slam the drinks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:09 And doesn't get, you know, shithead. So now he's like, I can eat whatever I want, so I'm not scared. He still comes and bothers me when it's like a quarter, there's like a quarter left, because I'm gonna starve. Ah! They don't know, you're the person in charge of it.
Starting point is 01:34:22 But yeah, the people that should be making rules about alcoholics or alcohol and drugs are alcoholics and drug addicts. They don't know you're the person in charge of it, but yeah, the people that should be making rules about Alcoholics or alcohol and drugs are alcoholics and drug addicts. They know they're in it Yeah, not someone who's like no knock on Mormons or religious people that don't party that's fine But like you don't know what you're talking about any representation. You're right Absolutely. It's like me coming in and telling you how do you should practice your religion? Like I don't even know which end the book to start on. So like I should shut up and sit down. Yeah, that's like man making laws about my uterus.
Starting point is 01:34:52 Exactly. Yeah, or wife house parts. But here's what you should do. It's all the time let me tell you what you should do about your prostate. What is that again? Two fingers. I think that's all I know about it.
Starting point is 01:35:04 It's two fingers. That's a texture. You gotta get it. You gotta get boofed in the pooper. You did the pooper. It seems to be just out of reach. Mm-hmm. The prostate.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Oh, isn't it? It's the G-sparks. I hope it's in reach. It's my main argument that God is definitely not male. Yeah. You put it there. It's too hard. You put it there, it's too hard. You put it somewhere, like it's not too knuckles deep.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Like, I'm not so in a way close to you. Of course, you do have your whole entire penis that's a G spot, so. Oh, you know what? I don't feel so bad for you. I will not knock that, that is all. We have penis in the ear at mullers. The clitoris has way more nerves
Starting point is 01:35:43 in a concentrated area than the head of a penis. That's true, it just needs so much more, right? If you get to keep it, yeah. If you get to, oh, we're going to I'll channel the ventilation. Oh, yeah. All right, guys. We're going to show.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Oh, and that's our show. And on that, enough email, general mutilage. We're going to wrap the show up, you guys. This was a crazy episode. There was so much news. I'm glad I got to share it all with you. Zoltan, tell us about your podcast where people can find it. Oh, it's called This Week in Zoltan and it's on iTunes. And as smart and as informative as this show is, this is the opposite. And, uh, in the way. Yeah, I mainly talk about my week and my travel. So the latest episode is me on a
Starting point is 01:36:23 cruise ship going through hurricanes surrounded by red necks and week and my travel. So the latest episode is me on a cruise ship going through her cans Surrounded by red necks and sleeping in bunk beds. So it's pretty interesting. I do want to hear that I love your podcast though. Honestly, it's one of the first I ever subscribed to you It's here. Yeah, yeah, I mean get it everywhere podcasts or yeah, yeah, it's on iTunes is the best place But it's everywhere else too. Cool. All right, and you shows coming up next week. We want to tell us about oh Yeah, I have shows coming up in Washington DC at the DC comedy loft in Burbank at Flappers and, uh, I'm going to be, oh, the most Detroit Royal Oak Michigan. I'll be headlining the Mark Ridley's comedy castle. It's my first time there. Nice. Come on out. Is it literally a castle? I don't know. But I hope it is. I hope the owner
Starting point is 01:37:03 Mark Ridley is wearing a crown and a thing when I show up. It ignites me with a scepter and then I go do my set. That's what I'm hoping happens. I hope that doesn't happen so you can riff on that at the top of your set. Because otherwise there would be awkward. Yeah, yeah. It's a castle. Make it that way.
Starting point is 01:37:19 But yeah, go to my website, zoltancomedy.com, and see if I'm coming to a town near you. Yes. Do you have a very professional? I cannot recommend zoltancomedy.com and see if I'm coming to a town near you. Yes, do you have a very professional? I cannot recommend zoltan stand up enough, everybody. Definitely. One of my favorites for sure. Thank you. Alright guys, this has been fun.
Starting point is 01:37:32 I've been AG. I've been Jolissa Johnson. I've been Jordan Coburn. And this is Muller Shee wrote. Muller Shee wrote is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo design by Jolissa Johnson. Our marketing consultant and social media manager is Sarah Lee Steiner and our subscriber and communications director is Jordan Coburn.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Fact checking and research by AG and research assistants by Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Our merchandising managers are Sarah Lee Steiner and Sarah Hershberger Valencia. Our web design and branding, our by Joelle Reader with Moxie Design Studios, and our website is mullershoewrote.com. Hi, I'm Dan Dunn, host of What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn, the most wildly entertaining adult beverage-themed podcast in the history of the medium. That's right, the boozy best of the best, baby! And we have the cool celebrity promos to prove it. Check this out! Hi, I'm Allison Janney, and you're here with me on What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn.
Starting point is 01:38:44 And that's my sexy voice. Boom. Hi, I'm Allison Janney and you're here with me on what we're drinking with Dan Dunn. And that's my sexy voice. Boom. Boom is right Academy Award winner Allison Janney. As you can see celebrity's just love this show. How cool is that? Hey, this is Scottie Pippin and you're listening to the Dan Dunn show and wait, hold on. The name of the show is what?
Starting point is 01:39:04 Alright, sure. Scottie Pippin momentarily forgot the show is what? All right, sure. Scottie Pippin momentarily forgot the show's name, but there's a first time for everything. Hey everyone, this is Scoot McNary. I'm here with Dan Dunn on What Are You Drinking? What's calling it? Fine, twice. But famous people really do love this show.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Hi, this is Will Forte and you're, for some reason, listening to What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn. Now, what do you mean for some reason, Will Forte? What's going on? Hi, this is Kurt Russell. Listen, I escaped from New York, but I couldn't get the hell out of Dan Dunn's happy hour. Please send help. Send help. Oh, come on Kurt Russell.
Starting point is 01:39:39 Can somebody out there please help me? I'm Deed of Antis and you're listening to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn. Let me try one more time, come on. Is it right? It's amazing, is it amazing? Is it right? Ah, that's better. So be like Dita Von Tees friends and listen to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn, available
Starting point is 01:39:59 wherever you get your podcasts.

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