Jack - Roger Stone’s Time in the Barrel (feat. Jennifer Taub & Elizabeth C. McLaughlin)

Episode Date: January 28, 2019

S3E4 - Joining us this week is Elizabeth C. McLaughlin (Resistance Live!) and law professor Jennifer Taub. Plus, Jaleesa covers the back-to-back wins by team Pelosi, Jordan updates us on the ongoing L...ube the Truth tour starring Colludy Rudy, and AG breaks down the incredible Roger Stone indictments. Enjoy! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Greg Oliar. Four years ago, I stopped writing novels to report on the crimes of Donald Trump and his associates. In 2018, I wrote a best-selling book about it, Dirty Rubels. In 2019, I launched Proveil, a bi-weekly column about Trump and Putin, spies and mobsters, and so many traders! Trump may be gone, but the damage he wrought will take years to fully understand. Join me and a revolving crew of contributors and guests as we try to make sense of it all. This is prevail. Thanks to Third Love for supporting Mueller, she wrote. Third Love knows there's a perfect bra for everyone, so right now they're offering our listeners 15% off
Starting point is 00:00:37 their first order. Go to thirdlove.com slash AG now to find your perfect fitting bra and get 15% off your first purchase. That's thirdlove.com slash A.G. for 15% off today. And thanks to Rothy's for supporting Mueller, she wrote, Are you ready to try on the most comfortable flat you've ever worn that you can wear all day, every day for any occasion? Seriously, you're never going to want to take them off. Go get yourself a pair today with free shipping at rothy's.com promo A.G.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Get the deal while it lasts. And finally, thanks to Warby Parker for supporting Mueller, she wrote, get boutique quality stylish eyewear and sunglasses at revolutionary prices. Try them for yourself by going to WarbyParker.com slash AG to order your free home try-on kit with free shipping all around. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have and I have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for having nothing to do with Putin? I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother
Starting point is 00:01:55 than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So, it is political. You're a Communist! No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Hello, and welcome to Muller She Wrote. I'm your anonymous host, A.G. And with me, as always, is Jolissa Johnson. Hello. And Jordan Coburn. Hello. Jolissa, welcome back. We missed you. Hi.
Starting point is 00:02:28 If you're not a patron and you don't listen to the midweek episode, you will not have noticed she was gone. But she was. We missed her on Wednesday. So we're glad to have you back. Miss you guys too. It's been an amazing week in the fantasy indictment league. And we'll get to all the news in a moment.
Starting point is 00:02:42 But first, we have a quick correction from our midweek episode. Rhonda Romney McDaniels is Mitt Romney's niece, not his kid. And Trump was the one that asked her to drop the Romney from her name. Oh, geez. Yeah, I don't like that guy.
Starting point is 00:02:56 But I want you, all right. Also, it's Berko, not Berkow. That's the guy who yells, oh, duh! In the British parliament. Thanks for pointing that out. Thank you, our UK listeners. If's the guy who yells, oh, duh! In the British Parliament. Thanks for pointing that out. Thank you, our UK listeners. If we miss anything, guys, feel free to hit us up on Twitter at MullershiRoute or by emailing us at helloatmullershiRoute.com.
Starting point is 00:03:14 If you want to get the midweek updates where we answer your questions from the week's news and take some deep dives into some of the stories that came out. For example, this week Jordan did a great report on why Soros is a target and how it originated in Russia. If you want those midweek updates, just head to patreon.com slash muller she wrote to sign up. You'll get all the bonus episodes, all the archives plus the newsletters and all the archives and all sorts of great gifts and fantasy indictment league, close Facebook group.
Starting point is 00:03:43 It's the best deal in the business. Yeah. And then if I may say this too, because normally we do this at the end of the show, but for any of you all that trail off by the end and have ADD-like myself, we'll announce it now. We're going on tour. We have the Brooklyn Day in the DC date, so we're coming to a city near you and tickets are at our website.
Starting point is 00:04:00 If you get a more sure.com, it's right on that front page. Just scroll down and you'll get the ticket links. Yes. And somebody said they clicked on the DC link and got the Brooklyn thing,.com, it's right on that front page. Just scroll down and you'll get the ticket links. Yes. Somebody said they clicked on the DC link and got the Brooklyn thing, so we'll have to check on that. Make sure when you click on the link, make sure you're buying for the right city. We'll make sure it's correct. Also, if they just Google MoorShero DC versus MoorShero.com, it'll take another right one.
Starting point is 00:04:17 But yeah, we'll fix that. That works too. And for patrons, it's in our closed Facebook group in announcements. They're both pinned announcements. So you just go to the announcements things. That's where you can play the fantasy indictment league. And that's where you can guess also who the secret company is from country A in the Mueller subpoena battle. And also those ticket links are there. And the tickets are going fast too. And it's
Starting point is 00:04:35 the end of March, March 29th and March 30th. Yeah, we've already, yeah, they're almost pretty good. Yeah. So it's, hmm, get them. Oh, and if you're a patron, we will, I'm working on a VIP meet and greet that you'll get a discount too, but the tickets are just the tickets. They're sold separately from the VIP meet and greet things. So make sure you get your regular old tickets through the link, the discount comes with the cocktail hours and things.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Hell yeah. I'm so excited. Yes. Woo, Brooklyn! I can't stop doing the Nixon thing now ever since. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm just on my hands.
Starting point is 00:05:08 She does. Hands-aloft. V signs available for your viewing pleasure. If we weren't a podcast. Also, let's see. They might be giants. Oh, my God, you guys. I'm fan girling so hard.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I grew up on they might be giants. I got their albums in the 80s, starting with Don't Let's Start when I saw them on MTV. They were one of the first bands on MTV when it came out. Oh snap. Back when MTV played music. And then Lincoln came out. I bought that because of Anna Ing and Purple to Pay and then Flood came out in 1990, which was a huge year for me because I was just a baby. No, I was in high school.
Starting point is 00:05:48 But I used to sing those songs all to myself. And Dr. Worm, which came out later, is one of my favorite songs to run to. It's the perfect BPMs, perfect beats per minute to run a nine and a half minute mile. So check out, they might be giants, and then check this out. They tweeted at us about beans. And I'm like, oh my god, I would die if they wrote, I would pay cash money for a song. And then they posted a song for us. Can we listen to that? Oh, yeah. For some beans on it, what kind of beans? For some beans on it, what kind of beans? Oh my god, I've played it 800 times. So when you go onto the, they might be Giants Twitter and it says like 215,000 listens,
Starting point is 00:06:30 I'm like most of those. You guys need to check them out if you haven't checked out. They might be Giants. Start with Flood. Seriously, one of the greatest pop albums of all time and Birdhouse and your Soul off of that record is considered to be one of the best pop songs in the history of pop songs. Wow. Interesting to know. I'm excited for Dr. Warren, that sounds fun. Dr. Warren is so good and it's only like two and a half minutes so you have to play it on a loop like
Starting point is 00:06:54 four times to get a mile in. It's that and I want to be sedated by Ramones, which I was thinking of doing a I want to be indicted parody. Yeah, but who wants to be indicted too? The Ramones maybe. They want to be sedated. Good point. Who wants to be sedated? Kind of way sedated. That's drugs.
Starting point is 00:07:14 They're popular. Also, the Manafort ringtone is having some issues. That's the one where we have the voices of our city choir that sang Fog Fog Fog Fog Fog Fog F fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, for us. And people couldn't find it. Apple is having art issues. They're very particular. Yeah. Yeah, but they confirmed that it's going to be up within the next two business weeks.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Two business weeks? Yeah, and that was a few days ago. So hopefully within the next week, or week and a half or so. No, for fuck's sake. I know. At what rate hiring? Because we can, you know, come on.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Yeah. There's people who need jobs. All of that cyber red tape. It's all with them, man. Like, come on. They take an extra 20 minutes to get our podcast up. Then we post it normally. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:02 And then it took us a day or two to get approved to even have our podcast on there Yeah, they're tough. We could pull a Matthew fucking win a current just clear ourselves, you know Yeah, I'm gonna put together an ethics advisory team and they told me to just go ahead and approve the manifold ring Yeah, it's all good So we'll let you know once that's up But sorry, it's not up yet and again all proceeds from that go to Voices of our city choir,
Starting point is 00:08:26 which is a homeless choir based here in San Diego. So that's a really great cause. And today, Jalisa is going to cover the Incredible Winds by Team Pelosi this week. Jordan, you're going to tell us about the ongoing Loobbet Truth Tour by Calludi Rudy. And I'll be covering the Incredible Roger Stone indictment. We have a lot to get to, so let's get started
Starting point is 00:08:45 with just the facts. So right out of the gate this week, Rudy Giuliani hit the talk circuit with his special brand of insanity, and Jordan's going to cover that in hot notes today. So many times too, and he had to walk back a bunch of comments, and then he came out again and said some more stuff. It's really fascinating. So moonwalking. Yeah, this was possibly his worst week. Or best, depending on how you look at it, really. Monday, the telegraph reported that the Kremlin is being accused of laying a false trail linking Saragay Scripall to Christopher
Starting point is 00:09:16 Steele. Christopher Steele is the architect of the Trump dossier. According to the telegraph, well-placed sources believe that the plot to kill Skripal and his daughter may have included a black ops attempt to discredit the legitimacy of the Trump dossier. Isn't that crazy? That is intricate. Very. Not surprising. Quite.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And I think we're going to find a lot more connections. I mean, we've been reporting on this for a year now, but with a lot more connections between Stone, WikiLeaks, Cambridge Analytica, Bannon, U-Kip, the UK, Brexit, Russia, all that stuff is going to start coming congealing and becoming really clear. Yeah, and we believe Stone is at the middle of it, right? Yeah, I think in a guy named Ted Malak, and I'll talk about him a little bit later, we've reported on him several times all the way back to episode 22. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And then even further back in the Fusion GPS transcripts episodes when Adam Schiff was questioning Glenn Simpson about him and Stone and all those other people I mentioned. And Russian Roulette gives a really good rundown of Fusion GPS and all of that backstory as well if you've got the time to check that out or a book club. Yeah, if you're a patron just go listen to our book club. You don't have to read it. We read it for you. But reading is fun. I like reading. Also Monday, Fox and Friends accidentally aired a graphic of Ruth Bader Ginsburg that had the dates 1933 to 2019, indicating she had died. They apologized immediately saying, quote, we need to apologize a technical error in the
Starting point is 00:10:38 control room, triggered a graphic of RBG with a date on it. We don't want to make it seem like anything other than it was a mistake. That was an accident. We don't want to make it seem like anything other than it was a mistake. Sounds to me like you don't want to make it seem like you did that shit on purpose. But that fucking sounds like to me. And I know a little bit about newsroom production. That has to go through at least two steps and two people to be approved to put on the air. And then also, why in the fuck are you making a graphic
Starting point is 00:11:13 with the death date of 2019 for RBG on it? Yeah, yeah, it's a preemptive celebration at best. There's so many other older people they could have had it at the ready. It seemed a little too convenient that RGB would be the one that goes off. RBG, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. And the thing is, is that normally when you put that up there, it'll say put date here,
Starting point is 00:11:33 put date here. Like, it won't actually fill the date in, right? But I guess they figured 2019 is a long year. But also, they're like, no, we need to have it ready to go. We need to have it ready to go. You've got a 30 or 60 second ad placement. You're going to be able to put the type four numbers in a couple of seconds to get it ready to go. I've seen lost. You can type in a lot of numbers before the world ends. And so I don't fucking understand why they even did this. The graphic was definitely not that intricate. It looked like a fifth grade Photoshop.
Starting point is 00:12:05 It looked like Trump's the wall is coming. Yeah, exactly. The same guy made that. It's just a floating RBG head behind a solid background of the two deer dates. It's very, very impressive. I could make the entire graphic in the time it would take for a commercial break to be start and finish.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yeah. Is that a threat, Fox News? I think that's that, right? It seemed like, first of all, here's personally what I think, and this is just being conjecture, but they have fallen behind recently in December. They fell behind MSNBC for the first time ratings. Fox and friends ratings fell behind MSNBC for the first time
Starting point is 00:12:40 since 2002, almost 20 years. And so they're like, we've got gotta do something to get people talking about us. We can't tweet right now for whatever the fuck reason. Right. So that's what I think it is. Yeah, visual form of like, we're giving them attention right now. Yeah, like clickbait to some degree.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Yeah. God, weird. Rating spate. We're suckers. Yeah. We covered it. We just did. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:13:04 You're right. Take it all back. These bulls get in there. Yeah. All covered it. We just did. God damn it. You're right. Take it all back. She's bull. Yeah. All right, still Monday, we found out that Emma and Agalarov had to cancel his four city U.S. tour because he failed to reach a deal with Mueller and Congress over the contours of his testimony. Bummer. I had tickets. I have VIP me angry passes. Um, Emma and Agalarov is the Russian pop star that worked on them as universe pageant, pageant with his dad and Donald Trump. And he's the same guy who emailed Rob Goldstone. Goldstone.
Starting point is 00:13:31 So he'd reach out to Don Jr. to set up the Trump Tower meeting that took place with now indicted Russian lawyer of Esonaltskaya, Manifor, Jr., and a bunch of others in 2016. Juno 2016. The Mollershi Routes Tour has not been affected, so you don't have to worry about it. We'll be at the bellhouse in Brooklyn March 30th. The night before March 29th, we'll be at the Miracle Theater in DC.
Starting point is 00:13:51 We are not affected, even though we were gonna have MN open for us. Yeah, the show must go on really. We'll just have to find another opener. Right, I mean, we got Goldstone. Maybe he can just go up there and talk about things. Do you have five or something? Yeah, I can imagine if we announced Goldstone, he comes out.
Starting point is 00:14:07 What's the deal with Russians? What's the deal? How would the audience react? They would all go Goldstone. Our fans would probably be split, I think. In case you're wondering, when I'm singing it that way, back during an episode 12, I think, we had Jesse Eganon. He is the one who made the joke that Goldstone sounds like a Bond villain, so he just started
Starting point is 00:14:28 singing Goods too. And the harmony of like Skyfall, yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. Well, pretty much all Bond songs go like that. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, you should listen to them all, they all sound like that. But it was just a little one. So we're going to be in DC.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Maybe we can get a room at the Trump hotel. I wonder what that guy has on his writer. I mean, Al-Galara. It's like, Roger Stone. I want Roger Stone. One Roger Stone. I need four Roger stones. He's signed by Roger Stone. I need a small dog and a tall glass of collision. Sparkling. Not still. I don't know, whatever. We also learned from
Starting point is 00:15:07 Navalny on Monday that Darapaska had arranged for the arrest of Nastya Ribka. Apparently, it was his idea. I mean, I'm sure that Putin was fine with it. Jordan, you reported on Ribka in the midweek episode, and Nastya, a little fish. Sorry. Yeah, we learned that Ribka translates to little fish. Yeah. And Nastya sounds like it should be nasty. So I think it's what she would have wanted. Yeah, we learned that ribcage translates to little fish. Yeah, and as the as sounds like it should be nasty. So I think it's what she would have wanted. Yeah. But the good news is she got out. She did, yeah, against all odds.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Because honestly, I think if we're being real here, we thought maybe she was going to be dead or something or mysteriously disappeared as soon as she was released from the Thai prison. Because the whole point of her arrest, I think we all deduced was that Russia wanted to get her after she was involved in that you know releasing of the tapes on terapasca's yacht but she was intercepted in Moscow taking a court it was looking not good she was getting pretty man-handled and then also
Starting point is 00:15:57 woman-handled I saw a woman in there oh no yeah just just you know handled handled yeah and then her the president of her home country Belarus actually intervened and negotiated her release So she is out of that Russian prison or is getting processed out I think she's already out. Yeah, I think she's already out and she's like on our we actually their home country back up on Instagram and the interesting thing though that a lot of people have posited and I you know This kind of scares me a little bit is that if you remember Magnitsky was arrested held in a Russian prison tortured and murdered and so maybe you know Putin and Dera Poscar like maybe we should not kill her
Starting point is 00:16:38 in custody you know right let her out and give her the old script all yeah they kill people across international borders all the time. So that's why I think that, you know, while she might be safer, then she would be in a Moscow prison. I don't know that she I don't think she's safe. And I hope that she's watching her back because they might have let her out so they can go after her out in the world. Right. And she probably not that you mentioned it. I mean, I hadn't considered it until now But she might be thinking that herself, you know, I'm sure she is Yeah, she can't be like really I can go right. It seems weird. Yeah, really sketch except every time she looks at the camera She does that stupid rock on symbol like she doesn't give a fuck. Yeah, oh like every bridge right? She does
Starting point is 00:17:21 Is that a pussy right? Oh no, I just assume with the rock reference that it's like a punk rock Yeah, no she always does like a little punk rock kind of thing. Yeah, no, she always does like a little punk rock. Fail Satan. Yeah. Rock on. Maybe she just really doesn't give a fuck. That's actually pretty badass.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yeah. She runs herself in the middle of all this. It's better than that little Nixon P sign that I stoned it. I like to read a victory. Yeah, I heard you say a little more badass. Yeah. Yes, quite.
Starting point is 00:17:41 We also learned Monday that the New York Times obtained a document signed by both sides, showing that Darapaska is benefiting way more from the lifting of sanctions against him than we originally thought. In fact, not only does he get to retain 45% of his company, he sold off enough shares to meet the US Treasury's demands of how much he had how many shares he would have to sell. He sold them to his family friends, allies, and VTB have to sell he sold them to his family friends allies and VTB bank So he owns 45 his family and allies own 12% and VTB bank owns 24 23 or 24% So he still has controlling interest in the company and they're also giving him debt relief hundreds of millions of dollars in debt relief come along with this lifting of sanctions. So Yes, doesn't sound like a sanction.
Starting point is 00:18:25 No, not at all. It's like the opposite. And, you know, like Romney and Graham voted for this. Like, yeah, you can live sanctions on that. He sold enough shares. We're all cool. And, you know, there were like, Trump's like, this will hurt him very badly. It's, we're tough, I'm tough.
Starting point is 00:18:40 And it's not. He's getting so much more than he already had before. Yeah, why are they letting this go? I don't know. Maybe they want to build a wall out of aluminum. And why is Romney letting it go too? Because he was noticed being a Russia hawker, like he likes to make his belief he is. I don't get that at all. Yeah, it's confusing.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Anyway, moving on to Tuesday, talking points memo published a letter from the House Judiciary Chair, laying out a blistering line of question for Matthew Fucking Whitaker, who was due to testify to that committee this week. The former hot tub salesman and big toilet guy, will have to answer to whether or not he discussed his appointment as acting AG with the White House before sessions was fired, and whether White House officials were involved
Starting point is 00:19:20 in Whitaker's decision to ignore the ethics guidance to recuse himself from Mueller oversight. He'll also be asked if he's been briefed on the Mueller probe and whether or not he shared that information with Trump or Trump's legal team. Nadler also said he would ask Whitaker if Trump contacted him after a contacted Whitaker after Cohen's guilty plea to try to fire or reassign prosecutors working on the case, weird. But most interestingly, is a question about the Buzzfeed reporting from last week that said Trump had directed Cohen to lie to Congress. Nadler wants to know if Matthew Fucking Whitaker had contacted the special counsel's office to discuss or direct them to release the statement denying parts of the reporting. We will most definitely cover the Whitaker testimony that takes place January 29th in the mid-week episode coming out of the 30th for patrons.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I never even thought about that. So if I'm understanding correctly, they're saying Whitaker may have had something to do with the special counsel's office coming out and refuting parts of that report. Yeah, that's one of the questions now they're wants to ask him. I didn't even know he would have that authority over the special counsel since like Rosenstein seems to be the one overseeing it. Yeah, I'm really confused about who's got authority and oversight over Mueller at this juncture. Yeah. Well, it's that giant thumb-hitty has, you know? It's like walking into the presses down on everything. Then Tuesday, the US House voted overwhelmingly to block Trump from leaving NATO, something
Starting point is 00:20:40 you'd think would pass unanimously, but 22 Republicans voted no. And if the Intel Judiciary or oversight committees were going to dig into which House GOP members might be compromised by Russia, I'd start with that list. I'd start with the 22 who voted no on this. It includes Jim Jordan, it includes Meadows, and the DUI record holder Matt Gates. Apparently, dude has eight DUIs. You can do that. How do you even get to drive a car after that? Yeah, I don't think I can get away with that. It's a lot of privilege right there.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Yeah. It really is. I mean, once you get up past a certain tax bracket, really, I feel DUIs are just like... You just pay them off. Yeah, they're just like parking tickets, really. Like you said, suggestions. Yeah. Laws become suggestions, once you're in a certain... Absolutely. it gets really like you said suggestions. Yeah. Laws become suggestions once you're in a certain state. Absolutely. Yeah, you totally just uh, pay them off and then pretty much that's it. And people don't, I mean, because people are doing worse things in Washington.
Starting point is 00:21:33 So yeah, yeah, unfortunately. Wow. Yeah. And speaking of the oversight committee, guys, it was announced Tuesday that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, uh, Rashida Tulib, Yana Pressley, and Rokana have all one spots on the high profile committee according to two sources that spoke to Politico. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:50 That's amazing. Yes, women get it. Women get shit done. They do. They have good oversight. Ask anyone who's dated a woman. Yeah, I have experience. Yeah, see?
Starting point is 00:22:04 They oversee things. Sometimes you don't want them to, see? They they they oversee things. Sometimes you don't want them to. They're very good at it. Yeah, very astute. Yeah, you were like don't you like all of the here those women talk shows from the 80s would like if you don't want to know the truth don't go searching in your husband's phone or in your husband's mail or in the phone records because you're going to find it, you know, that's why they're on the committee. They know better. Yeah. Oh, but are they already new to learn insightful as book? Yeah. We can feel vibes just intuition. Where are we? Which is intuition and emails? I'm sorry. I'm just I'm throwing out all these sexist old sexist
Starting point is 00:22:37 tropes because I find them absolutely hilarious. Yeah, they're not real. Yeah. Um, this Wednesday Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis called off his February 7th testimony indefinitely because of threats from Trump. Shortly after that, Elijah Cumming said they're working on a plan to compel Cohen to testify, presumably discussing protection for him and possibly including a subpoena for him to appear before the House Oversight Committee. Democrats call Trump's threats textbook mob tactics and Cummings says, Elijah Cummings says quote, the most upsetting thing about all of this is the fact that Mr. Cohen was intimidated
Starting point is 00:23:09 and not only was he intimidated, but he believes his family also has been intimidated and threatened. Unquote. Then Friday, Republicans outmaneuvered Democrats when the Senate Intel Committee issued a subpoena for Cohen to testify in February behind closed doors. That's pretty bad question about that. So let's say there's some theories out there that Cohen maybe still has some non-truths floating around and I wonder do you think he's trying to sort of like limit the amount of times that he can purge himself maybe? Because I can't imagine he's come completely clean by this point. Well the SDNY that was obvious in their sentencing memo They're like fuck this guy. He didn't help shit fuck him three years. I'm paraphrasing That's not exactly what they said that would be more of a court filing from
Starting point is 00:23:56 The Concord Management Yeah, that's a tough death Fuck you. No, so The thing though here. Yes, he might want to limit his testimony because he can go in, and of course he won't have to talk about Mueller stuff. Fine, but anything else they want to ask him, he would have to answer, and if he doesn't answer,
Starting point is 00:24:16 it becomes suspicious, and he's trying really hard to reduce his sentence. He doesn't want to increase his sentence, you know? Yeah, so it sounds like it might be right. Jordan about that, like trying to not purge himself any further. Yeah. Yeah. Smart move. Yeah. He's like a walking can opener to a can of worms. Anything he touches can become a disaster.
Starting point is 00:24:36 In a given moment probably. I think totally. But he also, he doesn't want to, I don't know, he all he was also legitimately threatened by trump and julie on the so i believe that yeah both a victim and a perp so the house he was going to test if i had the house publicly and landy davis said no the senate
Starting point is 00:24:58 intel committee run by the republicans subpoenaed him uh... and they're going to do it privately so fortunately i think the senate committees have a lot more integrity than the former Republican-led House committees. So hopefully the last pertinent questions, but it's going to be private, like I said. And there have been no promises to release full or redacted transcripts to the public. I'm assuming, though, I haven't confirmed this, but I think they're keeping it behind closed doors to Protett Cohen from the threats he's gotten from Trump.
Starting point is 00:25:25 And now Giuliani, who's also brought up his father-in-law, and I can't help but wonder, yes, there is policy for main justice stating you can't indict a sitting president. But Giuliani is not protected by that policy, so why hasn't anyone charged him with witness tampering an obstruction? Because he brought up the same father-in-law shit in the Cohen testimony that Trump did. So maybe you can't indict Trump on it, but why not Giuliani? And not just obstruction, as we generally think of it, but obstruction is a national security issue because it would be an attempt to interfere with
Starting point is 00:25:53 congressional oversight to determine the extent to which Russia interfered in the 2016 election, which has now reached a forefront with Cohen's testimony about Trump Tower Moscow, right? And just who the hell is Cohen's father-in-law? Well, I found out. His name is FEMA Schusterman, and he's a Ukrainian emigrate. And apparently he's the money in the Cohen family. And in 1993, Schusterman pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the United States.
Starting point is 00:26:16 And in exchange for leniency, he agreed to testify at the trial of his accountant, one Harold Wapnik. We know that Schusterman was an executive from the New York Funky Taxi Company and the New York Fulton Taxi Corp. Michael Cohen became CEO of the Funky one, along with Martha Cab and Barn Trans in New York and Chicago respectively. In addition to taxi stuff, Schusterman ran a knitting factory and testified that from 1984 to 1988
Starting point is 00:26:42 he would bring in his clients or he would bring in his clients checks, give him to his accountant, Wapnik, and then he would come back later to collect cash in paper bags or envelopes, and Wapnik would keep 3%. Lord knows what Wapnik was doing with the money, but starting in 2003, Shusterman had made enough money through this scheme to purchase his first apartment, and where did he get it? Trump World Tower. And by 2005, Shusterman had spent $7.6 million on Trump properties. I was able to find most of this information in Seth Hattana's book called
Starting point is 00:27:13 Trump Russia, which is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold. But do you think this was the best idea for Trump and Giuliani? One, to commit a federal felony by threatening a witness in public and to leading them to shady real estate purchases that involve Trump. Exactly. It's called that kamikaze, right? Trump should have just said, looking to Cohen's father-in-law, he's shady and launders money through real estate purchases, I know, because I was there. You know what?
Starting point is 00:27:37 Exactly. I mean, they're desperate. They must be. That's so funny. That's exactly what he did. Just set out of trail breadcrumbs right? Right back in the circle. He's like, I know everyone who did wrong shit.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Oh, but it was pointed to me. Yeah. Well, I mean, it also sounds like his father and the last gone through legal proceedings about it all. And there's really not much more to be had. That was like he's accepting it. He's looking more into the trail that leads to Trump. He had a deal. He paid $5,000 in a restitution, I think, and some other, you know, like, I don't know what other punishment he had.
Starting point is 00:28:09 It's in the book, Trump Russia, you should check it out. But like, why, unless Trump knows more dirt, which is also still stupid, yeah, it would just be interesting to see that he survives him, you know? Yeah, I have a question because I'm a little bit naive when it comes to the logistics of white color crimes. So when he's giving his check to this guy, then he takes 3% and then gets cash back. The idea being he gets cash,
Starting point is 00:28:35 that he doesn't have to pay taxes on, right? And the guy just kind of makes the money disappear, somehow, and takes a 3% cut. That and he's probably taking that money. And you know how like we pay ourselves a security and the government is supposed to give that right back to us or right back to cut that and he's probably taking that money and you know how like we pay our social security and the government is supposed to give that right back to us or right back to the old people. I'm sorry not old people over 65 and sometimes 62 if you go for early. That's not old but we do that. Eventually at some point the government started taking all of our money and investing it and keeping the winnings. So what might it could have taken us to the money and investing it and keeping the winnings.
Starting point is 00:29:05 So what WAPNIC could have taken us to the track and ran it up or done loan-sharking or whatever, who the fuck knows that I couldn't find any information on what he was doing with this cash, but he would give, he would take us 3% cut and give the cash back to him. Now you have cash that you don't have to report to the taxes and who the fuck knows what WAPNIC was doing that with that money. Right. The 3% for the risk he assumes by doing whatever sketchy things He's right so Trump sold him a bunch of real estate with with money that didn't get taxes paid on it And so and Trump and Trump is like you know, I look at that. Yeah, right cuz that's totally normal to buy an entire apartment in cash
Starting point is 00:29:41 Yeah, that doesn't say anything sketchy at all It is smaller six6 million in Trump properties. That's a lot. It's just a smaller crisis than like, treason, so Trump's like anything but Mueller. But that is Mueller though. Or it's close enough. He'd hand it off to Southern District of New York. Yeah, it's probably not relevant enough. Yeah, it would be like, I mean, and that might also be in what,
Starting point is 00:30:02 you know, because Cohen took over those taxi companies, the medallion, Staleon. Funky town. Funky, New York Funky Taxi. What the funky, that's not. That's funky. All right, guys, we'll be right back. Hey, Mueller junkies,
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Starting point is 00:30:56 Strap's don't dig if it's perfectly. Yeah, I absolutely love the products I've had so far. I did not go for the t-shirt bra. I got one of their more standard ones, but it's so comfortable, because normally more standard bras are really, they dig into you, whether or not comfortable at all.
Starting point is 00:31:12 These are really soft around the edges. The straps are wider, so they don't dig into your skin, which is nice, because I got, I got some deep ones. And they smooth in the back too, because I get the back roll thing that happens. And I don't like that,
Starting point is 00:31:23 but these don't have that. Right, and the clasps are really high quality too and I never have to worry about those like breaking or bending or anything and then because I'm so serious and then my the yeah the undies are great too because they're the seamless ones are awesome I love those they don't write up they just kind of stay where they're supposed to yeah there's great. Yeah I got the undy too with the matching bra and I love how cute it looks like just as an outfit. It's like it's really cute and they're super light and cozy.
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Starting point is 00:32:29 You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did.
Starting point is 00:32:37 You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. You'll be glad you did. educators back in the classroom. We've all had our moments where we thought what the hell am I doing here. From burnout to bureaucracy to soul-seeking
Starting point is 00:32:46 stressors and creative dead ends. From recognizing when it was time to go to navigating feelings of guilt and regret afterwards, we're here to cut out the gaslighting and get real about what it means to leave teaching. We've got insights from former teachers from all over the country who have seen it all. So get ready to be disturbed. Join us on teacher quit talk to laugh through the pain of the US education system. We'll see you there. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Welcome back. We were still on Wednesday when we left you. Amy Berman, Judge Jackson, if you're nasty, ordered that Manifort must appear in court for a major hearing about lying to Mueller's team and breaching his plea agreement. And he was supposed to do that Friday following his request to wave attending proceeding. He didn't want to come to proceedings. So he's like a motion to not come to proceedings. She ruled early in the week on Wednesday. Nope, you got to show up Friday. So we did. Manifort disputes the over 800 pages of evidence, the special counsel office provided that Manifort lied to prosecutors. So they
Starting point is 00:33:40 handed over all this evidence. Because know if you remember Mueller made this breach File that said that said Manifort lied about five things after you know, he started cooperating The judge was like give me the evidence so he handed over the evidence like 800 pages and he's like I got more But you let me know if you want more right so now Manifort's disputing that he didn't want to show up in court The judges like you have to show up in court so we thought this big thing was gonna happen Friday um but you know he you know he said that the basically he was like when he asked said he didn't want to have to show up to court he said that
Starting point is 00:34:13 the travel from jail to the federal courthouse is to time consuming the fuck are you doing what is it taking away from what rack or you running out of prison that you can't take time off work? It's 30 minutes of exercise, cutting into that circle of walk time. Yeah, if he's like studying the Bible or something for the first time. Yeah, getting jacked. Getting jacked. He's carrying his wall out into the yard one handful at a time. Shawshank.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Judge Jackson said he's missed too many court hearings and Friday is too important. So Wednesday's filing was heavily redacted. We didn't get to see much of what it said. But Manafort showed up Friday. No decisions were made, but Mueller's team is telling the court he should not get any leniency in sentencing. Zero leniency. That's going to add 10 to 20 years to his already seven year sentence.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And he's eight million years old. So he'll already be in jail forever. No, he's 70, 70. He's between 70 and 80. I can't remember how old he is. Yeah, he's right. He's empty. But 10 to 20 years is going to take up most of not the rest of your life. Judge Jackson wants more information. And she set up a sealed hearing for February 4th. And Manifort, like I said, faces up to 15 to 25 years in prison now. Because Mueller says, no, no leniency. Here's 800 pages of lies. I've got more if you need it
Starting point is 00:35:27 Judge Jackson if you're nasty good. Yeah, but he either doesn't want to come because he knows he's just like fucked beyond belief And it doesn't even matter anymore or be he thinks he's gonna get pardoned so he also doesn't care Yeah, he just doesn't give a fuck he should he got to wear a suit Yeah, he asked me again Friday. He got to wear a suit They let more suit and he had a cane and people were noticing he was leaning heavily on the cane. Mm-hmm. Yeah. He's very cute. Is it please can I wear a suit? I'm surprised she let him do it this time, but maybe because he's so fucked she was like fine. You can wear a suit.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Well, you get fucked. Yeah, well, you can. I guess it was a concession like I'm gonna make you come to these court hearings. Yeah, you can wear a suit. I got to see just didn't want to appear at there. But I would rather go into jammies because I just I like I would wear jammies to work if I could But not him. He's probably just gonna get broken out of prison from some hell like Russian helicopter Oh, Giuliani's gonna dig with his career style just be like In with him. You can't they're gonna dig out with this
Starting point is 00:36:19 Yeah, lady he's always with probably his wife Bring a file cake. No, she probably hates that dude because all the weird sex shit that he forced her to do. Oh, man, for a twine? Yeah, yeah. It messes me up every time. She deserves better. It sounds like him and his daughter's,
Starting point is 00:36:34 what a horrible man. Then we learned Deutsche Bank is willing to provide Mueller with evidence of suspicious transactions related to Kushner's family accounts. The board chairman handed an embarrassing report to German banking regulatory agency called Bafin, which is probably just banking financial regulatory agency. The findings said, quote, there are indications that Donald Trump's son-in-law or persons or companies close to him could have channeled suspicious money through Deutsche Bank as part
Starting point is 00:37:04 of the business dealings. It was embarrassing because the bank worried about what the results of the internal investigation would do to its image because apparently having already paid hundreds of millions of dollars in fines for money laundering, your image is still good. That's a daily thing. People forget. As we know last month prosecutors subpoenaed the bank for records relating to Kushner companies. It's not known if the transactions are tied to Mueller's probe or collusion between
Starting point is 00:37:31 Trump's campaign in Russia, but I would put beans on it being tied to that. And speaking of Deutsche Bank, we learned from CNN that the House DEMs are preparing to open investigations into Trump's businesses and money laundering involving Deutsche Bank. In a statement, Deutsche Bank said, quote, we're engaged in productive dialogue with the House Financial Services and Intelligence Committees to determine the best way of assisting them in their official oversight functions. We remain committed to providing appropriate information. Thursday, Adam Schiff in Maxine Waters, the chairs of Intel and Financial Oversight, respectively, issued a joint statement saying, quote, the House Financial Services and Intelligence
Starting point is 00:38:06 committees are engaged in productive discussions with Deutsche Bank and look forward to continue cooperation. So it looks like they're all helping each other out. Interesting. So Kushner and their cooperating with Kushner and Trump and his Trump organ, all that shit. Yeah. Also Thursday, Corsi's stepson appeared
Starting point is 00:38:23 before the grand jury, Muller's Grand Jury, as part of the investigation, Muller saw information about emails that Corsi's Stepson appeared before the Grand Jury. Muller's Grand Jury is part of the investigation. Muller sawed information about emails that Corsi deleted from his computer in 2016, and apparently, he texted his Stepson about it. He told prosecutors he texted his Stepson that he had scrubbed his computer because he wanted to give it to his mom. Sure, buddy. The really interesting thing about this story is that the grand jury was convened on a Thursday. And the last time they met on a Thursday, the Russian indictments dropped the next day.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I tweeted out against my better judgment that I would put beans on Roger Stone being indicted on Friday. I did that Thursday. CNN had also apparently discussed the possibility and then Trump conspiracy theorists, like I said, accused them of having been tipped off and not reporting it to the public. It was like just because you didn't figure it out doesn't make it a conspiracy theory. Right. Even you figure that out. Yeah. And you know what's really funny is all these conspiracy theorists. We're getting tagged on Twitter. They're like, dude, these guys knew a nerd podcast.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Yeah. I mean, Stums will kind of guide's worth paying a full time employee just to stake out as his house around the clock. Some shit's going to happen eventually. Right. Maybe O'Neill and Josiko we can get him to do it for us, right? But maybe that's what conspiracy theories are. Like, Trump supporters that can't put two and two together, call it a conspiracy theory, because they can't figure it out by themselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:34 They can't grasp around earth, so they're like, it's gotta be flat. Follow the money. Yeah, follow the money. See, it doesn't roll. If gravity's alive. I, Yeah, the shitty thing about that whole CNN being a part of the raid or being at the raid, I should say, is the right wing is going to actually love to jump on it and say, how do they know where they're the only news
Starting point is 00:39:56 of SVU? Should they not go? I wonder. There will also on Thursday, like, was there like before they even knocked on the door. They were like there. They knew. But Thursday there was a sealed indictment filed on the docket. And that in conjunction with the fact that the last time grand jury convened on a Thursday there were indictments on a Friday, I was like, they're gonna do this. And then somebody on CNN said, I think this is probably, I think Stone's going down tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:40:23 And then Stone was like, I think I'm getting indicted tomorrow. Like there were all sorts of little hints. Yeah, yeah, they're just, all right, man, seeing it. Like you said, they're camping out. Not to mention too, if someone could have like leaked something that got to them that we haven't even heard yet, got leaked. Yeah, I don't think so, but like even back on December 19th,
Starting point is 00:40:39 when, if you guys remember, we reported this to, Mueller got stones transcripts from Congress. And we're like, oh, it's going down. And of course, it takes a couple of weeks to put all that together. So there were so many. They're probably camping out for longer than that night too. Now that I think about it, and we just weren't watching CNN in the bushes. Roger Stone's like, who's in my shrubs?
Starting point is 00:41:01 Must be cats. I feel like that guy's just on eaters. That guy's just on Molly all the time. Do you see his jaw? Or catarole, yeah. He's got Molly jaw all the time. Molly jaw. He really does.
Starting point is 00:41:12 He really does. Oh, God. That's not Molly's shaming. No, Molly's great. He doesn't wear it well. He's just a freaky dude. But yeah, no, I mean, we all just put two and two together. Everyone kind of saw it coming and it came.
Starting point is 00:41:26 But you know, if you're if you're an MSW listener, you sort of also saw this coming or if you follow us on Twitter, it probably wasn't that big of a surprise to you. A lot of the stuff that in there wasn't a surprise and I'll go over that. Yeah, it is about goddamn time though. I will say that. Yeah, we've had that motherfucker and you got him, huh? I did. I had him. Yeah, you called him Quake too. It's only because of the virtue that I got to select first last time. That's just how the cooking scrambled, I set it up that way from the beginning. No, I got to pick first, you pick stone.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Ever since December 19th. I'm 10%. Since they got the testimony, we do it was coming soon. And you know, the right wings all, you've been saying this for years. And I'm like, yeah, we knew Stone was gonna be undicted, but we didn't really start drafting him him until about a month ago so that's true each it also of note Josh leaderman from NBC reminded us that nearly three months
Starting point is 00:42:13 after deeming russia in violation of chemical weapons laws the trump administration has yet to impose new sanctions required that to be imposed on Moscow those are required by law and triggered by the poisoning of Sarge Skrypil. This comes as Trump is facing scrutiny for lifting sanctions on Oleeg Darapasca. We talked about that. That's the Putin-Olegarq manifort supplied with polling data and gave private campaign briefings to through Constantin Kalimnik, his co-conspirator, in an attempt to pay him back the $19 million he stole
Starting point is 00:42:42 in some shitty telecom deal gone bad. So, you know, no bigs. Finally, Thursday, NBC reported that Jared Kushner was rejected for a top-seeker clearance by two security specialists, but their supervisor, a guy named Carcline, overruled the recommendations and approved the clearance anyway. And joining us to talk about the Kushner Clarence is friend of the pod. She's an attorney and she's host of Resistance Live, Elizabeth Seymek-Loflin. Elizabeth, welcome back to Mollarshi Road.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Thank you. It's very good to be back to you again. Excellent. Now, do you go by like ECM? Like what do people call you usually? You know, the fans call me ECM because it's a lot easier than the full mouthful which is the one that Corona is going to go off of it. So ECM is fine or Elizabeth says really matter.
Starting point is 00:43:29 All right. We'll go with ECM. So tell us a little bit about Klein. I know he's a former Pentagon guy and he was kind of installed by Trump in the same month I think Mueller was appointed. Yeah, it's really curious. He was installed as a director of personnel security and it's odd because all the reporting about this guy, it's all we know basically is that he was an employee of the Pentagon and you know, I went back and researched this as this
Starting point is 00:43:55 news was breaking on Thursday and he hasn't been available for comment. We don't really have any indication of what his background was in his role as a quote-unquote Pentagon employee, which could pretty much mean anything, right? What we do know is that he doesn't seem to have had any significant security position in the past that we know of. And so the whole thing is a little bit strange. And the fact that the timing of the installation as well, I agree, is kind of odd. Because it was in May of 2017, the same month that the Mueller probe started. And if you recall, that's right around the same time,
Starting point is 00:44:31 shortly after James Comey was fired. So that didn't have a cell, it's also really weird. And we knew already at that point that there were some serious security considerations with regard to Jared Kosher. And so all of it is simultaneously not surprising and about as shocking as it can get. I will tell you that I...
Starting point is 00:44:53 Yeah, and actually, can you talk a little bit, talk a little bit about what, like why Kushner shouldn't or why do you think these two guys? And I mean, you and I know, but let's tell the listeners why he shouldn't and wouldn't be granted a security clearance yeah so you know the thing that the thing that to me that strikes me at least
Starting point is 00:45:11 uh... as as one of the biggest question marks around jared kushner's appropriateness as having a security clearance is all of the business relationships that we know about and then the ones that we suspect exist between the Christian companies and foreign actors. And the ones that we know about are bad enough. We know that Mohammed bin Salman and the Mississippi know who ordered the hit on Khrushche.
Starting point is 00:45:38 It has said explicitly that Khrushche is in his pocket. We know that Khrushche has had relationships with various folks in other countries that are potentially implicated in the issues around the 2016 election. There are some questionable relationships with the UAE. There are some questionable relationships with Israel. There are questionable relationships in Mexico. And, you know, the big consideration here, of course, I think, from everything that I've seen, and, you know, I've made very close attention to people like Malcolm Nance and folks who have been in the FBI
Starting point is 00:46:09 like Aasha Rangaba, you know, folks that you've had on the on the pod before. You know, one of the things that's really of concern to them, and I take them at their word, is that when you have business relationships that are potentially implicated with people who have adverse interest in the United States. It's a really big question mark whether or not you should be given access to intelligence materials that then potentially you could sell,
Starting point is 00:46:35 that potentially could be traded if there is compromising information out there on you that you want to keep secrets. And that otherwise might be leveraged in ways that are jeopardizing the security of the United States. So, you know, those are the states. Right. And I'm sorry to interrupt you, but even if we look at this from a completely Trump supporter
Starting point is 00:46:57 point of view, like Kushner is a great dude, he's just a good businessman, right? Even if we look at it from that point of view, if you still have business ties to adversaries in the United States or people who can buy influence in the United States, you then become, they have a leverage over you, just like you said, and could then be blackmailed. So even if you take Kushner as a totally innocent party, which is not, but let's pretend he is so that, you know, because that's the argument you're going to hear. He still can be blackmailed by these bad actors, right, to pedal influence within the White House and maybe change up some of our, you know, our policies here in the United States,
Starting point is 00:47:37 foreign diplomacy, et cetera. Right. And the thing I always have to remind people is that, you know, I think that there's a funny thing that's happened with, you know, the dossier, the steel dossier, and the idea of Compromot that has circulated out there in the general public. The Compromot has to be like sexually compromised material, far from it. In fact, in most instances that we know about, for instance, when the Russians have leveraged authority over American actors or other foreign actors, it's been done through financial meet.
Starting point is 00:48:08 So we can't, you know, not knowing the depth of the investments or connections between some of these adversarial foreign states into the Christian or companies. It's impossible for us to evaluate the validity of the idea that he might be able to be a safe source for some of this confidential material. And, you know, I'll just add, you know, one of the things that I just find so profoundly disturbing is that he revised the forms, you know, repeatedly to the point that, you know, we now know that there were something like a hundred different changes to the application for security
Starting point is 00:48:45 clearance. And that in and of itself, from what Malcolm Nancy has said, you know, and he of course is very he had security clearance. He understands how the classes worked. The process works. The fact that even submitting revised forms with that many alterations would be enough to never be granted a security clearance. Yeah, I lost count at 36 about a year and a half ago. Right, I know. I mean, I've made many, many people, you and I both, I know, and lots of other folks out there, it have been asking how it has this guy had a security clearance. Of course, the understanding that it eventually devolved to the president and his authority over it, but the fact that we had two very senior intelligence officers who apparently said no chance
Starting point is 00:49:30 in how this guy should ever be approved to then have that overridden by the fellow who whose name has not been known before now in this saga is really just quite profoundly disturbing. And the thing that I think about in the long-term vision of this, is it's not like you could put the contents of the box back inside Pandora's box in order to open it, right? Who knows what he's been given access to?
Starting point is 00:49:55 Who knows what, even if Trump has removed from office, he's gonna know and be able to sell or share with enemy powers down the road. And so, I'm of the view that as with the other 30 people who this happened to, those security clearances including cushion are should be on now. I know that's not going to happen, but we're already in a situation here where a year and a half later, who knows how much stuff you've seen. And I know the CIA took efforts at least to limit his access to their technology, thanks goodness.
Starting point is 00:50:26 But he's had at least a moderately high security clerk for a very long time now. And who knows what the damage of that is? Well, yeah. And if you're CIA or FBI and you're like, we have to stop this, we can't do this. Like you said, it is ultimately up to Donald Trump. And we've been figuring for a couple of years now that there were people who were saying, you know, this is probably not a good idea. And Donald Trump just gave the go ahead. It wasn't until this reporting came out that we found out he installed a Patsy to, and he's approved, I think, 30 such clearances since
Starting point is 00:50:57 then. And we learned that after, like, in the three years prior to him being installed by Trump, only one security clearance had been overridden in the entire three years prior to him being installed by trump only one uh... security clearance had been overridden in in the entire three years and this guy's done thirty so it's it's unbelievable yeah and that's and that's the answer uh... uh... you just hit the nail on the head when you when you're sitting around the step b i c i a go and god trump is the one you know that that decides this who do we tell
Starting point is 00:51:24 the answer is congress they're the ones with oversight yeah and now we know why this is where i'd come into starting is the new chair of oversight right like the fact that this is the first bullet fired across the battle of the ship uh... you know when it came out i thought hot wonder what obviously we've had concerns but i wonder why this is the starting point and
Starting point is 00:51:42 now we know because you know we don't know all the other names of folks who are approved, but you can bet that if the CIA and the other folks who had evaluated the validity of the potential applications, it said not a chance to help reduce 30 people, there's stuff there that is going to be profoundly troubling when it comes out. So yeah, but again, the Pound door is box. You can't put it all back. So all right,
Starting point is 00:52:05 well, take thank you so much for taking time to talk to this. I just really wanted to bring you on here so that I could like bend your ear about how pissed off I am that now we know that there's this guy who's just letting people in because Trump wants them to be let in. And that's really, really frightening. It's a huge national security problem. And, you know, they're still, of course, bitching about Hillary's emails. So, here we are. And that explains everything, right? And this is the thing who knows what else the gang of eight knows. But I'm glad to at least see that there's, you know, there's actually be taken in this direction. You know, the other side of this coin, of course, is how much longer a Christian or might need
Starting point is 00:52:42 a security career actually, because my hope is that, of course, this whole saga will be over for too long. All right, Elizabeth. Thank you so much for coming at UCM. Thank you so much for coming. Everybody check out Resistance Live. Elizabeth, can you tell everyone where they can find your show? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:52:56 So we're on, we brought you guys live on Facebook, five days a week at Facebook.com slash Elizabeth Kronai. That's the R-O I S E McLaughlin. You can also find us on patreon at patreon dot com slash resistance live and we're on YouTube and iTunes and hot mother places as well. Girl, I don't know how you do it daily, but thank you for everything that you do. And we'll send everybody your way again. Thanks for coming on everyone.
Starting point is 00:53:21 ECM Elizabeth Cronice McLaughlin from Resistance Live. Then Friday we learned from Scott Stedman in one of his medium articles that the developer in the Trump Tower Moscow deal, known as IC Expert, appears to have about $90 million that has gone missing, or gone walkies, as Matt, I would say. Two weeks after the agreement with Trump to build the tower, IC Expert received a loan from Spur Bank. Sounds like Spur
Starting point is 00:53:45 Bank, but it's not. I'm going to call him Spur Bank. And documents obtained by Steadman now show that 90 million, there's a 90 million dollar discrepancy between the amount of the loan and the actual amount of capital that sperm bank extended. One month after the loan was finalized, which was one month after Trump signed his letter of intent for Trump Tower Moscow, three separate companies that comprised the ownership of ICXpert began executing the loan. According to Stedman, the true owners of the offshore companies remain unknown, but at least two of those companies were controlled by a separate lawyer named Crystal Doulus Vasodylis, Chris, Chris V with known ties to the Kremlin.
Starting point is 00:54:33 And he's also the director for Spurmbank's Cypress Branch, weird. It's important to note that even though there's no public evidence to any of the missing money flowed between anyone associated with Trump and I.C. expert, a letter from CEO, the CEO of I.C. expert, Andre Rossoff to Michael Cohen in September 2015 outlines a plan to use a company in the United States to handle matters related to Trump Tower Moscow. And Felix Seder acted as a go-between for Cohen and Ross off, along with other Russians that participated in the Trump Tower Moscow negotiations. So it makes you wonder if Spurmbank
Starting point is 00:55:05 is at the center of the super secret Mueller subpoena, right? They do have a US office, also on 57th Street, where all Russian banks have offices apparently with the cutter and investment authority. But Spurmbank is sanctioned. So now I have to wonder if just because a company is sanctioned, does that mean they haven't or can't do substantial business in the United States? Because you remember some of the court documents have said the secret company from country A does substantial business in the
Starting point is 00:55:33 United States. So I was excluding anyone who's been sanctioned, but maybe I shouldn't. Right. Considering this administration, you can still do things while sanctions. Yeah, everyone's fucking sanctioned from Russia. Yeah, yeah, I get point. Yeah, everyone's fucking sanctioned from Russia, so. Yeah, yeah, good point. Yeah, I guess I could just be some really specific part of their business operation, that sanctioned or something. Yeah, and that was one of the main reasons I still have QIA. The current investment authority is because they're not
Starting point is 00:55:55 sanctioned and they planned a couple years ago that they're going to do $35 billion in business. Yeah, but kind of to Julius' point, thinking about it now, would Trump even do business with a business that was not sanctioned? That's just not like him. It's not. Trump, Tom Tarramasca, V-E-B, V-T-B, Spurmbank, they all are sanctioned and they all had their
Starting point is 00:56:14 hands in this. So, $90 million is missing. That's $6 billion rubles. That's a lot. $6 billion. So, finally, Friday night, Mato tried to get a committee member, one of the Intel oversight, I can't remember which judiciary committee tried to get them to tell her what transcripts have been sent over to Mueller's office because that gives us big
Starting point is 00:56:39 clues as to who could be undyided next, right? And she wanted us to watch those beans. So but oddly, what she did find out when she did some poking around is that Adam Schiff said Friday that his first order of business in the House until committee would be to hand over all the transcripts they have to the Miller team, but there's a problem. The committee cannot conduct any business until all the members are named and seated
Starting point is 00:57:01 and the Republicans have not named anyone for the committee. Not one member. They've named folks for 23 other committees, just not house intel. And once again, that to me is obstructing justice. Of course, they're protected by the speech and debate clause, so they can't get in trouble for it. Nothing can be done. But there's this speech and debate clause. It just says that any business you do as a congressman can't be of crime pretty much. Oh, that sucks in this case. Anything you do in your job. Yeah, they're using that loophole to get away with holding out the investigations.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Yes, that's what they're doing. That this is their last Hail Mary. They're not seating. The Republicans aren't seating any members for adamships. And how long can they go on with that? No idea. I have no idea what the remedy is. Wow.
Starting point is 00:57:41 That's so fucked up. There's so many meta shutdowns going on in there. Yeah. Well, so fucked up. There's so many meta shutdowns going on in there. Yeah. Well, shut ourselves down. Unless there's some way to look at it as a national security issue by obstructing justice to, you know, obstructionist collusion or conspiracy to block the investigation and oversight into Russian meddling, maybe somebody could file a lawsuit or something, but maybe crew, hey, what are you guys doing? Or Elijah Cummings, he's heading it, right?
Starting point is 00:58:09 Maybe. It's Adam Schiff. Oh, Schiff's okay. He's the intel. Yeah, I wonder what they could do then. This is, yeah, like Nunez's old stomping ground. Yeah, this is Nunez's old committee. No wonder.
Starting point is 00:58:20 I didn't know that. I didn't know that they were having anyone seated at that committee. That's in just this one. Why not the the oversight committee then? Wouldn't they have a lot of crap against Trump too? Like a lot of leverage. I don't know. I don't know if the other 23 committees include oversight, but they've seated other committees. And so, but not this one. Yeah. The HIC really has something to live for now too, especially after the Republican mess that happened
Starting point is 00:58:47 before it switched over to the DEMs. Yeah, I think really the intelligence committee is sort of the crux of the oversight of a Russian meddling. That makes sense, yeah. So that's kind of where they want to focus their attention, yeah. Yeah, where they want to not be helpful. Yeah, it also has some of the most powerful DEMs sitting in Congress right now for sure. Oh, yeah. And the smartest too. Like these are like the brightest legal
Starting point is 00:59:09 minds of a generation. Like Swalwell. Yeah, he's amazing. Oh, he's on this one. Okay. Okay. Yeah. All the people that were like coming out against Nunez and his foolery. They're back with a Vindance foolery. Yeah. Tom foolery. And against. Yeah, Tom Sullary. Food and shenanigans. Yeah, definitely shenanigans. God, I love that word. Who, who, Ruhaha? Yeah. There's many words. Ruhaha, who, Nanny? I don't know, I'm just making that word.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Yeah, it's who, Nanny. Exactly. I don't know where I heard that. It's, it's a thing. Oh, good, good. Shenanigans. Well, thank God Muller can still continue his work and it's nothing. It's actually like resting on HIC.
Starting point is 00:59:43 That's true. We just can't get it out to the public until. Yeah. And also Mueller actually, if until he gets those congressional testimonies, he can't charge anyone with line to Congress. Oh wow. Yeah, that's a good point too.
Starting point is 00:59:55 So it could actually be holding him up. That's true. Some of these indictments, so while they do, like it seems like they mostly include line to Congress, they also have witness tampering and some other things to catch you at that family he could get without those. Yeah. What are the top 10 answers around the board. What I've noticed is that people who are going to plead not guilty, people who
Starting point is 01:00:16 are going to fight Mueller charges them with all the shit. Like Stone got seven charges. Man of Fort got a zillion. You know, I can't have 18 counts 10 and 1 and 8 and the other or something like that. And if he thinks they're going to cooperate, he does the line to Congress. Yeah. Charge. So yeah, if there are other people who want to cooperate, he needs those transcripts to be able to charge them. It could hold like band-in, for example. It could hold them up. Yeah. Yep. Well, what I'm going to say, I know you're about to report, so I'll wait until you get it. Alright, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Let's get to hot notes. Just a minute. We'll be right back. Hey, Mueller junkies, we want to thank Rothy's for supporting our podcast. Rothy's shoes are stylish, sustainable, and comfortable enough for every do-where. Anywhere, they transition from day to night seamlessly. I got mine and I absolutely love them. I can't say enough good things about them.
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Starting point is 01:03:14 Yeah, it's complicated. What's so complicated about a podcast? That's the name of the podcast, remember? Oh! Will you still be exploring topics that help us understand the week's news? You bet, but we'll have a new name because we're going to be working together to explore complicated issues that are done in the news. Working together? Yeah, you're hosting it with me, remember? Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Wait, does that mean our podcast is going to have a steam-op segment? Let's not get carried away. But we'll discuss hot new legal topics, so check out our new episode, coming soon to everywhere you get podcasts as well as YouTube. All right, welcome back. Hot notes. Alright, you guys, today Jordan has the Loob the Truth update from Rudy Giuliani, but first, Giulie, so you're gonna break down the multiple embarrassing Trump defeats this week at the hands of the amazing Nancy Pelosi and if you didn't like Nancy before, you
Starting point is 01:04:24 gotta lever now. That's kind of me. I didn't know why I didn't like Nancy before, you got to live her now. That's kind of me. I didn't know why I didn't like her before, but now I love her. Pelosi the pussy whip as we call her. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's right. My hero. So yeah, Trump is definitely getting his ass kicked politically right now.
Starting point is 01:04:37 He's handed Pelosi not one, but two back-to-back wins. So the first time Trump caved to Pelosi is when he agreed to not do the state of union address until the government was reopened. And the second time was yesterday when he agreed to temporarily reopen the government, even though he's receiving no money for the border wall. That's right, because she was saying, you know, you can't do your state of the union. And he's like, I'm gonna do it. No, you can't do it. Not in my house. No, I'm gonna do it. No, you can't do it. I don't know if you know this, Mr. Trump, but and I didn't know this, but you actually have to get a vote in the House to invite the president to do state of the union. And the state of the union, the Constitution, it says that they have the right to give it from time to time.
Starting point is 01:05:14 It doesn't say every year on January 29th and the House represses. So she was like, go ahead and write a letter or whatever, but she wasn't, but then he came. Yeah, because he's not entitled or as entitled as he thought. So that was beautiful. And this was crazy because Trump's at the whole point of the shutdown was to get funding for the border wall and here he is getting nothing. And I know he thinks that Pelosi's gonna negotiate with him for the border wall now,
Starting point is 01:05:34 but she's made it very clear that there will be no wall, right? She said it herself. No money for the wall. And don't get me wrong, I'm glad that the shutdown is over. It's just pointing to the fact that he did this essentially for no reason. And it's only over, sorry. No, go ahead. It's only over for three weeks. And he's threatened that he's gonna close it down again.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Yeah. If they can't fix the wall issue. It is time or that he'll use his emergency powers granted to him by the Constitution. Bullshit. Yeah. To do that. I think he'll call a national emergency and get sued and lose again. But Yeah, I mean, I was surprised that he didn't do it initially because he usually is willing to do anything to win, you know, but in this case, I feel like he's met his match with Pelosi. You know, he knows what's at stake. She hasn't by his little tan, tiny balls. Did he think he'd dance his balls? The short and curly. Do you think he has the same head hair problem like with his peeps?
Starting point is 01:06:27 No, like a little tube pay down there. Like they're all over to one side and when the wind blows it all flaps over. Oh yeah. I can see that. Reveals the micro-pean. Stormy nose. Hashtag Stormy nose. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:06:38 She does. Tell all. So, I also thought it was interesting that he announced this reopening of the government on the same day as the Rochester Stoner Rat, so some people are speculating there is some distraction or diversion tactics there. And he did it in the Rose Garden, which is generally a celebratory announcement spot, like traditionally when you announce something in the Rose Garden, it's because you won something.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Right. And he wanted to give the look we did it, we were really opening the government and people clapped and I'm like, what the fuck? Yeah. It's like if you should on yourself and then celebrated being clean. Yeah, that's a weird analogy You know what I mean when I would edit to have self was all I'm saying Yeah, I would thank my parents sometimes like I thank them for getting his dinner And they're like, why are you thinking it's for dinner? Where your parents? It's kind of how this is right? Like he should just have the government open. Yeah, and and it was just it
Starting point is 01:07:26 Why are you celebrating yourself right now? Yeah, you lost. Mhmm, miggly. Miggly. But nonetheless, policy did succeed at letting Trump's base know that he's not as bold and brave as he used to be. And some of the Republicans like Bill O'Reilly praised Trump for his quote unquote leadership, but most of them filled betrayed. Most of Trump supporters like Anneulter, for example, she tweeted about Trump saying, good news for George Herbert Walker Bush. As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as president of the United States. For once, I agree with Ann Kulter. Didn't he just die though? Like not for the same reason, but yeah, she is called. She gives no fuck, dude. She I think she's a robot now that for sure And now that and culture is turned on him. That's also a good development just from around well
Starting point is 01:08:09 That's one of the reasons back three weeks ago or 35 days ago excuse me when the Democrats were like tell you what We'll do a continuing resolution. We'll talk about your wall and stuff and and you're not getting any more money But you know we can fund the government for a while and then figure it out He said no it was because they and cultures face melted. Yeah, like the Nazi fund the government for a while and then figure it out. He said, no, it was because the end-cultures face melted. Yeah. Like the Nazi and the Ark of the Covenant in Raiders of the Lost Ark. I know I've brought that up many times, but that's just my end-culture. That's my end-culture visual.
Starting point is 01:08:35 And so he had to have known. He had to have known if I do this. She'll be mad. And culture is going to be in Russia and Bogg and be mad at me. His hands are tied, though. What is he going to do to clear an emergency? And he wheeze a little tiny hands out of the rope. You're right tiny hands!
Starting point is 01:08:50 He slipped through the cuff. They come in handy for something. Do you think if they ever take down the wall, there'll be like anti-tree hugger sitting up there just like refusing to leave until they're hugging the wall? You can tear this down. Yeah just watch your hands. They're getting along the wall, the humbers. Just like right-wing, Humpty Dumpty is just yeah. I'm gonna call
Starting point is 01:09:07 mall huggers from now on. I really like that. Ball huggers. I have a nickname for a Trump too, the cave man. Oh yeah. Oh, well like that. Digging it. Geico commercials. That's good. Although I would like to celebrate him caving. Yeah. Because it's a good thing that he caved. Yeah, yeah. That's not enough. At least on this thing. Yeah. So, Pelosi 2 Trump zero at least. Yeah, because it's a good thing that he caved. Yeah, yeah, that's pretty good. At least on this thing. Yeah, so for those he too trump zero. At least. Yeah, at least. Only gonna get worse.
Starting point is 01:09:29 I would say like four zero, because at least like even if she dresses better. That makes sense. Did you see that tweet that Ann Coulter had? That was like, yeah, why don't instead of deporting whatever some ridiculous number, billion illegal. 11 million is your number.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Yeah, 11 million is yeah 11 million yes Numbers we yeah, we we just get rid of Jared Kushner or something did you see that tweet? Finally deal. Yeah deal. Well, I didn't get I mean I keep all of the immigrants that are here and give them all asylum And we just get rid of Kushner. I'm down for that Yeah, I'm just wondering what that was in reference to exactly. Yeah, like where she was, what angle she was touching. Was she being racist? Like, is she saying it takes 11 million dollars? Well, I'm gonna assume that.
Starting point is 01:10:08 And sometimes she talks about 11 million Mexican equals one cushioner. Oh, that's funny. One rich Jew in the White House. Yeah, that's probably how she sees it. Yeah, I'll step down that joke, it's funny. Oh, no worries. Math. They're afraid of numbers because numbers are Arabic. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:29 And so they fear them. That's my, I've been saying that for years. It makes a lot of sense. Sorry if you've heard it before, but I'm going to keep saying it. If you've seen a phobic numbers, numbers are Arabic. Yeah, they are. All right, Jordan, what happened in the world at Caluity Rudy this week? Because it was a fantastic week for us.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Not so good for him. Yeah, it really was. And patrons, you've already heard this reporting so you can hear mofs if you'd like for an excuse. Yeah, mofs. Yeah, because it's pretty, I mean, yeah, it's kind of traumatizing just to hear anything about all these people. So, you know, do whatever you need to do. So Giuliani goes on CNN. He lubes the truth this week, but the, but the Loub, it's very messy. He just makes a complete fool of himself and everything. He did a series of interviews in which he was just, like, entirely all over the place.
Starting point is 01:11:11 And pretty much, he covers a bunch of topics at this time, at least he was asked about, which is off topic for him itself. Usually, he's just my word vomiting stuff that no one asked about. He's still got himself into trouble though. That definitely is not an element that was absent He reminds me of that whole fucking scene in goonies, and I know we've used this clip before I maybe we'll use it again here
Starting point is 01:11:34 But basically they they're like are threatening the chunk the little kid to tell him everything that they know and he's like Okay, when I was seven I thing that they know and he's like, okay, when I was seven, I pushed my sister down the stairs and blamed it on the dog. You know, and he just goes into this whole big diatribe of shit then nobody fucking asked for. And that's what Rudy does. You're like, hey Rudy, how old are you? No one colluded with anyone. I don't visit Russia six times a year. The end. Yeah. Whoa, bro. Yeah, exactly. But this week, since they resolved, and there was enough news that came out that had enough questions to keep him busy on actual answers to actual questions. The first thing that he or just one of the
Starting point is 01:12:16 things I should say, because this is also disjunctive and he's just blurbing, blurping. That's a blurbing. Now word now like blumkins, but Through the mouth. Yeah, exactly. He's blurping everywhere At all these different times On all these different topics. I watch too many South Park episodes So basically One of the first things is about the Buzzfeed news, obviously, that comes out in reports that Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress in his testimony.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Giuliani says that he doesn't know if Trump and Cohen had ever even spoken at all about his testimony, but if they did speak, he certainly didn't direct him to lie. Right. And that's typical. Typical. It didn't happen. But if it did, I didn't direct him to lie. Right, and that's so typical. It didn't happen, but if it did, I didn't do this, and even if I did, it's not a crime, Hillary's emails. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:13:11 That's exactly the same ammo that they've always been using, and they learned it from, is it Roy Cone? He was the originator, yes. Not Gary Cone, but it was mixed up. It was mixed up by all white dudes, right? Yeah, but that was where I come. Like, deny attack. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:28 It was so evil. Oh, God. Yeah, well, sorry these guys. Yeah. They all fucking suck and they just keep regenerating like skin cells on a baby's bottom. Yeah. So, Jake Tapper, then it calls him out and is like, wait, hold up. So did you just admit that there is a chance that Cohen and Trump spoke and Giuliani's like yeah but
Starting point is 01:13:48 that would be perfectly normal and if they did talk attorney client privilege might prevent me from saying anything about it right now as I sit here on your show wow and that's the whole other element we missed in the roadmap and that's going to be the attorney client paper yeah without it's going to be a whole defense right they hired 17 lawyers and they've already been talking it's going to be the turning client difference. Yeah, without it's going to be a whole defense right they hired 17 lawyers And they've already been talking it's going to be executive privilege, right? Exactly Of course his defensive Donald Trump wouldn't be complete with saying that cone is a complete liar and lies about everything all the time conclusion
Starting point is 01:14:16 Yes, and he says The way we make a joke about them say in collusion accidentally Oh, cuz it's gonna slip out one day. Yeah,. Well, what was a weird way to deliver a joke? What I just did. It's a nice little riff had to be there, AG. I wasn't there. Yes. Anyway, in collusion. Yes, I do enjoy it. Ladies and gentlemen, spoon. If I can quote Eddie as I heard. Oh, yeah. So he, uh, Giuliani is saying that Cohen is a liar and he's going to continue to lie just to do whatever he needs
Starting point is 01:14:50 to do to get his sentence reduced. So that kind of closes the chapter sort of on the Buzzfeed loop the truth. It's not even, I mean, I guess you can call it loop the truth. It's really just more of a meltdown, just a loop in the hot sun exploded in the car. That's more what this is.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Well, what was really interesting is Joyce Vance tweeted out recently, I think it was today or yesterday, about after the Roger Stone indictments came out, like, hey, did everyone notice or did anyone notice that since Rudy came out and said there was no collusion and even if there, I didn't say there was any collusion with Trump with anyone in the campaign, I just said there was no collusion with Trump. I didn't say there was no collusion and even if there, I didn't say there was any collusion with Trump with anyone in the campaign. I just said there was no collusion with Trump. I didn't say there was no collusion with anybody in the campaign.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Then the Roger Stone indictment comes out and Joyce White Vance pointed out, does it sting a little less? Definitely, that is looped to truth. That's why you loop, yes, to prevent the sting. Yeah, but then he didn't really stick by his loop. No, that was a thing. Yeah, the couple over stomach and there was nothing else to I'm sorry. These are mechanical
Starting point is 01:15:49 Loubs. No, yes. Yes. Yeah for the children that whose parents some reason some reason might listen to our show My kids listen. Yeah, if I had them they're the same parents that bring him a burning man And they did they do that. They're like which are all my listens to this show. And I can't believe you fat shame Donald Trump. And I'm like, but all the fucking looming is totally fine. Okay. I'm so sorry, you know. But you know, hey, you parent your way.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Yeah, totally. We do have some cool parents that listen to you and they're often bragging about how their kids will like drop in the crowd. That's true, that's fucking red. Yeah, those are my favorite fans. I'm sorry, we're probably not helpful in that. But well-behaved women never make history. Boom. Yeah, no, I love that kids listen to us. I think we're probably not helpful in that, but well-behaved women never make history.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Boom. Yeah, no, I love that kids listen to us. I think we're just real, you know? We're not like insidiously putting anything into their brains. Hello, children. If you listen to me right now, you'll remember this voice forever. So blow-known messages.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Up. Oh, Bayer parents. Oh, Bayer parents. Uh, the Democrystery rocks. Yes. Okay. So, he then there's a conversation that comes up on these interviews about the Trump Tower meeting discussions, right?
Starting point is 01:16:57 So, Giuliani in an earlier interview had let some bean slope when he said that talks about Trump Tower Moscow definitely continued through the campaign campaign as late as October or November of 2016. Oh, that's right because Cohen was saying they went through summer. Trump told us to stop it in January, but they went through summer. And now Rudy is saying, oh, right up to the election. Yes. And as we know, the initial story from Cohen was that those talks stopped in January 2016 and then he amended his testimony and admitted to lying and said that it was actually through
Starting point is 01:17:28 June of 2016. Now, Giuliani is getting on here saying that it could have been as late as October or November of 2016. It just keeps going. Then there are probably still in talks right now. We don't even keep it. Right. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:41 And they do say, so Giuliani, he goes on meat the press on Sunday and he says that about all this stuff. The tapes will prove Trump's innocence about directing Trump or going to lie to Congress and quote. And then like literally immediately after that, it's like, wait, there are no tapes. I should have said tapes. Just sorry, nothing about the tapes. Yeah, and he he said I've gone
Starting point is 01:18:05 through all the tapes. There was nothing like that. And Jake Tapper I think goes tapes. What tapes have you gone through? He's like I shouldn't have said tapes. I should have said tapes. I only meant texts and emails. I don't even know if we have those. And that's why I think the Buzzfeed reporting the inconsistencies, the reason that special counsel if Whitaker didn't tell him to come out and say that the Buzzfeed reporting was inaccurate. I think the reason the special counsel came out and said it was inaccurate is because in the Buzzfeed reporting, they said texts, emails, and a tranche of documents, right?
Starting point is 01:18:33 And I think they're tapes. So I think they, which would be mischaracterizing the evidence that Mueller's office has, which is what the statement said that special counsel put out about the Buzzfeed reporting. I think there are tapes. Rudy said there aren't. He didn't go through any of them. Yeah, he says there are tapes. He does say that there are emails in text though. I was being. Oh yeah, yeah, yes, yes, totally. No, I was more correcting a joke that I made like 30 seconds ago. That was suggest that he didn't say that they had to write. He also checks, but he does. For her jokes.
Starting point is 01:19:02 No, no, that even a joke. That was more just shit coming out of my mouth that had no intent behind it. You can all agree Rudy the liar. Yeah. That's the best of the bad guys here. That's true. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:19:14 It gets on you. You follow it for long enough, you know? I feel slimy. I do. For Ruby. Yeah. Bad luck. It floats around.
Starting point is 01:19:22 It's got a land on somebody. I'm really in a Shawshank mood today. I don't know why I did it. I kind of watched it really. Last time I saw it was when I was like 10 and saying, I just do nothing. It had the effect on me. It was supposed to. It's all on every day on TBS. Why aren't you watching it all the time? I don't have cable. Yes. Yeah, no comment.
Starting point is 01:19:39 So, okay. So then Juliani releases a statement to walk back to those comments and he says, wait, you know, I take that back, there's no way to know exactly when the conversation is talked about trim tower meeting because we have no record of it. It's like, oh, all right. So yeah, like you said, it could be even worse. They could still currently be talking about it. They have no idea or no records.
Starting point is 01:20:00 So that's a brilliant thing. You just are released. But I mean, while half a tower's built in Moscow right now. We don't even know. Yeah half a tower Yeah, as we all know though like obviously they have records and we did talk about that Maybe they're putting an invisibility cloak around it and we can't see that much is the skyline Yes, and then when it reveals itself the It's like ripples down and then David Copperfield comes out self, the, it's like, ripples down and then David Copperfield comes out.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Thanks for shitty knockoff circus, a show, or something. Everyone, my favorite David Copperfield, he's totally into realism. And totally still relevant. Trust me. Bigly relevant. We worked together in Vegas yesterday. So, even if the talks did go through October and November of 2016, Giuliani said that's again following his roadmap, that wouldn't really matter because the most progress the talks made was simply just an unfunded letter of intent. I think a letter of intent, even if it is unfunded still sounds pretty bad and pretty collusiony. Didn't we learn earlier in some of my reporting that sperm bank did fund? Right. And like a $90 million
Starting point is 01:21:15 discrepancy. Right that there's yeah there's a and when did that when did that news come out Thursday? Yeah. Oh okay yeah that would be why I wrote this Wednesday. Oh I'm totally recycling my Hano from our midweek episode. Oh, okay. Yeah, that would be why I wrote this Wednesday. Oh, I'm totally recycling my hot no from our midweek episode. Oh, well, you that's there was no there was no update on that there was not except for what I just said, which is why we're here. Absolutely. Thank you. I feel very oriented. It's racist. We can't see that anymore. Oh my god, sorry, that was a joke. Oh no, it's okay. I have a joke about that, but my grandpa thinks orientations are... I shouldn't say this on air.
Starting point is 01:21:48 It's a way to not pee seat for a non-standup audience. I'm just gonna say for the live show, George. Yeah, I'm gonna say, you can look up Urban Dictionary orientation. I submitted it. It's officially on Urban Dictionary. You mean that happened, George? Make-in-things happen. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Jordan. Anyway, I'm so sorry. This has been as ridiculous as Giuliani's loop-to-truthsort. So yes, the letter of intent seemed to actually have some finances attached to it as AG reported it in just a fact. So definitely put some beans on that shit. That is just beginning to become known to the public, what actually went down there. So then in another interview with a New Yorker, Giuliani was asked, this is one of my favorite parts, I think, he was asked if he was worried
Starting point is 01:22:33 that his defending Trump would affect his legacy. And he said, this amazing goddamn quote, okay, quote, absolutely, I am afraid it will be on my gravestone. Rudy Giuliani, he lied for Trump. Somehow, I don't think that will be it, but if it is, so what do I care? I'll be dead. I figure I could explain it to St. Peter.
Starting point is 01:22:52 He will be on my side because I am so far. I don't think, as a lawyer, I have ever said anything that's untruthful. I have a sense of ethics. That is as high as anybody you can imagine. End quote. You're as high as anybody. If you think your index are awesome.
Starting point is 01:23:07 And Tim's down. Yeah. All of that. I go along. You know, people get like the tattoos and words all the way down their dream of consciousness to whatever. The guys just chiseling his last words like, okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:23:19 I thought it was a fake quote. I heard that like circulating. I thought it was fake. No. Yeah. I really said that. Yeah, I really said that. I lied for Trump. We'll be on his grave stone.
Starting point is 01:23:28 And so obsessed with death. Yeah, because he was talking about, I'll be dead by then. Yeah. Over my dead body, maybe I'll be dead. Yeah. Self-awareness. I think he still hasn't let go of that thing where they tried
Starting point is 01:23:38 to install somebody at the GSA to protect the GSA transition emails and that guy died and they didn't realize it. And that's why Mueller was allowed to go in and get all those GSA emails. I just don't think he's let that go. Maybe. Lawyers die. Lawyers die all the time. I'm a lawyer.
Starting point is 01:23:51 I could die. Yeah. On my grape stone to be. I like the Trump. Yeah. He is very, uh, existence insecure. Oh, wow. It's really weird.
Starting point is 01:24:00 I'm weird. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's not weird. It's the fundamental base of all of our fears, basically. Yeah, yeah. I think it dies with that. Oh. It's also weird to be alone. Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's not weird. It's the fundamental base of all of our fears basically Yeah, I think that that's with that. Oh, it's also Rudy It's the basics of base of all of our fears really Jordan gets deep more to be segment There's this really good book called a flight from death or it's like a documentary or something. It's really good
Starting point is 01:24:20 It's basically for that thesis that we're just all constantly fleeing from death So in the new app, so in the not going to get the title of it. So in the new pod, we have to just get Jordan goes deep. Yeah. We're talking about, no, I'm serious. I'm not even high right now. Because everybody, check it out. At some point, when this, you know, we're done with the molar investigation, we're going
Starting point is 01:24:37 to start a new pod. We're going to bring the news to you weekly or maybe on a daily basis. We'll figure it out. Let us know. Email us at Hello at MolaShri.row. Tell us what you want or hit us up on Twitter. But the Hello at MolaShri.row. It's better so I have a, we'll figure it out. Let us know. Email us at Hello at MolleShare.com, tell us what you want, or hit us up on Twitter. But the Hello at MolleShare.com, it's better so I have a documentation.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Oh, yeah. We should have a Jordan goes deep segment, where you just go existential, nihilistic on all of our assets. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that.
Starting point is 01:24:58 That'd be really fun. Thank you. I'm dead inside. Mortality. Yeah. That would be great. Jordan's mortality. I would legitimately love to do that. No. It is fun to think about in our
Starting point is 01:25:06 primitive monkey brains So wait aren't we just a virus? Oh good point good point. Hmm, okay. Anyway, and this summer's a fever The only cure is more muller Bring it I Just got that reference. That took me. That's clever though. Now that I've put it together.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Oh shit. So, he's dead. He's got some shit on his grave stone. Yeah, he's going to be more vandalized than Jim Morrison's. Because people are just going to keep showing up and writing that spray-painting that shit on his grave stone into Madonathy. 1000%. and he probably is doing this because he felt so irrelevant after 2008 that he's like, I gotta do something to get me on the map after I die.
Starting point is 01:25:51 And if you mean other than not being famous at all, yeah. Now we need a cartoon of Giuliani's gravestone with a ghost of Giuliani where people are coming up and messing with it like 100 years from now going, I still run relevant still. Yeah, you can make puddle cartoons, it's a good idea., I still run relevant still. Yeah, you can make political cartoons that you get to get, if I could draw. All right, so after Gulliani dissolved this, right? He infuriates Trump.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Trump is absolutely furious watching all these interviews, reading all these interviews. Largely because- Fear of- Yes, fear of- Fear of- As HG says, largely I think Trump is so upset largely because- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- Fear of- and then it totally did not turn into a victory because Giuliani went on TV and answered a bunch of all these questions and in print. So it's everywhere.
Starting point is 01:26:49 And just completely stirred up all this controversy that's arguably getting as much coverage if not more than that whole story about Mueller refuting BuzzFeed did. Ivanka and Jared are also apparently telling Trump that he really needs to fire Giuliani before things get worse. Which I think is going to be indicted, dude. Giuliani? Yeah. Yeah. For threatening Cohen.
Starting point is 01:27:13 On television. Yeah, I want to I want to grab him if I can. Well, I'll wait till it's time. Who goes first this week? I think you did. I went first last week because I said stoned. Oh yeah. So now we're back to you. Really? Oh snap. Okay. I went really high. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:30 You didn't have them. You didn't have them. You didn't have them. You didn't have them. But yeah, so just to wrap this up. We're all just humans. We're all going to die anyway. So what if the fantasy died with even matter?
Starting point is 01:27:38 I mean, you know, we're just viruses on the earth. And so what if? Yeah. So whatever. Love Jordan. Mom. mom. Yeah Yeah, that is yes, okay here we go. Sorry get way too into my 15 year old brain Too smart for my own good just like I don't get it all all right That's what my Twitter handle Jordans could fuse. It's all okay from oh wow
Starting point is 01:28:01 Don't make sense no one cares Jordan All right, so people close to the president or wonder if I did you hear something? Oh, I just... I'm so sorry. I'm so oblivious. That made me... I'm so happy. All right, so...
Starting point is 01:28:22 The best part of this week though with all those interviews and stuff was when Trump tried to come up with a nickname for Nancy Pelosi and the best he could do was Nancy. Oh yeah, as I call her. I call her. That's what he said. I mean, just disrespectful not to call her man of speaker, but right Nancy who I call. Oh, I guess that's what he meant. I thought he was just having a brain fart. I think he was having a brain. Yeah, he calls her like the same thing her husband does. Ooh, had his newspaper. So needle nose, Nancy.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Nancy the head. Yeah, he could have really gone deep there. So, to wrap it all up. People close to the president are wondering if Trump has lost his mind because he is so infuriated by all of this. Like I said, but it's like apparently really, really, really bad to the point where he's just screaming, like literally screaming bad. And apparently Giuliani himself is also not doing too well,
Starting point is 01:29:12 because recently, Inside Source has said that he has said that he, quote, hates the job, unquote, and that the final molar report will be, quote, horrific, unquote, for Trump. So maybe he just doesn't give a fuck anymore. Yeah, I mean, he's starting to make signals out there. He's like, writer die, but also he hates his life. Also, he's gonna die. I don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Writer die, but I'm gonna die. And ride. I'm gonna ride and die. Ride and die. That's Giuliani. Ride and die. Have you ever seen that Nicholas Cage movie? No.
Starting point is 01:29:43 That's not. Oh, no. Ghost Rider, whatever. Every time people talk about how the republican succumb to a Republican party, we freed the slaves where the the Democrats are racist, blah, blah, blah. You know, I always think of like, you know, Nicholas Cage won an Oscar, but a lot of shits happen since then. So, can we not? Yeah, people could change.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Yeah, really good point. All right, guys, we're going to do something a little different because we've only gotten through these two hot notes. We're going to take a break now. We're going to come back with my hot note in the interview with Jennifer Todd regarding the stone indictment. Then we're going to finish up with the fantasy-dipeligue sabotage. I'm going to put sabotage in front of the fantasy indictment like this week so that we all
Starting point is 01:30:23 can have the pertinent information. I figured you guys would enjoy that. And then we'll wrap wrap up. So this is going to be our last commercial break. Then we're going to come back with a hot note interview, Jennifer Tab, fantasy indictment league sabotage wrap up. So we'll be right back. Hey Mueller junkies, we want to thank Warby Parker for supporting Muller. She wrote. Warby Parker makes high quality stylish affordable glasses. start at $95 and that includes the prescription lenses which have anti-glare and anti-scratch coatings. And this is the cool part for every pair of glasses sold, Warby Parker distributes a pair of glasses to someone in need.
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Starting point is 01:33:15 Friday morning in the wee hours, 29 SWAT officers with 17 police vehicles knocked politely on Roger Stone's door and dragged him off in handcuffs. Not in a Nosier ribcaway. He went more willingly than that, but he was then indicted on seven charges of obstruction, witness tampering, and lying to Congress. He's out on $250,000 as bail, and he said he will plead not guilty. After giving the Nixon victory sign in the courthouse steps, like we talked about, he said, quote, I intend to tell the truth. I've told the truth throughout this entire process.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Says the dude that has amended his congressional testimony three times. He angled for a pardon saying he will not testify against Trump. He will not bear false witness against Trump, even though the evidence against him is overwhelming. And anyone in his position with that much evidence against them would be begging for a plea deal, which leads me to believe at this juncture, and this is conjecture. I think he's been promised a pardon by Trump.
Starting point is 01:34:11 And I hope he and Manafort realize that if they're pardoned, they lose their fifth amendment protections and will have to testify before Congress and the courts fully. Also of note, everyone involved in the arrest of Roger Stone Friday, the FBI agents, SWAT, the marshals, the bailiffs. None of them are being paid right now, or they weren't due to the government shutdown. So a great big thank you to all those involved for doing your jobs without being paid. And guess which judge has been assigned to Roger Stone's case in DC? Um, Jackson?
Starting point is 01:34:42 Yes. Thank you. He pulled. He pulled Judge Jackson if you're nasty. I think that that's amazing. So I got to speak to Jennifer Todd this week about the Stone indictment. And Julie, so can you play that interview? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:54 OK, guys, joining us today to discuss the Stone indictment is law professor and author of the Financial Crisis book called Other People's Houses and White Color Crime Casebook. It's Jennifer Topp. Jennifer, welcome to Muller Sheer. Welcome back to Muller Sheer wrote. Thank you. I'm really happy to be back.
Starting point is 01:35:12 I am very glad you're here because you are a law professor and I am not. I've never even taken a law class in my life and I'm parsing through this indictment of Roger Stone. And to me, it reads more like an installment in the Godfather series than anything legal. I've ever read before. It's pretty amazing and I was hoping maybe you could help break it down for us. Sure, I think there's probably a good reason that it seems like an installment in the Godfather movie series because the unbelievably the indictment actually
Starting point is 01:35:48 does mention the Godfather. So it does Godfather too. It's right in there. It spells it out. Look, I mean, if you want to just sum this up in the most simple sense, you know, today was a really, really bad day for individual one. This, if you look closely at this indictment, it is not good for Trump. It's not good for some unnamed members of his campaign. You know, so it's, it's, there's a lot that this reveals. It's one of these so-called talking indictments, where through this grand jury indictment, Mueller gives us a little more information on his theory, connecting the Russian
Starting point is 01:36:39 hacking conspirators with members of the Trump campaign. So there's some storytelling here. hacking conspirators with members of the Trump campaign. So there's some storytelling here, but the counts against stone alone are very, very significant. And as you probably know, there's seven counts, five of them are making false statements to Congress. One is obstruction of an agency proceeding, and then the last one is witness tampering.
Starting point is 01:37:10 These are very, very serious crimes, and don't let some of the forever trumpers who will defend him to the very last day of his presidency tell you otherwise. These are serious crimes. Right, they like to call them quote unquote process crimes, and see tell you otherwise. These are serious crimes. Right. They like to call them quote unquote process crimes, which is odd considering what Clinton was impeached for.
Starting point is 01:37:34 Was lying to Kronkus, you know, what's really interesting, this false statement statute that has been used against many of the Mueller defendants. They've pleaded guilty to it, this 18 U.S.C. 2001, what's really interesting is that false statement statute was deliberately very recently amended by Congress back in 1996. I guess that's recent to me, but it was, I still write 1996 on my checks, so it's probably.
Starting point is 01:38:03 Yeah, it had been passed in the early 20th century. And there had been a court case that had interpreted the language of the original fall statement statute, so only make criminal lying to a part of the executive branch. So in order to remedy that, in 1996, Congress passed a law to make absolutely clear, expanded the language to make absolutely clear that lying to a congressional committee, for example, is covered by the statute. So this is not a process crime.
Starting point is 01:38:40 You cannot gather evidence of criminality. You cannot enforce our laws if people are allowed to lie to Congress or lie to the FBI. It's not a process crime. It's quite substantive. Right. And even if, you know, when we talk about getting a little bit later, we'll talk about collusion as obstruction, right, which is kind of what the whole uh... Benjamin wetts came out uh... in the law fair blog about talking about specifically the firing of komi it wasn't just obstruction of justice as we think of it in the
Starting point is 01:39:14 you know the regular purview but it it's it's uh... a national security issue and becomes a counter intelligence problem because it impede the fby's ability to investigate the rush and meddling and i think exactly and i think lying to Congress can also kind of fall under that category too when you lie to Congress. It impedes congressional ability to, you know, perform these investigations fully. I agree. And what's amazing here is there's, there are a lot of facts laid down in this indictment
Starting point is 01:39:44 that should not disappoint people. A lot of folks who read this first thing in the morning, you know, it's 6.30 when it was put up on the Special Counsel's website, the first thing they actually had is, oh, no, conspiracy. Why was any church with conspiracy? Does that mean that all he has on stone is that he obstructed and he lied and he witnessed hampered? And I just want to step back and say no, there's a lot more here, but first let's just actually look at those counts alone. I mean, this is kind of incredible. We have,
Starting point is 01:40:18 we have Roger Stone, close ally with Donald Trump, closely associated with the campaign. We have allegations here that he threatened a witness who we believe is Randy Credico. I think he's a conservative talk radio guy. I guess I didn't use really the word threatened, but he Corruptly persuaded him not to testify Before a congressional committee and he read it correctly I think he was telling him to take the fifth and then he said yes, if you don't I'm gonna kill your dog Right, it's interesting. They didn't consider the way it's the indictment is worded They didn't call that a threat. They said it was corruptly persuading him
Starting point is 01:41:04 But yes, he told them I mean it's amazing even after credit code decides to take the fifth after, after stone pressures him. I mean, he absolutely threatens to kill his dog. This is where the godfather comes in. I mean, it's really, it's really unbelievable. It says that he told Credico on many occasions, including December of 2017, that he should do a Frank Pant, how do you pronounce this guy's name from the Godfather Pant, I have not watched the Godfather part two. I'm awful. The Godfather part one is one of the best American films about crime, but in crime families, but it's pentan jelly, is that the name?
Starting point is 01:41:52 Yeah, pentan jelly, I believe, is it? I've only seen, and this is going to be amazing. I've only watched the Godfather trilogy within the last five years. And so, what a, you know, the Godfather 3, but two was really amazing. And I think that that's what... You know, I was going to watch it the other day. There's this really cool thing on Twitter. There's this historian who, this historian's watch movies and try to, you know, try to tweet about the historical...
Starting point is 01:42:22 movies like, for example, they were watching the Godfather trilogy. So they get everybody to watch it on Wikipedia, at exactly Wikipedia. I'm sorry, I caught on getting, I'm getting like, so there's this group and they are historians and they tweet and they have ever and go on Netflix at the same time. And a few weeks ago, they were all watching
Starting point is 01:42:41 that Godfather trilogy and they are going to be tweeting out and making comments about historical accuracy of certain things. I don't know. Or just commenting on maybe the Italian mob families. I'm not sure exactly what the plan was. I don't know. It's great though. It's like a live interactive mystery science theater, 3000 or pop up video. It sounds great.
Starting point is 01:43:03 Except the reason why I kind of decided not to because I actually think everything going on with the Mueller investigation as well as Michael Cohen and so on is much more interesting than fiction at this point. So I'm not really interested in entering a fantasy world. I'm much more interested in digging into these facts, but that brings us back to this. I mean, he absolutely says he would kill his dog. He also says he should act like this character from the Godfather film. He said who this character testified before a congressional committee, and in the testimony claimed not to know critical information that he did know. And by the way, doing that is lying to a congressional committee, which is exactly the crime
Starting point is 01:43:53 ironically now that through this indictment, he has been charged with. So this is something he was advising Kredico to do that he himself did. Yeah. And he was saying things to credit code. I quote, I'm not talking to the FBI and if you're smart, you won't either. And then, of course, this one was, I think, the most interesting one where he said, and when you're talking about, you know, why you don't want to watch the Godfather too, you don't need to.
Starting point is 01:44:22 We have it playing out live in front of our whole faces. He says, you're a a rat a stooly you backstab your friends run your mouth my lawyers are dying r.i.p. my my lawyers are dying to rip you to shreds and he would and he said I'm gonna take that dog away from you referring to his dog and then on about the same day he said I'm so ready let's get it on prepare to die motherfucker and. And I'm putting in motherfucker because it says, explative. It says, explative.
Starting point is 01:44:49 I'm just trying to, I am so glad you chose an explative because I was like, what is the explative? Like with all these things like, you know, organization one, I'm like, cool, that's WikiLeaks. Person one, okay, that's quirky, person two, you know, we got it, that's critical, but what is the expletive? I feel like we need to know more. Yeah, I think it's fucker or motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:45:08 Well, that'd be my guess. How do you know? I just my guess. Just my guess with the language that they speak in the godfather, maybe it's... Well, let's speak about the other guys. It could be Coxucker. I mean, there's, you know, maybe he just got finished
Starting point is 01:45:18 watching, oh, what was that show where they say Coxucker, every other word, Deadwood? Yeah. Who knows, but it's fun to guess, right? Yeah, it absolutely is. What's also fun to try to figure out, I think that one of the most important paragraphs in the whole indictment is this paragraph 12.
Starting point is 01:45:38 Yes, paragraph 12. And so just to give it some context, I mean, I've read this indictment now twice and I've taken these detailed notes constructing a timeline, including this indictment and some of the others because I'm trying to see what Mueller has already revealed to us that he believes in, as you know, the regulation doesn't require him to report to the public. And we may never see whatever it is he reports out to the Attorney General. So I'm just trying to see what he's already said and make that my own little Mueller report. And what's really, really chilling is this timeline.
Starting point is 01:46:22 Everything seems to be happening in July. And it just seems to, it seems when you read this indictment, along with the public comments Trump was making in July of 2016, including on Twitter and including on speeches, you are left with the sense, the absolute certainty that he was either directly or through someone on the campaign telling Roger Stone to go out and reach out to Julian Assange to get more of the emails that had been stolen by Russian officials. I mean, you cannot read this indictment and not see that.
Starting point is 01:47:07 That's what we're being told. And that kind of just, where you see that is starting, I'm gonna get to that paragraph 12, but if you just look at this timeline, on July 22nd, 2016, is when the indictment tells us WikiLeaks, which is run by Julian Nassange,
Starting point is 01:47:24 releases documents that have been stolen from the Democratic National Committee. And if you've looked at the earlier indictments by Mueller, like the July indictment, you know how Wikileaks got the stolen documents that Wikileaks got them via Gussifer 2.0, who is just a avatar of these Russian government officials. So we know that WikiLeaks is working hand in hand with the people who violated the law,
Starting point is 01:47:57 who are being accused of being part of a criminal conspiracy to violate the computer front and the abuse act. So you can start there. So we get July 22nd, we get some wiki leaks who has worked with these indicted Russian conspirators, releases these stolen documents. Then what we get right after that, according to this indictment,
Starting point is 01:48:20 and I'm just quoting this paragraph 12, after the July 22nd, 2016 release of stolen DNC emails by WikiLeaks, a senior Trump campaign official was directed to contact Stone about any additional releases and what other damaging information Wikiiex had regarding the Clinton campaign. And then Stone there after told the Trump campaign about potential future releases of damaging material by Wickeliex. There's a lot to unpack there. But what it what seems clear is that there's someone, some senior Trump campaign official, we don't know who that is,
Starting point is 01:49:02 who was who contacted Stone, about about getting in touch with WikiLeaks, but above that person, above this senior Trump campaign official is someone else who did the directing. And that's what we're wondering. And I think it's what's really interesting to me and you know, I'm not a law professor. I don't have a legal degree I do have a doctorate and I learned a lot in my dissertation about passive voice versus active voice and From my understanding usually these documents, which you know, we've all read through a ton of them are in the active voice and it would normally say You know after the July 22nd release of stolen emails by WikiLeaks
Starting point is 01:49:46 day, you know, after the July 22nd release of stolen emails by WikiLeaks, senior Trump campaign official one was directed by individual one to contact stone. Like, these two people contacted him and did this. It wouldn't be a senior Trump official was directed to contact stone about additions. It's a very passive voice. Do you know, by the way, the sentencing guidelines, what they say about these charges, what the range is? So the sentencing guidelines have, you know, an ex and a y-axis kind of, and so you have to know, it depends on the criminal history, one part of it is a criminal history of the person, and then there is also the seriousness of the offense. So we're talking in them, the guidelines would give you in the month, not in the years. For all seven charges.
Starting point is 01:50:31 For each of the offenses together, yeah. I have to actually, it gets a little more complicated because I'm not sure sometimes individual counts. I just need to, I'm not entirely sure whether having more counts is going to actually increase, increase the sentence in this case. Yeah, no, but I do feel like people who seem to be, have the propensity for cooperating, got charged with fewer counts as those who did not, like, man, afford, for example, here we've got seven on stone.
Starting point is 01:51:04 We know he's going gonna come out with his Victory nix and fingers and say I'm not a crook and and it basically angled for a pardon on public television today when he said I'm not gonna Justify against Trump you can't make me Yes, and then that very bold nix and posture with his arms out the I am not a crook pose Which I think probably his entire life he has been waiting to do on, you know, on. Yeah, that was like his swan song moment right there. He's like, here I get to do it. Yeah. He goes out and he does his weird thing. Yeah, I mean, it's hard to really know what his mental health is or has ever been. I mean, he's an unusual character
Starting point is 01:51:42 and possibly not the best witness is witness, but it turns out, even though he said, I'm not an email guy, it turns out he was and there's plenty of records. And so really what I think we need to know now is, you know, what is senior trumpet campaign official going to do? But I want to jump to the other thing, which seems, you know, one of the more important things to remember. I thought Ben Wittis' commentary a few weeks back that what if the obstruction is the collusion?
Starting point is 01:52:11 And what he meant by that is, let's just stop for a moment and say, OK, if this is all there is, just like we just stop time and say, let's imagine we can't find anything more in the future. Like we're just not going to find stuff out. Right here, what we know right now is nauseating and gives me the chills to even think about this. This is because we have Rajasthan publicly, we had, according to this wiki leaks publicly, we have Trump in his campaign and his administration and
Starting point is 01:52:45 his spokespeople and his lawyers making all these public denials. But yet, the truth was known by wiki leaks and by the Russian government. So these folks were subject to high security risk or blackmail and things like that. I also want to say, again, if we don't even go past this, Mueller is operating in the criminal justice sphere. We are members of a society that has a constitution and there is something called impeachment. And if what's happening here,
Starting point is 01:53:23 what's happening here needs to be looked at that way. And one of the, you know, the first ground, the first, in the articles of impeachment, the first was obstruction for Nixon, and including in that is lying to the American people. And again, if we don't even find out whether the director and chief was, was President Trump or as we like to call him individual one, even if we don't find that out, he lied to the public about this. And also he seemed to invite, I mean, if that wasn't an invitation or request to commit a crime to, if that wasn't, you know, he was eating in a bedding, I believe, the hacking into her email. I'm only add one more thing.
Starting point is 01:54:06 Did you see this in the in the indictment that after after the day? So the day that on that Hollywood access video dropped right was the same day that we that WikiLeaks does that big dump of the pedestrian emails, right? Am I getting this right? Yeah, I within hours. Yeah. Within hours. And it's incredible.
Starting point is 01:54:30 Paragraph 17 of the indictment says, on or about October 7, 2016, WikiLeaks released the first set of email stolen from the Clinton campaign chairman. So that would be pedestrian. Shortly after WikiLeaks released an associate of the high ranking Trump campaign official Which is a different person right not the senior but the high ranking Trump campaign officials sent a message to stone attacks saying Well done. Yeah, I've heard that somewhere before Yeah, yeah, but the difference is I mean, you know you follow this closely. It's on point when I'm like, well, I've heard that before, but it's different when it's
Starting point is 01:55:07 an indictment, when a grand jury is saying, we're standing behind this. Exactly. Well, Jennifer, this has been enlightening. Thank you so much for bringing in the timeline situation and talking about obstructionist collusion as obstruction back and forth, samzis. And because it really changed my whole perspective on what obstruction is and it's not just a crime, it's a national security issue. And I think a lot of that kind of comes out in this speaking indictment that we got this
Starting point is 01:55:43 week. And I want to thank you again for coming on and helping us understand it because it's a lot to take in. It's a lot to understand. It is a lot to process. So I do appreciate you coming by. Tell us where people can find you and get your book. People can find me 24-7 on Twitter and they can find my financial crisis book, other people's houses via their independent
Starting point is 01:56:08 bookstore or via Amazon or maybe they can just email me and I'll send them a copy. Wonderful. Thanks again so much for coming on Mollarshi Road today. Thanks for having me. It's always great to speak to Jennifer Todd. An interesting follow-up to this story is that late Friday, Roger Stone went on Tucker Carlson on Fox and said that when the president answered Mueller's written questions, Trump said he and Stone had never discussed line to Congress. But the only way Stone could have known how Trump replied to Mueller's written questions is
Starting point is 01:56:45 if they'd spoken about it. So it sounds to me like they all conspired to stick to a story, much like when Trump told Cohen what to say to Congress about the Trump Tower of Moscow. We also learned that a senior Trump campaign official in the indictment, and we've talked about this, you heard Jennifer Todd and I talk about this the scene There was a senior Trump campaign official that was directed to tell stone to reach out to a sange that was Steve Bannon According to ABC news or excuse me NBC news We covered that actually a while ago. We did yeah like months and months ago. Yeah, we did and we've talked we've had we've talked about the whole
Starting point is 01:57:24 Malik thing If you remember that we're gonna get into that a little bit like months and months ago. Yeah, we did. And we've talked about the whole malloc thing. If you remember that, we're gonna get into that a little bit. Actually, actually, it's in sabotage. Oh, okay. So maybe we should just wait for that. Because like I said, we're gonna flip these around and we're gonna do sabotage before the fantasy and diamond leave.
Starting point is 01:57:40 And we took out the thing, we rearranged so many things, but you guys ready for sabotage? Yes! Yes! [♪ INTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ All right, I'm, again, like I said, I'm moving sabotage ahead of the fantasy and diamond league so that we can have all the information we need to draft our teams. So according to a statement from Corsi's lawyers,
Starting point is 01:58:05 Larry, Clayman, and David Gray, after reviewing the Stone indictment, Corsi says he's not guilty of any wrongdoing, but also that Corsi has fully cooperated with the special counsel and his prosecutors, and he testified truthfully to the grand jury, as well as during the interviews with special counsel's team.
Starting point is 01:58:25 If you remember, of course he is the guy who released his draft plea agreement that Mueller wrote him. He released it to the public and said he would not cooperate. But since the Stone indictment came out, his lawyers are singing a different tune. He seems to have become a little more pliable on this matter. I also wanted to address a part of the Stone indictment that I briefly mentioned in the interview with Jennifer Tab. And that's the mention of the UK associate that acted as a go between for Corsi and Assange.
Starting point is 01:58:50 His name is Ted Malik, and there's some arguments going on on social media about this, but it's Ted Malik, I promise. We first heard about Ted Malik in the Fusion GPS transcripts we covered. And then again, in episode 22 from last April, when we reported that Malik had been stopped at Boston Logan in question by the FBI for over an hour about his connections to Stone, Corsi, WikiLeaks, Assange, Brexit, Bannon, and Cambridge Analytica. And he came up again in September in episode 48 when ABC obtained the emails from Stone to Corsi that had mentioned Ted Malik by name. So it's a promise, it's Ted Malik. So any
Starting point is 01:59:26 more questions about who the people are in the Stone indictment? Person one is coursey, person two, person two is credit code. The UK cut out is Malik. Organization one is WikiLeaks, and the head of organization one is Julian Assange. So when you go and read through the indictment, which I suggest you do, because it reads like a god damn. It's the godfather too. And that's mentioned in the indictment as well. So check it out. And those are, that's who those people are. Hell yeah. You're gonna reference to all those things. Are you guys ready for the I'm seeing a diamond league. Yes! I'm gonna be a diamond! No, it is gonna be okay. I'm gonna be a diamond! I'm gonna be a diamond!
Starting point is 02:00:07 I'm gonna be a diamond! I'm gonna be a diamond! I'm gonna be a diamond! Oh, they can't, it's gonna be okay. Just calm down. I can't calm down, I'm gonna be a diamond! All right guys, everybody, if you had Stone, give yourself five points because that is what Stone is worth.
Starting point is 02:00:20 Congratulations for picking Stone. Hell, yeah. Congrats to you, A.G. You all would have done it if you got to go first. Sure, but it's still you. It was me, you're correct. So this week, Jordan, you get to go first. Who are you going to pick?
Starting point is 02:00:38 Yes. OK, obviously one of Stone's cohorts. I'm stuck between Corsi and Assange. Corsi pleedial. I'm gonna do a Sange. Oh. Assange. Alright, Assange, Chalisa. I will take that Corsi pleedial. Corsi pleedial. That was going to be my big one. I'm gonna say Giuliani. Yeah. I knew it was missing out on that. I think Giuliani is in trouble for threatening. Witness tampering. Yeah, Witness tampering for threatening. Yeah, I think it's going to be Giuliani. He's going to be in trouble for threatening Cohen. Cohen's stepdad. We're
Starting point is 02:01:14 Cohen by way of Cohen's stepdad. All right, Jordan. I'm going to do credit code. Pleadial. Pleadial. Yeah, that's what I did last week coming to keep that. Let me go. A plea deal? A plea deal? Yeah, that's what I did last week coming to keep that. Alright. Chalisa. I'm gonna go for a kush. I know he's coming. What a dick.
Starting point is 02:01:38 Hmm. You have a song already. Um. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Boyle. Ready? Um. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Boyle.
Starting point is 02:01:48 Mm. Boyle. Mm. Boyle. I'm gonna throw a bannon in there. Oh, I want it in. Oh, I want it in. All right, so you got bannon, Chalisa?
Starting point is 02:01:59 Yeah, I'm gonna go with malloc. Ted malloc. Yes. Nice. I'm gonna go with Superseating Manifort. Oh, faw! Good line. That's going to happen this week.
Starting point is 02:02:11 Watch. Well, we'll see. You went third round though, you know. Yeah. And you're expecting to go first round. All right. Let's do... I'm going to do...
Starting point is 02:02:22 Mhmm. Rando. We did a critical already, right? Yeah, I do. I'm going to do... Um. Rando. We did credit code already, right? Yeah, I do. Okay, hopefully the only... Don Jr. please. Jr.
Starting point is 02:02:34 We already did ban and... We did junior. You got kush. Um. Rando. For me? Jordan, what's your last? I think I already have five. Um, Rando. For me? Jordan, what's your last?
Starting point is 02:02:49 I think I already have five. Uh, you have a song, a song, a critical plea deal. Oh my gosh, I wrote Corsi thinking I was going to get Corsi in the band. And Rando. Okay, perfect. Um, Ivanka. All right. And Jalice, you have Corsi plea deal, Kush, Malik, Jr. Um, I'm trying to decide between two.
Starting point is 02:03:11 I'm going to go with Trumporg. Trumporg is a good one. And if Trumporg is indicted by like Southern District or something, but it was handed off by Muller, it counts. Sweet. No worries. So I got Giuliani Boyle Super seating man for Rando. Oh man.
Starting point is 02:03:29 Hmm. None bird. Plead deal. All right. I don't know why, but I feel like our lineups are so much stronger now that we're doing this taking turns thing. Right. We have to think about it, right? I used to just copy all your answers, H. You.
Starting point is 02:03:47 Can I report on something I just found that came out on Friday? That's kind of funny and relates to Randy Credico. Yeah, of course. Roger Stone threatened to take away his dog if he cooperated with the Russian. I mean, we talked about that in the top interview. Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. You just do this out.
Starting point is 02:04:04 No, it's funny. Let's talk about it You stool pigeon you rat. I'm gonna get your dog That's so and then did you see the thing that Roger Stone put out with his dogs actually animated saying free Roger Stone or something like that I did not see the yeah, you're gonna have to put that let's play that clip right now. Okay You're gonna have to put that let's play that clip right now. Okay. All right everybody that's our show this week. Thanks again to Elizabeth McLaughlin and Jennifer Todd for joining us. Thanks to Julie Sengjordan for your reporting. That was great.
Starting point is 02:04:38 Yes. Thank you. We had a great week. It was a good week I think for the resistance. Trump cave twice, Nancy Pelosi wins a bunch of stuff. Roger Stoom gets indicted. We've been waiting for that for a while. Oh, I love it. And it was a beautiful indictment.
Starting point is 02:04:52 If you haven't read it, read it. Let me know if you have any questions about it. Hit us up at Mueller. She wrote or hell at Mueller. She wrote.com. Any corrections, again, reach us at those places. And come and see us live. We're going to be at the Miracle Theater in DC on March 29th
Starting point is 02:05:06 And we're gonna be at the Bellhouse in Brooklyn on March 30th and maybe then my big John's will be there I got the rest that they sent me a message. Do you want to hear? Yeah, I'd love to you I'm so excited about I can't I'm you guys are probably never heard of these guys But they're like seriously one of my favorite bands This is the most you got an excited and you've been pretty stoked about some of our like fans before But this is like the most giddy and excited, and you've been pretty stoked about some of our fans before, but this is the most giddy I've seen you, I think. Yeah, I said, we're coming to the bellhouse.
Starting point is 02:05:28 Let us know if you want to come, and if you need us to plug anything, please do. He says, of course, no need to plug anything. Would one interrupt the flow of the show? It would be an honor to be included. Perhaps a thank you at the end. So thank you. That'd be terrific.
Starting point is 02:05:41 You're doing great work. Keep it up, hashtag, resist. And I said, thanks, guys. We'll do. It'll and this song will likely get blasted at the Brooklyn show because that's where they're from. And he's like, wonderful. So we got this just really nice. That's amazing. They're cool. That's for Ed. I did get to interview them probably in like 2001.
Starting point is 02:05:59 No way. They came to fourth and B in San Diego. And I was writing a column for a magazine called Lavender Lens. And I got to interview. I remember fourth and B. It should down a couple years ago, but that place was poppin. Yeah, I got to interview John Flansberg. It was like a highlight of my young life. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:06:13 It's coming full circle now. Yeah, it's dope. Anyway, I mean, last thought you guys before we sign off. Just that I can't wait to see all the Mueller junkies on tour. Oh, yeah. It's gonna be so fun. Yeah, and I can't wait for next week because I think it's gonna be another big new suite. Oh, yeah. It's so fun. Yeah, and I can't wait for next week because I think it's gonna be another big news week.
Starting point is 02:06:25 Oh yeah. It's only gonna heat up from here guys. So please keep listening, recommend us to anybody if anyone's like, I can't keep up. This is obviously where you come for our tiny 20 minute episodes that come out every week. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:37 Anyway, thank you so much for listening. Thank you for being a patron of your patron. Thank you for listening. If you're a listener, you guys, your support is unimaginable to me. I love you all. I've been AG. I've been Julie Sajansen. I've been Jordan Coburn.
Starting point is 02:06:48 In this is Muller She Wrote. Muller She Wrote is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo design by Julie Sajansen. Our marketing consultant and social media manager is Sarah Least Deiner and our subscriber and communications director is Jordan Coburn. Fact checking in research by AG and research assistants by Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Our merchandising managers are Sarah Lee Steiner and Sarah Hershberger Valencia. Our web design and branding are by Joelle Reader with Moxie Design Studios and our website is mullershoewrote.com. And the audience has been on the road for too long. Too long. And they might be giants aren't even sorry.
Starting point is 02:07:45 Not even sorry. And audiences like the shows too much. Too much. And now they might be giants who are playing their breakthrough album, All of it. And they still have time for other songs. They're fooling around. Who can stop? They might be giants and their liberal rocket gender.
Starting point is 02:08:01 Who? No one. Disappoints pay for it with somebody else's money. M-S-O-W-Media.

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