Jack - Russian Asset (feat. Lincoln's Bible)

Episode Date: July 25, 2021

This week: AG goes over the Barrack indictment; AG talks with LB about the reporting in The Guardian about the meeting of Russian agents in 2016 discussing how to utilize the former guy; plus the Fant...asy Indictment League, and more.Follow Lincoln's Bible on Twitter:https://twitter.com/LincolnsBibleSubscribe to The World Beneathlink.chtbl.com/theworldbeneath

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Harry Lickman, host of Talking Feds. Around table, the brings together prominent figures from government law and journalism for a dynamic discussion of the most important topics of the day. Each Monday, I'm joined by a slate of Feds favorites at new voices to break down the headlines and give the insider's view of what's going on in Washington and beyond. Plus, side bars explaining important legal concepts read by your favorite celebrities. Find Talking Feds where ever you get your podcasts. Hey all, this is Glenn Kirschner and you're listening to Muller Shee wrote.
Starting point is 00:00:41 So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I think. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of all of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time of truth in that campaign, and I didn't have, not have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin
Starting point is 00:01:05 for having nothing to do with Putin? I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So it is political.
Starting point is 00:01:21 You're a communist. No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red hairing. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist. Hello and welcome to Muller She Road. I'm your host, Alison Gill. Though most of you remember me as AG. And I have an epic show for you today. I really, really have an epic show for you.
Starting point is 00:01:43 First of all, I'm on the road. I'm in Vegas, so if this little echoey in my hotel room, I apologize for that. Just want to let you know. That is what the reason is for perhaps an echo or perhaps, you know, maybe a Lera air conditioning unit in the background. I have a few stories first, then some sabotage. And I also have an interview with Lincoln's Bible about the new Kremlin papers that were leaked to story out in the Guardian by Luke Harding and a very special fantasy indictment league with a very special fantasy indictment league guest. During sabotage, I'm going to go through the Baruch indictment, page by page with you. If you haven't heard yet, Tom Baruch was indicted, and we'll get there.
Starting point is 00:02:19 But first, we have some headlines to get to, so let's jump in with just the facts. All right, we have one big fat headline for you today, and it's from the Washington Post. The Justice Department is pushing for rule changes to 6E that would put a 50-year delay on when courts can consider releasing material from federal grand juries. That's according to documents and interviews, and they would separately allow gag orders to be applied more broadly to witnesses. While the recommendations were made during the Trump administration, I want to make that clear, that's when these recommendations were made.
Starting point is 00:02:54 President Biden's Justice Department is still seeking the changes, even as critics oppose what they say would be a significant expansion of secrecy around federal courts and investigations. Grand jury secrecy is a cornerstone of American criminal justice. We've talked about the San Chris Sankt, you know, grand jury secrecy rules. Much of what is said in a grand jury, this is where citizens guided by a prosecutor consider whether to indict someone for crimes.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Most of it's never made public, but judges can occasionally rule that some other interest merits the release of grand jury information. This happened in the Watergate case, led to Richard Nixon's resignation as president, and it happened in a special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Donald Trump, when a district court and a pellet court found that some grand jury material should be shared with Congress as it prepared for impeachment proceedings. The Justice Department fought all the way to the Supreme Court to keep the Mueller
Starting point is 00:03:45 Granger in material under wraps, and then the issue was declared moot after Congress completed impeachment proceedings. But if the proposed rule is enacted, they could push back any revelations about the Mueller Grangerie until 2069. And for those of you who have been longtime listeners of Mueller, she wrote, you know, I've been worrying about maybe trying to freeze my head and keep it alive so I could live long enough to hear about the underlying grand jury materials and Mueller investigation documents. 2069 is very far away.
Starting point is 00:04:16 In opposing the release of the Mueller grand jury material, Justice Department Loer has argued that it should be off limits because impeachment did not qualify as a judicial proceeding. That's one of the few exceptions to grand jury secrecy, by the way. The department has suggested that a Watergate-era court ruling was wrong in finding that impeachment proceedings are exempt from grand jury secrecy rules. They should be. Now, the Justice Department is pushing to prevent judges from even considering that release of materials. And again, for 50 years, Neuroules Committee is part of a lengthy process of
Starting point is 00:04:48 considering and finalizing rule changes to 6e that ultimately go through the Supreme Court and then can be altered by Congress if needed. So that's happening right now. And you can, as you can guess, I'm not happy about it. Although Eric Holder proposed a similar rule, but for 30 years. I disagree. I think judges should have discretion to release grand jury materials when it merits, you know, when the merits of other interests are considered. And in other news, according to the Guardian, leaked Kremlin documents show Trump was installed
Starting point is 00:05:23 by Russia. And joining me right now to discuss that is Lincoln's Bible, but we have to take a quick break, stay with us. Season 2 of Swing Lifts, How We Win Is Here. We have an incredible opportunity to fight for our democracy. We don't agonize, we organize. And we've got a lot of work to do. Subscribe right now on Apple and everywhere you get your pods for insight, action, and your
Starting point is 00:05:47 reasons for hope. I'm Steve Pearson. And I'm Mariah Craven. And this is season two of How We Win. Hey everybody, welcome back. I am joined today by the host of the amazing new podcast called The World Beneath. You have to listen to it. If you haven't already, it's been recommended by every single amazing person that you love and I love. Please welcome Lincoln's Bible. Hello, LB. Hi. I'm so happy to talk to you. First of all, great narrative last night. That was awesome. If anybody was able to watch that with the whole Tom Barrick stuff, that was very, very interesting.
Starting point is 00:06:34 But what I want to talk to you about today and what people have been kind of nudging me to talk about is this amazing reporting in the Guardian by Luke Harding about the Kremlin papers. Can you tell us what was in these papers? Everything we already knew. Everything you've been telling people for four years. Basically, it was that the Trump was zoned by the Kremlin and chewing their bidding.
Starting point is 00:07:07 It was a very specific actually to a meeting that looks like it took place. And I believe it was January 2016 at the Kremlin with several heads of different, let's just call it security services or agencies within the Kremlin, who would be necessary in terms of organizing what we'll call their troops or their agencies, their personnel and their efforts and their resources
Starting point is 00:07:38 towards directing pretty much a siaop at the American people in order to facilitate and assist a win by Donald Trump by our electorate. So this puts into even a sort of more starker contrast things like why Paul Manafort would have been handing off polling data to Constin Kalimnik, whose boss was in this meeting. So, you know, to do what they did, it wasn't just, you know, I know that you have, you know, the always full of integrity, Jared Kushner going out there and saying, oh, it was just, you know, a handful of Facebook posts that helped with convincing the American electorate,
Starting point is 00:08:25 especially in key districts, to either suppressing the black vote or suppressing the Democratic vote and or showing up turning out not previous non-voters or the Republican base, kind of warping their minds to think that this guy was gonna be their golden ticket to, I don't know what, whatever they thought he was going to bring for them back in 2016.
Starting point is 00:08:49 To really... Chaos disorder. Chaos disorder. You know, sticking it to the lips to whatever the psychological profile, frankly, that we know Cambridge Analytica and Facebook were helping scrape and provide for the Kremlin as well. So, you know, this was a very, very coordinated attack on our democratic processes and manipulation of our electorate and our republic, our base of voters in order to turn out, especially in key districts, the type of turnout that would have been required
Starting point is 00:09:27 for Donald Trump to win the presidency. And that they had the full backing in support of the Russian intelligence services across a spectrum of several different agencies within the Kremlin, all at the direction of Vladimir Putin. That's basically what came out of that reporting. Yeah and and also some interesting information on Compromot that we oh yes I keep forgetting about that. He's so compromised Donald is so compromised and he's been so compromised since the 80s that you know he's been there
Starting point is 00:09:59 he's been in there I called it like a the catalog of fucketeers that the Kremlin, the KGB had, and then whoever, whoever the hell of KGB is now, right? The FSB, the SVR, the GRU, security services, you know, they could just open up their catalog for the 1980s and pluck them out of there and say, oh, look, here's this guy that we own from way back when. And he certainly never curved his lifestyle or his proclivities or his travels to Russia.
Starting point is 00:10:27 It's staying around. And mixing it up with with with other folks, Americans and otherwise. So, you know, they've had plenty on this guy for for 40 some odd years. And frankly, LCN, the coast of North Australia, theettobys crime family, have plenty on him from before that. And that was the entry point for the KGB back in 1982 to 1984. Yeah, so here's the big question, right? Because now the Trump organization, and I tweeted this after the indictment of Wieselberg and the Trump organization, the Trump organization is now no longer a Russian money
Starting point is 00:11:07 laundromat because of this indictment. And Trump is no longer president. So you're an expert. What happens to assets when they're no longer valuable? And does that have anything to do with why this information was leaked? That's a big question. Let's walk through it a little bit. He's still valuable to them. Donald Trump got only knows how much of our nation secrets that man laid his eyes on, whether he can remember it through all the adder or all or not, I didn't die coke, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Kushner has a binder full. I'm sure Kushner had access as well. He got his special secret Security clearance double secret whatever made up bullshit Which basically just meant they they as much as they Could which for the president of the United States was Not something I think that the intelligence community could thwart I know there's a lot been a lot of of speculation that all they're keeping things from him. It's like he's the president. They're not keeping anything from me.
Starting point is 00:12:08 If he wants it, he gets it. So could this happen? If the crime and leak this, could this be a shot across the bow to remind him of what they have in Newiers? I mean, it's confusing to me. It's confusing. Let's get into that for a second.
Starting point is 00:12:21 So in terms of burning assets, let's answer that first question. If they're no longer valuable, they're either become like Snowden, they get brought into an FSB safehouse or something that, you know, they where they can be controlled and managed on a, you know, hour by minute basis, or they're disposed of. That's it. Full stop dot number one, number two. And but he's still valuable is what my point is, as long as Donald Trump is breathing based on what he had access to because he was president of the United States, because that reporting in the in the guardian, right, that that the meeting and a subsequent meetings and you know, everything that that we know was going on at the Kremlin
Starting point is 00:13:05 made sure that he's kind of even more valuable, right? Because he's in so much debt now. And it's so much debt, it's so much trouble and eyes on so many things. And he still has access to quite a lot, quite frankly. So just in terms of the other individuals that have their tentacles into the world and that still may be talking to him or communicating with him. I'm still not clear if we've cleaned up the Pentagon or not. I'm very skeptical of all that.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Okay. So, you know, he's still got people in there. We need to get them out of there. Any Trump appointee from the intelligence community to the Pentagon, they've got to go get them out, fire hose the place. This is what needs to happen. Okay, that's one thing. Now, your second part of your question was
Starting point is 00:13:54 what could have been happening at the Kremlin to leak this document out of the Kremlin? And there's been quite a lot of, you know, explosive reactions of Americans and intelligence professionals and, you know, that are retired and all kinds of folks, like, oh, this, yes, okay, maybe this meeting happened, but they'd never leak a document, oh my God. Well, sure, they would, right? So here, here the circumstances under which that might happen. One, it could be coming from Putin himself, right? It could, in terms of it,
Starting point is 00:14:26 could be what you said a shot across the bow. Or somebody, you know, that was in the meeting at Putin's direction. And in other words, he might not be upset about this. It is the first thing. The second thing is we do know, and there has been quite substantial reporting since the Kristiildosie, quite frankly, the memo, that intelligence gathering by Christopher Steele, and then later by Kodakowski and 2018 he went on the record with, I think it was or 19 with the BBC and and Luke Harding has reported on this before, just tremendous amount and your chavettes has been very vocal about this. He's former KGB intelligence officer. Take that with a great result. But everybody's, I don't think they all have the same source on what I'm about to
Starting point is 00:15:10 say. This is coming from multiple sources, multiple places. Danish intelligence was also reporting this out. There is strife within the Kremlin within Vladimir Putin and his security services. It is not a monolith. It is not a model lift. It is not everything is coming up roses over there. And it has been for a while. A big reason for that is our our sanctions, right? It's because the money has been being fucked with. And the men, the very powerful men behind Putin,
Starting point is 00:15:43 do not like that. They don't like that. It's not working for them. And if he couldn't get this shit fixed with his boy Trump, then they want to fix it in some way. There's too much choking of their wallets for them to be happy. That's number one. And Putin also, he's not the smartest guy. I know everyone has him as this big archvillain, but forgot, say, this was a man that when he was
Starting point is 00:16:13 in the KGB, they put him in Dresden. You know, he was a mediocre intelligence officer. He was a deputy mayor, St. Petersburg, you know, he did okay for them there. He sort of, he sort of just the mafia's bitch over there and it's been doing their bidding and do okay, but it's just a genius, okay. And it maybe Trump was a big overreach and was a big mistake. So you have someone in there named Patrick Schaff, there's quite a, at the Kremlin Security Services, there's quite a bit of reporting that there is strife between Patrick Schaff and Putin, that there is strife between patria 7 Putin, that there's strife between alpha group and Putin. That's what was in the steel report. That's what Kotakowski was saying a couple of years later. So, you know, this also could be about getting rid
Starting point is 00:16:57 of fucking Vladimir Putin. Now, the problem with that is the people that would be in place right now to sort of fill the void if Putin was take a care of one way or another. They're more dangerous than him. This isn't a good scenario for us. So, you know, I just really, the way that we have taken our eyes off of Russia for so long and been so dupop by them, I'm just hoping that our foreign relations can get their fucking act together and we can, with our policy start, actually doing the kinds of things
Starting point is 00:17:34 that we need to be doing with Russia and with the Kremlin specifically. Okay, so that's that. It also could have been leaked by Western intelligence. This could have been something that our own intelligence community had their hands on the system is some reporting and whispers around the fact that yes, this was a known document within Western intelligence before it was published in the Guardian. So, when you say Western intelligence, you don't necessarily only mean the United States.
Starting point is 00:18:00 We're talking about five eyes, right? That's correct. Yeah, and the Danes and you know, there's this you know Democracy's Collaborate together. Yeah, yeah Well because I can't imagine that all of the oligarchs are happy to be where they are over in Russia I mean, I remember you know, they're all under a thumb and There has to be in fight. I remember when Putin put one in a cage in a court and you know that was Kodakowski that was Kodakowski That's what that's who I was referencing In that and that's a is it a credible BBC interview he did and every once you've watched it
Starting point is 00:18:34 It's you you could see it on YouTube. I think find it. Well, we're gonna have to keep our eye on this And I hope that they're putting I hope that the on this. And I hope that they're putting, I hope that the Avril is putting our new DNI is putting more resources behind keeping eyes on what Russia is doing. Yes, and I want to say one other thing, 8G before we move on. Look, Luke Harding is a stellar journalist. is a stellar journalist. He, his sources inside Moscow, say Petersburg, throughout the Olegarchy and specifically within the Russian intelligence community are very strong.
Starting point is 00:19:18 He's not going to publish something, put his name on it, let alone two other journalists sharing the byline with him. If they didn't feel like they had vetted this to the nines. So I just want everyone to understand that. You're buying into it. If you're buying into the narrative that, because the commas were somehow in the wrong place
Starting point is 00:19:37 for Russian speakers or some kind of horseshit like that, you're really bypassing the biggest data point of all and that is that you're saying that this journalist is either somehow vastly, vastly corrupt or incredibly incompetent. And I'm not in either one of those camps. You know, if there's more information that comes out later that moves me into one of those camps, I will let you know, but you know, but just put your critical thinking cap on for two seconds and understand what it took to publish that, what kind of direct threats he may be under now before doing so and what he knows about his world. Let's stop questioning the people who actually
Starting point is 00:20:19 know what they're doing. This would be my request. Yeah, Concur. And that's exactly what I wanted to speak with you about this today. So I appreciate your time. Everybody, you can follow Lincoln's Bible at Lincoln's Bible on Twitter. Very, very important follow. And also, please check out the World Beneath, really amazing podcast. Well done, LB. Seriously. Thank you. Yeah, thank you so much. All right, everybody. we'll be right back. to decode the mysteries and challenges of today's FBI. The threats facing America are as real as the men and women who battle to protect us.
Starting point is 00:21:11 In this first-of-the-kind podcast, we'll sit down with active duty FBI personnel who reveal their mission, their cases, and their lives. Let's go inside the Bureau with Frank Fickleuse. Homicides, sexual assaults, missing persons, and unidentified human remains. Somehow a computer could solve crime. 93 homicides. I am one of those guys that I wanted to be an FBI incident since I was six years old. Emma, his modus operandi. Lusting down doors with guns drawn.
Starting point is 00:21:47 But I would be lying to you if I said I wasn't much more aware of the guy sitting in a vehicle on the roadside when I'm walking my dog at night. On cell cases sitting in evidence rooms on cell. They didn't want to have sex with them. They just wanted to kill someone. All right, everybody. Welcome back. It's time for sabotage. And today for sabotage as you probably have heard by now, Tom Barich has been indicted on seven counts with two of his buddies and I'm going to go over that indictment real quick here with, well, real quick, with you.
Starting point is 00:22:27 But there's a couple of important points that I want to bring up before we get into that. And the first point is that one of these counts is a failure to register as a foreign agent. But it's not the typical Ferra statute that we're talking about here. We're talking about provision 951, which is called espionage light. Because on the phara thing you can get up to five years for just generally lobbying on behalf of a foreign entity. But with espionage light, with Section 951, with this particular foreign registration violation, you can face many more years in prison, I think up to 30 and this is what Maria Bootno was charged with It's like being a spy, right?
Starting point is 00:23:10 This and I guess the main difference here is that Instead of just sort of lobbying on behalf of a foreign entity what you're actually doing is working You know, congruently and you're in contact with and doing the bidding of a foreign actor. And that's what happened in this particular case. I'd like to bring up that this week we learned that these charges originated with the Mueller investigation. This is one of those 14 redacted appendix D investigations that he handed off because it was outside his scope. So that's very interesting. That's New York Times reporting that that he handed off because it was outside his scope. So that's very interesting. That's New York Times reporting that.
Starting point is 00:23:47 He handed this off to the Eastern District of New York. And I also want to bring up some new reporting that we got regarding these indictments. Apparently, prosecutors had enough to charge Barrick last year. But both Donna Hugh, who's the US attorney in the Eastern District of New York and Bill Barr, weren't big on prosecuting foreign lobbying crimes. So some members of Congress have asked this Department of Justice, Biden's Department of Justice, to investigate whether Barr or Donahue actually blocked these charges or whether the prosecutors just knew not to ask these unfriendlies and sort of sad on it and waited.
Starting point is 00:24:25 I think it's the latter. I think they just sort of waited. And I think we're going to see more charges come out from Mapendix D, now that there's not, you know, a pardon looming possibly or an attorney general who will refuse or disallow you to bring charges. We learned in a similar situation in the Southern District of New York,
Starting point is 00:24:45 Rudy Giuliani had a search warrant executed on his home and office this April, and they wanted to do it under Jeffrey Rosen, which who came after bar. He was the acting attorney general, but that was either blocked or not allowed. So that's something, I mean, there's a pattern here. And I'm also wondering if that Rudy Giuliani investigation, well, I should say, if you're wondering if that Rudy Giuliani investigation came from Mueller, I don't think so because that's specifically about what he was doing in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And Mueller had wrapped up his investigation by that. So, but it doesn't mean that something he handed off on Rudy didn't lead to that. And we don't know. We don't know the oranges of the investigation. So let's get here to the indictment. The defendants are Al Malik and Barrick, Thomas Joseph Barrick, and then a guy named Grimes, a United States citizen residing in California. He was employed at Company A, which is Barrick's company, reporting to Barrick.
Starting point is 00:25:56 So he's his executive assistant. So the government of the United Arab Emirates, here after the United Arab Emirates was a foreign government. Emirati, official one, an individual whose identity is known the United Arab Emirates was a foreign government. Emirati official one, an individual whose identity is known to the Grand Jury, was a member of the leadership of the UAE and held a high ranking position in its armed forces. I think that that's MBC. Emirati official two, an individual whose identity is known to the Grand Jury, was a high ranking official in UAE with responsibilities related to national security. And my thinking here, and let me pull up my notes, but I think that Emirati official too, and you'll hear me scrolling here because I'm doing this in real time, could be, let's
Starting point is 00:26:39 see, where do we have it listed? Ah, yes. Tanun bin Zayed. He was the UAE National Security Advisor. And then there is Emirati official three, who an individual is, the identity is known as the grand jury, a member of the UAE Supreme National Security Council. I don't know who that is. And then there's official four and official five as well.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Regulations for agents of foreign governments. Then they go through the regulations here and they define what agent of a foreign government is. And I mean, that's pretty straightforward. You can read that. Section 4 here now, I'm on page 4, says that the Defense Actions of the United States is agents of the United Arab Emirates. These are their actions. The defendants, Al Malikalik and Berik and Grimes acted and aided and abetted, acted and aided and abetted in another in acting in the United States as agents of the UAE, a foreign government. Government officials in the UAE, including
Starting point is 00:27:36 Emirati official one, two, three, four, three, four, and five, excuse three and four, tasked the defendants, tasked them with variously and among other things influencing public opinion, the foreign policy positions of the campaign and the foreign policy positions of the United States government, obtaining information about foreign policy positions related to decision making within the campaign and at times the United States government, developing a back channel line of communication with the campaign, and at times, officials of the United States government, and developing plans to increase the United Arab Emirates' political influence and promote its foreign policy preferences. And we saw all of that happen. Initial meeting and the energy speech. Inner about May 2016, Tom Barick took steps to establish himself as a key communications channel for UAE into the campaign.
Starting point is 00:28:27 On or about April 24th, all Malik emailed Barrick to confirm Barrick would meet with Emirati official two on May 1st in the United Arab Emirates. The following day, April 25th, all Malik emailed Barrick and that Emirati official two was very much focusing on building the right relationships to help the country and knows ambassadors can't do much and are limited even if they are active. And his response, Barrick wrote that Emirati official too should know that Barrick had
Starting point is 00:28:54 been a 30-year partner with the candidate and Barrick had staffed the campaign. In reply, all Malik wrote that Emirati official two, another senior UAE officials wanted a long-term relationship with Barak, and it would be great to speak freely and suggested strategies to help them with contacts and relationships. On May 1, 2016, the defendants met with Emirati official two and Emirati, Emirati official four in the UAE, and that same day, Barak emailed Al Malik to ask whether Maraudi official two had been satisfied with the meeting. And replied, beyond expectations,
Starting point is 00:29:30 and excited to move forward, and asked for more great ideas. On May 9, 2016, the defendant, Al Malik, informed Barrick that Maraudi official four had confirmed Barrick would be the only channel to the candidate for the UAE. And I think they mentioned that because it feels like there were some competition at the time. And I think that competition was nature and broidy, right? They were trying to be the UAE pivot-perce people.
Starting point is 00:30:03 So that's, I think, very interesting. So there was a little competition going on, but he had been, a barrack apparently had been awarded this one in only position. On May 13, 2016, barrack emailed Al Malik draft speech to be delivered by the candidate about United States Energy Policy, the energy speech, and asked for feedback. Al Malik forwarded the email to United States Energy Policy, the energy speech, and asked for feedback.
Starting point is 00:30:26 All Malik forwarded the email to Emirati official four, and then sent an email to Barik proposing language for the draft speech, for Trump to give. That's the candidate, and says, this is what I got from them. So their words were installed in this speech. Later that day, Barik emailed All Malik and revised the draft of the, a revised draft of the energy speech that praised Emirati official one by name. They loved it so much, they said. This is great. Barrick further advised All Malik that the revised draft of the energy speech was totally
Starting point is 00:30:56 confidential, writing that he would deliver the revised draft of the campaign the following day and highlighting the reference to Emirati official one, who is MBS. Right? No, MBC. Now, on about May 17th, a defendant, Al-Malik sent a text message to Matthew Grimes, stating he was excited for the speech, this will be huge. And further wrote that he and other UAE officials would arrange another meeting for Barak and Emirati official two, and that the energy speech would make us heroes. On May 18th, Al Malik emailed the defendant, Barrick. Everyone back home looking forward to the speech from the candidate.
Starting point is 00:31:36 They're following and excited. On May 20th, a senior member of the campaign emailed Barrick, a revised draft of the energy speech that no longer contained the language praising Emirati official one. Barrick responded that they needed to get one paragraph to balance foreign policy concerns for energy dependent allies in the golf. In a subsequent email, Barrick sent the senior member of the campaign proposed language for the energy speech in which the candidate would pledge to work together with our supportive allies in the golf. And on May 21st, Barric emailed
Starting point is 00:32:05 the proposed text to Omelik. On May 26th, the candidate delivered the energy speech, including a pledge to work with our Gulf allies. The defendant, Omelik, emailed Barric to praise the energy speech is amazing, noting that the candidate mentioned the Gulf allies, which is great, and the Emirati official one had watched the candidate deliver the speech. Emirati official four emailed Barric, saying saying congrats on the great job today. Emirati official two and everyone here are happy with the results. Then you go on to some media appearances and we had reported on this in the Mueller Schubert podcast significantly that in the media and in op ads, Baruch was touting the brave new
Starting point is 00:32:47 young faces, leadership of the Middle East, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc. And they just kind of go through these and list them. And they're very extensive. I mean, it's a lot. It's pages and pages. And then Section C on page 10, preparation for strategy to promote Emirati policy interests and a meeting in Morocco. Beginning in June 2016, the defendants acting at the direction of the UAE drafted materials
Starting point is 00:33:15 proposing a strategy for the UAE to promote its foreign policy interests and increase political influence in the United States. On June 7th, the defendant's, well, all Malik emailed Barak that Emirati official four had asked all Malik to work together in building a strategy moving forward regardless of the future election results to maintain strong relationships in June of 2016 was when that was sent. On July 14th, Matthew Grimes emailed all Malik a draft presentation outlining the strategy proposal, the presentation proposed a creation of a guidance board through which all UAE investments are interviewed are intertwined with the strategic vision of the country's foreign and domestic policies as well as economic goals, with the guidance board mandating all investments
Starting point is 00:34:03 in operating companies, use their resources at their disposal to influence UAE interests abroad and partner with leading UAE friendly influential figures to do so. On July 16th, all Malik emailed Barak. Our friends are extremely happy and proud of a relationship with you, beyond expectations, so they like it.
Starting point is 00:34:23 And they love it, and they want more of it. This goes on again for pages and pages. Then we get to the encrypted messaging application. September 2016, October 2016, Barric and Grimes with the assistance of Alma League acquired a dedicated cellular telephone and installed a secure messaging application to facilitate Barric's communications with senior UAE officials. On September 6th, the defendant Matthew Grimes sent a text message to Almaleek stating, , Barrack wanted me to let you know we need to set up meetings within the next two weeks
Starting point is 00:34:54 for Emirati official two and our friends. Everyone's coming to Barrack asking for personal meetings with Trump, so we need to do it soon. And Almaleek said he relayed the message. On September 25, Barrick emailed the defendant Al Malik to advise that Emirati official one had called Barrick. The following day an employee at company A, that's Barrick's company, emailed Barrick that Al Malik had been looking to reach you on behalf of his Abu Dhabi contacts. That same day, Emiratii official four sent a text message to Omelik stating Emeraldi official one
Starting point is 00:35:30 and Barak were supposed to talk today. And the Emeraldi official four had sent Barak a link for secure application that this Emeraldi official one uses. Omelik then sent a text message to defendant Matthew Grimes directing him to tell Barak that Emeraldi official four had sent him the aforementioned message. Omelik separately sent a text message to Defendant Matthew Grimes directing him to Tal Barrick that Emorati official forage sent him the aforementioned message. All Malik separately sent a text message to Barrick stating they were trying to connect with us from the UAE today. It's amazing the details they have. And that they had all the messaging on this burner phone, this back channel phone. On September 27th, Emorati official forage and a text message to Al Malik to inquire whether he had contacted
Starting point is 00:36:07 Barak regarding the application. Subsequently, Al Malik advised Emirati official for that Emirati official for should brief Emirati official to ASAP. Therefore, thereafter, Al Malik sent a text message to Grimes stating that official two wanted to speak with Barrick subsequently. Almoleic advised Grimes. He needed to update the Abu Dhabi guys, calling them the AD guys, regarding the secure messaging application. So this is all about setting up that back channel. Then of course, Section E is the Barrick op ed, and it goes in and talks about the op-ed in or about October 2016.
Starting point is 00:36:47 This is October 2016 now. Barrick published an op-ed in National Media regarding relating to the United States foreign policy. Prior to the publication, the defendant Matthew Grimes solicited and received input from the UAE. So the UAE helped write this op-ed. I mean, it was just praising, you know, all these Middle Eastern fellows. And that goes on again for pages. And then we have Section F assistance to the United Arab Emirates during the presidential transition. In November 2016 to January 2016, all Malik, Barak, and Grimes repeatedly took steps to assist the UAE in connection with transition
Starting point is 00:37:25 into the incoming administration of the United States President-elect. They win. He's the back channel. Now comes the major influence on policy. And we've talked about this extensively. I'm not going to go into too much detail here, but I just want to point out a couple of different things in this particular indictment. So first off, it involves these high-level officials in the UAE, which is leading to the Espionage Light Charge,
Starting point is 00:37:55 and not just a regular Ferra Charge. Although we do call these Ferra Charges, well, we, I shouldn't say we, I'm a mouse in my pocket. Barossa Qutra still referred to these as pharacharges. The Saudi official referred to here in this particular section on page 24, who Barrick told the UAE had forced the White House to elevate for protocol purposes, was the deputy crown prince Muhammad bin Salman. So that's sort of where the ties go there.
Starting point is 00:38:22 It's on page 24, it says, on about March 14, 2017, a senior official from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a close ally of UAE visited the White House. The following day, Barrick sent a text message to Al-Malik advising him that he had briefed the president regarding the meeting with the senior official of Saudi Arabia and that Barrick had arranged for another senior United States government official
Starting point is 00:38:42 to speak with an Emirati official, the Emirati official won on a phone call. Al Malik replied, amazing and subsequently, Barak advised Al Malik that he had taken care of the senior official from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and forced the White House to elevate the senior official for protocol purposes. Woohoo! That's heavy. That's heavy stuff right there. Another thing to point out here, there's somebody named US Person 1 and it says here in paragraph 82. Honor about September 13, 2017. Grimes sent a text message to the official, U.S. Person 1, an individual
Starting point is 00:39:25 whose identity is known only to the grand jury. On Friday, please keep super confidential. Grimes further advised Al Malik that the defendant, Barric and Grimes worked hard to show U.S. Person 1 how strong of allies we are. Very hard. Barric spends lots of time. And then Al Malik confirmed with Grimes that U. that US Person 1 was briefed by Barak a lot on Emirati official one and his vision. US Person 1, I've heard guesses and I've seen
Starting point is 00:39:53 a lot of guesses that US Person 1 is probably Steve Bannon. And then we have, after US person one, we have another congressman in the indictment, who the UAE may have favored in 2017 as an ambassador, to be the ambassador to the United Arab Emirates. And some guesses around the internet, and I tend to agree with this, is that it was Ed Royce. That appointment didn't happen,
Starting point is 00:40:21 but his wife did get a job in Pompeo's State Department. So that's something to look forward to. And Lauren Rosen, Laura Rosen, points out on Twitter, the UAE wanted Tillerson fired for being one of the officials telling Trump two sides of the Gulf Cutter dispute and replaced by Pompeo as Secretary of State, which happened. That happened. And so after looking deep into this indictment, and let's just go through the counts now, let me scroll here because this goes on and on and on with these contexts.
Starting point is 00:40:54 This is a huge massive speaking indictment. And all of this information, all of these speech writing, the energy speech, op-ed, back channel communications all came directly from high level people in the Middle East to barrack to influence the incoming president. It's stunning. Count one, acting as agents of a foreign government without prior notification to the attorney general. That's the section 951 that I was talking about.
Starting point is 00:41:24 They say, in or about between April 2016 and April 2018, both dates being approximate, inclusive with the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the defendants together with others, did know together with others, did knowingly and intentionally act in the United States as agents of a foreign government to wit the UAE without prior notification to the attorney general of the United States as required by law. as agents of a foreign government to wit the UAE without prior notification to the attorney general of the United States as required by law.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Count two, conspiracy to do this. That's basically that the three of them got together to do this. And then they have the, they list all the over acts. And it's a long list. It's a cup, it's like six pages of contacts and text messages, a few of which I've gone over already. Count three, abstraction of justice. The allegations and paragraphs one through 92
Starting point is 00:42:12 are re-alleged and incorporated as if fully set forth in this paragraph, honor about June 20th, 2019, when the EDNY and elsewhere, in the EDNY and elsewhere and elsewhere. Barric, to get that means I feel like there's another investigation in the Southern District or in another district because they say and elsewhere. Barric, together with others, did knowingly, intentionally and correctly obstruct influence and impede and attempt to obstruct influence
Starting point is 00:42:36 and impede an official proceeding to wit a federal grand jury investigation in the Eastern District of New York. And here come those counts count four through seven material false statements, and they list them. On June 20th, Barrick did knowingly and willfully make
Starting point is 00:42:51 one or more material false fictitious fraudulent statements and representations in the matter within the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the government of the United States to it. The FBI in that Barrick falsely stated and represented to FBI special agents that all Malik did not ask Barrick to do anything for the UAE and never proffered any policies or requests to Barrick
Starting point is 00:43:12 on behalf of the UAE. We know that to not be true. More material fall statements. Let's find the two wit in here. Honor about June 3, June 20 20th, same day, to WIT, Barric Falsely stated and represented to FBI Special Agent that he was never asked to download any messaging application. So that's the messaging application lie. Count six material false statement.
Starting point is 00:43:36 To WIT, Barric Falsely stated and represented the FBI Special Agent after the 2016 United States presidential election. Barric had no role in facilitating communications with the President-elect officials from the UAE, including then list all the Emeraldia officials, one, two, three, four, etc. And count seven. This is the false statement to WIT. Barric falsely stated in Representative FBI Special Agents that Barric did not provide any guidance or input in arranging U.S. person Emirati official one on September, in September, 2017.
Starting point is 00:44:09 And that Barrick did not learn of US person's ones meeting with Emirati official one until after the meeting, when in fact, as he then and their well-new one believed, Barrick advised US person one to meet with the official in September of 2017, and Barrick had advanced notice of US person ones meeting. And again, we think that that's banning. And then that sort of closes out the entire thing.
Starting point is 00:44:33 So that is the big giant indictment. Thank you for going through it with me a little by little. And I gave you all of the subsequent news that has happened this week with regards to this particular indictment, these seven counts. And now, I'm really excited about this.
Starting point is 00:44:52 It's time for the fantasy indictment league. I'm gonna be a indictment! No, it is gonna be okay. I'm gonna be a indictment! I'm gonna be a dick. A indictment! I'm gonna be a indictment! I'm told that they can't, it's gonna be okay.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Just calm down. I can't calm down, I'm gonna be a indict I'm gonna be dead. I'm gonna be dead. I'm gonna be dead. I'm gonna be dead. I'm gonna be dead. I'm gonna be dead. All right, everybody, welcome back. It's time for the Fantasy Enditement League. And joining me today for the Fantasy Enditement League is the winner of this week's In Fantasy Enditement League. I believe Tom Barich has been your quarterback for probably three years now.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Everybody welcome Jordan Cobra and Hayd's Jordan. Woo! Baby! It feels good to win. Am I, it's like one of my only wins of our whole fantasy and time in league segment. Hell yes. I was going for the big fish, baby.
Starting point is 00:45:42 You got the big fish this week with this seven count indictment of Tom Barrick for his you know peddling actually he was directed by like real high level folks in the United Arab Emirates to influence policy in the United States. So he is in a lot of trouble and this could bring down some other people too but I'm so excited to have you on the phone because it's been so long since you've been on Muller She wrote and I just I want to congratulate you first of all on your big fantasy and diamond league wing but also see how you're doing. Thank you it's so good to be back even if it's just
Starting point is 00:46:21 for a second I love you very much I miss you. I got to see you in person for the first time since all this pandemic shit and everything. Well just about at least. And it's yeah, I've been great. Working as a senior script writer, which is exciting for an agency down here in San Diego. Just keep me busy. Life is good. Coco's doing great. Thank you everybody for always asking about Coco. I appreciate that. And yeah, I'm just reveling here. This is a good week for all my quarterbacks. There's Tom Barich.
Starting point is 00:46:54 And then also, I don't know if you saw the news. Tom Brady, my boy, he had a moment of redemption when the Bucket Niers went to my house. He did. I was so happy. I immediately thought of you because he was kind of like wearing a MAGA hat one time and you're like, fuck, he's my, like, this is my team. You know, when he was on the Patriots. And, and then he goes and he starts making jokes. He's like, well, 40% of the people still don't think I won and Biden's like, yeah, know what you mean? It was so funny. Oh, so good.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Yeah, it's been a good week. It was so funny too. When the news about Tom Barrett came out, I was like right in the thick of a work day. And like, my job now is just like one of those where your head's down for like nine hours basically. And so I, for hours, I didn't even like see it. And like, go on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:47:41 And like, I got like all these new followers that I was like blowing up like Twitter. I'm like, what the fuck is happening? And I look, oh my God, oh my God, it's average. Uh, so Jordan Coburn, how does it feel to win the fantasy indictment? Like, what are you gonna do now? Oh my God, I'm gonna go to all the Trumpers
Starting point is 00:48:04 that call this crazy and just shove it in their face just Google links everywhere. It's just amazing. Yeah no it's great. I mean I know I'm sure you've already talked about this but if I missed a one last thing I think what was so sweet about this win is that it's such a prime example of everything we were saying for so long about how justice moves slowly here, but it does happen. And all of these people that we knew were doing all of these nefarious and just horrible things, trade or salination, we knew they were going to get caught eventually and the fact that now that's finally coming around and it's finally happening in this administration it's just so sweet in so many ways. It is, it is and I appreciate you coming on and joining me today and reveling in your win um while I have you before I let you go you got you got five picks for for your next round of fantasy indictment?
Starting point is 00:49:05 Oh, shit. Because let me not have prepared. I'll give you some, I'll give you like a schmorgasbord of ideas, right? Because Gates is on the edge and his pals Inger Saul and Engels. They're very soon to being indicted, I think. We've got Rudy. Probably will come in and investigate him. We know that. We've got a grip of Ukrainians, Russian back to Ukrainians. Remember how it was like Rando Russians? We've got Rando Ukraine now,
Starting point is 00:49:34 being investigated in the Eastern District of New York. And then we've got, of course, people are in the Trump org, like Ivanka, and Junior, and Eric, and maybe even Melania. So that's kind of where I would pick from if I were you. Yeah, okay, I appreciate that guidance. First off, Goddard Giuliani, he is like my next big fish. Because you know, he's just entrenched in so many things.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Shriken carlar, I'm sorry. I live in a city still. But so there's, you know, stupid, stupid. Okay, so there's going to be like so many things that they can get Giuliani on, but I am going to put him 100% as my top pick. Okay, Gates also just, I freaking, that guy fucking sucks and that he's just going to be incredibly, it it's gonna be the best when he goes down. Ukrainians, rando, Ukrainians, I gotta do at least one. I'm gonna do, I'm gonna do two, I'm gonna do two rando Ukrainians and then let's do um I think for my final pick I'm gonna have to do as much as I want to do someone in the Trump family, yeah, I'm gonna do it.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I'm gonna do DTJ. All right. I got Rudy Gates, two Rand old Ukrainians, two Rand old Russian back to Ukrainians, I should say. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yes. And Donald Trump Jr. All right, well thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:51:01 And when Rudy goes down, I'll shoot you a text and we could have another party. Yeah exactly. If anything big happens, are you in diamond league? I needed to be bombarded on all platforms, so I'm not going to see it for hours. Well thank you so much and again, you know, we just saw each other. I know we're going to see each other again soon and I'm so glad you're doing well. And I just wanted to thank you for popping on and saying hi to everybody today. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I miss you all. It was really fun to be on. I hope everyone's doing well. All right, thanks so much. Jordan Coburn. It was so nice to talk to Jordan. And she took all my fantasy and diamond Leak pics for the week.
Starting point is 00:51:42 So I'm gonna go ahead and let her pick stand. I'm on board with her, although I do, I guess I could do Ingersoll and Angles and maybe that other person who's wrapped up in the Greenberg case. I don't know, you know what, I just kinda want to let Jordan's pick stand this week and we're just gonna go with those. But this has been awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:04 It was great to talk to Jordan. Thanks, Lincoln's Bible for joining us. Next week, we're gonna be following this story and many others as they come out. I think we are going to be seeing now that we have a friendlier attorney general and not as much of a blockade on these cases. A lot of things, we're gonna be seeing a lot of cases
Starting point is 00:52:24 or hearing a lot about it, at least hearing about a lot of cases that originated with the Mueller investigation as this one did, the one against Tom Barrick. Thank you very much for joining me. We'll see you next week. Until then, I've been AG and this is Mueller She Wrote. Mueller She wrote is written and produced by Allison Gill in partnership with MSW Media. Sound design and engineering, or by Molly Hockey, Jesse Egan is our copywriter and our art and web designer by Joe Elrider at Moxie Design Studios. Mueller She wrote as a proud member of MSW Media, a group of creator-owned podcasts focused on news, justice, and politics. For more information, visit mswmedia.com.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Hi I'm Dan Dunn, host of What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn, the most wildly entertaining adult beverage-themed podcast in the history of the medium. That's right, the boozy best of the best baby, and we have the cool celebrity promos to prove it. Check this out. Hi, I'm Allison Janney and you're here with me on What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn. And that's my sexy voice. Boom. Boom is right Academy Award winner Allison Janney. As you can see celebrity's just love this show. How cool is that?
Starting point is 00:53:47 Hey this is Scottie Pippin and you're listening to the Dan Dunn Show and wait hold on. The name of the show is what? Alright sure, Scottie Pippin momentarily forgot the show's name but there's a first time for everything. Hey everyone this is Scoot McNary, I'm here with Dan Dunn on What Are You Drinking? What's calling it? Fine, twice. But famous people really do love this show.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Hi, this is Will Forte and you're, for some reason, listening to What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn. Now what do you mean for some reason, Will Forte? What's going on? Hi, this is Kurt Russell. Listen, I escaped from New York, but I couldn't get the hell out of Dan Dunn's happy hour Please send help send help. Oh come on Kurt Russell. Can somebody out there? Please help me? I'm Deed of aunties and you're listening to what we're drinking with Dan done
Starting point is 00:54:39 Let me try one more time. Come on. It's amazing. It's amazing. It's amazing. Is it right? Ah? We're time. Come on. Is it right? It's amazing. Is it amazing? Is it right? Ah, that's better. So be like Dedevantiste friends and listen to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn, available wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:54:57 you

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