Jack - So You Think You Can Dance (feat. Marcy Wheeler & Barbara McQuade)

Episode Date: January 7, 2019

S3E1 - It's the Season 3 Premiere! Joining us this week to kick off 2019 right is Marcy Wheeler (Empty Wheel Blog) and Barbara McQuade (MSNBC Contributor). Plus, Jordan covers John Kelly’s parting w...ords on Trump in the LA Times, Jaleesa reports on a story about House Republicans looking for a lawyer, and A.G. breaks down a secret Mueller filing in the Sam Patten case! Enjoy!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Greg Oliar. Four years ago, I stopped writing novels to report on the crimes of Donald Trump and his associates. In 2018, I wrote a best-selling book about it, Dirty Rubels. In 2019, I launched Proveil, a bi-weekly column about Trump and Putin, spies and mobsters, and so many traders! Trump may be gone, but the damage he wrought will take years to fully understand. Join me and a revolving crew of contributors and guests as we try to make sense of it all. This is Preveil. Thanks to Third Love for supporting Muller She Wrote. Third Love knows there's a perfect bra for everyone, so right now they're offering our listeners 15% off their first order.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Go to ThirdLove.com slash AG now to find your perfect fitting bra and get 15% off your first purchase. That's ThirdLove.com slash AG for 15% off today. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I think that's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time, a two in that campaign, and I didn't have, and I have communications with the Russians.
Starting point is 00:01:18 What do I have to get involved with Putin for? I have nothing to do with Putin. I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So, it is political. You're a communist! No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist. Hello and welcome to Muller She Wrote.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I'm your host, A.G. and with me is always is Jolissa Johnson. Hello. And Jordan Coburn. Hello. Thank you all so much for becoming patrons and pushing us over the 3000 mark. We will now be recording midweek episodes
Starting point is 00:01:59 for our patrons every week. Probably to release later Wednesday nights or Thursday morning depending on your timezone. So patrons, keep an eye out for that. If you want to grab the second episode every week, probably to release later Wednesday nights or Thursday morning, depending on your time zone. So patrons, keep an eye out for that. If you want to grab the second episode every week, become a patron by going to patreon.com slash muller she wrote, you'll also get the key to all our bonus episodes, our newsletter, and invitation to our closed Facebook group where you can play the fantasy indictment league, add free episodes, free gifts, all kinds of stuff. So that's all I'm going to say about that, because we have a jam packed episode this week.
Starting point is 00:02:27 It is our season premiere, season three. Premiere, we, yay! And we have some amazing new guests, including former US attorney from the Eastern District of Michigan and one of my favorite MSNBC contributors, Barbara McQuade. And we have a very special appearance from Marcy Wheeler of Empty Wheel.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I'm so excited she's joining us. We've been wanting to hear to come on and talk to us for a while now. In hot notes today, Jordan's going to tell us about John Kelly's parting words on Trump in LA Times interview. Jolisa has a story about House Republicans looking for a lawyer. And I'm going to talk about a secret and molar filing in the Sam Patton case. So guys, how was your new years? What'd you do? It was great. I feel like I'm having a day job. We didn the Sam Patton case. So guys, how was your new years? What'd you do? It was great.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I feel like I'm having a day job. We didn't talk about New Year's. We talked about Christmas last time, right? We did. Okay, I did the same thing. Netflix. Yeah, I watched a bird box. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:14 How'd you like it? I've heard things. That was amazing. Yeah, I hosted a New Year show at Madhouse, which was really fun. But it was kind of weird because every year the New Year's crowds actually are kind of shitty. Cause yeah, one of our waitresses, she described it really well. She's like, I think it's just cause it's a bunch of people that want a party, but they want to sit down.
Starting point is 00:03:33 So that's the vibe of the, yeah, they just, were pretty tight, but it was fun. Yeah, New Year's crowds are tight. Yeah, they're pretty tight. How was yours? Good, did a show at the palace. Oh yeah. They were loose, AF. Oh, yeah, they were loose a F
Starting point is 00:03:46 Good. It must be a kerning mace if they weren't sitting in their chairs It was really fun. It was sold out and We had the whole countdown and everything it was nice. Well, we have a few corrections For this week. First of all, I called Chuck Schumer Chuck Grassley. I've done this a lot of times I get my old white chucks mixed up Sorry about that. Amber wanted to remind us that the flu is very serious, and we seemingly dismiss it as something
Starting point is 00:04:11 that could easily be detected and cured when we spoke about the Guatemalan boy who died in Border Patrol custody last week. So thank you, Amber, well-reminded. The flu is very serious. It's the elite eight in the NCAA tournament. So thanks to our sports fans for pointing that out. Civilian federal workers received a 1.9% pay raise last year,
Starting point is 00:04:29 not 2.4%, which is what the military got. So thanks for reminding me, I got that raise. I should have known. Then it was that. We won't get anything this year, but that's how the cookie crumbles, I guess. A lot of people aren't even getting their paychecks. So that's a whole other story.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Yeah, and back pay, right? Like some people aren't getting that at all. Yeah, contractors who work for the government won't get anything. That's crazy. Yeah, it's ridiculous. Let's see. I said Steve King, instead of Peter King, who said that, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:57 will only two kids have died. Remember when you pointed that out, Jordan? Yeah. It was Peter King, not Steve King, both assholes. But this was the Peter kind. It's been pointed out to me by someone in the know that it's pronounced German con, not Hermen Con. That's the father-in-law of Vanderswan who was indicted by Mueller's team.
Starting point is 00:05:19 And he's also one of the guys at Alpha Bank. So thanks. Good looking out. We didn't really have a story about German con last week, but somebody just felt that you could point that out. I'm glad they mentioned that because I always think of Herman Cain when I hear Herman con. So this is better. Yes, this is better. German. German con. That's how he wishes. His name is pronounced.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Yeah. It sounds more regal. Yeah, just, yeah, let us know. Adda, you know, send us an email. Hello, Mullershee wrote. If you've got any corrections or anything you want to talk about, or you can tweet us at Muller Shee wrote, or go to our website, MullerShee wrote.com, click contact and let us know about corrections you may have. All that being said, we have a lot of news to get to this week,
Starting point is 00:05:55 so let's kick it off with just the facts. All right, all the way back to Sunday, guys. The Washington Post reported that federal prosecutors in New York have requested records from Deutsche Bank related to a $285 million real estate loan. They gave Kushner and his family one month prior to the 2016 election. We reported this back in June of this year when we learned that Kush purchased four floors in the New York Times headquarters building and got $74 million more than he
Starting point is 00:06:25 paid for the property. Now Kush, at that time, was the head of the company, Kush real estate, whatever it is. And he said he failed to report the loans on his financial disclosures because he didn't have an obligation to pay it back. So therefore, he didn't have to report it as a loan. As we all know, Deutsche Bank has been fined several times on a variety of legal issues, including a $7.2 billion fine for mortgage abuse and a $425 million fine related to money laundering in 2016 and 2017 respectively. So it's important to note that these investigations are separate from Mueller's investigation, but it's known that special counsel is investigating Kushner's business dealings as well.
Starting point is 00:07:07 So there's probably some overlap. There's a Venn diagram. Oh, yeah. Then the Sadi's getting involved in so many angles there too. Yeah, Cutter. He's got a lot of money from a lot of people. Also Sunday, John Kelly painted a dim portrait of Trump in the Los Angeles Times interview he did, and Jordan will have that for us in hot notes.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Then Monday, Mueller filed a sealed update in the Samuel Patton case, and I'll go over that link in the show because this is really important and it sort of slipped into the radar. Also Monday, Elizabeth Warren announced her bid for the presidency in 2020. Not a surprise.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Yep. She's gonna get a committee together and see if it's a feasible thing for her. How do you guys feel about that? Just off the top. I mean, if I get a free ancestor, DNA test out of it, I'm cool. We all get 23, Lee.
Starting point is 00:07:50 23 and Liz. Like people have the same experience on there. It's just always back to the same thing. I think it's great. I want to see a giant, huge, diverse field in the election like the candidates see in the primaries. And like I said, and I've said this a million times, fight like hell for your candidate. But then whoever wins vote for that person. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Definitely. Just do that. Yeah, I agree. Throughout the feelers and all different kinds of people see what sticks, what we need to do to take over the White House. Everybody's generally a pretty cool person. You're going to be running on the Democratic ticket. We don't have any giant a holes yet not not right now i guess that some people with base differ winners gone the bars pretty low though i think frank was the last as whole the democrat we have
Starting point is 00:08:35 all mean all you have to do is is be better than trump that's true that's what the bar's low it is also the daily be spoke to a person familiar with trumps legal teams strategy for fighting the muller report on Monday, saying they intend to cite executive privilege. Particularly in the obstruction case, we all assume that the Mueller report will be in part about obstruction of justice, and could involve testimony from White House staff who heard Trump talk about why he fired Comey, such as Don McGahn or Ryan's previous, Moll. But according to Giuliani, Trump can claim executive privilege and bar Mueller
Starting point is 00:09:06 from sharing that testimony with anyone outside the executive branch, reminding us that he can only give his report to the Attorney General, and only the Attorney General can decide if that report moves forward to Congress. However, we now have the Jaworski Report roadmap that was recently released from the Watergate case, setting precedent that grand jury findings can be submitted directly to the House Judiciary Committee, which is now chaired by Jerry Nadler, a Democrat. So put some beans on that.
Starting point is 00:09:29 And later on in the show, I'm going to talk to Barb McQuade about that kind of path. That is. Way forward. She's so good. Then Tuesday, Mitt Romney wrote a scathing op-ed in the Washington Post about Trump being a giant piece of shit, basically.
Starting point is 00:09:43 And that falls right into line with a scenario we've been talking about for over a year now. We call it the, not the Komi 20. Sorry, we call it the Romney 20. It was the Komi 6. Yeah. The Romney 20. Mormons refer to this as the White Horse Prophecy. We were notified by one of our Mormon listeners. This prophecy has been repudiated by the Church of LDS. But basically, what it says is that at some point, our democracy will be hanging if Mitt Romney won his Senate seat in Utah,
Starting point is 00:10:26 he could go to DC and recruit enough Republican senators to reach the 67 votes needed to remove him from office if he's impeached in the House. So Romney would need to win the Senate seat. He's done that. And now with this op-ed, he's made clear he doesn't like Trump, calling December one of his worst months for Trump. Basically, he's a shit president. So his opinion is clear. And there's been a lot of folks saying we
Starting point is 00:10:47 shouldn't praise Romney. He's an A-hole and we're not. We're simply saying the White Horse prophecy still stands. Yeah and didn't he recently say that he like supports the wall after he put out the op-ed? Yeah he did. So what's the deal with Romney? I feel like he could still save us and support the wall but I mean what an A-hole. Yeah I was not a giant fan of that article, because it was just like championing all of these, quote, unquote, wins that are super GOP-oriented wins that generally really fucking suck,
Starting point is 00:11:13 but because he's like, but trop sucks, people are like, yay, Romney. He's still a Republican. You're right. I disagree with everything that he stands for ever in the history of the universe. My enemy's enemy though, right? Well, I mean, if anyone can get any senators to turn on him
Starting point is 00:11:26 on Trump, it would be Romney. That's what we've been saying. Yeah, yeah. They need someone I guess on their side for it to work. I'm just wary of people supporting him because of him taking down Trump or something. And then he's, because he'll probably run for president. And then if he wins, then it's just gonna be more
Starting point is 00:11:41 honestly of like the same policy, not the same policy, but same, same GOP policy. Right, same GOP policy. Yeah, but he was correct about Trump being a piece of shit. So, you're right. I don't agree with his politics, don't at me, but he could convince enough Republicans to oust Trump if it comes to that. You can read the op-ed and the link will send out in the newsletter for patrons this week.
Starting point is 00:12:03 And speaking of, Jordan, you just finished uploading all the past newsletters to the patron page, so you have access to those now. Yeah. If you're not a patron and you want to see every single article we've ever referenced on this show in the last year, then become a patron. It's pretty cheap as our at our lowest level, and it's all listed there for you. Yep. You get all sorts of stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Let's see. Thursday, Mueller filed a motion in the Concord Management case. This is one of the entities that was indicted by Mueller, one of the Russian entities. And they've been fighting a battle to send Mueller's discovery back to Russia. And in this filing, Mueller asks to file its opposition
Starting point is 00:12:36 to Concord Management's motion to compel under seal because the government's opposition discusses a matter that's occurring before the grand jury. So it's secret. We'll keep you posted on this case. You can put beans on Mueller winning all of his motions against Concord Management. We'll have a photo of that filing and the photos we sent out in the newsletter. So check out that. It's just a paragraph that says we want to file this under motion because there's some
Starting point is 00:13:00 secrets should go down. Yeah. Thanks, Bob Mueller. If we had a fantasy league from Mueller's motions, it wouldn't be fair because he would always win. It's like to predict a ball. I'm gonna put all of his motions on my team and I will win everything. What does under motion mean legal legal jargon wise? Under seal? Under seal. Under motion means under seal. No did I say under motion? Yes. Oh motion under seal. Got it. He wants to file the motion under seal. Cool. Under motion. He's like I've never heard that Yes. Oh, motion under seal. Got it. He wants to file the motion under seal. Cool. Under motion. He's saying, yeah, I've never heard that before.
Starting point is 00:13:27 It says like a weird 80s dance. Yeah, yeah. Um, Q. Alexandria O'Kasey O'Cortez. Oh, yeah. Thursday, the House Republicans are apparently seeking an investigative lawyer that was reported Thursday and Jelisa will have that for us later in hotnets. Also Thursday, we found out what happened with Alderman
Starting point is 00:13:43 Burke. It has nothing to do with Mueller or Trump so far. Burke is the longest serving alderman in the history of Chicago on that city council. He's facing federal corruption charges for blackmailing Burger King into using his private tax firm by refusing to permit the remodel of one of their restaurants in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Restaurants is a strong word. Prosecutors rated his office and and papered the windows five weeks ago. Remember everyone was like, oh, what is it? Yeah. I was the same day. Deutsche Bank was rated or something. And apparently they tapped his cell phone and they have recordings of conversations of him telling Burger King flat out that he'd hold them up in their permits if they didn't get their taxes done with his private firm.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Wow. We had thought that since he handled Trump's tax returns for his town Chicago for 12 years, that it had to do with that. But anyway, you have the facts. My conjecture is they might have found stuff on Trump during the raid, so alderman beans. Yeah, alderman beans. That really pisses me off, because I heard that he, you know, had this scam, I guess, or like this weird hold up, but I that really pisses me off because I heard that he had this scam, I guess, or like this weird hold up, but I didn't know he was so blunt with them, like the recordings. That's crazy. Yeah, he was like, I'm not gonna do,
Starting point is 00:14:52 he wanted to put a driveway in, and he's like, I'm not gonna get that permit approved if you don't hire my tax firm to do your taxes. Wow. That's way too bossy. They're so like bold right now. Yeah, and you know, rock collar crime. And Rahm Emanuel was like, that's fucked up. And that's coming from Rahm Emanuel. Like he's, yeah, he's special. Stuff like that goes on all the time. That's how the 1% even happened.
Starting point is 00:15:16 So it's nice to see something actually uncovered, I guess. But I know that's happening all the goddamn time. Yeah. Also Thursday, it was reported that an American named Paul Wheeling was arrested in Russia for espionage. US intelligence officers say that his resume suggests he's the last person the US would use to collect evidence because we would never send someone to Russia to spy that didn't have diplomatic immunity, which Wheeling apparently does not have.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And they suggest that the Russians are likely to distort his background to suggest he was engaged in espionage. And here with us to discuss Weelin is independent journalist and publisher of the empty wheel, Marcy Wheeler. Marcy welcome to Muller She wrote. Hey, great to be on finally. I'm so glad to have you. So many people seem to think they were teeing this up that suggesting that the arrest of Weelin is posturing to trade for Maria butna however you posit that it's more likely it has to do with Ross nift so i was well wondering if you get explain your thoughts on that but i don't think it has to do with Ross nift but i think that um... i don't think we
Starting point is 00:16:17 know i don't think anyone has a solid explanation for wheelin uh... what he was doing there, why the Russians arrested him. The easy explanation is that it's Bhutanab, but that doesn't make sense really, in part, because she's been cooperating since September. And she will go home, you know, basically once she gets sentenced. So she's on her way home one way or another. Russia doesn't need to trade anyone to get her.
Starting point is 00:16:49 And I think people have a very hopeful notion of what she may be cooperating on. I think it is distinctly possible she's only cooperating on Polarixan. So for all of those reasons, I don't think Bhutanah explains it. I did suggest one possible explanation is not roast-neft, but there's this other dude who got arrested
Starting point is 00:17:14 in North Carolina. And he is, I'm gonna try and go find his name, because otherwise I'll butcher it. He is, his name is Leonid Teif, and he was arrested basically for money laundering, money from the Russian defense industry, but also for contract killing, trying to get his wife knocked off.
Starting point is 00:17:39 And you wouldn't think that that has any tie, except that that's been unsealed much more recently than the booteness stuff. And that guy, this tough guy, has ties to Yvgeny Prigotin. So he has ties to the guy who is sending out mercenaries for Vladimir Putin. He has ties to the guy who's sending out here in the United States, all these bots and trolls for Vladimir Putin. He has ties to the guy who's sending out here in the United States, all these bots and trolls for Vladimir Putin.
Starting point is 00:18:08 So he, and it's unclear what he was doing with all this money laundering and these safe houses. And I'm just suggesting he may be a far more interesting person to Vladimir Putin than Bhutna. You know, if they wanted to trade for Bhutna, they would have done it back in July or back in September before she did start cooperating. So that's my argument as far as that goes. Yeah, and that makes sense because in In-Boutoness plea agreement, one of the paragraphs is her immigration deals with her immigration. It says she will be deported when all this is finished.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And like you were talking about with the only, maybe the only thing she's cooperating on is Erickson, I remember when the arguments came to, you know, the government wanted to keep the gag order on her. And it was basically because of Erickson in so many words, not only him, but anyone else that he might help cooperate or, you know, indict or charge or at least be interviewed. So I totally get that point. the only thing that's weird to me is that his resume and his military record which aren't good uh... the fact that he's a citizen in like four countries seems to make him an excellent target
Starting point is 00:19:13 to be recruited by fsb doesn't yeah i mean i think it i think the notion that i mean i hate to be false flag about everything but hit the russians do it the russians do do false-flags. And I think it is not inconceivable that instead he's a Russian asset, and they're trying to reel him in for something, or that he's crossed them, and they're trying to retaliate for that. And I think that that is more consistent with his, I mean, I think his military record
Starting point is 00:19:46 rate, so he, as far as we know, got a dishonorable discharge, which his family somehow doesn't know about, and he went on with that dishonorable discharge to get a series of increasingly responsible global security jobs, first at Kelly services, and then in for an auto parts supplier here in Michigan. And that doesn't make sense. But one of the reasons- Yeah, and it wasn't just a dishonorable. It was a bad conduct, which is even worse. Right. For, as I understand it, among other things, claiming to be somebody he wasn't.
Starting point is 00:20:21 So a good reason why you might think the Russians would try and recruit him. And, you know, a boardwarner, his company doesn't have any ties to Russia, but he keeps going to Russia. He is a contact day account. So, I don't think anyone knows, and I'm not, you know, I'm not wedded to any explanation for him. I just don't think Bhutan is the most likely explanation given what we've seen in her plea agreement. Okay, so kind of the feeling here is that this is just not as big a deal as everyone's making it out to be pretty much. Well, it could be, but it might be that we just don't understand it yet. I mean, I think, you know, there's such a rush to assume what's in front of our face is what's most interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:05 And I'm sure you've learned by now, as I have that we're not looking at the most interesting stuff. No one's sharing that with us, either Putin or Mueller. And so there could be entirely different things going on that we don't get to see. And this dude is a Trump guy and so it could be that you know like I said it could be he actually is a Russian recruit and for some reason the Russians need to make sure he doesn't return home anytime soon. I don't know the answer but I'm not going to assume that I do know.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Yeah it's all super speculative at this point. And you're right, the things we know are probably the least interesting things. Right, which is why I'm sort of looking at that case in North Carolina because boy is that an interesting case. And it wouldn't be as interesting to me except he's money laundering into the United States. Some of the stuff that I think he was working with pregozionon. And this is the kind of thing that, of course, Putin's allies are allowed to steal money
Starting point is 00:22:13 from the Russian government left and right, and is the U.S. government trying to expose that in this case could be? I don't know. Awesome. Well, hey, do me a favor. Can you tell me where people can follow you? I'm at emptywheel.net for the site and at emptywheel for my very high high volume Twitter account. Awesome. Well, it's been great having you on
Starting point is 00:22:35 everybody publisher of empty wheel independent journalist Marcy Wheeler. Thanks for being on Mueller. She wrote today. Thanks for having me. That's so great to finally get Marcy Wheeler on. Yeah. We've been following her since the beginning. All right, on to Thursday. We were still on Thursday. We're still on Thursday. When seven Republicans broke with their party to vote for Nancy Pelosi's bill to end the government shutdown, offering no money for the wall. That was Thursday night. I've gotten my hopes up about Republicans defecting from team Trump before, so I'm not going to hang my star on any of them turning on him, but we'll keep you posted. I know like every three months were like, it's the beginning of
Starting point is 00:23:08 the end. They're jumping ship and they never jump ship. Also Thursday, a Bloomberg report says Wilbur Ross will be one of the first Trump officials called by Democrats to testify in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Elijah Cummings, the panel's new chairman, says that they want to question him about allegations that Wilbur Ross has given misleading testimony on multiple occasions about the decision to add a question about citizenship on the 2020 census. Cidicenship. I don't know why I said it so weird. Saying he may have committed a crime if he wasn't truthful about how that decision was reached. Because Ross testified that the decision to include the question on the census came solely from the justice department in a request made in December 2017. But Dems say internal documents show
Starting point is 00:23:49 Ross was taking steps to add the question way before that. So I'm surprised, though, that they don't want to chat with him about his connects with Putin and the Kremlin or his ties to Deutsche Bank, or that he was vice chair of the Bank of Cyprus when Russia based, when it's Russia based businesses were sold to an oligarch with ties to Spurbank and that's a sanction bank following the annexation of Crimea sanctions. So perhaps the Intellergy Dishyra Committee will question them on those issues, but this is the oversight and reform committee. So we'll see. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:17 They'll get to it. It might not be, it might be like, that's not our job so much as that's the judiciary's job. And what's their timeline? You know, when they're going to, everything's so backed up, I guess, right? Yeah, I think they're just trying to open a government right now. Yeah. But yeah, they want Elijah Cummings wants Wilbur Ross to come have a seat.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah, he came up in the Panama Papers, I believe, right? Like he was the earlier player with all the financial speculations, yeah. Yeah, definitely. So last week, we reported on a big story from Time magazine that an ex-Russian spy named Boyarkin had told reporters he handled Derapaska's money for him and that man afford O Derapaska 19 million but agreed to give To get private briefings from him through Constantin Kalimnik to pay off his debts to the Russian oligarch Another part of that Time magazine article had to do with Montenegro. And this week, Mato did a story on where Trump gets his weird political opinions about things like Russia and Afghanistan wars and Montenegro. And she talked about a coup that was being organized in Montenegro to stop them from joining NATO.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And that coup was backed by pro-Putin Russians. She even showed that video that we've talked about several times with Trump shoving the Prime Minister of Montenegro out of the way during Evers G20. Yeah, that poor guy. Pushed him aside and buttoned his coat and the guys on whatever dick. What she left out, and I was yelling at the TV,
Starting point is 00:25:37 she left out that Dara Pasca is one of the oligarchs in Russia, leading the effort, he was leading the effort to discredit Montenegro because they had seized one of his biggest aluminum smelters and that there a pasca hired man of fort to help him organize the efforts to prevent montanagro from joining NATO it's it's good that's i'm just gonna say smelters
Starting point is 00:25:57 yeah it's a big thing that melts aluminum i think of uh... austin powers gold member who think smelting smelting I love gold. It's just so odd that Trump hates Montenegro so much since no one else does in the world except for Putin. And his recent comments on Russia invading Afghanistan to help stop terrorism, which is completely wrong. And the only other person in the world that thinks that is, you guessed it, Vladimir Putin.
Starting point is 00:26:25 This is just more evidence that he's had extensive chats with Russia about what positions to take against NATO and Montenegro and Russia and Afghanistan wars, which the US armed and aided Afghanistan in those wars, by the way. So how anyone cannot think he's Putin's bitch is just alarming to me. Yeah, what a poser, too. Yeah. And so there's a whole Montenegro thing, you know Rachel did this whole show and I'm like it was man-affored and Darapascar why you know that's a pretty big connect. I don't
Starting point is 00:26:51 know if she covered it the next night but anyway I was shouting at the TV like that's my sports. I thought at first before I knew where Montenegro was that he was his man because Negro was in the world but I think because they're white they're totally white. They're very white. It's a baltic survey. It's more political than racial. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:27:10 It's like nine white guys who live over there. Friday afternoon, we learned that, yeah, there's 600,000 people in Matanegro. Wow. It's very man-to-bel. He's just bullying. He just, because Putin doesn't like him, because they wanted to join NATO.
Starting point is 00:27:26 And because Dara Paska Smelter got seized by them. Yeah. And it's a really wealthy country. That's all right, I think. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. They do, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:36 They probably do him better now that they got that smelter. He is a nice suit. The Montenegro guy. Is he the president? He's prime minister. Prime minister, there we go. Yeah. Weird, just weird. What a weird thing to
Starting point is 00:27:46 hate. I don't know. He's weird. Friday afternoon, we learned that the DC District Court judge, uh, Barrel Howl, uh, extended the Mueller Grand jury for six more months. So become a patron today. Uh, we're we're going to start releasing those midweek episodes. We blew through our 3000 patrons, but that was our goal, our new goal, 7,000. But we have six more months with the same grand jury, which is awesome because this grand jury convened in July of 2017 is familiar with all the Mueller cases, and Mueller doesn't
Starting point is 00:28:14 have to convene a new one and bring them all up to speed. Typically, grand juries are in place for 18 months, and then they can be extended by six months if the extension is in the public interest. So, this judge, Barrel Howell, thought it was. This particular grand jury is based in DC. It's dedicated to the Mueller Probe. It's all it does. And how granted the extension, we love her. We talked recently about folks thinking
Starting point is 00:28:35 the Mueller investigation would end with a report in February. And we thought that was just too soon. So this is kind of an indication of that. We might write something up on obstruction in February, but this investigation is long from over. But can he extend it beyond the six months or is that the last time he can do that with the same group?
Starting point is 00:28:53 I think you can only do it one time. Okay, so he's probably gonna try to wrap it up then at least. I would, by then, yeah. All right, everybody, get on it. But, and I don't know if you can ask for less than six months. That's something I haven't found out yet. Like maybe if you only needed three months, he would have asked for that, but you might only be allowed to get a six-month extension, so he might have just taken the biggest one he
Starting point is 00:29:13 could get in case he needed as much time as he could get. May as well. Yeah, but you can't extend it for more than six months. So even if he thought he was a year away, he wouldn't be able to extend it for that one. Wow. Also, Friday, we learned that in this week's What the Fuck, we learned that Leonardo DiCaprio has testified in secret before a grand jury in recent months as part of the Department of Justice's investigation into Jolo, the Malaysian guy that stole and laundered billions of dollars from the Malaysian government investment fund, also known as one MDB. from the Malaysian government investment fund, also known as one MDB. And who happens to also be Jolo, a fundraiser for Donald Trump? And this is a crazy story where Prasma Shal from the Fuji's hired Elliott Brody's investment
Starting point is 00:29:54 firm to help laundrom money for Jolo, and he set up accounts to pay Trump to stop investigating Jolo. What? That's obstruction of justice. Brody is the winner, the winner guy, one of our favorite guys. He's the one who used Cohen to pay a playboy, playmate, $1.6 million to get an abortion and keep her mouth shut. So he was one of Cohen's three clients, I believe.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Hannity, Trump, and Brody. Brody, what a great, crazy. We still don't know who that baby is. Daddy is, we don't really know for sure. Yeah, no, we were always thinking like Trump actually did it and and Brady was taken the fall. But Trump did make payments to other playboys. But not for an abortion just to shut up.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Right. Well, if another dictator props up in 45 years, we'll know. It's uncanny. Yeah, they can't help it. We'll know. I won't be here. You guys have to keep my head. Yeah. In case you were wondering, I've told
Starting point is 00:30:50 Julie's son Jordan they need to find a way to freeze my head and keep me alive. So I can find out what happens in this investigation. That's how I work on when we're not recording. It's just figuring out how to treat that. It's a secret. Secret plot. Making progress. It's a secret plot. Making progress. Anyway, decaprio is involved because Jolo helped him get funding for the Wolf of Wall Street. The government has since seized the proceeds from that movie. And then Jolo also let decaprio gamble on his tab at the Venetian in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:31:18 And he gifted him with a Picasso, which Leo has since handed over to the government, 3.2 million. He's like, oh, my bad. Here, I didn't know what came from Stone Shit. Sorry. They're seizing all assets for the movie? I'll proceed. Sorry, proceeds.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Not assets. Well, they are, I guess assets, right? Just decapriose proceeds? No, the movie made money. Right. So they're taking it. How the hell do they even do that logistically? That's like, because it goes to so many different people
Starting point is 00:31:49 in places. I don't know. They take what they can, I guess. Yeah, like any other kind of, what do you call it when they repo? They just take whatever they can get. I guess they could like seize royalties from this point moving forward.
Starting point is 00:32:00 That wouldn't be too hard. But are they like going back and taking people's money? Good question. I doubt that. I doubt that. They're probably just if there's any kind of a, you know, net profits from the movie, they seize those because it was funded with laundered money. Right. The Wolf of Wall Street. Yeah, what a irony. It's like the movie is a documentary now. My goodness. It's like the movie is a documentary now. It kind of was. Yeah. And the foodies are involved in Leo. It's weird. It's crazy. Well, he was a weird guy. He has an interesting story. It seems like he cares about the environment though. Weird sort of way. Yeah, I'm pressing.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Also, Cambridge Analytica popped up in the news Friday with an update to the story about our US State Department up in the news Friday with an update to the story about our US State Department awarding the parent company of Cambridge Analytica called SCL, a no bid $500,000 contract to counter ISIS terrorist propaganda. That means they awarded this contract without opening bidding to the public. They just gave it to them. Our US State Department under Trump. So we'll keep our eyes on that story for you. And what were Republicans calling big news this week? The politics of dancing. The politics of blue, feeling good. A video of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez surfaced,
Starting point is 00:33:18 showing her dancing when she was in college, and Republicans lost their minds. Ariel, I cannot let this dance happen. Ren McCormack made a lot of people stop and think. college and Republicans lost their minds. So Republicans hate dancing and this is a scandal to them. The video shows AOC doing a dance challenge where people would reenact dances for movies and she chose to do the breakfast club weed smoking dance, which is actually a better scandal, but Republicans aren't cool enough to know that they were all stoned in that scene. So, hey, Ab, can I have all my doobage?
Starting point is 00:33:55 So let's see if I have this straight. Raw dogging porn stars while your wife is at home with your new baby, paying a woman $1.6 million to get an abortion, grabbing people by the pussy all cool. But dancing is bad. Oh god. They're dancing. They're dancing. Oh, we're going up to my room right now.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Right to Dr. Shelf House. Oh god. Hey, dad. She's taking me from this place. I don't know guys this is right up there with that tan suit um grape poupon the war on Christmas Hillary's emails it's so it's so mustard it's so sad to watch them try to fabricate scandals out of thin air uh apparently all we have to do to trigger Trump supporters is dance. ["'re up to no good ridiculous Just it and you know Pence could be the dad in footless. Oh definitely very easily be that guy
Starting point is 00:35:12 But he ended up being reasonable so I don't see Yeah, did you see him swear in the first bisexual Congress person that she he actually seemed like he was genuine with her in that moment It's just me or did that seem really strangely comfortable for both of them? I'd like to see what uncomfortable would look like. Yeah, I just assumed that maybe. Is that, no. No, not too.
Starting point is 00:35:31 That wall meeting where we just sat there, like we gun at Bernie's, that was uncomfortable for him. Yeah. He's like, I have to sit here for this whole time. Meanwhile, he's like, I'm under investigation. God damn it. Yeah, he seemed way more comfortable with the bisexual than with Pelosi.
Starting point is 00:35:44 So that was interesting. That's kind of scary, right? Yeah. It's got to do what he can to get in with the bass. Our bass. Too late, bro. Tell about that bass. Oh no. All right guys, we'll be right back. Mollarshi Road is brought to you by Third Love, creators of the perfect fitting bra. Recently, we all got to go to ThirdLove.com and use their amazing fit finder quiz which was super easy and we found our perfect fit. Third Love is an industry leader with over 70 sizes including its exclusive half cup size
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Starting point is 00:37:19 Hot Notes. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ All right, so today for Hot Notes. Jordan has a story about outgoing chief of staff, John Kelly's thoughts on Trump, but first, Jalisa, you have a story about House Republicans facing the Dems taking control. I do, and this is a super hot note.
Starting point is 00:37:34 It's a really quick article. So Axios published this on Thursday and it's called House Republicans New Reality, which is a really vague title. But basically what they're saying is that the House Republicans are loyering up. And we already know, or knew that the Democrats were hiring lawyers, but now the House Judiciary Committee posted on a popular Capitol Hill jobs board that they're also seeking an investigative council. A jobs board? Yeah, like Craigslist, hey, I want to check it out. I want to find that post. There's new president on there.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Let's make it. That's great. We need hackers. So specifically, they're looking for quote an attorney with several years of investigative or litigation experience and according to a source on the hill, the specific request for litigation experience, hence that the house GOP is anticipating the possibility of impeachment proceedings. It just adds like anyone anyone. anticipating the possibility of impeachment proceedings. It just adds like anyone, anyone, can we anyone do lawyer stuff? Please, who help? Who can anyone? We'll take anyone. Do you have a suit? That is the most general terms of requirements.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Looking for someone with legal experience, preferably law degree. Not from Costco. That's perfect. I kind of feel like we're entering the final round of all of this, Not from Costco. That's perfect. I kind of feel like we're entering the final round of all of this, because now the Republicans are finally on the defense, right? And they seem to feel the same way, considering that their new shift in attitude that they're having is it's kind of the results of being powerless.
Starting point is 00:38:59 During the Gavall Handover session, their new minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, he quoted Ronald Reagan saying, basically, hey, can we all just get along? He was like saying some quote about how we need to come together and put our differences aside. Up until this point it was you assholes, I fucking hate you. Now he's handing the galloers. We love you guys. We should work together. I love you. Exactly. Look nice. Your hair's good today. Yeah, let's not be rash here. Do you know any lawyers? Yeah, Trump said the same thing, right? He did his own bullshit about working together when he congratulated Pelosi, which is weird because I'm not saying that like working together is a bad thing. Like obviously that's the goal,
Starting point is 00:39:33 but it's a little suspicious when they want to do all the right things after we cut their balls off, right? Like it just seems a little strange. The timing is weird, but that was basically this article just saying that the Republicans are looking for help. Seeking lawyers. Anyone know any lawyers? Tweet them. Tweet at them. They need lawyers apparently. All right, Jordan, you got the John Kelly season finale. Yeah. So the Ella Times interview the departing chief of staff, John Kelly last week, and much to our non-surprise. It was filled with not good vibes.
Starting point is 00:40:07 The major takeaway from Kelly in this interview was basically, I did what I could to stop him. That's essentially his point. He said that his time in the White House was best measured by what the president did not do when he was at his side, basically. That's his claim to do. Oh, so, okay.
Starting point is 00:40:24 So judge my success based on all the crazy shit that didn't happen. Yes. And if you've been following our MSW Book Club on Patreon, you'll know from our review of Bob Woodward's Fear that this is a huge motif that runs throughout, like many that surround Donald Trump, right? There's a terrifyingly high number of moments
Starting point is 00:40:42 where the only thing stopping Trump from doing something completely terrible was one person close to him Pulling a hail Mary to make it so it couldn't happen at the last minute For example, we learned in fear that there were multiple times where there were literally papers on Donald Trump's desk to pull out of the trade deal with South Korea They were ready to sign and they were literally stolen off of his desk by one of his close staff members Port it right yeah, yeah, yes, and then by the way, it's like it's very funny to me off of his desk by one of his close staff members. Porter, right? Yeah. Yes. And then by the way, it's like, it's very funny to me that that's all it takes to get Trump to not do something.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And it doesn't show much dedication to the thing he's trying to do. He's like that guy that would show up as a big rapper like, well, it says no firearms. I gotta go. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. Foiled again. Unfortunately. Unfortunately, they got the decals. Unfortunately, there were, and still are things that the president could plow through to fruition despite not consulting the N.I. hesitate to say this experts around him. Quote, are there any left? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:39 For example, Kelly says that Trump instituted the travel ban without fully consulting Kelly first, who was Secretary of Homeland Security at the time, which is really shitty for him because he's the one that has to implement that. Kelly said about that, quote, I had very little time to look at the orders before they were issued." And that's especially shitty because like I said, he's the one that had to implement it and had to take all the heat for it. But as we know, Trump doesn't really think about how his decisions will implicate other people
Starting point is 00:42:06 because thinking stifles his creativity. He just throws shit out there and sees what it sticks. It's like a monkey. Yeah, or like he's like a Jackson Pollock of authority. Oh, woo. Yeah. Sorry, Jackson, you're cool. Throw it on the wall.
Starting point is 00:42:20 You stick right? Kelly also goes on to say that he got Trump to not pull troops out of Afghanistan, which we also learned about in detail in Woodward's fear. Highly recommend. Well, I can't say I'd highly recommend that book. I recommend it for the insights. Not so much for the sensical nature of it.
Starting point is 00:42:36 It's hard to follow, but I think you might have done that on purpose to just illustrate what it's like to have to deal with Trump. Yeah, there's really good insights in there. They're like, you said. And if that's not what happened, I apologize to you. Yeah, you pull it surprise win a motherfucker He's getting older I'm just kidding. It's great. It's obviously great amazing reporting he gets people like John Kelly Obviously contributed to the book Rex Tillerson probably and yeah, ban and order for sure
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yes, so weird players and probably banning. Yeah, banning order for sure. Yes, so weird players to interview. Yeah. But regarding pulling troops out of Afghanistan, it now still looks like Trump is going to do so anyway. But no military hire groups have confirmed that that's what's happening so far.
Starting point is 00:43:17 So who knows? Kelly also tried to separate himself from the family separation policy. He said that sessions did it basically. He says quote, what happened was Jeff Sessions every lie starts off with what happened. Well, sit down, let me tell you a story. What happened was I ate your hamster. What? It's a cat meme. Sorry. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:43:42 What I was like. You're like, just be like a movie, I need to say. No. Just a meme. So what happened was, this is his quote, was Jeff Sessions, he was the one that instituted the zero tolerance process on the border that resulted in both people being detained and the family separation. Kelly said, quote, he surprised us. End quote.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Surprise. That's surprising at all, but that came out of fucking me. Yeah. That makes that sound like fun. And it's just not. It wasn't. Yeah. So yeah, basically, in the interview,
Starting point is 00:44:17 he just confirms that Deed probably did not have a great time doing things, like accomplishing things in that position, spent most of his time mitigating things that Trump was trying to do. And when we think about that anonymous op-ed that came out a couple months ago that everyone was trying to figure out who wrote it, you know, it was very much in that same vein. Yeah, it was me. Yeah, he was one of the guys that was there trying to keep him in check. Just running interference, basically. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Those guys are gone now. They pulled the goalie. So to speak. Yeah. And Kelly winds up getting asked why he stayed so long, 18 months in the White House, despite such huge policy differences, all of those clashes of personalities, the just daunting task of being around him constantly and dealing with Trump's maniacal ignorance
Starting point is 00:45:07 He said simply duty military people. He said don't walk away duty I'm always gonna laugh at duty. It's not that we did that in the military. That was a thing Military you got dude tonight duty. Yeah, man. Get a laugh when you can It's thank you for that. You're interesting. Wow So he's gone by yep everyone's leaving. Did you see? Someone else from the Pentagon is leaving like the Pentagon like chief of staff is leaving or something? Oh God Yeah, probably leaving I I I figured after Mattis left like a bunch of High up officials in the Pentagon would go with them.
Starting point is 00:45:46 They'd be like, I'm not sticking around for this shit. You know this feels like the titanic moment when like they're on the lifeboats already and it's about to just go up and then come down. Like the last part of the boat. We're in that phase of a roller investigation, right? They're all dirt and ship. But yes. But yes, there's a gift for that.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I just can't describe it well. I know what you're talking about. After it breaks in half and it's standing up on its end, it's already broken half. And yeah, you have to kind of jump ship at that point because there's nowhere to stand. Yeah. It's metaphor. Yes, it's a factored myself. Kevin Sweeney, Pentagon Chief of Staff, resigns.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Wow. I mean, not nice. Brightness. It's remembered Pentagon Chief of Staff resigns. Wow. I mean, not nice, but nice. Right, nice. Pentagon Chief of Staff. Mm-hmm. All right, guys. So, four months ago, on August 31st, Samuel Patton pleaded guilty to violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act, also known as Fera, by not registering as a foreign lobbyist
Starting point is 00:46:40 for the opposition block. That's a pro-Putin party in Ukraine, where he worked for chief of staff to victory on a co-vitch. We covered this extensively when it happened. And four months after he pleaded guilty and began cooperating with special counsel Robert Muller's team, Sam Patton is in the news again. Muller has filed a status report to the court under seal, which is a little unusual considering these sorts of filings for folks like Flynn and Cohen were not filed under seal. They were filed publicly just redacted.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Updates like this usually consist of how much and in what ways a witness is cooperating. So the court knows and can consider that cooperation during any upcoming sentencing hearings. So let me tell you a little bit about Sam Patton. Sam Patton is a GOP lobbyist. He's a Manafort associate, Cambridge Analytica employee. So this guy could be a cooperation gold mine. Yeah, super horror for the Trumps. Gold mine for Mueller's team, right?
Starting point is 00:47:39 He admitted in his charging documents that he helped foreign donors give money to Donald Trump's inaugural fund. This is the first evidence that we had of that. Sam Patton worked for the same pro-Putin Ukrainian faction that Paul Manafort worked for, like I said, who's called the opposition block, and he was allegedly the boss of Constantin Kalimnik. And Kalimnik is the other guy named in the Manafort indictment, some of them.
Starting point is 00:48:01 There's so many. And he was the go between for Manafort and Russian oligarch that Manafort owed money to, all they did, all they did, we all know this. Dara Pasca is a sanctioned aluminum magnate and he currently is sanctioned the, but here's the thing, the US Treasury Department under Trump is now working to lift those sanctions by allowing him to divest controlling share in his aluminum company, Rousseau. The problem is he's selling those shares back to the Kremlin through VTB. So the good news, though, is that we found out on Friday from the New York Times that Congress
Starting point is 00:48:32 is examining the Treasury's decision to lift sanctions on Derapaska. And it looks like the Dems in Congress are laying the groundwork to block the lifting of sanctions, beginning with Schumer filing a resolution to disapprove of the sanctions, disapprove of the move by Trump's Treasury Department to lift those sanctions. Mnuchin is the guy who is in charge of the Treasury. It's also note that we learned this week that Boyarkin, as we talked about before, the X-Russian spy that told Time Magazine, Manafort had paid back a $19 million debt to Darapaska by giving him private briefings on the Trump campaign, one of which was caught on video by sex coach Nasty Rybka who is
Starting point is 00:49:09 now in a Thai prison if you remember. Still? Yep, wow. She got a hearing coming up this month. Okay. That's where she is. Sam Patton and Kalimnik started their own lobbying firm in 2015 and were paid a total of over a million smackers for lobbying for Yana Covich's chief of staff. Let's see, Loyavatchkin. Loyavatchkin paid both Manafort and Patten for lobbying for him and Yanacovich. Yanacovich is the proputin Ukrainian candidate Paul Manafort helped Alek, Alek, Bulya Kasha, through tactics eerily similar to those used in the Trump campaign, including a smare tactic against his opponent
Starting point is 00:49:46 Hemashenko encouraging people to lock her up That's where that whole thing started. They were successful on that one. Yep. They lost eventually and he was overthrown and He fled to Russia, but yeah, he got that fine. I'm not a wheelchair Yeah, she was really sick. So Patten basically lobbied the U.S. Congress on behalf of Live Ochoen without registering under FARA. But most importantly is what Patton did in relation to Trump's inaugural fund, right? It's widely known that there were excessive amounts of money in Trump's inaugural and there's no way his Scott Beohy School marching band Ted Nugent amateur talent show of an inaugural
Starting point is 00:50:22 cost more than Obama's. There's just no way Obama had Beyonce. He did. You know, like, and here, you know, here he's got like, I don't even remember, people that you've never heard of. Patent is, this whole thing is some of the strongest evidence that foreign money was funneled into the inaugural fund because he used to cut out to transfer $50,000 of Russian money into the Trump inaugural fund by purchasing, quote unquote, inaugural tickets for himself, Kalimnik, Lyavochkin, and another Ukrainian. Patton used the lobbying firm he started with Kalimnik to purchase the tickets through
Starting point is 00:50:53 a cutout, and then the firm was reimbursed by a $50,000 wire from the Ukrainian oligarch Cypriot bank account. That's bizarre. Yeah, that's how they were getting Russian money into. And this is just one example. And his whole sentencing update is now filed under SEAL. And we know Trump's inaugural is being investigated pretty heavily, pretty hardcore.
Starting point is 00:51:11 So all very interesting. And one of the most interesting parts is that he used that Cypriot bank account as an intermediary. And many months ago, in the Fusion GPS transcripts that Congress made public, we learned that there were notes taken by Manafort on Manafort's phone from the June 2016 Trump tower meeting that said use Cypress as an intermediary. That's right.
Starting point is 00:51:28 So perhaps this is how they got Russian money to the Trump inaugural, right? Through a Cypress Intermediary using cutouts in the US like patent, intrader, Vexelberg, and Cohen, just rivers of money from all different foreign sources. But what does it have to do with the Trump Tower meeting that Don Jr. lied about? Well, we know that Manafort and Calimdeck and Patton were associates, and that they used the Cypriot accounts to move money, and we also know that Patton lobbied two U.S. Congress on behalf of Lee Avachkin, which no doubt included Dana Rorobacher, a known Russian sympathizer who just lost his re-election bid in the blue wave.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Thank you. Finally we know Vezonet Skaya presented her Magnitsky brief to Rorobacher and at the Trump Tower meetings. So that's a lot of dots to connect. And it speaks volumes as to why this filing for sentencing update for Mueller may have been made under seal instead of available to the public, like Flynn and Manafort's updates.
Starting point is 00:52:18 So keep an eye on the patent case. He is the first person Mueller has charged with dumping foreign money into the Trump inaugural. And don't forget who ran the inaugural fun, Tom Barak. That's the guy who helped Manifort get the job as Trump's campaign chairman in the first place. Wow, A.G. Nice.
Starting point is 00:52:34 That's crazy. I love what you've done just a little bit that we know from like that's already so many connections. And then Mueller knows way more than that. Like, he's got, oh my God, they're done. Yeah, we know 2%. We know 2%. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:48 But the going rate, you did with that 2%. People think, that's crazy. You know, hey, connect the dots. They're real. They're real dots, they're real beans. I just feel like it's crazy that from the public information, we have so many connections. Yeah, and yeah, and like you said,
Starting point is 00:53:04 it's only the tiny, tinyest tip of iceberg. So are you guys ready for the fantasy indictment league? Yes! All right let's see Who do I pick today? First of all, since we're doing sports metaphors, I wanted to give away who the winner was in our sweet 16 top stories of 2018 bracket. We've been taking votes all week on the final two, the final, the finals. And let's see who the winner is. I'm pulling it up right now, as we speak.
Starting point is 00:53:44 It is. Well, first of all, the two people in the'm pulling it up right now, as we speak. It is. Well, first of all, the two people in the finals were Dems Take the House, not people. Stories. Dems Take the House and Co-Inemplicates Trump. Dems Take the House won it at 57 to 43. Wow. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Personally, at least, I love that one, because I would have voted for it to one. I think I did vote for it to one. And I feel like it's because there's so much more we can do with the dims being in charge than just with that one cone case, like they can investigate everything. So that's kind of why I think it won.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Yeah, that makes sense. I voted for Cohen just because in terms of incidental news story, I think it's a more specifically big news story, but in terms of implications, for sure. It's a bigger deal, that dumbstug the house. All right. Cool. And are we doing the new rules for our fantasy and diamond league this week?
Starting point is 00:54:33 Are we doing that? We can't take someone else's. We're going to do that, aren't we? Yeah, so what do we flip to see who goes first? I feel like this. Um, can you, we're going to get competitive. The new rules is basically us three. We're just going to play it. Not you all at home. You can still do it. We're just gonna play it.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Not you all at home. You can still do it. You can pick whoever you want. Yeah, but we're gonna actually draft as if we're an actual team that we're drafting players from. So if I take Roger Stone, Jolissa, and A.G. can't take Roger Stone. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:59 We're calling dibs. Yeah. Yeah, this is gonna be scary, but I don't know how to figure out who goes first. Well, who's, let's just go in like alphabetical order. Let's just do, you go first. And then we'll do it so the last person starts, right? And then like, A-G, U, me, and then me, U, A-G.
Starting point is 00:55:17 That's not how you pick in a draft. Yeah, yeah, that sounds good. Does it, is that okay? Go back and forth. Yeah. All right, sounds good to me. Then I am gonna take Stone. Yeah. All right, sounds good to me. Then I am going to take stone. Okay. Hell yeah. I'm going with
Starting point is 00:55:29 Corsi. Oh, you dick. I'm going with a sange. Junior. Hell yeah. Cush. Okay, Ivanka all right Eric's always last He's always gets quick last for everything dodge ball over again. I'm not even taking him Tiffany's truly last though. You got of course the a song stone. I'm gonna go with boy Arkon. Oh Okay with the patent thing it's gonna be a minute you think right well He's already been indicted. Oh, okay, even that's the old thing is done. It's okay. That's just an update on his sentence. Okay. All right Rando
Starting point is 00:56:16 Yeah, I was just gonna be all randos from here on out super seating indictments man of four. Oh Interesting Man of four super seating. I'm gonna go with Manjyante. Okay. God, she sucks. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Daripatsk is about to help. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I think we've just been going in a circle haven't we? We have. Yeah, we've tried to do it. It's fine. Trump org. They can still get stuff, right? Yeah, you can pick an entity. Trump org. Good one. I'm going to Erickson. Paul Erickson, I forgot about that. Oh, we Tina and the bees. He's the beast. I guess he is. He is. Definitely not the beauty. He is not the boot. No, it'd be funny if he were the other way around though, because she's evil and the Beast, he's the Beast, I guess. He is. He's definitely not the Beauty. He is not the Bootna.
Starting point is 00:57:05 It'd be funny if he were the other way around though, because she's evil. I mean, he and him too. Yeah. I'm just going to have a rando now. Okay. All right. And any one more, right? I'm going to go with Burr.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I know it's a little far, if I push this. No, well, we'll, oh, we'll Burr Ross. I shortened his first name. Burr Ross far from Bill Burr. No, well, well, oh, well Burr Ross. I shortened his first name. Oh, yeah, Bill Burr. You're going with Ross. Yeah, I should pick a celebrity now that Leo's. He's not a target though. They made sure to say that he wasn't a target.
Starting point is 00:57:36 He was just helping out because he's rich and white. Okay, I'm going to go Rando. Rando, all right, we got him. So I have Stone, Jr. Boyarkin, Mangiante and go Rando. Rando, all right, we got him. Cool. So I have Stone, Jr. Boyarkin, Manjyante, and Arando. Jalice, you have Corsi, Kush, Rando, Trump, Org, and Burr. Will Burr-Ross. He's a new nickname.
Starting point is 00:57:57 And you have Jordan Assange, Ivanka, Manifort Superseating, and Diteman, Erickson, and Arando. Yep. That's a good team. Yeah. I love that. And you guys can pick whoever you want. You don't have to, there's such a couple thousand of you playing, so it would be, although there might be a couple thousand people that could be indicted.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Oh, that's true. Yeah. I just wanted to bring that up. So you guys ready for sabotage? Yes. Yes. Now, we might have to do sabotage before the fantasy indictment leak because it kind of takes away from the sabotage angle of it because the sabotage this and I didn't want to have to go back and change my picks after we were doing our round robin stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:41 But some weird shit went down at the end of the week with Simone and Mangeonte. She's the wife of... See, I have this inside of information and you don't have it. So that's why we do sabotage beforehand. But she's a wife of Poppodopoulos, whose identity has been questioned multiple times and age. I got into a Twitter fight with her. You did?
Starting point is 00:58:57 Yeah, dude. That was weird. What happened? It was just... She just responded. I like said something. I was like, say hi to your husband and jail or something and then she responded some shit
Starting point is 00:59:07 and I was like something about her identity being fake or whatever. She's like, it's been confirmed by many people. Your sad, your life is so sad. That's why you're doing this. I was like, what the fuck? And then she turned it around. Yeah, she responded like four times.
Starting point is 00:59:23 It was ridiculous. I'm not 39 trying to make myself 34, so whatever. So she's a wife of pop-a-dopoulos. And she's been questioned multiple times, like I said, not just about her age and identity, but where she works, like her internship with a law firm. She said she had, and the law firm's like, we don't know who the fuck you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:59:39 I've posited that I think she's a plant from the Balkans in some super space means theories, but she just tweeted, quote, This is what happens when you get into a federal investigation to support someone who can't be loyal to anything and try to slander me as soon as he wants to run after a new skirt. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. These are the days of our lives. Right after that tweet, she deleted her Twitter account or she shut it down and now it's back up again.
Starting point is 01:00:19 So I don't know. That's why I put Mangy on to my fantasy team this week. I freaking hope so. I you on my fancy team. Yeah. I frickin' hope so. I hope something happens to her. Yeah, yeah, I'm hoping for your beans to you, A.G. All right on. We'll be right back. Hey, Mueller junkies. It's the new year, and that means new resolutions, and we know there's no quick fix when it comes to better health.
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Starting point is 01:01:57 the distinct honor of speaking to one of my favorite MSNBC contributors. Bard McQuade, let's have a listen. So today for the interview, we have a very special guest. I'm very excited. She's a law professor at University of Michigan, which is my football rival. I'm the Ohio State, but that's okay. We love her. She's a former US attorney in the Eastern District of Michigan and an MSNBC contributor. It's Bard McQuade.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Bard, welcome to Mueller. She wrote. Thanks, A.G. Glad to be here. Awesome. I'm glad. I hope our football rivalry doesn't interfere with our ability to chat about Mueller. I will do my best to overlook your bookiness. Thank you. And I'll do my best to overlook your Wolverine-ness. So both Nancy Pelosi and Jerry
Starting point is 01:02:39 Nadler have come out this week saying that the president being able to be indicted is still an unanswered question, right? But the common theory is that Mueller will follow the Department of Justice Legal Counsel guideline memos saying that a sitting president can't be indicted. And I was wondering where you came down on this issue. And if the statements of Pelosi and Nadler make any kind of a difference. Yeah, I think it's interesting. I think number number one they're absolutely correct that it is far from a resolved question whether a president can be indicted and I think it's even far from clear as to whether the DOJ position is etched in stone you know a lot of scholars have written about this and they
Starting point is 01:03:19 pointed out that there are a number of different members I think the ones we hear the most about are a memo written by the Office of Legal Counsel in 1973 during Watergate and again in 2000 during the Clinton administration. But there's also some memos that were filed in litigation in the US versus Nixon case, litigating the tapes, some things written by Riance Worsky,
Starting point is 01:03:43 that really makes it kind of less than clear whether the president can be indicted. And I guess it all really comes down to what Robert Mueller does with this guidance. You know, on the one hand, I think he's very much the company man who goes online and would follow all the arcade policy as he is obligated to do under the regs. But Rianchev Worsky said something interesting when he submitted a document to the Supreme Court in litigating the Nixon tapes, and he talked about that it would be a real assurking of duty to decide that the president is not eligible for indictment and is somehow immune for indictment and could set a dangerous precedent damaging to the rule of law.
Starting point is 01:04:23 And so on the one hand, while I think Robert Mueller is someone who follows the rules, I also see someone who does not sure his responsibility. And so at the end of the day, maybe he decides that indictment is what's appropriate and what his duty calls for. Yeah, that's really true. I'm glad you brought that up. I remember reading an article about his master's thesis, where it wasn't just about the process in the courts and general rules, but it was also about justice as a big picture.
Starting point is 01:04:52 So that's really fascinating that you bring that up. And also the Jaworski issue, because I had a question about that. Recently, Jaworski's roadmap, quote unquote, for releasing criminal information to the House Judiciary Committee from the Grand Jury came to light. It was unsealed or I think it was under seal for four decades before, but then it came to light. And that roadmap basically allows the secrecy of the Grand Jury information to be or it's such a precedent that says it can be released to the House judiciary. And I wanted to ask you because you're an expert in these things.
Starting point is 01:05:29 If that would have to go through the Attorney General, which is, of course, acting now Whitaker, but could be Bill Barr or who knows what could come of that. But would that Jaworsky Roadmap have to go through the attorney general first. I think it would. So, grand jury matters are handled. They're secrecy under a rule called rule six, the of the rules of criminal procedure. And generally, grand jury material is supposed to be kept secret. But there are a number of exceptions.
Starting point is 01:05:58 And some of them include providing them to other government attorneys for legitimate law enforcement or counterintelligence purposes. And so if Robert Muller thought that there was a need for members of Congress to use this in the course of their official duties, the law permits him to do that. It has to be reported to the judge, and ultimately the judge has authority about whether circum information gets released. Now, the regs that govern the special counsel say that the attorney general should review recommendations of the special counsel and that he may stop recommendations that go against
Starting point is 01:06:40 Department of Justice Policy are so contrary to policy or inappropriate that the recommendation should not go forward. And if it does that, the only check there is that the attorney general is required to report that to Congress. And so you could see a really interesting situation arise where Robert Mueller wants to turn these materials over to Congress. Attorney General Whitaker says no, but the one safe guard we have there is he has to report
Starting point is 01:07:08 that decision to Congress. And so I think Congress put then use its propina power to request those documents. That could cause executive privilege battles and the like. So I'm not sure how the answer will come out in the end, but I think it's very interesting. And I think certainly the law is designed to give government officials the ability to share information when Just as so requires and it seems like it would be hard to stop that in the end if this were to see the light of day Yeah, that makes a lot of sense and now you know as we know Nancy Pelosi took the gavils
Starting point is 01:07:43 This week for week for the house, the Dems took the house in the midterm election. And she named Adam Schiff, head of the Intel Committee, and Jerry Nadler, I think, is the presumptive person who's going to be chairing the Judiciary Committee. And he's said, and others have said that, you know, if this gets somehow blocked, they could just subpoena or not subpoena, but ask Bob Mueller to come in and answer questions in testimony, public or otherwise. And I was wondering if these kinds of things, you know, situations like that, how do you think the Democrats taking the House might impact the Mueller probe going forward in these scenarios?
Starting point is 01:08:21 Well, I think they it's certainly advanced in investigation. I don't know that they advanced Robert Mueller's investigation specifically. You know, he is continuing to work quietly before the grand jury, which in my opinion, is the most effective way to work, because it's free of the political process that you see in hearings. You know, in hearings you have members of Congress who are trying to grandstand or make political points and ask questions in a very limited period of
Starting point is 01:08:48 time, which is not very effective for follow-up questions. But nonetheless, I think that a difference in leadership can matter in terms of their own investigations. We saw the House Intelligence Committee, for example, under the leadership of Devon Nunes, I think really just completely pondited investigation into Russia, closing their investigation before hearing from a number of witnesses. I know Adam Schiff, who's now taking charge of that committee, has said one of the first things he wants to do is to subpoena the phone records that indicate that Donald Trump Jr. talked to someone on a block number as he was negotiating the meeting at Trump Tower where he was going to talk with Russians
Starting point is 01:09:29 about dirt on Hillary Clinton. How anyone could let that go and not want to know who Donald Trump Jr. may have been talking to. I think begs the question, what was the agenda of the prior leadership of the House Intelligence Committee? And so I am hopeful that a new leadership will be interested in the question for the truth
Starting point is 01:09:48 rather than enabling a cover up. And so I do think that that kind of rigor could bring light to the Russia investigation, not necessarily Mueller's specific probe, but the bigger picture of the truth about what happened with our election. Yeah, exactly. I tend to agree with you on that. And one last thing before I let you go, can you tell me how you see this sort of playing out this year with Mueller and his reports and how you see that kind of getting either to the public or not. Do you have any kind of predictions on how it might end? Well, I think that there's some work to be done before he's complete with all of his work.
Starting point is 01:10:35 There's this disclosure by Jerome Corsi, the conservative writer who shared with the public a plea offer that he received from Robert Mueller's team for lying about his advanced knowledge of the wiki leaks, uh, disclosures of DNC emails. No prosecutor makes a plea offer unless he's prepared to back it up if that offer is rejected and so I think in the short term at the very least we'll see an indictment of Jerome Corsi and of course his work is is intertwined with that of Roger Stone. And so I think if there is sufficient evidence to charge Roger Stone, we'll see him indict it as well.
Starting point is 01:11:13 I think some other people can look out for who could be charged are potentially Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner. We know that Michael Cohen has admitted to pleading guilty to lying to Congress about building a Trump tower in Moscow. And in his sentencing memo filed by the government, they wrote that he provided a substantial assistance about a number of topics, including circulating his testimony among others regarding the Trump Tower in Moscow. Who else would be knowledgeable about that, but those in Trump's inner circle, who else has talked to Congress about those things? And those are two of them. I imagine Robert Mueller will be looking at those transcripts
Starting point is 01:11:52 carefully to see if their stories lined up with that of Michael Cohen, who is admitted to testifying falsely. So I think we could find indictments there for testifying falsely to Congress. And then even more importantly, the question is why would they have testified falsely? And that gets to the very heart of the matter that Robert Mueller is investigating.
Starting point is 01:12:13 I think in the end he will, if he's some sort of final report, it will be up to Matt Whitaker, or maybe William Barr, if he's concerned by then, to decide whether that report becomes public. And although there may be some nefarious reasons or even legitimate reasons for keeping it confidential, there's been such keen public interest in this issue that I can't imagine that they could be successful in keeping it secret from the public. And so I'm hopeful that we will see transparency in the end.
Starting point is 01:12:41 There may be some details that need to be redacted for our national security reasons, classified information, and so on. But let's remember this investigation. Is that about getting anybody who are going after President Trump or any of his inner circle? It's about a question for the truth to find out how Russia interfered with our elections. And so I think there's great public interest
Starting point is 01:13:02 and should be in wanting the truth about that. Yeah, absolutely. And regarding the stone, corsi, a sange, boil, I call them Stonehenge, that whole group, from a prosecutorial point of view, are they going to have to solve that Andrew Miller-Sapina battle that's been working its way through the DC appellate court before do you think Mueller would need to wait till that finish to move on with indicting any of those folks? Maybe, I guess it depends on what he was hoping to learn from Miller. It may be that he already has enough evidence from other forces to proceed.
Starting point is 01:13:42 I don't think he would have made that plea offer to Jerome Corsi unless he thought he had sufficient evidence, but maybe he needs Miller before he's able to indict Roger Stone. You know, it's impossible to know what he has, but note out that is something that he will want to resolve. Of course Miller is someone who has been affiliated with Roger Stone and may have some information. And even if it's has been affiliated with Roger Stone and may have some information. And even if it's not incriminating information that Miller has, the one would wonder why he would go to the extremes he has if it was not incriminating information, I think Robert Mueller is someone who seems very prudent and careful and cautious and would want to know all possible information before taking the action.
Starting point is 01:14:23 So it seems that that may be what he's waiting for to find out. What is it that Angela knows that he's so reluctant to share? I see, but it is feasible to move forward without a witness. It is. Okay. Well, you know, I appreciate you taking the time to talk to us today about this. Your expertise has really given me some insight on how we might move forward. So I appreciate your time. Everybody, US Attorney, former US Attorney in the Eastern District
Starting point is 01:14:50 of Michigan, MSNBC contributor, Barb McQuade. Barb, thanks for being on Mueller. She wrote. Yes, thanks. I would go to the next, I will say, for the record, is how much I enjoy your podcast and how much I appreciate your engaging and goal to it. It's really important news that everybody should be paying attention to. And I think sometimes people get bogged down in the minutia and the jargon and the terminology. And you're making it very accessible for a lot of people to learn about in an engaging way.
Starting point is 01:15:17 So I appreciate your work to do that. Well, thank you so much. Those are super kind words. I appreciate you coming on to, when I watch you on MSNBC breaking it down So that my non legal mind can understand what's going on. So thank you as well. I think it's very important It's on plenty smart. So thank you. I'm gonna tell everyone you said that All right, you have a great new year. Okay, thanks you, bye-bye. Bye-bye Hi, I'm Dan Dunn host of what we're drinking with Dan with Dan Dunn, the most wildly entertaining adult beverage-themed podcast in the history of the medium.
Starting point is 01:15:48 That's right. The boozy best of the best, baby! And we have the cool celebrity promos to prove it. Check this out. Hi, I'm Allison Janney, and you're here with me on What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn. And that's my sexy voice. Boom. Boom is right Academy Award winner, Allison Janney. And that's my sexy voice. Boom. Boom is right Academy Award winner, Allison Janney. As you can see, celebrities just love this show.
Starting point is 01:16:10 How cool is that? Hey, this is Scottie Pippin, and you're listening to the Dan Dunn Show and wait, hold on. The name of the show is what? Alright, sure. Scottie Pippin momentarily forgot the show's name, but there's a first time for everything. Hey everyone, this is Scoot McNary. I'm here with Dan Dunn on What Are You Drinking? What's calling it? Fine, twice. But famous people really do love this show. Hi, this is Will 4K and you're, for some reason, listening to What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Now what do you mean for some reason Will Forte? What's going on? Hi, this is Kurt Russell. Listen, I escaped from New York, but I couldn't get the hell out of Dan Dunn's happy hours. Please send help. Send help! Oh, come on Kurt Russell. Can somebody out there please help me? I'm Deed of Ante's and you're listening to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn. Let me try one more time, come on. Is it right? What we're drinking?
Starting point is 01:17:07 It's amazing, isn't it? Is it right? Ah, that's better. So be like Dita Von Tees, friends, and listen to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn, available wherever you get your podcasts. So, Renato, do you still have your own podcast? Yeah, it's complicated.
Starting point is 01:17:28 What's so complicated about a podcast? That's the name of the podcast, remember? Oh! Will you still be exploring topics that help us understand the week's news? You bet, but we'll have a new name because we're going to be working together to explore complicated issues that are done in the news. Working together. Yeah, you're hosting it with me, remember? Oh, right. Wait, does that mean our podcast is going to have a steam op segment? Let's not get carried away. But we'll discuss hot new legal topics, so check out our new episode coming soon to everywhere you get podcasts as well as YouTube
Starting point is 01:18:15 Alright guys, that's our show. That's our season premiere season three I want to thank all of our new patrons welcome We got hundreds this past week We blew through our goal of 3000 which means we'll be adding a second news update bonus episode for patrons starting this week. So look for that Wednesday night Thursday morning Pacific time. Any final thoughts you guys? A little time to each other. Yeah. Be nice in 2019. Don't be like 2018. Yeah. I wanted to comment on an email we got to.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Someone expressed discontent with us talking about our personal lives for two minutes in the beginning of our episodes and I just wanted to say while we welcome all feedback thank you very feedback. It's like a human decency thing I think obviously we know it's not related to the news but it's like a Mr. Rogers neighborhood kind of vibe you know we're nice to each other. We check in on each other. We can see how we're doing. Yeah, we're a community here.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Whole health. Whole health. Whole health and wellness. Also, OBGYN doctor. But yeah, anyway, if anyone else is bothered by that, I'm sorry, I don't think we should stop doing that though. No, it's humanizing. I think it reminds me that we're not just robots
Starting point is 01:19:24 reading the news, you know, we're people, and we're engaging with citizens, and I think it's all relevant. Yeah, that was a weird email. I saw that, you know, and I've never gotten one like that before. She's like, I can't even believe it, that you talked about your vacations and what you did for the holidays,
Starting point is 01:19:39 and what, you know, what gifts you got people. I'm here for the news. Like, I've never heard this before. My legs are a podcast. Like, maybe she should listen to it like in double speed. Yeah,. I'm here for the news. Like, I've never heard this before. My legs is a podcast. Like, maybe she should listen to it like in double speed. Yeah, or just get straight to the, head straight to just the facts. That's true.
Starting point is 01:19:51 You can always skip through this stuff. You don't like, you know, we post timestamps. Yeah, we have to go back to the other episodes, like in the backlogs, but yeah, I post them so they can check it out and jump around. Yeah, starting recently, that's what, that's what you're doing. Julia said, basically, if anyone's interested,
Starting point is 01:20:03 if you go to the episode description, there's timestamps in there, so you can jump forward to the interview you want to hear. You can jump to just the facts, if that's what you're doing. Julia said basically if anyone's interested, if you go to the episode description, there's timestamps in there. So you can jump forward to the intervusion wanting here. You can jump to just the facts. If that's all you want to hear, you don't have to listen with the fuck we got each other. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:20:12 You can follow you that much. Yes, just on the topic of being kind to each other. Yeah, it's just we're just being kind. Positive so much negativity, but yeah, I love our fans though. I love our community. I feel like how we're bitching about it. Yeah, I mean, she is still a listener.
Starting point is 01:20:27 She's a very interesting, exception, I think. It was a rare situation. It was a weirdy emotional. I mean, yeah, but some people still also come and they're like, I don't want to hear your personal banter or giggling or stuff. Yeah, you're giggling or whatever.
Starting point is 01:20:38 I guess I'm just saying, we're humans. And thank you for bearing with our humanity. That's the best way to put it. Yeah. That's so hard. It's terrible that you have to open. Be like, thanks for bearing with our humanity. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:52 There's playing podcasts that get straight to the facts. There's the daily, you know, like there's all these places that can go if they really want that. But I think part of our brand is that we're just women. We're just, you know, we're doing our thing. Yeah. And kindness. Real chill. Kindness. Yes. Go forward. Go forth with it. In 2019. Do well. Yeah. Do nice things for people. Be kind and vote Democrat.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Jesus Christ. Like I said, hit hard in the primaries for whoever you want. Don't take down other Democrats. Just be like, I'm not into their ideas. Right. That's not what I think this person has better issues and ideas on the platform. Don't fall for the Russian propaganda. And I say that because I have. So, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:35 You know, just be careful and be kind. And I think that would be good. I've been AG. I've been Julie C. Johnson. I've been Jordan Coburn. And this is Mullershi Road. Mullershi Road is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo design by Jelisa Johnson. Our marketing consultant and social media manager is Sarah Lee Steiner and our subscriber and communications director is Jordan Coburn. Fact checking in research by AG and research
Starting point is 01:22:03 assistance by Jelisa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Our merchand in research by AG and research assistants by Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Our merchandising managers are Sarah Least, Diner and Sarah Hershberger, Valencia. Our web design and branding are by Joelle Reader with Moxie Design Studios, and our website is mullershoewrote.com. Hi, I'm Harry Lickman, host of Talking Feds. Around table, it brings together prominent figures from government law and journalism for a dynamic discussion of the most important topics of the day.
Starting point is 01:22:43 Each Monday, I'm joined by a slate of Feds favorites and new voices to break down the headlines and give the insider's view of what's going on in Washington and beyond. Plus, sidebar is explaining important legal concepts read by your favorite celebrities. Find talking Feds wherever you get your podcasts. M-S-O-W-Media.
Starting point is 01:23:03 you get your podcasts.

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