Jack - The First Indictments

Episode Date: November 25, 2017

S1E1 - On this first episode of “Mueller, She Wrote,” A.G., Jaleesa, and Jordan discuss the Russia-Trump Investigation thus far, including a quick timeline recap, first indictments, predictions, q...uestions from listeners, and what to expect next week.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Kimberly Host of The Start Me Up Podcast. If you like your politics with some loose talk and salty language, you're going to love my show. I interview the coolest people like Mary Trump, Kathy Griffin, and DNC Chair Jamie Harrison. The Start Me Up Podcast has an easygoing, casual style and a strong emphasis on left-leaning politics. We also have Frank discussions about sex and more than a few spirited rants. Just visit patreon.com slash start me up or wherever you get your podcast and start listening today.
Starting point is 00:00:44 The clear Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time, a true, in that campaign. And I didn't have, not have, communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for having nothing to do with Putin? I've never spoken to him.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So it is political. You're a communist. No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession
Starting point is 00:01:26 I'm a capitalist. Welcome to Mueller. She wrote the weekly podcast dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the Mueller investigation. I'm AG. I'm going to have to use the name AG or AG or Agatha, whatever you guys want to call me, from here on out because of the hatch act Because I might work with the federal government. I'm not allowed to associate myself from my title with any political discussions so I'm AG and with me today is Jolisa. Hey Jolisa's a local comic very. And then also to my left is Jordan Coburn. Say hi to Jordan. Hi, Dylan. Hello, hey everybody. Hey, another amazing comedian that I love these ladies.
Starting point is 00:02:10 So we're going to get, go ahead and dive right in. And we're going to start with just the facts. All right, so in just the facts, nothing here is theory or conjecture. These are all facts available to the public as of right now, as we know these things can change at any minute. So this is our first episode. So I kind of wanted to go over a little bit of a timeline
Starting point is 00:02:35 of events to catch everybody up because we just had the first week of indictments. We're gonna keep this show going as the investigation progresses, but I wanted to give you a timeline of events. June 16, 2015, Trump announces his candidacy for President of the United States. September 2015, FBI tells DNC about anomalous cyber attack activity. December 2015, Flynn is paid $45,000 for a speech in Russia and dines with Putin.
Starting point is 00:03:07 March 2016, Papadopoulos is named Foreign Policy Advisor. March 2016, Manafort is brought on board. March 31, 2016, the meeting of Foreign Policy Advisor's takes place and that includes Papadopoulos, Trump, JD Gordon and Jeff Sessions. April 2016, Russians tell Papadopoulos they have dirt on Hillary Clinton. May 2016, Trump gets the GOP party nomination. June 2016, the famous meeting between Russian operatives, Veziletskaya, Donald Trump Jr. Maniford and Kushner takes place
Starting point is 00:03:45 in Trump Tower, one floor below Donald Trump's office. In January 2017, the FBI interviews pop a Doppler's for the first time, and he lied like a rug. February 2017, National Security Advisor Flynn is fired. May 2017, Trump fires James Comey, and later that month, the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein appoints Robert Mueller III as special prosecutor.
Starting point is 00:04:09 July 2017, a no-knock raid formed the morning on Manafort's house to collect evidence. July 26, 2017, Poppodopolis is arrested at Dulles International Airport. October 3, Poppodopolis signs a plea deal with the FBI. And on October 30th, 2017, Manafort and Gates are indicted on 12 federal charges, and Papadopolis' guilty plea is unsealed. All right, so that's what we have up to this point. Yes, I'm in time. Now, I'm going to go over a couple of other facts that came out this week with the Emulane Monday.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Right. And all week things came out and it's kind of in, it's kind of intense, it's kind of insane. Yeah. How many things came out this week? Tuesday, Trump tweets damage control about Papadopolis saying he was no one, he's nobody, he's a liar. Like I don't know him but I know he's a liar. I don't remember any meetings, he was no one. He's nobody. He's a liar like I don't know him, but I know he's a liar I don't remember any meetings. There were no meetings right with the best memory of course. Yes I have the best memory. I have the best true greatest memory and I don't have I don't remember
Starting point is 00:05:16 Then Yeah, Trump goes from I never met him to oh, I know him and now he's like oh, yeah We did have a meeting, but I don't remember it this is a comment this is like a he's only been president for like a minute but he has like a clear ammo never happened wait yes it happened but I don't remember yes it happened I remember but I had nothing to do with it a pattern and then finally I remember it I had nothing to do with it it's Hillary's fault right that's his that's It does. That's his MMO. So he's applying. He's just going on, let's look at the five stages of grief. He's just on step two now, which is, oh, nope. I remember, but I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I love that impression, by the way. Thank you. Wednesday, JD Gordon says that Papadopoulos told Trump and Sessions in that foreign policy advisors meeting that he was going to Russia. I'm going and Trump heard him, Trump listened. And it wasn't like he just sort of listened, Trump was into it. And Sessions said, nope, we're not doing that.
Starting point is 00:06:16 We're not gonna do that. And it even came out in one of the emails in Papadopoulos's testimony, where somebody told him, and I think it might have been JD Gordon, it could have been Clovis, it was one of the senior advisors in the Trump campaign. We aren't gonna send Trump, we gotta keep Trump out of this. Exactly. Chia wonder what? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Thursday, Carter Page testified behind closed doors. But then comes on CNN and tells them what he said. He said he told sessions and Trump officials that he was gonna go to Russia So they knew this means session perjured himself exactly a third time, I think okay. Yeah, so So we have that information now and on Friday I think it was Friday Kushner was asked to turn in a bunch of documents related to the firing of James Comey And if you remember on the plane when he was on the plane with Daddy on Air Force One, and he had to release that statement about the firing of Comey, how Trump, Daddy,
Starting point is 00:07:11 was like, we'll see this. Exactly. So that could, there could have been emails or something, I'm not sure, we still don't know what's happening with that. Right. Finally, Keith Schiller, whose Trump's personal bodyguard, this guy must be like, I think it's all. I don't know. What do you think I'd be like, wipe his butt? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:34 It sounds like cleanup is puke. I don't know. It sounds terrible. But he will be interviewed by Congress about Trump's 2013 trip to Russia. And a lot of trumpers and right wingers are saying, who does nothing to do with collusion? And you know what, fine, you're right. But a blowjob had nothing to do with white water. Exactly. Okay. And when when Rod Rosenstein gave absolute power to Mueller to investigate wherever it leads, he's going to look at everything. Every single thing. And if you think Trump hasn't broken a law in his life, you are insane. You're just insane.
Starting point is 00:08:09 So his 2013 trip to Russia, it could have it. I mean, that was one of the Miss Universe pageant was, it could have to do with his condo that he wanted to build there. There's so many things. That his some of his real estate holdings, all that stuff. And I wanted to also tell you guys about a poll that the Washington Post put out at the end of last week about the investigation and what people in America Americans think of the investigation 58%
Starting point is 00:08:35 of Americans approve of the investigation Which you're getting into territory now where it's gonna to be really difficult to remove Mueller. Right. And 49% think that Trump is likely guilty. Oh, yeah. Oh, something. Yeah, really. Like he's just guilty. Yeah. I can't put my finger on it. But I think he's up to something. Right. So I'm really interested to know what this bodyguard has to say about the 2013 trip to Russia. And we also learned that Papadopoulos has been cooperating with the Mueller investigation since he was arrested in July. Papadopoulos.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Papadopoulos. Papadopoulos. He's like from eight miles? Yeah. So he could have been seriously wiretapped. He could have been wearing a wire this whole time because the documents say he is cooperating. We can't tell the public about this.
Starting point is 00:09:36 This shocked everyone. Oh yeah, game changer. So let's go over this week's indictments because this is our first round Yes of charges Indicted! I'm gonna be a dinedit! No way, it's gonna be okay
Starting point is 00:09:51 Dinedit! Honey, dick! Dinedit! Honey! I'm gonna be a dinedit! Hold it, they can't, it's gonna be okay. Just calm down! I can't calm down, I'm gonna be a dinedit!
Starting point is 00:10:02 Monday, October 30th, Mueller Monday Hahahaha Hasht, Mueller Monday. Hashtag Mueller Monday. Yes. And here is what went down. He announced the arrest and the indictment of both Pomegranate Ford Trump's campaign manager, right? Not just a low level pop novelist.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I don't know who he is. The top guy in his campaign. Yes. He was hired in May of 2016 and he was the top dude, okay? He's arrested and indicted and his buddy Gates are arrested and indicted. And they are charged with 12 felony counts, 12 counts. And yes, it's the government. I work for the government and I'll
Starting point is 00:10:45 tell you something. If you need to find somebody that's doing something wrong, we have so many millions of pages of policy that I'm gonna find it. So 12 counts sounds like a lot but really like you could do one thing and I could find like 10 counts. So I'm gonna go over the counts. The first one is conspiracy against the United States. It's a big one. That, how could you possibly support any of these people? And, and Trump's, no, no, nothing. I have nothing to do with anything wrong.
Starting point is 00:11:18 About anything. Everyone around him, apparently. Your campaign manager has been arrested for conspiracy against the United States of America there's no getting around that of America the United States of America not like Russia hang up hang up right you know this country where we live yeah some territory we have or you're going to be a US version of it. Or we could talk to the president of Puerto Rico. Oh my God. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Oh my God, he's such a tool. All right. Second count, conspiracy to launder money. Now, this is going to be obvious. Because when, especially when the Panama papers came out, thousands and thousands of shell companies and holding companies that don't exist overseas. And this is, these are tax havens.
Starting point is 00:12:05 You guys, these are people who are zillionaires who are opening accounts on foreign soil to evade taxes. Mm-hmm. Okay. Like the Swiss banks, we've all heard about it, yeah. Yeah, and they aren't even doing Swiss banks. They're doing like Bob's country. They are, yeah, they're evolved. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Like my friend in Micronesia. And I only just found out this week that Micronesia is an actual country. What? I thought it was a joke. It sounds like a single-ander. Like you're gonna assassinate the dude from Micronesia. I thought it was an Owen Wilson. That's a fucking place. I can believe it. So, all right. So we have that. Conspiracy to launder money. And it's been shown up to $74 million. He took tens of millions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Now, what has yet to be proven, but this could be, and I'm going to go ahead and say that this isn't a fact, this is conjecture, were any of them payments from Russia with love? That's what everyone's interested in. Exactly. And you know what, even if it's just business dealings. Still, he said there was nothing. And so just like antithetical to all of their like... Oh, of course.
Starting point is 00:13:13 ...tax, you know, saved the little class tax promotion. Very hypocritical, at least. No, they don't care about you. Sorry. They did, their tax plan would include off-sees, like, short accounts, offshore accounts for us. Exactly. To put, we're gonna, you know what, middle class? You have to pay taxes, but you can put your income in Pego Pego.
Starting point is 00:13:34 That'd be nice. Yeah. I think it would be wonderful. If they're actually good people, they do. I don't mean to shit on Pego Pego. That's probably, that's American Samoa. Pego listeners. That's a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very That's a very, very, very, very, sireless, there's a Hega Pega. Paul Tuev.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Next, charge. Unregistered agent of a foreign principle. They failed to register as foreign agents. One new why? Then that ties in with false phara statements. That's your disclosure. Exactly. A foreign accounting practices
Starting point is 00:14:04 or you do it just to your associations, you have to register as a foreign lobbyist. If you don't, it's against the law. This is a very, not too many charges come up on this one. Because it's one of those rules that it's like, it's 800 things you have to do to register as a foreign lobbyist. It can't be that easy. But he broke that law and so did he.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Get that one, yeah. Lying. Yes. Lying. Which I love. They call it false statements. Okay. Let's do the lie.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Okay. To the FBI, to the NSA, to CIA. Who knows? Who in the Congress? Any of these are the best secretary bodies? Finally, seven counts of failure to file foreign bank and finance documents so there that's seven times they fail to do that that they that they could find that is this week in
Starting point is 00:14:58 indictments. So now but I tell you what you guys, yes, we indicted Gates and Mueller and know none of those things have anything to do with Russian collusion into the election. But like I said, Mueller is allowed to look at whatever he wants. Anything. Anything he wants. I want the p-tapes to cut out. Oh yeah. And I feel like this just makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 00:15:21 I don't know a lot about law, but it's like you can't always get people for the things you want them to. Like I want to suit someone for breaking labor laws, but I really wanted to see them for being jerks. So it's like you just gonna find what you can. Yeah, well we've seen how many times have we seen SVU? Where IST shakes down a low-level drug guide
Starting point is 00:15:36 to get information on a prostitute murder. Exactly. Yeah. That's what Mueller's doing. That's the way it works. He shaken down the little guys for $74 million in money laundering. I don't big deal. Tax evasion stealing from you and me. It's crazy. Okay. Conspiracy is a pretty impressive pretty quickly.
Starting point is 00:15:53 He's curious to get you to the United States to get him to roll on the big thing. It is the ma, it's how it's how he that's how Moffeys styling got to get to the top lawyers. They know what they're doing. Yeah. And yo, his team, the A and T's, dude, they're better than like when the NBA started letting professionals go to the Olympics. Like, this team is ridiculous. These guys are, and early on, we could tell what kind of things
Starting point is 00:16:19 they were gonna be looking at by who was on the team. Right. We got four money laundering experts. What are gate lawyers? They had them back. Oh, and they say this was on the team. Right. We got four money laundering experts. Watergate lawyers turned them back. Oh, and they say this is worse. Obviously. It's really worse.
Starting point is 00:16:30 What was Watergate? He was recording the other party. Exactly. This is solution with a foreign enemy. Like, woo. Woo. It's a little bit bigger of a deal. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:41 To me. I think in my head. All right now on to fantasy indictment leave. Yeah. Guys this is where we come up with all of our fan fiction theories on what's gonna happen next. Who's gonna go down next and we're gonna make our indictment picks. Yes. Okay, because we're gonna keep it running tally. I don't know what the winner gets. Maybe like a partially used play. It's like, they're voting rights back. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Easy three fifths. Easy. And we're gonna go ahead. I love it. By the way, John Kelly coming out and saying that the Civil War was, because of not, we didn't compromise, and that's why the Civil War happened.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I mean, I get worries coming from coming from sure there wasn't a compromise. There was slavery. There was the three fifths compromise. There was a necessary compromise. Oh my god. Were they not compromising enough for you? Waited down, played. I mean a for effort on his part.
Starting point is 00:17:37 We said all right, well only Count Black people is three fifths of a person. Is that that's not compromising enough for you? By definition. You know what? Compromising someone's humanity and wholeness as a human person. Yeah. I just crash and I don't cry. Yeah. It's crazy. Dang. It's a question. And you're a march. Humanity. What is this? Math. I love it. Shout out to local. All right. So this is where again conjecture theory, guys, this is all theory.
Starting point is 00:18:07 There's going to be some facts mixed in here, but I want you to know, none of this is real, this is all just what we think is going to happen. Which we're thinking. So let's see. I happen to know from some sources close to me, and I cannot give those sources up or tell you where it's from. So sorry, but I am happy to tell you that I can't name my sources and that this isn't this has not been reported by reputable the news source. Right, right. There are four sealed court documents waiting on the docket,
Starting point is 00:18:36 okay? Yeah. And they all say sealed versus sealed. Sealed versus sealed. Sealed versus sealed and sealed versus sealed. That leads me to believe there's four indictments coming up. Yeah. Okay. It would make sense. So that's why when I pick, when I, you guys can go buy this too, but when I pick my next indictments for the indictment fantasy league, I'm going to pick four people. So what we need to talk about now is who you guys think those people are going to be.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Yeah. And here's some names that have been floating around. We've got Donald Trump Jr. Okay, we got Jeff Sashin. Right. We got Kushner. Now, we also have Flynn's son and Manifort's son-in-law. They haven't been arrested yet that we know of.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Remember, dudes could have been arrested. Like Papa Doc? Yeah, like Papa Doc. Wildman. I love it when you come and and so we we don't know if they're gonna unseal guilty please or if they're gonna rest people we don't know either way it would be Christmas but I think that because they didn't they only arrested Manafort they didn't arrest Manafort's son-in-law and I think they did that because they didn't, they only arrested Maniford. They didn't arrest Maniford's son-in-law. And I think they did that because they were gonna threaten Maniford
Starting point is 00:19:47 with the arrest of his son-in-law if it didn't rule. Makes sense. That's dirty, but they deserve it. They gotta do it, man. Yeah, well, this is the Moffe style investigation. These are not good. That's exactly how you do it. This is how I see you would do it.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Absolutely. I'm not entirely fine with it. You're working with sociopaths. I mean, you gotta get to the core of it. You're like, my son, get him. He cares. He might be that much of an artist. It's possible.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Where he's like, I'm gonna go talk. I got Trump's heart, interesting mind, over my son-in-law. So that's why they didn't do that. So they arrested. They arrested Manifort without arresting his son-in-law. So if they indict Flynn, it will be because Maniford rolled on Flynn or if they, I think if they arrest, well if they arrest
Starting point is 00:20:33 Flynn and Flynn's son, I think it's because Maniford rolled on Flynn. Yeah. Because or rolled on somebody, but because if if if they don't, I would just arrest Flynn and pressure Flynn with a resting Flynn's kid. Absolutely. So we'll see. It could be Flynn, it could be Flynn's kid. That would say a lot about what Manafort and Gates have told them. Yes. Or what they might already know from Papa Dabbalis. Yeah, I'm like it is. Even with the Papa's. Yeah, go for the Papa's. We know Flynn. I agree with Flynn. His son yet up the air sessions. I'm really hoping for but it might be a while Cuz this guy he's a little more up there of course he's big
Starting point is 00:21:11 But second big is I want to say still doing his work in the lighthouse. Exactly. Yeah, if you get I mean if the next indictments come out and you got names like Donald Trump Jr. Kushner and Sessions game over it's That isn't like the fastest to the top I've ever seen. Which is why it's probably not gonna go down to death like that. I want to slow it down, baby. Slow it down. I want this to last a little while longer. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:34 All night. I love it. I love it. Yeah, even just looking at one of these indictment charges on registered agent of a foreign, yeah, right? That's like Flynn. That's gotta be. Yeah, because he failed. Didn't he like retroactively registered?
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah, retroactively updated his fair document like 10 times. Thank you. Oh yeah, I miss. So, I forgot. It's crazy. And man, you know, I work for the government, the sort of things I have to disclose
Starting point is 00:22:01 and the things I'm not allowed to do, by the, you know, our ethics laws are known. They are known. I can't even buy a gift worth more than $10 for a friend in my office. Why not? Because it's that thing. That's right. Yeah, I would imagine too.
Starting point is 00:22:15 So you're not going to tell them you know Russian people? Like ridiculous. Okay, whatever, jerks. They might have honestly been like, what's business? It's got nothing to do. But I wonder dude yeah, seriously So we also have now if they go smaller fish There's a couple other people I'm thinking Lewandowski Who's that again? He was the he went I think when man's work got fired
Starting point is 00:22:39 But he had Lewandowski was the campaign manager before a man for a campaign. Okay, okay. He was kind of that crazy Jerky guy it was a bit much. Right. Like the one. Yeah. For so many. But Lewandowski had gotten emails from Papa Doppler's about going to Russia. Now there could also be JD Gordon, who was in on that advisor's meeting, the one that
Starting point is 00:23:02 they tweeted out a picture of where Papa Doppler's, and JD Gordon sat right between sessions and Papa. Oh, God. And then Trump set the head of the table. And they actually said Gordon told, I think they may have told Mueller, the Mueller investigation, but if not, it was the Senate committee, he heard Papadopoulos pitch a Russia meeting in that national adviser's meeting that foreign security foreign policy advised me to Trump through the table.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Everyone there. To the table. And sessions, according to Gordon said, no, no, we can't do that, we can't go. We can't go. Good job, sessions. High five. He tried.
Starting point is 00:23:43 But when we ask you, if you've ever heard anything about somebody going to Russia, and you say, no, 76 times, that's interesting to me. Why would you hide that? Exactly. Why would such amateurs write? Why would all these guys have these seemingly innocuous, as they say, contacts with Russia? Well, no, you always meet with the phone, you know, kissly. I could always meet with the, what are they called, bastards's move. Exactly. Why would you lie about it? Why are you none of you are disclosing
Starting point is 00:24:09 it on your forms? Then you're coming back later to amend your forms. It doesn't look good. You're coming back. Either way, it does not look good. Why would you, why would you do that? Carter Page. Now, he's only testified. I don't think he's been arrested unless he's been working with him the whole time like like Papa Right, and then we got Clovis. Yeah, that guy. Oh my god. Would you call him Jordan is funk in chipmunk? Oh, yeah, yeah, just like a just a sad just a sad sad chipmunk or another Another shot still just looks like he is seasonally employed at sears of Santa Claus I can see that yeah Yeah, the Colonel went on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:47 He's weird. Yeah. And, you know what, I don't usually judge people by their looks, but these people... They make it easy. Yeah. We can body shame Trump, but no one else. Or... Holy, man.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Show me. Chrissy, too. There you go. Yeah, so Clovis, that's another one too. And I personally think that if they, if Maniford talked, you're gonna see Flynn and Flynn's kid. If Maniford didn't talk, you're gonna see Flynn. So that they can pressure Flynn with Flynn's kid.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Definitely. I thought that these four indictments were gonna be Flynn, Flynn's kid, Donald Trump, Jr., and Kush kid. Definitely. I thought that these foreign diamonds were going to be Flynn's kid Donald Trump Jr. and Kushner. Okay. But Kushner and DT Jr. are big fish. They are. So there's likely, I guess, considering Papa Dot, like we don't know if there's anyone else involved that they've been keeping, you know, hush hush just for the sake of cooperation. So people's names pop up all the time. There's so many people at that table alone behind the scenes. I agree with Flynn. His son, I think, is not a bad guess. Like you said, if it goes that way. But the other two, like, I'm definitely, if
Starting point is 00:25:56 I have to guess, you don't have to pick four. I'm only picking four because I, you know, that document. I saw that document. And the smart guess. The smart guess. He could split them up. You know what? Okay, I'm gonna say this. I agree with Flin and his son. Because they did mention they have charges on both already.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I'm gonna say the other two. We don't know yet. You don't know. All right, so you think we're just gonna have Flin and his son this week. I think new people might come up. Can we have points for new people if we have a new name next week?
Starting point is 00:26:24 Can I get a point? Because nobody knew Papa Donnelly. Right, it's kind of a top out, but I think you got a guy. I think you got a name. Yeah, a wild card. Oh, okay. Yeah, you're right. So Wild card under so I'll just go with playing his son.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Okay, for sure. John Dole. Yeah, I'm going to go with two. Yeah, yeah. Flynn and his son for sure. I'm going to say Flynn. Oh, we could also have a Miller. Steven Miller.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Not Miller, but Miller. Right. Gorka is also in there. There we go. Okay. So we got a lot to work with. Yeah, we do. You're right.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I guess at this point, I just wouldn't be surprised because they seem so confident. There's gotta be people involved that you just haven't heard about yet. I'm betting on it. All right. Yeah, ready? Sabotage.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Oh, yes. You ready? Yes. I have some breaking news for you guys. Oh, well. I didn't tell you about. Okay. Wilbur Ross, Trump's Commerce Secretary.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Mm-hmm. He shares business interests with Putin's immediate family. Oh. Today, it came out that he failed to disclose that during his confirmation hearings, he failed to disclose that he had business ties with Russia So he might be number three. Yeah, German newspaper Suddeutsche Zitung
Starting point is 00:27:33 Leaked seven million internal documents now known as the paradise papers Which also show that cone that's Trump's chief economic advisor and Rex Tillerson were involved. Oh economic advisor and Rex Tillerson were involved. Oh, right. Rex, I forgot about him. Yes. Oh my gosh. All right, you know what? I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I'm going to throw in Rex. If I may, yeah. No, that's what I bring up sabotage for because we, you know what, things come out every minute. And I got this just before we sat down to record. So I wanted to know if it influenced your picks for next year. He's tried so hard to detach himself but. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Tillerson. Now he is the chief of staff. He's up there. No, he's the center state energy, right? Tillers three. No, secretary state. Really? Yeah, he's got. He's got the right energy. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Oh my god. The glasses. They're not fooling anyone. The guy who thinks we can reduce sexual assault. By turning off the lights. No, by's right. Yeah. Oh my god. The glasses. They're not fooling anyone. The guy who thinks we can reduce sexual assault. By turning off the lights. No, by turning on the lights. Oh, that's right. That's right. Yes. Fossil feels will help us reduce sexual assault. I've been assaulted in broad daylight.
Starting point is 00:28:36 I hope he learns that. Oh my god. That's crazy. Oh no, no, no. Just turn on the lights. Just, you know, flip on. You'll be fine. Yeah, that's the new thing. Wow. So, now with that in on, you'll be fine. That's the new thing. Wow. So, now, with that in mind, I think the four. Yes. Here's my picks, if you guys want to write them down,
Starting point is 00:28:52 I do actually. And we, you know. Just a key track, yes. Where are my, here we go. I think we're going to have Flynn, Lewandowski, Ross, and Cone. All right. Those are my four.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I like it. Those are my final picks. What about you guys? Okay, question. These paradise papers, they were just leaked today? Yeah, well, we got the news today. Okay, my only thing is maybe thinking that they're going to wait a little bit longer to get some more information before they wouldn't die then maybe or maybe they've already known about this stuff right it's
Starting point is 00:29:31 just something they still carry on top. Yeah well before that I was thinking definitely Flynn and his son and then I want to say Donald Trump Jr. and Kushner but I'm thinking since it is within the family that's such an intense you guys are a little bit Right, so badly Yeah, but yeah, and you know what there might not be any indictments this week Yeah, yeah, what this is is not gonna be this week, but it's gonna be the next round of indictment Right, right, it says yeah, that's true
Starting point is 00:29:58 So yeah, for our second round pit or for first round pigs, I guess Yeah, our first round picking, but yeah, Flynn's We can duck it to round Flynn, I guess, first round picking. But, but yeah, Flynn, Flynn's son, and I'm thinking strategically maybe just as a prosecutor, it would make sense to maybe defer and guiding those people that are in his family to see if they could reach some sort of settlement based on information or something. Maybe that's like a thing. I don't know. So you're gonna go with two as well. No, so I'm thinking it would maybe be more likely for Paige and Gordon. Oh, okay. And then, oh, yeah, those are good. I think there's going to be an interesting new story also. Aside from those indictments, I think they're going to release the guilty plea of Lewandowski.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I think they're going to pull a guilty plea of Lewandowski. Oh. I think they're gonna pull a popodopolis with Lewandowski. Oh, my God, please. Okay, so I think that's not an indictment because I think Lewandowski's already been arrested. But she's right on that. That makes sense. I would really, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:57 So in that case, I'm gonna go with Flynn myself, his son, and then I'm gonna go with Tillerson. I just, you think Tillerson's up huh? I do I feel like he's a lower fish so it would be weird if he's not. It's pretty big. Yeah. Oh you're right. You're right. Yeah. He's not he's not Trump Jr. He's not Kushner. He's not family. That makes sense. Oh man. But you don't hear as much at the bottom. I think I've I've I've honest should be indicted for her terrible clothing. Yes. Thank you. Not what she wears, but what she sells to the biggest of the commoners and how much she sells it for.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Jesus, all right. So I'm going to go with Flynn, Sun. I'm still standing by Tillerson. I'm willing to take that risk. But I'll leave it at that. I don't know if I have it fourth. You know why? I guess I might as well.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Just one case. Yeah, just going to the wild card. The unknown, the unknown. You don't get any extra points for guessing to anything. That makes sense. We're going to take any away from case. Yeah, just gonna do the wild card the unknown the You don't get any extra points for guessing to That makes sense. We're gonna take any away from you. Yeah, but you know, I think we should cap it for Carter page I like what you mentioned a G. I do feel like he might have already You know, yeah, but just in case he's my fourth. I got flan's son Tillerson page. All right. Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:03 Flan flan's kid Tillerson page. So we all agree on that. I got a flin son Taylor some page. All right. Yeah, flin flin's kid tell us some page So we all agree on that. I think we all the flin flin We all yeah two of us agree on flin son and the rest are up in the air. Yeah, yeah, then we will find out All right next section Questions yeah, I take a question or however many questions from Facebook and I had Kate from Facebook Ask for this week why we aren't using the term collusion in regards to popodopolis and when are the next indictments.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Right. So I mean, there's going to let you know the reason I don't think that Mueller is using the word collusion is because first of all, collusion is not illegal. Right. Which I just learned. It's crazy. Yeah. That's not. Conspiracy is illegal. Yes. Perger is illegal. Right. Which I just learned. It's crazy. Yeah. That's not conspiracy. Zillegal. Yes. Perjury is illegal. Treason is illegal. Treason is illegal. But that is what he's using
Starting point is 00:32:50 Mueller's using in regards to Papadopolis is perjury. Yes. Okay. Because he lied to the FBI in January. Which is why I'm hopeful for sessions. Oh, please. January 2017. They interviewed him behind closed doors. He lied. Then purportedly Muleer said I got documents and he goes okay, and they arrested him in July. He took up the airport I don't know where it was going. Don't it isn't that Texas to you? No, Dolos is in DC. Oh, okay. I hope he was going somewhere nice but yeah, they've so they pick him up and He spills the bees. So that's lovely. That's but that's why we don't use the term collusion is because they colluding because
Starting point is 00:33:32 it happens legal around. It's yeah, it's not against a lot and Mueller is such a by the book dude. He's not gonna make waste time with things that aren't solid. Like yeah, but we lose're being charged with collusion. No, I think what he's looking for is an obstruction charge. Exactly. On Trump.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Something concrete. Can I? Trump, daddy. According to Wikipedia, may I read the definition of collusion for listeners? Yeah, yeah. So, because I think that's a really good question, and the question is, even in this definition,
Starting point is 00:34:02 collusion is an agreement between two or more parties, sometimes illegal and therefore secretive to limit open competition by deceiving, misleading, or defrauding others of their legal rights or to obtain an objective forbidden, objective forbidden by law, typically by defrauding or gaining an unfair market advantage. So it seems to be ridden with not being okay. So that's a good question. It's like it's got gray area. And it is illegal in business. That's that's what monopolies are. Or when when you know cable companies collude to set price. Exactly. That's collusion. Collusion. And that's when that shits illegal. But in in these cases,
Starting point is 00:34:39 politics, Mueller is going to use in no certain terms these kind of words that are Definitive and what is against the law exactly? So Kate that answers that questions and a question and as far as your when or the next indictments question man There hasn't been the buzz Today this is Sunday. We record these on Sunday. There hasn't been the buzz today that there was the last Sunday So it might be a week. And I had, I was tweeting last week like two more hours till Mueller Monday, two more hours to go, it's midnight in DC.
Starting point is 00:35:13 And then four hours later boom indictments. We kind of felt that one was coming. Exactly. The only thing that indicates to me that there could be indictments this week was that that document on the court docket of the could be indictments this week was that that document on the court docket of the four sealed indictments. But they could sit on that. They could sit on that. I hope not, yeah, but they could. But on Friday, we had heard the Friday before the indictments that he was Russian and he was Russian. We had to. The Mueller was Russian and in half of the court
Starting point is 00:35:43 with the grand jury he convened. And that was why everyone's like, oh, something's you. The Mueller was rushing in and out of the court with the grand jury he convened. And that was why everyone's like, oh, something's coming. Exactly. So we'll know, we'll feel it brewing. So I don't feel like there's going to be indictments this week, although there might be court documents released. Right. Like the Lewandowski.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Like the Lewandowski. They might unseal the Lewandowski. Yeah. Please. Now I'm not saying there is one. When I say they might unseal the Lewandowski papers, there areni. Now I'm not saying there is one when I say they might unseal the Lewandowski papers. There aren't I'm speculating. Theoretically. Yes. That there are if Lewandowski's already been arrested
Starting point is 00:36:13 and even cooperating. If then maybe they'll reveal that. Right. Unseal that. All right. Next week on Mueller, she wrote, members of the GOP in the house led by gates, a Republican from Florida, have filed a Hail Mary resolution to have Mueller removed a special counsel, which is reminiscent of Nixon's firing, of Archibald Cox on the Saturday massacre. So the special prosecutor,
Starting point is 00:36:44 he was the special prosecutor for Watergate. We all know how that turned out. Failed to say and did yes. OK, but I think it would be especially poetic if they tried to remove on a Saturday. And if they do, we will talk about it next week on Mueller's sheet road.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Oh, yeah. I've been Jordan Coburn. I'm Julie St. Johnson. And I'm Ag, AG, and we will see you next week. Hi, I'm Dan Dunn, host of What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn, the most wildly entertaining adult beverage-themed podcast in the history of the medium. That's right. The boozy best of the best, baby! And we have the cool celebrity promos to prove it. Check this out! Hi, I'm Allison Janney, and you're here with me on What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn. And that's my sexy voice.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Boom. Boom is right Academy Award winner Allison Janney. As you can see, celebrities just love this show. How cool is that? Hey, this is Scottie Bippen and you're listening to the Dan Dunn Show and wait, hold on. The name of the show is what? All right, sure. Scotty Pippin momentarily forgot the show's name,
Starting point is 00:37:48 but there's a first time for everything. Hey everyone, this is Scoot McNary. I'm here with Dan Dunn on What Are You Drinking? What's it calling it? Fine, twice. But famous people really do love this show. Hi, this is Will Forte, and you're, for some reason, listening to What We're Dr drinking with Dan Dunn.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Now, what do you mean for some reason, Wilfortay? What's going on? Hi, this is Kurt Russell. Listen, I escaped from New York, but I couldn't get the hell out of Dan Dunn's happy hours. Please send help. Send help. Oh, come on, Kurt Russell. Can somebody out there please help me?
Starting point is 00:38:24 I'm Deed of Antis and you're listening to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn. Let me try one more time. Come on. Is it right? It's amazing. Is it amazing? Is it right? Ah, that's better. So be like Deed of Anteas friends and listen to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn, available wherever you get your podcasts. Available wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:38:49 M-S-W-Media.

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