Jack - The Mueller Report - Pt. 1

Episode Date: May 24, 2019

 Join the hosts of the award-winning podcast Mueller, She Wrote for their special coverage of the Mueller Report  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Kimberly Host of The Start Me Up Podcast. If you like your politics with some loose talk and salty language, you're going to love my show. I interview the coolest people like Mary Trump, Kathy Griffin, and DNC Chair Jamie Harrison. The Start Me Up Podcast has an easygoing, casual style and a strong emphasis on left-leaning politics. We also have Frank discussions about sex and more than a few spirited rants. Just visit patreon.com slash start me up or wherever you get your podcast and start listening today.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Thanks to third love for supporting Muller She Wrote, special coverage of the Muller Report. Third love knows there's a perfect broth for everyone, so right now they're offering our listeners 15% off your first order. Go to thirdlove.com slash report to find yours today. And thanks to the podcast, the primary ride home. Join this American life contributor, Chris Higgins daily as he covers the upcoming primaries for the 2020 election. Search for ride home
Starting point is 00:00:57 in your podcast app and subscribe to the primary ride home today. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have and I have communications with the Russians.
Starting point is 00:01:30 What do I have to get involved with food and for I have nothing to do with food and I've never spoken to them? I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
Starting point is 00:01:46 So it is political. You're a communist. No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist. Applause. Hello and welcome to Muller She Wrote. This is part one of the Muller She Wrote Special
Starting point is 00:02:04 Coverage of the Muller Report. I'm your host, A.G. With me, as always, are Julie Sajanson. Hello. And Jordan Coburn. Hello. And I'm excited. We're going to do a deep dive and page by page
Starting point is 00:02:14 into the Muller Report. Probably a 10 part series could end up being 11 or 12, depends on how long this goes and how redacted it is. I tried to do a great breakdown of it, but so far, we'll see. I mean, things can come up. New stories drop that could elongate some of the episodes, and we want to get every single piece of this for you. Because this shit's not over. No, it's so far from over. And these episodes will be released every Thursday evening in our main feed for you. So we hope that you enjoy them. Share them with people. You don't need to be a patron to get this.
Starting point is 00:02:44 These are public episodes. Share them with people. You don't need to be a patron to get this. These are public episodes. Share them with people who you think need to read the Mueller report that might not have read it, which is probably everybody since only 3% of people have read it. Exactly. I bet you guys all read it. So please feel free to share it with anyone who you say, hey, you want to be entertained and hear what's on the Mueller report.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Here you go. Today, we're going to go over the first 13 pages, volume one, including the introduction, the executive summary of volume one, and section one titled the Special Counsel's Investigation. So let's get right into the introduction, you guys. The opening statement is sobering. And it says, the Russian government
Starting point is 00:03:20 interfered in the 2016 presidential election in a sweeping and systematic fashion. Mueller confirms that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the hacked materials through WikiLeaks in July, October, and November of 2016. Mueller also confirms that the investigation into whether Trump coordinated with Russia was opened after a foreign government contacted the FBI regarding an encounter with Papadopolis in May of 2016. This is important because we know that Trump and his minions like Nunes and Jim Jordan
Starting point is 00:03:50 and Tim Meadows and countless of his supporters would have you believe that the investigation was opened on the steel dossier and that's simply not true. Do you think that's officially a dead theory? No, people still say that. I got damn it. I've heard it less for sure, but I cannot wait until the day that that's an unacceptable thing to say. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:04:08 It's pretty dumb. And when they say a foreign government contacted the FBI, I'm going to go ahead and assume that's Australia. Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Because it was Alexander Downer who heard pop-a-dopoulous, pop-a-dopoulous, the top of this asophagus in the pub in England about his interactions with Mifsood. Yes, but that had fire AG. I totally stole it from Vlad the Concorde, but thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:31 All right, guys, then the report goes on to say that Mueller has determined Russia interfered with the elections and did so through two principal operations. First was the social media campaign that involved the Internet Research Agency, which we'll call the IRA, Russian troll farms, Concord management, and the like, basically favoring Trump and disparaging Clinton. Second, of course, is the hack and release operation of the stolen documents. The report also concludes that there were several links between the Russian government and
Starting point is 00:04:57 the Trump campaign. Several links. There were several links, and we'll go over them all in detail for you. But now I'd like to take you back a minute to March 24th when Bill Barr decided to write the four-page letter summarizing the two-year Mueller investigation in less than 48 hours. In that letter, not one full sentence from this report existed, but there was one sentence, the one that Barr used to draw his conclusion that there was no collusion, and it seemed to be taken out of context. And the hint that it was taken out of context for us, and we talked about this right after
Starting point is 00:05:31 the bar summary dropped, was that the no conspiracy sentence began in Barr's letter with a capital T in brackets, which indicates that the lower, in the original Mueller report, there was a lowercase T, which indicates to us that the sentence had an entire beginning part that was totally removed. So what Barr used in his letter went like this, quote, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. And that's a part of a sentence that he used. The actual sentence as written in the Mueller report goes like this. part of a sentence that he used. The actual sentence, as written in the Mueller report, goes like this.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And this is good. Quote, although the investigation established that Russian government, that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Trump campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts,
Starting point is 00:06:24 the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired a coordinate with the Russian government and its intellectuals. Real smooth bar, real smooth. Bargit didn't run on sentences, that was the problem. Oh, that's the problem. Yeah, yeah. It was probably too confusing for him to understand it. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:39 To follow that many clauses along, that's hard. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So instead of, Mueller says there's no coordination. It's like, although there was a shitload of meetings and tons of wrongdoing, there was no coordination or conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:06:54 That's a front heavy sentence. It really is and he removed the entire front. And also noticed the word collusion doesn't appear anywhere in that sentence. And that there was an entire set up, like I said, that barge of sort of left out. And we know based on a story about a 1989 Office of Legal Council memo he wrote, bar wrote, and then later summarized
Starting point is 00:07:13 for Congress, bar has a history and a propensity for leaving out the important bits. The 1989 memo he wrote basically allowed the US to abduct a foreign person on foreign soil without alerting the foreign state. And he did this pretty much to pave the way for a possible kidnapping of Manuel Noriega in Panama, where President Bush was calling for a coup. And Bar then said he promised to summarize his memo to Congress, which he did. And when the actual memo was subpoenaed, it became clear that Bar did then exactly what he
Starting point is 00:07:43 tried to do a month ago, a couple months ago now, and completely downplayed the seriousness of the findings by omitting consequential details to provide cover for the president. Okay. And he should be held accountable for withholding the information from the public. Oh, definitely. I'm starting to realize that maybe Trump hired Barr because like, you know how come me and McCabe had their memos and really pissed Trump off. He's like, they're making up these memos and just means nothing. You know, credibility. He's like, oh, how Comey and McCabe had their memos and really pissed Trump off. He's like, they're making up these memos and just it means nothing. And no credibility.
Starting point is 00:08:07 He's like, oh, I got memos now. Yeah. I need a memo guy. Who's the most assholary memo guy in the business? That was a cragless post. Asked him what his strength was and he said, negligence and I said, perfect. Also his weakness.
Starting point is 00:08:23 There's a missed connections on it. You were the attorney general who wrote a shitty 1989 summary about a Office of Legal Counsel memo about Manuel Noriega. I saw you, we met eyes. I forget your name. Who are you?
Starting point is 00:08:38 I need you to be the attorney general. Oh man. They took those away from Craigslist or no longer in there. Yeah, probably for the best. Oh yeah. I like that part. It's probably getting creepy. It's very fun for everyone else. That was not involved Yes, exactly. I loved reading through them. Yeah in college. We wouldn't go out. We'd get drunk and read those
Starting point is 00:08:55 Yeah, yeah, totally I know and I would always see if I was in there Do you really go in there and see I wonder if someone saw me across the karaoke bar With a glass of wine and my cat shirt, you know, whatever. I love it. No, I was never on there. Let's see, where do we go from here? Oh, then the Mueller report just kind of gives a roadmap for understanding the report
Starting point is 00:09:16 and the underpinnings of the results and Mueller's charging decisions. And I'm just going to read this to you so that you have a clear understanding about the structure of the findings and how they're presented, which I think is incredibly important to apply to the full report as we move forward discussing both vines. So remember where we're at on the timestamp in this so that you can understand the mission of the report, because whenever I do have a task or a project, I always go back to the mission to understand what the main underpinnings and reasons for me doing something are. And so, if you write down the time stamp here, this is basically the mission of the Mueller report. Below we describe the evidentiary considerations underpinning statements about the results of our investigation
Starting point is 00:09:57 and the special counsel's charging decisions. And then we provide an overview of the two volumes of our report. The report describes actions and events that the special counsel's office found to be supported by the evidence collected in our investigation. In some instances, the report points out the absence of evidence or conflicts in the evidence about a particular fact or event. In other instances, when substantial credible evidence enabled the office to reach a conclusion with confidence, the report states that the investigation established that certain actions or events occurred. A statement that the investigation did not establish
Starting point is 00:10:28 particular facts does not mean there was no evidence of those facts. Very important. I'm going to read that again. A statement that the investigation did not establish particular facts does not mean there was no evidence of those facts. Typically not something you'd see in a document,
Starting point is 00:10:43 I imagine, unless you are anticipating people will interpret it in the other way. In evaluating whether evidence about collective action of multiple individuals constituted a crime, we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of collusion. In so doing, the office recognizes that the word collude was used in communications with acting attorney general, confirming certain aspects of the investigation scope, and that the term has frequently been invoked in public reporting about the investigation, but collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States code, nor is it
Starting point is 00:11:18 a term of art in federal criminal law. For those reasons, the office's focus of analyzing questions of joint criminal liability was on conspiracy as defined in federal law. For those reasons, the office's focus of analyzing questions of joint criminal liability was on conspiracy as defined in federal law. In connection with that analysis, we addressed a factual question whether members of the Trump campaign coordinated a term that appears in the appointment order with Russian election interference activities. Like collusion, coordination does not have a settled definition in federal criminal law. We understood coordination to require an agreement, tacit, or express between the Trump campaign and the Russian government on election interference. That requires more than the two parties taking actions that were informed by or responsive
Starting point is 00:11:56 to the other's actions or interests. So what he's saying there is that it's not just about two parties taking actions. They have to have a tacit or express agreement. We applied the term coordination in the same sense when stating in the report that the investigation did not establish that the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Then, so that's the mission there. That's the whole kind of structure and underpinning. Then there are two brief paragraphs outlining sections of the two volumes, which we will cover as we go. And then page four moves on to the executive summary to volume one. And I think these executive summaries are the summaries that Muller's team prepared for the public that they asked five times for Barr to share with the public, and he never did. But I'm not certain that separate ones weren't written. We still kind of don't know. Yeah, that was a bit vague.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I always wanted to see those summaries. These might be them. There might be other summaries. But we know that Barr refused to hand out his summaries even after they were fully redacted and handed to them in an envelope on the third time they asked or the fourth time they asked. And then we've seen that letter from Mueller to Barr saying, I don't like the way you characterized Meshit, bro. Here's the summaries release these and he still didn't. And we still haven't heard from Mueller, so that's kind of where we are right now. What a shitty limbo. It's a weird place to be in.
Starting point is 00:13:15 The first section to the executive summary is about the Russian social media campaign. What's interesting to me in this section is that there are redactions for things that could cause harm in an ongoing matter in relation to the internet research agency. Progusion, that's Putin-Chef, and that he's also the guy who runs Concord Management. He'll have us a first descriptor we use for Putin-Chef. Putin-Chef. Yeah, I know. Like, nothing else.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Like, murderer. Chef. Lip-was-all. We give credit where to do. I think they call him that because he runs Concord Management and Concord Catering, and he provides all the meals to the Russian military. So he's the chef.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I've had military food. Wouldn't call you a chef. These redactions are probably about the Concord Management case, which is still being fought in court to be able to get, they want all the Mueller evidence in discovery, which would then immediately hand over to the crumbling and muller is fighting that request uh... this is a court case by the way where it seems concord management hired
Starting point is 00:14:12 american lawyers and uh... they pursued this case in the u.s. just pretty much to be able to get documents from muller and when they couldn't they forged their own set up an anonymous twitter account and disseminated their fake documents claiming they hacked Muller. That's a Jacob Woolmove, if I may have heard of. Yeah, it's so desperate. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:14:30 Like, did you have a LinkedIn profile too? With pictures of models in your mom's phone number? This is the same court case, by the way, where the judge was fed up with some of the methods employed by the lawyers for concord management, the American lawyers, because they were dropping F-bombs and quoting Bugs Bunny cartoons in their court filings. But in any case, I'm guessing those internet research agency redactions
Starting point is 00:14:51 are for the Concord Management Battle that's still in the court, but it could also mean there could be more Russian indictments coming. We just don't know. But we do know, Hillary's personal email was targeted after Trump called for Russia to find her missing emails, and maybe there's more indictments coming for that. Yeah, definitely. And as we've learned later on in the Mueller Report, no spoilers. Because we'll get there. There are definitely other entities. Yes, that's for sure. And it's, yeah, it's weird. It's like, are there more Russian indictments coming?
Starting point is 00:15:19 Right. There could be. So if you're playing the fantasy indictment league on the main episode, you might want to throw some Russian randos. Or just a rando, I guess that kind of encompasses Russians. That's his strategy. Yep. All right So the report goes on to describe the social media disinformation campaign and says the internet research agency use social media accounts and interest groups to so discord in the United States through information warfare. It favored Trump and it disperaged Clinton And we'll get into the details of that later in the report. We get way into the details of that. All right guys, then we get to the executive summary of the Russian hacking operation. And Mueller confirms the GRU, which is the main intelligence directorate of the general staff of the Russian army, carried out the hacking. They began hacking in March 2016, targeting Clinton
Starting point is 00:16:01 campaign staffers in John Podesta, as well as the DNC and D-Triple C. They stole hundreds and thousands, hundreds of thousands of documents, and dozens and thousands added all together. You get a couple hundred thousand and some twelve. You are not wrong. Hundreds of thousands of documents and disseminated the stolen material through fake online personas known as DC leaks and Gucci for 2.0 and then later through WikiLeaks Goddamn that will still never be something that fully sinks in that an entire Intelligence unit of a government put everything behind this. Yeah, that's insane. Isn't it? It's crazy. Yeah, and when you know spoilers, but when we get in deeper into the report it talks about all the
Starting point is 00:16:52 And when you know spoilers, but when we get in deeper into the report, it talks about all the different least computers that they paid money for by mining like stealing Bitcoin and like there are some in Arizona. It gets crazy. Yeah, it just it gets crazy. Yeah. So stick around for part three, which is after part two. Every Okay, Rebecca black Time is linear. Let's see, Mueller found the Trump campaign showed interest in WikiLeaks and interest in their releases and welcomed the damage to Clinton. Cool guy. Totally legal, totally cool.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Yeah, seems fine. Totally fine. Every time WikiLeaks is brought up in this report, we see a lot of redactions indicating there could be harm to an ongoing matter. And that's likely the Roger Stone and Assange cases. Then we get to probably one of the most famous lines in Russian collusion. there could be harm to an ongoing matter. And that's likely the Roger Stone and Assange cases. Then we get to probably one of the most famous lines
Starting point is 00:17:26 in Russian collusion. You hear it in our opening sequence every week, and the Mueller report says, quote, Trump announced he hoped Russia would recover emails, described as missing from a private server used by Clinton when she was secretary of state. He later said he was speaking sarcastically, and then nearly three full lines of redaction
Starting point is 00:17:44 for harm to an ongoing matter and I'm thinking that's that maybe a future Russian indictment. Yeah, I hope so. And also how can he? What else would he claim he's speaking sarcastically on if he was actually held accountable for it? He does is all the time. I just joking. Or feed. Yeah. I was just joking. Exactly. Could you just be joking about being president then and believe? Oh God, please Exactly. Could you just be joking about being president then? Oh God, please. Spire's just joking. I'm out of here. He's just a real good comic. Committed to the bit. It is. It's one of those who was the guy with the other guy that pretended to be the guy. They did a movie called Man the Moon. Oh, Jim Carrey. No, he was in it. Okay. And he played Andy Kaufman. Yeah, yeah, that persona. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:26 And they were never in the same room together. Right. When Jim Carrey was actually playing him like on set and stuff You mean yeah, but then he shows up later in the movie with after after Andy Kaufman dies and you're like, what I thought you were Wow So now you have to go watch that. We'll wait So now you have to go watch that. We'll wait. No, I'm kidding. Anyway, right after those redactions, it continues with WikiLeaks releasing Podesta's stolen emails less than an hour after the US media outlet released video considered damaging to Trump.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yes, I'm going to assume that's the access Hollywood grab a by the pussy tape. We will get heavy into those details in section three. So the question for me is why did the Mueller probe and if it didn't seem to be finished yet and who now is looking into these things? When we get to the referrals, let's count some of those unresolved cases and call one of them this potential additional Russian hacking indictment for trying to get into Hillary's deleted emails right after Trump asked the Russians to do it.
Starting point is 00:19:24 That could still be an ongoing investigation. Those are just beans. And when I say beans, I'm getting, means I'm guessing. You can listen to episode 24 of the main episode with Dallas McLaughlin to find out what beans means or go on our FAQ at mullershearout.com. Yes, what does beans means? I could have probably explained it to you in that time. I told you we were going to go find it. But that was fun. It was a bad one, you're hungry. You have a mystery. Yeah, that is fun. But we'll stab on your hand for a few. You have a mystery. Yeah, I'm sure you guys don't have anything else to do tonight.
Starting point is 00:19:48 All right, just a little homework assignment for you. All right, guys, we'll be right back. Hey guys, this is A.G. And I am officially obsessed with third love. Not just because it's co-founded by a woman or that they're disrupting the old way of shopping for bras or because their ads feature real women with real bodies and curves and rolls and tattoos
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Starting point is 00:21:22 You'll be glad you did. Hello, welcome back. We are moving on and we get a summary of Russian contacts with the Trump campaign in this section, which is 8 million pages long. No. It's hard to summarize the contacts with the Trump campaign in Russia, but it opens up by saying the hacking operations coincided with a bunch of contacts with the Trump campaign officials and Russians. And that's interesting to me, because no longer are we talking about two wholly disconnected events in the hacking and the Russian meetings, right? Mueller connects the two. He says they're coincided.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Because as we've said all along, this was a coordinated attempt. And while the Mueller investigation did not have the criminal link to that coordination, he does stay here with confidence that the Russian contacts within the Trump campaign coincided with the hacking operation. And those words are important. If Mueller was just trying to say these things happened around the same time but had nothing to do with each other, I feel like he would have used a different word like they occurred simultaneously.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Coincided says something important here. And I think the words, you know, he's super deliberate fellow. So he says, quote, the Russian contacts consisted of business connections, offers of assistance to the campaign, invitations for candidate Trump and Putin to meet in person, invitations for campaign officials and representatives of the Russian government to meet and policy positions seeking improved Russian relations. In spring of 2016, popodopolis made contact with Miffsud, who told him he had dirt on Hilary Clinton in the form of thousands of emails, tens and thousands and dozens. It was, that's what I'm just going to call it from now on.
Starting point is 00:22:54 It was May of 2016, when he drunk bragged about it to Alexander Downer, and that's how this whole thing got started. That's all this whole crazy mess got started. Then in summer 2016, we have the Trump Tower meeting. June, the old June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, we've been talking about it forever. And Mueller said there was no dirt provided in this meeting, but the Trump Jr. anticipated receiving dirt.
Starting point is 00:23:14 And days after that meeting is when the cybersecurity firm announced that the DNC was hacked and got access to the opposition research on Trump among other documents. So that's one of those coinciding things that he thought was important to mention. Not just like, oh, here's what was sort of happened at the same time, interestingly and curiously enough. No, these are coincided events, right? You could have blocked them together in a separate way or something.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Right, or it just did a different timeline. Yeah. It's not in the report, by the way, but that cybersecurity firm is CrowdStrike, which we learned about in the book Russian Roulette by Isakafem Korn, and we also learned about it early on in the Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson testimony transcripts. Remember those? He read those. They're great. They read like a spy novel if you get a chance. Then we have Carter Page's July 2016 trip to Moscow, where he gave the keynote at the new economic school. The campaign then began
Starting point is 00:24:03 distancing itself from Hat Boy and fired him in September of 2016. And while Paige was receiving his, or while Paige was giving his speech over in Moscow, that's when WikiLeaks began releasing emails stolen by the GRU. Within days, the US Intel agencies reported with high confidence it was Russia, and within a week, quote, a foreign and form the FBI about its May 2016 interaction with Papadopolis. Again that's Australia, Alexander Downer, though that's not specifically stated here. We do know that the from other reporting now that we've covered in our other episodes.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Right, that's why I'm filling in the blanks for you. Totally, totally. They did kind of lag on that too. A little bit on giving us this tips, months, couple months. But apparently Alexander Downer isn't the most trustworthy in politician in Australia. Yeah, I guess he has like a weird reputation over there. He's like kind of weird and I think he's the funky guy. Yeah, just a weird dude.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Like laughable, like a laughable fella. And not in a good way. Perculeer. Yeah, funny perc way peculiar. Yeah funny peculiar Yeah, people are very surprised that he was like the beacon of tipping off US intelligence Right, we have him in our sexy justice calendar people like don't put that weird guy in justice calendar And I'm like, all right, so I didn't know now we know and on the last day of July It in 2016 based on the foreign government reporting the FBI is that's when they open their investigation
Starting point is 00:25:25 into Trump Russia. So, and we got that whole timeline from McCabe too, in his book and in his interview on our show, a couple weeks ago. All right, then we have the August second meeting between Kalimnik, Constantin Kalimnik, and Manafort in the Sagar Bar, I think, in the devil building, 66th, 6th, 5th Avenue.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Mueller says during this meeting, Kalimnik delivered a peace plan for Ukraine that Manafort told prosecutors was a backdoor way 66th Avenue. Mueller says during this meeting, Calimnic delivered a peace plan for Ukraine that Manafort told prosecutors was a backdoor way for Russia to control part of the Eastern Ukraine. Both men figured they would need Trump's ascent, and they also discussed Trump's campaign strategy for winning Democratic votes in Midwestern states, or stealing them. Once before that, once before the
Starting point is 00:26:03 August 2nd meeting, Manafort had caused internal polling data to be shared with Columnick. That's an interesting way to phrase that. Yes, and we now know why he phrased it that way, because this is Gates. He instructed Gates to share the polling data with Columnick. Remember when Gates came forward with this information during the Manifort trial? He said, I might have some exculpatory information and he gave it to Muller, and Muller handed it over to the judge, and the judge said, when she was trying to decide if Manifort breached his plea agreement or not, and the judge is like, this doesn't fucking make a difference.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Basically, what happened was, I think what Muller was asserting to the judge was that Manifort shared the internal polling data with Kalimnik, and Gates was like, oh, no, no, no, no, Manifort had me do that. And he was like, okay. And so he told the judge and they're like, yeah, he's still, he's still alive. Orca straight. Yeah, live in orca straight. I was like, this doesn't get you off the hook, but good, good call for getting me the truth. And that's, that's specifically what that is. Judge ruled the information again had no impact on that ruling that Manafort breached his plea agreement. But that's why the wording seems
Starting point is 00:27:04 weird here. Man of War had caused internal polling data to be shared with Kolymnik. After the election, many Russians tried to make inroads with Trump, including Carole Demetriev, the CEO of the Russian sovereign wealth fund, who is the guy who met with Eric Prince in the Seychelles.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Then we learned something we did not know. I did not know this at least, and I hadn't reported on it, and we hadn't done that on the show. That doesn't mean somebody else didn't know That Demetri have was introduced to a friend of Kushner that wasn't part of the campaign and Kushner's pal and Demetri have wrote up a reconciliation plan for Russia and the United States that ended up in Kushner's hands who then gave it to Bannon and Rex Tillerson That's such a bullshit too because Kushner wanted to be the foreign diplomacy guy,
Starting point is 00:27:46 and then he just got his friend to do it, and he's like, look what I had to do. He was a pretty good guy to call the credit. I hate those fuckers that do that. It reminds me of I'm watching Bad Men again, and like he takes everyone's ideas and gets paid for it. And like Peggy's like, well how about you just tell Peggy to say thank you to me,
Starting point is 00:28:02 and he's like, that's what the money's for. Maybe Kushner paid this guy. The report doesn't say his name, but we know it, because we're smart and awesome. This guy's name is Rick Gerson. It's actually part of public reporting. We just picked it up. But Rick Gerson, I don't know if you remember this,
Starting point is 00:28:16 but we added him to the fantasy indictment draft in June of 2018 a year ago. When we reported that Mueller was investigating Gerson for his contact with NBC prior to the state shells meeting with Nader, Princeton, Dimitriath. He was also at the mid-December meeting at the four seasons in New York with Kushner, NBC, Nader, Flynn, and Bannon. Dude. He's a good person to keep on that league.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Yeah. That is true. Rick Gerson. Hmm. All right. Maybe. It kind of seems like one of those things that would have come and gone already, but who knows? Yeah, in that meeting wasn't brought up in the Mueller report, at least not in this part. Yeah. Then December 29 after the election, Obama imposed the sanctions for election malfeasance, and Flynn called Kisley, actor Russian ambassador, and said, hey, don't do anything.
Starting point is 00:29:02 We'll take care of this. And the next day Putin says he wasn't going to retaliate and Trump tweeted it out saying, great move on delay by V. Putin. I always knew he was smart. No one needs his first initial. V. Putin sounds like very Putin. Sounds like a vagina. It sounds like a good sounds like a euphemism for my father. Yeah. Like my V. Putin. And the next day, kissly, I cool-toned out. Sorry, that's a couple of seconds too long. It's worth it. Sometimes it does. And then the next day, Kisly, I called Flynn back and told him his request was received at the highest levels of the Russian government, Putin. Kis Putin shows not to react because of Flynn's phone call. Recently, the judge in the Flynn
Starting point is 00:29:42 case has ordered that the transcripts of those calls be released to the public by May 31st. Today is May 22nd, 2019. In case you're listening 30 years from now. Along with also he's going to release redacted portions of the Mueller report that involve Flynn and the Dowd voicemail to Flynn. A Trump lawyer called Flynn left a voicemail dangling a pardon and trying to get him to lie to Congress or to Mueller. So far, there's no objections to that ruling. So we got nine days to see what happens. We move on to page eight now in the Mueller report with a brief timeline of the subsequent events including that in January of 2017 after he took office.
Starting point is 00:30:18 The Intel community, actually I think it was right before he took office, the Intel community or IC briefed Trump on a joint assessment between the CIA, FBI and NSA, and they concluded with high confidence that Russia intervened in our elections to help Trump and harm Clinton, and a declassified version of that report was released the same day. To put this into context, we've heard probably a zillion times that 17 intelligence agencies reached the same conclusion, which isn't quite the case. The NSA's CIA and FBI reached this conclusion and the rest of the intelligence agencies did
Starting point is 00:30:47 not dispute it. Most of those other intelligence agencies don't even look into this stuff. It would be like the aeroplane intelligence agency or the Air Force Navy has the airplane. Air Force has chairs. Okay. Then for myths, I love you guys. Love the Air Force. Who, yeah, that's Navy. I don't know what you do. Does the Air Force has chairs. Okay. Then for mid. Sorry, I love you guys. Love the Air Force. Who? Yeah, that's Navy. I don't know what you do. Does the Air Force have a noise? You don't know. Yeah, I'm singing a play. Yeah. Space man. Good bye.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Like that helicopter. We got to go over earlier. That's their noise. All right. So anyway, sorry. Then for mid-January to mid-February, the HIPSEAM. That's the look up to we have go over that's that's their noise uh... or it's anyway sorry and then from mid-January to mid-fabricary the hip-seam that's the senate select the hip-seam is the house permanent select committee on intelligence hps c i and the cissy the senate committee on select committee on intelligence senate select committee on intelligence and the senate judiciary committee announced they would conduct inquiries
Starting point is 00:31:43 or had already begun to look into Russian interference. Comi later confirmed a Congress, the existence of the FBI's investigation into Trump Russia, that had begun before the election with the Australian call about Papadopoulos. On March 20, 2017, Comi said in an open session before HIPSEE, I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with
Starting point is 00:32:14 the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed. The baby introduction to an investigation might come either. And this is interesting because right now, we don't know where that counterintelligence investigation went. And we know that Mueller's criminal investigation was very narrow.
Starting point is 00:32:38 But Komi says here, as with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed. So there could be other crimes outlined in the counterintelligence report that have not been charged or discussed or even known about. Yeah. Because Muller's scope was very narrow. Anyway, I thought that was interesting. This is an important prepared statement because Komi says that the investigation into coordination and conspiracy was not simply a criminal one. It was the criminal investigation to determine if the coordination and conspiracy with Russia rose to the level of illicit criminal activity able to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Starting point is 00:33:19 What is not in this report, at least as we can see so far, is any of the counterintelligence portion of the investigation into coordination and conspiracy between the campaign and Russia. But we know from public reporting and information that we've gathered from experts, along with information gleaned from this report, that counterintelligence investigation went on alongside the criminal investigation conducted by Mueller. And again, that counterintelligence information was gathered by FBI agents. And we currently don't know where it is, except today, information was gathered by FBI agents and we currently don't know where it is except today. Adam Schiff had of the House Intelligence Committee, which is this where Komi was testifying when he said this, made a deal with a Attorney General Barr that Barr is going to start handing over
Starting point is 00:33:59 counterintelligence investigation information related to the Mueller investigation in exchange for not being held in contempt So the threat of contempt worked so he canceled the vote today to hold bar and contempt and Department of justice said we'll hand we'll start handing. We'll see what they hand over Right see how redacted it is But he's gonna start handing over that counter intelligence information to shift Well, because the question is still yet to be answered if it's even done or not yet, or like who, which parts have been handed off to who if any, and then, yeah, how that would even,
Starting point is 00:34:29 what map that would even look like. Yeah, it's such a mystery. And when I spoke to McCabe, he's like, I don't even know. Yeah, and I opened it. Like he would say anything. That's true. But I figured he would probably say, I can't tell you that, you know? But he's like, dude, I don't know. That's true. But I figured he would probably say, I can't tell you that.
Starting point is 00:34:45 You know, he's like, dude, I don't know. That's true. That's a cool dude. All right, let's see here. According to the NBC reporting on April 19th, the NBC, what did the NBC, you kids listen to these days? The FBI and other intelligence agencies are still pursuing a counterintelligence effort to thwart the Russian influence operations into 2020 interference.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Some key aspects of the counterintelligence inquiry, such as the FBI, warning the Trump campaign about Russian interference and the campaign not contacting law enforcement, is missing from the Mueller report. It also doesn't talk about the firing of Comey or other acts of obstruction as counterintelligence issues. It talks about them as obstruction issues, but not national security issues, because we know firing Komi, which kind of inhibited the FBI from investigating, is a national security and therefore a counterintelligence issue. The volume one summary then goes on to tell us that
Starting point is 00:35:37 May 9, 2017 Komi was fired by Trump, and that action is analyzed in volume two. Komi's firing came seven weeks into his investigation of Trump Russia, and eight days later, Snoop Dagg, that's who we call the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, appointed special counsel Robert Mueller, and authorized him to investigate what Comey was looking into as well as matters arising directly from that investigation.
Starting point is 00:36:00 And other matters within the scope of 28 CFR section 600.4A, which generally covers obstruction. Shout out to Andrew McCabe for playing a huge role in that as well. Definitely. So when this goes down in history, everyone knows that McCabe was the boy. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, McCabe had several meetings with Rosenstein about this particular thing in Rosenstein's What the fuck do I do? He fired Komi and McCabe's like got to get a special
Starting point is 00:36:25 council man he got to get a special council. Kept poking at him, kept poking at him, finally I'm gonna do a special council. I have everyone. I had a great idea all by myself. I'm gonna get a special council. Anyway, CFR 28 CFR section 604 point, 6.4 a that's the CFR code code of federal regulations governing special counsel and the specific sections listed outlines their jurisdiction. So you can read that if you want. It's real juicy. Moitton is not. Mueller says Trump reacted negatively to the appointment of special counsel and said it was the end of his presidency. He said, oh, damn it. I think his actual quote was, I'm fucked. Yeah, it was definitely not that.
Starting point is 00:37:10 He sought to have sessions unrecuse himself and fire Mueller. He engaged in efforts to stop the investigation and prevent the disclosure of evidence to it. And that's all outlined in volume two. Guys, we'll be right back with the summary of charging decisions. Hey, guys, this is A.G. I wanted to tell you about a great new podcast will be right back with the summary of charging decisions. Hey guys, this is A.G. I wanted to tell you about a great new podcast called the primary ride home. So we know the Mueller report is out. It's been out for a while now.
Starting point is 00:37:32 We know impeachment is being slow-walked right now by the Democrats, but there is one sure way of having your voice heard, and that's the ballot box. And somebody's gonna challenge Donald Trump for the White House. The primary ride home is a podcast dedicated to figuring out who that someone or maybe even multiple someone's will end up being. As the name implies, this awesome podcast covers the presidential primaries. Every day at 5 p.m. Eastern, veteran journalist and this American life contributor, Chris Higgins, will catch you up on what has happened on the campaign trail. Who's up? Who's down? What issues are getting traction? And what the polls say. It's a 15-20 minute show that keeps track of all the latest and
Starting point is 00:38:08 summarizes it so you don't have to be nervously refreshing your web browser 12 times a day. It's like, too long didn't read as a service. So if you want to catch up on what you missed on your way home, search your podcast out for Ride Home and subscribe to the Primary Ride Home podcast. You'll be glad you did. Alright guys, welcome back. We are now at the bottom Ride Home podcast. You'll be glad you did. All right, guys, welcome back. We are now at the bottom of page eight. That whole middle section was page eight. And this is where the report summarizes Mueller's charging
Starting point is 00:38:35 decisions. And he begins by defining what a crime is and what standards he used to determine whether or not to charge anyone with a crime. And they're very high standards. First, he had to determine if the conduct broke federal criminal law, chargeable under the principles of federal prosecution, as outlined in the Justice Manual.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Then Mueller describes where the standards set forth in the manual to determine if something is a crime. And if it is, is the admissible evidence probably sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction? And finally, whether prosecuting the crime would serve a substantial federal interest that couldn't be satisfied elsewhere, or by non-criminal alternatives. Inpeachment. 321-425-16.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Non-criminal alternative. Where was I? Hi, I'm Dan Dunn, host of What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn, the most wildly entertaining adult beverage-themed podcast in the history of the medium. That's right, the boozy best of the best, baby! And we have the cool celebrity promos to prove it. Check this out! Hi, I'm Allison Janney, and you're here with me on What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And that's my sexy voice. Boom. Boom. Boom is right Academy Award winner, Allison Janney. As you can see, celebrities just love this show. How cool is that? Hey, this is Scottie Pippen, and you're listening to the Dan Dunn Show and wait, hold on. The name of the show is what? Alright, sure.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Scottie Pippen momentarily forgot the show's name, but there's a first time for everything. Hey everyone, this is Scoot McNary. I'm here with Dan Dunn on What Are You Drinking? What's it called again? Fine, twice. But famous people really do love this show. Hi, this is Will Forte and you're, for some reason, listening to What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn. What do you mean for some reason, Will Forte? What's going on? Hi, this is Kurt Russell. Listen, I escaped from New York, but I couldn't get the hell out of Dan Dunn's happy hour. Please send help. Send help.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Oh, come on Kurt Russell. Can somebody out there please help me? I'm Deed of Ante's and you're listening to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn. Let me try one more time. Come on. Is it right? What we're drinking? It's amazing, isn't it? Is it right? Ah, that's better.
Starting point is 00:40:50 So be like Dita Von Tees, friends, and listen to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn, available wherever you get your podcasts. So, Renato, do you still have your own podcast? Yeah, it's complicated. What's so complicated about a podcast? That's the name of the podcast, remember? Oh!
Starting point is 00:41:14 Will you still be exploring topics that help us understand the week's news? You bet, but we'll have a new name because we're going to be working together to explore complicated issues that are done in the news. Working together? Yeah, your host is to get with me, remember? Oh, right. Wait. Does that mean our podcast is going to have a steam op segment?
Starting point is 00:41:36 Let's not get carried away. But we'll discuss hot new legal topics, so check out our new episode coming soon to everywhere you get podcasts as well as YouTube. Oh, I'm going to turn it off. Oh, sorry. It's all right. Mueller reminds us that Section 5 of the Mueller Report provides detailed explanations of the charging decisions which contain three components. Number one, Mueller says two principal interference operations by Russia violated the law. Number two, while Mueller identified numerous links between Russia and the Trump campaign,
Starting point is 00:42:16 the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges of conspiracy. But Mueller does go on to be a little more specific, saying that among other things, the evidence wasn't sufficient to charge any campaign official under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, and that the evidence about the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting and WikiLeaks release of hacked materials was not sufficient to charge criminal campaign finance violations. Finally, the evidence was not sufficient to charge
Starting point is 00:42:42 that any Trump people conspired with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election. So that could leave room for counterintelligence information relating to the coordination and conspiracy surrounding WikiLeaks and also the Trump Tower meeting because only campaign finance violations are mentioned here specifically. But that should be something Congress should ask Mueller when he testifies. Yeah, I agree. And also so frustrating that there's such a high standard to be convicted. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:07 And he's so conservative about it. Yeah, it's obviously like a good thing in general for people probably, but for white collar crimes, not really. For white collar crimes, not really. Yeah, no. It's kind of sad how much people get away with white collar crimes. Yeah. It's kind of sad how much people get away with white color crimes. And I know we've talked about this before, mainly because of reading Comey and McCabe's book about just the level of evidence you have to have to not only charge crimes of the
Starting point is 00:43:39 white color nature, but that 9-11 sucked all the money out of white color criminal investigations and put it in counter-terrorism investigations and rightfully so, but like then all these white collar criminals run free. Yes, and then if you're even so much as in the wrong place, the wrong time on the street or something around people that are like smoking dope, then you get arrested and thrown in jail. It's just fucking bullshit. Yeah. All right, well, fuck. That's just fucking bullshit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:03 All right, well, fuck. I quit. No. So the third component of charging decisions is that Mueller established several Trump aides lied to him and to Congress about their interactions with Russians and related matters, and those lies material impaired the investigation of Russian interference. And here's where I want to bring something up. It was discussed a while back that collusion could be the obstruction when it came to light
Starting point is 00:44:28 that firing Komi, while its traditional obstruction, could also be seen as counterintelligence national security matter because his firing would have made the investigation into interference difficult. That poses a national security threat. We just sort of mentioned that a minute ago. Here too, where Mueller says that the lies told by Trump associates impaired his investigation into Russian interference and composed a national security threat. Perhaps that's in the counterintelligence report and we haven't seen it, that the people who lied to Mueller are a pose a national security
Starting point is 00:44:57 threat and is a counterintelligence problem. And that could, we might be able to see that if we ever get any of the counterintelligence stuff, which I don't know if the public will ever see it. Yeah, that would make me feel a little bit better and sleep a little bit better at night to know that they can't just lie and then get away with it essentially with no follow-up actions, but realistically, that's probably not what it was. Yeah, and they're still walking around, so. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Like, they have manabed. Yeah, that's true. God, I wish they just arrested them all and just were like, just hang out in this tank for a second when we figure this out. Yeah, and Americans are like, why did they get arrested? I'm like, we can't tell you. Yeah, it's not.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Don't worry about it. It's a secret. It looks suspicious. Yeah, totally. And then, and you, Mueller actually goes on to say he charged some of those lies as violations, right? So he did charge some people. We know that too. Yeah. Under 2001, which is the false statement statute. Yeah, that's true. That's how he got a lot of plea deals.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Flynn pleaded guilty to lying about his interactions with Kisley Act during the transition. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty as well about lying about Mifsood and Cohen pleaded guilty for false statements about Trump Teller Moscow. Then of course, he talks about Manafort's lies, but only after there's a redacted bit because of harm to an open and ongoing investigation. And since it comes after Cohen lies, and before Manafort lies, perhaps this redacted part has to do with someone else lying about Trump Tower. We both know Don Jr. did that. So, and we know Felix Sater did too, but Felix Sder is an FBI informant. He actually helped us catch Ben Laden. Yeah. Interesting, complex guy. Yeah. So,
Starting point is 00:46:31 he lied to Congress, but I don't know if Congress was in on it, or if it's still illegal to lie to Congress, you asked this question the other day, like, can you lie to Congress just because you helped get Ben Laden? Yeah, one lie. He's like, oh, that's just what he does. He lies. But he also talks. Either that or this is an entire new lie, we haven't even seen a prosecution for it. Could be information about Flynn's lies, which are still a matter of an ongoing investigation, particularly as they, they in regards with to stone. So, you know, and he'll be part of that trial coming up in November. On page 10 here, where the special counsel's office says they investigated several other
Starting point is 00:47:10 events we've talked about and found that interactions between Trump and the Trump people in Kisleyac at the April 2016 foreign policy speech. And then again, at the RNC, the Republican National Convention, were non-substantive. Same goes for the passing meeting between sessions in Kislyak in Senate sessions, Senate office, Senate office, Senate, say, shells, it's hard to say. But yeah, this is where in the beginning, in our opening sequence, where I did not have relations with the Russians. I got it. I know. I could use it with Clinton. I did did not have relations with the Russians I got I know I confused it with Clinton I did not have sexual
Starting point is 00:47:48 relations with the Russians. Yeah I will Sarah get at a time or two and I did not have communications with her. Yeah but you know what he actually said I didn't not he stumbled and said I didn't not have communications with the Russians. Well then my chin got in off the hood. Oh that's hilarious. Right I'm not trained for that.
Starting point is 00:48:06 But, you know, that he had that sort of pass-by meeting at that whatever, without a kid member who's the prayer breakfast or some made flour. To the breakfast, ironically. Yeah. Mayflower, some dumb shit meetings. Yeah. And he, like, sort of, I just bumped into Kisley Ag.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I did not have conversations. They determined it wasn't substantive. Yeah. Then there's a weird sentence, I'm going to read it verbatim. It says, quote, and the investigation did not establish that one campaign officials efforts to dilute a portion of the Republican Party platform on providing assistance to Ukraine were undertaken at the behest of candidate Trump or Russia. It's a bit of a time twister. Basically, it says the investigation did not establish that one
Starting point is 00:48:45 dude didn't have an effect on the RNC platform. And I think it's interesting that he says one campaign officials efforts to change the platform at the RNC were not undertaken at the behest of Trump or Putin which sort of indicates that someone else's efforts were undertaken at the behest of Trump or Putin. And official you know officials undertaken at their behest of Trump or Putin. And officials undertaken at their behest seems deliberate. So, someone should, like, first of all, put some beans on it and too, ask Mueller about it. This one guy didn't, is there another dude?
Starting point is 00:49:18 Another lady? Who did it? What's up? That's just a weird sentence, and it doesn't explain it. Maybe it does later on the report, but I don't remember. Yeah, it is weird. It's very different in tone from the rest of it. Yeah, it's just saying no officials made any changes.
Starting point is 00:49:32 It just says one guy. Then he goes on to tell us that lots of Trump's people invoke the Fifth Amendment and we're not appropriate candidates to grant immunity to. Mueller says he, and the reason he says that is because once you grant immunity to somebody, they aren't allowed to plead immunity to. Mueller says he, and the reason he says that is because once you grant immunity to somebody, they aren't allowed to plead to fifth. So these are guys who didn't deserve immunity, but pleaded to fifth.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Mueller says he limited his pursuit of other witnesses and information. Says, yeah, he limited his pursuit of other witnesses and information. So some of the intel was covered by privilege. This is sort of the, like when you do a dissertation, you have your limitations on, you know, your data and what, you know, you're drawing conclusion, but here's the limits. I only talk to six people, really.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Yeah. So what he's saying here is we had people plead the fifth, we had people lie to me. Some of the intelligence was covered by privilege. Some was screened by investigators by a Taint Team to see if it was covered by privilege, some was screened by investigators, by a Taint Team, to see if it was covered by privilege. Sometimes witnesses provided false or incomplete information, which led to some of the false statements charges mentioned earlier.
Starting point is 00:50:33 And of course, the office couldn't always get witnesses or documents like from abroad or overseas. So this section, again, it's mostly him telling you everything that limited his ability to get evidence. And I think it's important that he pointed this out, not only because, I mean, you should always point out what your limitations are in any investigation and results, but it could have impacted whether or not he was able
Starting point is 00:50:52 to get that final piece to link criminal conspiracy at that level, needed to prosecute. Yeah, I appreciate him including those details. Yeah, me too. And the next paragraph will piss you off, because it pissed me off. And I want to know what couldn't be corroborated because of this bullshit. Basically, Mueller couldn't corroborate some evidence because people either deleted, encrypted,
Starting point is 00:51:12 or used temporary messenger apps to communicate. So Mueller quote, couldn't corroborate witness statements through comparison to contemporaneous communications or fully questioned witnesses about statements that appeared inconsistent consistent with other known facts And that right there says that there's some shit that people got away with because they tampered with evidence and he couldn't prove it and he couldn't find it That sucks damn And Mueller even says so quote while this report is accurate and complete to the greatest extent possible given these identified gaps The office cannot rule out the possibility that the unavailable information would shed additional light on or cast new light, sorry, cast in a new light, the events described in this report.
Starting point is 00:51:54 He's basically saying, I can't say that there weren't crimes or that there were because there's gaps in the evidence, even though I'm good. He's like though I'm good He's like I'm good, but I'm not that good. Yeah, I can't read minds You know if they lie to him they lie. Yeah, that's a great sentence. It's a little weirded word. It's Wh- Weirdly word Which I can't even say weird thing to say yeah, yeah while this report is accurate and complete to the greatest extent possible While this report is accurate and complete to the greatest extent possible,
Starting point is 00:52:29 given these gaps, the office cannot rule out the possibility that the unavailable information would shed additional light on or cast in a new light the events described in the report. Boom. Whoa! Wait a right of sentence. On to page 11 and section Roman numeral one in volume one and titled the special counsel's investigation. Basically outlines when and by whom and under what authority Mueller was appointed it then gives and defines the scope of the investigation with policy citations and gives the Snoop dad clarifications Rosenstein's
Starting point is 00:52:56 clarifications and his two subsequent memos this is the fuck off section yeah here's why I get to do this. The August 2nd, 2017 memo for the public that Rosenstein wrote is the one that outlined Mueller's authorization to investigate page, Manafort, and Papadopoulos, and if they committed a crime or crimes by colluding with the Russian government officials. And you know what's interesting is when this memo first came out, the word collusion was in there and I was like, oh look, they, the word collusion was in there. And I was like, oh, look, they used the word collusion. Ha ha, so collusion is a crime.
Starting point is 00:53:27 And now I'm wondering if Rosenstein didn't use that word on purpose. Exactly. Because I don't trust him. And now that Mueller's coming out saying that they were never considering it by definition collusion makes me wonder why he would say that from the jump. And he said that. And he said that too earlier.
Starting point is 00:53:41 He's like, even though Rosenstein used this word in his memo, it's not a legal word. It's almost like, why the fuck did you do that, man? Exactly. Who do you work for? But I think, and I think it's something Aasha Ran Gopakal's reflexive control. It's an active measure used by Russians,
Starting point is 00:53:57 where you change the definitions of words so that you can screw people over later. Wow. And collusion is one of those words. And this could have been purposefully planted by Putin in this team. Oh, that would explain a lot because Rosenstein during that press conference with Borrow is like a robot, so he's a sleeper agent. That would have totally explained it. It's weird, right? I'm like, why did you put collusion in there if that's not a crime? But he did.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Crimes of collusion. It also went on to discuss Muller scope regarding Manafort and crimes arising from payments he got working for Ukraine along with the loans he got from that guy he promised a job to in the Trump White House. Remember that guy? We have beans on that guy. But then it says Mueller should investigate allegations that Papadopoulos was acting as an unregistered agent of Israel. And that's new to us along with four sets of allegations about Flynn
Starting point is 00:54:45 So that's what was under those redacted bits in the Snoop Dag memo interesting excited to hear more about that is real stuff I know at what over time is real yeah, huh And because I wasn't si ops out of Israel. Yeah actually Ukraine. I want to say no Israel yeah, and they just are compromised. You're right. Black, it is really and they compromise Ukraine. That's right. Yeah, that's right. And they were trying to use black cube to do some of the internet social media campaigns and XAML totally was part of that thing. Yeah, he's Israeli. He's in
Starting point is 00:55:24 Israeli sketch is fuck or is he Qatar? No Preacher, he's Israeli. Oh, I'm on he is From the cutter investment authority So maybe that's it pop it up. Let's had something to do with black cube and and Xaml Mm-hmm. I don't know those are beans. I don't even know and talk about Then there was the October 20th memo, which confirmed Mueller's investigative authority to include Cohen, Gates, redacted, stone, and redacted. It recognized Mueller's authority to look into Cohen
Starting point is 00:55:53 and his establishment and use the essential consultants to receive funds from Russian back dendities. It also allowed Mueller, he handed that off though. It also allowed Mueller to see if anyone was working with any of these guys, including Manafort, and finally the memo described an FBI investigation opened before Mueller's appointment into whether Sessions lied to the Senate. And it allowed Mueller to look into that, too. And apparently he concluded he did not. Let's see. Gates, Cohen, Gates, redacted, stone, and redacted. I don't know, a sange.
Starting point is 00:56:31 We could get a fortune. Yeah, just spin the wheel of criminal. And let's just stop the person wheel of criminal. Full of misfortune. Just literally spinning on a wheel. In handcuffs. Yeah, just put them up there. The report then says that because Mueller had the full authority of a US attorney, that he would be privy to any FBI evidence already gathered. And since the FBI had been on this for 10 months, Mueller got a significant amount of evidence right off the bat, just boxes. It says that the office finished the investigation into links and coordination with Russia, but
Starting point is 00:57:00 that certain proceedings associated with Mueller remain ongoing, and that those have been transferred to other components of the Department of Justice and FBI, and Appendix D lists those transfers. What would be transferred back to the FBI besides counterintelligence stuff, I wonder? I just, I just, I just counterintelligence stuff. Yeah, yeah. Then the report describes that Mueller hired 19 attorneys, five from private practice, 14 on detail, along with 40 FBI agents they were co-located with.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Then they give all the numbers that you hear Trump say over and over again. The numbers break down, 2800 subpoenas, 500 warrants, 230 requests for records, 50 pen registers, 13 requests for foreign governments, and 500 witnesses, including 80 for the grand jury. Yeah, where is the price that's choking there? I don't know, it's the punch line. And the grand jury is still convened, just so you know, I think they're up in June. Finally, Mueller describes the relationship to the FBI counterintelligence division.
Starting point is 00:57:55 And once again, makes clear that this report does not contain those findings, still searching for that. Quote from its inception, the office recognized that its investigation could identify foreign intelligence and counterintelligence info relevant to the FBI's broader national security mission. So basically he's saying we had a bunch of FBI guys sitting in the office with us and whenever something counterintelligence would come up, they would catch it, put it in their pocket, and the smile.
Starting point is 00:58:20 No, they would write, give written briefs, City FBI or Department of Justice as needed. Send it back to FBI headquarters in the field offices. Those communications and other correspondence between the office and the FBI contain information derived from the investigation, not all of which is contained in this volume. This volume is a summary. It contains, in the office's judgment, the information necessary to account for the special counsel's prosecution and declination decisions and to describe the investigation's main factual results.
Starting point is 00:58:51 So there's a lot that's not in this report. Yeah. That's exciting. That all, that it excites me. Yeah, but where's the doll? I guess that's all the underlying evidence and the grand jury material. The Beside, yeah. That whole reason that I wanted to ever run for, that's like the only reason I would
Starting point is 00:59:04 ever want to run for Congress is I could be there and read what was in the... Oh, it's never too late, yeah. That should be your whole campaign. I'm only here to read the Mueller report. Just never let it die. I'm just here for the Mueller report. It's 2029 and we have a new president. I don't care. I want to see it. Give it to me, see? But guys, that's part one. I don't care, I wanna see it. Give it to me, see. But guys, that's part one. Ooh, pretty good, pretty good stuff. And it's hefty.
Starting point is 00:59:29 It is, it's thick and it's mighty. And we will be back with you next Thursday evening with part two. And of course you can join us every Sunday for our main episode. If you're a patron, which you can sign up to become by going to patreon.com slash mullershee wrote for as little as three bucks a month, we do daily updates. Oh yeah. And they're pretty neat. They're
Starting point is 00:59:49 pretty fun. They're a little less structured. Very, very, very swears. This is easy, but it's fun. Yeah, it is fun. They're my favorite. But we really thank you for listening and stick around for part two. I've been AG. I've been Joliesston. I've been Jordan Coburn. And this is Muller She Wrote. Muller She Wrote is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo design by Jelisa Johnson. Our marketing consultant and social media manager is Sarah Least Diner and our subscriber and communications director is Jordan Coburn. Fact checking and research by AG and Research Assistance by Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Our merchandising managers are Sarah Lee Steiner and Sarah Hershberger Valencia.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Our web design and branding, our by Joelle Reader with Moxie Design Studios, and our website is mullershierote.com. They might be giants that have been on the road for too long. Too long. And they might be giants aren't even sorry. Not even sorry. And audiences like the shows too much. Too much. And now they might be Giants who are playing their breakthrough album,
Starting point is 01:01:09 FLEEULE of it. And they still have time for other songs. They're fooling around. Who can stop? They might be Giants and their liberal rock agenda. Who? No one. Disadvantaged paid for was somebody else's money.
Starting point is 01:01:22 M-S-W-Media. M-S-W Media.

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