Jack - Trump Refuses Russia Sanctions (feat. Shannon Woodward)

Episode Date: February 5, 2018

This week on “Mueller She Wrote,” we discuss the No-Tilde Nunes Memo, Trump’s refusal to impose sanctions, a phone call with Veteran Chris Vega, and are joined by our very special guest Shannon ...Woodward (Raising Hope, Westworld)! Enjoy! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Harry Lickman, host of Talking Feds. Around table, the brings together prominent figures from government law and journalism for a dynamic discussion of the most important topics of the day. Each Monday, I'm joined by a slate of Feds favorites and new voices to break down the headlines and give the insider's view of what's going on in Washington and beyond. Plus, Sidebar is explaining important legal concepts read by your favorite celebrities. Find Talking Fedswear every you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Mullershoe Road is currently brought to you by our amazing subscribers who get our weekly newsletter, AG's show notes, bonus content, and our awesome merch. You can support us by visiting mullershoeroad.com and clicking on subscribe. We're starting a new thing this week where proceeds from subscribers are going to be donated to progressive candidates to flip Congress blue so that the House can impeach Trump. So follow us on Twitter at mullershierote and like us on Facebook to win a PlayStation. We're 15% of the way there. And thank you so much for listening. This podcast contains explicit language. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs.
Starting point is 00:01:07 That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time of truth, and that campaign is a big deal. Our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I didn't have not have communications with the Russians. One who I have to get involved with, food and for nothing to do with, put, and I've never
Starting point is 00:01:35 spoken to him, I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So, it is political. You're a communist! No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist. Welcome to Muller Shee Road. I'm A.G. and I'm a Muller junkie. Hi A.G. And with me, as always, is Jalisa. Say hi. Hey. Hey, how are you doing, Jalisa? I'm good. Excellent. And Jordan Coburns with us. Oh. Please call me A.G. I have to stay relatively anonymous because I work for the executive branch of the federal government. And this week, by the way, marks my one-year anniversary of Trump's Office of General Counsel submitting a FOIA request to get my employee records. So that
Starting point is 00:02:28 was fucking terrifying. So I'm A.G. So I'd also like to welcome a very special guest this week. We have Shannon Woodward with us, raising hope and Westworld and she's here. Say hi. Hi. We're so excited to have you. Very excited to be here. I just love that you listen to this. This is so great. And now I can't wait to get your political insight. So I'm very excited. So I didn't get my indictments this week, you guys. But I do want to have a chat with you later and talk about realistic expectations, specifically mine. I've been having unhealthy fantasies about Mueller serving subpoenas that I need to have. But before we get started
Starting point is 00:03:05 I want to make a correction. On last week's show I said that Felix Seder was indicted in the Southern District of New York and he was actually subpoenaed. So fix that, you know, so I know you all take notes and I apologize for that error. So this week Jordan's going to cover the fallout from the Nunes memo as a continuation of her report last week on No Tilda Nunez. And Jalice is going to talk to us about Russian sanctions, and why they haven't been implemented yet, even though they were due January 29th.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Even there's early as last October. I'll be going over my zealous desires for indictments and plea deals and how to cope when you're a Mueller junkie. So, which I am. And today, like I said, I'm so excited to have you Shannon, and you just, you know, whatever you want to say, I'm here for you. I'm mostly here to listen because I'm a more junky too, but I get a lot of my information from you. So I'm maybe just like asking you questions. One more call. I am the little place to um, A.G. I'll play the audience here.
Starting point is 00:04:01 There we go. But yeah, feel free to chime in anytime with questions or insights or anything that you have. So, you guys, this has been another insane week of news. So, let's just get started with just the facts. Alright, on Monday, we'll start with Monday because nothing really interesting happens Sunday. But on Monday, Andy McCabe quits his job at the FBI early. This makes me sad, first of of all because he's adorable. He will be featured in our sexy justice calendar. A big soon. That's coming in March or April so get ready for that. And if you subscribe, you get one. And we knew he was on his way out ever since he made himself a witness against House Trump.
Starting point is 00:04:39 By corroborating Kobe's memos, he was one of the Kobe 5, and I call them. Right. corroborating Kobe, Kobe's memos, he was one of the Kobe 5, and I call them. Right. And, you know, because he corroborated Kobe's stunting conversations with Trump about loyalty and Mike Flynn and all that. So remember, last week, how excited I was about FBI director Ray replaced General Counsel of FBI Baker with Bente. Well, he's replacing McCabe with Bowditch.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Hmm. Bowditch is also one of the Comey 5. If you remember, it was McCabe, Baker, bodich, ribiki, or ribiki, and gattis. We haven't heard anything from gattis recently. I don't even know if he still works there. I have to look that up. Do you think it's only a matter of time then before bodich is out? Yeah, and I just think it's a nice big fucking double barrel mill of fingers from Rey to Trump to be like oh yeah you want I have to fire McCabe I'm gonna replace him with bodice somebody else who
Starting point is 00:05:29 who is on Komi TV so I think that's fantastic it's nice to have a White House in in Komi's old or White House it's nice to have a White Hat in Komi's old position oh yeah also on Monday the House Intelligence Committee voted to release the new Nes memo. It's important to note they may also release the transcript of that meeting. And these were my notes on Monday. They actually do end up releasing
Starting point is 00:05:52 the transcripts of that meeting. Okay. It's reported to highlight that there were Republicans who seemed strong armed into voting for the release of that memo. No. No. And it reminds me, and I know, Shannon, we were talking, you listen to Slowburn about how
Starting point is 00:06:09 Gerald Ford strung armed members, Republican members of the Senate Committee on the investigation into Watergate to not give the subpoenas, to not enter the subpoenas. So I was like, huh, there's so many parallels. Shocking. Yeah, and also the New York Times reported on Monday that Rosenstein's job was in jeopardy. If they fire him, he can be replaced by someone who will veto any further investigative routes requested by Mueller. Remember, Mueller has to get the okay from the deputy attorney general whenever the investigation takes him down a new path.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Basically, I think what Rosenstein was saying is we meet on the regular and he goes over what he's investigating and if something comes up that I don't think is within the scope, I would tell him not to and so far I haven't told him not to do anything. So, that I thought that was, you know, that's also something that Adam Schiff had said. He said, you know, more than firing Mueller, I think it's the firing Rosenstein. That could be a problem. Monday at midnight, the clock expired to impose Russian sanctions, voted on by Congress and signed albeit reluctantly by Trump. This is the second deadline for imposing Russian sanctions that the Trump White House has missed. Remember all the times,
Starting point is 00:07:23 people from House Trump promised the Russians in easing up on sanctions? Oh well here it is. What about that boat? If you read about this, the boat, the docked in Boston harbour that has a particular amount of like Russian gas on it for the first time. Okay I'm not being articulate enough to announce this news on my own if you haven't read it like I don't know about the boat I know we should Google this in a minute. There's a second one on the way to whoa My goodness a whole Russian gas. Yeah, it's it's it's only
Starting point is 00:07:55 I feel like it's only like 20% of it is Russian gas and quite a bit of it is from other places But it's the first time that Russian gas has been, this is what I understand. Wow. I'm saying, yeah. Yeah, I feel like I was not sober enough when I was reading this to be particularly succinct, but I'm gonna, it sounds like something they would do,
Starting point is 00:08:20 honestly, like in a sneaky way, like just a little by little, right? If you had read about it, my question was going to be, you know, does this have something to do with the not signing of the sanctions? And, but- Well, I do know about the three Russian spies that were here. Right, and only one of them was arrested, correct?
Starting point is 00:08:38 None of them were. None of them were? No, this isn't the- Okay, different spies. Different spies. So many spies. This isn't the Spies' the spice different spice so many Spice Carter patient with that's We're the team these are the spies that were here a couple weeks ago
Starting point is 00:08:50 One of them sanctioned from the United States that had to be approved to be let in by Rex Tillerson head of the state department Meeting at the White House. We didn't find out about it until Reuters translated a Russian news article So yeah, you want to talk about that's that's a coincidence too Google the gas thing Creeping up on it Oil is the way to our hearts though It is so you can draw off the coast now except for Florida On Tuesday again, I said, as I said earlier,
Starting point is 00:09:25 at the beginning of the show, it marked my one-year anniversary of the day that Trump's Office of General Counsel submitted a FOIA request. That's a freedom of information request for my employee records with the federal government. One of the many reasons I go by AG on this show, and that was a really terrifying week. I contacted my boss, because the public relations people
Starting point is 00:09:43 had to contact me to tell me that my requests when you were submitting for your request the person whose record you're requesting you have to be informed. Okay. And so they called me to tell me that the office of General Counsel, Trump's federal office of General Counsel was requesting my employee right away. That was insane. And I was like, did he find out I ran as like a Bernie sir? Or was it like because I ran to be one of his delegates? I'm like insane. And I was like, did he find out I ran as like a Bernie star in it? Or was it like, because I ran to be one of his delegates? Like, is it like, is he rounding up all the Democrats
Starting point is 00:10:11 and that work in the executive branch? Right. What did you do? So, so far I'm still there. So, I don't know what's going on, but anyway, it's been a year. They'll be coming for you later. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:23 And we need more popular. He's coming for you. I'll go coming for you later. Oh yeah. If we eat more popular, he's coming for you. I'll go, okay, can I live with Comey? If I get fire, that sounds like a great place to be. Oh yeah, that's a rest of Comey's arms. It turns out there's a second dossier corroborating the P tapes. No.
Starting point is 00:10:43 The Guardian reported it on Tuesday that a journalist named Cody Sheerer. And I don't, I don't, I don't like this guy. He's, he's an activist, he worked close with the Clintons in the 90s. Okay. Uh, but it does seem to corroborate the p-tapes, so there's that. That makes me happy. So...
Starting point is 00:10:58 Do you not like him because of his association with the Clintons? No, he's just a, he's just a, uh, uh, uh, uh, leftist. Oh, okay, the extreme leftist. Like, he's like an activist. Like, he's, you know, it would be like me, like having, like, like, oh, reliant, like, okay, Trump could easily discredit anything I'd bring forward. Yeah, I see what you're saying, yeah. Because I'm such a devil. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, uh, yeah, there's that. Did you find the gas? Yes, Shannon found it. So the the headline reads and this was published by the Washington Post It reads tanker carrying liquefied natural gas from Russia's Arctic arrives in Boston
Starting point is 00:11:30 That was January 28th of this year and there's a second one on the way apparently that's in a different article But it's going on now like very strange Russian thing We have a gas party like the party in Boston We just have it all in the harbor. No, but guys, the fish. I mean, I feel like the tea was fine for the fish, but the gas is not a joke for the fish. So just keep a mothering a few names. Oh, totally fine.
Starting point is 00:11:54 That's okay. Yeah, okay, you're right. The Daily Beast reported that during a closed door meeting of the House Intelligence Committee to vote on releasing the new Nes memo, Devon refused to answer. I'm just gonna call him Devon. He refused to answer whether or not the White House had a hand in crafting the memo. He refused to answer that question. That's an interesting tidbit in that article.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Just one little sentence at the end of that article, that same article saying that Bannon's house testimony has been postponed again. Okay. That's fact. Now my feeling about this is that he's flipped and he's fully cooperating with Mueller, which is why they don't want him to testify to Congress because everything he says when he goes back to Trump. Damn, yeah, that's very telling. No one touched on that because the rest of the article was like, whoa! Right, because there's a second tape.
Starting point is 00:12:44 It's a poor detail though. And it's like, no, and Bannon was postponed, whoa! Right. Because there's a second tape. It's a poor beachy alone. And it's like, no, and Bannon was postponed again. Yeah, it could be between the lines. And then the Justice Department petitioned the White House to block the release of the Nunez memo. Basically, Ray and Rosenstein went to the White House and said, please don't release it! Come on! And of course, Trump released it anyway. We'll get there. It's's like my notes go in the weeks order, so it's like, Monday, we're thinking about releasing
Starting point is 00:13:09 it Tuesday. They went to the White House. The Hill reported Tuesday that Mueller will interview Corallo or Corallo in the next two weeks, and that he will tell Mueller that while on a conference call on Air Force 1 coming back from the G20 summit last July, Hope Hicks said in front of Trump that the Donald Trump, the Donald Trump Jr. emails about the June 2016 meeting quote would never get out. So basically saying whatever message you craft to say what the meeting was about, if you say it was about adoptions, that's fine because the email saying what it was
Starting point is 00:13:44 really about will never get out. Never see the light of day. So she's going to be testifying to Mueller. And this is, it has not been confirmed yet that that test of money has happened, right? Because that was a few months ago, everyone was talking all about it and this is maybe what we've been waiting on. Yeah. Yeah, I don't think that that, because we've been waiting for Hope Hicks to testify. Yeah, she might have already and she might be coming back. Okay, because now Corralo because in the book the the fire and fury book he said I was on Air Force one and he quit because he's like This is obstruction of justice. Y'all I'm out and so he left and so maybe Mueller was like I'm gonna talk to hope picks about this and ask her that because he didn't know about that line of questioning
Starting point is 00:14:24 I'm this is all conjecture. I'm going to talk to Ho-Pix about this and ask her that because he didn't know about that line of questioning. This is all conjecture, I'm just guessing, but... So that's she's going to apparently testify to that. Or Corella will testify that she said that. So I don't know if he's bringing Hicks back in, but I'm sure he will. We also learned Tuesday that Trump is talking to friends about having sessions in Dyke Muller, so he would have to testify to a grand jury. That is a fact. Oh, jeez. And my assertion is that Trump is a fucking child That's like from what? This is the hell Mary. For having two feet Look at you with your feet attached to you. Oh My god try to be a little bit less obvious also maybe with a
Starting point is 00:15:05 I don't think he even really is gonna know he's gonna man with a I just go straight to the source He's a one of you know he's a dude you know bullshit kind of guy you could have threatened me with the grand jury you could have threatened me guess what I'm gonna grand jury you to the grand jury I'm gonna make my own grand jury the grandest grandest. It's gonna be the best jury.
Starting point is 00:15:28 It's all my friends. It's the grandest jury. Gold everywhere. Well, Pix is the judge, right? Nikki Haley will be there. I'm under the podium. Oh, we learned from Russian media. Here you go.
Starting point is 00:15:47 This is what I was talking about. Three spy chiefs from Russia's three intelligence organizations. They're spy chiefs. They aren't like government officials. These are spy chiefs. We're here in the US and met with Pompeo, the head of the CIA, sometime in the last two weeks. One of the spy chiefs is sanctioned and would have
Starting point is 00:16:04 had to get special permission from the Secretary of State of the CIA, sometime in the last two weeks. One of the spy chiefs is sanctioned and would have had to get special permission from the Secretary of State of the United States. The State Department refused to comment. But one wonders if this might have anything to do with Trump ignoring the sanctions deadline, which was approved 517 to five last August. What else gets there? But he met with the head of the CIA?
Starting point is 00:16:26 Yeah, he met with Pompeo, the director of the CIA, the three guys. Interesting. Yeah, yeah. Maybe they were talking about gas ships in Boston. Yeah. On Wednesday, good old trade Benghazi Gaudi announced he won't run again for Congress in 2018,
Starting point is 00:16:42 and I'll tell you what, We here at Mollershi Road are pretty broken up about it. We're not. That's the fact. My feeling here is that we now have 34, actually I think it's up to 35 since I took this note, Republicans jumping ship and everyone is sort of asking why. I think that if any of these guys want any kind of future in politics or the judiciary, they're going to have to abandon Trump because they know Mueller is about to lay some shit down. Yeah. And they don't want to be associated with them now. They got their tax scam passed. So they're good. They got their money. And we were talking about this a little bit earlier. They
Starting point is 00:17:18 have got this diabolical plan to get back judgeships and governorships and mayorships to redraw district lines so that they can you know tip the Congress again Insane, but they're playing the game. That's like they're making the rules in Technically so far they're winning at it. It's they're so much better at playing this crappy crappy game. Yeah so On wednesday the FBI headed by Christopher a who, who was handpicked by Trump himself, to backfill Komi, sent a letter expressing that it has the FBI has, quote, grave concerns about material emissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo's accuracy about the new nose memo. Basically your memo is bullshit. It's basically what Ray is saying. It's important to note that Rod Rosenstein and the DOJ did not try to pull that sentiment back at all, so that's kind of the DOJ given
Starting point is 00:18:14 they're okay to that. Usually the DOJ never really comes out and supports anything like that, but them not saying we don't agree means they agree. Just the fact that they're allowing the Mueller investigation to continue is, I mean, obviously they don't agree, right? Otherwise, they would have stopped this a long time ago, exactly. Yeah, exactly. We also learned from CNN on Wednesday that a couple of days before Rosenstein testified to Congress, and you can check out my coverage of that testimony episode seven.
Starting point is 00:18:44 It's fun to listen, by the way, to the past episodes, knowing what we know now, so check that out. But a couple of days prior to the testimony, Rosenstein's testimony, Trump was worried about it, and asked Rosenstein if he was on his team, and McGann was in the room when he did it. I don't know when Trump's gonna realize McGann is not on his fucking side.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Maybe they were asking about his sexuality? Oh. Oh, yeah. I they were asking about his sexuality. Oh. Oh, yeah. I mean, I don't know. And I read that I was like, wait a second, maybe this isn't. The glitter is lawyer, that could work. I'm Trump's lawyer.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Do you play for Team Trump? You know what I'm saying? I can play. You're usually sleep with Trump's. I love it. He's tremendous, my team. He should also learn to stop asking that question to people. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:19:26 You think he would have learned. Jesus Christ. The same mistake. Fucking again. Yeah, and not being the fact my take on this personally is that it doesn't likely amount to obstruction of justice by itself, but it certainly supports a pattern of Trump asking for loyalty.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And if Trump fires Rosenstein, which seems to be his pattern of asking for loyalty and not getting it, then that will also bolster corrupt intent needed to prove obstruction. So, McGann was in the room, I think McGann is leaking stuff. I mean, I think, you know, we learned this past week that John Kelly was calling the Department of Justice in violation of his own policy, mind you, to tell, to yell at him about the White House's expectations of the Nunez memo. That is supposed to be McGann's job. Anyone who's called the DOJ from the White House, it's supposed to be White House counsel, not Kelly, so not the Chief of Staff. Yeah. But he's not doing that. McGann's not doing that, and you know, I think Privis is the mole,
Starting point is 00:20:18 and remember I said Bannon is likely cooperating, and we know McGann, Bannon, and Privis have the same lawyer. So Trump just keeps saying stupid shit in front of the gang. And I can't- And where do the homies think they're out? Like, why haven't we all see it, dude? He didn't even watch our news, though. I think that's what he said. Right, that is so true.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yeah. He's got his Fox News and his McDonald's, and he's only listening to his, the people who give him his brief. They won't let, he won't read anything. So they have to tell him about it, and they never talk about the Russian investigation because it is the people who give him his brief, they won't let he won't read anything so they have to tell them about it and they never talk about the Russian investigation because it upsets him. Yeah, and it looks like they've got dates too, right?
Starting point is 00:20:51 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it gets us, I think, about to flip for sure. And last Wednesday, the transcripts of that HIC meeting where they voted to release the memo were released. And that proved the earlier reporting from the Daily, or from Axial, or the Daily Beast, that he did, in fact, refuse to answer the question. Nunez refused to answer whether or not the White House was involved in drafting the memo.
Starting point is 00:21:18 We all know. It's basically the answer, yeah, by not answering it. And it was hilarious because Donald Trump, Jr. put out a tweet yesterday. It was just a fart. It was actually just a fart. But basically the tweet said, talking about the memo, he said it was enough to get McCabe fired.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Exactly. And I was like, I saw that. He's an idiot. They've been trying to sell that he resign so he was fired So he was fired because of the memo That the F that you wouldn't let the FBI see so Or the DOJ so that means he was fired by someone Outside of the FBI and the Department of Justice that had seen the memo
Starting point is 00:22:03 outside of the FBI and the Department of Justice that had seen the memo, which is Trump, who hadn't received the memo yet from the House Intelligence Committee. And he had charts. I was gonna say, yeah, when he like a live's flow chart for himself, we're gonna need to check from Homeland, to himself, totally.
Starting point is 00:22:18 He knows what's in the fucking memo. And they put out, I saw on a motto, she put out, she showed an interview with Chris Hayes and Carter Page last October, where he said, you just wait until Paul Ryan releases the FISA application and it'll clear my name. And we just, everyone thought he was just nuts, because he is. But he knew exactly what was going to happen. He knew what the memo was last October. And that was right around the time.
Starting point is 00:22:45 If you guys remember, I did the report about Nunez sneaking off. And this wasn't around the first week of December that this report came out. And I talked about it on that episode. I think it was eight or six, I don't know. And it was that there was a secret subset of House Intelligence Committee Republicans that were sneaking off site, taking classified documents with them, and meeting to try to discredit the Department of Justice
Starting point is 00:23:09 in the FBI. And that would have been right around the time that Carter Page had that interview. And it would have been right around, it would have been about a year after Carter Page was initially put under surveillance. So that means they all knew. And if you tell me they weren't working with the White House. Oh, of course. OK, so that is just a conspiracy to obstruct justice.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And I'm sure, like, we hear all this. I'm sitting there like, oh my god, this is terrible. Oh my god. And Mueller's probably like, huh? Right. Who's going to write the best book out of this? Is it me? I got this. He's going have the GCSEs one.
Starting point is 00:23:46 After maybe after he retired. Yeah, we might have to wait until like 30 years to hear everything. The truly the best thing for him to do is to just draw this out as long as he can because in their consistent panic, they just continue to make absurd decisions. They're just getting so flustered that it's like, I mean, why continue?
Starting point is 00:24:08 We might as well just scare the shit out of you. Yeah. Tell you just what admitted? There's somebody just like, yeah, exactly. On television, like, okay, I did it, but it's my right to do it. I'm like, legally blind. And don't show it. You don't watch Purim's solution now?
Starting point is 00:24:23 And they're number 24 hours. Exactly what looks like. Like, it's happening. I mean, I wish it would. Right. And don't you don't watch Purm solution now exactly what It's happening. I mean I wish it would right they do they just keep incriminating themselves By fucking tweet to yeah Check like carb you just wait you just wait they're gonna win I mean I think you will Perfect I mean, I think he will. What is the perfect her page impression? He is kind of a snoopy lady. So, it's also on Wednesday. Flynn's sentencing hearing was postponed.
Starting point is 00:24:55 And last week they postponed pop-a-dopaluses. You guys, we talked about that last week. Such a glad name. Pop-a-dop. Pop-a-dop. We had such, yes. Pop-a-dop. So now, we're looking around the end of April early May for those hearings to take place May 14th is the big Manafort trial. It was the Manafort and Gates trial
Starting point is 00:25:15 And I think it's just the Manafort trial. Yeah And we should have your sexy sexy justice calendars ready to go by that Just in time for that. So Thursday. Now I started seeing Twitter rumors flying around late Wednesday, around 11 p.m. that FBI and the intelligence agencies are pretty pissed off that no one's taking their view on the new NIS memo seriously. And I felt like they would start dropping leaks. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Well not at this point Thursday, the Wall Street Journal reported that the FBI has released documents pertaining to Carter Page having been under Pfizer surveillance since 2013. Completely tearing down the Nunez Memo theory that Pfizer-Warns were based on the dossier, which by the way, would be totally okay if they were. At this point, yeah, definitely. Because nothing in that memo says that anything
Starting point is 00:26:03 in the dossier is incorrect or false It just says it was gathered by a guy who doesn't like Trump Where you gonna find a guy who likes Trump? Also on Thursday Pelosi wrote a letter to speaker Ryan calling for the removal of chairman Nunes Copy that letter will be included in this week's newsletter if you want to check that out of Chairman Nunes. A copy of that letter will be included in this week's newsletter if you want to check that out. CNN reported Thursday multiple sources at the White House say Trump sees the Nunes memo as a tool to discredit the Russia investigation. He said those words with his mouth.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Good luck! Probably with McGann in the room and that's why we know that. The White House also approved the release of the Nunes memo that day. We quickly learned from top White House aides that House Trump is worried that Ray will quit over the memo, which he did not. Which I'm glad about. I think I wanted to stay there. We need him.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Yeah. Stay there. He seems to be doing like things that I wanted to do, so stay there. Oh, you're hammer. You're hammering me. That's just my face. Yeah. She's in train together. On the edge of her seat.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Love again, within a space. The president of the FBI Agents Association released the following statement Wednesday. Quote, the FBI Agents Association appreciates the FBI director Chris Ray standing shoulder to shoulder with the men and women of the FBI as we work together to protect our country from criminal and national security threats. As director Ray noted, FBI special agents have remained steadfast in their dedication to professionalism and we remain focused on our important work to protect the country from
Starting point is 00:27:42 terrorists and criminals, both domestic and international. Special agents take a solemn oath to our country and to the Constitution, and the American public continues to be well served by the world's preeminent law enforcement agency. That was a nice statement. Sorry, who was that from? That was a union leader for the FBI. That's right. It's a hot note.
Starting point is 00:28:02 The word memos dead, so. True. I like it. He's a hot note. Hot notes, coming soon. And then we also found out Thursday that Gates' attorney, his original attorney, is withdrew from the case. And the reasons were sealed.
Starting point is 00:28:21 And if you think about the reasons being sealed, the only reason you would seal that information is because you don't want Trump to know Gates is flipping. So that's, I'm pretty sure, that's my thought, that's a feeling. Yeah, that would make sense. But he's flipping you guys. It makes you harder and harder every day to stick behind them. So I imagine this will just keep happening. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They're rats, but they're not done.
Starting point is 00:28:48 You guys see the showers start to look better and better, you know? Yeah, for sure. I'm always probably much nicer guy to work with anyway, the Trumps, so like I would have other, you know. Axios reported Thursday night, the White House was worried the memo is a dud. I think he's so fantastic because they've been working out for a year. I mean, if you think about it, the month that they started surveying Carter Page is the month that Trump tweeted, I'm being wiretapped by the Obama administration since last October. And that October is when the Pfizer war it started on page. So he equated that with wiretapping Trump tower. What an idiot.
Starting point is 00:29:30 After Carter Page already left his... I see where he was coming from, but he grew. Does he not like ask anyone like, this is an animation, does he have to check with one person that just, to say, hey, is he wiretapping me? Because nobody would say yes. Like, I just do like...
Starting point is 00:29:44 But his campaign was sort of being wiretapped because a guy who used to work on the campaign was being so bad. He could have spelled his cards like closer to his, I mean it's Trump we're talking about. I want to play poker. So oh my god, yes. Take all that's not poker.
Starting point is 00:29:59 That's not poker. How many hands do you think before he just goes all in? Everybody goes all in like first 10. I'm all in. I goes all in? Everybody goes all in like first 10, the moment. The good men, the comedies. What's a river? I don't know. It doesn't matter if I lose. I have all the money in the world.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Totally, doesn't. I don't need it to embarrass you to take your money. I have a worse Trump impression. By the way, I'm aware of that. I'm a dead friend page. It's not good. I haven't spent any time working on it. It's funny, you're Trump's only a cop. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:30:31 It's not good. Daily Beast reported that Hannity has been advising Trump on the new Nes memo. And I don't mean he's watching Fox News. I mean, he's on. Of course. I don't know if you're watching Fox News. I mean, he's on the phone with Sean Hannity. He has had phone calls with Hannity to advise him on the memo. And good for Hannity. This is probably his dream, but come on, Trump. Why sometimes wonder, like, that's a job.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Pable means is a job and you make money at it. Did they really believe what they're saying? Or is it just their job and their actors? Probably half the time. I always like, Matt, I'll really, you tell, she's their actors? Probably half the time. I always like... Matt, I'll really, you tell, she's excited over nothing, half the time. Like, she loves what she does. Well, it's different when you're reporting the truth.
Starting point is 00:31:12 It's interesting because I think that watching some of these people like Alex Jones and Hannity, they are so angry that they don't care. I think they really don't care They know liberals so much because of some other childhood group and it has nothing to do with politics But they just channel that anger straight into like Yep, I mean, it's like the the Hannity clip where what was it from like last week where he was saying Yeah, there's no way that something's true. Okay. Okay. It turns out Fox News just confirmed it But it doesn't know that's the president's right
Starting point is 00:31:54 But it was about Trump and he was like there's no way that's not true And then he goes back Fox News just confirmed it and he's like It's way to do that There we go, that's what it was. That's what it was. That's what it was. That's stupid. Okay, we are now confirming he did that.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Here's a car chase. That sounds about right. I got the way he said that. I already sounded like my truck. The only reason they did is because Fox News has an entity that confirmed it. He was like, oh great. Yeah. It's blind hatred, I think you read about that.
Starting point is 00:32:24 It's really because you need think you read about that. It's really because you need to run a news network. Exactly. Exactly. They were this angry and crazy about like football games and middle school. You know, these are just it's baseless. It hits home for them.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Yeah, about girls who wouldn't sleep with them. Then they get mad. Yeah, that's them. They drive Mitsubishi eclipse's all of them. Very, very drunk all the time. Yes. Yes. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Kushner's legal team appointed a PR firm. It was late that time. It was not even a little while. It was about to be so fucked. You imagine you're getting that case. All right. Let's get started. Should I get some new cake? Should I get some new cake?
Starting point is 00:33:08 Do I need a haircut? What can I do? Really push the Jewish thing. Push the Jew. There you go. The White House has set up a trust fund for legal fees for those involved in the Mueller investigation. That was an interesting sluiting by the Maddo show. They found this little trust fund thing,
Starting point is 00:33:28 and that's where they're putting the money from legal fees. They spent, I think the White House. I think I read this, I could be wrong. I might be correcting this next week, but $25 million so far in legal fees. And where is this money coming from? Where do you think from the campaign fundraising?
Starting point is 00:33:42 From the wall profits. No, it's coming from taxpayers. Oh, that's depressing. Because they set aside. Yeah, no, I think it might be coming from campaign donations. I'll have to look out at it. I hope so. Yeah, I'm curious.
Starting point is 00:33:58 It would make more sense. Yeah, now I know we pay the McGahn. Yeah, even does it cost for any of the other legal proceedings that are happening in Congress? Does any of that ever cost any? My thoughts are these are private attorneys and they have to pay for them by themselves. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:14 And they would probably be putting money into that trust fund from campaign donations. That's a lot of money to have raised from a campaign a year ago. They never stop. They never stop. They never stop. What? They never close the account?
Starting point is 00:34:28 No, because they opened the, they officially declared their candidacy like for two days after two days after the inauguration. So they could continue to fundraise. From when it ever done. Trump had run a president since the first day he was president. Truly. And so they, like I sign up like, I get the Trumpies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I mean, it's every- Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. Constantly. That's why he calls his, when he tours around and talks to people, that's why he called their campaign rallies. So he actually can spend all the campaign donation money. The Koch brothers are going to donate 20 million right now. The Republicans have 69 million dollars in their coffers and we have about a Saturday now. Really? Yeah, we're being outraced. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:17 But it's from like three dudes. Yeah, because they got their tax rates. Hopefully money isn't everything, right? Well, once the, I think once the election starts getting close and we get the you know That kind of Bernie grassroots donations Yeah, this time around someone's house that Mark Zuckerberg or like Come through I mean, I know the gates are handling at the art stuff. Yeah, we're buffet don't day
Starting point is 00:35:43 We need something don't do our own bad man. On a political bad. Yes. Political bad man. Was our Bruce Wayne? There you go. Friday. Friday is when the new news memo came out. Jordan will be going over that memo. And he'll put out an article reporting that lawyers close to the Mueller investigation believe he could indict Trump for obstruction of justice. That's been our position since the beginning. and I really hope that that's what goes down. So we'll be right back in a few minutes with
Starting point is 00:36:10 Jolison Jordan to talk about Russia sanctions and the NUNES memo. Thanks for listening to Mollershi wrote. Please follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. That'll give you a chance to win a PlayStation 4. We're also on Instagram at Mollershi wroteote and you can now subscribe to us and help make MoorshiRote by visiting moorshiwrote.com. Subscribers get access to bonus content or weekly newsread letter.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I'm going to be putting out my show notes for you guys to all have, so thank you so much for listening. Brought, don't belong in broadcasting. Is that the kind of professional courtesy you teach your news department? Why that's just terrible. I don't know how many times I've told those boys never call Shakespeare's. Why you flim! Oh!
Starting point is 00:36:58 Sweetheart, you and I have had this discussion a million times. There's never been a woman anchor. Mr. Harkin, this city needs its news. Oh. And you are going to deprive them of that because I have breasts, exquisite breasts. Now, I am going to go on, and if you want to try and stop me, bring it on.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Because I am good at three things, fighting, screwing, and reading the news. Now, I've already done one of those today, so what's the other one going to be, huh? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. and read in the news. Now I've already done one of those today so what's the other one gonna be, huh? Okay we're back, Jolisa. We got a tweet from Samira LV or I think I'm pronouncing that right, at Samira LV on Twitter asking us why people weren't screaming about the sanctions and I agree so I wanted to dedicate an entire segment to it. So tell us a little bit about the Russia sanctions that we're supposed to be implemented last
Starting point is 00:37:46 October and again this week that worked. Definitely, definitely. Okay, good question. We should be screaming for sure. Sanctions are a big deal right now because this is the second time that the Trump administration has basically said, we don't care what Congress wants to do, we don't care what the people want, we're going to hold up our end of the bargaining with Putin. So they basically have, I think the act was called the countering America's Adversary
Starting point is 00:38:10 through Sanctions Act. And this law was pretty much meant to impose any new necessary sanctions against Russia. I think this was back in October. And it's just been ignored by the State Department. And they even said this past Thursday when their deadline came on Monday, the reason they didn't do anything is because they said that there's no exact deadline that this is apparently the start of the law. So they basically said there's no reason
Starting point is 00:38:38 to impose sanctions because there's no time for- They're basically fucking lying. They were just, yeah, they're falling. And it's crazy because like this is when it really balls down to the Trump administration or one of the many ways that they clearly obstruct justice, but also it's like the checks and balances that, you know, like the foundation of America, this is so fundamental. They're basically saying we're not going to do what Congress said we're supposed to do because we want to help our friends.
Starting point is 00:39:04 saying we're not gonna do what Congress said we're supposed to do because we want to help our friends. It's crazy. It's like this is one of those things where it's so clear that it split with Trump and Putin versus the world. I don't know why this it was voted like 500 to 7. 517 to 5. Yeah, for this lot of pass and he's just like nose are close. So this is close foe. Yeah, I don't know what's so good. If they geeked out, it just barely. It's his close foe. Yeah, I don't know what to do. If they need to know, it's just barely. It's crazy. So, and then... I mean, you guys remember, Trump was pissed that he had to sign that. Yeah. A lot.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Good, damn it. There was gonna release the p-tapes if I do this. And he didn't say that. But that's how it works. There's no good reason besides him helping his friends out. And his friends being a foreign enemy. It's like, yeah, not not someone on our side. And so and now Shannon's telling us about Russian oil tankers showing up in Boston.
Starting point is 00:39:52 So this is a creepy part. Yeah, the Washington Post just does a better job explaining it than I did just with the work. Yeah, no worries. So basically there is a new tanker carrying liquefied natural gas from Russia's Arctic and it just arrived in Boston a few days ago So this is I think their way of getting around the new sanctions and it's hair product It's probably entirely Russian gas though. It's it there's right, but it's but it's a certain percentage of it is
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yeah, yeah, and that hasn't happened in quite some time You don't have no sanctions to be able to get those in there. It feels like a nice test run So we have three Russian spies visiting in the last two weeks You'd have to have no sanction to be able to get those in there. It feels like a nice test run. So we have three Russian spies visiting in the last two weeks. We have two Russian boats with some Russian gas on it or two tankers with Russian gas on it. And we've got no sanctions imposed. And we're all supposed to sit here and believe that there was no collusion. That whatever.
Starting point is 00:40:39 That he didn't not lift sanctions because he was promised something. Whether it was dirt on Hillary or an entire election or maybe just not to release p-tapes, I don't know. I don't know. Big out of a something. It's just so scary every week. We see him getting closer and closer to just fulfilling his promise really to Putin and we can't do anything about it so far. Yeah and this whole war with the FBI, Putin loves it, I'm sure. Oh, whereas, because he's kind of a Republican,
Starting point is 00:41:07 he's just, he's just booger. He doesn't care who wins or loses here. He just wants us all, I think. So just like go under. He loves the idea of our intelligence community being compromised and people sort of get questioned. It means like they could say anything about Russia and it would be like,
Starting point is 00:41:19 hello, well, your people don't even know you're crazy. Don't listen to American news outlets. So yeah, it's just fulfilling that promise to him and it's creepy yeah that's pretty sad yeah yeah all right thanks Julie so I appreciate that of course yeah we're definitely gonna look into that super tanker situation that's weird also you know I mean the whole reason I I want to see this if anyone can look into the fact that any or any nuclear reactors going up anywhere in Saudi Arabia because that was one of the whole reasons. Or to not impose sanctions in the first place, what's going on with that? Now we do already currently have some sanctions in place.
Starting point is 00:41:56 These are tougher ones for my understanding, so maybe there's just some that he would have to get rid of those sanctions. Well they're getting around it to with this liquefied like Hargo, they're turning it back into a gas form after it arrives to kind of get you know when when prohibition was a thing and they had to like break down the ingredient to alcohol and then put it back together. It seems like they're doing that with this oil like they're kind of just getting around the sanctions by breaking it down. But then you wouldn't have to withhold sanctions. Right. So maybe maybe the new sanctions wouldn't even allow the broken down materials. I don't know, I'd have to look into it. Hopefully, yeah, they just got to stop them somehow.
Starting point is 00:42:30 This is crazy. It just seems like some kind of weird precedent to me. We've been doing this, though. It's not a big change. I mean, we've been actually, we've been having Russian oil for years. Yeah. Two days. Totally.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Totally. All right, thanks so much, Julie. So I appreciate that. Definitely. Jordan, time to get into No Tilt and Noonahs. Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Oh, sorry. That's it. Oh, all right. It's just reading my own personal. Yes. Oh, more No notes that don't read that in part. So Mr. Devon Noonahs, this very, very popular memo right everyone's been talking about, was released on Friday, like AG said, and it's supposed to represent evidence of bias on the part of the FBI and others investigating the president and specific relation to the FISA warrants and how it was obtained more specifically saying that it was because the Dossier that everything was kicked off essentially. And the backlash to this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:43:28 It's coming from all sides. There's people in law enforcement, politicians, citizenry, just everybody. There are so many people that are super against this being released. I'll just go over a couple of those now that I think were really profound. So on Friday, there was an op-ed written by a FBI former FBI special agent, Josh Campbell. He published an op-ed on the New York Times detailing his resignation from the FBI. And I'm going to read one of his quotes because I think it is really powerful. He says, he's quitting the FBI so he can join the growing course of people who believe
Starting point is 00:44:03 that the relentless attacks on the bureau undermine not just America's Premier law enforcement agency, but also the nation's security. My resignation is painful, but the alternative of remaining quiet while the bureau is Tarnished for political gain is impossible. So that's an FBI agent that is literally turning away. That is literally turning away just can't he just can't he just literally can't Comey tweeted that out And same he'd be yeah, he's gonna be mess. He's really yeah, I'm a great guy. So that's come He's been pretty active on Twitter lately. Oh, yeah, he's pretty fire. Yeah He's the hot sexy hot points Yeah. Hot fire. He's the hot sexy hot noise. Hot noise. Hot hot noises.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Like that, hashtag hot notes. And then Congressman Gerald Nadler? Nadler? Have we gotten a consensus on how you say that? I was. Nadler. Yeah. Nadler. That sounds fine. He's a head Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee. So he responds to the memo and an NPR interview this week and says that. Oh, and that's the, he's the head Democrat on the House Judiciary, not the House Intelligence Committee.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Okay. That's Adam Schiff is the head Democrat. The House Intelligence, no, you got it. Oh, okay. I just wanted to differentiate the HIC and the HJC, the HIC, the Intelligence Committee is where Nunes is from. Okay. Nunes is the majority leader, Schiff is the minority leader.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Now we're in the Judiciary, Houseiciary Committee, and Nadler is the top Democrat there. So I just kind of wanted to give a macro in on that. Yes. So, Nadler comes out in this interview, it's just a Q&A format. He says that the memo is essentially going against itself in multiple ways. One of the ways is that the memo admits that the investigation had started several months before the dossier because of other info.
Starting point is 00:45:49 So we've been talking about this a lot on our past episodes. So that negates them saying that this all is kicked off, or at least trying to give the image that it was all kicked off because of this dossier that their saying was politically motivated in terms of their gathering of information, which also doesn't matter still. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Starts with the R&C then goes over to the DNC.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Okay. And then also he says that the memo admits that the warrant was renewed three different times after. After it was. Which has to be signed off by four people, all of whom were appointed by Trump or both. Yes, it's every 90 days, right? Every 90 days. In the only way that they'll ever extend those is if the warrant, the previous warrant was showing more and more evidence that page is, was acting as a foreign agent. You have to add evidence each time you renew. He's got to be the worst foreign agent like a old man. He knows every report so he's like ambitious and stupid. Did you see the Pee Brahara quote tweeted someone yesterday saying that apparently Carter Page had been bragging since 2013 that he was an advisor to the credit card paper heart. It's a quote tweeted LOL. Okay
Starting point is 00:47:09 I'm pretty oh my god. Yeah, a time time magazine found a letter that he had written I think too is a as an L.O.I. for some job or something and he's totally bragging about being a scrumly on LinkedIn I left in. And Papa Doc was telling him, okay. Papa Doc did the same thing, right? Oh yeah. He had those emails, yeah, bragging that he had set up the meeting. It's just all these. Drunk talking and then pub and London next to the Australian guy.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Yeah, Alexander Downer for eight years. So by the way, it looks like Michael Cain and Gold member. It's a door. I'm going to put him in a sexy justice calendar because he he not turning Papa Doc away. Oh, that's dark okay. Michael Cain. Michael Cain. I'm gonna put him in a sexy justice calendar because he not turning pop it up with a star cool car Michael K Yeah, honestly Alexander Downer started the whole FBI investigation, so thank you. That's the Aussie. Yeah, so we love you
Starting point is 00:47:54 Yeah, I think I stole my baby Yeah, so just go more things He also says that he fears that this memo is gonna to be used as a precursor to firing deputy AG Rosenstein The White House of course is saying that that is not at all what's coming He's not going to be fired, but they also said that Mueller was never you know going to be intimidated to leave his job And that's coming out that he that's all Trump wanted to do and then his counsel advised him not to and he amazingly listened to them but there's uh it's predictable I think that Rosenstein is next that's just
Starting point is 00:48:34 my opinion that's not fair for sure it just occurred to me that people might think I'm call myself AG because I'm an attorney general. Oh yeah. I'm not telling. You're the director. No, I'm pretty sure everybody knows who the fuck I am. It really if you don't, it really takes two seconds to figure it out. And then the last thing I think might be the sabotage for the week. Did you find that out, A.G.? I don't want to step on it. The thing that was released today about the Republicans, the dissenting Republicans.
Starting point is 00:49:06 This is Vince's killing me. No, you know what? We just want to, we'll do sabotage right now. Oh, sounds good. It's part of your report. Sabotage! Sabotage! All right, so this, so this week's sabotage, today it came out that four Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee dissented from Trump's view that corruption has poisoned Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Starting point is 00:49:40 So they're coming out publicly. There's four of them that have come together. They have a unified voice on this and One of them is Trey Gowdy Weird mm-hmm Who helped draft a memo and said that Trump should not fire Rosenstein and rejected the idea that the document has any bearing on the Investigation itself nice and then representative Chris Stewart who's also on the committee Republican says that it would be a mistake for anyone to
Starting point is 00:50:05 suggest Mueller not continue his investigation. So I thought Trey Gowdy didn't have anything to do with this memo. And the reason I thought that was because he wasn't part of Nunez's little secret society of HIC Republicans that were sneaking off. He wasn't part of that. And so I'm wondering, but he says in a video, in an interview, that somebody shared with me on Twitter
Starting point is 00:50:29 because they were correcting me, they're like, no, he did. He says, I helped, I had a giant hand and helped crafting this memo. But I wonder if he's not being made to say that. Like, like, Trump and Nunez put it together, and they are strong arming the Republicans in the house to say that they all had input on it. How do you say the one who's been dragging it back? Like walking it back? What if he's the voice of Risa?
Starting point is 00:50:52 That would be nice. It would be weird to have the Benghazi guy be the voice of Risa. Oh absolutely, but if he's like, I mean it's been what, three days since the memo came out. And now it's like actually I want to take it point. It just seems, I mean something is... I mean I know it's, with her video of him saying, he helped craft this memo box. Right. Still think that he's not, he doesn't want to have any,
Starting point is 00:51:12 I think he's one of the strong armed ones. I'm gonna read through that. Yeah. Monday meeting where they voted on it and see how, it's hard to tell if the transcript, right. And I want to see kind of what he was saying because I feel like...
Starting point is 00:51:23 C's been, give us the video. Yeah Release the video It's like I was ever had beef with the Seaspan Watching the speed see I remember I was watching see spam one time and the lady came out they they announced it like golf Like there's a lady who talks really quiet for the purpose of the television and she goes and now bringing forth legislation, our senators Cox and Dix. I just lost my chair. I was like, yeah, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:51:56 It's like how many central right there? Well, yeah, yeah, I mean that's really all I got. I think it's a very good sign that there's GOPers that are on the actual House Intelligence Committee that are, I mean, flipping might be a little bit too much of a word, but... I think they're just trying to protect Rose and Stein. Yeah, they're not perpetuating this plan to undermine all of our intelligence agencies in America. Right. So that's a plus. It's nice that there are people who really can't,
Starting point is 00:52:25 they just don't feel right about taking part in discrediting this organization. That's really an incredible organization. And that has mostly usually just lean conservative. I mean, I never thought I'd be sitting here like, protect the FBI. I love those guys. I mean, they are truly, typically,
Starting point is 00:52:39 very conservative people. They're extremely, you have to be, it's like a super straight, this is crazy. To work for the FBI, it's hard to get a job with the FBI. They don't have a lot of liberals in the FBI because a lot of us probably smoked weed in high school and you can't have ever done that in your whole life. Call me's never got night. We should get a night. I bet he's just gonna be fucking smoking all day. He's like, chillin' out. He's like, chill, chillin' out. Flick on it. Flick on it, buddy.
Starting point is 00:53:08 So that's cool, that covers sabotage. And I also wanted to bring up an interesting note. Judge Contreras, do you guys remember this? I talked about him in episode six. Go have a listen. He's presiding over Flynn's, he was presiding over Flynn's case and he recused himself. There was a little mention in the news about it.
Starting point is 00:53:23 And I thought that the Republicans were going to grab onto this with, you know, but both horns would be like, he recused itself. There was a little mention in the news about it. And I thought that the Republicans were gonna grab onto this with, you know, but both horns would be like, he recused itself, it's all farce. But they didn't really go anywhere with it. But Contreras, I talked to a lawyer friend of mine, Jordan Parker, about why would Contreras recuse himself? Like, what are some reasons to recuse yourself
Starting point is 00:53:39 from the Flynn case? And he looked into it and it turns out that he is an old FISA court judge. He might have been somebody that signed off on one of these Carter Page FISAs and now cannot be part of this case because of it. That makes sense, yeah. So I thought that was just an interesting side note. It really doesn't affect any interesting way, but I thought that was neat.
Starting point is 00:53:58 So, alright you guys, it's time for the fantasy indictment league. And this is a very special fantasy indictment league today because I'd like to play a recording of a phone call Jordan and I had with Chris Vega. He's a veteran. He's flipped from Republican to Democrat and the wake of the Mueller investigation And and here's here's a recording of the chat that we had Hello, hey, is this Chris? Yes, it is hey Chris. It's Allison and Jordan from Mueller. She wrote. How are you doing? Hey guys? I'm doing great
Starting point is 00:54:36 Excellent. Hey, we wanted to give you a call today Because I ran across your Twitter account and because you know, we're pretty new on Twitter And I saw some pretty amazing things in your profile. You know, you're a husband, you're a father, and you're a bull rider, but I also noticed that you're a veteran who has kind of not kind of, but actually defected from the Republican party over to the Democratic Party and into the Trump resistance camp. So I wanted to talk a little bit about that. Can you first of all just tell me a little bit about yourself? Hulgale, self-made man, I'm born and raised in Kerbal, Texas. I joined the military in 2003,
Starting point is 00:55:17 served for 10 years. I did four combat deployments to Iraq, to Afghanistan. I was a bomb technician. After that, I got out in 2011, and nothing was there for me. I was a lost puppy out in the world. Like I used to tell a lot of people that in the military trains you for war. But when it comes to post war and trying to get out, you know, and pursue other options, they don't train you for that. And when they throw you out in the civilian world, you live in your own world amongst this world. So I was a lost puppy, so I had to find
Starting point is 00:55:57 something that caught my interest. And that's when I got there to write a bull. And I fell in love with it. And a year later, at the time, professional, when I got there to write a bull and I fell in love with it and a year later at the professional when I started to learn with the PBR. That is so awesome. That is interesting. You're professional, but you're a professional bull rider. That is amazing and I totally am with you on that because when I got out, you know, they don't train you, but like you said, they don't train you on how to transition back into civilian life and you lose that tribal connection
Starting point is 00:56:25 And so we're you know, I'm just kind of walking around and I decided to do yoga to relax and here you are riding bulls That's fantastic. Now I wanted to ask you You Defected from the Republican party over to the Democrats tell me how. Like why that happened? I was actually tired of defending Donald Trump. I defended him after he won for a good nine months. Also, this is recent. This is recently that you that you changed sides. Yes, it was very recent and I defended him from every lie that he's told, from every fake news argument that he's told, and there's really no point in wasting my energy
Starting point is 00:57:12 and wasting my time. When I fought for this country, I didn't waste my time doing that, so why would I waste my time doing this? And then I finally decided to go independent, and I did do a lot of political soul searching. And that's when I found that the Democrats, they really turned really not that bad of a deal.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Man, they do want everything that the right wingers want, but they use their heads from doing it. And that's what I like about the Democrats. It's all about unity and family. And let's see what the next guy has to say before we make our decision. That's what I like about the dinner. Now, did you vote for Trump?
Starting point is 00:57:48 I know you say you supported him for the first time. I was not Donald Trump supporter. I was actually in favor of Donald Trump when he said, I want to run for president. I was like, heck yeah, I love this. And then he opened his mouth. And then I said, no. No.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I said, no. No. I said, you don't do that. So I was a very, I was very into jet bush. I was a campaign volunteer. I was a door knocker. I was a donor. I did everything I could to help jet get closer to be on the ticket. But he obviously we all know how he panned down. out and so I can't believe he did so poorly.
Starting point is 00:58:28 I was, you know, I'm a Democrat from 1992 at least, but this time I was a Bernie Sanders supporter because he just wanted to get money out of politics. When I was watching the Republican day, I was, I felt, I was like, Jen Bush is a reasonable, he's the smart, what, she's the smart bush and And I also liked Ksik
Starting point is 00:58:49 Yeah, he was a good guy too. He was a little more reasonable I still disagreed with a lot of their base theories and stuff like that just based on you know I'm more of a democratic socialist in their Republicans for smaller government But we can't we don't even with Trump. We can't even have those those reasonable debates it's oh no it's not about small government and big government It's about stop you know Dog with like Nazis and get your finger off a nuclear button, you know it's exactly. It's a little different. Well Jordan has a question for you Yeah First off, Chris just wanted to say thank you so much for your service
Starting point is 00:59:22 Amazing we start like so thankful for you to be on this podcast right now. We've been looking forward to it for a long time. So thank you. I'm welcome. And so I wanted to know, as a veteran, what does the resistance to Donald Trump and this administration mean to you? As a veteran, I took a step back before I joined,
Starting point is 00:59:42 before I even decided to be full on resistance, because I thought it was kind of silly that somebody would say, I resist so and so, and this is why I resist, and they pumped or fist in the air, and I'm like, that is silly as most things. How come they can't just say, hey, I don't like the guy, but why do they have to start a whole movement? But then when you think about it, they're starting their own movement against basically everyone else. So it's like, when you start with the resistance started, it's a huge FU to Donald
Starting point is 01:00:20 Trump because he does not care about anything. Particularly the Constitution. It's exactly, and to me as a veteran, that's where the buck stops is like, if you... Exactly. We should on the Constitution. We got problems. He spits this image that I care about you. America first, veterans this and that, but you don't see it.
Starting point is 01:00:44 You don't see the transparency ever. And if the first thing and being a leader, you gotta take responsibility for things. And that asks, it's not taking responsibility for one damn thing. And I cannot stand it. So I full on said, I'm gonna resist this clown, and I join the resistance, and I even got emails, I donated to the resistance, and I joined a resistance and I even got emails I donated to the resistance
Starting point is 01:01:05 and I you know a full on if you read my tweets I'm very savage I'm savage when it comes to be pretty savage Donald I got blocked by Eric Trump Sean Hannity so far I mean I take pride in that because they actually they hear they hear my voice and that's that's what I like you know when when Donald Trump said about the resistance and the speech about him ought to go, that, that means something, that means he knows we're here, you know? Definitely. He knows we're out here. Well, we're certainly glad, uh, you're on our side.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Yeah. Your voice is so powerful and age is too, right? Because he served our country. You did everything that an upstanding citizen, strong, responsible person should do, and then you have to be represented by this piece of shit. Exactly. Yeah, and as veterans, accountability is a big deal for us.
Starting point is 01:01:55 And if you know just like Chris was saying, and if you can't step forward and be accountable for your actions, you are not that awesome. And you're actually just a piece of shit. But and now I know that you're thinking you've kind of got your eye on running for Congress maybe in 2020, which I think is fantastic. And we support, we want to start supporting here at Muller Shee wrote supporting veterans that are running for Congress, because we want
Starting point is 01:02:25 to flip it blue in 2018 and then beyond. So we're actually going to start taking some of our subscriber dollars and donating them to different veterans who are running. And I think our first guy we want to support is somebody who I campaign for, his name's Doug Applegate here in the 49th in California. And he was going to be running against ISA, but it sounds like he's retiring along with 35 other Republicans from the house.
Starting point is 01:02:50 So we hope to flip that district blue. So we'll send a couple of shuckles there away. But if you make a run for it, man, I want to know about it. We want to have you back on. Oh, yeah. I mean, it's been in talks. It's been, you know, people messaged me. I just, today I got a few tweets, Mr. Vega,
Starting point is 01:03:10 you need to run for office, you know, we got your back. I just get so much love out there that I never thought that a few tweets would get. And, you know, for somebody who had no followers to get over 10,000 plus, it's like a skyrocket and people know your name and they know what you're about. And you know me, I'm about the American people. I've fought for the American people.
Starting point is 01:03:34 I love the American dream. I've lived freedom. I breathe freedom. I sweat it freedom. And I've seen what freedom is all about. And I think I understand what the word America is and right now We are not living it under the GOP party. I'll tell you that We support you for sure and and we want to ask you now about your picks for the fantasy indictment leave
Starting point is 01:03:59 Well, all right to be indicted I'm gonna say it's going to be Kushner. Yeah. The reason why I think it's going to be Kushner is because he's not going to take a plea deal against his family. I'll tell you that right now. So Kush, he's going to get indicted. I think Carter Page is going to take a plea deal.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Yeah. Um, and the mole is going to be Kelly. He's the mole. John Kelly. Yeah. Interesting. That's it. Oh, I've heard that. Yeah. He's, uh, you know, if you think about it, you know, he's military man. In the back of his mind, he's a smart man. He's doing what the boss tells him, but in the back of his mind, he, he's like, he's probably making his own damn memos, you know what I mean? He understands the art of war. Yeah, like him and Mad Dog. I wouldn't put it past him that he does what his commander in chief says, but then he's going to go back and say, Mr. Trump told me to do this. I think it's bullshit, but I'm going to do it because he's my commander in chief. It's kind of like what Komi did.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Komi's like, you know what? Okay, sir, and I'm gonna go and I'm gonna write all this down and I'm gonna tell five guys who mysteriously lost their jobs. Well, you know what, we support you and when you make a run for office, you let us know. We'll help you out. And we've been really, really happy to have you on.
Starting point is 01:05:24 So thank you so much. No problem. It's been a pleasure, guys. I appreciate it. All right. We have a great day. All right, you too. All right, you guys.
Starting point is 01:05:34 That was Chris Vega. Thank you so much for your service, man. And we really appreciate you coming on here and giving us your views. If you do make a run for Congress, you let us know. Because we are going to start donating some of our proceeds from our subscribers to congressional progressive candidates. I know that everyone's like, are you doing something about the resistance?
Starting point is 01:05:56 And I thought, well, you know, we're doing a podcast, but I think maybe I could put my money where my mouth is. Actually give some money to progressive candidates to flip the house and that way we can have enough votes to impeach. And now the Senate, on the other hand, we cannot get enough Democrats mathematically in the Senate to vote him out, to remove him from office if he's impeached in the House. Because removal is a two-step process. The House has to impeach him.
Starting point is 01:06:23 And then the Senate has to have a two-thirds vote to remove. Senate senators, up for a reelection? Even if we won every single seat we were running for, we would only have 59. Okay. And I think we're probably gonna only end up with like 52 or 53.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Yeah. And that's, that would be a good day. Right. They'd have to go through the entire trial, right? Which would be so public and the approval ratings would go through the floor. I mean, I'd like to believe they just are on this side. Yeah, or just vote for impeachment. Well, here's what I also want to do.
Starting point is 01:06:55 I want to start writing, Comey. I want to start writing that too. No, I want to start writing Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is running for Senate in Utah. That's right. And he, it's Trump. He Trump publicly humiliated him. He's always talking out against Trump. And I have this prediction that Mitt Romney will lead a group of Senate Republicans who like maybe Burr, who was pressured to
Starting point is 01:07:20 give up the investigation by Trump. There were five junior senators that Trump told to pressure Burr to give up the Russian investigation. Maybe he can get a handful. He would need nine, and plus including himself. So I think they'll be called the Romney nine. And I think that they will. They could possibly vote to remove Trump. So I'm going to start writing it.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Or I'll be like, you've got to right. I will send you money for your campaign because the Democrat is not going to win you thought you guys. I will send you money if you get together. Just one binder full of guys. Maybe they're ladies. Whoever I don't care. I don't think there's any lady send it or reply. You need to be so binary, you know, binders full of people. There you go. Yeah. I love it.
Starting point is 01:08:10 That's so great. So, um, alright, so I've been hearing a lot of unrest among Mueller supporters yelling at me like, I have it either good, either good. Like, when are the indictments coming? When are they coming? Um, and they're upset about how long this investigation is taking. So I wanted to talk a little bit about the timeline of the Mueller investigation and what we can learn from history.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Sometimes I wonder how, like, as a society, we're going to reconcile the snail's pace of government as it was designed by the founders to be with our ever-increasing, you know, speed at which we get information. Our attention spans are dwindling, we get fatigued really easily. I believe that the final move of round one for Mueller is going to be to interview Trump. And I know we all want the indictments to start dropping, but Mueller may not want to tip his hand by releasing charges until he gets the opportunity to speak with the president. We know from previous Mueller behavior
Starting point is 01:09:06 that he's very patient, he's very deliberate, and he likes to keep his cards close to his chest. For example, when Mueller found out Manafort met with members of the Senate Judiciary ahead of schedule to turn over notes from the June 2016 meeting and answer some questions, he had the FBI pay him a pre-dawn, no knock visit to preserve the evidence that night or the early the next morning.
Starting point is 01:09:30 And Mueller knew that he couldn't allow the White House any time to learn about what Manafort knew so that they could help Manafort either destroy evidence or prepare defense. Exactly. Another example is the interference and eventual cancellation of both Steve Bannon and Hope Hicks testimonies to the House Intelligence Committee. Mueller is really, he's super meticulous about who knows what and when. And in fact, like everything that we know about the Mueller investigation, we know because he wants us to know. Knowing all of this, we can assume that Mueller may not want to publicly indict anyone too close to the Trump camp,
Starting point is 01:10:02 which is where he's at now in the investigation. Because that could give Trump and his legal team clues about what to prepare for or what evidence to destroy. So given all of that, let's assume we have to wait for Trump and his lawyers to agree to an interview before we see any charges close to House Trump. Siting old case law regarding executive privilege and dragging out the negotiations about the conditions of the interview are just a couple of tactics that they're using to stall the investigation. Another tactic is obviously the ongoing attempts
Starting point is 01:10:35 by Congress, specifically the House Republicans led by Nunes and the Trump transition team members to discredit the FBI and the Department of Justice, which is why I'm really happy about that sabotage today, these four Republicans standing up for the FBI, the DOJ. Take the new nose memo, for example, it's a small group of House Republicans without cooperation from the ranking member
Starting point is 01:10:54 of the House Intel Committee, Adam Schiff, they met in secret off-site places using classified documents from the DOJ as part of the Russian investigation to basically plot and discredit the rule of law. So it kind of makes you laugh at Senator Ron Johnson's accusation of a secret society in the FBI because they actually have one. Yeah, it's almost the one.
Starting point is 01:11:15 It's the one. It's the one. It's the one. And the final tactic is stalling the investigation or the attacks on Komi, the former director of the FBI, Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general that appointed Bob Mueller, and Andrew McCabe, the deputy director of the FBI, chased out of the organization by Trump, though he denies he had anything to do with it. By assisting the Rosenstein, signed off on the renewal of FISA warrants to surveil Carter
Starting point is 01:11:40 Page, House Trump basically has caused a fire him. And despite the fact, you know, despite the fact Carter Page was under surveillance because he'd been caught up in a Russian inspiring in 2013, which is what you were talking about. Like he loves to talk about it. Yeah, very, very proud of his time with the Russian spies in 2013. And those three spies, two of them were on the land and one of them went to prison, federal prison. So we have Mueller who may not charge anyone else
Starting point is 01:12:05 until he interviews Trump. We have lawyers stalling that interview. We have the GOP attacking the rule of law, and we potentially have the removal of Rod Rosenstein and the installation of a deputy AG more sympathetic to Trump's needs. All of this could lead to a serious law in the investigation.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Trump could stall for months. Rosenstein could be fired. Though I think Mueller has all the evidence he needs and wouldn't have to run any new investigative leads through a new W to AG. Maniforce trial could get pushed back to the fall. The Trump Russian investigation could basically spun her out, kind of like Watergate did the first year
Starting point is 01:12:40 that it happened. Oh yeah. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see Mueller drop the hammer, unseal some plea deals like from Gates, Hicks, and Bannon, maybe in Dijk Kushner, Cohen, and Sader, eventually Stapina and a Dijk Trump and Trump Jr. I, like, I, I, I daydream about these things.
Starting point is 01:12:55 You guys. I'm a huge nerd, steeped in the inner workings of this investigation. If they do, Jr. he's gonna lose it. Yeah. Like, Trump would lose it. He would lose it.
Starting point is 01:13:06 I mean, if he want, yeah. Papa Trump would lose it if junior got in diet. Oh yeah, he would go nuclear. I would want to see what Eric Trump would have to say, because I love listening to him. He don't fall in love with Ratu. He's got big enough thumbs. He looks a lot like Nostradamus.
Starting point is 01:13:24 He's got the thumbs in the tiny He looks a lot like Nosfer. I'm jealous with the gums and the tiny teeth. I've done a side by side. It's really crazy. Oh, who's it? I need to tweet that out of that. Did I just do it? So, I want to be prepared. You guys, I don't want to get ahead of myself.
Starting point is 01:13:37 I don't want any of you to get discouraged if we don't get our end of fight club moment, with where is my mind playing in the background as the White House implements. I want you all to think about Watergate, how long that took. From appointment, a special counsel to resignation took 15 months. And Watergate, from the Watergate burglary to resignation took 26 months. So by those numbers, Trump's resignation would happen sometime around August. But that's if you had a democratic Congress, which we don't have. So we may have to wait till we flip the House in the Senate, and even then we might not have two-thirds votes in the Senate to remove him. So my hope is we finally get to litigate a case for inditing a sitting president. But what I really want to do in part to you guys is to be patient and don't lose hope.
Starting point is 01:14:22 We will be here with you till the end of this thing. So that's all. That's all. That's all. That's that was my beautiful news today for you guys. How to deal with how to deal with this is a patient. As a junkie. I didn't know. Yeah. All right you guys. This has been awesome. Thank you so much for listening to Mueller She wrote. We got to also give a shout out to the reason Shannon's here in the first place. Oh yeah, my brother, Sean. Aha. Biggest fan of Mueller, she wrote. Oh. And he was the one who told me about your podcast and he was very excited to hear someone from House Woodward to be mentioned on the pod.
Starting point is 01:14:55 So great. Thank you so much, Sean. Thank you so much, Sean Woodward. Thank you. Thanks for having me, guys. Of course. Thank you so much. It's been great having you on.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Shannon, Jalisa and Jordan. Oh yeah, I've been Jalisa Johnson. I've been Jordan Coburn. And I'm A.G. Thanks for listening. Mollershi Road is produced by A.G. with editing by Jelisa Johnson. Jordan Coburn is our digital media manager. Fact checking and research by A.G. with additional Johnson. Jordan Coburn is our digital media manager. Fact checking in research by AG with additional research by Jordan Coburn and Jolissa Johnson. Our web designer creative is by Joelle Reader with Moxie Design Studios, and our website is moreshewrote.com.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Hi, I'm Dan Dunn, host of What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn, the most wildly entertaining adult beverage theme podcast in the history of the medium. That's right, the boozy best of the best, baby! And we have the cool celebrity promos to prove it. Check this out! Hi, I'm Allison Janney, and you're here with me on What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn. And that's my sexy voice. Boom. Boom.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Boom is right Academy Award winner, Allison Janney. As you can see, celebrities just love this show. How cool is that? Hey, this is Scottie Pippin, and you're listening to the Dan Dunn Show, and wait, hold on. The name of the show is what? All right, sure.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Scottie Pippin momentarily forgot the show's name, but there's a first time for everything. Hey everyone, this is Scoot McNary. I'm here with Dan Dunn on What Are You Drinking? What's calling it? Fine, twice. But famous people really do love this show. Hi, this is Will Forte and you're, for some reason, listening to What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn. Now, what do you mean for some reason, Will Forte? What's going on? Hi, this is Kurt Russell. Listen, I escaped from New York, but I couldn't get the hell out of Dan Dunn's happy hour. Please send help.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Send help! Oh, come on Kurt Russell. Can somebody out there please help me? I'm Dita Von Tees and you're listening to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn. Let me try one more time. Come on. Is it right? It's amazing. Is it amazing? Is it right?
Starting point is 01:17:09 Ah, that's better. So be like Dita Von Tees, friends, and listen to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn, available wherever you get your podcasts. M-S-W Media. M-S-W Media. M-S-W-Media.

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