Jack - Will Stone Be Indicted Again? (feat. Renato Mariotti & Jack Bryan)

Episode Date: February 4, 2019

S3E5 - Joining us this week is Renato Mariotti (former federal prosecutor) and Jack Bryan (Active Measures). Plus, Jordan covers an interesting New York Times interview with Trump, Jaleesa talks about... Papadop's new job, and AG covers the rest of the week's news! Enjoy! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Kimberly Host of The Start Me Up Podcast. If you like your politics with some loose talk and salty language, you're going to love my show. I interview the coolest people like Mary Trump, Kathy Griffin, and DNC Chair Jamie Harrison. The Start Me Up Podcast has an easy-going, casual style and a strong emphasis on left-leaning politics. We also have Frank discussions about sex
Starting point is 00:00:20 and more than a few spirited rants. Just visit patreon.com slash start me up or wherever you get your podcasts and start listening today. Thanks to Noom for supporting Mollershi Road. It's not too late to kick off your year right. Stay on track to meet your New Year's resolutions and meet your goals with Noom. Noom is designed for results, so sign up for your trial today at Noom.noE.COM-AG. What do you have to lose?
Starting point is 00:00:48 Visit NUME.COM-AG to start your trial today. Again, that's NUME.COM-AG. Start losing weight for good. And thanks to Ritual for supporting Mueller, she wrote, Better Health doesn't happen overnight. Start your year with Essential for Women, a small step that helps create a healthy foundation for 2019 and beyond.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Visit ritual.com slash AG to start your ritual today. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign.
Starting point is 00:01:37 And I didn't have, not have, communications at the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for? I have nothing to do with Putin. I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me Russia if you're listening. I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing So it is political you're a communist no mr. Green communism is just a red hairing
Starting point is 00:02:03 Like all members of the oldest professional capitalist. Hello and welcome to Muller She Wrote. I'm your host A.G. with me as always is Julie Sa Johnson. Hello. And Jordan Coburn. Hello. This week is packed with news and it's only gonna start getting heavier you guys. So if you know anyone who usually hides from the news but wants like a simplified version of the facts coupled with the wild speculation Which we call super space beans make sure to send them our way and we'll sort it all out for them Do you guys have a good week so far? Yeah, good week. It's raining as you can probably maybe here in the background It's been a cold blistery week
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yes, there's nothing we can do about the inclement weather Some rain and 62 degrees is what we consider a blizzard here in San Diego. So if you listen, it'll be nice and relaxing here. Let's see if we can hear it. Okay, there it is. So now we have the room sound. We have room tone. And guys, you want the news. Sometimes a little rain must fall. This week, Jordan, you're going to cover an interesting New York Times interview with Trump. And Jalisa, you're gonna talk about Pop-A-Dops new job and how it's all about
Starting point is 00:03:11 gouging the masses by selling them overpriced weed. Do you ever see the back of a $20 bill, man? Not a no-yo. Do you ever see the back of a $20 bill on weed? We also wanna remind you guys about some upcoming live shows. The first one is March 29th. It's at the Miracle Theater in DC. And there's two kinds of tickets for this.
Starting point is 00:03:31 There's a general admission ticket and then there's a VIP ticket. And the VIP ticket gets you into the general admission show and the meet and greet, which includes a cocktail hour right before the show. So check that out. We have links on our newsletter and our website and our Facebook page for that. We also have March 30th at the Bellhouse in Brooklyn. And we have VIP tickets for that show as well, but they're sold separately. So if you want to go VIP meet and greet you'll need to buy the general admission ticket plus the VIP ticket. And
Starting point is 00:03:58 patrons get a discount on that VIP add-on. All the information is at our website, so visit mullershiroat.com, and we will see you there. We did email out for the Brooklyn Show code, MSW. Oh, I can't. You guys don't get to hear it. If you're a patron, you can get that code in the newsletter, and on the closed Facebook group, by all means, just let you all in for free. Not for free.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Anyway, take that. Make good. Anyway, if you're not a patron and you want the special deals and presale opportunities for our live events, sign up now at patreon.com slash Mueller, she wrote, please note that depending on the venue, some let us have VIP discounts. Others let us do presale. They're all different.
Starting point is 00:04:39 So we're sorry we can't offer the same deals at all the venues. It's kind of up to them. But as a patron, you also get ad-free main episodes the midweek episodes now We do two episodes a week. It's a full hour long episode that comes out Wednesday nights You get access to all the bonus mini-sodes the book club the entire archive of all those The premium newsletter which includes all the articles we reference every week and my own personal research notes And there's also a bunch of great gifts and guys that's all for three bucks a month. So And once we start our daily show called daily beans you'll be automatically enrolled in that Patreon too so you
Starting point is 00:05:12 get both we just need a couple thousand more patrons to reach that goal so think about it but I think we can do it yeah we're real close so sign up today also the Manifort Ringtone is up, right? And all proceeds go to Voices of our City Choir. That's where you can get the Fog Fog Fog Ringtone that was recorded. For us, by Voices of our City Choir, that's a choir here in San Diego for homeless people, which is amazing. All proceeds go to them. Jordan, where can they get that? So if you look on, if you have an iPhone, go ahead and go to iTunes and then look up Manifort is.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Dot dot dot, and it will be the first result for ringtones because lots of people are buying it so it's up there and the search results which is nice. And then it's kind of a weird link if you're an Android user that you can just go to my Twitter and it's one of my first posts on there that says here's the link for the droids. It's like some weird website called like Tune. I don't know, something. Anyway. It's like some weird website called like tune. I don't know, something. Anyway. I gotta add Jordan's confused. Oh yeah, thank you. Yeah, so you can go on my Twitter at Jordan's Confused
Starting point is 00:06:14 and believe everything I say first off and disregard the handle and second off. You could fight, yeah, it's like the first or second post on there. It's more of it confused about life in the universe. Right, add an existential level. Yes, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Guys, we have no corrections from last week, which makes me think y'all were busy, because I never make it through an episode error-free. But if you have any corrections, send them to helloatmullershiroat.com. Let us know if you don't want us to read your name on the air. Guys, we have a ton of news to get to, so let's jump in with just the facts. All right, guys, the news in Roger Stonehenge this week was extensive. We learned that a third location was raided by the FBI, one of Stone's storage lockers in
Starting point is 00:06:55 Florida. Maybe that's where he stores all of his rocks. He sells rocks by the way that he signs his name on a rock and health ship it to you. Roger Stone's. I want to order like a hundred of them because they're only eight bucks and see like what he has to pay and shipping I think I'd be funny. Don't give them the money, AG. It's just funny to me. He's gonna get kidney stones one day get made of Relentlessly. I know and what good is what good is my money if I can't spend it on fun stuff? Like making him pay shipping on rocks. spend it on fun stuff. Like making him pay shipping on rocks. Anyway, they rated his home in his office and his storage locker.
Starting point is 00:07:28 All these guys seem to have storage lockers. We could make a killing starting self-storage for colluding traders. Oh, yeah. There's a big neon sign that's like, no, skit you shitting here. Yeah. And arrows literally everywhere else.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Bad credit trees in. Not trees and lockers. Nothing to see. In other stone news, the Mueller team is signaling to one of Stone's associates that another indictment is probably in the works. A defense attorney for Andrew Miller, that's the guy fighting the Mueller subpoena, was told Monday that Mueller wants testimony from Miller for their federal grand jury, making it clear to me and many others, many other experts, that Mueller wants testimony from Miller for their federal grand jury, making it clear to me and many others, many other experts, that Mueller and the Justice Department are considering
Starting point is 00:08:09 additional superseding indictments of Roger Stone and a plan to possibly charge others. And the reason why here, guys, is that the grand jury, once it's done hearing a case for a crime, it's done. You can't bring in more witnesses to testify once the grand jury has already decided to indict. So if they're bringing in a guy who's going to testify about stone, that means they have to be working or at least considering a superseding indictment on stone himself, right? No shit. Moller extended the grand jury for six months a few weeks ago. He wouldn't have done that if he didn't need additional testimony. And a superseding indictment, by the way, it's just like any other indictment.
Starting point is 00:08:50 It must be obtained the same way as the original indictment through a grand jury. And superseding indictments can include different charges, new charges, or they can add new defendants. Man, Maniford got some superseding indictments slapped on him a while back. That's going to keep happening. Because as soon as we pull all this collusion together, everybody's going to be named again. That's why we keep hearing part of an opening ongoing investigation. That's part of an ongoing investigation.
Starting point is 00:09:15 And that's why you hear Trump's supporters going, you got nothing. Nothing, this has been about collusion. None of it's been about that. Yeah. It's like, yeah, nothing better. Not yet. Not better.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah, because you can't yet. He's going to never mind. You know what? I know how investigations work. You know how investigations work. They don't find, let them wallow in their stupidity. I'm really spicy this week, sorry. If I say something that offend somebody,
Starting point is 00:09:39 like junior put something up, like put up an old Kamala Harris tweet where she said something about governor Northam in Virginia, and fighting racism and bigotry. He's the guy who appeared in a photo in his yearbook with a black face. I think he's the one in the room. And he must be because he now is saying he's not in it and has anything to prove he's in the robe. But so Don Jr. took that tweet of Kamala Harris and said well this is awkward and didn't age well And I said are you talking about your brother and everyone's all oh
Starting point is 00:10:11 A.G. Spicy spicy sweet sassy melassie. Oh That is hilarious the hood thing. I mean, it's not hilarious at all. Obviously. It's awful But that defense that you can't identify who it is that was conference today It's not much you could say back to that. I really I didn't see it yet. Oh, it's awful, but that defense that you can't identify who it is. That first conference today is so- There's not much you can say back to that. I really haven't seen it yet. Oh, it's bad. He's like, well, it wasn't me.
Starting point is 00:10:30 If it wasn't me, it wasn't me. But I did do blackface dressing up as Michael Jackson one time. Oh my God. Did you see him almost moonwalk for a moment? Yeah, almost. Yeah, they were like, oh, can you still moonwalk? And his wife's like, that's not inappropriate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:44 And what's really funny is all You know all the comedians and on the San Diego comedian page are all like talking about doing Michael Jackson blackface And as we all know Michael Jackson bleached his skin going forward So he pretty much wasn't black anymore and everyone's like it was 1984 You would have had to have done blackface to do Michael Jackson because 1984 Michael Jackson actually was still black right? Yes, so he did white face Yeah, I'm gonna say we're gonna we're just gonna set him up for you Julie said you can knock him down Anyway, I think we're gonna get that big conspiracy
Starting point is 00:11:22 Enditement group of aiding and abetting work. I think we're gonna get that big conspiracy indictment group of aiding and abetting work. I think we're gonna get it. Tuesday, Stone pleaded not guilty. After the hearing was delayed for an hour and a half because Stone's lawyers can't get their shit together with their paperwork. The day before a rain meant a minute order issued by the judge reminded the lawyers they needed to file their forms to designate a sponsor licensed in DC. They fucked up that paperwork in true Trump supporter style.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And they spent the entire next morning trying to get it right. Oddly one of Stone's lawyers is the same guy who rupped NWA back in the 80s in their first amendment case for explicit lyrics. So Roger Stone's out on bail without paying a dime, by the way. And I was mad about this on Twitter. And Renato Marriotti and I will have this bail discussion today in this show at the interview at the end of the show. So stick around for that because I'm
Starting point is 00:12:09 angry that rich people don't have to pay bail. And so he explains it and he's so great. He's like, I'm not telling you how I think it should be. I'm telling you how it is. So anyway, stick around for that. Yeah, the bail system is so fucked up just a little side. No, I went to jail once because I didn't pay a speeding ticket. And so there's a warrant out for my arrest and they arrested me. And I went to jail and then went to the court, but it was a webcam courtroom. You don't even go into a real courtroom. And then basically you just walk up to the television and the judge on the other side, the TV proceeds to just ask how much you could possibly afford. Like they tell you, you know, what your bail is set at,
Starting point is 00:12:45 and then everyone is like, well, I don't have that. And then they're like, well, what can you give today? That's literally zero. They're doing. Yeah, yeah, that too. Like, well, all of my assets are in a locker currently, so you took them before I could. I'll show you a titty.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah. Yeah. It's the old school. I guarantee that's happened. Especially in a Las Vegas jail. Yeah, a couple of guys. It isn't work for them. You know there's some girl like, hey baby, pull on your shirt up.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah, I'm excited. Yeah, the bail system like profits off of all just chump change, you know. Like every day when he's innocent, well not innocent people. Like, is this the nature of them being there? I mean, some of them are. Oh, that's gizzling. Cute. allegedly cute yeah but we know why why does Roger Stone not have to pay anything of his $250,000 just promising he won't he'll show up to his court appearance but you that's my long-winded point yeah all the like people that don't have that much they don't take your word for it held accountable yeah and and you know what
Starting point is 00:13:42 people think that like Roger Stone has more to lose, you know, what, people think that like, Roger Stone has more to lose. I, you know, I don't know. It's his fust-up, yeah. He's pretty loosery. Finally, a stone appeared Friday and judge Amy Berman Jackson's courtroom, and she weighed a gag order,
Starting point is 00:13:56 and she warned him not to treat the charges against him like a PR campaign or a book tour. She reminded Stone that it behooves him to shut the fuck up because anything he says in public can be used against him in court. Everybody knows that. It's been on TV a lot. And his bullshit can't he like he can taint the jury pool, right? With his shit. So she's given both sides until next week to weigh in on the gag order. If you recall, she gagged Manifort in his trial after his dumb ass lawyer shot his mouth off in front of the courthouse following his first court appearance.
Starting point is 00:14:25 And then he went on to write an op ed with a Russian. Uh, we'll keep you posted. Judge Jackson, bless your heart. I don't know how you deal with these folks, but I just love that stone pulled Jackson. I like the picture you posted of her. She looks like a cool soccer mom type, but she like badass too. Like, I never knew what she looked like until you tweeted that out. Yeah, and that's why I did it. I was like, I don't think people know what she looks like badass too. Like, I never knew what she looked like until you tweeted that out. Yeah, and that's why I did it.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I was like, I don't think people know what she looks like. Yeah, yeah. It's just not what I had in mind, but it's cooler this way. She's got her pearls and everything. Yeah. She's a nice lady. That's like a nice lady. I mean, I'm true she is too,
Starting point is 00:14:54 but she doesn't take any shit. No, no. She's just to see his hell. So Tuesday, rep Jackie Spear. Oh, wait, we do have a correction from last week. It's Spear, not Spire. So thank you for that. And Jordan, you actually had a correction from the midweek episode. Yes, from our midweek episode, we're covering the NRA. And I referenced the insurance that the NRA offers to their members. And I had
Starting point is 00:15:18 said that it was for the wrong party. And then it was corrected by one of our patrons that it's actually, they'll give the insurance to the person that shot someone. That's what they offer. Got it. So, not the same as the T-shirts they hand out. Right. It was so ridiculous to me.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Anyway, so Jackie Spear sent Steve Manuchin, the secretary of the treasury, a letter this week asking him about a deal he made in 2017 when he divested from his motion picture company called Ratpack Dune, which is dumb. It's such a boomer thing to call your company. Anyhow, Ratpack Dune, he sold his shares to his partner, Manuchin did, for 25 million bucks. And his partner was Len Blavotnik. And if Blavotnik sounds familiar, let's take a listen to an episode of Miller, she wrote, called Crossfire Hurricane from Last May.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Jolisa, can you roll that clip? Oh, yeah. We learned that the GOP took $7.5 million in donations from a Russian oligarch named Blavotnik. The superpacks for Trump, McConnell, Rubio, Scott Walker, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich, and John McCain, accepted money from the Ukrainian-born Putin-Tied oligarch. Blavotnik owns a big part of Rousseau. That's the giant aluminum company partly owned by, you guessed it, Oleg Darapaska.
Starting point is 00:16:42 It's the same aluminum company that Trump Bades are negotiating the sell-off of Darapaska shares in exchange for an easing on sanctions. So interesting dot. That was the worst list I've ever heard. Yeah. It's pretty bad. Huh. So Blavotnik gave $7.5 million to McConnell, Graham, Rubio-Sick, and Scott Walker during the 2016 campaign.
Starting point is 00:17:07 He bought out Manuchin, the Secretary of the Treasury for 25 million, and he owns a bunch of Rousal shares, and McConnell, Graham, and Rubio took Blavotnik rubles and voted for lifting sanctions on Oleg Darapaska. So, yeah. And we knew all this last May, and in fact, we got the reporting for the first guy. I think the first people who got a got onto it were the dumb coalition and Scott Dworkin at Thunder on Twitter back in, I think, February. And then the Dallas Morning News put it out in May
Starting point is 00:17:36 and we picked it up. And it's in the news now because sanctions have been lifted on Dara Pasca now this week. Additionally, after Manuchin lifted the sanctions on Dara Pasca, one of Dara Pasca's companies added seven new directors to their board, including Chris Burnham. He's a guy who served on Trump's transition team and worked for Bolton at the UN. What? I'm gonna listen to the rain for a second, because it's so frustrating. Okay, we also had discussed in episode 48 that Mueller had a stint where he was stopping and frisking all kinds of Putin-Tide, Ukrainian, American, Emigres at airports and their private
Starting point is 00:18:12 jets member. That was Blavotnik, was one of those guys in Vexelberg and Intrader. Vexelberg has ties to Herman German, German, Kahn, and he was, I call him that because we went through a long thing. Don't worry about it. And he was at the Bank of Cyprus when Wilbur Ross ran it. So, whoa, Invexelberg gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Trump inaugural, by the way. And remember Sam Patton, who's been indicted, he bought four inaugural tickets using a cutout
Starting point is 00:18:42 and got reimbursed by a Putin-friendly oligarch. I think probably Intrader or Invexelberg are the ones who acted as that cutout Those are beans not facts. I mean Sam Patton was Indicted and he did by fifty thousand dollars worth of inaugural tickets using a cutout But it doesn't say who the cutout is. I'm guessing it's Intrater or Vexelberg or Levantek It's one of those guys and don't forget we reported in episode 30 the Avonotti released video's Intrater Vexelberg or Love Otnik. It's one of those guys. And don't forget we reported in episode 30 the Avenatti released video of Intrater Vexelberg and Cohen meeting at Trump Tower during the transition. Intrater is the guy who owned Columbus Nova and dropped $500,000 into Cohen's slush fund called Essential Consultants. It's fucking essential.
Starting point is 00:19:19 So that's that guy. So knowing all that, a bipartisan bill was introduced in the Senate this week by Grassley and Blumenthal by Partisan called the Transparency Act. And that allows special council reports to be released in full to Congress and the public. But given all we know about McConnell and the other GOP senators, I mentioned, taking Russian money from dudes who they voted to live sanctions on,
Starting point is 00:19:40 and that Mueller has stopped and frisked all those dudes at airports and is looking closely at their ties to the 2016 campaign and the Trump inaugural. Do you really think that McConnell will let this legislation pass? No. So everyone can see what Mueller found? He's doubling down. No, I don't. It's his life on the line.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I feel like it's more than his career. I mean, this is like criminal investigations. Yeah, I don't think so. In fact, I think the vote will mirror the Senate vote that allowed the lifting of sanctions on Darapaska provided McConnell doesn't even block the vote altogether. So yeah, with his shell. Sorry. Mario Kart just drives by and throws his turtle shell at him. Oh, yeah. A little later on Monday, Matthew fucking Whitaker made some public comments about the Mueller probe. I wish he would keep Mueller's name out of his mouth. He made some comments saying that Mueller's nearly done and should be issuing his report soon.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And then, as though he knew he shouldn't have been commenting on an open and ongoing investigation, eight gallons of water poured out of his giant head, like someone gave him a swerly in one of his big dick toilets. He continued blathering on, saying he's been fully briefed on the investigation, and he says that he looks forward to the Mueller delivering the final report and he went on to say something like I'm I really am not going to talk about an open and ongoing investigation otherwise but the statements I made but here I go to talk about it but the statements I made were as a private citizen with only publicly available information. It's completely unimaginable to me that he'd comment on
Starting point is 00:21:04 this investigation at all. And speaking of improper investigation, communication, Jordan, you reported this Wednesday in our mid-week episode that Barr talked to Pence about Mueller. Yeah, apparently it was kind of not super climactic in nature, but he did admit that they had talked to each other a couple times, but more so, just about procedures and personnel. Nothing really too juicy about the investigation itself. So there are seemingly not too many beans there, and especially since his verbal testimony matched his written testimony, so he's kind of avoiding suspicion at this point. Yeah, but given the crazy ridiculous
Starting point is 00:21:47 outcry from the Republicans when Loretta Lynch talked to Bill Clinton on the tarmac and an airplane for a few minutes, why are they cool with this? It just makes no sense to me. Yeah, especially since he had that memo in June of 2018 that basically refuted the accusation that Trump may have obstructed justice by firing James Comey. So he already has officially done things you know that would like show his cards and where they may lie a little bit. So you would think they would be more scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-tiny scru-t What? Screwed tinnius? Screwed tinnius? I don't know. What if it was screwing that up? Yeah, what the hell? They would put more scrutiny.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I don't know. Yeah. You know what I'm saying. Yes. The more a screwing it. I think they look into it more. Yeah. And speaking of Matthew F. Wittaker, he's slated to testify publicly to Congress February 8th.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Also, Monday Adam Schiff says Cohen has agreed to testify February 8th with the House Intel Committee, but that's behind closed doors. Since his public testimony was called off by Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis, who represents Fertosh. Because of viable threats from Trump and Giuliani about his father-in-law, you know, if you want to know who his father-in-law is, I went in detail, I went into that in detail in Wednesday's midweek episode, so check that out if you missed it. Cohen also has dumped his legal team completely, incidentally, so no more guy, Patrillo. And he was a Southern District or New York guy.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Instead, he hired two dudes from Chicago. He's probably trying to save money now that the bulk of his case is over with. And speaking of Cohen testifying to the House Intelligence Committee, the committee finally ceded their Republican members, which means Mueller could conceivably get the testimony transcripts to Mueller.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Wait, sorry. Mueller could get them to Mueller. Mueller could conceivably get the testimony transcripts from the House Intel Committee by Tuesday, February 5th, this Tuesday. And as you know, the GOP had delayed seating its members, which may have cost Mueller a lot of precious time. Dems, who now hold the majority in the committee, have vowed that one of their first acts would be to release more than 50 witness interview transcripts to Muller.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And as it turns out, Muller's had the unofficial transcripts the whole time, pretty much. But according to Schiff, Adam Schiff, you can't bring charges unless the committee authorizes the official release of the transcripts like they did with Stone and Cohen. Committee rules require that any business meetings must be set with three days notice and those are three government days not three regular days for people Which means the earliest they could meet would be Tuesday February 5th and that's a full month after that They the start of the 116th Congress so they've delayed the Mueller investigation by a month So I want that money back February 5th can be my money back Publicans and my t-shirt it does allow us to exist as a podcast for longer
Starting point is 00:24:30 Hey, at least we get to yeah, no yeah And by the way, I had a little argument on line happens With the guy who who was mad at Mueller for taking so long He was pissed that Mueller was taking so long. He was pissed that Mueller was taking so long and he's like, fuck Mueller, blah. And I was like, whoa, dude, why are you mad at Mueller? And he's like, because Trump's still president,
Starting point is 00:24:52 all this shit happened. And I'm like, yeah, Trump's president, because of us, dude, not because, and Russia, not because of Mueller, like, why are you blaming Mueller? This is, you know, he's like, why don't you tell that to the kids who've died in, in tournament camps? And I was like, how about you have the 100 million voters who didn't vote in the last
Starting point is 00:25:09 election and tell it to those kids? Because we get the government, we deserve. This is government by the people, right? Now everyone's like sitting up and going, oh, fuck. But like blaming Mueller or being mad at Mueller is like, if somebody shot your mom because you left the door unlocked and then you're yelling at the surgeon because he's not so and are up fast enough. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Right, it's like a classic example of when these things happen that are out of our control. We turn against each other sort of and trying to make some sense out of it all. And that doesn't really do anything except have infighting be a thing. I don't think anyone is suggesting it's good molars taking this long or that it wouldn't be better if it was finished up quicker and Trump was gone sooner.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I feel like that's understood universally. Yeah. But I mean, considering the scope of this investigation and there's only 14 people working on it, like, it takes a minute. Watergate took for it. We've talked about this. Yeah. Well, I mean, everything in bureaucracy
Starting point is 00:26:08 takes forever, notoriously. It's designed that way on purpose. Exactly. But it's also designed that way so that when they come to a finding, it's really, really hard to reverse it because they've been so thorough with how they got to that point. Yeah. Because if he, you know, he goes ahead and releases
Starting point is 00:26:23 the indictment he has, that could wreck his whole case So just chill I promise yeah, I promise everything listen to the rain I promise everything's gonna be okay I mean not for everyone and badchets happening. I understand that I don't want to be a little of that There's terrible Rome is burning basically, but the justice system will prevail It just and I'm sorry. It just it takes takes a while. I'm not sorry, fuck you. I imagine more is going as fast as he can. He is, and he's really good.
Starting point is 00:26:50 So anyway, and he's not the end all be all too. He's going to come out with the facts. It's going to be up to us, what we do with them. So, let's not rely on him for everything, okay? Right. Yeah, and again, if they just have hazardly blew through this investigation or something, it'd make it way easier for it to happen again.
Starting point is 00:27:06 And further, to be more kids that die in essentially internment camps, and it could be drug case reelected, and we'd have four more years of this. Yeah. So, yes, it's important that it's done correctly. Right. And yeah, sorry. No, it's cool. That's it.
Starting point is 00:27:23 But also, February 5th is when they meet, right? And that's when they're probably going to get those transcripts over to Mueller. February 5th is also the same day as the State of the Union address, which was supposed to be the day the Senate voted to confirm Bill Barr for Attorney General, but that vote has been postponed. Much to the chagrin of Matthew fucking Whitaker, I'm sure, who was probably hoping Barr would be confirmed before he has to testify on February 8th, so he would have an excuse not to. Yeah, you heard right, the Barr vote has been delayed because Democrats want a stronger
Starting point is 00:27:52 commitment from him to make the Mueller report public. During a hearing on Tuesday, Diane Feinstein said that Barr's indication that he would write a separate report that he would provide to Congress instead of Mueller's report is something that needs to be fleshed out. And we'll keep you posted on the story as it progresses. I haven't seen any updates as of the time of this recording. I'm glad they're holding their ground on that one. Yeah, the Dums are an F and around this time. I don't know why I abbreviated Fuck That Time.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Oh, one fuck. I'm practicing for regular radio. Oh, yeah. No one. If. If it. Also this week Judge Ellis, Crazy O's Honey Badger from the Rocket Docket, canceled Manafort sentencing hearing as his determination of breach of plea royals on in the DC courts. That hearing about his breach of plea is in DC February 4th. So February 4th we have the
Starting point is 00:28:40 hearing, February 5th we have SOT, and we've got the shift at sendin' the transcripts over. February 8th, we've got Whitaker, and less bar gets confirmed, and we've got Cones, closed door testimony. It's a nutty week this week, so. Oh yeah, that's our Super Bowl. Subscribe now. Yeah, there's a lot of sports things happening this weekend,
Starting point is 00:29:00 and I'm just trying to get my fantasy and diamond leaked together. Then Tuesday, the Armed Services Committee began its investigation into Trump's deployment of troops to the southern border just before the midterm election. Remember I put like 6,000 people down there? And Mado pointed out something really interesting. Trump's been making claims that women are being dragged across the border with tape over their mouths, duct tape, electrical tape. Trump aides have tried to verify this with border patrol
Starting point is 00:29:26 without any luck. They can't find any instances of this occurring. And that's according to Vox News. He's also said that Mexico has amazing fast, incredible cars. They're big and fast, and they outrun our border patrol, and they can't possibly catch them. And then finally, he said that they found prayer rugs.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Remember that? Incinuating prayer rugs. Remember that? Incinuating prayer rugs mean Muslims and Muslims mean ISIS, which what a weird connection to make. We'll check this out. All three of those things, prayer rugs, duct tape on women's mouths, and big, amazing Mexican cars that outrun the Border Patrol. All those things are plot points in a movie called Sikario Day of the Soldado. So Trump might have gotten all of his wall talking points from a movie. And the Dums and Congress are gonna investigate that
Starting point is 00:30:10 to see if his troop deployment was based on necessity or if it was bullshit. We already know the answer, but they're gonna. Yeah, how would they improve that? By showing there's nothing there. Yeah, by trying to, you know, saying show us your evidence that there's an emergency at the border
Starting point is 00:30:25 Right shows your evidence. It's reminiscent of the WMD thing that whole decade. Oh, that was a fun time Good times machellehood I'm gonna put some beans on trump declaring an emergency during his state of the union address on Tuesday So we can steal our money for disaster relief to pay for his wall the dams will sue him at that point And they'll probably win, so don't worry. Justice will prevail. We learned Tuesday that Trump and Putin had another secret meeting with no staff or U.S. translator present.
Starting point is 00:30:55 This one was at the G27 in 2017, not the most recent one, but the one before. And it marks at least a half a dozen secret meetings with Putin we had to learn about from Russian state media. The reason you don't want to meet with an adversary without staff present is because someone like Putin can then tell the world you advocated for something you did not and you would have no proof to cover your ass. So for example if Putin wanted to come out and tell everyone that Trump had agreed not to withdraw from Syria or not to oppose Maduro and Venezuela, which Putin does. He can totally say that, and Trump can't dispute it. Not to mention the timing of these leaks about secret meetings between Trump and Putin from
Starting point is 00:31:32 Russia state television. It's interesting they would report a year old meeting right when Trump came out with his anti-Putin Venezuela plan, which is definitely a Pompeo and Bolton joint. It's not his idea. So I just have this picture of like Bolton and Pompeo being like let's you know let's get Maduro out of there and he's like no Putin's gonna love it I swear you know. Oh okay in that case like that's what they always say Putin will love it. Anyway Russian state television can release these secret canutals if Trump isn't acting the way they want him to.
Starting point is 00:32:07 That's called leverage, and it prevents our president from acting in the best interest of the American people. And did you see the giant bitch slat Putin handed Trump this week, by the way, when he revealed that Kim Jong-un is his new side piece? It's pretty great. And they've been negotiating denuclearization in the Korean Peninsula for over a year, just like Trump thought he was doing that, right? And that shows what a weak position Trump is in and that it's detrimental to our allies and our own national security that he's that weak. How Trump's supporters can't see this is beyond me. I don't understand
Starting point is 00:32:39 how they can't put that together. There was also a brief NRA update this week. Jordan, you mentioned in that with your correction. Jordan covered in the midweek episode. I think the news part of that update was that the NRA is trying to distance itself from Russia as the Mueller probe marches on, particularly former executives in president saying that they opposed the 2015 NRA trip to Moscow with Bhutan and Torshin. Right. That pretty much the gist. Yeah, even though the ties are extremely explicit. Very. Yeah. Well, we didn't do the deal. Right. Is that pretty much the gist? Yeah, even though the ties are extremely explicit. Very. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Well, we didn't do the deal. Right. That's because that's how Russia operates. And there's still all needs. They're sticking to their guns. On the $2,500 of reported campaign donations from Russia, or people that are linked to Russian bank accounts. Stick into their guns. But yeah, so hopefully the muller will be able to get the IRS
Starting point is 00:33:28 tax returns. I'm sure they have them. Yeah. Yeah, and all this is a, it comes in mid signs of money trouble. Like they, they stopped giving free coffee to their employees. It did. And gun control groups are now outspending the NRA in the midterm. That's the first time that's ever happened since the NRA has been there. Yeah, it's amazing. Um, then go ahead. Oh, you. Oh, sorry. I just breathe heavy. Stick into your gun only on the in breath. We're just breathing to cover the rain sound so you can't hear it. We're always going to keep talking and making sounds. Uh, then Thursday we got word that two, the two block calls Don Jr. God after the Trump Tower meeting in June of 2016. We were not directly from his dad's phone.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Sources told reporters sources. Hmm, I'm a little weird about this. Told reporters that they came from two different people, a dude named Howard Lorberg and that's a funny name. I feel like you should say it like, droopy dog. Lorberg. Lorberg, I like that guy. And NASCAR CEO Brian France.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Both of these guys are really good friends with Trump, senior. And Howard Lorber is one of Trump's best friends. He was a campaign advisor, part of Trump's inner circle. He has significant ties to Russia and even traveled with Trump to Russia to help him with some real estate deals because he's a real estate developer. And he speaks with Trump regularly. So this is one of the guys Trump Jr. called as soon as he learned the Kremlin wanted to
Starting point is 00:34:48 give his dad stolen Clinton emails and were supposed to believe it's exculpatory. So to me, and I agree with Seth Abramson on this, he put a big threat out on Twitter. Lorber is now a witness and the revelation in no way exonerates Trump. It actually makes it worse for him, especially since we know Trump has a tendency to sit in on calls to others on speaker phones, right? Mueller has the Trump tower videotapes, and I'm sure we can easily find out if Lorber or France were in the building that day
Starting point is 00:35:15 because we know Trump's senior was. And I just picture like Lorber sitting up in Trump's senior's office with him and taking that call from Don Jr. and putting it on speaker phone. And if not, I'd like to know if Lorber or France made any calls to Trump or his office or Rona that day. So puts and beans on that.
Starting point is 00:35:31 There's part of the investigation isn't over. And even if it was, like even if this is the truth, there's still nothing barring Jr. from walking up the stairs to his dad's office and talking to him about it, or the millions of other ways he could have communicated with Trump about the meeting. I just find it odd that it leaked. It seems like a red herring to me. Like, oh, you've eliminated one way that your son could have told you about this. So there must not have been any.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Right. It is kind of a bummer, too, though, even if they can't corroborate that, you know, some phone calls went to Trump conceivably. They can't corroborate the content of the call really. So all they could do is just be like, yeah, the timeline would match up. We don't know what they talked about though. Yeah, let's say have, unless they were wiretapping them. I don't know. I'm sure you might have had a Pfizer war on on Trump. Yes, thank you, Patriot Act. Yes. It reminds me of this old Batman thing, burns
Starting point is 00:36:22 at me, right? Where one guy picks up the, the, the the there's one guy in an office He's got two phones there two old style old school phones and he picks up one and picks up the other and then puts them together So that the people are talking to each other I just picture them doing some dumb shit like that because they're you know, they can't tech. Yeah All right guys, that's the facts for the week. We'll be right back Alright guys, that's the facts for the week. We'll be right back. Hey Mueller junkies, it's not too late to kick off your year right. So stay on track to meet your New Year's resolutions and meet your goals with NUME.
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Starting point is 00:38:56 Start losing weight for good. All right, welcome back. Hot notes. All right, guys, welcome back. Today, Jordan has a fancy Trump interview with The New York Times. But first, Julie, so you have an update on pop-a-dop. What do you got? Yes, from the coffee pot boy to just the pot boy. On Wednesday, CNBC reported that George Pop-a-dopoulos,
Starting point is 00:39:32 fresh out of his 12-day stint in federal prison, has already landed himself a new job on the board of advisors at a pro-Trump medical marijuana company called C3 International. Wait, wait, wait, 12 days? Did he get out early on your bed? He did. Actually, he, wait, 12 days? Did he get out early on your business? He did. Actually, he cashed it on two days that he spent in jail before the official 14-day sentence. So, yeah, he was a good boy and also, I guess, a smart boy. I know you could do that. And can felons even sell weed? I guess he's on the advisory board,
Starting point is 00:40:00 so it's not really selling it. It's a,, I you know, I should all call the federal of cops on. Yeah, right now. Yeah, I think it's actually can about this. I think it's actually can about it. I don't I think they might be doing CBDs. Exactly. They're doing these at pills. Yeah, yeah. So the company makes like a concentrated type of weed pill
Starting point is 00:40:16 and they say it offers an alternative to opiates and narcotics. And now that I think about it, if your target audience is Trump supporters, you probably do have really strong weed, right? Yeah, you definitely have a lot of opiates. Yeah, definitely. I was thinking, oh go ahead, no, no. Are you sure? I was just gonna riff on like some potential names for like their weed strains, like no collusion cush,
Starting point is 00:40:37 presidential OG coffee boy haze. I don't know, what were you gonna say? Coffee boy haze, yeah. Cush didn't collude, Cush. Just Cush, Cush. There you go. Yeah, like Cush, Cush, I like that. Cush, Cush. Or a Cushie life for all the wealthy O.C. people.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Oh yeah. Cause it's an O.C., right? O.C.? That's where he's living, I'm pretty sure. Orange County? Oh, well this company is in California. Yeah. That's probably Orange County.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Yeah, I think he moved into, yeah, one of the wealthiest places Who she live I like that which we flipped blue? Woo! Yes, we did! By loving what? Okay, yeah Represent it was just me and you we knocked on doors. Yeah, we did one time Accounting guys, I made a difference and every time we went there they were like we've seen 17 of you today Really? Yeah, and they're like don't worry. We're not voting for the a-holes
Starting point is 00:41:30 Thank you. That's all we need to hear. Yeah, so they have this pill. It's called Idrisil, which kind of sounds like Idrisil, but I'm just gonna say. Yeah, Idrisil. It's not allowed to play Bond in the next Bond film. Right. That's for sure. Because racism. I don't know. I don't really know what the argument is. You need neither. Yeah, I'm probably raised. But they said, quote, this is the first standardized form of medical cannabis, which at first sounded like bullshit to me. I thought that like, saying they're the first standardized cannabis, like I'm an avid stoner, like I go to all these dispensaries. I see weed pills all the time, but I think what they're saying, or maybe what he's saying is that, like he might know something we don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:04 And so I imagine maybe the trump administration would like kind of crack down on hot you don't think so i do your shit here's what he's doing he's trying to justify selling it at the price he's selling it well yes so the thing is that it costs for a thirty-day supply of idrisel it's five hundred dollars and then for i guess a standard case of twenty four bottles twelve thousand dollars dude hello at mer. She wrote we can get you better deal Yeah, no seriously Yeah, although I do like the idea of giving term supporters a bunch of marijuana Maybe that will chill them the fuck out. Well this is already a pro Trump marijuana company. Exactly. They're already smoking so I feel like it's not working
Starting point is 00:42:40 Maybe it's making them more paranoid Yeah, I would imagine it true. No true. No, it's a tea. Yeah, no, since he was for Trump supporters, just end the count. Maybe I just sit down. Maybe they're just getting shake weed from Mexico. Oh, wow. I have Mexican weed. Yeah, that'd be beautiful.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Imagine he has like his own pop-adop tunnel to Mexico that he's just getting all those cheap shake from. Dude, you know it. He's got it. He's running operation with Trump. We're all the ice guys. He stopped the weed that comes over through the ports of entry. Oh, not where we need to wall. It goes straight to the three in the national. And they're just grinding it down
Starting point is 00:43:10 in ad water. There you go. You heard it here for a sketch. But what he'll do is he'll say, it's not supposed to get you high. So don't expect to feel high. Exactly. But you will feel very better. Yes, and they don't specify this is CBD I wonder cuz like THC would make them high, but it is a pill. Yeah, they don't say which I thought was interesting Because I saw cannabis company and I'm like are they selling weed or they selling it used to be a dispensary to like a regular dispensary The guy the the CEO of it his name is steel Smith. No, yeah, it's a good name Yeah, he said he chose pop a dot because of the access that he provides to the Mexico
Starting point is 00:43:49 Access to what I think the White House because the guy the big Trump supporter. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, maybe maybe it's like oh if I've got a An ally of Trump. They won't come knocking on my door. Yeah, they found each other on LinkedIn And he said he was attracted to pop it up because he's a conservative like him. So, you know, love it for his side. John Banner is doing weed now. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, Banner's doing weed. He's like it. He did always look glassy. You have to know that as soon as we've got legal in most states, the bunch of white dudes are going to try to take it over, you're going to start here in the word big weed versus the small businesses. Yeah, you're totally right. And, you know, if you want to get out ahead of that, start your own collective of anti-corporate
Starting point is 00:44:30 weed weed. Mm-hmm. Weed. This guy, he also, still, he wants to be on Trump's board of cannabis study groups. So he specifically mentioned that he wants to be on that panel. So he's like kissing Trump's ass and he wants to work for the White House and he's working with pop a dove So he's just happy to have someone that was close to Trump. If we can get Trump to overturn federal
Starting point is 00:44:53 Schedule one shit. Yeah, that'd be amazing. Yeah, I think you're right. Though I think he's jumping the gun doesn't really care about that more. So just wants to get in as big weed. Yeah, and other people can get it. Okay, here's just beans like what if Trump did crack down on on pot? Because pot's booming right now. Like, you can walk into it like the Apple store. It's so obsessed. Well, it's gone. He was the one cracking down on a new. True. So we have to figure out what Bill bars were. Exactly. And from business perspective, they might want to like you said,
Starting point is 00:45:18 edge out the small business. So like, if they crack down, like pop it up, was saying that this is going to be the first standardized weed, which makes me think that like, maybe he's like, oh, when everyone else is out of the way, they'll have to come to us because those prices are ridiculous. Yeah, yeah. Don't be the Walmart of Wii. Exactly. It needs to be a grass roots weed lobby called Weed the People.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Dude, that's beautiful. Totally. Isn't that lovely? We need that. Weed for the people. Weed the people. I wonder, people are probably buying this, because people bought fire festival tickets. So at first I was like, these prices.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Yeah, people who can afford front row at NASCAR are buying the shit out of it. Totally. Yeah, it was so ridiculous. Also, the weed, the people, that kind of sounds a little bit like ethnic cleansing or something. So I take back that name. I never would have thought about that way until you
Starting point is 00:46:04 weed out the people. There we go. Yeah ideas Jordan. Well you know it depends on who you're weeding out if we're weeding out Trump supporters. Good point yeah yeah I call the fuck out of that hurt. That's true but historically we're all like you know pass fist so when I think about getting rid of people I'll put you not see though. I will All right Jordan. How did that Trump interview go? No for a segue. Yes So he sat down with the New York Times the fan New York Times as he calls it on Thursday in the Oval Office The interview started out pretty much with it was like a interview. It was actually one of Trump's better interviews.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Wow. You've been critical before, so. He seemed calm, right? He did. Interesting. Yeah, which, I mean, he still talks like a blubbering idiot, but at least. At least. Yeah, like he didn't, he wasn't yelling.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Yes, no. He didn't like Giuliani or anything, you know. So the interview, they start out talking about trade deal negotiations that are happening with China right now Trump's saying like the talks are going well nothing's sitting stone, but he thinks they're going somewhere good He said that they're quote they've done very successfully Which is not how you say words but I digress Peter Baker of the New York Times. He was one of the guys interviewing He asks if the tariffs are going to still remain to which Trump said yes, because he said
Starting point is 00:47:26 we wouldn't even be in these trade talks right now if the tariffs didn't exist in the first place. So they're just going to keep them and hold them over China's head forever basically. Wow. And then Trump also had to take this chance to slip in that the World Trade Organization is the worst deal we've ever made with the number two being guess the oran nuclear deal no good gas NATO that close the Korean NAFTA. Yes. Yeah Ding ding ding we have a winner very nice going through all the best stuff ever Slice bread the wheel yeah fire a cool family food of us though I will let you see that like a molar famed yeah Fire. It's a cool family feud of us though. I would love to see that like a muller famed yet. Oh, by the way, we figured out what the muller dating site would be called. Oh, what is it? Muller, M-U-E-L-L-R. Oh, I like that. I heard resistor with an R too, but I like the muller. It's like sister.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Okay, so then Maggie Habermann, she was also there. She asked Trump if the stresses of this is great. She asked him if the stresses of the presidency have been too much on his family, and if he's considering not running, which is like, an amazing way to just be like, get the fuck out, bitch! We're fucking done with you! That's the Maggie Heyperman way of saying, have you even thought about this? It was like when the Judge in the Flynn's trial was like, did you guys think about charging them with trees and like, was that even a thing? Because maybe you should look at that. Yep, totally. slip in that idea into his brain but then Trump obviously is like now I'm definitely running again and he said that he
Starting point is 00:48:51 wants to spend his whole next term rebuilding the military and focusing on national security which also read spending a lot of money and he a was nine hundred sixteen million dollar billion dollars what he it's rebuilt like I mean I guess that's what the NDA has been forever, and nobody ever really dismantled the military. But not enough money was specifically allocated to screwing brown people over. Good point.
Starting point is 00:49:13 But he had enough to send 6,000 troops. That's three times as many that are in Afghanistan over to, or excuse me, Syria, over to the border, to our southern border. So he, and wouldn't, you know what? Cool, dude. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, I do also, to our southern border. So he, you know what, cool dude. Yeah, no, I mean, I do also, I'm with you. I read that as complete bullshit and only, I can't imagine,
Starting point is 00:49:34 that it's gonna go to the stuff that, you know, a good Samaritan would hope it would go to. Like better planes. They have like super outdated planes and shit. You know, like dying on fucking military plane trips, going to trainings within our own country. It's like fucked up. Anyway, so he then goes on Trump to make the claim that this is great. He has an approval rating of 93% within the Republican Party, which would like normally blow my mind and I'd scoff at that number, but I wouldn't put anything
Starting point is 00:50:03 past the Mitch McDertalette lizard meant. uh... would like normally blow my mind and i'd scoff at that number but i wouldn't put anything past that mitch miktur to lead the zardman so uh... the the number i've seen is eighty one yeah and so he's saying ninety three also saying that it's higher than ragan he has to do little jabber ragan there always always he's then asked about who he thinks the democratic front runner is right now to which he responded cameela her is about who he thinks the Democratic front runner is right now to which he responded. Camila Harris said that.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Yeah, he said it wrong. Is that why he says, is that what he calls Nancy Pelosi Nancy? Because he can't say Pelosi. Oh, maybe that's a good way. I heard that rumor. Yeah. So maybe he just, she's just call her Harris. Do you just call her Harris?
Starting point is 00:50:39 Yeah. Um, Milla. Yeah, Camila Harris. And, um, yeah. So the fact that he thinks she's a front runner, it probably means we can see some locker-up memes in the foreseeable future. Oh, definitely. Then they bring up the story about Kushner security clearance
Starting point is 00:50:54 and ask if Trump has ever directed anyone to basically force his clearance through. He said no, and then he has also never met any of the people that even do the security clearances, which sounds like that might be a meeting worth having, but I don't know about him. He put that guy in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Then they move on to Madness, and then Trump claims that he actually directed Madness to give him a resignation letter. Oh, really? Yeah, because I mean, obviously he can't break up with any sort of like dignity, yes, it go out and like a shit talking tour that no one's buying, but he just will let it die, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:24 because he's like already up to like, neck shit at that point. He just has to come into it. Neck depth shit. Yeah, yes. So then in the middle of the interview, this is a great little part. And Aid comes in and says that Trump has some very important
Starting point is 00:51:39 calls when he's finished. And I'm pretty sure Trump orchestrated that interruption as a potential out number one but also a time to say that he has important things happening because he's that important calls. Make sure you say important. He learned that from the last one because he just kept going on and on and was like, don't you have anything better to do dude?
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yeah. And then he kissed the New York Times ass which is weird. He's like, nothing's more important than the New York Times. Yeah, what a weird trend. The failing New York Times. The failing New York Times ass, which is weird. He's like, nothing's more important than the New York Times. Yeah, what a weird trend. The failing New York Times. Yeah, the failing New York Times. That one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Maybe he was like, like, Bob's New York Times. It's like a different one. Support small business. Small New York Times. Small New York Times. They're in direct competition with, like, the big New York Times. Yeah. Wait, you're the New York Times? You're with big New York Times. Wait, you're the New York Times? You're the small New York Times. From the small apple. That's how you get them. So you get the inner bits.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Small apple. Nice. They're all worms. Okay. Then they move on to the topic of all the books that are coming out right now that are like insider views of how fucked up everything is in the administration. For example, Bob Woodward's fear. And then he's talking about this, John Donald Trump is.
Starting point is 00:52:53 And then he turns to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who apparently has been in the room the whole time. And what he's talking, and he says that it was his staff's fault that he never talked to Woodward before the book came out But he had Kellyanne Conway on the call when when Woodward was there and what was like I talked to Kellyanne for many times Yeah, it's really Kellyanne getting here. She's like, yeah, I talked to him and I asked you about it And you said no, and he's like fuck you. Yeah, that's been settled Exactly, and then he just did the same thing this Sarah just threw her under the bus completely And then she just responds with like one Set did she says to this day I have never spoken to him
Starting point is 00:53:30 That'd be so annoying fucking yeah, yeah, nobody contacts here. Huckabee Sanders to get to Trump I'm right He's a dipshit. Yeah, so then they shift over to some more molar related stuff specifically Trump comes out of the gate running as soon as these questions start coming as fast as he can, saying that Stone never worked for his campaign. They start talking about Stone. Then the Times corrects him and says, yes, he did back in fall of 2015. And then Trump says, well, that was a long time.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And I think he meant to say that was a long time ago, but he accidentally told the truth. So that was funny. Trump says he never had any conversations with Stone about WikiLeaks. Then the Times reminds him that that was actually in the indictment. Trump says he didn't read the indictment. But if one did read it, they'd learn that there was no collusion with Russia.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Because Trump apparently does a read. He just reads documents' minds. And that's how he knows their info's legit or something. And that's literally the opposite of what it says. Yeah. Yeah. If you did read it, you would know that you can read and I didn't. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Yeah. He really opens himself up to some criticism, I must say. Yeah, but it never sticks to him, so it doesn't matter. Yeah. So he says. He says, he respects Stone for saying that he wouldn't testify against him, makes sense, but you could guess that
Starting point is 00:54:51 for the Nixon tattoo on his back that he wasn't going to turn against him. They then asked him about Trump Tower Moscow. Trump cannot say enough about how non-important that letter of intent to build was. He says, talks as far as he knew, ended early to mid 2016, but that even if he was building, he would have been allowed to build was he says talks as far as he knew ended early to mid 2016, but that even if he was building, he would have been allowed to build 20 buildings.
Starting point is 00:55:09 And then he says George Washington ran a business when he was in office and it was fine. What? Yeah, at the New York Times were like, but isn't there? He sold people daily. Nobody gave him any shit. What business? I've been doing it seriously. I don't know, but I don't know. daily. Nobody gave him any shit. Yeah. What business? I'm curious. I don't know, but I don't know. I should have
Starting point is 00:55:29 looked into it. Yeah. I think the times New Woody was talking about though because they responded with there's a difference between a domestic business and potentially doing business with Russian figures. They can't flash adversaries. They doubt Washington was working with the Russian. He was going to build Washington Tower in London. Exactly. Flash adversaries. We doubt Washington was working with the Russian. He was going to build Washington Tower in London. Yeah, mainly because they had...
Starting point is 00:55:50 Watching that tower, London. He had to pedal for 50 hours of the water, just like say one thing. He said that he made canoes. Yeah. True. There was that whole picture. That's a Delaware thing.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Oh yeah. Um, so Trump, he said, he said this quote That's true. There was that whole picture. That's a Delaware thing. Oh yeah. Um, so Trump, he said this quote about, in response to them, you know, making him answer to that ridiculous counter argument. He says, quote, I have nothing. All I did was be a good candidate. Russia didn't help me. Russia did not help me.
Starting point is 00:56:21 There was no collusion. There was none of that. I was a good candidate. I did a good job. I won't that. I was a good candidate. I did a good job I won't say whether she was a good candidate or not. I mean the primary collusion was Hillary Clinton If you take a look Peter, I mean look at that funny Jacee some of that money. They say went to Russia Podesta was involved with Russia There's too much. Okay. I love my impression. I really put you in the room
Starting point is 00:56:44 Which is so frustrating me here Yeah, I mean I think it's I we all could fill the blank what he was gonna say so finishing it really quick here He then says that none of his deputy AGs have said that at any point he has been considered a target of the molar probe Right including Rosenstein including Rosenstein Rosenstein told him he wasn't right right, but then I mean no that didn't have that's what Trump says right We're right yeah, that didn't have, that's what Trump says. Right, right, right. Yeah. And then he also says that he admits Snoop Dogg was wiretapping your ass.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Don't even fucking tell me that, you know, yeah. Sounds like a song Snoop Dogg wiretapping your ass. Something about I'd tap it. Yeah, that's really funny. Oh, he does admit though that Rosenstein did never, he did never explicitly say that SDN wise investigation did or did not label Trump as a target. So he did admit that he doesn't know. He doesn't know what's going on in this kind of. In a roundabout way.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Yeah, yeah. And then, I mean, he gets asked about Cohen's father-in-law threatening him. He's like, I didn't thread him I actually don't even remember exactly what I said, but I didn't thread him. Oh no, he's pulling a rag in Oh, yeah, yeah, yes, basically Well, and then he rounds out they ran out the interview talking about Pelosi and how he got totally dominated and He says that he's just gonna wait out this next funded period and then is fully prepared to declare national emergency So that's pretty much his plan. That's essentially what he said. I think he might actually do it at state of the union Oh snap talk about a drama queen.. Oh totally. That's so petty. He would for sure do that. And then he would and he would talk about how Nancy wouldn't let him come. But he's here.
Starting point is 00:58:31 And now and if FU Nancy, I'm going to declare an emergency and build my walls and you wouldn't give it to me. And he's just going to sit there and poke the bear and yeah. He'll lose. He'll lose. I'm being the most partisan state of the Union address ever. He's so weird. I'm interested to see if RBG shows up. Oh, the plan. Yeah. Yeah, she's still recovering. So we'll see.
Starting point is 00:58:52 All right, thanks, Jordan. Yes, Steve. You're welcome, sir, that was long. Yeah, that's all right. It happens. This Wednesday, for my hot note in a federal court filing, Mueller's team asked the judge to reject a motion filed by the lawyers in the Concord Management case
Starting point is 00:59:09 that would require Mueller to share sensitive evidence with them as part of discovery in preparation for trial. Usually during discovery, when information is sensitive, the judge would issue a protective order, and that would keep the defendant from sharing that information with the public. That's what they did Wednesday, for example, in the Stone case. Mueller filed all the evidence with the court and said that since a lot of it is sensitive,
Starting point is 00:59:30 he asked for a protective order. But in the Russia case, it's Russia. Mueller doesn't want to give them sensitive United States government documents and evidence that could reveal sources and methods because they're going to end up in the hands of you have to have any progoation and the K kremlin. Then as part of Russia's relentless attack on our democracy, the Russians from Concord Management took some non-sensitive discovery from Mueller, altered it, forged it, and used it as a dozen from Matsia to credit to discredit the Mueller investigation. They had taken these
Starting point is 00:59:59 documents and created an anonymous Twitter account and tweeted, we have hacked Mueller and we have his reports, see them all here. And then posted a link to these reports that they made look totally boring and uneventful, completely doctored. And they did this in an effort to say Mueller has no evidence against Russia and discredit his investigation. And they reached out to American media companies to try to get them to run this story. That is classic active measures, classic desinframatia, which is Russian for disinformation measures, just so you know.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Joining us today to discuss some past active measures, so we can have a frame of reference, is the writer and director of the documentary, Active Measures, Jack Bryan. Jack, welcome back to Mollarshi Road. Thanks for having me back. So, we know the Russians have a storied past of creating disinformation campaigns or disinfermatsia and reaching out to American media outlets to amplify their message and so discord. And I was hoping you could give us some examples of this from the past.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Yes, this fits really well in line with what the then Soviets and out Russians have been doing since the 1930s. But I think the most interesting example is from the 1980s, when they tried to make it look as though the CIA had manufactured the HIV virus. And it fits in line in that when they are doing a domestic active measures operation, usually that their motivation is just to seed chaos, that you're you never really know where you are, but for an active measures operations, usually have two purposes. One is just to create fissures generally within that country that they're doing it against, and the other is to discredit somebody or some organization. And in this, it was to
Starting point is 01:01:42 or some organization. And in this, it was to stoke racial tensions in America and it discredited the CIA. And the means that they did this was they basically planted in an African newspaper, a story that the CIA had created it, and it got a little bit of traction, and then they started pushing that article to their networks in America. And they had some penetration, it
Starting point is 01:02:06 seems, into Black Panthers and a few Black separative groups. And they were attempting to sort of dial into this real grievance. And so when they create a story, for example, the CIA created AIDS, it has to be something that is divisive. It dealt with race and AIDS, specifically the attempt to kill black people with AIDS was the story.
Starting point is 01:02:34 And so because of America's racial history, it soaked up a lot of sentiment that's obviously a touchstone, but also there had been a Tuskegee experience. And so there was a historical analog, so people could say, oh, that sounds like a thing that I know of that's similar, which is where the American government basically didn't tell certain groups of black men that they had syphilis in order to conduct experiments on them, and many of them, you know, a crazy or died from it. And so it had a historical analog.
Starting point is 01:03:08 It is divisive. It's already calling into question, a thing that already exists, a point of contention that already exists, and they used independent media to do this, so their pants are clean. Similarly, this is an attempt to dismiss the FBI and saying that they don't really have anything, and this is a deep state attack.
Starting point is 01:03:34 And because thus far, so much of what has come out of Mueller has allowed people to say, well, there's not quite a deal. On that piece of paper, it doesn know, Roger Stone was talking to Russians. He doesn't say Russian inclusion at documents. Therefore, this is not that big a deal. And so they can attach onto that idea that already exists. And that they can push this sort of divisive idea of a deep state operation against Trump despite not having any evidence.
Starting point is 01:04:06 And so I think it's really important to remember that because of how much penetration that had. That was an operation that lasted for a couple of months or a couple of years in the 80s. And to this day in the surveys amongst African Americans, some showing, some more between a third and a half of African Americans in America believe the story that was started by Russian disinformation. And that was at a time that that story was being pushed when they had very little penetration in America.
Starting point is 01:04:34 They just had a few small newspapers and organizations that they could attach themselves to, whereas now they have their own media channels in this country. And so that penetration I think goes even deeper than we realize. So this isn't just the seeding chaos because you said two purposes. This is more of like the weaponizing the information that they forged in this case at least from the Mueller investigation. And that aligns with their past practices of discrediting our justice system, FBI, CIA, et cetera.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Yeah, it's both. I mean, it's one and the same. It almost has to be because you have to be, and it's not just cleverness. I mean, you have to be hitting things that people know about. You know what I mean? Like, if you and I were like, let's do an information operation campaign against India, and we were like, well, we're only going to pick, you know, things that are important to Catholics, it would have zero penetration.
Starting point is 01:05:23 You have to figure out what's already there, pick an institution that you kind of wanted to spread it, and you can use that to create chaos. Okay, so the Mueller Probes kind of become a wedge issue, like how the Russians were trying to infiltrate using gun rights issues through the NRA or religious organizations, for example, like the prayer breakfast. Exactly. And the fact that they're using it in that way, I think, is fascinating. And that they're glomming on, and what it's going to do if they're successful, and if they continue to, we'll be successful about it, is to fuel this identity of me thinking that the more
Starting point is 01:06:00 investigation is a bunch of BS is part of my personal identity, in the same way that me be a gun owner, is part of my personal identity the same way that maybe i've got no one's part of my personal yeah well i i definitely love that uh... the american media outlets that were contacted just immediately contacted the muller probe and and the department of justice they were like hey here's here's what's happening and so i feel like at least we're learning
Starting point is 01:06:22 and also muller i mean, he, uh, uh, was in the indictment or in some capacity, he'd basically mentioned that they were trying to discredit him directly by trying to hire women to say it's actually harassed. I see this as similar, but basically the same operation, probably a different leg of the same operation. Right, so it might not be past Russian active measures
Starting point is 01:06:42 that gave us the heads up, but that fake, um, just trying try it you know disinformation saying that muller had sexually harassed women which is more recent and more fresh in our memories that might have been like you know what i'm gonna talk to muller about this this doesn't seem right and i don't know that that that's right i should mention to the i don't know that's what anyway but it sounds like a very similar thing. It's feel it's like I'm feeling that's totally within their the wheelhouse. So I would be very not surprised that we're a different leg of the same operation.
Starting point is 01:07:14 All right. Well, thanks for coming on today and helping us kind of build a frame of reference about sort of these Russian active measures. I really appreciate your time. Can you tell everybody where they can find your documentary? Absolutely. Active measures is on iTunes and Amazon and any place you can get DVDs or BOD. Alright, awesome. Everybody, writer and director of Active Measures, Jack Bryan. Jack, thanks again for coming on Mueller. She wrote. It's going to happen. So guys, it appears that the very thing Mueller director of active measures jack brine jack thanks for again for coming on muller she wrote and the cabinet so guys it appears that the very thing muller was prosecuting rush for or is prosecuting rush for
Starting point is 01:07:50 is precisely what the rush and did during the concord management case and it seems as though rush and concord management who would normally ignore this kind of indictment usually when you indict rush and they just ignore it uh... they purposefully hired an american lawyer to use our judicial system to gather documentary evidence to use in a disinformation campaign to discredit the investigation into their own meddling. That is brazen as fuck you guys. And I thought when Manafort violated his gag order by writing the op-ed with the Russian, I thought that was
Starting point is 01:08:17 balls, but this is astounding. And given the lawyers for Concord Management, these are the ones by the way who talked about how Mueller's documents can't be that important because he confiscated a nude selfie, and he quoted cartoons and movies a lot, and he said, fuck in one of his court filings. Anyhow, those guys, they're fucked. And I wouldn't be surprised if additional superseding charges are filed against Concord Management for the abuse of the courts. I'd like to see that.
Starting point is 01:08:42 And I'd also like to see these lawyers punished. These are American lawyers, at least disbar these motherfuckers for either willfully participating or not knowing they were being Russian assets in a legit active measures disinformation campaign. I'm pissed you guys. You do not fuck with our judicial system and Trump is doing nothing to stop them from this shit. He has spent zero of the dollars allocated to protect us from Russian meddling. Obviously because it helps him, discrediting the Mueller probe is about to be Trump's full-time job, and there's no way he can win an election without the Russians. So, I'm pissed about this. Imagine how Mueller feels about this.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Yeah, would they even be able to do it in the same case or would they have to do like a whole... because the lawyer that their special counsel is going against, he's part of that. So can they even keep him as counsel? Can they just switch counsel over to someone that's not going to be indicted in superseding indictments? The Russians? Right. The American lawyers that were working for the Russians.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Well, I don't think the Russians give a shit about this case and they don't need a lawyer and they only got these guys to get to these documents. Yeah. I don't even think they can fuck. They just said, yeah, they just responded like he said just to get them. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. They might want to, you know, maybe they'll get a new lawyer and try it again, but I really think that this is a problem. And I think Mueller recognizes it, recognizes it as a problem. And that's why he put this investigation and the evidence that he found in investigating this disinformation campaign out there.
Starting point is 01:10:08 And I hope that there are consequences for that. Yeah. I mean, you can do super seating and indictments on Concord Management. They're not gonna show up in court. Right. And I wish we could just like redo the election. Let me do.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Or call it illegitimate and put all of his laws and executive orders and scotus appointments out. Oh yeah. And we're still waiting to hear if Russia was even able to change the actual vote count. That's still a question. It's just such a clusterfuck anyway. I'm mad. Sorry, I love you.
Starting point is 01:10:36 We'll be right back. Hey, Mueller Junkies. This is AG and I'm here to say thank you for listening. We wouldn't be here without you when we can't thank you enough. That's it. Have a wonderful week. Are you guys ready for sabotage? Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Guys, the sabotage this week is that there was no sabotage this week. The news was really quiet on Friday in the probe because of a pretty bad storm in DC. It was snowing really hard. And we thought for sure that because of our, there were four new sealed indictments Thursday night on the DC docket, well, two went up Thursday, the other two went up the 23rd and
Starting point is 01:11:19 24th. And they all have the designation CR, which indicates a potential indictment. I don't know why I don't ask. And two were flagged in a way that suggests their indictments with B green flags or something like that. So this is all information that I got from an expert who reads these court documents. So those sealed indictments and the rumors that the Grand Jury met on Thursday again, though I don't have proof of that.
Starting point is 01:11:41 These are just rumors from the ground. Made me think that there would be a felony Friday. But nope, the big news actually Friday was Governor Northam, which we talked about a little bit. The Virginia Governor exposed for the photo. In his medical school, year back when he was 25 in 1984, dressing up in blackface or a KKK outfit, we don't know which one was him. Now he's saying neither one was him, but he did go in blackface for Michael Jackson. Weird. Everybody wants him to resign including myself. There's a bunch of folks saying, hey we all did dumb shit in college and we're lucky we didn't have social media. You're lucky you didn't have social media. Bullshit! We did not all dress up in blackface and KKK robes and I'm tired of old
Starting point is 01:12:18 white dudes telling me I was so much of a shit head in college. I was not you were that's your problem. Yeah it's called projection. Yeah fuck you. I did not do anything like that. I was not, you were, that's your problem. Yeah, it's called projection. Yeah, fuck you. I did not do anything like that. Like, oh, you'd be glad you didn't, you know, that there wasn't Twitter. Like, I was gonna say a bunch of racist fucking shit in Kotlin for you. Right. I'm getting mad at those, but you, well, you should be lucky. No.
Starting point is 01:12:40 You're a dick. Maybe you're a dick. I don't know. I want to see a moonwalk for his like seat like resign or moonwalk like Dance for your life. Yeah That would be so great. Let's have a little subtle things for now on we should do that for presidential elections Yeah, you guys ready for the fantasy indictment league. Yes I'm gonna be a dick. No, it is gonna be a indictment league. Yes. I'm gonna be a dine. No it is gonna be okay. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a dine. I'm gonna be a d I can connect all the dots for you. I'm gonna pull it up here on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:13:26 You can check it out there. I like it. Because a lot of it will sound familiar to you, but there's a couple of new things that came out this week. A couple of big clues. Like, blues clues, I love it. And they're not just sort of important.
Starting point is 01:13:44 They're massively important clues. So it has now been confirmed as of this week that the attorneys from Mueller's office are involved in the super secret subpoena battle involving state, a state-owned company from country A. A new unsealed court filing shows, Myzler and Amid are handling the case. And this is huge, and here's why.
Starting point is 01:14:02 First of all, I've long thought that the company is the Cutter Investment Authority or QIA, because it meets all the clues that we've gotten so far through various court filings that are super redacted, but there's these little clues in minute orders and filings that remain unredacted. For example, we know it has a US office, and we know it does substantial business
Starting point is 01:14:20 in the United States, and we know that it's state owned, and we know that it's foreign, and the Cutter Investment Authority fits all those. And my first that it's state owned and we know that it's foreign. And the cutter investment authority fits all those. And my first clue was that Ahmed was working on the case. She speaks Arabic and she worked on the Flynn case. And a head, one of the heads of QIA, Al Rumehi met with Flynn Jr. and Cohen in Trump Tower in December of 2016. And we have photo evidence of that from Avonati.
Starting point is 01:14:44 And Al Rumehi bragged a year later that he had bribed the Trump administration in a deposition. You see, Al Rumehi was being sued by Ice Cube for $1.2 billion for failing to fund a new basketball league of his. And in a court filing, Ice Cube's partner said that Al Rumehi asked him to tell Steve Bannon that Qatar would fund Breitbarthi asked him to tell Steve Bannon that cutter would fund Breitbart since the mercers dumped Bannon. Remember when the mercers were like fuck you because Bannon broke up with Trump and
Starting point is 01:15:12 then he didn't have any funding for Breitbart? Apparently Al Rumehi told Ice Cube's business partner to tell Steve Bannon that QIA would fund Breitbart. And Ice Cube's partner said no. And then Al Rumehi said, everybody does it. Do you think Flynn turned down our money? Oh, shit. So there's that.
Starting point is 01:15:30 And the steel dossier says there was a plan to sell 19% of Ross Neff. That's a giant Russian oil company. It was private or public and they were going to sell it off to generate a commission for Trump to lift Obama's sanctions. That's what was in the steel dossier. There was 19% they were going to sell off and give half a percent to, in commission to Trump.
Starting point is 01:15:56 And in return, he was supposed to lift the sanctions Obama put on him. And December 1, 2016, Kush and Flynn tried to set up a back channel to Russia. Then six days later, QIA and Glencore bought 19% of Rossneft. Five days after that, Al-Romehi met with Cohen and Flynn Jr. at Trump Tower and get this shit. It was confirmed this week that the firm representing the company from country A is Alston and Bird. And while it's true they've represented many Russians in the past, I found out they also represented Glencore in the past.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Glencore is the Swiss mining company that managed the sale of Ross Neff to cutter. The owner of Ross Neff was Igor Setschen by the way who Carter Page met, and he said he met, in one of his trips to Moscow. But here's the new thing. The other muller lawyer on the case is Myzler, and he's the guy who worked on Manafort's case. And as we know, Manafort was pitched to Trump and the Trump campaign by a guy named Tom Barich, and get this, Barich is being investigated for his fishy deals with QIA. Shortly before the election, Barich called for a quote, radical historic shift in the U.S. outreach to the Arab world and the brilliant young leaders in UAE Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Starting point is 01:16:58 And of course, we know how much money Qatar is given to Kushner, bailing him out of the Albatross known as 666 Fifth Avenue, where incidentally, Manafort met with Kalimnik to give his private briefings used to pay his debt off to Oleg Darapaska, who just had his sanctions lifted by the GOP. So, for all these reasons, I'm sticking with the Cutter Investment Authority, QIA,
Starting point is 01:17:18 which I think is what's hidden under that redacted line in the court filing. All right. I could be totally wrong. Is that your first pick? My first pick. No, no, no, no. This is, you know how we do separately for company A?
Starting point is 01:17:31 Yes. So this is just you reaffirming your company pick? Yeah, no. OK. No, it's not my first pick. OK. Trying to get me to give up my first pick. You know what?
Starting point is 01:17:41 I'm fucking saying for my first pick. You watch yourself. Go to Twitter to find that thread. I posted the screenshots I found of Glencore being represented by Alston and Bird. And again, this is complete speculation. I could be totally wrong. This is based on a handful of facts, super space beans. I know nothing, but I love guessing. So thank you for indulging me. So guys, that's yeah. So for a fantasy and diet, we have our five that we draft. And then we have this one special wild card thing where you get to pick who the coveting is from country A. So we've confirmed that it is Mueller's team that's handling the case. It's Ahmed, which we knew, but now there's MySler. So put some beans on
Starting point is 01:18:17 QIA on my wild card. If you think about all those connections, plus the fact that cutter, do you guys remember when cutter stopped assisting special counsel Mueller against Kushner because it didn't want to face backlash from Trump? That sounds like you might need to subpoena them for those documents. And that Flynn supplemental court filing, a member in the where they Flynn talked about how he cooperated, one of the three main investigations he was assisting Mueller with, two, one said Trump Russia, one said the turkey stuff, and the other one was a completely redacted investigation that we know nothing about. And that could be this. The cutter and Glencore sale of Ross Neff that the dossier said Trump was supposed to get about
Starting point is 01:18:55 half a percent from, that's $280 million, by the way, in exchange for lifting sanctions. Not to mention, remember when the judge in the Flynn case, we just talked about this earlier in the episode, who had he's only seen the unredacted documents, asked Mueller's team if they'd considered charging him with treason, maybe that's this. And finally, we learned from this latest filing that it was Mueller that's asking to keep this secret, not the company from country A.
Starting point is 01:19:20 That says a lot, so QIA. Now, given everything they went down this week, I get to pick first. And I'm gonna start with Super Seating Stone indictment. Okay, very cool. And that's good. You're cool with that. You're like, oh, that's better. I thought it was gonna be something off. That's good. Hold on, let me get my little pad here so I can write these down. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Okay, all right. I'm gonna take a junior. Boah! Good. Damn it. All right. I'm gonna take junior God damn it. All right What do you have a song? And if it makes you feel better I think it's too soon for junior because they're not gonna be able to hand the official transcripts over until Tuesday And they're not probably not gonna get them until Friday, but you never know. So you got a song All right, I'm gonna go with
Starting point is 01:20:04 Erickson. Nice. Corsi, please. Corsi, please deal. Good, good. Credit code, please deal. All right, let's see here. Super seating man, afford. Nice.
Starting point is 01:20:31 You'll have to let me know if I'm pronouncing this wrong. I probably am. Bore-yoykin. Oh, boy-yorkin. Bore-yorkin. I forgot about that guy. Yeah. Okay. Um, bannin. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Yeah. Will you agree, men are straight up in diamond. Straight up in diamond. Ooh. Yeah. Play agreement or straight up indictment? Straight up indictment. Actually. Considering a agreement. Yeah, considering a show's a lawyer with pre-biss and again. Yeah, I'm going to do play agreement. Play a deal.
Starting point is 01:20:57 All right, so we each have three. Let's see. I'm going to go with... Nunberg play please agree with it. Ooh! Hahaha Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I will do Eric Prince. All right. I'm going to do Ivanka.
Starting point is 01:21:30 All right. I'm going to go with Miller, play agreement. I think he's winding down. He's going to chill the fuck out a little bit. After that stone came out and he's gonna testify before the grand jury. It's just gonna be who've him, Corsi, Cretico, Nuntenberg, all these guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Um, Trumport. Cool, and you get one more. I'm doing Veslon and Skaya. Like Superseeding? Or just in the Mueller investigation. Yeah, because that other one, did we love that count? We didn't, right? Because it was unrelated.
Starting point is 01:22:11 No, because it was in a civil case about some shit from a long time ago. Yeah. All right, so we've got our five. Make sure to pick your five and post them on the secret Facebook group called Friends of Justice. You have to be a patron to join that to be a patron. Go to patreon.com slash Muller She Wrote. Yeah, so this has been the
Starting point is 01:22:29 fantasy indictment lead. I'm excited. Yeah. We're gonna be a crazy week whether we get whether indictments drop or not. We've got a lot of testimony happening. And again, look for declaration of emergency at I got beans on declaration emergency at the so so-to Yeah, when is that happening Tuesday? Okay, and I've got beans on Whitaker not testifying on Friday if bar gets confirmed somehow before that okay make sense We should do a drinking game for the state of the Union. Oh God Tuesday, but I have to work Wednesday. Yeah, good point drink. Yeah, I'll do I'll do a drinking game drink if someone says something smart And then they have to worry about it. I'm planning on being hung over from tomorrow or today when it drops for the next week
Starting point is 01:23:15 Yeah, no drinking games for the same I'm a big Patriots fan. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Yeah, sorry I mean that that kid at the science fair did a project for one? Yeah. Yeah. Preaving the whatever get over it punk is. Do you know he's a Trump friend and fan Tom Brady? Well, I've seen allegedly. No. no. His past is rocky with that for sure. Yeah. He's dating a woman named Jacelle. Yeah. What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:23:52 I don't know. No. Yeah. It's really, I mean, I think their owner is more so the guy that has any sort of real loyalty to Trump in any way. Oh, yeah. I mean, all those rich white dudes, they just know each other.
Starting point is 01:24:06 You know, pretty much. Yeah, it's a rich white dude club. But yeah, go Rams. Anyway, guys, next we have the interview. And I'm really excited about this. I got to talk to Renato Marriotti. He is the host of On Topic Podcasts. As you'll hear in the interview,
Starting point is 01:24:19 he's gonna talk a little bit about that. So let's take a listen. Joining us for the interview today is former federal prosecutor and he's a CNN legal analyst and he's the host of the on topic podcast, really incredible podcast. I'd like to welcome back Renato Marriotti to Muller She wrote Renato welcome back to the show. Great to be back. So I put out a tweet this week when we found out that, you know, 29 FBI officers in heavy gear came in and escorted Mr. Stone.
Starting point is 01:24:51 They knocked first, but they escorted him out of his home in Florida. And I had heard that he had a $250,000 bail set, but he didn't actually have to put up any money. Basically, the deal was from my understanding, my limited understanding, is that as long as he showed up to court, he was fine. It's like he signed for it or something, and he didn't have to pony up any dough. And my tweet was, I don't, you know, I think that it's weird that the richer you are, the less you have to put up upfront to get yourself out of jail and walking free. So you're a form of federal prosecutor. You know a lot more about the law than I do. And I was hoping maybe you could talk to us
Starting point is 01:25:29 a little bit about bail, what that means and how it happened. Sure. So let me, I'll start with talking about how bail works in the federal system. And then we can talk about how the state system is different. Because I think that most people's experience with bail on the bail system is different because I think that most people's experience with bail on the bail system is how state courts work, which can be very different depending on where you live. But I have some... Yeah, I guess most of us have not been picked up
Starting point is 01:25:55 on the federal offenses. Here you go. So the way it works on federal charges is that when somebody's picked up, they are brought before the judge, depending on how you're charged, maybe a district court judge or maybe a magistrate judge or you're brought before a federal judge, and that judge has to determine whether or not you'll be released. And the presumption is generally that you will be released and that the most permissive possible conditions will be set by the judge. In other words,
Starting point is 01:26:37 the judge has to pick the least restrictive means possible to ensure that you're going to appear for future appearances and that the public will be protected during the time that you are on pre-trial release. And there's various ways in which there are certain types of offenses that presumption can change, but that's the main presumption. And so I suppose it's the public will be protected from the kind of crimes that that presumption can change but that's the main presumption so and so i suppose it's the public will be protected from the kind of crimes that that person may commit against the public not like fashion crimes for example
Starting point is 01:27:15 exactly exactly right exactly right so you know usually with that the that that that concern is for example when there's violent crime that have been charged you know the person you know might be a gang member they might have you know other uh something else that suggests that they may be a violent person or they may be a major the public and then you know uh flight is the other big concern that that that presents itself. So you know what? Okay, so like I'm thinking of when Manafort's bail was revoked, they wanted him to stop
Starting point is 01:27:50 kind of subordinate perjury from other witnesses and that was kind of his danger was that he could he was interfering with the investigation. Well the difference there was he already had conditions that and he violated them so there the judge was just was determining that he she could not trust him to continue albiding by the terms of his release and so therefore yeah i mean there there was she ended up deciding that he was going to continue to break the law if he was out on pre-trial release in so there was no conditions that she could fashion that would that would prevent him from continuing to commit crime on the front end
Starting point is 01:28:34 you know a judge is trying to figure out really two things one you do I have to be concerned that this guy is going to continue committing crimes while I'm supervised or excuse me on pre-trial release. And second of all, is this person a danger to the, excuse me, and is this person going to flee? And I will just say, you know, one thing that tends to happen in federal court, you know, when I'm giving analysis to you guys, I'm not telling you why how the law should be. I'm talking about how the law is. And I would just say that typically in a white collar case like this
Starting point is 01:29:10 one, a stone has already been subpoenaed for various documents or subpoenaed to appear, usually as a lawyer. And typically these folks have some sort of community ties and something to lose if they flee the United States. So often, in most cases, and frankly in most federal cases that I investigated, the person got a bond that was in own reconnaissance bond, which is the kind of bond that he got where he just signed his name, promised that he'd pay a certain amount if he violated the conditions, but didn't actually put any money out.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Okay. And it's different from how state courts operate because, at least from, I think, the system that we are all a little more familiar with, because like I said, a lot of us don't get picked up for federal offenses. You know, you your bail is set, and somebody has to make a percentage of that payment as a promise that you'll appear, and if you don't, the rest of it is charged to you. Exactly right. In the federal system, there is sort of a potential to have that secured bond, what I was talking about, the OR bond, the own record is a bond that's an unsecured bond. It's possible to have a secured bond, and that's usually where there's some sense that the
Starting point is 01:30:36 guy might flee this usually, a situation where it's a risk of flight. And so you come up with a bunch of conditions where you only wears an ankle bracelet and puts this home up or put some amount of money up, that's roughly what the manifold situation was. But in the state court that having a bond where part of it is paid up front is the norm. And I will just say there's there's major reforms underway around the country because a lot of people I think rightfully have viewed this is unknowingly unfair but totally against the public interest because many more people are being detained simply
Starting point is 01:31:17 because they can't come up with that cash up front. So in the in, I live in Cook County in the city of Chicago, our state's attorney has been trying to reform that bond system to try to make it more like the federal system. Yeah, I've been hearing sort of pushes for that no cash bail thing. It does become untenable in a lot of a lot of situations. And so that's kind of what triggered my tweet at first. I was like, why does this guy get to just go home and promise, especially when he has the money to put up. And then, you know, there's the rest of us who have to somehow come up with this money,
Starting point is 01:31:54 which we lose. And then, you know, we can't just promise. Like, our some reason, white collar criminals have a stronger, I don't know, word than we do. I mean, is it practical matter? There's a lot of reasons for folks to believe that white collar criminals get better treatment, right? They often have very well, they have great attorneys. They often know about the investigation as it's done going. They report usually instead of getting arrested in the way that stolen was, etc. Some of that is due to the fact that they are usually investigated by the feds versus the state.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Some of it is because of the type of crime. In other words, usually these are folks where you know where they're at, you know who they are. The issue is what they were doing in their business of crime, whereas a lot of the crimes that violent crimes or drug crimes, everyone knows that Selling Heroin is illegal, everyone knows that you know, Robin Goodbank is illegal. It's just a few questions where you think the person who did it? Is it different? Different? Right. But you got to sit in jail while we try to figure it out or
Starting point is 01:33:11 give us. Yeah. There you go. That's it's not a fair system necessarily. I'm but I'm just reporting the facts. Exactly. You're not here to tell us how it should be. You're here to tell us how it is. And so I appreciate that very much. I think they're just moving ahead, full steam. And one more time, can you let everyone know where they can get your podcast on topic? Absolutely. So you can get on topic, you can just search for on topic or my name or not, Samaritani
Starting point is 01:33:38 Adi, and you can get it on any major podcast app. It's in the icon store and the Apple, but it's also in Stitcher and Pocket Cast and all the Android stores. So I think more great episodes that come to me. Awesome. Yeah. It's only going to get more interesting from here. So, for more federal prosecutors, CNN legal analyst and host of on topic podcast, Renato Marriotti. Thank you for coming on Mollershi Road. Anytime. Thank you. All right, guys. That's our show this week
Starting point is 01:34:06 This is where we thank you all and tell you all to register to vote. We're gonna start now We're not gonna let up vote for whoever wins the dem nomination even if you are 100% with them Anyway, you guys have any parting thoughts before we head out Just stay warm and dry because it's the weather's been crazy everywhere. Hey listen, listen, listen, No rain. Yeah, the rain stopped a little bit. Yeah. All right guys again. Thanks for listening We love you. We love your support and we support the hell out of you So don't forget that I've been a G. I've been Julie St Johnson. I've been Jordan Coburn and this is Muller. She wrote The Mala Shiro is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo designed by Jolissa Johnson.
Starting point is 01:34:52 Our marketing consultant and social media manager is Sarah Least Diner and our subscriber and communications director is Jordan Coburn. Fact checking in research by AG and research assistants by Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Our merchandising managers are Sarah Least D Diner and Sarah Hershberger, Valencia. Our web design and branding are by Joelle Reader with Moxie Design Studios and our website is mullershiroat.com. Season 4 of How We Win Is Here For the past four years we've been making history in critical elections all over the country and last year we made history again by expanding our majority in the Senate, eating
Starting point is 01:35:46 election denying Republicans and crucial state house races and fighting back a non-existent red wave. But the Maga Republicans who plotted and pardoned the attempted overthrow of our government now control the House. Thanks to gerrymandered maps and repressive anti-voter laws. And the chaotic spectacle we've already seen shows us just how far they will go to seize power, dismantle our government, and take away our freedoms. So, the official podcast of the persistence is back with season four. There's so much more important work ahead of us to fight for equity, justice, and our very democracy itself.
Starting point is 01:36:25 We'll take you behind the lines and inside the rooms where it happens, with strategy and inspiration from progressive change makers all over the country. And we'll dig deep into the weekly news that matters most and what you can do about it, with messaging and communications expert, co-founder of Way to Win and our new co-host, Jennifer Fernandez and Kona. So join Steve and I every Wednesday for your weekly dose of inspiration, action and hope. I'm Steve Pearson. And I'm Jennifer Fernandez and Kona.
Starting point is 01:36:59 And this is how we win. This is How We Win!

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