Jack - Will Trump Testify?

Episode Date: February 12, 2018

This week on “Mueller She Wrote,” we discuss the Porter/Hicks/Lewandowski Love Triangle, the Democratic Memo in response to the Nunes Memo, and the Washington Post’s report on Christopher Steele.... We also answer a few questions from our listeners Enjoy! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Kimberly Host of The Start Me Up Podcast. If you like your politics with some loose talk and salty language, you're going to love my show. I interview the coolest people like Mary Trump, Kathy Griffin, and DNC Chair Jamie Harrison. The Start Me Up Podcast has an easygoing, casual style and a strong emphasis on left-leaning politics. We also have Frank discussions about sex and more than a few spirited rants. Just visit patreon.com slash start me up or wherever
Starting point is 00:00:26 you get your podcasts and start listening today. graphics, my research notes, and links to all the pertinent articles we discuss on the show. Help us make Mola Shirope by becoming a pod bean patron by finding us on pod bean and clicking become a patron. Follow us and subscribe on pod bean and please leave us a rating or a comment. Pod bean has been kind enough to feature us as a recommended podcast beginning on Valentine's day, so help us show them some love. Thank you so much for your support. This podcast contains explicit language. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what the proposition is.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I didn't have, and I have communications at the Russians. What do I have to get involved with food and for nothing to do with food? I've never spoken to them. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
Starting point is 00:01:53 So it is political. You're a communist. No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest professional capitalist. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. oldest profession I'm a capitalist Hi, I'm A.G. This is Muller She wrote with me as always is Jordan Coburn. Hello everyone And I got Jelisa Johnson. He what's that awesome?
Starting point is 00:02:13 I realized during our phone call last week with the amazing Chris Vega that I introduced myself with a name instead of A.G. and I just wanted you all to know I made that up to throw you off my set So it's totally fake. Don't even listen to it. I'm dying of follicle. Anyway, what's new? You guys, how was your week? Was it good?
Starting point is 00:02:33 Us? Yeah, I was good. Yeah. No, I want everyone else out there. I want all the things to be inside of the can't sleep. How was your week? It was good. Yeah, I was busy.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Excellent. You give them just shows. You guys dance some shows or anything. Yeah best of at the store in the Hawaiian I did that did the last spot. Nice. Yeah, that was nice. Oh cleanup. Yeah, yeah, it was a little tipsy So I barely remember it Yeah, that's why I have a little tipsy so I barely remember you really say you were there at all I'm sorry to tell you oh no This week Jordan's gonna be talking to us about the dem memo drama and Jalisa has kind of agreed to tell us about Rob Porter and Hope Hicks on this special valentine's day edition
Starting point is 00:03:14 of Mueller She Wrote. It's a really lovely wonderful like love story. Oh yeah. You guys need. I do have a correction from last week's show. Well less of a correction and more of an explanation about sarcasm. So Gorbacya 13 on Twitter pointed out that I posited Sally Yates was fired for signing off on a Carter page Fies of Born. When she was actually fired for blocking the Muslim ban. I am fully aware that that's what the public was told. But I think she was fired for the same reasons Bente, Rabicki Baker, and McCabe were fired. I did not clarify the difference between fact, and we know what's really going on here, conjecture, so I wanted to make that clarification. So thank you, Gorbassai, for pointing that out. I also wanted to answer a subscriber question, so a listener asked if they could be a monthly subscriber, but pay all at once up front. Neither of our services that we have subscribed
Starting point is 00:04:10 the subscriber ability through allow for that. But if you want to sign up for like a buck a month and get all the notes and newsletters and stuff, and then just, you know, Venmo us the rest, we're totally down for whatever. And also our merch is going to be available for individual purchase. As soon as it's made, we just got all the art and we're putting it out there soon. So you'll be able to, you know, throw down your dollar a month subscription. And so you don't have to pay like a higher monthly subscription rate to get the t-shirts or the tote bag or whatever. You can just, you'll be able to buy it separately on moanshirapp.com. So just shoot us an email if you have any questions at hello at moonsherep.com
Starting point is 00:04:46 and we'll work something out. So all right, now that the formalities are over with, let's just dive into the Miller News with just the facts. All right, on Sunday, XCIA Director Brennan slammed Nunez, pretty hard saying he abuses power on the intelligence committee. BT Dubbs, we found out the Nunez family is of Portuguese descent, and that's why they don't use the tilde. Sorry, my Portuguese friends and listeners, we didn't mean to, you know, somehow mock the Portuguese for not using Tilda's, but there you have it, it's Nunez. Brennan said Nunez, the recuse chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, by the way, he recused himself, selectively released information to discredit the FBI and
Starting point is 00:05:31 the Department of Justice. Brennan went on to say that the dossier played no role whatsoever in the conclusion that Russia interfered with our 2016 elections, and that conclusion was also made by 17 U. 17 US intelligence agencies and God and everyone. And Brandon would know he was head of the CIA during the investigation, not an idiot. On Monday, that was all for Sunday, not too bad. On Monday, the New York Times reported that Trump's lawyers encouraged him to refuse an interview with Mueller.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Well two of his lawyers did. The other one is not. He's encouraging him to speak to Muller. So, so Dowd, who looks like Drupi Dog, by the way, I feel like Muller. Dowd and Sekulow want Trump to refuse the interview. Ty Cobb, the great baseball hitter, wants him to take the interview. So those are the facts, but I don't know you guys. Some folks think this is Trump's best gambit. Refuse the interview and hope Mueller doesn't subpoena you. If Trump agrees to an interview, he gets to sit down with lawyers present, probably in the Oval Office, all comfy like. But if but if Mueller calls
Starting point is 00:06:46 this bluff and subpoena's him, he he can refuse, which means it would go to court and Trump would probably lose and have to appear anyway. And that way he would have to appear in a grand jury situation. So you go there and you don't get your lawyer. Plus refusing to testify makes you look politically guilty, but not probably to his base. They see him as doing no wrong. He said 95% or 90% approval for Republicans. Yeah. Something horrible of the Republicans who are left.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I'm sure. You're going to be any of left the party. So I've seen a lot of Trump supporters get up and arms about this saying, you assume his guilt, that's unconstitutional. You're assuming he's guilty if he refuses to testify. And then I have to explain that the court of public opinion is different from the court of actual law. Like, there's political things
Starting point is 00:07:30 and then there's legal things. Like him firing Rod Rosenstein to block the Mueller investigation is legal, but it looks really bad. It's political suicide. It's like when you get pulled over for a DUI and you're clearly drunk as fuck and you refuse to do a breath wise, you're test.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Right, right, but if you're sober, I don't know, I've never drive sober. I'm going to edit that out, no, I'm so kidding. Either way, Trump has stirred up an upshit about the credibility of the FBI and the DOJ that no matter what happens, he'll probably be able to convince his base, he was treated unfairly. And whether Congress falls for it or not is totally different. But we know a lot of House Republicans are bought and paid for with compromising intel of some sort.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Sponsored by compromising. And they'll sit on Trump's tip until the bitter end, I think. So what do you guys think? If you were Trump's lawyers, would you have him sit down? Would you encourage him to sit down with Mueller like? Knowing that Mueller could then subpoena you and force you to testify to a grand jury without the lawyers under oath? Or do you think they're playing like a good cop bad cop like so Trump can be like oh, I wanted to testify I love to testify
Starting point is 00:08:40 I'm the most tremendous testifier talking is my favorite thing. But my lawyer said no, so I had, you know, what do you think? What do you guys think? I personally think that this could be their Johnny Conchran moment. They could really save Trump like, there's a chance that, I mean, it's sad to me, but they could also get away with this at least long enough for him to, I don't know, run off somewhere. But I think the lawyers would be smart to not let them do the interview.
Starting point is 00:09:05 But according to Stephen Colbert, Trump should do it. Definitely, he'd be the best. Go for it. We're all encouraging you. You would be the best testifier. Oh yeah. But it's super dangerous for him. Everybody says this. Even down to Roger Stone, the slimyest slimefuck in the slimefest, he's like,
Starting point is 00:09:24 don't know, it's a perjury trap, you know, and the, it's a perjury trap. Things are perjury traps if you're a liar. And it's just reminding me of that old 60s movie, and I think it was remade again with Lindsay Lohan called the parent trap. Oh yeah. And I want somebody to please take that movie poster and make me a perjury trap poster because I think that would be outstanding. That would be amazing. And I had another idea too. I wanted to do like put all the whole house Trump
Starting point is 00:09:52 in like on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise and like everyone except for Trump is wearing red shirts because they're all expendables. That's my other idea. I think that they've proven to pretty much just do every other thing that they can to divert from whatever, you know, is being requested. So it wouldn't make any sense at all for him to just straightforward accept the, you know, subpoena at all.
Starting point is 00:10:18 So I don't know. If they did, I would be very suspicious if that's what winds up happening. We all would. I mean, there's really no good way out of this for him. I think it's just a game of stalling until he can get some sort of good intel to fire Rosenstein. I honestly, I think Trump and his lawyers are so fucked and they know it that they're just trying to stall the inevitable as long as they can. Oh yeah. Until maybe something will pop up, like maybe they'll find out that Mueller has prostitutes
Starting point is 00:10:50 peeing on him somewhere and there's a tape. Oh wait, no, that's Trump still. I don't know, it's still waiting for that link. I think it's a, I just think it's, they're just stalling, right? I mean, that's- Would that be the cherry on top? Would you really, would you watch? The PTA?
Starting point is 00:11:04 Of course, right? Oh yeah. No doubt. No doubt. I've watched way worse days now. I have a trash can next to me all I watch is, so I can vomit, but I watch it. As long as Trump's not naked. Oh, I know. You know he is. He knows he is. Oh, barf. He likes getting peed on with clothes. That's ridiculous. He might be weird. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, I think they're stalling. Are we kind of in, for sure? In concurrence with that, because I mean they don't have another choice. They just have to put it off as long as they can and hope some dirt comes up on somebody so they can fire somebody in. For OJ. So many things were to her. This year, this side.. Nina has also conceded Monday that there was an error in his memo and that the fifth judge, the guy who issued the Pfizer warrant, was told the dossier came from Oppo Research.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Oops. Oopsie. So you just did you, and I, I- Rebub looking Oppo Research. Yeah, and I want to be like, did you, did you make that up when you wrote it? Or were you, were you willfully lying? Or are you just dumb? Like what? Hmm. I mean, this, nobody in this administration, Google shit before they say it anyway. So it's weird to me. It's like you when Kanye tweets, like he's not
Starting point is 00:12:19 to anyone, it just says whatever. That's what it feels like. Yeah, like, they don't Google anything. It seems basic as, because we're we're comics right you come up with a joke or a premise what's the first thing that you do yeah you know that's you know why not yeah you google it why is that hard like even comedians know be cool to have an open mic night at the White House that'd be great it's a bringer it's fabulous, Nuno said on Monday that one questioned during the vote to release the Dem Memo quote, oh excuse me, excuse me, let me start that again. Also on Monday, in the meeting to release the Dem Memo where they voted unanimously to release it,
Starting point is 00:13:00 Nuno's was questioned again and he said the White House was not involved in the literal drafting of the memo. But when pressed if the White House advised on the memo or corroborated with Nunez in any way or any theoretical aspects of the memo, Nunez again refused to answer. That's according to Adam Schiff who was in the meeting. Also on Monday the New York Times submitted a FOIA request to unseal the documents on surveillance of Carter Page. Nice. They did this because they believe that Trump set a precedent when he released the new Nez memo that lowers the shield of security surrounding such materials. So, and that's, so they're like, well, show us the rest. He's like, you clearly have lowered the bar.
Starting point is 00:13:43 So unseal the FISA warrant. Yeah, application, please. What'd it have to be lovely if he actually was consistent? Also terrifying now. Well, what I'm hoping and we'll talk about this later when we talk about the dumb out and, and, and, you know, we'll get there later. Yeah. But I think it could go to court.
Starting point is 00:14:01 So, and there's now precedent set by Trump himself. But we'll go on here. Business insider reported that KT McFarland has withdrawn her name as the nominee to be the ambassador to Singapore. If you remember, she was number two at the NSA under Flynn. She had sent that email saying Russia had thrown the election to Trump. So he'll be going easy on sanctions for them. And you'll
Starting point is 00:14:25 also remember her mentor, Bud McFarlane, Jalice, you reported this. It was part of the Mayflower meeting where the Marshall Plan was discussed, basically. And that's the same thing Flynn was texting Copson, his business partner, about on the inauguration day, it's during the swearing insert ceremony saying, the sanctions are going to be ripped up, which it appears they are. So saying the sanctions are going to be ripped up, which it appears they are. So the Russia sanctions voted on 517 to 5 last August. We're doing October and then again January 29th. I can't believe they're delivering on that last week. They still not been imposed by the Trump White House, but we have had three Russians by chiefs, one of which is sanctioned and would have had to have
Starting point is 00:14:59 special permission to come into the country at all, visiting our CIA director. So, and we should go and know what happened then. I mean, while we've got two tankers containing Russian oil, pulling into Boston Harbor, like, oh, this is all. I saw two ships at Blacks Beach. I got freaked out.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I was like, they're just sitting there. I don't know. Blacks Beach is a nude beach, everyone listening. I was like, I don't know what type of person really is. That's why I had to date it. I was like, why did I had to take it. I was like, why did I get to say that? I was born in a black man.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I didn't imagine people out listening who don't know what black speech is thought wondered why you called it that. I was the only black person to know. Yeah, because it's in La Jolla. For sure. The vloggy one allowed to La Jolla. It's fair and nude beaches, that to La Jolla. Oh yeah. You know, it's fair.
Starting point is 00:15:45 And, you know, nude beaches, that's not fair to the white guys. Yeah. You know, the rich white guys, you know, like, no white men complaints. No. Yeah, it's true. That's called dick privilege. That brings us to Tuesday morning. No.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Tuesday morning when Bannon's lawyer released a statement that he would only answer 14 specific yes or no questions in writing to the House Intelligence Committee. Congress then subpoenaed bannons, or suspended bannons subpoena until next week, which incidentally is when bannons is set to meet with Muller. Also, it's important to remember bannons has the same lawyer as the White House lawyer, and I personally believe that Muller is choking off these congressional testimonies until he can speak with these white hopes out. So, and I'm surprised like, I feel like that almost can't be right because the Democrats on the House until committee are like, no, we need to subpoena and we have to force them to be here. We're gonna, and they seem angry and I don't know if they are play acting angry like Mueller wouldn't tell them he couldn't trust them. Well, but they have to at least guess.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I mean, if I'm guessing who the fuck am I? I think you're really smart. OK. She ran for office. Maybe I want one for Congress, but yeah. The bar's not high right now. So it's sad but true. But I have to imagine that at least Adam Schiff is probably like,
Starting point is 00:17:03 I don't want Bannon to testify. I don't want Bannon's testimony to get out to the White House before Mueller has a chance to talk to him. But maybe to, you know, as just a political move, he has to appear angry about it because he wants the Democrats voting Democrats to think he's doing his job. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:20 I don't know what's happening. I hope we find out to you at the end of this. Those are the kind of things that I really want to know. Like, who was playing along? And that'll be kind of interesting. I'm so sad that like even a lot of the watergate stuff hasn't been declassified yet. So it's like, I don't know that I'm gonna live long enough
Starting point is 00:17:37 to see like the answer to this. And now like my own like, you know, I'm getting older and I'm afraid of my own mortality, but seriously living it, bumps me out the most is I might not find out all the answers to this investigation. Like your bucket list number one. It's not messed up. Like, oh yeah, I won't be here and exist anymore,
Starting point is 00:17:53 but I won't know what happened the Mueller investigation. Oh my gosh. Tuesday also brought us that amazing new reporting on Christopher Steele, and I'm gonna cover that in detail, a little more detail a little bit later. There were also rumors swirling around my Twitter sphere about after Brian Crasenstein,
Starting point is 00:18:10 I'm assuming it's pronounced the same as Rosenstein, I don't wanna insult you, Brian. You had a threat on Carter Page being a double agent. Meaning he's been working for the US this whole time. Like even before the 2013 inspiring, he was a double agent. And I don't know, I had a lot of people ask me about this this week and I don't think, I just think he's a fucking idiot. I don't think he's...
Starting point is 00:18:32 Maybe his hat's working for the US and he's working for us. I don't think he's in his hat, I'm sorry. It's so dumb, the floppy hat. Like he got in a hat night at the pet co-part. He's on Twitter account, you guys should follow. I got in the hat night at the pet co-part. He was on Twitter account. You guys should be on the phone. I gotta follow his hat. Oh my gosh. I just, I don't see it. But first of all, why would you, could FISA warrants are hard to get? So why would you get a FISA war and renew it three times on somebody who is working for you? Right. Unless that's some sort of
Starting point is 00:19:03 cover. But all that's, none of that's public information. We weren't supposed to know about that. We didn't know about it until the new news mellow, you know. So I mean, I, hmm. I don't know. What do you think? You said no. I don't think he's a double agent.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I would need to see more proof that he's smart. Yeah. Because everything classifies him as an idiot. The smartest people connect the most dumb. I am. Ooh, it's part of him. Yeah. Because everything classifies him as an idiot. The smartest people can act the most done. Oh, it's part of it. Yeah. Yeah. That's was there. But you have to be a fucking genius. Yeah. That's what they're saying. He's a genius and he's an amazing actor. I guess we'll find out. That's actually interesting. Yeah. He hasn't been charged. That's the other thing. Well, he's not he's not been charged. One of those seals and sealed indictments could be his.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Is it not considered just an ongoing investigation though? Right, but I mean, you know, pop it up, a list was, and pop it up, and some page are kind of two peas in the same pot. Yeah, and he's the one that this whole memo thing is really at the crux, he's at the crux of all of that. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And it would be politically advantageous to charge him if he's got enough, if they've got enough evidence against him. And the last for some reason that alerts the White House to some stuff that none of us know and they don't want the White House to know. Right. There's so much that could be going on that we just have no idea. Yeah, I guess we'll see. Also on Tuesday, oh my God, a listener named Millicent Womack. This is a great name too.
Starting point is 00:20:23 She sent me the most amazing video, It's Seaspan, which is my porn, as you know. Ha ha ha. This, I'm gonna put a link to this in our newsletter, at which you can get for just a buck a month you guys, and it's so worth it, you get all my show notes and everything, but this is Seaspan video. From 2004, it's a young and tender James Comey
Starting point is 00:20:42 talking about Enron indictments, and Muller is right there with him Oh my god, I watched all 30 minutes of it. I gotta see that I ate a pint of halo top It was Halo top is a sponsor are you looking? Dude I eat so much effing halo top I will pump that shit all day. It's 300 calories of pint you guys What 300 calories for pint ice? Yeah, yeah, AG. This is for free what you're doing right now. Oh sorry. 300. Okay so our pod bean painters and subscribers would get that link to that porn in Thursday's Newsletter. See you.
Starting point is 00:21:16 She's fan porn. Thank you and Billisent Womack. We appreciate you. On Wednesday we have gates going to court on Wednesday for a change of council meeting, which is odd, because the last change of council, he just filed and sealed documents to the court. Why did he need to go in person? I don't know. This was a tiny little news story in that little back corner
Starting point is 00:21:38 of some show that I watched. And I was like, why didn't he go to court? Didn't he already change his lawyers? Is this another change of lawyers? And I haven't been able to find much on it. So if you have any information on that tweet at us at Mola She wrote, I want to know because that's weird. Gates is in the middle of flipping. Did he, did he get what he thought would be a better criminal defense attorney and then got rid of his original defense attorneys and then decided he was going to flip.
Starting point is 00:22:05 So he just, I don't know, maybe he hired McGann's attorney. McGann previous, yeah, you know, and Bannon's attorney. I don't know. I can't find the rest of it. All I know is that he went to hearing to switch counsel home. That's interesting. I thought that was strange. Trump said Tuesday he will, he that he wants to talk to Mueller, even though two of his three lawyers pretty much Every human on the planet knows that's a bad idea for him So you know, we talked about that a little bit earlier But this is probably his little man syndrome like all mounted up So he's posturing like he can totally handle Mueller, you know, I don't know if it's that or if it's a good cop bad cop thing
Starting point is 00:22:41 Like I said like he's setting himself up so that So that it always cooperated. Yeah, I wanted. Well, it does, it does, too. He did it with his taxes, but he never actually showed them. So, you know, he's just saying he wants to talk to him, but he probably really doesn't. No, I wouldn't. I mean, I do, but not if I was in trouble.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Well, it depends on everyone. Adam Schiff called for a subpoena for Corey Lewandowski to compel him to testify at the HIC. If you, that's Hassan Talgent's committee, that's, that's AG speak for. Hassan Talgent's committee. I'm sorry, sometimes I realize that I, because I was in the military, I work for the government, I throw out all these acronyms all the time and I'm like, you don't even know what I'm talking about. If you remember from episode 12, Lewandowski appeared last month and he said he wasn't prepared
Starting point is 00:23:22 to answer questions, asserting he was there voluntarily. He had then agreed to appear later, but he wasn't prepared to answer questions. Asserting he was there voluntarily, he had then agreed to appear later, but he hasn't. This seems to be part of a group of people stalling their testimony to House Intelligence Committee, including Hope Hicks and Steve Bannon. I really think they're working with Mueller. This is not this is in fact, we're into the entire hope. But I think they're working with Mueller on something big
Starting point is 00:23:42 and they don't want Don, Don Jr. Kushner to know about it. Don. Trump. Thursday. On Thursday, a guy named Navalny, he's the opposition leader in the upcoming Russian elections, but he got actually removed Putin, removed him from running. I was going to say, how did that even work with Putin, right?
Starting point is 00:24:07 Well, he charged him with a crime and then said he couldn't run because he was a criminal. Classic Putin move, that's just. Soon of all, he's like the opposition to the Putin, the whole Putin thing. And so he released a tape of Dara Pasca briefing a criminal official on a yacht about his private briefs with Paul Manafort.
Starting point is 00:24:27 If you remember back in July of 2016, Manafort offered Derrapaska private back channel briefings on the Trump campaign. And this tape is from August, so it's from a month later. And in the tape, you can hear Daripaska reporting things from a Manafort briefing to a crumbling official on a boat, on a boat bitch. So we'll have a link to that tape in this week's newsletter. I think this is huge news. It's said they've been to a huge, what do you call it, Twitter thread, and about the whole thing, and he starts way back, he gives
Starting point is 00:25:05 you all the history, it's like 110 different tweets in this thread. But it's really interesting. If you get a chance to look up Seth Averson on Twitter, and then we'll have a link to this video also, turn things on. So you can check that out. I thought that was pretty damning evidence that there was collusion in a back channel was set up with Manfurt, so interesting NBC reported Thursday on that Russia targeted voter roles in 21 states hacking 21 states and which successfully hacked into five states voter rolls were you Did it release which states exactly? Yes, there's a map out there too, yeah, and I can't remember which ones they are I'd be curious
Starting point is 00:25:41 Tally one is one of them. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. But they went for 21 and they got into five. So when when tribe supporters sit there and say they didn't like hack into the elections, they just influenced it. Well, no, they actually hacked into the voter rolls. Um, in some pretty key states too.
Starting point is 00:25:59 So they got to go to consens in there. I'd have to look, but. But anyway, they yeah, so that's terrifying. And we know of the hacking of the DNC in L.A.T. too, right? So that still counts. Like, it's just crazy that people still dispute that. Yeah, Trump specifically, actually 99% of the world is like, Russia meddled in our elections. Trump is like the last holdout because he's got the some ego thing built up
Starting point is 00:26:21 that if Russia actually hacked into the electons, he actually went. That he's illegitimate somehow. And the rest of us are sitting over here like, dude, we don't even give a fuck about that. I mean, I do. I think the election was illegitimate, but I want to make that clear. But you can't take it back. You are the president.
Starting point is 00:26:38 He's the president. Yeah, no, you can't. There's no way you could, mean what do you do special election? That'd be crazy. That'd be chaos pretty good. He just has a stroke of moral Integrity's like, you know a guy's you're right Just redo this thing like a fair score Yeah, I don't I don't think that you can do that anyway, so, you know, it's like, that's just what happened. But he just, he believes that if Russia,
Starting point is 00:27:10 if any had any influence whatsoever that he'll have a hard time, like he thinks the whole world would be like, you're an illegitimate president. And I would, but they're already saying it though. I know. I know. But he's not.
Starting point is 00:27:22 That's what you're using. As approval numbers are also inching up, which is scary since the state of the union. Yes, to the union. Tax bill, jobs. We'll see what happens. The job report was pretty good in January. Stock market's been crazy this week, but nobody really knows why. Only rich people care about that.
Starting point is 00:27:42 True. Yeah, the stock market is not the economy important important to know on Friday We found out John Kelly offered his resignation offered yeah, Kelly denies it Yeah, Kelly says he never offered to resign Washington posts incredible reporting says sources who were in a staff meeting with Kelly Friday morning are Asserting that Kelly told his staff to tell the public he had reacted by firing Porter within 40 minutes of finding out about the domestic violence allegations. First of all,
Starting point is 00:28:11 that means that Kelly didn't know about any of this until he saw the pictures. And then even after that, he still released a statement of support for Rob Porter. By the way, I'm sorry, I didn't even give a lead in here. Rob Porter is the White House staff secretary who resigned this week amidst allegations of abusing his wives, not wife wives, two of his past wives. And so Kelly released a statement saying, he's a great dude, really alone. And then they apparently showed him pictures of a black eye according to him. And then he went, no, he's still great. And then the next day he said, these allegations are shocking. But other reporting shows that the White House was told via Don McGahn, the White House
Starting point is 00:28:59 Council, four times in 2017, starting in January about these allegations. And that's why this guy, Porter, never got a security clearance. Right. Because he beat up his wives. That's one thing you're not, you know, one of the many things that they won't give you a security clearance for is if you haven't fell any year, you're a dick. Yeah, like the police got involved. He broke into one of his ex-wives' houses and she had to call the cops on him.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And it's like all on record. Restraining order against him and stuff. So yeah, so that's that's something that will not let you get a security clearance. But this guy worked and the White House knew the whole year. Yeah. And they knew the FBI had said the reason he doesn't have the security clearance is because of this. And they still kept him around. And then John Kelly asked surprised. And then he sat a staffed out and said, tell everyone I was surprised. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Rob Porter smashed through a window too. I just want to make that clear I don't want people to be like, oh, yeah, well, I mean fucking crazy X-slives, you know, always are Yeah, there was this stuff. It's like no this guy. He's like power punched through a glass window Yeah, he's an amazing Tush bag We also found out Friday that Trump blocked the Democratic memo. He was given it Monday after a unanimous vote in the House Intelligence Committee To release it and he had five days to decide and on the fifth day he said no
Starting point is 00:30:17 So Jordan's gonna talk about that a little bit later the damn memo The big news on Friday and I thought this was a pretty like, an actual reasonable week in the news. Like, I was like, oh, we only have a couple of guys who beat up their wives in the White House and no security clearances and stuff, but uh, okay, maybe we might get through this week without, you know, too much craziness, but then on Friday, Rachel Brand resigned. Rachel Brand is the number three in the Justice Department. She resigned without notice to take a job in the private sector at Walmart, actually.
Starting point is 00:30:50 And I saw Benjamin with us on Friday on MSNBC, explained that he spoke to Brand, his friend of his, and she says there's no correlation between the Mueller investigation, the Nunes memo that provides political pretext to fire Rosenstein and her abrupt departure. So, even if Trump doesn't fire, or didn't fire Rosenstein, if he asked him to fire Mueller, he would likely resign, because he said he would only fire, he's not under oath, I'll only fire if he does something wrong, and he hasn't. So I haven't seen a reason to fire.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah, he's already signed off on the FISA Warns too. So yeah, one. Yeah, just one. So if he didn't, well let's say he asked Rosenstein to fire him more and Rosenstein said no and resigned. That leaves the associate attorney general the next in line. And that was Rachel Brand. So she's gone now. That's a lot like the Saturday Night Magi-Kar, right, during Watergate. In that case, the third in line was Bork, and he did fire the special counsel at the Behust in Nixon. The person rumored to take Brand's place as a trumpet pointe that would probably be
Starting point is 00:32:01 more likely to carry out such an order, or at least to block or impede the molar investigation Some postulate that perhaps Walmart Indeed made her an offer she couldn't refuse She's just a cashier Walmart She's the greeter She's like I'll do any fucking thing besides there Walmart is a huge GOP
Starting point is 00:32:23 Donator donor, mm-hmm huge GOP Donator donor, huge GOP donor. So she got an offer, a really good offer from Walmart. It's interesting. It is. Local business killer, low wage, low benefits. Did a employer did to avoid looking like he fired her? Could he have gone to Walmart and said, make me a good offer. She can't refuse.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I don't know. Maybe we'll find out. It's interesting to postulate. Yeah, interesting time to step down and go work for Walmart. Yeah, GOP backer. Really, I don't know. I personally think she's been forced out. The fourth in line is succession after her was Dana Bente. When he was in the Eastern District of Virginia, he's gone weird. She's number three, she's gone. Huh, Rosenstein's left.
Starting point is 00:33:16 This is crazy. So, now, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. I don't know what's going to happen. Like, if he fires Rosenstein, you know, this guy at Jose, it's not Jose Kinsake, that's a baseball player. I have his name later on in the notes and I'll tell you what it is. But he's a Trump guy. He's a super conservative Trump dude.
Starting point is 00:33:39 So he'll, you know, I think that he would do the Bork initiative and either fire Mueller if Trump asked him to or interfere or, you know, not allow the, like, impede the investigation by, like, if Mueller wants to follow a new line of investigatory issues or if he wants to file charges or indict anyone he has to go through the person overseeing it at the department of justice and that would be this new guy maybe the new guy because bentes out and now brand is are we gonna have to ride in the streets of this happened that's what I was just thinking is like okay so if all these people you know all the lines of action get eliminated what where do people turn to I was already marching and I can't imagine people just sitting here and being like all right Well, we tried our best. That's it People didn't march for them for Nixon either right? It wasn't that intense for like him as a president to march on all the claims right?
Starting point is 00:34:36 So there was a huge public backlash when he fired archipelago right But there was also in the Congress and that's what got him impeached I feel like there's just not just similar, but much more intense frustration now, right, with Trump. So I just wonder, like, is this closer to civil rights? Like, is this like a thing where people are going to just break? Or like, because that's, if he gets fired, if Rosenstein is out, like, that's next level.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Yeah, there are, there are, and most of the Democrats in the House Intelligence Committee has Gido Shire, Senate Gido Shire, Senate Intelligence Committee have said that firing Rosenstein is the equivalent of firing Mueller. And there are a lot of marches out there that are planned. Like do you remember, if you fire as Mueller, we're doing this. It's the same for Rosenstein. So, you know, just find out, find your local march if that happens.
Starting point is 00:35:22 We should post some links or something. Yeah, we'll figure it out. We'll find them. Find them for you. So anyway, that's... Oh, also Friday, I found out and I think I mentioned this early dozens of Trump White House aides and appointees still don't have security clearance. Right, so that's interesting. Or permanent security clearance at least. Right, not like the temporary ones. They have... Well, usually basically what happens if you get a job with the government, it takes about eight weeks to get a background check done.
Starting point is 00:35:50 So they usually just let you start working and then they come back with your background results. And if you don't, if they aren't gonna give you one, they usually fire you. They just keep these guys on. Right. So yeah, that's bad. These guys are handling classified intelligence
Starting point is 00:36:05 Yeah, and I was talking to my girlfriend about this actually and she had interesting take she considers herself more of like I'm moderate which Honestly gets frustrating to me sometimes. I know it sounds bad to say that but this was her take She's she's like okay well if they all don't have security clearance But people are touring the White House all the time what's the big deal? Is that like a strong issue or is that like a low issue in this? And I think right now to me it's in the middle. It's like- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:36:31 She thinks it because they give White House tours to not class into people with a security care. Right, she likes it. And I feel so bad for calling her out, but this is one of her like characteristics. And she's kind of proud of it. She likes to point out how left this can be just as extreme or just like harping on the wrong thing, just to kind of like level of playing filled in her head. So this was one of the issues where she's like, all right, I see that Europe said about the fact that this
Starting point is 00:36:51 guy is still working there when the FBI said he shouldn't be. But here's the main where the main concern comes in. He's compromised because he is blackmailable. That's what I'm thinking. Yeah. So if an operative wanted to get information out of him and the information that he sees, he has access to everything that he wants to do. He has not stuff that you would see. Willy-Nilly. He could walk it through the White House on a tour. Because these are the class of full-on classified documents, classified briefings, the President's
Starting point is 00:37:19 daily brief, super-highly classified intelligence. And while she's right, like, so what if you don't have a security clearance because you have a violent pass? How does that make you a guy who would leak something? Right, and this is not an institution though. It's been a, well it might not, but the problem is, is that some operative could find out that you have had, that you've beaten a shit out of your wives,
Starting point is 00:37:44 and come to you and say, tell me what was in that document or I'm going to let the whole world know that you've got to write things out on you. So it's not, is she's writing that generally, yeah, not as you, but in this case, this particular administration already has this history with being potentially compromised through hacks with Russia and we know it. It's just so much evidence is already pointed towards this connection that it's hard to ignore at this point. And that's why still, Christopher Steele was so upset, and I'll talk about this a little bit later about Trump getting elected.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Not because he thinks Trump himself is a piece of shit, which is true, but that's not the problem. He's vulnerable. It's that he was compromised, compromised. They have a word for it in Russia, like that's their thing that they they they that's what it is One of the main things that's one of the main things in ways they get to people Speaking of which I'm so sorry, Rethan Tillerson talked about this too recently And it was really disheartening how he said that with Russia's like advanced technology and like our vulnerability to their hacking
Starting point is 00:38:40 He said well if they really want to do it, they're just gonna do, and we can't always stop them. That was his response this week. He's an oil man. So, oil man. Well, he's got, he could make bazillions off of Ross and F. Denny drop in sanctions. When he believes it, what if he really doesn't, like, I know there's the one hand where we think that they're with Russia, but what if it's mainly the compromise part, and they just really believe that there's nothing they can do, they're just, they really have to give it up. That's scary. I think it's more just a bunch of, it's mainly the compromise part and they just really believe that there's nothing they can do, they're just, they really have to give it up. That's scary. I think it's more just a bunch of, it's a global network of business men that are...
Starting point is 00:39:10 So you think he's just complicit more than anything? It's money. Followed money, I think is what it all boils down to. Yeah, I mean you have more... Yeah, you get more, you get... Followed the money and then on the back it says, I'm the money. Yeah. That's so dumb.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Yeah, I like it. Okay,'s so dumb. I'm just gonna say you have more political power now with money than you do actual office positions. That's definitely true. That sway comes in pretty hard when you've got that much leverage over people because of money situation. Anyway, I thought that whole security clearance thing was pretty shocking. Yeah, shocking that someone someone can work for eight weeks up to eight weeks without clearance, too. That's 99% of us get clearance. Right. I hired in my tenure at the government, probably between 400 to 600 people. And none of them, I had never had to come back to someone and say, you know, sorry, you didn't pass your security clearance.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Because they, on the application, you have to put that, you know, you have to answer these questions. Do you have any misdemeanors? Do you have any charges? Do you have any pending? Do you owe the government any money, stuff like that? And if you lie, you're not gonna get the job. And now we're gonna find out about it.
Starting point is 00:40:17 That's why this is so weird. And I've been talking about Cory Lewandowski and his security clearance is showing why it's particularly weird that Trump gave him a pass I don't know how soon coming up to that, but Well soon and that's that's I mean I think I have a good idea why but well you know what we're we're getting to it We'll be back in just a second I mean come on and it's bull crap don't get me wrong
Starting point is 00:40:39 I love the ladies. I mean did they read my engine, but they don't belong in the newsroom. It is a command, not a lady, and that is a scientific fact, huh? I don't know what we're yelling about! Thank you for listening to Mola Shirope. We are here for you, but you can be here for us too. Support women in podcasting by becoming a subscriber. It's really easy, and for as little as just one dollar a month, you get a lot of rewards in return, including bonus content, show notes, ad free episodes, including this ad, and links to articles and infographics. You can also choose from gifts from our merchandise, including the highly anticipated
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Starting point is 00:41:51 One has to do with the White House staff secretary resigning amidst accusations of domestic violence. We talked about him, Mr. Porter. This is significant to the more investigation in that this person, Rob Porter, did not have security clearance because of these accusations yet. He's been handling classified until for over a year. And then yet another White House aide David Sorenson resigned for the exact same reason and I can't help but wonder. Do you guys remember last week when you know after the whole release of the Nunez memo and the FBI and the DOJ were like you motherfucker like they were pissed and everyone's like don't fuck with the FBI and the DOJ were like, you motherfucker, like they were pissed.
Starting point is 00:42:25 And everyone's like, don't fuck with the FBI. And I'm like, yeah, don't. All of these things, these guys, all these accusations that are coming out from security clarences are from the FBI. So, I'm not saying that I have knowledge that they're the ones who leaked this information, but they're the ones who hold it.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Yeah. So, are they dropping bombs because they're pissed? I think so at all makes sense now looking back. Like, oh, you're gonna be a dick? You're gonna not listen to us? Well here, we're gonna let everybody, oh, maybe the Washington Post will somehow find out about all of your people who don't have security clearance
Starting point is 00:42:58 and why they're such assholes. So I thought that was interesting. And that's why I think the FBI is mad. And Jolisa has this wonderful touching Valentine's Day love story for us. Rob Porter is dating. Yes, yes. They're totally boning. They are, yes, but Hope Hicks used to be with Corey.
Starting point is 00:43:17 And so this is where your all gets interesting. So, one theory as you mentioned, Degy. Oh, Hicks gets around. Yeah, I mean, she's gorgeous smart. It makes sense, you know? I feel like, you know, she's like, I'm just here for the dudes, you know? Oh yeah, that was not a judgment on my part. That was a high five.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Well, I'm not necessarily for these particular deeks, but like, you get some hope. Absolutely, yeah. So it's all good with her. I just, I feel like it's interesting that Corey is the one that she used to date because people have started to think that he's actually the one that tipped the information about the domestic abuse with Porter's XY to that B.I. So there's kind of this like love triangle motivation. Wait
Starting point is 00:43:57 so she used to date Lewandowski? Exactly and so people are thinking that he's the one that might have told B.F.B.I about this in the. Yeah, so this is getting really reality TV-ish quick. Which makes sense. Yeah, I mean, it's totally what we expect. But in higher reality TV president, you get a reality show. Delivers. But yeah, that's where we are, because we don't know exactly how the FBI found out,
Starting point is 00:44:18 but that's just what people are speculating. At the same time, if he did be his wife, which it sounds like he did, of course he should be out. I mean, it's more likely, starting around. No worries. but I feel like it's more likely that, like he said, this all this information was known, it was just being kept at day. Exactly. Because these are all things that are on public record. There are things that have been spoken about. They're interviews they're referencing from years ago, of his former employees. Yeah. So the question is why now then? So if John Kelly knew a year ago, and you know, FBI knew, because the question is why now then so if John Kelly knew a year ago and you know FBI knew because the FBI dropped the fucking bomb
Starting point is 00:44:46 That's why I think and yeah, yeah, I totally agree. I think this is the FBI trying to Retaliate in their own way and get swing in their little FBI dick a little bit. Yeah, I think it's big. Oh yeah Definitely So yeah, that's that's where we are the size queen. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I hope they're all robbed together. They look, I mean, he's got problems, but maybe she can change. He looks like a front boy douchebag. Like, he's got a tap out shirt, son under his fucking shoes. This is my fill.
Starting point is 00:45:16 She seems smart. If she's with him, maybe she sees something that his, because this X-Y is actually coming out and saying, OK, he's not a monster. He's just troubled. He needs help. He shouldn't be in this position. No, they're saying he's a monster and they're in his personal relationship.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Right. Well, she actually said he's not a monster. Was this the one that was... That was emotionally... The one that was... Yeah, the one that we grabbed in the shower. This other guy was fucked up too, though. This sorenessing guy put in cigarette out in his wife's hand. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:45:42 And like, like, he, ugh, like she says a scar. It's just what I like sexually. That's all. You know, some of the harmful there? I personally think that these kind of mistakes are not the kind that you know, you can just be like, oh, but they're still good people. Because I get that they could be good people,
Starting point is 00:45:59 but it's just to me taking away from, I'll show you this. It's a job at Taco Bell, but you're working for the fucking White House. Right. and you need to not be compromisable Exactly. Yeah, that's actually I think it's the main point and then also Trump and Kelly are both well Kelly Redacted statement, but Trump was like well the guy is good at his job So that's my response to this is that Trump devil down today really yeah He actually said he oh he pulled is there's good people on both sides thing He said he said that a lot you know sometimes it's true but a
Starting point is 00:46:28 lot of these accusers are wrong and we need to you know basically yeah he said people's lives are ruined when unfounded claims are just released to the media yeah it's like I'm not trying to ruin your life I'm just trying to not let you have a job right next to the goddamn president of the United States when you're blackmailable. Yeah. And I feel like, because when I listened to an interview with one of his ex-wife, she was saying that in his personal life, or professional life, he's great, fantastic, really good at his
Starting point is 00:46:55 job. But then he has these deeply rooted anger issues that only come to the surface in his most intimate relationships, which I guess is how, you know, domestic, I've been very lucky to not be in any domestic abusive relationships, but, um, but yeah, just saying it's the most intimate relationships and scenarios where those angry issues really come out. And, um, but yeah, I guess I mean, unless him and Trump are fucking, that wouldn't be a problem. That's what I was just thinking, like, is he boning the Trump man? It makes me sad that John Kelly, uh, like, came out in defense of him, though, in the beginning. Because even though he did take it back, it's just sad.
Starting point is 00:47:32 What's it gonna take? We can't all have pictures. You know, like, people should take pictures. We should have video. But we can't always, it's just tough, you know. It's, yeah, well, don't beat your fucking wife. I'm sorry. Now, this seems easy. Yeah, well don't beat your fucking wife. I'm sorry Seems very simple don't have fetishes that include putting out cigarettes on people's skin That's a that's a good thing. Hmm. Just yeah, I don't know if you want to be in politics can't do shit like that, I guess Well, Jalisa. Thank you very much for reporting on this week's Love Story. Oh yeah. So far the bad one times, dad. Can we get a little like Peter Frampton the background?
Starting point is 00:48:09 Oh yeah. Or some, you know, some Reverend Green or something? Well, I'll do. I wish them the best, hoping, and port, what do you think you do? Do I wish them the best? What's your thought? I guess you haven't really talked about their relationship.
Starting point is 00:48:22 What do you think about her? I want them all to go to fucking jail. I don't know. Don't we? Right? I don't wish them the bested anything. I mean, if they could be jail lovers, I guess that's cool because yeah, I think they're probably going to need to go in different jail, though. I don't know what federal federal government prison looks like.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I don't know what federal government prison looks like. Probably just in their house. Yeah, just house ankle it. Like, you can go man for it their house. Yeah, oh yeah. This house, Ankle, like, you can get on Man of Fort and it's a little ankle bracelet. I'm so sad. It's so sad if he wants to go get a massage or something. He'd be like, well, let's ignore the ankle bracelet.
Starting point is 00:48:52 She's happy ending, please. So anyway, thanks, Julisa for that. I thought that was very touching. So, Jordan, you have some information for us about the Dem Memo this week. Tell us more about that. Yes, so all over the news. The HIC has relearned a House Intelligence Committee minority group once the Democrats A.K. They have this memo prepared that they want to release and of course Trump blocks it. So, any blocks it for the same reason why intelligence groups told him he
Starting point is 00:49:27 should not allow the release of the new Nets memo. So he's saying, and it's not only him, it's also Christopher Ray and Rosenstein are both saying they wrote a letter to the House Intelligence Committee in response to the Democratic memo saying that they shouldn't release it and they actually highlighted and then put apparently red square boxes around the things that were especially potentially compromising to national security and they're set to go meet with the HIC on Tuesday and talk through that and Trump is trying to present himself now and so he's being very reasonable and he's like what's the big idea guys all I'm saying is I want to protect national security.
Starting point is 00:50:07 That's all. You just don't give a shit about it, you know? Exactly. And if the little unfortunate mishap of him allowing the blatant release of the new Nes memo, that was advised by FBI intelligence officials to not be released for that very same reason. Then it would be a little bit more of a noble cause that he has right now
Starting point is 00:50:26 But you know, I guess whatever. Yeah, sure Let's let this go for a couple weeks and then see if they actually do meet with Rosenstein and Ray And if they can come to some compromise on things and then still release compromising information about the new Nes memo Yeah, I can't imagine that happening though, but the good news is nobody gives a shit about the the new nes memo anymore Everyone's like that was stupid and now that Trump has blocked this one It's almost better for for Democrat, but I mean a lot of people now are saying oh did he just block it? You know or did did the Democrats put classified until in there's so trouble to have to block it? Yeah, we just saw that on CNN home. I think
Starting point is 00:51:10 This Both have come like that's the idea is that they both had like they both had the same Classified yeah, but sorry, yeah, no, no, it's fine and then I've also heard Distinctions made that it's not necessarily that there's blatantly Compromising information that's in there, but the discovery process, one would have to go through to get down to the bottom of the claims that are in there, would you keep hitting walls of classified information?
Starting point is 00:51:32 That's definitely true. And that's you, it's, you would have to release pretty much the entire Pfizer application, which is definitely super classified. And it really just comes down to this fact too. And we talked about this a couple episodes ago. There's an inspector general that should be, like if there's any sort of investigation that needs
Starting point is 00:51:54 to be brought against the FBI and anyone that's in the intelligence committee to see if they incorrectly, you know, went through the FISA warrant process and it was based on faulty information or politically, what again is that there's nothing illegal about it even being based on the steel dossier. That was initially initiated by the Republican about into Trump. Let's just not forget that. It was then taken over by Hillary and so everyone wants to just say it's a democratically motivated discovery, but there's another process for this to happen, wherein they do an actual investigation into the FBI and the intelligence
Starting point is 00:52:29 committees, and it doesn't have to be publicly released like this, so it's not just a bossery right now that people can't actually sort out. I personally think the IG is probably already looking into the FISA warrant application process, specifically for the Carter Page FISA warrant. This is generally how the IG operates. They'll get a tip. They'll start investigating. We might not know about it and we might not know the conclusion of it because unless they come up with criminal culpability in any, you know, reasonable doubt, they will generally open a
Starting point is 00:52:57 full investigation on it or or appoint a special counsel because you can't appoint a special counsel without that and you've certainly, if an IG, if the IG comes to you and says we have this and there is possible criminal activity, they will be all for putting a special counsel in there. So we'll see. We'll see how that meeting goes on Tuesday with Ray and Rosenstein and see if anything actually, any productive things can come out of there and then we actually see the release of the Democratic memo. I would be amazed. You mean Wild Band and that same day is going to be talking to Mueller and behind closed doors. It should be fun.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Oh yeah. Yeah, and I don't buy this whole bullshit that Trump all of a sudden gives a shit about classified information. He leaves keys and lock bags and laying around. He's got dozens of White House aides in the pointe's without security clearance the moral logo north korea missile launch dinner Where he's got everybody like helping him see the the classified documents with our cell phone lights about the North Korea missile launch the whole leaking israeli and tell the Russians in the Oval Office releasing the new nas memo which like you said is the exact same fucking intel that blocks him from releasing this memo
Starting point is 00:54:05 But he let the Nunez memo come out which has like already Confirmed allies in it confirmed by Nunez himself Yeah, he's his history is just not pointing towards concern Security, yeah, it's clearly political political motivate and does this potentially become another obstruction of justice charge I could add to a pattern and there was a poll on Twitter today right before we started to show out of 14,000 people, 91% believe that the blocking of the memo was politically motivated, not because of classified intel. So, you know, why aren't they taking into court? I don't know, but we'll be right back with this week's questions and the fantasy indictment lead.
Starting point is 00:54:44 But we'll be right back with this week's questions and the fantasy indictment lead You're with us wrong. What do you think? It's terrible she has beautiful eyes and our hair smells like cinnamon Loud noises All right, everyone relax. She's not gonna take anyone's airtime. I read somewhere that their periods attract bears The bears get to smell the menstruation. Well that's just great. You hear that, Ed? Bears.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Now you put the whole station in jeopardy. Thank you so much for listening to Mollarshi wrote. This show is always free unless you subscribe, but there are other ways to support the podcast that really do mean a lot to us. Leaving us a rating or subscribing to us on your podcast platform, you can follow us on podbean and leave a comment. You can like us on Facebook and give us a rating. You can also follow us on Twitter. You'll automatically be under the win of PlayStation 4, so that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:55:37 If you're engaging with us on social media really helps us make the best show possible for our listeners. We enjoy the feedback. This show is for you, so we look forward to hearing from you and we thank you for your support. All right, we're back you guys. And I wanted to talk a little bit about this report from Thursday from the Washington Post about Christopher
Starting point is 00:55:53 Steele. It's a really great piece. Last September, as we all know already, Steele reached out to the FBI after talking to colleagues about what he should do with all this explosive Trump information. He knew he was being paid for political op-o research, but according to sources close to him, he felt like he was, quote, sitting on a nuclear bomb.
Starting point is 00:56:14 By the time steel began working with Fusion GPS, the project was exclusively democratic, though it had started previously with a backing from the Washington Freebeak, and like you were talking about Trump. And they're a conservative group. So after he sent this, his memo to Fusion via Courier, by the way, he had a hand carried, and he didn't want us, he didn't trust to send it electronically. He hand-curried it over to Washington. He was so concerned about what he had found that he had contacted a former US FBI operative in Rome that he worked closely
Starting point is 00:56:45 with on the investigation into FIFA, the soccer association. He said about why he contacted the FBI, quote, you know I have obligations, professional obligations. If there's a national security emergency or possible national security issue, I should report it." Unquote. So, Steele met with his FBI contact in Rome in July of 2016. About the same time, Manifor it was Spillna's guts to the
Starting point is 00:57:11 Deer, didn't they? We found the Volly tape that's out there right now. But early in the fall, Steele reached out to Sir Richard Dearlove. That's his former MI6 boss, and he asked him for guidance about how to handle this professional obligation. He's like, what should I do? And oddly, dear love told him about a time when he was head of MI5 at the Washington DC house and he had learned that one of the potential candidates for VP, for Vice President of the United States, was in communication with the Crenwyn. And that's where they left it in the article. And I'm like, who was it? Yes. So I did my own research.
Starting point is 00:57:48 OK, so I looked up his career. And I found out, and my article links will be in the newsletter. And I found out that he was in DC at the Washington House from 1991 to 1993. So this was the election between Bush, Perot, and Clinton. So Bush had brought quail with him from the 88 elections.
Starting point is 00:58:06 So that wasn't a new VP candidate, that's quail. But Clinton chose Gore after great deliberation. And one of Clinton's early candidates for VP was John D. Rockefeller, the fourth. Now, the Rockefellers have a few ties to Russian oil like going all the way back to the Bolshevik revolution. like the Rockefellers are the biggest oil people in the world. So I don't know, just an interesting rabbit hole in the Zartakon, like probably of the Rockefeller fella. That would make sense.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Again, I have no idea if that's wrong. Yeah, that's so interesting. But anyway, back to the dear love thing, he recommended that Steele work discreetly with top officials in the British government to pass this information along to the FBI. So he sought advice from several people, including Wood, a British former ambassador to Moscow. And when Steele met with the four FBI officials in Rome, it became clear to him at least that the FBI already developed intel that corroborated what steel was telling them, particularly and specifically the popodopolis had told an Australian guy in a London bar that the trunk
Starting point is 00:59:12 campaign was getting hacked Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton. And steel had also found that out, but not through popodopolis. So in fact, popodopolis never even surfaced in steel's research. He's not in the dossier at all. It's a happy coincidence. It's called Motherfucking Corroboration. From that point, the FBI felt Steel's research was credible, and they wanted to keep working with him. They used it in part to obtain a FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Steel also shared another report from Cody Sheer that he got from the State Department official, which they had received from Sydney Blumenthal. That's a Clinton friend and confinate. And in addition to Trump having financial ties to influential Russians, the Sheerer memo also appeared to corroborate the p-tapes. So that was in there.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Now the public at this point, the public at this point had no idea Trump was being investigated, right, right before the election. We didn't know, but steel knew that he was under investigation, which is why he was shocked and pretty disillusioned when Komi announced reopening the investigation into Clinton days before the election. He had assumed that the FBI and was told that the FBI hadn't said anything about the Trump investigation because they have very strict rules on influencing elections. So when he came out and reopened the Hillary Clinton email investigation, which was drafted by Struck, the guy who everyone thinks was a Clinton buddy buddy.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Yeah. He's steel was like, what the fuck? He's like, damn it. Now I can't trust the FBI. Are they under Trump influence? So he stopped communicating with the FBI. Oh. After Trump won, though, Steele reached out to Wood, his friend, who then reached out to
Starting point is 01:01:00 David Kramer. He's a former State Department guy who's really close with John McCain. And Kramer set up a meeting between Wood and McCain in Canada, Halifax, and said when he told him, when Wood told him about, would share the dossier with him, McCain was quote, visibly shocked by the intel. And he said, McCain said, thank you for seeing me. You've done the right thing, and I'm grateful. My first thought has to be for my country. Nice. Then in a private meeting in December, McCain gave Komi the dossier.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Steele's been out of the public eye ever since then, but sources say he has spent two days behind closed doors talking to Mueller. So that's where we are with Christopher Steele. I just felt like this Washington post reporting was really good. It kind of gave you this great insight to who Stiel is and he was very trusted by the FBI. He's worked with the FBI and several things including the FIFA scandal and everything before and well before this and he was very trusted, still a very trusted operative.
Starting point is 01:02:00 British American hero. Is he going on our sex-ejustice calendar? Yeah, I got to picture him for sex-ejustice. September, is he going on our sexy justice calendar? Yeah, I got I got a picture of him for sexy Just September, what are we thinking? I'll have to figure it out. They'll be strategically plays. Nice. Yeah, definitely. I Want to get into this week's questions. We had a lot of questions this week. This is a really cool product as I asked for them Dane Goating at citizen underscore Dane on Twitter, has said, do we have any idea if the sheer memo alleges the same kind of things or just the same like same specifics or the same
Starting point is 01:02:34 general pattern as the steel dossier? And I think I answered that a little bit earlier when I talked about how I had the two specific things in it, which was the P tape and then some of the financial ties to influential Russians. So it's, I think the details are there. It's kind of, I would say, the Solacious P-tap video is definitely specific. And then I think that the money ties are more general. So I guess the answer is both. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Greg Legotti at G Legotti asks, can Mueller share info with New York attorney general and have New York indictments happen for Kushner before the feds or can New York indictments happen for Kushner before the feds? Good question. It is. And, and yes, I think I think we talked about this in episode six. Now, way back. The Schneiderman episode? Way back when, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:28 The Schneiderman episode. We have names for them. I'm so excited. But yes, as a matter of fact, they're doing a lot of investigating in parallel. And I think that they're utilizing the same intel and information and evidence. They cannot be investigated at the same time, but they, like, you can't have two indictments or something. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Okay. So I believe that's the case. And so I think what Schneiderman's doing, and he's just racking up all this evidence, getting it from Mueller, and then waiting to see where the federal investigation goes, and if the federal investigation is shut down or for some reason installed or I guess it would have to be shut down then Schneiderman could yeah but that's specifically what he's doing is that if the feds in Dite Trump or Don Jr. Kushner and Trump pardoned himself and other people then New York attorney general Schneiderman would would pick up these cases and prosecute them in the state court. Do you know that if Schneidermann would pick up these cases and
Starting point is 01:04:25 prosecute them in the state court. Do you know that if Schneidermann would have to go through a redundant process to get all of that information or could he just as evidence obtained by Mueller more or less public record? It's not public record or would it be later? It's probably I think it's been given to him by Mueller specifically because he it's in his jurisdiction right the New York's money stuff Oh, yeah, he's like oh this is this is your here. Here's evidence. Okay, yeah, but you can't you have to wait till I'm done Yeah, and and and this is again all conjecture I don't know what they've said to each other or how they're able to legally share evidence
Starting point is 01:05:06 with each other. Or if I don't know if Schneidermann's found evidence of money laundering through New York, Trump properties that he's given to Mueller. Mueller can obviously ask for any of that. So I assume it's a two way street. But the whole point of the Schneidermann back backup plan is for it went in if Trump pardons people from federal crimes and they can be prosecuted, prosecuted the state level, he cannot pardon the state crime. Very nice.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Jerry at JC Duelos 1 asked if Mueller is fired or slowed down, do you think he has a backup plan? Oh yeah, there it is, it's written there. And the answer as yes. Knowing Mueller, he's got 19 steps ahead of this whole thing. He probably knows what happens if Jupiter crashes into the sun. He and Elon Musk had a talk about it. He had some free time, just wanted to get some more. So it's like there's the first backup plan, I guess, or specifically the pardon plan. But, well, if Mueller's fired, or specifically the pardon plan. But well, if, uh, if
Starting point is 01:06:05 Mueller's fired, well, let's see, do you see how sick? Yeah, Mueller's fired. He'll just be replaced by another special counsel. Oh, if Rosenstein's not fired, Rosenstein will appoint that person. Okay. So that the investigation, investigation will continue. Um, it might put a wrench in it for a minute, because I have a feeling Mueller's going to full steam ahead right now. Yeah. And I think he also has what he's done,
Starting point is 01:06:30 and this is just my opinion, is that he's probably gathered all the evidence that he needs, except for interviews, so that he doesn't have to go through a new, if Rosenstein's fired, he won't have to go through a new person to get permission to investigate new things. He's got all the evidence already. He would just have to go through them to get evidence to charge and light people.
Starting point is 01:06:51 So I don't know about that either, but I'm sure he does. I sleep well at night knowing that he is many, many steps ahead of me. So Ryan B. At King's fan, 29, 9. many many steps ahead of me. So Ryan B at Kings fan 29. Is that 29. Because that's when you think though when I stand the cup again. I love the Kings. I wondered if Trump he says I he wondered if Trump talked to Rachel brand and maybe push her out when he found out she wouldn't fire a block the Mueller investigation. That's what I think. I think he talked to her found out what her position was realized that she wouldn't be partied of that kind of obstruction
Starting point is 01:07:27 of justice. And then I think he went to his buddies at Walmart and the Walmart justice. And I think he went to his buddies at Walmart and said, give her a job, give her an offers, can't refuse. I wonder, I don't know either. I'm making that I guess. I would take the Walmart job. Well, it's hard to imagine but depends on how much money It is I guess I much it would be a lot of money that I can help other people with like to counter the Walmart the squid then maybe Christine insider at Saguiera
Starting point is 01:07:56 SIG UIRYA Saguiria wants to know how likely it is that Pence will also be taken out by the investigation. And I think it's very likely because Pence said he didn't know about any of this and nobody told him, but he was the head of the transition team. And when Mueller got a hold of the GSA emails, the transition emails, he got all the evidence he needs against Pence. We have an episode too that we, I covered that on a segment. I think it's like the third episode or something. Yeah, in the beginning. If she wants to. It would really, really be who you to go back and listen to these old episodes. If you haven't, I think I think our new phrase is get caught up before ship goes down. Yeah. That's what I'm calling it. Dane Goating also asked, is it the same guy from earlier? If Faisa is rare and hard to get,
Starting point is 01:08:42 or if it's super easy rubber stamp, and Jordan has the answer to this question. Go ahead Jordan. Yeah, so I did some research on this. I'll try to keep this as short as possible because it's kind of a long answer. I mean the short answer is yes, it's very difficult, really, really hard to get it. There's a huge, there's so many steps of bureaucratic processes that they have to go through. So the former prosecutor, a former former federal prosecutor in Chicago, his name is Ronaldo Mariah, I believe, says it is in response to the same question you asked. He says it's extremely difficult. And in fact, the goal inside the FBI is to hold yourself to such a high standard that
Starting point is 01:09:17 you would never get rejected by the court when you actually bring the request to them. So there's a few steps. There's a lot of basically the breakdown of it. The Bureau initially does a quote unquote threat assessment to determine whether a suspect might be working with foreign intelligence. If so, an investigation is opened and agents gather initial material for a warrant such as info gathered from other methods like human sources, physical surveillance, bank transactions, or even documents found in the target's trash. And so just speaking to a foreign, this is important.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Just speaking to a foreign government isn't enough. The FBI needs to demonstrate that the suspect knew he or she was helping that foreign government. That's a high threshold of proof. That's really, really, really. You have to prove intent. Intense always hard to prove. Absolutely. That's like the obstruction of justice really, totally. You have to prove intent. Intense always hard to prove. Absolutely. That's like the obstruction of justice charge. It's really hard to prove that. Once
Starting point is 01:10:09 evidence is gathered, a war in application is written by lawyers in an FBI field office before going to FBI headquarters in Washington for more approvals, then lawyers from inside the FBI's National Security Division undertake something called the Woods Procedures quote-unquote. These are just the goal, these are just procedures that their goal is to essentially ensure accuracy with regard to the fact supporting probable cause, the existence and nature of any related criminal investigations, or prosecutions involving the subject of the Pfizer warrant, and the existence and nature of any prior or ongoing asset relationship between the subject and FBI. And finally, only after all this, does a senior senate confirmed Department of Justice official sign off, and the warrant request
Starting point is 01:10:52 package is finally sent to the foreign intelligence surveillance court, which is oversawed by 11 different judges on a rotating basis. So when they go back and get the renewals for these vice awards, it's like not likely to be the same judge. And there you have it. Wow, they enjoyed it. Yeah, that's good. That's interesting to read. They don't call it bureaucracy for nothing. Yeah, I can include the link to that article too in the newsletter. Yeah, that's a pleasure.
Starting point is 01:11:17 That would be great. All right, you guys just have for this week's sabotage. week sabotage. Alright Kyle Crane this week asked us about the DOJ succession executive order and how the brand resignation will affect the investigation. The EO which was signed EO, Captain EO executive order, which was signed in March of 2017, March of 2017. That's three months into the presidency. It sets up the DOJ order of succession as AG, Deputy AG,
Starting point is 01:11:51 Associate AG, and then US Attorney of the Eastern District of Virginia, and then the US Attorney of the North Carolina, of the North Carolina, and the Texas. Those are the three. So, you know, and I need to Those are the three. So, you know, and I need to look up still if the North Carolina and Texas guys are there. They've been fired. I mean, most of them were fired.
Starting point is 01:12:15 49 of them were fired. So I wouldn't be surprised. And this is a big question because I'm wondering if this systematic removal of all these officials slowly leading to the firing of Rod Rosenstein this time will change the speed at which more operates. That's what I'm wondering. I know last week I gave you this whole long speech like be patient, chill out. But now I'm wondering if because of Rachel Brandt just resigned that this isn't the sabotage. Is this going to change the speed at which he operates?
Starting point is 01:12:45 Is he gonna maybe unseal some indictments now or get some of these charges out before he has to maybe get permission from someone other than Rod Rosenstein? And what's his backup plan? You know, is we have the AG, uh, uh, Attorney General New York. Does he have all the evidence he needs? Like, I think he does, but what if he wants to charge people like I said in the new the new day a day a day person overseeing the Mueller investigation if he fires Rosenstein doesn't allow him to put these indict people and I already mentioned the person taking Rachel Brands place if Trump doesn't appoint a temp acting A. A. G. would be his name's Noel Francisco. He's a solicitor general. A solicitor general is also who fired the special prosecutor during Nixon's Watergate
Starting point is 01:13:33 issue. So might come down to the old solicitor general. You know, irrelevant title. I would never want that job. Now it's time to talk a little bit about how that may or may not impact the indictment fantasy league. For me, you guys just change nothing. I think it might, it could speed things up a little bit. I feel that Mueller wouldn't charge anyone sooner than his investigation would allow. I don't think he would go off-half-cocked or anything. But I think he's got enough evidence to indict a lot of people in House Trump.
Starting point is 01:14:21 He's just waiting to do so until he talks to Trump, so he doesn't tip his hand. But we might not have time to do that now, which maybe what Trump is counting on, maybe forcing Mueller to tip his hand and give him clues as to whatever it is to destroy or how to build his defense. His lawyers could be telling him, yeah. They could. That could be the way that it goes.
Starting point is 01:14:38 I don't know. We should have clock rings out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Waiting people out, I guess, is a very common tactic., you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:54 like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you a review wanted to read it today. Fox star review, she says, the amount of information can be overwhelming, but the creators of Mueller, she wrote, present all the weeks, twists and turns in a concise way. That's easy to follow. Their humor makes it fun while their analysis is on point. I'm a Patreon subscriber and we'll continue to support Mueller, she wrote until Mueller takes takes DoTard jump and his cultist down. Okay. Speaking of cults, you guys next week,
Starting point is 01:15:29 we have Paige Wesley from the cult podcast that's gonna join us and Armando, so that's gonna be awesome. Awesome. Yeah, I know, I'm excited. I love cult podcasts and set there are podcasts as well. So check them out, leave them a comment, rate them, love them. Well, you guys, this has been really great. I'm A.G. I'm Jordan Coburn. I'm
Starting point is 01:15:47 Jelisa Johnson. Thanks for listening to Mollershi Road. Mollershi Road is produced and engineered by A.G. with editing and mixing by Jelisa Johnson. Additional sound clips from Nick McClarin, our digital media director and subscriber manager is Jordan Coburn. Fact checking and research by AG with support from Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Our web design and creative is by Jo L Reader with Homoxy Design Studios, and our website is mullersheerote.com. Hi, I'm Dan Dunn, host of What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn, the most wildly entertaining adult beverage-themed podcast in the history of the medium. That's right, the boozy best of the best, baby!
Starting point is 01:16:36 And we have the cool celebrity promos to prove it. Check this out! Hi, I'm Allison Janney, and you're here with me on What We're Drinking With Dan Dunn. And that's my sexy voice. Boom. Boom is right Academy Award winner Allison Janney. As you can see celebrity's just love this show. How cool is that? Hey, this is Scottie Pippin and you're listening to the Dan Dunn show and wait, hold on.
Starting point is 01:17:02 The name of the show is what? Alright, sure. Scottie Pippin momentarily forgot the show's name, but there's a first time for everything. Hey everyone, this is Scoot McNary. I'm here with Dan Dunn on What Are You Drinking? What's calling it? Fine, twice. But famous people really do love this show. Hi, this is Will Forte and you're, for some reason, listening to What We're Drinking with Dan Dunn. Now, what do you mean for some reason, Will Forte? What's going on?
Starting point is 01:17:29 Hi, this is Kurt Russell. Listen, I escaped from New York, but I couldn't get the hell out of Dan Dunn's happy hour. Please send help. Send help! Oh, come on, Kurt Russell. Can somebody out there please help me? I'm Dita Von Tees, and you're listening to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn. Let me try one more time.
Starting point is 01:17:49 Come on. Is it right? It's amazing. Is it right? Ah, that's better. So be like Dita Von Tees friends and listen to what we're drinking with Dan Dunn, available wherever you get your podcasts. M-S-W-Media.

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