Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 1203 Eric Weinstein

Episode Date: November 29, 2018

Eric Weinstein is a brilliant man and good friend of Joe Rogan's. This is a great conversation and a very complicated discussion into math, physics and the state of reality as we know it.   Enjoy m...y review folks!   Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to another episode of the JRE review where each week I review the Joe Rogan podcast the Joe Rogan experience podcast I am like the news is to current events and current events being Joe show. I know affiliation, but I report on what I hear things that I find interesting other questions that I had, things that were confusing and often I have guests on and they will be fans of Rogan and their talk about things that they love about whichever episode we're discussing as well. And just generally, you know, how this podcast, you know, may have helped improve their lives in some way. I really do feel like this Joe Rogan's podcast is more than just you know kind of like a late night talk show type setup. It's uh it's an important educational tool
Starting point is 00:00:54 that's really very entertaining um and so there we go and talking about things that confuse the hell out of me one of Joe's very close friends Eric Weinstein in podcast 1203 came on they got into discussing some things and very quickly It became one of the more complicated podcasts to follow ever but still Fascinating and it's just a great reminder that anytime you think that you know anything there are way smarter
Starting point is 00:01:30 people out there. Another shout out too thank you all for subscribing and being a part of this I really appreciate it. I do a lot of these podcasts because Joe's always pumping out material so I've always got something to review. I do a lot of these podcasts because Joe's always pumping out material, so I've always got something to review. I love doing it. Thank you for listening. I really appreciate it. I'm going to have some new mics soon and some intro music and things are going to change and hopefully sound a little better and a little more professional. But thanks for sticking in with me in these early days. Much appreciated. So back to Eric Weinstein's conversation with Joe Rogan. Eric starts off, he's a biologist. He used to work at a university. And now it just really goes on.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Speaking tools and I believe has a podcast and some other things. Fascinating guy, definitely worth checking him out. He says the biology doesn't care about your feelings, which is a cool thing because basically what it's saying is there's the truth, the facts of what life is doing, and then there's what we think is happening. And, you know, biology just tries to show the truth. And Eric quickly jumps on to Dan Bilzerian's Instagram, talking and really giving the example of what a life of absolute excess can do and if you follow Dan Bilzerian on Instagram which he should because he's hilarious dude
Starting point is 00:03:12 that I mean not in a comical way more so in the bowling out of control type way but yeah I mean he's he's like honest vice-t vice talent is how they put it and Basically what that's me what that means is even if he has his vices, he's truthful about it. He would truthfully say You know, I do this. I love hot chicks. I love gambling. I love shooting guns and bowling at a control this. I love hot chicks, I love gambling, I love shooting guns and bowling out of control. Smoking weed and doing it, but at least he doesn't hide that from himself and anyone else and then it's something important about that. Then he moves on to the idea of, you know, when men give each other shit, they kind of pick on each other, they bully each other, when they're giving each other a hard time,
Starting point is 00:04:07 it creates close and strong bonds. So creating a world where everyone's super nice to each other all the time, it's almost like these things get misconstrued. At least at my work, we got guys there that were always bustin' each other's balls, but we care about each other a lot, and it actually brings us closer.
Starting point is 00:04:24 It's the ones that can't laugh and give it back. That that a heart really is harder to like make close friendships with in a lot of ways. You know people get defensive, I guess it's that you need to know that you can count on somebody. So if you can give them a hard time and they can take it like a man without getting too upset, then you know that they're strong, they're strong enough, they can, they can, they can, they have your back, right? I mean, this is the problem. People are stepping away from these conflict conversations and they get too soft and a lot of ways too sensitive. So this is seeing a lot of this in the universities. Now young kids coming off this
Starting point is 00:05:12 expression snowflakes being used. It's just kind of it's kind of like those sorts of things. We've got to toughen up out there, I think. You have to do that. Then they start talking about UFC. Joe, of course, knows everything that can be known about it. And they've been talking about wearing a tie. Erick's talking about wearing a tie. Harry doesn't really like to do it.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And Joe doesn't wear ties or suits and then he immediately brought up. Well, yeah, because a tie is something that's super easy to kill someone with. If you grab a hold of it, you just choke them out. And he was saying the same thing about leather jacket as well. Like, a leather jacket is a great thing to get a hold of for a judo guy. Just throw it over your head and you can hit him with the world. And Eric finds this way of seeing
Starting point is 00:06:06 things quite funny because obviously he's not in this like threat management stage, state all the time, you know, he's more of an academic, whereas Joe was trained to be a fighter, he thinks about this, he thinks about attacking and all the rest of it. Then the podcast packing and all the rest of it. Then the podcast took a different spin, and they started talking about things like gauge symmetry. And there's an image online called Planet Holt, H-O-P-F, that's like a three spherical image. And it was invented by the world's most successful headphone
Starting point is 00:06:43 manager and the world's best particle physicist like both came up with this like kind of the design image thing and it shows all like the countries in the world in a map but then it also makes spheres out of all of them and gauge uses like a custom level so they give the example of when you're measuring the height of Everest You do it from sea level, but sea level can change and there's no sea around Everest as well. So we just picked this point and You know, it's it's kind of like a measuring rise overrun Issue now. I'm explaining this like I have any fucking clue what they were talking about no idea
Starting point is 00:07:25 I listen to this podcast twice and it's a long one. It was so hard to understand I mean, it's kind of interesting in the sense of I mean talking about the podcast was fascinating But it's but it's like you can gauge something From what they're talking about like Eric starts to then talk about the universe is expanding from what they're talking about, like Eric starts to then talk about the universe is expanding. So, the infinite universe is getting more infinite, uh, is what Joseph, which is hilarious, because that's no way of speaking. But then they're just explaining that the spaces between these segments of the universe get larger. And I'm like, what the hell does any of that mean?
Starting point is 00:08:03 Joseph's the same way. Joseph didn't really have a clue, uh, what the hell does any of that mean? Joe is the same way. Joe didn't really have a clue what was going on. They jump into quantum mechanics and they talk about how quantum mechanics is just oftentimes a lot of bad questions. That's why there's always those probability issues. So my basic understanding of quantum mechanics is like things can appear in one place but also in another and Eric says that has more to do with asking bad questions right so they just kind of not understanding how to answer these questions but yeah at the end of the day he was just way too way too smart for me
Starting point is 00:08:39 in so many levels. He made a cool example though, he kind of like described the magic mushrooms or hallucinogenics as a way to get into like the square roots of reality. Like you can see more into the universe or into the reality that we live in through doing math and working into these other dimensions and kind of um string theory and all the rest of it and that was pretty cool. That was pretty fascinating. It's like a cool way of describing it. Yeah, who knows if I understand it any better but like the poetry of that is kind of nice. Then the podcast comes down a little bit. Joe talks about how his chicken coop burnt down and his chickens now have PTSD. Joe was also missing rabbit, probably got killed. And then they jump on to... This was all because he
Starting point is 00:09:32 was evacuated from his house because of the LA fires. There was some big fires in the hills here. Because I live close and yeah, these fires terrible and yeah I guess he had some burning it's house that's fine though and and he should be able to get back home fairly soon. Then they started to jump into different types of life creatures in the ocean, massive symbionic life down there. There's this huge worm thing they were looking at, it's made up of hundreds of thousands of different creatures and it basically is like alien life they talk a bit about deers with fangs they're called vampire deer definitely Google that if you've never seen them really cool it's just one of those things that
Starting point is 00:10:19 it's just kind of looks ridiculous almost photoshop when you see it, but that's kind of it. Then they jump into Jordan Peterson and kind of where he's going and his battles with people. They don't pick Joe for these arguments. They're Jordan Peterson gets into. Jordan Peterson obviously, the psychologist, it's very good friends with both these guys. They don't pick Joe because he doesn't have the titles behind his name and the qualifications, but Jordan does, and he's working constantly to perfect his art to attack these people that want to stifle and free speech, and he wants to talk about how ridiculous it is. So they throw out these valiant warriors to die at his sword,
Starting point is 00:11:06 is a way to Joe puts it, which I thought is beautiful. And then they get on to just be a whole idea of these podcasts and what they do, and what they mean, and what kind of guests he can have. And they talk about Stephen Colbert, and Joe said he could do it, but he probably won't, because, with the whole, he's big supporter, Stephen Colbert is a big supporter of the Catholic Church and if he's on Rogan talking to Rogan for hours they're going to
Starting point is 00:11:30 bring it up you know it's going to it's going to be difficult it's almost like it's a velvet coffin the night shows that they have because they make so much money but you're there to die you can't go anywhere else. You did talk about how Bill Meyer was on, was much better on Sam Harris than on his own show. I listened to that podcast, it was fascinating. Sam Harris really brought out the best in Bill Meyer. And Meyer is such a great guy to listen to,
Starting point is 00:12:00 but he has a lot more freedom because he's on HBO. I think it would be really cool to have some of these late night guests on Rogan to give them three hours to really just show themselves. And also to kind of set the standard that it's okay to have opinions that are yours that don't necessarily reflect the network and you don't get hell accountable for it. But, anyway, check out the conversation with Eric, Weinstein and Joe Rogan, see if you can make any more sense of it than I could when it came to the physics and the math, but it's fascinating stuff and a really cool guest to have on. Thank you guys for listening, and there'll be more soon. Peace!
Starting point is 00:12:36 more soon peace

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