Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 1282 with Tom Papa

Episode Date: April 24, 2019

Tom Papa is the best and in his conversation with Joe you get to see just that. He didn't bring Joe any bread this time but maybe his looking out for Joe's Keto lifestyle.   Enjoy my review folks! ...   Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Verano, verano, reciclar es tan humano Esa lata de aceitunas que te tomas a la una La crema que se termina cuando estás en la piscina El enbase de ese polo que no se reficla Solo hay una lata de caballa que te coves en la playa La voy a usar en las patatas y del refresco la lata Un enbase de paella y del agua La botella, como ves es muy sencillo
Starting point is 00:00:24 Los enbases del verano Siempre van a la amarillo Hello folks, good morning, all good afternoon, whatever time you're listening to this. That's the morning here in sunny LA and we're doing another episode of the JRE review. Today I'm reviewing a great one, one of my favorite guests, Tom Papa's Conversation with Joe Rogan, podcast 12-81. Always a great guy. Didn't bring any bread this time, I don't think for Joe, a bit of a shame. I'm sure, but that's how it goes, maybe he's too busy to be cooking up bread all the time. I think Tom Papa should have a bread shop. I would buy some Tom Papa bread, for sure. Excellent guy. But anyway, let's start the review.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Room View! Where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan Experience Room View! Where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. What more do you want? I just want to say thanks, big thanks to everybody that listens and downloads. And yeah, and always, thanks for your patience. I'm trying to make this better with each one that I do. Hopefully, they continue to be worth listening to who fucking knows. Yeah, and always, thanks for your patience. I'm trying to make this better with each one that I do. Hopefully, they continue to be worth listening to who fucking knows.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I do my best. I do my best. So, the conversation with Joe starts out is relaxed and is chilled and as fun as always. Any time one of Joe's old comedy buddies are on, it's always worth listening and they get into it with some funny stuff. They open up talking about grandparents having plastic on furniture. And you know, back in the day, this was like in the, I guess like the 60s, maybe 50s and 60s, this was real popular.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I remember my grandparents did the same thing in England. So it's, it transcended. It wasn't just a US thing. It must have been something that was told to everybody like look after your furniture, put plastic on it. And it's such nonsense. Really. I mean, how anyone didn't realize this. I guess it's easy. Look back right and go, oh, that was so stupid. But I had rooms that I couldn't even go into at my grandparents house. Probably was a good idea because I would have wrecked anything given the chance when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:02:48 But I do remember sitting on those couches. And it was just like, this is not comfortable at all. Why in God's name did they even bother doing this? I guess it's for protection, right? They want to take care of the things that they own because they were expensive. I was trying to think of things in today's world that we have now that it's kind of the same, right? And we haven't really noticed it. And one thing that I saw the other day is somebody had, what are those things called on the front of a car
Starting point is 00:03:16 to protect it from like stones and shit? Is it called like a bra? I think it is like a car bra. I don't know if that's the official name, but I saw one on a Porsche. And I'm like, hold on, you're getting a Porsche for prestige, right? I mean, you know, I mean, you could buy a cheaper car. You're definitely trying to say something when you get one of those, they are sweet to drive, but now you're wrapping it up. And that's kind of silly, right? It's, those things are just stupid to me. I don't know, they look silly. I'm just like, look, you got the car. It's slowly going to break. It's tough. Why cover it up? What are just stupid to me. I don't know, they look silly. I'm just like, look, you got the car, it's slowly gonna break, it's tough, why cover it up?
Starting point is 00:03:48 What are you gonna do? I don't know. That was one example, trying to think of others. I'm not sure. They get into a debate about nationalism too. I guess there was a police car somewhere in, like Laguna Beach or maybe Orange County that had an American flag drawn on the side of it.
Starting point is 00:04:07 And there was some controversy about that. Like, the people complained that the flag being seeing it is a little aggressive. Right? And what is that saying? Is that saying the flags are aggressive? The American flag is, or like, what it's seen to stand for now? It just seemed like such a nonsense debate and it just comes back to so many of these like nonsense conversations That people have it. I you can look it up. It's just like just look up LA police car
Starting point is 00:04:37 Flag in the picture a pop-up and I saw it and it looks pretty fine. I mean, you know Maybe someone just didn't like cops. I don't know. Or maybe someone scared about something like that. But it was silly. I'm just like, come on now people. People again, a bit worked up there. And, you know, it works into the next part of their conversation. They start talking about, um, war. And is it ever going to stop? Is there ever going to be a time of no conflict? Well, no, right. But maybe we can have some peaceful conflict. Joe, of course, brings up like the killer robot, you know, Boston dynamic stuff that he loves to always talk about
Starting point is 00:05:18 and how they're probably going to take over all the warring. So that, in a sense, will be a better time, right? Just a bunch of robots fighting each other. That's better than them killing us, but there's probably gonna be a bit of an overlap where robots will be jacking us for some time, hopefully not in the terminate away. That seems like a lot of work. But at the end of the day, the robot technology
Starting point is 00:05:41 is quickly gonna turn into sex bots and that's gonna be a huge business. Right, I'm not like the investing type of person, but if I was, if I was like a stock market guy, I would say robot sex toll companies, they're going to make it killing. Get into that by their stocks, or just by robot sex tolls if you want to. Right? It's got to be huge. As soon as they make them really good, I mean, for a lot of people out there, I mean, I got plenty of friends that just, they've almost given up on dating in so many ways. Well, I'm not plenty, a couple, and it's very stressful for them, and I'm just like, give them a robot. They're going to do fine with a robot.
Starting point is 00:06:23 And then on top of that, you know, one of the really cool things that they started to discuss is how we need to all start communicating. And of course, Elon was on the show not that long ago talking about this like mind-melding device that he's created. Who knows what that's all about, but maybe it is some sort of like mind-reading device that gets all the bullshit out of the way, but also gives you all the knowledge. Imagine having all the knowledge instantly at your fingertips. Oh, I guess you do, right? That was a stupid thing to say. Fingertips, we got it, we got the phone, we got Google, but imagine if it's straight into your brain, like you think
Starting point is 00:06:57 of something, there's the answer. You're like, oh shit, there it is. And then you can communicate in that same way. I mean, instantly people are smart overnight. Schools, universities, everything collapsed. They're gone. You don't need to go. You don't need to spend all that money. What's the point? You want to know something?
Starting point is 00:07:14 Just think it and it just pops out. I mean, yeah. That's going to be intense. That's going to be a real intense thought process. Tom Papa was not down for that. He's not like a tech guy. He's more of a baking bread guy. He wants to go easy and I don't blame him. I like that idea of chilling out.
Starting point is 00:07:32 He talked a little bit about how he chills out and then Joe in the same aspect. Joe's obviously more extreme because of his work ethic. So he has to do some extreme chillout stuff like the float tanks and that he has to shut it all out because he's redlining, you know. So I think it's a smart move that he's figured out what works. They talk a little bit about spars, go into a spa. I'm all for that. I think that's great. If people have a lot of stress and anxiety, go
Starting point is 00:08:07 find a local spa. I'm not talking about the Orange County, Women of Orange County. What is that show? The wives, the housewives of Orange County stuff. I'm talking about just find a spa. There's ones that, you know, here near us, we have Koreatown and they have a big population of just like the like spars for men and women and they usually separate either right. There's a lot of like people just walking around new. Don't be afraid of Dix while you're there. Alright, they're gonna be flopping around.
Starting point is 00:08:36 It's just the shower room. Just focus on your sauna and your hot tub and your other things but they're a very chilled environment. I think so because everyone seems super chilled there. People are pretty relaxed you know because everyone's trying to chill out. There's no tension, there's little judgment. People are just in their own world. There's a lot of silence. You can just get on with it and I always feel good when I get out of those things. Could do it more of course. Some sad parts in this podcast and it's one thing that's come up quite a bit when Joe talks about his
Starting point is 00:09:11 Animals How much he loves them is a real sensitive side for that he talked about being a kid and having one of his Dogs get hit by cars very sad and he gets choked up about it when he talks about these things And he has before when Kevin Smith was on they had a real Kind of special moment where they were both kind of really choked up about animals They've had to put down and how sad it is and and just you know, it's the moments of life like they come up and Joe, I guess it's all got hit by a coyote, carried inside, and it was struggling, and then I think it ended up dying, or they put it down.
Starting point is 00:09:49 But a sad moment for people out there that have had dogs, they just don't live that long, so you're always going to have that moment and that experience. And maybe in a way, when you have kids having an animal and going through its life so the kids can see from start to finish and death they get a different perspective for what it is. I mean, I'm not saying it's a fun experience but it's what's out there, you know. And talking about things changing they end with some climate changing stuff. So here in California we're experiencing a lot more mosquitoes. It's pretty rare in Southern California, getting more mosquitoes.
Starting point is 00:10:29 You know, what's next? You know, as the weather changes, this thing's changed. You're just getting these different things happening. And who knows, maybe a plague will come next, but it's, I'm just kidding. It's evacious in what is it invasive species stuff you know times of change Joe even posted a picture recently where all these like yellow flowers were up on the hillside and he's never seen them before and they're coming in you know temperatures change winds change stuff gets dragged in stuff takes over it's like uh I guess we don't need to be afraid
Starting point is 00:11:03 of it all but but pay some attention to it. And that's where Tom Pupp is mind was at. He's getting into it all. I love the way that guys thinks. You know, he doesn't seem to get wrapped up in a lot of the bullshit and he just stays calm. And as always, he's a funny motherfucker. So check him out online if you're not super familiar with this comedy. some of it He's really very funny dude and it was a great conversation so guys. Thanks as always tune in Appreciate it peace you

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