Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 202 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Emily Harrington et al.

Episode Date: December 2, 2020

Fill out this survey if you're a fan of the show! This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Guest list: John Mackey and Emily Harrington Stay safe..... Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Welcome back guys and ladies and whoever's listening, show up people, tell people all the people. Today we got John McKay and Emily Harrington podcast review as always. Reach out to us on Instagram at Joe Rogan Experience Review. That's the Instagram, the same logo and email us to Joe Rogan Experience Review at It's always great to hear from you guys. I always like to hear from where the people listening from.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Anywhere in the world, like it's cool to get feedback. We have downloads in like every country. So anyway, let's start the review. Podcast. You're listening to the JoeRogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn. My interview to the worst podcast. One, go. Enjoy the show. Alright guys,
Starting point is 00:01:13 welcome to another J.R.E. review. This week we got John McKay, the CEO of Whole Foods, and then what was that chick's name? She was all some Emily Harrington went up El Capitown in 20 24 hours I think. Kicks a mess. This week we again were joined by Garrett how you doing bud? What's up man? What's up fam? Garrett if you could do me a favor and speak a little closer to the mic. You got a bus week. Okay. Because every time I'm editing, like, your sound is quiet. Copy that. We'll see if that works. Copy that. So, how's things in LA with all the recent chaos? Now it's what? December 1st. Give me a update. Since our last talk, things have obviously changed. We knew that going into,
Starting point is 00:02:06 I think we had spoken on Tuesday and that next day, that Wednesday was when everything was shut down. That was to be expected and there was a three week shut down that's been put into place now. I got to tell you that it seems like I'm almost an autopilot now that this is the second round of this. And to know that there's people that are in Florida and there's people in Arizona and another that there's people all throughout the South that are not dealing with the same thing I am. And we're all in the same United States. I'm starting to have certain views.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I mean, I know you got out of here because of certain reasons and it wasn't that I didn't appreciate them and it's not that I don't I mean I'm very thankful it's 70 and sunny here and I know that that that's not the way it is and the vast majority of the United States this time of year but that seems to be the one redeeming quality about California right now because I was gonna wait to bring this up but now that we're already here yesterday, what happened to have a situation where me and two of my buddies went to go look to play basketball outside. And I had already known that the courts down in Venice were blocked off, but we tried
Starting point is 00:03:16 to go to a couple different parks. Both parks had two by fours over the nets, and then the other two parks had two like security guard at each facility, which were just public parks. And I mind you right next door to the basketball court is 15 kids and adults all just can group like combined watching a little practice over there. But right next to it is a basketball court where there's three of us that want to shoot hoops outside. And I have a security guard, a 19, 20 year old kid roll up on us and we're like, we already knew that he was going to say you guys can't play. But, uh, I, right away, I just said, what's your next course of action? Because if I want to play, I'm going to play. So do you have to call the cops if that's the case?
Starting point is 00:04:03 And right when he, right when I said that, I mean, he's a young kid and I'm a little bit older guy and I can obviously imagine it wouldn't be something that I would wanna hear. And he was like, well, I don't really know how to respond to that question, but I would defuse the situation. And I'm not trying to sound like a bully right now in my own right, but in hindsight,
Starting point is 00:04:22 like I even made this phone call last night. I'm thinking to myself Why the fuck don't I just say go ahead and call the cops? I would love to see the cops show up here right now and see what their next course of action is Especially if I have somebody with a phone filming the whole fucking thing I mean I and this was just over basketball. I mean I just fires me up that it's like this is no No, I get I get what it was just over basketball But this seems to be a much bigger issue now it just feels like we're just trying to tell people what the fuck
Starting point is 00:04:51 They can and can't do and how that and how that's even fucking rational to me is mind blowing Like why can you go to Target? Well, it's but you can't go to a park Who's making these fucking it's interesting to see like even your transition with it, you know, like I had Just a wall with it yesterday like what it just felt like all right, all right And even I call my brother and I even just spend the past 24 hours 48 hours that I've become fucking like You shared that little thing about Newsom and the other guy on that and I had watched out this morning And it just got me fucking fired up. It's like I'm not. And to be honest with you, I'm fairly well taken care of. Well, let's explain what that is. So there was a video released. I think it was
Starting point is 00:05:32 it's on Rogan's Instagram, right? Right. And basically it's like the mat of LA. And he just like is straight up turning off people's water. Yeah. And electricity. If there's gatherings of over like 10, you're out of your fucking mind who are you dude are you playing fucking guy well here's the thing right how do they know like they're not personally going around reporting like check in all the houses so it means that you you're basically encouraging neighbors to report on that and then just switch it off remotely and that's that's That's the least American thing I've ever heard of my life. Not to mention he's already been caught going out doing shit. You've lost all credibility period. Zero.
Starting point is 00:06:14 You have no credibility anymore. None. You're a fucking piece of trash. You are fired up. I can't tell you that. I can't tell you that. I imagine a lot of other people out there wrong. And that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Crazy. I don't know how long they're're gonna stay there. That's what I'm telling It's like I was just talking to my brother I'm like, I don't know how to do this and I keep thinking to myself Why doesn't somebody do something and I'm getting to the point where it's like I'm somebody So what the fuck am I gonna do? It's like do I mean? I don't know how to tell businesses like let's open up like I just see yeah Every business open up and see what the fuck they do. What are gonna come right everybody tickets what are we doing like what what are you gonna do right yeah right tickets to rest people for fucking doing hair what what are you gonna do no cops
Starting point is 00:06:54 gonna win is it get past the safety issue you know into like just this dude you shut dude I was that's the thing that was the biggest heartfelt thing yesterday was driving around fucking L.A. and just seeing everything boarded up wherever the fuck we went and we went to four different places and it took us an hour to drive all around just because we were like trying to go to different areas and find different spots and just seeing the whole city boarded up little mom and pop coffee shops like what are we doing targets wide open Wal-Mart's wide open Costco's wide open what the fuck are you thinking and you can protest where whenever you need? Oh, yeah, protest all good
Starting point is 00:07:29 I'll meet you at the protest to get the fuck out of here like just nice And I'm not saying I'm anti-protest right. I'm just like not at all. How does it make sense though? I'm done with people. I can't play basketball. I agree So you're you're not working now, right? They've they've closed your bar. No, yeah, they closed our bar We're supposed to be reopened in three weeks, but it's like that just seems like a band-aid and they're gonna fucking just leave that role And I was trying to figure out what the only incentive would be and someone told me the theory that We need to get so bad to where the government has to bail us out and that's where fucking Newsom's heads at And I was like that would be the only thing that would make sense that would be the only thing that would Jesus right
Starting point is 00:08:09 But that's how the hell is the how's the government gonna like how's the federal No idea then I'm gonna have money either no idea But that seems to be the only thing that would make any logical sense to me whatsoever Yeah, well bozman's not like that. You can go to restaurants, you can go to bars. They're mostly at 50% capacity. But what's interesting about it is people aren't really going out.
Starting point is 00:08:33 It's not like they're flooding the bars. People up here generally take it fairly seriously. There's a lot of talk when if I go to meet up with people or suggest hanging out because I'm new to this area. So I'll be like, hey, do you wanna go do something? You know, people like have you been safe? Like, how are you doing it? They're setting up the Jiu-Jitsu classes
Starting point is 00:08:52 to where they're like, you're in a specific time. So you're gonna only get a one class with the same people. And we all kinda talk about like, being safe, because obviously if someone gets sick, we gotta close that class, that gym, no one can train. So there is that talk, but it's way more about personal responsibility than just being told straight up, you can't do this. X, Y and Z.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I went and played basketball yesterday with my buddy here. I mean the courts open. They don't need to put a two by four on something. I didn't feel at any point like anyone's going to get COVID from playing basketball. Oh, it's your outside, man. Like, I don't know. I know there's, I know you can get to a rough one. You get backfire for no matter what you say now. And it's like, I was thinking about that too. It's like in this whole notion of trying to like, I mean, the cancel thing is just like, what are we doing?
Starting point is 00:09:49 Like, what are we fucking doing? Yeah. Well, look, we went long today on the COVID situation and the only reason we cover it is because one, I mean, Joe left LA and we got a guy here talking to us that's still there. So I think it's important information. A lot of people download that are from LA,
Starting point is 00:10:06 and I think it's good for the rest of the country to hear straight up like kind of what's happening and you know what it is like to live somewhere else. So as it gets crazier, I mean this is still gonna be, we're still gonna do a few minutes at the beginning, just while it unfolds. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Let's jump into the pods though. We got 1569 John McKay the CEO of Whole Foods Plant-based eating guy they got kind of Joe and him got into it like there was a lot of They got bro. He got pretty Pretty he put he he this I mean he I think that if I was in the plant base community I would have been like God that was terrible that was a terrible representation of what we're trying to do here yeah he didn't he I don't know I mean Joe knows a lot of his stuff and and that guy was that guy sounded like a
Starting point is 00:11:03 old doctor like his facts. Yeah, that's a good way of putting his facts were from like the 60s or 65 and they were probably revolutionary then but it's a new studies have come about bro like the books that you were reading back then and the way that they kept beating on that same like reversing reversing uh what was it heart I can't remember heart disease heart disease and Joe's like yeah those are all fine and dandy but you guys only like to focus on the plant-based part not the diet part and not the exercise part and he's like well Joe and I'm like how are you discounting that fact it's like I mean I don't know it it sounded archaic to me the way that guy was talking and I
Starting point is 00:11:46 thought that the like CEO of Whole Foods would have his I don't know thoughts together. He definitely started to back away from Joe. Oh my god. He knew where Joe would go and like Joe was not letting off. No, it wasn't like he was badgering him. He was just like look that doesn't make sense. I'm gonna call you out on it I'm not gonna accept something that I've heard otherwise and he's talked to lots of professionals and Scientists and health people and he's just like I don't think that's entirely true, right and You know, I think he was kind of saying like everyone like it's a little dangerous just to save us I don't know man. I was eating a steak
Starting point is 00:12:23 Last night and I'm just sat just the steak nothing else just a big fucking delicious fresh you know well-prepared steak and I'm like there is no way this is bad for you. Right. I feel like it has every free... I mean I don't know what do I know about this but I felt like it had every fucking nutrient you could possibly need I didn't eat it with any carbs, so that's the way to do it like you know if it's like before bed or really whenever but and It just sat well in my stomach. It just it was like everything I needed man
Starting point is 00:12:57 I'm like hold on with all this like red meat is the worst business and... He... Joe brought it up. Yeah, it's the combinations. It's the junk food. It's like fucking gross ground beef and processed crap and eat that with a milkshake. Yeah, that's all fucked up. Right. Don't eat that. Joe brought up a point that I have,
Starting point is 00:13:17 like literally, I don't wanna say never thought about, but like made me really rethink the whole vegetarian thing. It was like, especially coming from guy who does a lot of exercise so I have to like feel like fulfilled otherwise I just want to keep on eating and if I'm not eating the right foods then I can just eat and eat and eat and eat and he was like the one thing is he's like when I'm eating meat he's like there's only a certain amount of meat that I can eat and then I'm done and I can't eat anymore and I'm
Starting point is 00:13:43 like there's he's like with the pasta I can't eat anymore. And I'm like, he's like, with the pasta, I can eat bowl after bowl after bowl of pasta and still be grubbing and it's delicious. But at the same time, I was like, that's his truest statement. Like you could never just eat, like you couldn't eat like a monster porter house and then like still be hungry, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:00 Yeah, you're not gonna eat like three steaks, but that pasta thing is so true, dude. You could eat, especially if you've been working out a bunch. I don't know what it is, you can just eat that just for ever. You can eat all kinds of carbs, but if you even sat down and had like three chicken breasts or a fat steak, you can only eat so much. And then you're like, ah, not that that's a necessarily a great feeling to feel like completely full, but there's definitely no other food that you feel like
Starting point is 00:14:26 Completely full after eating than meat as far as I'm concerned. Right Yeah, what do you think that is with cobs? Just your body doesn't know what it is. I really don't know just keep stuff in this I mean, I would climb a mountain you can eat a whole friggin like I could eat a foot long sandwich like easy Peasy probably 18-inch sandwich easy peasy if I was doing what I was doing Like running miles to a mountain and then coming back down and running miles back like You can burn through that stuff easily, but when it comes to me. Yeah, but dude you this is the problem These people can like sedative people can eat it without running
Starting point is 00:14:58 And then it sticks on this stuff, right? That's probably the the truest thing for sure Well, not to dispute this guy, like, look, he's obviously like successful, you know, he knows his shit, he was talking about working 80 hour weeks, I mean, highly motivated when he took that time off, the sabbatical, he like, what was it, the appellation trail? Yeah, that was like hiked for fucking a billion miles.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I mean, you know, legit in his own right and probably stays in good shape. Yeah, with what he's doing. He was 67. I don't want to be a hater, but it was just like. He was so set in his ways and Joe's like, well, tell me otherwise. And the guys like, well, this this that's and it was like, uh, that's our cake, but you got to come up with something new, but okay. Yeah, he definitely has not been lecture two by anyone for a lot. I think a lot of people have just let him talk and let him say his piece. He was not used to having a really solid back and forth. That's a good point. I didn't think of that. Well, you get to a position like CEO and then you're getting paid to lecture and you probably get a bit ahead of yourself with the information that you know.
Starting point is 00:16:06 That's probably really true. I mean, consider that. That's very true. It's probably that. I liked some of the things they were talking about when it came to competition. Right. So he was talking about that other company that Whole Foods like learned a lot from. So even though it was their competition, it was like, oh, this is how we can scale up our stores or this is how we can like, you know, do more online marketing or, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:30 sometimes you just think, I guess if you have a business, you're like, God, I wish everyone would go out of business so that my company would be the best. But in a sense, when you've got really good competition, which is like the idea of capitalism, right? It's like not everything's just run by one company or by the government. The, the, these companies will revolutionize and everyone has to keep up and they just get better and better. Well, more efficient, you know what I mean? I like that idea. I'd never really considered that.
Starting point is 00:17:00 I mean, and Joe gave the example of like martial arts, like when you're trading with people that are fucking kick ass way better than you. That's a good you're gonna learn. That was a good one. And not to play devil's advocate, but it's so interesting that they coupled with they couple Amazon after being like their own little independent, where a revolutionary company. I'm just being a hate. What do you think about Amazon buying? I mean, when I turned him say that he was like,
Starting point is 00:17:26 we started this and I was like, yeah, you guys did start a whole food. I remember you guys were the first ones. And he's like, and then we partnered with Amazon. The way he formulated was such a politician thing to say, which I guess if you're in that position, you have to say that kind of thing. But he's like, they could see the long game.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And it's like Joe's like, yeah, he's got that long Jeff Bezos money. It's like, yeah, exactly. You can invest in other things and try other things whenever you have a big ass backing like that. It's like, you know, look, man, I like the idea when, when Amazon bought it, people were like, oh, it's not going to have the same standards in this. And I'm like, I'm telling you, man, this is like the biggest company in the world combined with like look a whole paycheck. Yeah, it's an expensive grocery store But fucking great. It really is It's excellent and now that they can like reduce their prices a little bit and they kind of have the reach of Amazon for a lot of things I mean it's it's good news
Starting point is 00:18:23 I think they should pop up everywhere, but we don't even have one in Bozeman. So if Amazon can like put more of them in, give people more access to like really good food. I mean, yeah, it's a fuck ton of money, but you can kind of shop there, like and keep it reasonable. You just got to put a bit of time in knowing it, getting. Yeah. I don't know. This isn't a whole foods commercial, but I like that and I mean, I do eat whole foods and I do eat fruits and vegetables, but I just don't shop there for that stuff, unfortunately. Where do you get your shit from, Ralph? Just Ralph's, I mean, but I mean, I'm pretty consistent. Like if you saw what was in my fridge, it's blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, bananas, apples, I just cut up two pineapples.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Like, I'm eating real foods, you know what I mean? So it's like I don't know if I'm yeah, they got good stuff at all the stores Really? I'm at a whole foods are there. There's that drastic of a difference. I don't know I could be wrong, but I doubt it That's I'm sure it's fine either way. It's a pineapple That's my like what else is gonna happen? That's my that's my that's my thought on it exactly Yeah, I look at the end of the day They got to kind of a bit of a consensus where it's like look don't need a bunch of process shit and try and stay away from sugars And that's pretty standard, you know if you're maybe having some major health issues
Starting point is 00:19:56 You know you could try some different things maybe go a bit plant-based But like Joe said people have struggled with that too. They've got a little sick from it and the plants They're hard to digest right to be honest That's what I'm gonna say too kind of is that way whenever we brought up that fact that there's less a grant There's a ton more plants than there are animals, but he said there's a lot less plants that are edible in comparison Then to animals like basically all animals are I'm probably jumping on an olem here, but majority of animals are edible. You can eat a lot of shit, bro. Right. A lot of animals. For sure. A lot of plants are not as edible given. Am I getting that wrong, right?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Did you hear that? No, no, yeah, you're right. Which kind of begs the question, like even the ones that we eat, the ones that are slowly harder to digest, that they like 50% not edible, is that why it's like that? I swear, that's the thing. So, whenever you start talking about the plant-based diet, it's like, I've always thought that that was healthier, then I've always thought that just because that's been the narrative, but it's like whenever Joe starts breaking it down, and that other, I remember Joe had a guy back that was like super pro meat, and he was also an MD doctor. Remember that guy? I can't remember his name, remember Joe had a guy back that was like super pro meat and he was also an MD doctor. Remember that guy? I can't remember his name but he had some guy on that was like oh yeah
Starting point is 00:21:11 yeah he was like the conable dog guy. Yeah like jacked. Almost refuting plants and the guy was I mean he was like a well bill of health. I mean he was talking about what he does and just eating like straight livers and this and the other and I, God, that's gotta be some discipline. But he looked like a very, very healthy dude and knew exactly what he was talking about. So it's like, I wish we could just figure it out. Like, you know, all these people on these podcasts and they're just like, yeah, I do it this way.
Starting point is 00:21:39 I do it that way. All the vegans are skinny. The media guys are big, but I'm just like, can we just, what is it? And then people are like, whoa, it's a balanced diet. I'm like, what the fuck does that mean? What are we balancing? I think whatever works for you is what comes down to it,
Starting point is 00:21:52 but I wish, I think we all just want like the perfect recipe and be like, right, follow this and it'll be across the board for everybody. And it's like, that's the way it is. Yeah, and then it's a company that sponsors Rogen and we just buy a meals from everything you need. And we're like, thanks thanks Rogen, nailed it. There we go.
Starting point is 00:22:07 I did like what he was saying about the incentives for like being healthy at Whole Foods and then you get you get like better discounts and stuff. Things like that are great. I got in trouble with that but yes I guess just the way he was like that was like his like I don't know maybe I'm just a hater I don't want to sound like a hater that guy But some of this stuff is you're just being a hater the whole podcast Fire it up for me a basketball stuff really piss you off. Yeah Yeah, he was talking about it is good right more companies should encourage you know health and
Starting point is 00:22:42 That's what I was having a difficult time with it because he's like he's like even the people it's called whole paycheck but like the best deal you could get was 30% off and that was like the premium spot. You figure the price and markup on food is already what probably 66% I don't know
Starting point is 00:23:03 that let's just say it's 50% so you're giving your employees you're still making a monster profit on your employees but but giving this like little sidebar about how it's you're doing them a favor. Oh I see that's how you saw it like they're still getting screwed. If you're going to be the best say you have a free meal or something like that like that would make sense But if you do the absolute best will give you 30% off our original 100% price Which is still marked up two times so we're still making a profit on your Cool story, bro. I Think by the end of that. Yeah, you were buying it. I actually I didn't think about it that way
Starting point is 00:23:39 So maybe it is kind of bullshit It just sounded like he's like you can either do all, get 30% off, or just go to rouse anyway, and it's half price. Exactly, and we're still making money off you, but we're just making a little chip off of it. So it's like, cool man, I appreciate it, but you're still fucking profiting off your employees. Watch whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:59 It was a little difficult to listen to period. Yes. I thought, when it gets tense like that, it's like you're listening, but that's what I like about listening to Rogan is like it feels like you're in the room kind of like you're part of it. So when you're listening in that arguing, that's the thing about you just like wait a second. Right. If I hear that other guy say something that makes sense, I'm like, oh, that does make sense. Then here Rogan says something sense, but the other thing, there was nothing that guy that was saying that I was like,
Starting point is 00:24:26 oh, that makes sense. I was just like, no. So yeah, he didn't sell me on plant-based anything. And people have, you know, I've listened to some of the podcasts and I'm like, ah, okay, that could be done. You know, when I know some vegans that I trained Jiu Jitsu with that are fucking great shape, they do great. they're not even supplementing that hard, with B12 or other stuff, and they do fine. So, you know, I'm intrigued by it, but not when that's your argument.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Right, I couldn't agree. Not from me. All right, let's move on to 1571, Emily Harrington. I really enjoyed this podcast. I thought she was super cool sounding and Realtown to earth so she went up L. Capitan. That's the same fucking crazy-esque mountain that Alex What's his name honald? Yep, it went up there, but he's the free solower
Starting point is 00:25:19 So he he is that documentary free solo, which is made he's been on Rogan a bunch of times And he goes up without any ropes or hot things He is that documentary free solo, which is made. He's been on Rogan a bunch of times. He goes up without any ropes or hot things, so he's like next level. Dude, that guy is incredible. There's something else. He's fricking something else, for sure. But so is she.
Starting point is 00:25:35 That's not taking any of the rules. She didn't in a day. Yeah, absolutely. It's like a four-day climb. She's got ropes, but still can fall 50 feet and knock her out, so that out for a yard. I mean Do you see the face of that mountain? I wouldn't even think about climbing anything like that like ever Like I've done a lot of bucket list stuff like bungee jump skydive pair of sail cliff dive, but
Starting point is 00:25:57 Literally there's no piece of my brain or body that wants any part of that whatsoever Dude, I'm totally with you. I respect it, but I'm just like, no, I honestly, I got to be honest, I don't really like heights. Like I'm a bit of a chicken shit when it comes to heights. When I was real young, I held must I've been like probably not even 10. We went to one of those indoor climbing places where we even have the ropes. And when we started, I took off like a fucking whip it thinking, oh, I'm just going to beat everyone.
Starting point is 00:26:28 But I got halfway up and look down and completely froze. Right. It's dude, it was horrifying. I wasn't even that hard off the ground. I was like, I can't do this anymore. This is terrifying. Right. It's so embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I mean, I don't mind the heights as much as I, yeah, I haven't been in that scenario either Which would you just said but like it's that no rope thing is a fucking banger like Any any in the way he does that thing like with just like the first knuckle of his one like pinky finger Or like not should say pinky finger, but like index finger. It's like that's just absurd. I mean, I don't know That's that's next level shit. I gotta give the guy credit. Yeah, and her credit. That's absurd. I mean, I don't know that's that's next level shit. I got to give a guy credit. Yeah, and her credit that's just insane. For sure, for sure. But then what amazes me about the podcast and it's like when a lot of people go on, you kind of get this feeling is like this
Starting point is 00:27:18 this drive, this passion, the sense of purpose that I'm just like I will never be that inspired ever I mean I may I would love to be but I'm just like that really is cool when you hear that they're like I have to do this It's like a calling. Well, don't tell yourself short I think that we all have that thing. It's just a matter of finding that purpose and that fulfillment is kind of the process and the journey I Think it's easier when you find it at a young age, especially given that circumstance, it's like she was living in Boulder, Colorado, where that's like the huge thing, like that white water rafting, like she was, they were mentioned to like outdoor
Starting point is 00:27:56 stuff, but like that's just an awesome environment and breeds like an awesome situation. And the way she described it, like she had that one record, that Lynn Hall, I can't remember her last name, but she got accused for this, that, and the other about being the first girl to do it, but she's like just the fact that I was in the same sentence with that lady was like so awesome and so inspiring to me.
Starting point is 00:28:15 And I think when you see anybody just passionate and pursuing their like dream full force, and once you just say this is my dream, I mean, you've had stuff like that comedy and other things, I'm sure you don't say you don't you'll never find that I think you will It's just the matter of searching for it and I think it'll present itself because I'm looking forward to you know But I will say watch it's definitely inspiring right and and that's the point of it It's like it's not about her actual pursuit which is amazing in itself
Starting point is 00:28:44 It's not like I want to start loving rock climbing I just hear it and I'm like oh that would be great to be that Excited and passionate about a certain thing and I think that resonates with everybody that listens to totally something like this for sure They she talks about like sleeping up on the wall and then like poop it into bags. Just imagine. The sleep thing how they set that shit up is just like how they do it at night too. They do it. She's like they prefer doing it when it's cold and at night a lot of the time. I'm just like that would be the worst two conditions that I could ever imagine.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Well, I can imagine you don't really want to climb in the day. I mean, at night, because you can't see shit. That's probably bad. No, no, you haven't seen it. So you got no choice. Yeah, exactly. But how do they hold them? So do you just like, how are you not moving or I would trust? I would rather hunt a star dream and weird and then you just fall out. I would rather hunt a star dream and weird and then you just fall out. I Would rather hunt a bear with an axe alone than do that Take my chances. I don't know that just seems so friggin
Starting point is 00:30:01 I don't know I just get an anxiety thinking about it like that watching that movie to like and here in her talk about it like ah I don't know dude It does the same thing that Joe's always talking to my hands what my like I was watching on a plane right free solo and I was just like it was like the most nervous I've ever been on a plane and I had nothing to do with a plane that's you even know he survived then you're like he's gonna thought he's gonna die you know it doesn't We know what happens at the Titanic. It's still scared Yeah, I don't know man. That's a that's a different that's a different ballgame I don't even know how to I don't know I don't know the words for that
Starting point is 00:30:35 That's something that I can't wrap my head around it. I've hiked a lot of things I liked how kind of casual she was with her training right like not that she's not working hard But like she tries different things she runs even though they say not to that she's not working hard, but she tries different things She runs even though they say not to and she's the best and then she's like not into those Fitness trackers and things like the whoop and whatever because if it says you know You've you need a recover or you had shitty sleep or whatever it like messes with her head Right and I have one of those whoops straps And it kind of does that shit to me. I'll get like three days in a row and I'm looking at it
Starting point is 00:31:08 and I'm just like, should I not do anything? It's telling me not to. Like I'm not recovered. Right. I'm like, but I kind of feel okay. I don't know. Maybe it does mess with your head. I don't know who that author was that he had on. That was about addiction, but I read that book and that's what they talked about.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Those whoop straps being like kind of fucking with your head a bit just because you were like, I walked, I need to walk, especially if I had that, like my mind works that way. If I saw that I only had 5,000 and I got 7,000 day before I might best believe I'm getting 8,000 a day. I don't know why, but I just like, with a whoop one really doesn't like it monitors strain for the workouts.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Gotcha. It just gives you like this baseline strain score, but most of it's like, how are you slept? You're this thing called a heart rate variability, which I still don't fully understand, but if the numbers low, that's not good. So I get a bunch of low numbers in a row, and I'm like, what am I supposed to be doing here?
Starting point is 00:32:04 Breathe, okay. If I maybe don't drink is, you meditate more than I, doesn't give me any solutions man. That really probably would be a great solution to be honest. I think that kind of is like, I always think of that as like the reset button every morning to be honest, but that's probably the best solution how they mentioned it. I should just email them and be like, what the hell am I supposed to do? These numbers are wack. My like 65 years old little 30-year-old year old body plant based popsicle diet on me just carrots from now on
Starting point is 00:32:32 it just carrots I don't know I like that she's so she's sponsored by what North Face and then she's talking about like so she boasts the like does marketing or whatever I guess like pushing that brand Probably gets a lot of cool free swag nor facetips pretty bad ass loads of swag But that's that's bad ass that those things exist today, you know Because they were talking about that documentary. What was it dirt bag? Where these guys just they got no money sleeping on couches and they're trying to climb It's like well that is passion, but what is kind of shitty love? Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. I was like, that's got to be something like mentally
Starting point is 00:33:11 where you're just like found something. I mean, that's probably the passion thing too. I mean, that almost seems not like animalistic, but that's like you have like a, maybe that's an every like champion. There is some sort of just like this is what I was meant to do Switch that goes off, but there's only a hand fund not to undermine it at all. There's only like a that's a small community of people that are doing that I mean all respect to them, but it's not like I say small like I know what I'm talking about I don't know, but the way she described it made it seem like there wasn't like a ton of people in her position She was one of very few, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:46 Yeah. Yeah. I doubt they have a ton of spots like that. What's always nice though, and I think what Joe likes talking to these people and has done since the beginning is because he's he's always trying to figure out like what will make someone great, you know, and then they hit on that idea being special. And it's like, if you actually think you're special, you suck. Right. You know, and then they hit on that idea being special. And it's like, if you actually think you're special, you suck. Right. So you should really just think that you suck. It's a lot of pastor syndrome. That's actually mentioned. I love that. That's like, if you ever feel like you've arrived and after, and I will say
Starting point is 00:34:16 after maybe after you get a black belt or after you've done like a ridiculous workout or this, that and the other, you might have feel like for a split second, like, all right, I've arrived, but it's like you got it every day the rents do like the hey talking mean. Yeah, that's kind of like the way I look at it too. It's like you have never. Well, they say that they say that a jiu jitsu like when you get it your black belt, it's like now now you start over, like you have it all, but now you're in the league with the black belt. Every every round is gonna be killer and you're the newest guy I love that and that's fucking terrifying
Starting point is 00:34:49 It's me fired up though to think about that like the process never ends Yeah, and he shouldn't right. I mean to think that that's a really good point like even she said when she's like People think she's tough and all this and she's like no,, no, she's terrified all the time. And cries a lot. I love that. That's what people love to see. Wow. People are attracted to vulnerability and watching people overcome their vulnerabilities and adapt and find strategies to deal with them and turn them into fire.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's a big takeaway from this podcast and what I really liked about her like just Real down to earth message, but also, you know, you can achieve these great heights by By being really connected to where you are with it. She's not talking Bravado bullshit, you know, it's like real talk that when they started talking about climbing Everest So she's climbed once she saw three dead bodies her boyfriends gone like eight times and runs that company
Starting point is 00:35:49 Her fiance whatever Dude same thing I have zero Motivation I gotta tell you if it was like what the fuck are you thinking if it was warm I would give it a lot of thought to be honest with you It was like a warm mountain that had the same prestige. The cold part about it just doesn't sound appealing to me. Like if it was just a difficult hike, that was like, because I know it's a manageable hike,
Starting point is 00:36:14 not to sound like I know that I've done Everest, but I gotta imagine if there wasn't freezing cold winds and whatnot, it would be a lot more manageable. Like if that was like a thing, I'd do that. Like I do Montepicchew and those other mountains. wouldn't have a problem or I wouldn't have an issue with that but the cold part of the whole element was what are they called that thing when you is it hypoxia where you don't have enough oxygen that's like what a lot of people die from right up there yeah I was gonna and then they obviously freeze the death to I I was gonna ask you a quick question on this thought. Like
Starting point is 00:36:45 when it's it's got to be a true benefit to have her boyfriend be like a championship dude as far as being involved in the community and stuff too. Like if if I know your passion about your Jitsu like would it be beneficial to like a relationship in your life for like a
Starting point is 00:37:01 girl that had the same passion in that kind of field. Would you would would you like that? Potentially, I mean because I mean yeah, at least she would understand why it's so important for you to go But at the same time, I'm like I don't think I didn't want my old roommate going to do Jetsu with me I was just like I need some space from people too, you know, so maybe there's a bit of that, but that might be more of my personal issue with people. It depends how far you go with it, right?
Starting point is 00:37:31 I mean, if you're competing and you're like on the like national competing level, then it's probably a good idea that you're a significant other is that into it as well, because there will be huge sacrifices that come along with it. They can only understand. That's kind of how I'm, it's like I kind of want, I don't want to be too pushy on a girl, but it's like fitness means the world to me. And it's like if I can have you doubt they're doing that
Starting point is 00:37:55 share with me and show that that's like it's super passion to you too, to like feel the best you can, I'm only gonna be attracted to you that much more. For me, That's how I look at it in that room. Yeah. So yeah, I mean, the 100%. I mean, I've never really thought about it to be honest. I mean, there's plenty of girls that used to train at the street sports school. I went to in Santa Monica. There's plenty up there and they're very good and
Starting point is 00:38:21 they dated some of the guys and and it works out, you know, I mean they get. So who knows. The last bit that they kind of finished up with was ice baths and cryo and all that and I know we have more like sauna guys. I prefer the sauna just to chill but have you ever fucked with those cryos? Ice baths and stuff. I know, short answer no, but I mean, when we were doing those sonas, I'd do freezing cold showers and then ice. And then there's hot in the sauna right after. But I gotta say that there's probably way more intensity
Starting point is 00:38:53 with the ice baths and those cryos than even a freezing cold shower. Yeah, I've done the cryos a few times. I've done both types, like the gas one up to your neck. And then the one way there's a room you go in that just kind of free. Yeah, I've done that one on second thought I gotta imagine that neck is that one is bad that maybe it was just wasn't that potent. No, I think the
Starting point is 00:39:12 room one is harder. The other one's colder technically because it's nitrogen but the room one is like is intense because it's getting everything it's getting your head to and that kind of has an effect. You feel great afterwards though, I gotta say, like you feel fucking alive for hours. I gotta think it's like, when you put your body through some extra, like we used to talk about it, even if I used to just, it sounds fucking psychotic,
Starting point is 00:39:37 saying it's like, just the mere fact of having oxygen, like the whole, like that's like kind of a whim-hoff thing. Like you hold your breath so long, and then when you when you give your body oxygen you get, there's no way you're not going to feel good. So it's like pushing your body so extreme and then coming back to homeostasis, there's no better feeling in the world, right? It's definitely doing something good. Yeah, but I think the science is a little out on it so far. I think there's more research into the ice bounce, but yeah, I mean, if you have it,
Starting point is 00:40:08 if you a lot of professional athletes love it, I know LeBron James is a big cryo guy, a lot of those guys. I didn't do it. You know, they know what the fuck they're doing. I had a lot to do it, to be honest. I think it just helps with rehab more or less. Like after you break down your muscles,
Starting point is 00:40:23 it's gotta be something in it that builds you back up That's what I always thought from the sauna too. Yeah, for sure Well, that's it for today guys. That's both of them. We missed the mic B1 just because we kind of ran out of time But thank you as always for listening appreciate feedback Reaching out to us get a hold of us on Instagram and you can always all the links for everything are in the description for the podcast is also a survey Link to fill out so go ahead and do that takes a few minutes You do put your email in but they won't email you anything It's just from the hosting service that we have for this podcast and it gives us some information
Starting point is 00:41:01 Hey, do you mind if I was about who the hell is listening? I just dropped my Instagram here before we're done just so they have it Go ahead, bro trying to pick up chicks on this podcast I've been somebody wants to reach out and have a conversation. I would love I would love for your time. It's at G-O-V-E-O-N-E glove one all one word. Pacing love Thanks guys, ladies

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