Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 203 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Moxie Marlinspike et al.

Episode Date: December 9, 2020

Fill out this survey if you're a fan of the show! JOE MOVES TO SPOTIFY OFFICALLY! This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Guest list: Moxie Marlin...spike of Signal app & Jacques Vallee and James Fox of the Phenomenon documentary Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan is officially over to Spotify now. Give me your thoughts on how that move has changed your ability to listen. Obviously, you just download Spotify and use that, but does it sync with your card different? How have you been watching Rogan beforehand and how has that changed that? Email out to us. Let us know what you think. It's always cool to hear about it. This week we've got podcast 1572, Moxie Marlin spike, who made the signal app and then 1574, Jackas Valley and James Fox. We missed the political one, the
Starting point is 00:01:03 Michael guy. The political ones are just getting depressing. I get sick of talking about them. And we try and make this at least a bit of a reprieve from all the news and chaos, but we still do cover quite a bit of COVID shit. Can't get away from it. The big takeaway from the Jackas Valley, or have you say that guy one was, is did it make you believe in UFOs more? Like, where was your stance on it before and how did you feel at the end?
Starting point is 00:01:34 Was it more convincing? I'd like to hear about it, so go ahead and email us. But anyway, let's get on with the show. Podcast! You're listening to the Joe Rogan experience review What a bizarre thing we've created now with your host Adam Thorne One go draw the show hey guys and welcome to another episode of the Jail e review or Joe Rogan universe. I don't really even know what the podcast name is.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Again joined by my buddy Garrett. How you doing man? Good man. Good man. Good to be back Excellent excellent and a couple of pods this week and We let's start off with 1572, Marlin spike. Marlin spike sounds like a fish. I know, ironically. Yeah, yeah, right. So this guy invented the signal app. First off, nice guy, bit quiet.
Starting point is 00:02:38 It's kind of like hard to hear him almost. Right. I thought, obviously a nerd, bless him. He used to work at Twitter, right? Before. Yep. That's what he said. Making that app. If you, if you use the signal app, I can't say that I have. Yeah. Joe's been banging on about it for a while. What? Just just try to have a, the, the right, make sure I have the right context of what it was. It's basically just a non encrypted, basically non-trackable app for messaging. Is that accurate?
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yeah, it's text messaging app, but it is encrypted. So it's encrypted, but non-tracker. Like you can't see what's going through it. So I guess it's like really secure. Even he, even he can't see it for some reason. Say that one more time. Like even he can't see it. Like, yeah, right, right. The guy, one of the engineers, he can't like look at it. And what, what is the absolute, what's the complete benefit of that? Just so that it's not trackable. I mean,
Starting point is 00:03:39 no, I think just because people can like steal like see what your text messages are, like the government could see it or like hackers and People like that. Am I weird for not think for thinking and maybe this is just naive, but I'm like I'm just not that I don't have that much important shit going on right now But maybe that's it. You just don't have important like it maybe if maybe if you like dealt with, I don't know, maybe if you had like a government job and You know you're like a police officer and you're texting with your buddy, you know I guess like might not want to say certain things. I can imagine there's a lot of Types of people that would want to keep their stuff
Starting point is 00:04:20 Encrypted. I mean if you think about privacy and this is something I wanted to get to anyway like Yeah, they started off the podcast talking about if If you knew everything that you were saying was getting written down, right? It's like me and you talking at a bar and there's a guy next to us with a notepad just like writing everything down verbatim right we might change the way that we speak right and Because you wouldn't want to say maybe some fucked up shit that you think is funny. Or whatever, just strong opinions. Well, his point is, look, it's happening anyway.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Like, everything that you're saying or sending in texts is kind of getting saved. So basically that's happening. Right. And I've heard of this for a long time and I've never had a strong opinion either way, but I've always thought just because of my podcast and I've done over 200 of these now, it's just like everything I say is already out there. Yeah, they have a right point for your stuff for sure. Yeah, you've got an idea of what I'm going to be thinking and it's all there. Obviously in time, it of like what I'm gonna be thinking and right it's all there
Starting point is 00:05:25 You know, I obviously in time at a just I'm not hopefully saying anything too crazy to where people are like what the fuck is this guy talking about right but That that's kind of a way to like mitigate it so you can go one or two directions you need to go Full encryption so no one ever knows what you're talking about or you can just put everything out there and be like well this is who I am anyway. Yeah it's probably that's probably more accurate on the on the latter part of that that's right that must be why you invented that app obviously right because that's already what's going on like you just said not to come back around but basically yeah basically and he was saying that I guess iPhone is fairly secure but the Android one is not at all and I have an Android and I'm actually about to get a new phone I'm like shit. Should I just get an iPhone?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Yeah, I mean I think it comes I mean that comes back to the like do you think what you're doing and what you're saying really is Effect, do they care about us are we I don't know I hear you're saying. It seems like if you were to get sick, it almost seems like. Nobody cares about us. I mean, I don't want to say that, but it's like, I don't know if we're making the big enough moves for them to be like, oh, I need to pay attention to these guys, but I know what you're saying. It's true. It seems like a big deal.
Starting point is 00:06:35 But also like, some of it is just like I'm picking a new phone. So like maybe I should just jump over to the, you know, right. You get a bunch of shit for being on Android. You definitely do. I can't take that kind of pressure. I don't know why I did. Normally people that have Android aren't that disappointed about it.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Joe says he has both, so I mean, I literally could tell you they work fine. Right. My reason I got an iPhone was because my brother was like, you should get an iPhone. I was, this was like five years ago and I was like all right, nothing really bad. I don't know why but he had one so I was like fuck it Not the one and I know yeah, they're good. I'm not like they're all good. They're fine. They don't work It gives a shit They did they did talk about They talking about phones.
Starting point is 00:07:25 They started talking about all the slave stuff with phones. Right. Do you ever think about that? Like when you, like these devices. I need to be more mindful of it. And hearing them talk about it made me be mindful about it. But even when it's, I don't wanna say but it's just like, even when Joe talks about that, like,
Starting point is 00:07:44 I can't remember what he clear conscience phone will for bet lack of a better that like I can't remember what he clear conscience phone will forbid lack of a better way I can't remember what he called it but like if you knew that this phone was made with people that were getting paid correctly and this down the other would you do that and it's like that's what you're talking about is that correct? Yeah basically it's like I mean I want to believe that I would be mindful and conscious. I don't know, it's almost that same kind of argument. Like if the whole vegetarian thing you know there's still gonna be people that eat meat. So it's like you're fighting a fight that's like,
Starting point is 00:08:18 just seems kind of, I don't know. Yeah, it's a tough one. Like if they started to sell a phone, right, it was exactly the same, but it was three times as much. Right. And then you're giving that choice. Like if you bought it, you'd become like a vegan. You know how they have to tell everyone their vegan.
Starting point is 00:08:38 You do the same thing. Like the only what you'd have the phone, they'd be like, oh, that's the new iPhone, that's cool. You're like, no, no, no no I bought the ethically. Yeah good one That's a good point and then you just become that guy. That's a good point. You would definitely take pride in that to some extent I imagine Yeah, I mean, I mean it sounds crazy Hopefully you would not even think about it. You're like there's slaves that make stuff that we have I know like that's a fucking real problem
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah, it's a real I don't like the sound slaves that make stuff that we have. I know. Like that's a fucking real problem. Yeah, it's a real, I don't like the sound of that shit. Yeah, I don't like to play like naive, because now that it's like, once you have the information, now you're responsible for that information. So it's like, I never really thought about it prior to, I'll tell you that, but I mean, I'm, I'm, I, I want to say I'm not materialistic, but I'm sure it's all perspective and comparison to people
Starting point is 00:09:27 that don't have anything. I'm incredibly materialistic, but in comparison to a lot of our buddies and friends and stuff that are always shopping and buying new shit. We're probably on the other side of that, but it's like, well, who are you comparing yourself? Yeah, that's true. Right. Yeah, I'll go I'll go to some good world. Right. I don't have much much fashion sets. Yeah, I mean, I like, well, whatever. I like to teach us a teacher. Right. That's how I like to believe it. I mean, I got that's how I like to look at it. But I'm sure in comparison to people that don't have anything weird. Still, I mean, not being as well, not being as well. But I mean, it doesn't seem like there's an option anyway, really.
Starting point is 00:10:07 They talked about one phone you can't even buy it here. Right. Probably doesn't work, right? Right. And what choice do we have? We can't not have smartphones. Right. Like, it just, it would be a nightmare to do almost anything.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Right. Well, look, the biggest thing for me would be I wouldn't find anywhere I was going. That's a good point. If I didn't know anywhere I was going. That's a good point. If I didn't know where it was, it might as well not exist. If I can't pull it up on Google Maps, I'm not going to go buy a paper map. Yeah, right. An unfolded. I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:10:35 And who the hell is going to use like a Tom Tom or a Garmin? I don't even know they sell that stuff anymore to be honest. Who knows? I think that stuff is kind of like not readily available any longer. I could be wrong. I haven't sorted out, but I can't imagine that stuff. I think they still have them at like truck stops and shit. Gotcha. That makes sense. But yeah, basically, basically non-existent. Right. Yeah. So what else was he was like? I don't know if you want to touch on that. I thought some of his sailing stories were pretty interesting. I mean, that's what I was going to talk about.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Yeah. So he's, he's way into that. And he was using like the ancient technology like the sextant. He didn't, he was like a string and something like that. Some other shit, right? So I'm thinking that just spins around and then you guess where you are. But to be fair, as soon as he said that, I'm like, Oh, one of these stories is going to end up with his boat flips over and he almost drowns. What happened, too, right? I mean, that's a hundred percent. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:11:38 that's true, but it was still in my mind. Right. That's like, whenever you see the like the technology's available and you like choose not to use it I don't know I think there's just a certain thing the same thing with that like using the phone thing You just want to be able to say I didn't use the technology as like a caveat to whatever you're doing Which is cool like Wim Hof climbed Everest and his frigging shoes and shorts and that's something to be said, but it's like I don't know I think you're right though. I think it's a bit of a ball of move and it's interesting
Starting point is 00:12:09 that he moved on to Twitter and then making this app, which is like super technology based. Yet he was also very inspired by like going back to very basic technology and I don't know if he mastered it, but it sounds like he got pretty good. Yeah, he seemed like a really smart dude from the jump. It's kind of almost like a hippie smart dude but I don't know how to describe it. He knew it shit. I think whenever I find things like ever doing one of those treks, I mean, it'd be one thing to do it on land but to do it trek across the ocean by yourself.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I don't know if you've been in the middle of the ocean. I mean, even on the way to Catalina when you can't see land on either side of you, and there's something that messes with you to psyche. And if you're like out there by yourself, too, man, that's gotta be a little bit of a mind, fuck. Yeah, I mean, all buddy Dave recently trained and did some lessons so he could sail out there. Right. And even that, I thought, I mean, it's just there's something very, I don't know, you know, it could be really good fun, but when shit starts to go wrong, you want somebody there to bounce an idea off of out of imagined.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Yeah, you don't want to be fucking around with a sexton in the middle of a storm. Yeah, trying to figure out where you're going. Right. And that story he told when his boat capsized, his buddy left. Right. And he's just kind of floating that and what's going through his head, you know, he's a smart guy. He's going to be running simulations or like predictions.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Right. And they're not going to be good ones then. And he's just sat there going, wow, This is how you drown right and it's like this slow process of like you're mind and body just giving up on you right I think the way terrifying whenever you described how it was like he thought about like Dros asked him so could you like swim back or could you do that? Yeah, right? He was like I think there's such a testament to mother nature. Like when when mother nature wants to do something with us as humans, there's not a lot we can fucking do if it decides it wants to make a move in one direction. He's like, it just got up size and it's before I could even
Starting point is 00:14:16 know it was going on. He's like, I'm a master, whatever sale, sale man or something. I can't remember been the nine member when he got like rescued by that tugboat that he had to like, he's like, told him that he was a master sailor or whatever. I can't remember been the night member when he got like rescued by that tugboat that he had to like he's like told him that he was a master sailor or whatever could be messing that up but I know he was an experienced guy and they were all like what he was something like that. Yeah he has a lot of experience right seriously yeah I mean it can get you he even gets the good guys you know right and maybe that's somehow how it happens too like he probably was overconfident maybe that's why he said it to like he probably was overconfident maybe right that's why he said his body's got so many hours on the water and then he's like ladders right and his body wasn't waiting up for him because his body was like he's the
Starting point is 00:14:55 experience one so I'm like that's what he was assuming his body thought which makes sense but yeah I'd still be pissed yeah so, so you go anyway, Garrett. Fuck hang out. I mean, with the fight with you, if you're not a, if you're not a experienced sailor and you're out there and your buddy's gone, you just assume that maybe he, I would assume you would, I don't know, I don't want to say I would assume you would assume,
Starting point is 00:15:18 but it's like if you would assume that the other guy, the more experienced guy would come back for you. I think. Yeah, that's a good point. He's probably trying to save himself. He's trying to save himself. Just take care of why he's doing it. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Right. That's what I would assume. But I don't. Yes. Gary. So did he? Did he imply that if the tugboat didn't come, he would have died?
Starting point is 00:15:35 Like, there was no way he could get it. I'm pretty sure there was no way. I can get back. Yeah, that was just like a. Oh, Jesus. Um, yeah, that's a tough pill to swallow. That's one of the, I mean, that's a nightmare pill swallow. That's one of the I mean, that's a nightmare. We'll just leave it at that. I think it was going to be a good show for sure. Going back to his app and early days and people, he was saying that the early days of government
Starting point is 00:16:02 surveillance back in the 90s and all the things that they wanted to watch and look at and this kind of before smartphones. But like, I guess basic internet and email have been hit existed. Right. And they were like measuring people's gate, like how you walk and like just all different things, like putting basically like, you know, what would it be like a little program together of like who you are, so you could be identified and then I guess they squashed that idea that you can't have all that information. But because somebody referenced him on something, he couldn't like, he had trouble
Starting point is 00:16:38 flying. I can get to the airport, they'd have to call a number and then eventually get on the flight But it was a big pan in the ass and then anytime you went internationally They didn't even really tell him why but they would confiscate all of his electronic shit Dude that's a little nerve-wracking for years that happened though. Well, that's such bullshit That's like how you gonna fight that it's like how do you fight it? I don't know Well, not you can yeah, I mean don't Don't fly internationally, you know, I guess but what did he say in the end? He just stopped taking electronics with him Right, that's what he said he's like at the end. I was just over it. So Yeah, I mean to be, would take a lot less
Starting point is 00:17:25 for me to stop flying, to be honest. Yeah, yeah, I mean, yes, I guess if that was my business too, but I don't know, I think, I mean, they've almost tried to cut off the travel option out here for us in LA, like to not leave. So it's like, I've just gotten back from Florida too yesterday. I remember landing and the lady was, that we're in the airport and they're like over the loudspeaker. They're like, for people visiting California
Starting point is 00:17:59 and even for returning California residents, it is required that you do a 14-day self-quarantine and fill out a form, otherwise you may be subject to a fine. And I'm just like, all right, who's writing these fines? And how do you even fucking, how do you mandate a stay-home quarantine? And even if you did do the 14-day stay-home home quarantine How would they know that you abided by it? How is there even like it's such like a Arbiterary thing. Yeah, I don't know how to do it was so weird Maybe they listened to this podcast and find out I want to mention something to you too that I found real interesting or listen to the radio
Starting point is 00:18:41 I mean, I don't I really listen to the radio, but heard this this jockey just a couple of days ago I want to say probably five days ago I'm in the car and long beach with a friend of mine and the radio guy is going over this day at home order here in LA and he's listing all the things like the essential things and what you can do in the curfew and this and that and he goes this one's my favorite he goes this is my favorite he goes everything's banned outdoors unless it's an outdoor faith-based
Starting point is 00:19:06 event or an outdoor protest. Those are legal. And I'm just thinking to myself, where have we gotten right now? This is the most absurd thing I've ever heard in my life. Like, we are really getting to the point where it's like just people trying to tell other people what to do. Like, I don't know, it is so ironic. Like, what's what's okay? And it's like just people trying to tell other people what to do. Like I don't know it is so ironic. Like what's what's okay and it's like we're just trying to appease the masses because of the right. We want to be able to do the face-based thing and on the left we want to be able to protest and it's like what in God's name are we living in right now it's I don't know how to describe it. I know not everybody I don't act like we're have a bad bad rap here in LA because the weather is good And I've got it good and I'm not complaining. I'm very thankful for everything that I have that said
Starting point is 00:19:52 This is a weird fucking place to be and right now. I know we've Anytime but it is so weird to have like other people trying to like I Don't know just coming from control you. Oh, dude, it's just like the sentiment here in comparison. And it's like, we're supposed to be like some progressive thought process. And then you're going to have that being said as like a stipulation in the mandate. It's like, how did we get to this point? If you can protest in groups, and that's okay, can you protest the
Starting point is 00:20:24 fact that you can't play basketball and just play basketball while protesting? I'm not allowed to do a physical activity that's probably good for my body and good for my immune system yet. I'm allowed to surround myself with a bunch of people that are trying to... I don't know. I don't have any one way or the other on that, but... What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:20:43 Like how are you telling one person? I know, it's what are we doing like how you're telling one person I know it's wacky it's definitely not giving me a lot of confidence in how things are run and you know as you get older like you and I were almost full of like I just kind of expected like it's it's just pretty annoying to realize who the fuck is making these choices like these are dumb. It just seems so financially and politically based at this point. Now there were this far and there can't be any other explanation for it.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Like, there can't be out for our best interests. They can't be out for our health. These businesses are shutting down. People are still sick. Like, what? There's no right answers, but I really, yeah. and the worst part is you try and get anything done like I try Getting a new drivers license, right which you probably need for something Right or try getting through to the unemployment office
Starting point is 00:21:35 Which you definitely need because the government made you not work right or try and go back to the job that you had when they were close So long they're like oh, yeah, we can give you one shift a month. Right. And you just like, wait, wait, what? It, you know, in a bar or restaurant where like only four people can go into anyway, when you're that you're so it's like, don't worry. Minimum wage. Those aren't stopping.
Starting point is 00:21:58 That's the thing. These are bills are still coming. They're not just like putting them on hold just because they're like, oh, this shit's going on because their business too they need to get Ah, what's crazy is you always heard the thing right where like what is it like a fucking huge percentage of Americans don't even have 450 dollars extra for like that unforeseen bill right and now we're what like 10 months into the Bill right and now we're what like 10 months into the the
Starting point is 00:22:26 Covert ship and I'm like wait a minute right when did that $450 run out the first month the first like How on the maze that yeah, right? I was almost anyone surviving. Yeah, that's that's the thing is I get I just got to count my lucky stars because I've been blessed to have the job for when I had it and I kind of slid under the radar for the unemployment and got that like everything's kind of worked out well but at the same time it's like dude I was expressing this to you last time it's like driving around LA and just seeing everything boarded up it's like what what cost is this stuff ever gonna just be like all right man we need I just don't know the right answer I and everybody you talk to I talked to my buddy in Arizona today and he's like so passionate about how this is like a like a civil war
Starting point is 00:23:15 that's basically going on now with COVID that's the way he described it and I'm just like he's like it's a war on the people and this that and the other and I mean he has some points but at the same time it's like And then I asked well and I see talks about this He talks about it a little bit on the podcast with Rogan because he was talking about like how Facebook started and They didn't really get into it but Facebook like it wasn't just like A thing at Harvard for people to meet each other. It was actually designed I think for people to meet each other. It was actually designed, I think,
Starting point is 00:23:45 for guys to meet girls. Yeah, initially, I think that was, it was like an early, yeah, early dating app. Oh, yeah. That now is become this like politically, it's crazy. I mean, it's about the high-spot thing that something like that. Yeah, or the Facebook or Facebook or something like that. But, you know, exactly. Now it's like this this thing that is it's exactly what you're talking about There's half the country that's like the elections fake and the mass things bullshit and then the other side is like we need a protest and The you know, it like that's what Facebook is now, right? It's a it's like hot machine to unbelievable people against each other to some extent I think it was unintentional But it's turned off course. They didn't plan this turn it's nasty. It's probably the humans fault
Starting point is 00:24:29 Right, it's all fault because that's what we engage in the most right that it's like you think we'd engage more in like Positive guys meeting chicks or the get pissed off is actually what we prefer the algorithm is what fucks it because it's like once it sees the algorithm It's not the algorithm is based strictly on like clicks and likes and such. And that it makes it all polarizing to put people on either side is basically what it comes down to 100%. What did you think about his paper scissors bet? That was a weird part of the show. I liked that Joe kind of called him out.
Starting point is 00:25:01 He's like, there's, I think he meant it. You came across initially. I just watched it again. I think initially it came across as Joe, like when I first watched it, Joe was like, bro, you have no idea how much money that you're asking me for right now. That's how it felt. Yeah. Right. Initially, but then I was like, no, I think he meant it in the fact he's like, there's nothing you can provide me because he's like, this my thing And I this is why it's yeah, because I decide and I don't take any like I don't take any influence from anybody else That's why it is what it is. There's nothing you can 100% that's that 100% that's So it did kind of come across like oh, yeah, it's this would be $300,000
Starting point is 00:25:39 But that's not what Joe doesn't he's like dude you have no I meant sponsorships and the amount of money that gets pulled in on every episode So you have nothing you could all yeah, but I was I was I was I was I was curious as the why the guy wouldn't do it for Five bucks or whatever for 20 bucks just to do it. I thought I would be an entertaining situation And if he would a one then I would give him a respect But the fact that he didn't do it. I was like you're talk did That's kind of what I thought yeah, I'm like what why does it have to be so why did that have to be the only stakes as well? I'm like, come up with something else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:10 But yeah, no one's fucking with Joe show is what he's like spotifies. Not literally anything. I mean, that guy, that guy could probably only do like 10. Yeah. I liked it finishing up with him. I like that his app is free. And then it's donation based. I'm always curious though Like for how long you know to mean like you need a lot of money to run these things So when does it become not donation based and and Dada da he struck me out of that. It's like the same with the WhatsApp right like how does WhatsApp work because you don't pay for WhatsApp Do you know?
Starting point is 00:26:44 So how do they make no? I don't know I really don't know how that works. That's a good question Yeah, I don't I didn't know either anyway it was fascinating guy I thought he was cool and and who knows that maybe that app is something that that people should start thinking about just For themselves there must be reason to talk you know. There must be a reason to be talking about it. There must be a reason he's making it. 100%. All right, moving on, we got 1574.
Starting point is 00:27:12 How do you say this guys name? Jack is, Valle, French dude, and James Fox. So they made a documentary called The Phenomenon. Yeah, have you seen it? No, no, I was excited for this man. I like love the UFO guys coming on. Joe Bigger Up, that anything UFO I'm pumped about, but I have to be honest.
Starting point is 00:27:33 It was just like a lot of their opinion. And very little, anything kind of... I don't know, I think they just want to believe real bad and and maybe that's just my take on it, but what is that is it? What are your thoughts? I just wasn't sold on it. Well, you know, the French guy was making a lot of claims of what he thinks these creatures are, right?
Starting point is 00:28:01 He's like, they're trying to tell us something and there's this other universe. There's definitely other beings and they're in different universe. And I'm like, dude, you are, you are really stretching for that. Like, how are you coming to these conclusions? Right. You've heard some stories and then found some metal that was not properly analyzed. Right. I'm like, I don't know. Yeah. I mean, look, he's done a shit load of research and he has a PhD in computer statistical science or something. I mean look, he's not a dumb guy. No, but I'm not taking anything away from him. But I think you do get some sort of bias, you know where you just start believing your own thing, and then you only, like your own everything that you see, it's like, oh yeah, that's aliens.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Right. Yeah. And that was kind of coming across. And even Joe was like, well, what's the proof? Yeah, like what's compelling? It was funny. What's going to make me really believe. He's like, all right, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, he's like, I still got a lot
Starting point is 00:29:01 of more questions on a lot of this stuff. And they would never clear the shit up. It was like, it's kind of just, yeah, I think that goes along with what you're saying. He's like, but where's the evidence? And it's like, I think that's what everybody wants though, right? It's like, where's your picture with the alien and the conversation recorded that you guys had. Ultimately, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:29:19 That's what everybody wants. Yeah. So, yeah, until that happens. I mean, look, I'm a huge fan of the UFO story, and I and I would love within our lifetime for this shit to come out. Yeah. Like, you know, people at the Pentagon have talked about certain technologies that have been reverse engineered or maybe not from the surf. And I mean, there's stuff's looking really close, but God, can we have something? I want to
Starting point is 00:29:44 want to see a couple of videos or I want to acknowledge the fact that whenever they were talking about it they're like Joe Joe was like I still find it difficult to understand why anybody if they were from another universe or planet would ever try and seek out our government they wouldn't give a shit about our government like they wouldn't be like where's the people that run stuff and they they probably just look at this is this is just like some Fucking silly shit going on. They're not like looking at the government like it's a real thing. I'm sure they're just like That said, I don't know. Yeah, I liked I liked his aunt colony, right?
Starting point is 00:30:19 Right, yeah, I mean look we may look at the queen because the queen so much larger and is the central Porsche. I mean there may be some interest, but I mean at the end of the day you're gonna study all the different aspects of it from from ground up You know like who's on TV the most like right? They they just abduct Kim Kardashian, right? Like she's obviously the most popular one of these clearly clearly the most popular. He's Yeah, yeah, she's up that that's as long as they don't take the rock, right? And not allowed to take the rock. Please, please leave him Please, we need his mind I will say the thing about the aliens is interesting. It's like do we are we Free thinking what we actually think they look like or do we have this picture in the back of our head?
Starting point is 00:31:06 That's what they look like. So if we see something that maybe resembles that we automatically put it in that box. Or are we are yeah, I don't know. That's a good question. I don't see his the thing too. Is like in the past before UFOs were like a Story that we told, and that started in the 20th century. Roughly, they were like these stories of aliens coming. Before then, a lot of everything was like demons
Starting point is 00:31:36 and ghosts and poltergeists and stuff. And then these out of body, not out of body experience, but these like abduction stories or when people can't move, they have like sleep paralysis or whatever it's called and you know because There have been plenty of stories where people are like oh, I was frozen in my room and I could have moved and then they Feel that they got some sort of abduction and there's no evidence to it and then you know a lot of times It just looks like they had some sort of sleep paralysis dream. Whereas before the alien idea was like already in everyone's head, they would think it was like a demon or a poltergaard. It's like it changes in our mind. You know, and my
Starting point is 00:32:17 thought to that is if you look at the shape of how they describe the grays, right, big head, and I'm not saying this is not what people are seeing and how they are, but like, you could also imagine that it's just, it's mostly like a not very clear outline of a person. You know what I mean? It's just gray, there's no color, big eyes, no real other features, everything's just kind of, it's almost like a kid's drawing. I will say I think it is. Maybe that's like a dream representation. I think it would be bizarre if there was not. I mean, given how big the universe is and how much we know about how small and a little
Starting point is 00:32:57 fucking fart spec we are, given the whole dynamic of what's going on out there. Like just look up like Joe, he says, just look up If you want to just look at some crazy, it's like that's like you really got to do and to think that that's such a human like vein Fucking thing to think that we could be the only things running around out here with our mindset like There's got to be some other things on some other places It just being naive to think otherwise as far as I'm concerned That's dude. There's no doubt right don't they say something stupid like there's There's like 10 billion trillion earth like plan to be the only one in this galaxy There's more planets and it's definitely stuff than like there is particles of sand
Starting point is 00:33:36 Like just give that some thought more stars than our land And we're gonna think that we are literally the only ones out here. Come on now I mean well, but is the thing are they coming here? We're gonna think that we are literally the only ones out here. Come on now. I mean, well, but is the thing, are they coming here? It looks like they probably are, because the military are like seeing all these craft. But then why the fuck can't we get a hold of them? I mean, look, they said Roswell, they probably got one. And, but I'm just like, dude,
Starting point is 00:34:01 can we just, can one just crash right in the middle of Hollywood? Just so we can be like, ah, can we just, can one just crash right in the middle of Hollywood? Right. Just so we can be like, ah, I mean, why not now? I wouldn't even be that, I wouldn't shock. They were saying that when they spoke to the government people in the US, they weren't, they wouldn't release any of the information, right? Because they were like, it's gonna freak everyone out.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Right. Dude, what? We're surviving through COVID. What do you guys tell us now? I think the COVID's more shocking than them being like yeah, there's a Great time to go ahead be like all right, let's put it all out there Is put it now I mean that's it now's the time right do you're worst? I mean Yeah, let's ask them how we figure out how to get out of out of quarantine
Starting point is 00:34:43 Yeah, interesting, right? I What are your thoughts on that? Just a quick brief question is I just because I caught up. Is it man made? Is that is that the sentiment? Is that the like, is that what everybody pretty much thinks it's man made? Is what is what man? Covid disease itself? Like, was it man made and then got like released on it? Is that your thought too? Well, they had, Joe had a guest on it.
Starting point is 00:35:10 I think it was, is it Eric Weinstein they had on? Or Brett Weinstein. One of the Weinstein's. One of them is a biologist. And he said it had to be manned. Right. Right. Yeah, he's saying that from like a DNA sequencing,
Starting point is 00:35:25 it looks like it's jumped to many generations that it would have had to have been artificially kind of selected for it to have got that far. But at the end of the day, right? Look at it like this. Let's say that, I don't know how to, okay. Let's say that there is a bomb making factory, right? Next to a place with a bunch of cows, okay?
Starting point is 00:35:56 And follow me with this. So the cows are pooping all the time, and cow poop makes a lot of nitrates. And nitrates can get stored and they can blow up like you can make out of fertilizers you can make bonds right. So all of a sudden all this you know there's this big bomb goes off and everyone points to where they they're like oh it came from where all the cows are and it was the poop and it was nitrogen in the poop and that's why it exploded, it was an accident.
Starting point is 00:36:25 But we're like, hey, it's also next door to a bomb making factory that makes bombs. And that's the same shit with that Wu Tang, Wu Hun, Wu Tang Fish. No, the Wu Hun fish market or whatever that fucking market was. It's like it came from there, from bats. Yet next door is a place that makes studies viruses, studies this one, and fucks with viruses. It's like, look guys, that doesn't look good. It looks really bad. I mean, I don't even think that you're reaching to make that a conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:37:04 That point, it's like, hey, someone should really fucking look into this. I mean, I don't even think that you're reaching to make that a conspiracy at that point. It's like, hey, someone should really fucking look into this. Right. I know. I'm from my understanding. Yeah, they probably made it. That's my guess. I'm going to say, yeah, I'm on the record as knowing nothing.
Starting point is 00:37:17 What it just sends the vaccines talking about coming out next week. Are you taking the vaccine if it were to come out? We got it eventually. I think they're going to not let you fly if you don't have it and like they might even make it so that you can't go to certain things, you know, and I'm sure there's a bunch of nerds that are going to be like you can't even be around me if you haven't had it. I'm 100% out for the first six months. I'll tell you that right now. There would be no way I'd take that. Oh, you really? I don't have any I mean I I was just reading this meme it's it said that's so great that the vaccine is 90 for 4% effective He's like, well, I'll just go ahead and trust my immune system
Starting point is 00:37:57 That's go ahead and been 99% effective this far and I'm like I'm pretty cool with that because that's what I've been doing. I mean I this far. And I'm like, I'm pretty cool with that. Because that's what I've been doing. I mean, I guess to me, it had just come down to like availability. When it's popping up, I don't take the flu vaccine. I haven't taken the flu vaccine since I don't even know if I ever really did. I don't know if my mom believed in that, but I know that I've never sought it out personally. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but I'm not a provaxxer either. I'm just what works for me. I don't know how I became a debate as far as like who's it's gonna be Problematic though if a lot of people don't take it right that's gonna be the issue it like we're kind of stuck in
Starting point is 00:38:35 this World of Having to close down all the time if enough people aren't taking it We just got an amber because an amber alert while I'm out of the beach and it's like Beep beep, you know those amber. I don't know. I don't think you get them out of Android But it's like a universal thing I don't know do you guys get those two? We get them bro. I'm not trying to be a dink. I really God you elitist
Starting point is 00:38:59 I didn't I don't I didn't know I honestly didn't know but it's like beeping like a little child had just gotten like abducted on the beach and I go and look at my phone and it's like, to stay at home warning, COVID is spreading this then and the other and I'm like, oh, my goodness, I don't know. I just seems like propaganda at this point, unfortunately. I know people are dying and I'm not trying to be insensitive to that, I get it, but if you saw what LA looked like right now I know you and but your frustrations are real man I mean sometimes you got to take it
Starting point is 00:39:31 to like the local level which is like you and how it affects you right which is an easy way to be like that super selfish but you're like hold on I'm trying to like just live here trying to pay my bills and I'm getting a lot of mix reprise you guys are holding me back from trying to be a Reasonable citizen to some extent. I don't want to act like I'm not capable of finding another occupation or finding another way to make money because That's never been the issue. I can do that, but did you put me in a weird spot? That's it. Right. Let's finish up with the the last bit of their little podcast Which to be honest was mostly anecdotal stories
Starting point is 00:40:07 Events there was that story in Africa with all the young kids where they saw the same thing that was pretty compelling Yeah, and they drew the same picture. I mean yeah, okay another story. I like stories. They're good But is it selling me? I mean there's a lot of fucking big-foot stories too. We never found that giant monkey So but the the one I you'd never heard of which I was kind of interested by was when the UFOs flew over the White House in the 50s and like all around Washington DC and then one of them was shot at that and they got some of the metal right and what really got me about that Stories why I'd never heard of it, which is probably pretty famous, but I'd never heard of it. But the big thing I thought was interesting is like,
Starting point is 00:40:50 he didn't really give a shit about the metal that fell off that ship. And if you're writing a book that you say is going to change history, which was like, that was a big thing for him to say. I'm like, how the hell are you gonna change history with a book like this? I mean, I don't know. It just didn't seem compelling enough. But I'm like, if you've got actual physical evidence,
Starting point is 00:41:16 why are you even meeting with Joe? Have that shit analyzed? Yeah, that makes sense. I'm curious. It seems like the most important thing that you could do. Have a look at it. Like there are like metal scientists that can like analyze all that. And he was like, yeah, we're getting it done in the next couple of weeks.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I'm like, that's convenient. Why didn't you do it before you got on the show? The next couple of weeks. Yeah, that is convenient. I don't know. I don't, yeah, I agree with everything you just said. I don't really have another take on that. That's totally the truth.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Yeah, I mean, look, the story is cool. I'd like to see the documentary. Maybe when I've seen it, what did you say it was on Amazon? I actually don't recall to be honest with you. Yeah, but I do want to check. Maybe we'll talk about it. Called a bit more when we've seen it and we've got a bit more understanding, but called the phenomenon. Is that right? Yeah, yeah, I have to check that out. The phenomenon. Yeah, the
Starting point is 00:42:16 phenomenon for sure. Yeah, you know, we'll see, we'll see. But anyway, that's it for this week. Which one did we miss out? I know I had to miss my another thing I wanted to talk about. Go ahead. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, another political one. I just the political ones are depressing me guys. So I'm skipping some of those. If that annoys you, let me know shoot us an email. I'll put it in. Um, you know, I listened to most of them, but I just don't like talking about it. It's where me. I don't want this to be another thing that depresses everybody. So this shows bad enough as it is. Well, and in the big thing is Joe is over at Spotify now.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Right. Um, how are people dealing with the interface? I mean, personally, mine keeps fucking resetting on me. Maybe that's an Android thing. And then the other day I was, or earlier today, I was like out of service. Like I didn't have good service and I couldn't pull up the podcast. And I thought I downloaded it. So I was like confused for what the hell was going on.
Starting point is 00:43:18 I guess everyone's got to get used to, I'd never really listen to podcasts on Spotify before. So a little bit of work but how are you finding truth be told I'm still I watch it on YouTube there's a guy that's like uploading them I don't know if he's like like circumventing the system or what but there's like a guy that's posting his show I don't it's a little bit in delay from time to time but it's actually gone much better the past few shows and there's but you can like see like see the commentary on the side, which I find a little entertaining. I've never really read comments on anything, but like watching people comment on each other, and then they just go at each other.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I don't really chime in on ever, but just watching it is kind of interesting, because people are so passionate. Oh, that's pretty good. Yeah, it's well, look, take, take, take notes, you know, mental notes, maybe, mental notes maybe and just If they've ever you see some topics that really got heated on there bring them up while we're while we're discussing at a point I mean But yeah, very nice. All right everybody. Thank you so much email us again at Joe Rogan experience Review at and then follow us on Instagram and if you decided to follow
Starting point is 00:44:26 Garrett's Instagram last week send him some beauty loves it and that's it from us. Yes, thanks Garrett. You can find me at glove oene on Instagram and yeah it's always great great to happen with the out of yep and tell me my fans account to uh my fans I don't want to get that fucked up all right all right latest guys thank you bye you

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