Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 204 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Bill Burr et al.

Episode Date: December 16, 2020

Fill out this survey if you're a fan of the show! This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Guest list: Comedy legend Bill Burr and investigative jou...rnalist Mariana Van Zeller Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Podcast. You're listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created now with your hosts Adam Thorn One go enjoy the show
Starting point is 00:00:35 Hey guys welcome back to another episode of the JRE review as always You know comments reach out, say hi at the Rogan Experience Review at, follow us on our Instagram if you want to look us up. That's a good place to message us too. Today, joined by Garrett. How you doing bud? What's up, mate? Yep. Yep. And we are covering the Bilba episode and then the Mariana Van Zellah episode. And it's cool that she's on because she as they talk about the beginning of the that episode with with her she was one of like the first
Starting point is 00:01:22 really legit guess that Rogan had on his podcast way back in a day. I was about to say that episode too They're dynamic was like just fun to watch them go back and forth. That was definitely good good show Yeah, they seem like good friends right they seem like good friends for sure And it's cool to see that like she's come so far, you know, she's still working. She's still And it's cool to see that like she's come so far, you know, she's still working she's still Kind of exposing this type of shit that's going on I guess we'll get into that one so she's a boots on the ground Journalist like she's in the thick of it right and doing doing really good journalism
Starting point is 00:01:58 But I don't think really even happens anymore. I think it's all thick bait bullshit. Yeah, I completely agree happens anymore. I think it's a little pitbait and bullshit. Yeah, I completely agree. She's definitely bullsies fucked up. Right. Some of the stuff that she gets tangled into seems really dangerous. I mean, I they wouldn't be my cup of tea. Right. I felt I think it would be extremely interesting, especially being on the inside of some of those things she was talking about, but I can see it being pretty nerve-wracking at the same time as well. Yeah, yeah, the drug trafficking stuff seems like the craziest, like definitely the scariest part of... I guess the gun running stuff she looked at too would be like that, but... You know, if these guys get on to what she's up to, or like like the level of exposure. I mean you would imagine they just kill them right away
Starting point is 00:02:48 Well, that's not like they're in America with most no, not even a chance. They're coming right after you and well Probably your family first and then you if you don't if you don't come come clean yourself Mm-hmm. Yeah for sure. I do like that they both kind of point out that like being born in America or I guess for me eventually coming to America It's like winning the lottery in a way like the You feel that way of birth. I Think so. I mean, you know, I was born in England. So that's not exactly a third world country, right? It's it's very lucky, you know, I lived in Sri Lanka and I've been to some
Starting point is 00:03:26 pretty poor countries and I mean, is that what is that the way it's spoken? Not the segue, but I've had this conversation with my aunt and some other people about it. It's like this whole immigration talk to think that I mean, I get it. We're lucky and whatnot, but it's like, I don't know, man, I just struggled. It's like we've had conversations about the immigration situation. I guess I can't just be like open the doors, but at the same time, it's like, how did we just decide to make doors and make walls and make stuff and just call ourselves lucky? Yeah, well, let me tell you this from personal experience, it's very difficult. And I'm
Starting point is 00:04:02 not expressing my opinion either way on how I think it should be. I really don't know. But it was hard. They deny forms, they make you take forever because thousands of dollars, even doing everything the right way. That's what my aunt would do.
Starting point is 00:04:20 I could really do feel. That's what she'd say. She's like, there's a right way to do it. And I'm like, yeah, but thousands of dollars and these people don't have the resources. And then you start putting them in these situations where it's like, what's it going to take to get to America? And that's when people start doing shit.
Starting point is 00:04:34 You then normally wouldn't do it, I imagine. Well, they certainly don't make it easy. And they don't let you work for a long time, Eva, which is like a weird one. So you've got to kind of be supported by, you know, if you get married and come in that way, you've got to kind of be supported by that person you marred. Now, you know, maybe that works better if you're a woman marrying a guy that's supporting you, but women aren't too excited about supporting it, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Right. So, you know, it kind of does put them in a situation where they like forced to like work illegally or under the table or... I mean stuff like that happen. But it's definitely not easy. And especially for people that don't like if English is not your first language. Right. And you don't speak it all that well. I mean those forms are not super simple to follow and understand. Right. Yeah. So anyway, not easy and being here, I mean, there's a reason people want to immigrate to the US. I mean, at least before COVID, there's a fucking lot of opportunity. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Lot going on, a lot of jobs. They're probably all fleeing now, but for a while. For a while. I wonder what the immig, like the immigrant numbers in L.A. Are they that's got to be like the highest and completely exorbitant. Sanage wise. I mean, here's on I imagine, but just because of the pressure, the Mexico, but yeah, I would say I've watched some like documentaries on L.A. in the situation. This guy can't remember what I was watching, but he was in Tijuana and he would, he's literally been caught like six seven times and they would send them back, but he's like, it's worth it. So I can go there
Starting point is 00:06:11 and make however much money I can make and send it back to my family because they're, their stuff in Tijuana is so meager. It's like, it's worth the risk. Like that's the thing at the end of the day. It's worth the risk. So I don't know what the right answer to that the thing at the end of the day it's worth the risk so I Don't know what the right answer to that question is are the right right? Yeah, the money definitely goes a long way Yeah, so it's like it's worth it's worth doing but it highlights everything Marianne is talking about in the Podcast too because she's saying look why we do this is so you can see that these are regular people You know, it's not a movie where they just have like, sinister moustaches and AKs and they're just all bad guys. Like there's farmers, there's regular people,
Starting point is 00:06:51 they're just trying to live and do their thing. What are your thoughts? Do you think that they should, I mean, I think there were time a little bit of like prohibition and the war on drugs and stuff that they mentioned that. What are your thoughts on that? Do you think they should legalize everything? Do you think what you were thinking what the cartels are doing to
Starting point is 00:07:12 families? Right. You know, I mean, the government, they like to stabilize the Mexican government. Right. She talked about how they release that one like drug guy because they surrounded the families of all the politicians and the police.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Oh, you know, El Chappos, son or something like that, is that right? Yeah, so it's like, look, you can't have them much power. They can't be terrorizing on these people. Right. They can't make even the government defense. That just puts the responsibility on each and every individual to choose their own path and to choose their own thing. It's not like anybody's forcing heroin down your mouth, but if you want to do it, it's available for you. And you just completely suck all the energy right out of
Starting point is 00:07:52 that whole fucking dynamic, you know what I mean? Yeah, I mean, it kind of is like, so we spend billions of dollars on the war on drugs. She even said like, it's a total waste of money. Complete. Like, it's all the drugs are getting in and it's all wasted anyway, and we can't what did they say there was like four Coast Guard boats that that have to patrol an area the size of the US like well, this isn't working No chance and they and they their job is to come up with reasons how to get past that like That's their whole job and then you figure you're paying these coast cards 60 grand it's not like they're out there fucking I mean whatever
Starting point is 00:08:30 maybe they are being great maybe they are trying to like be heroes but yeah but I don't know talk about fighting an uphill battle I mean we're gonna see it in Portland right Portland doing kind of what what Portugal did I guess Was it Portugal she was saying, kind of legalized everything? I mean, as soon as you do that, you can get tax revenue. You can develop better strategies for rehabilitation for people with really bad drug problems.
Starting point is 00:08:58 You can purify the drugs if you're making it. So then, you know, it's like, okay, well, they're still doing heroin, but at least it's not lace with 40% fentanyl or something that they kill them. And then it takes all the power away from the cartels down there with the, you know, not doing good stuff. Now, they're still going to make it for other countries. It just won't be the US. It won't be like the primary buyer, which will probably take a lot of their money away and power. Maybe the government can, can like control it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:28 At least it seems almost too simple. That seems to make sense. It very least. This is what I've always thought. Like, just try it for like say, set amount of time. We're going to do it for 18 months and we'll reevaluate. And if fucking we got 9 million more drug addicts than that's that shitty, but that's the that's the cost of doing business But we will go back to where we had it, but I feel like with we established that we would definitely see the upside for it not being way it is right now
Starting point is 00:09:55 We're probably moving in that direction, right? You know more and more states are legalizing weed and then with Portland doing this who knows? I mean it might just expand to other states probably the really liberal ones and then if we see it work, then who knows? Right. It's so interesting how I mean, even given this COVID situation, it's like how much power the federal government has and how much power the state government has and where they draw the lines on who has what? It definitely is highlighting that through this whole thing. and how much power the state government has and where they draw the lines on who has what.
Starting point is 00:10:28 It definitely is highlighting that through this whole thing. Right. It's like it seems like the states have a lot more power than I really was. As you're saying, like being in Florida, it's like a completely different country. Like it's like you're somewhere else. It was like everybody was. It always was. I mean, yeah, that's true too, but it's like it's that's, I mean, it's just insane to say that I always like the phrase it's like the government works for us we don't work for them and that's seems like that's completely reversed here in fucking California like
Starting point is 00:10:53 it's how it feels it's definitely I'm in I'm in no rush to go back for any reason right like I I was trying to think the other day like what kind of job or opportunity could somebody automate that would make me want to go back and I would have to really examine that to even consider it because I'm like I feel like I feel like they've done this once they're gonna do this shit again. Yeah I don't know the quality of life out here. I mean, I mean, I just live in shitty weather and not that weather should necessarily dictate where you live, but it had for me has a lot to do with it. I mean, the jobs will be there, but I hear what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:11:35 As far as how I'm spending my time, I like it to be productive and moving the right direction. So I hear what you're saying. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, you can also have not enough of that weather, but it's nice to dip in in some different seasons for a bit. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:52 You kind of appreciate everything a little more that way. Yeah, that's, I'll see. That's what I hear people say that where it's called. Tea, right? But I know. But you're not. It's so true. You're not wrong.
Starting point is 00:12:03 But I see, I can, I remember my aunt when I was staying Washington She'd like yeah, but the three weeks in August and I'm just like you guys wait a whole year for three weeks in August So yeah, it is fucking perfect weather that is true Hey, did you see the video they were talking about the mountain lion one like the mountain lion chasing that kid? I don't know I might have missed that. Bring me back. Yeah, so I don't know how it came up but like Marianne and Joe were talking about this video that's on YouTube where it's straight up a mountain lion like chasing a kid. It's just mostly walking
Starting point is 00:12:42 but like every now and again it will like attack pretty viciously Wow, and this guy films it for like five six minutes Now I thought I actually sent it to you on Instagram like they had a thing on that maybe not but Dude it's it's fucking terrifying. Yeah, and the kid handles it pretty good like you can tell he's scared But like he he holds his shit together For sure you can tell he's scared but like he holds his shit together for sure really though and it is one of those things it's like you do forget that these fucking things do exist around us I mean
Starting point is 00:13:12 they're in the hills in Hollywood. I was gonna say they're here in California from right here right? yeah yeah yeah they're up there man I mean there's some iconic pictures of one walking around the Hollywood. Yeah I think they have most of them tracked so they can like track where they're at, but got you. I see that picture for sure. Yeah, and they, and I guess when there's problems, they do send people in to go shoot them, but Joe was saying that you can't hunt them in California. So other places you can, California you can't, but they still do kill them. Yeah, so that's kind of silly, but I don't know. I guess you don't want a hunter's running around the Hollywood Hills.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Right. A bunch of kids doing mushrooms walking in their way. Probably a bad idea. For sure. I just want to tell a brief story. I mean, we'll come back to this, but as far as drug trafficking goes, I, this story just came up with my head about my mom's ex-boyfriend. Um, he used to run just
Starting point is 00:14:07 weed back and forth from two son or from Mexico to Tucson all the time and he went to U of A and he did it for like four or five years. He actually like double degree. He's a fairly smart guy. He did very well. I mean very well in college I should say. And then he notified the cartel that he was running for. He's like, this is going to be my last run. I'm graduating in such and such or I had just graduated or something like that. And they're like, okay. So then he goes to do his run. And while he's sitting in the line across the border, he has so many times, all these like little locals start pointing at his car, like calling him out like he has drugs. So all the federalities come over to his car. Meanwhile, the friggin van with all the cocaine
Starting point is 00:14:47 goes right through because they're all focused on him. In his last one is, oh shit. His last one is them calling him out face down. His two degrees meant nothing for the rest of his life. I mean, basically given the way people look at like felonies and stuff, I mean, he would spent like three or four years in jail and then his degrees meant nothing and he was now a construction worker. He's a good construction worker that said but
Starting point is 00:15:10 All that time spent to tell somebody that's your last run and then for that to happen I don't know why I just thought of that story, but pretty interesting how that all Panned out So so he told them he was out and then they they just got him arrested He goes this is gonna be my last run so they were like we'll just use this white boy and let the other cocaine Go through the thing because all the federalies will be focused on him because he's like doing his thing You know like these getting called yeah, it's not the sort of job you want to put your two weeks Not so much you should just disappear after the fact to be like I'm done. I mean
Starting point is 00:15:44 What was you like not to make light of it? And I we shouldn't joke about it because that sucks. But you know, at the same time, I mean, what was he worried about? Again, a reference from them in the future. I mean, that that business never ends well. I mean, I was in it for a while. I'm very fortunate to be out of it at this point. But throughout college, I was involved with that fairly heavily as well. So it was nice to, I just remember knowing how much I
Starting point is 00:16:08 had to lose at the end of the day. And it just at once I got my degree, I was like, all right, I'm good on that. I felt fortunate that I was able to do what I was able to do and then move along. It's a, it's definitely a fucking dangerous business man when you're dealing with those people When I was in Nashville before I moved here just on my travels Dude that I knew that told me some stories when he lived in Florida. I guess he was like running coke around or something and One day and he wasn't even making a lot of money It was like just so he would always have some and he'd make a bit You know, but mostly was like it was fun and he would meet cool people and just partying
Starting point is 00:16:48 he's young, you know, he's like in his early 20s I guess. Right. And one day they just took this guy that he knew out on a boat and that guy died. Right. So the next day he was just out like he didn't mess around he didn't hang out to find out what happened He just like got all his shit and left the state immediately And you know you hear that it's like that that in a sense is like his smart move You know he was able to just identify how dangerous it was and fucking get out of there. Yeah I had a life lesson like that as well. I mean not nobody died, but identify how dangerous it was and fucking get out of there. Yeah. Yeah. I had a life lesson like that as well. I mean, nobody died, but I had a real notification
Starting point is 00:17:31 from the universe that it was time to close it down. So I just remember. It was, it was, it was the due time. So I was like, all right, wash my hands. Thankful for what I got. And I'm moving along. Yeah. You got to pay attention to that.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And, you know, I kind of want to like in this economy, how many people have been kind of driven into that type of work. Now that we're talking about it, you got to think if you're not allowing people to work and people have a little bit of money, they're going to see that as an opportunity to get that make total sense. I'm really explored that thought, but that makes it.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Yeah, like you're getting unemployment. And if you start working You don't get to claim your unemployment right and then with your money You're like investing it into something. I mean who knows maybe we shouldn't be saying Yeah, hope people listening and that like that's a great idea. Don't do this don't listen But I'm just assuming people have already done right and I'm and it's probably people on the other side of that too that have probably developed bad habits throughout this process that Just now that I who know I hope I hope that doesn't happen, but I just it's probably an ability. It's gonna like to it's it's probably it You know it definitely is what do you think about the gun running stuff like all the the guns in LA?
Starting point is 00:18:42 I mean it makes sense But you just don't think of that happening like cartels like loading up cars and I mean this shit's probably happening just like 10 miles away from where you are maybe not even guaranteed guaranteed Yeah, I don't know that's and then there was that story where They were buying the guns back from the LAPD. Yeah, I mean you just it's so weird to think that there's so much corruption happening even now. It obviously is. Right. But you think about like, yeah, you think about cops and whatever. It's like, like, oh, that was in the past. They would all this corruption was happening. But then a documentary
Starting point is 00:19:17 comes out that like 2015, this just went down and you're like, fuck, I think that's just how the human brain wants to work. Last week, that's how the human brain wants to work. It always wants to think that things are like in the past or they never, I mean, yes, and no, but it's, I mean, now is giving us more perspective on that more than ever, but it seems like we are, I mean, we've always thought we're living in corruption, but out here right now, like, there's, there was just watching this thing about, like, Jim's being fine. Like, I don't know if you remember double ops, like that dude's being fine, like crazy amounts,
Starting point is 00:19:49 shout out to Chris, just for stoop, like, for trying to do people's health, but then target and Walmart and all these other fucking places are open. It's like, where is the logic here? Like, where is the logic? I'm dumbfounded by it. So there's obviously, somebody's getting some money
Starting point is 00:20:05 somewhere along the way. There makes no other sense to do the way they're doing it. That's the only way to, I mean. Yeah, I mean, that's in a sense. It's like, there's a bar here that I went to last night because they're all closing and boasting at like, all the breweries close at eight. All the restaurants, I think close at nine.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And then any other bar has to close at 10, right? And you got to think 10 o'clock. It's like, dude, you fucking get off work, you know, could be sitting. Go home, change, get some food, go on. What's the logic? Where's the logic in the times? Like, what's because I asked them, right? I asked the bar and they were like, well, basically what it is, is anything up until 10 can be considered an essential business, right, an essential use. Like, you need to do it in order to survive.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Anything after 10 is classified as a social event and they're trying to close social events. So there's this one bar up here called our bar and it just is staying open and paying the fines. It's like fuck it. We don't care. I mean, people wear masks inside and that, you know, they even do like the right social distancing. Like when we, I got to the bar, they were like, okay, don't sit here, sit over here and like two of the pool tables were closed, which when you're looking at that, that's kind of unnecessary. It's like, you're not going to get it. But, you know, so they're
Starting point is 00:21:28 still in their own way following the protocol, like certain rules, but every day, I guess they're just taking the fine. We went to a, I don't know if they're not paying it or how they're doing that, but I'm not paying it because I saw this other gym. I mean, I don't know that for a fact, but I saw this other gym that says, I remember what he says, he said, free people don't ask for permission. And ever since he said that, that's just like resonated in my head like so much. And I don't mean that to like ever hurt anybody, but free people don't ask for permission. That's the that's the difference. It's like, this whole nation was built on freedom Then we just want to earn a living that should be respected like period like period I don't know you have your every right to make your own decisions for your own life that is completely
Starting point is 00:22:14 Completely understandable, but to dictate those decisions on everybody else It the logic is out the window for me and I was just a Costco Hey, well the Costco fucking three days ago and you'd think they were having like a like a EDC concert and there are so many people in there. It's insane. What are we doing? Yeah, I mean, especially when people's mental health. That's the big question that I'm waiting for like how Badly has this affected people's mental health. What are the suicide numbers? What is suicide numbers directly related to COVID? I heard a story the other day is some teenager that wrote Committed suicide left a note and just said I can't live in a world with this COVID shit
Starting point is 00:22:55 Like they'd suck like hey, you could have had a lot of other problems and that's awful And I hate to hear that shit But imagine if it was just directly related, right, you know line stuff, like he just doesn't see a future or any hope and faith. I mean, it's making a generation of those people potentially that are like, wait, when the hell are we going to get locked down again? What's the point of like being in this society? Like we pay for a government and taxes all the rest of it and look, I'm too stupid to have this opinion.
Starting point is 00:23:24 But this is how I say it like you pay it also you have the roads and whatever you have the opportunity for jobs and you know this is why you don't live in the woods you got society there but but now it's like wait a minute you can't do anything you can't even work right you want to give it a lot of people money so terrifying yeah terrifying stuff it It's terrifying stuff. It's it's my little brother had one of his kids and lessons like baseball coach and one of the kids I can't he's pretty young. I want to say like four or five, but he hasn't even got to go to four or five or six. I don't know what 10 are going to. But he hasn't even got to go to school yet.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Like two school yet. Period. You're like, dude, how much? Oh, ever. Like never. He hasn't even got to go to school yet. Like, to school yet. Period. And you're like, dude, how much ever? Ever. Like never. He hasn't gotten, he hasn't gotten able to go to school at all. Like, geez. It's like, what are we, I mean, at what cost,
Starting point is 00:24:16 at what cost are we doing this? And who are we saving? Is my question. I hate to sound. Yeah, well, they're saying they're saving someone, but exactly what cost. The what cost is that happening and is it justified and are they gonna Fucking do this every time anything happens. Right. It's just like how long will it be before they did they deem a flu? Remember they used to be like there's a flu every year different ones
Starting point is 00:24:40 Got to take your vaccine if you take it now They're gonna be like oh this flu is is way worse than it has been So we're gonna do all the same lockdown protocols and be like wait a minute We never used to do this shit, right like this can't be the new norm every time I just don't know who's getting paid because somebody's getting paid. I hate to say that But that's how it feels because it seems Somebody's again talk about people getting paid What about at the end of the podcast,
Starting point is 00:25:05 they were talking about the scammers. And when we're talking about how desperate people get and afraid, they gave that story of one of Mariana's friends, who's a smart guy, and because it's not just like, you just think, oh, it is gay scamp. But to be fair, that's not the case these guys are good yeah sneaky and they call them up about as electric bill and they're like he's busy he's got kids is a lot going on they're like well you gotta send us $400 well you know you got COVID
Starting point is 00:25:36 worry about you got your kids at home like you're already kind of stressed to the fucking gills and now you know these scammers are like in full force. Right. Like, they're probably doing more damage now because people are so unsure about what's going on where. All the fake, all the fake things. Yeah, I know that. I mean, not dinner up.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I know that first thing. I know we want to touch on that a little bit, but yeah, I've been there, but I let you finish. Yeah, no, just that. And I know you had a story about it. Yeah, I mean, to see if you wanted to share. Fortunately, I wasn't up against the complete wall. And I wasn't, I didn't have kids at home
Starting point is 00:26:11 and didn't have those things that you just mentioned. But I mean, still, my finances aren't exorbit by any stretch. I mean, I live within my means either way. I had one of those situations first and is that I went, I was literally just trying to fix my headphones through Apple and I called the wrong Usually if you look on Google for anybody that's thinking about doing this or has done this go pass the first four There usually ads and I found out the hard way that if you call one of those ads they can go down the long track of bad news
Starting point is 00:26:42 Because I had a guy that acted like he worked for Apple and he was impersonating an Apple guy that sounded like in this with all due respect to Indian guys, it sounded like he was in India like working there because I know that's where they have some other plans. And he took me down a road with buying these gift cards to try and get my headphones fixed. He kept saying that I was going to get discount on my bill. It was giving me incentives. I broke it all down for you, but at the end of the day I was virtually just like brainwashed and I was, I'm normally a fairly street smart guy, but I thought that I knew like, I don't
Starting point is 00:27:20 know, I feel like I've always been okay with people and I could hear it in their voice. And he definitely, I, by the end of the conversation I was Well a couple grand in debt to this guy and he had already taken all the gift cards from me I've given him the numbers and then at the very end I was like man Something doesn't seem right about this. I was like is this a scam? And he's like he like took pride in it. That's what made me so bitter But he was like man What what if I was that he literally said that to him? I was like, man, just so you know, I was like, if this,
Starting point is 00:27:48 I was like, how'd you get to this point? First of all, I like started talking to this scammer like, and he like was kind of silent for a minute. And I was like, you with all due respect, man, I was like, I feel sorry for you that you could even do this to somebody. But I don't know his family situation where he's at. And you start wondering, it's like you put people up against walls They're willing to do anything not that I justify that behavior whatsoever because what if it was a single mom that was being Scam just like me she would have taken a much harder hit than I did I mean, I could yeah and fuck him. You can't look at that people too. I get it
Starting point is 00:28:19 You can't they're straight up scammed as they know it like that's just fucked up dirt place and if you live Yeah, I mean it's it's awful. I feel that's what I said to him. I was like man I'm so bad for you that because you can't sleep well on that. I guess if you're sociopath, but I don't know man Dude they get used to it. Yeah, it's like anything. It's a job then they don't they don't even feel it That's what he said the paper the whole time he said that to me on the call He goes you'll make it back and I'm just like oh my god I was like I'm glad that's so very I had no I had no No form of recourse. I was like if I ever saw you bro Well, that's that's a that's a warning to everyone out there like be careful these scammers exist
Starting point is 00:29:04 You think you might know what it is, but anytime someone tries to get you to pay for anything, just pay attention. Think about it. Be really suspicious of it. I mean, you might just think it's those silly emails that go right to spam, but sometimes you can walk right into a trap
Starting point is 00:29:20 that you think should be normal. But like you said, you just called the wrong number. I mean, you were gonna trust it. And then you're like, ah, fuck, just got screwed on. I don't know what made me. All right, let's jump into the billboard episode. I love it. I love having bill on.
Starting point is 00:29:35 We often don't do the comedy ones, but I'm such a fan of bill. And I wanted to get a real feel for, because I knew that we're gonna talk about kind of what's opening and where comedy is. And I as a comedy fan and someone that used to do stand-up, I like, I want to know, you know, where it's open and it kind of is, I don't know how to say it, but I think once, once you know comedy is fully open and the clubs are opened, then you can have some faith that a lot of other things are going to come back to normal.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Yeah, I got to imagine those are the things that's so weird that the restaurant got...I mean the mental health stuff is the stuff that's taken a back seat, but yeah, once comedy's back, I imagine that would be everything would mean that it would be back in full force just given the way that everything everything set up as far as seating and Yeah, and then it's interesting to hear that journey too like some of them are going like they told the story of Joey Diaz like going to the Dengie is a little open mics just to kind of get back to his roots and like scare himself back in because it you know He can't tour in the same way. And these guys were all getting so big because a lot of it really does come from Rogan and Rogan's podcast making all
Starting point is 00:30:52 these comedians famous. So everyone knows to go see him. But once you're a joe dee as fan and you go, I mean, you're waiting to laugh. You know he's funny. But I mean, if he's just going to these little open open mics, because he's trying to find anywhere close to his house to perform, maybe some people there don't know him. And, and it's, it takes a minute. I remember the very first time I saw Joe Ideas, he gets so worked up and so like he did in his points, and he says the most outrageous shit you've ever heard of in your life. I mean, he's absolutely brilliant as a standard. I honestly don't know. But it takes a minute for you to be like, wait a minute, what the fuck is going on here? And he's got to like win the crowd fresh. You know, I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:35 it makes some strong. Sure, from the source. And that's a cool metaphor for life, right? It's like things are going kind of maybe easy, you know, like everything's working well, and then you just go back to your roots, and you're like, right, I'm gonna do this from the ground up again. Just make sure I still go, right, make sure I'm strong enough to. That's a definitely a life metaphor. I think that we should do that on the daily. I mean, obviously giving an art like comedy or any kind of art for me, you gotta stay sharp on your game, But think of you hold yourself accountable to that on the daily with some certain non-negotiables as well, that's probably an effective habit to have the best life possible, I imagine. For sure. And you know, in the meantime Bill was talking about, well, what does he do with his time? He's been watching a bunch of old movies, like old shitty horror movies. And I find myself doing the same thing. Like I've definitely watched more TV during this year. And I don't watch a lot almost ever.
Starting point is 00:32:35 But a lot of movies and a lot of TV this year that I never did before. And it really highlights the importance of that type of escapism Yeah, it's like we need things that we need entertainment right now more than ever Yeah, I mean and it barely exists I Feel that way too, but the more and more of this stuff unfolds I feel like we need to like bond together as a human people and then I don't have an uprising like there was some in
Starting point is 00:33:05 India like there's I don't know how you do it. I've been like I've literally researched revolution like multiple times and trying to figure out like what are some certain things you can do personally is other than like developing your own friggin militia but some of the things that are going on dude ever ever since that day where you went to the basketball range, your whole perspective on this flip, that really pissed you off, didn't it? Yeah, I, there isn't, I can't, it's like a fire burning in me too, like it's like,
Starting point is 00:33:35 it always comes down to what cost is my thought process, or what cost are we doing this? And you, I mean, they talk about, right? And who's over there evaluating those things. There's nobody there's no Fauci That's valuating mental health or these other things that are actual things that are going on as well. It's like I don't know. I don't know how you evaluate that in the first place But it seems like taking away these simple freedoms are really really starting to fuck with people I mean I this whole new normal
Starting point is 00:34:05 bullshit like I just don't have time for that. Like I've been living on this earth for almost 39 years now. And I think that the reason we live here in America so we have like an exercise, some certain freedoms, like making an income. And it's like when you start taking that shit away, I don't know what you're doing. Well, I think what's gonna happen that is really scary is it gets to a point where people, you know, just regular people are starting to know a few homeless people. And not like you meet them, they're like people you knew before the weren't homeless.
Starting point is 00:34:38 And then you're gonna start to realize, you know, as more and more people flood the streets during the pandemic, it's like, wow, it's gonna highlight that that is, that is like a bad normal that's being created. Like people that are, you know, because you often think when the economy is good and things are going well, it's like, well, if you're on the street, you've got a mental health problem or a drug problem, you know, or maybe you've made just really bad choices.
Starting point is 00:35:04 But when you, when it's maybe none of those things and you were just so close to the poverty line, you lost everything, and there's really no avenue out of it. Yeah. It's like, wow, what, what then, you know, I wonder how many of it, I wonder what the percentage of folks is that's in that category that you just mentioned. I mean, there's got to be a number for sure that's, and that's just sad. I mean, yeah, I think, I think in some ways that's probably where like parts of the uprising will come from. Yeah. You know, because they'll be desperate to get out of that position and all of them will be thinking this way. Right. And then they're going to start trying to, I mean, in a way, they're banding together anyway. You see those massive tent communities being established
Starting point is 00:35:48 in Venice and around the LA. It's like bigger than ever. Bigger than ever. And they're just filmed a friggin' movie. I mean, they're always filming shit down there in Venice, but they had a full film crew down there, full film crew. Like, all around the skate thing, like, in my one buddy was out there yelling at them from like a distance actually, like all around the skate thing, like, and my one buddy was out there, like yelling
Starting point is 00:36:05 at them from like a distance actually, like, saying, how is this okay? Like you're locking everybody down, he's like, you let these actors get out here and do this. And I saw his point. And I mean, I just want anybody to be able to work, you know what I mean? So it's like hard for me to say anything to them, but the cops were backing them, like they had them all like blocked off. And you're like, how are all these people not working on all these small businesses all around here? But yeah, there's this big fucking movie production going on right here.
Starting point is 00:36:32 I just don't get the where we at. When people see that, when people see that, just like him, the way he was reacting, just yelling. And I'm like, I feel for him. Like I was just right there with him. You know what I mean? Like I was, it's like I can't hate.
Starting point is 00:36:47 It's like I totally understand. So where, where, well, it's probably a good time to shoot a bunch of those like desolate city zombie movies. Nobody's anywhere. Well, you'd think that, but not done in Venice, bro. You wouldn't even know that shit's going on whenever it's like, whenever it's nice, weather out that boardwalk is just as packed as it ever is.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah. I mean, it really is. They're not coming down on people for that? No. No, and that's not that I know of. I mean, I'm down there with a bandana around my neck. Like how do you how do you enforce to like pull it up over your nose or down your mouth? It's like, who they don't have.
Starting point is 00:37:21 There's no training for something like that. There's no like there's no way to like Is this like they want to be an asshole? You can write somebody a ticket basically. It seems like I Guess I don't know I personally don't know anybody has got a ticket prep not having a mask personally, but It's crazy now. It's crazy now anytime you go anywhere. I'm sure you guys have the same thing too It's like I walk out the door and I'm like shit. I forgot my mask. It's a guard. I gotta come back in. I mean, I don't know. To people that sense the people out there about this, I'm sorry, but it's like it's a weird time. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Hey, what did you think about it? And I don't know if this part, how are you watching these new Rogans, are you using Spotify? Yeah, I know last week you said you were watching them YouTube. I was on YouTube, I haven't reached gone back on YouTube because I heard him say that this is going to be the last or make some mention of that. So I downloaded Spotify, the free one. Seems to have a little lag. Yeah. I have a little bit of like a lag in a like pauses
Starting point is 00:38:20 from time to time, but overall overall it's does the trick. Did it run that boxing commercial in the middle of the episode, the Bilbo one for you? I don't think so. It just stopped and it like cut it, not even at any place where it came out. In the middle of them talking and it wasn't Rogan saying it and they were just talking about fucking some boxing. And that was the end of the podcast wasn't Rogan saying it and they were just talking about fucking some boxing. And that was the end of the podcast wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:38:48 No, no, it was the middle. Oh, it was they just went back to talking. Okay. And it was just such a weird transition. I was like, what the hell? That might have been where I could just happen. How long did they talk for? Because I only saw like an hour and some minutes just because I saw that thing come up and
Starting point is 00:39:01 I was like, well, I guess that's the end of the cast. Oh, no, no, that was the, I think they only the end of the cast. Oh, no, no, no. So that was the... I think the only talk for like two hours. So it was a fairly short podcast. But yeah, it was just randomly in the middle. I wonder if we have to just get used to that. Well, I was just like, oh shit, I guess it's over. That just cut, because I didn't notice.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Oh, no, no. I didn't notice. You got to stay at the end. I think it... But that's why I brought it up. I wonder if anyone else listening, like let us know. If you found that kind of... One, if you thought that was anyone else listening, let us know. If you found that kind of one, if you thought that was the end, let us know. And if you just thought it was kind of awkward,
Starting point is 00:39:29 I feel like they just spent a hundred million on this podcast. Yeah. Put the commercials in and place them, it makes sense. So it's not like weird. At least like take an actual break. Yeah. And then have it play and come back. So you know, I'm on what you just said on the other side. I literally thought it was over. I was like, I would say not dead middle, but it was like an hour and 20. And then it was just like boom done.
Starting point is 00:39:51 And I was like, what the hell? And I've never seen it happen. I guess I hadn't seen a commercial on Spotify yet. So I didn't know what to expect. But I just saw that and was like, I guess it's over. That was weird. But well, really all they talked about afterwards, some things, but like bit of comedy and just like having fun getting back into comedy. Joe is opening a club in Austin, you know, and I think he's going to open it with
Starting point is 00:40:16 Burke, Chrysher, maybe Tom Seguire, probably Aries. Aries, Shafi is going to be involved. But after that, they, which would be great. I think that club would be amazing. I hope they do a great job. I can't wait to go visit and check it out. I definitely will. It'd be the new comedy store, you know, for sure. It'd be the new Mac of comedy. But he was talking about when he was 18, he took a year off school to kind of focus on his Taekwondo, try and get to the Olympics, and then also just try and figure out what he wants to do.
Starting point is 00:40:50 And he remembers telling people what he was doing and everyone just kind of responding in a way, well, certain people were responding like he's a loser and he felt like a loser. And I think to myself, he's fucking 18. Like how are you supposed to know what you want to do at 18? Right. And just the idea that there's so much pressure, like, oh, go back to school, get all these student loans. Like, thank God Rogan didn't do that.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Yeah, exactly, right. And it really highlights an important point that a lot of people are going to have to go through because once things open up, you might have to do jobs that you never expected doing before, ones that maybe don't have a lot of prestige, and you just got to grind and get on with it. And it's like a lot of things, right? They say that one saying comparison is the thief of joy. Right. So and judgment from others because they always say like people like Gary Vee and those
Starting point is 00:41:39 motivators on YouTube, they're always like, don't give a fuck about what people think. Now, that's way easier to say than to do. But it's a very important thing. It's like, take the time, find your path. Don't worry about like, people will hate. No matter what, people will hate. Believe me. Read the reviews of this podcast. People will hate. Don't give a fuck about it. Just do what you enjoy, try to do it well and like find your Find what you want to do I couldn't agree more, you know Yeah, it's a it's a big lesson in there So that was like a nice part of the ending and I think that it really resonates with any comedians because imagine how many people Go into comedy or like when you tell someone you're gonna become a stand-up and
Starting point is 00:42:23 Your family just looks at you like what the fuck are you thinking? Like there's no job in this. Well there is for some people. I think that's true. And it seems like they they can all do well if you just stick at it and like trial by fire and just keep hitting and getting up and going and keep going and improving. Like you're gonna get better. People will pay to watch you and you'll make other comedy friends and you know, it's amazing what you can be capable of if you fucking stick at something and go for it. Absolutely. I like to believe that our generation is kind of, I guess it's all individual, but our
Starting point is 00:42:57 generation may have ventured out a little bit more and more accepting of these alternative careers as opposed to lawyer, banker, accountant. Like, you know what I mean? I think so, and I think that is true. Like people, you know, this is like the generation of entrepreneurs and people trying to start their own businesses and really, I mean, you realize how stupid it is. A lot of times working for somebody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:21 You're like, I could do this, share myself. You just fucking hustle and a few things of fail. I'm sure. And you just keep going. It's all good. Keep going. You'll get better at stuff, even if you suck at it. It's all learning. Then of the day, you wouldn't your failure learn 100% 100%. Well, that's that. That's it for this week. Um, anything you want to add before we take a few. Just thank you guys for listening and if you want to give me a follow-at G.L.O.V.E. O.N.E. I will connect with you guys. Appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Love it. All right. Thanks guys. Tune in next week. Peace. you

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