Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 208 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Dr. Carl Hart et al.

Episode Date: January 20, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Podcast. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created now with your hosts Adam Thorn my either the worst Go draw the show
Starting point is 00:00:35 Hello and welcome to another episode of the J.R.E. review Rogan universe Join us always by Garrett, how you doing bud? What's up guys, how we doing? All right, good week of pods. Yeah, we're gonna open up with Dr. Carl Hart. That guy was a trip for sure. Run over Janus Popus and then finish up with Ira Glasa. The last one of the week
Starting point is 00:01:08 was if I remember who's that scientist? Avy Loeb with the UFO. Oh was that prior to this one you're saying? No that was the last one of last week. Right right. We're probably skip over that one. Yeah I didn't get to that one you're saying? No, that was the last one of last one. Right, right. We're probably skip over that one. Yeah, I didn't get to that one. I got to the three you just discussed, but yeah, I didn't get to that UFO.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah, we skip over that one. That was interesting though. I was just hoping that once again, there was more confirmed information that aliens exist, but just a bunch of speculation as per you, right? Okay, 1593 Dr Karl Hart Wow, let's just say that I I mean obviously very smart
Starting point is 00:02:02 Very qualified noses shit, but I never ever thought that I would hear someone be like, Oh yeah, heroin. I do heroin. It's awesome. Yeah, I do heroin. After I do heroin instead of drinking. Joe said he's like, I try it with you. That, that just speaks to, I mean, just says a lot right there. I mean talk about
Starting point is 00:02:27 status. It doesn't give a fuck. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, I trust this guy. Right. And I don't have any preconceived notions. Like obviously he's never thought that Harold was a good idea, but he's hearing it from this professional. Right. And he's like, if I know what's in it, then I trust him. Yeah. Similar. But also think about, think about when people say Rogan sold out, you know, he's got too big. So now he cares too much about how he's perceived and all the rest of it. Yet he's like willing to be like, yeah, I'll do coconut heroin. Yeah, I, well, I guess that's just the he's like willing to be like, yeah, I'll do Coke and heroin. Yeah, well, I guess that's just the rhetoric that you're hearing because it's like, he always is humble.
Starting point is 00:03:08 He always just talks about how he's just like, kind of as surprised as everybody else is that the show's gotten as big as it has. It's not, I never feel like he acknowledges the platform that he has frequently, but far selling out goes. And I don't approve that narrative. Yeah, no way. I don't't even and this is a prime example, right? I mean You know people this cancel culture stuff It's so dumb people so worried about how they're perceived yet. He's just like I don't give a fuck right?
Starting point is 00:03:38 That's what I would want to do. I'm interested in trying it. I like that thought process and as far as just a comment on what Dr. was talking about, Carl. I kind of agree with him all the way up until I just saw this thing I was telling you earlier about that documentary on Netflix, about crack cocaine. And I had an idea of how it affected culture in the time in the 80s and 90s, but there even I guess it was part of the 70s too, it started out with cocaine and then turned into crack and All the other I guess is all it comes down to personality and who you are as far as whether or not you can manage addiction or
Starting point is 00:04:16 Trying stuff, but the way they made crack seam was like if you try crack one time you are consistently looking for that high for the rest of your life like no matter what one time you are consistently looking for that high for the rest of your life, like no matter what. That one seemed like it would just show it, well they kind of broke it down too on how like, like it fucked the whole thing up because basically the black community was able to like thrive during the process, but it just developed a lot of police corruption and like once guns became involved, it was like everybody just bought a lot of police corruption and like once guns became involved it was like everybody just bought a new gun and everybody was killing everybody over crack that was just the name of the game like they were just showing these stories from that time and it was like cleaning up bodies was
Starting point is 00:04:57 basically what was going on during that era it was crazy. Jesus I wonder if that's the worst drug like you hear hear about meth too, but like the way Dr. Karl Ha put it down and he was wearing a t-shirt that had basically meth on it. Right. Like the image of it. Right. I love that. But I mean, I did add a roll. I was about to say it with the fuck on it. College. Right. I've been add a roll. It's basically meth. Right. You know, when I quit quit taking it when I couldn't get it anymore my psychiatrist just stopped giving it to me one day it was like oh okay dude the withdrawals were horrific really like it's no joke yeah yeah it was I was
Starting point is 00:05:34 on a lot of out of all it's crazy some people be on that stuff all day every day popping that shit like crazy like from when they were the whole lives yeah that's a scary problem I've taken it a handful of time to make you a different person oh it does it fucking alleviates a lot of your personality I think a lot of the time because you're just like I don't know it helped me write a couple of papers especially for a guy like me I kind of all over the place when I'm thinking about stuff so it definitely allowed me to focus in but not something I'd ever want to become reliant on, that's for sure.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Yeah, but I mean the way Dr. Kaha was putting it down, it's like if in moderation, it can be quite useful and can be used for, and obviously you make MDMA out of it too. It's very close and that has therapeutic effects without a doubt They're using it now for I think like PTSD therapies and things for trauma So I mean beneficial. Yeah, but then you take something like crack It's as destructive as it is and it's like is there any use for this one right like is that one the worst one I don't in hindsight. I don't really remember did he comment much on crack I don't really remember that that was like much of a no he like he really didn't he did talk about cocaine Yeah, he's a fan right like so. Yeah, I mean I think who doesn't right there's benefits to that too
Starting point is 00:07:01 It's I mean I do but at the same time I feel like we've had this joke I don't going joke no one has ever woken up in the morning and be like man. I'm really glad I did cocaine last night That's so true. It's never happened one time ever in life. I don't I don't think so I'd be surprised I will say the hangover from like mushrooms. I actually kind of enjoy it I don't know that's not like I've had it. It not necessarily hangover but like this that kind of like lucid feeling the next morning I've only got a ton of time but it still feels like you still kind of get a tinge but you're like in complete control still but you're just kind of on that high. It's not like loving all day. Yeah you're still in the good spot like shit's beautiful. Yeah, I just don't the constant comparison the alcohol is the best argument
Starting point is 00:07:48 You can make for any drug because it's like Joe said you can walk in any fucking liquor store and buy enough Drill enough alcohol to kill you in one day any day you want any time of the fucking you But otherwise that's like you can just see the bureaucracy in all of it It's all it all comes down to money and who's controlling what? That's all it is. If anything, that's what's taught us this COVID time. And it kind of just feeds into that. But it's just interesting that it always comes down to money at the end of the day, right?
Starting point is 00:08:14 Right. It's almost like, too, with alcohol. It seems manageable, right? So if you're looking at like a government controlling drugs, you know, or like having them available, it's like the alcohol one seems the most manageable for them, you know, you drink, you feel like shit, you go to work, it's like nobody could ever be like, oh yeah, I started microdosing alcohol and my life is really improving and I'm separating from society and I'm starting my own business.
Starting point is 00:08:49 You think about how many things. It seems like a lot of these other drugs can do that. They can lead you to these places. Right. Alcohol never will do that. Never. Never was. And think about how much finances produced from DUIs, tickets, alcohol, sales, jailing people for fucking DUIs, like all kinds of,
Starting point is 00:09:07 there's all kinds of revenue being provided by alcohol, whichever way you look at it. Positive. I hope they don't. I hope they're not so nefarious that they take that into account. Right, like dude, we'd love to ban alcohol, but we can't afford to not have all these DUI cases. Dude, I wouldn't. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:09:26 It'd be naive to think that that's not something that they know about. They know that that's going on. I mean, I don't know who Bay is in particular, but we can't be the only people exposing that thought process. You know what I mean? You're getting conspiracy again. You're using Bay. It's the aliens, man.
Starting point is 00:09:44 I did not know that PCP was Kettaman. No, I don't know if I knew that right now. I knew that I knew that you could extract. I'd always heard from my chemistry classes, you could extract it from fire extinguishes. Interesting. I never tried, but I just heard that it was a component in there, but I mean the fact that it is basically Kethan and I just assumed I would have heard that or read it somewhere. Right. But you know, that was always the one I was like, oh, I'll never do PCP, that sounds crazy. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:17 But I tried Kethan. I tried Kethan a bunch of times, so I guess I've done PCP. I've done it a handful of times, you times to I'm usually under the influence of other substances during the process so to distinguish between one and the other hasn't been successful for me totally. That's all yeah that's but either way. That's always the mess isn't it if like you're already drinking and then you try something right like you don't you don't really try it then. Exactly. I was that thing that this guy was like,
Starting point is 00:10:47 whenever I was doing cocaine on this little documentary, he was like, I'd be up for four days, I'd just drink water. And I'm like, well, that's not how we party, where you should drink and do it, whatever else in the process. I will say that I think my cocaine days are my, my B behind me at this age and just where I'm at. Like I said, I never wake up. Like, man, I'm really happy I did that. He makes some silly decisions and I don't know. It's a small move bro. I'm in the same
Starting point is 00:11:10 boat. There's a lot of I mean I definitely enjoy it like I get it it keeps the party moving but at the same time it's like uh it's just people like like you said to you start like you just start being a different person I think at some point, you know. Hmm, just chasing. Well, that's the thing. Yeah, you're like chasing it in the room. Right. Hey, just go mom. Where is it?
Starting point is 00:11:32 Get it. Let's do all of it. It's not like you ever get something and like set a little away. Well, maybe maybe other people do. I don't think you get it. It's gone that night because I don't want to have to fucking think about it again. I really like the idea that Joe and Carl were talking about doing a special series. Oh, that was a great idea. Yeah Yeah, right where they will be fucked up on a drug but not say what it was right and then I guess like the next week
Starting point is 00:11:59 And what did Joe call it guess what we're on right? Dude if you think about it though, I mean, and I don't know every drug, but I'm thinking about acid trums, I mean, ketamine. All these drugs are like failing comparison to alcohol. If you get blackout waste, then you have no idea what you're doing a lot of the time. I mean, case in point, like it just happens frequently. It's being a bartender,
Starting point is 00:12:19 you witness it all the time, you know what I mean? It's like, if you're not drinking, I think that managing those other drugs is much, much, much easier. But I don't want to say easier, just much more manageable. But alcohol is one of those things that seems the fucking ruin people's lives. A lot of times it's ruined a lot of relationships. It's ruined a lot of things when you think about MDMA or one of these other drugs, if you do it with like he was saying about doing
Starting point is 00:12:44 X to see with his wife, like he was like, he's like, you got to do it with like he was saying about doing ecstasy with his wife like he was like He's like you gotta do it because it builds relationships, you know what I mean? There's a reason they're using it for PTSD and these other things like there's a lot of benefits to it. I mean Granited burns holes in your brain from what I've heard but Yeah, I don't know about I don't know about either. It's beyond I don't think it does I don't think they That's the big takeaway from this though. That's the huge surprising point that he was making is like,
Starting point is 00:13:09 look, then not, like he doesn't even drink. He doesn't like it. Right? He's like, it's just not good for you at all. There's no benefit. Right. Yet he's talking about heroin and he's a professional. Like he couldn't know more about this stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:23 It really makes you think, like, wow, what sort of prejudices do I have in play? Now I'm not saying, hey, I'm gonna try or do heroin, but it makes you think, okay, like, we often, all of us will get on a cycle at some point where we're drinking too much. Right. Right?
Starting point is 00:13:41 It just happens. It's so readily available, and it's just we all know it's bad It's like, you know a lot of people don't smoke because they're like well everyone knows it's bad But a whole lot you drink a lot, too, right? Right. That's the thing That's right fucking throwing and probably for your mental health drinking is worse than smoking because smoking just has like a stimulant effect right anyway, right and Okay, because smoking just has like a stimulant effect. Right. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Right. And very bad for your health, obviously. Yeah, but I've heard that. It's, you know, you're not getting hung over, you're not getting like... In trouble. Oh, it's... Yeah, I mean, you can drive and smoke. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I mean, that's way safer than drinking, obviously. I think you made it a bit... Right, it's a good point. I think you just kind of hit on it too. It's just like it's so interesting watching people have one avenue of life thinking that's right and then being able to condemn everybody else. But if you're 200 pounds overweight and you're like,
Starting point is 00:14:35 man, you're smoking and drinking a lot. I'd be like, how's your heart doing? You know what I mean? Yeah, like you can throw rocks and glass house all you want, but at the end of the day You need to evaluate what's working for you and what what's functional for you But like we've already commented. I don't think alcohol is super functional for anybody, but No, it's fun at times though, but look moderation right right if you can it's just hard to do moderation with yeah though, but look moderation, right? Right, right? If you can, it's just hard to do moderation with alcohol. Absolutely. You know, you're at a bar and you do three beers and everyone's still hanging out.
Starting point is 00:15:10 What are you gonna do? And you want it and you're getting tired. Right. I mean, you're gonna have another one. Yeah. You're definitely gonna have another one. Especially with R Squad, but yeah. That's very true. Very true. I do like that Joe often puts in that like he prefers things to make him scared Like that's what he said. He's never done cocaine. He doesn't need to be more confident He almost likes the ones that freak him out paranoid. That's Yeah, you I mean you know he's telling the truth. He's not trying to make some provider Statement all right, and that that's a very interesting thought process. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:46 That I like, he must see his benefit from it. Absolutely. Well, it's perspective, right? You know, parallels with other things that scare him, that allow him to grow as a person. Absolutely. You know, I wonder how important that is. I wonder how often we should see it that way.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I mean, I don't ever do like when when people get together And maybe there's some mushrooms involved even if it's with good people and you're doing it for like some sort of growth You know, you're not just doing it to be wasted right? You know, I never think to myself God. I hope I get scared now No, I just hope it'd be fun And then I'll get something out of it. Maybe there is a factor of the fear that is important. Right, I think that the bond that you can make. I don't know, I'm not as brave as Joe,
Starting point is 00:16:32 so I don't know how to deal with that. I think the bonds and the relationships and the friendships that you can develop doing kind of some extra curricular substances can develop into some great bonds with some people that you wouldn't normally have to be honest with you because it breaks them a lot of like social barriers or even like communication barriers where you might be has a tend to say something remember whenever you have it you can be a lot more like just yourself and loving and
Starting point is 00:16:58 honest I think there's a lot of benefit to that um it's far the end. I mean even alcohol can do that Yeah, kind of. For sure. I think that's one of the best benefits because I remember like I was reading one of the books that Joe had. It was about addiction and how people were addicted like internet, Instagram and how they get this dopamine and whatnot. And it was just interesting how that's, I don't know where I was going with that, but it's it with it. I don't know. It's an interesting how that's I don't know where I was going with that, but it's it with it I don't know. It's an interesting thing. Well, there's a lot of things right that you can get addicted to that do nothing for Right, and that's that's a really important factor and kind of a theme a lot of times
Starting point is 00:17:37 It's like what are you focusing your attention without a doubt. Is it anything that allows you to grow right or? Is it anything that allows you to grow or is it a necessary distraction that's neither positive or negative but gives you a bit of relaxation or is it something that's going to really start wasting your time? Right. I don't know, video games or whatever like the traps are that just kind of take up people's times. Right. I really like this this was a super interesting podcast for me just because of the the perception it went completely even well, right? Yeah, dude even I had like pretty strong feelings about like oh what a loser a guy does that like if anyone had ever said to me Yeah, I do a bit of heroin sometimes right Right. Immediately, I'm like, that guy is a complete loser.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And now I'm like, wait a second. Right. Maybe he's got something. Maybe that guy is a doctor. Right. Hugs. I got to imagine he is definitely, well, I don't want to say definitely, but he's not, again,
Starting point is 00:18:39 he's not the status quo. He challenges everything that way, just because you have that basic sentiment. I do too So he definitely challenged that all thought process, you know Yeah Anyhow yeah, for sure for sure right moving on. Let's go on to Janus Papa's 1594 that was pretty funny. Um Yeah, hilarious dude, New Yorker, Bennett comedian for a long time.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Did you know who that shot in his leg? I did not know. I may have, you know, because I watched so much stand up that I probably seen him. Right. Do some skits, but I wasn't familiar with it. I thought I recognized his name, but it's hard to tell, but I really liked it. Yeah, I thought he was great. Where do you sell it, for sure?
Starting point is 00:19:27 Very funny. And like, you know, he goes back, like Joe's known him a long time. Donnell. Oh, that's right. Obviously, really helped him out. I mean, he has a good lineage for, like, there must be something about this, dude, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:43 if he has that kind of company. Right right and it was really coming across absolutely I liked it yeah I liked how he said rogue and show is the opposite of Twitter is what because I guess he the opposite of Twitter oh that's a good point because he you know he gets on Twitter and he gets in fights and he gets worked up and gets worn out. He said he pulled. He said he pulled over to the side of the road to win a Twitter battle. That was excellent. That's that's when you know you have a problem. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Oh, man. Somebody you don't even know that I never really got into that. I don't even, I think I've downloaded Twitter a couple of times. And I had to phone, but I just want, I know that everybody checks it. I don't check that shit ever to be honest. Yeah, I don't get into it and then all I've ever heard is like bad things about like really getting it and I don't know. I don't want to get pulled into anything like that. Absolutely. So I'll stay away from it. What were you talking about that? Cancel culture and stuff too, it's like I'm probably just
Starting point is 00:20:47 being a free love hippie guy but it is so, it seems like such a fucking drain on your personality and who you are as a person to write. And I don't know, I just never have written any negatives on anybody on any kind of platform. The only thing I want to do is bring people up. Like why would I waste my time trying to tear somebody down? That's just a projection of your own insecurities the way it's what it really comes down to I think Yeah, that's definitely your style though. Yeah, you don't like to do that I get I get into it, but I do it more in person. You've seen me do that. Yeah, somebody want me up
Starting point is 00:21:20 And I asked I'll be like what the fuck did you just say? I mean if you have like We always come back to this. It's like, I don't want to be right. I just want to be fucking informed. That's all to bet so long as I think that that's the forefront of what your conversations stem from. I don't really care about being right. I just want to be informed. I'm willing to change my sentiment and my attitude towards situations if you tell me a different angle, that makes more sense.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah, I like to, I like that to be my sentiment but sometimes I catch myself trying to be right. And then that's a slippery slum out of it. You've got to really take a step back from that. Refershure. They talked a lot about the New York scene, like the New York comedy scene how different it is from LA right and how there's like the the breaking your balls right sentiment right
Starting point is 00:22:12 you know they're just like giving you shit they talked about the one giant security guy there was a beast makes his own weights right uh that that no matter how good your set was, he, I guess he was like a Irish guy. Still breakable. I mean, you would just be like, that's a term. Yeah, you'd just be like, oh, you still, that's still doing that always. That's a term of endearing though. If I mean, all my buddies, I always try and tell my buddies that like, and even people that I know randomly, it's like, if I'm not making fun of you, then that means that
Starting point is 00:22:40 probably don't like you in some weird way, right? Yeah. that probably don't like you in some weird way, right? Yeah, and you don't often get that sentiment and energy and that like people are, they're just different than, I mean, I don't know what it is, but they don't, they don't see it like that. Well, it comes back to that progressive culture and that like count that cancel culture. It's like, you gotta be so hesitant on what you say
Starting point is 00:23:03 all the time, just because people are out there. And I don't know I don't want to go back to like propaganda or whatever but it's like who is they it's like I don't like I'm trying to think about who is being the people that are like for example calling in like the whaler right over by us just got like the cops called on them because they had people standing outside drinking drinks and they're acting like they're like wait what like but I like, who the fuck is calling these people? Like, I don't know any of those people personally unless this is some person that's just pissed off at life.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Like, I don't know, but the people that are trying to cancel people are just like, who are these people? I've never met them. Well, I just don't surround myself with them, at least that I know on the surface. Yeah. I don't know who this cancel culture is. I don't know who it is. If it's just like young progressives that are looking at, I think it comes from. I don't know the way they always try and say is they're trying to do something good,
Starting point is 00:23:56 but they've just overstepped the boundary, I think it's ultimately the circumstance. Would you agree? Yeah, I don't really know him either. And anytime I've come in contact with it personally, I'm like, they seem weak. Right. They're never strong. I never look at him like, wow, what a, like I admire your thought process.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Right. I'm always like, why are you complaining? Right. What are you, like if you not really dealt with difficult things. Right. That's what it comes down to. Like, what are you, what are you spending? Right. If you not really dealt with difficult things. That's what it comes down to. What are you spending your time on? The ultimate thing too, whatever thought process you have in this COVID situation, and
Starting point is 00:24:35 just this past year has taught us anything, your thought process is going to be made up by what you're internalizing and what you're digesting as far as news goes, content goes, conversations go with the people that you're having. That's gonna influence you dramatically. So it's like whatever you're reading on whatever side, if you watch CNN all day, you're gonna have one thought process.
Starting point is 00:24:58 If you watch Fox all day, you're gonna have another thought process. It's like, it's all entertainment. It's all, it's just not everyone. At this point, it's just like, tell us the fucking facts. Why has there not been a news? Well, no doubt these cancel culture people are all feeding off each other. And like, you know, it's like they, they just keep encouraging each other to be more counseling, cancel that counseling. Yeah. I think it's that thing that he keeps saying, like, you know, the tough times make hard men,
Starting point is 00:25:30 and then, you know, all the way down to soft men. And I think that this is a reflection of the soft men, soft times business. That's true. It's like they've got nothing to fight for and they don't know how to fight. So they just, you know, I want to stop everyone saying anything they don't like.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I wonder how much. It's like hold the phone. I wonder how much of that is, I mean, he made reference to that back. I don't know, and pre-his podcast about how there's been like Russian bots that just like get on there. And like, just opposed people to oppose people and set up rallies, like Muslim rally right next to a white, like nationalist
Starting point is 00:26:06 rally, just to cause controversy. And it's like, we're trying to, I don't know, I don't know if it's an outside source or if it's happening mainly within the US and it's US citizens or if it's outside process is trying to implode us. I don't really know, but I'm sure it's a combination of all, but it's kind of a scary thing to think about at the same time. Yeah, yeah, for sure, but it's, I don't know, man. I don't really know. Yeah, it's like crazy. I mean, look, they talk a lot about the wrestlers, right, and Dagestan?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Right. I mean, they're talking about really hard men from a hard place and a hard time. Guarantee like cancel culture in Dazekstan is like almost non-existent at all. You know, unless maybe it's like non-Muslim you know talk that they because they're religious maybe they don't like that. But if you rest, you know know they're not soft over there. If you're wrestling bears like fucking kabeeb you're you got you got bigger fish to fry than fucking yeah you're not complaining that somebody made fun of a fat person right right right
Starting point is 00:27:15 you just like yeah they're fat they need to lose weight so they can wrestle more bears. That seems to be I mean it just seems like in a lot of other cultures, we've become so soft here in the US that we find things to be upset about and stuff. Other cultures wouldn't even like look at what we do as, I mean, they're like, that's a problem. Kind of, I mean, I imagine that's how they look at it. Like, the thought process of a lot of the things that we're doing as far as like Just beating each other up all over the place. I mean What did you think about the the talk they had where the Chinese billionaire is going message? Oh, I have her yeah, I was having that conversation with my boss yesterday He's like, yeah, well that guy wasn't really wasn't. Keep talking for a second. I've got a year and a half.
Starting point is 00:28:08 He said that he wasn't really a public figure and then from the jump. So it's kind of an interesting thought that I don't know who knows. Maybe that guy did get like kidnapped. It's an interesting, interesting place. Can you imagine of Jeff Bezos? Got friggin' taken off the map. We'd find him in a second, or we'd at least have a story based on it, I think.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I don't know. It's just a, that is a weird thing. What do you think about that? I imagine you probably have a opinion on that. Shit, I pissed a little bit on myself. I was trying to end it quick. Yeah, I mean, dude, maybe that's why they're trying to go to Mars so they can fuck off and not get.
Starting point is 00:29:03 You know, it's a slippery slope right I think it starts with like basically the government needs to have unbelievable control over its people which in America they try and push against like that's what the freedom shit is and you know the bill of rights and the First Amendment and it just goes to show that it doesn't matter how much money you have if you're in the wrong country and then you say the wrong thing, you can't disappear right and that they we don't have that here yet but we I think it's I think this the steps are small right you know, it's like a power grab always, and both sides are pulling back,
Starting point is 00:29:49 and the people pull, and then the government pulls, and you gotta be real careful, because otherwise they can just take people. Right, you know? That kind of reminds me, I've been watching, kind of not research, but just seeing stuff on Scientology of late, like I just kind of was interested in,
Starting point is 00:30:06 I kind of went down a rabbit hole past few days, just kind of being like, what is this all about? And like that thing is a fucking animal in itself. I don't know if you've done any research on Scientology, but that sounds like what you're saying. It sounds like a friggin Chinese government or something like that. I've watched a couple of the documentaries.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Obviously they're way biased against the religion, so take it with a green assault. But yeah, it looks like once you're in, you don't want to try and get out. It's like it's going to be a real headache. Well, it's not even a gang situation. I mean, I haven't been in that, but I'd beat you up and you're out. And it's like, okay, that's what in the Scientology thing.
Starting point is 00:30:48 It's like, they like literally will harass you for the rest of your life kind of thing. Like they were showing these, yeah, showing these interviews about how they'd have like, PIs like going through their frickin trash. And they were like, you just picked up my, he's like, you literally just grabbed my trash. And this guy was telling a story about how you would like write little notes and put it in dog poop and then they'd have to dig, dig it out of the dog poop on purpose. Like I was just like, wow, that is a fucking quite the process. But yeah, and again, it all comes down to control, right? It's like, it's like any, even a bad relationship is usually focused on control.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Too much control. Absolutely. So like one person trying to do it. I heard this thing. What did you, what did you think of the end of their podcast when you were talking about schooling, right? Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:38 And how in Finland, where they have really good schools, and they mostly just do like four days of school, no homework, kids are super smart. Like that to me just sounds, it's like here they, you have five days of school and then they give you homework and if you're in college you're gonna have a shit ton of homework and then a lot of people have had finals before, so they know how intense that gets. And it's like, what are they really training us today? I was gonna say, why are we not- Like, work so hard, we can't even think. Why are we not teaching people how to be a mom? Like, how is that beneficial? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:16 I don't know why we're not teaching kids how to manage money, how to be, I don't know. We're teaching about, it seems like we're just, we're so advanced in so many ways and we're so archaic in so many ways to it Just as amazing to me that we can be so smart yet so stupid right at the same exact time Right, I don't know. I don't know. Yeah Not to not to comment. I mean I know how I can be stupid. Well, yeah, I'm off on top absolutely absolutely, but I
Starting point is 00:32:43 Think that control thing. I thing I heard I heard a quote and I kind of just once you hear something you can't turn it back and I've always he's my this guy Wayne Dyer that I listen to he said once you release that thought process that you want to have any control over any other person you're like free That's I feel like that's so evident like once you just like realize that you just need to worry about you Let other people do what they want to do As long as you're not hurting anybody do whatever the fuck you want to do. I don't have it. I don't have any I think I think that and I've definitely fallen into this trap I think that you think that you're worrying about you by trying to either worry or control others
Starting point is 00:33:21 No, that's a good point But if you if you can pull away and just go no, no, wait, this is more about me. Like what can I do to improve this situation? I'll just focus on that. And that takes a lot of space, a lot of time, a lot of reflection, maybe some mushrooms.
Starting point is 00:33:39 But what you're not gonna get is like if you're in school or having a job that makes you work 70, 80 hours a week, you're not gonna be anywhere close to them. Like you just, you know, and that's the parallel I see. I'm like, wait a minute, the way that they educate us, it's almost like just fill them up completely with the work. So they have no time to actually think about all the importance shit. Like what you want to do with your life, how you want to treat other people, how you want to treat yourself. Stay healthy, work out, have time to eat good food, right?
Starting point is 00:34:12 You know, socialize in a good communal way. Like none of that's happening in finals week. You just eat in ramen noodles, reading as much as you can, price slamming out of a row. Salmon out of of ralsal night Yeah Yeah, it doesn't seem like it's system set up for success the other day clearly Well, it's success for someone but it might not be the individual doing the world right maybe their eventual boss right
Starting point is 00:34:42 I don't know that's let's move on to the 1595 ira glasses This guy is a legend. Yeah, that's be for sure Freedom of speech guy ACLU Like president or whatever for many many years. What is the ACLU What does ACL use stand for? Do you know? Oh, yeah, I just damn it. I was trying to remember so I could say on the podcast that sounds smart, but I forgot.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I know it's a, I know what it is, but I just don't know exactly what that is. Hang on, I'm googling it now, but I can't take any credit for it. Yeah, fuck. The American Civil Liberties, you know, that's it. Damn, yeah, there we go. Yeah, American Civil Li you know that's it. Yeah, there we go. Yeah, American civil liberties union
Starting point is 00:35:27 Right, so it was started to protect the Bill of Rights with like 40 guys kind of like the beginning of the last century, right and I guess that was like an impossible task at the time like People looked at it like these guys are idiots wasting their time and now look where the people looked at it like these guys are idiots, wasting their time, and now look where the organization is. You know, whether you agree with it or not, I know people have different feelings, but I do like the idea that they protect the first amendment, even if it's with individual things
Starting point is 00:35:58 that they don't necessarily agree with. Like, he gave the example of protecting the rights of those Nazis that wanted to like march, and then there was the guy that lived through the concentration camps, and all the city, Irish Jewish guy, and he was like, you know, you need to let these people speak. And that's the thing about freedom and the right to have these freedoms is, like oftentimes, you're gonna have to hear things you don't like. That's what it is. You're not gonna agree with it all.
Starting point is 00:36:37 And the hope is to just, you know, through education and good discussion, that you weed out the shit that's fucking unhealthy and bullshit. Right. What are your thoughts on Trump being banned from Twitter? I think that's where that conversation kind of stemmed from initially. Yeah. Uh... Well, it's a tough one.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I mean, I remade the distinction between freedom of speech and then inciting violence. And that's not freedom of speech. So if, and I like the freedom of speech in the first amendment, I like that idea, I don't like inciting violence. I don't think that's useful. So yeah, if that is your focus, as long it's clearly defined though, that's the slippery slope It's like how close can they go? You know clearly I mean if cancel culture goes too hard and then you're like I think fat people are unhealthy
Starting point is 00:37:34 Then one day they could define that as You know inciting some sort of violence. I mean obviously it doesn't sound like it is but who are the people making the rules? And that's the real question. It's like, we've got to be real clear about what is what. It kind of does look like that's what Trump was doing. He's like storm the fucking capital. That's not a good move. Yeah, I do. I'm not one way or the other. I think it's interesting to put all the blame on one person, even though I'm not a Trump supporter, but it is an interesting time right now where it's like He does does things for shock value is what it comes down to it seems like it doesn't do anything. He just sees the
Starting point is 00:38:17 He just enjoys the attention regardless of where it comes from or how it comes. It's like he's kind of gotten I don't know where his head's at man, to be in my 70s and be still having that kind of thought process, just I don't know man, like it's weird. I almost feel bad for the guy, like I know that's not gonna be the common theme, but it's like that guy's got to have some, there's no way he likes being hated as much as he does.
Starting point is 00:38:39 I mean, there's no way. You know what I mean? Like as a human being, you're still doing the same things we are, you're not that far away from us. You just have gotten I mean, I don't like if he just wants to win all the time right and knowing he lost the election He's like already became president Pretty fucking good job. Yeah, right? Just if you're looking at your life's resume, like not bad. Right. So, you know, I mean, and you're a billionaire, you're going to be the richest president
Starting point is 00:39:12 to ever leave office. Right. Why not just be like, yep, did it? Did my best. Right. You know, thanks for everything later. I mean, my boss did, just probably be on TV or fine island. I was talking to my boss, he's here, and he goes, I mean, he goes, he's done's done a lot of done things but at the same time like we didn't send any kids to war
Starting point is 00:39:28 The whole time he was here and I was like huh? I guess it's whatever narrative you want to write cuz he I mean I don't want to say that I don't know what his politics are I'm not and politics too much, but There are certain things that have been beneficial since he's been in obviously, but at the same time. I don't know This will be in it dude. He crushed ISIS like meaty. Right. So I mean, crushed them. Just provided the funding. I mean that's not bad. Globally that's a good man. I mean for sure. But yeah, I don't know. I think they're a lot of other wacky shit.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Whenever I talk to you. But yeah, back to the question, is banning him a good idea? I mean, probably for this and probably for a short period of time. Because if he thought he could get away with this, with no punishment, maybe he would say worse things for siting more craziness in the future and Somebody has to put a stop to it. I mean he's already the top of the law. He's the law right
Starting point is 00:40:35 He makes them and he's saying that right so someone had to say look man. You can't do this I mean when else is the fucking capital been stormed by people in the history of our United States? Yeah. But you have to be careful too. I mean, the point is, it's like, well, then let's clearly define how these private companies can choose the banned people. I mean, Joe's always talking about that.
Starting point is 00:41:05 What is, what are the prerequisites for it? What does it take? Because people are getting banned for a lot less. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. They're getting their sights in there and their voice taken down because it looks like, you know, oh, we don't want you to agree with this. Well, that's not, that's not going.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Do you think he gets a can't do you get brought up on Criminal charges based on what you said. Do you think they were talking about that? That that's a possibility it just doesn't seem like that's the case I don't know and he'd have to be impeached here within the next I think tomorrow is the first day that Biden gets like Accepted right like the inauguration is that right? I Think that's those that that's on the 21st. Because I just saw on something that said that today is Donald Trump's last full day in the office.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Oh, maybe it is. Pretty sure. I'm not sure. I thought it was the 20th tomorrow, but either way he's going to have to, he's going to have to concede. I think that if he was on Twitter right now, he probably just be, I don't know, I don't want to speculate, but I can't imagine he'd be saying anything good about the future. It's like, like you said, he just wants to win. He doesn't seem like he cares about actually the future of the country.
Starting point is 00:42:13 I could be wrong because other people will be like, no, he really cares. And I'm like, yeah, I don't know. Well, a lot of people think that the election was stolen, period, and they are adamant about it. And then once you have that rhetoric in place, it's like, well, what do you expect him to do? He had it torn away from him. What if that actually came, I mean, just for speculation purposes, what if that actually came to light, what that actually happened? That would just put a fucking, that would
Starting point is 00:42:39 be a shoot in the hole in the bottom ship feels like. Know right if all of a sudden like some real evidence came forward and it's like clearly that's what happened and you're like oh Shit, that's why he did this. Yeah, that's the problem with trying to make decisions about this And this is why I try never to be too extreme on either end and you probably have to call me out on that if I stop Calling that direction because you can just never be that sure unless you're never going to have enough information right that's what that's what it comes down to on the vast majority of politics in the first place it's like you don't see all the other so many angles they're going to all the of the everything I mean but I have to believe look they did a lot of investigations and there were a lot of lawsuits and they're never perfect, but it didn't seem like, and I didn't follow this closely,
Starting point is 00:43:29 but it didn't seem like a bunch enough real clear evidence came out to show that it was, and since it's a thing that, I mean, it's not speculatory, right? It either happened or it didn't and there's it literally a paper tray So it should be provable, right? So I'm I just kind of I don't know I'm inclined to believe that They got as close to the truth on it as they could Unless there's a conspiracy that goes beyond it, and if that's the case, then fuck you. Because what the hell can we do?
Starting point is 00:44:09 Right. I mean, what can we believe in general, but yeah, I agree completely. That would come to light. There would be a fucking maam. I don't know what would happen. Because then all the people that Trump supporters would be like, we told you, we're taking over. I don't know. There's still a lot of people that I talk to an Arizona that are like they still haven't counted all the votes even though I mean that was maybe a couple weeks ago but even still they were like it's not over yet I'm like huh this is so weird but oh yeah dude my friends in Nashville were like that sure they never believe it and Atlanta they. They're just like, it was stolen. Supportion is stolen. I'm like, okay. Look, I'm not saying it's not. I just don't, I don't know what to say to him.
Starting point is 00:44:52 I don't want to rile him up anytime. Anybody's that passionate on one side or the other about some topics that they really are only basing their information on other information that they're getting from fucking Facebook and Twitter and Instagram That's where everybody's getting their information these days for the most part, right? I mean, yeah, it seems like we're all just kind of passing around the same narrative. So I heard this I heard that I heard this and it's like Anybody has a voice on the internet, you know what I mean? You can say anything you want That's what the scary thing is and like you said It's like people just say things to get a rise out of people a lot of the time nowadays. It's like I just go, okay cool,
Starting point is 00:45:30 I'm going to do it. So I'll say it later. Call me never. Just get in my head pulled off. Right. I do like the way you put it when he said speech restriction is like having a poison gas. Eventually the wind will change and it will come back on you and yeah and it really is and it's an important thing to remember I think because anyone that I know that like I have a thread with some friends from high school and they have very political different political views but they're good friends and they go hard on each other but then you know every month or so they will meet up for a drink and it's all fine again, you know. Right. But they've really won themselves up. And I don't really get to involve, but I like
Starting point is 00:46:16 watching it and I like read over it sometimes. I'm like, okay, or I just add something silly. My brother's in the same exact boat, he's in a part of that same deal like to a T What you just described and he's always like it all just depends on where people are at in their life like you got kids and you're a successful guy like Running a business and you don't want to be part of a certain tax bracket You're gonna be supportive of the guy who's looking out for you And if you're not and you're gonna have a different thought process and a different. Yeah, or maybe you were just born into it, or like that's just the area of the country that you live in, and that's how your friends think. And I mean, there is a lot of things, right?
Starting point is 00:46:52 To think it's really subjective choice. But what I do notice is when they say, oh yeah, he should be banned for this. And then the other person gives the opposite example, why shouldn't this other person be banned for doing the same thing? And they're like, whoa, but that's all different. Yeah. It really just highlights the fact that like, who has the gas at the time? Who is in control of it? Because whoever has it is going to use it. And it's all good. It's all fine for them until it's used against them. fine for them until it's used against them and that's the point it's like you you really stop any speech even if it's speech you hate you should be worried that speech you like will be eventually stopped too yeah it's a good point that's how that's how I see it I think it's a tough one because I don't have
Starting point is 00:47:41 these strong opinions so maybe if I did I'd hate certain speak that's a credibly accurate but I don't know now that I mean the more I'm thinking about the Twitter's probably like well I don't know who runs Twitter but I'm assuming some kind of liberal person but they allowed Trump to do that and then it's like if he's not being reprimanded by the country then I guess we can do our own part here and take him off and not give him a voice. I think we should, you know, it's interesting that they're looking closely at the people that rated the capital and they talked about that on the podcast like, you know, a lot of them seem like they're people that feel like they were left behind by the government. They don't have any
Starting point is 00:48:21 power, they live in their parents' basement or they're just not very smart. A lot of them are unemployed. And they've just, you know, they were already looking for something, like looking for something that made them feel powerful in their powerless world. And I guess there were like a few people in there that were, you know, had like real jobs in careers, but they were probably extreme thinkers anyway Is it safe to say all those guys are pretty much fucked for us in our life? I don't know. I think it's pretty bad for them. Yeah, they're doing jail time, but maybe maybe Trump will pardon them He probably should I think he's not out. I don't know. I don't know what the Trump will pardon them. He probably should since he told them to go. I don't know what the
Starting point is 00:49:10 Regulations are on that, but if today's his last day in actual power better do it today Well, he he put in all his pardons today somebody. Oh, did he he put in like a hundred. Wow. Yeah, so I guess we'll find out what they are later I'm kind of curious. I wonder if he pardoned himself. I'm sure interested to find that out. I'm sure he I mean Well, I don't know I'm sure but who knows that's Just prints like a giant get out of jail free card, but it's the same size of those checks you win when you win like a goal Yeah, does he I mean we always think about like does he not have a team of guy? I just go completely against what everybody's saying to him on his side to I think that's kind of a deal because it seems like his side's kind of turned on him too. Yeah. He's a bit of a loose can but he's definitely talking to people and getting consensus and he's thinking about this. But there's no way that I mean I think a lot of it going. I just don't feel like there's a whole
Starting point is 00:49:59 lot of people in his corner that are like keep doing what you're doing. It's great behavior. It's really working out well. Yeah, they're probably losing patience with him at this point. I would imagine. I mean, the vice president definitely did because he was trying to get him to overturn the inauguration process. Right. And he was like, dude, no, I can't do it. I mean, what? Just like a spoiled little kid that just wants it everything his way. That's what it seems like. Hmm. Well, I mean, the sad part is, I mean, he is really tapping into like a lot of bigotries
Starting point is 00:50:37 in the country to gain support like on his last ditch. I did find it interesting that I'll go ahead. No, just that, you know, they said on the podcast like all biggie tree is bad and equal, right? It's different flavors of the same poison. And I like that. That's a really clever way. I reset. I reset. That is a good point. I just said he goes, I knew he goes when it come down to voting. He goes a vote for Donald Trump would be a vote for white nationalism again Is what I think that's what he kind of he said it's become such the narrative that Donald Trump's a racist And I was like did you ever hear anything about Donald Trump being a racist prior to him being president?
Starting point is 00:51:18 No, and and and I think it's that's a it just felt harsh when he said it because I know plenty of people that voted Republican. Right. And I'm like, they're not racist. Now if it's a vote for that, like, I don't know, look, this guy's far more intelligent than I am when it comes to this subject and far more well read. But the danger of saying something like that is you're basically trying to say half the country's racist Yeah, and I'm just not gonna buy it in in that way like oh they all are and it's only that half I'm like are you sure? It seems yeah seems hard. It just seems like an unlike statement, you know
Starting point is 00:52:01 for sure for sure I don't know. And going back to the finishing up here for the week, I did listen to the AVI lower board. And if you want to learn about that one massive comment that came by the planet not that long ago that they thought could be an alien check it out it was very interesting the guys super smart and interesting but spoiler alert we don't learn anything
Starting point is 00:52:37 about it I was gonna say quick prediction when do we when do we get the Instagram feed of the first ship is landed I don't know get the Instagram feed that the first ship has landed. I don't know, but the supposedly that document of the CIA has been released. Like all the information that we have on aliens, well, supposedly all of it has been released. So it won't be long before Joe has someone on the decipher all that. Right. Information and at least we're going to find out as much as we know. Right. Man, I hope it's good. 2021 brings it. Bring on the aliens. Decipher all that right information and at least we're gonna find out as much as we know Man, I hope it's good 2021 brings bring on the
Starting point is 00:53:08 I'm saying we know why not they have the technology to let's go Tech tech thing is about being 60,000 feet up and coming down within one foot of ocean You remember when he talks about that little ship, right? Mm-hmm If they have the technology to do that, then they must know some shit that we don't. Maybe we could work together, God forbid, huh? Yeah, maybe they can solve COVID issues. Why is it auto-match? I think that's a human thought process to automatically think, like, divide and conquer as opposed
Starting point is 00:53:37 to, like, why is the thought, is that just a survival mechanism? Like, why is it not, even when it comes to, like, language and speech and stuff like that, why is it a no-like humility and no-like, I just feel like it, this is wishful thinking, but what if Trump was just like super super like humble for a little bit, you know, I mean, it would change, it could change the whole like, temperature of the United States, I mean, that would have been a nice thing. Yeah, that would have been the way he should have ended it, I think. He should have just been like whatever the election is it is, and I'll do my best. I'm here for America. Keep everything cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:14 How much? Yeah, he didn't end that well. It doesn't look good for him. No, no. How much of a better narrative would it be like, man? I mean, it was nice that he at least ended like that. You know what I mean? Just go out, just go out with him. 100% rather than completely.
Starting point is 00:54:29 I don't know. I wonder what his wife goes by a sweet island and get on with it. I don't know. People kind of hating her now too. It's like they things aren't, I don't know. They're not going to open many libraries called the Trump presidential library and that's all he really wants is to put his name on building so that's what he should have focused on get an aircraft carrier the Trump destroyer that's what I was gonna oh that's where I was gonna go at
Starting point is 00:55:00 that point why solid goal you always think about like different populations as far as like the Indians being taken over by like Columbus and whatnot. It's like, why is the thought process? It just seems, I mean, it's progressive as we are. It seems like, what if we were like, hey, let's try and work together. Let's try and work together rather than like, set each other apart from one another and just doesn't seem like anything positive can come from that, I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Because dude, we want all the resources. We want them all for ourselves. It's like, think about your bank account. Your bank account represents what you're talking about. You're not giving you money, are you? That's true. You know, there's people all around you. You're gonna walk out today and see Venice
Starting point is 00:55:43 and people all on the street. You're not giving $1,000 to each person. That's true. Like, there's people all around you. You're gonna walk out today and see Venice and people all on the street. And I'll give $1,000 to each person. That's true. Like there's a reason we like that. We're biological creatures trying to survive and reproduce. That's true, I believe. Yeah, probably is just a bad habit
Starting point is 00:55:56 on a national scale. It's like, maybe we'll get better about it. We're here in the... We can need more mushrooms. The aliens are here in this. I'm with you guys. I'm here to help. It's just a podcast for aliens.
Starting point is 00:56:14 We're like, please don't destroy us. We're really sorry. We're stupid. We didn't know. All right, guys. Well, thanks a lot for listening. As always, contact us at Joe Rogogan Experience Review at with anything that you wanna talk about.
Starting point is 00:56:30 It's always cool to hear from people. I try and get back to everybody. And then our Instagram is the same. JoeRogan Experience Review, follow us there. Same logo and follow Garrett's Instagram. He has a link in the description. And as always, thank you, Garrett. Peace and love.
Starting point is 00:56:50 And see you guys next week. Later, guys. you

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