Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 210 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Justin Wren et al.

Episode Date: February 3, 2021

5% of ALL SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate ...your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Fill out this survey if you're a fan of the show! This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Guest list: Justin Wren (Fight For the Forgotten), Bredan Schaub (Fighter and the Kid) and Jamar Neighbors. Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to just wanted to say something about the podcast. My plan always was whenever we started running ads, doing any sponsorship, which is kind of inevitable for a podcast that has enough listeners, my goal was always to donate to fight for the begun andant and just in Ren's charity. And I actually reached out to him about a week and a half ago and just said my intention that we were gonna donate a portion of the sponsorship money to his charity and do it always every week, every time we got sponsorship. And because I love the charity and I'm super inspired by him now. I did not know that he
Starting point is 00:01:06 was going on Rogan and that the first week I get to do that and therefore get money to donate to his charity would be the first week that I get to review his podcast with Joe, so the timing is awesome. And I'm really excited about it because he's really one of my heroes, for sure. And he sent me a little message, and I just wanted to play a little bit of it because, you know, he's such a great guy that he took the time to get back to me about this, which felt awesome, and said such good things, but he's in a sense thanking me and the podcast, but in a lot of ways he's also thanking you guys for listening.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Because I wouldn't do that without all of you guys listening and we wouldn't be in this position to be able to give to his charity. So we're all playing a big part of that and I just wanted to play a little bit of that message now. I'm sure he won't mind, I don't know, maybe I get mad at me, but probably not. So here it is. Adam, what's up my man? I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you. That is absolutely awesome. I am so grateful for you. Thank you. Absolutely so grateful. I have a lot of love in my heart for you already. I love the people I love most. So thank you, thank you for that. I mean, I'm...
Starting point is 00:02:33 So yeah, I edited that down a little bit, but great to be connected. And like I said, moving forward, all of the sponsorship, the We Get In, a portion of it will be going to Fight for the Vagon every week, and I'm just really pumped for that. So anyway, let's start the show. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Universe podcast. What up, I'm Steve We've created. Now with your host, Adam Thorne and Garrett has this might be the worst podcast for the best one of all time.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Hey guys and welcome to another edition of the Joe Rogan Experience Review. This is this is a special one for a few reasons. This is a special one for a few reasons and and for a few reasons and happened to connect with just the week before he was on Rogan. What is it? And he sent me a message. And I had no idea he was going on. So to get to review this one is pretty exciting. What a champion. You had some thoughts about this one, Garret.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Do you want to get into it? Yeah. Prior to this, I had never actually seen Justin Renn. Do you want to you want to get into it? Yeah, um Prior to this I had never actually seen Justin Renn I had heard a prior podcast and new of him But I didn't actually know I couldn't put a face with the name. I hadn't like googled them or anything. I didn't know exactly who he was I knew what he was doing for the fight for the forgotten. I knew that he was a fighter I knew what he was doing for the fight for the forgotten. I knew he was a fighter, spaking my heartbeat, even thinking about it. But once I heard him on this podcast, it was interesting what he talks about everything
Starting point is 00:04:31 being like serendipitous. I had actually woken up that morning, which was just a handful of days ago. And just always been like recently, just asking God, like when we talk about God, I don't talk about like an old guy in the sky with some strings. I'm just talking about the universe and the creator and something a little bit bigger than
Starting point is 00:04:52 me. I kept asking him for fulfillment and just like a sign and something to just point me in the right direction because a lot of the time I feel like I'm kind of just moving around like flailing but I turned on the podcast to do the research for this show and Justin Rin came on and a lot of the things that he was saying just kind of resonated with me in particular just because I mean I think we all kind of deal with the same things as far as fulfillment and what we're looking for to
Starting point is 00:05:27 get out of this life and where do we find in what do we draw upon and how do we go about that. A lot of the times I find myself just like numbing to the pain and hearing him kind of like segue into that. I mean he's obviously this face for this charity and all these great things like he was talking about, but just to see a different vulnerable side was a little introspective for me because I think we all try and put on this face, especially me that I've got everything figured out or I've got this perception on life that I've just trying to live in the moment. And I don't know, just play to this narrative. So to seeing a different like vulnerable side to Justin Rinn
Starting point is 00:06:06 and hearing him talk about kind of just taking a few steps back as far as in the way of progress was kind of touching and also made me feel a little bit more like all right. Let's reevaluate and you can pretty much just change everything in a day. I don't want to sound cliche, but you know have to make some small adjustments and I'm finding that they can make some enormous change, you know? Yeah, I mean, first off, you have to say that was it was brave as fuck what he said. is fuck what he said, you know, because I mean, if you felt uncomfortable hearing it, like even as Joe said, imagine what it felt like for Justin to say it, you know, to be that
Starting point is 00:06:53 vulnerable and put a voice to feelings that like you said, a lot of people feel, a lot of the time, it just hit home so hard, you know, Yeah, and I think it's that. I think it's a lot of times by not saying it and not putting yourself in that vulnerable place. That's when you dive into your addictions and other things that kind of take your life off track because, you know, you do it in secret. People don't realize, maybe you don't even realize
Starting point is 00:07:23 what you're doing it. Yeah, I mean, by calling it out and putting a voice to it, people don't realize maybe you don't even realize what you're doing it yeah I mean like calling it out and putting a voice to it you're it there's no choice yeah I mean you're holding yourself responsibly accountable it's like Jocco said like with his book oh shit what the fuck is that this a discipline equals freedom? Now what's his other one that like is saying that's Fuck it. It come back to me. I know it is extreme ownership That's right right it's extreme ownership. That's what you're doing with it. Yeah, you're really owning it
Starting point is 00:07:59 Absolutely, and it is crazy to hear that Through all the things that he through all the things that he does, all the work that he does, helping all these people, putting his life, like straight up his life on the line, right, which is incredibly admirable, you know, at the same time he has to fight these, these, in general, this demon almost inside him, you know, to mention not to mention everyone has not to mention malaria and a handful of other friggin diseases that he's dealt with Oh, too. Yeah Just hearing about the violence in the Congo the things that Like you could just picture it like unbelievable unbelievable
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yeah, I mean just just seen the destruction over there also and he's fighting to help it and it's like it probably doesn't all feel like Everything he's doing is helpful, you know when he sees things over there still in pieces Still falling apart so much work to be done I mean and that's a lot of pressure on him You know, he's put himself in that position feeling obligated to do it, right? I mean, and that's a lot of pressure on him. True. You know, he's put himself in that position, feeling obligated to do it. Right. I mean, no wonder he's chosen in some areas
Starting point is 00:09:12 to take that relief and, you know, drink or do drugs. Yeah, I don't know what it is. I hope with it all. Think about certain people's lives like that, not to put him in the same category as like Robin Williams or like Anthony Bourdain or any of those people, but we just have this perception of people's lives like that not to put him in the same category is like Robin Williams Or like Anthony Bourdain or any of those people But we just have this perception of people's lives sometimes because they have this certain narrative And behind those like kind of sheet sometimes. I mean the vast majority of times. There's a whole another set of things going on, you know
Starting point is 00:09:40 Yeah, because you have this like I said I don't want to be a dead horse But you have this guy who's the the charity guy And then you just like assume that he just has this Consistent thought process that everything is just Unicorns and rainbows, but at the end of the day It's like we all got some shit that's kind of dug deep down behind the crevices that you kind of got a face from I mean not from time to time I think it's just all about how you face it as opposed to
Starting point is 00:10:05 winning what but I don't know, do you find yourself like drinking or doing drugs to like trying to hide or mask stuff? I've always said to myself like I've never done that to like mask it. I've always said that I'm doing it for fun but at the same time when you're having fun fucking six seven nights a week, what are you, when are you really facing life? You know what I mean? That's a good point. I mean, you know, think of our time in L.A. there was a lot of fun. Right. And I have to, I have to sometimes question like how productive it was overall. Right. And since the overall productivity was not that high, at least to like building a strong foundation
Starting point is 00:10:48 and moving your life forward. Right. You know, there has to be something to it. Right, those come from like, it's easy to be like, oh, I'm just having a good time. This is what we all do. But, you know, what could I have been doing?
Starting point is 00:11:05 Right. Probably a lot better shit. Yeah. I'm sure. And I'm... What do you think with the big, the big, like, is this is why I started doing this podcast way back, is to try and pull out the useful information that people listen to and get from this show that is now the biggest show in the world
Starting point is 00:11:25 that's Joe Rogan's podcast. And I think as time went on, like I would notice that you know a lot of people would listen to this stuff and they would they would hear what to do, like what good advice you can take left and right, but other than listening to the podcast, people weren't really doing a lot with it. I was in that boat too for sure. I mean probably the only productive thing I was doing with it is making this podcast. But making real changes it's like you hear it over and over again. What I thought was different with Justin's conversation is it was the type of thing that at least I felt like people are gonna hear and make real changes and this was before you and I spoke when you said
Starting point is 00:12:10 that really moved me and now I'm hearing that like you want to make changes and I wonder I wonder specifically what was it in what he was saying that's that's like bringing you to that place to say, hey, let's adjust. I remember you saying to me, like, where will you be this time one year from now? We've always said that to each other in some degree or what have you, but I think it was right around this time last year. You may have said that to me. Not to say that I'm in the same place because my head space is much different now I think and I'm making some different adjustments that as far as like the work goes and stuff. I'm kind of disconnecting from that right
Starting point is 00:12:54 now. I'm trying to do my own thing as far as creative goes and the bar job is just kind of supplying that. And I was noticing that the habits that I was in prior to were not facilitating a productive atmosphere as far as just I'm it all comes down to accountability right and responsibility for yourself and the decisions that we make are solely liable on us so it's like I can't keep thinking these outside sources are somehow gonna inspire me it's like dude you gotta just inspire yourself and not even be inspired Just make it a habit to do different things on a daily basis, you know When he like he was talking about drugs and stuff in alcohol. I mean alcohols always had a I always say a grip
Starting point is 00:13:36 Because I just always find it to be the like the fun thing to do and it's like I Think everything in moderation has its place, but that's that's where I need to keep it as far as when it comes to those things. But when he was telling that story about being on the ocean and taking that friggin' basically life mallet-off cocktail, it's like, whether or not I've admitted it, it's probably I've done that before, not necessarily thinking about the outcome, but definitely thinking about, I'm living right here in this moment, whatever happens happens, and I don't really think about the aftermath, as far as like what could be the repercussions of that. He discussed it,
Starting point is 00:14:12 and I probably have thought about it just subconsciously, but hearing him put a voice to it was like, all right, didn't, well, you can either acknowledge that or keep on just like avoiding it. So it's like, we've got a lot of things going for us and it doesn't take it It seems like the more I think about it life just like one big perspective and it's always like you're always comparing yourself to one thing or another Whether you want to or not and it's like I don't know just one thing happened yesterday
Starting point is 00:14:40 I've freaking screech from say by the bell dad' 44 years old, and I read the little narrative And I don't know all the details, but it was like within three weeks. It's like Jesus, dude And then like some guy that I, I mean, it's just all about what you read and what you internalize But it's like I'm reading this thing on Facebook yesterday, this kid that was a year younger than me, a guy shot like six times Trying to get his kids back, and I'm like waking up like man, I don't have any bananas. It's like dude I Trying to get his kids back and I'm like waking up like man. I don't have any bananas. It's like dude. I Don't know it just takes it just takes those moments to be like man You really gotta like it. I don't know. I think I'm getting better at that and I think it's a process, but it's like
Starting point is 00:15:14 It's a constant thought like let's just keep everything in perspective at all times I think meditating has a lot to do with that like I've made notes to that before but Just be in quiet and recognizing that gratitude is probably the best thing you can do for yourself 100% of the time. And never mind. Yeah, Justin talked a lot about meditation on this part being something that's kind of helped him through.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Now you say, what do you say? It's been like a week since you've... Yeah, it's so. Yeah, the 25th, I was in Puerto Rico. I came back on the 26 and I've been I've been no booze. I can't say when he started though That was an interesting thing and not that I'm like a pro-weeb guy, but I've been smoking for a long time And it kind of just lets my mind balance out But when he was like once I have the weed and I have the coke then I have the booze
Starting point is 00:16:04 I I couldn't necessarily completely relate with this. At least on that level. But I see what he's saying on everything else. It was just like, I've still kind of allowed myself the herb just because it keeps my mind kind of calm from time to time, but I definitely need to do that in moderation as well. But being disciplined from-
Starting point is 00:16:21 I really think that with that one, it's uh... it's somewhat personal right experience being that you know it's not really bad for your physical health right but if it does lead you to the tendency to slip into other
Starting point is 00:16:37 right um... drugs that are really hindering your life then obviously stay away from like basically stay away from all of them that lead into bad behaviors but you know I mean if weed isn't doing that to you, but you said you've been using it and you're not been drinking. Now would you say you were like addicted before like how was that process? To drinking? With a first few days really difficult. No I mean to be honest with you I, you know how hard to work out. So it's like, I usually sweat it out the next morning. I just have this like facade that like
Starting point is 00:17:13 when he was talking about like chaos and stuff and Joe was making reference to like, you're always finding yourself in these problems and like working themselves out and trying to figure out a solution. I'm like, dude, I couldn't relate more. It's like I, I'm semi addicted to the chaos. Like I was just thinking that I might run this morning. Like go to Costco and then I'm like, oh, I'll go to Costco because I get the better deal on the big bottle and that'll ask me for two or three nights. And then I'm like, then I have a party for two or three nights.
Starting point is 00:17:39 But I don't look at it as like I'm going to get a bottle to fucking drown my sorrows. I'm like, I'm gonna get a bottle and skate down the boardwalk on my dog and watch the sunset and have some cocktails. Like, I've just, but at the same time, it's like, where do you draw the line? Because I always look at it as fun. I don't necessarily look at it as, like a hindrance,
Starting point is 00:17:56 but at the same time, I can tell you that waking up not hung over and not, like remembering shit that you did the night before and like seeing messes on the ground and bruises on your body It's like I know That probably sounds fucking awful. Yeah It's the true with man. It's like I those things. I don't know I always sweat it out of the morning, but at the same time it's like the vicious cycle of sweating it out
Starting point is 00:18:19 And then put it right back in your body and do it again and do it again. It's like that I'm just like I'm just picturing my liver. And then also getting to enjoy that same experience without the body. Right, that's where I'm at. The board will do the same thing and be like, you know what, I have control. I don't need that.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I have a long day tomorrow. That's, you know, turning it into a more sensible thing. Like, hey, on a Saturday, I want to get on, I can, because I chose not to do it all week. That's what I made reference to not going to Joshua Tree, it was like these past Saturday, Sunday, I was like, well, let's make it a reason why you train the hardest you've trained in a long time these next two days, so you're not there doing that. So, I don't see this is this is what I like the sound of right because in a lot of ways you heard this podcast you heard his words his vulnerability right and it's not like we don't hear things about cleaning up your act and working out and being healthy all the time on Rogan
Starting point is 00:19:18 right but does it have the impact that this particular podcast had and I I, I don't know if many of them do to a lot of people, because because he kind of put himself on the line in order to do that. Now, you know, it feels like Justin was just expressing himself, and he's obviously, you know, a very caring, loving person. But by doing so, it's been able to give, I mean, just as one example, my co-host decided I'm quitting drinking from that. So of all the people listening, I'd be really curious and interested to know
Starting point is 00:19:58 who else was inspired to kind of reflect and change some things. And then this, his words and his podcast becomes like a catalyst for that positive change, which you can really build the part. And he talked about what was his catalyst, which was really interesting, like what caused this for one, Joe was trying to figure out what caused you to do this in the first place. And I think it took Justin a second to kind of even voice that. And it sounded like because he was just so sick, and he had his parasites, he couldn't get better. Well, he did that. He said that.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Won't your bad news and pain? He made reference to those childhood experiences too. Yeah, I mean, that all adds to him. Yeah, I got to say that. So I think that's what resonated initially, too, is that I've had some similar experiences growing up. And not that I want to discount that, but I mean, I don't know where he was at in his life. I think that was a, we're just given, I don't want to, I don't want to sell it short, but I felt it very much when I was listening to podcasts, but in hindsight, it's like, well, we've got to take responsibility for those things too.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Like, I need to, and I'm not being critical. But I feel like whenever Joe was like, what would happen? And he made that reference to the Dr. Pepper Su into like the kids bully in him. I have those moments too, but I don't know that I don't know. I don't want it, like I said,
Starting point is 00:21:22 I don't want to discount from it. It just was at the time it resonated a lot. And now in hindsight I don't want it, like I said, I don't want this count from it. It just was a at the time it resonated a lot and now in hindsight looking back on it's like sometimes we just get caught up in the moment too because I remember what he said he's like well why'd you go back and do it again he's like I didn't want him to go to waste and I was like man I've had that fucking feeling before I wonder why that I don't know if that's just the addict's mind because when he was talking about the addict's mind probably yeah I mean I have the addicts mind kind of in all aspects of life so it's like I've always said it's like pedal to the metal either I'm that's the thing too about like so bright it's like all sober nothing or it's like let's drink the whole bottle
Starting point is 00:21:54 or not you know I mean it's like or let's run the 50 miles not one mile it's like I'm always like zero or a thousand all the time I don't know why that is but it's something I need to recognize. You know what Joe talked about that, right? With Justin, he was just like, you know, he told him he needed to slow down. Right. And, and here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I mean, we know Joe has a great deal of respect for Justin. Talks about him all the time is like the nicest, you know, most selfless guy in the world. And a good friend can say those things. Absolutely. And he's just like, you know, because they have that trust. Yeah. So even though it's like a hard thing to hear, like Joe's conversation with Brandon Scharb when he told him, you know, you should quit fighting. I don't think you're hearts. Right. Like sometimes you got to hear that shit. It's a bit of conflict that can upset you, but if you trust the person and you're open to hearing it, you reflect on it and you say, fuck, maybe I should slow down. And that same thing that like, it's, you know, you're always putting yourself in chaos.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And it's good to help others, right? Joe's not saying that, but he's also also saying you got to fucking help yourself. Yeah I Think that it is in a sense, you know, you know good right to others if you if you can't hold yourself together Right, he was talking about stepping up his friend group too I I heard Justin mentioned that whenever he was talking about like going through rehab or what not? It's like I think we've recognized that too not that anybody that we've ever spent time with doesn't necessarily inherently good I mean I'm sure everybody's got their flaws but it seems like not even seems like I know it's who you surround yourself with is what where your
Starting point is 00:23:34 where your trajectory is gonna put you to some degree it's like you got to surround. Oh yeah there's loads of there's loads of people that if you really think about like the good times you have with them the fun times but then if you break it down to like what what are like the main things that we will do when we hang out yeah when the answer is cocaine right maybe you should go oh yeah probably not yeah but maybe I'll take a break for a guy for a while right or it's like I want to have a positive influence on those people to and be like What and even Justin was saying that is like if there's one guy in the group that says hey, that's mean or hey That's not right the amount of influence that have is is incredibly dramatic whether or not you want to acknowledge it or not
Starting point is 00:24:16 Some guy might be like oh, you're a pussy, but deep down your intuition knows what's right and wrong You know what I mean? I read this I read this show I read this quote this said was what's right and wrong, you know what I mean? I read this, I read this, I read this quote that says, uh, I was listening to a book about went with Wayne Dyer. He said, if your prayers are you talking to God, then your intuition is God talking to you. And I'm like, yeah, that's kind. I mean, that just hit home. It's like that. That unrevoiced is always there. It's not that it's not there. It's just whether or not you want to quiet it or not. Getting religiously. I don't know if that's religious or spiritual or just trying to be enlightened. Some extent, but the answers are always there. You just need to acknowledge them, you know.
Starting point is 00:24:59 For sure. I mean, I think a lot of the takeaway is like, it just seemed like I mean, I think a lot of the takeaway is like, it just seemed like that it was a lot of talk about distracting yourself almost from Self-care and the things that you need to face, and I think that's something that we can all take a Moment with and step back and go, okay, oh shit. What where am I doing this? And it probably doesn't take that long to to really think about it I mean, I know that this podcast kind of inspired me to do that And I was like, oh shit, where am I doing that? Okay, right. I got that I think the more things like for for me Especially like the idle hands is just like I don't want to look back and be like wasted time You know, I mean not even like the COVID, because I spent it fairly healthy and working out
Starting point is 00:25:45 and making some goals for myself as far as just strictly physical, but at the same time as, I don't know, I just wanna have a lot of earns in the fire now. It's like that, I think that I'm trying to turn the corner and it's like I wanna be reading books, I wanna be writing, I wanna be drawing, I wanna be doing things that I always like look
Starting point is 00:26:03 to other people that that's what they do. And I'm like said that atomic camp habits book that I've been reading he talks about like How we always want this masterful thing and we can only visualize the masterful thing But it's like it's the small steps that you have to take in order to get to that thing And it's like not that I don't want to cigarette you to say I'm not a cigarette smoker It's like the process or the the identity more or less that I am a writer I am a runner I do work out I do treat my body with health like once you start changing up the language you start changing up the narrative and once you change the narrative then you can write a new book you know yeah and again it's jokko shit it's
Starting point is 00:26:42 extreme ownership right it's like owning what you do Like instead of making an excuse for it like oh, it's not a big deal or it's this and that or like you know I even heard you say if you don't mind me saying you were like I Drink but then I sweat it out the next day. Yeah, and it's almost like that's the excuse It's a hundred percent just the five hundred percent the VX. But it's not really how it works. You live a had to like work really fucking on to push that out. Absolutely. Crack on.
Starting point is 00:27:11 That's my, that's my justification. I'm not denying that whatsoever. That's exactly what that is. My, my, the one that always gets me is because like somehow I can usually work out the next day, like you struggle through it and it it into nightmare, but you get on with it Right the one thing you just cannot seem to do hungover is due to no it is fucking impossible That is such a what high opener like it's such a undeniable
Starting point is 00:27:39 like example of Of like why that doesn't work. Why is that just because you can't get there and fake it. Move and slow. I don't know man, I think because it's like fight and flight and you're like in combat and your body is just not gonna be,
Starting point is 00:27:55 it's not gonna work right. Right. Your mind isn't in your body and you just get, you know, it just seems that way, you just get destroyed. Do I, you can smoke weed and get as high as you want. Oh, yeah. I think you do, you do, you do, you do,
Starting point is 00:28:08 it's actually pretty good a lot of the time. But yeah. Do hot yo- Oh no, but- Oh, you can't even, you can't even go to lunch and have a couple of beers and then go to a, a jet session. You're a nightmare then too.
Starting point is 00:28:20 It's a disaster. I mean, that is so bad. You pay heavily. Yeah, I imagine. Try's a disaster. I mean, that is so bad. You pay heavily. Yeah, I imagine. Try doing a hot yoga session. Try doing a hot yoga session after a long night of booze and blow. Oh, for sure. Seeing if you're like, well, look, let's take a quick break and let's jump onto the Brendan Schaubon. Cool. This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and the Joe Rogan Experience Review Listeners get 10% off their first month at
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Starting point is 00:30:33 And it was the same thing. I mean, Brendan really wasn't ready to hear it, but needed to. And in a sense, changed his entire life because of it. And it's worked out really well. It's completely embraced. It's completely embraced that you can tell. Like the way he talked about it and he acknowledged it and I mean, they didn't really harp on it too much, but the way that just the language and
Starting point is 00:30:52 the feeling that you had when they talked about it was like, all right, we made the right decision in that situation. Yeah, and he needed to get away from right from that stuff because I mean, you know, he was legit enough. He beat some good guys in the toughest organization at the heaviest weight. I mean, he's no joke as an athlete, but he had other skills and he didn't need to take the brain damage and he used to play football. So God knows where his head was at from damage before that.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I mean, I think he did, you know, the right thing. Absolutely. And You know as a comedian honestly, I think when I very first saw him at the comedy store He had been doing it about six months, right? And obviously he had a big push because he has Joe's friends and he could get stage time But I mean he was clunky. Like, it was clunky. He was just telling stories. He was still funny guys.
Starting point is 00:31:49 He's always been good at telling stories. But yeah, I mean, he put in the work honestly, like no other comedian I've ever seen. Now, I'm not saying that the end result is he's one of the funniest guys I'm not saying anything like that. But his improvement from not being a stand up to being like legitimate enough to hold his place at the comedy store was very impressive right he did it very quickly I mean yeah it was it was pretty badass quick question as they talk a little bit
Starting point is 00:32:20 but go ahead what's up just as far as like when Joe's in Joe's talking about the work and maybe this is like self-fulfilling, but whenever you guys are talking about the work and even as coming from you as like an aspiring comedian, is the work and Joe talks about the art of the war of art. I've read that book quite a few times too, but it's like is the work just sitting right in front of the computer and Just allowing yourself. There's different strategies to... Because I'm still trying to find out my path here. What I understand from people that do it, like some people write a lot, like Tony Hinchcliffe, is prolific writer. Joe talks about it. He likes to get home from the comedy store and like,
Starting point is 00:32:59 you know, smoke some weed and then start writing. But people like Bill Burr, they don't really write, they just kind of do everything on stage, but his practice is like doing his podcast from what I understand, so he's talking, ranting a lot, and building sets that way. But really the work is getting on stage and performing. There's just no way around it. You've got to take your shitty idea that you think might be a little funny and find out where it sucks. And the only way to find out where it sucks is where people don't laugh. And then you have to adjust it. But you also have to ask yourself, wow, does this joke actually completely suck and should
Starting point is 00:33:37 I completely draw it? Right. I mean, it's just brutal. There's no way around how difficult it is. It's just brutal. There's no way around how difficult it is. It's it's pretty terrifying and and the way these guys do it at their level is Is so much beyond anything that shit. I was ever Capable off. I mean, they just don't stop. That's what I was gonna say. I better feel a bit of you just I mean They're not fearless. They're afraid, but they just keep going. They get in their night after night
Starting point is 00:34:06 It doesn't matter like they could have three horrendous nights in a row, right? And they're still gonna get up and go again. Absolutely. I mean Yeah, and that's that's how you put it in it takes what like a year two years For these high-level guys to put an hour together, right? And then that's that's the comedy that you see on the special. But trust me, it did not start there. Right. I mean, I've seen all these guys at the comedy store
Starting point is 00:34:32 throw out whole premises that just died. And the only thing they can do is like humbly stand there and go, yeah, that didn't really work. And then they just move on to the next joke. It's brutal. Absolutely brutal. But yeah, fuck it. That's why I love it so much. That's why I love just the whole craft because It's it just seems to be like the hardest thing that there is to do that Voner so many ways the vulnerability we've talked about it before the vulnerability is gotta be one of the most connecting things for people spirits to
Starting point is 00:35:02 Witnessing other people. Well, I keep these guys humble. Yeah, humble. I mean, exactly. It's a big part of why Joe stays fairly humble. Right. Is that practice? Absolutely. Because there's no choice.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Like, these guys can't walk around like their big shot all the time. Because it doesn't matter if you joke sound funny. Right. Even the fans aren't going to laugh. Yeah. They're just going to go, what the fuck is he talking about? True. They got into the whole thing about the game's't gonna laugh. They're just gonna go what the fuck is he talking about? True. They got into the whole thing about the game stop,
Starting point is 00:35:28 stop. Right. And what happened? You hear much about this? I have. I have. Like how the Reddit guys jumped on and I think they played that video. Yeah. Of that guy talking about how these Reddit dudes are fucked all the hedge fund things. Right. I think that's fantastic. I think that cracks me up. I absolutely love it. I think it's fantastic. I'm glad that it got, I'm glad that it didn't just get buried in the news too.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I'm glad that it's got exposed. You think that I was thinking that to myself. The fact that Joe exposed that, like who knows what CNN and Fox and Twitter and Instagram. And it's like, I always think that if Joe exposes that show that there's gonna be a vast majority of people that would not have, like knowing that news just got exposed to that news and now have a new perspective on it and to bring that to light is probably huge. Yeah, I know Joe is talked about that guy before that was talking and he said that that's like his best news, that show that he's watching. Sagger, like politics and shit. Yeah, I'd never even paid attention to him.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I remember the podcast. I remember the podcast he had with those guys, but yeah, I haven't seen that platform. That was pretty cool. Yeah, I thought that guy said really logical cool shit. I liked the way that he talked. I was like, yeah, I'm legit. Fuck those guys.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Absolutely, absolutely. Absolutely. It seems like the system is just being held together way that he talked I was like yeah I'm the shit fuck those guys absolutely absolutely it seems like the system is just being held together by a friggin like little string at all times if this time these times have not proved us says any it's like yeah you have this idea that there's this huge like bridge with like steel like bolts at the bottom of it that's as a whole and everything together when in reality it's like this little wet string that just needs like a little bit of cut and then everything falls apart man it's like we're built on top of a swamp that's what it is waiting to sink into it i don't think that's from like who the fuck built this here i think that's that far off to be honest
Starting point is 00:37:23 talking about swamps we've got l got LA again. Brendan is staying another year Basically everyone else has moved out Comedy-wise and and Brandon's holding on and it's interesting when he's talking because it's the same Sort of talk that I've heard from plenty of people that Live or stayed in LA. It's almost like that hope is still there and that just a few and I'm not saying it's not but it's interesting to hear that same kind of it like it's not like he said it with a lot of confidence right he's hoping but he's like holy shit I
Starting point is 00:38:00 don't know. I gotta tell you that you, I gotta tell you that, maybe this is just because, again, life is a perception so we can only compare it to the past two months of lockdown, but this past weekend was like a breath of fresh air, and like I even said to you prior to the pod, it was like, all you need is a sunny day in California to see why we're here and why everybody lives here and all the people that are still here, because once the sun came out and the restaurants were back open even though it was outside,
Starting point is 00:38:28 it was like, oh my god, California's back. That's what it felt like. Even like, and it's only been what, like a handful of days. But on Friday, I remember going to work and I was like seeing people just like, sit outside of the tables and I'm like, oh, we're back, baby. And I mean, and yeah, it's going to take some time. But at the end of the day, we still have the best weather here, no matter what. Still have the beach, we still have a lot of stuff that's going for us. I mean, I hear the narrative and I know that it's going to take a minute to dig us back out. And I heard Brendan talking about
Starting point is 00:38:58 those clubs reopen. I just think it's going to take a 60 90 days of just consecutive opening and businesses flourishing and people getting back out and getting acclimated. I don't think it's going to take a whole long time to get back. Joe said five years. I don't know the economic situation as far as like real estate and businesses go. I'm sure there's going to be some downturn and some long jeopardy of problems that happen from that but at the same time I mean let's just get people back out spending money and living life again and I think that there's going to be some rejuvenation and some vitality that
Starting point is 00:39:36 we show that we maybe weren't expecting. Yeah I believe it I mean but that's kind of saying it if it was left of the people I mean you still got Gavin News to lockdown. I mean, we said that before, but this would be the third time. I don't think you could do that again. And to be honest, whether you have that happened again, I would be at my woods end, I think at this point, if it was like, all right, we're going back to lockdown. I'm like, all right, good to start from here to bounce. This was, I gave it three times. Yeah. And I couldn't go, I, I, I really, I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, this point. If it was like, all right, we're going back to lockdown. I'm like, all right, good. It's time for me to bounce. This was, I gave it three times.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Yeah. I couldn't go through, I really think I can go through it again, just because it's such a way, like I said too, it's like you go from, even me, having an easy job, it's not like I'm going back to doing anything super analytical or anything. I'm going back to porn drinks, but it's like, you get people this much time off,
Starting point is 00:40:24 and then it's like they become accustomed to certain ways It's just like that's human nature. You just keep feeding people money for three or four months Years, it's like why would everyone to go back to work? I went from zero hours to 50 hours in a week But nothing feels better about it like I'm so happy to be out there making money again. It feels so good Yeah, I'm surprised the hedge fund guys haven't been pushing for people to go back to work because With all these unemployed kids at a home game right unemployment They're just the ones buying game stop start. They're not fucking all the head How to do that should be like let's get the skate pugs open. Let's get them. Let's keep them busy
Starting point is 00:41:02 So they don't mess up all stock Let's get them let's keep them busy so they don't mess up our stock Exchange that heard kids get out they kind of end up the podcast with with a bunch of talk about test us around and a human growth all night and Yeah, right and I guess Brendan tried some but he got off it. He was kind of blaming his Deck not working His face getting fat on it But it sounded like he was just drinking a lot of whiskey. That's what Joseph that sounds more realistic At least I want to hear I want to hear him take two weeks off a drink and still doing the tea and then tell me that that's the case
Starting point is 00:41:36 At least do that, but yeah, that's right. If you're drinking a half bottle whiskey on the daily. I gotta imagine that's gonna put some information in your body I wonder if that is like the thing for the future just like everybody getting on that at least men I mean, you know, I just get to a certain age and they're like fucking now. It's time. I'm not opposed I like I said I've ran three miles the past four days and grand I've been doing a lot of stairs, but like I can genuinely feel it my legs. I guess I haven't done it for a while and you gotta become accustomed to it again, but man, how nice would it be to have, I wouldn't be opposed to trying some testosterone. If I've tried cocaine, why wouldn't I try testosterone? That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:42:17 I mean, how bad can the other one be if it's like adding a bunch to your work? I just don't want to get angry. No, I don't want to do that.ets. I just don't want to get angry. No, I don't want to do that. That's what I don't want to do. I think if you're working hard, I want to start losing my temper, yelling at people in traffic for no reason.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I'm like, uh, break and stuff. No, that's, I have to talk to some more people about it before I. I think if you're working hard, I make that, you know. If you're working hard on anything, you, you, it's like that. He talks about that battery like overflowing. It's like as long as we're using that juice the battery is gonna stay together I think
Starting point is 00:42:49 yeah it's a good point I wouldn't be opposed to doing that stuff at all I loved here in him I think the way Joe talks about it to it it's like that's I've heard many people talk about it but though I mean it just seems like that's in that the longevity of your life and the I guess it's the only time will tell but if he's any Any statue for it. That's seems like he's a good representative Yeah, that's a good point. I mean he's jacked and he's 50 right so he's doing he's doing some good work Absolutely. All right, let's take another quick break and we jump right back into the Jamal neighbors podcast This podcast is also brought to you by TurboDead
Starting point is 00:43:32 Now I've talked a lot about how in-depth I got because of COVID and having to move and TurboDead have been a great help and that's why honestly I'm I'm proud to have them as a sponsor and I want to pass this information on to you. Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you work, you just can't seem to get ahead. If you look back in the past few years, if you ever had some money in your account, but only enough just to pay your bills. That's not really the American dream that we all hope for, right guys? We know times are tough right now and a lot of people have racked up all sorts of debt,
Starting point is 00:44:09 whether it's credit cards, consolidation loans, store cards, even those payday loans that have freaking interest rates over 100%. We know life's been tough, but the good news is, turbo debt really is here to help. Think about how much you pay each month to credit cards versus going into your savings account. If you're paying 500 a month or what is that like 6,000 a year, in just 5 years, you would have 30 grand in cash in your bank if you didn't have to make these high interest rates. If you owe over 10 grand in credit card debts or personal loans, medical
Starting point is 00:44:45 payday loans, they can help. Go to and rogan is all caps. Alright 1604 Jaman neighbors, this guy I have seen perform a lot of times at the comedy store. He is fucking hilarious. He's a lunatic. He just has great energy. He's not a super tall guy but he's jacked and super ripped. So he doesn't look like you're a typical comedian and and he did talk a lot about his like vulgar comedy. Not all his comedies like that. His jokes are good. You know he's good friends with Tony Hinchcliff and and some guys that are superb joke writers. So you know he's not sloppy at all. Like he works really hard at his craft. He got past at the comedy store,
Starting point is 00:45:50 took him a long time, but I mean, to get your name on the wall is a big fucking deal in the comedy world. And he hustles. You know, he really hustles. He talked about doing those shows in his apartment. Yeah, that was a great experience. During COVID.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yeah. I love to very cold himself a super spread. Super spread. He said, they shut down the club, so I went to the store and bought a mic and a PA and decided I'm going to open a comedy store in my apartment. And I was like, that is some creative, innovative shit. That's how winners think.
Starting point is 00:46:23 That's exactly how. Well, he he just you know it's hard for these guys to stop it's that whole life right and they know how quickly you get rusty right so you know my hats off to him like well done for fucking get out and to be fair how funny was this podcast it was all of anything you want to do that guy is creative all giddy up. That's for sure Yeah, I mean he is funny as hell when they watch that video from Who is it Angelina Jolie's dad right like to they played like something about him being like super Republican Way out there spreading conspiracy is that I got a period and they ended it up and he's just like I got a
Starting point is 00:47:03 Right I don't I don't know if that was I don't know if that was going to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to be's just in him to be silly and not really give a fuck. And it's so perfect for that type of career for him to like go do it. I mean, they talk about how lucky they were looking back at that time over the comedy store from like 20, I think 14 when Joe came back to basically 2019. Right. And I was there watching it and I'm dude I didn't miss probably I didn't miss a month of going up to the comedy store the whole time I lived in LA watching shows really I mean for four years yeah from from 2016 to basically
Starting point is 00:47:57 2020 and I would often go a couple of times a week when I had space in my schedule I mean the amount of great comedy that I've seen up there and just you often go a couple of times a week when I had space in my schedule. I mean, the amount of great comedy that I've seen up there and just, you know, like how happy everyone was and, you know, you get to talk to the comedians outside, they make time for people. And it was just a really interesting, incredibly inspiring place.
Starting point is 00:48:22 And just to be a part of watching show after after show just sell out like even on a Tuesday It was just and you know, it's not like they they they didn't make the tickets $100 ever right like no show was ever more than 20 I've only been there once that I have a someone been there once and I told you that was probably one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had my buddy was doing He just did one. I never knew about those bringers shows either. That brought new light and that makes more sense because my buddy was trying to get a bunch of us, his friends there and we all showed up to see him.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And right after my buddy Dave goes on there like an up next, Bill Burr. And I was like, oh my god. Oh, okay. So Bill came up and did like a 25 minute set out of nowhere. We were just there to see my buddy perform and do like a little rookie set. And then Bill Burr comes up right after him and does like, we're in the belly room.
Starting point is 00:49:11 That was like surreal. Oh, dude, that's so badass. Well, you know, Mark, who used to do this podcast would perform on a show called These Nuts? And that was a bringing show. So I supported him basically every time he went because it's it's you know as Jamal said it's hard to constantly keep nagging even 10 people to come to a show especially
Starting point is 00:49:35 because oftentimes you're working on the same set so Jamie said that time you have friends to hear the same thing right Jamie said he had to sell a hundred tickets do you remember hearing him say that whenever he was playing in that band? Oh, I was like, Jesus, that's got to be. Dude, that's fucking crazy. How the hell would you do that? I don't even know if I know 100 people. Hopefully, if you have five band members, you can each be accountable for 20.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Maybe I, that's a, that's a tip for all everybody to show up on the same night. Like, that's a, and hopefully you have a good product. Like, there's a lot of things that have to go right for that to all unfold properly. But yeah, you got to have some big outreach. You can't be skeptical though. You got to try. Otherwise, it's not going to work out regardless. So I mean, I see that.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Well, it's part of it. I mean, that's why the hustle is what it is. It's not just that you've got to be really good at what you do. Either music or comedy, you know, you've got to, you've got to be working all the other angles and you've got to be kind of marketing yourself to get these spots. Right. I mean, it's so difficult. It's like so much goes into this.
Starting point is 00:50:33 And that's why you see a lot of these comedians now doing kind of like wacky shows, you know, they were talking about having to do stand up behind the window of that comedy story. So basically it's in the OR, the rental room. There's a window that looks out to the, to like the kind of outside bar area. And you have a mic. I can't imagine any sort of.
Starting point is 00:50:54 So you're just picture like a, you're having a picture like a zoo animal. Like trying to make the people laugh. Do you find that? So I can picture either that. Yeah. Either that or like a, like you're in gonna like a jail cell
Starting point is 00:51:06 Like trying to look out the window at like a crowd. It just seems like wow that's a weird dynamic Yeah, it seems brutal and for that to be like related to code Right, it's just like whole bomb. Are you like you serious? This is the best that we can come up with like let's be realistic I mean come on on, man. Like, I, I'm just, I, I think lap. I mean, this is going to sound happy or whatever, but laughter and sunshine and good food, man. I think, I think that goes a long, long way. I think laughter for the soul in general, especially in a hard time, just gotta be one of the best things for your body, your mind, your psyche, your soul, everything.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Like, I'm laughing. Oh, no, that. Laughing, if I'm on my... Oh, no, they should have opened more comedy scenes. I'm saying, if I'm on my deathbed, or respirator, the only thing I want to be doing is laughing, to be honest with you. I mean, that's all I want to be doing, 100% of the time anyway. Like, the only thing that feels right.
Starting point is 00:52:02 What did you think about Jamal getting banned from Twitter pretending to be the... I think it's starting to just take the air out of Twitter. I think that there's gonna be a new platform. I mean, the way about the type of that gab and whatnot, but the fact that anybody thinks that they have any control over what anybody else can say dictated on some political views is so archaic and assinine at this point.
Starting point is 00:52:22 It's like, yeah, I got deleted from Twitter. It's like, and then the way he got deleted from Twitter was being down Trump. It's like wow What are we doing like what are we doing and who's in charge of these things? I don't I don't know Hmm because I mean I don't think what the scary thing is they say that it's like algorithms Because there's so many accounts and so many tweets that they have to just set up these algorithms to kind of keep an eye on things and then shickets banned and it's like a robot did it to you and maybe even the people that work for the company don't agree that you should have got banned for that maybe if they looked at it personally but they just don't have the manpower. That makes sense. I think Jamie said some crazy statistic that like 500 hours get uploaded to you to per minute per day or something like that like you did some crazy stat. I mean that makes sense
Starting point is 00:53:13 I mean, where where do they put the filter into where what gets banned though? This is the question I mean, I who's putting in that filter and where do they and how do they draw that line? And where does that algorithm come from? I guess is the only question you can really ask because I mean what else what other question can you ask? I thought about that too because he made mentioned to like the beheadings of whatever the hell and it's like Damn, I don't know that I guess you can really just Google anything you want like anything your mind can think of and Google it And there's probably an image for it, you know? Oh for sure, there's a bunch of the internet's full of fuckers. So I mean, if that's the case, who's who's from the line? Absolutely no doubt.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Is that good or bad, I don't know. I mean, talking about, I don't know, I mean, I guess it's hard to say, right? Is more information good or bad? And what is really bad may be fake information false news, but I mean just having access to everything that's happening, do we want to hide people from the fact that all of this shit happens through? I don't know. I think that you should show that and be like, look, this is happening.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Be careful, this could happen in your country. Isn't it weird how we're all like, we got to go green on this, this, and this, and then we're all holding iPhones at the same time, and I got a Mac computer in front of me, and these things are probably... I just acknowledge it, I'm not saying that I'm no saint. That's the way we're going. I think it's good to be aware, you know, and find the place in your life. Like maybe that's not important to you, maybe you just don't give a shit about that.
Starting point is 00:54:46 And that's okay too. But if you're the type of person, the word, I think it's important to understand. You know, imagine if no one ever told you what goes into it. No, you say, imagine if you're the person. You actually are really conscious of it. I think that just comes down to being a human at some point, right?
Starting point is 00:55:01 This is where do you decide where the humanity starts and stops, because then at what cost? I don't know. Yeah and what you're willing to do for it. I mean but then also you can get wrapped up in you know being a vegan or saving the whales or like really trying to work on something that's a long way from where you are yet you're making a bunch of fucked up choices in your person on life. And then I said, I think it goes back to like, hey, you got to fix yourself first. If you can't fix yourself work on you. And then go out and save the world. If that's, if that's what you want to do, if that's what you're called to, but you got to do in the right order, otherwise you're just going to be a match. Justin said that to us. And in order to love others, you got to love yourself. I mean, I think that's kind of been the common narrative.
Starting point is 00:55:46 And that's a known fact. It's not easy to do sometimes. It's not a lot of the time. It's easy to assume that you do. And then you really sit back and you're like, God, I'm a dick. How do I do that? Fuck.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Yeah, I think the reflection process is the growth. I think that's something to be acknowledged. That's for sure. To finish up with Jamal's podcast, again, they talked about the stock thing, right? And like, how all these people got together and kind of inflated that one stock. I kind of feel like, how fucking interesting would that be. We should get all the Joe Rogan Experience review listeners to inflate a stock. Maybe someone out there that knows something about this sort of thing should just suggest one to us. And we throw it out to everyone on the podcast. I mean, we have enough listeners. If we all bought it at the same time, we could do it.
Starting point is 00:56:40 I already invest a hundred bucks to see what happens Yeah, a hundred bucks and then we give 30% of the profits the charity so none of us have to feel guilty Anybody's interested in that. Yeah, let's inflate the stock of fleshloi. I think that would be hilarious It is a good idea the fleshloi stock what's inflate? Shut up fleshloi Yeah, oh and and then I guess this is a public service announcement. They were talking about those fucking punching machines that are super addictive. Remember that talk? And Joe was like yeah I broke my knuckle on one of those. I did the same fucking thing last year. I was in Virginia staying in this Airbnb and I punched one and I don't know how the fuck I did it. I tried to hook it because I've also seen that that
Starting point is 00:57:28 like gives you the best score. I did not get a good score. I hit it kind of wrong. I followed through and punched the back of the machine and dude, my fucking hand was fucked up for like three or four months. Those things were a nightmare. Dude, it was no joke.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I had this lump on my left hand in between my knuckles And I was like this is not good. I should go to the doctor. It's kind of going away now But yeah be very careful and easy tough guys. All right people you said you got it It is if you're gonna do the hook you got a hook motion. I'm gonna do it is what he said Yeah, and that's what I did I kind of stood sideways and just hooked in, but I got quite long arms and I guess I didn't really hook it all that right and I just kind of forward through and smash the machine. I thought I cracked the machine for a second, but I realized I actually just cracked mine.
Starting point is 00:58:19 And Karen TD has one of those machines there by the end of the week. Now that you mentioned it, I bet. Oh, yeah, he's getting one of those. We'll the end of the week now that you mentioned it I bet oh yeah He's getting one of those we'll see some videos about that. No, it's right. See he tried and break the world record and break his hand He's got a lot of Tyson fury on there and fucking do that shit No for sure all right guys Well, thank you so much and as always for your support you're listening and sticking with us We really appreciate it. Reach out to us with any comments and concerns and stock options to the Joe Rogan experience review at and then you can reach us on our Instagram. Garrett's Instagram
Starting point is 00:59:01 is also in the bio and then more information about the charity through the podcast sponsorship donations were doing all that information is in the bio as well. So thanks a lot guys and we're talking next time. I love guys. Appreciate it. you

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