Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 216 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Nate Batgatze Et al.

Episode Date: March 24, 2021

This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Olympic gold medalist boxer Clarissa Shields, Nate Batgatze with a new comedy special now available on Netflix and Half Baked star and comedy lege...nd Jim Breuer. 5% of ALL SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! JOIN to discuss with us LIVE every Mon, Wed, Fri at 9pm EST. Ask questions and continue the conversation or just listen to us talk more nonsense about Joe Rogan. Click the link Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A ver, ¿cómo es posible que llegues a casa de trabajar y bajes tan contento al trastero? A mover una bicicleta a rastar dos cajas de libros y levantar un ordo microondas. Para coger una chancla. Vale, vale. ¿A dónde vas? ¿Tú con ese chancla, ese? ¿A dónde vas tru? Llega al mejor momento del año. Llegan tus vacaciones. Este uno de Julio, sobre té extraordinario de vacaciones de Lotería Nacional con 20 millones aún decimos. Lotería este recuerdo que juegas con responsabilidad y solo si eres
Starting point is 00:00:29 mayor de dad. and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Universe podcast. What a s**t thing we've created. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn and Garrett Hats. This might be the worst podcast for the best one of all time. Hey guys, and welcome to another episode of the J.R.E. and the the the
Starting point is 00:01:07 the the the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:01:18 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the and Jim is a viewer and
Starting point is 00:01:27 Jim Brewer, that's it. Yeah, 1621 and he's got a little kid like I really high makes me laugh thinking about his laugh. Yeah, he's the best. I want to talk just a minute about kind of how Joe has been on the podcast recently. I don't know if you've noticed, but he definitely seems more relaxed and chilled now that he's
Starting point is 00:01:54 moved. I agree. You know, obviously he was right in the thick of everything in LA and frustrated by what was happening, like many people like I was, right? You have been still are at times. Right. So, you know, that's kind of always on his mind and wanting to move, but it definitely seems like he made a good choice for himself.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yeah. He's, he's really happy with, with that transition is what it seems like, because he's just, he's just more chilled on in some ways. I think it's he's I don't want to say more open-minded, but definitely that that's just goes without saying, but he's the fact that he's kind of like influencing all the other comedians to move out there and just changing the space and not saying that it has to be in a certain spot like it's always been in Hollywood. It's like it's a nice switch up, and it only takes somebody to think outside the box
Starting point is 00:02:48 for something to change, and you can change it obviously within one day. I mean, he just moved out there, and now he's got everybody out there, he's doing shows and everything looks... It's kind of crazy, really. Imagine if he went and no one went with him. No one.
Starting point is 00:03:01 That's a good point. He's just on his own, he realizes that nobody likes him. And I mean, the way he talks to everything's coming. So it's like this is just the prelim. He's got a whole mapped out plan that he just can't expose right this second. When it all unfolds, I think that it's going to be way better than LA ever was probably because it's not it's going to be it's going to be all the good. I don't know. We'll see what happens, but it doesn't seem like the shallowness and the trying to get on a TV show and all that stuff isn't is gonna be like separate, I think
Starting point is 00:03:29 Yeah, I well, I think we're gonna find out, you know, in the next 10 years like what it's done for stand-up comedy and who knows It might it there might be a huge boost with tons more comedians and might make comedy You know twice as big as it was before. COVID and that can't be bad for the world. You know what I mean? What's the best thing for your body other than laughing and exercise? That's a good question. Good point. Yeah. All right. Let's start off with Clarissa Shields. She's, she's about us. For sure. How how accomplished is she? I was watching some of her fights recently. I mean, just
Starting point is 00:04:14 unbelievable. And when she's talking about, yeah, she's talking about like training with grown men at age 15 and knocking them out. It's like, wait, what? Just the beast. Holy hell. There's nobody else even on her level. I mean, obviously, I don't want to say obviously, but I don't necessarily follow women's boxing. I didn't know it was a big thing, but it to dominate it any sport is a feat, right? Yeah, I mean, she's really like the top.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Right. There's nobody, there's like nobody even in her, like, in her level the way they were talking. I felt like, right? Yeah, she smashes everyone. I mean, you watch her fights and it's nobody. There's like nobody even in her like in her level the way they were talking. I felt like right. Yeah. She smashes everyone. I mean, you watch her fights and it's just it's unbelievable. It's actually I'd never really watch much right. It's boxing either. And I love watching the Wim's MMA in UFC. I mean, it's really those fights are just as exciting as 100% guy fights. Right, I see. And they're very technical. Savage, you know. They're fighting in a slightly different way because, you know, their bodies aren't exactly the same as the dudes and it creates like a whole dynamic league.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Like, you know, it's a sexist thought, but at first when they mentioned having women in MMA and women fights, I was like, ah, is these going to be any good? And it was a bit clunky at first because the division was in his, they hadn't had as much experience, you know, in the ring. And they necessarily hadn't been training MMA that long, but now we're years in. We've done Ronda Rousey. We've got new Nas up there. I mean, what some of them are doing is just unbelievable. Like I'll never miss a new Nunez fight. Like she's just an animal.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Absolutely. Amazing. What was crushes? Right. It's insane. The amount of like you were saying to a technical, they're incredibly talented to us. There you can see the progression for sure
Starting point is 00:06:06 Oh dude a 120 pound Female UFC fight would beat the shit out of you so fast so quick you wouldn't even know what was happening Fine, I'll do the dishes then I gotta stop dating these girls I Like to believe that I could still do some damage on a hundred and 120 pound person, but probably yeah, you'd be wrong You just be wrong. It's just that's just your membrane thought. It's like oh dude. Oh, just talk a little Yeah, good luck. She'd scroll out and smash it back to your head in before you even know
Starting point is 00:06:39 Fair enough And then you're like fine. I won't split the check next time. Right. Well, I got it. Are you good? You got it. You actually got it. You can what my ass. So Clarissa is gone. She's training with Wink or John. I guess out of Albuquerque.
Starting point is 00:06:55 So that's like, I guess it's great. Jackson's camp. I guess they're all together. So she's over there with like John Jones, Holly Holmes. Wow. Yeah. I liked how she was talking about, or Joe kind of brought it up.
Starting point is 00:07:07 It was like, you know, why you get on with Jones and Holly Holmes so well and get frustrated to your other friends, because they're winners, they're champions. Right. They don't have that like bullshit attitude that I'm making excuses, they're not talking shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:20 You know, they just, they just have that win a mindset. That's a great, that's a really cool way to think when you know, they just, they just have that win a mindset. That's a great, that's a really cool way to think when you're, it definitely when you're trying to pursue something at your very best, whether it's your job or training or whatever, I mean, you do notice that I was doing a lot of hard manual labor up in Yellowstone this week, like digging a bunch of snow out of these Kind of areas and it was killer, right? And I noticed right away even with the young guys I was working with that were strong and like ranch hands like those guys you just built their front, right? Excuse me, but the
Starting point is 00:07:59 Excuse me. Oh, but the first People that kind of throw in the towel and quit because it was like that difficult. I mean, it's just brutally hard with the complainers. That's what it is. The first ones that were like making excuses and just like, oh, you know, this is so hard. And just it's almost like they psyched themselves out. And so it wasn't the strongest guys that finished. It was like one of the smallest guys there. It weighs like 130 pounds. He's the guy that was able to get to the end of the week No problem and he didn't complain once It's not as good as in that kind of a metaphor for life
Starting point is 00:08:36 That's what we're just what we're just talking about prior to Getting on here. Definitely and it seems that way what you, too, it's all about who you surround yourself with. It's like, no, Matt, you have a finite amount of time and you have a finite amount of energy. So it's like how you consume is going to dictate the rest of your life. So you pick, choose wisely, in my point, because it's definitely going to be careful with complaining, for sure, without a doubt. I mean, it's all the language that you use to.
Starting point is 00:09:06 And I mean, not to go back to, I always think the language kind of dictates your life. Whatever kind of language you use is what's going to happen and what's going to self-manifest. It's if you're complaining consistently, well, you're probably going to be sick. You're probably not going to feel good. You're going to focus on all the wrong things. Like, I would just hope. There's been a statement in the thing that I've kind of gotten the practice of whenever people walk up because in the restaurant business, everybody's complaining. It's just part of the fucking deal. And a girl will walk up and she's like, I can't fucking stand that.
Starting point is 00:09:37 And I won't, I mean, I don't really pay much mind to it. Not the first thing I said, I just say, what do you love? And watch how quickly everything changes because you have to, it takes some energy to think about what you love, right? Right. So the second you kind of shift your mind and allow your mind to go down that road, it's much quicker that you can self-medicate
Starting point is 00:09:56 and feel good rather than, it's all about what you're focused on, right? Yeah, yeah, you have an spiritual day today. I mean, it's been a spiritual life, bud, but yeah, I mean, I'm trying to always focus. I think the meditation I was just saying that I was just saying to my girl, I put my yogurt, like I tried to set it on. I had yogurt and granola and I was like, I know how the meditation is working because I tried to set it on my little thing in my closet.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I turned around the fucking yogurt fell all over all my brand new dress shirts like that. I just had just dry cleaned. And my heart didn't even see up a beat. Like I was just like, oh, no big deal. And I just picked it up and fucking had the dog come over and look up the yogurt and cleaned it up. It moved along.
Starting point is 00:10:40 But I mean, not that that warrants like fuck. But I mean, I my poor self. So you warrants like fuck, but I mean I my poor So you've been there, you know, I My prior self's my dad right my prior self would be like fucking then you can spook and then you go to the And then you go to your job and you're like you'll never believe I set my yogurt up and fell all over my brand new It's like you can just build a fucking story whichever way you want to build it You know, I mean or you can just bet. Yeah, you can definitely ruin your own day fucking sorry, whichever way you want to build it, you know what I mean? Or you can just bet.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah, you can definitely ruin your own bed. Talking about, you know, she, she brings up that whole thing, like getting a good entourage, right? And what she's really saying is this, like surround yourself by people that maybe won't let you stay in that mindset. And then they talk about Floyd and his entourage. And that would be an interesting little mini series that they should do on Netflix or whatever, just showing who he surrounds himself with, how he stays kind of, I wouldn't say grounded
Starting point is 00:11:34 because he's flying around in jets and super sweet yachts all the time, but how he like, Orients is mind with that incredible lifestyle that he has. And I bet that, you know, he just has it down. He knows, like, I bet there's just some fascinating people in his group that really make that work. I'm sure. I'm sure. I mean, he's obviously got the pet agree, but he's got to maintain that mindset in order to be so successful and then stay on top of his game like he does. That's obvious. Oh, for sure. But I mean, I remember it. It's going to be, it's going to be interesting to see how Clarissa really transitions because I don't think they've had a boxer move over to MMA in this way. Like Joe talked about what's his name, Tony, someone Tony that fought Randy
Starting point is 00:12:26 Coltoil, but he just got tripped over and smashed. So he didn't really do anything and he was old. But I always kind of felt like MMA fighters are the best overall fighters. If we're just talking about kicking ass, but it's so specialized in boxing, it's much harder to go the other way. I mean, we saw it with Kana. He didn't have a lot of time to pair against Floyd and he was never gonna beat it. Right. You know, to go into a very,
Starting point is 00:12:55 not one dimensional, but limited sport, no kicking knees, you know, ground game. Right. It makes the striking is like everything they do. So if they go the other way I mean that's kind of what you see in MMA I mean you take holy home she was a boxer for a long time and then take some kickboxing and then became a UFC champ yeah that's you know and there's karate guys that have done the same so you can add to it the other way right and it's gonna be interesting
Starting point is 00:13:22 if she gets a ground game down I mean no one no one's going to be at a stand with her. She's going to be able to straight up outbox everyone. And that's really not up for debate. She's going to say that that's going to transition pretty well. I imagine. And then if you, I mean, the way she's training as long as she surrounds herself, the right people, she's young enough that like that they were saying to it, like when you're good at something you're gonna be good at something else too I think. Yeah for sure. I like that she talked about she's never been envious of anyone in a life and Joe's like well that's a winner's mindset about that. Absolutely if there's a. And I want to put it like a challenge out to
Starting point is 00:13:59 the listeners here and just have a think about that like go make a list of people that you're envious of. And be honest with yourself, it's okay if you are. Like we all are probably with some people. Make a list of those people. And then try and jot down like while you are. Right. Like what is it about what they're doing?
Starting point is 00:14:20 Or what they have that you don't have? And just have a think about like what what that is where it comes from Does anybody there will be an interesting little does anybody project? So does anybody come to mind? I mean, I can't I'm not that I'm super enlightened or don't have anybody that I'm probably Envious of but nobody like super comes to mind now that you're mentioning that to me do you have somebody? Yeah, I mean, I guess if you sit there long enough, you know You just have to think about, just think about the people you know that have something really good going on in their
Starting point is 00:14:52 lives and sit with that feeling and see if it feels good, like if you're proud of them and happy for them, or if you're a little bit annoyed. And I think if you're a little annoyed that you don't have it, then then you're starting to like figure out if you're a little bit annoyed. And I think if you're a little annoyed that you don't have it, then you're starting to like figure out if you're envious. And then just go talk to a blind guy and see how envious you are. You have right. And then you can appreciate what you got.
Starting point is 00:15:16 But that's the point, right? When you have the list together, it might look stupid. You might be like, oh, I'm envious for that reason. I think just go do that myself I think you're an America. Maybe this is this my mindset the only thing I don't know if this is just part of being an American anything your envy is of is having like nicer stuff because we have life so good Really in comparison yeah, if you look at it that way. It's like what do you got a Honda or a fucking Lambo? It's like I don't know yeah,, it'd probably just come down
Starting point is 00:15:46 to people's jobs, which money they make. I mean, that's probably the focus. And then, you know, most of that's like, the grass is always greener. You don't know what that job is like. It's probably not harder than you think. Absolutely, and it's just because you got more money, I'm a pure testament of it.
Starting point is 00:16:04 There's no, you choose happiness. It's not a, I'm a pure testament of it. There's no You choose happiness. It's not a you get a certain paycheck and then you're like, oh, I'm happy What is because it's because what you're safe you think you're safe. No It's probably just because you bought too much shit Right just change that yourself. I'm so oh right there. We go. I changed my budget now. I'm got some money Right good point. All right. Let's take a quick break and let's jump over to Nate Bagazzi. This podcast is brought to you by
Starting point is 00:16:34 Do you ever find yourself shouting your opinions right at us while listening to the podcast? We understand. I do that all the time. Well, there's good news. We've teamed up with the stereo app so you can talk to us directly Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 9 p.m. Eastern time will be going live on the app to answer questions and talk Rogan Garret and I will be live on the app and Any jerry review listener can join in the conversation and discuss anything that comes up
Starting point is 00:17:02 We've done this podcast for many years and listeners are always reaching out to discuss things they love about Joe's podcast. Now we found a way to connect with you and keep the conversation going. So join us at the after party, only available on the stereo app for the Jerry review, 9 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday, Wednesday Wednesday and Friday to connect with us and meet with other Joe Rogan fans.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Stereo is the live social conversation app. You can be your own talk host or if listening is more your jam, jump on our Stereo talk and ask all of those questions you've been it, Jinn, ask. Download the stereo app and follow us at slash JRE review. The link is in the description. All right, 1620. Is it begotsy? I don't know how to pronounce this. You sound like a new K Italian. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's fish and chips with marinara sauce. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:07 It's a mayonnaise. That guy is hilarious. He's a fantastic comedian, man. Oh, dude. Living in Tennessee now, I think. Yeah, Nashville, I think it's awesome. Yeah, because they have zinis there. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Which is a great comedy club. That's like where he does his work. It will, in fact, I think it was sometimes you're in COVID, his face is like painted on the wall of that club. And it trucked like drove into his face. Like through the wall. Oh, that's right. Yeah, he posed that which I thought was great.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Dude, that goes. I watched this stand up right after I watched the road. And I don't know why I just passed through it on Netflix and then I went back and watch it It's hilarious He's fantastic. He's definitely one of my favorites. I just love his style. Yeah, he's just talks like he just is so dumb Yeah, I don't know how anything works, right and when you can pull that off and he's obviously not a dumb guy I mean, that's the best part about that.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I think it's pretty dope that Joe was responsible for one of his first times getting on stage, or at least the first time he got on stage at the comedy store. He just put in a phone call. Yeah, well, he's only a year in. And I mean, it's like a testament to the types of things that Joe does. But as a new comic, I mean, that's so important. Right. Because it's, you know, Joe talks about having comics when he was young, like, um, he said
Starting point is 00:19:33 Marin said something good about him. Right. You know, it just, it's such a difficult art. Right. That it's those little things that make you push. Yeah, you get home, you're tired, you don't believe in yourself, you can't write, you're not worried about going on stage the next day,
Starting point is 00:19:50 and then you think, oh, that guy said it was good, or this guy gave me some stage time. All right, that can build your whole career just a couple of those moments, but like, all right, did you put the game change out? I mean, it's hard to know what that did for Nate getting on stage then, but you know, Joe may have changed
Starting point is 00:20:05 his whole life. That's what people want. It's validation, right? Well, it's a lot of those early stage things. I mean, even when I think of Jiu Jitsu, it's like when higher belt, level belt guys, you know, purple belt or brown belt is like, hey, good move. Or like, that was a really nice sweep. Right. Like, it doesn't matter how hard that training session is, you almost get free energy. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, you get something out of it. You can't put a price tag on that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Either that's just like what, that's those are the moments in your life that you can definitely see like a shift of one thing's changed. I mean, it's all what you put on it, obviously. But yeah, I mean, a lot of hard work goes in, but you need tons of luck in that industry. You need someone being like, hey,
Starting point is 00:20:48 you wanna go on the road with me. It could have just as easily been someone else. You know, you're just in the right spot. But that's why constantly being at those clubs is so important and since COVID, and that they've all closed. I mean, it's just basically impossible for new comics to do anything. Well, probably will be for another year Let's not say that it's all it's all with the language that you use
Starting point is 00:21:12 No, there's no clubs. I know but I can't you can't this isn't the secret No, I can't just will it into that's I'm just gonna believe there's an open mic tonight The only reason I said that is because there are people that are succeeding right now too. So I hear what they're saying. Yeah, but they're already famous. Right. And they've got a huge following on Instagram. Right. They're the only people that are really able to put shows on.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I mean, there's some backyard shows going on in LA. Right. Where some of the restrictions are open. I can tell you right now from firsthand knowledge that it went from everybody is doing COVID if you sit at a booth, COVID goes away because now the whole restaurant is completely full, completely full, up, down, back around.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Dude, it's gonna turn around, it's gonna turn around quick. I mean, maybe I'm just being optimistic, but the only thing that I can think and not to get political, but it seems like all, no matter what, we went to COVID and with all due respect to anybody that's sick, to get Trump out of office. That's what it feels like, especially being here in LA, I was like, oh, we just did all that to do that. That's what it feels like to me personally. Wait, because it opened up so quickly. Yeah, I mean, I mean, it's night and day, like it's night and day. Yeah, it's hard to see it. It's hard to see it. It's hard to see it.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Otherwise, like, I don't know how else what else is it attributed to us? Like, we wanted him out so bad that we did all this. I mean, people died from COVID. A lot of people have died. A lot of people have gotten sick and I understand that. But we chose this as the avenue to fucking get him out. I don't know what else to say. That's what it looks like to me. Yeah. I mean, there have been statements made, right? I don't follow this stuff. I don't need that. But that's just my fear. People have been like, yeah, we're gonna wait until the election
Starting point is 00:23:08 and do everything. And it's such a bullshit that like every one, like the population, do it as everyone is sending this podcast us. We're the ones that pay. Right. Exactly. I mean, first hand, you're that a walking testament I am too.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Like it's interesting how they just mowed over people for their own agenda. That's what it feels like. Yeah, that was fucking so I don't know. Not cool, man. Not cool. Does not make you trust politicians. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I wish there was no money involved in politics. Or there was like a cap. You can only make a hundred K as a politician. And that's just no volunteer. It's pro bono. At the end of the day, those are the people that, I mean, I guess that's just a perfect world. But man, wouldn't it be nice if we had people that were just
Starting point is 00:23:50 in there looking out for other people? Yeah, good luck. I don't know how you make that system. I don't know. I mean, I talking about conspiracies, they, they told a little bit about flat earthes and then the big foot shit and then obviously QAnon. And he had, I knew he was gonna have a story about that
Starting point is 00:24:12 because I was living in Nashville for a while and there are some, I mean, some of the conversations that I have with people that I knew there when they're trying to tell me about the QAnon stuff. I'm just like, wait a minute. Can we just go back and just think for a second, like I felt like such a condescending asshole, really, because I was like, they were so sure
Starting point is 00:24:37 that this shit was happening. I'm like, how the hell could that be true? Like it's just like the wackiest theory I've ever heard. I was like, I was just sat there watching and thinking, I think you, this is like a part of your brain that might be mentally ill. That's well, when Joe said that, he was like, it was talking about the flat earth. Or she's like, there was a time when something came into a certain piece of the population's brains that allowed them to think and he was started making reference to like
Starting point is 00:25:05 Kyrie Irving and other people that you would assume I mean I Don't know I guess you can just go down a rabbit hole on the internet And there's anything that this is proven to us you can you can find anything that supports your Your name. Yeah, I'd be interested to see how convincing those videos are I bet they are I bet like if you sat there like you were forced to sit there for five hours a day and watch him I you probably would never choice bro. I bet it would start changing your mind eventually You're just like oh maybe it is kind of Bro, I got brainwashed with gift cards if you do recall
Starting point is 00:25:42 That's true it can happen to the best of us. all been there. Right. It can happen in some way. You you'll somewhere another that if they catch you at a vulnerable spot, you know, telling where your brain will go. Yeah. Yeah. The big thing is, I mean, of the three things flat earth, Q and on and big foot, I'm more likely to believe Bigfoot than any of those. Just because that could just be another just big gorilla running around. Yeah. I mean, that's that's that there's a lot of species. We don't even know about that are sitting at the bottom of the ocean. So who knows what else is out there, right? Yeah, but I we would have fucking I want to believe that we
Starting point is 00:26:26 wouldn't see it right. I mean, I know that there's a lot of woods out in like the Pacific Northwest. And it's a huge area, but there's a giant there had to be one gorilla thing. There had to be one running around Walmart at some point. I think I've seen them. I think I
Starting point is 00:26:44 have seen a big foot of Walmart speaking up. Uh, yeah, I don't know, man. I don't think where can you come up with the flat earth ideas just because your eyes can't see it. And you're just like, oh, it falls off right there. And then I don't know. I think it's like that show, ancient aliens. Right. They just managed to put like a really compelling story together. And it's and I think people do want to believe.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Like this is why people like things like QAnon and flatter. They want to believe that they know something that nobody else knows. That's what it is. And then the more ridiculous it is in in some ways the more compelling it is. Right. Because it's like, dude, do your research. You gotta look in it. This is what they would say to me when I was in Nashville. Do your research.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I'm like, how are you gaining this information? And they're like, it's known, everyone knows it. You read these, stealing babies. I'm like, what babies of a, where are they getting? And I'm like, I can't believe I'm having this conversation. I even know the cocktail. Yeah, it's well times. It's funny what people will get passionate about.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I don't, it's, hmm. It's, yeah. You think about it though. It's like, if, I don't know, man, if you, if you can just direct that energy towards something else, it'd probably be successful. So, because a lot of those people that are that passionate about certain things like, man, if you just shifted that energy
Starting point is 00:28:10 right over here, you could probably be very successful and compelling. Well, you could research some things that might be more factual. Right. Right. And then learn some. I mean, at what point do you realize that what you thought was true isn't true anymore
Starting point is 00:28:26 And now you have to admit that to yourself. Yeah, that's like you go you go down such a rabbit hole Like you can't come back from it. That's what I think so I believe it But I don't talk about it so much anymore I'm like I think what you're saying is you don't believe it that much anymore and you're embarrassed It's okay to learn. It's okay to learn. That's what life's all about, right? Like learning how to do things. That's the idea. I would hope. But that's why people get so attached to stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I mean, that kind of correlates to politics, to religion, to does that tribal mentality. It's like, you always want to be associated to something. It's like, man, maybe disconnect a little bit from all these like outside things and maybe some growth will happen in your life. Who knows? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I mean, I guess it's like you got to be careful about your own ignorance. Like Nate was saying the same thing. Like he talks about his diet. He just loves applebees and fucking eat junk food and ice cream. And, you know, I mean, that's kind of like life on the road is a comic anyway like that's tough to be eating well and and doing that but it is interesting to hear it's like he eats like a teenager yeah he's like I'm trying to quit diet coke he's like I'm like I met my wife drinking Thai coke I met my house drinking tight coat. I met my white Apple bees. Yeah, and they still love going back I
Starting point is 00:29:49 Mean I enjoy our good Apple bees every now and again Dude I'm with Joe on the fish for ladies right those shirts really I'll get one every now and again Yeah, I don't even know what kind of fish I Just kept fish. I don't know if it was ever a fish. I don't really. It's vegan. They probably figured out a way to turn chicken into fish. Yeah, who knows. McDonald's process. I don't know. But it's good, man. I'll eat it. Just try not to eat all the tongue. Maybe I should try one. I can't say I've ever had a full of fish. Oh, it's so good. I'll give that a run for its money. What about the McRib? You must have had that.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I mean, could you tell me the last time you had McDonald's? I don't know the last time I've had McDonald's. It was a long time ago. I mean, sometimes I like those breakfasts. Right. Oh, I'm like, yeah, my- Oh, I make nothing. I'm with you on that. I just can't remember the last time.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I've always thought about that too, like the line it in and out. Have you noticed that? It, like, I don't know- It's my cute. Oh my god. you noticed that? I don't know. It's my cute. Oh my god. I'm like, I wouldn't wait 45 minutes for the best fucking steak, let alone a burger.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Like, I don't know what these people are. That's why you go through the drive through, bro. They're super efficient over there. No, dude. Those high school kids have it down. No. I mean, they might be able to. They have their tablet, they're in and out.
Starting point is 00:31:00 10 minutes. You think? That's why it's cool in and out. Well, I can see that line going all the way through the Costco parking lot on Washington. So I don't know how fast they're going. But if you say so, yeah, it's pretty quick, dude. I'm not. And it's like oftentimes you'll turn off that one street and then off of Washington onto where it is. And you're like kind of down and around the corner. And it seems like 10 minutes. You're through it. Well, pretty quick. I guess we need to test it. Yeah, I'll give it a
Starting point is 00:31:29 look. I don't know. I don't and now that I'm better, I just fast food in general. I'm a creature of habit. I got like a Thai spot subway and that's about what I eat. Otherwise, I'd go to the grocery store. Sobway is garbage. It is what you gotta make. I'm not saying it's good, but you can make solid choices wherever you go. Do you know that they've classified the bread in Ireland as a dessert?
Starting point is 00:31:55 Because they have so much sugar in. For a subway? Did not know that. I think it's under the category of a dessert place. I ever tell you something like that. I got robbed at gunpoint at subway on my fifth day work and there when I was 15 dessert place. I ever tell you something like that. I got robbed at gunpoint at subway on my fifth day work and there went on 15 years old. I ever tell you that.
Starting point is 00:32:09 No way. Yeah. It was my fifth day work. What do you run in? And he's like, give me a meatball. What's up now? He, we, not paying. Funny story.
Starting point is 00:32:16 There was a blockbuster in that age. It's me, but right next to her, there was a blockbuster. And he's like, my wife's next story getting such and such. And I was like, all right. And somebody had called in a to-go order for three foot longs right before we closed. And it was literally my fifth day working there.
Starting point is 00:32:31 So we're busy making it. And he comes in and I'll never forget my buddy Ben walks up. And I was like, going to get my buddy a free sandwich because I was like, a work at subway. So come in. I'll hook you up. And my buddy Ben came in and he's like, give me more oil. He's like, he was a funny kid. He's making me laugh right next to me. The guy's like like give me more oil. He's like he was a funny kid
Starting point is 00:32:45 He's making me laugh right next to me the guys like give me the money in the drawer like he pulls out this like little revolver And the guy whoa the guy right next to me was like here you go And he had just done a drop like so he did arm robbery for fucking 70 bucks And I'll never forget my mind the guy that I was working with he got me the job there He went like when pages were a thing. he went to page our boss right after I like press I'll never forget I hung the phone up and I'm like 911 Eric you fucking moron You're gonna page somebody they're gonna call his back. I was like fucking hey Oh my god, did David Kasey guy? No, I mean think about that. That
Starting point is 00:33:25 moment in his life for 70 bucks could have cost him fucking 30 years of his life probably. Oh yeah. I don't know what arm robbery comes along with, but I can't imagine. It's not good. I was gonna say I can't imagine it's fucking soft. Yeah, you're not gonna be at a pay for your lawyer with 70 bucks. Right, right, right, that was a moment. That was definitely a moment. I was right. I mean, at least take that whole thing of stamps. Remember, these could be the stamps? Take the whole reel.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Have free sandwiches for life. Give me all the stamps. Give me all the stamps now. I mean, what was going through my hand? $1 million of free stuff in that. Thank God, the other kid was working because I hadn't even learned how to work the registry yet I was thinking of with that he did that to me out of just unplug the register and hand it in the register Yeah, take it. I don't know. I'm just end up end up hating him with the register like I'm really sorry
Starting point is 00:34:17 I don't mean I don't know how to open this thing just take the whole thing Yeah, and that was when registers were like big ass things they weren't like little screens See that was that must have been scared Right 15 years old and my high school was right next door So I always thought that he was like watching me from somewhere when I was like oh, yeah, it was weird I don't know those like across the street So I was like this isn't motherfucker know that I go to school here and now he's like I'm gonna have to kill him So he doesn't tell on me. I don't know
Starting point is 00:34:43 a school year and now he's like, I'm gonna have to kill him so he doesn't tell on me. I don't know. Mike. Oh for what? $7 an hour or whatever you've got paid. Definitely worth it. Definitely worth it. All right, let's jump over to 1621 Jim Brewer. This guy's a legend.
Starting point is 00:35:00 SNL legends. So funny. In one of my favorite movies of all time half baked, and he plays probably the greatest character in there, I think. Oh, that's great. Yeah, that monologue he does where he's like, he tells the dude what to buy after they get stoned. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:18 He's like, go to the store. He's like, four big pizzas, man. Everything on him. And then he ends and it's quiet. And he's like, funn man, everything on him. And then he ends and it's quiet. And he's like fun, you know, got to have fun like a list is like absurd. That scene is just so epic. Dude, that character is classic. I mean, I think that's, I wonder what Dave's first movie was too. Is that was that that's kind of be one of his first movies, right?
Starting point is 00:35:42 I think that's the first movie he made. Do you remember he was in the Nutty Professor? He was the comedian that made fun of him being fat. I think that was his first movie. And he was in Men in Tide, in the middle. 19, then. I don't know if that was before that, but that had to be right around the same time. Yeah, I think that was before the Nutty Professor,
Starting point is 00:36:02 but yeah, he was good in that too. Yeah, that was good. I remember feeling bad for the Nazi professor when he was this ripin' on him. Yeah, with food, but then when he came back and just roasted him and like through the guy in the piano. Yeah. So legendary. Good, good, come back on that one for sure. Yeah, that first move was excellent.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Absolutely. Talking about Eddie Murphy movies, have you seen the new coming to America yet? I have a view. No, I haven't. I've heard it's good. I mean, it was like the number one movie, but I don't know. How can they make it as good as the original? I don't want to hate on it.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I don't want to hate on it because it was entertaining, but it was just like, it was the first one on steroids, basically. Like, I mean, just, no, fair enough. It was was the same thing but it was just they they took a lot of references from it I mean it's such a classic movie it's difficult to really still kind of act clueless like they don't know how anything works no that's kind of bypassed at this point they're they're they're just kind of reliving a bunch of experiences and I think is Samuel Jackson make a cameo you know he was in that right was he I don't know I might I might have he I think
Starting point is 00:37:13 he tried to rob the Mac thouwells oh that's right and they they like beat him up with the yeah yeah yeah that's right mobs right I can't passed out for a bit on the referee. It was okay. Not a hugely good review. I mean, I'm not hating, but I wasn't my, it was what it was. I just won. I guess you always have these expectations, especially for that movie, but it was good. I was entertaining. I'll give it that. Yeah. Well, you know, so Jim is one of Joe's oldest friends, right? And oldest comedy buddies, which is really cool that they've known each other forever. And Joe, I think the first time on the road was opening for Jim.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I remember him saying that. And yeah, he talks about days that he's like bond super hard with Jim and like the effect that it had, how it pushed and worked so much hard. I guess they were on that show, Hardball. I heard Joe talk about that a bunch. I guess that was the first show that he ever did. I never saw it. I don't know if it's,
Starting point is 00:38:12 I don't think I see it. He ever aired it. I don't know. I never, I never seen it. So, yeah, but it's, it's interesting they were talking about what it was like to be in L.A. back then and And Joe was like I don't really go to those I never liked going to the parties because it was all about like who you know and
Starting point is 00:38:33 What you're doing and what your project is and dad are like status status status and that's so true Like that's even true now like this it just Attracts that type of people and it does make the conversation so shitty. Yeah. I try and avoid that. I guess I'm not surrounding myself in that circle, but yeah, it's not, not enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:38:56 But I mean, you've seen it, right? You've been, I mean, I have hear about it. Like, I definitely hear about it. I maybe, just I don't put myself in those situations, but I honestly, like, I don't know if it's, I don't put myself in those situations, but I honestly, like I don't know if it's, I just don't get in a lot of those conversations. I hear that about LA and how people are so superficial and only out for themselves and status and whatnot. But I mean, the people that I surround myself with and not like to my horn,
Starting point is 00:39:18 I just feel like it's kind of all conducive to the lifestyle that you want to be because I don't really surround myself. I think most of it came from dating, like doing a lot of LADT. Oh, yeah, that's a good point. You notice that because it becomes like an interview. I noticed that that was what it was so much different about dating anywhere else. It's like you want to know what you do. What you're heading towards, what's your five-year plan, like what's your big project.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And, you know, I guess there's because there are so many people there that are just like, yep, I'm just skateboard every day and that's what I do. No offense, yeah. What are you talking about my life? My life might be simple, but it's pretty gratifying. I'll give you, I'll say that. I enjoy. You got a good setup, man. I enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I enjoy the moments. I'll tell you that So Jim Jim quit uh quits smoking weed. Yeah, I guess he's back on it a bit But like he was he was deep into it back in his SNL days like trying to just survive the cutthroat SNL industry So you remember when he played Joe peshy on SNL so funny It was one of the best characters So you remember when he played Joe Pesci on SNL? Oh, it was so funny. It was one of the best characters. What's that? Hearing how awful it was, like people would steal his monologue ideas
Starting point is 00:40:33 or script ideas. And there was a lot of back stabbing. That's brutal. And it just stressed him out. It kind of makes watching the show less satisfying. Right, because he know what went into it. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Yeah, you just know there's like so much politics behind the way that everything there works. And it's not really like this, loving some supportive community of common. Just cutthroat. It's like everyone trying to make a name for themselves and pushing that. That you think that's just, you know, that skits. You think that's just monies, you know, that skits.
Starting point is 00:41:05 You think that's just like across the board thing because I don't see Joe doing that at any point in his life. Like I wouldn't see him like trying to take that kind of role. Yeah. Well, Joe talked about how on news radio, they were very supportive, right? And it was very lover. Right. And it was tough for Phil Hartman after SNL to like adapt to that kind of more supportive environment.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Yeah, you didn't expect it to be that way. And it took him a good amount of time. It's obviously important, right? Yeah. Why would you not, like surely you're going to make the best material if everybody works together and you've got like a good working environment and people are happy.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Absolutely. I mean, that's got to be conducive to success. I don't, I obviously, SNL is very successful, but you wonder what if it was had that same kind of environment as far as supportive goes, what else could have came great from it? Who knows? I mean, I don't know. Maybe, but also, I mean, when things are cut throat too, then business is tough. It's like you talk about Wall Street and pressure man pressure Most times I got yeah Sometimes it it creates the best work. I mean sure. It's not the nicest environment But you definitely are pushing yourself hard. I mean you can't have Navy SEALs training to be Navy SEALs if it's like right
Starting point is 00:42:21 Okay, take five minutes and hug everyone. Right. That's a good plan. I just want to walk around and say everyone's doing a good job and it's more about participation. Yeah. I mean, you got to push those guys hard to make the best. That's a good point. That's so. Yeah, there's something, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:39 There's a balance in there. Yeah, I'm sure. That definitely is a balance. That's what it comes down to. So they talk a lot about, they were talking about like the effects of things like medication and when they were banging on about the COVID stuff. Right. And Joe brought up the thing. So you've heard of the placebo effect, right? And then he describes something called the no-cebo. I think it was called no-cebo. And it's like the opposite. It's when you think
Starting point is 00:43:03 you're sick because of something you've been taking but you're not really. It's just in your mind. Isn't that? That's that sounds like placebo, but I hear right now. I guess I'm no it's the opposite. So placebo is when you think that you're getting better because you're taking your sugar pill. So it's showing that your mind can heal you because you think you're doing something that's good for you. No seabo is the opposite. It's like you take your sugar pill and you think it makes you sick, but there's no way it could because it's your sugar. That sounds like some bad shit. Yeah, and you got a wonder like what there is in your own life that's similar to Nocebo. You know, maybe that whole thing
Starting point is 00:43:53 are making the envious list. It's like even the fact that you are envious, like maybe there's reason to be, but by doing it, you really hindering yourself. Yeah, but it also, I think it kind of correlates with what you just said before it also couldn't drive you So I mean it could go either way Yeah, I guess I guess you just have to look at your output and how you feel and where you get your motivation from right?
Starting point is 00:44:16 I mean yeah talking about drive so Jim wants to get into hunting and some sort of martial art obviously Joe talked about Getsu into hunting and some sort of martial art. Obviously Joe talked about Gijitsu. He's kind of planning for the end of the world. He wants to know how to fish and hunt and do all that. And it was an important point that Joe brought up. Like, look man, you can't just go with one hunt or one day or one boxing class and think you're ready to fight. Like it's a lifetime. It's a yes. So to know so much to learn That's the thing about that's the thing about exercise and working out you've never arrived You're always it's always about the journey right it's always about how you feel and what what kind of skills you're adapting I mean in in relation. Yeah, it's kind of a shame. I wish you could just be like all right
Starting point is 00:45:00 Got my black belt never have to train again. I'm in shape. No, I'm never, I can eat whatever I want. That's not how it works. You know, straight back to ice cream. No working. All right. It's not like you've ever arrived. And I think as long as in life, you realize that never arrive and you'll be fine. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Yeah, the journey, not the destination. I mean, because I guess the destination doesn't exist. It doesn't. Though, but we do it. That's how we think. Like, people are always talking about, oh, when I retire. And then I'll be happy.'t exist. It doesn't. But we do it. That's how we think. People are always talking about, oh, when I retire. And then I'll be happy.
Starting point is 00:45:29 There's this moment. Yeah, there's this moment of like, oh, I just get to relax, drink my tini. It's like, how many my tini's before you're in alcohol? And how satisfying is that on a daily basis? You get one car. That's the way I've always looked at it. Your body is one car, So it's like enjoy the ride You know, but yeah, well you got to change the oil too. It's true. Good. It's a good point. That's a good point
Starting point is 00:45:54 Change the oil absolutely All right, well, I love Jim being on that. I mean Nate Nate to me was the most entertaining one of the week. Yeah, I'm going to start paying more attention to him. Yeah, definitely following him on Instagram. He's got a fucking hilarious. Like, you know, it put up like two, three minutes of his act every now and again. Right. And I love following comics like that.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Like that's some of my, if Jim Gaffergins is a good one for that. Is he? Yeah. I'll try to give him a follow too. Yeah, he posts, you know, a couple of minutes of his stuff and it's very clean. That's how Jim does his stand-up, but it's just brilliant to watch it. Oh, he's just way he takes the most simple ideas and makes them absolutely hilarious.
Starting point is 00:46:37 It's just brilliant. Right, love it. Anyway, guys, thank you as always for joining in and That's it. See you next week. Thanks. Take care. That's push Thanks again to join the after party for the Jerry review Every Monday Wednesday Friday 9 p.m. Eastern Standard time as we go live stereo is the app for live social conversations and we want to talk to you directly. Our listeners. Join the app using the link in the description of the show slash JRE Review. And let's talk Rogan. Download now and join us live each week to continue the conversation.
Starting point is 00:47:20 you

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