Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 217 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Demi Lovato Et al.

Episode Date: March 31, 2021

This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always: Demi Lovato singer and actress, Doug Stanhope Comedy genius and Marcus Luttrell author of Lone Survivor 5% of ALL SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Ju...stin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Podcast. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created now with your hosts Adam Thorn One go draw the show hey guys and welcome to another
Starting point is 00:00:38 JRE review we got a real mix of characters this week Marcus the trail Navy seal Doug Stanhope We got a real mix of characters this week, Marcus the trail, Navy Seal, Doug Stanthope, legendary comedian and Demi Lovato, famous singer actress, post. Right. Yeah, joined us always by Garrett. Yo, yo, how are you? Happy Sunday. Yo, it's good, man.
Starting point is 00:01:04 It's relaxing beautiful 60 six degrees up here in Bosnum, Montaix. What's it down? I've been it's 75 and just complete all 72. I'm sorry Like completely sunny completely clear skies beautiful there It's kind of weird how often it's 72 degrees. It's like the perfect temperature. And dry too. It's not even sweaty. It's so beautiful. This is my... This is like why I... I mean we're just talking about travel so it's like I think about travel all the time but here it's like especially in the summer
Starting point is 00:01:39 time. It's like where else do you want to be? For me personally I love being by the beach, but Well, there's a lot of beautiful places in the summer, but it is nice down there. That's true. It's true. I need to come visit bozeman for sure Get up here. Do it. Well, stop How long stop all right? Let's jump into 16 22 Marcus the trial Alright, let's jump into 16-22 Marcus the trial. I think first we should mention how it cut off. Yeah, that was interesting. Like the end was weird.
Starting point is 00:02:10 He went to the restroom and then the podcast ended and no one ever said anything about it. It wasn't like they were talking about some like top secret stuff. It didn't seem like, I mean, I don't know. It could be that maybe when he got back, Jamie forgot to record it I guess that's possibility and they didn't want to mention it. It's not it's not impossible
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah, sure, but yeah, he's he's a bad motherfucker for sure Did you ever read the book loan survive? No, but I've seen the movie a handful of times and after watching it I've made a point I want to watch it again. I was a good movie Yeah, the books quite a lot different, like they talked about in the podcast, like, especially with his extraction. And like, it seemed like so much of the book was him when he was alone at the end, which was like a much shorter part of the game. Oh, that's what he mentioned. Yeah. Yeah. And it was, that put it was pretty emotional as is to be honest I was on a plane reading a bit of it and I was like tearing out like that's got to be the hardest time of this
Starting point is 00:03:10 It was a lot. It's got to be one thing to lose all your all your team and then be the being the lone parts the hardest part probably I imagine yeah Oh Can't even imagine well, I don't think he knew like how he was going to get extracted or a thing new where he was. You're just on a well. Even if he was safe, I think even when that guy found him and you know, it was kind of taking care of it. I'm not even sure if he 100% knew if that guy was just going to go get the Taliban eventually
Starting point is 00:03:42 or where he was. Yeah, that's what he made reference to. He's like, I didn't know. I don't think he really had any other option at that point, but I don't know. That shows how tough Navy SEALs are, not that there was any question, but goodness gracious. Different breed of human. Yeah. Unreal.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It's interesting because I remember when he was last on Rogen, I think he's been on twice. I maybe more, but the last time he was kind of like, I don't want to say disconnected, but he was in a different place. Like, he seems, he seems like mentally in a better place. Yeah, this time around. Like, further away from that trauma, which I'm, God, I can't even imagine how fucking difficult that has been for him. I can't even fathom. Even Joe made reference. Well, there was so many moments where I think like Joe was almost going to like tear up, you know, like you would slow down and talk and Marcus would just explain what happened and often just kind of like chuckle through it. You know, maybe as almost like a coping strategy, maybe, but it seemed pretty genuine. Like, yeah, look, I've thought about this a lot.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I know where we're at. I think about the bits of that battle that, you know, like when he's talking about his guys getting shot and how it was like almost humorous to them, even though it wasn't. It's like he's, he just seemed to me like, yeah, he's focusing on the, like, not the good parts of it, but like the bits that kind of brought them together as like a powerful brother. Absolutely. I don't know, dude, it was pretty much. No, I, dude, I was running up and down stairs.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I did 100 stairs in a row I knew that I was I was running up and down stairs I did a hundred stairs and a row listening to that just I was he and I was so inspired Listening to it. I don't know and just got me fired up. I was like I got to get outside and do some just listening to it So With they talked a lot about that didn't yeah like that that fire to just like the Jaco style like how bad ass He is I've never called in there's been a few moments and listen to the podcast like the Jocco stuff, like how bad ass he is. I've never forgotten. There's been a few moments and listen to the podcast, like exactly those moments where I'm just like, I think those are life changing moments for me.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Just it's a different perspective of how to look at life. And he's just trying to be a good father and a good husband too. Like, I mean, he's getting through, you know? So it's like, yeah, he talked about being very, very great for of like, in a sense, the experience and like what he needs to do moving forward. I think he probably had a lot of moments where he was directly talking to his God, 100 per saying, hey, if you get me out of here, I'll be like this way. I'll be like grateful and loving and I think he's sticking
Starting point is 00:06:26 to that promise. Let's use that as a catalyst for all of us. I love hearing those stories. It's like let's not have to go through that to have that same kind of mentality. Let's try and approach that. Obviously, that perspective was just, he has much different one than we do, but man His story was completely inspiring for sure Yeah, well didn't he say he was like stay humble and of course that made me think of you and you stay humble top
Starting point is 00:06:57 I can't say that I didn't appreciate him saying that You have rights, so the true statement not that I'm guilty of it. That's why I have it as a reminder What is that noise you like doing the dishes? I'm just having a drink of water. I apologize Oh, all right clanging around bro. Come on people are listening. He's not clanging around using the canteen no plastics, but Yeah, yeah. I didn't know that Marcus did Giu-Jitsu. Yeah, I didn't either. And I don't know what his belt is.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I'm sure he's, like he was saying, he was training early on, so I'm sure he's a black belt, but he's a massive guy, too. I think he's like six, six, so maybe taller. Giant, dude. Imagine that with like CEO training and a black belt I'm like no wonder he survived and being from Texas doesn't
Starting point is 00:07:53 It doesn't yeah tough tough folks out there I guess the lone survivor To go back on that it's like you have to revisit that all the time for him to. So I don't know if that's a good coping thing or if that's just like, is it good to constantly revisit stuff like that? I don't know. I mean, he's had to like hash it out and now it's in a movie form and it's in a book. So it's like it's in front of him. But you think that's good to go back and have to like revisit it all the time? What do you think that is for your mental? Well, I mean generally I think in therapy
Starting point is 00:08:31 That that's it want you to confront things that's you know, they take you there That's how you heal and you have to create the story and you know, I mean look at the type of therapy that they do with MDMA right what they're trying to do is create like a new association with the event so that you feel better about it. Maybe you see if there's any positives that you can take away, you kind of see it in that way and it rewrites the memory. So maybe this has been like a therapeutic journey for him. I'm sure there's times like when there's repressed memories or ones you don't remember
Starting point is 00:09:08 because the event was so traumatic, I'm sure you have to go into that gingerly. Like nice and slowly and carefully, it can probably be, it's probably a reason the brain has decided to block it out. I think the tightness and the bond that he talks about within the seals just the way he talks about his brothers like that's gotta be the biggest pill to swallow. I'm sure for him just like he even made mention to.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Oh, when he was talking about how they lost 31 guys and that dude was calling him, giving him updates were at 7, were at We're I mean, imagine that phone call I mean when you know them all 31 guy that's like everyone I know literally literally Yeah, I mean it's like half my Instagram. I'm like what and you've got to see that and you've got to move forward Yes, and each day just kind of I mean it's it's something else man I have a friend up here that is X-GreenBarray and he does therapy for works at the like this compound where special forces retired special forces guys will come
Starting point is 00:10:19 and he does work with them like they do different things like meditations and they talk and they like, you know, try and work through like these incredible, lead difficult traumatic times and I want to volunteer over there and kind of see what they do and see if I can help out and do I think You know to do it for those guys like helping anyway that I could you know, even if it's just like do some comedy for them, like do some of my terrible stand-up and see if I can make anyone laugh, but you know, it's like, it's almost like do anything you can for these guys. Literally. They did so much for us, right? I mean, you have to look at it like that. Like when we talk about saluting the troops,
Starting point is 00:11:03 really, we're talking about these fucking dudes. Yeah, those are good. Like these guys have done that work. I mean, given them your seat on the plane, as like the least you could think about doing. Maybe to not like a Air Force Air Traffic Controller, I'm like, look, you're just doing a regular job, chill out.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Coast Guard. Yeah, but not one of these. No, no, that's a special breed. I love it. Whenever he goes back to talking about Goggins and Jaco, like those are his guys, that's just that's got to be a cool little circle to run in for sure. Oh yeah, I mean he's seen the normal like he was didn't he say jokka was his balls for all I mean and he made I he were talking about Ramadi like he that's what jokka talks a lot about in his book too that battle of Ramadi was one of the most gruesome situations he'd ever been in and he was there for it, I believe, so that dude's been through the ringer and back. I just love how everybody is the same when they talk about Jocco. They're like he is, he's the goat of men.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Like when it comes like just strength masculinity, like just being genuine and Teaching and staying positive and like fighting through it's like hands down No one's like yeah, he was all right. I mean he was pretty good. They're like yeah, he is he is what you see he is that guy Yeah, it's good to wait since boss was gonna say it's good to follow guys like that and to make those the precipice for who you want to be or at least Like set out to have those kind of goals in mind that No, I mean they're just walking proof that you can do anything if you put your mind to it, you know I mean there in a different level, but at the same time it definitely drives me I'm just like all right Well somebody else out there is working harder than me even though I think I'm working hard so just keep
Starting point is 00:13:06 working harder I think as long as you keep that the mentality oh yeah there's a there's a whole group of guys that will make us feel like hosts forever for sure but just keep that mentality and I think you'll be all right stay humble and just keep working that's the that's the name of the game right keep moving forward and he seems like a great family man. Absolutely. I mean, he reflected on that a lot, talking about finding his wife and her kind of being there, his opposite. Yep. And how that works. That's that good balance and caring for his kids and being able to do that despite everything that he's been through and keeping it together.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah. Powerful. Very powerful. It's powerful stuff. I did not know that he brought that guy out. They saved him. The Afghanistan. Where do you bring him to?
Starting point is 00:13:58 I don't know. He brought him out to Texas. Oh, did he? I didn't hear it. Yeah, he like lives close to him. Oh, that's nice. And he said that yeah, like lives close to that's nice and He said that guy yells at him all the time That's great. That's amazing. That is amazing. Yeah, what a good dude. I wonder how he was able to go back and find him
Starting point is 00:14:22 What did he get his email address before he left? My space? I think I would have had that right my space, but it was my space Yeah, it was my space LinkedIn My space in the hills. What did you think of Joe's dream Joe was kind of getting a little spiritual and emotional about that? He had that dream where he had all the mud in his mouth like the night before. I think he I think as he's Just he's experiencing his own emotions more and more as the shows go on. Have you noticed that? I think that he's the older he gets older. He gets older. He gets older. I mean, he's always been over-minded, but at least now he's really like trying to
Starting point is 00:14:58 feel a little bit more, I think. Yeah, it was it was like it Joe was definitely getting emotional about it and Marcus was kind of Just reflecting on it, but but kind of almost not dismissing it but being like yeah, yeah, of course Well, that's connection right and Then he's like I got a piss and I guess that's the end of the podcast That's what I was gonna say that's how I kind of didn't know where to go with it because that kind of just ended shortly there with that one I Love the whole well. I wanted to hear more of it I think it went on long enough and I maybe they just realized that it was a long enough podcast
Starting point is 00:15:37 But he's such a good guest that I was I was just really into it. I was like shit. I want some more I agree. It's going on. It's getting back. Talking about dreams, let's jump over to Doug Stanhope 1623. Doug and Joe have known each other forever. They kind of came up together. I think Doug was a little head of Joe in his stand up and and Doug's like really well respected in the stand up community was great friends with Mitch Hepburn which is dope and I guess they used to play tennis to go I think something like that but I've always been a big fan I saw him live in New Mexico some things that he does at his show that apart from also amazing comedy is he often has like an alcohol sponsor
Starting point is 00:16:28 That's not a real sponsor. They don't pay him but he says in out of spite He just pretends and still promotes them You may and he had pop off vodka at the show I went to and he said that they even told him that they he They don't want him to mention Their vodka so he does it out of spite Which I thought it's hilarious He's a nutty He also goes to thrift shops
Starting point is 00:16:56 When he gets to any town and buys like the ugliest suits that you can imagine he wears on stage and then he steals You can imagine he wears them on stage and then he steals the steals Bibles from the motels. He doesn't stay hotels. He stays at like diving motels And he always steals the Bibles and signs them and sells them at a show and I bought So yeah, I just thought it was hilarious. I'm like, that's funny. I don't own a Bible So maybe maybe I'll buy one but be supportive. I didn't want a t-shirt so... It's not a Bible huh? That's what I decided. Yeah got it. His set was amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:32 He's a uh interesting bird I will say that. I think Bizbees played a part on him you think. Hmm yeah he definitely has some strange friends when he was talking about his like criminal friends that have podcasts Yeah, I mean what did that guy stab his mother to dad? He's a really good guy and I'm like Joe is both like Joe was like hold on what? There's quite a few moments like that whenever I don't know if he was just because he was drinking on the show or what not to be critical of him But it was like Joe is kind of like all right, dude. What are we doing here? Just at a couple of like I it seemed like he got a little drunk. Am I is that me? Yeah, they were getting a little drunk for sure. They was slamming
Starting point is 00:18:19 He was like stand-up was kind of making me feel uncomfortable a little bit at a time I don't know just the kind of humor that he was saying that he was into I've never seen his stand-up So I don't know what but I do know that he is respected in the community It was just interesting listen to him he'd seem to look a little off to me Yeah, well, he's a comedian so he's gonna be that's fair Yeah, he's always been wacky dude if I hear your canteen a one more time, I swear to God. I'm gonna write a bad review and blame you. Stop shaking that shit around. I'll just roll down the bed. Talking about his friends it's safe way
Starting point is 00:19:11 Well, what did he want a sponsor from that shitty cola? Oh that's right. Yeah yeah some like really awful cola that he wants a whiskey sponsor that the whiskey so good you can mix it with any cola and it still works. I'm like I think Joe was like I don't think that's gonna work. I didn't realize it's kind of, but I realize Ron White went sober. Did you hear him make mention of that? I didn't know it happened. I didn't know that. I know. I hear about that either, but apparently he did a bunch of ayahuasca too, which is interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Hmm, well, they were talking about him having a health scare, right? So that probably shook him off. I sat next to him once at the comedy store he was we were watching Chris Rock actually it was like the first night Chris Rock had come back and he was working on I think his Oscar stuff and he was brilliant Chris Rock was just crushing it but I came back to my seat from the restroom and Ron White was like sat in my chair and they would really know the spot so I kind of didn't know what to do but I couldn't sit back in the room and I was like that's kind of where I was sitting so I like did it as politely as possible he's like oh sorry man no worries and just because Ron White just pulled up another chair
Starting point is 00:20:20 but then we were like chatting and dude super cool guy like in between performances He was just talking to me and telling me about his tequila company and man He must have drank like forward to killers in 15 minutes in there like he did not fuck around yeah, and then went up on stage and absolutely crushed That's awesome like completely destroyed. Yeah, he's brilliant. I just watched a couple of birds specials too, but Ron Why is great? Um Ron why would be a guy you'd want to go to Vegas with I think oh You could hang out with him. Yeah, he's just brilliant
Starting point is 00:20:59 But it is interesting that he decided to go that way. I mean When you think of somebody that's been drinking pretty heavily for what it chose, like, 50 years. It's been drinking. Right. I mean, yeah, maybe it takes a bunch of ayahuasca ceremonies to kind of separate yourself from that addiction. I mean, drinking one's difficult.
Starting point is 00:21:23 It's very difficult without a doubt. And good for him, you know? I don't want him to go anywhere. I wonder, he's a national treasure. Stay alive, Ron White. I agree, I agree. What do you think about the Alley G thing? How Alley G was like going after Zuckerberg
Starting point is 00:21:40 about this artist painting of, or was it Bill Gates? And it kind of implied that it was like anti-vaxxist stuff, but obviously this guy's being satirical and then Sasha, Baron Cohen's upside. Of all people, of all people to like, throw the first bone, right? Just his comment.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I mean, I thought it was almost like ironic that that was I didn't think I almost thought he was doing it as a stunt kind of thing after they were talking about it. Because I was like, he would do that of all like the dude that fucking helicopters is dick on um, what I forgot the name of the movie right of the not Bruno, but the other one on like this dude's worried about like you're going to try and talk down on the other thing I it was inches that woke culture that they make reference to it. So you got to be part of it. I guess I don't know I Think Joe might be right man. I think he might have just got in so heavy with like the Hollywood guys that
Starting point is 00:22:39 That it's kind of what is that? I don't know. I don't think he was thinking where he's he yeah made that post Yeah, that's probably a good possibility or I don't you just never know is it like is that premeditated? Or is that just off the cuff? You can't tell anymore with social media. You can say anything and well He's also such a genius that I mean it made Joe Rogan talk about it on his show for 25 minutes. That's what I was thinking. And maybe it's a way for him just to create a bit of, you know, he's a shock guy. Like he does things to get people to be stupid. That's what I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:23:17 He knows. Maybe he was like baiting. Maybe he's baiting people to see who will get. Did you think that? That's what I was thinking to be honest. Like I was like of all people I don't know of all people I couldn't decide throw like rocks at a glass house. I'm just like what that can't be real
Starting point is 00:23:36 I'll tell you what if it if it was genuine and he did it and now regrets it one really smart way out of it would be to be just to be like I was trolling you guys Who would be genius? That would be real genius and we'd all be like oh that makes sense Yeah, I mean the fact that you and I are talking about that makes sense Yeah, they can still the ideas We'll let you off Sasha you're a legend Alley G God, dude I watched those allie G videos from YouTube from way back in the day all the time
Starting point is 00:24:09 They're cracking up. I Love watching those things like when he's speaking to the British police. Oh my guy about drugs Dude if you guys haven't seen that and you're listening just Google. I guess like allie G Police drugs whatever so he's talking to If you guys haven't seen that and you're listening, just Google, I guess like, Allie G, police, drugs, whatever. So he's talking to, um, like, a guy that's really high up in the, in the police in England. I could think they call it like the metropolar and police or something. I don't know. And, uh, he's, he's like the drug crime guy. So he's talking to him, but he's like asking him like how much drugs will cost
Starting point is 00:24:46 and which ones are good and does class a absolutely guarantee better quality. Like he's just ripping this guy to pieces and this guy's trying to be polite and just get through it. It's absolutely genius. Oh my god, those are amazing. Those were like Jackass before Jackass, but in a different way. But it was so, it was. Almost nobody did it like he did. No, not at all. It was for just like all pure shock value, but it was totally genius at the same time.
Starting point is 00:25:16 And still crushing it. Oh my God. Bruno, not Bruno. Let's tell the one. Just Borat. Yeah, Borat. And he just did another one on Amazon. I think I can't remember the name of that. I think it was Borat. That, yeah, he's the other one? Just borat. Yeah, Borat. And he just did another one on Amazon. I think I can't remember the name of that. I think it was Borat. Yeah, he did the second
Starting point is 00:25:28 Borat. And it was, it was just one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It was amazing. I couldn't believe how funny it was. I'm like, this is outrageous. I'm like closing my eyes, watching that go down. So maybe that's why they were so disappointed because they're like, look, he's such a legend. Like you of all people shouldn't be getting upset about this boy. This is this may be a general question, but what it whenever we say that Hollywood's so woke, like who specifically is are these people that feel the need to like have such agendas like this? I don't understand. Who are these people? I don't know. I think it's like a lot of producers. And why? No, the benefit. And like Hollywood elites. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Because it's money, you know, it's like two things I think are happening. So it brings people in that want to be massively inclusive all the time and kind of go with that narrative so that they don't upset anybody culturally and then they reinforce it and then it just becomes like this way of talking that you either you like you either have to agree to get movie roles or they have your movie made or you're out. Like you can't just come in and be like I I'm a Christian, I'm a Republican, but I'm a great actor. They're like, sorry. Doesn't fit on narrative. And I think, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I don't know too much about all of that, but it's what it kind of sounds like. Yeah. Dude, just go to more LA parts. I get it. I guess that's the, I don't surround myself with those people. I'm just like, when they talk about one,
Starting point is 00:27:02 and in Hollywood, you gotta be, I hear what you're saying. I guess I've seen it a little bit. I don't know. It's just such a weird. Yeah Well, we worked at a bar on the pier so we didn't quite have the same sort of that's true circle restrictive controls Yeah But I those people are a lot of work. I get like why it's like you're a part of the you're a part of the inclusive team if you speak at that in those terms, I guess I don't know. Hmm. Well, they get mad at you if you have different opinions. So I probably just wouldn't have hung out.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's a odd. I'm like, why these people so mad at me? I'm sorry. I was just talking like I don't get it I was saying I rage stuff and I don't know how that ever provides for any kind of growth in anything It's just like what is that doing? It's not stimulating anything. It's just trying to appease to the masses. I Guess makes more money, bro. Make you go watch those movies. I guess makes me sick to my stomach, so maybe fair enough
Starting point is 00:28:04 I guess it makes me sick to my stomach, too. Maybe fair enough What did you think about Doug talking about lucid dreaming a lot like he's like big in a lucid dreaming If you have a lucid dream where you like know you're awake. I think so I mean frequently I've been I take melatonin to and prior to but on melatonin the dreams are intense but But do you know that you're dreaming like you like realize in the dream that you're dreaming I think that's what I mean I want to say that there's been I don't want to say a handful but a good amount I don't know I should probably evaluate them more often but yeah I think I've
Starting point is 00:28:40 had some lucid dreams for sure like very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, I read a book once by this, I think it was like a Princeton professor who got his PhD in lucid dreaming and it had like these steps in that. It was like right down your dreams, then you remember more dreams and then like do these different tests. Like every, I think it was like every time you walk through a doorway touch the doorway Like in your waking day So then it becomes a habit that you're likely to do in a dream and when you touch the doorway in the dream You realize that you're dreaming and I don't know what it was that made me realize I was dreaming
Starting point is 00:29:19 But I did it something happened and I like realized there was a dream, and I tested it because it, like you can't read things in your dreams, and there was a calendar nearby in this like chemistry lab I was in, and I looked at it, and I couldn't read what was on it, and I'm like, oh shit, I'm dreaming. Like I can control anything that's happening, and what was really strange about it is how incredibly vivid everything was. I don't remember a ton about what happened to be honest, but I remember when it was happening. I'm like, this is the craziest thing ever. Like it was so wild. And I think I got a bit like overwhelmed by the experience and I woke myself up. So I was I kind of fucked that up.
Starting point is 00:30:02 You got a proud. I was going to say I've been in some dreams where I'm like I know this is a dream, but I'm enjoying this like a lot like I've had that feeling just cuz I could do some like super human shit Like I'd be like walking under the water Knowing that I was walking under the water like on the sand just that sounds yeah, that sounds like a lucid game It sounds like you have one for sure and then well Doug Doug loves it. It makes sense that he would and What did he take some anti-psychotic medication to get him that I don't recommend that I don't think that's
Starting point is 00:30:34 Stay away from that. He's not lucid dreaming. He's not that No, I think that that might have some interference with some coke vendors for him too, but I agree some interference with some Coke vendors for him too, but I agree. You have might in my future. All right, let's jump in talking about drugs. Let's get on to 1625 Demi Lovato. Now, this is probably going to be the one where a lot of people knew to the Joe Rogan review are going to be listening. Think about like she's pretty popular.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Honestly, I didn't know anything about her. I knew her name and that she was either a singer or an actress, but I didn't know anything about it. I think it's it was pretty interesting. Little after our time. Well, yeah, we're all now. Famous at 7, played Barney. How did she play Barney? I don't get that. Isn't that like the big putt dinosaur? How was she 7 years old in that suit? I don't think she played Barney.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I think she was in, like Barney had like a group of kids. Oh, like one of the kids? All right, yeah, that makes one more sense. I'm assuming that would be the case, but. Go, I'm stupid. She should have played it. She was Barney. I don't know Yes
Starting point is 00:31:48 She's an interesting character. She reminded me of Miley Cyrus a little bit, but it's interesting Those girls have so many problems like whenever he talks about avoiding Joe talks about avoiding the demise of child stars or whatever like think about I, I mean, he says that Miley's come over it, which she has. I'm sure it's just battling those demons, but the demons that they have are just completely different than normal human being demons that it's like that affluenza, what was what it felt like when I was listening to her talk. It's probably difficult for them to find people that understand what they're going through because there's so few people that have...
Starting point is 00:32:28 But it's like you can have... Yeah, it's like Bieber. I guess you'd have to find an older child star, like McColley Colken or someone and like ask them how they did it. I don't know. But to be that young and that powerful. Yeah, it's interesting must be Cremor money you have the more problems you're allowed to have to like I don't want to say a loud to have But she's like she went through a eating disorder and then had like
Starting point is 00:32:57 Drug addiction she's made mention to heroin. It was like dude. You've been up and down the ringer like I don't know. I guess it just comes with you've been up and down the ringer. I don't know I guess it just comes with Hollywood as that part of the deal but I can't remember what she was saying. She just kind of annoyed me but she was like I have she went from just like one thing to the next and it's like certain people that are in bad situations don't aren't awarded the opportunity to have like these I don know what, I don't want to simplify depression and anxiety and these things that she was talking about, but it was like, man, the more money you have, the more problems you're allowed to have, I think.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Did you get that bit all? Yeah, but what are you saying, Nate? Are you saying that she, she went from one bad thing to another and she was able to get out of it because of Her fame and her support. I just feel like she shouldn't have been able to get it get out of it It's just a weird thing to be like I there are weird problems to be able to have whenever you have money It seems like the people that are really going through shit. It just seems like that it Joe always talks about how he Started out as not having money and not having money, but having a child's star.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Like the problems that she has, the normal person that is like living a normal life doesn't really appreciate, I would imagine. No, I mean, like she said, she's idolized. So when someone's idolized, it is like people want to be you they want to do everything that you do and be exactly like you and if you Are depressed and struggling and have eating disorders and a lot of stress It's probably very confused. Yeah, because you're like why the hell would you want to be like this? This is difficult Is that something you would ever do do that the bullying stories were rough? Yeah, that sounded like You know and you hear that from
Starting point is 00:34:55 Other people like Justin Ren and spin on the podcast. I mean the bullies have come up quite a bit I mean GSP talked about it. It's like that shit affects you forever. It seems. I mean, a very difficult thing to get over. And when she made that phone call to talk to her bully, and a bully was just really just mostly really excited to talk to a celebrity. It didn't sound like a very healing event for Danny. Yeah. Like almost worse. I mean, that's just your own expectation of what's going to happen. I think what was she? I mean, not to trivialize it, but what was she thinking that she's going to call on the road? Like, I am so sorry. I was mean to you whenever we were like, she had an expectation of what she wanted to say and didn't work out the way she wanted to say. That's true. But it's reasonable, right? I mean, think of people from the past that you want to make amends with
Starting point is 00:35:45 You know in some way or another. I mean, I think that You would already kind of carry the conversation if it's got if it has heavy enough meaning for your life You're going to put together a little narrative of how you hope it will go and what you want to get out of it It's probably really difficult to sit back and be like, look, this goes, however it goes, and hopefully it'll be positive. Like, it's probably difficult. You got a lot of weights on it. I don't know, man. It makes me not want to, like, I'm glad that I didn't grow up. Yeah, that's what I was alluding to. It didn't seem like there was a like there's a financial material benefit to that and But from having it it seems like it Comes with a lot of weight a lot of weight
Starting point is 00:36:35 Well even at best it seems like such a trap because like once you're famous That's what you are your famous and then you've got to keep yourself famous, otherwise, that's got to be the worst feeling that they have to deal with, is becoming less famous, to where people are not really recognizing you. And then, because it's probably so much of how you associate yourself with what you've become, and then it starts to go away,
Starting point is 00:37:04 that it probably is just a really horrible trap. It's like tough. You've become famous. You're always gonna be a bit famous, and when you get less famous, people are gonna give you shit about the fact that you're not famous anymore, or popular in that sense. It's like, oh, he really fell off, or she really fell off It's like human nature like I was gonna say that too. I don't know Stay relevant that seems to be the only thing to do whenever you're in that industry. I think that's Yeah, that's a definite trap. That's the way to that's the way to approach it Because what is that into constantly desire that recognition?
Starting point is 00:37:42 I don't know not that we wouldn't like it like year signfod say I people say famous or not famous. I'll take famous all day but I don't know there's got to be some repercussions like they were talking about not being able to go to a store and stuff Like thinking that you're gonna your picture taking every time. I don't know that seems a bit like That you think that'd be cool for a while and then that would probably, I don't know how long that would take to wear off. I don't think it would take that long to wear off. Dude, it must be pretty exhausting being recognized constantly. Or stared at. You just want to sit and eat some sushi somewhere and then you realize you can't go in the restaurant because
Starting point is 00:38:23 everybody's going to freak out. So you've've gotta be like separated in a different room. You know, you just wanna go to in and out, be normal. Sounds cool for a couple of times, and then I'm like, I'll probably pass on the rest of that. That'd be a rough, rough gig to keep up, but I guess it's, I don't know. Well look, I was impressed with certain things that she talked about I mean the fact that she's a blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu is pretty dope Yeah, I mean right you're taking the steps or at least she's trying I don't know about this healer business I felt like she's pretty
Starting point is 00:39:00 It's convinced about that working Joe gave us some shit about it, which I think he did it respectfully But it was probably something good for her to hear because it definitely sounded like nobody had ever questioned her healer before and What is probably a good idea to be like look maybe she doesn't know everything that you think is like but you could google it right and she was like, yeah, but everything that you think is like but you could Google it right and she was like yeah but well that that bit when she was like oh she knew in February that I wasn't you know things were gonna slow down for me I'm like everyone knew in February he's like we knew out of every one knew that everything was about to close in
Starting point is 00:39:43 February four-ch Mark, I believe. This is the exact time we shut down. Shut down three days later. And then we ran out of toilet paper and tomato sauce in all the stuff. Psychic. Yeah, psychic. Joe, I like the way Joe says, I don't know where you stand on that.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I don't even know where I stand on that. I think that he said, I don't not believe. But I think, I don't know where you stand on that. I don't even know where I stand on that. I think that he said, I don't not believe. But, I don't know if he made reference to that in regards to psychics. I think he's completely out on psychics. I don't know where I stand on psychics and not one way or the other, but he's spoken to many more than I have. So I imagine he has a better frame of reference.
Starting point is 00:40:22 But as far as healers go, I think that there's It's all what you put in it's all what you make of that experience. So I've seen the benefits of it and a lot of ways But I there is a lot of yeah It's like having a unlicensed therapist like this something there is but I would recommend the licensed therapist I kind of think that clinical training and practice and Maybe not woo woo style is probably a better way to go though You know you people can get life coaches and stuff and that pretty dope I mean like there's some great ones out there because they're taking a different strategy
Starting point is 00:40:59 They're not they're not trying to break down your past and work for your trauma They're just trying to be like right where are you right now and how can we improve where this is and you know a lot of those people practice that stuff a lot and Yeah, a pretty Pretty good. I'd have a bit of benefit if you if you make it benefit yourself. You do the work. I think so too I think I don't know. I'm just trying to give it a benefit of doubt. It's like it's easy to give her a hard time about it, but hey, she's taking steps, you know, it's not like she came in there and she's like, yeah, I'm still fucked up and I don't want to do anything to fix it. She's like acknowledges
Starting point is 00:41:39 that she used to be a brat when she was a kid and how she struggled and I like that she called what does she call herself California sober? I I knew exactly what she meant when she said that. I was like, yep, that means you only do some times A little bit of drugs sometimes, but yeah, you're not completely That's I that's probably a good way to go if you can control it, I think. Because to think that you're either all in or all out all the time, it's probably pretty stressful to think that you can't even have just a drink, occasionally.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Like I get it, if it's been a real bad problem, maybe stay away for a while, but, you know, I believe that you could build your discipline and stay away from it long enough and associate what the reason why you want to drink differently and maybe have a couple. I agree. And maybe if you just let the people you know that you're around when you do it, like maybe only have beers when you're with your good friends and and have them know look I can only have three and they respect it maybe they do the same and then everyone stops after that. It might be my work. It's a great goal. Yeah look she's
Starting point is 00:42:59 definitely had a lot of challenges and once again maybe she maybe Rogan brings these child stars on not just because they're gonna be big podcasts But because it's like it's a fucking warning to people out there that want to attempt that I think he has I think he has great it is gonna be a great insight for their lives too I think that they're they'll them personally remember these experiences with him because it seems like he's given I'm quite a bit of insight whenever they come on those shows like there's a lot of valuable information he was telling her. Yeah, it's probably just from like a kind of maybe maybe it's like learning for him because
Starting point is 00:43:35 he's got young girls and who knows maybe they want to be famous too. So maybe he's like okay I got to learn as much as I can about this to prepare them almost Tantana, right. I think that's not enough, but it was interesting. I thought she was pretty cool like she she It was I don't know it was kind of more engaging than my Lee's one. She was like Definitely has ADHD though All over the place. Yeah, she does. Yeah, she was because she's young was like, definitely has ADHD though. All over the place. Yeah, she does. Yeah, she was, because she's young. Maybe that's how it was. Maybe she had a lot of coffee before she was sugar. Not a cocaine.
Starting point is 00:44:15 All right, guys. Well, that's it for this week. Thank you. As always for listening, reach out through Gmail and the bio connect a Garrett's Instagram if you want to give him some abusive pms if you think that's funny say nice things and as always thank you and thank you thank you bro peace out guys later you

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