Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 219 Joe Rogan Experience Review of George St-Pierre Et al.

Episode Date: April 13, 2021

This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Guest list: Dan Crenshaw, George St-Pierre and Brain Greene 5% of ALL SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten c...harity!! This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Podcast. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created now with your hosts Adam Thorn One go draw the show hey guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE review
Starting point is 00:00:41 Join as always by my buddy Garrett. What's up, guys? Garrett, I'm gonna ask you this week to speak up a little bit because I'm having a hard time editing in our audio tracks. You were bouncing in and out there, but yeah, I'm back now. I can hear you. I'm right up next to the mic. All right, stay loud. I will. All right, not coffee. Nobody wants to hear that. I apologize. All right, a little bit of Rogan news. I want to cover. One, you got a new studio.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And you can see it on the Tom Segura pod at the end of the week. The new studio is way better. It's way more like the old one. And it's how it should have always looked. That red pill one was distracting for video. I'm just gonna say it. I don't know what other people thought, but I know he wasn't really trying to make any point about the symbolism of what it was, but people are gonna look into it because so many people listen. Right. And I just thought it was like odd. I think it I just felt like he was something was like symbolically being said that he didn't mean. Right. Or whatever. It was like it was
Starting point is 00:01:56 like what is this place? It was a constant constant talking point with a variety of guests to it always. Yeah, we said to cover it, you to cover it. Yeah, and take the attention away. Just have a plain room that looks like you can also do a bunch of woodwork in there or like gut a deer on the table. Just keep it simple. Just hold me, you know, like somewhere you're comfortable. Exactly. Some other Rogan news we should talk about is, I don't know if you guys have been seeing this, but like Spotify has been removing a bunch of episodes.
Starting point is 00:02:32 So they kind of edited it out. And I wanted to talk about this because like obviously Rogan went over to Spotify for less censorship. And I wanted to hit this point because, people were like, say, he sold out or they shouldn't remove episodes because it was like Milo, Yianopoulos, the Proud Boys guy, Gavin McKinney's
Starting point is 00:02:58 comedian Chris Lea. Here's my thoughts on it. I'm like, look, at the end of the day, you have thousands of episodes of Rogan's still on there, right? Yeah. If a few are gone, if people are upset, ask yourself this, will you gonna listen to that episode again? And was there information in that episode that was so vital for people to hear? No, I just, you know, I think about it just based on this podcast,
Starting point is 00:03:30 like if I had to move over to another platform, let's say that our host company went under and I had to move over and they were like, well, we can only take so many or we don't like X, Y and Z, I, you know, I don't think it would know, I'm super, I don't think it would matter. I'm surprised that I don't think it matters in the long game, but I didn't even know that, to be honest with you to this main reference to that, but on the playing devil's advocate to something like that, I couldn't
Starting point is 00:03:56 foresee Rogan. I guess I would. I, he probably sees it the same way you just did like whatever moving forward, but at the same time for a principal standpoint, it's like, why are we even bringing that stuff up? Like, why is that even a topic of conversation? I don't understand why they would feel obligated to do that. Is that strictly based on the fact that some advertisements won't go to Spotify based on that information, you think? I don't really know. I don't think that the impact is that big. I think that they're just trying not to be associated with those particular people. And I get it, but here's the freedom I think Rogan has. He could have those people back on
Starting point is 00:04:35 if he chose. And I think they would err it. And maybe they could address it. So, but yeah, you're right. It's a slippery slope. And that's why I wanted to talk about it. It's like something that you think about and you're like, all right, what this might mean this for now. Maybe this is it a big deal, but what does it mean in the big, biggest scheme of things? I don't know. I don't know. But if it's given any, into it or like any insight into how that works, it seems like you give them an answer and they'll take a mile. And that's what I always worry about. Every time I get in a relationship with a woman, fair enough, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Give them an answer. And like put your shoes over there, I'm like, what else does this mean? Why is this the deal? Yeah. I want you to start once you go down that slope and you start doing that in anything, even with COVID not to always come back to that, but I keep having this call. Well, you've called like four times on the broadcast. Do you need to get tested? What's happening? I think so. No, I get a glass of wool. So I feel great. Um, all right. Even with the mask, I keep asking the question. There's just, I know that's all based on numbers and when it's going down, but is there going to be a point
Starting point is 00:05:57 where they just say, all right, guys, take your masks off and then everybody's going to say, okay, they said we could take our mask off now. I, people are ready for it. When they're told, it, actually, I have a good, quick story for that. So, Bozeman's very open, compared to a lot of the rest of the country. Right. Thank you, Bozeman. And, you know, they've even like started kind of squeezing people in around the bar area. Cause it was so spread out before. If you started talking to anybody, there wasn't close to you.
Starting point is 00:06:31 It's like, what, it's weird. It's like people don't know what to do. And now people are having chats again, which I love. I went to this T place, typical, that it would be a T place, but the Prince Philip died. Yep right which basically the King of England. So a friend of mine was like do you want to go have high T somewhere? I think she just thought it was funny because I'm a
Starting point is 00:06:54 British person I don't know. But I was like yeah alright we'll go celebrate his life and we went to the T place and the lady came over to us and said, when you're talking, please put your masks on and in between taking sips of tea, put your mask on. And because nowhere up here is doing it, it was just so bizarre to me. Like, we were at least 15 feet away from any other people in there. But, you know, why it was important that that happened is because honestly, I'd forgot what it was like and how it is for most of the country and world. I mean, I have friends in France and my, a lot of my family in England right now and it's a lot like that everywhere for them. Like that's totally normal. Weed stuff. Yeah, I wonder if we're still just the one that's under the microscope. I will say
Starting point is 00:07:55 at work now it's just I don't know it feels a lot similar to back to normal but it's just interesting watching people get up from their table and have to scary to look for their maths to go to the bathroom but it's just interesting watching people get up from their table and have to Scary to look for their mass to go to the bathroom Come back take their mass back off sit back down. It's like What are we doing here? What are we doing? You don't want to poop without your mask Yeah, and then all right if anything you're saving your your self from yourself I'm gonna see people riding their bike you see people riding their bikes with their masks on without a helmet in the middle undone Washington. I'm just like what is going on here?
Starting point is 00:08:30 I don't know this is a twilight zone, but I'm hoping we come well. This is a this is a perfect segue into the Dan Crenshaw Podcast 1630, right? So Dan is obviously a congressman X Navy seal 16th, 13th, so Dan is obviously a congressman ex-navysil, you know, he's a bad motherfucker. And whether you believe in him politically or not, like he is objective, you know, though bias to the Republican side, like that is clear. But in this podcast, he really had some very open-minded discussions, I think, with Joe, though he does, you can tell he's well trained to stick to his side, which I guess, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:15 if that's your job, which it is for him, you got to do it. But I do like that he was open to the idea of healthcare for everyone and had that type of balance. But he started off with an interesting thing. He was talking about how, you know, he kind of opened up with like the affiliation thing, right? Right. thing, right? So you get kind of there's like a risk assessment factor that comes into like your political, your time at a political party is association, correct? Yeah, yeah, exactly. And it was like, you know, when it comes to cops, lumberjacks, military, firemen,
Starting point is 00:10:00 that sort of thing, it's like it doesn't matter where they live. Like, you can have a very blue state. Like, my old roommate was a fireman in Santa Monica and he was very much a Republican. And it's like, you know, and I have cop friends there, plenty of cop friends in the LA area that are all Republicans. And it's an interesting thing. And I kind of never really put that together
Starting point is 00:10:28 or even thought about it. The vast majority. I was just like, huh? Well, from a couple of standpoints, obviously the state, from the state level and the federal level, they're paying their salaries. So you're not going to want to speak out on certain subjects. But at the same time, it is interesting how those two things coincide just as it is, especially with like the police force, you're not going to, I
Starting point is 00:10:48 don't know, are you going to meet an extreme? But I don't think it's that. I don't, I think if you take a lot of people to work in Washington, and they're just like, you know, government sector people, or they work at the post office or they may be more likely to be Democrats. I don't think it's like an affiliation with the government. No, I'm not. I can make you either part. I'm agreeing with you. I'm just saying it's an interesting correlation how those kind of risky jobs, I think, is what you're kind of alluding to. Yeah, yeah. Well, that's what he was more conservative or Republican associate.
Starting point is 00:11:29 That's what I'm saying. It's like you know the dangers in the world, more so than others. And therefore it like kind of takes you to this side of like trying to be you've helped out. Whatever, whatever. I don't really know what it means to say that you're a Republican or a Democrat. In that sense, it's like, are they saying to themselves, oh, because life is dangerous, you've got to protect yourself
Starting point is 00:11:52 and therefore you need a gun and whichever side wants the guns, I'll go with them or whichever side says, get up and work really hard. Like those are hard jobs. It's scary system. Mentally, physically. Yeah, I'm not, but then again, what am I saying? I'm not saying the Democrats don't do hard jobs.
Starting point is 00:12:11 That's not what I mean. But maybe there is some correlation there that's like not really thought about. I haven't met any super liberal police officers or firefighters personally, that I can think of. I don't know, yeah, I don't know any from the ones that I've met If I think about it. Yeah, I'm sure there's plenty. Yeah, I'm sure there are plenty, but It probably is the majority. I mean definitely military right military people are
Starting point is 00:12:40 Majority gonna be Republicans right but that one kind of makes more sense because I guess traditionally that's more of their funding. Exactly, that's why. So they're thinking about like what what their job is. So that's kind of more related. Isn't it interesting whenever he was talking about he always says my side and I like Dan Krenshaw especially but initially listening to my I read his book to it's He's very I have to be on my side which I guess that's just how you gang
Starting point is 00:13:10 Cloud it within your party But it's such a weird thing because he was talking about like rhino candidates and whatnot like certain people that are Go against the grain that are supposed to be conservative candidates Like I can't remember that I could be right. I thought he said Mitt Romney and a couple people that you would not even remotely consider being like rogue conservative candidates. You speak out on a few issues and you've already sold yourself up the river. He makes reference to that Chris Rock statement. It's like, I don't put myself in the one gang or another based on, until I just butchered that but until I hear the until I hear the issue I'm not on any side is basically the thought process and that seems like the most logical like statement any kind of
Starting point is 00:13:52 political or any atmosphere for that matter I'm not on any I'm on any side until I hear what the facts are of the situation and then I'll go ahead and delegate and see what I think makes the most sense I honestly think think that that's all well and good. And that Chris Rock point was fantastic. You know, if you haven't heard that bit, listen to it. It's amazing. But if you've already aligned with one side, I think it's very difficult to not at that point. That's just life. You know, it's almost like you have to kind of stay in a position of non-alignment to even give yourself the opportunity to objectively think that way. I don't know. I don't force myself into that position. I'm just not a very political guy. I don't I don't enjoy
Starting point is 00:14:41 hearing about a lot of the issues like the depressing and then I mostly try and avoid the conversations with my friends that are like trying to hammer me with like what I should believe and I avoid it. So it does kind of keep me more in the middle for that reason I think just because when you're undefined that's where they're're gonna throw you like that's who you are I think that that's the appropriate spot to kind of hang out and for the vast majority of your time and based on all the issues because To shoot and might be I mean what how you how do you how are you so passionate on things? I don't know like just to say drug control if you're not well like they've made reference to it So if you're not well versed in the area of drugs and you don't understand how they work and just to automatically assume they're automatically negative because you're in certain party just seems silly. But moving. Yeah. I don't know. I wanted to talk to you about the like the health care for all thing when he was saying that like
Starting point is 00:15:47 the one of the ideas and let's not It doesn't matter like which side is is choosing this like republican or democrat like you probably guess But it's it like let's just talk about the ideas, right? We're hearing it's like one idea is like the medicare for all, but then that might triple people's taxes. I don't know how it could, because it seems like that number would be too high and no one could ever even afford to live, which would collapse the whole economy. So I don't know if that's true. And then he was talking about, I like that idea that there's like a thing you can pay into. And I had to write this down because I was forgetting where it was. But it,
Starting point is 00:16:33 a direct primary care, that was it. And it was $75 a month and no copay gives you access to a primary care doctor. You know, $75 is like, that's, that's affordable. And if there's no copay and you can like ask him questions, assume you can get a whole of them. That's what I was going to say. That's, I like the idea on paper. That sounds great if it's just depending on how many people are going to be allocated to one doctor and where are the doctors going to be and who are they going to be and who are they gonna be and like how dude I have friends that are doctors and I've asked them that quite because I went to school right so I did you know biochemistry at Loyola and
Starting point is 00:17:15 You know many of the people are into school and now are doctors and we always used to wonder about these questions before But now I get to ask them directly, like these guys are younger than me, they're good friends of mine, and they're like, dude, I just Google shit before people get in here. He's like, sometimes I forget what the thing is, and I like wanna sound like I'm smart, I'm like, you gotta be kidding me, that's how it works.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And he goes, dude, we are so busy, that we don't get a minute. We're just like, in and out with everything, and he goes, I care about people. That's why I do this and why I'm in this. And I like want to answer every question. But he goes, you got to understand most of the questions are super dumb. And to be fair, like the people I know are not as old as you know, this is a private conversation. But like they're just speaking freely and they're like, you know, when someone doesn't know what they're talking about at all
Starting point is 00:18:07 It doesn't mean that they don't care about their own health or they're not worried or they shouldn't ask those questions But it's like I I was at the bank early and I couldn't figure out how to like attach this Attachment to this email to like send to them and the guy was super patient with me But he was probably looking to me like this fucking idiot does not know how to do so that's all he's saying there he's just like uh you know he doesn't have a lot of time he wants to get straight to the point with what's important for people's health and and if he's there answering a lot of questions that really don't relate it puts him so behind and then if he can't see the last three or four patients of the day, that's bad for those
Starting point is 00:18:50 patients because they don't get to see a doctor at all. Right. And from my experience and I haven't had health insurance for a long time now over 10 years. But the few things that I've had were experienced, swimmer's year, I had like a little staff infection. I've gone to urgent care and to be honest with you I've had some of the best experiences I ever had at urgent care like the quickest most efficient Cheapest situation. I mean, it's been like a hundred fifty bucks was the most amount and I probably waited less than 90 minutes to see somebody I remember times that I'd go to the doctor's office when I was a kid and that could be like a three to four-hour adventure just sitting on the bed waiting for the doctor to come in the office. So I mean from experience I'd say I've kind of shifted my
Starting point is 00:19:36 whole thought process to Google first because that's always what happens to me like obviously Google or like WebMD whatever the hell's going on. WebMD, everything's either flu or you have cancer. One of the two and God's side and stand the sun, eat some fruit, so be all right. That's it. What did you think about Joe not knowing that everybody got the $1,400 stimulus?
Starting point is 00:20:01 I was curious. You know what, until Joe gave his reaction, I don't think I'd ever realized how stupid it is. I didn't. I know that we're making mention of it. I write when you were saying it. I was just like, Oh my God, that was totally resonated because even if you wanted it or didn't want it, it just showed up in your account. Not that you wouldn't want extra whatever amount of dollars, but you didn't even have any sale of it. It was just like, all right, here you go.
Starting point is 00:20:29 So dude, even the people we know in California, the lost their job, we're getting a thousand dollars a week. Absolutely. That's the. And then get given for it's like they were making more money, doing nothing and then got extra money. Yeah. And I just never, I was, I think I was so focused on just the hope that I would get some money since like half the stimulus checks didn't even come to me anyway for whatever reason
Starting point is 00:20:49 Immigrant conspiracy. I don't know. I'm just kidding. I don't know why pray cuz I moved that but it's like it does make you think it's like hold on There were people that were just working from home nothing changed for them They got all the same benefits, all the same everything, and they were the, it does seem strange. It seems very strange. Like I, I just never saw it in that light. I was like, ugh. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Okay, yeah, that's kind of dumb. Yeah, I mean, in the moment too, it was everybody was caught up. It was such a twilight zone, especially out here, because that was, and he was talking about fraud and whatnot and also to go back to healthcare and he was talking about fraud and whatnot Also to go back to health care He was talking about how many times people get on that Medicaid and how much that influences the system. I don't know if that's just a
Starting point is 00:21:36 Anomaly or if that's actually a thing that he speaks on because sometimes they just have these vast majority of the times they have their swayed Perception of the system they have their suede perception of the system based on their politics. But what do you mean like that this fraud on? Yeah, well, he was saying people get on Medicare for all kinds of different reasons and just take advantage of the system. Like there's a lot of people that do that that are just collecting money from the government
Starting point is 00:22:00 and he's like, that's only going to be increased. This is what Dan Crenshaw from my understanding. that's only going to be increased if you make it for healthcare for all they're just going to be like that on like steroids. So man maybe I don't know I mean it doesn't really work like that in England right. You know it's not like people like all free healthcare so they're just going to the doctor all the time like there are those people that are like hyper-conjured acts, but it's, you know, they use it when they need to use it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:29 I don't know. But they're totally different systems. You can't really compare them the same and I get it. But I've seen them both used. And I've got bills that are astronomical from the US for like getting nothing done. And then I've, you know, gone in and had major surgery in England and they were like, do you need money for the cab home? And I'm like, that's very kind. Thank you. Wow. That is amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Well, especially when you've just had a major injury, I mean, you were at a fragile place. Absolutely. You know, instead of please fill out night, like nobody asks all that, that you're not filling out forms there. Right. Like, while you're bleeding. Right. Like, it just doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Like, let's get him fixed and then, thanks for coming in. That seems like, that seems like what a government or society should do for their people. I mean, I guess that's something Everybody has their own well, that's what Dan was saying and I really appreciate that because I know that's not really You know, he talks a lot about what side he's on it, but at the same time he's like make it like he's He's probably Risking upsetting people the vote for him by saying that but he knows it's right. Right. And I have to give him some credit for that, whether I politically like him or not, I'm
Starting point is 00:23:49 like, well, as a person, I like that he's doing that. He's taking a risk for a greater good. And there's definitely not enough politicians like that. I agree completely. Have you read his book or listened to it at least? I haven't. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No, it's a good book for sure. It's dope. Yeah, it's really alright. Alright, I'll think about it.
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Starting point is 00:25:05 Get 20% off and free shipping with the code JRER at That's 20% off with free shipping at Use the code JRER. Your balls will thank you. Jumping on to George St. Pierre MMA legend You know, I was very excited about this. I'm a big fan of George and I've watched him forever And it was just really cool to have him talking he Definitely said less weird things this time than he did last time
Starting point is 00:25:39 Last podcast I think he was on he was talking a lot about again, again, abducted by aliens, I'm not really sure, but they're quite a bit, they're quite a bit of alien talk on this one too. I knew, yeah, but he did it in a better way. He did it in like a curiosity way, whether the, like, different than like, oh, yeah, I definitely got abducted, but also he might have CTE, not really sure. It could be. He talked a bit about determinism.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Is that the word determinism? Right. Instead of like, you know, do we have free will or whatever? Are you went on a podcast with Lex Friedman and when that happens, you know, you're going to go deep, but rabbit holes for sure. Yeah, Lex is Friedman, uh Freeman, Lex Freeman's podcast is excellent. But it is an interesting question, because so often I think, you know, we think we're making all of our decisions. It seems like we are, but like how much, like how often do you make a decision and you're sure you know the answer, like, oh, I'm going to do it this way. And then
Starting point is 00:26:43 later on you find out, well, that was not beneficial for your life. Like this is kind of, is it kind of fucked the rest of your weaker? And now you go, our friends mad and these things have happened. And then you sit there and think, you know what? I wouldn't have like, I don't want to do things like that because I don't want to upset these people. And I don't want to put it myself in this position. Why the hell did I do it? So is that really just thoughtless free well or is it a kind of determinism based on? Look, I don't want to get too deep. We're too stupid for this, but it's it just was something I thought about. I'm like, do you how much is like fucking auto pilot? Ah, not to trivialize it, not to a different avenue,
Starting point is 00:27:26 but it seems like this part is getting older. As I've gotten older, I don't want to say life's gotten easier, but it's definitely come like much more clear that I'm a creature of habit, and I've kind of found things that have worked and what haven't worked, so I don't know where to turn. Maybe it's trial and error. Yeah, maybe you do have to fuck those things up to see it.
Starting point is 00:27:45 I think that's very very plausible. What? Shh. My dogs, my dogs have a moment over here. But yeah, I'm in between on the determinism or fatality. We don't have to go down that road, but I'm always curious as everything happened for a reason. But I have to believe it does an even like a biological way or
Starting point is 00:28:06 just from an outside standpoint, because if not, and this is all just all coincidence, I don't know, it just doesn't seem like, I don't like that idea, I don't like that narrative. Well, it's nice that it seems like even from really terrible shit, we have the opportunity to learn good stuff. You know, things that ultimately benefit our life. I mean, when I talk to other guys that I know, like if I'm a Jiu Jitsu, for example, like sometimes I think that's like such a challenge, like we get into talking about other challenges that we faced. And often they're the ones that created the most positive growth.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And in the moment, you don't see it. And even when they're talking about it, I'm sure they wish that it never happened. But if you're looking at the skill set that you learn from it, like the end result, like, oh, this is what I got out of this. You know, I wonder if you would, if you went back, if you would be like,
Starting point is 00:29:05 look, we can just not make this happen. This doesn't need to happen at all, but you'll never learn this. You'll never learn from this because you won't go through it. That's a tough question. You're like, ah, it's going to suck, but I do need to know how to do that. I knew I need to know how to like get past this. Absolutely. I think it's, I mean, talking of George, you got bullied in school, you hated that. He still struggles with it, but it made him a world champion. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I mean, do you think he wants to work a Walmart and not get bullied? Not say any word, but I don't know. Where would, what would George do if he didn't, he probably be your seat. He wouldn't have the hunger that got him to the place that he had. I think that's what they established. He wouldn't have the hunger that got him to the place that he had. I think that's what they established.
Starting point is 00:29:46 He wouldn't have that drive had that not happen to him clearly. Yeah, something. And like, I loved a lot of what he talked about. Like he knows the fight game. Really, I don't know if he knows it better than most other people, but as of like coaches have come on trainers, and they really know a lot of the philosophy, but it seems like George does too. Right. Because he talked about just the idea of whether UFC, as opposed to boxes, like boxes,
Starting point is 00:30:20 they kind of protect them, they give them some decent fights, you know, but they're trying to keep them undefeated so they get a target shot. The USC is just like throws you in the deep end every time. Yeah I didn't like just got it. I didn't realize the philosophy of how that worked up and coming as boxers so MMA is just an elite level of fighter. They kind of weeds out the people real quickly right. Well it's a different thing I mean the boxes are elite level two it's just the structure is different it's like you start losing early on yeah you might become a better boxer but you're not gonna get big fights and I guess in the same way that's true for UFC like you can't be losing early on too but the matchups you have way less control that and you just got to go. It's like here's a wrestler figure it out and you're a striker.
Starting point is 00:31:07 You're like, oh, shit. You know, but then you get Pete like Joyce talked about having great mentors, great trainers on top of his discipline, you know, and being smart about his sparring. Yeah, he's not that kind of kept him sharp. Yeah, what do you think about? They go back and forth about training seven days a week? What are your thoughts on that? Well, if we're talking about like the Danahar, Jiu-Jitsu, Cam, they've moved to Puerto Rico.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I think George was right for Jiu-Jitsu. You could do that. You know, but you're taking well, because you're not taking headshots, that's really where you're not going to recover. I mean, your body doesn't recover in lots of ways too. But, and Giu-Jitsu is incredibly physical. But, I mean, you're not taking like, blows, and Giu-Jitsu. No, you can tweak yourself.
Starting point is 00:32:01 You can get your neck like really yanked on and need a break. But, another than physical training and keeping your endurance in a good place. I mean, you're just not taking the impact. An impact is a different type of thing to recover from. So yeah, for MMA, and I haven't trained MMA exclusively. I've gone to a few classes, but I don't know it really well, but yeah, I could see jujitsu you can do seven days. You can do it multiple times a day
Starting point is 00:32:36 if you get your endurance up. You really can, especially if you have good training partners. Absolutely. But getting punched and kicked, like I've been doing some boxing classes here and and yeah some days after that I'm like I'm gonna take it. Wasn't he saying there's some there's some benefit to training against guys that are a little bit below your level so you can see how to advance your offense quite a bit was was that? Well, yeah, they reference Roger Gracie, who moved to the UK and has an incredible school there
Starting point is 00:33:11 in his world champ and just, I mean, he's incredible. And some of the criticism was, he's gonna go there and they won't have the pedigree of training, so therefore he won't be up against, you know, the very best guys. But Joe made the reference of like, he said somebody said, you know, the best training is against Bluebelts.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Like, they're the hungriest. But why is that? So even though they don't have the skills, well, because they just got their Bluebelts, right? So in a regular martial art, that's basically a black belt. It only takes like, I think two years, or so in most martial that's basically a black belt. It only takes like I think two years Or so in most martial arts to get a black belt. Oh, I didn't know that like karate, taekwondo these I mean you got to train a lot
Starting point is 00:33:53 You got to be really disciplined, right? I mean that's that's a lot of work But you could do it in that time you can go through the belts fairly quickly. Do you get to as way more? Like 10 years. So the blue belts have a real taste for it now. Like they're in. They're in the club and they're ready to go. They've got some moves. They're figuring out, I mean, think about it.
Starting point is 00:34:15 The higher level blue belts are almost purple. High level blue belts are doing some damage. I mean, they're definitely strangling every non-judizu guy. They can get a whole lot of unless the dude's like a wrestler. I mean, it's gonna happen 100% of the time at that level. So they're just hungry. They're really hungry. They're not going slow sometimes. I mean, and they come up against a brown belt or a higher level guy They're gonna put in as much as they can because they you got a previous off or at least they feel that way and And maybe it really does sharpen those high level guys up. I don't know. I'm not there I mean, I'm just blue belt too, so I don't I don't I don't get to look back on them and see, but yeah, every time that I have to, it doesn't matter what level,
Starting point is 00:35:07 what like white stripe the blue belt is, like it's gonna be a, it's gonna be a fight. Right, for sure. Get a whole of a white belt, you're gonna strangle. But yeah, it's the, they're hungry at that point, you know, because they're not ready to quit, and they've got a long way to go. They've got the taste of success. I need to explore more than Jiu-Jitsu, that's for sure. Oh yeah, I should make it mandatory. If you want to be a co-host, you got to do Jiu-Jitsu.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I train, maybe I'll make a mandatory. You train like me too. There we go. They talked a little bit about like Miss match fights, you know, and you can go back, they watched the Tim Silvery Ray Mercer fight, which if you guys didn't watch that when they talked about it on the pod, you got to check it out. I mean, they came to a gentleman's agreement where Tim Silvery wouldn't fight Ray Mercer who's like an Olympic boxer in like MMA. They were just going
Starting point is 00:36:09 to try and stick the boxing because they couldn't sanction the boxing fight. So Tim opens up the leg kick like they talked about and Ray just looks at him like, are you fucking kidding me bro? And then the overhand right that he lands. And remember I mean Tim Sylvia is no slouch he's a UFC champion heavyweight and was for a long time he got completely killed I mean it highlights the difference between the exact precision of those sports it's it's definitely much harder for an MMA guy to go into their limited world of fights. He got destroyed. But then they talk about the Jake Paul Benastron fight, which is a spectacle.
Starting point is 00:36:55 But it's kind of the same thing. Benastron was world class wrestler, just unstoppable, but not really a striker and and Jake Paul's big and he's got some punches and how is it going to go? It's going to be a weird fight. I'm going to watch. I would watch it from time to time. I've been asked when is not Nate Robinson. First of all, but second of all, he's not a boxer either.
Starting point is 00:37:22 So it should be an interesting little deal and Jake Paul is not like proven as my point But he does have the body and the ability to do it Yeah, I mean he's got some hot punches. It's gonna be interesting. I've got a sneaky feeling the bend He's gonna figure something out. Yeah, I think one but who knows? I don't know once you're in charge I know he doesn't want to go down to Jake Paul just from a pride standpoint No, he does not want to lose that guy at all especially not after the saddest Quickest knockout in UFC history. He doesn't want to mask it all now want that needed a face ending
Starting point is 00:37:59 I mean he doesn't want anything that ridiculous that Lastly, the big thing they talked about was the Francis Ingano John Jones fight, which I agree with them is going to be the biggest fight. It could be the biggest fight in history. Is that? I mean, to say MMA history for sure, but it could be the biggest fight. Since Tito Lodell. it could be the biggest fight. As- Since Tito Ladell.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Hahaha. Do right. I mean, well, number wise, I mean that that fight wasn't as big as like Connors and and some of the others, but, but yeah, just for like the spectacle of what it is, it's gonna be unbelievable. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:38:43 and yeah, I just hope they pay Jones enough so that he wants to do it. I'm gonna say it as simple as that. As Francis, when he be a heavy favorite, you think? It's hard to say, I mean, kinda, yeah, he's the champ, he's the heavyweight, I mean, Jones is coming up, he's never fought a heavyweight, I mean, you would have to say it, but how could you say that to Jones?
Starting point is 00:39:04 He beats everyone beats everyone always since he was like 22. Francis is a big has a beast. Yeah, well, Jones definitely doesn't want to get punched in the face by Francis. So I'll tell you that much. Nobody does. Yeah. That would be like, you could put him up against the car. Remember that old street fighter game where like there was the bonus and you like kick the car to pieces. Yeah, he could do that. He could smash just to beat the pass out of a car. That's it. All right, let's jump over to Brian Green 1631. How did you describe this guy? Huge nut. He hadn't heard the huge nut guide podcast. Yeah, he probably would fit into that category, but incredibly smart. And I will say that even though the lot of stuff that he was talking about was highly
Starting point is 00:39:57 scientific, it was a certain relatable element to him. Like I... He's a very good speaker, isn't he? He does make like even the shit that he was saying about black holes. It's like stories that I don't know if you can tell that he's talked to much dumb of people for a long time and therefore he knows how to like make a work but it yeah it's not it's not so it's not like you leave knowing the math, but you don't leave bamboo right? You're like, oh, I kind of think that I understood some of it Very smart dude for sure. Seems like I don't know much about physics But it seems like physics is almost like the philosophy of science to some of some of this extent
Starting point is 00:40:41 Maybe have up what kind of because they don't it's so abstract. That the only way to describe it is through kind of like metaphors and examples that are in a sense of really unrelatable to the original thing. I mean, you take like quantum entanglement or the quantum computing. It's like to explain how it's working is one thing is one is one way to do it to explain How it's working but to have like an in-game just doesn't seem like the What they're desiring to get right he makes reference to that too is like you don't have to have like solid blocks It's just how do you get there? Yeah, and they're I think they have these stories because they're trying to make sense of it themselves
Starting point is 00:41:24 And I think they have these stories because they're trying to make sense of it themselves. You know, the quantum entanglement thing is a really cool idea because if you think about it, we do start sending spaceships like real far away from Earth. Instead of having to wait as long as it takes for the radio waves to get back, they could use that to communicate. Like if they could decode the thing in real time, so it doesn't matter where anyone is, they'd be able to upload information, pictures, data, that's like Star Trek shit. It's kind of cool. I don't like the multiverse thing.
Starting point is 00:42:01 It freaks me out to think that there's like another version of me somewhat doing stuff maybe because I just assume that person is doing a way better job that's the same way what every made reference is like I'm like is somebody doing this life better than me somewhere else? God damn it guaranteed bro. This is probably actually a good podcast somewhere in the universe. The way he talks about shuffling cards and it coming like always going to have only a certain amount of outcomes if you believe in that like in Relatable to like life in itself. It's like maybe it has going on and Joe made reference to it that the Not symbiotic, but we're going through the
Starting point is 00:42:42 What's the word whenever you're living in like a parallel universe, but we're just going through the motions. I can't remember what that word is, but we're going through that kind of, um, what's the fucking word? I don't know to come back to me, but we're just going through the synopsis of life of how we think it is, but it actually isn't going on. Hmm. Well, it makes you think about your choices. I guess that's the only valuable part of the fact that there are an Infinite version of you because then you get to then you get to put yourself on a scale and be like, am I actually any good at being me? Like imagine if you found out you're on the bottom 10% of all the use you'd be like, fuck I kind of suck at being me 10% of all the use you'd be like fuck I kind of suck up being me
Starting point is 00:43:27 That's not good. I know You like call up the dude who's the best version of you and you're like how are you doing things? They're like all right. I got a cliff notes on what's going on Work out more drink less Don't say as much stupid shit read more books. I'm like, okay, got it writing it down. Hold on my pen's Burst. I want to make reference to this now. I think about that as far as communication goes and like relating the psychedelics And they talked about that for a little bit and he was saying it wasn't as well Versa as he wish he was, but now he's getting older. He wants to like kind of dip his toe in that area But they were talking about neuro link and how
Starting point is 00:44:04 You're not gonna have to speak language, you're just gonna understand what the other person is going through or going on in general. So do you ever felt that way whenever you do psychedelics? I thought about mushrooms and stuff. Sometimes you can just be around people and don't have to say anything.
Starting point is 00:44:20 You just understand what's going on. There's a certain understanding. Yeah, you're not even really sure how Because like obviously you don't get the practice being in that state, but I definitely have that. You know the saying words I've had it for sure. I was thinking about that I was like maybe that is tapping into that other element but from some plant or psilocybin or these other things that are from natural from the earth Are allowing you to tap into that other resource that maybe Elon Musk is making into this form, you know?
Starting point is 00:44:50 Well, maybe it had changed the whole experience. Like you get the neural ink and someone else has it and you're like, they semi kind of have the mind reading down, but not all the way, like it's in that transition period and then you both do psychedelics together and you're like oh I get it out. I see what you're thinking. I'm a blue belt in psychedelics. That's it. That's pretty good. That's a good start. Well they have that video now of that monkey playing pong. If you guys haven't seen that, check it out. It's on YouTube, I think, but he's,
Starting point is 00:45:28 the monkey is using the Nurellink, the one. And then he's like, they taught him how to play that old video game pong and he's really good at it. And he gets like a banana smoothie for like doing well. And he's just crushing it, playing this game, dominating. It's like, all right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I didn't realize Monkeys were that good at shit, but I guess so. Maybe they just really like bananas, man. I think it's the smoothest. The last bit I enjoyed a lot was kind of their psychedelic talks since we're on that anyway. Like Carl Sagan was a huge marijuana advocate. I did not know anything about that.
Starting point is 00:46:06 I did not know that he was. I know they were talking about it. And fair play to Carl Sagan. What a legend. Yeah, Joe's like, if you're always staring at space, you gotta be a stoner man. You should be. I think it helps.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I think it helps it always. It's a very peaceful dude. And he seemed to love everything. So at least he represented what that was. Well, yeah. And kind of in that same context, peaceful dude and he seemed to love everything so at least he represented what that was well. And kind of in that same context of psychedelics that he they kind of shifted over into teaching tools of like how to teach people to like enjoy this shit the most people think is just either too complicated nerdy or boring and they talked about VR, using VR to teach science, making video games
Starting point is 00:46:48 that kind of teach you about some of these elements. And why not? I mean, it's always, you think back to anything that you've learned that you enjoyed. Most of it came down to how good that teacher was as it, at, at explaining it to you. So why not cut out the middleman and get straight to any sort of education source that just makes it actually fun? Right. I mean, I could see VR being an incredible way to, because there's a lot of visual conceptualization that goes into this stuff. And VR is about as immersive as anything can be.
Starting point is 00:47:24 You could. I don't know, I'm a big fan. I'm on a big VR kick right now. You can do VR college, couldn't you? Basically. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, be dope. Be in a classroom. Everyone has their own avatons.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Which one do you have the Oculus 2? I'm still been kind of poking around Amazon. Yeah, I have the Oculus one. I think Facebook makes it. Yeah, I think they're on that.'s good sure. It's pretty dope. Yeah Fucking face face come on in Facebook I'll take I'll take whatever anyone's got whatever you said the bit you say if it's good enough Well, he's an accurate to say that the biggest
Starting point is 00:48:01 Advantage to the VR is or biggest like you usage you've got out of it is from that meditation standpoint or what's the other extreme benefits from that? Yeah, there's a meditation app called Trip and it's just brilliant. Like I can't stand meditating. I'm terrible at it. I do not have any patients. I get all distracted and then I'm just like why am I even doing this? And the app that they have
Starting point is 00:48:25 Like it's just a it's not really like a game. You just kind of watch a thing and sit there and And just chill out, but it's the best thing It's the reason that I Recommended to anyone though the games are all dope too like almost everything that I've played on there is Brilliant and some of the other really cool things are like the streaming apps because they like put you in a movie theater and obviously we're all missing movie theaters right now that I the Amazon one does that like in a movie theater no one else is in there
Starting point is 00:49:00 but it like kind of feels the same. And then the Netflix one's really good. You just in this like a mansion log cabin in the mountains. Oh, it's freaking. And you got like a view out the window and a couch and there's a coffee table and just a big screen. And hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:18 It's really good. It's, I think it's better than just watching it on your TV. Joe is not like super endorsing it That's why I was just questioning and asking you because he's not he's like I thought we'd be a lot further along But the things that I've seen on those VR's and I did something in Santa Monica where I was doing the Star Wars thing they were talking about like I oh, yeah I wanted to do that thing was out of control like I felt like I was there like in the middle of space like tightrope in this rope with two gun shooting like those guys with the white heads One of those well, I don't know. I think that maybe if you've like stayed up on all VR technology
Starting point is 00:49:54 You're not that impressed because you've seen the transit like the progression But to me I was brand new into it. I barely play video games So I jump in and I'm like holy shit, we have this now. This is incredible. Right. So I guess you got to see it kind of from what angle you're coming at it from. But it's pretty fucking dope. I think I'm going to scut. I definitely. You say get it just for the meditation alone. It's worth it. Oh yeah, it's totally worth it. I don't think that that much Three hundred and three bucks, but Not bad. Yeah, that's worth it if that's if you're telling me that. Yeah, that's a good Saturday night at the bar I don't know you can pay you right
Starting point is 00:50:35 Well guys, that's it for this week as always messengers reach out email say hi Give us a good review if you can if you feel like it's worth it. We appreciate you as always and thank you again. Appreciate you guys. I'm joined me over from Venice, California. Thank you so much guys. Appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Peace and love. All right. Later. See you next week. you

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