Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 222 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Dave Chappelle Et al.

Episode Date: May 13, 2021

This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Guest list: Comedy legend Dave Chappelle, Actor Ethan Suplee and UFO government guy Chris Mellon 5% of ALL SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Podcast. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created now with your hosts Adam Thorne my either the worst Go draw the show. Hey guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE review
Starting point is 00:00:41 Join us always by my buddy Garrett how you doing man? Hi guys how are you? Great week Dave fucking she pal. Shap finally on. He's got my same birthday I tell you that. Is that right August 24th baby winners win. Look at that too bad you know as funny as he is. I'm trying.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I mean he's trying. Try is. I'm trying. I mean, you're trying. Try harder. I'm trying harder. Yeah, so I mean, Dave came on before with Donnell Rollins, but that wasn't like an official appearance, but he did hang around for a bit. I love that he calls Jamie Fingers. That is the greatest nickname.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Fingers. The best. Yeah. Fingers. Fingers over that. You're a glass. Get fingers a glass. Yeah, it was bad. So they start off talking really about how Dave kind of rocked the system. Right? Because Netflix was showing the Chappelle show. really about how Dave kind of rocked the system, right? Because Netflix was showing the Chappelle show, but Comedy Central was getting paid for it.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And Dave Chappelle's had this beef of Comedy Central for a long time, like they owned the rights to it. And he calls, you know, one of the top guys in Netflix and just says, hey, this this is bullshit and the guy fucking Lisbonz and yeah and took it down right I mean unbelievable and then I guess comedy central like renegotiated or just gave the rights back to Dave I don't really know and yeah then Netflix put it back up and Dave's getting paid. I mean, what is that?
Starting point is 00:02:26 I mean, that's unheard of. It's a smart angle though. Like, you think about it. It's like just be authentic and be yourself and say the things that come. I mean, and Grant, you think about that the cost that could come. Obviously, for a lot of people that are up and coming, he's obviously established. So not to say that it comes easier, but at the same time, he's just being him. He's always been him since day one. So's yeah, he's on brand and it's
Starting point is 00:02:49 And now he's so famous yeah, that You know it they're gonna listen and to be honest, it's good publicity for both absolutely for everyone It shows it's great for comedy central like it makes you think they're not complete as well and It's a pretty dope baller move of net for 100% though honestly with Netflix I almost wasn't even surprised they've always been though seems like they like if you really think about like them as a system like yeah, they're very corporatey. They work their employees like hard as how those supposedly they pay Really well to work there. But I mean they've always just been a system that's like pretty cheap.
Starting point is 00:03:30 They provide creative people. Super creative people to be creative dude. That's what it comes down to. They really set the way for like stand up comedians for sure. A lot of great shows. I mean it's the first streaming system that anyone gave a shit about. And like Joe mentions it frequently throughout his podcast. He's like, they just kind of say, go do your thing. And then bring it back and then we'll figure it out.
Starting point is 00:03:53 It's not like it's not like that we have like a outline or a PowerPoint of these of the topics and like dictate your language. It's like, just go do whatever you want and bring it back and it will go from there. Exactly. It's it's so good. And you know, and Dave talked about how like kind of like being resentful, angry was like not the way he wanted to be, he just let it go, and then Joe gave the example that like, I think he said that like, used jealousy, that was the example, but it's the only thing that affects the container that holds it. And that's so true for like anger, resentment, and jealousy, all of that shit. I even, I just sent in a text in my girl today, I was like, I'm your biggest cheerleader, but we're just, we're always talking about losing weight and getting shape and this and that.
Starting point is 00:04:49 And it's like, I don't know where I associate that from, but it's like, whatever you're making that situation, it's right way. I didn't want to be that exactly And you could look at it as being supportive of yourself Like if you're resentful jealous, you're not supporting yourself because it's only gonna make you more pissed off more jealous more anger. There's finite mind that can only have so many thoughts. It's like choose those thoughts wisely It's easier said than done though. Correct, but it, but it, but it, the, the, that shit creeps in. Well, that, agreed, but consciousness is all based on that.
Starting point is 00:05:33 The fact that you can recognize it means that you're a little bit more taking the time to take the breath and, and be a little bit, I think that's the, the name of the game. I, I hear what you're saying, easier said than done, but just like taking the extra breath in all facets seems to go a long way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And I love the fact that like Dave and Joe have known each other so long. Like since I think Joe was like 22, maybe Dave was like 19. Like they've been friends a long time and when they talk about each other like always staying kind of basically humble in a lot of ways or like authentic to they are they never got carried away like Dave said the Joe was never like the party guy he never liked that scene right he was always just doing his kung fu as he kept saying
Starting point is 00:06:25 that's funny thingas fingers fingers fingers no yeah you come for right and uh and you know and Joe was saying the same thing about Dave I mean they're just genuinely fucking awesome people I don't know if you've ever seen it, but there's a video of Dave Chappelle after the Chappelle show And he goes on Oprah, right? And this is like, I don't know shit must have been like 2005 Like a long time. It's amazing But what's amazing about it is if you watch that interview and I did recently It's like one of the most vulnerable and honest conversations you're ever here. Like it's, he was almost like before his time with a way that he expressed
Starting point is 00:07:13 himself. If you watch it, like it's just so honest and clear and he's so well thought, like even at that age, those years ago it's it just really like you do see signs of like this genius when it comes to like how in touch with his with his own understanding of his himself that he is. Dude authenticity resonates. Like it just does right? Like it for sure. For sure.
Starting point is 00:07:43 He's the epitome of that. I look at Joe is that the same way. You know what I mean? Like those two guys that we have in the same room. Like there's no like bullshit. It's just candid. It's like let's just say what we feel and fucking put it out there. Like the and he's like I probably get smacked by this that and the other for those few comments. It's like dude you're the only guy that counter culture somehow still appreciates which should be like that should other for those few comments it's like dude you're the only guy that countercultures somehow Still appreciates which should be like that should be the case like it's good that it's not like that that the understanding and like the clarity that comes through
Starting point is 00:08:23 Just make sense on both there. He's used to be bulletproof when it comes to council because he's authentic That's the thing. He's like I don't I'm not saying bullshit just to say it like this is exactly what it is a And he walked away from it. Right. And he, I mean, I don't know how much money he had before that, but probably not anywhere close to that amount. Maybe a couple of million from the, but I don't think he was like, Uber wealthy. He was just rich-ish. And he said, no, this doesn't fit my life. Like, it doesn't work for me.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And he goes to Africa, and then chills there for a bit comes back And starts doing these like pop-up comedy shows in the park and pull up for no money. How cool is that like? Yeah, it's just like living his way The rock star is a rock star is shit. You could do you know, I mean legend there stuff and you could do, you know, I mean, legend there is stuff. And he talks about that, like he was really able to like find himself from what he needed to do. And, and I mean, however he did it, what he is today is legend. I mean, he could sell out the biggest arenas in comedy, for sure. He would just like, no, that would get out of bed and go there and just make fucking million people. I'm not a bad guy, just make fucking million people out. Dude, there was one time I was at the comedy store, and I took my ex-girlfriend up there
Starting point is 00:09:53 and one of my employees. And we went up there, is when I was working at sleep number. And we go up to the store, we're just watching a regular night of legendary crushing comics, and the end of the night came and fucking Dave Chappelle walked past me, and I was like, holy fuck, that's Dave Chappelle. And I'm like, I think he's gonna go up. And he did, and they locked the doors, and the room just filled up. Like, people were coming from the other two rooms at the store, because they were like, fucking Dave Chappelle's on. Dude, dude for two hours he just was taking like questions from the audience
Starting point is 00:10:31 like giving the barmaid shit he absolutely kills I've never seen a comedian do that like he it's like he just speaks stand up right like it's unbelievable his Understanding of comedy and it and I mean we all know he's good at that But like we're watching his specials or a show to see him do it live and just free baller is Imagine you saw like he doesn't make any sense. You saw him and Robin Hood men and tight to it and I was thought I forgot he was in doesn't make any sense. You saw him in a rather than her men in tights, you wouldn't ever thought. Hehehe. I forgot he was in there. He's amazing.
Starting point is 00:11:11 That's great. He must have been like 17 days of them. I mean, think about his life, like graduating high school and then just like, I'm the funniest guy in the room, every single time no matter what oh every day but he's so no he's so humble like I would I want to you know it be a good tape is to see should pal bomb I would love to see what it looks like to
Starting point is 00:11:37 see the chip out bomb is that I think there's some video of him bombing actually in Ohio at what is the club in Ohio called? Shit. What is it called? I forgot. Anyway, yeah, supposedly I think he got like either too high or too drunk and he's like yelling at the crowd like fuck you, like he's just bombing and he's pissed off. Dude, it happens there. I would say vulnerability and authenticity would kind of roll one and two, you know. But it's good, I agree. Yeah. But I mean, think about them now,
Starting point is 00:12:15 like both Joe and him are probably worth over 100 million. We know Joe is just from that, just from that Spotify deal. I'm sure Dave's worth over 100 million we know Joe is just from that just from that yeah Spotify deal sure days were She pal probably is but you know then they talk about how I guess Dave spoke to some guy the new over 20 billion As and he's like none of them I heard that that resonated like think how crazy The residents that is so much of me like I was just Like I was an I've talked to you about this. It kind of reassured me a little bit. It makes you think, right?
Starting point is 00:12:51 There's obviously a middle ground, right? You know, maybe it's around a hundred million. I would say it's like 250 mil. Let's try the 250 mil. That's the peak happening. That's the round of the world. No, I think what happens though is, I mean when you're in the billionaire status, you're running whatever the company is.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Like you're the top guy, like for sure. And it's like being king is people after you. Is people trying to assassinate you? Is people trying to sue you? No matter what. Like it's, yeah, it's like you're right at the top and people are clawing for you and that that must be so stressful. Talking about Billion is, did you watch Elon Musk on SNL? No I heard about it. What's what the like? Yeah yeah he was on it.
Starting point is 00:13:37 He's not a great actor but he's another authentic That's dude. He's got to be the most dope Bill, dude. He's like fucking he's trying to be not a nerd all the time Yeah, which is impossible because he's a huge man. He's getting it. He's giving it a good run every time He's like I'll go on there. Yeah, he's hanging out with call hang out or rogue. You know, I'll hang out I'll I'll smoke a joint like I'm trying my best to not be the nerdyest guy on the box. Yeah. Joe called him, this week Joe called him his boyfriend. He goes, I can't buy one of those electric pushes.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Because my boyfriend Elon can get mad at me. That's good. That's fucking hilarious. That's great. Yeah, that was dope. That cracked me. Because I was thinking the same shit. I'm like he's always kissing Elon's ass because he wants to be best friends with the richest man in the world, but they're probably just like one of the type. They're one in the same Elon wants what Joe. Yeah, Joe what has and Joe wants what he like I don't even think Joe Joe is a no joke The really wanted because he's like I know he already has it. He just keeps buying all the Teslas things. He's like I already got that I don't want to get a space. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I like my I like my
Starting point is 00:14:56 good on the milk So Dave they didn't really struggle with COVID and It's so faking. You know, if you do some shit, it's like we're living, it's like we're living in the twilight zone because we're still talking about this shit. And if you say so, I think that the narrative kind of has been shifted because it's like, if you take care of yourself, you'll probably be okay. Like that should be the fucking narrative. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Like, and this whole, like, this whole thing, I, obviously it's like hindsight's 2020, but like thing I obviously it's like Hindsight 2020 but like when I hear people like and then COVID and I'm like What in the fuck it you realize all the words that you say just dictate your reality So if you say COVID like cause some shit like for you to like stop doing the things that you're doing just because You just like bought into this like weird like narrative And then co and get what he did and then COVID hit so this is the COVID way. This is the COVID. Oh
Starting point is 00:16:16 The fuck up shut up like shut up. You were really should be COVID. I got so I didn't have to I got paid to do I went to the exactly and got paid to do. I went to the camp. Exactly. And got paid to do nothing for a long fucking time. And then it's like we go back to work and it's like I work five days and a row. I'm like I just had a fucking year off. Like every time I think about that to myself, I'm like I literally just had a year off. So any time that I'm like I just worked six days in a row. I'm like who are you talking to, bro?
Starting point is 00:16:43 Like go look in the mirror. You literally were getting paid to do nothing for a long time. Yeah. Shut up and fucking buck up. Like just be better now. Like stop. For sure. I was thinking that today, like I just started doing this tiling job and I'm like learning to trade. So it's like, I'm making a mess. I'm putting shit in the wrong place Stuff's not lining up, you know, but that's how you learn you got to make mistakes and and the guy I'm working with is patient How awesome is it gonna go awesome is it gonna be when you get to look back on those jobs and take pictures of the jobs that those are your resumes They're like I did this job
Starting point is 00:17:20 100% and and that's what I was thinking today. I was like I was like, it was a sunny day. I'm looking out to the mountains in Bozeman, Montana. Like, it was just beautiful out. It's like, you know, I'm not working for myself, but it's not really like having a corporate job. Like the boss is just playing music. I'm just in another room listening to podcasts and just like, like, fucking cement on the show. I was like, this is dope. I'm so happy to be here. Absolutely. Like really? And I'm glad to be working.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Like I wouldn't want to be doing anything else right now. If I was at home not working, I'd be like this sucks. 100%. I need a joke. Well, that's what champions do is the champ up. Because you think about the dormant time. People always, I, I don't want to say people are always, because those are two words, they're just not whatever. But you like look forward to the time you have off, but I, I, you need to really value the time that you have on. Because like, that's the time that you can have the opportunity to grow and disenbrace.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I love, I remember not having a job for a long time and having a job. Like you said, getting back in the group just feels good. Right. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Alright, let's jump on to Ethan. What's his name? Sopleen?
Starting point is 00:18:44 I think it's Sopleen. I think it's suplean. The guy from Remembrance. Yeah, everyone knows that actor. Right. Right. The Titans. Yeah. You see that movie?
Starting point is 00:18:53 Uh, yeah. Yeah, don't move. I remember him. From below. My favorite thing he was in was American History Act. Oh, yeah. I don't want to. And he was so good in that. And, yeah. And he was in like the mole rat movie.
Starting point is 00:19:07 It is in below. And that's right. He's a yeah, but I mean, talk about losing a ton of weight. Holy shit. Not to fat shit. Not to fat shame right now. That's not what I want to get into. But hearing. Don stop fast hearing him talk like can you like he was still like I don't want to like he's in Hollywood so you don't want to like you could hear him like make a few disclaimers like I don't want to rush just so his language is a little bit checked from time to time I thought he was just like I don't want to say these things and he would always beg if you want to be big and that's on you and you're allowed to do that. I got to tell you I don't think that anyone that's oh like more like morbidly obese is genuine the happy Yeah, but you know what I'll say to that
Starting point is 00:19:57 He isn't he wasn't just like a chubby guy. He was or a like a fat-ish guy He was massive. So he deeply knows how painful those insecurities are and then the shame that comes with it. So he's probably being extra sensitive to that. And that's what I got. I don't think he's saying, I don't think he's saying, you know, oh, it's okay to be fat and less than that. But it's like, in your current state, you probably already feel terrible, in a lot of ways.
Starting point is 00:20:33 You don't need to be. So, to hear like, you're disgusting on top of it, that it's probably just, it's not causing people to be motivated to work out. It's probably causing them to eat a bunch of ice cream, you know what I mean? But I get what you're saying because it had a bit of a fucking you know actors I've got to apologize a bunch of you heard that before I speak type thing, but I get it. Yeah, it's rough. I mean I Hear what you're saying I I don't know what the
Starting point is 00:21:03 I hear what you're saying. I don't know what the I know the probate in there. He was to be fair though. I think he's just very careful about his opinions. I'm very well read. Which really is is where a lot of that like L.A. I'm an actor kind of cancel culture stuff comes from is like everyone's super cautious about what they say But if you think of where it started actually starts from a quiet kind of pure place It's like hey, this is my opinion, but I'm not saying it like this like I don't want People to think that I'm talking shit. I'm just trying to make a point about any he did that a lot with a lot of different ranks
Starting point is 00:21:47 What interesting spot for him to be into to come from where he was. Like I follow Jonah Hill on Instagram too. And it's like, you hear some of these interviews that he has. It's like, what's it like being a fat guy in Hollywood? And that was what Jonah Hill would be dealing with. And it's like, you're like at this like superstar level, but at the same time you're so fucking normalized because it's like you're still the fucking fat kid sixth grade that well imagine if it's tied to your course like like you lose the weight and you're not you're not funny anymore you know, if Jonahill loses a bunch of weight or gets ripped
Starting point is 00:22:19 and then nobody's putting him in moves that. That's not what we, that's not what we're talking about. It's like, it's almost cruel, you know? That's not what we know you as. Right. Yeah. Well, like, you're the fat dude that's gay. And I was thinking that, and get fat. In relation to that guy, because that guy was like the morbidly fat. There's not, I mean, you think about, think about that.
Starting point is 00:22:40 There's not like a lot of female, like there's not a whole lot of females that would, you think, and all the, all the the big females that got big as big females they can think about like Sarah McCarthy and like even I don't know they all the name of the game is get healthy is my point you know yeah well who's that who's that like Australian that's what I was that's she's like Eda Australian or South Africa she's got he's very fun he's gotten what I was that she's like either Australian or South Africa she's got he's very she's got an in better shape since she's been in Hollywood too yeah I think it just comes with like I should remember I she's fucking hilarious that chick crack she's a she's a unique name I can't remember but I think she has gotten in better shape since
Starting point is 00:23:21 she's gotten Hollywood to it just like like, all right, here's the resources. Maybe we're finding before, but now the resources are available. So it's just remember that story that Joe was telling him about that check that was his yoga class. And she was like really big, but Joe wanted to kind of complement her. But he felt like it didn't really come across because it just kind of highlighted that she's bigger. And I mean, it's interesting. I've been thinking about that because, okay, so you take somebody that's really insecure
Starting point is 00:23:55 about how they look, right? Obviously, like they feel, they don't feel good about that. Which is pretty much everybody. Let's just say that. Right, yeah. We're gonna be, for sure. Everyone's just say that. Right. Yeah. We're gonna be sure everyone's insecure to say. We're gonna be honest. But like it's it's very. It's very. It's very.
Starting point is 00:24:11 It's for them. They probably think about it a lot. Yeah. It's heightened. So. So the first thing you want to do is kind of like he was saying hide away. Like where a teacher, the pool, you don't really want people to see you or discuss it. And maybe you're like shame eating because it's you know And in some ways is like being like an alcoholic like you're you're gonna drink in private not show your friends because they know That's an issue, but for you. It's like you know you're big So you like stuff a bunch of cakes while no one's looking type of thing, but at the same time When this person is work so hard and lost like over
Starting point is 00:24:47 a hundred pounds, and it's like you're doing it, you feel better, but like nobody's really kind of complimented you on it, which is the best thing for anyone just to be like, hey dude, you look dope. Or like you've really got in good shape. Like it goes along with it. Like it fuels you. So it was an important thing I think that Joe what he did even though he didn't feel all that great about it afterwards but it was like he did his best right I mean I don't know how else you could have said it more encouraging man like you what did he say your consistency is is really inspiring. And to be honest, what you do, like, if that is the best phrase ever, like consistency
Starting point is 00:25:29 pays dividends. If I could ever, if I could write anything like that, and no matter like the, like, you will see changes. There's no way about it, but it's like, yeah, and I even have this conversation with my girlfriend time and time. It's like, I'll double up on Thursday and I'll double up on Friday, and I'm like
Starting point is 00:25:47 It's not how it works. I was like it's a daily Process it's like and I've I've shittin I'm psychotic about it at this point. It's like do you brush your teeth? Then why don't you work out? That's how it sounds like caudic. I know that but that's like how I've somehow That's how it sounds like. I know that but that's like how I've somehow Shifting my mind to start thinking like What there is no other way that example wouldn't work with me. Oh, I'd be like yeah a couple of times a week once a month
Starting point is 00:26:20 It's a British thing my teeth look great bro, and they're very white So I've heard you sometimes I get lazy about your fucking non-brushing Yeah, I have no but I don't have any issues. I go to the dentist I didn't go for like 10 years once and I went and these these it was at the dental school in Venice And they were like your teeth are gonna be all the other people these probably it was fine. Yeah fine I've got to be honest with Yeah, I gotta be honest with you Have a similar brain to mine because I've been the dentist once and I don't know how many cavities And I'm just keep riding that up Yeah, I don't need you to brush my tip they were like we give you a cleaning. I'm like I know how to do this
Starting point is 00:26:58 I do it once a month, right? I don't I don't need a doctor for this. Also though also I would like to add I don't recommend this. This is not what I would teach my kids. I would have to tell them to do it every day. I think that there probably is a true story though. It's like I always think about what come like and I think about this when it comes to the mass like when you came out of the womb from a biology standpoint there was no like come out of the womb and be like here's a toothbrush here's some toothpaste it was like that what like there was that's an aftermarket thought you know what I mean yeah well I in some ways I don't get it because like yeah we eat more sugar now and it but you know I
Starting point is 00:27:40 I don't know what raw chicken teeth quicker like sugar or like acidic I think straight probably is more likely acidic. I'm pretty sure stress is just what fucks you up Your back it's stress is the only thing that fucks you up your body can maintain everything else Maybe because it can't be that like his you know ancient man all their teeth just no No, no, I'm afraid right they want brushing That's what what were they using pine cones? Well, why would you you wouldn't even think to like clean the teeth You back these are just things that chew shit Yeah, maybe it gets like scratchy. Yeah, like Rob grab a fucking tooth out of a moose and just throw in your fucking mouth That's my new tooth like, we're gonna have a fucking tooth out of a moose and just throw in your fucking mouth, we're gonna get a really bad review soon
Starting point is 00:28:28 and they're like, they don't even brush their teeth. I'm like, damn, that is a rough review. That's all you, but I'm American. I brush my teeth a whale fat all day. I bet you do. Ask him all life. What did you think of that? Liquid diet he went on so he lost the way
Starting point is 00:28:54 But then got dizzy and was like black and out. I'm like, okay, so this is some pros and cons in here. Yeah It didn't sound good to be honest. I know liquid diet just sounds I but at the same time The whole foods thing always again, we can go back the caveman thing. It's like eat fruits eat vegetables like eat eat meat I Don't know I think you just need to eat real shit like when you're not eating Process foods you have a much better. That's a good start. Yeah, and a bunch of cakes don't drink don't drink soda The way he talked about food. He's like I liked it. I do that too like I'm a glutton sometimes and I hear Joe talk about it too It's like I like to eat Tom's full and he's like I like to eat Tom full and like really push it and I'm like
Starting point is 00:29:35 Like I know how I feel after that like I admit do you think if you start working out you just become like a big fat blob Because you're a big guy So you probably have it like a big friend. Yeah, you would just never start working out, you just become like a big fat blob. Because you're a big guy. So you probably have it like a big friend. You would just never start working out. So we never find out. I mean, they're gonna die or just keep working out. Dally on the stand, master.
Starting point is 00:29:56 That's how you're gonna do it. Dude, I'm cool with that. I thought it's gone through my head. Like if I go, this is how I want to go. Lift in some weights. Oh, let's finish. Let's finish his one up with that 11 pounds of skin. That's how I want to go lifting some weights. Oh let's finish let's finish his one up with that 11 pounds of skin. That's what I wanted to talk about. I was like that's got that's gotta be one. Dude how far do you come and you're like I've done all this work and you're
Starting point is 00:30:15 several loose skins like shit. I would and then it like explode. I would do it cuz he like fell over Double whammy that guy's just living up in that but 11 pound like Joe even said imagine 11 pounds of brisket Like that is a lot to heavy fucking that's a 10 pound. I mean think about what 10 pound plate feels like Dude yeah, you could get a workout with a bag of his skin. If you do it right, you could get like an actual workout in. Be a bit... I'm just living up there extra skin, bud. And look, I don't mean to laugh at him.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Not at all. That's probably the... That's probably the... He probably wasn't fun. I'm sure, and it was tough, and like he did it for the right reasons. Dude, that's... You know, I have to say, like like I am super impressed with that dude because he looks like a Tank what is it and to and to make that change in your life?
Starting point is 00:31:15 I can't even imagine how difficult they did they did talk about that out turn They talked about that outlier though that had a similar situation But somehow the skin like decreased number that. Oh Joe's talked about that before yes but this dude went he basically went on a fast for a year. He ate no food at all except water for a year if I remember it right so his body went into like extreme ketosis and Maybe there's some sort of effect in that Shit
Starting point is 00:31:57 This is vomiting. I was one piece of pure chocolate But imagine that like how could you body? I mean he must have been putting Vitamins and minerals and salt in a system. I mean you can't just you wouldn't have a I feel like my mind would go I'm like a delicate fucking state by the third day. You probably would yeah, you probably would like You'd you'd get you'd feel very strange. Yeah, maybe you got used to it. I mean, if that's true and that works, how yeah, good for me. Like holy shit.
Starting point is 00:32:29 That's, I can do like a 72 hour fast, pretty easy. I've done maybe seven or eight of those. I think they're really good. How do you get into a phase called like a tophagy, where your cells are like cleaning themselves out. You feel kind of super energized. You can still work out and do other stuff, you just have like some bone broth. I do sleep.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Oh fine, great, you feel good the whole time, honestly. It's only the first day you think about food, but I say that, I've done it a bunch of times, so I'm kind of used to the feelings. It's a bit irritating when you first do it because you're like you're like obsessed with food by the second day. You're like watching fucking food be made on no kissing on the podcast. It's a no kissing on the podcast. This is live. This is life to the people. Yeah, but you just start watching you just start watching like YouTube cooking shows and just fantasizing about food I remember be you know, so some weird stuff happens No, it's really good. I just couldn't imagine doing I hear people do like 11 days
Starting point is 00:33:41 I remember I remember doing I care remember it was some like the Beyonce or something fucking fast where you're the cayenne pepper and like do you remember that oh yeah yeah no it's lemon juice cayenne pepper it's like a lemon we did that for me and my buddy Justin did that for five days and on the fifth day and maple syrup you got it by the yeah B it's called B like B quality yeah you know in a expensive maple syrup it doesn't mean it's from B's there's like a and B but I remember sitting on the couch with fucking my boy on the fifth day we're both just sitting there and we're smoking her but now I like looked at my choice order fucking pizza and he's like yeah I was like all right right, that's sort of three. I'm like, what this?
Starting point is 00:34:25 It went, that went downhill fast. Dude, I did that and they also had it's drinking like, laxative tea. And I was just spraying liquid out of my bottle for like, a whole day and I went, I'm not doing this anymore. Dude, I was married at the time and my wife did it for like one day. Have you ever had a colonoscopy?
Starting point is 00:34:45 No, boy. I don't have a colon cancer. What do you have one for? My dad died from colon cancer, so I was like, and there. Oh, so you had a transplant? I ran into a granpa in my family, so I had one. And they give me this like jug of laxative. It's like a gallon jug, and they're like, all right, drink this throughout the day. Mix it with XYZ. Did it taste salty? Oh, yeah, I drink that shit with it. and I'm not going to be a little bit more little bit more little bit more
Starting point is 00:35:06 little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more
Starting point is 00:35:22 little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more Follow the directions Negative but they told me after the fact my girl at the time was a nurse and She was like she had I was a sitting in the room like watching the show and then she came in and saw the bottom of the Barrow was like this much left and she's like that's what so you're supposed to drink that over 12 hours and I just put it in my system within fucking 60 minutes and then I was and she's like oh you're gonna feel it soon And I remember just like spending two or three hours in the bathroom just clearing out my whole body. That's yeah, it's gross when that happens. Needless to say, I was okay. I hope. Yeah, and that's the thing right we're talking about like these fat diets or whatever They're just not sustainable. It's like what are you gonna do just those kind of cleanses everything?
Starting point is 00:36:11 I mean if you're gonna do anything like that that you don't maintain I think a fast is the way I take a green Just like fast for a period of time and then I don't know if that's Sustainable either, but I agree with you. I take this green drink every morning I think it's it's one scoop and it tastes like I'm drinking plants, but it's Says that it's two two servings of fruits and vegetables first thing in the morning. Oh Shit, I just realized my date is at 7 30 and not at 8 and it's 7 30 for shit. Should she text you? It's fine. I'll tell her I'm running away It's for the people I can't I can't I can't leave well. I want to talk about Chris Mellon the UFO guy like
Starting point is 00:36:55 How dope was that having him on it? So he's like an intelligence committee guy or something? I can't remember what branch of whatever, but he believes in aliens. He went into that kind of section of the government like, like wanting to find out more about it. And he seems like, he seems like a guy that would know. If we've got a guy that would know, he just wants. I would like to think that he told Joe some like behind the scene shit that he can't talk about. But there was a weird story that he told Joe some like behind the scene shit that he can't talk about But there was a weird story that he told about how he was like He's like I can't remember how he described it, but he was like you hit it close to home
Starting point is 00:37:39 It's like I can't tell you about it, but it was it was very I Can't do you remember what I'm talking was it about a video? Yeah, he saw it like a video. And it was like, I can't talk about it, but it would have been very like, he just found it sounded like he wanted to be super empathetic about what unfolded like a baby died or something. That's kind of what I felt. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Like something super like, like heartfelt, you know what I mean? I like to his energy though, like how he he was like I think we should make this public and there's no reason why they shouldn't and that should be the push. Like to believe that he's the type of guy that would advocate for it in the government makes you think hey there's probably other people that do the same thing. You know what I believe everybody and I want the energy to be in that direction. Like it doesn't need to be a fucking suit isn't like tell us about isn't that what we desire for all those people in those seats to have that kind of heart Like that like if only the politicians were the people that we are talking desire to have in our life
Starting point is 00:38:38 You know what I mean? Yeah 100% and then he talked about Old Church Harestrio. So instead of extra, they like already are here, they're like AI that like lives maybe under the ocean and they're just doing like routine scans of the planet. Like dude that blows my mind.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Like he's in that position and he's like trying to come up with like reasons why these things are fine. He's like, position and he's like trying to come up with he's like like reason That's why these things are fine. I was like well, that's kind of Polaroid. Oh AI. Yeah, we This is AI on steroids Yeah, so yeah, and we've already accepted the fact that there's AI. This is like AI on AI doing like Salvia He wasn't that um convinced about Bul Lazar though. I know. Well he he was like I don't know this sounds like I wonder if that's how you the language that he used
Starting point is 00:39:33 because every every adjective he used he's like yeah his conversation was curious like those were the adjectives he would use was curious and interesting he would never be like yeah that but it but at the same time you have to look at it like this. So Bob Lazar was doing his Those were the adjectives he would use was curious and interesting. He would never be like, yeah, that. But at the same time, you have to look at it like this. So Bob Lazare was doing his stuff before this guy probably was in the government. And it sounds like they really did cover up all of Bob's stuff. So if you take him, for example, and he's probably had to go through a lot of cases where people said they worked on things and it turned out
Starting point is 00:40:05 they're full of shit. And then he's like, well, why wouldn't we be able to find any evidence? So there's no such references. You know, that Bob worked at this place and this place, like, you know, I mean, cover-up stuff happens, but at the same time, it's, is that enough to believe it? So I think he's being like reasonably skeptical, but also like respectful of, because he did highlight some of the things. He was like, yeah, that, I mean, Bob did talk about that and he did find element 115 and talk about that early.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Everything's very plausible that he discussed. Yeah. It's more or less, yeah. Some of the most compelling stuff and I don't know why they haven't looked into a more is like the materials that they have found from Supposedly ships and they're like certain types of alloys. We can't replicate the way he's discussed it to He's like I don't understand what the benefit would not be to expose the public to this because if you're gonna like have this Distain or like this thought of what it could be why not clarify it Rather than like speculate on everything, right? the that just feels like the men in black kind of theory, but is that like superman? I don't know, maybe they thought like, you know, we're talking back in the 50s.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Maybe they thought that this would like freak people out. I mean, to freak, I don't guarantee would freak people out right now, but at the same. I don't think so. Dude, the New York Times article didn't even get a lot of press. Yeah, people are like, I mean, I mean, it did, but it wasn't like the craziest story
Starting point is 00:41:47 anyone's ever heard. And they basically said, yeah, there's UFOs, they exist. I mean, people didn't lose their minds. They're all, we're like, so after COVID, we're like, whatever. I think that's so true. It maybe, maybe we needed COVID. Maybe COVID was the godsend to clarify perspective in all of our fucking lives.
Starting point is 00:42:11 See what's really important. Alright bro. As much as I love the waffle on about Am I actually have to go? Just go to the restaurant. I feel terrible. I'm sure enough. Well look, thank you everyone for listening. What a great week.
Starting point is 00:42:24 We got a fantastic week coming up with who's the guest song? Reggie Watts this week already Who is a little oh Russell Peters is on Michael Easter. That was dope. We're gonna we're gonna wait to turn watch to that Yeah, we're throwing in what's his legends. All right. Thanks guys. Thanks. Yeah Later Yeah, we'll throw it in. What's his legend? Alright, thanks guys. Thanks guys. Thanks guys. Later.

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