Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 256 Joe Rogan Experience Review of General H.R. McMaster Et al.

Episode Date: January 19, 2022

This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Review Guest list: Jim Gaffigan, Josh Szeps and General H.R. McMaster 5% of ALL SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the F...orgotten charity!! This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Verano, verano, reciclar es tan humano Esa lata de aceitunas que te tomas a la una La crema que se termina cuando estás en la piscina El enbase de ese polo que no se reficla Solo hay una lata de caballa que te coves en la playa La voy a usar en las patatas y del refresco la lata Un enbase de paella y del agua La botella, como ves es muy sencillo
Starting point is 00:00:24 Los enbases del verano Siempre van a la amarillo You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you. Perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:51 You're listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn. My heat every worse podcast with the best one. One, go. Enjoy the show. Hey guys guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. This week we have Jim Gaffigan. Look, H.R. McMaster. I forgot. What do you think about? And who's the Australian guy? Josh?
Starting point is 00:01:23 What do you think about when you think about Jim Gaffigan? Like what's the first thought that comes to mind? Hot pocket. Well, he's fun. He's the various but every time I talk. He always I always think of his like little whispering bit when he does when he's he just like you know he has say something and he's thinking about Followed up with like oh that's not very nice. He's just kind of speaking. Yeah, what he's speaking?
Starting point is 00:01:52 I almost wish you would do that more speaking that I think that was a great way of commentary in general You're like you say something spit something out and then you just like a you're like I already know what you're gonna say You sound a bitch like yeah you're just addressing the shock in the audience and maybe he got tired of doing that but I always thought that joke about the hot pocket is like rather than eat the hot pocket can we just put the hot pocket in the toilet He's great. He's great for a comic that is considered clean when she really is. I mean, his jokes are brilliant. Do you know his wife writes most of his material. I guess they kind of work together, but yeah, she's been a big part of helping like working with his act for a month. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:02:48 That's cool, right? I didn't know that, that's awesome. That's great, because she's like, I'll just make funny you, and then you can just say it. You're pretty much, yeah. So you're a fat idiot. You should make that into a joke.
Starting point is 00:03:02 He's like, okay. Oh, what a good, that into a joke. He's like, okay. What a good. This is good. Fucking business model. Just have the person you love the most. Right. It's probably a good way to keep a marriage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I'll make funny you and you sell it. And we'll just make money together. He's like, yeah, buy me a big house. And when and when him and Joe are talking about like foreign policy and all this like in one house and when and when him and Joe were talking about like foreign policy and all this like Covid shit, he's like I make food jokes I can't say in that and I was like thank you for bringing it back Jim. Yeah, I appreciate it He definitely thinks that he's smart though. I don't I'm not saying that he's not but he definitely thinks that he's
Starting point is 00:03:43 He's a bit of a smarty pants Yeah, because you can kind of tell by the way he's like formulating some of the things he wants to talk about. You know, you can imagine that he goes to some dinner parties with some fancy thinkers, and you know, they're all throwing their ideas around. Because, yeah, he was all about that. It didn't seem, seems like he really was holding back almost on how much he hates Donald Trump. He seemed like he almost like he came on to talk shit about Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Did you feel that way? I feel like... Yeah, kind of. But my thought was like when it comes to the comedy nowadays too, it almost felt like he... Not that he is because he's done some different stuff and gone and done his specials on Amazon and like kind of taking some different avenues. So to hear him kind of fit that same narrative about it was so much worse with Trump. I was like in hindsight, I know, Trump. I'm not a Trump like guy at all. Zero. But like looking back on it, I don't really feel one way or another. And it's just like an interesting thing. It seems like you have to take a stance if you're in comedy or if you're in show business or if you're a CEO or if you're like, like, remember when Amazon was like Black Lives Matter and like everybody was on board with that
Starting point is 00:05:07 It's like you feel some obligation from a financial standpoint, I think But if you're really like just being a human, you're just like I mean, I have to take some reservations without getting on board with one side or the other It's like you just feel obligated to do it I always having these conversations makes just feel obligated to do it. I always having his conversations makes me feel less tribal to be honest. So like hearing him to say, he's like, yeah, I just go ahead. No, I just don't see the point of like getting so worked up after someone is not the president anymore. Right, right, right. It's like you still feel something. But you know,
Starting point is 00:05:44 it's as soon as someone's out, if you didn't like him, you didn't like him. That's okay. Then don't worry about it now. They're not. It's like complaining about an ex- Short of a friend. Be like, well, complain about them while they go.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Short of a girlfriend. Break up. What a great way to put it. Don't think about it. That's a great way to put it. It's like living in hindsight and living in like fear of what could have happened seems so fucking trivial like why.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And it almost seems like it seems like because they talked about the cold bear situation that talked about the John Stewart thing and even once in Trevor Wallace, like Comedy Central, honestly, I mean, I know they kind of alluded to that. Comedy Central was like my liberal slash not be attached to shit like communication. So now watching Comedy Central kind of be one of these pots where it's like Trevor Wallace is inherently has to fucking hate all the right. And it's like, why does it have to be so polarizing? Like, why can't we just fucking say shit that we actually think? It seems like we have to fit a narrative like we're in the dream or something. Is that accurate or am I out of line?
Starting point is 00:06:58 Are you saying Trevor Wallace? Trevor Wallace is, oh, is that what's what's Trevor Wallace is oh Is that the what's what's you mean Trevor Noah? Sorry, Trevor Wallace is funny guy too But wait, but the daily show has always been super yeah, but like but does he believe that or it's just kind of what it is Yeah, but does he really believe all that because when I'm watching him say stuff I'm like, I don't know if you really believe that or if you're just regurgitating stuff that you have to say Because I don't know because I trust your opinion like I trust Trevor Noah, I trust Steve Cobare, I trust John Stewart. So it's a weird spot to be in, to like fit in there. Are we just like going through this mindlessly or are we thinking through as my question? Because
Starting point is 00:07:42 when I look, yeah, that would be these guys get stuck right yeah these guys get stuck in the you know I'm sure they believe a lot of it because they they are not only very funny but very left-wing but I'm sure stuff does come up that they don't agree with that is happening Maybe the liberal party Democrats and then they I think you know, they probably have to report on it for a minute Whether they believe it. I think I am so left wing to be honest But it seems like the thoughts that I have in the perceptions. I have somehow flip flop to the complete right It's such a weird dichotomy of the fucking energy that's gone on. Like I am so liberal in so many thought processes. Pretty much all of them. I mean,
Starting point is 00:08:35 all like literally all of them. But the fact that I don't want to bind the other narrative that I don't want to bind the other narrative of this whole COVID thing, which has become our whole life. Somehow I'm a right-wing fucking Florida, DeSanto's Trump guy. All of a sudden. Have you noticed that? Isn't that kind of a weird fucking spot? It's like, oh, you're that guy. Yeah, I wonder if that happens to people that are right-wing.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Like, if all of a sudden they come out and they go you know what I Support abortion. Do you think everyone all of a sudden just says to them? Oh, you're extreme left wing Whoa, and Tifa like that wouldn't It's right. It would just be like oh, he's just it would be overwhelming. You're like what the fuck are we talking about? It would be overwhelming. You're like, what the fuck are we talking about? Like, it seems like just the thought processes of people have kind of shifted. And the pendulum is just kind of completely like
Starting point is 00:09:31 around the clock two times. And just sitting over on the 45 side that we've already fucking fucked everything. So let's just go through it. I'm gonna just take a deep break. I think it's just that this is like the one thing right now that people care the most about. It's the most popular thing that's happening
Starting point is 00:09:51 in our society, whether you're for it or against it, so the people that are for it and people that are against this. And you know, we're talking about a lot of COVID legislation and lockdowns and all the rest of it. That if you're not on their team, then you, they demonize the other side. And both sides are doing it. And there's no good dialogue,
Starting point is 00:10:16 there's no good communication back and forth, you're either team science or team ignorance or team, it's just nobody's having good conversations and it's a real shame because it's a massive breakdown in Really the most important thing to discuss. I'm having dinner with Alicia last night, and I'm like I'm having such a hard time like understanding the other side I'm having such a hard time like understanding the other side Because all I want to do is understand like I really want to understand it So I'm sitting I'll just give you a perfect example. I think I brought this up before I'm getting my hair cut And this is this is a bonus on the fucking back scene all that side
Starting point is 00:11:01 I was sitting there and I was like, I'm wearing a bandana and the other guy sitting in the waiting area of supercuts is wearing the N95 mask and I'm like, are these working? And he goes, I just don't want to hurt anybody else. And when he said that, I had to take a step back and I was like, okay, if that's where these people are coming from, then I can get on more with that. I can appreciate that thought process. I'm not fucking not human. Like, I get that.
Starting point is 00:11:34 If that's what we're doing, and you genuinely believe that, I got none but love for you. It's just a hard pill to swallow when you get the sciences in there. And it's me and you being handsome guys that are healthy. Like I just don't understand. I just traveled to Tulum. We're doing this podcast in Tulum. We now have to take a COVID test to get to Tulum.
Starting point is 00:12:02 We're here, everybody's happy. We're wearing the masks because we're all playing the game. To come back to Jim Gaffman. I love Jim Gaffman. His humor is amazing. It's weird though watching him Almost trying to fit the narrative, but I can a slippery slope. He didn't do it too hard because he was unrogan But it was like there was like a sliver where he is like but fuck Trump. And it was like cool man like I- But it's not just that you could tell that he wanted to kind of get into all this
Starting point is 00:12:38 vaccine stuff too and and He said he never met him and other bits, but if he was polite to himself he's like I'm he's like oh here I am I beat it myself He's an overweight fucking I don't want to say fat guy, but Probably 30 pounds overweight. He's fat guy a big fat guy but like a medium fat guy and he enjoys it I like it makes his comedy better. Can you imagine Jim Gaffigan like fucking look at my match at burger probably wouldn't work the Right being ripped either way I am yeah, but then they bring up like the social credit school and how in a way I mean that there's talk now with
Starting point is 00:13:22 The like in Germany. I was reading this article of these people in Germany that have decided they don't want to take the vaccine. So it's their choice to not take it. Now it's not illegal to not have the vaccine. So it isn't been made mandatory in the sense of a law, but they literally can't go anywhere. They can't go to work.
Starting point is 00:13:43 They can't go to restaurants. They can't't go they've been basically kicked out of society Is that a money grab is that a money trying to figure out was that a money grabber is that it just fuck you? Because if it's a money grab your well I mean if you're if you're chowse to the people in society believe hold on hold on most of the people in society believe That it is for public health, right? It's public health and it's keeping people safe and if you are not vaccinated, then you are a danger to the public and therefore you shouldn't be allowed to interact with most of the public, right? Now, what's crazy about this is a lot of this information comes back and says, well, if you have
Starting point is 00:14:27 the, if you've had it already, then your immune system and antibodies are actually stronger than many of the vaccines. And people with the vaccines and boosts are still getting sick, though they're not getting sick as long, but they're still giving it to people in the same way So it just seems it's it if it was more black and white if it was like you have if you have a vaccine You never get sick and if you don't have it everyone dies Then it would make way more sense, but it's so much closer to It being an almost
Starting point is 00:15:05 50 50 flip That you know, I don't even think it's 50 50 flip. And that, you know, I don't even think it's 50 50. Slightly safer with the vaccine. It's not 50 50. It's like a hundred zero. All the people that I know that have COVID, for a hundred zero people. All the people that I,
Starting point is 00:15:19 I mean, the vaccine is definitely helping people. People that are high risk, people that are old, people that are old. Look me in my high balls, look me in my balls and say that. Of course it is. Of course it's helping those people. Like there's no doubt about that. It's helping those people.
Starting point is 00:15:39 All the people that I know that have COVID have a vaccine right now, just so you know, and I could list five of them Well, yeah, so this vaccine is not making you immune to I know so it's not great Right as I come to you like one of the better ones we got a man I told you as my best friend. I've talked to you Joey you as my best friend. I've talked to you, Joey, Justin, all my best friends. And here are you guys recite the same stuff. It's like, yeah, but yeah, but doesn't work. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but they're not dead. They're not dead. They didn't die. Well, who said they were gonna die in the first place? I mean people would have more people oh, oh, yeah, if there wasn't a vaccine like you sure about that
Starting point is 00:16:41 Well, I am not really sure of anything because I didn't do any of the stunters. I didn't I didn't collect the data, but people that like enough people are saying, even the people that are disputing this, like the doctors that were on last week are saying, it's still better to have the vaccine than not, and especially if you're at a higher risk group. It is. It is. It is. It's not as important for them. If you haven't caught it initially, your overweight half diabetes are in the last years
Starting point is 00:17:09 of your life and have a lot of cold morbidities, it might be a good alternative. Might. Future will only tell, but that said, I'm okay with that. But you and I, and all the people under 40 that take care of their bodies and make a conscious effort to be better
Starting point is 00:17:36 about the decisions that we make, not eating sugar. We don't need to go down that road. You already know. All the people, if you've ever listened to this you already know Take care of yourself But I understand what you're saying there is a file folder that yeah, I get it I get what the people on accepting this man people are upset, you know, well fuck people fuck people the fucking comment It's like people are upset
Starting point is 00:18:04 Well, you can't just say why not dude because they're people too and you should listen and we should have a dialogue I have to okay explain to you can't just yell at them and drink 50 white Cools. Okay, tell me other tell me otherwise tell me otherwise. I want to know I want well You got to keep the dialogue you're, it's when it breaks down. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But there has to be a reason. There have to stay home. You can't work.
Starting point is 00:18:30 There's no reason. You're not wrong. But there has to be a reasonable dialogue. It does it, like, the word dialogue just doesn't have to happen. If you're getting not acknowledged shit, it's just like why? Right? Yeah. not acknowledge shit, it's just like why? Right? Yeah, I mean, it's a difficult conversation, you know, and it has been and it hasn't got any clearer.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And I, and it's, it's what's made it so difficult. I think that what Rogan's done on his podcast is an excellent job at creating the most fair dialogue for the other side of the argument that exists. And he's just got nothing but slam for it. I mean, the fact that doctors are trying to write to Spotify to close him down. I'm like, this is called freedom. You and me.
Starting point is 00:19:18 He has a right to destroy it. And it's not like he's just guessing. They make it seem like the dude from Fee effect is taking a break from having people eat donkey dicks to say I think the vaccine is like I he's talking to the world's fucking leading experts and trying to figure this out Literally trying to find solutions. It's such an interesting fucking Time where people are trying yeah, and it's easy to say he's wrong when you're not having a conversation with him, but they sent Gupta in and Gupta did not do a very, he's supposed to be the best pro vaccine guy. That conversation was 50% disaster for him. He didn't sound like he was all that on
Starting point is 00:20:01 point. He almost couldn't believe that somebody would disagree with his high level. It was so awesome. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Actually have a good reason, a good argument. Thank you for bringing that up because it was so awesome listening to the joe be like, is it though? Because that's that's usually my response to everybody. When you're so steadfast and paramount on your thought process, you're like, is it, or did you just adapt that whole process
Starting point is 00:20:28 on some article or some clip you read? Because I do the same shit and I'll own that, I'll own that, but me owning that means that you have to own it too. So why is your story better than mine? And why is my story just I? Don't know at the end of the day. I really don't know you acting like you know is like you acting like fucking God Exist like here in the fucking it's so weird. It's like People are so attached to their fucking feelings and their thoughts. It's like
Starting point is 00:21:07 separate that shit Allow yourself to see the other side. I'll do that for you. I'm doing it. I'm doing it right now as I speak I want to see it and like I said when we were talking about supercut situation I don't want to hurt anybody else. I Can get on board with that. I see where you're coming from. That makes sense. If that's what your head's at,
Starting point is 00:21:30 I'll listen to that. That said, let's break down everything that's happening and let's make a solution and fucking move forward. But let's not just be attached to the fucking one thought process that it has to be because it seems like oh did you get your boost? I'll post it on Instagram and now I got my fucking nine boosters in my arm. When does that shit in? What are we
Starting point is 00:21:57 talking about? Let's talk about a solution to make humanity better, right? Well what's crazy to me is if somebody sees you in the grocery store, not wearing a mask during the time when masks were like very mandatory and was still, it's still kind of up in the air how effective masks are, right? But let's put that aside and just, and just remember that it was once a day. And people will come up to you and say hold on let me finish hold on Let me finish so then people would say okay, you need to put this mask on because you're in the grocery store You know how dare you like people yell at you. They would do those things
Starting point is 00:22:35 But wouldn't it make more sense to just because we can visually observe some Comorbidities and somebody's age, right? And in a sense, you could say what you can't do that because that's discrimination. Yeah, but this is a national health, a global health, like emergency. We should say, excuse me, you're old, go home.
Starting point is 00:23:00 You're not allowed to leave your house, like many people actually in the rest of the world were made to do anyway So that's not that unusual and that's all on the pro vaccine side like stay home quarantine blah blah Make them go home people with visible Comorbidities or identifiable ones go home You can't come out. We make sure they have resources. They get you know Basically free delivered food or however we need to set it up,
Starting point is 00:23:26 it'd be a lot cheaper than closing the economy down. I'm happy to feed them. I don't want them to get sick and die. And I don't want the disease to be spread to them and they could be safe in their homes and allow everyone else that is very unlikely to die of this or even get very sick to continue living their lives effectively. So the economy works, you know, we're still getting all the products that we need. And more importantly, we have the resources then because everything in society is working to take care of the most vulnerable. And if you want to during that time, while things are still moving effectively to make a vaccine or other things to help those people even more I'm totally behind it. Yes do it because I don't want them to have to stay in the houses forever But this closing everything down which I know it didn't happen everywhere
Starting point is 00:24:15 But it kind of did it in most of the rest of the world and it did in a lot of places in the US and it's just not accepted is any of us and it's just not accepted. All that mic a little bit closer to your mouth. Please. And thank you. And tighten it up. There you go. Well, you're not hearing me because of this mic. You're hearing me because of the Bluetooth on the phone.
Starting point is 00:24:35 So it's got nothing to do with that mic. All right, let's jump over to Josh Zeps. We kind of went long on Gaffer. Oh, no, we can't. I want to gaffer. Oh, no, no, we can't. We can't. We can't. Oh, I want to talk about that lady. No, that Hey, that lady that was farting into the jug That's a job people So if you don't think the world has got really crazy There's a person that farts into jars and makes a lot of money and then ate so much bean soup and protein
Starting point is 00:25:06 shakes that she had to go to the hospital because the farts were making her feel like she was like, oh did she? That's how hard she's working. Or overshade like I'll hire a PR guy and figure out a way to talk about my farms. Actually that's a genius move maybe that was what she did. I don't know. I Kind of want to buy one of the Fat jars just because maybe it'll be an NFT one day if you are really in love with your wife or your girlfriend You can fucking blast the fart. Yes or no? Well sometimes you don't have a choice. Yeah, but I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:25:46 So I don't recommend doing it if the other person doesn't like it. But I think that people shouldn't judge you too. I just thought it's like it's going to happen. I don't know where we're all. I have a high protein diet. I apologize. I do the same. Oh, I watched my first meet.
Starting point is 00:26:02 What were your thoughts of Josh Zeps? Because I've always liked him when he came on before and he, I know Joe called him out on it but he definitely sounded like the Australian government paid him to come over to the US and clear up all these like really fucked up videos that we've been watching about Australia. And he just wasn't that convincing either. I'm like, I don't know bro. I really do feel like either you did, you are not seeing what's going. I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:30 I know he's a good legit reporter. So who am I to sit, but I'm just telling you what my feeling is. It's just like does he? Is it that art is it? Is it? I, and that's the thing. I think you raise a good point because it's like you don't necessarily, you get caught up in your own thoughts. Once you start believing your own thoughts and you're like, steadfast on like, all right, this is how I see it. It's a difficult task to like take a step back and be like, hmm, maybe that's not all right. That takes a little bit more of a second to do, right?
Starting point is 00:27:07 So, I mean, I think I did it in the podcast. It was almost, it was almost nice to watch and do it because it was like, hmm, maybe you're right. Like, when Joe would say some stuff he's like no, no, no, was it was it is like yeah, yes, yes, yes He's like, I don't know if it was and he's like All right, buddy, but they would go back and forth Well, he came in with this idea that if they're super strict Western Australia super strict Massive rules like no one could come in or out so with in-western Australia They were allowed to kind of live free and peacefully and get on with it. He was trying to make which actually makes sense No, it doesn't make sense because he was making sense of it as if it was like
Starting point is 00:28:00 Substantial or it was like made sense. He's like yeah, but yeah Yeah, yeah, they could lock us all down They could they could they can control all of us. It makes sense though. They do it. And I was like I Don't believe that but I was like I don't you're a human just like me like it sounds cool But they convinced you in some weird way to think another way. No, I don't see it that way He's like yeah, but everybody yeah, it was like most of Western Australia I don't give a flying I don't give a fly a few people that will either coming in or out
Starting point is 00:28:33 All right, we can't keep talking over each other Sure enough. So figure out a way to make that stop happening do do all do you guys but You know, I just mean that it sounded like a good idea, but when Joe broke it down, I mean, when they followed that lady, who was that? Some lady was like trying to go home, so she'd already been tested, she didn't have a one person on the plane, we're showing to have COVID. So she tries to get another plane back. They wouldn't let her.
Starting point is 00:29:05 They make a quarantine for six days with a whole family. And then they drive her, like, what was it? Like 300 miles with police escort. I'm like, number one, how the fuck do you have resources like that? Like, you not have crime? That's fine. You not have other shit to take spare on.
Starting point is 00:29:22 How much tax pay or money does that cost? How much tax pay or money does that cost? How much taxpayer money does that cost the drive one person back to their home with that tanka gas On that guy's salary. We're talking about a $500 experience on the low end Just for a fucking piece of mine for somebody That is so yeah, not only that, but you have one less cop in circulation Protecting you know, you know, you protected You protected please tell me please tell me who you're helping it seems like you're just living in this moment Where you're like I don't know what to do. So I'm gonna do what everybody else says.
Starting point is 00:30:05 I'll just keep doing that at whatever cost. Shut up and look at the fucking sun. Please. Well, I feel like that's probably like an extreme example, right? I'm sure that didn't happen a lot. Maybe that's just one. And maybe that maybe that this is actually what's happening with this whole Australia thing is we're seeing all the extreme cases and most of the time it's not like this.
Starting point is 00:30:35 But at the same point, how are you supposed to figure out what's going on? Unless people report what they see and they're more likely to share and report things that are the most shocking. It's just how it works. I'm a surfer. It's so interesting to see at the best surf spot and the most chill spot has become the most aggressive on all these fucking accusations and all these fucking things.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Isn't it? Like Australia was in the spot where you went to go fucking surf and hanging out. It was the best surf spot in the world. And now it's like, we'll put you in a goddamn hostile community. If you don't take a test and you don't have six boosters, what the fuck happened, dude?
Starting point is 00:31:24 I mean, as the population, they did sit their population is not popular like their population is less than Well, Sanctus and the whole goddamn country But in the whole goddamn country. Yeah, but maybe it's like I get it But maybe it's like dense there like in those cities. I mean it might not I mean beach towns are just popular So if the density is big there and then the word about COVID maybe that's let me look up population of Australia let's see if it breaks up all right
Starting point is 00:31:59 25 million see if we can get a break down. It's one of the continents. Correct. Well, the continent, I think, is called Australasia. So it counts. It's like Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand. But it's most of it.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I mean, it's a big, big fucking place. I mean, space-wise, it's big. Let's see what the breakdown is. Big fucking place. I mean space-wise, it's big See what the breakdown is population was Australia historically Dude migrants doesn't break it down like town to town which I was hoping That could help out Oh, here we go. Yeah, so Sydney has four and a half million Melbourne for Brisbane two million Perth, almost to Adelaide.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Fuck, I don't know which is on the West. Can I ask you a question? Just for all of our fans. I just want to ask this question, please give us some feedback. Do you feel better if your backs are not? If you've had the COVID and then beat it, do you feel better if you get the Vax after? Just give us any of your input.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I just want to hear it to be honest. I don't want to be critical. I just want to hear what you have to say. That's a fair. That's a fair. So now I'm going to get hundreds of emails that just say yes And no that's fine. Isn't shouldn't we get some input? Yeah, that's fine cuz I go through the
Starting point is 00:33:34 I'll forward to you Dude you know get you wouldn't get back to one of these fucking emails you liar Dude, you wouldn't get back to one of these fucking emails, you'd like, yeah, you'd write one person back and then that you'd tick to get bored and you wouldn't write anyone else. Okay, I got another funny story I want to talk about. Is it to do with Zep? I'm just saying I'm part of my fans. Well, there's only one that I hope doesn't listen. Because I want to go to my best friend's wedding, this is going to get a lot of blowback.
Starting point is 00:34:13 And I ask my buddy, what's it going to take for me to get to your wedding? And he goes, you got to get back, you got to get boosted. He goes, my wife, my future wife, has a brother that is an immune deficiency, has an immune deficiency and he means everybody there to be vaccinated. And I was like, okay. I go, what if I, what if, what if I test? What if I go there and I test negative prior to the wedding you have not And I go okay, I go so how do we make a solution? I'm talking look me my eyes right now. This is gonna piss a lot of people off Big surprise, Garrett. Piss him off. So I go, so I'm in tears.
Starting point is 00:35:07 How do I get to the wedding? Because I'm in tears. Because my best friend, I can't go to your wedding. He goes, give me a second. You walk to the bathroom. He goes, get a fake backscarred. After like four and a half fucking months of talking about shit, like literally coming to tears talking about shit, he goes get a fake vacs guard I want you there.
Starting point is 00:35:31 That's where we're at. And I can't imagine that I'm the only person in this situation. I don't want to not be able to go to my best friend's wedding. You're my best friend too, but I'm just saying. Like when you know Joey, to his, my lawyer, he's my best fucking guy. It's like, dude, I was like, I'm gonna cry. If I can. Remember you're on a podcast.
Starting point is 00:35:52 A lot of people listen to this. Well, I'm telling you, I'm gonna do what the fuck I'm gonna do. So you guys can call the fucking government. Okay. That is a bit of a shame though, in a sense, that you offer up actual scientifically backed, reasonable precautions like getting tested before you go. And maybe even other people said, if they're not accepted, then I told Vax card, which doesn't have anyone is suggesting. Thank you for saying. Thank you told you that. I told anyone is saying thank you for saying that because I told Alicia I go as being a
Starting point is 00:36:30 fucking I don't want to hurt her brother. I don't want to hurt anybody. You and I will take a fucking COVID test before we go. And if we test positive we won't go to the win. But we'll be in.. Yeah, you definitely. But we'll do that. But we'll do that. But we'll do that. No, no, no, no, no, be responsible. I think that's a good way to do that ourselves. We'll do that ourselves. I don't want, I don't want to, the
Starting point is 00:36:54 intention is not to hurt. But the idea of like keeping people from each other based on fucking theories and thoughts, just fucking sucks. If I'm sick, if I potentially or she does or anything, I'm cool, we'll just go home. We'll leave the Dominican Republic and go home. I'm telling you that on the pod right now. I don't wanna hurt anybody.
Starting point is 00:37:18 But if I test negative prior to the wedding within 24 hours per the fucking mandate in whatever I want to be there to see my buddy get married. Like is that rude? Like I don't know what to say man. Like I don't have to say. No it's a reason. I don't know what to say. I'm not gonna fucking not be there for these life experiences just based on other people's perceptions of what the fuck's going on.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Is that fair? To be honest, I don't even know what you want to go so bad. I fucking hate weddings. I don't care who's wedding it is. They are so boring. I mean, even the free bar is not worth having to listen to that whole. He just is like going to church to me and I don't care for that either. He literally, he literally, of all things, I know when he was in the, I don't think his
Starting point is 00:38:14 girl listens to this bar, fortunately, but hopefully nobody gets it over to her. But sh**. I know he's, I was like, dude, I'm literally crying thinking that I can't come to your wedding. Like, I'm like looking at you in your face while you're saying this. He's like, everything you say makes sense. It all makes sense. But, and then he's like, I think you just had a moment of fucking clarity. He's like, I'm just going to walk to the bathroom. He's like, just get the fucking back, Scott. And I was like, dude, you just changed my whole life you like you like
Starting point is 00:38:50 Not get it that's frustrating and I'm sure a lot of people and I'm not I'm not I'm not anti-backs Just so you know I'm not anti-backs. I am fucking pro do whatever the fuck you are That's all I am fucking pro do whatever the fuck you want. That's all I am. Anti-lawed. I'm not anti anything. No matter what the fuck the media sold you, I'm not anti anything. I'm pro do whatever the fuck you want from now until you die. Like it doesn't fucking change. You should be anti-rape, but if there's something to be anti-off.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Anti-rape? Oh, rape? You should definitely be anti-rape. I can't, I can't. No, no, I can't condone that. I cannot get behind on that. All right, let's jump over to General H.R. and Master. You know, I expected more from this one.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I felt like having a General on and a national security. I felt like I'm going to get some. How would you describe it? I felt like it was like a PG. It was like, I wanted to raider our like X. It was like a PG. Yeah, it was PG. It was PG.
Starting point is 00:40:02 It was like, it was, it was like nothing new. It's like I hate China China's bad People the rest of the world You know get ahead with with stuck behind a lot of legislation and we can't do what we need to do and You know, we kind of fucked up in Afghanistan and that's the end of it and I'm just like okay what else? It's all true. Where are the aliens bro?
Starting point is 00:40:34 I don't know. I think we're in that situation. You want the safety of your family. Right? And if you know that you're on the... Yeah, I mean... I don't even want to sit. You know, and he wrote a book and... But I mean, he's retired, right?
Starting point is 00:40:57 What was it even like it gets a point? Let's put what we can't say, like stuff that's too fucked up. Let's promote that book one more time. The burn side, what was it? I had no idea what was called I don't think I'm gonna read it I mean he brought it up on Rogan like that's his bigger advertising spot. He ever needs he's not gonna sell any active books I kind of enjoyed it to be honest He was being steadfast and he was being fucking honest.
Starting point is 00:41:27 But he's like, can I talk about that? Yeah, true. I liked his attitude, I guess. And there's stuff about China's scary. Scary to hear that shit. It sounds like it's inevitable that they're going to take over his number one and there's fucking nothing we can do about it, because they won't play by the rules. And then they're going to be number one, not play by the rules. Who
Starting point is 00:41:49 knows how? I don't need you. I don't need to maintain. I don't need all of you say that. And I don't really care what the fuck he said. We only live around narratives. Correct. Wait, well, we only live our own life. So what would what's that? It's just it's just it's just interesting that like it's hard for me because I'm looking at palm trees in the beach right now. So like for you to tell me that like somebody else is going to decide my fucking future doesn't fucking hold up. I hear what you're saying. Well, when their GDP is bigger than the US
Starting point is 00:42:31 and they start putting massive sanctions on us and God knows what else they're able to do to control things in our lives. Maybe it won't happen in our lives. Can you imagine if Adam and Peter are saying that eventually it's gonna happen? Or maybe Adam and Garrett have a fucking pop. Dude, what happens if they and the point he's saying that eventually it's gonna happen. Maybe Adam and Garrett have a fucking pop. Dude, what happens if they invaded the US?
Starting point is 00:42:48 They have finally their military is much better. Two year worse. And they just decide they want our lives. Two year worse. Really? You're just gonna get drunk and run into battle with your work. We'll find our way home. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:04 That's the only, what am I gonna speculate on bullshit? Well, but this is part of what his job was, man. He has to kind of predict What is likely to happen and make strategic Do you have to do is never one of our I get it right he's he's just saying that that is what it looks like is happening like there they they've gone What did you say 800% fold on? Spending towards percent fold on spending towards their military. Having that's massive.
Starting point is 00:43:47 We haven't done that. We couldn't afford it. Like our military is big. Our military spending is bigger, but we couldn't up it 800%. It would be like our entire GDP. Can I tell you something? The difference between the Chinese military and the Chinese military and the American military is the American military
Starting point is 00:44:05 has emotions. Chinese military just feeds into this fucking. I shouldn't say that about them. They probably have. Well, I don't even know what I'm trying to believe that when I think of suicide bombers and stuff, I'm like, believe that like what when I think of like suicide bombers and stuff I'm like, no, those people still have the Charity doesn't have suicide bombers if you're thinking no, but I'm talking about I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:44:33 Kamikaze that's happening Japanese. I'm those it doesn't come down to culture. It just comes down to people like Our people are about years I just want you to be good like us I just want to love you it's right right but you know they are coming for something like separate it's like so probably taking over like we're not separate from anything else we love each other and we are all family and when we start accepting what did you think about what he said about agent provocateurs, like he did not seem to believe that they are really a thing and a government from what I could tell. Seems to say, because haven't we kind of haven't we proved that like feds
Starting point is 00:45:22 getting involved with it? Like, the way he said it, the way he said it, like that's not a thing. He was like, yeah, it's true, but the way he said it maybe feel like he's like, yeah, he's not a liar. He's like, yes, there are going to be those people that fucking fuck shit up on their own account, or with like a little group but like as like a conservative like fucking process I don't think that's the way he described it
Starting point is 00:45:50 I was like uh yeah that makes sense like yeah we wouldn't all do that. Oh so he's implying that it's not. He's like yeah there's gonna be a couple. Yeah there's gonna be. He's themselves sending him out. There's gonna be a couple fucking idiots that Junk and that job the way that Joe is describes everything. He's like to get one out of a hundred Makes sense. That's how I described it. That's how I thought about it. He's like there's gonna be a two fuck-ups
Starting point is 00:46:17 Hmm, what do you think? He's like there's gonna be a two Yeah, I don't know. I mean it's hard to say. I don't know. I was more concerned about the whole issue with Afghanistan and how the fucking Taliban took over that country now. We definitely shouldn't negotiate with them, but like people in that country are starving and there's like tens of thousands of people
Starting point is 00:46:43 that helped us during the war and we're just like left Like we're not we're not able to get them out and they're stuck and you know This is my only thing that's coming to my mind right now. Let's get all those people And bring them over to America and let's get them fed And let's get them ordered And let's stop talking about well, that's the idea But they're not we're not doing that's the problem. So let's focus on the fucking people we have here It must be great on those people and then I will Dude all I want to do is bring everybody to be okay
Starting point is 00:47:29 Honestly, right? You know how much I love. You know how much I love my well, I mean the children build this up. He brought up. You know how much I love Ruka. How much you love your dog? What are you talking about? And why are you shouting at me? That's how much I love people. Okay. All right. Garrett loves people. It's official. He's also a beach and a little lick it up. So he's loving everything right now. I appreciate that. Well, one thing that they did talk about and talking about bringing these people in from Afghanistan is that, and you know, McMaster said it so to Joe, that immigrants in a lot of ways appreciate America the most
Starting point is 00:48:11 because they know where they came from. And that's very true. You don't see a lot of like, walk culture from like immigrants. You're not first generation immigrants, you know? They've come from other countries and they're like, you know what, we really appreciate what is here. And then it seems like just a lot of spoiled people here are like, yeah, well, we don't like it. I want to work less. I don't want to
Starting point is 00:48:34 do anything. I'm completely entitled. And I don't like what you're saying to me. I mean, that's, you know, I went on a work tangent there, but it's true. It's like, if we get these people that have already been help enough from Afghanistan, we bring them over here, get them good jobs. I'm sure they'd be really productive members of society and America and, you know, that offspring would be...
Starting point is 00:48:58 I mean, that's what you want, right? Joe's always saying it, less losers. Let's get less losers over here. I'm into it. All right, let's wrap it up for this week. Thank you guys as always for listening, putting up with us and give us your thoughts on what you think was said,
Starting point is 00:49:20 especially with the Zep's guy and the the Colonel or the general, whatever he is. I'm interested to get some feedback on how you thought their message came across. It was kind of different than I expected. That's all, and Garrett, thank you, and enjoy your time at the beach, my friend. Alright. I love you How long you there till here to fry it? Very nice, all right big dog later guys
Starting point is 00:49:56 you

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