Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 258 Joe Rogan Experience Review of SPOTIFY! And Neil Young Et al.

Episode Date: February 2, 2022

Thanks to this weeks sponsors: Bespoke Post go to Box of Awesome dot com Promo code JRER 20% off Head to our website for more updates and Rogan stuff Russell Brand video of Spotif...y controversy. Guy Richie Hero’s journey story This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Review Guest list: Jordan Peterson @jordan.b.peterson Valentine Thomas @valentinethomas Juliana Pena @venezuelanvixen 5% of ALL SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Joe Rogan Universe podcast. What up, I'm Sean, I'm the same week creator. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn, and Garrett Hats. This might be the worst podcast for the best one of all time. Hey guys, and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. We got a lot to review this week. It's a big one. Yep. There's some major controversy going on in the world of podcasting and there's no way we can't
Starting point is 00:00:35 talk about it. I mean people are removing their music from Spotify. If you haven't heard about this then you've been living in a cave because it is almost or anyone seems to be talking about. Yeah, Neil Young, the legend that is pretty upset. He's, he wants to leave, he's leaving Spotify. He said, it's me or Joe and Spotify went, ah, we're going with Joe. It's tough, tough call. Come with Joe on this one. But it was a lot of pressure. Other musicians have jumped on. And what can you say?
Starting point is 00:01:15 What I mean, misinformation is the accusation of the day. Is it really? Is it really focused? What game we play in here? Can we call it true seeking? Is that ever going to be an option? Or is it just going to be misinformation? Well, it's misinformation when they don't agree whoever they are. You know, and what if what if you know what what gets me is is exactly what Joe said in that 10 minute video he did which I thought was And what what a you know what what gets me is is Exactly what Joe said in that 10 minute video he did which I thought was
Starting point is 00:01:53 Very eloquent and tap it. There's no way you can't I mean Wouldn't you listen to that and Look people aren't gonna like it still but they weren't gonna like anything he said but what he said was Very reasonable and he said he'd make adjustments, but he's saying, look, what is misinformation? You know, the news reports on things and then two weeks later they changed what he heard. He wasn't. We're learning as we go. That's the weird thing, man.
Starting point is 00:02:14 It's like, nobody wants to retract. It's like, we're no so far deep in the mud hole. You don't, like, you can't dig out. You're just like, let's keep digging. It feels like because Misinformation is such a weird phrase to use especially when it's like you had those two back-to-back doctors And that's all we're basing it on and he's like owning it throughout that video saying that I should have a Little bit of other people involved. I mean he had Sanjay on he's had he's like I'll talk to Fauci I'll talk to anybody that's willing to come on
Starting point is 00:02:42 He's he just wants to know the truth. So it's a weird thing to try and like, pigeonhole him and say that he's trying to do something. It seems like such a weird, offensive thing. He's like, no, I love these people. I think that video that he posted completely disarmed anybody. How do you hang on to anything they had after watching that? This is what I did. This was my intention. This was my, I'm trying to service.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And I know my, I know my platform now and I'm, I understand it. So I'm trying to be open to other forms of opportunity to see what other people are thinking about. So I don't know how that's become like villainized, you know? Well, you're forgetting the power of the haters, my friend. They can hate anything. It's obvious. They can hate. He gives a shout out to them in the in the video too. I mean that You talk about somebody who's willing to just own stuff and I don't see the other side at this point like I don't understand
Starting point is 00:03:42 Show me to show me what where the villain is because even somebody I talked to walking up the stairs today I was like did you hear that thing about he said something about asking me about Rogan and I was like yeah I was like I follow him quite a bit this and that and he's like he must be really right and I'm like they and he's actually an older dude that's suit I mean super conservative to some extent but I was like and I really I was like he likes gun rights but he's actually an older dude that's super conservative to some extent. But I was like, and not really. I was like, he likes gun rights, but he's also like for pro health care and pro education.
Starting point is 00:04:13 A lot of the left thing. So it's like this whole idea that you're just stuck in one category. It's such a, you're automatically a villain if you don't believe what the other person believes now. It seems like, and I don't want to say that COVID caused that or this like, the Vax thing is definitely like a line in the sand, obviously, but it's become the biggest line in the sand that I've really seen, but it seems to be dissipating of late. Have you noticed that at all? Like, what, I mean, the actions have, you know, things of getting more normalized and but the strong
Starting point is 00:04:45 opinions still exist. And if you ever had any opinion that goes against the narrative, remember the narrative is still changing, even in popular media, it starts off where this came, or came from a wet market then it maybe came from a lab and that's okay, but you couldn't say that before. And then issues with the mask was one thing one way, and now it's different. It's like, you can only change your mind when the news tells you to change your mind, and that's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Why can't you not ask questions on your own before? I mean, if anything, it's made me ask more questions now, just the fact that we have these conversations and listening to conversations that he has. Like, I love seeing other angles. I love seeing, just tell me a different side. So I can see your side, but just to say, no, you're wrong and you're this. It seems I mean, I don't even, especially because the first amendment is really designed to be freedom of speech, meaning it will also be speech you don't like. Right? And as long as it doesn't incite violence, even if it's incorrect speech, it's allowed. Now, you and I, I think
Starting point is 00:05:55 Rogan and most everyone else that's really sensible, doesn't want information that's incorrect. Across the board, like Like I still support the first amendment, but if it's just, you know, if you're banging on about flat earth, it's like, all right, well, people shouldn't listen to you too much, right? Reasonable. But just because it doesn't go with exactly what you want to hear, and it's explorative, and you're asking questions and you're at least seeking out information from very qualified individuals. It's not like it's him and Red Band stoned just making things up as they go. I mean that
Starting point is 00:06:37 would be different. He's talking to people that know a lot about what they're doing, whether they're right or wrong, he's still talking with them and it's not like he doesn't discuss it with the other side. Like you said, Goop the came on. I mean, when is CNN ever just when, oh, we're bringing on someone that completely disagrees with us, other than them trying to make him look like a fool, or when have they ever turned around and said, hey, guys, last week's story, we messed up, it wasn't correct, we're trying to out best. No one else is doing that, man. I mean, and he even says it himself. He's like, I didn't ask for this.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I'm not out there trying to be some virtuous guy. He's like, I'm literally just having conversations with different folks that are, I mean, take Robert Malone and take the other guy that is getting so scrutinized, Peter McCullough over. They're the most publicized people in their fields. It's not like he's pulling some guy off the side of the street and saying, Hey, let's have a conversation. Let's try and fix COVID.
Starting point is 00:07:34 He's like, let me find the two like most sought after guys and the one guy who helped write the mRNA vaccine and have a conversation about it. But that his narrative doesn't fit Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson. So obviously it's, I don't know, man, it's at this point, it's a tough pill to swallow to be like, all right, so you talk to somebody and look them dead in the face and be like, all right, so no fuckery is going on, governments out for you. Everything that's going down is based on science and you totally agree with that. You're, you're good.
Starting point is 00:08:11 There's going to be a hard pause there, right? So you got to be like, are you still doing that? Or is it like, are we, are we going to try and choose either a new story or a new narrative or like an alternative or something else? Because obviously what the fuck we've been talking about hasn't been working right? I just imagine that we are basically trying like this pressure that's been put on him in this podcast right is is basically attempting to train everybody to not ask questions or even have conversations that go against what they're saying and they stand behind the guys that oh well
Starting point is 00:08:53 yeah but if you if you even have those conversations people can die it's like hold the hold on you can't just say that at the end of everything that's like those arguments where you're just calling everyone a racist just to close them down. It's like it doesn't work like that. You have to have the discussions. People are allowed to ask conversation like they've allowed to talk and ask questions. And think about. And I think what he said about having people on to balance it afterwards. That is a great addition. What a beautiful, I'm happy for him to do that. I don't want the idea that a completely ridiculous narrative will be pushed. To be perfectly, I wouldn't enjoy that about the podcast.
Starting point is 00:09:33 To be perfectly honest with you, I would love to see a pro vaccine person on there and explain to me why the vaccine is so valuable and how all these like side conspiracies and all these other things. Please debunk all this. I would love to hear it. Like show me the other side because of this. I mean, what would what wouldn't be better than that? I would love to have other people on the side. And to be on, I mean, that's great to hear that it is. I mean, he has. He had he's had a bunch of other characters on. He's had Sanjay on. He talked about it in that video. He's had a lot of talk about the white. I don't think there's a whole lot of people on that side
Starting point is 00:10:12 that are willing to speak up at this point, because it seems like it's a work in progress. That's this whole science thing in general, right? Like science is, well, they certainly want to write a lot of letters to Spotify. So, you know, it's like okay you're willing to do that are you willing to go on his show I don't think that he's not having people on that are willing to discuss this because he Joe is trying to figure this out like everyone
Starting point is 00:10:36 rolls he's like who do I need to talk to these are who's convincing me these are real human lives that are involved so regardless of what team you're on or what side you believe in, it's like if you care about people that are close to you, you're trying to find a solution to this sickness. But that said, isn't it an interesting thing? I don't know if it was a meme or something I saw, but it's like, we beat COVID. It's like somehow COVID became fuck homelessness, fuck hunger, fuck poverty, fuck anything else that's going on. Like, we will beat COVID. It's like, how would that become like the central focus that we just get caught up in this
Starting point is 00:11:12 twilight zone of like only thing we focus on is beating COVID. Like, even the less fortunate are like walking around with masks on and like, I don't know. It's just an interesting thing to be that's become like the central focus. And I, there's got to be a lot more going on And that we're just not looking at clearly Well initially it made perfect sense because we didn't know enough about it and it we thought it was gonna be a lot worse than it was and That should have been our major focus, but now we're years in. We're more divided than ever. And people are arguing like crazy. And it's like, okay, I mean, England, I was just that.
Starting point is 00:11:51 England now have no restrictions. The mass are off everything. And they were more locked down than most places I saw in the US just a few weeks ago. It's not over. And yet here we're still discussing. It said, I will, I will say that it said February 15th was like, they had to re-vote on it again. So it's like, how much longer are you going to do this? It's just like, we see Gavin Newsom. I don't know if I send you that thing. Gavin Newsom Magic Johnson, another politician are all at the fucking Lakers game or the Clippers game, all massless. And I'm like, if anybody's still buying into this, like, we went into Home Depot the other day and had to do some like moving and whatnot. And I feel
Starting point is 00:12:31 like I'm putting my foot down when I'm going to run a truck from Home Depot. I don't put a mask on now. I'm like, this is me putting my foot down. So I went in there and did it. Nobody says anything. It's like, all right, this guy, he's already moved on. Nobody says anything. It's like, all right, this guy he's already moved on Well, it's strange because up here in Boseman you don't have to go into a home people with a mask on like very Few people are wearing one and those people that are good for them if you're concerned about You know your own health and if you think well if you think you have COVID you should stay home But if you're worried about catching it, then that's good for you for the world.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Yeah, I'm out. It's reasonable. I said to Alicia, this is not me laughing this off and being disrespectful, but anytime I see somebody with a mask outside or wearing two masks, we're sitting in the spectrum, you're the internet hooked up the other night, and I'm like, that guy, I mean, he really cares.
Starting point is 00:13:22 He cares a lot more about me than I care about him unfortunately Apparently, is that the Yeah, if you have two masks you like really like you either you really he probably has to do that for work It's probably not a choice. I've worn a bandana and felt like I've been choked out to wear two masks like a Scuba diving situation like a scuba diving situation. Yeah, I would just invest in one really good one. Instead of two.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Like a design, like a Gucci mask. That probably makes you breathe better. Yeah, but look, back to more of the issue. I mean, this is more of an issue of freedom of speech than it is. What the actual discussion is because this is how it happens. It's like it... Freedom of speech breaks down if you get a big enough group of people that decide what you're saying can't be said regardless of what the issue is. So regardless of whether this is about, you know, misinformation or blah blah blah, it's like, okay, look, does it break freedom
Starting point is 00:14:25 of speech? And if not, does it break the platforms rules? And since it's podcasting, it's not like other social media and it's not television. So there isn't a restriction. Should not. I mean, he's not breaking a law. And I think, and a lot of people do think that he's having very responsible conversations. Could he do it better? Yeah, he said that he could. But on the other side, I don't know, the news, the news being this responsible. That's my that was my next question to you. It's that if you have to give a disclaimer prior to the Joe Rogan show, so shouldn't you as CNN have to give a disclaimer prior to the Joe Rogan show. So shouldn't you as CNN have to give a disclaimer saying, we don't know if this is 100% true.
Starting point is 00:15:09 No, they won't, right? Because that takes away their legitimacy and they think they're righteous. That's the problem, right? Because you and I see that and I think the vast majority of people do see that. So if you're still buying into the fact that they get ad revenue from dryer sheets and that makes their, their news broadcast like legitimate or by Pfizer, it's like, uh, maybe these other people that don't have as much like disconnect or, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:40 what's the word whenever there, whenever they're compromised, I should say, because they don't have to play to a narrative That's exactly what Rogan does right he doesn't have to play to anybody's thing. That's what Spotify's always done and supported him so it's Yeah, I mean, I'd be concerned it full of a sudden Rogan was suddenly sponsored by Pfizer and then he never said anything negative again Right even criticized with the the vaccine. I mean, I would be like, okay, maybe a red flag. Wouldn't you say? They have a red flag. I don't know. So you don't hear, you don't hear anybody in CNN or any of these other big companies ever saying anything against
Starting point is 00:16:18 the big companies or narratives. Does that, could that be a correlation? It couldn't. Right. is does that could that be a correlation it couldn't right maybe we shouldn't be so high. No, I just can't remember the other news. Well, Fox, Fox is Fox, the heart, yeah, that one's way of that. That's according, according to the news feeds now and the articles you read, Rogan is as far right as they come. Meanwhile, I don't know. Which is just not the only thing that I associate and silly conversation to have to be like, people's views or anything or their stances on situations because they change every day.
Starting point is 00:16:59 But he's always been pro-gun and then pretty liberal every other way that I can understand. When you was, I mean, I don't know been pro-gun and then pretty liberal every other way that I can understand. When you was... I mean, I don't know how pro-gun he was before he started hunting. I know he bought a gun way back when he moved to California, but you know, I think more of that is just like education through the hunting practice and learning it that way. But there's probably not many other issues that you could get him on on that side. It just doesn't matter now.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Once they've been, the ones they labeled him and they connect him to like Jordan Peterson, who we talk about in a minute or any of the right wing people, nobody pays attention to the fact that he has any liberal people on, which is like pretty much every community has 85% of the people on the show are probably as left That would be an interesting stat to take if you took all his guests from the beginning of time and figure out there Uh and made like a pygraph. I bet it would be well over 50% Uh democrats and liberals. Yeah, no doubt. But that doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:18:06 It doesn't matter. You say one thing, the other direction, and that's what you are, and you'll be that forever and good luck. And it's like, come on now. Is this how we talk to each other these days? Nobody has ever made a mistake. I don't even know that it's hard to say like it's like,
Starting point is 00:18:21 I want to say here and be like, he made a mistake. It's like, he just kind of opened us all up to a different way of thinking with those last two podcasts that Apparently the mainstream needy did not want you to see obviously. That's why it's become such a big issue if we're being honest Because I mean that's just what it is. It's like we're trying to demonize situations like oh, we just had a different angle It's a it's a I'll tell you what. So and I said it last week, but Russell brand did another excellent video about Rogan's I watched that well, you know, all his what he said, right? And it's like 15 minutes long
Starting point is 00:18:59 I put a link in the bio so you guys can just as soon as you're done listening of this or just stop now Yeah, I don't know what else we're gonna say that's interesting but definitely check out Russell's thing because the way he puts it together is brilliant and he gives a real breakdown and connects a lot of things. He's just doing such a good job. I mean it's amazing that the silly, funny, lovable comedian from England that is now really one of the best sources of news that you can pick up in my business. Maybe not. And they're just opinions, folks. If you had to have it, all right, we'll do it.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Yeah, one way or the other. If you had to pick a guy or a couple of guys to put in a room and chat, obviously we kind of idolize these guys just because they get so many views and we, there's celebrities or whatever, but you look at them and then you see how free-thinking Russell Brand and Joe Rogan are. Like, can you imagine having a conversation with two people like Fauci and let's say Gavin Newsom. Let's just put all four of those people in a room and see how that conversation unfolds Two people two people that are not funded by anybody else and two people that are funded by a couple of other folks And let's see how that conversation unfolds
Starting point is 00:20:13 Gavin Newsom would never come on and talk about like if he was brave if he was like really righteous and believed in what he Was preaching he would come on because he would know how to defend it. He would believe it. But he knows he would just get squashed because there's so many things that he's done that are just pretty outrageous. And he doesn't want that scrutiny. He's only gonna go to places that are gonna kiss his ass.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Yeah. Look, let's jump over to the guests of the week. Who we got? We got Jordan Peterson. Monster. We have Valentin Thomas and then Julianna Pena. We see if we get to everybody. This podcast is brought to you by Best Spoke Post.
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Starting point is 00:22:21 Doctor of psychology He's a Canadian Doctor of Psychology. He's a psychologist, a therapy. He's a macronidious. Super smart guy. Some great books, 12 rules. You know, we all know who he is, but I'm doing these little intros now anyway. I've decided.
Starting point is 00:22:43 So he starts out with a little bit of controversy for some reason he jumps into climate after Joe said something about having a climate person on and man did he get himself into some trouble yeah I mean I don't know enough about climate to say whether he's right or wrong and and I don't even want to start with it I just wonder why he went down that right as soon as he started doing it I was like oh this is gonna cause I gotta give him credit dude He's consistent on a stop process regardless of subject. It's always what makes sense and what's the science of it Fortunate and unfortunate whose her lives Lives affected a lot of the things that go on in
Starting point is 00:23:25 his conversations seem to be like pushing certain classes and certain things to the wayside. I don't like he's a very sensitive and thoughtful guy. He really is. It's interesting. I've had like back and forth DMs with a couple of people about him about how he's like misogynistic and this that and the other. I was like he has a daughter and a wife that he like cries when they talks about him. Like he's a thoughtful guy. He's not a, it's a weird thing to like put these people and he's like little categories
Starting point is 00:23:53 and make them certain people because he's not, he's really not like at all. It's like listen to what he says, see the feeling and what he's saying. He's not saying it because he's skewed because of an alternative perspective. He's like, this is what really, this is what makes sense to me
Starting point is 00:24:10 and from a scientific standpoint, this is what I've researched and read about. So this is what I'm regurgitating and showing you. So it's like to judge somebody on that seems so. I don't know, you tell me. I think a lot of, yeah, but a lot of this frustration and kind of hatred is coming from soundbites. You know, it's not coming from someone that's read his book or seen hours and hours of his lectures. I mean, I probably have watched, God, I mean, I've probably seen
Starting point is 00:24:42 over 20 hours of his lectures that I've sat and watched like over the years. I mean, I've probably seen over 20 hours of his lectures that I've sat and watched like over the years. I mean, he's been around for a while. And, you know, when you look at somebody in that detail, then you can start to have like a real opinion. But a lot of the people that I speak to that have kind of frustration I hate towards anyone have not paid attention. You know, I was trying to think the other day, I was like, who do I really, who do I kind of want to cancel? And I'm like, well, no one, I don't, there's no one I want to do.
Starting point is 00:25:16 So what do you read? Right. Yeah, I was just thinking, I was just thinking like if I was, if I had the option, right? And I was getting worked up about something. I'm like, yeah, people annoy me. There's politicians that annoy me. There's people in the news or media or celebrities that kind of get annoying.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And I'm just like, okay, who do I really dislike? And no one, no one enough. And then I thought even the people that I could consider that with, if I really had to pick someone, right? I'm like someone's twisting my arm, I gotta pick someone, then I realized, oh, I don't even know really anything about them.
Starting point is 00:25:53 So I don't have an opinion. I'd have to, if you're willing to really hate someone or dislike them, I'd say put some time into figuring out who they are, like justify you basically. Exactly. And if you're going to spend that time, you're obviously going to have to do the research on the person. So once you start listening to the person, then you don't automatically have a bias because you're like, oh, that's, I mean, there were talking about tweets and things you would say in front of people and the things you would say, I mean, they mentioned that about how
Starting point is 00:26:24 he still dives into the tweets from now, from now and the things you would say, I mean, they mentioned that about how he still Dives into the tweets from now from now and again. He's like, I think it's just the Joe's like don't do that He says that to every yes, but the press like when it's like he always want to like you want Especially from a clinical psychologist standpoint. I'm sure he has everybody reaching out to him And it's everybody's best day and either that or it's the complete opposite, right? It's either you're having your best day or you fucking hate this dude because he's xyz because of the sound bites. But it's like if you ever had a conversation face to face, you'd probably 99.9% of the time come out with that individual feeling a lot better about face toface interaction, right? No doubt you would like most people you speak to if you got time to sit down and talk with them. I think that that is
Starting point is 00:27:12 probably just what's gonna happen because even if you find that you disagree fundamentally on this side and this side, having that dialogue will kind of give you a bit of space for the idea and also you know those types of ideas are not everything that a person is. That person can still be a very kind thoughtful person and you're like, well I like who they are, I just disagree with some of the elements of how they think. But to just jump on them and be like this is all bullshit and they're the worst and they should be canceled Slow down just listen to something else. You don't have to listen to this podcast to Joe's to any Podcast you don't have to it's your choice watch something else
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah, he's like you don't have to it. He's like if you don't like it just turn it off. I don't want to hurt anybody Literally, that it's not enough today though, man It's not enough people don't feel just they don't feel like satisfied enough to just be like turn it off They're like how dare other people listen to this. It's like what chill out. Let him listen. It's okay People are gonna go watch the jackass movie. What do you think that's doing for humanity? Except being an awesome movie. I can't remember who I was listening to today, but they were talking about like, Neil Young being a rock star and whatnot
Starting point is 00:28:31 and always having to like stand up to the man. And it's like, Joe Rogan is standing up to the man. The man is Anthony Fauci. The man are these like, you have the man is now Neil. And he's like, you're the rock star, man. You're supposed to like stand up to the man and stand up to the like association and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:49 But you're like standing up to the guy who's standing up to the guy. It's like, what are you doing? It's definitely the least off stuff. It's gross. I got to tell you to not like that. I don't know if you're familiar with this girl named Brunei Brown.
Starting point is 00:29:03 I love Brunei Brown Brown to be honest with you. She's, she talks about vulnerability. She's, I've watched quite a few of her like Netflix things. She's a motivational speaker, but she kind of got on board with the same narrative with Neil Young saying that she's not going to drop any more shows based on the Rogan thing. And she's like, her whole thing is like kindness and love and this and that. And it's like, have you ever listened to Joe Rogan?
Starting point is 00:29:26 Because if you ever listen to his show All he does is embrace like even throughout that whole little speech. He did on that video All he did was embrace those people and say how much he thought like was thoughtful of him remember that I mean about Neil Young Ant dude It's undeniable that a part of this is about Neil Young at dude it's undeniable that a part of this is that you know that remember to these people are getting publicity sure right you put your name on this and say you know what would be hilariously ironic is if we said we're pulling our show from Spotify unless they were going to yes and then
Starting point is 00:30:01 people will be like wait a second but don't you review his show? We're like, we're taking a stand. How dare you get us a good point, man. That is a good point. That's it. So interesting time. I would hope that would not be the thought, but I saw this meat. Dude, that that's a part of it for sure. That's a part of it. I saw the exact what's what's said.back will be putting more music on Spotify now that Joe has been Rechained. It's like death threat.
Starting point is 00:30:36 We will. That's what it's like the other side of the pendulum was pretty funny. I like it. That's great. That's pretty funny that I liked it. That's great. That's great. Let's go into one thing that Jordan talked about, which I really liked, is when he was discussing hanging out with Guy Richie. And Guy Richie is the director of such classic movies as Snatch.
Starting point is 00:31:00 And he did the King Arthur movie. And he wanted a lot of other legendary movies. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. and he did the King Arthur movie and a bunch of other laughs, he did the Lock Stark and two Smoking Barrels and what was cool about it is Jordan discussed the kind of heroes journey elements of it right so the King Arthur movie I think is really underrated not a lot of people cared for it but I'm a huge fan of that movie.
Starting point is 00:31:26 My buddy, Eli and I, well, watch that thing like we've been some month. I don't know why we just love it. It's a, I think it's great. And what it discusses is this person's journey, like fall from grace, kind of raising the brothel, and then heads out into the darkness of the
Starting point is 00:31:45 woods and has to learn to control the power of this sword. And it's just like this process of like human development that comes from kind of a lot of older stories, you know, through history of kind of told this. And for him to bring it back and make a movie and discuss it, but there's actually a video that it's like a clip of Rogan talking to Guy Richie that kind of discusses this. I'm also going to put a link in the bio for that. It's about 15 minutes long, but it's really eloquent and it's Guy Richie just discussing kind of what that means.
Starting point is 00:32:22 And I just think it's an important breakdown of that type of story for people to hear. Like there are dark times, there are difficult periods in your life and it kind of explains the growth through it. So instead of just thinking you're super unlucky at a certain period, It's showing you that through this darkness, through these challenges, through this like difficult stuff. Right? There are actually gems, this gold that you can get out of it. Like you become stronger. You do get it out of it.
Starting point is 00:32:59 100%. Like, not to interrupt. I, isn't there such a good story to be told about that? Like I even find myself in the middle of the time. It's like sometimes you just got to thank yourself for the losses at the same time. It's not easy in the moment. But you get to look back on it and say,
Starting point is 00:33:16 it's what makes the story though, you know what I mean? Because if it's all fucking unicorns and rainbows, you wouldn't know the other side. So it's, it's it's dark sometimes but in the darkness you there's only the other other side is the light yeah for sure for sure but you're right it's almost impossible to see in the moment and that's you know that's probably where a lot of depression and a lot of hopeless feelings come from is because it is hard to see it it's hard to see
Starting point is 00:33:44 that that might be the time of your life where the most growth is going to come. And yeah, I mean to think that everybody gets these challenges. Like there's no chat, there's no way this whole thing hasn't stressed you out. Like no way. Doesn't matter how well the years or how famous or this is, this has been a difficult thing for him to navigate. He's like, holy shit. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Let's figure this out. Multiple times. Like I didn't ask for this. He's like, I didn't ask for it. He's like, I literally, and throughout that conversation, he's like, I don't pre-meditate. He's like, I have bullet points from time to time, but I don't like pre-meditate what's gonna come out of my mouth.
Starting point is 00:34:22 He's like, I'm just spitting off the cuff. That's what we do here. That's what people do in life when it's not scripted right? So to have this expectation of how certain people are supposed to react or certain things are supposed to say or the idea that you're not supposed to talk to other people about different viewing thoughts is just silly. Like there's no explanation for that. There's just none. There's... I am, but people don't agree, man. There's a lot of people today with how polarized it is that are saying... Well, yeah, I agree with the First Amendment, but I don't agree with this.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And you're like, well, that's... That's fine. So shouldn't we raise the question? Shouldn't Joe get on ESPN, but CNN and be like, hey, okay, who would you guys like to have on the podcast? I'd be more than happy to have an open, long, form conversation with anybody who's on the other side. Let's do it. Yeah, but if he, if he does that, though, then he's open in the door to like them, just having basically more control over his show. It's like, well,
Starting point is 00:35:27 every time they write a bad article, will they accuse him of something he has to make an adjustment? Well, that's not going to work. Good point, but that's obviously already been a thing because now we have to give that disclaimer prior to every show. And we may mention to that whole stock situation, it was a weird thing that the clickbait was Spotify down four billion after Joe Rogan statements. Like I've read that on my Facebook and Instagram feed multiple times today. And it's like, where did you come up with that
Starting point is 00:35:54 number? Well, the problem with that is, and I'm looking at the Spotify stock right now, over the last year, according to Cash App, which is why I'm getting my current information on my phone, it's down 40.99% over the last year. Okay. Over the last month, it's gone down 17.4% and over the last week,
Starting point is 00:36:22 which is really when all this controversy has happened, it's gone up 18.06%. So maybe they're just saying over the period of a year, it's also much, but it hasn't been since he said it. I mean, today it's up 3.75. This reminds me of the Elon situation, right? When they said, so I don't think this reminds me of the Elon situation right when they sit so I don't seem like a bit for the Elon situation and tomorrow everybody who didn't know about Rogan is gonna know about him now if you didn't know about him last night you're gonna know about him now that's
Starting point is 00:36:55 the interesting thing yeah guys just go out and buy you some spotify stuff that's what I think let's just pump this thing get it the room fired up let Let's support Spotify for not like turning Joe off, which I don't know if they could, but I wanted to talk about one situation that he talked about Guy Richie and how artistic he was about how he did those movies He would say Jordan said that when he talked to Guy Richie that when he was doing these movies like snatch and whatnot He would just put the characters in the in this space and say this is kind of like he'd write the description of the scene that he wanted and let them just kind of impromptu the dialogue. And I was like, what better way to like, when you got like real quality actors that are
Starting point is 00:37:41 like seasoned to just like put them in a situation and have them just let the scene unfold Like you just have this thought process behind it and then he just kind of watch this painting unfold Yeah, oh for sure. I mean to think about think about I think his his best character ever was character ever was Brad Pitt in a snap and he's had some great he's had obviously some amazing actors work for him and a bunch of great characters But what Brad Pitt was was fight unbelievable and to think that he had the opportunity to kind of play with that role and make it what he wanted to I mean I've always I've always liked Brad Pitt as Tyler
Starting point is 00:38:26 Dirtam and Fight Club. That was one of my favorite characters he ever played and he's had a bunch of great movies. But the guy in snatch was just it's hard. I've seen that movie. He just nailed it. Probably right up there with all like 10 timers. probably right up there with all like 10 timers. He's so good. So many great scenes about my movie. It's absolutely brilliant. Like I'm...
Starting point is 00:38:52 Yeah, Guy Rich, he's a fascinating dude. He's done it all too. He's definitely a... Yeah, he's a badass and a legit black belt. I got it. I mean... I got to say getting older and just like not my pallets not that far fetched, but even just seeing like in hearing these back-ended
Starting point is 00:39:11 conversations about the art that unfolds from these like chefs and directors and whatnot, like I gained a new perspective on how they see things which has made me appreciate the art that much more. Whereas, if I didn't hear these conversations prior to, I don't think that I probably would, you know what I mean? Just because I haven't really submerged myself into those fields, so it's like hearing that angle. I'm like, oh man, I can see how you come,
Starting point is 00:39:35 that's like playing the guitar or something, you know? It's really cool to hear like the creative endeavor of people and that like creative thought process. It's very interesting and it's really inspiring too. I mean, I'm not a super creative person. You know, like I don't play any instruments, I suck it, drawing. I mean, I don't have a lot of it. I can't write music or, you know, so to hear it is really fascinating stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:06 You're like, wow, that's just the freedom of thinking. I mean, it doesn't inspire you a little bit. It inspires me though. At least like try and think outside of the box a little bit here and these other people talk about it. It's like, oh, well, I mean, not that much different than us. We're all just, sure. Hopefully it's making us less like. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:40:25 a lot of lessons, like, which is that we can ask that girl to. Speaking of which, that girl is it Valentina? That was the just wasn't. Oh, yeah, let's finish up real quick with one thing I want to say about Jordan, though, is he is making that essay. That's going to be good. I can't remember what it's called, but I think it's just called
Starting point is 00:40:44 essay. But people learning how to write is kind of an art that we were losing. People aren't learning to write. People are graduating with undergraduate degrees and they really can't write and it's a shame. And it's a valuable tool to have. I mean, it's one thing to try and talk in an articular way, but to write that way is very powerful. So I hope that the app comes out soon. I can't wait to try it. I think it's a brilliant idea, and I encourage everyone to give it a try if they want to improve their writing because that's hopefully it's a great
Starting point is 00:41:21 way to do it. That's all I had to say about that. I was gonna say, let's jump over to Valentin Thomas and then you can say whatever you were gonna say. Well, what I was gonna say, maybe we should call it the texting app, just because people are in text these days, anyway, so you should probably not have text correctly, correct? Yeah, but I mean, what is texting correctly? Learning like LOL and... K, K, K, K. Mostly emojis. correctly learning like LOL and KKK
Starting point is 00:41:46 Mostly emojis. It's like you learn what all the emojis mean K and the small K because that means you mean okay I think I think I don't know. Yeah, yeah, okay. Okay. Anyway, yeah, the the Valentine girl she was 30 I believe she said she was 34 and she was a lawyer for the longest time and then just decided to go spear fish and jump off a boat and jump off a oil rigs and she said that she held her breath and this was, I mean, this is the biggest thing that stood out to me that this has become such a normalcy for people to be able to do this for so long, but she said that she could hold her breath free diving for five minutes and 45 seconds.
Starting point is 00:42:25 That, and she said she's not even that good of a free dive. That sounds like, oh my God, I try and hold my breath under the hot tub for like 30 seconds and I do it slow. Now I think about her all the time. So I try and push it to like 40, 45, but I'm thinking you got five minutes on me. And you got a, and you got a spear in your hand and you got sharks surrounded you and whatnot. Like that's a different fucking ball game. Well, the hot tub is not a good place to do that. You probably want cold water if you're
Starting point is 00:42:56 going to attempt to be breath. But fair play to her. I mean, what what an interesting endeavor just to take up. And I don't even know if she isn't like she was an amazing spear fisher of her son, her whole life. She just was passionate about it, gone into it, has like over 300,000 Instagram followers. So I guess that's where she she creates most of her Are you well I'm sure her well in last time didn't hurt her cause, but yeah, absolutely. It's awesome Seems like she's gonna be successful or whatever she does she seems to be She had a great attitude for sure and I Wish she kind of talked about spear fishing a bit more actually because I've always wanted to try that it sounds dope Dude to throw a spear
Starting point is 00:43:51 So what's going on? Can you imagine through water? Well, you don't throw it. There you have it's like it's like a It's on a like a elastic band or a spray. Well, I think there's like real deal of spear fisherman. And I think there's like crossbow fisherman. But I imagine. Well, yeah, but those spearfisher people are outside of the water throwing it into the water.
Starting point is 00:44:14 She's under it. Yeah, so it's like a spear connected to what looks like a rifle length. And it fires out. And then it has like a cord connected to it so you get a vision. It puts a damper on my thought that I had. I thought there was just like mermaids.
Starting point is 00:44:31 What do you think she was doing? I thought she was doing mermaids. Throwing spears under water. It's chucking spears. Mermaids. I'm just chucking spears like with one fend. Mermaids. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:44 It's mermaids. Yeah. See all skin boots. That sounds like the way forward. How cold did she say she could go with those things? That's what you want if you're climbing Everest with a tank top. I want some seal skin boots. It makes sense you would find the animals that live in the coldest environments and use their skin. A hundred percent. It doesn't sound like they're in way. Like not very much. They're probably pretty it doesn't sound like they're in way, like not very much, they probably are pretty heavy, but it sounds like they're pretty insulated. Some seal fat. If I'm climbing down a cold ass mountain,
Starting point is 00:45:14 I want some seal fat on my ankles. What did you say the coldest temperature she experienced was negative 57 Celsius. What is that? A lot. I don't know what is that. A lot. Very cold. It's like both. That's like you die.
Starting point is 00:45:30 It's like real fast. Both in February. That's how cold that was. Oh, I know, a bosom doesn't even get that cold. That's insane. That is true. That's, oh, did you fit the story about the origin of the slowly pirate ship? That's interesting. That's... Oh, did you fit the story about the origin of the slowly pirate ship?
Starting point is 00:45:46 Oh, I'm in charge of this. Funny. Yeah, right? I didn't know that they got into that because other countries fucked up their fishing and water by polluting, and then they just said, hey, screw this. I wonder how much history has been written like that. That's what that made me think. Right after they told that story
Starting point is 00:46:05 I was like hmm. Well again, it's easier to demonize people if you don't know Story right it's easy to be like oh, yeah, that's terrible people. It's like well, maybe they don't want to be pirates Maybe they want to make a natural progression. They're like, uh, we just want to feed our families And then we decided that you guys took all our fish and if we took one of you we can get more money and get our families back What are we gonna do? Makes. Yeah, it makes me want to go watch that Tom Hanks movie again. And I'm like, oh, they're doing that.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Yeah, I mean, it's an interesting predicament to be in whenever that's turns out Tom Hanks is the bad guy in that movie all along. You just don't notice. I mean, I think that there's probably a lot of history that's been written in that kind of lens. Well, don't they say that the winners write the history? It's a good point. It kind of makes sense.
Starting point is 00:46:57 That's a good point. If you want a good story, you've got to win. You've got to win that world. Well, losers aren't writing the books, unfortunately. No. No, they got wiped out. They got wiped out. They got wiped out. Well, so there we go.
Starting point is 00:47:13 All right, let's that's pretty much it for her. I thought she was cool. I like her. I hope she comes back on. She's making an app, right? A breathing app or a meditation app? I think she'll be successful with that. It'd be good to check out.
Starting point is 00:47:24 I feel like we got a lot of breathing meditation apps, but maybe one more. Yeah, one more. Let's add one more. Get it in there. All right, Julie and a penance. What a centriot. I remember watching those fights was one of those moments where I Mean the first one I can't it was another pre-card that was supposed to like a lock lock down and that one got Miss like I can't remember it was like a total Bed on the underdog you would have made a million and then the second one right after that was them too that was them too. I was thinking Julian, I'm fine. I was like the fun. Yeah, I don't know exactly what the odds on pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Noona is what she's definitely the favorite. But yeah, I couldn't believe what I was seeing when Julian was just, just lighting her up with strikes stood right in front of a right in the pocket just back I can't believe it. It was so fun. That was one of them. It was so fun back and forth and any MMA fight I've ever seen Dude oftentimes the female fights in the USC on my favorite ones to watch they just continuously go like that and It it really is going that way there's so many great fighters and there I don't know it's like a different energy when they come in because they're like they're often so much more passionate. You take like Thug Rose, I mean the passion that she goes in with and what it means to her to win and then watching her
Starting point is 00:49:04 Passion that she goes in with and what it means to her to win and then watching her Just knocking people out. It just I don't know man. It's it's moon. They were tough and it's so great to see that And she was talking about having a female in the booth too and how vital that could be like I was like That's a great idea. You should have like a Female in the booth with well, he was talking about having her with him in DC, but he's like, who else would we have and then besides you? Because she kind of made her case while she was there that she could probably hang and do that.
Starting point is 00:49:32 But outside of her, there hasn't been anybody that you would be like, make a case for. You know what I mean? But once you kind of like pled her case there, I was like, hmm, I could see you being in the booth. Yeah, no doubt she did. Nice. Great job. I mean, she knows so much about farting. She's super passionate She good speaker. She was good on that. I mean Joe was saying hey start a podcast. I think she definitely should I mean
Starting point is 00:49:55 Even in the world of there's 10 million podcasts I say if you want to do it and All support it because I think it's absolutely great You know even if no one barely ever listens which they would to her because she's a champ and I'll support it because I think it's absolutely great. You know, even if no one barely ever listens, which they would to her because she's a champ, but if you're not the champion of the world in UFC and you want to start one, still do it because it's great practice for a lot of things and you learn a lot from it. But for her to do it,
Starting point is 00:50:25 I think that would be an excellent thing to do. And also these fighters do need to think about what they're gonna do after fighting. And thank God there's been a bunch of fighters like Brendan Scharb and others that have kind of paved the way. Like they've created paths of like, this is what you can do when you get out,
Starting point is 00:50:47 and you can enjoy it and make money, and you know, you don't need to keep doing those awful fights when you're way past your prime, when you just get completely sparked out, and it's just brutal to watch. I mean, I still have not got over that last T2LT's chuckled out fight. It just haunts me to know that that even happened. I was like, God, guys, what are we doing? I mean, I still have not got over that last T2LT's chuckled out by it just haunts me to know that that even happened. I was like, God, guys, what are we doing?
Starting point is 00:51:10 I love you both, but this is just keeping it going at a old age. Yeah, I mean, that's what I mean, she made it a lot. She made a lot of innuendo's to that too. She's like, the window we have here is very short. So she's like, if it doesn't make money, it doesn't make sense. She made reference to that multiple times, which is totally understandable. She made her way on the ultimate fighter, which has got to be a cool little experience. But I mean, I think she'd be great. It like as the coach of the ultimate fighter and kind of the spokesperson for women's MMA at this point. Like, because everybody else has kind of dropped off as far as like Holly Hunter. And I mean, I can't really think of anybody other than, I mean, you only have. and Oh for sure if she gets a couple of good title defenses in if she beats Newn as again and then beats a couple of the other girls and then you know
Starting point is 00:52:07 really cement herself as a champ I mean she's gonna be ginormous and yeah just huge good honor I mean yeah I love that story that Joe was when he was talking about how he like never gets burnt out when it comes to commentating or watching fights Or working for that job like really loving your job I mean what a privilege and an honor and it's nice to hear that too because the last thing you want is thinking Even people that you admire and like listening to are kind of tired of Doing what they do and they it's just like they're running through the motions to get a paycheck I mean, you know, it's almost like they're running through the motions to get a paycheck. I mean,
Starting point is 00:52:45 you know, it's almost like watching Letterman at the end of his career. It's like, yeah, he was still funny, but he didn't want to be there. I think watching people, I mean, good on Joe for sure, because I couldn't agree more with you, but like watching people like come within and enter their life, it's hard to not either be on board or not on board with something like that. It's hard to not either be on board or not on board with something like that You know what I mean? Yeah, that's I mean that's way too with exciting a job for him to be like staring your space half on his phone going Oh, yeah, I'm done. I've done this before you're like that guy almost lost his right arm like I mean But yeah, I could see yeah, but when you hear he was on he was on a national TV show news radio making good money building his career trying to be taken seriously and then he's also flying around the country going to
Starting point is 00:53:32 Poe don't towns doing what what do you say 15 free fights not getting paid just doing it because he loved it he would tell tell Dana get, you know, get me some tickets for my friends. People even gave him criticism about it. They were like, what are you doing? I love that. I love that. You know, because it was back then, it was seen as kind of gross. I love that story.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I mean, I used to watch it back then and people I knew would be like, what do you watch that crap? Like that's not terrible. I'm like, okay, well, I don't like it, sir. Are you a catapult? That's misinformation. Don't watch it. I'm like, okay, well, I don't know, I like it, so. Are you a cannibal? That's misinformation, don't watch it. I'm like, well, I think it's good.
Starting point is 00:54:10 I think it's a good one day to be good. Are you watching Jerry Springer at three o'clock in the afternoon? Oh, that's what I thought. Cool story, cool story back. No, it's a joke, shut up. No, but I will say that I like hearing Joe say that story. But that's it was refreshing to hear that you know what I mean like and to hear his breakdown to about
Starting point is 00:54:31 Where he lived as far as I can't remember what he said from the first few years Then he was like Florida then he was like Boston for these chunks of his life And you kind of see like where people come from in the different past that he took He broke it down very literally in these past few podcasts And I was like oh now I can kind of yeah, he's moved all over like where he was is a child Defined who he was I'm a lot of ways. What did he what did he actually say so he was born in New Jersey? Then he moved to Florida San Francisco
Starting point is 00:55:04 San Francisco first then Florida then Boston then he went out to, San Francisco, San Francisco first, then Florida, then Boston. Then he went out to, I think it's Gainesville, Florida, and then moved up the Boston, and then that's when he did his martial arts and eventually comedy. And I guess he must have moved to LA after that, right? That's where he would have done news radio dude. He tells his whole story to it So interesting hearing all this backlash, but it's like he tells his whole story throughout those past two podcasts or whatever And he's like I was beat up a lot as a kid. I was bullied a lot. So I went and did martial arts And then I became this person that I am and found a focus and then I decided to do this and then I decided to do this
Starting point is 00:55:44 And now I'm in this situation and now I'm I decided to do this and now I'm in this situation and now I'm trying to find the truth and now I'm getting screwed nice. But it's like now I see a guy that came from where he comes from. It's like you could see he's seeking the truth out because that's what he's been doing his whole life. So like why wouldn't he stop now? Yeah, I think people just have a hard time with the fact that the fear factor guy is as popular as this. I feel like it's almost what it comes down to. Dude, that's not gonna print us was the fucking President of the United States. So, let's move along. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:56:16 And good on you. Yeah, what are we doing? Who is at the end? Good on everyone. Oh, good on. Good on you, if you need success. Oh, good. Well done. Well done. Oh, good on. Good on you, for me. Oh, great. Well done.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Well done. Well, yeah, that's the controversy, guys. That is this week, big week, in the world of Spotify, Neo Young, and others. Like I said, there are put some links in the bio to the Russell Brand video. I'll put the guy Richie one on there. I think they're really cool. Check them out. Let me know what you think It's just a little bit extra to get out of the pod and see if you enjoy it and Yeah, that's it. We will
Starting point is 00:56:55 Free Joe Rogan Free speech, people, people, love you guys, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace,

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