Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 269 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Douglas Murray Et al.

Episode Date: April 28, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Verano, verano, reciclar es tan humano Esa lata de aceitunas que te tomas a la una La crema que se termina cuando estás en la piscina El enbase de ese polo que no se reficla Solo hay una lata de caballa que te coves en la playa La voy a usar en las patatas y del refresco la lata Un enbase de paella y del agua La botella, como ves es muy sencillo
Starting point is 00:00:24 Los enbases del verano Siempre van a la amarillo You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you. Perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:51 You're listening to the Joe Rogan experience review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn. My heat every worse podcast with the best one. One, go. Enjoy the show. Hey guys, and welcome to another episode of the J.A. Draw the show. Hey guys, and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. I'm out of town at the moment, so we've got a special guest stepping in.
Starting point is 00:01:20 We got my buddy J. What's happening? What's up? What's up, what's up? Big week, Elon Musk buys Twitter. Yeah, holy shit. Yes. Yeah, what are your thoughts on this? Well, I mean, I think is Elon our last hope to save the universe, to save the world? I mean, people suddenly think so.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I mean, I'm on board. I think, yeah, I mean, if there's anybody they can do it, I mean, the guy is, you know, he's shooting, I was reading an article today in the paper actually, they're like, you know, they talked to some of the investment banker guys and stuff that worked with him on this deal because it kind of came together within the matter of weeks, you know, dude, it was so fast. Yeah. And they were saying that despite him coming across as this, like, you know, John Wayne cowboy that he was actually very easy to work with. He took a lot of advice. He was very subdued.
Starting point is 00:02:26 of advice, he was very subdued and he kind of took the old sandwall and the approach and let the pros be the pros, you know, which it was kind of surprising to me. But really though, I mean, look, just because he says some wacky stuff on Twitter, I mean he's running giant companies like help create PayPal, I mean he's not a lunatic. You can't be and do the things that he's doing. He's like a precision agent of engineering. Well, yeah, I mean, I'm like, what do you think he's just gonna wait in there and be like throw down a bunch of suitcases of $100 bills and be like, what is it gonna take?
Starting point is 00:03:01 Let's what can do this? That doesn't work, bro. That's how I've done all my business deals. But that's amazing to me, though, that people still put him in this light of that's how he, like I think just, there are people out there that just want to create a narrative that he is like this unstable lunatic.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I feel like everything he does is carefully calculated in a lot of ways, even down to the point of smoking weed on Rogan Show. Like, I'm sure he sat with some friends that he trusts and had like a little board meeting about like, okay, this will probably come up. What do you think would happen if I did this? Who knows? Maybe it's all off the cuff, but. Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't put a past them. For sure, I mean, he didn't get where he is.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And you know what, the other thing kind of off topic, I, to do a little research for being on this with you and obviously I do a lot of reading of the paper, but I kind of lost track of the the billionaires list and boy did that shit go crazy fast. I mean dude for the longest time it was you know the richest guy in the world funny you know I love my anecdotal side stories you know that but the richest guy in the world for some time, I remember, because my buddy actually spent some time with him and his family on a boat in Akapolko was Carlos Slim, the Mexican tech guy, you know, and he was worth like 60 billion, right?
Starting point is 00:04:38 And then it was like Bill Gates and you know, a few of the other guys and then all of a sudden now all the richest guys are like 250 billion 300 billion and it just happened overnight It seems like I was looking at the list and I'm like oh my god Yeah, they were teetering around like 60 billion forever. Yeah, there's even like a French guy I think owns like Rena or something and he was there but COVID go on's like Rena or something and he was there. But COVID shot Bezos into the hundred billion spot and then out of nowhere Elon just completely destroyed it. A obliterated it. Absolutely. And yeah. And and now that's it. I mean, he's buying this
Starting point is 00:05:19 amount that he's buying Twitter for still leaves him like well at the top. Yeah, well, I mean, the fact that, you know, he had to find a way to put that money together so quickly and, you know, even some of the analysts were talking about, well, like, where's he actually going to get this money because they wanted it to be a mostly cash deal. And what I read in the paper was that he got most of it, like, financed into cash, which is not an easy thing to do, even for somebody who has that kind of money, especially when you're talking about a $40, $50 billion deal, whatever it was, $44 billion, I think. Yeah. Imagine if he just threw his debit card down on the table and he's like,
Starting point is 00:05:57 here's the pin. Yeah, it is, it is that black American express. So, yeah, come on down. There's no limit on that, right? Yeah. Another great story this week is so Spotify released their quarterly earnings from, I guess, what's that January, like, the end of March or whatever. And they, you know, everybody's been watching this because of all the controversy or Christmas with Rogan and like the canceled Spotify thing and people leaving and neo-young being a dog and You know, so they're like oh they're gonna there's gonna be a big loss But they've made a two million subscriber gain Which is exactly the number Excuse me additional that Rogan has been seeing on his podcast so it seems
Starting point is 00:06:47 unless I don't understand some mafia which maybe there's more to it. It seems like Rogan single-handedly created the quarterly boost with purely his subscribers like almost forget all the music. Well, that's, I mean, I contributed. I did my part, bro. Yeah, I was a little late to the game, but you know, here I am. That's it. 10 bucks a month. Yeah, I mean, I wasn't sure what I needed to be like. What were the prerequisites of this?
Starting point is 00:07:20 You know, I do I have to, I mean, I'm recording with you now. I think I'm supposed to have some, you know, stash of a squeef here to to to token. And yeah, I kind of I didn't get my DMT in this week. So I don't know if I'm fully fully ready to go to talk about Rogan's podcast. Well, we'll get you some alpha brain. That that's a positive new tropic. That's a drug you might actually do since you don't do any
Starting point is 00:07:46 or drink and which kind of goes against the philosophy of this podcast so you may get fired. I did the quick fire already what are we what are we six minutes in? But think about that two million jump right on average over just a few months. If you took just that minute, and you know, I'm in the podcast world, like I know enough about what it takes to make, or like what numbers like resonate with in the podcasting world, that two million alone would make literally probably the second biggest podcast show on the planet if it was separate to Rogan, but it was added to his It's just crazy the numbers that he's getting
Starting point is 00:08:32 it's like That is a massive jump. I mean, I'm going on about it, but it actually is so ginormous Like what he's putting together and since we do this show It only makes sense that I talk about it. Of course. Of course. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Let's let's jump on to the first guess. So we've got well, I had I had a new story for you that I thought you'd appreciate I just pulled it aside since I knew you were going to do a little news. Oh, do it. So I this was in the paper yesterday. I'll read it to you.
Starting point is 00:09:05 A woman who accidentally dropped her cell phone into the hole of an outhouse in a national forest and fell in while trying to retrieve it has been rescued by firefighters in Washington. Manly said she disassembled the toilet seat and used her dog leash to try to get the phone and eventually used the leashes to tie herself off as she reached for it. That effort failed and she fell into the toilet head first. That was a best news story I saw, League, bro. I just picture this girl fishing for her cell phone in the outhouse, you know, with her dog leech tying
Starting point is 00:09:39 all like she's Indiana Jones trying to get it. Sorry, I just... Some lady just fell into some shit headfirst into into into an outhouse full of shit trying to what did happen? Her cell phone in a national forest park in Washington. I can't imagine that they get out there and clean those very often. So there's got to be at least four or five months worth of shit in that thing. the shit in that thing. Oh, that is, maybe that's a thing that you do from now on is find very important, hard-hitting news, yes, right? That would be a thing, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 00:10:13 Can we have a little two-minute J news update for very important stories? Yes. Well, since you're the only person in the world that reads newspapers, who might as well. Yes, and you know that well. That is my morning routine. Read the newspaper like on my grandfather. I'm probably the Cleveland plane dealers. Last subscriber under the age of what maybe 70 at this point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And those old people are just using it to like clean up spills in their house. Anyway, let's be honest. All right. So we got we got Jake's shields, Douglas Murray, and Dan. What was Dan's last name? I didn't write it down. So do I.
Starting point is 00:10:54 So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I.
Starting point is 00:11:02 So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do I. So do pero como es posible que sean las tres de la tarde? ¿Qué lleves que haces una hora de atascot? ¿Y quede todo el camino por delante? ¿Y tú estas ahí dan tranquila a tus cosas? Como si te deseo de igual. ¿Cómo es posible? Vamos, que tú vas trabajando, ¿no? ¿A dónde vas tú tan contenta? ¿A dónde? Llega el mejor momento del año. Llegan tus vacaciones. Este uno de Julio sortió extraordinario de vacaciones
Starting point is 00:11:40 de Lotería Nacional con 20 millones aún decimos. ¿Loterías te recuerda que juegas con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de edad? Bueno, así, Jake Shields, lo te harías de recuerda que juegas con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de edad. I train at the embossment. Yeah, legend. I mean, this guy's been in the fight game forever. I mean, I can't even remember, I don't even think I was watching fights before he got in there. So even though he's a young guy, I mean, he's just been around for all time. I mean, for everybody who's the most brutal guy of all time, you know, his
Starting point is 00:12:26 stand-up game has always been a little bit of a struggle compared to like top flight fighters. I mean, don't get me wrong if he was in front of me and knocked me out in a second, but, you know, when you get to see the difference when he's like facing solid boxes or kickboxes or whatever, but his jujitsu is always been absolutely murderous. I mean, just terrifying. And he seems like such a nice guy too. He was like very humble, chilled, polite, and he just, even with like that long career and everybody knows who he is in the MMA world,
Starting point is 00:13:05 he really did seem like a very down to earth dude, which is really awesome. Didn't he say that he was sober, clean, vegan or something? Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool. Well, I'll say this, I'll reference this first. A lot of this stuff, especially when it comes to, I know Rogan obviously he's gonna bring on a lot of UFC guys and fighters and such and certainly I get a little lost in some of the references there because I mean you turned me on to watching UFC. I was one of those guys was like, oh it's too brutal. I can't do it. I can't watch it. You know, I love boxing. I've always loved boxing. One of my dad's best friend covered boxing for the plane dealer growing up
Starting point is 00:13:47 I've watched all the big fights over the years, you know, obviously your boy this week. I was watching that So you know, I don't have as much reference obviously as you do But yeah, there's always a lot of good storylines with these guys Separate to that that I can connect with and I mean mean I've watched a good amount of UFC now over the last so many years since you turned me on to it to obviously you know Conor McGregor and some of the other guys that I that I enjoyed the showmanship of it certainly that relates to boxing but yeah they were talking about um he mentioned Chuck Ladell which I actually I've one of my good friends is a good buddy of his so I that obviously a reference I knew. But yeah, Jake was talking about the fact that he grew up vegan.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Same as me, as you know, I've been vegan almost 40 years now. And it has to really? Yeah, it's, you know, I became vegan. When I, or vegetarian, I should say when I was four. So yeah, that's almost 40 years now. And, you know, I played a good number of sports. I played sports in college. I was probably one of the original vegan athletes
Starting point is 00:14:52 before that was even a cool thing. And it's funny to me because I see like... Wait, wait. Are you saying that it's cool now? What? Look, there's a lot of people. It's funny to me because when I was growing up, there was no where to go to eat anything vegan vegetarian. You went to a restaurant and you said, oh, I'm
Starting point is 00:15:12 vegetarian. They look like you were from outer space. We have an iceberg lettuce salad with two tomatoes and two croutons and here's some ranch dressing. Oh, you can't eat that. Okay, well, here's some oil and vinegar. Well, obviously the world has changed. You know, my parents grew up exposing me to, you know, meditation yoga, vegetarian eating, but yet I was more of a traditional kind of kid, sports kid, whatever. So I was certainly the black sheep in those circles and that stuff was not cool. And now you go around town and all the trendy hipster places are loaded with, you know, veggie restaurants and yoga studios and whatever. So, and he kind of referenced that.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I thought it was cool that he and I had a very similar upbringing. And his thing was more about, and Rogan talked about it, hating factory farming and kind of the idea of it. I've always said to me, it's more about the unconscious consumption of animals that is more of a bother to me. Like, if I was ever gonna eat meat or whatever, I would go out and hunt that shit and kill it myself, maybe with my bare hands.
Starting point is 00:16:15 At least you have some connection to what you're killing and eating and consuming, whereas like the unconscious connection to food, where where we just smashing it, and not even relating it to being an animal that at one time was alive, is really the bigger bothersome for me. And that's the stuff that he referenced, which I thought was pretty cool. So that connected me to the podcast right away. Yeah, well number one, I like the enthusiasm of how you would be as a hunter, but you are killing zero animals with your bad hands Jay, okay? This is what about a mouse or a rat that baby I could catch him anymore
Starting point is 00:16:56 No, yeah, you corner one of those things. They run up your leg. He'd freak out This is the kind of thing. Yeah, this is what I hear when people talk about fighting and they have never done it. And they're just like, bro, I'll tell you what, if I hat to though, if I, in Rogan talks about this all the time, it's just like, all right, steady on. Okay, you're not, no, you're gonna get nothing. I could give you all the way,
Starting point is 00:17:22 I could give you grenades and you'd come back with no food. You understand me? Tail between my leg. You probably blow yourself up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Where's Jack? Come back with one leg. Well, we could eat my other leg. Fuck it. You know, yeah. It's all I got, bro. Just hobbling bleeding and you're like I'm going back to vegetables. Really like this farming thing. Oh, no. Now, answer me this because this is something that Rogan brings up a lot. And he's had people on that are vegetarian vegan
Starting point is 00:17:58 all the rest of it. Now I grew up vegetarian. I was for the first 13 years in my life till I moved to the US and tasted the delicious Delicious world of steak and I never look back. Okay. Yep, and as you know, I'm stronger Go ahead. Yeah, I've just been stronger than ever since so I've never looked back But he talks often about the fact that you know, there's like deficiencies with nutrition and there needs to be specific supplementation. I know Jake talked about there being no supplementation in his diet and he's a top tier athlete.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Well, do you take anything? How does that work for you? I mean, you've always been crushing it. What are you now? You're 45. 44, yeah. 44. Yeah, and you run circles around most 30-year-olds. I know for sure like and that is not an exaggeration. So
Starting point is 00:18:50 What's going on there? Why these why are some people doing this type of diet and it just does not work for them at all? They feel terrible. Well, I think there's a number of things that planned it and it was funny that Rogan went into right away like the old typical Lamo questions that I used to get and still get all the time, like, oh, where do you get your protein? Like, what do you eat every day? Like, oh, I mean, pretty much the same stuff you do, dude, like, but just with some slight variances or changes. But, you know, it's interesting to think,
Starting point is 00:19:22 like even the way that they break down the nutritional information on a product, like say, say oh there's this amount of grams of protein well that's really just meaning that there's a certain number of the amino acids that form that the essential amino acid circle all available in that food. Well your body's able to put a lot of those amino acids together separately from many different foods and then it's like a basket. It holds them and it puts them together. So, you know, you don't have to necessarily.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Now, I will say this. I do, I have stuck with my vegetarian vegan diet as I got older. More for ethical reasons than health ones. I think there are a lot of benefits to, and my mom, hopefully, isn't listening to this. A lot of benefits to eating meat from a health standpoint, especially like lean, unprocessed, clean meats to that sort. The bigger change for my life was eliminating dairy,
Starting point is 00:20:23 sugar, and gluten going on almost 20 years now. That's probably more the reason why I can run circles at 40 something than it is the meat portion. But yeah, I mean certainly you have to be a little bit more meticulous, probably with what you don't eat than what you do, because it's very easy to eat a lot of shit when you're a vegetarian. Honestly, I know a lot of people that convert to being vegetarian and they end up eating a lot of, you know, crappy carbs and, you know, just get, get, and the other thing too, you have to give your body a, a period of time to adjust because your body actually looks for its nutrients in certain foods as it breaks it down. And when you massively change that quickly,
Starting point is 00:21:03 your body really processes that a lot of that through is just waste and you have to give it some time to catch up and say, okay, where am I kind of looking for my nutrients in these newer foods and assimilating them in your small intestine and stuff. So it takes some time and some getting used to for your body to do that. And be honest with you, what I've seen,
Starting point is 00:21:26 a lot of people just aren't ready for it, or their bodies just, it never really acclimates well to them. I think that, you know, whether it's some of those old books like Eat Right for Your Blood Type, or whatnot, there's just, some people are different. We're all different. I think even Rogan talked about that a few times in a couple of these podcasts like,
Starting point is 00:21:46 hey, whether it's training, whether it's eating, whatever, you know, we're all different. And some stuff that works for one person won't work for another. So I get it. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's probably partially what it is. You know, and his part of what I would say. It's like the people that do really well eating vegan, and they're still solid athletes. I wonder also if they just got like every now and again, a really good organic piece of steak in them. That, you know, that was just, like the amount of nutrition in there,
Starting point is 00:22:24 in a, maybe a small dose, right? I wonder if that could add something to their performances. Like, I would hate to think that anyone's running out of deficit, right? And I'm not trying to promote it in that sense, but I don't know. If I did hunt, say an elk, and it was, you know, like a hunted elk. So it was organic as you want. Would you have a bite of that?
Starting point is 00:22:51 I know you have any meat forever, but isn't that the best way to do it? Well, if I were going to do it, I think that would be the way, you know, something along those lines. And I'll say this, I'm not, it's funny to me me too because you get all these new age, you know, pretentious uppity, you know, fucking vegans, yogis, whatever, who are holier than now. To me, it's just my life. That's how I grew up. This is what I do.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I don't, doesn't make me any worse, any better than anybody else. It's just the way that I eat and live my life. So, you know, there's so many people, oh, I do this or I don't do that. And that makes me great. Well, you know, to me, it's just what you do, what I do, what I've always done. I'm not one of those people that's like, oh, there's a little bit of this or that. Like I got into working with a friend of mine
Starting point is 00:23:37 who's a naturopath and did a lot of supplementation through standard process, which is a great supplement company that a lot of chiropractors use. Is that a shout out? What do they call it? Okay, what a promo. Yeah, no, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Placement, product placement. Yeah. But a lot of their stuff is bow vine derived from cows and such. And so I've taken some of those supplements over the years. So I guess you could say officially at that point in time, I wasn't truly a vegetarian or whatever. But yeah, and even a couple of my friends have always said, man, there's just something that happens,
Starting point is 00:24:11 even my friends that eat really clean, or I was doing raw food stuff when I lived in LA for a while. Man, you get a piece of chicken breasts, clean in you, and they would just say, oh man, you just feel the power of that going to you right away. And you can just feel it, go right into the muscles. Maybe that's a thing. I don't know. I've never experienced it So I'm not a hundred percent sure you could probably speak to that better, but Well, we're gonna get you some steak all right, and also yeah, you definitely sound like one of those pretentious fucking digging guys right now
Starting point is 00:24:41 God bless you love it last thing I want to hit on that they were banging on about and this hits home for both of us is the state of LA after COVID and also he was talking about San Fran. Have you spent much time in San Fran? Love it. One of my favorite cities, absolutely. Yeah. We filmed that short film that I was in.
Starting point is 00:25:04 God that's 15 some years ago up there, and that was one of my absolute favorite times of my life. That place is amazing. Was that that gay porn on your made, or? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was a short one, though, at least. Yeah, yeah. Excellent, excellent. Well, it just, it pains me when these people talk,
Starting point is 00:25:23 because there are so many people, though, both of us know, and we it pains me when these people talk because there are so many people that both of us know and we've experienced that that really made that city great. Now, it's easy for a lot of the rest of the country to hop on California for sure. And I get it. Okay, I totally understand, especially now that I've moved to Boseman and they call it Bosangeless and they get annoyed about people from LA moving up there and kind of changing the place It's like yeah, I understand 100% what you're talking about But there are places there, you know, and we're not talking the Valley or any of the dumps But like by the beach Santa Monica Venice San Fran They're really
Starting point is 00:25:59 Just beautiful wonderful places with plenty of great people. There's always those wackos, but you know when you live They you just stay away from you know, you know who you're hanging out with and who not. It's just good energy And to see it collapse like this and I've talked about this a bunch It just it just kills me to know that that's how it still is. I mean Jami was talking about it getting cleaned up and others. I mean, Jamie was talking about it getting cleaned up. And, you know, Venice being clearer, some of my friends kind of say it, some others don't, depending on where they are in Venice and what have they're perceiving things. But it still sounds like it, like just a mess. It sounds like some way you need
Starting point is 00:26:39 to stay away from for like, I don't even know the next five years. I don't know how long it's going to take for that place to get back to normal. Well, when were you there last? I forget. Didn't you go there and just go on a raging bender or something? When was that? Probably. I think that was 2020, maybe September. I did like two weeks of, that was like my big, haraga by that area. And I think it was almost, I think like three homeless people kind of came at me pretty aggressively in ways I'd not had before. And I work security there at one of the bars
Starting point is 00:27:18 and I'd never experienced it. I mean, there was just this heightened level of tension all throughout the place, which was super upsetting. I was there a few months back, staying with my buddy who lives right around Universal up on the hill there, right by Vivit Entertainment behind the street there so that I could stop it and say hi to the girls, you know, um, and they they It was it wasn't bad. It was It wasn't what I thought it was gonna be it wasn't you know this escape from LA post apocalyptic
Starting point is 00:27:58 Kurt Russell scenario and they had just lifted a lot of the mass mandates and stuff and you know, I mean There were some wackos doing their thing in both directions, bro So it's like and that I will think will ever change in that city That's part of the charm and the beauty of it. I guess but no, I had a great time and I thought things were at least partially back to normal And you know, it the the freeways were like you know, I was there what eight eight years, seven years, you were there, what, three or four, five? It was always like they used to say after an earthquake, you know, there's so many people, I forget what the numbers are, but I'll just make them up, which is always fun. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story, right? Nucky Thompson said, I thought there's like 11 million people in LA, LA County maybe. I don't know what it is. Something like that, yeah. But they say there's probably another 6 million illegal
Starting point is 00:28:49 or transient people living in LA. And as soon as there's an earthquake, man, all those fucking people leave. And everything clears out for a while. And it's like this blissful paradise of LA with not seemingly half the amount of people. And that's how it was. The traffic was way better.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yeah, so we'll see. I will see if people are gonna come back, if people left for good. Who knows, dude? It's gonna be interesting to see, but LA's LA, we were out in Malibu for a bit. I mean, nothing really changes there ever. When the housing crash happened in
Starting point is 00:29:25 09, I think the houses went down for about two months and then all the international's bought it up again and everything came back. So, dude, LA's LA, it's never going away. Whether it'll, it'll come back and people come back. I mean, that's the same thing they're talking about in New York now. I was just watching the other night. It's already starting to come back. So. Yeah, well, I'm not going back there for a while. They need to sort that shit out. All right, let's jump over to Douglas Murray. This guy was fascinating. I didn't, I'd heard of him, you know, a few times.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I feel like, I don't know. I just got a really good sense of like what way he was coming from and so much of his take on just the chaos right now. Yeah. Yeah. This guy was great, dude. I mean, I have, I did my homework for you and my notes are like six pages, so I don't think we're gonna get to them all, but Yeah, they had a Rogan dropped something at the beginning about the whole like COVID mass thing being a dog and pony show Which of course we've seen now for
Starting point is 00:30:37 Practically the most of this, you know put your mask on then they don't realize the camera turned off and they took or camera still running They took it off, you know, and oh hurry up put it back on and then they don't realize the camera turned off and they took or cameras still running they took it off. You know, I don't hurry up put it back on and then they went after something about they were talking about something about I know this guy I don't know him well I did do a little looking up into what he's all about and he's I guess he's pretty close with who is a Jordan Peterson. And he's got you know I mean there's some very interesting stuff he was talking about. I know at the beginning they were talking about how CNN streaming service was charging
Starting point is 00:31:11 money or something. Oh, so they made CNN plus, right? Yeah. And this was a CNN's big push to become relevant again. Thanks to complete morons like bought Brian Stelzer Thinkses like 55 years old because he's just he's definitely that kid from school That you just like will like Sometimes you look at some people and you're like no, it's okay to bully that guy. That's fine
Starting point is 00:31:41 Dude this like that is so annoying to bully that guy. That's fine. Dude, this is like that is so annoying. Everything that he says and how he comes across. So anyway, CNN plus spent 300 million. And this is a big part of it too. It's almost like CNN has been around so long they've got so much capital. They almost work like a government institution
Starting point is 00:32:02 where they can just throw almost infinite money. I would count 300 million as infinite money on a corporate scale. It's one company with a third of a billion dollars to throw at a program that 10,000 subscribers sign up for. It takes us, it takes us it takes us Talking now like this two months to get that many more people Two months guess how much we spend on it
Starting point is 00:32:35 Well, are you probably will get a few kombuches in that time? Yeah, I'll get you know, maybe a couple of six packs to do the pod with. That's about the investment that we have to put in and we maintain that viewership. They spent just again because it astounds me. 300 million for 10,000 subscribers. And then they just went, oh, we just gonna close it. And that money is gone. Dude, three, three, like Rogan said, yeah, they wanted to charge some for something that nobody wanted to watch to begin with. Great, what a brilliant idea.
Starting point is 00:33:20 And you know, they covered some great stuff on there. Some of the, just stuff that is so obvious that hits you over the head, there's how about, you know, I covered some great stuff on there. Some of the, just stuff that is so obvious, it hits you over the head, there's talking about the, you know, it's the creepy weirdos that are on that sometimes. I shouldn't say sometimes, but that, that you mentioned Brian Stelter, Stelzer, whatever his name is, Celzer, El Orkustra.
Starting point is 00:33:37 This dude, he reminds me of a guy, because I had to look him up, because I certainly don't, I don't watch much TV or news at all in general. I watched some sports and some movies and stuff but like I wanted things they referenced and this is why I do it. They said you know what? Through all this, if you turn off your social media and you turn off your CNN or your Fox news or whatever and you just go out and live in the world with people, right? And just be with your neighbors and the people you see at the grocery store and whatever,
Starting point is 00:34:07 and you realize that the world is not that bad. That most people are good, inherently good, solid, kind, loving, generous people. Now, we're all not that way sometimes, but the majority of the time in the world, that's what you have. And they reference that in there, but the point is, that's why I stay off a lot of that stuff most of the time. But this Brian guy had to look him up. And they're like, yeah, he's like 32 years old and he looks like he's 60 and he does.
Starting point is 00:34:33 But he also reminds me of, you know, you get the, because people say this to me like, oh dude, you look so good for 44. I mean, oh, when you, you know, when I was 40, he's like, oh, you look like you're 28. And then you get other people that say this, they're like, hey, you, you, you, you haven't changed in 25 years, you look the same. Yeah, you know why?
Starting point is 00:34:51 Because you fucking look like you were 65 when you were 30, bro. That's why you already looked 60 then. That's this dude, that what a, wow. That guy definitely looked 60. Do you ever look at some people and you're like, I can't even ever imagine you with hair. Like that's him.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Like he was born, you know, and babies don't have hair. And like, so he looked old. And then maybe he never had it. And then that's just who he is. Yeah, and it seems easy to just pick on someone because he says so much dumb shit that now we pick on the fact that he's like a fat guy out of shape obviously doesn't take care of himself and Mostly looks terrible, but but at the same time it's like you put it all together
Starting point is 00:35:36 It's like you say the dumbest shit He was hopping on a Elon Musk's buying a Twitter the other day and he was just like, wow, now, you know, now one person owns it and he gets control all the dialogue on everything. And I'm like, well, hold on. Yeah. The reason he bought it is because they were censoring everything before. Yeah. And shutting people down and not explaining it.
Starting point is 00:36:02 And there were like billions of bots on there that were like possibly controlling elections. It's like, what are you talking about CNN? You should be excited. Wasn't that clip amazing? The hypocrisy of that guy spewing on about how, well, now Elon could control the elections by banning people that he doesn't want to wait. Oh, isn't that what was happening before?
Starting point is 00:36:28 What are you talking about? It's just not in your favor, I guess. I don't know. And then they were talking about how the world is covered in two minute sound bites by five talking heads. And it's like, this is a really important topic. It's the most important topic of the week. We're gonna cover it in 60 seconds with five people and okay now we got to go to commercial. Wow it's really important. So very
Starting point is 00:36:53 important that you gave it that much that much press. You know. Yeah and then it goes it goes to commercial and it's like brought to you by Pfizer. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Who is even watching these news channels now?
Starting point is 00:37:12 I don't know. Is it just like who's left of the baby boomers? I mean, I'll say, my mom watches it. And of course, we have our little dust dust about that and other things. But I mean, they obviously have an audience, and I know some of the people, and I know some of the people that watch the other side, you know, and just consume it all day every day and just regurgitate it and don't have any, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:36 of their own thoughts or ideas. It's just like listening to a tape recorder. Yeah, it's definitely not that popular. They talked about this on Rogan's podcast with this guy. You know, don't talk about things that you don't really know about. You know that's me. You know, I feel like I have a pretty good basic knowledge of a lot of different subjects and things
Starting point is 00:37:58 from whether that's from reading or traveling or whatever, but dude, like, if I don't know something, I'm gonna tell you, but I have no idea what anything about that. And for me, please, I'd love to know, you know? And the other thing that they talked about on there is, and certainly I'm gonna have to, I'm preemptively saying this now because I'm sure I'm gonna fucking piss off a bunch of people for however many times you have me on.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Rogan said, if you're going to talk about something, you just, and really talk about it, you have to risk being offensive. And this ties into Elon's thing. You know, like if you, you can't have a society where you have,
Starting point is 00:38:35 thoughts just flow. They're flowing between us right now, right? Like, we're not reading this off a script. And you have to risk being somewhat offensive at times to have real conversations. You just do. And, and you have to risk being somewhat offensive at times to have real conversations. You just do. And you can back off and say, hey, man, I made a mistake.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I thought about it. I was wrong or I should, you know, whatever. And there's nothing wrong with that. That's the only way you can have real dialogue anymore. Yes, spoiler alert. We're going to be wrong a ton. Yeah. I'm sure I've already been wrong
Starting point is 00:39:05 17 times on this podcast, so I'm sure that you just check your inbox. But that's the thing, there's like no space for it now and they even moved into talking about like, wokeism everywhere, right? It's in the military now, Disney, every corporation, like you name it, right? It started at universities and people won't worry about it
Starting point is 00:39:26 And this is how Jordan Peterson got popular is he spoke out about this and said look if we start with this right Starts with like pronoun stuff and then moves into like woke Energy it's going to get pervasive in all of society. And the end point of this is very dangerous. And he references a lot of things, right? They nobody took him seriously then. But but people that are fans of him did, the media tried to crush him. You know, there was that BBC interview with that lady was given him a hard time about his like gender point of view and then just People he's been so misrepresented Yeah, but it's now absolutely pervasive
Starting point is 00:40:14 We see it everywhere like where is there not woke is him honestly? Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, and I think that was the point when they were talking about like that whiplash summer where it's like everyone locked down If you care about others you're gonna stay inside and then all of a sudden it was wait a second If you care about others and you care about black people you need to get out in the streets and riot And not worry about COVID and mass and being around people and it was like this whiplash summer he was talking about where And it was whiplash and thinking of everything, bro. Like, think about this. And you'll know this is true,
Starting point is 00:40:48 because I have family members and friends and whatever. I've very rarely over the last 25 years have changed my bottom line thinking about something. And I've said this many times, just 25 years ago, I was one of the more liberal-minded people that I knew, okay? The way that I grew up and everything else. Now, I'm probably one of the more liberal-minded people that I knew, okay? The way that I grew up and everything else. Now I'm probably one of the more conservative-minded people that I know, but nothing has changed about what I think. The baseline has changed. That's what's changed in the world over
Starting point is 00:41:15 the last 25th. I mean, progressiveism is a perpetuation. It has to continue. Liberalism, to be more liberal than what happened before. You have to be be more it's more and has to keep going That's just basic definition of it right so that's all changed and the other thing that they talked about is Social media has ruined so much of this because Every single person now with their Accounts and they're this and they're look at me and they're well. I'm gonna change the world Everybody thinks that whatever topic is important to them is like, I'm gonna be the next Martin Luther King.
Starting point is 00:41:49 I'm gonna change the world next, and we're all, we all need to be, sometimes like if you look at the history of time, there's a lot of just dead space, where there's not a lot of stuff that happens. There isn't some big movement that comes along and needs to be, you know, just shake the trees and change the world.
Starting point is 00:42:06 And now, because everybody's constantly connected every single day, it's like, oh, what am I doing today to make the world better, to change the world? Well, dude, I mean, there has to be an ebb and a flow, there has to be a swing, you know, there has to be some downtime in humanity where we just exist. There doesn't have to be, but everyone's looking to be the next, you know, superstar, woke superstar of whatever the thing is. Well, I think I think two things that happening there. One, history wasn't recorded as well as it used to be, so it seemed like shit wasn't happening, but stuff was probably happening. And also another thing is,
Starting point is 00:42:48 I mean, it reminds me of a normal McDonald joke where he's talking about his grandfather, how he would literally only have two pictures of him taking ever, because you have to stand still for like 10 minutes. And, you know, he had to get back to the farm and feed the hogs. So he tells a story about how in the future,
Starting point is 00:43:15 you could be like, hey, you wanna see 100,000 pictures of my grandfather from every single day of his life, which is exactly how it kind of is with a lot of people now. I mean the amount of pictures that I know that some people take, it's like I'll go on some people's Instagrams, especially some of the people that I knew in LA just to like catch up, see where they're at. I think my last picture that I post, it was from like two and a half years ago. And it was a picture of me 15 years before that,
Starting point is 00:43:51 that somebody sent me that just looked good. And I was like, oh, it's a great old picture. That was a fun time. I have people that post multiple pictures a day on there. Every day. Like we've never captured ourselves like this ever and it's ridiculous almost. Like maybe it's good, maybe it's bad. I mean it is kind of like the newistically push us through new change or like create the energy for like constant change because things can't just remain the same for a while?
Starting point is 00:44:38 I don't know. Dude, yeah. For absolutely. Absolutely. I don't know it's Man, it's yes, I don't know It's a why this is I mean I hate to sound old but this has been the wildest time of my life as far as what the world looks like isn't it I just it's like that's whole something else. There's definitely something else going on right now
Starting point is 00:45:04 Well, it's whatever it is. I mean, I'm not worried about it. To me, I don't think that just because things change and it's different than it was and maybe it's weirder that it's bad. Like, probably every generation does this and this is why people shouldn't live forever because you get stuck in your ways. And then, you know, we're just like, crudgety old bastards sat on a, you know, a porch at like 140 years old because of new science technology, not dying. Going, oh, well, back in the day, things were so much better.
Starting point is 00:45:39 And it's like, come on, were they? People that lived to 140 then. Can you imagine what some of these tattoos are gonna look like, bro? Speaking of like, you know, having too many pictures of yourself or whatever, man! Woo! Some of these tattoos on 70, 80-year-olds are gonna... Yeah, they're gonna look like some contemporary art, that holy shit.
Starting point is 00:45:58 No, no, they're gonna have... They're gonna have like new collagen replacement therapy. Everyone's gonna have tight skin, my friend. So, full skin replacement, they just like take it off and you know, one layer, everything comes off and they just glue some new shit back on. Boom, done. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Yeah, and then they'll have a new, you know, cause now, the, you know, being hot is like, looking like, you know, a duck that ran into a wall at 80 miles an hour for these girls, you know, being hot is like looking like, you know, a duck that ran into a wall at 80 miles an hour with these girls, you know, and having, having nails that you could do, you know, 17 bumps of coke at once off of, you know, I, you severed, say, she's some of these nails. I go to the grocery store and these girls and she's taken 60 times longer to check out because she's got nails so long that she can pick up anything, she can't touch the screen, like there should be some kind of rule in a place like that that you can't have nails like that.
Starting point is 00:46:59 It's like Edward Sidet, Sizzahann is trying to get into a wall to bed. Yeah, for sure, or Edward Sizzahann Hans trying to check me out at the grocery store. Like let's get it together here. Take those damn things off. Come what the fuck, man? Yeah, but also on the reverse is there's, you know, the Jeff Bezos that went from a complete nerd at 20 to being a total jacked, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:25 party animal, animal, six, he's, dude, he's jacked, jacked. Yeah, huh? There is no way he's not juiced up to the girls. Oh, he's got, he has growth hormone, wind straw, he's got it all, bro, that dude is bald. Like, it's like that old guy that you used to pop up on your Facebook, like, remember that dude,
Starting point is 00:47:44 there was like 75 and just shredded and it's like that old guy that used to pop up on your Facebook like Remember that dude that was like 75 and just shredded and it was like oh call our aging clinic You want to look like this guy and he was just shredded, bro? You remember that guy. He's almost as famous as that big black guy with the cock You know what I mean? It was like that that was that that guy and then and then that old white dude that was just shredded Yeah, and bold. So he had like definitely the face of a grandpa, but the body of like a super jacked like 35 year old. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Put me to shame, bro, when I was 28, I'm looking at this. And what the fuck? Yeah, I mean, and he's the canary in the coal mine, right? I say this about Celeste the Salone, I know Joe has to it's like that's who you keep an eye on if they make it like if all these things are so bad for you Which maybe they are and they say that they are but it can't be as bad as like smoking and chronic drinking. Yeah, um, feeling like shit about yourself If they make it to like 80 something and they're still Jacked it's like, that definitely is the new health food of the future and you should do it.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I mean, I think it's right. Why would you not? Yeah, it probably should be already. I think that's just, you know, it's so much if it gets tied with sports competition that that's what turns the generalized public off to it. But from a health standpoint, in smaller doses, probably, probably fairly good for you.
Starting point is 00:49:09 And if it leads to better mental health, then that's all that matters. If you see yourself or you're able to partake in things in life that give you pleasure and joy, and I don't mean sexually, but I mean also sexually, but sports and activities, and you can have a better Positive mental attitude because your body functions better than that's gonna lead to a better overall healthy life no doubt no doubt All right, so when are you getting on this stuff Jay? I'm already hearing that you're gonna eat elk meat
Starting point is 00:49:38 Yeah, and now you're committing to getting rooted out of your mind out of my mind Yeah, you can airy in the coal mine. After watching that movie last night, the Northman, bro, forget the, you know, New Zealand football team chant and forget some of the, you know, other macho fucking not crazy bullshit you see. You want to, you want to feel like a absolute insane, manly warrior inside talk about toxic masculinity. Go watch this fucking dude. Oh my god bro.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Wooo! Fucking badass. Alright, well, number one, we don't use toxic masculinity on this podcast. I love it. You need to slow down with that. So that movie's out. I want to see that. Where'd you get that?
Starting point is 00:50:24 It's at the theater. I want to see it. Yeah. Can I can I just buy it the house? I don't want to go to a theater You have to wait a month now. I think it's what they give you. It's a little different than when we were growing up But you know you can have it. Yeah, you should be able to get that right away people have theaters of their house now He make popcorn for way cheaper and it's better. Yeah He make popcorn for way cheaper and it's better. Yeah. I don't want to miss this part because I wrote this down. I thought this was very interesting and I had never thought of this.
Starting point is 00:50:50 And you and I cover a lot of things. But our British friend, our other British friend mentioned a couple of things. They were on that topic of like the trans swimmer, the dude and the trans inmate that impregnated the two female inmates. And then there was something they had, they showed some video of like some thrusting women hip thing. I forget, do you remember what that was about? But the point is I made a note that said
Starting point is 00:51:16 one of his lines was talking about how when these, you know, republics start to fade, when these great empires start to take their downturn, they get overly infatuated with gender identity. It runs parallel to so many of the past declines of societies is that at the end of, you know, when they're starting to decline, they get unbelievably kind of obsessed with, we have with gender identity and such. And I thought that was a really interesting point that he made that I'd never thought of in that light. Well, if it's true, we're there.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I mean, let's also go back to the inmate that impregnated some people, one absolute legend. Legend, bro, I saw that. I was like, um, note to self, I ever have to go to jail. Trans, 100% trans. I mean, it sounds like we're purely making fun of that whole thing, right?
Starting point is 00:52:17 But if you are faced with jail time, that could be forever, it would be a really good time to consider transitioning. I would imagine. Brilliant time. Yeah, probably the best time. And the best time to transition back out is, you know, close to when you're, when you got to, when you can get out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Oh, maybe you like it and you just stick with it. Yeah. I mean, no judgment on this end, but I feel like that is really not one of the worst jail sentences I've ever heard when you get over there. I'm surprised it was, what, you only impregnated it too when I feel like. You have to. You must have only been in there for a day and a half. A couple of them. Two? I feel like. Uh-huh. Hey. You must have only been in there for a day and a half.
Starting point is 00:53:07 A couple of weeks. Yeah, yeah. A couple of weeks. Alright, let's jump over to Dan's solver. Bit of comedy at the end here. Let's break up the depression of the news guy. Dan is pretty fucking hilarious comedian. I've not seen him live but I've seen a lot of his stuff on YouTube and he's in the right circles. I mean he's a
Starting point is 00:53:32 very very funny dude. Definitely worth checking out. Always does remind me a little bit of the Gillus guy. You know, not as kind of southern I guess but like same kind of comedy, which is great. Like he pushes the limit and in this world world, it's got to be done. One person they talked about early on, I want to talk about is Fador. Fador as the ultimate MMA fighter. Now, Jay, I know, you know, you're not super up to date with with the MMA stuff, but that's like everybody that I talked to on this podcast. Do you know who Fador is?
Starting point is 00:54:12 Uh, yeah, I've heard the name. I've heard the name. Okay. So just to be clear, it's obviously McGregor. And of course, Steve Bay, because he's from Cleveland and he's creation and I'm Slovenian I'm I went to his fight here. I've watched all his fights. I've watched someone with you That stuff I'm not gonna miss but yeah, so you know 15th rank guy on this certain I'm no idea
Starting point is 00:54:38 Well anyway, yeah, so you know the newer people that I have buzz Fatal is really like the ultimate legend really of MMA So he's like the Tyson from back in the day, but it's not even that back in the day I mean he was fighting I think like maybe up to I don't even know maybe five years ago All through the two thousands like maybe in the 90s, but I'm not sure he's a rushing guy But he just smashed everyone. I mean he was he was like 40 and oh like just crushing at heavyweight They never got him to the UFC But he's just someone that I've been such a huge fan off forever. So I love that they start with that
Starting point is 00:55:23 And yeah, just shout out to that legend. See, I kind of, I missed the in between and a very significant section of the in between. I would watch like, I remember watching Bob Sap. Oh, let yeah, yeah, and fights. Him and some other dude used to always find it was always on at like two in the morning, you know, you get home, after some night of drinking, you throw that on it, be like, you'd
Starting point is 00:55:47 have two options, ESPN, Wani, ESPN2, there'd be, you know, Bob's F smashing some dude and he has, and those fights were unbelievable because it was like watching Rocky shit where people were just getting smashed. You know, there wasn't all this like rolling on the ground stuff that, you know, I have a problem staying in on you know all this whatever it is what have you wrestling whatever but yeah just well that's because you only watch populous sports because you just you're a sheep you're gonna like yeah I'm American sheep just you know baseball and I'm gonna prove you wrong just, you know, baseball and football.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Okay, I'm going to prove you wrong right now. You know how that is because I'm going to tell you what I was watching on ESPN 2 while Bob Saffer smashing some dude. No, on ESPN 2, they had some kind of Chinese nut kicking contest. It was fucking amazing. I always say, did anyone else watch this because I was like the only person. It was like two dudes and they would just kick each other and have to allow each other to be kicked in the balls until one guy would just give up. That was like that was the beginning of early that was their competition right. That
Starting point is 00:56:55 was UFC or whatever. What was it called with Bob's? I wasn't called UFC. He's called something else. Do you remember? Yeah, that could have been pride or strike force. Something, yeah. It was usually like in Japan or Asia, market. Yeah, and it was like that or this nut kicking contest. That's what they were up against at the beginning. So of course they had a leg up or a nut up or whatever you want to call it.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Yeah, it's weird. The other like they have like pillow fighting now with like people that can fight. And then they have this arm wrestling thing where you have to hold the thing and they like slap each other in the face. I mean, they go some wacky shit. They just make fucking. They make fucking sports up.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Now, dude, there's a fucking sport. It's a ping pong table, but you're playing soccer and you kick the ball and you can pass it amongst your teammate. And then it's like the pain. I saw this the other day. I mean, look, I'm all for spike spike ball one of the best new inventions of a game over the last so many years That that's amazing. Have some killer games at the beach if you got some athletic dudes together watch some of that That shit is wild, but like now they're just whatever they can throw against the wall a fucking soccer ping pong or some crazy shit I got a you got to try stuff out, man.
Starting point is 00:58:05 See, you know, I'm glad that they still want to invent new things, give it a shot, but I mean, the fighting ones are just a bit silly. It's like, all right, well, we kind of got it, and then if anything, the UFC came in and allowed you to do anything you wanted, and then they took a few things back just for the longevity of the fighters. And they didn't always get it wrong, right? You know, some of the stuff, but like, kicked, like, you don't want to suck a kick, people in the face, when they're on the ground, that's bad, not shots are bad, pulling hair, bad. I mean, I don't think there was ever eye gouges, that that's probably. But I mean, you're getting as close as you can in the fighting game for sure
Starting point is 00:58:49 Like no doubt. Well, they let's talking about that. Let's talk about the Tyson beat in the shit out of someone on a plane Dude legend, bro. You know, I got a soft spot my heart for Mike, you know always who who doesn't yeah, of course You know, he was he was I have my little my little 30-second Mike story You know, you want to feel like an absolute fucking legend bro. Have a Mike Tyson story Honestly like is there it's like Jordan Tyson for our generation right Jordan Tyson, you know Who would it be maybe in tennis like Agassir something and then in football be Joe Montana or you know, who would it be maybe in tennis like Agassir or something and then football be Joe Montana or you know obviously newer Tom Brady whatever but yeah from the 80s it's like Jordan Tyson that's it right and you have a tie I'm at an airport so my my buddy used to
Starting point is 00:59:41 train him my dancing of all things when he was gonna be on dancing with the stars. So I knew him in passing from that and Certainly he knew my friend fairly well. So we're in an airport in Dallas and There's this huge just congregation of people flowing through the airport. What the fuck's going on outside look over and sure enough There's Mike. He's walking. He's got a couple bodyguards with him. What not? Oh wow You know, that's what he brings. It's just nobody else and he Goes into this little like healthy food shop. I'm like, oh, I'm diving there. I dive in there And I look up and I say, hey Mike. What's up, man? It's Jay from Vegas, you know, I'm Brent's buddy bottle Blah and he's like, you think oh, what's up Jay? What's up, buddy? Oh, see I say hi to bread for me at
Starting point is 01:00:23 500 people looked at me like, who the fuck is this guy? Like, you want to feel like a big shot? You don't have to do shit. Just have Mike Tyson throw you a couple of words in an airport. And everyone will look at you like you're a fucking God, bro. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:00:36 But yeah, I mean, yeah, Mike was on Rogan. I listened to that one, obviously, as I started this. And that remind me of sites or real quick. So this Dan guy who's a fighter, I didn't realize that on Spotify or even on Rogan that you have, I've listened to some of the sound clips over the last couple years and stuff, but I don't, you know, I wasn't a regular watcher. But I didn't realize you could pull up the video. And so this guy's talking and I'm listening to this for like an hour.
Starting point is 01:01:04 And then I realized that I can watch the video. And so this guy's talking and I'm listening to this for like an hour. And then I realize that I can watch the video. And I'm like, I'm like, the voice of that dude did not match what he looked like at all. And it was just kind of a surreal experience. Oh, okay. Wow. It's kind of maybe I won't do that for like an hour. I won't be like that show the blind singer or whatever the hell it is where I didn't get to see who they are. And then, oh, wow. Okay. no judgment here on whatever this guy looks like. But yeah, I think it's better to watch like, uh, so when you go on to Spotify, how are you listening or roguing?
Starting point is 01:01:34 Like you watch the video with it too. And it's a good idea to get a bit of an image of the person as well while you're watching. And some of their mannerisms and other stuff just because I feel like when you're listening to somebody talk, if you don't see them like fidget around or maybe how direct they are when they talk to Joe or whoever they're talking to, you don't get the same sense of like who they are, I think. It's important to get like a lot of that.
Starting point is 01:02:05 I mean, you and I are doing video now, even though we just do audio, but we do video so we can see each other. And it kind of helps with the conversation, like you know when to pace yourself and these sorts of things. I mean, you're obviously talking over me constantly, but that's just gonna happen,
Starting point is 01:02:21 because that's podcasting. And that's how it goes. I don't have fire already. Yeah, yeah, I got it. But it does help, right? It does kind of help you give a sense of it. It just is funny how we were so used to like matching voices to people. Imagine if no one ever saw Mike Tyson and you just hear him speak.
Starting point is 01:02:41 I don't even know what you would think he would be. Like, what is that? A leprechaun? I don't even know what you would think he would be Like what is that a leprechaun? I don't know Right, it would be you got a hold of the wrong stuff. It would be a definitely a stranger shape Then we imagine with him and yeah, that's not it's but yeah Mike obviously What is that? Well, also you did not answer the question. What did you think about punching that guy? Yeah, I mean, what else would you be thinking, I guess? Maybe the kid, and you know, I have a soft spot in my heart
Starting point is 01:03:18 for 80s collectibles, Mike ties his punch out. Maybe the kid has just played a bunch of that game and thought he's like, his homie, you know, like, not a big deal, I'mie, you know, like not a big deal. I'm just, you know, it's Mike. He's not gonna smash me, of course not. I mean, first of all, I think they talked about it. Oh, he can't, right?
Starting point is 01:03:32 I don't know. That kid looked pretty wasted or something in the little video I saw. So. He was definitely drunk for sure. I'm probably thought, wow, I've never met a celebrity before and this guy's a legend and it was just funny that he was on Rogan like the week before as well.
Starting point is 01:03:50 It was only a couple days yeah. Yeah he just goes on Rogan, flies the San Francisco leaves from that and then this guy is just I mean the way the video unfolded I can't imagine there will be any charges because nobody's gonna be able to watch that and be like Oh, yeah, this guy wouldn't have been the most annoying person to be pestering you while you're like sat in first class Just trying to chill out. Yeah, and then out of nowhere You know, he just turns around and just starts whacking him. Supposedly the kid like either threw a water bottle at him or like poured water on Mike Tyson. I mean, seriously?
Starting point is 01:04:32 He obviously didn't watch his fight with Roy Jones where he absolutely demolished him 55 years old or whatever. I mean, do we watch that together? I forget. Were you in town? No, I didn't see it I watched that and I thought dude He could beat a lot of guys right now, you know
Starting point is 01:04:54 Denny half his age or let or I mean he was quick his It was it was fantastic. I mean he looks so good Obviously the kid didn't watch that because you would you would think twice Fantat and he looks so good. Obviously the kid didn't watch that because you would you would think twice about Even even at 80 I mean he'd give you the little dip under and that uppercut in a good night I mean at 80 he'll be knocking dudes out at the frickin at the old age home, bro I mean you see that my jello cup you took over there Boom you've seen those you've seen those videos of like just like an old dude that knows that a box that goes up against the youngster and just knocks him out immediately. I mean that is just a regular old dude that knew some boxing.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Like imagine Tyson, you know, it's almost like, okay, he can't walk all that well anymore, so he's in a wheelchair. Someone annoys him, but he can stand up for like four seconds and he just stands up and just rips him across the room. Yeah. It's just he's the last person you want to fuck with. Even on all this weed, even though he's way more chill, you don't want to mess with that guy. 100%. Dude, I was gonna say, I made a couple of other very interesting note points here from Dan's thing. I thought it was really interesting when they talked about, could you imagine if all of our news was online? Like you make fun of me for reading the newspaper
Starting point is 01:06:18 and shit, but like, they talked about, the New York Times is an institution that has buildings and employees and assets and takes so much time to build that over time. Say what you want about what they cover or their bias or whatever. How important it is to have these long standing institutions in news. I thought that was a really interesting point from Dan's thing. The other one that I thought was really interesting, he he was talking about they were talking about Gary Clark Jr. you know the guitarist oh yeah legend legend bro the dude is unbelievable they were talking about could
Starting point is 01:06:55 you imagine like being around him as he's coming up or being around Mike right parallel to Mike like you just see this and you're like holy shit Can you imagine like to be able to see someone through that or reminding me I used to always love listening to the stern when he was interviewing Jimmy Iveen About Bon Jovi and this is before you know, I could send you all listen to my my demo real email it to you or whatever he talks about how He's working in New Jersey and the drummer from Bon Jovi. He goes and picks him up from the studio after they had done recordings after their first day of that single hit. And he takes the tape and he's like, we just finished
Starting point is 01:07:36 this. And he says, oh really? Yeah, let's throw it in. He talks about this moment when they're in the car. And they throw in slippery when wet one of the all-time greatest 80s albums, you know? And you're listening to that for the first time after it's just recorded and no one else has listened to it. There has to be a moment where you hear something so good like they were talking about with Gary Clark Jr.
Starting point is 01:07:59 or watching Mike Fight maybe when he was 16 where you're just like, holy shit. This is so fucking good. It's otherworldly good and this is gonna be something It has to be how few people get to experience something like that early on, you know Yeah, to be in the moment like the the first people that heard like a nirvana demo tape right and What what is the there isn't there a movie where it's all the back to the future where they're like, just this out. And he plays like, hey, what is the song? That's, you know, that song you've been looking for? Listen to this. And he throws the phone out to him, you know, and he's up there playing his song and they, you know, they make the plan works. But yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 01:08:43 there's just times where you hear something and you just know, it's almost bigger than the artist or whoever it is. It's like it's from the universe. It just meant to come out in that moment. That must have been M&M for sure. That must have been like, he just starts going and everyone's like, wait, wait, what? And they hear it and then they follow it up
Starting point is 01:09:05 and they're like, but wait for this. He's a white guy and then that's it. But just lose it. That's like a Dell bro speaking of your British, the front of the front, my ex was super into her and she used to always play it. And I'm like, wow, this is amazing. It sounds like some cool shit I missed in the 70s.
Starting point is 01:09:23 It sounded like a black girl singing 70s, funk jazz, blah, blah, blah is amazing. It sounds like some cool shit I missed in the 70s. It sounded like a black girl singing, you know, 70s, funk jazz, blah, blah, blah, something. And then I find out like six or eight months later, she's like a fat white girl from England. And I was, I was mind blown. I was like, wait, what? I thought she was like a, a black singer from New Orleans or something. Yeah. She slimmed up now, give her her. She's great. She lost the
Starting point is 01:09:45 bunch away. She's dating Cleveland kid too. She's dating Rich Paul, LeBronz, buddy. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, she has ties to black culture. So there you go. Yeah. All right. Well, that kind of covers it for this week. Thank you, Jay, for stepping in this impromptu last minute pod session. And guys as always appreciate you check out the website go over there for Rogan news and any sorts of updates there. And otherwise I'll see you nerds next week. Later.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Do I sit am I supposed to say anything? Oh fuck off! Okay, bye.

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