Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 296 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Duncan Trussel Et al.

Episode Date: November 11, 2022 For all marketing questions and inquiries: This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Review Guest list: Duncan Trussel, Sober October, and Will... Harris A portion of ALL our SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! Go to Fight for the Forgotten to donate directly to this great cause.  This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 En el Centro Universitario Sanisidoro, ascrito la Universidad Pablo de la Vide de Sevilla, formamos a los profesionales del mañana. Derecho, Hade, comunicación digital, periodismo, publicidad, audiovisual, fisioterapia, CAFIT, convíértete con nosotros en un profesional crezciento 60 y prepárate para el futuro. Hoy, Centro You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you. Perhaps expand a little bit.
Starting point is 00:00:33 We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorne. It might be the worst podcast with the best one. One, go. Enjoy the show. Hey guys and welcome to another episode of the J.R.E. Review. Join us always by my pot and crime totally. Hello people. Can I just point out that I just did 50 push-ups
Starting point is 00:01:12 in because of silver October or the, excuse me, the after silver October, what were they calling that? Post. The post. The post. Recap. But I just want to point out that your host, Adam over here, didn't even attempt one push up. So.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Yeah, sure. A little winded still, little shaky. Doing great though. I mean, good effort. So we got Duncan Trussell, Truffle, and so were October, crew. Yep, we got Ari, but, and Tom, who left a bit early, got blessing.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Yeah, it was like 10 minutes early, 20. Yeah, wasn't bad. And then Will Harris Harris fascinating guy. That was my favorite week. Yeah. Which is tough going up against all the legend we listened to. Yeah, but let's start with Duncan. He was on form for sure.
Starting point is 00:02:18 How much fun were those two having? Number one, Halloween costumes, love that. It was a little dark in there. If you were actually Number one, Halloween costumes. Love that. It was a little dark in there, you know, if you were watching it, kind of hard to see what was going on. Yeah, true. But fun. But deal with it. Maybe they had candles. We should turn the lights down in here, put some candles on. Play some, uh, Al Green. I don't know. I love that. I love what he, what do you got for old dunk, the dunkin?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Well, I mean, you know, concerns about Twitter, homeland security, getting involved FBI, giving them some pressure on free speech. The what? I mean, maybe, maybe the government just can't figure out what this stuff is. That's why they have to talk to Zuckerberg and, you know, get on Facebook and Instagram and maybe they're just too concerned about this shit, wrecking the elections, but also, you know, is this, is this why these billionaires want to get into the space? Could be.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I mean, obviously, I mean, our boy Elon was pretty tight with the last administration, wasn't here, was it with Trump administration? They had him on some sort of team. I don't know. I think I know that he wasn't on the Biden one for EV cars and they went with GM, right, in the Humvee. Yeah. Which don't get me wrong that thing looks dope, but how do you not go with
Starting point is 00:04:11 Biden I mean with Elon when it comes to electric vehicles Too controversial maybe I mean they're scared of him coming out and saying something maybe you shouldn't Because he doesn't care. Yeah, but isn't that disingenuous in the sense of just like, oh, I'm sorry, is our government genuine? Genuine and genuine? Good point. Genorous. You know what you're going to go,
Starting point is 00:04:34 one of those words, whatever the opposite of disingenuous is. Yeah. We're not gonna edit any of that out, but we're get that. But it does beg the question, right? It's like this guy has led the way in Evie vehicles, right? He made his technology open source and When they when the government's like right, we're just gonna talk about
Starting point is 00:04:59 Evie vehicles and get like a summit together and they don't invite him That that doesn't sit well and get like a summit together and they don't invite him. That doesn't sit well. Well, the beautiful thing is is he can run Twitter however he wants it and I think they're nervous. They're scared of the guy. I think Zuckerberg will do anything for a buck. He will, I just, I don't trust him. Which by the way, on the way to,
Starting point is 00:05:28 do you think he's malleable? Like he will just go with the tides. Zuckerberg? Yeah. Absolutely. He's a fucking nerd. I mean, so is Elon, but Elon's always gone his own way
Starting point is 00:05:40 regardless of the status quo. I don't feel like Zuckerberg has ever done that. Zuckerberg has done whatever is good for Zuckerberg. Right or wrong, no? No, I believe it. But couldn't you also say that Elon also did what was right for him? He just happened to be maybe playing chess at a different level. So it's not like Elon went out and did things for himself.
Starting point is 00:06:04 The what bad for him. It's... No, but I don't think Elon cares what other people think, whereas Zuckerberg is very... I mean, the whole Facebook platform was started on how people think of me. Yeah. You know, he's just... Elon's a nerd who doesn't care I feel like Zuckerberg is a nerd who cares about a lot. He might just not admit it right but that's just my opinion
Starting point is 00:06:34 Well, I mean the Homeland Security comment Joe said he got a text from Tim pull that morning to like say this is what Homeland Security is trying to do. And doesn't that guy run Apple? Tim Poole, yeah, he's the, what is it? CEO now, I think. Yeah. But like, that was just like a sideline.
Starting point is 00:07:01 They didn't even make a big deal about it. How many super powerful people are just randomly texting Rogan? Right? So Tim Pull hasn't been on. Rogan's never talked about knowing him, which is reasonable. He doesn't have to tell us everything he's doing. But also, this guy just texts him to be like, oh yeah, Homeland Security is doing this. That's a thing That's sweetie did that
Starting point is 00:07:29 love that but like Do we need to step into a new realm of like the power of what? Like the access the Rogan has that seems unusual dude like the access the Rogan has, that seems unusual, dude. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I think it's awesome that the powers at B
Starting point is 00:07:52 are concerned about what Rogan's saying, which is sweet because he's got a lot of sway when it comes to people's opinions on things. And his opinion is, doesn't favor what our government do in most of the time to think about it. Well, he likes to be, he likes the question stuff and it isn't even if you had a really good government like across the board in every way and not saying we don't, but maybe we don't, but maybe we don't. But regardless of who's in,
Starting point is 00:08:26 it just knowing that people are reaching out to somebody that speaks freely, trust him, and they know that he can say kind of the things that they can't. Right. He has the freedom to do it. It's a really good checks and balance in a sense. Yeah, because he's not gonna get fired
Starting point is 00:08:47 from Spotify per se and whatever he wants, most likely, maybe. How far can he push Spotify though? I think he's... How far do you think he could? I mean, I think he's done well. Yeah, he's done well. Just saying whatever he wants really he hasn't you know There's some things that probably wouldn't get said if it wasn't on Spotify right they would get deleted out And probably the episodes would be an hour and a half long and as opposed to three and a half hours
Starting point is 00:09:18 But that's the beauty of Rogan. Yeah, as you hear at all Well, okay, so let's talk about the press secretary. So less her Just kidding. She doesn't have an easy job worst job in the world. God be the worst. Yeah Yeah, why do you why do you think people do that job? I don't know I mean Is it a good thing to put on your resume? Is it Huckabee? Huckabee just won today as the governor of Arkansas. Sarah Huckabee, she used to be the press secretary. I couldn't stand that lady.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Who was she on the Trump? Trump, yeah. Oh, okay. She was, I mean, in my mind, just, I mean, to me, these people just, they're just, they're performers, right? And they're just lying through their teeth the entire time and just deflecting all these questions. But do you think that she was worse than who is now? How could be? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I think so. Really? Okay. I mean, look, they're pretty much the same person, I guess. What's the same job? Yeah. But all they have the same person. Meaning same person, I guess. Well, it's the same job. Yeah, but all they have the same person. Meaning same person I meant.
Starting point is 00:10:28 They're the same type of person that can just easily lie to pretty much every question that's given to them. I think Huckabee was a worse actress, and maybe this newer gal, I don't know her name, the woman's name, but she seems to be a better actress. Okay. Are you looking at her? Yeah. Oh, no, no, no. I even though she worked for Trump, I liked her better than the person we have. You like talking to be better? Yeah. Okay. I felt like He said kind of fuck you more. And the one now, dude, the one now,
Starting point is 00:11:09 if you watch much of the one now, clearly not enough. Dude, she's like, I don't know. Maybe I just like that Huckabee kind of gave it back. And maybe that was just the directive of what the press secretary should be. But the one now is hard to follow, right? Dude, I look at it this way. We're talking about somebody who really in the scheme of things doesn't mean shit.
Starting point is 00:11:44 All they're doing is deflecting questions that are important and not giving real answers and really it's like this nice facade to the American people. It's basically a fuck you to the American people. Yeah, you're right. Because that's all it is. That job is a fuck you to the American people because we're not getting real answers and it's just a way for our presidents and the higher ups in our government to not have to answer real questions.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Yeah, I need to take a step back. So, and then, and people just talk about it all the time, like, did you hear this press secretary of the, it's like, yeah, that, that's not what we should be talking about right now. Yeah, because who are they? Fake. Right? They're just these fake people that answer real questions in a fake way Do you think they go into those meetings and I was thinking about it like imagine going into those meetings Dude and then the president is in the whole team is like right this is the agenda we're pushing and you're just like this Sounds like bullshit. Yeah, they know it and then you get up on the podium and you're just like this sounds like bullshit. Yeah, they notice.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And then you get up on the podium and you're like, all right, number one, this is what they're trying to push. But also, I think this is bullshit. I feel like the, in a sense, what that job would have been in prehistoric times, well, like medieval times, is a jester. Yeah, it's a joker. A court jester guy, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:13:08 But now they're not funny. Yeah. And we've lost something important, right? It's almost like, I would throw it out to Elon with all his power and he's very funny on Twitter and other things like he, you know, he throws his comments out. He makes a lot of press for himself for free.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Imagine if he had his own press secretary. And that press secretary was able to be like, yeah, well, this is what Elon was mostly trying to persuade us of in the meeting, but also, you know, some of that's a dumb and bullshit. And this is what I really think. Yet he has a contract with this person and can never fire him. That would be great. It would be amazing. Yeah. Let's bring back that gesture. For let's bring back the core gesture. Yeah. If anyone could do it, Elon could.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Yeah, more pregnant man emojis that look like Bill Gates. Please, right now. He could just do it. Oh man. You know, yeah, I mean, moving on from that, it's a shitty job. It is just, in my mind, it's just lies upon lies deflected in a way that nothing really gets answered. And I think it brings to the point where Duncan was talking about having, you know, this collective consciousness. It's almost like it's part of our collective consciousness,
Starting point is 00:14:46 kind of what he was talking about, the people we elect and the things we talk about are part of our collective consciousness and our collective consciousness in this country is fucked. And we're just, we just don't seem to care anymore. So we don't care so much that, and again, this is my opinion, but I resonated with this when Tressel's talking about it and they're laughing about it, but it's kind of a silly, crazy thing
Starting point is 00:15:11 to laugh about because it's so true that if we don't care that these questions are getting deflected and we don't care the answers that come out of her mouth and all we care about is like bitching about them being answered incorrectly or if we really just don't care to know the real answer, that is a collective consciousness problem. Yeah. You know, and if we want to walk around malls to bring it to his other point where you just want to walk around malls with AR goggles on all the time, which is going to happen, here we go. Everyone's just being living in their own
Starting point is 00:15:45 reality. And I don't know, man, it's crazy to think about. Do you think that this is more of a question of people don't want to stop and face like the problems and the controversies that they face. I mean, you can, the writings on the wall, dude, voting day was yesterday. And granted, we live in an extremely small, I mean, it's a huge state, but a small population, I think 200,000 or 250,000 people voted in Montana yesterday. That's nothing. It's like a small metropolitan area of Detroit
Starting point is 00:16:31 voted for an entire state that's bigger than like 17 states. It's like three times the size of England. But so to your point, what was the I what was the what was the question? Well, a people not facing their own reality. I'm sorry. Absolutely not if they can't wake their ass up and go vote And they have one day to do it and they don't even care to go do that, but yet they're gonna bitch all day long about Something Whether it has to do with politics or not. They're just gonna bitch and bitch and bitch, but they can't even just go vote. I mean, that's a very simple thing. So yeah, I don't think people care.
Starting point is 00:17:11 He is the thing that, like when Rogan and Duncan, other people bring up mushrooms, which plenty of people are scared of, right? Yeah. The scared of hallucinogens, scared of doing them, I get it. It could be issues that if you have schizophrenia in your family, maybe stay away.
Starting point is 00:17:33 However, you can put yourself in your own echo chambers. For sure. We don't really have one in this studio and it bugs you. Yeah. Because I like to, I like to annoy you when you get all political. And I'm mostly just playing devil's advocate. I agree with you a lot of the time, but it's, it's, it's not an echo chamber in here.
Starting point is 00:18:01 We like to fuck with each other on that. Yeah. Well, that's a good thing though. I think so. Yeah. And then when you do shrooms, right? In a controlled way, at an appropriate age, I mean, that's my disclaimer. Nice. But which I do believe in too, right? You don't want to be doing it like eight years old. That's a bad time. Definitely not.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Right? Wait till you're an adult and then get your time, do it with the right people, right influences around. It's going to tell you some things in reality that you can't get away from. You can live in your own bubble on social media and with your friends and only hanging out with people that only agree with you that you get worked up about and then you get all self-righteous. But you do it in that controlled realm. It's going to tell you some things that are important. And they talk about this.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Duncan does it, Joe does it about politicians about if only they could do this. Yeah, it'd be great. Do you think so though? I do. I mean, or is that just a silly argument that they make? I kind of believe that it could be good, but hey, there's a reason it doesn't happen also. Yeah, but as someone who has taken hallucinogens quite a bit,
Starting point is 00:19:31 every single time I've done them, I feel more connected to nature. And just that alone to me would help this entire planet so much. On a human connection, I mean, I've never walked away from a mushroom trip and not felt more connected to everyone around me, everything around me, whether it's human or a plant or a chair. I've felt very connected to chairs, pots and pans,
Starting point is 00:19:56 all of those things. I want to hug them. I want to... Because mostly you're sat in a chair the whole time. But I... You know what I'm saying, man. You couldn't, and granted, like you said, there's a disclaimer there, it's not right for everybody. But if most people who do not have some sort of pre-existing mental condition and had some sort of controlled environment or a friend who has done it before, that could do it with them to make sure they don't do something stupid and walk in front of a fucking crowded freeway or something dumb or jumped off a building, which is I think people who haven't done it before think that those things might
Starting point is 00:20:36 happen, like they think they could fly, or which isn't true unless you take way too many mushrooms. You know what I'm saying, though. You just take a little bit, start a little bit here, a little bit there. You're going to feel more connected to the entire planet which in turn makes you feel more connected to people.
Starting point is 00:20:55 And also, you're gonna have a lot of fun. You might smoke maybe one too many sigis or whatever. But it's one night. Just stay away from mirrors, get out in nature, make sure to bring a blanket if it's cold out because you won't know it's one night. Just stay away from mirrors, get out in nature, make sure to bring a blanket if it's cold out because you won't know it's cold out. You're gonna think it's fucking 80 degrees even though it's 20 degrees.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yeah. I don't know, man, play some music. Like, there's so many things I think that, yes. Well, good advice about how to do mushrooms for sure. But you don't think that would be better beneficial to a humankind if more people did hallucinogens in a controlled environment. I, you know, I assume maybe yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:36 but I also hear them talk about it, like kind of flippantly, like, oh, politicians should do this. And I wonder. I'm like, ah, is that just a joke? You know, or is this really a possible solution? I think similar on the lines of this is when Duncan was talking about that AI stuff, where it's like open source, everyone can add to it. stuff where it's like open source. Everyone can add to it. It creates this like new art or programs or just imagery. And there's, I feel like there's something beautiful that are happening. Right? Yeah, and super trippy too, because this environment is changing as you walk through it. You're a creative guy, right?
Starting point is 00:22:25 And I would be interested to see what you thought about what they're doing on that space. Because I mean, there's like a whole site's now where you just write in what you want. You're writing anything. Bombsnow, magazine, shout shout out also anything Elon Musk Twitter and it creates an image From I don't know how it does it. Yeah, I've no I've done it. It's but that's just a that's like a It's not a 3d image right. It's not like a VR. It's not a virtual reality image
Starting point is 00:23:02 It's more of a AI image that you type into the computer. Is that how you're like a blurry? Yeah, because we smudge. But it's getting better. That's the thing. Well, yeah. What does that mean? Well, and what Duncan's saying.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Could it, like, one day just write whole shows? Probably. Like what's the limit? I don't see why not. That's pretty cool. It's super cool, man. And again, it's one of those things. If we're going to bring it back to, you know, doing things in moderation, which you should, you know, do that with drugs, you should do that with so many things, with eating shit food, and also with VR goggles in my mind. I think they're great. I'd be super down to check those things out.
Starting point is 00:23:45 I've only fucked around with the VR goggles a few times and it was cool, super cool. Do I want those on my head all the time? No, but plenty of people would, and that's a scary thought, but also like they thought the printing press was gonna ruin the world. They thought radio was gonna ruin the world. That's true.
Starting point is 00:24:03 It's gonna, we're gonna be fine. I mean you mostly only borrowed mine and Watch V.O. Poin. Yeah, and it was it was two intense. No, it was two intense. Yeah, but it's super funny and It was fun. Definitely worth checking out Yeah I don't know what I made it old man I don't know what I'm saying. I'm like an old man saying all these things in my nation. You know, I guess I am. I'm in my 40s, you know.
Starting point is 00:24:30 But I think, you know, vegetable oils are way worse for you than mushrooms. So there you go. There's my old man's speak right there. What about all the opioid addiction? Yeah, that's another one for me. It's a problem with doctors. It's a problem. I feel like I'm being too serious right now, dude.
Starting point is 00:24:52 You're guessing, these are serious topics. You are, but like just answer, we'll just answer them. What I will say, but don't be an idiot about it. Well, what I'll say is all of these things should be legal. Real quick, we're not the fucking authority on this shit. Okay, we're just like the conversation, like I hear it, and then I'm like, what do I think about it?
Starting point is 00:25:14 Well, Max, I'll tell you what I think about it. They are giving these things out like candy. Doctors are basically getting paid to hand these drugs out, and it's the same thing that they talked about. I can't remember his name. It was the guy, he was on a few weeks ago, oh God, what the heck was his name? He used to be a medical salesman. He was selling dick pills for a while.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And then he started selling opioids. And now he wrote a whole book about on it. He was on Brogan like three weeks ago. Oh, shit. And he was talking about the, they brought up the Sackler family. This family that anytime a drug is about to come up like to a certain point like within a year, we're gonna take this drug off the market
Starting point is 00:25:55 and then they would find a way to basically do no human, no more human trials, but say that it's also good for this particular issue, right? Like all of a sudden, not only are opioids good for back pain, but they're also good for ADHD. And that's a horrible example, but you see what I'm saying. They come up with these papers, which are total bullshit,
Starting point is 00:26:21 kind of the same thing that happened with that guy who wrote all those falsities about Alzheimer's. And it's just now coming out that the fucking guy lied the entire time. And there's all these papers and evidence of him skewing the results. And people have been on these drugs. That's the problem with these drugs in the opioid pandemic is that they're continually allowing the insurance companies or continually allowing these things to have zero human trials on people, and they're just like reinventing themselves as this new drug, but it's the same thing for a separate problem. So in my mind, it's like make everything legal and make them really hard to get
Starting point is 00:27:05 unless you have a serious problem that you need this drug for. Yeah, but then you do that. Who decides? I don't know. You're just bringing it back to the government. No, well, what I'm bringing it back to is. Somebody has to decide that.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Okay, so let me change my thought on this thing. Okay. Stop making it so easy for hospitals aside that. Okay, so let me change, let me change my thought on this thing. Okay. Stop, stop making it so easy for hospitals and HMOs and insurance companies and and people who are selling these drugs who are getting $17,000 a month to take people out for steak dinner in order to sell a doctor a drug, stop that. So stop being able to make billions of dollars off drugs, and then maybe there wouldn't be such a problem. Yeah, but why aren't you complaining earlier today
Starting point is 00:27:51 that you couldn't get enough Adderall for your ADHD? Wouldn't that be along the same line? Does that make your complaint less valid? Well, yes and no, because the reason I couldn't get it is because I went in after I was already out of my prescription because I have ADHD, so I forgot to call, and then I forgot to call. Had I called two weeks ago, the fucking pills would have been there and it would have been fine.
Starting point is 00:28:19 That was my bad. But also there is a shortage. There is also a shortage, but had I been like, hey man, a week from now, and to be out of pills, then they would have been ready. Instead, I went there after I was out of pills, and then five days later I get my pills, which sucks, because I didn't have riddle in for five days. And I need that shit.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I need it. I need you to. But I think it has a lot to do with money, man. And look, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, but when it comes down to these companies are making an absurd amount of money. And if they weren't making that much money, they wouldn't keep changing the ways
Starting point is 00:28:58 they're being sold to people to make more money. And also people are dying from that. I mean, it's the same reason why I think a flat tax is fair. It's like, okay, every drug should cost the fucking same. Boom. You know how would that save it? Every drug costs the same. Hold this. Just saying. I'm pretty sure in England, all prescriptions cost the same. Thank you. That's a great idea. I'm like, I mean, that's socialized medicine. And there's a lot idea. I mean, that's socialized medicine and there's a lot of... I mean, there's a lot of differences there and I'm not trying to push it, but also,
Starting point is 00:29:30 I remember when I lived there, it was like 625 pounds, like 10 bucks, back then, even if you just needed like, you know, I'd be profan. Yeah. And then, even if you just needed like, you know, ibuprofen. Yeah. And then I was like, really?
Starting point is 00:29:50 I can just buy this at the pharmacy for that much. And they were like, well, that's just how it is for prescriptions, but this is what all the drugs cost. And that's, that seemed like pretty good. So what you're saying is they basically take, they take a median price after they round out all of, the drug costs and then it's like a median price for everything no matter what it is.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Yeah, so. It's like a great idea. Well, the only concern to me is how much drugs cost the research and make, and then if you can only sell them for the same amount, is there the same motivation for economically for you to push to make it? Or the same motivation for doing human trials, because that seems to me like the problem here, is in order to get the drugs, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:49 through the FDA and through that process, it seems to me like they're just kind of pushing it forward, just like they did with the vaccines, without enough human trials, and it's like they're pushing it through, they're pushing it through. And if there wasn't a bunch of money to be made that probably wouldn't happen you bring up a good example with england which i know nothing about their health
Starting point is 00:31:12 care system but is there no beoid and epidemic there i don't know like where where are the countries where there's no opioid epidemic everywhere but the united states probably, right? Yeah. I mean, this is the country where it's a problem. Yeah. And the dude that was on Rogan, I'm pissed, I can't remember his name, but he was saying the reason the opioid epidemic happened is because they kept giving it for different issues.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Doctors were like, getting paid more money to give out this truck. That's bad. That's bad. So, all comes down to money, motherfucker. Oh, kinda. Yeah, right. No, it does. It does. Ah, that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I'm gonna find this guy's name. All right, figure it out. Let's jump over to sober October and lie in this bitch out. Well, it's one of those things though, right? It's like, you have to talk about it. Duncan brings it, it's heavy. And then also, you can be sober for an entire month.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Try it out. Who does that? We didn't know it. I haven't done it since I started drinking at like 12 years old. Really? You haven't done a whole month. Nope. Oh, it's not. I don't feel in a challenge. God, since I've had my first beer home, I'm feeling a challenge more than your push-ups. What do you think? What could you do? Look, man, I know I'm not doing it because this is why I'll tell you why. Okay. Because I don't have a drinking problem anymore. I had one in college. I like to relax. I don't need to burn... Christ, you're this shit, but I enjoy relaxing. I enjoy my two to four alcoholic drinks per day. You don't drink a lot.
Starting point is 00:33:08 No, that's what I'm saying. You're very responsible, drunk. Four or four. But a person that also likes to have a few a day. Have I always been that way? Hell no. I used to black out like every other day in college, not kidding. Really?
Starting point is 00:33:24 Oh, dude, for four years straight, I was blacked out like every other day in college. Not kidding. Really? Oh, dude. For four years straight, I was blacked out like every other day. It's horrible. And then I got married. And really what happened was I had a kid, right? When you have a child and this goes to all the fathers out there and mothers, you cannot be hung over.
Starting point is 00:33:41 It is the worst thing I wish we had a line where people could call us right now. We could talk to them about it because tell me something worse than being extremely hung over and dealing with a crying child that has a shitty diaper. There is no worst thing in life that I've experienced other than maybe missing a plane flight on your way home for Christmas for your mom and your super hung over too. And she's crying on the phone at you. That also sucks being on a plane super hungover, but imagine being on a plane super hungover with a fucking crying to your old dude. The worst thing ever. Well, based on what you just said, do you think that the child for you was like, there was nothing else I would have sent it you to do that.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I don't know because I didn't stop. I mean when I got married my wife and I stopped drinking as much but we would still go out and get blottoed on the weekends. We don't do that anymore. Okay. I think if we didn't have a two yearyear-old, like, we would probably go get fucked up more on weekends. It sounds like kids have definitely helped ground you. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. But also because being hung over around a two-year-old
Starting point is 00:34:55 is horrible. Yeah. And it's not even a guilt. It's not a guilt thing. It's more of just like, oh, efficient. Why did I do this to myself? This is so not worth it. It just, it makes me not enjoy being around my kid and I love being around my kid.
Starting point is 00:35:14 That makes sense. So yeah, it was absolutely the thing that helped a ton. Well, I think, I think birds talked about that a lot, period, right? So coming back to Soba, October, like, but does it, I mean, Tom left in the pod. Go see his kid. Yeah, good man. And, you know, they didn't know this for sure before that,
Starting point is 00:35:40 right? There's like a change there. The interesting thing with Burt is it, I don't know, I feel like he has two pressures. One, be there for the family and like spend time with them and do it, but also he has this new momentum where he makes a shit load of money being on the road. And I think I think Erie made the joke about him making like 400 grand a show. Well, like somebody slips something. And I don't know if yeah, I don't know if it's like accurate or whatever, but if you add up ticket sales, you know, when they're selling out like 20,000 place
Starting point is 00:36:24 ticket sales, you know, when they're selling out like 20,000 place arenas and those tickets are like $60 a piece. That's a lot of money. What is that 1.2 million, right? Well, you got to think that, see some math here. You got to think that the ticket companies are taking something, right? And, um, yeah, 1.2 million. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I didn't even need a fucking calculator pause. No, they were talking about it because they said the president of the United States only makes 400K a year. Exactly. So let's say it was just 400 grand, right? And then, but it's on 10 million a year, right? Yeah. So then he has this and he made this movie,
Starting point is 00:37:09 which also, the trailer is amazing. I'm gonna put a link in the bio for that for sure. But he's like in a space where, you know, he is like feels this pressure to work, you know, I think in time, he might be like, all right, family's more important. He might do a bit of a tom thing, go home, but he's all about work. Seems like Rogan has more balance.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Yeah. And then Ari has no family, so he's just doing whatever the hell he does. Yeah. Pean in the whole way. Look, to me, I just feel like Bert still doesn't give family, so he's just doing whatever the hell he does. Yeah, peeing in the whole way. Look, to me, I just feel like Bert still doesn't give a fuck and he's trying to find that line. I mean, he looked at, he looked at Joni goes,
Starting point is 00:37:54 dude, I don't know what should I do. What should I do? It's like what you need to do in my mind, Bert, is fucking own up to your shit and figure out what works best for you. And if you don't want to die of a fucking stroke, then yeah, you probably shouldn't drink every night and go fucking that hard, even though somehow the machine that he is, I mean, he didn't get the nickname, the machine
Starting point is 00:38:14 for no fucking reason. He can crush and he did what he just did like 50 push-ups too. Yeah, but this is also why I couldn't even do 10. No, but let's not forget, right? When people want to be hard on bird, you got to give him a fucking minute, because he has a movie now called the machine. Yeah. He has one of the greatest repeatable standup sets of all time called the machine. And you want to slow the machine down. Let's just think about the matter for you. It's a machine. It's a thing that is not biological that just runs on its own.
Starting point is 00:39:00 I mean, yeah, right there. He'll figure it out, man. I mean, look, he went a whole month without drinking it all. He felt great. And then I feel, dude, his whoops stats were through the roof. But it sounds to me like he is taking it a little bit more easy. He's still going, going at getting after it when he needs to, but I don't feel like he's not like he's getting blottoed every night like he used to. Well, he said tequila helps.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Yes, I don't know. I mean, I, all I can say is look, he's disciplined in so many ways. He'll figure it out. Yeah. I'm not worried about it. Hopefully, it doesn't take, you know, a stroke or a heart attack for him to figure it out But like you said his whoop his whoops were like on point. Yeah, his fucking heart rate was like money After that and you know, he never answered the question though. Remember that he never answered the question
Starting point is 00:39:57 What was the question? Rogan said Would you quit drinking to not be have to take heart medicine anymore and he never answered it. They they ended up skirting off on another question. Like something else to him. That's a tough question. He didn't answer it. Yeah. Because he's still on heart meds for his high blood pressure. He's drinking. But he is what's important.
Starting point is 00:40:18 You can't say but doesn't know. He knows how to do it. Right? So there are people that are a bigger overweight, struggle, whatever. And then they end up either dying or just having something. But has had multiple examples of how to do this. So really it's up to him now. Yeah. He has all the tools. For sure. He has all the tools What about the rowing the Atlantic shit they were talking about I mean, I would love to see it but no fucking way. Yeah, no way, but also How fucking hilarious was that that Tom said to Erie,
Starting point is 00:41:05 oh, you had to bring this up the dumb dumb. And then you knew he would jump on board. And I love but so much for how excited he gets about things. You know this, in Ashtoo, we love to do this. In the studio, we like to get excited about things that don't even make any sense. But you know, you jump on board. He was so behind it and he wouldn't stop. Brilliant. He's a good dude. And I hope all their shit talking to Garth Brooks brings brings him on to Rogan as well and what what do you think about Bert rewriting I liked when he
Starting point is 00:41:51 talked about him rewriting a bunch of shit for the script for the machine for his new movie and just when he was on one and they they were telling him like hey man just kind of write whatever you want mix it up and he just went after it and just wrote a bunch of shit, added a bunch of wild, funny stuff. I mean, you know that that puke scene was not in the first script for that trailer. There's no way, no. Dude, that wouldn't be in any movie ever. It's so cool.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I've never even seen anything like that. Oh. Did he put it in his pocket. But if you think about it, he's done, he's done that bit for so long that he's probably in a sense always thinking of bits you could add. And now because of movie, I think that what makes the machine bit so good and why it's so usable is that he was basically the truth. He just told the story. Yeah, he's not making it up.
Starting point is 00:42:51 But now he gets to make a movie. And a movie is something else. He gets to kind of add his own element to it, almost. And that's what he did. It's going to be fun to watch. When is that shit out? I don't know, but I'm excited to watch that Tim Dylan special on his on his little cooking thing. What's the cooking YouTube channel? I didn't realize Bert was doing that. I didn't know he had that show until today. So good. Whitney Cummings.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Oh, that's right. Whitney's out. And Dylan's the man. Yeah, that's so good. Dylan's the man. You know, I will, let's end this on a also a good note. I loved at the end. I mean, look, their friends of birds, they're trying to get them to stop drinking.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Love that about their friendship, how they can be so open about that, while speaking on the most popular podcast in the world. But also at the end where they just said don't shit talk your friends, man Don't shit talk your friends unless you're gonna be shit talking in front of their face like just You know, oh dude that's just stop. It's such good moves because I could I could hear that I think I do that too much we all do it and I don't mean to I really don't I feel like sometimes when I do it I'm like trying to figure out a way to make it beneficial, but it's never good. It's never fucking good, dude
Starting point is 00:44:13 It's just it was a good take away at the end there because it was super goofy all the way through and at the end They got real serious about just not shit talking to your friends and That resonated with me, man, because I've been trying to not do that, and I'm not the type of person to shit talk my friends. No, you're not. But we all do. We all do.
Starting point is 00:44:33 We all do have that thing to think about. I feel like I'm always the guy if somebody shit talking a friend, I will actually interject. You do. You tell me to shut up a lot of times. You're like, man, that's not true. Or if it is true, why don't you tell them? Like, call them up right now and fucking talk about it. Kind of thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Because that's what I would want. Right? Like, if I'm getting, like, if somebody shit talking to me, I want to know because if I knew, I would probably change the behavior. And it's happened here before. We talk about the stew. We're all friends here at our studio. You know, there's been shit in the past where I know things have been festering. And then it comes to a head and we fucking fight about it. And then we're fucking like screaming at each other. This hasn't happened really with you or I, but it's happened with other people in the studio.
Starting point is 00:45:24 And then two seconds later, we're hugging it out and fucking having a beer. Yeah. And maybe that's maybe sometimes you need that. But I feel like if we were just a little bit more up front to begin with, it would be a little bit more smooth. There wouldn't be a blow up. I mean, I've had times where I feel like shit all day
Starting point is 00:45:40 because of something that was said to me that I knew was true, but had I heard it like in prior arguments or just in just in talking, it probably would have never hit that point. It's kind of like when you get into a fight with your wife or anyone really close with, right? Tally, I'm going to tell you this now. Just saying.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Like, you're very good at that, right? And I sit here sometimes and I go on rants because I get annoyed at things and like running the show and other shit. And you are very good at bringing me back to a place where I have to be like, fuck. I said some dick shit. I mean, I would expect that from all of us. And I think just people just don't say it enough. You know, people don't interject enough when people are talking shit.
Starting point is 00:46:38 But the sober group, you know it. You know those four know each other really well. They call each other out all the time. They were jokes about Rogan being short from Erie, which were hilarious. Like they're all giving each other a hard time. And like that check with them, it's special. But it's like a comedy world. I feel like also you can't hold yourself to that standard
Starting point is 00:47:05 kind of because in a sense they're professionals. They're giving people shit. Yeah. Yeah. True. All right. Let's jump over to Will Harris. The man, dude. I feel like we, man, well, we're going late today, but also this one's important. I have so many notes on this one, but I listened intently to this one because I do number one. Can we just, can we just like, I'm not even going to look at my notes is what I was going to say. I'm not even going to look at them. All right. We took a second just to say, how great was the way that he said things? I mean, unless you have a prejudice
Starting point is 00:47:50 to like Southern talk, the way you're like, oh, that's all racist, which is reasonable. I mean, I guess someone could think that. But it was like, it's like the cutest, Southern way of speaking ever. And I was, it was like, he could read any book to me. And I'd be into it.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Very true. Unless he was talking about, you know, how the South didn't win the Civil War. What was that? You know who was saying that? How slavery should still be a fucking thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's not. Then I would fucking hate his voice.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I take it back, I take it back. But if he was just telling a beautiful story, it's just dreaming. Yeah, if he's reading a children's book about, you know, that's not about the KKK, yes, absolutely. Or if he's telling you about things that are environmentally positive. That's why you like him. That just, that combination was perfect.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Yeah. And, and what a fucking G for taking his family farm and for going this direction that everyone needs to go in. Do, think of, think of the things that we worry about. You make a magazine, multiple magazines, and you're- Right, love that. Great magazine.
Starting point is 00:49:14 You're like sat here thinking about streamlining, making money, sales, like what pushes it. If all of a sudden you had to make a change, right? It was like the paper that you used didn't work. It was environmentally fucked up. And then also there were some other processes in your whole setup that didn't work. And it was going to take you down 30%. That is a fucking brave move. Yeah. I mean, it's a move from the heart, right? And yeah, making, you know, this is different than making magazines, but it to a similar point. It's not of it is good. Well, that's not true. It's not
Starting point is 00:50:04 good for the environment, but the way he's doing it is not bad for the environment. It's kind of it is good. Well, that's not true. It's not good for the environment, but the way he's doing it is not bad for the environment. It's kind of like it's sequestering all this carbon and we'll get to this because he talks about it a lot near the end where like technology is not going to save us from the issues that we're having with the environment and carbon. Right. But changing issues that we're having with the environment and carbon. But changing agricultural practices in this linear way, which you kept talking about, this linear way of like more pesticides, more herbicides, all of these things are a, it's a system that only works for so long. And I think we're just finally realizing after the industrial revolution, how fucked we are from the systems we've been doing.
Starting point is 00:50:50 And I think I just wanna make this one point because it was the biggest point that was made, is that it will not change until we change our way of buying things. So until we always buy the grass-fed meat, instead in the family farm to meet that's Sustainable and it's on a family farm that's organic that is using grass fed beef and and open pastures and regenerative farming until the consumers
Starting point is 00:51:19 Start purchasing that stuff it will not change and that was a huge point and I love that too but realistically seeing that stuff, it will not change. And that was a huge point. And I love that too. But realistically, right? Think of the people listening and also think of you. Yeah. How often do you not buy that type of food? I would say I'm like, I would say I'm like 60 40. Yeah. Yeah. I buy a lot of grass fed beef, but it's still not great like I'm not gonna lie dude I ate a steak yesterday and a steak the day before and those were not grass fed and they were four dollars and 30 cents for an eight ounce Good deal New York strip and I it's hard to do
Starting point is 00:51:58 But look think of it like innocent of people I get it aren't making the money You know that are just trying to keep that family's going. Like it's not easy. Yeah, it's a huge problem, but how fucked was that when you saw the water running from his farm and it was crystal clear? And you know, you see the, you saw the drone footage of his farm and then his neighbor's farm. His neighbor's farm was fucking dirt, just like, tractor it over a thousand times and his farm was just grass.
Starting point is 00:52:31 And did you see that? And then you see the fucking wild. Water running off. And I mean, it all makes sense. It's like poop. It's one of those things that until we talk about it more, that it won't change, it reminds me a lot of organic farming when it comes to all the organic produce you see nowadays.
Starting point is 00:52:53 People understand that they don't want chemicals on their vegetables. People are just now starting to understand that they don't want hormones and injections in their meat. But you know this is... They don't want fucking corn fed beef anymore. This is why Rogan really made a decision to himself to be like, all right, I'm even going to go vegan vegetarian because I can't stand this factory farming. And yeah, he went you know meaties are hunting Which and bless Rogen for that. Yeah, but for a lot of people it's difficult to take
Starting point is 00:53:34 But also why is that difficult to take I don't know because he eats meat well, but he Dude I grew up vegetarian my dad wouldn't like this. My family doesn't like hunting. A lot of British people don't. And you know, they have their right to believe that too. Also, he was just faced with a dilemma here. And I feel like he, you know, sought out enough information to make his own choice. you know, sort out enough information to make his own choice. And then when, no, this isn't gonna work. Like I have to choose a path that makes sense here for me. But you know, he's not buying any factory font. Well, I say that.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Sometimes he says, until he goes to an inalborger with no bun. Well, I don't know where in inalborger gets that shit, but he does say he does like the fish filet. Yeah. That shit is not, I guess you don't factory farm that, but like I'm sure McDonald's and not grabbing fish for
Starting point is 00:54:45 lay in an economical way. I tell you what, boil. We've got 30 pounds of Alaskan, sake, salmon coming to the stew stew in the next couple weeks from our boy, Robert Raymond, who has a, who's a fisherman. Love it. That's a whole nother subject, but speaking of, yeah, a farmed fish, yeah, it's horrible. It's not a good thing.
Starting point is 00:55:10 But I wonder, like my question is, like let's say you don't, you live in a, in a city, you don't have a lot of extra money. How, you're like, if you wanted to be really ethical with your eating, how ethical could you be? And if you can't be, which probably is how it is, what can you do?
Starting point is 00:55:36 Like how far can you go with it? How clean of eggs can you buy? How, you know, like grassfed sauce could your meat be? And if not, what do you do? If you're hearing Rogan talk and you're just like, yeah, I agree with this. Where do you go with that if you can't afford it. Yeah, I don't know the solution there. It's definitely a... It's definitely a first world problem, but it's a huge, huge, huge problem. And until we figure it out, like the soil is gonna keep depleting, I mean, the soil thing is such a huge problem. I mean, they're just depleting all of the nutrients off the soil.
Starting point is 00:56:22 And you saw that farm, dude, what I was just saying with the drone footage, all of that top soil, that's why that shit was so muddy and brown, because it has nowhere to sit. Isn't it amazing? It just goes right into the fucking water table. That nitrogen fertilizer had what, 60 years, 80 years? Eliza like had what 60 years 80 years? No, where are we from the war? Like since World War one or two, too. Yeah. So, 1945, yeah, to now. That's 85 years. No, that's 80 years.
Starting point is 00:56:59 All right. Yeah. You correct. So that many years of like working on the soil, like to be fair, when they started, you're like, that's a long time, we're figuring out something else. Well, we haven't, we're getting close to it ending, and then they have the monocrop agriculture. So his stuff makes sense. It works.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Right? The way he does it, he can continue it. But there are farms that only do cotton, only do corn. And that is, how do you break that? And he didn't really have an answer. No, I mean, there's not really an answer unless the, I hate to say the answer is the government, but they have to subsidize some of this stuff. I mean, like he said, the people who are farming, they're already subsidizing a lot of farming.
Starting point is 00:57:56 For sure. And the people who are farming are not the bad guys. It's not their fault that this is the way of, this linear way of farming is the way of the world. And look man, it's not like we knew this inherently that this was evil to begin with, but we're starting to realize that it's not sustainable. So it has to change. I mean, it absolutely has to change. If you're someone who believes in climate change and believes in If you're someone who believes in climate change and believes in not only that, but just being humane to animals, like the cycle can be circular, right? It can be.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I mean, he's, he's absolutely living proof that the cycle can be circular and we can do this the right way. And I think, and Rogan talks about this a lot, can we feed the eight billion people on planet Earth like this? Absolutely, but everyone would have to do it. Like, they say like becoming a vegan is not the answer. There's nothing wrong with veganism, and I liked how he pointed that out.
Starting point is 00:59:00 He's like, I got nothing against veganism. What I have against these, are are these what did he call them? What the heck did he say? Just people who are vegans who basically say you need to do this and you need to eat this way, right? These like maniacal vegans who are like saying that I'm not allowed to eat a fucking cow if I if the world depends on it because you're fucking up the planet. Well, I loved his answer. He said, animals are not what's fucking up the planet. It's the way we're farming. That's what's fucking up the planet. So again, man, dude, it comes down to consumerism, the way we purchase our meats. And I look at it as a healthcare issue too.
Starting point is 00:59:47 If you're putting meat in your body that's full of hormones, he talked about this a lot. He's like the same guys that are making the fucking pesticides are the same motherfuckers who are making aspirin dude. They're making something that's gonna kill you and then they're making this something that's gonna make you feel better. Pay attention to that.
Starting point is 01:00:03 That's the crazy part. And my brother became a vegan because of that. Because of, you know, and granted, he was watching food ink and some of these other things that are skewed, that also fucked up. And they're compelling. And I watched food ink and I didn't eat meat for a month or so.
Starting point is 01:00:23 But if you're eating meat from Will Harris's farm, it's not full of antibiotics. And it's not full of shit that's going to send you to the hospital. It's not full of fat. The problem is is that most people, I would say most people on this planet do not realize that cows are not supposed to eat corn. And that's fucked. So it really comes down in my mind to education, dude. It's like, what are you putting in your body?
Starting point is 01:00:52 If you're putting in grass fed beef, that's what cows are supposed to fucking eat. They eat grass. That's what they're supposed to eat. And guess what? Grass captures fucking carbon people. Yeah, but I didn't even know for a long time. What I'm saying, dude, it's an educational thing. I just ate the meat and was like, okay, that's how it comes.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Yeah. Well, it's the same thing if you're going to eat a fucking... If you're going to eat a tomato or a tomato, as you call it, my fine Englishman. Fucking potato. A potato. Look, man, have you tried one, my fine English man. Fuckin' a potato. A potato. Look man, have you tried one of my tomatoes out of my garden that has zero pesticides, herbicides, all organic, whatever, it's not toot my own horn here,
Starting point is 01:01:36 but if you try to tomato out of somebody's garden. You're a dog definitely pissed on those. Versus, great, that's organic. You take that over a factory farm tomato that's fucking never ripe, that you get for slicing tomatoes for sandwiches. I mean, it's a whole nother fruit, dude, and tomato yes, tomatoes are fruit,
Starting point is 01:02:03 because if you taste a tomato that comes out of an organic farm that's ripe, it tastes sweet and, I mean, dude, my two-year-old eats those. Because it tastes good. It tastes like a goddamn strawberry. It's sweet and sugary. You eat a tomato from a factory farm that was sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. It's like so bland. Yeah. But I think herbicides, it's like so bland. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:26 But I think of it, it's the same thing with me. But you know, here's what's important. We're not in any special position and we can still get a whole of that stuff, right? If we think about it and do it, we can. Sure. Maybe people that live in cities can't grow their own stuff, but they can go to a local farmers market. Maybe the prices are more. It's just hard to say because people are stressed. They're working a lot. They've got, like almost the last of their concerns is like the quality of food.
Starting point is 01:03:07 They're like trying to feed, but I feel like, and not, I'm not trying to come from a place of like any sort of privilege because I haven't been able to afford it. But I feel like if you made that your priority, you could do it. Like we have enough resources, potentially. And granted, we live in Montana where it's easy to get grass fed beef. That's like, you know, three miles away from the studio. But we also have like nine months of winter. So is our like our Fucking vegetables that much cheaper here? Probably not no, they got to be shipped in I mean, it's not like Alaska, but no I look at it this way a pound of a pound of meat coming from these factory fed farms and You know the way you don't want to do it is what $2.50 for a pound
Starting point is 01:04:09 of, I'm talking ground chuck here baby. Nice. $2.50, right? Around that. Grass fed meat that is what Will Harris is talking about. It's on a free range, open, free range farm cost maybe $750. So you're talking of $5 difference. Okay, that is a big difference for a pound of meat. It's a four to $5 difference.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Yeah, that's a make-up break. But look at that in a healthcare perspective. That's the way I look at it. You're gonna pay for your health further down the road. He talked about these animals during COVID, the his farm, if it was shut down during COVID, all of his animals would have survived. They would have lived.
Starting point is 01:04:58 They lived like 20 years. Right, because it was sustainable. It was the way animals are supposed to be raised. They're grazing on shit that they've ate for since they were on this planet. They're just eating the same shit that they were supposed to eat. And all the plays. Two, one year, two years. They'd be dead. They were euthanizing them because they weren't gonna last. They're sick. They're like diabetic fucking cows, too. But that's what we're putting into our body. So think of it that way. Okay. Yeah. And I'm not trying to be on some high horse
Starting point is 01:05:30 here. But I think if people just again, it's this education. It's like, you said, you didn't fucking think about this stuff when you were eating meat. You're just like, oh, no, I want to have some protein. And but then when Rogan starts talking about killing his own food and this and that, I mean, he has gone out on a limb here to talk about what he feels like is such an important issue. And I love him for that. I love that he brought Will Harris on. I mean, this is, this was a huge, to me, this is a huge step in the right direction of bringing
Starting point is 01:06:02 somebody like Will Harris on because I am so sick of hearing about how eating meat is gonna fucking destroy our planet. It's not, it's the farming techniques that are gonna destroy our planet. There's nothing wrong with eating meat. That's what it started to seem like. Yeah, I mean. And also, let's hope that Amazon,
Starting point is 01:06:21 the now owns Whole Foods, doesn't shith on him because he was like, you know what, it's changed in the last few years. Like, God bless this guy and his slow, southern talking that was just wonderful to listen to. I mean, you know what, I'm gonna say one thing, I'm not gonna stop drinking, but I will, I'm gonna make a pledge to you. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:06:48 I'm gonna stop buying the $3.50 stakes. I'm gonna start buying the $8, $10 stakes that are grass fed. True by the high quality. I'm gonna buy the high quality stakes because I eat a lot of fucking meat and after listening to that, I feel like a hypocrite because I do buy grass fed chuck. It's like seven bucks a pound, but I have not bought the $10 eight ounce steak as opposed
Starting point is 01:07:16 to the $3.50 eight ounce steak, which I think is important because- Well, let's see how- Well, what will be good is to see how we do it on a relative budget and then when you know It can be like good information like is it possible can we do it under this and support this kind of Livestock Situation which I would like to See how we go. Oh, okay, let me ask. When, like, who do you get your eggs from? Because we didn't really, we didn't really go into the poultry scene here. We've kind of just been talking about cows.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I don't really, I eat out way too much. Okay. You can buy eggs. Okay, I'll ask two questions then. Have you noticed the difference between organic milk and regular farm factory milk? Have you noticed the difference in flavor? I don't drink any milk.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Okay, well, okay, so we'll ask that question. I will say that there is a huge difference between organic milk and regular milk. Okay. Inflavor and taste. Fair enough. Also, same thing with eggs. That was my point.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Is that with eggs? The color is different. Oh, I've seen good eggs. Do. Yeah, for sure. When I went to Japan, sorry, I didn't live that. When I went there on vacation, and I was there like four weeks,
Starting point is 01:08:40 those eggs there would just dark, dark. Oh, dude. Orange. It's insane. It's a whole different game. I feel that yeah and and again it's the same with grass-fed beef as opposed to grain fed. Everyone says grain fed tastes better because there's more marble there's more fat but that's just what they're used to man. It's like Heinz ketchup. Everybody fucking loves Heinz ketchup because that's what they're used to, even though all it is is fucking sugar with some red coloring in it.
Starting point is 01:09:10 And some tomato paste. So I'm just gonna end it with, if you have the opportunity to spend a couple more bucks on eggs, man, do you notice the difference? And it's, there's just so much healthier for you, dude. Yeah. They taste better. It's just good for you. I'm pretty sure's you there's just so much healthier for you dude. Yeah, they taste better They're it's just good for you. I'm pretty sure if you don't go to Starbucks for two days in a row You can buy the most expensive eggs and not feel bad. Yeah, it's like do you want to do you want to eat fucking a dead dying fat
Starting point is 01:09:39 OBS fucking cow that's pumped full of hormones or do you want to spend like four more dollars and you know, eat a happy cow. I love that. I love that. Well, thank you guys for listening and yeah, we're going to be eating better meat. Alright, let's do it. Todd, your legend. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Thanks, buddy. Cheers, guys. Cheers.

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