Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 308 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Louis C.K. Et al.

Episode Date: January 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn. He did the worst by casual, the best one. One, go. Draw the show.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Hey guys, and welcome to the second half of the week episode of the Joe Rogan Experience Review, finishing up with, oh, doozy, Louis C.K. And then moving into forest Galante. Galante. Galante. Great. I'm just going to say Galante. I don't know if it's Galante or Galante. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Our apologies to forest. So, Louis. Louis, back on already. Hasn't been that long. I mean, he makes sense. He's live streaming his special January 28th through I think like February 15th I'm I'm sure what we do here at the studio is doing showing for that What did he say it was like ten bucks?
Starting point is 00:01:18 $10 for live stream. Yeah, and get a bunch of our friends together and just have a really good Comedy night. I hope more comedians do something like this. Well, he said Chris Ralker's doing it too, right? On Netflix. Yeah, but it almost makes it special. It's like you wait for, you hear that they do it, you can go watch their big performances or, and when you live in Bozeman, it's not very easy to do,
Starting point is 00:01:44 unless you make a big trip. But then it comes out on Netflix and everyone kind of watches it on their own. And comedy really is so much better with the group. So, you know, it's like for all... I think Kevin Hart may have been one of the first guys recently to put his special in a movie theater. And I know way back in the day, Pride did that.
Starting point is 00:02:09 And Joe watched it. It was one of the first things that got him into comedy, went to watch Pride at the movie theater with his parents and just couldn't believe how brilliant it is. But with the group like that, it just kind of picks up the energy. It's just a little bit different. Way better. Yeah. Well's it's like watching a fight same when we have the fight on here 100 if I watch him on my own i'm not getting his well carried away as I'd be a widow if I was just in my front room like come on kicking things around
Starting point is 00:02:39 uh... yeah that's a good way to do it i didn't realize prior was the the first one. I remember him to Rogan telling about his parents and being in the movie theater. I had forgotten about that. But yeah, that had to have been a huge difference in just crowd participation and the way you react to things. For sure. It's so much better. For sure. I think Eddie Murphy may have done that too. I'm sure a few others have. It just doesn't happen very often. And recently it hasn't really taken off like that. I think like I said, Kevin Hart tried to bring it back. But yeah, now that you can stream it, I recommend you guys get together, get your friends by Louis special. I mean, you know, it's going to be killer. Louis is just so funny. Love that guy. Yeah. Good to see him out again. What did
Starting point is 00:03:28 you think about some of the old stuff? They got right into it, some old stories about yeah, Joe getting beat up by a woman. And that's the reason he started getting into martial arts. One of the reasons that must have shook you up. Look, to be honest though, if you look back, I'm sure a lot of us have similar stories, you know, whether it was an actual fight, I know that there were some older girls when I was a kid that scared the shit out of me. Some of my friends, older sisters,
Starting point is 00:03:56 that yelled at me for doing something stupid, I'm sure. And yeah, dude, it's like, you're the little, you're defenseless. You don't know what to do That's that's a rough time. Thank God he didn't do anything back It didn't sound like he knew what to do back, but yeah probably best not to Yeah, I think about that a lot with the little one with having a little kid like what's going on at school Like some days he weighs really stoked to go to school and other days he's not and then I come to find out
Starting point is 00:04:27 It's because he was like there was someone that pushed him down in the smaller grade. I don't know if it was a boy or girl I didn't ask, but it doesn't matter. But it ruined like his whole three days going to school in the morning. He didn't want to go. He's like grabbing my leg and he's only two and a half. So this is so much, it always happens.
Starting point is 00:04:43 So much different stresses when you're younger. Yeah. Like there's some some really scary moments you're not prepared for that you get into. And but it's all part of life. It's like you the worst thing you can do is shield somebody from that because you wait till they're an adult, it's going to be a fast, scary place. Gotta get through it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I mean, so Louie talked about one of the first conversations he and Joe had when they were coming up as comedians. So around, I guess, like, 21, 22, just discussing their life. And Louie remembered it, which is cool, because that's a long time ago. It's like 30 plus years ago. And it was when Joe was saying he was in the cafeteria, somebody came up to him, Joe had been fighting already, and Joe just didn't wait. And Lou was saying, yeah, you always said, don't wait for the fight to start. Just do it. Obviously, that was 21-year-old
Starting point is 00:05:37 Joe's advice. I'm sure it's very different now. But yeah, Joe just hit him straight in the stone. I'm going to something. Well, he explained that he wouldn't do that now, obviously. But that's not the advice he would give now. I mean, a couple of 55-year-olds, they're given a lot better advice than us. He'd hope so. Our 20-year-old self. Yeah, and he even said, I like to think there was a different way I could have handled that. So that's recommended.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Or he could have just talked himself out of it, probably. Right? Just walk off. Yeah. Especially when you know someone can't defend themselves. It's like, what are we doing here? Isn't well, CK talked about that too. How he just there was a kid who was in 10th grade, he was a senior. And they were about to get into a fight. And he just he just said, no, I don't want to fight you right now. His friends were like all of his friends were making fun of him or whatever,
Starting point is 00:06:26 but he's just not a fighter. He wasn't into it. Which is an interesting one, because I'm sure in a lot of ways for years he regretted not being able to stand up for himself and probably, you know, it didn't exactly empower him in that moment. But again, later in life, like now,
Starting point is 00:06:44 he's probably far prouder of himself for not trying to do something. He knew he was in the wrong. There's so much ego, though, and you're testing that ego. It's like how many people are age even now? Do you know that would still try to test their ego in that way? It's like, it's so hard to get past that point. I'd like to say we're getting to the point where ego is diminishing, but maybe not. I'll do it. It'd be unlikely for me to get in a fight these days. No, it would have to be, it would have to be a lot. I'm pretty sure I could just remove myself. Yeah, I, yeah, I would agree. I mean, unless it was somebody hitting a woman,
Starting point is 00:07:24 well, yeah, that's where that's, that's a different thing. I don't know if I could stop myself from From reacting in that situation. Mm-hmm. Well, yeah, you'd hope not or when you drink you don't want to walk We're drinking too much. I can't control myself Alkal's a bit of a struggle. That's a problem. Mm-hmm What he got me and I had a few things at I'll wait towards the end, but there was something that he really that CK was saying about. I'll just I'll just say it. He was talking about how when you're trying to save the world basically, like people are just are thinking too much about these these larger
Starting point is 00:08:06 Problems right in the world and really you should just focus on the people that you're hanging out with On a daily basis instead of trying to save everything. I think And what it looks like to me is Often The people that I know that are always talking about these bigger issues whether it looks like to me is often the people that I know that are always talking about these bigger issues, whether it's like, you know, you've got to recycle the war and the other side of the world or how dare these people over in this area treat people like this, it's all these like big picture issues. And then when you, they're always talking about it, right? Usually in the form of politics.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And then when you take a look at their lives, it's a mess. The house is a mess. Their job situation isn't good. It's like instead of dealing with all these issues with themselves at home that they could clean up with, that's kind of like the Jordan Peterson approach. Like stop by making the bed.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Clean your place up and your life from within, and then go out into the world and make changes. People like to do the other way around. It's like, if I worry about this on the other side of the country that seems to be this giant issue for me, then I don't have to think or be concerned about the problems right in front of me. The distraction that you're getting yourself is keeping you from the actual life that you should be leading. And people that are doing well and really working hard and keeping all the stuff close to them tight, their family, their job, you know, their finances, just their purpose in life, then not usually so concerned about what's going on elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I mean, to some degree, but it doesn't have that same kind of weight of hopelessness. The only things you can really change are things right in front of you anyway. I mean, if you think about it. Well, and what's the point of thinking about all that other stuff if the rest of your life is going down in shambles and you're fucking things up left and right because you're thinking too much big picture and you're forgetting to, yeah, like take the trash out, clean the house. 100%. Talk to your friends, keep up on, yeah, like you said, your work and doing the duties you need to that are right in front of you. It is crazy. And I think what you're saying a lot of that is true. I think you see it in a lot of people if shit's not going right at home, well, are they, what are they letting distract them?
Starting point is 00:10:35 That's not working. Yeah, I mean, it kind of leads into some of the therapies that they were saying are available, like MDMA therapy, like the benefits of doing that. And, you know, and there's like a bunch of different therapies now. Silicibin, ketamine therapy, the mind bloom, sponsoring this podcast, ketamine therapy. I mean, some of those things, and I think that brings psychedelics into therapy with good guidance, it allows you to kind of repurpose what your priorities are through these moments. And it kind of cleans some things out. You're like, wow, I'm really worried about X, Y and Z.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And I should be far more concerned with A, B, and C, which is right at home. That's why it's easy. That was good. Well, it puts things in a perspective, right? It creates at least any time I've done hallucinogenics, it reminds you that really all there is is love and connection with people around you. And most of the time, there's not much else to worry about other than, you know, the having these interactions and these close,
Starting point is 00:11:52 knit connections. It's like everything's connected really is what it comes down to. What any time I've ever done it. Yeah. You realize like life is short, things, everything's connected and why be an asshole when you can just show your true self and just try to be a better person, really.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Well, I think you're like flooded with dope of it. I think it's serotonin, it's like flooding your system, or maybe both, I don't know, I'm not scientist. But so then you're there, and it basically is like that feeling of love and it's the best feeling that you can have So then you're just like oh this is the best feeling That is period just the best feeling Yes, so you want to emulate that mm-hmm. Yeah, that's all you want Just keep that in your system. I was gonna say one other thing shoot just Run before your podcast Keep that in your system. I was gonna say one other thing shoot just
Starting point is 00:12:47 Run before your podcast huh go for a run before you would do a podcast Kind of talking about that actually so I have a super busy day today as you know like I back-to-back podcast then I'm out then I've got other work to do and You know Joe and Lou we were talking about how when, like, Lou will exercise, you know, maybe watch a boxing thing and kind of emulate speeds and styles, and then it just gets all this anxiety out. And Joe again, like a million times he said, but it never hurts to hear it. It's like, yeah, we have this baseline anxiety and all of us, always. And if we don't exercise,
Starting point is 00:13:25 it's in there at a greater amount and it makes it much harder. And this morning, I was listening to that and I didn't go to the gym. I didn't sleep great. I was super tired this morning. I was like, I probably should miss a gym. But now I have this like,
Starting point is 00:13:40 you know, fairly big day for me that I'm gonna be working a lot. And it's true. The anxiety is much higher. Mm-hmm. It's just this. It's like always that way. I'm like, ah, shoot. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Gotta deal with it. Should've gone to the gym. I should've. I know. Even super tired, I should've just gone there. Could've done less. Could've done a little bit less. Louis kind of is looking in shape though, like I've never really
Starting point is 00:14:07 associated him with like being that much in shape, but it sounds like he's putting some work in these days. Yeah, I mean, it like he wants to have his set better and he realizes that he's going to be a better and he realizes that he's gonna be a better comedian if he's in shape. Mm-hmm. Makes sense. Yeah. And he's contacted Rogan about being in the round. Oh, that must be difficult.
Starting point is 00:14:34 That must be like such a tough setup. You gotta keep turning round. You know, you gotta, like the back of you is like facing the audience for a while. That must be kind of unusual while you're there How about the bill O'Reilly part? I thought that was interesting when he was talking about when CK is talking about being in the in the background It was at Fox News or something the TV station and
Starting point is 00:15:02 He's realizing that while Obama's speaking no one's paying attention, no one has any clue what he's talking about and they're all getting their makeup done and whatever and it goes as soon as it's live on air for O'Reilly, he's just spouting out whatever he was going to spout out no matter what. I mean, it's just, it's just an act. Well, they have a narrative. Which we know, but to see that is, it's just makes it so much more real when like if he's seen this happen in action we all know it to be true but we don't think
Starting point is 00:15:33 about it when we hear these people we can TV as much but it's no surprise though no I know it's like imagine how because they got a panda to their audience period their audiences also already made up their mind. They don't like the Democrats, if it's Fox News, CNN, doesn't like the Republicans. So their response is always, wow, look at that. Typical, say in the same thing. I mean, it would be so wild.
Starting point is 00:15:58 If one of these reporters came online after that speech and they're like, you know what, surprised. He really had some good points. That's completely shaking me up. Doesn't happen anymore. No. No. Could it be sweet? It'd be sweet if it could. I think that I think that they would get discredited too fast. You know, I think even we, if there was like one news guy that just agreed with, you know, there was like, hey, they just looked for the best in every politician. Yeah. It, the show just couldn't work.
Starting point is 00:16:33 It's not like you have to pick everyone apart almost. Yeah. Yeah. And this is too much. It's too much. Well, nobody's watching anymore. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So I comedy's on the
Starting point is 00:16:46 rise. Well, Louis talked about maybe opening a club. How fucking cool would that be? The idea of comedians, of clubs being run by comedians is really the way forward, I think. I would love to see that. I mean, to some degree, you got to be careful because you're now running a business. And that's a whole different ball game. It sounds a bit like Louie's not going to do it. But I think that would be fantastic. You just pick a town that you love. And then you're like, right, this is my town, I'm opening a club, all the comedians already know you. So then they just get on a on a circuit of other comedians clubs. Joe may open the door for that. It's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:17:27 I hope so. I mean, yeah. I can't think, there were a few other comedians that owned clubs. I think, is it earthquake? Earthquake. It owns one or used to own one. That was where he just worked all the time. That's how he got so good.
Starting point is 00:17:44 But yeah, I hope that more guys do it. Talking of that club, number one, it's the new years. Come on, Joe. We want to see it. Get that open. But also knowing that he took really the best people from the comedy store when they weren't working. And his just basically paid their paycheck while they've not had to work because there's been slowdowns of like buying one building and having to buy another one, but he said it doesn't matter. I just pay you, and when we're ready, we're ready,
Starting point is 00:18:17 and it's not your fault. That's pretty badass. I mean, he's really coming in with the right team is what it sounds like. This, this thing's going to hit the ground running. No doubt. Hopefully they do some live specials too, because that seems to be the new norm. If, if rocks doing it and now CK is doing it, I mean, it just makes it more entertaining, I think, when it's live. Well, no doubt, Joe's, I would imagine Joe's going to do his next special there. I mean, actually, I think he's just done a special.
Starting point is 00:18:47 So that should be coming out soon. So I have to be the next one after this that he recorded there. But obviously, Kilt Tony's going to be live from Rogan's new club. So I think they're like every Monday, he releases those. And also, get a really good Instagram together, because if you follow the improv in Hollywood, the comedy store has a good Instagram, it's just got great things going on. They do, they show little snippets here and there. I mean, there's the opportunity to make a really cool Comedy Instagram as well
Starting point is 00:19:28 I I'm very excited for what that's gonna do for comedy won't be long Let's see keep keep pushing back the date though. When is he gonna do actually do it? I don't know he doesn't really have like an actual announcement I'm sure as you get into the the thick of these things, there's permits, there's this, there's that, there's bar set up, there's just always stuff. It's hard to kind of make a timeline of this stuff. And at the end of the day, Joe can afford it. He can keep putting it back until it's right because he has the money to put into it. I mean, he's printing cash at this point, so he can do that stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:08 I can't wait to get down the legends. Last, they...what are they finish up with? Oh, talking about people that kind of were disparaging to Louis after that leaked bit. So we had a leaked bit that was, I think it was like about a school shooting, and it was early on, it wasn't quite developed, it got leaked, he was somewhat... It wasn't finished though, right? No, yeah. just started, and it was like in the midst of all the controversy and people jumped all over it. Now it makes sense that regular folks would jump all over it, you know, because they're
Starting point is 00:20:50 trying to right click BADDY articles and people like to be upset about whatever. However, comedians jumping on it and talking shit, it's like, it sounds, Rogan cut a lot of them out of his life that did that. And I'm sure many other comedians with more integrity did that. Because at the end of the day, it's a Louis bit. Louis's gonna be Louis. What do you expect him to change all of his comedy and all of a sudden just be like, Seinfeld? It's not gonna work. No, he's not going to change it. It's so dumb. But again, when they look at who, and you know, fair play for both of them to not call any of these comedians out because that's, that's kind of play in that same game. It's not really cool. But I'm sure if you look back, you know, if you did a little bit of research
Starting point is 00:21:43 of who spoke out about Louis during that time, it wouldn't be that difficult to find some articles. And I'm sure that you're Rogan's right. They're comedians that just aren't that big. People just don't really know who they are. They're probably just not happy with how their career is gone. So they want to shut someone else. It's just no way to behave in that realm. Like it's hard enough to be a comedian. These guys and gals should all stick together, you know? Well, it's just trolling too. I mean, whether or not they're big comedians or not, they're just, like you said, they're
Starting point is 00:22:16 people who aren't feeling good in their own lives. Yeah, they're just being shitty. They're trolls, man. For one, they're just definitely being shitty the trolls man for one that just definitely being shitty I I don't like that stuff. I remember a couple of them too and I remember reading the articles about it and just The whole thing was just like well, what do you expect? It's the beginning of the bit and he dropped the bit completely No doubt Louis would have polished that into something that was just brilliant and Yeah, let the pressure rages.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Let the pressure get to him. Ah, well, I don't know. I don't know. It's hard not to. Yeah, he can come up more bits though. I can't wait to see this special. And yeah, we'll probably be watching that. Well, it depends.
Starting point is 00:22:58 When do you get back from your trip? Monday. Monday. Monday, 28th, I think, isn't that when it starts? Yeah. Perfect? Yeah, perfect Yeah, we set it up for sometime next week maybe Friday Friday next week. How's that sound? Let's do it Let's do it. All right. Let's jump over to forest Good old forest
Starting point is 00:23:18 What was your take on this guy? I think that he wants to have William Emma spack in Alaska. He was a really nice guy. I actually had never heard of him before this. I didn't know anything about the guy. Yeah, neither do I. I thought that Joe was maybe taken over a little bit. I was actually wanting him to talk more. First, I recognize that throughout. Just, I wanted to hear more about the Tundra and what was happening with the Wolliamamas.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And, you know, this happens with Joe all the time. It's fine, they just start talking about other shit. You know, it's like what I said last week of hearing about from start to finish like when somebody news on hearing about their life a little bit more and going through it. I wanted to hear more about this dude's like upbringing for some reason. Right. How he got to where he was. Because what a fucking interesting feel to be in. Mm hmm yeah, I want to bring Wully, Mammoth, and what was the other one? The Tiger. What was that other creature?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Tasmanian Tiger. Okay. Yep. Yep. I wonder how many we could bring the dodo back, I'm sure, if we wanted to, because that wasn't extinct all that long ago. So I'd imagine that as long as something has a really close relative that's still alive, and then we have enough DNA, which I'd imagine we still have some samples of these things.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I mean, I just think the idea of a park full of previously extinct animals is going to be such a massive attraction that it will not only pay for itself many times over, but just fund way more of this research. And who knows how far we can go with that? Because obviously, we're going to extrapolate it back to gene therapy with humans, CRISPR, stuff we can do. I read an article the other day, I don't know how verified it is, but they reversed aging on a mouse for the first time. They made a young mouse from an old mouse. It's like way younger.
Starting point is 00:25:40 That is crazy. That may be the start of like of all the things you can buy. Wasting your money on a Lambo is a bit of a joke after hearing, oh yeah, 250 grand and we're making 10 years younger. Like, people would do that all day. So many people all day. It's going to be the most bullet thing. But okay, so what the heck was he saying about how will he manage? They're going to help global warming. They can knock over trees.
Starting point is 00:26:14 He was like, wait, no, he was saying that because they trample down the snow and the tundra, it keeps it like nine degrees colder because it packs everything down. Who knows if that's right or not, I'm not sure. It was interesting, but if you have enough animals that are packing down the tundra with all that snow pack, it's just basically turning into ice and keeping it colder. Ah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And then that's in the snow stays there longer, and because it's white, it's reflecting, back up in the sky, it's not getting hot. Like trees get a lot hotter because they're darker from the solar, you know, from the sun hitting them, they get hotter. So it heats the planet up. When it's white, it doesn't get hot. They did say something about knocking trees over the.
Starting point is 00:26:58 So the other animals could then eat some other foliage underneath. I guess maybe overall, it means that then there will be more animals in these areas. So they're all kind of packing down the snow. That's what I got out of it. Huh. I wonder if they ran like simulations on this? How do they even... It almost seems far-fetched.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Like, I want to believe it. I'm sure much smarter people than me have thought about this. Guaranteed. But I'm like, wait a second, what? It seems scary to think that there's going to be that many fucking William Amos running around it. That doesn't seem like it would be helpful to me. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:27:39 But I don't know. Well, elephants are fairly dangerous. They do kill quite a lot of people, I think, in Africa. So I guess the advantage is there's not a bunch of people running around up in the Siberian tundra. True. To be squished by Willie Mammoth's. We'll be so dope to see that though.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Get a Willie Mammoth rug. Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. How about having the fish though? He was saying in eight years that if we stopped fishing, that all the fish would come back into the ocean. Mm-hmm. Well, number one, we're never going to do that. But it's very hopeful, right?
Starting point is 00:28:17 In the sense of like, let's say that we can be disciplined enough to just stop one species every now and again for a few years. Like we're like, okay, we're dumb as salmon. No more salmon now for a while. And we just let them come back. And then after that, then tuna, then that might be a way, almost like crop rotation, but with fishing. How do we do that though?
Starting point is 00:28:44 How do we do that though? I don't know. The problem is it's like the US is only one country. So we'd have to create some sort of international accord and hope people play along with it and hope that the countries that don't just don't have that much fishing that they could do to cause a problem. It seems like something we should do. I mean, but again, didn't he say that like so much of the world is fed on fish? Yeah, like most coastal towns. And I mean, that's a tricky one.
Starting point is 00:29:18 What do we can't ask people to starve? Definitely not. No, that's not gonna work. Radical conservation, huh? Is that what he called it? He called the Radical Conservation is what they're trying to do. Yeah. Keep the animals that we like to eat and hunt. I mean, that's right now that's basically what we do is the Radical come. The Radical Conservation is happening only with animals that we like to eat. It's like deer have come back and droves because we like to hunt them and we want to eat
Starting point is 00:29:50 them. So there's like a bunch of people behind it. All these hunters are behind it. So until you get the people behind it, there's going to be no radical conservation happening, right? Yeah. Like who, the dodo bird do enough people give a fuck about the dodo bird? No. Unfortunately not. No. I'd love to see the blue bird.
Starting point is 00:30:11 It's blue, right? I don't know. It was dumb. I know that. Super dumb. What did you think of it? Do that they eventually found in the jungle that thought he was still at war and was hit for like, what was he like? He was in the jungle with his two sons for like 41 years. In Vietnam, right? I think so. They thought the war was still going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:39 And we just stayed in the jungle. And he comes back to civilization and one of the sons didn't even know what a woman was. Like he just not- It's dad never told him. How much jungle is over there? To where you wouldn't- I guess they may have seen some people but they hid from him and that's just how they did it. How many years was it?
Starting point is 00:30:58 I think it was like 41 years. Unreal. Dude. Does this walk around in circles? I don't know. If it's a big enough area, I'm sure you can have quite a range. Wow. You know, there must be enough there for them to survive on.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Did they say why they ended up getting out of the jungle? I, they probably just bumped into some people and, or maybe they got sick. Maybe they needed something that they couldn't sort out on their own. I don't remember if they said though. They ran into a giant anaconda. Right. Good God. Yeah. Who knows, man? Who would do that to their kids? It seems like a really strange thing to do. I guess he had so much PTSD. He just didn't want to get out of there. He thought it was at war, right? Yeah. He thought it was still going. So keep hiding. And I guess
Starting point is 00:31:50 he thought the planes that were flying over was still part of the war effort. I mean, there's been stories like this in the past. They just didn't last this long. You know, I mean, there were people that hid for a few years here and then just felt like the war was still going on. It's, yeah, that's just too wild. How wild was it to think that the Amazon is from plants that were house plants basically and plants that people had just had around to, you know, they just planted them themselves and then they got so freaking big and took over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Because we always talk about now, like how we're destroying the, like, the incredible natural beauty that is the rainforest. And we may have created it in the first place, which doesn't say we should destroy it. Don't get me wrong because it's an incredibly beautiful and diverse place. But the fact that we as humans made it like that is pretty freaking amazing. So what do they think it was like before? That's what it was, it not jungle. Didn't say. Huh. What would you imagine it was? I mean, just forests. And then we brought in more edible things, or we brought certain levels of agriculture. I say we, I guess it's like, Aztecs, right? It wasn't me. I didn't do shit.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Yeah, I would think it was just a bunch of food edible plants, right? That's what you want around you. And then they just took over. That, but I mean, that's what you want around you. Yeah. And then they just took over. And, you know, it's like the wettest, sunny as place there is, so shits grow and like out of control. Fucking jungle.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Covering up the bear. It's gonna start. Just gonna start planting more stuff, man. It'll be fine. Yeah, stop cutting it all down. All right, giant snakes. That freaks me out. So he's saying what? Yeah, stop counting it all down. All right, giant snakes. That Freaks me out. So he said what the longest snake pretty much like 20 feet, right about that
Starting point is 00:33:52 Not this one Oh the hundred footer. Well, there was a three foot head on this thing so Yeah, he before I tells a story about the, like the military guy that was flying over, was it the Congo? And they see a snake, they took some pictures, the pictures are big green,
Starting point is 00:34:14 he could check them out. I'm sure Jerry companion has some good slides on there on Instagram. They, but the snake was like, they think a hundred foot long, three foot wide head. And the last time they flew by it, it like swiped out the plane. That last bit seemed like, what? How low were you going over the snake?
Starting point is 00:34:38 Maybe it's a small plane, a little prop. True. Maybe I guess a hundred foot snake would really get his head up. But something like that, how could no one have ever seen it? I'm sure they sound credible. Why would they lie? But there's always reasons to make up a story and embellish. Like, could you tell the difference between 100 foot and 50 from a plane? I mean, it would just look massive regardless, wouldn't it? Yeah, maybe it was only 50.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Yeah, but I think that's the only thing I can do. I mean, I'm sure they have a lot of things to do. I mean, I'm sure they have a lot of things to do. I mean, I'm sure they have a lot of things to do. I mean, I'm sure they have a lot of things to do. I mean, I'm sure they massive regardless, wouldn't it? Yeah, maybe it was only 50. Yeah, but I wouldn't be going into the Congo if there were a hundred foot snakes. You'd think that some tribal people would, if that was the case, they would wipe them out,
Starting point is 00:35:18 because that's a lot of food. Mm-hmm. And how hard is it with like a group of people to kill a snake? Can't be that difficult. I don't know, dude. I would be running as fast as I could away from that thing. I think it'd be pretty hard. You'd be able to swallow your whole. Yeah. Yeah, that would be outrageous. I don't like snakes really at all. I'm not a fan. What about eating liver or testicles
Starting point is 00:35:45 to get your testosterone up? Well, they said test the toes. I've never had the testy. No. Never had in Montana, they do the testicle festival, right? The testicle festival? Yeah, the testicle festival. That's 10 times fast.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Where you eat, where you eat. Is it Rocky Mountain oysters? Is that what they call that? Same thing, yeah. It's bison balls. What does it taste like if you ever had it? I haven't tried it. Oh, never wanted to.
Starting point is 00:36:11 What happens if you found out for sure it bumps your testosterone by like 20%, would you be down? Oh, I would try it. It's just that I've never had them in front of me. The liver kings, like that's the way forward. That and steroids, which he lies about, bless him. Yeah, I thought it was, I mean, we've heard this before, but how animals go to the liver every time,
Starting point is 00:36:36 but for some reason humans don't really ever want to eat it. Yeah, but we're kind of spoiled for choice, you know, and we're like, satiated off just junk all the time. I'm sure if we were hungrier, we'd want that as well. It's almost like the body would crave it. You know, it's like we somehow can just get by on being somewhat malnourished with certain nutrients, and it's okay. But live it, definitely. If you can get it in your system, I try and eat it whenever I can. I always have some of my house like frozen bits.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And I add it to stuff here and there. I mean, it doesn't go in every meal. The pate is the easiest way to do it. That's what I recommend. If you wanna get more living in your system, just buy one of those pate's, add it to like a little shakudri board or something,
Starting point is 00:37:25 get some cheeses and some olives, some crackers. Yeah, pork rinds, dip it in there. Those salt and pepper pork rinds, you have are good. Yeah, dude. Yeah, you keep your hands off those. All right, they were hard to track down. But yeah, I don't know about testicles. I don't even think I've ever been anywhere that had them.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Could you just go to a butcher's and be like, give me some test days. I think in Montana, it's easier to get them because there's a lot of bison and people actually eat them around here. But yeah, I mean, I don't know if enough people eat them free to just go to the store and get them though. Right. I guess talking at bison, what about that story of all those hunters standing on those massive piles of bones?
Starting point is 00:38:08 It's interesting that he said that. He said it was the bass, the guy that owns the bass fishing shop. He has next to, I guess, them flagship store. He has a little museum next door and you can see it in there. It's like very bison-focused. But I just went to the museum of the Rockies here by MSU, here in Bozeman, and one of the rooms in there once you get past like the dinosaurs and the other things, they have a bunch of pictures of that and they have these two hunters
Starting point is 00:38:37 on this giant pile. I mean, it must be like four or five stories high and it's just by some bonds. Mm-hmm. I mean, it looks absurd. Like, what are we doing? Honestly, I say, we, I didn't kill any bison. But the, and then to hear that they were wiping them out just to starve the Native Americans. It's so brutal. I mean, yeah, it's horrible.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Yeah, what an absolutely fucked up thing to be doing. And they were doing it for the tongues, is that what they said? They eat bison tongue? They said, huh. Never tried that either. Now, if you didn't plan a bison, burger's low, pretty good. Yeah, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:39:23 But I'm not trying to eat them so they go and extinct. That's for sure. How are their numbers now? I mean, I know they're not anywhere like what they were back in the day when the planes will follow them, but they're on the rise. I mean, are we kind of taking care of them now? I feel like a Yellowstone's full of them.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I don't know the numbers compared to what they were, but I know they're not extinct anymore. I mean, people are, again, it's one of those things with radical conservation. If we want to eat it, then we're going to start protecting it, right? We're going to start protecting the animals we want to eat. Now a lot of people want to eat bison now. It's a thing. Yeah, big business.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Ted's Montana Grill. That's it. Get it over there. It's a thing. Yeah. Big business. Ted's Montana Grill. That's it. Get over there. It's good. Oh, kind of going along the Randall Carson, you know, end of the world Doomsday thing, they talked about the Adam and Eve video, and all book that is out. And again, Jerry Companion had a good little slide on this, but I'd love to check that out more.
Starting point is 00:40:28 The idea that the polls will shift 90 degrees for like six days or something, and that happens. Now, I've heard of the polls flipping completely, like every, I don't know, so many million years or whatever it is. But this one is like the axis suddenly just gets turned on its side. And therefore, the rotation of the earth changes, but the winds don't, which just kind of destroys everything. Like that said, it was on terrifying. Well, that said, it was on terrifying.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Six days, right? It only lasts for six days or seven days and then it flips back the other way. Yeah. Was that on this pod? Yeah, it's actually one of those. Okay. Sorry, I was getting it confused with last week with the Ia the Sahara dudes. Yeah, because they were mentioning something like that too.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Yeah, so the book talks about the them thinking that God created the world in seven days or the earth in seven days and you think it has something to do with the pole shifting. Is that what they were talking about? I don't know. Like it takes seven days for all these things to happen. Yeah, they kind of gave that example. And then they talked a little bit about, oh like, it wasn't Elon Musk saying something about global cooling is actually far worse than global warming, which is kind of along those same lines.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And it's a big part of what, like, what forest is discussing. Like, we're worried so much about global warming as a whole but like again these like previous ice ages are just really nasty Yeah, they're definitely they've happened so many times that it makes us look so minuscule and unimportant Right and it's yeah the any day now something's to come and blast through the earth and all this shit We think is important is just not even close to important anymore. I mean cooling makes more sense that it would be worse I mean you can't grow anything at all when it's I mean you can't in a desert. That's for sure the whole words of desert That's not gonna work, like a hot desert. But if global temperatures drop all over,
Starting point is 00:42:50 like you're really in big trouble. And nobody's prepared for these changes. You know what I was watching the other day? That new show, the last of us. Have you heard about this? So it's on HBO, it's like the highest rated show ever through IMDB and it's a great show, but it's kind of, it's like the highest rated show ever through IMDB. And it's a great show, but it's kind of like the walking dead, a new one. But what's happening is about a fungus,
Starting point is 00:43:11 not a virus. It's like a fungus that like mutates temperature wise. So it takes over human brains and then causes people to go nuts and that's it. And I started watching it after a day where I'm like, spent most of the day listening to my friends and other people's problems all day. Where they were just like, you know, complaining about just shit not going right in their lives. And I'm like, you know, maybe I'm just in a bit of a spoil position
Starting point is 00:43:39 but I'm like, these things aren't that bad. Like it could be so much worse. It's like if something really cataclysmic happens, like that's gonna put your like need for a new car or a new house or any of this bullshit in perspective so quickly. Totally. I just worry so much that like the resilience of people
Starting point is 00:43:59 like hold on. Like, how are you gonna get through this? We don't have resilience anymore. Not many people do. I probably don't. I'm talking a big game, but yeah. You take away a few of my creature comforts and I'm gonna be fucking useless for a while.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Nah. Where we getting food from if we can't go to the grocery store? Yes. We'll be hunting Willie Mammoths in no time. Straight back up there. Well, you could go over to Mammoth said no time. Straight back up. Well, you could go over to the cut and they've got a lot of stuff under a ground over there at the church universal triumphant. Oh, they doomsday prep us. Yeah, bless them. Yeah. Yeah. While they can food down there, you won't be talking shit about them when you
Starting point is 00:44:40 run out of food. They can't see it. You'll be going there for rice. And you better hope that they're your friends. for sure. Going back to the extinct animals and let's finish up with that. If you could bring anything back and maybe not back to the dinosaur era because we'd all pick a different dinosaur because that would be dumb. But you know of of like more recent extinctions. What would you want to bring back? Is the what is like the Siberian tiger It's on the table is that on the table? Yeah, yeah, you can bring that but isn't it still? We still have the Siberian tiger. I don't it's just not I don't know if it's fully extinct Are you talking about like a saber tooth tiger?
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah, no, no, no. Because we don't have those. Well, that would be sick, but that would just like take over and kill everything though. So I don't know if I'd want that back here. I wouldn't mind bringing back one of those giant bears. Oh, the ones with a small head, but they're like ginormous. Yeah, they're like 40 feet tall or something. I don't think that tall, but pretty fucking tall.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Big, they're bigger than polar bears. What was it called the nose tooth bear or something? Something. Or maybe like, I think it might actually have something to do with the size of its head, like the small headed bear. I don't know. It's not that. That would be a cool one. Honestly, maybe this is a bit too close to home, but I think it would be great to bring back
Starting point is 00:46:09 like a Neanderthal or like some of the more primitive human species. Though that might be a bit cruel because it's like them, what do you do? I don't want to put them in a zoo. It's not really fair. You know, but that might be it. Here's the list of what they're the current
Starting point is 00:46:26 candidates for de extinction, which is what he was talking about. Well, they're only mammoth number one. Okay. And then the perennian eyebexck that just looks like a huge ass cow with horns. Right. Let's see. The quaga, which looks like a zebra, looks like a half zebra, half horse, that thing's cool. Okay. We got any sayings.
Starting point is 00:46:58 There's the thylacine, which is what they were talking about. Tasmanian tiger, that thing is fucking cool. Well, look at that. It looks like a hyena with stripes, but like a tiger with hyena's face. Oh, wow. Yeah, that thing is wild. So that died off in the thirties.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Oh, we got to have some samples of that thing. And you would imagine, you know, it would make sense to bring some predators back with this whole thing. I mean, passenger pigeon. That's what I want to bring back passenger pigeon. Yeah, those poor things. They go wiped out. Well, I feel like this is the beginning of people being able to live forever in that sense. Once we start bringing back creatures that have gone extinct, we're going to start very quickly knowing so much more about genetic engineering. And then we're going to live in a very, very weird time. Maybe for the best. Maybe not.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Who knows? Till those asteroids hit again. So much to worry about. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. It doesn't it. Ignorance is bliss. No, for me, it actually makes me feel better about all the shit humans are doing on the planet.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Oh yeah, it's just gonna get wiped. It's gonna get wiped out eventually. We're gonna be fine. It's gonna start over. It's gonna take millions of years. It'll start back over. I don't like your attitude. All right. I think humans, I'm pro human.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I'm not saying I'm not pro human. I'm saying all the shit that we do is, is gonna, it's gonna start over again. Okay. What is that all the shit we've been talking about? It's it always starts like cool for this. And there's probably not anything we can do. Let's be honest, save all the cans you want, but good luck. You're gonna keep people going for, you know, a thousand years on your cans. Anyway, that's it for this week. Thank you, as always, for listening.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Anyone that made it to the end of this podcast, God bless you. We love you. Thank you so much, and speak to you next week. Cheers, guys. Cheers.

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