Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 310 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Adam Curry aka The Pod Father Et al.

Episode Date: February 4, 2023 For all marketing questions and inquiries: This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Review Guest list: Adam Curry, Mike Glover, and Merlin Tu...ttle A portion of ALL our SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! Go to Fight for the Forgotten to donate directly to this great cause.  This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Tía que sé, también un poquito de agua de tu botella, por favor. ¿Qué botella, tía? Es una batidora. Que sí, tía, que una botella de plástico en el contenedor amarillo puede ser cantidad de cosas. Ya. Pero me das agua de tu batidora. Recicla tu botella de plástico en el contenedor amarillo y participa en la economía circular. Reduce, reutiliza, recicla, ecómbes.
Starting point is 00:00:20 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. You're listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn. It might either be the worst podcast
Starting point is 00:00:48 or the best one. Two, one, go. Draw the show. What up folks, and welcome to another episode of the Joe Rogan Experience Review. This is part two for the week where we fit in the other podcasts. Joe does so many, but we squeeze some of the end. Obviously,
Starting point is 00:01:08 as you can tell, we've been doing two a week. We try to focus on the conversation that really stands out the most to us. We do that earlier in the week and then we go into the other ones. Not to say that less important or not as good, but really it's like we get the most usually out of the first one that we do. And when I say the most, it's often in terms of like what we can learn from something. Anyway, up now we have Adam Curry, we have good old Mike Glover, the guy who's bad ass, and then Dr. Merlin Tuttel, which is like the cutest name that you've ever heard, it's almost a shame he doesn't study turtles. Instead of bats. It's joined as always by my main man, Todd. Hey, he is as big of a Rogan fan as me mostly because
Starting point is 00:02:01 it's his job, but he's getting there. He's coming over. All right, let's cross. It's a he's crossed over. Adam Curry, the pod father. Why I love this guy coming on, even though sometimes he comes out with some ideas that I don't always mesh tightly with me, but he started podcasting. You've got to give him that way back in the day.
Starting point is 00:02:33 He really is and hats off to him. Yeah, before Corolla, which I always thought Corolla was the first guy after what's his name? The guy who's got the serious show, the curly hair dude, fucking, why can't I think of his name? How it's done? Thank you. He didn't do any podcasts.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Well, right, but he was, I mean, he's basically a podcast before podcasts were a term. I think he led the way for people to stop podcasting. He was scared of podcasting too, which is funny. I mean, he was basically a radio show that was a podcast, right? It's the same thing. Well, he doesn't like competition.
Starting point is 00:03:12 How it's done doesn't like people, any kind of competition. So they call, get out of here with that. They call, Curry the podfather? Oh yeah. What a dope name. It's good. Yeah. I wonder how big his audience is on these days what a dope name. It's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I wonder how big his audiences are these days. Like, I'm sure they're pretty big. I mean, he has a network, I think. And, but he really does kind of embody the free speech model and push forward on that understanding of, I guess his direction with and motivation of podcasting for his whole network. That's all he likes.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Also entertainment as well, but he's really been at the forefront of it. I think the guys at the very beginning that picked up a lot of steam just like Adam Corolla. I mean, I think Adam did it because he got fired and then was like, well, fuck this. I'll just jump over to do my own thing. You know?
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah, and how did Curry get started then? I think similar. He was on MTV and they'd been giving him shit for many, many years and pressure on him. They were even telling him to cut his hair. It's like, all right, dude, chill out. Well, it's MTV, dude. You got to look good on MTV. You got to look good. You got to look good as Carson. I know. Bless him. Carson. Let's see, doing these days. Who knows? He's like on E television now or something. Does anyone even watch MTV anymore? Does that still... Is that still a thing that people are watching?
Starting point is 00:04:47 It's got to exist. 16 impregnants, a good one. Oh, classic. Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's still going, isn't it? I don't know. You'd think they have like the Alabama version,
Starting point is 00:04:59 which is like 13 impregnant. The real world was dope. That was a good show. That was a good show. I was into that. Yeah. I think Theo was on that. Theo Vaughan. No way. Yeah, he was on some reality show back there. It might have been that one.
Starting point is 00:05:11 At least for a season. Yeah, he was all about it. So no agenda I circled that one. Oh. He hadn't heard about it. I love how he doesn't want to get tracked. He's off the grid.
Starting point is 00:05:30 He's off the grid. He's got his own chickens. No agenda You have to check it out. Get the graphene operating system on his phone. He had some old school Google phone. Is it worth it though? Look, there's this like romanticized idea
Starting point is 00:05:49 of like off the grid living in your cabin, you got all your guns, you can hunt for yourself. It's like, aren't you, look, it's good to know how to do it, but shouldn't you wait till the world ends before you go do it? In some way, it's like how shitty do you want your phone to be? I think really all you're doing is just giving yourself technology that's like 10 years old.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Yeah, and you know the screens cracked. Guaranteed. But you know what, he could probably light a fire and he has chickens, so. Women want that these days. He also said he had a pretty solid set of false teeth, which fat plates to him. Yeah, the first 15 minutes he talked about his teeth.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Then they got into a lot of good stuff after that. But, you know, you know, I'm glad he got his teeth fixed. It's good. Sounds like it helped his sinuses. It's all good. We got to do a lot of conspiracies. Bless him. Which is always fun. Well, he said he did the We got to do a lot of conspiracies. Bless us. It was always fun.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Well, he said he did the carnival diet and that's been helping him. So I like hearing more of those stories come through. Like I would have to say, and I've done it a few times and I go in and out of doing it. It does work for me. I feel great when I do it. It's hard, it takes a lot of discipline.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I haven't heard many versions of that story that end with I felt Teraboy didn't work for me. I'm done. Yet I have heard down the vegan end. Right, I don't you think it's because the vegan end has a lot of processed stuff. Where you gotta be careful, yeah. Soye.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Right. You know. You could eat bread all day. Well, you're careful, yeah. So, right. You could eat bread all day. Well, you just, there's, how do you get rid of gluten if you're a vegan? I don't understand how, I mean, you can't just eat veggies. Well, they're not trying to get rid of gluten. Well, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:07:37 So that's not gonna make you feel good. It's a lot of sugar. Do you think everyone's allergic to gluten? No, I think it's the glucose of fate. That's in that they spray all over wheat all over the country. Todd to bring the science today. Rogan's talked about that. Quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:07:54 I mean, yeah, it doesn't sound good. It started skyrocketing in the what mid 80s. They started seeing glucose of fate in your wheat. And now it's all over the place. That might be why I can't feel so good when I do keto foods and connoble foods. Because I think it might be part of it. It's just hard to tell what's working.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Like, what is it that makes you feel better on that? But yeah, he's doing good. Joe's in it, he's doing the month. Dry January. So he's done now, he's doing the month. Dry January. So he's done now, he's probably been hammered for three days, bless him. But good bit of discipline, for sure. Adam's take on Bitcoin. He said, what do you have?
Starting point is 00:08:38 900 bitcoins at one point. Yeah, sold them. Sold them for like a few hundred bucks. Oh, that's got a, that's got to be rough. But he, but he bought some more during the pandemic, right? When they went down to four thousand, went down to four K per Bitcoin. Is that what it was during the pandemic? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. But now he's saying 40% of all US dollars were made in the last year printed in the last year See this is something I wanted to talk about I don't fucking understand how that's possible supposedly
Starting point is 00:09:11 We've been printing like billions a dollars a month and Something I heard today is that we're gonna stop doing that and not like next month in March So the Fed has said was stopping printing this and not only next month in March. So the Fed has said, we're stopping printing this. And not only that, they're gonna start destroying money. I don't know how they do that. I guess they have to buy bonds or something that connect to the money.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And then they're just going to not buy the bonds to support those. And therefore take the money out of circulation. That sounds like something really bad is about to happen. I wish I knew more about, you know, economics for that one, but it doesn't sound good, dude. What are we supposed to sell? The $25 of stocks that we own.
Starting point is 00:10:04 That's why you gotta buy gold, I guess. Yeah. What are we going to do with gold? Todd, how much gold can we buy? Honestly, who spend too much of the studio and video arcades? What do you think about the, if you, if you made a dollar a minute, you're a millionaire in 12 days. If you make a dollar a minute, you're a millionaire in 12 days. If you make a dollar a minute, you're a billionaire
Starting point is 00:10:25 in 31 years. Yeah. Okay. And if you make a dollar a minute, you're a trillionaire in 31,000 years. Yeah, so it sounds like a trillion dollars is quite a lot more. Quite a lot more. It's unreal. It's unreal.
Starting point is 00:10:43 So if Elon Musk is a quarter of a trillionaire, then that is, what is that? Like, 7,000 years of making a dollar a day? It's a long time. It's a long time. Yeah. I'll take the millionaire version. That doesn't sound like too much work. Well, he's gonna be mining in space,
Starting point is 00:11:06 and then he's gonna, then he'll be a trillionaire real quick. Hmm. Wait, what did you say? How long for a million? A million is only... 12 days if you make a dollar a minute. Are you sure it's not a second? No. He said if you made a dollar a minute.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Now, this is just coming off of what Curry said. I didn't research this. Okay. No, he said if he made a dollar a minute, now this is just coming off of what Curry said. I didn't research this. OK. I think it's a second, but I don't know. We have to look into it. Mmm, I was just paraphrasing. I love it. MOTRIO te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente
Starting point is 00:11:45 cualificados y formados. DECOBRE MOTRIO, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller MOTRIO más cercano en Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, MOTRIO te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descubre MOTRIO, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller MOTRIO más cercano en
Starting point is 00:12:15 All right, so along those lines Elon Musk owns Twitter. There's been a lot of talk about what he's going to do with it. Is he just freeing it up to be like the free speech social media platform that we should all be using with very little constraints or According to Adam Curry, he might be bring he might be doing a sneaky little thing and bringing in some Bitcoin Or some not Bitcoin, but like a certain type of crypto that he makes that you can buy and sell on the platform. That's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Would you buy into it? Would you be an early adopter? Like think about it. If you were an early adopter of Bitcoin, like, I mean, it was like one set for like a long time, long enough for anyone to get involved. If you had bought it then and you'd had it, even though it's dropped to 25,000 of Bitcoin, you'd be massively rich.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I think it's worth getting into. I don't think people can afford to not buy into a Twitter crypto if he releases it early. Because why not? I mean, you buy a thousand dollars, even if that's a stretch for you and you sit on it, just never touch it, see where it goes.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah, it could go to nothing, but a thousand dollars isn't gonna wreck you. Yeah, just don't take it out. Yeah, don't do anything with it. Just wait till it's worth how many other billions. That sounds like from the guy that made PayPal, this sounds like something he would do. And I never even considered that until Adam's talking about it on the podcast. What do you think about him saying that Facebook and Google are going to take over TikTok? And that was the plan all along.
Starting point is 00:14:06 And that's why they're saying, you know, having all these news articles saying how they're taking our, you know, our identities and using other computers and getting information off other computers, he's saying, Curry was saying that everyone's been doing that. When you say take over from, like, they're trying to ban it right? Yeah. Like Facebook and Google that would help them if TikTok got banned. Well, something that I didn't understand because I don't use TikTok. I just thought it was videos of people dancing that was interesting and massively distracting. However, Jamie was saying that it's like a way to search for things as well. So if it does cut into search results, meaning people are going to TikTok to find out where the best restaurant is or
Starting point is 00:14:52 what the, you know, the best or most interesting version of whatever is, that clearly fucks with Google. And they're not going to stand for this. I just think it's taken away advertising dollars. It's just people watching Reels. I don't, nobody's searching TikTok for restaurants, dude. It didn't make sense to me, but that's what Jamie butted in with. He was like, you can use it and just be like, where's the best place to go? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Where was George Bush during the JFK assassination? I don't know. Oh, that's controversial. We're going down a slippery slope. He couldn't he couldn't remember where. How can you not remember? Come on. I mean, I was in a life.
Starting point is 00:15:33 We have at 9.11, you remember? Of course. Everybody remembers. Dude, I was in a gym. Exactly. I was really vivid. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Super vivid. So what does that mean? What are they implying by that? The George had something to do with it? Well, he was headed the CIA at the time. George Sr. Oh. Papa Bush.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Oh, yeah. Yeah. What is it? Do you think then that he is saying that he doesn't remember because he was probably like on a fucking phone call or in some sort of meeting? Just like discussing what was going on. Why wouldn't you just make up where you were?
Starting point is 00:16:11 I mean, I don't know when that question was asked of George Sr., but maybe he was just caught off guard and didn't know what to say. So he said he couldn't remember, right? Because it made him nervous. Why else wouldn't you just make something up? You had a CIA. You should just make something up. Yeah, on my house. On CIA agents. Good. Law is you should be. Otherwise get out. That should be the first test. How good are you?
Starting point is 00:16:33 Alar. We need you. We need you to lie. That is wild. Yeah, I mean, I didn't realize curry was such a conspiracy theorist, but I like it. Oh, no, he's all about it, dude. I loved his quote. As sure as I know, Building Seven didn't fall down out of sympathy for Buildings One and Two. But then he goes into God is real, Jesus existed. I didn't see that coming. No, that was left field.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I don't think Joe, I thought Joe handled that well. And respectfully. He did. You know, I think if this was the podcast from 10 years ago, he would have ripped on Adam for a while, like Joe's not exactly a religious person. I think later in life, you know, he's age, he also knows this controversy around it, but more to Joe's style, I think that he's more open
Starting point is 00:17:22 to the idea or just more respectful of people's different thoughts. He's just humble in his old age. Yeah. Respectful exactly. Hey, he's not that old, bro. All right. Okay. 55.
Starting point is 00:17:35 He's getting up there. He's looking great. He's got, he could double that. So, it's a conspiracy. For you're going to speak as conspiracies, it is a conspiracy that Twitter, that the Twitter files are not being reported. That was a good one. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Well, why aren't they? Exactly. I mean, they should be. What's Elon up to? He could release him. Is there some, do you think there's like some government issue? I mean, I would venture to say that it's because the media is not owned by Mr. Elon, other than Twitter, and they don't want people to know that the FBI was part of the Twitter files and that they were paying people off to say certain things.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Yeah, but I mean, unless it's like a national security risk, and there's some sort of top secret clearance that won't allow Elon to do it, I don't see why he wouldn't. Well, I just don't think it's getting picked up by the corporate media. Oh, in the out, can we look at them? It just, I don't know. I just know that the Twitter files are a thing.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I don't know if they're out. Huh. Yeah. Well, as long as they write it in an interesting narrative and not like a giant manuscript that takes forever, like the, you know, Declaration of Independence and you're just like, I Can't read this much. But it would be great if if Elon just released a book like a fun kind of novel that just explains what went on and what he saw when he got there,
Starting point is 00:19:12 just a narrative to that whole process. Because there's so much going on in the Twitter acquisition that we don't know about, right? It still is kind of strange to me that he did it. It's one thing that he just wants to be this much of a proponent of free speech, but it's also just kind of unusual use of his time. He, I just feel like he has, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:19:41 he has like some other play going on that we don't see. Well, if the Twitter files aren't out, how did they find out about this $3.4 million that were supposedly paid from the FBI to Twitter and then never got the money was never transferred? Oh yeah, Twitter didn't ask for it. Don't know. Dude, there's some big, there's some fuckery going on. I don't like it. It's, it's, it seems like a good thing that Elon has it, even though people are getting upset about it. It's like this, this has to be the right move for free speech.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Well, as long as he doesn't back down, he, I mean, if he doesn't need the money and then, and if he doesn't back down from, you know, if somebody asks him, if the FBI asks him to censor something, I don't think he will. So yeah, it's great. Yeah. Talking about information, not getting out. I mean, they talked about the Ukraine war, right?
Starting point is 00:20:39 They talked about, it's getting ugly, you know? There's new types of drones they're using. I guess they're using like cheaper drones, like two, $300 drones with grenades on that they're flying into places. So warfare is getting wild, right? It's like robot warfare, like at least the closest we've had, which is always the way, right? The most recent war is always gonna have
Starting point is 00:21:02 like the wackiest, craziest technology. But in a way, there are a budget. And Adam kind of implied that there may be a narrative when I'm hearing the Russians because of their extra resources or just training, they might be in the winning position. And we're not hearing this. And what does that mean? How far do we go with this? this and what does that mean? Like how far do we go with this? Let's be honest, it seems like that, you know, the information about that war is kind of dropping out of media. You know, they're leaning into like, you know, they're fucking feed-ness bullshit when they start leaning into celebrity gossip again and articles and just like, you know, tone down destructive stuff. There was a thing recently about a lot of high level politicians in Ukraine getting kicked
Starting point is 00:21:57 out for taking a lot of money. But of course, when you're pouring a ton of money into a country during a war, who the hell is keeping the eye on any of that? You know, it's $75 billion, I think, was like the last big chunk that they gave them. If you're thinking of that money in a country that before this war was pretty well known as being corrupt They bring in a new president that you know is anti corrupt quote-unquote and I hope he is seems like a great guy I Saw him on those letterman interviews that they do on Netflix. It was really interesting
Starting point is 00:22:39 It seems to care a lot about his people, you know, who has regular clothes. He's kind of like in military, gobb almost. He's a good spokesperson for the country. He looks good. He was an actor. Yeah. Well, he's an actor though. He's a good actor. There you go. Good actor. And I hope he is actually a good actor, like in that degree.
Starting point is 00:23:02 But yeah, mostly the information that we're getting seems to be like being reduced. Well, isn't that normal for our media to do that? I guess, but it still seems early days. I mean, we were like fretting about nuclear war recently, and now we're back on to, you know, what are celebrities doing? It's like, are we sure that we're keeping in close enough on this problem?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Or do they just know that it's not as big a deal as it was? I feel like in my opinion. What'd you take on it? You don't worry about this? I have a son to worry about, man, that's where I'm at with it. I have a fair enough. I don't need to be consumed with negativity. There's enough going on in my life already.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I mean, how do you, how is it good to, I may sound naive and dumb here, but how is it good for me to try and catch up on that via the news, which I don't even know if they're reporting real things happening? I just don't trust the news anymore. I hate to say it. Dude, chat GPT, GPT.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Yeah, that's, that's the new news. That's going to be the new news. People just write in there what they need, what they want, a story to be made of. And that's what's going to pop up. If you guys are listening and you haven't played around with that software, get online and see how incredibly smart it is. I mean, we're gonna talk more about it next week with Lex Friedman's podcast, but it's yeah, it's what of that. The last thing I wanted to hit you with on this podcast, Todd, in this conversation with Adam is so they talk about neural ink you know get stuff in
Starting point is 00:24:47 Planted in your brain you also have your smartphone. So that's like your symbiotic relationship with AI or a computer or you know becoming cyborg. It's getting closer to us. Nobody we're already freaking out if we leave our phone But if there is a new implant that or a pill, but mostly an implant because I feel like it's going that way, that can just pump in, dope them in into your system, like basically make you feel good whenever you want. How long before everyone is getting that shit? Just as soon as it's available, people are gonna do it. I mean, maybe there's some old school people,
Starting point is 00:25:29 like maybe, you know, us and a few of our friends that have their lives in a position the way they don't feel like it's super sad all the time. We might be like, you know what, we're just gonna go out this alone and see how this plays out. But most people are gonna be straight into that one, dude. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, Motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Encuentra tu taller, Motrio más cercano en Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, Motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller, Motrio más cercano en This guy was interesting. Okay, so he's a part of Black Ride for Coffee, has a survival company, recently deemed an extremist threat by social media.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And this isn't uncommon, this is kind of stuff is happening. So, he's got special forces, knows how to survive, wanted to pass this information along, and through his teachings, I guess you would call it, online, it's made him, it kind of like red flagged him to the point where they just shut down all his businesses. Now, how is there no open dialogue with social media. Like, I just don't get it. That there isn't like more effort put into some sort of review board where you can go in, almost like they should set up
Starting point is 00:27:33 their own court systems, which are not legally binding, but they are just related to the company. And people can go in and explain their situation. And if a lot of their flagging is done by AI, which it probably is because they're working at scale, they're flagging these different things here and there. And they're saying, yeah, that looks weird. That looks weird. This guy is talking about collecting as much gasoline as you can and a giant tank in the back of your truck. I could totally see. If one of my neighbors told me this, I'd spend the rest of the week making fun of them even if I liked it. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:10 It's reasonable. It's a silly thing to do. However, if your job is teaching people how to survive long term, then that is a reasonable thing to talk about. Well, yeah. He just wants people to be self-reliant. That's the whole thing about his field craft survival, right? But it was his other company that got taken off
Starting point is 00:28:31 of Facebook. It was the American contingency, which was a little bit different, right? It was a forum. He had a forum online. And the FBI analyst that studied him and like brought him in. Remember, he got brought into the whatever, you know, wherever you go to get analyzed by other FBI people and, you know, make sure that you're okay for civilian life to be put
Starting point is 00:28:57 into a new job. Remember, he goes in there and he says, yeah, I've seen hundreds of dead people. Or I've killed hundreds of people. Right. And that was a huge red flag. So he had all that stuff happening before they realized he was creating these Facebook accounts. So I can see why it happened. It's total bullshit.
Starting point is 00:29:18 But yeah, kind of like if you're just setting up systems that have to flag a lot of people, it makes sense. Yeah. If you're just setting up systems that have to flag a lot of people, it makes sense. However, my point is, why don't they have some sort of system on the back end to allow, is it just safer for them just to be across the board? All right. While we clean this out, we may clean out eight accounts that are garbage and one that's good, but that's just the price of business. It's just ego, probably ego getting in the way
Starting point is 00:29:45 from the one guy who flagged it and said, no, I'm, you know, he just didn't want to be incorrect. I did like the idea of having a vehicle with a separate gas tank that has 75 gallons and then you could drive a thousand plus miles. It's a little wacky. I don't know how you could like persuade your wife to this. This is like a good investment, right? They'd be like, all right, bro, what are you going to start saving or, you know, start counting your own food? But I feel like even if you never
Starting point is 00:30:18 had to use it, it's like owning a gun that you never have to use. You don't want to have to use it. But if you could afford it, wouldn't it just be like a smart move to just leave it in your garage and then just you've got your escape plan, map it out. I mean, in Montana, we don't need to worry too much because this is where most people are going to come. So we're already there. Isn't the government scared of people who are self-reliant. It's like the less we need from the government, the more scared they're gonna be. If we all had our own, you know, farms, we wouldn't be buying their shit food
Starting point is 00:30:53 that sprayed with chemicals, you know. What's actually, along those lines, what's the deal with the eggs right now? They're going up in price, so they're hard to get. Somebody who's sound recently, yeah. They were like, yeah, we can't, can't get any eggs. Yeah, well, that too much. I'm like, what? Everyone needs their own chickens now, I guess. Ha. Smart. Alright, you have the room for it, you should have your own chickens.
Starting point is 00:31:17 So chickens, gas tanks, and pickling. I would like to can some food. I had a ton of tomatoes last year that ended up going rotten in McGrawdch Because I didn't can't I could a can those should a can if you gone his his Survival program you could have done it I mean the the guy sounds like a highly trained individual. It's like It's so interesting that the military train these people to these incredible levels and then when they get back into society They're not allowed to share the information that they gained
Starting point is 00:31:53 You know Did you think it was weird how I mean? Yeah, I don't know why he's not able to share his information. I think it's because it's probably You're gonna talk to somebody about how you killed a bunch of people? That's not the information he shares. He talks about survival. Right, but okay, but he was saying that he needs a transitional period. They're not given enough time for a transitional period for people to get
Starting point is 00:32:19 back into regular society. They have these goals every day as, as fighters. And it's like, they want to label them PTSD, like right away. It was strange for him to say that he doesn't have any trauma for that from killing all those people and being such a warrior out there. But it's made a good point. He's like, I'm just revved up right now. there. But it kind of made a good point. He's like, I'm just revved up right now. You know, it's he even gave the example of like a dog that's like a bomb sniff a dog or attack dog
Starting point is 00:32:51 or something. And then you just bring it into regular life and you just have it sit in the front room. It's going to take some time to transition into that. Yeah. Well, he also has the mindset of a soldier, right? He said he was having nightmares about missing out on war. That's not normal. He's not a normal human. Well, I think he specified that he didn't feel like they were nightmares. They would just dreams about war. When they were deemed, it was like deemed a traumatic experience though he was saying it wasn't that. It was just what he thinks about because that's where he was. It's what he was thinking about a lot. But he clearly enjoyed his experience.
Starting point is 00:33:36 He enjoyed being at war. Well, that seems like not unusual, at least in the special forces rounds. They have a lot of autonomy. They're highly trained. They get all the best equipment and they've got a great team around them. And they feel like they're doing something very important and they have an incredibly strong purpose for what they do. That's what it is right there. That's it. If you don't have the purpose and you come back in a civilian life, that's why all these guys are killing themselves They come back and the purpose is It's diminished. It's no longer any People telling them that their skill sets can't be used because they're dangerous. That's pretty demoralizing
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yeah, not cool Not cool. The guy 93% of Americans stay inside all the time de la gente, no es tan bueno. No, no me pensé que no había ningún clústico, eso fue tan bien. y formados. Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller Motrio más cercano en Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, Motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas
Starting point is 00:34:57 con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller, Motrio, más cercano en ¿Qué pensé sobre él? El crimen es 25% de metropolitana y, más de la democracia de los grandes, que es muy difícil. democratic run areas recently. That's pretty scary. I mean, we've all heard about what's happening in California where you can just basically go into a store and steal things and leave, and they're
Starting point is 00:35:34 not really stopping you. We don't see a lot of that up here in Montana. I'd be interested here from some of the listeners of what's going on in Europe city, your town. Like, do you feel like it's rising? Well, trading anxiety is rising. I know that much. I had never heard the term for that. What's that? The triggers and trauma that people get from simple things,
Starting point is 00:35:59 like being in a traffic jam and going absolutely berserk, starting to bang on your, like having road rage essentially. Oh, no shit, really? Just having crazy anxiety over things that seem really minuscule, like not a big deal. Yeah. I've, that one's an interesting one for really all humans because anyone that drives
Starting point is 00:36:20 his head road rage, at some point, to some level. Like for whatever that is, that just revs you right up Maybe that is an important gauge on how upset society is at any good time hmm When was the last time yet road rage Hmm probably this morning. It was it wasn't that long ago Probably this morning. It was it wasn't that long ago. Oh, how about the 12 12 out of 14 people? I think we've heard that we've heard this unroganed before. He's mentioned it when the when they storm the governor's house and they tried to go into the governor's house in Michigan. And 12 out of the 14 people were
Starting point is 00:37:00 informants. That story is fuck like FBI. Was that just an entrapment case? How is that good use of our, yeah, it's all entrapment. How is that good use of our dollars? I mean, they basically talk these two people into doing it. Yeah. And they're all working for the government. I don't understand that.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Maybe they needed a win. You know, when you need a win, and you want some positive coverage, you're going to go for it. I don't know. So I don't know how prepared do you feel for the future then? You know, that's a good point. I mean, a lot of this podcast was like me thinking about, you know, what kind of setups I have. And I guess you have to create a range of one possibilities in the world and then also your capabilities, okay? My capabilities are low.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Possibilities are endless. So I like to look at it as like, yeah, not a lot's gonna happen. I don't feel like the power's gonna go out anytime soon. Inflation might be, you know, huge for a bit. Then we might have this massive stock, you know, crash, which is always a real bummer than you can't buy houses and X, Y and Z.
Starting point is 00:38:20 How bad do we need a plan for it to get though, in a sense? Because I just don't think that if you have a cool bunker and a vehicle that can drive a thousand miles and a shitload of canned food, that you're gonna get all that far. Definitely not. I feel like people are just gonna just steal it off you. They're gonna figure out where you are and take it.
Starting point is 00:38:43 I think growing your own food, I'm surprised you didn't talk more about growing your own food. That seems more important than canning. You gotta get the food somehow before you throw it in a can. It sounds like they grow it though. Okay, I would assume. I mean, I can't imagine that, what are, otherwise what are they doing?
Starting point is 00:39:01 Growing up the grocery store, buying fresh vegetables, and then canning them. It's like I would imagine that he's hunting, getting meat and then I think at the end of the day with something like that as a good prepper, realistically you just need a really fucking strong community. A good group of people around you that all have their own skills and are willing to
Starting point is 00:39:26 kind of come together because it all go back to tribalism at that point. If you watch the last of us, that mushroom fungus zombie thing, good show, really good show. And there are some moments in there where people are kind of living on their own and figuring it out and doing it. And it's ultimately, there are individuals with really good skills, but overarching, it's the people in strong communities that are surviving. And it's when people come together that they get the strength and like the, I guess the
Starting point is 00:40:03 purpose to go on. I don't think one man in a cabin has all that much desire, even if he knows how to do it. It's like, what kind of life is that? Well, maybe if the shit does hit the fan, we will have some purpose to come together. Because right now everybody's way too comfortable. Everyone's living in abundance
Starting point is 00:40:21 and that seems to be causing the laziness and the depression. And if everything's easy, man, that one of the best things I heard Glovers talk about was my theory for mental health, don't be lazy. Yeah. That struck a chord with me, man, because every time I get annoyed with myself, it's because I'm not going to the gym, I'm not doing what I need to do at work, and then it spirals. As soon as I start being productive again, I'm not doing what I need to do at work and then it spirals As soon as as soon as I start being productive again, I'm fine But people are kind of hate that dialogue they get mad at it. But it works
Starting point is 00:40:50 I know but they get mad at it. They're like oh, well, you know, you just can't go that hard all the time and they're real issues and Well, if you don't you're gonna probably be depressed more than the guy who's doing it. I agree I agree I mean, it's it's the narrative we go over so much. Too comfortable, man. We're too comfortable. I'm too comfortable right now sitting here.
Starting point is 00:41:11 It's hot in here. It's too, I know. There's like six feet of snow outside, and our studio is baking, and we're complaining about it being hot. Yeah, see, it's too cozy, man. It's too cozy. Fucking, we should have done this podcast out in the snow.
Starting point is 00:41:28 We would have really connected. All right. God bless that guy. I hope he gets all of his ability to sell back. And I think ultimately social media needs some sort of, kind of like quasi judicial system that allows people to state their case and say why they're not what the social media company is demon-loon-be and they shouldn't be canceled like that. He's offering a good service.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah, there are plenty of people we should ban. I get it. You know, dangerous violent people. But ultimately not people, it sounds to me like he's doing good. I think that's why Joe had him on. He's doing good. He still doesn't have that company back,
Starting point is 00:42:15 but yeah, I mean, he would take a lot of money to fight the system on that one. Even mentioned it early on, like I can't afford lawyers enough to make this right again. Yeah. Well, if you're a lawyer and you listen to this, give him some pro bono help Me ha dicho que no puedo hacer esto. Si te lo escuchas, te voy a hacer un probo. Vamos a hacer un tazel de meron. Multi-Marca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Encuentra tu taller motrio más cercano en Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, Motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multi-marca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller, Motrio, más cercano en ¿Qué es un hombre muy cute? ¿Qué pensé sobre todo? Es un hombre muy suelo. ¿Qué te parece tan mal?
Starting point is 00:43:21 ¿Este ha visto en Old Merlin? No me quiero. about eating a bat. Um, after watching Old Merlin. I don't want to. They sound gross. To me, it just sounds like a rat with wings. Yeah. I mean, no, no, and I'm not trying to take anything away from bats. I think rats are pretty smart and complex creatures in themselves.
Starting point is 00:43:40 But I just don't think that there's a need to be eating them. I mean, number one, how much meat do you get from a bat? Not even like as much as a chicken. No, we need them to get all the mosquitoes out of the air. I mean, come on. Yeah. We'd be buried in mosquitoes without bats. That was the first thing he was talking about.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Do you think it's weird that during that conversation, they didn't discuss the bats that may have made COVID. Yeah, I thought that was the whole reason he brought Merlin on to get into that. Yeah. And then also, here's something I was just thinking about, and I don't know if this resonates with anyone
Starting point is 00:44:18 or like whether you think it came from a lab or not, right? There are plenty of people that are starting to lean that way. Brett Weinstein is really pushing that narrative. There are still the old school that are saying it came from the market. However, wouldn't a quick fix to the idea of it coming from the market be that we find the bat, or the bat species that created this. And then according to Merlin, it's pretty easy to wipe them out. They're like often on the, you know, you smoke them out.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Well, they're often endangered. They're often getting killed, but you know, wiped out by humans. You just put a tire in their cave. And then you just burn them all. I'm not advocating for wiping out species. I don't like the idea of that. I think it's a shame. However, when bears and wolves were attacking people in the West hundreds of years ago, we reduce their numbers drastically. If these bats have the potential for creating a new virus, which they could do, if we're saying it came from a market or it came from bats. Wouldn't it make sense to kind of slow their numbers down a little bit?
Starting point is 00:45:31 I'm not saying wipe them out, but if it's not that difficult to just find where they are and just reduce their numbers, none of that came up. It just sat with me as like unusual. Well, because Merlin is gonna do everything in his power to save all the bats. But I don't even think Merlin wants to save bats that could wipe out the human race. True, well, came, didn't come from the market. So yeah, well that's, I think that's what's kind of made it clear here. This is like, okay, it hasn't.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Yeah. But we need the bats for seed dispersal, you know. I didn't know they pollinated like that. How cool is that? So maybe bees aren't like, as in, I'm not saying bees aren't important. I like bees are like honey, I like the honey lady. But if bats can do a better job or at least disperse over a wider range, I mean, then we have other things that can do this too.
Starting point is 00:46:24 So that's good news. I just think it's cool to hear about how we have all the different species in the world that will probably, that could probably be natural pesticides and natural herbicides. And if we didn't have large corporations spraying stuff all over the place and we actually wanted to figure out what could naturally get rid of pesticides, we would do it. It's here, it's gotta be here. I mean, he said in the Mediterranean,
Starting point is 00:46:52 it was like all the rice patties over there, we're getting sprayed with a ton of pesticides, but until they figured out the bats, we're getting rid of the pests, all the moths that were going on the rice patties. And what did he say? It was, yeah, because of the bats in the Mediterranean, they no longer had to use any pesticides in the Mediterranean.
Starting point is 00:47:15 That's pretty good. That's freaking awesome. Yeah. I mean, I've heard it with beetles and stuff. They catch beetles around here for the wheat fields and it's a natural pesticide. It just reminded me of how much nature can cure those things, right?
Starting point is 00:47:29 It's like prey and predator. It's just... It seems like a better route. The problem is there's not as much money in it. Of course. Like, Monsanto is not gonna give a fuck about that. No, no, they're not gonna push it. They're gonna wanna kill all that.
Starting point is 00:47:41 They want the quick fix. They want the quick fix for sure. Yeah. They want us to fear the bats, like the 80s, dude. They're cute little blood suckers. Yeah. When I was in Sri Lanka back in 2003, we went to this place called Candy, which is awesome. It has like this beautiful area, like up in the hills. It had this huge monastery, I think it has like four Buddhist monasteries. One of them supposedly has like
Starting point is 00:48:13 a tooth of the Buddha. So it's a big pilgrimage spot. And they had these, I think called botanical gardens close by. And they had all these fruit bats that were just all in the trees. And it's the daytime. So you're walking through incredibly beautiful gardens. Giant trees, wonderful flowers, the stuff, like it's wild looking. It's just flowers that you didn't even know existed. They're so big, they look like prehistoric. And then in the trees, these giant trees so big they look like prehistoric. And then in the trees, these giant trees were the biggest freaking bats. They look like people hanging upside down. Now they weren't going to attack you. They're just fruit bats. They just eat fruit around. And it was the daytime that they were out. They a lot of them weren't flying around. So maybe they still are nocturnal, but they weren't in caves.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And it's my first experience of seeing like a lot of bats in an area and especially ones this big, just unbelievable dude. Unbelievable. You think like flocks of birds and things and trees and all around a spectacular look at. This was something else. And because it's bats, a little area, right? I mean, they're hanging upside down for one.
Starting point is 00:49:25 It's like no birds are doing that. It was something to behold, for sure. Well, and seeing him in the video with the mealworm, and how that bat was just flying back and forth across his face and like realized who he was. Who he was. And he was, it was almost like he domesticated the bat within 10 minutes just because he had a mealworm. Yeah. Well, I mean birds are very smart. Right. They're certain birds are very clever. We've already
Starting point is 00:49:51 shown that. And you know, bats are mammals. So why could they not be smart enough to be able to identify those things? Oh, another thing I liked about it is, since he had been on Rogan, his Instagram has jumped up over 10,000. So keep it up, follow him. It's a cool Instagram. It's kind of wild, and there's a lot of cute bats on that.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Dude, his photos are incredible. They're unbelievable, aren't they? Yeah. And some of their stories? Some of their stories about being in the jungles and, you know, having guns and gun impredators off. Yeah, that's terrifying. Yeah. He could have easily been killed on a bunch of those things. It's amazing what some of these people will do when they're passionate about their pursuit, how much danger they will put themselves in.
Starting point is 00:50:45 I just can't, I can't do it. I can't even be that passionate about something. I wish I could, but I'm not putting myself in front of somebody with a gun, you know, just to save some bats. I don't, you know. Good for my herald though. Yeah, I'm Maryland. I wish I, yeah, Maryland good for my little though. Yeah, or Merlin. Sorry. I wish I yeah Merlin the turtle my little love that guy well God bless him that was an interesting week and
Starting point is 00:51:16 I don't know what more to say about The bat thing well plants that that was cool the plants have symbiotically involved That thing. Well, plants, that was cool. The plants have symbiotically evolved together with the bats. They don't know that for sure, but they could have. Oh, because it was like a key, right? Like, weird tongue or something. Well, it was good at knowing that bees couldn't get in there, but bats could with their tongue,
Starting point is 00:51:38 right? So it's almost like the only way that those particular flowers were getting colonized was from those specific bats and no other animal or insect was able to do that. Just the bat. Yeah, which highlights the importance of, if we wipe out those particular bats, the flower probably dies.
Starting point is 00:51:59 And then who knows what else happens? The nominous to that. Dominous. That's a big problem. Dominos. Gotta keep all these animals around. Let's keep them around. Let's bring the woolly mammoth back.
Starting point is 00:52:11 We already talked about it. Jurassic Park, here we come. All right guys, well thank you so much. As always, we're listening Angals. Todd, pleasure, my friend. Can't wait for next week's Rogans and have a great, safe, fun, freedom-filled week. ¡Plegue mi amigo! ¡No puedo esperar por los meses, Rogans! ¡Y hay un gran tiempo! ¡Pensad, fíjate!
Starting point is 00:52:28 ¡Frí de mi filo! ¡Oh, bien, un poco! ¡Lados! Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, Motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller, Motrio más cercano en Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, Motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos, altamente cualificados y formados.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller, mas cercano en you

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