Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 327 Joe Rogan Experience Review of James Fox Et al.

Episode Date: May 10, 2023 For all marketing questions and inquiries: This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Review Guest list: James Fox and Dave Smith A portion of ...ALL our SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! Go to Fight for the Forgotten to donate directly to this great cause.  This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys welcome to the Joe Rogan experience review this week. We are reviewing James Fox and his UFO documentary the moment of contact Which is pretty dope and then good old Dave Smith getting into some Political type commentary. Let's start the show You are listening to the Joe Rogan experience review podcast We find little nuggets treasures We're not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. You're listening to the Joe Rogan experience review. What a bizarre thing we've created.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn. Might either be the worst podcast or the best one. One, go. Enjoy the video. Bizarre thing we've created now with your host Adam Thorn One go draw the show all right joined as always by my fellow co-host Todd. Hey, oh What's going on Todd? Oh buddy? Just having a wonderful day. How about you sir? Mm-hmm. Yeah, we got some thunderstorms here and
Starting point is 00:01:09 Good old Bose Angeles. Montucky. Yep Well, at least it's not smelling Exactly. That was a long winner sir. Yeah, it was It's so back before you know it. So what do you think about old James here? We start with Mr. Fox. Yeah, I think we should. So we both we both watch the documentary moment of contact. I recommend it to anyone that's in the UFOs. Absolutely. Uh, kind of a bit of a different style of other UFO documentaries too, which I really liked. I mean, it's like very much a specific, like a very specific investigation into this one town. And...
Starting point is 00:01:47 Farjinha. Yeah, Farjinha. Cool word to say. And yeah, the story just kind of unfolds in there. We have a little clip that we want to play from kind of like a trailer. It does have some Brazilian subtitles, so I'm just going to kind of translate as it goes. But Portuguese, bro. Oh, whoops. What did I
Starting point is 00:02:11 say? Brazilian idiot. Well, they speak Portuguese there. Yeah. So similar. Okay. I didn't know Brazilian was a language. I love it. It's the Brazilian version of Portuguese. All right, Eu amo isso. É o Brasil e o governo de Português. Ok, vamos para isso. Upon arrival em Varginha, o filme que quer dizer aqui em Locals, sobre o aledge 1996 UFO Crash. Um grande monumento em a forma de um saucer flying é uma indicação que o mundo embrce a história.
Starting point is 00:02:44 O 1996 Brasil UFO incident, what do you think? I maneuver that size with so many vehicles involving both Army and police simultaneously. They close the roads and wouldn't let us pass. Something happened that left us very suspicious. I believe the ET case was real. It was round, a round shape. And it was tonic. It came closer.
Starting point is 00:03:16 So we were only here for an hour and a half. And I can't believe how many people we got to come forward. What I love about this case is it's recent enough where people either heard accounts or experienced things themselves. Wild stuff. Wild stuff, man. And it's so interesting to think about.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I mean, I guess what really first caught me was like, so we had the UFOs came in, they were multiple of them. One of them crashed in this town. And you know, a few aliens somehow got out and started kind of running around. They were injured and the military came in and grabbed them up and a lot of people saw this. Doesn't it seem like a hell of a fuckup on the side of the aliens? It's like you've got a ship that can probably go across, you know, the galaxy. Yet what, you're break down and then all the aliens have to get out and they're just
Starting point is 00:04:22 running around. Like you would have thought they'd have some better plan for like be me up or another ship comes and picks them up. It's like the fact that one of them was like hiding in a little garden, injured and not knowing what to do. You think they have a plan? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what the aliens were thinking, but it's insane to see how many eyewitnesses
Starting point is 00:04:51 there were, right? But we were talking about this before the show. In 96, you would think someone, why can no one ever have a photo of anything? Yeah. It was just like a few drawings of what they think they saw. I mean, there's no way we came in fast enough. There was just like a weird, like a few drawings of what they think they saw. I mean, there's no way we came in fast enough. I mean, obviously, it sounds like the US military came in, you know, according to the documentary, that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Well, the Brazilian military did first. They started. That's right. And then once they supposedly got some of the wreckage and one of these aliens to one of that bases, or multiple bases, the USF was fluent and grabbed them all. It was the hospital first. They take these two beans to the hospital. X-ray to. I thought one of the most compelling parts is when they talked to the, I think it was Jose,
Starting point is 00:05:38 one of the guys that touched the alien when he was first discovered, that guy ends up dying. Yeah. Right? He had some weird infection. He just never went away, wiped him out, killed him. Right. Can they not do an autopsy on that guy? And figure out what he had. Must be a very strange, like viral infection.
Starting point is 00:06:01 That's not from this planet, right? For that to happen. So I guess the lesson there is don't be touching aliens. If you find any don't touch them. Don't touch them. Get one of those big nets that they use in the cartoons and just scoop them up that way, those things they use to get the leaves out of the pools. Yeah. Get all those leaves out of your gutter.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Mm-hmm. Well, the strong smell of ammonia, they kept talking about how strong the smell was, like when they brought the beans into the hospital about how the whole ward stunk of ammonia. Right. And just was so powerful that they, you know, if there's that many people telling you this,
Starting point is 00:06:41 they have to close the wing of the hospital down for many days because of how strong the smile was. Right. And it kind of moved from ammonia to sulfur towards the end of the pod too. Other people described it as sulfur, so very, very strong smell. Yeah, but what I'm getting at is those, seeing how many people he had, he had as eyewitnesses, now even 30 years later, whatever, to still be saying the same exact thing. And you watch the, you know, the one gentleman
Starting point is 00:07:13 who actually saw it land in the farm, he goes back to the spot, he calls out that there was a white house here. Remember, he looks in, and there's no house. And they realize that it's just like another hundred yards down the hill, and he sees the house, and he's like, that's it, that's it, that in it. There's no house. Yeah, and they realize that it's just like another hundred yards down the hill And he sees the house and he's like that's it that's it that's it. That was compelling to see him Freak out. He starts crying He really broke down. Yeah, the guy broke down. He was a scary thing. So either he's a really fucking good actor or
Starting point is 00:07:40 I mean he definitely saw What happened that night? It would I thought that that was probably the best eyewitness that they had when he found, when they got to the actual landed spot. Well, there's probably one of those things where he saw it, it still blows his mind to this day. He basically got to see one of the most amazing things that any human has ever seen.
Starting point is 00:08:02 And most people just call him a wacko for it, and don't listen to him. Or he's barely even spoken about it, really. Well, he mentioned that what was it within a matter of days he was getting contacted by people who said, we will hurt your family if you ever talk about this. Which is not. So he's finally now talking about it. What is the whole thing with governments trying to cover this up? It's like, look, I get it, that you want to get a whole of them and get the technology. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:30 100%. And you know what, when you find it and get it, please, by all means, don't tell us how it works. Keep your secret and build dope ass weapons and then send them in wars and keep our troops safe. then send them in wars and keep our troops safe or just add the technology to the kind of commercial space so we've got awesome things going on and we can jetpack around.
Starting point is 00:08:53 But to just threaten everybody and pretend they're not real, who are you saving? Right. Like how of all the things that could destabilize us as humans in our culture and all the rest of it I just don't think that we'd miss a beat we'd be like oh shit aliens wow that's awesome and then yeah It doesn't anything we almost come together Resonation right it doesn't seem in a country in a world than whatever doesn't seem like it would cause that big of a panic
Starting point is 00:09:21 But maybe maybe they're just so afraid that it would cause like it would cause that big of a panic, but maybe they're just so afraid that it would cause absolute panic with everyone. And people would think, my question is, what example are they using? That what other thing have they told us that would make us freak out like that? It's just like, I don't think there's anything.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And we clearly aren't very moved by war. That's just, we just pretend it doesn't even exist. Yeah. Go to war, there's like natural disasters, like, shit's happening all the time, that's crazy. And we just, we keep going with it. We're like, okay, well, what's next? Well, I got bills to pay and things to get on with. I just don't get it.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I like the Joe was wearing a UFO hoodie as well during the pot. Like, that's a dope touch. How about his buddy who he claims to have seen this video? He talked about it right at the beginning. He had claimed to see this video at Chuck Clark's video or Chuck Clark's video. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:15 It goes to his trailer. Well, that was Logan Paul. Okay. You know who that is, right? Not sure. Jake Paul, Logan Paul, they do the boxing against like other professional boxes and all like a YouTube business stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:28 So he's the one who called him to go see the video. Yeah, and he took a hundred grand with him. Right, to try to buy the video. Couldn't buy it, but like recorded it with a pen. Please release that. Well, that's what I was getting at is because I mean maybe now that he was just on Rogan You know they're saying that if you come out as a whistleblower, you're not gonna get in trouble anymore. Yeah, we've got Who is it Marco Rubio's want to like?
Starting point is 00:10:55 You know the top Senators who's helping with this try to pass this bill about the whistle blowing and whatnot. Uh-huh So hopefully after this pod comes out since since it just came out, maybe we start seeing some footage. I hope so. I mean, but how many times Jeremy Corvall will be on Rogan 2? True. And it's like making it really legit now.
Starting point is 00:11:17 You know, other fighter pilots are stepping forward. Rogan's interviewed a few of them. So slowly but surely, but just nothing. Like supposedly there are high definition, like pictures and videos of these spacecraft. And I'm just like, please, please somebody release that. Yeah, what are we waiting for? Can we have one? We're not asking for all of them. just give us one. They look super dope and we can just zoom in real far and just check out the whole thing and just be like, oh, look, there they are, super dope.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And it just goes in the ocean. I don't get it, man. Well, again, if the whistleblower protection is there, you would think that way more people would be coming out about it. Maybe we're just not hearing about it yet, right? So the news doesn't want to tell us what is actually happening. But to have that many freaking witnesses is insane for someone not to have more evidence. We never have enough evidence.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And then Snowden, I always go back to Snowden having all this information and knowing how to hack all the computers and get into all the information, when he was part of our government, he claims that there was nothing about aliens and anything that showed him, at least in his mind, that we had actually come into contact with aliens in any of the records that he was trying to find. Yeah, that one's interesting, but I've got a feeling, and this is just a guess, so that's the NSA is like a massive data-collecting agency, period, just from people.
Starting point is 00:13:01 It just gathers data all the time. Cell phones, emails, everything, and then makes a giant system so that you can different people in the NSA and all probably the military with the right clearance can go into it and gather that kind of information. Maybe all things related to like UFOs don't really need to go on that data bank. They wouldn't be collected in that same way, right? It's like maybe all classified immediately. Well, because it's not coming from personal emails, right?
Starting point is 00:13:34 And maybe people that are in the reverse engineering of things, if you're assuming, you know, Bob, what's his name? Lazar. Lazar's thing is true. things if you're assuming, you know, Bob, what's his name? Lazars. Lazars thing is true. Maybe they have very specific ways that they can communicate with each other so it doesn't kind of get grabbed in that world. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:13:55 But you would also think it will be coming from other countries, you know, like if the Russians have some information or have captured something, there would be some sloppy transfers of information. There's just not much out there. Yeah, it was kind of a bummer when Snowden said that because it confused the whole situation. I'm like, shit, where do we stand on this now? Maybe there is nothing again. Yeah, and again, now that this whistleblower law has come out, where are all the whistleblowers? Where are the people coming out? They're still
Starting point is 00:14:25 intimidated. They're still scared. Right? What could you not be? What about space force announcing that we are starting to face threats from outside this earth? I think that though that article was actually talking about kind of countries making satellites that can like attack us, you know, more so than aliens, but it was a freaking cool headline. Well, how about the part, what was it? The two doctors claiming that they heard that there was like a telepathic communication between them and the aliens. This is in the Brazilian case. Right. And how they explain the aliens actually felt sorry for us. Yeah. Like we hadn't found our way. We don't know who we are. Right. Or what we're capable of. Sure. Like we're basically just not using
Starting point is 00:15:18 the potential. Like what does it they say? We only use what 10% of our brains are something? Yeah. Well, at a time, we really use all of it, but we're just using little bits of certain parts of our brain at a time. But that was, you know, it was interesting to hear that because it does feel like we're kind of just stuck. Well, we're not as smart as we think. We're just like the cleverest monkeys. Like this is what people forget. This is why the logo, or at least on our Instagram is, is Tum, monkey, smoke and weed,
Starting point is 00:15:51 watching Rogan show. It's like, let's not forget really what we are. We like to give ourselves so much credit. And yeah, we're kind of like blindly in this. And if they're far more advanced than we are, which they would be, they've got a way better idea of like what they should be doing as a species. But if there's so much more advanced than we are, they're still crashing into a farm. Yeah. And wandering around. Don't they have like you would have thought when it was like shivering in the corner, I'm like, hold on. Did they not have the right clothing? They didn't have a jacket on that, you know? It's like a medic kit or freaking laser beam.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Come out and they just, they literally have like, also think of like just Boston dynamics, the robots we have. You would have thought they'd have like three God robots. So I'm like real small that just kind of unfold and then just stand there and take care of them and you know, do robot alien karate on anybody that comes nearby. It's like I just feel like they were not prepared. Yeah, I mean all of it is a crazy. It's just an insane story But it clearly happened. I mean there's so many people Saying that this happened there's so many people who saw
Starting point is 00:17:18 You know the guards coming in and taking the beans away from the hospital and then moving them to the military base It's just crazy. Yeah, and the amount of knowledge that this dude has for aliens and UFO crashes. I mean, he was just listing stuff off for 10 minutes about all the different from from the 1940s on. Yeah, he like knew everyone's name What happened where the crash site was it's insane how much he had a great memory And for people's names too, right? You know, in particular, like, new their name, where they were, when they connected what their story was, I mean, he's, he's done a hell of a lot of research into this. And I liked through the documentary that he was such a big part of it too. He wasn't like behind the scenes, just narrating. I mean, he was like,
Starting point is 00:18:01 on the street, communicating, waiting for people to get back to him and speaking to all the right types of people, you know. The fact that the mayor there was like, believed in it and was open to it and encouraging. I mean, you would think that that would left a lot of the fears, but who knows, maybe the military back then really put the fear in God of God
Starting point is 00:18:22 into some of these people, because there were quite a few of them that didn't wanna show their face and their voices were covered up. It's like, why would people go to those lengths if this was bullshit? Really? Think about it.
Starting point is 00:18:35 But if it was bullshit, then no one is threatening them and telling them to shut up and wouldn't come near them. So they would just tell the story and it would be a cool story. Oh yeah, I saw it, it was over there, it was awesome. Exactly. It's like, that adds a lot of legitimacy to this. But again, we're in that same cycle of like no physical evidence, nothing, not even a pencil.
Starting point is 00:18:58 We can grab like just the dudes, you know, one of the sweaters or a bit of alien clothing, anything. I don't think they were clothing. They had to just make it. Again, they would not prepare. Have a jacket, aliens. All right, you don't know how cold it is down here.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Oh, so what other movies has this guy made? He's only done UFO Flicks, right? I think so, yeah. I need to check out some more because I really enjoyed the moment of contact. Yeah, look up and see what else we got on the list of the, for his thing. Oh, what about the story of the Chinese guy that was having sex with the alien?
Starting point is 00:19:35 Oh, right. What? It's like, come on. Wouldn't it be wild if alien sex was like 10 times better than regular sex and then he doesn't get to see any more aliens for the rest of his life? So now he's just like, I'm ruined. I mean, isn't it just all telepathic anyway? You got to wonder why aliens would be having sex with us.
Starting point is 00:19:57 That story is a bit out there. Tough one to believe. Tough one to believe there. And then he cried at the end. He was so passionate about getting these stories out for the witnesses. Remember that? That was kind of emotional. And that kind of came out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Wow. I did not see that coming. Well, old Joe asked him, you know, how is your memory so good? And he's just like, because this means so much to them, they don't have a voice, they're scared. Like, you know, obviously he's seen a lot more of this than we have, you know, in terms of the effect of it on the witnesses. Right. But yeah, that was powerful. Well, it seems to affect him obviously because he's like you said, he's seen all of these
Starting point is 00:20:38 eyewitnesses and talked with them personally. And when somebody's telling a story, and they're telling a story that actually happened, it seems to me you would know whether or not they're bullshitting. Always, you're gonna know if what they experienced happened or not. And I felt like that came through in the documentary. Well, maybe a couple of people could be like good storytellers, sociopaths, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:06 they're just like great at lying. Yeah, but why though? But so want because people are like attention, you know, but if you get so many people in a town all together, all three of those girls that saw it close up, like why, why in God's name, they're not profiting from any of this. It just seems really unlikely if they didn't see something really bizarre. And it's one thing to say you saw light in the sky
Starting point is 00:21:38 or something, but like an actual ship landing right in front of you in a field. How the fuck would you mistake that for something else? And especially an alien in a little courtyard area. I mean, those three girls were right next to it. It's just again, a bit of a shame that the most credible eyewitness, in a sense, were those three girls
Starting point is 00:21:59 for seeing the actual alien. And they were little girls. You know what I mean? It's like, oh damn it. why can't it be like an adult? Well, and all they have is the picture that they drew of what it was. Deciding, right? She just told someone to draw it and said,
Starting point is 00:22:18 yeah, this is what it looked like. And the mother went back there and recognized like a footprint and kind of drew that out. And you're like, all right, well, that's something too. You know, I don't want to sound like this was a disappoint thing, documentary by any means. No, it wasn't. It was what we're watching.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I'm just talking about the whole UFO folklore, you know, from start to finish. Like, why can't somebody get a hold of just a piece of this? Some of the technology, something, some of that metal that like unfolds and then folds back up again, like a bit of tin foil, but it has like special memory properties. Well, how about the one with the fake symbol on their member? It was the, was it the cop that saw the UFO right above his patrol car got out, saw that there was a symbol on the side of the aircraft or alien ship or whatever he saw,
Starting point is 00:23:13 UFO. Yeah. And then they purposely, right, he had, you know, it was like a triangle with three dots or something, and he drew it out to the FBI or whoever came in. I can't remember who he told, but anyway, he drew it out and they purposely drew out a separate symbol so that if anyone, you know, any other eyewitnesses around that time came back in and said, hey, I saw a ship too and this is what the symbol look like they would know if they were lying or not.
Starting point is 00:23:46 100% yeah small move. That's a small thing to do. That was cool to see. Also his emotional state when he's telling these stories I mean he's you think. You would think that. Imagine if it was just like a mask car you know how they have sponsors all over the car? That's all that symbol was. It was for like the alien Coca-Cola. Some alien oil. Yeah. This is like, they're like alien race cars and they're sponsored. And
Starting point is 00:24:20 we're like, oh yeah, look at that. And there was another one too. There was another one where a friend of his or, you know, somebody had seen something and then drew a picture of it. But they kept going back to Frayer, right? Frayer? Generic, Frayer. Command of Frayer. Is that what it is?
Starting point is 00:24:39 Yeah. That was the dude who in San Diego, he saw the, the TickTack. Mm-hmm. And he's really like the highest ranking, most credible fight a pilot that's come out and spoken about this stuff. And you know, he was like a one of the teachers at the top gun school, like this dude at that dude is no joke. And very credible, you know, it's not like his career has been, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:06 slandered because he's come out and spoken. He's still like one of the top guys and he's just open and free to talk about it. Yeah, again, though, you know, it's just, I guess, I guess there, you could say there's the most evidence because the fighter jets have like video that kind of grainy, you know, imaging radar video that they have. It's more than what came out of this town, but... Yeah, who knows, stay tuned.
Starting point is 00:25:41 I feel like we're close, people. I feel like we are just months or years away from freaking aliens. I hope so. Come on. Give us something. His favorite been on. Is he been on the show? He's been on Roggan, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was a great conversation. Yeah, really good. And they got into detail about what's up. Yeah. Actually, I would say if you're like a big UFO fan, probably the conversation with Lex was better, because they used more like scientific terms when it was like really breaking down the technologies
Starting point is 00:26:14 of what was used on the fighter jets and how the imaging has changed. And Joe's talked about it before. Supposedly, they've upgraded all of their Imaging systems right and as soon as they did that it just gave them access that like much better imaging and then these fucking things We're just popping up everywhere right so who knows how long before we upgrade that one again and we're like holy shit There they are everywhere Because that's just how the technology works. I mean The Bob is our ones good to oh yeah, that's just how the technology works. I mean, the Bob is our one's good too. Oh yeah, that's great. I mean, so many of these Jeremy Colbell, it's great to have on.
Starting point is 00:26:52 You know, I'm just waiting for him to come on with like the absolute evidence. Yeah, give us the real stuff. Give us the real stuff. Well, he said he was gonna come out last time. He said he was gonna, that he had a bunch of compelling amazing things that were about to come out.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And then you never hear anything about it. Yeah. Come on. Well, but Randall Carlson said the same thing, right? Yeah, about all that energy stuff that they're working on in like Greece and, you know, in Maldives. Right. With like the frequencies and things.
Starting point is 00:27:19 So I don't know. Sacred John, why isn't he come back on? Like, is this just, are they blowing smoke? You know, what's happening?'t know. Why is he come back on? Is this just, are they blowing smoke? You know, what's happening? I know. People keep it quiet. Bring it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Let's just wait. Anyway, let's jump over to Good Old Dave Smith. I feel this was a great conversation, too. What a smart guy, man. Yeah, really good. Good comic, too. Funny guy. Biden's running again. They were not fans of that.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I honestly can't believe that many people are. You know, I know that a lot of people are just worried about the other side winning. And I get that if you're not a fan of it, but seriously, this is the best guy we got. I mean, he's old as fuck, dude. That's unfortunate. It's not up for debate here. Come on people. Give us somebody new. And they don't want to do the debates with him,
Starting point is 00:28:15 which kind of makes sense. If you were his PR guy, you'd be like, yeah, we should not do the debates, but that does not seem very democratic. The presidents got to go up and they got to debate each other. Absolutely. Like, if he's not capable of debating, how the fuck is he capable of doing the rest of the job?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Well, there's so many behind the scenes people. Does the president ever actually do the job or are there other people that do everything? Dude, I don't care. He has to sound like he's doing it, and I, even if it's a run like that, it's like, you can't have the top. If this was a corporation, if all of a sudden Elon Musk is just saying wild stuff and can't
Starting point is 00:28:49 hold a sentence together, dude, the board is having him retire in every direction. You can't be at the top of something if you're not like being coherent. I get it. You know, I get it. We need to find somebody better. Come on. Yeah. We get a lot of people, but there's not many options. Nobody wants to be the president. There's a so very few people that actually want that job. That's the first problem. Well, people want it. There's enough people that would like to be president because people like that kind of power. Yeah, but can they win, you know, and and I don't know. It'd be interesting to see how the primaries go, but know, and I don't know. It'd be interesting to see how the primaries go. But Kamala's not a good option, as we know. She's really just making some wacky speeches and has really not kind of like stepped up to be the person that could take over. So that's a bit of a flop. Tulsi would crush. Tulsi would, but yeah, she's, they don't trust her. The Democrats don't trust her.
Starting point is 00:29:49 She's a wild card. She's like Bernie, you know, she's too free. Well, he talks a lot about the, what is it, the NDA, this new act, national defense authorization act. Mm-hmm. And is that where they just could arrest anybody they want? That is fucked. Yeah. Yeah. I don't like him. So who put that in? That was Obama, right? But then he was like, we won't use this, but we're also just going to, for some reason, make this the law. Bad move. I mean,
Starting point is 00:30:27 someone's going to use it eventually. We're just like a freebie to hold people and not have to talk about it. Like imagine the, you know, the poor suckers that get pulled in for that one. And then that's it. You're in jail for as long as they want. No charges. Just held. That's it. Nothing you can do. Yeah, it was a bit doom and gloom, man. I mean, they they know a lot of the conversation just talks about how there's so many things that are wrong with the world right now, right? It's like how do you come how do you come out of that with a positive attitude? It's a little tough. It was a little tough. Yeah. I had to stop the podcast a few times and then go back and start listening to James or some of the
Starting point is 00:31:17 other like Macho and some of the other. Well, but not everything can be fucking rainbows and sunshine. I get it. Sometimes you just gotta hear some truth of what's going on around us. Yeah, and that's great. It is good to hear those things, even though they're depressing. Right? I don't wanna just pretend that they're not happening.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I get that. But it's the same story over and over and over and over. We know weapons of master's instruction were never there. They had the video of that general. I didn't write his name down but there was that general who was on the talk show and He you know rums felt came to his desk and just said all right. Here's our plan. Oh, he's the plan Yeah, here's the plan. He's his the seven countries. We're gonna be invading right and the general was like why right? What have they done? Now like, we just need stuff to do.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Basically, they've just mapped this out since Iraq. That's crazy. And you know, it hasn't gone as exactly as planned, but I'm not sure if there was ever a good plan to begin with. It's just, we just have to be at war all the time in order for things to run and for people to make money and for our government to be in control.
Starting point is 00:32:27 It's like we're so scared that someone else is going to take over. We just have to keep conquering places and what's our deficit, like 40 trillion. 40 trillion. No, we're not paying that off anytime soon. It's just like, well, print more money. We'll see what happens until this whole thing blows up. I guess there are some light at the end of the tunnel. They talk about Glen Greenwald and Taiibi
Starting point is 00:32:54 and these journalists who are actually still reporting real things and are actually engaged at trying to get the truth out. Yeah. But maybe we just have to wait for quantum quantum computing for that to happen. That's it. We'll see. We'll talk about that in our next episode. We'll talk about how little we understand about what the hell that machine is. Well, they did, you know, also, I like that they talked a little bit about Ukraine and Russia and about how, you know, Europe and America put pressure on the Russians on that side,
Starting point is 00:33:36 kind of like, boosting the military and the fear that that would cause the Russians, that would be like them doing it in Canada, you know. And I don't think that's like anti-American or anti-uniting nations to like talk about this. It's, we're so quick to just say they're the enemy, we're the good guys and that's the end of it. Instead of being like, hey, there's more complicated than that. Like of course they're pissed off and wanting to, you know, come at the Ukraine and then eventually come get us. I mean, we probably blew up that fucking pipeline. That was a big deal.
Starting point is 00:34:14 It seems to be good that way, yeah. It's like, I don't think there's many good guys, you know, I'd like to believe slightly better because we live here. I'm definitely on the side of the US. Don't get me wrong. I'm pro US. But you know, there's responsibilities in all different directions. And it just kind of talks to the fuckery of, you know, what the government, the military, these big companies are kind of up to. I mean, the plan 3D chess that we can't even understand. Well, look, Putin's not doing anything, I mean, he's doing plenty of things wrong, but he's
Starting point is 00:34:54 violating, you know, things that we've violated for centuries. I mean, the US has been doing the same exact thing all over the world. And Putin's really just trying to have a stronghold on one country because he's freaked out if everyone gets into NATO that they're just going to, he's going to have no power left. He's scared. He should be. But we're doing the exact same thing. Like you said, it's just like people pick a side, right? Putin's no different than any of our presidents doing that stuff that we don't
Starting point is 00:35:26 even hear about, but that's the same thing. Yeah, in terms of just how close we feel, like a lot of people feel we are to like a nuclear war, that's really the tip of this that is just terrifying. Right. It's like, look, governments, play your games, you know, keep us safe, play your games, capture your land, get your treaties, get some oil. Do what you need to, keep the economy going. I mean, it's unfortunate. Let's try not to go to war as much as we can, but right, you guys are not doing a good job. He's supposed to
Starting point is 00:36:06 be keeping us all safe. Yeah, and we're just perpetuating war. And it's just, it's just keeps getting perpetuated. But on a, on a, on a good note here, let's talk about, let's share it up. Talk about it. Talk her for a minute. Talk is, get old tux. He's gone. Let's just pretend that Tucker didn't get fired for a minute. He could stay on as the Fox commentator and get paid. But do you think he actually took a check from them or do you think, you know, basically took a check from Fox to step down and now he's not allowed to have his own, or do you think, you know, basically took a check from Fox to step down, and now he's not allowed to have his own show, or do you think he's going to go on somewhere like Rumble? Joe made a really good point. And if he goes on Rumble, that will be huge
Starting point is 00:36:55 for Rumble. I mean, someone should pick that up. Well, I don't know. It's an interesting question. He has a podcast now, I think. I think he's doing one. Okay. Yeah. Figure out what that has. Have a look at that because he was definitely interviewing, I mean, he talked to Russell brand recently. And I don't think that was on his show before he got fired. It may have been. But I was, what was the reasoning he got fired? What are they, what did they say? Um, I think it was to do with the, and the voting machines, like the big lawsuit that it had.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Let's look it up for sure. Gotcha. Gotcha. But I'm pretty sure. I listed at Fox News following Network $787 million settlement for what though? Dun dun dun dun dun. I didn't know he was a dead head. You know, and I'm not a huge fan of Tucker. I think he's a smart guy.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I think that a lot of the things he says, you know, just like any other news broadcaster are just being fed to him, but I think recently it seemed to me like he was trying to Tell some truth, right? He feels bad about Supporting the Iraq war, right and he really turned around on that one. I appreciate that bit I didn't like the sound of was he he really was Rallying for Trump a lot of the time. And you know, now it turns out that once they got a hold of a bunch of his text messages because of that lawsuit that he really wasn't on Trump's side and thought he was a lunatic. And I don't
Starting point is 00:38:39 like that kind of disingenuous journalism. I'm sure it boosted his numbers on Fox. It was just pretending and pan-grain. Yeah, but that's bullshit. It makes me think like, all right, well, you have lost some credibility. Even if you go out on your own, start doing a podcast and like really start doing some
Starting point is 00:39:01 kind of like, saga news, crystal and saga news, that's like more real. It's like, yeah, but you're gonna have to gain some trust back here because that part was a bit bullshit. Yeah. It says Tucker Carlson to host Twitter show after being fired from Fox. What does that mean? I don't know, maybe just to show on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:39:23 The right-wing TV personality said in a video on his Twitter feed Tuesday that he is relaunching his show on the social media platform, which is owned by Elon Musk. So now you can do video on Twitter, like, long bits. I guess. That's cool. Yeah. I didn't know that. Well, you know, Musk is shaking stuff up over that because he wants it to be smart.
Starting point is 00:39:41 More user, friendly, and just have kind of more applications, you know. Maybe that could be a really good place for news. Well, there we go. So what is Elon pain, Mr. Tucker, to do that on Twitter? Hmm, interesting. Be a lot of dough. I would imagine. Be thinking like, so he works for Twitter now. Kind of what it sounds like. Seems to be that way. Yeah. I liked what they were talking about. So on Twitter now, there's some sort of like
Starting point is 00:40:11 third-party voting system. Okay. Kind of behind the scenes. Like people can check in and like fact check things that are coming out. Oh, right. Yeah. That sounds like a really good system. I don't know how it all works, but
Starting point is 00:40:24 that's definitely something that is useful You know instead of just people saying shit and then everyone's going is this true? What's going on here? Well didn't there was some government tweets that had to get taken down because they were falsified. Yeah, it was just not true They fact check the White House crowd sourced. Yeah, Twitter says crowd sourced fact checking system updated How Twitter's birdwatch fact checking project really works Huh Read it is a gut some good info on that. I'm trying to find the the best one here. There's a ton of stuff here. I Where is?
Starting point is 00:41:00 I mean, it's a good start. It's gonna be interesting to see I'm sick I feel like also in their room is for a while that Musk was gonna release some sort of crypto through Twitter as well, like use it as some kind of, kind of banking platform as well as. I mean, he did start or help start PayPal. I mean, he has a lot of knowledge in that area. And, you know, I don't know how all of that could go,
Starting point is 00:41:32 but if it's a platform that people are using a lot anyway, then it kind of makes sense that you could establish some sort of currency around it. And, yeah. I mean, we're gonna have to use that currency. establish some sort of currency around it. And death. I mean, we're going to have to use that currency. I mean, obviously the dollar is not going to stick around for much longer. Well, we're here in some weird things about the dollar. I don't know what's going on there.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I can't imagine that it's really getting replaced by anything. I think in a way, the Saudis are just kind of playing a power game, but it will be a big problem for the US if that happened Because then they couldn't put like sanctions and tariffs and things on people in the same way Mm-hmm And then what are we left with just military intervention? I mean, we definitely don't want to get into that whole Messy bag. Well think about how it's already it's already changed the drug lords money so much. I mean, so many of these freaking drug dealers that are way up in the system are using Bitcoin
Starting point is 00:42:33 to make transactions because you can't figure out where it's coming from. Not as easily. Right. So you know our government's already doing that. I mean, you think anyone buying weapons from our own government is using actual money? Yeah, just Bitcoin transactions. Yeah, it's tricky stuff. I mean, they have put more stopgaps on that recently, like they're definitely making that more difficult, and things can be tracked easier, but I'm sure there's a lot of laundry going on
Starting point is 00:43:07 through the water bit coin. I mean, definitely was early on. Yeah. Do you find anything for the Twitter thing? No, I think I might have to go to duck.go. Ah, sorry. Don't worry about it. We can't do all the research.
Starting point is 00:43:22 A sloppy research that we do. But yeah, it's just wild. I don't know what to think after hearing some of these things. We've got an election that is in some what shambles. We've got people to pick that who knows if they're going to be any good again. What that's going to do. You know, the economy is struggling. The dollar is kind
Starting point is 00:43:46 of all over the place. I mean, at least the summer is here, and we can enjoy some good weather. There we go. That's a start. Yeah, I mean, we've got a lot of scary things happening, but again, like you mentioned earlier, these are the things we need to hear about. We can't just walk around being apathetic all the fucking time, which most people are, which is the scariest part of all of this, is that we can have a war in Ukraine and Russia going on right now, and no one is thinking about it. Not here, not really. No one's thinking about it. I didn't today, right, until I did the podcast. Right. You just don't know. It was so isolated. But that's what, that's
Starting point is 00:44:30 what they want. They don't want us to think about it. It's the same story over and over and over. They feed us all this crap on the news that doesn't matter. And people talk about Bud Light cans and whose fucking face is on it. Who cares? Yeah. But those, those, those, that's what our news is now, unless, like you said, unless people are watching stuff on YouTube or, you know, getting information from places like Slack where there's actually still independent journalism. So if we're going to take a turn for positivity town here at, that's what we got. That's what we got.
Starting point is 00:45:01 That's what we need, is we need these independent journalists because, you know, we can't get any sort of real information about this Nord Stream pipeline other than that, you know, one very credible journalist who came out a roo-bing guy, right? But then he just gets, you know, defamed by everybody and just everyone, you know, calls him a cook and it's like, no, this guy is a brilliant journalist from 60 years. He's been a journalist. We just need those brave people. We can like step out and take that kind of criticism. And then hopefully more of them do it, almost like the Russell Brand thing with like a
Starting point is 00:45:39 comic spend. So it's interesting to watch while he points out the absurdity of humanity. Well, Russell's good at that. He is good He is good. Well folks on that note Couple of good ones daysmith. I mean here's get the shit out of you, but the UFO guy brilliant good old fox Check out that documentary. We appreciate you guys. Good chat. Todd as always wait Can we can we say one more thing about the AI bots of course we can we got a lots of time because All right, we're that was it that was right at the end bro. Okay, go the robots teaching the kids In China. Yeah, it was like the students are wearing headbands and the robots are their teachers and the headbands are
Starting point is 00:46:17 Telling the parents at home whether or not their kids are paying attention in school They're basically getting tracked by these headbands and their fucking teachers are robots. That is wild. Since AI education. Yeah. This is a real thing that is happening in our world right now. And these poor kids are getting tracked the entire day.
Starting point is 00:46:37 So if they do anything wrong, their parents can find out. It's, I mean, it's just so unbelievable. That is what that's a real thing. Yeah. Well, who knows? Maybe A.I. teachers are better than regular teachers. Yeah, but tracking your kid all day just make sure he's doing all the right things and doing his homework. That's so rough. That's like 90 minutes. We need to change the way people are being educated.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Yeah. And I don't think robot teachers are the future, but maybe I'm actually on the side of robot. They're on the side of robots. Yeah. Yeah. I'm loving it with that. Love it. All right, guys. Love you. Appreciate you. Talk to you next week. you

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