Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 339 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Paul Rosole Et al.

Episode Date: August 4, 2023 For all marketing questions and inquiries: This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Review Guest list: Paul Rosole, Gad Saad & Jim Gaffiga...n.  A portion of ALL our SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! Go to Fight for the Forgotten to donate directly to this great cause.  This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What up, a dwarf. Name we've created. Now with your host, Adam Thorn. My heat of the worst podcast with the best one. Two, one, go. Enjoy the show. All right, folks, you are in tune to the Joe Rogan Experience Review.
Starting point is 00:00:20 This is your co-host, Todd Heath, with your host of all hosts, Mr. Adam J. Thorn coming at you. Live in dire. That's too much information, bro. We're not giving out middle names. Oh, excuse me for throwing a J for fucking. I'm out. Jerry today. DJ voice on again this week.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Every time you intro us, you're like DJ. It's like wedding DJ Todd Heath. Clearly DJ 86 from the fucking stage DJ 86 coming at you. We've got GAD sad. God sod. Tough to say. Yeah. The man can't wait to read that new book, that happiness book. We've got Paul. Yeah. Interesting guy. Oh, he's the best Paul Rosalie, which I had never never heard of the guy. Love him. He's he was my favorite dude. If you checked out his Instagram dude, yes, I did. And I saw real. Yeah, what a legend. So good. And then if we have time for Mr. Gaff again, Jim Gaffigan legend as well. Great week. What do you think Adam? Great week. I think Adam, great week. Dude, it was a good week.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It was a nice mixture of like philosophy, you know, adventure and then and then kind of just a legend of comedy. What I like about Jim as a comedian that comes on is he doesn't come on that often and he has a he just is a different type of comedian, a different style. And and he's he's just always fun. He's a Midwesterner for sure. Yeah, for right. Gotta love those little potatoes. Gotta love those Midwesterners. They're just so they're just down down home, good-hearted, mother fuck us. I think we should start with Paul because I had the most notes about him. I you know, I feel like I had a similar
Starting point is 00:02:02 upbringing. I mean, granted, take away me going to fucking Amazon, but I remember being little. I had this teacher in third grade who was all about the rainforest and we learned, I feel like she was just, you know, a crazy old hippy lady. That was my third grade teacher. She had squirrels as pets, you know, she's one of those weirdos. But I loved her to death. And she made such an impression on me. She was one of those teachers that just made this crazy impression.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And I remember thinking, God, we got to save the rainforest. And I'm like, you know, seven years old thinking this sounds like Paul had a very similar thing. But then he, you know, he moved forward with it. And it's, I mean, doing so much for the Amazon. I mean, God bless the guy. Yeah, it was really cool to hear that, um, you know, he obviously had a popular Instagram and other connections, but it was kind of like when Rogan reposted that video of him in the Amazon with the fire that really blew up. And what I thought was interesting about him saying that is I was like, oh, you think that you blew up then? You're on Rogan now, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:11 You're about to fucking fly out the planet with you. Rocketship, bro. Rocketship. Yeah, I mean, how could you not hear that and be inspired to do something down there? You know, when they just go mining and like ripping up land just to plant fricking yams, to makes me not want to eat yams. I'm anti-yams. I think it's, I think it's mostly for beef, but it is.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Oh, it is. Yeah, he said something about yams. Okay. Well, that's not true. So yeah, checked it out. I mean, some of those, he had so many cool stories, but the snake stories are just insane. Oh my god. Anaconda's 18 feet long. So this guy, okay, just to give you guys a, if you haven't heard the episode yet, this dude's from Brooklyn. At 17 years old, he, he somehow gets to go hang out with some rando. How did he meet this guy? He said he went and hang out with the macaws with
Starting point is 00:04:16 some weirdo in the jungle. Yeah, basically, ended up doing this and really just making an impression on this older gentleman that took him to the Amazon. I can't remember who that was. They talked about it right at the beginning. And then, you know, he just fell in love with this place. He, you know, he mentioned it numerous times about how he just had this feeling when he was little that he had to save the rainforest. Right. He was like put on this earth to do that. And how fucking cool is that when you hear somebody
Starting point is 00:04:45 who just knows exactly what they're here for? I just love hearing those stories. Dude, you know, imagine how much, like not saying his life is easy, he's doing crazy things. No, fucking, it's not. It's super difficult. But like almost how much easier is it
Starting point is 00:05:02 if you just get this like intense Desire to do something and you know from a young age like this is what I'm doing. Yeah, right? You're like in your 20s and you just have this direction and purpose. Yeah, I mean every time I Everyone had that every time I had fucking had that every time I go to porn up dude and they're not at there I've lost my direction they're not there. No. Yeah. You're like, I've lost my direction. I don't know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Gold miners are gonna kill you. I mean, he's talking about the jungle lawyers, the jungle keepers, which is his brand, his company, right? Right. Yeah, yeah. The lawyer of jungle keepers, the dad was whacked. The dad got fucking killed. Jesus. The lawyer's dad. Yeah, I mean, this dad was whacked. The dad got fucking killed. The lawyer's dad.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yeah. I mean, this guy was down there. Oh, I, this, I think this is early 30,000, early 2000s. Um, you know, he says he ran for three days, just ran in the jungle for three days away from that tribe that he thought was, or from the the gold miners when he found out that he was there. Yeah. Remember here in that he said he spent a week by himself camped on a beach. He said the world completely melted away. The animals are unfamiliar with humans and they're not even scared of you because they've never even seen a fucking human being.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah. Giant anaconda's, I mean, how about he talked about walking on the water because you're on the tops of trees, right? That was like, it was like floating grassland kind of. Yeah, but also trees, like also on like the tops of trees that had been flooded. And he's just walking on top of this water. And there's fucking 17 foot anaconda slittering by. And then he's for some reason tackles a motherfucker. And he tackles anaconda. Who is this guy? Yeah. I don't recommend any of that. This guy from Brooklyn. He's like a Brooklyn, Taza. Jumping on snakes in the middle of the night. You know, fucking batshit. It'd be. I'd be like, Adam, get over here.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I need your vape pen right now. Oh, yeah, forget about it. I can't. I can't. Where's the ayahuasca? You think I can plane about bugs and bring in us when we're camping in Montana? Guys, imagine how pissed off I would be. Don't camp with Adam or do because it's fun to make fun of him.
Starting point is 00:07:24 This guy was in a tent for one night. Yeah. Dusty grimy. My God. You'd think that England didn't have dirt on the fucking ground. I mean, I am, I would be scared of staying in the Amazon. Yes, but we're talking about like, sleep it on the side of a river on a beach. Like you might get bit by a spider and some mosquitoes. That's about it Yeah, this guy's talking about getting fucked up by caterpillars with venom and Barbie caterpillars with barbs on the bottom that will numb his hand for like a week Yeah, that sounded awful Yeah, so many crazy I mean the fact that it was the middle of the night super dark He wraps his arms around
Starting point is 00:08:05 an anaconda and he can't catch his fingers together. Dude, that's a heifer. That's a heifer of a condo. I wonder if he's exact, like not saying he's exactly, I believe him to, well, I believe that he's telling the truth. Yeah. But you know, when it's dark and maybe the angle is weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:23 And, you know, he's like trying to grasp his hands together, but there might be a bit of a gap that just seems like, I mean, that's a giant, like a huge tree trunk of a snake that no one has ever found before. That one is, is like, I want to believe it because it sounds real Jurassic Parky. Yeah, it's almost, go ahead. It's almost a lot. It reminds me. It reminds me of being little. You have almost, go ahead. It's almost a lot. It just reminds me, it reminds me of being little. You have like everyone has like the big ant, you know, you go give her a hug and you can't wrap your arms around it.
Starting point is 00:08:52 You imagine that with a snake. Uh-huh. Crazy, dude. Yeah. Imagine how easily something that big could eat you. I don't know. I mean, it's true. I think wrapping you up, like you're, you're so dead so fast.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and to think about the amount of diversity in that place, I mean, there are probably millions of insects that we haven't even documented in there. And we're just cutting it down to fucking e-catal. And it's just so sad. It really is so unfortunate. Hopefully people will wake up. I mean, I, it sure seems to me like that is one of the last spots on the planet that is untouched and we're just
Starting point is 00:09:38 going to go bulldoze it down. There's got to be something we can do about this. Yeah. Because once it's gone, it turns into a desolate fucking desert. I mean, nothing grows. It just wants to be how it's going is really smart. That is cool. You know, it's kind of a shame that you got to turn everything into a tourist spot before anyone wants to take care of it. But there's also a reality to, you know, good funding.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And if they could build, you know, a couple of hundred dope-ass community. I'd wanna go. Three houses. And then, you know, rich people can go and enjoy it. And then they start donating in mass. Maybe they start buying the land. I don't know how it works if you can buy a land out there.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I mean, maybe. But, you know, it's just all about getting focus on it. And like you said, there's so much on discover because he was, Paul was talking about how all most of the life is up in the canopy. And you can't get up there to like check all that out. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:39 When he's waking up in the morning and there's just thousands of fucking monkeys jumping around from tree to tree. Yeah, I imagine how fucking cool that would be to go check that out. Amazing. Yeah. And I guess the positive thought in all of this is, you know, he mentioned that humpbacks were down to what 120,000 and now they're back up to 5,000. Or sorry. up to 5,000 or sorry. No, the other way around. Excuse me, excuse me.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Yeah. Yeah. Other way around. So now they're up to 120K. They were down to 5,000. And now they're up to 120K again after we put regulations on hunting for whales and that sort of thing. So, you know, the interesting story when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:11:23 So my dad is is big hippie pacifist guy Love that very connected to green piece It's an organization that would like primarily they were environmental, but they were primarily like save the whales and as a kid You know because I was really young, you know, so I just did whatever my dad was into because you kind of do that that when you're like, before you're 10, if your dad's like, this is important, you just like getting the stuff. And we used to, every year, I would raise money for greenpeace. So we do like long walks, or I did like a sponsor's swim, did all, and I did it every year, always to like save the whales. Right. Big thing. So it's really cool that, you know, the people that did that, it paid off and now we have more of these animals.
Starting point is 00:12:09 What was that thing? The sea shepherd, they had that show. Do you have watched that? Mm-hmm. I don't remember that now. It was like an anti-wailing show, online Nat Geo, and he just had this boat called the sea shepherd. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:23 And he would literally just crash into the Japanese research vessels that were always trying to kill the whales. Well, I'm just a good show. It was cool. I'm just stoked your dad didn't have a gambling problem and you know that the money went towards Greenpeace. Good job, dad. He didn't. That's a drinking problem potentially. So do you know? He's perfect me too You have watched the movie the medicine man was showing Connery. No, but I definitely want to yeah, he's like Dude, it's such a good movie. We got a picture in the office. Oh, yeah legend got to have that and Anyway, it like part of the movie is he like lives in the Amazon can you like finds the cure for cancer or something.
Starting point is 00:13:10 But he can't remember how he figured it out. And it's basically just using, you know, this stuff in the jungle. And he just is like spends the whole movie trying to like recreate his experiment. Yeah, use any just like knows the jungle cares for it. Like all this. Anyway, I had something to do with ants. I can't remember Dude think about with ayahuasca They had to find the plant the vine and then they had to figure out the bark that you eat to actually get to the to the You know so that your stomach acid wouldn't
Starting point is 00:13:39 You know get rid of the potential Medicine that was in the vine right it like breaks up the compounds when you eat both of them together so that it like goes into your bloodstream. How do you figure that fucking shit out? It's crazy. Well, I don't know. The weird thing about it is I think the two, like, I think they're like roots or tree bark or something, the two parts of it, like many miles apart.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Right. So that's what made it so weird that they figure that out. So cool. Yeah, of course, there's a lot of compounds down there that you don't find anywhere else on the planet. And they probably have really useful medicinal and psychotropic applications. Well, Paul was saying he had that weird thing on his elbow, right? It was this crazy thing. I don't know if you got bit by something or what it was. Was that the caterpillar that he got bit by? Or he got something happen with his elbow?
Starting point is 00:14:31 No, he had, didn't he have like a big cut? He said and they rubbed some shit on it. And it like healed up fast. Right. So what he said is that guy that goes in the jungle with him, JJ, he mentions JJ all the time. It's like his homey that goes in the jungle with him, JJ, he mentions JJ all the time. It's like his homey that goes in the jungle with him. He's a native guy, right? Indigenous guy or no, you know, knows the language.
Starting point is 00:14:50 She can go down there with him, you know, has lived in the Amazon his whole life. So that's kind of his guide. He said he went back to the States and all these Western fucking doctors. He had this crazy cut or something like on his elbow that he got in the Amazon and got infected or something. And it got, it was this really weird like mushy infection that no one could get rid of. And then he goes down back down to the Amazon and JJ goes, I just put this stuff on there. And he rubbed some shit from like a tree branch, puts it on there.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Next thing you know, gone. It's like the amount of knowledge that these indigenous tribes have down there is unfathomable. It's just been passed down from generation to generation. It's like every single one of these people is a doctor in their own right. They know exactly where to go, what to do, what to use. And we've got none of that.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Really. Of course, we have some of you have to know that stuff back then. I mean, but saying that's hard. Honestly, like a hundred years ago, everyone's grandma knew how to cure a cold. That's dope. How to deal with a flu. You know, they used to do this thing in England where they would like add like honey and onions together. Mm-hmm. In opiate they pour Pour honey and a thing of onions in a jar And you leave it like a day or so and it makes like a liquid for what for a cold water Yeah for cold so throw anything and you just spoon it into your mouth. All right People swap. I'm into that. But nowadays, we don't know anything.
Starting point is 00:16:25 We go down the CVS, dude. We get some bullshit. Swole. Lame. Well, chicken noodle soup works pretty good homemade. You know, throw a lot of garlic in there, some honey. That's kind of like the last of our knowledge is like everyone at least knows that one. I'm pretty sure. Any time I get a BJ, I feel so much better. That's not really like that helps a cold. No, it helps a cold. It's absolutely medicine for my mind. Okay. All right. No, I mean, it definitely lifts you mood. Yeah. Of course, it makes you feel better. I think women call it vitamin D. Anyway, you are ridiculous. So Rosalie got anything else before we move on.
Starting point is 00:17:06 That org. Where are we on time with this? We are at a solid 17 minutes. I still have a lot of notes on Rosalie if we want to keep going. Let's keep going. He was interesting, man. I like to the lot. I thought he was interesting that using it. Like so you can get lost in the jungle. Oh, great. What are you saying?
Starting point is 00:17:24 Which is like super scary. And you also really can't like fires Because everything's wet So that sucks can't find any dry wood But then he was like you don't use a compass Joe said you don't use a compass because I was thinking yeah You use a compass well I guess there's like high-ion content in the tree bark In a lot of places and it like actually messes with the Compass's messes with the mercury I like to know how true that is. Is that a mercury thing?
Starting point is 00:17:51 Messes with the mercury in the compass like old school? No, no, no compass is just a magnet. There's no mercury in there Oh, no, that's a thermometer. You don't know. That's an old thermometer. God, I'm dumb That is true, but it's fun to put Mercury in your hand. It's really fun to put Mercury in your hand. Though you've ever done that and just rolls around like a little frickin amoeba. It's very poisonous though. It should be. That looks cool. My stepdad gave it to me. He's probably trying to kill me.
Starting point is 00:18:20 But yeah, so you can't use, you really can't, like you can't look at the stars to orient yourself because it's too dark and it can't be covered. Yeah, there's too many trees. Yeah, you can't use a compass. And you just get this oriented all the time. Right. I mean, it just sounds terrifying.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Oh, how about? No, that dude, that is completely terrifying. But what, to me, what was even more terrifying is you shouldn't be scared really of the anacondas or the jaguars, but you should be scared when a tree falls, you better get the fuck out of dodge. You better run like your life depended on it, because when a tree falls, it takes away what like an acre of land when it falls. That ginormous, yeah. It takes down a whole acre block of of trees and forest and monkeys and, you know, snakes and whatever else is in there.
Starting point is 00:19:12 But man, what a paradise. I would love, I would absolutely love to go down there. That'd be so good. You all right. Go. I would love to. I'm not going. You tell me about it.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Well, I know you're not going. You're scared to camp on a beach. I can't, I can't get it. Dude, it sounds like it would be fun, but I bet it wouldn't be. I bet it would be super. I would love it. Give me, give me, give me onto my OASC. I'm in. Let's go. All right. All right. What about that? Guns and Rosa story in the end. Oh, you ran into them in Greece. Oh, yeah. How fucking dope is that shit? Yeah, I saw, I saw that tweet or not the tweet the post he had last week on Instagram with sitting with Axe Rolls looks nothing like him, but he was backstage in Greece.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Come on. Oh, he talked about that book again. I have got to read the immortality key just to throw that out there again. They always talk about good books. That is the book. Uh-huh. I really want to read about, you know, them finding the historians finding Urgot in these old porcelain cups from way back from like. Yep. Philosopher days.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Well, dude, what's crazy is after that guy came on Rogan and he came on a few times. I think the Harvard is actually opened an area of study for this in history. I remember that. Yeah, they made a class about it. No, the immortality key book about the wine vessels having Urgot basically Urgot, you know, was found in these old ass cups, yeah, personal. What was that guy's name? I just as all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I don't have his name. I just know the, the name of the book is the immortality key and basically they're having the secret You know, it's like secrets society where they're all taking drugs. Let me think about it We have this oh Brian Merer rescue, okay. Thank you young Tommy. Thank you We have It's not like it's a new thing for humans to want to get fucked up.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I mean, let's be honest here, everybody wants to change their reality, change their perception. It feels good. It's just like, I look at my three-year-old and he's spinning around in circles to get dizzy. Why? Because it fucks him up. You love it.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Well, that's what my kids love. Sugar. Get old pump. Yeah, that's what my kids love sugar. Get all pumped. Yeah, that's a whole other story. The sugar thing is probably way worse than some Urgot here and there, you know, expand your mind, you know, guaranteed. Yeah, I'd say I don't think Urgot's going to give you diabetes. Sorry for all the kids out there with diabetes.
Starting point is 00:21:42 That is horrible. Yeah, well, that's about it. We can jump over to all that. We jump over to get all gats. Yeah, sad. What, what a ledge. I mean, just seems like the nicest guy in the whole planet.
Starting point is 00:21:58 What, I mean, just, you just want to give him a hug. Smart guy. Really smart. I really appreciated this whole obsessing. Stop. People stop obsessing over issues. You have no control over. Please for the love of God.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Rob Reiner. There's plenty of them out there. They mentioned Rob Reiner a few times. Stop obsessing over stuff you can't change. It's turning you into a complete asshole. Everybody, whether it's your crazy uncle on the right, you know, listening to Alex Jones or whether it's your crazy aunt on the left who, you know, I don't know, thinks that having no authority in a town like Portland is a good idea. I don't know. There's, there's got to be a middle
Starting point is 00:22:44 ground here, people. We're all under the same banner of the United States and we're all getting effed in the A. If you know what I'm saying. Yeah. It's come together. We say it a lot here, Adam. What do you think about that? Well, we got to come together. Got to come together. At least a bit like look, we can have debates. That's fun. That good. Well, speaking of it to be, I love. But, you know, I talked to my, I'm going to carry it away. Talk to my brother about this about
Starting point is 00:23:08 Peter Hotes, right? My brother is still under the banner of vaccines are amazing. I, I'm, I questioned them still. I did get vaccinated, but I, I question the reality of whether or not they really did that good of a thing. I don't know. I don't know. I'm not saying what, what is right or wrong. I'm saying there's a lot of questions there. And why can't Peter Hotez debate him? And I asked my brother this, he said, dude, what would be the problem? If the guys got all these answers, why can't he debate Joe? Well, that's just ridiculous. He's a scientist and he knows what he's talking about. Okay, then debate him. What we used to debate people in the 70s, we had people on the right people on the left,
Starting point is 00:23:50 we debate. That's what you do when you have a situation where people need to find out answers. Isn't that not the point of debating? That pushback is the RFC is a lawyer. he's gonna be able to speak quicker and better and they worry that Rogan already is leaning that way so he has a potential bias. He's my question to that For one there's like oh well over a million dollars that is gonna go to some charity whatever charity That's a good thing. Yeah, that's a good thing. I thought it was up to two mill Yeah, I think it might be yeah Yeah, if everyone pays, it might be, right? So here's the thing about that. It's like, okay, so you think that by taking the stand of not doing this because you
Starting point is 00:24:34 don't want to look bad, and you don't want to misrepresent your point that you feel is so important to kind of, you know, portray about the whole pandemic COVID vaccine thing. But that you're willing to not have these people donate. Well then why not offer if you can't stand a debate and so many people agree with you. Why can't you just offer to have someone else who maybe is more confident at debating go up against RFK. It doesn't have to be hotels. It's not like he's the smartest guy who comes to this, especially if he's afraid to do it. Have someone else do it then nominate someone else. You have as much knowledge as hotels, but can speak better. And think quicker.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Yeah, exactly. Get on that. It's going to be someone. Give me a lawyer on the other side. Okay, that can speak lawyer talk. And also as a scientist. Come on, folks. I just think that I think that, you know, so many people are on this like one side and
Starting point is 00:25:43 they're all in their echo chamber of like agreeing with each other. Well, we all know that that was the right thing to do. Yet when it comes to the scrutiny of examination and pushback and questioning, even they know that the argument is starting to break down. Well, they know it and they they're not going to be able to hold up their end of it. And they can't admit that maybe they were not all to be able to hold up their end of it. And they can't admit that maybe they were not all correct about this. I'm not saying whether one side is right or wrong. But if you think you're right, why would you not debate? If you think you're right, why
Starting point is 00:26:15 would you not debate? And if, and I have seen this guy Peter in his little fricking bow tie, he's got, he says, he says, I've saw the, and again, this could have been, this could have been, you know, taken out of context. I'm sure it was. It was probably taken out of context, but I remember seeing a clip of him earlier saying that there's no way kids should take the Vax. And then now all of a sudden, he's saying that kid should take the Vax. I'm sorry. Kids shouldn't take the vaccine. And then now all of a sudden, he's saying that kids should take the vaccine. I'm sorry, kids shouldn't take the vaccination. No way. I am in no way going to give my kid that vaccination. Why? Because that's what immune systems are for. Okay. That's all I got to say about that. We don't have to get into it anymore.
Starting point is 00:27:01 What else did we have? We had the, oh, in Bope, taking the Saudi deal, if we get into a little football action here, Mr. Engel. No, he's not, he's not taking it. He's not taking it. No. How about the Tucker Carlson? But that is a crazy amount of money. Oh, dude, how about Tucker Carlson bringing, bringing,
Starting point is 00:27:22 God's odd into his, into his house, being real nice to his kids. That was good to hear. It was good to see. That's a, that's a nice, I guess, way of, of showing that someone like God's odd, who is not a super Republican and then Tucker, getting along, right? We can all get along here, guys. We're all, we're all just humans on the same earth. Doesn't matter. Your political We're all, we're all just humans on the same earth. Doesn't matter. Your political lean. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I'm curious about Tucka because now with his new podcast and the freedom that he has, I'm really interested to see where he goes with that. He seems like more of an independent. Does he not? He seems like he's leaning towards independent. Maybe I'm really kind of leans towards, I wouldn't say conspiracy things, but he's been leaning towards kind of like the unspoken things in journalism. I still think that the mainstream journalists can't talk about. I still think it goes against
Starting point is 00:28:19 advertisers. It goes against government things. I think I like that style. I think we need more of that. I think we need people that are willing to kind of question some stuff. I mean, shit. He was on Fox News accusing the CIA of killing JFK. Yeah, I would say that is a bullsie. I would say I never like Tucker until he said that. And then I heard that he was a dead fan.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And I said, okay, maybe I'll give this guy another chance. I got an open mind. Let's go. Yeah. Let's keep talking. Just glad he stopped wearing bow ties because he was wearing bow ties for a long time. And I'm telling you just like a hotel's I can't take anyone's. I can't do the bow ties. It's like put on a little spinny wheel hat. Don't do it. Exactly. It just reminds me of clowns. Well, we're clowns. Yeah, we don't wear bow ties. How about way worse if we did? So is wrestling the hardest, most physically intense sport? Remember, it depends.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Look, it is very much so. Your endurance has to be massively high. You have to be super strong. Those guys are riddled with injuries like them super athletes. But I think what Gad was saying is I think, well, he said physically fit, but I think he was meant to say the highest maybe endurance. I don't really know how you would define it. What is what is the most physically fit? Is it a combination of strength and endurance? Yeah, or is it just endurance?
Starting point is 00:29:48 Because then that would be like marathon runners. It's both because yeah, no, because marathon runners we get their asses kicked real fast. They're so skinny, you know, and bikers like those, you know, guys in the frickin there was saying that camhains camhains runs like 200 miles in a row. So he can do true and marathons in a row. And that guy is strong. Okay. So that is me. Okay. We'll see you look at someone like Cameron or sorry, I'm blanking the guy's name, the book that we read, the black dude, gogons. Goggins, thank you, David. You know, David Goggins clearly would outrun anyone.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I don't care what, how many marathons you've run, but you put him on a frickin bike and put him in the tour to France. He's not going to beat, you know, today, oh, no, but it doesn't mean that you take one guy and he can beat win every sport. That would be impossible. Right. So you look, there's all sorts of different ups and downs with that. But yes, I would say physically strenuous, probably wrestling. I could see that.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Dude, it's got to be up there. Physically, that's a ruling sport. And then running, you know, I don't even think running was on the list. I don't even know if they mentioned running. I think 10. I was definitely on that. They said squash. I don't even know what that is. Squash is like racquetball with a smaller ball. It's intense. I've played it. How about that steward? I remember when John Stewart kept saying that Wuhan lab started to get started to get back into COVID, but that's just fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:31:22 And Colbert was hilarious. I remember the whole day. I remember that and don't do it is brilliant. I love that guy. I'd vote for you know run for president. I love I love that he picks points now that are like that. It just I mean in a sense picking the lab leak is like not even a very liberal narrative. I mean, he's he's just starting to kind of really pick things that it's like, no, this is common sense. This seems very common sense. And we should talk about it. Oh, it was so funny. He's just going, oh, do you think that it came from some kind of monkey's elbow that made it with a baby? Yeah. It's like no, the fucking name of the Wuhan lab leak. It was in the same ex-expot.
Starting point is 00:32:13 And now we know that's where it came from. It's almost, it's almost like they, they sent in the worst detective in the world. And he's like, I think it came from the market. Yeah. And everyone's like pointing at the lab and he's like, nah. Yeah. I mean, that's just a coincidence. Oh, oh, oh, the market that everyone who worked at the lab went to for lunch.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah, I probably did start there. Yeah. It was like a fucking block away from the lab. Crazy inspector gadget. Yeah. I think it was like actually a few miles, but whatever dude. It's still in the same fucking area. Fuck up my narrative. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Dude, you're spreading misinformation and we're going to get flared. Hey, guys, this isn't the news. It's called a podcast. Okay, that we don't get our news from Ben Shapiro either. Okay. Don't do it. Uh, everything in moderation. He's definitely much smarter than we are.
Starting point is 00:33:02 And well, that's true, but he's still not a reporting the news. Tucker, Tucker Carlson. So I'm going to give him a chance again. Why in the hell are we not talking about this happiness thing? All right, let's get into the book for a second, because the book sounds amazing. He said, you know, he brought up his cousin. God saw it brought up his cousin. His cousin was so mad at him for going to talk to Tucker Carlson that he didn't fucking talk to him again.
Starting point is 00:33:34 This is a cousin that fought a war with him. And these are the things that are that are breaking families. I mean, think about when, you know, the Vax versus the non-Vax people, this happened in my own family. People not going to, to, to, thanks, giving dinner that year and people getting pissed off and everyone hating each other because of, Oh, dude, I've got people.
Starting point is 00:33:55 I've got people. Two good friends, ridiculous. I've known forever that may or may not have gone to Austin with us recently. Mmm. And I love them to death. So much great guys.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Yeah. I talked to them so much less since the arguments that we've had during the pandemic and COVID stuff. Really still, they're still dude. They're so on board. Bro, still. Well, I think they're just struggling with the fact that now it it's pretty clear that they, you know, I thought we squashed out after all those mushrooms we ate in Austin. Well, I don't know. I don't hear from them.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And I always used to maybe you should have taken that opportunity on the shrooms instead of going to bed like a little biatch because you've had too many mushrooms that night and buildings were stacking on top of each other. Yeah, that was that was a hell of a ride. I had so much fun that night. I melted in the ground for like five hours. It was wonderful. Yeah, I mean, it's not saying there was still not close. We are, but it's like, I know, it's like people people get so exhausted, yeah, even trying to continue their own narratives that they have basically been trained to believe that they, they just like half, like they have to go back to their echo chambers. I know because they, they
Starting point is 00:35:17 can't continue to wage that war that they want to believe. I get it. I, I told my brother to listen to RFK. I said, look, I'm not in, I'm not saying that this guy is going to be our next president. And you should vote for him. I'm not saying that. I said, I like the guy and I like what he had to say. And I feel like there's a lot of truth in what he had to say. And he just went fucking off on me like, like RFK was some sort of fucking moron. And I said, dude, shut the fuck up and just listen. And then talk to me and he goes, all right, I'll give it another chance.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Because at first you'd only listen to the first 20 minutes and then wanted to go off, like you said on an echo chamber, tell me who RFK was and like, bro, I don't need to hear. But who does he want then? He wants Biden? No. He thinks Biden's an idiot too. He was just saying that there's a lot of conspiracy behind what RFK is saying. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:36:09 yeah, well, that's how the fucking people want. That's what they want us to think that this guy's a bozo. He's not. He's been a lawyer his whole life. He's not a bozo. No, no, that's all I was saying. I'm like, this guy's smart. Just hear him out. You have an open mind. And guess what? Two days later, he calls me, he goes, you know what, I listen to it. And you were right. The guy's got, just hear him out. You have an open mind. And guess what? Two days later, he calls me, he goes, you know what, I listen to it and you were right. The guy's got a lot of good points. He goes, I didn't believe a lot of the shit he was saying,
Starting point is 00:36:31 but a lot of the stuff, you know, I did. And thank you for talking me into listening to the whole thing. Cause I was like, dude, just stop fucking yelling at me. I literally am just trying to tell you to listen to a podcast. And I had to hear a 30 minute diatribe about how I was wrong. Well, I think it's great. That's a great example, right? Right. If you are going to choose to hate someone, learn about them.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Right. Listen to a lot of their material. Don't just say, no, that's bullshit. Right. Listen to a lot of it. Thank you. Thank you. Why you hate them. Don't just hate someone. It doesn't make any sense. Exactly. I do not dislike anyone that I haven't heard a lot of. Right. Like the ladies on the view. I've seen that show a lot and I can't stand them. Right. Like, if you got a friend that, that, you know, had sex with your ex
Starting point is 00:37:22 wife, you can hate that person. Okay. You're allowed to hate that person for life. But some guy like RFK that you don't know much about other than what you've heard on MSNBC or even Fox, I don't think they like him either. Nobody likes him really in the news. Just hear him out. The guys that hasn't had a platform to talk on. We don't even know what he's about because he's been so shunned.
Starting point is 00:37:45 But I think more importantly here, shout out to your brother. So like, take the time to do it. And then, and then having like the maturity, he did change direction when he, he is something that it's like, oh, that actually fits with what I believe. Yeah. I'll really to like give this person a chance. I'll read you the text.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Not many people will do that, dude. No, not many. I will. I will. I'll read you the text because I was surprised. I, uh, yeah, I was surprised about it when you finally fest up, um, anyway, I'm not going to be able to find it right now. Should we go?
Starting point is 00:38:23 Should we go on the gap? Let's go on the gap. Let's finish up there. We got what? Like six minutes left? How much we got? We are at 38 minutes, my friend. Okay. So seven minutes of gaff. All right. Good. Yeah. Hold on. Hold on. All right. Come on. Two seconds. Two seconds. He sent this pack. He said, because again, he literally just for a half hour went on and on and on about how RFK is an idiot. And I just like sitting there like, dude, I just was trying to tell you to listen to a podcast like settle, settle down, dude, settle down, trying to get into a debate right now.
Starting point is 00:39:00 He said, we'll have a conversation about this later. But I wanted you to know I gave RFK another chance and do agree with a lot of the stuff he says. And I got cleared up on his actual actual vaccine stance. He just loses me when he says some of his wackier theories. It's like Bernie, but with a side of QAnon. So anyway, shout out to that's funny. Shout out to my big bro.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Gotta love that. All right, let's get into Gaffer. Gaffer again. Beth play needs to eat some meat, but otherwise, Elk is good for you, son. Ever chicken. All right. So Gaffigan's got he's on his
Starting point is 00:39:41 tenth special. Love it. That's super fucking impressive. I would say all of Gaffigan's specials's on his 10th special. Love it. That's super fucking impressive. I would say all of Gaffigan's specials are fantastic. They're all definitely worth what Midwestern dry humor. Love it. Yeah. One thing I do miss and I haven't seen the new one, but like I think on his last special, maybe the last two, he used to do this thing way back in the day,
Starting point is 00:40:02 where he'd like whisper and he would pretend that he was doing the voice of the audience and they'd be like, why did he say that? And he would just like repeat and I always found that that was so uniquely him and so perfect. That went as he's done less of it, maybe he just got bored of it because he thought it was too. Maybe he started taking bring that back. Please. Maybe he started taking. Maybe he started taking bring that back. Please maybe he started taking. Maybe he started taking Western medicine for his problems. Yeah. I know. So he got a lot of you. I started taking testosterone after this pod. Yeah. Well, sure. You're talking about taking testosterone. You know, he often comes on and talks about
Starting point is 00:40:43 fitness with Joe, which I like, you know, I don't think he's like made any changes, but he likes to, he likes to ask the questions. He wants to know how Bert is still the machine. How Bert can be Bert still to this day. It's called testosterone. You don't, you don't get the name the machine unless you can red line your whole life. And that's just, unless you can hang out with Russian mafia folks and steal shit 100% oh, I got a lot of notes. I got a lot of notes here on gaffee. What do you got? All right, you just go you did no notes because please
Starting point is 00:41:16 Do it. I'm not trying to cut you off, bro. What do you got? What do you got bro? You start? Well, they talked about a lot of fucking eating plastic in the ocean. Yeah, well, we all know that's going to be a struggle for years to come, right? I mean, maybe the amount of whales that we have back will just eat it all. We're not eating whales, so they'll just take it on their stomach. to consume plastic and live on it? I'm pretty sure if we just studied fungi a little bit more, we could just throw some of that in the ocean and it'll eat all that shit up. Like that's what's happening in, in they found out that there is some sort of fungus that will eat plastic.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I'm sure it's probably buried now by our government because it doesn't make money, but you would think that, and that is a conspiracy theory I just made up, but you would think that, and that is a conspiracy theory I just made up, but you would, we don't need any more, Todd. Have you not heard of the fungus? No, I heard about the fungus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Okay, so the fucking sprinkle some of those spores into the ocean. Let's go. The problem is, the problem is, is that we have an issue with the acidity of the ocean, right? And so fuck the plastic. Once all of the, you know, we're worried about plastic here, guys. I think we're worried about the wrong thing. It's called the acidification of the ocean is scarier than the fucking, you know, Pacific gyrry that's floating around the size of Texas. Yes, that is a big problem. But all the coral reefs are dying right now. It's 120 degrees in Arizona for a month straight. If you have serious, serious problem.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Have you seen any of you dying coral reefs? Yeah, dude. Absolutely. Have you? So I, okay, I went to Hawaii and the reefs were in beautiful condition. This is probably 10 years ago. Beautiful condition, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Went back to the same spot 10 years later.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Dead, like almost dead, almost dead. Why sunscreen and and heat and heat? And this is a bit of a heavy hood that sunscreen is. Sunscreen is horrible. It's all these petrochemicals. Don't wear it. Petrochemicals, well, you need to wear it. Sun you are a white boy.
Starting point is 00:43:25 I wear a hat. Well, good thing it rains a lot in England, but you don't live there anymore. I wear a hat again, um, bro. You do wear a nice hat. Thank you, Ari. I don't really wear sunscreen. There's a lot of weird chemicals in that. You don't use fluoride either, which is probably the reason why you have zero cavities or all cavities. No, I have no, that's amazing. I'm not using strong. I like that. I like that. It's all those sigs. I think, I think I think dentists are racquet. That I trust them. It's not, it's not real doctor. Let's get into real quick since we're since you're about to be a dad and I am a
Starting point is 00:44:00 dad already. Yeah. You know, we got to cut this off of 45. So we got one minute. I'm going to start talking about these teenage kids these days. You know, everyone's talking about, oh, I didn't have any sleep last night because I had to change a poopy diaper. I've been through that. It sucks balls, but you don't remember that stuff. Like it goes away quickly because your your kid grows up so fast.
Starting point is 00:44:23 You don't even remember the poopy diaper part. You're just like, okay. Fuck now. He won't listen to me, right? Now think about when they're teenagers and they're out at a party all night. Do you think you're sleeping? Fuck no, especially if you have a girl. You are not sleeping at night. You are freaking out. I would much rather change a poopy diaper than think about my 13 year old girl getting railed with, you know, by who knows who at some party. Yeah, well, she can't, she can't stay out at 13. Well, whatever, 19, probably my 17, 16. Yeah. They're gonna, they're gonna explore eventually. You just got to hope that you told them, I know, you know, some good morals morals and a man birth control like you as a father you represent yourself by
Starting point is 00:45:07 You know by buying a gun married or dating Responsibly and not you know taking advantage of women. That's really nice is this 19 fucking 60 G's Louise settle down Good luck with that. That's it's the right thing to do But then they're on the wrong dude dude. They're on the run. So you just got to take a deep breath. So buy a gun. They're the, all the, all the animals leave the nest. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Buy a gun. Buy a gun. Scaryle or boyfriends will end on that. Okay. No. Let's go. All right. Love you guys.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Thank you so much. Appreciate you. As always, email us with any questions, suggestions, whatever, and Todd, you're the best. I love you, buddy. Peace out, y'all. Thanks for joining. Later.

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