Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 427 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Mike Benz
Episode Date: February 19, For all marketing questions and inquiries:
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We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead
You're listening to the Joe Rogan experience review
Now with your host Adam
One go enjoy the show hey guys welcome to another episode of the Joe Rogan It'd be the worst podcast. We're the best one. One, go.
Enjoy the show.
Hey, guys, and welcome to another episode of the Joe
Rogan Experience Review.
This week, we have Mike Benz.
This was a crazy, crazy podcast.
I took a lot of notes, and then I got really stressed,
and I had to take a break and anyway quick
shout out to our recent patreoners Kathy George and Sam thank you for joining we
love you you guys head over there join up we appreciate the support we're putting
all kinds of goodies over there I'm gonna play just a little clip here, and then we're gonna jump into it, but it's really
to set the tone of the just wildness that we heard in this podcast.
Let's go.
The Jerogan Experience.
But we kept those relationships in order to run this pro democracy regimes change thing so in 1948 when we established the secrecy
doctrine doctrine that we now live under and all these NGOs work under this cover
effectively because of their sponsoring organizations USAID or CIA or state and
he called it the inauguration of organized political warfare and what he
said is we need to create a covert apparatus to hide what we do from the from the rest of the world to do secret
political warfare on the low and the problem is is the American people are
not going to like this the American people do not understand the intricacies
of international relations they think there's always an easy political cure-all
and they do not understand that they think there's a fundamental difference
between peace and war and what he proposed is and this is just two months
before this before this would formally be given to the CIA to do but at the
time what he said was this was this worked gangbusters in Italy we need to
replicate this everywhere we need to create a capacity to do black propaganda
to do economic propaganda, to do
economic sabotage, demolition. There's a whole list of what's authorized under
NSC 10-2. And what he says is the American people are not
necessarily gonna like this and we're gonna need to effectively hide what we
do from them because if they find out then the rest of the world finds out. If
we're trying to run an operation in Eurasia and we report this in US News
well then any person in Eurasia who
reads US News now knows about it.
Oh and that's just the tip of the iceberg for this one.
I mean wowza, wowza.
This week I'm joined by a good friend and legendary podcaster Sean Houlihan.
Thanks for being here.
Thank you for inviting me.
I had to bring in the big guns for this.
This is the you could have not chosen a perfect episode for this.
This is like right up my alley.
Dude, the amount of emails and text messages I got about this one.
Well, it kind of blew the lid open of a lot of things.
I mean, honestly, like after I listened to the podcast, like someone at work earlier was like, yo, are you okay? But it just like killed my mood. I was like, oh,
so sad. What are we supposed to think? But I thought it was interesting in that. Well,
there was a lot of interesting things that he said in that clip. But the first part about
the American people don't understand foreign relations. Like, I wonder why that is, you
know, why don't they?
Because we don't teach it in schools.
Our education system sucks.
Like you can teach people these things, you know,
they don't have to understand all of the intricacies,
but at least try to make an effort to teach people
international relations.
But I never got a single class about that
when I was in school.
No, why would you teach people that?
Why not just control everything, you know?
Well, we took civics which was just about you know
Our government doing stuff the way that they want us to think our government works
I'm not the way it actually does imagine if there was a high school class that taught conspiracy theories
And it was like yeah, let's just have some fun
How many of the ideas around how many of the lessons would include include Rogan clips like every 15 minutes? Yeah, it would be just be Rogan teaching it.
He honestly should. He should start a course.
He'd make a lot of money. Conspiracy theory was one on one with Rogan. Right.
I would I would pay for that. It'd be good. I'd be down. All right. Mike Benz.
I would, I would pay for that. It'd be good. I'd be down. All right.
Mike Benz,
he was state department guy, has a hell of a resume.
Knew a ton about USAID before
you know, Doge went in there and
was very excited to see kind of like this audit take place. And not only that, but to get confirmation on a lot of the things that he already knew,
you know, because he had really looked at it.
Wild, dude.
Yeah, like if you listen, I listened to the first podcast too,
because I started playing the second one and I was like, I don't know what they're talking about.
So I listened to the first one.
And you can hear like a lot of the stuff that he's talking about is like, you know, we'd
like to do this, we'd like to help, we'd like to expose this, we'd like to do this
and that.
And then the second one is like, oh, we have the door open now, like Doge is investigating
We're actually working on improving this, we're trying to find ways to combat the situation the situation and just in general I think the biggest thing is actually tell
people what's going on because I mean you always know that the government does
shady stuff with international policy but you have no idea that it's like all
controlled by this conglomerate called USAID which is basically the new version
of the CIA. Right. Which I don't think
people understand because, you know, I had never heard of the USAID before this.
But even more than that, like those that know about it now because of all the
publicity on the left, and I've talked to a bunch of my friends and people that
are very much on the left, they love their politics. As far as they can tell and what they've heard,
USAID only helps people.
It's helping the poorest people
and if any aid is cut from it, people are dying.
It's evil.
And it's sad and it's evil.
Yeah, so we should support it.
And if you heard that message and believe that
to be true, it's reasonable. You'd be behind it because you don't want people
to be suffering. However, then you get someone like Mike that comes on and
he's like, this is what's really going on guys. Yeah. They're worse than they're.
If it's too dirty for the CIA, you give it to these guys. They do it and it's like well, what is this then?
Yeah, also 40 million dollar budget per year like that's insane million or billion billion billion dollar
Yeah, 40 billion dollars
Which he said in the podcast is more than the CIA gets
No shit. Yeah. Yeah, he said the
Pentagon's budget is $900 billion, which who the fuck knows where that's going? They don't. They don't. They don up for that audit and then the IRS goes
Yeah, you didn't pass and they're like, okay
See you next year exactly like later. We still got to keep doing this
They just get in a helicopter and fly away. Yeah, like
Okay, this is how this works dude. It clearly isn't checks and balances
you know when it comes to spending in a lot of areas. And, you know, I know people are worried
about the access of Doge, what they can look at, is this privacy concerns, you know, are certain.
I had a conversation today with somebody and he's like, yeah, they're cutting off all these
subsidies for farms.
They just stopped all the funding immediately.
Like people are suffering.
Yeah, I don't want that either.
Like I think America is an incredible country and we can do good and help people.
However, we might have to slam on the brakes for a minute.
Who are we helping?
Are we helping terrorists and other countries produce heroin?
Yes, we are
Sounds like we shouldn't be doing that. It sounds like we are well the thing that genuinely baffles me is how many
People especially young people
Are pro censorship? I genuinely don't understand it
Like if you've read any any George Orwell book, you know, like censorship leads to a bad bad path and you need like I'm not saying overall blanket censorship is is bad,
but the way that it has been weaponized
nowadays is scary. Well, I think is not helpful. I think what happens is the censorship is on their side.
Yeah, and they're young so they don't extrapolate
out what it could be like for the censorship to not be on their side. They believe that
it will only be more and more on their side and that's because this side is the correct
side to be on. So it's actually a reasonable position they take.
But it's still like, if people that you don't
agree with can't speak and say things that you don't agree with you don't have
free speech which is fundamental to running a healthy country. That is true.
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You can't have the side that you don't like say things, then that's just, you know, it's just all one-sided.
What they do though, is they re- because I- this happens in England.
When I go to England and I talk about this, I go, we have more free speech in America. And then they go, oh,
with this, like hate speech and horrible. And I'm like, yeah, that's free speeches, all the speeches.
Yeah. You get to say all the things they're like, oh, well, that's not good. So they're openly
happy to admit that there should be considerable limitations on speech,
and their idea of what good speech is,
is this kind of moderated, limited speech.
I mean, Germany is kind of off the rails right now
with arresting people for putting things online.
In fact, if you put something online,
you can go to jail for longer than if you say it directly to somebody's face with the and this is how they justify it. When it's online, it stays forever. And if you're just like, I don't know, you're a cunt straight to someone's face. But that wouldn't be the illegal thing. It would be something to do with race or, you know, pronouns. That is not as bad, even though that's awful.
Yeah. And just in general, like, again, you don't have free speech
if people can't say things that you disagree with. And also,
maybe some censorship is necessary, just hypothetically. Maybe it is necessary.
But do we really want a governing?
Institution that has a massive budget to do it on a massive scale like globally
Do we want one person controlling that like one person setting the narrative of what you can and can't say?
Yeah, that's not the way it should be no it needs to be more collective if we're really going to you know try and
Have some sort of
censorship in place, it needs to be balanced and not one-sided.
Well, it's just like an ultimate propaganda tool.
Yeah, I thought it was really interesting though in the podcast. I can't remember if it was the second or the first one, but he said a large reason why a lot of these young people are so on board with it is because it just
advances their career.
Like if they go to these censorship councils and learn about all these things and become
experts in censorship, that's necessary for them to advance their career.
Which I understand to a certain point, but that shouldn't be that way.
You know, like you shouldn't have to abide by some governing body who's trying to
control things just to get a promotion, you know?
Well, that, that sounds like a whole, um, type of government position that
shouldn't even exist anyway.
Yeah, exactly.
So it's just another bureaucracy, like layers of these jobs.
And I think that's what is going to start to be uncovered with the Doge
It's like they're, you know, just like Elon did with Twitter,
he's going to realize, wait,
we don't need 70% of these people to make this stuff work.
And that's, that's hard for people to swallow because they're already releasing
stories now of like, I read it yesterday, this park ranger, and they just had this long heartfelt story. And I'm sure the guy is a great guy. I feel for him. He worked so hard to get his dream job. And now because of these cuts from Doge, they go rid of them. And I'm like, yeah, that really sucks. I hope that he does get that, um, severance that they're talking about.
So it's nice and long and they don't have to suffer.
Um, also that does happen when you have a really inflated system or a company,
like companies downsize for a good reason.
right? Bezos just let, I think a third of his space program employee for like troop, like they're fired because it's just not making money, it's not as
like these certain areas are just not working and it's gonna collapse the
company. You have to deal with the government because it can't go bankrupt.
They just keep having all these people and it's, you know, it's like a company.
You have to make some decisions like that.
Move some people around.
Luckily they can just get jobs somewhere else.
If you're a great park ranger, you can park range anywhere.
Although there's lots of parks.
Yeah, private parks. I don't know.
Yeah, I mean, that happens with everything.
That's why as much as it's unfortunate, economic recesses are necessary
because it clears out a lot of useful businesses,
like a lot of businesses that are just like not helping at all, scraping by you know it's like do those people really need to be spending
their time doing that anyways or should they you know move on and do something
else that's actually helpful that's actually profitable you know right so it
kind of cleans things out a bit and there are losses you know there's always
going to be genuine losses in scenarios where people just get cut and it's unfair.
But as long as things are moving in a healthy direction and we're
genuinely trying to make reform and make things better,
I think that it's somewhat necessary.
I can't speak on every individual case and say that it's all necessary, but a certain level of that is going to happen regardless.
They're going to make some mistakes, but what's happening now is they're exposing
the problems in each section of these,
um, government agencies, you know, and there is an argument out there that's like,
Oh, well they're just highlighting the worst things. And you know, they're just,
I don't know if you saw this social security payment stuff.
There's like 200 year old people getting the social security. You see this?
There's like millions of them. Um, and somebody said to me today in pushback,
how is this, how could we fact check this? And I'm like, well, I think,
I think that's what Elon is doing. And he's like, well, I think, I think that's what Elon is doing.
And he's like, well, I don't trust him.
And I don't think that it could be true.
And I'm like, okay, well, I don't know how you play that game or how you play that argument at all.
You know, how do you, how do you even start to defend?
It's like, I can't look at it.
So I have to trust somebody to do it.
Yeah. You got to pick where you put your trust in. You know, I mean, it's crazy that people, regardless of what you think of Elon,
that your one person comes in and you're like, I don't trust them. They're shady.
We need to look in on them. Meanwhile,
you turn a blind eye to what the government's doing and you're just like,
yeah, they have our best interests. Like, yeah, that's so high. So crazy.
Yeah, I'm sure it was an accident that a 240 year old person is still collecting
Social Security.
They might be still. Hey, I saw them last week.
Yeah, imagine.
No, that's crazy.
Yeah, Social Security is a whole thing as well.
Like, yeah, I don't even want to get into that.
The hard thing about it, honestly, is like when they start breaking down the USAID
stuff, it's like they spent breaking down the USAID stuff,
it's like they spent 20 million dollars on bringing Sesame Street to Iraq or something.
And then, you know, there's just like all this crazy spending, dude.
And it's like the list goes on forever.
I don't want to sit there just yammering it off.
You go to ChatGDP if you want to know, it'll tell you.
And you know, it just it's alarming
the amount of money.
Yeah. And you can also ask
Chad what you as a taxpayer
are likely to have donated
yourself personally to that program.
And it will kind of figure it out.
It may not be much, maybe like 12 bucks,
but you add up 10 of them.
Then all of a sudden you're like, fuck,
I could have bought a sandwich.
Well, you work for hours to do some of these programs.
So that's worth thinking about because that's on a big scale.
And the hardest part is when you hear that during COVID
they gave people $500 or $650. The fires in Maui where they lost everything,
they got $700. I think it was $750 bro. Yeah. All right. Give Biden his props. My bad. $50 is going
to make a big difference when your whole house is burned to the ground. $750. Yeah. And then paying millions for these wacky programs.
Yeah. Yeah. It's insane. The way that the government is like, Oh yeah,
we have plenty of money. We have plenty of money.
And then you start asking for money on, on things where people need it.
You know, people are struggling and they're like, Oh, sorry, we spent it all.
It's like, no, you fucking didn't.
They're like, it went on the wrong shit. Yeah. To the Ukraine. And then the Ukrainian president is like, we
actually didn't get a hundred billion dollars of that. So if you can answer
that question, yeah, where'd all that go? That's wild, dude. Yeah. How could you
even flush quietly or move around a hundred billion dollars? No, it's insane. And it's crazy too, because you hear that and you're like,
Oh shit, the government lost a hundred billion dollars. And at first you're like,
damn, that's, that's crazy. But then after like a week, you're like, eh, that's,
that's what the government does. You know, you,
it's so crazy how normalized it is nowadays.
Like people don't even bat an eye when they hear that anymore. It's like,
that's crazy. Dude,
I had a friend that got nailed by the IRS for four hundred dollars
$400 that he didn't like I guess he didn't like put in his expense. I don't know he fucked up $400
400 they spotted that yeah where you can't figure out where a hundred billion went
Like I I got a feeling feeling with focusing on the wrong things
Yeah, yeah or
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What was the amount that they lost pre-911?
It was in the trillions, wasn't it?
Oh, yeah, Donald Rumsfeld, like $2.5 trillion.
They're like, yeah, we lost it.
It's not a library card.
From the Pentagon or something.
And then two days later, they were like,
we'll just blow up these buildings
and don't ever question us again. And Donald R Donna rough. So I was like, okay, let's invade Iraq.
Yep. Nice. Yeah. No, nobody,
nobody kept looking for that money. No.
And now it's just a meme that pops up on Instagram.
Yeah. That's all their blowback. Yeah.
It just seems like there's no real repercussions for this stuff.
Right. And when it gets close and when there's a potential, the president just
pardons his whole family and a bunch of his friends.
Oh, yeah, the Biden.
Sweeping pardons.
Like, we're not even focusing on a crime.
We're just saying from this date
to this date they could literally have cut the heads off children and you can't
do anything yeah that's that is insane the king of England can't have that you
cannot have that yeah King of England I don't saying he's a big deal but he's a
king of England.
Yeah, nobody can give him a pardon like that.
Doesn't exist. No. Are you a big broken guy?
No, fuck that.
I'm just saying that under Biden during that period.
Yeah. Has the ultimate get out of jail free card.
And there's videos of him smoking crack,
driving around in a Porsche or crazy and just hanging out with prostitutes,
cocaine in the white house, everything. Yeah.
And then the fact that he did it like right before he left is like kind of just
a huge fuck you to the U S like you didn't even try and like hide it at all.
You really didn't. He, he didn't make that decision, dude.
He's in the where he's at. Oh, no.
They have him sat in a room right now,
just staring out the window.
He probably did that voluntarily.
You know what they've done?
They put that thing on YouTube where you can just
play fishes in a tank, and it's like hypnotic.
They're just like, there you go.
He's watching the fire with the lo-fi beats for 20 hours.
Those videos have insane amounts of views though.
You look at them and you're like, how does this have 200 million views?
Someone's making some money. Oh yeah.
Probably USAID.
It's just laundering it through YouTube nonsense.
Logging in. What was the biggest standout for the first off? What is
your feel of this guy? Like, do you believe that he is genuine? Do you believe that he's
a patriot? Do you believe that he just wants to spread misinformation and, and rile people
up? Like what's, what's your genuine feeling?
I got a good feeling from him.
I think in the world of journalism,
he has very like, he's doubled down
on the whole censorship thing.
So that's like his deal.
He's a censorship journalist.
And so because he's specialized in that for so long,
like, I mean, he was doing this when no
one was listening to him when no one cared about any of this no one even knew
about any of this stuff he was still researching trying to get people aware
like he's been doing this for years and years and years and just now he's kind
of caught some wind which I think is good but I mean he's incredibly
knowledgeable it was insane to me how many times on the podcast he would just be like, yeah
They're like they're doing this. This is insane. And then he's like, yeah, Jamie
Just Google like three words and you find it on government websites like them just blatantly being like yeah, we did this
we spent that money on stupid shit like a
Lot of the things that he said are insanely easy to access. Well, what's really nice about a lot of areas of government spending and
government behavior when it comes to contracts or things that they're doing,
they have to publicly put it somewhere, but nobody's fucking looking at that.
No one even knows what it means. Again, education system.
We don't teach people this shit. Yeah. People don't know that this is important.
They would be able to be
hulks on the US government, watching them constantly.
What are you up to?
What are you doing?
Or just genuinely not listening to the news media,
like at least having some sort of a thought
in the back of their head of like,
should I blindly trust this person?
Maybe not.
People just don't have that by design and it's really, really
scary or people just don't give a fuck, which is insane to me.
Like how, like you have to care at least a little bit, you know?
Dude, there could be a really, it's because they're living in what they
think is the beautiful future.
And I want to live that too.
I want to get to a point where you actually can, for the most part,
trust your government and then be blindly ignorant and just be like, yep,
I believe that there's checks and balances in place.
I believe that there's systems like the Doge that are checking every bit of
spending throughout. And you know,
we're in a position where I don't
have to watch the news anymore yeah it almost makes me feel more responsible
now well but you like shit do I have to play a part I didn't want to do this
yeah and but a lot of people nowadays like I said you know they're advancing
in their career they're like my bank accounts up the world must be going well
you know yeah yeah yeah I just won the lottery.
I think that everything is in place.
Everything's going well.
I can afford to go to McDonald's today.
Yeah, it's insane.
What do you think about the Atlantic Council?
They were probably one of the scariest ones in there.
Seven of their board members are previous CIA head
officials. Like that's not that's suspicious. That seems like immediately
immediate red flag. Yeah that seems like an immediate red flag. Yeah but no they
give they gave Dua Lupa the I can can't remember what award it was, but they gave her some award for her singing.
Which is insane.
I like Dua Lupa, I'll just say. I mean, her music is good. I think a lot of it's just kind of poppy, the same shit.
But I respect her as a person, but it's insane that like, government organizations are using music to influence people.
Well you know the story of Jackson Pollock right? The splash art guy?
It's just like splash paintings. You know just looks like I don't know a monkey with a
paintbrush just like threw it at the canvas and you know.
And what they sell for millions of dollars they sell for millions of dollars, and it was it was because of the
It was because of the CIA so it was to do with Russia and
Let's see if I can oh
What would I say Andrew? I think I meant Jackson the dumbass
Yeah, well, that's cuz I don't know shit about art people. I apologize. All right. So I'm just going
to pull this up for Sean to look at. So this is it. So Jackson Pollock's work and it's
millions of dollars, right? So what happened with this?
They got it on wafer. Is, I know it's a big deal. So
um, basically, it has something to do with the Russians and the CIA started like putting,
like funding this guy's galleries and then all the big art people were going to it and
being like, this is amazing buying this.
And somehow it was like downplaying, like, I don't know if it was a Russian art or
what, but it was driving them crazy somehow.
And it was just this, this play of art that they were using.
And I was kind of connecting it to the same thing that he, that Mike was saying about like why they using all these rappers to do shit.
It's just like,
is this some sort of like cultural manipulation that is like very useful for the CIA?
Like they, they know what they're doing.
When they're doing what they want to do.
But what the fuck are they up to?
Yeah, I mean, we've kind of known that certain musicians
will make deals with the government to suppress things
and control what they want to say and things like that,
but I didn't have any idea that it was going on
to this extent, like insane.
And also in other countries, like not only in the US, they're doing it in other countries.
A lot of them.
Well, didn't Mike say that the USAID or some subsidiary of that is funding like 90% of Ukrainian media outlets?
Oh yeah.
Holy shit dude.
Yeah. Also they're shit, dude. Yeah.
Also are involved in a hunt over 140 countries.
Like that's insane.
Well think how much poorer most countries are than the United States.
It's like we could lean in with agencies and propagandize their entire country
by funding, you know, it's like, how does media work?
It works with advertising.
And what does advertising do to the company?
We've seen it on a local level.
Like we're in a studio where people produce.
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Magazines and newspapers, and they've changed the way that they do their advertising, their
media, print media in general, because of advertiser influence.
They're like, we, we don't like these kinds of pictures and you know, it like,
it will change the media will bend.
CNN hasn't done any negative stories on Pfizer.
Oh, look at that.
Well, yeah.
They're, yeah, they're sponsored by Pfizer.
Well, do you buy
COVID vaccine vaccine? Yeah. Yeah. They're, yeah, they're sponsored by Pfizer. Well, do you buy COVID vaccine vaccine? Yeah. Um, no, it's crazy.
I think, um, yeah. And then they're just like literally funding terrorism.
Like the part about, I really wish I remembered what country it is,
but 95% of the heroin comes out of that country.
Afghanistan. Afghanistan, yeah.
And they literally said, they literally said,
they're going to keep funding the supply of heroin
because it will have a negative economic
and humanitarian consequences.
Because heroin is obviously very lucrative,
but it's like, why do we have to fucking pay for that?
Why are we paying for that?
And justifying that on public news is insane.
Like he literally said that to the public.
Like we can't afford to stop producing heroin
in this country.
We can't stop funding these people.
Well, it's control. stop producing heroin in this country. We can't stop funding these people.
Well, it's control.
You know?
Yeah, I thought it was, because I've always wondered about this, like, you know, the CIA
was kind of running things back in the 60s, you know, with the whole hippie movement and
the war in Vietnam and controlling narratives in that sense. And so once a lot of those reforms came around in the 70s,
they had to pivot and they handed off the baton to USAID,
which is not a technical government organization.
They're private.
Is that right?
That's how they can get away with all this stuff
is because when the CIA wants to do something, they have to go to the government and be like, hey, we're doing this. Can we can we do this? We have to get authorization and stuff. But now the CIA is just like, hey, USA, take care of this real quick. And then they do it because there's no regulation for them.
No shit. But we're still giving them billions of dollars per year from taxpayers.
Like that's to do whatever they want, whatever they want unregulated.
Wow. Yeah.
And then, you know, they're also having a bunch of programs that look nice.
So they can be like, Hey, it's aid guys. We're serving aid.
Yeah. It says USAID. We don't just give on that, you know,
give ourselves this name if we're not helping people. I mean,
it would be pretty ironic if they just called themselves
us terrorists, it would have been easier to figure out that they were
a terrible organization.
It's just, uh, agency for international development.
So that doesn't mean aid at all.
No, no, no, it just sounds good
Yeah, they make them seem like
international development
Yeah also a lot of the things that they the USAID was talking about is backed by this narrative of
Promoting democracy establishing democracy. It's like who's democracy
Good point. You just use that as a blanket statement and everyone just goes along with it.
Like, what exactly, whose democracy are we helping?
It sounds more like bureaucracy.
Yeah, it's bureaucracy.
Because if people aren't voting on all of these programs, which they're not,
that's not democracy by definition, right?
Yeah, there's no regulation to it and they just do whatever they want. That's not democracy by definition, right? No.
Yeah. There's no regulation to it and they just do whatever they want.
And yeah, he kept saying throughout the podcast, when it's too dirty for the
CIA, you give it to USAID, which is just a scary statement.
What did you think about, um, what he was saying about the EU?
Um, which is obviously not an American organization,
it's the European Union,
sending documents to the major social media companies,
mostly in America, saying if you don't censor
in the way that they would like,
you're gonna lose 6% of your global revenue.
Like, that's would like, you're going to lose 6% of your global revenue. Like that's a big, that's scary that they have the power to do that.
Well, they, you know, they can enact legislation in the areas they control.
And a lot of people using social media there.
What do you think of social media companies going to do?
I'll tell you who's not gonna do it.
X doesn't give a fuck.
I think, yeah, that was a big,
go back to the UA stuff in a second,
but the X had a huge role
in kind of blowing the lid open on this.
First of all, Elon buying X
and prioritizing free speech on the platform.
It's the most insane move of all time. And then came the Twitter files, which opened
the door and kind of told a lot of people like, Hey, the government is literally colluding
with big tech companies to manipulate elections.
Like that's literally what they were doing.
And everyone was like, oh shit, why?
Like, can we not?
Barely anyone talks about,
like if you're on the other side of the,
like here's the thing.
It's like, I was never on the right of anything.
And I heard about the Twitter files and I wanted to know about them.
I think a lot of people were there.
A lot of Democrats, solid Democrats, were there that went,
what the fuck is this Twitter files thing?
But the amount that won't even look at it, won't take a seat.
It was just like, oh, that's just crazy.
Elon doing his thing.
It's like, have, that's just crazy. Elon doing his thing.
It's like, have a look at it.
Yeah. Pay attention to it and tell me, doesn't this sound bad?
And and I think it just sounded so bad to me because I could just imagine
what it would be like if a party or group that I didn't like had that power.
So it's not about whether the group that I agreed with
had it or not.
That doesn't, I don't care who,
no one should have that power.
That's very dangerous.
That's the thing is like,
it's very smart of you to make that observation of like,
if the people that I didn't agree with were doing this, it would still be wrong. Whether or not I agree with what they're doing and what
the central message is, like it's still collusion, it's still wrong, it's still not okay for
the government to use platforms like that. And then, you know, you think about it and
you're like, oh, well, that was just Twitter. That's only one of them, you know, not even dimension what Facebook and Instagram and
Google with YouTube.
They're all doing the same.
Was just on Rogan and talked about that.
You know, we now have Zuckerberg 2.0.
He's got gold chains and he surfs.
Knows Jiu Jitsu, but, you know, he came on to be like, hey, they told us this.
We took it in good faith.
They tried to really censor our whole system.
And now we don't want to be a part of it.
And we're getting rid of fact checkers.
Honestly, it's a brave move because people are upset about it.
Like even, even to hear we're getting rid of fact checkers
is a very easy clickbait
title to put in an article and be
like, clearly Zucks lost his mind.
Now there's no facts on Facebook.
And it's like, dude, there were
very few facts on Facebook to start
with. For sure.
The fact that he is taking this brave step and kind of like just, you know,
he's always just been a huge nut.
That's why everyone knows him as a huge nut.
He just wants to keep everyone happy, get everyone on Facebook, like whatever you
need government, I'll do what you want.
The only thing about that, that I didn't really care for is like,
okay, so you did this before, you bent to all this before, but now you won't do it again.
You've decided. And we're supposed to just believe that. It's a step in the right direction to even
just acknowledging it, but no, I agree. I hear your point.
It's gonna take more than Jujitsu and a cool gold chain
before I'm fully on board with-
There's still maybe a lizard.
I've seen me drink water.
It's odd.
Don't, yeah.
I was gonna say, don't lizards drink water?
They do.
Yeah, but they're also cold blooded.
Does anyone have like evidence of him like tanning for long periods of time?
Good point.
Keep his body temperature up.
Good point.
Got to look into that.
Yeah. If he just like lays on hot rocks and the sun,
someone get a video of him laying an egg, please.
I like, I like the direction he's taking.
It's going to take a little bit of time for me to be like totally on board with
him, but I like his style.
I'm kind of curious why Bezos is like saying very little in all of this.
I mean, he's a big player in it all.
He did show up to the inauguration, you know, he bought his absolute dime
beat piece that let's be fair caused the most expensive divorce in human
history and maybe for good reason.
Yeah. I mean, he's still, he's still doing all right. That's crazy. I, yeah.
Chris Rock has a hilarious joke that he's, he is the only person who went
through a divorce and is still the richest man in the world. Like that's
insane. Well, went through the most expensive divorce of all time and it
still is. Yeah. But I'm divorce of all time and it still is.
But I'm really curious to see where his play is.
Also Google, Google isn't doing shit right now. They own YouTube.
YouTube is massive, massive influence on YouTube.
And they've been a big part of the censorship movement for a long time.
And nobody seems to be holding them accountable either.
Rogan talks about it a lot and I think they've left him alone since he's come back. I don't think they're constantly on his case. However,
they did downplay the Trump podcast. It was growing at like multiple millions a day at
one point and then all of a sudden you couldn't search for it.
You couldn't find it. Yeah that's weird. And it wasn't trending so then Rogan
obviously text Elon and said there's a problem here. Elon put it up on his ex.
Joe did the same thing. Boom, through the roof. Yeah.
I mean, we're talking hundreds of millions of views.
Yeah, it's definitely his biggest podcast of all time.
So I, yeah, I don't know if there's any improvement
with the whole YouTube thing.
No, and I mean, even, I think a lot of people kind of notice the censorship stuff during COVID. There was a big
push to control anti vax, quote, propaganda, if you will. And a
lot of silencing went on during the on YouTube and all
platforms during COVID. And I think that was a big part of
people waking up to this is because they
actually saw it happening in real time. It was hard to deny that. Yeah exactly. You have to like
literally work to deny it. And then you know there is an argument during a global pandemic for
controlling misinformation and stuff but the levels that they were going to were extremely
dangerous and still like the amount of control they were having is like,
okay, are sure we're in the middle of a pandemic,
but that's still not okay to be able to doing it,
to be able to do it on that level. Like just straight up silencing people,
blacklisting people so that no one sees their information,
like just completely controlling narratives. Again,
whether you agree with them or not,
you should not have that amount of control
to be able to silence people.
And you know, Mike didn't really get into it.
He clearly had his own theory.
Yeah, yeah.
Which I respect.
On what was happening.
Yeah, it's like, he looks-
He's gonna talk about what he knows best.
He's doing enough controversial stuff,
but he brought up some good points and so did Joe.
Like, they lied to us about lab league.
They lied to us about spread.
They lied to us about numbers.
Like there was a lot of things they lied about.
And you know, Joe's question a little bit was like,
hey, do you think that this was intentional?
Which is like, wow, we're getting out there.
Okay. We're getting out there. Yeah.
We're getting moon landing.
That is the ultimate question though is like,
was the whole thing of COVID planned from the get go? You know,
because if you look at what it did and you look at who it benefited from,
it seems,
it seems hard to deny a scenario where that is possible.
Did it was the largest movement of wealth ever.
Like the billionaires went from like 40, 50 billion.
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Hundreds yeah, and who wears where that money come from it come from people that were told they can't work and
The people who were in the middle class or the lower class went from having something to having nothing and now no one can
Buy houses no one can buy houses
I'm 23 years old and I've just come to the conclusion that I will never be able to afford a house in this country
Yeah from now on we're gonna get you a hammock we're gonna take care of your brother
You're gonna make me whole I'm very grateful
Can I can I get it? Can I start using the toilet though? I know I have my piss mat
But I really like I really like to use the
toilet from now on. If, if, Oh, here, no, no, you just get a hammock and a bucket and
a sad bucket that you can use. I mean, look, we live in Bozeman, Montana and the housing
prices here are like a million dollars average. Yeah. I think the average in Bozeman is kind of it skyrocketed during COVID and
it's kind of topped out at around 700,000.
They're about 700 to 800,000.
Okay, what's the minimum wage?
Ooh, in Montana, I don't know.
It's still federally seven something.
Is it?
Hasn't changed federally and okay so many
years yeah I think in Montana it's 12 to 13 dollars an hour and a lot of
businesses out here provide more than that it's 1055 in Montana yeah city of Bozeman increasing
the minimum wage for a city employees to 21 per hour oh really 2021 all right
2021 we are gallatin yeah basically you can't buy a house no that's the
conclusion of that number you can't buy a. You could buy one of those sheds that they sell like Home Depot and you can buy a really
small bit of land and get a good sleeping bag.
You know, raise some kids.
So basically it's like it's like back in the pioneer days, you know, you have a little
stove, your whole family dies dysentery. Um, but you have net, we have quality time together. You have, we have social media.
Yeah. You can just live other way. We're all going to get meta quests and we're all going to move to
the, uh, utopia whenever they build it. I think that's, I think that's what's the next. Well,
I think that's it for now. I mean, there was so much in this podcast.
You have to listen to it if you're curious at all.
It's so insane.
And I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Go to our website.
The link is in the bio.
Message is there.
We love to hear from you.
We do our best to get back to people,
but we get literally hundreds of emails a day.
So it's a bit of a struggle, but I do what I can okay, and Sean, thank you
We thank you for inviting me. This was a great episode
Excited to have you back on and you have done Rogan with me before right? No, this is the first time people hearing my voice
Yeah, well, I used to do another show with you, so yeah, I can't believe that's the first time we're going to have you on
again. Yeah, I'm excited. This is great. The message is needed. Thank you,
everyone for listening. We'll talk to you next week. Later.
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