Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 430 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Woody Harrelson

Episode Date: March 6, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review Podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. You're listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your host Adam Thorne.
Starting point is 00:00:26 This might either be the worst podcast or the best one of all time. 8, 2, 1, go. Enjoy the show. Hey guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE review this week. Um, pretty exciting. There's some great guests on at the moment. Woody Harrelson. Woody motherfucking Harrelson. Who isn't a fan of that guy? I would like to know. Are there people out there that don't like him? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:00:55 None that I've heard of. There we go. Joined by Peter. Peter is back. Peter is back for a special occasion. I'm back on a probationary new pod. Is that inaccurate? It's reasonable. Reasonable. Yeah so they start off with Joe's kind of fan bowing out. Obviously he's a huge fan. Woody been a legend forever. I mean, it's hard to
Starting point is 00:01:28 say if he's like A-list in that sense, but he's just is A-list in his own way. Like he's super famous. I'd say he's A-list. Yeah, he's done huge movies. The True Detectives thing that he did with McConaughey was still legendary. I mean, it's, it's just such a powerful series. Um, so it gives you goosebumps. That's a good one. It really does.
Starting point is 00:01:56 And, and that's the thing. I mean, he's Joe's fanboying out. He doesn't do it often. And it's kind of cool to hear him and Woody wanting to hang out, be friends. Woody lives in Austin. That was, it took a while. It did take a while for Joe for the singing for Joe that Woody lived there. He's like, I'm here, man. I live here. I'm here with you. I'm here. He wasn't. yeah, he wasn't buying it. I wasn't buying it. Um, Joe brought up some of the blowback that he took for, um, what he took for his SNL monologue. It was just, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:33 kind of ripping on the whole COVID thing. I felt like when he did it, like that was brave. Uh, supposedly that was not the one, the monologue that was brave. Uh, supposedly that was not the one. The monologue that was intended approved. Yeah. And he kind of just did it, which is ballsy as fuck. The only other person that I know has done that Chappelle. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Chappelle did something similar when he was talking about Trump. So 2016. I think so So you've got to give him some credit for that because it's even if you didn't like it It's like that Imagine you having to do it that takes a lot like you got to believe in yourself in your message those people that he's You know pissing off are powerful like even in the industry those are guys Lord Michaels and those producers are
Starting point is 00:03:28 powerful people. Oh yeah. Take some bravery. Definitely I mean you know he had to ask himself I may not come back on this show ever again and am I okay with that? It's that type of question. And also what is the blowback? You know, what a report is going to say. How many people are going to be upset? It was kind of early on towards the end of the COVID stuff too, before a lot of the momentum is built to where people are,
Starting point is 00:04:01 I would say people are far more suspicious today. But anyway, yeah, he people are far more suspicious today. But anyway, yeah, he brings up, he brings up what Joe went through, right? With Robert Malone episode, how that was kind of a turning point, how important that was, that it existed. I mean, there are still people out there, you know, that're very quick to dismiss Dr. Robert Malone's credentials and he's legit, knows what he's talking about. Is he that guy that had been published the most times in his field? Supposedly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and also everyone in his field respected the shit out of him too. I mean, he had a real warning that he wanted to bring up a very, um, legit concern and. They were ready to crush him immediately and so much so like take Joe out, which I think the media thought they could do, and they learned real quick that's not happening. They had no idea, though. Even who Joe is, he's not controversial. He just talks to people. Like, there's nothing weird about this. Yeah, I don't think he'd had, like, anything you could call very controversial before that podcast.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I mean, you know, I'm sure he'd had Alex Jones on, but it was probably before Alex Jones had really upset a lot of people. So it was just, it was just podcasts. Open forum of free speech. God bless these forums. That's it. That's what it's about. That's what it's about. You remember those PCR tests we all had to take?
Starting point is 00:05:50 I took hundreds of them. Maybe 12. The guy that made those said that that was a bad thing to use. A bad tool for that type of test. Do you know what that is? What is a PCR test? I don't really know. I think it's a test that is very particular to whatever you're testing it for. So you kind of set it for that. Like if you're looking for a flu virus or you're looking for COVID or you're looking for whatever, you can like, you change the compound to react in a way.
Starting point is 00:06:29 But what it does is it's kind of designed to test for very, very minute levels of that thing. So it's residuals of a broken virus or something like that. Just super sensitive testing. So even if you have such a small amount that you wouldn't get sick from it and you couldn't even pass it to anyone else, it will show that you have it. Gotcha. So yeah, as far as I understand, but either way, the person that made the test
Starting point is 00:07:00 said, this is not appropriate. This isn't the right type of test because you're going to create a bunch of false positives, which we know was happening during COVID. And then they could change that whole narrative to like, you know, it was asymptomatic. That was the whole thing. Like, Oh, you have it, but you're not showing signs. So that's just almost makes it more dangerous. You can be giving it to people at any minute, even though you seem fine.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Just blur the message. You know what I mean? Yeah, definitely didn't do anything for us. Didn't push us forward with our trust for these people. People with the powers of B. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, you know, all that laid, like, led into the whole thing with the people's faith in media, right? I mean, in a lot of ways, that's been destroyed for a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:08:03 in a lot of ways that's been destroyed for a lot of people. Not everyone. I think some people have doubled down on that, but if you just look at media views, I mean NBC, MSNBC, their numbers were hit hard from where they were. I think it's a maybe a, I don know the percentage but it seems like about 80% of their viewership has gone away. Yeah, it's a lot. It's a lot of their viewers have gone. Throwing that number out there. No, I think it is that high. I mean we could Google it but you know it's kind of difficult to get those numbers actually. And I don't know why. Maybe they're the ones controlling the reporting
Starting point is 00:08:50 on their own numbers. I mean, that would be interesting propaganda, right? You're like, no, it's still the number one in news. And you're like. They have to self-proport, I think. I mean, it's. They're required to? Or rather itort, I think, I mean it's... They're required to? Or rather it's, it is, they're the ones providing those numbers.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Right. Or the networks are. Look at all the, let's look at all the big time news on CNN and stuff that has gone under and been pulled and people got fired and. This is the form of the future Yeah, I mean So many of the CNN guys have gone Stelzer so he's sad about are you sad about Joy Reid? Oh I know you really liked her Don Lemon. I
Starting point is 00:09:41 Know you really liked him. I Know you've ever seen one of his shows. I've seen one of his shows. I think I've seen him talk like a couple of times and I've seen some snippets of him and I did watch the whole interview that he did with Elon when he was like thought he had that spot on X and it was terrible. This podcast is brought to you by Raycon. In this season of love, it's time to acknowledge our unique love languages.
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Starting point is 00:12:28 Paid non-client endorsement, not representative of all clients and not a guarantee. Investment advisory services offered by Stash Investment at LLC and SEC registered investment advisor investing involves risk offer is subject to TNCs. It was the worst type of smug reporting I'd ever seen. And I didn't even have a strong opinion about him before. I just, I had never seen his show. No, I heard he was a bit of a CNN guy. So I was like, all right, this could suck, but let's check it out.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I give him the benefit of the doubt I was hoping for more I mean especially because he was talking about hiring him putting him on X and having it be Like an exclusive show. I was like, oh cool. Maybe he has some Kind of balanced reporting that'd be worth it. That's probably still left-leaning. I'm into it, you know We're kind of lefty guys, so... Dude, John Stewart, Bill Ma, got lots of time for their shows. Often. You know, John Stewart sometimes is a little trickier to work with, but he's so reasonable in a lot of areas.
Starting point is 00:13:44 And then I enjoy Bill Ma's show, you know His jokes hit they land He's always been a political commentator. So yes, it's nothing new for him He's he's almost more of a serious political commentator. I would say than John Stewart in a lot of ways I mean when you're talking impact you know John Stewart would kind of like kind of Connected with like the younger crowd
Starting point is 00:14:12 You know, so he was like turning some heads making people think I felt like it was great, you know I had very funny all that some great carry funny John Oliver and then Yeah, he dude I was a big fan of the first few seasons of that show that weekend one that he does or the week what is it I can't even remember but yeah eventually just got tiresome I'm like this there just seems so much bias at the end I was like this is just odd to watch it's not even funny now you're just like angry yeah he does the whole I'm obviously right and you're obviously an idiot is a lot of vibe and I still care for that anymore I used to like it yeah it was more interesting when he was
Starting point is 00:15:01 like making fun of the pyramid schemes or the postal service or like you know evangelical call-in lines and you know hilarious that stuff was all great you know but then he just got he got like literally going after individuals like hardcore and i'm like wowza dude relax. I really liked his stuff about you know Lukashenko, I think his name is the Belarusian dictator. I liked his a lot of good stuff Maybe he'll come back when he he's read the times read the read the wave of the times. Mm-hmm. Yeah Yeah They talked about malinformation Yeah, they talked about malinformation. Had you ever heard of that term?
Starting point is 00:15:47 Malinformation? Yeah, Rogan said that it's basically something that's true, but it's detrimental to effects on society, right? So it's like a term you can use that even ends up being quite easy to prove, therefore factual, but for whatever reason, you position it as like, overall, this is bad for, you know, the American people or our nation to know. It seems like any malinformation should be heavily discriminated against. That seems bad.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I don't see why that could be good. It goes counterintuitive to what we need as everybody needs just true information. Even malinformation is true. I mean I guess maybe if you've like declared war with a country. You need to keep it quiet. And well no not the war but you're like fighting them and then you know they're trying to show on the other side that all the damage that's being created and it's making people be like I don't want to fight in this war then I could see why a government uses it is my point okay I'm with you I'm with you there
Starting point is 00:17:13 might be some stuff that is true but needs to be kept back for hey I'm not saying it needs to or it should be I'm saying I still disagree but I but I get it you know you don't want you don't want this malinformation to upset operations somewhere. In World War II, you don't want to be humanizing the German people or the Nazis while you're trying to take them out because of the bombing. I mean, there's always an argument to be like, yeah, kids are involved. Kids are getting killed. Like, obviously bad. But like, if you're the government, you're like, I need everyone trying to fight these Nazis. This is them making some they just took Paris. Like this is a problem.
Starting point is 00:18:00 On. Okay. I hear that one. You know, I'm All right. All right. Pete's pro Nazi. That's what. Excuse me. I don't know. I don't know. Woody thinks that everyone in Congress should do mushrooms, which what do you think? Joe's talked about this before. Yeah, when Graham was on, he said that every world leader or president should take like one to six trips on DMT and it should be public. Whoa. And I think that, and also that brings up another point about that, where you might
Starting point is 00:18:41 not become better or more good if you do these drugs You might become more into your particular brand of evil But I do agree that we they need to open their minds a little bit that would be you know when they talk about the AIs and quantum computers and How they can run all these simulations, right? So it's like when you're doing things like material science for like the space program, you know, Elon's rockets and things, they actually don't need to physically test all those things.
Starting point is 00:19:13 They can do a lot of it with computers now, which is really interesting, saves a lot of time if the computers are fast enough. Um, and it's because the, the material science and the chemistry in there all works the same way in a simulation, as long as you have all the variables right, as it would in the real world. So they can test these things, get a real good idea what's going to happen. Some of the ideas moving forward are like they're going to do that with medicine and do it with pharmaceuticals and drugs and things that will benefit us. But also they could do it potentially with like ideas of politics and ideas of how to
Starting point is 00:19:53 run a country. And maybe they could even extrapolate it out. And we're talking in the future, but they could do it with like what happens if all the Congress people did ayahuasca? And what kind of political ideologies would you have moving forward from that? And does that benefit the growth and stability of countries? Like, is hypothesized by Woody and Joe,'re like yeah it would be better or does everything just fall apart into fucking hippie nations and it's a mess it would be a fun little simulation
Starting point is 00:20:35 to play out though and see well the future is coming faster and faster so maybe that technology is available soon Well, the future is coming faster and faster, so maybe that technology is available soon. I think so. I hope so. Yeah, they're obviously both big fans of RFK. Woody knows him and Joe interviewed him not that long ago, knows him now. And read his book. Yeah, I still haven't. I want to read that book. I think it's just gonna make me mad.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I can't believe people are still, like, waiting Fauci flags when they- Gross. Read about what he's been up to. At the expense of all of our friends. Dude, they're not hearing it. They won't hear it. They refuse. Like, even if they read it, they would just be like, that's a lie. I mean, I don't know how he won so many people over. It just doesn't make sense to me.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Look, when I first saw him, I was like, oh, this guy seems great. He probably was put in this position for good reason. And let's hear him out and hopefully he can fix all this. And it just seemed really clear very soon but I'm like I don't I don't think I trust this guy at all seems terrible he his knowledge base is even pretty slim Fauci doesn't even see any of that of an intellectual mm-hmm well RFK wants more vigorous trials and the science behind vaccine rollouts. And, you know, he's also, I think, pushing for, at least on the state level,
Starting point is 00:22:13 for states to be able to go after pharmaceutical companies. So they're like weirdly protected federally, but the states can still go get them, which is interesting. About his pardon. Yeah, exactly. Oh no, I'm not talking about Fauci, but yeah, he can get done on the state level, but, but for, um, uh, the vaccines and five pharmaceutical companies. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:40 The big boys. The big boys. Well, we'll see how big they are when they're getting sued. Oh, they got endless money for endless lawyers. That's true. They do have a lot. Well, not if we make the fines big enough. It's all about the bottom line. Let's put that money back into the economy. Joe and Woody rehash a bit of Joe's experience with the CNN demonizing
Starting point is 00:23:14 him, a lot of the press coming after him. I mean Joe hasn't talked about this for a while but you know that whole thing with, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, just the stuff that he was taking, and now, it's been shown as being safe and effective, as a present, you know, a treatment. And, you know, there's like no apology. It's not like CNN called Joe and was like sorry about that There's not an apology, but there is litigation in the works Mm-hmm you think he's got a he's got a lawsuit. I think he's a pending lawsuit for about that defamation Oh Joe Joe's not suing him. He sued him. He has I don't think so I believe he has but I can't believe I don't know that for sure. Hmm. I say that
Starting point is 00:24:11 But I'm I Joe I did here's a defamation lawsuit, but I don't I don't know if it's happening. I'm not oh Yeah, I've been in the woods Adam. I've been in the woods get out of the woods, dude I've been in the woods, Adam. I've been in the woods. Get out of the woods, dude. As long as you're in the woods listening to Rogan podcasts, it's fine. Nothing can hurt me. Yeah, you're out there just doing it. Yeah, I don't know. I guess it's just like there was so much emotion in it. Even the idea of rehashing where people had
Starting point is 00:24:46 fucked up is just out of the question. It's like, you just got to move on or you don't and people have doubled down. Um, that's very true. It's just a shame because it seems like people didn't learn a lot from it, you know, and some people did. Some people got like a lot of information out of the whole COVID situation. I mean take your health into your own hands, avoid doctors as much as possible unless you really need to go. I'm not a doctor, don't take this as medical advice of course.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I don't want to ruin my probationary podcasting. We do need a disclaimer with it. Were you surprised that Woody's episode kind of lent so much in that direction? Oh, I had a feeling that he's leaning that way for a while. Right. I think it was due to his other that that Saddened Life skit for what for one monologue? Yeah He seems like a he's also what 60 something and people tend to gain some knowledge as they age not always but
Starting point is 00:25:57 How do you feel about being 65 I Don't know I hope I have more of my shit together It's what I think about You don't want to get to 65 and you just like still trying to skateboard Like I gotta grow up dude. You look good in vans, but those bones don't bend no more Yeah, I think you're right. You know, it's, um, he's been famous for so long too, and he's kind of done his career his way in a lot of ways and been very successful.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Um, he can have an opinion. He's allowed. And, you know, he was talking about what it was like making movies and being on set during that time. You know, they had just had these areas where everyone had to wear masks. Everyone needed all the vaccines. You got to have covid shots immediately, otherwise you're offset. And then as soon as action, nobody's wearing a mask. And it's like suddenly this little area is allowed to exist.
Starting point is 00:27:09 It's all arbitrary. It was so arbitrary. And we talked about this many times that we've potted in the past. It was all arbitrary. Well, the stuff on the planes was ridiculous. You know, they would have like a seat next to you empty one seat. So two feet now, two feet, two feet, not six. What is it? And it turns out six feet was just bullshit made up anyway.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Got to wear your mask, you know, just the same as you got to have your tray table up and your seat forward and Your plant your phone in airplane mode which we know None of those things will crash a plane But They still make you do it because it's all about control and obedience and now it's like you're flying and, Oh, all of a sudden there's a time where you can have a coffee and you can have your mask off as long as it takes for you to drink and you can eat your food.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I saw people that would, this was amazing. They would buy like take their food, would, this was amazing. They would buy, like, take their food, eat it, and put their mask down after chewing and wait, and then put the mask up and shovel again and put it down. And the pantomime of it. I mean, I guess you could argue that that is like, oh, that's really nice that they're so considerate. If you were so considerate you wouldn't eat at all on the plane if you were that concerned. You're not gonna die in like five hours of not eating. You're just not gonna. Especially we Americans. If you maybe get low blood sugar, you know, you can stick a mint in your mouth real quick, but this whole like sipping and moving the mask know, you can stick a mint in your mouth real quick, but this whole
Starting point is 00:29:06 like sipping and moving the mask that it was just a there was so much pantomime and hidden under the guise of like it's it's to help you. It's for your safety. And I've never seen so much propaganda in my life. I don't know if I'll kind of ever get over what I saw. And the most shocking thing is not what I saw, but how a lot of people behave during it too. How people were just so willing to just take it on. And... It was so polarizing for us.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Our country just came to two heads. Yeah, but a lot of countries didn't do that. I don't think it was that polarizing for England. For example, I mean people didn't care for the whole process, but they just kind of followed along did their thing, you know, followed the rules. They do say the Brits are like they they like to stand in line they like to queue their behave they like to
Starting point is 00:30:12 just follow the these rules and they they buck up buck up do with that when I heard they were closing all the pubs in England I went well obviously there's gonna be a revolution nothing nothing happened oh poor bastards well we got Netflix now they just went home watched it drank beers there there's a very lagers mind I don't know not the English remembered. We sound old now. Sorry. Old almost sixty five. Yeah, I don't know. Well, nothing says trust science
Starting point is 00:30:53 like a blanket pardon. So if anyone is a little unsure about Fauci's role, just understand that there's an unprecedented blanket pardon for that individual that went back, I think, I don't know when it went back to, but a long time, not quite as long as Biden's son. But that's just the love of a father, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:31:23 Love, he loves his son. He loves his son, he loves his son so much. He loves his Fauci. He loves his Fauci. My little Fauci. His little Fauci. You just imagine Fauci just sat on Biden's leg. He's just like rubbing his head.
Starting point is 00:31:40 My little Fauci. Little curl. I am science. Never shake hands again. That's something that he said. My little Fauci. Little Curl-Dyne. I am science. Never shake hands again. That's something that he said. We may never shake hands or hug people again. That is the most irresponsibly ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Humans require connection. That is absurd and that is no way to even begin to think this is how we keep people healthy. Like what a ridiculous human being. Let's go the French route just kiss everybody on the mouth just kiss him on the mouth. Kiss him on the mouth Just tongue in I Mean, you know that would come at his own cost too So I'm just saying there's we got to meet somewhere in the middle
Starting point is 00:32:33 There's a happy medium there. I think so. I think so. Were you surprised to hear that Woody is a chess player? I Actually was very surprised me too. I mean it's more like Paki's back aki sack guy I actually was very surprised me too. I mean it's more like Pachysack guy But he's apparently very good Well, Magnus Carlson said he was pretty solid. I mean, there's literally no better Compliment I mean no more qualified individual I mean I played chess for 20 years and if Magnus saw me play he would be like did you start last week and I'd be
Starting point is 00:33:15 pretty depressed for a couple of months after that. Like he wouldn't be impressed. No and I've been trying. Just hard as shit. But you know, that says something, right? I mean, I guess it's just not enough to be like, oh, yeah, well, clearly this person is intelligent, but that's a skill set. It's a tough one, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:39 It's an incredibly tough game. I'm a checkers guy just maybe sorry. Checkers guy. But checkers guy. So I speak speak to the skill level required to do that is is I'm glad that he is. Yeah, it's interesting. So what the last bit I want to hit on, which for Woody, you know, he said he's a vegan. He likes the enzymes, everything's enzymes.
Starting point is 00:34:18 You know, what do you say? The hearts, an enzymatic thing. So it's all about enzymes. got it don't cook the food no excuse me go on yeah no that's what he was saying I don't know about this theory but he kind of wasn't into germ theory he liked terrain theory where it's more about your internal environment? Well that would make sense about our personal health combating external antagonists. But that's the thing, it's gotta be both, right? You gotta be healthy yourself, and then also shit's coming from somewhere.
Starting point is 00:34:57 It's coming in. It's coming in, dude. If all the diseases just came from within us, then why is it when you're around people that are sick, they get you sick? If you like went to the woods, you're not gonna get a cold. I think there was a... remember that recluse who was living in Massachusetts that had never been sick in like 50 years... 40 years he was outside and immediately he got sick when he went to prison. Is that right? I forget his name but there's a lot of, yeah people get sick but also people make people stronger.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Germ theory needs to be updated, it doesn't need to be thrown out. No. But we can update it a little bit like Louis Pasteur had a great thing going. Oh yeah. Maybe we don't have to boil all the milk. I don't know. How much milk do we need to boil? Well, do you know that in England you don't have to refrigerate eggs? I don't have to refrigerate my eggs because I have 20 chickens. Well, there we go. But I I mean in the US generally when you buy them they've do they what do they call it it's not pasteurized eggs but it's like sterilized them? They heat wash the outside and I think they use soap so they take away the cuticle I believe
Starting point is 00:36:18 it's called from the egg which is deposited by the mother and the hen when she squishes out an egg that's covered in her biome kind of protects it from influence. But what are eggs or what do they eat? Why? Why don't they just leave them? What's going on outside of eggs? They're a bit poopy sometimes. Again, is that a is that a problem? People getting sick.
Starting point is 00:36:44 You can get bird flu? Not for me. I've never had salmonella and I eat raw eggs with unpasteurized eggs. But why do they make a big fuss about raw milk in America too? Because you can get it in England. Most milk is regularly pasteurized, they still do it, but you can buy it, it's not legal to get raw, but in the US supposedly they come down on your heart, the FDA freaking chase you through a, you know, farmer's market real fast. Set up some roadblocks and handcuff granny.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Throw those spikes out while you're carrying your beats my beats I do not know no it's beats hey there's some stuff they focus on too much and some stuff they should focus on a little more and revamp some of their preconceived notions that it's we progress in science. We need to progress our studies. Okay. Yeah. Well, I think I think I think with RFK we can get there and you know, a little bit of like kind of what Woody was saying, his, his kind of attitude towards
Starting point is 00:38:05 things. It's, it did seem fairly similar to like RFK's approach to stuff. And it's kind of interesting to see somebody like that in the position he's in and you know, to double down on that. It's like the fact that he's there and it's under Trump and on the right it just is mind-blowing dude I mean freaking all season dude oh yeah it's just the time and stuff that I hate it people so many people still hate it and I'm just stuff that we're gonna stuff of it the stuff of the hippie liberals We're talking about when I was a kid are
Starting point is 00:38:47 are now Stuff that the right is talking about Yeah I It's it's baffling but it's very exciting and Woody's awesome. I'm glad that he's in Austin. I hope that him and Rogan become tight. They've already planned to like hang out together. It's gonna be interesting to see him at Rogan's club,
Starting point is 00:39:15 which you know will be on their Instagram. And you know, I've got a feeling Woody's coming back on. So I'm looking forward to it That could be a really fun repeat guest. I Hope so. I hope they just spoke a bunch of a mountain of weed together because it seems like they did for this podcast Oh, yeah, no doubt, you know Highest badgers they got his badges before this one Anyway, loved it. Thank you guys so much. Appreciate you as always.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Um, Pete pleasure to have you back on. We're going to be doing more of these. And, um, once you move up here to a good old Bozeman, Montana, uh, we're going to be doing a lot more. So it's going to be great. Looking forward to it. And yeah, enjoy that episode. Go watch it, listen to to it whatever you need to and
Starting point is 00:40:06 we'll talk to everybody next week thanks guys bye bye

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