Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Joe Rogan Experience Review 187

Episode Date: November 17, 2019

This week we review podcast 1376 Artie Lange and 1380 Pete Dominick Artie is a comedy legend and has been around for years. He's recently sober and doing really well with that. His message of adictio...n and recover is a warning and an inspiration. We wish him the best here at the Review and he definitely needs to get a podcast together as soon as possible. Link to Mad TV sketch with him and Joe:   Pete Dominick was a Sirus radio guy for many years and has recently been canned so he's on Joe's show to discuss options and get his name out there. Enjoy the review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email us here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Tía que sé, también un poquito de agua de tu botella, por favor. ¿Qué botella, tía? Es un batidora. Que sí, tía. Que una botella de plástico en el contenedor amarillo puede ser cantidad de cosas. Ya. Pero me das agua de tu batidora. Recicla tu botella de plástico en el contenedor amarillo y participa en la economía circular.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Reduce, reutiliza, recicla, ecómbes. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. ¡You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review What a bizarre thing we've created Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn and Mark Hampton This might either be the worst podcast or the best one of all time Oh Hello and welcome to another, oh that's loud, hold on, let me back on my mic here.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Another Joe Rogan Experience review, we got two really interesting podcasts today, we had the already lang discussion and then we have Pete Dominic, podcast 1376 and 1380. Join as always with my co-host host, other host, Mark Hampton, how you doing buddy? What's up, bloody? Good, how are you? Yeah, good, good, revved up on too much coffee. Dude, me too, right now, I think.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Took the lady out for breakfast and had a lot of, I'm exhausted, I had to get up early for work and coffee usually does the trick, but no, I'm exhausted. I think it's a really for work and Coffee usually does the trick, but no, I'm actually still sleepy, but can't fall asleep. So well done Mark Well done. Yeah, that's a mess. I had the DMV at fucking 730 this morning. Oh It's always a nightmare. They just they've they've Created the perfect Government nightmare and It's a lot of that going around buddy so good
Starting point is 00:01:50 Just when you think you have everything in order you're like they won't get me this time I've got everything they're like nope. Nope turned out on one of my bills my last name the last two letters are switched The gas company somehow spelled my name wrong and they were like we can't accept this. I said it's clearly me. It's the same address. The N is switched for the E. I didn't notice and I'm like all right cheers I'll just go kill myself. Right that'll show them. Yeah yeah I know that show. That is showing. All right already lying already lying what a legend hilarious comedian pinaralfe ever love that guy mad TV I do remember him a mad TV yeah and he's been in the news recently like I think during maybe a drug arrest and
Starting point is 00:02:51 you know, his nose is all fucked up and he looks at that to kids. Yeah, it's crazy how different he looks. It's almost like you almost can't recognize him as the other person. Well, at least in that main picture that's quite famous. It's unbelievable. What happens there? Like he just what the cartilage dissolves?
Starting point is 00:03:16 What do you know the science about? Yeah, I think so. I think it's like an infection. When he was talking to Joey, he did talk about a time when he liked snorted coke that had glass in it. Now, so yeah, I'm sure that was a problem. I'd say so.
Starting point is 00:03:33 That's a fun medical history to fill out. Well, it's like, come on, drug dealers. I know you drug dealers, but putting glass in the drug, like surely there's something else you can put in there. Man, it's like you're running out of white stuff to cut coke with. You're just like, oh no, glass. We get some glass. The smog.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Drug dealers just don't have the work ethic they used to have. They tell me I'm surprised. I'm disappointed. So you guys keep doing this. You know, you're gonna grow up to just sell More drugs, okay, never mind better now. Yeah more drunk. Okay, good point Like I'm disappointed with the moral ethics cook cook deals exactly I guess you got to make your own folks make your own break breaking bad taught us anything is just make your own drugs
Starting point is 00:04:28 Don't buy them from other people that was the moral right that was the more yeah it is cut out the middle man i think was also was was the other title to another that i think so well i already is nine nine months over right nine months are good for him and he's good friend with joe joe's nine a long time. I think, uh, so Joe flew out to New York for the UFC and made the effort to, uh, go see him and support him, which is awesome. You know, good friend. That's a great thing to do. And it's nice. Joe loves those stories. People kind of turn at things around and in nine months is, you know, it's not forever. I mean, you'd have more faith, I think, if it was longer,
Starting point is 00:05:07 people that are in already circle, probably still nervous, you know, I'm sure already is too. You gotta take that shit one day at a time. One day, literally. Yeah, it's... Which is an important thing to remember really for anything. Even if you're just trying to cut, I don't know, down on your carbs or quit smoking or really even
Starting point is 00:05:31 pretty simple things like shit, I'm gonna not play as much many video games because I'm wasting my life. If you notice that you have a bad habit, it's the same. It's just one day at a time. Yeah. You know, like we think that these things just stop like this desire just forever disappears. It never goes a long day. And it's,
Starting point is 00:05:51 yeah, I probably, I'm sure with with some drug problems, especially you, you got to respect that shit. Like it's going nowhere. Oh, dude. I mean mean close family member of mine or relapsed recently and you know back you know, back in meetings back in the program. So we're 60, 60 days 90 days something like that. And this person said they're the greatest enemy was their arrogance. They were like yeah I was pretty sure I was like, oh, I'd beat it. I'd kicked it. I didn't need to do meetings anymore. I didn't need to go over the mantras. I didn't even focus on my sobriety and boom, I just snuck up on him and all of a sudden he'd been using for six months. And he was like, ah, I have to stop this or I'm going to die. Oh, shut it.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah. There's probably a ton of shame as well with using again. Oh, so much. You're clean. Although I'm it's like 80% 80% of addicts relapse the first time. A lot of times that's is that a lot of times they don't get really serious until after their first relapse. As long as I don't fucking die. I come from a long line of addicts in alcoholics I know a lot about this shit. Wow. Yeah, it's I don't have it. I really don't have any experience to be honest with anything
Starting point is 00:07:18 other than just a bunch of alcoholics that I've known known but I've never even known one of them to try and quit Yeah, they just keep being alcoholics and and really none of them that were close to me It was so bad. They were like losing their jobs or you know a lot of function All sorts of death type. Yeah, yeah, so so I haven't seen it first hand But I've heard stories and I've heard all of it is and To be so close to it It must be heartbreaking because there's not much you could do. I'm sure There's there's zero you can do. Yeah, I mean the only thing you can do is tell them how you feel about it
Starting point is 00:08:01 And that's it. That's that's your only power when you know person close to me that's it. That's that's your only power. When, you know, a person close to me that relapses, I was like, look, look dude, you're, you're gonna die. That's all I said. I was like, you're gonna die. I was like, if you don't take this shit seriously and really like quit with the bullshit, so you're gonna die. I was like, that's it. I was like, you either get better or you die. And it's said, and dying isn't the worst thing, man. It's the time it takes to get there. I said, because this is going to be slow and agonizing and miserable. It's going to be torture with periods of getting high in between, but you'll kill yourself. And
Starting point is 00:08:36 you'll lose, you'll lose everything and then you'll die. And that'll be what you've left with the world. And, um, I don't know,'t know. That was, I don't know if it made a difference one way or the other, but that was me expressing it. Because I feel like sometimes you have things have to be put in those terms. Not like, well, you're going to get better or I believe in you. I support you. It was like, these are your options, man. Let's cut through the bullshit. This is what is left. You get better or you die. Yeah, well, I'm sure some tough love needs to be said, you know, I think I think whatever needs to be said to Be the most efficient way of getting someone to quit is what you say regardless of what it is
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah, I know you know you'd have to study it all and I'm sure The rehab places and the AA meetings and stuff they have like they're gonna know better than most people. Oh, absolutely. But yeah, whatever it takes because it's just so hard, I would imagine that it's like, well, who cares how we go about it? As long as we save their life and then we can reflect on it later. 100%. He talked about, already talked about knowing Mitch Hepberg back in the day. And I, one time, you know, and he said it to Joe, which I thought was, it like, it really stuck with me. He was like, Mitch said, I just can't quit. Like, I'm never going to quit. And
Starting point is 00:09:57 that, it was like that moment already was like, holy shit. Like, this guy's going to die soon. Like, he just will. you just will yeah like but but to be able to say it that honestly and that openly and just like you know I don't know if he found peace with it or whatever but he at least knew I mean I just can't even imagine what's the biggest addiction I've had probably smoking must be the the biggest addiction because that was a tough one. And it's, and you know, to think that it would be completely impossible and totally out of any capacity I had to stop would be pretty terrible. Well, your brain thinks you need it to survive.
Starting point is 00:10:40 I mean, it just does. You'd be like quitting, you're bringing, as far as your brain is concerned, it's like quitting water. You know what I mean? Or food. It's like, no, I have to have this, or I'll die. You'll just want to die. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Almost like chicken your brain that like, oh, I know it'll longer need food. And you like starving hungry, and your body's like really struggling and you're like actually food As poison I can't have and your brain just doesn't believe in believe it. That is that's yeah, that's weird That's real weird. It's especially again to see I mean he said that he was like Either doing heroin or hire the time even back in the day when he was on mad TV. Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Like, all really performing anywhere. And that made me go back and watch some of the mad TV stuff just because it was cool. Like when I'm listening to podcasts and they talk about some of the things YouTube is so easy to just pull some shit up on. And there was a sketch that they talked about that Rogan was in with already on Mad TV and we're I'll put a link in the bio for that Just so you watch it's just like a short little Like comedy sketch is a bit silly, but you know just knowing that the chances are he was high as fuck during a lot of the scenes It kind of makes a bit more sense. Yeah, absolutely. Like you're like, oh, okay. Yeah, that guy does have a lot of energy.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Yep. Oh, yeah, that's okay. Okay, man. That'll do it. That will do it. Yeah. God, I can't even dress. This is a kind of forced.
Starting point is 00:12:17 This is a kind of forced sobriety for him too. From what I could tell. Like he, I mean, he's been arrested so many times. That I guess, and they're testing him all the time. So I guess, I guess if he, if he fucks up just one more time, that's it. And he's in New York, I believe. So they must have pretty strong, like pretty strict rules out there
Starting point is 00:12:40 once you fucked up a bunch. They do. I mean, I think, I think a lot of places are getting a little more evolved on drug use and things like that and in terms of addictions of disease and it's not simply a choice. But there also comes a time where there have to be ramifications, so that's one of those things.
Starting point is 00:13:01 But if you keep using drugs, we're giving you chances but you did some shit and if you keep doing it, you're going to jail person. I love Essentially robbed a bank essentially robbed a bank and They he was put on probation because it wasn't violent or anything But it was basically to the tune of you're're gonna pay it all back, and you're gonna undergo drug testing, and you're gonna be on probation and stuff like that. As long as you pay it back and don't use drugs,
Starting point is 00:13:31 you're fine, but if you do, if you fail to make a monthly payment, or you use drugs, you're going to jail. That was pretty much how it was. Oh well. Well, you probably have to be that strict, because you know, you're already dealing with some of those like willing rock bank.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Give them an inch of like a mile. Exactly. Yeah, it makes sense. It makes 100%. 100%. What I really appreciated through the whole conversation and podcast with Audi and why I think it's so important for anyone trying to kick a habit or understand addiction is that it was really funny too. Like, Audi was fucking hilarious. Joe was laughing a ton. I love that. It was just, it was fun to listen to.
Starting point is 00:14:16 And of course, broken up with crazy stories, but I mean, you know, he's still a very funny comedian. Right. You know, with great stories, just talking about the old days and there was a lot of like reminiscing now that he's still a very funny comedian, you know, with great stories, just talking about the old days And there was a lot of like reminiscing now that he's like kind of, you know, I mean, he's like sober and And it was great, you know, it was like it was really fun But he he would just you know, he the point of him being there was talking so bright And that's what Joe wanted to get to the bottom of and you want to, you couldn't help but like be reminded again, oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:51 this isn't just comedy, this is about a thing that fucking real life, yeah. And well, one of the things that he said, they really stuck with me as well, is he said, I can't remember who he said said this, these go With in regards to heroin they can get it out of your body, but they can't get it out of your brain It's true and that's kind of terrifying. Yep It's like do you always want to do it again? They do always it's it's like it's that good or it's just yeah It's like I think I heard this I don't remember where I heard it, and it might not be true, but it kind of sounds like it's true.
Starting point is 00:15:27 And it's like the need to do drugs is like, when you're an addict, especially when you're on like heroin and like the first 30 days, the need to do drugs, the pulled a few drugs is like a thousand times more powerful than how horny you are as a teenager type of thing. So as much as you, oh my gosh, I just want to have sex. It's like way worse. Way worse.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Can you imagine? Yeah. Somebody that I know once described heroin to me, um, as how did they describe just like the best drug ever hands down? Like that was number one in in terms of obviously It's the worst drug, too, but in terms of like what the highest right so that's a very scary factor because it's like You know it's the greatest comforting feeling Which in a way it is another thing that terrifies me because you're like oh God you're gonna want that again. Yep
Starting point is 00:16:23 But but then when you stop, somebody described it as like, somebody like tapping you all over your body and being like, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, like just constantly. And the only thing they can stop that noise is, yeah, like, whoa, right. Yeah, yeah, I think I was stone to when I heard it And it's like one of those like you've smoked a joint and somebody tells you that
Starting point is 00:16:50 Things just kind of resonate differently. I was like, oh, that's kind of freaking me. I don't want to I want to know about that Yeah, I'm good never never done. I never been a morphine never been on anything close to that So I've never experienced. Yeah, I don't I don done, I've never been on morphine, never been on anything close to that. So, I've never experienced that. Yeah, I don't think I have either. I don't think I even have that thick morphine for anything. But I don't even like opiates. Some poke, I don't like opiates. I don't like, like, when my through my back up, I took one, like a viking or something
Starting point is 00:17:19 a couple of months ago, and I didn't like it. And it only lasted for like an hour. And I was like, I'd have to do this whole fucking day to make it worth it. Huh? What a waste of money. Well you probably just not trying the right ones. It's entirely possible. Sure there's fine. I'll try to come. It's entirely possible. It's entirely possible. Yeah, man. Well, you know, at the end of the day, I mean, geez, best of luck to that dude.
Starting point is 00:17:49 He joked to talk about him starting a podcast. I mean, when does Joe not talk about trying to get people to start a podcast? He already definitely should. I mean, all his time on the Howard Stern show, exactly, hearing how fucking hilarious he is. He could do it from his house. I mean, you know, the dude is just absolutely brilliant. Did you listen to much Howard back of the day when he was on that? No, because I was in Alabama at the time and there was absolutely
Starting point is 00:18:21 no affiliate that would carry Howard Stern in Alabama. So like, yeah, 100%. Alabama, Tennessee, some bum fuck area in those states. And, um, yeah, the you, the first I really had really heard about Howard Stern was like on an entertainment tonight or some shit. And then I saw, I'd never heard a show and I saw private parts moving and I fucking loved it. And I was like, this is fascinating. But no, I never, but I've never been like a radio, listen to radio, or listen to podcast guys. I listened to some of the LA radio shows
Starting point is 00:18:55 when I would drive to work before I worked at home. And then they fired my favorite guy off K-Rock. And I was like, well, I'm never listening to this again. So I've never been really a big guy to listen to that shit anyway. Yeah. I guess what would most people have done that? I mean, it just at work, I guess, right? Because he was kind of on in the day. Yeah. Worker commuting, I guess. Kind of have it running. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Running the background. Exactly. Um, I guess like drivers and stuff. Commuting. Yeah, that makes anything like that. You could put it on for sure. Absolutely. Legend though. So massive. I mean, God, did he change everything? The face of everything when it comes to radio. Probably did pave the way in a lot of respects for what podcast can be today, just from the attention, just from the fact that somebody can sit there for three hours and talk. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:19:50 And people will listen. Absolutely. Like, he created that kind of like, it's almost like hanging out with Howard's stuff because he's on for so long, you know? Exactly. Absolutely. And it's weird too that he knew that already was like fucked up most of the time. Yeah, like his Howard It not that he's like straight lace, but he he would do fucked up things on his show
Starting point is 00:20:14 But he was generally like pretty held together. It was pretty straight dude for the most part He really was. I mean, he was just I mean he admits as much as most of it was an act Most of it was just you know a crazy thing to make people listen. Because that's what he knew it's set himself apart. But it's a... It's a worse. Yeah, absolutely. So...
Starting point is 00:20:37 And you don't need to be the lunatic. Just have the lunatic exactly. Exactly. Like already. Like already. Yeah. Have a mom. have the lunatic exactly like already have audio like already have on Here a bit of a shame though in some respects because and not to like Give anyone a hard time, but it's it's a little it. Well, it's like kind of enabling right? It's almost like well hold on if he starts getting sober now. Maybe won't be as funny. Yeah That's a people always said this about Aaron Sork and the guy that wrote the West Wing
Starting point is 00:21:06 because he was on cocaine. And then I guess when he got sober, the show dipped a little bit in quality. And people were like, put him back on the cocaine. And he was like, I'm so fucked up. It's so fucked up. I know.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I regret saying it. That's great. Was it Stephen King was the same way, right? Didn't he write a bunch of books on Coke and doesn't even remember writing? Oh, I think you're right. I think you're right. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And he's just like adding no idea. I don't know if his quality got better or worse
Starting point is 00:21:42 but I'm sure it changed. I'm sure it's the same thing. There this probably where he came up with the idea of the Space Turtle and giant spider for it and stuff like that drugs drugs. Oh, yeah, well, I mean most I mean I was talking to my buddy who's a staff writer He's a most staff writer's and television just on Adderall like crazy just like And don't even need it. They're just on it because they got to stay up and they got to work, work, work, work, work. Well, yeah, once you get on it too, I mean, that's basically a type of math. Right. You, you, it's not easy to get off it. If you have a, a pretty decent
Starting point is 00:22:20 prescription, meaning like high milligrams, you know, anywhere around maybe 40 milligrams and above. I mean, you're going to have serious withdrawals for a while. And they don't really, you know, psychiatrists, I mean, I've had Adoroia, the Adoroia prescription when I was in college. And there was never a time that my, you got to go to a psychiatrist, right? And they don't really talk to you about anything they just like how you doing you're like great and out of all helps and they're like okay right of course you can see
Starting point is 00:22:50 next month or whatever and but there's no talk about like oh it just so you know if you like abruptly stop this you're gonna feel fucking all you know through maybe get depressed act out and you might not even know why because you know you know you know when you're taking it you're not really thinking oh yeah I'm on math all the time you know right you just no you just taking it you lay it's a medication I guess I could just stop sure like it's it's that's kind of strange yeah but I mean hell the difference between the legal drugs and perfectly legal drugs sometimes is just the orange bottle it comes in you know what I mean hell the difference between the legal drugs and perfectly legal drugs sometimes is just the orange bottle it comes in you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:23:28 But that's it. It's got your name on it. Oh, I can break I could take heroin anywhere now. It's got my name on it It's it's legal. Oh Also, you can count on it not being cut with glass for the most part that you know that and that's a good thing You know you're that's a good thing, you know, you're not sacrificing quality. It really is. I know. Yeah, it's not organic.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Ooh, and he hasn't, he can't fix his, has surgery on his nose for a while or something, is that right? So what is that? That's kind of what he was saying, yeah, because I guess his doctor's worried that they're gonna give him pain rights. And then fuck that, he's right, you know, he's behind.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Exactly. I mean, he's obviously going to abuse him because he loves being high. He talks about how much he loves being stoned. And God bless him for being that honest. No, but totally. It's first step. You got to be honest with that, but yeah, I guess not. So he has to wait
Starting point is 00:24:25 He has to have that fucked up knows I watched a little bit of the video. Yeah, um because it was filmed in a different studio in New York So it looked different it different set up the Joe's regular studio that so I watched a bit of the video just to kind of like See how he looked and and yeah, that knows as a mess. It's definitely a mess He's he's gonna want to get that. It's definitely a mess. He's gonna wanna get that. It looks like it just collapsed in on itself. Like it was condemned building that came down. The best way I can describe it. Like the maid.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Looks like somebody, I mean, did it just happen naturally? Did somebody punch him or something? Like, and it just, like there was no cartilage? I don't really know. I think that it's just like lots of infection. And it probably just falls to pieces. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Yeah, I don't really know. But he has a supportive community. That's great. He even talked about it when he was in jail. Like people are supporting him, how it fans, you know, from the Stern Show and just in general, and I think for sure after this podcast with Joe, you know, he's going to be getting a lot of support and that's great.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And God, hopefully he sticks out of it because he is, he's too fucking funny. It's all for the keep losing these great comics to drugs, you know. It's just awful for anyone, but I'd rather have the best that these people for as long as possible. Of course. Selfishly, I wanna see his comedy, you know. I'd listen to his podcast if he starts one. I think he's fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And always man, does he have some good stories? Yeah, I mean, it's probably the advantage of this crazy life is now he could go on tour due like the rehab tour where he just tells like prison stories and drug stories and that they be funny as fuck. He's done drug stories for long time. His new sets are written for the next 20 years. Some of Richard Pryor's funniest shit
Starting point is 00:26:26 was Tim talking about getting off drugs. Some of the funniest shit I've ever heard. I love it. He definitely had some of those. Oh yeah, he had many of those. Well his addictions, already his addictions don't even stop with drugs though. I mean, the gambling stories he was telling
Starting point is 00:26:41 were kind of crazy. And then he's high and gambling. And when he said that he thinks he spent somewhere around three million overall on gambling, I mean, that's fucking mind blowing. That's brutal. Imagine just living with that and knowing you're like oh my god Oh 3 million million dollars good God Except for life 3 million dollars He just loses it. Fuck ton of money. Yeah, fuck ton of money Fuck ton of money. But before we move on to the to the Pete Dominic podcast I did want to do like a bit of a kind of a throwback, I guess.
Starting point is 00:27:27 It's a documentary I've been wanting to watch for a long time from a guest for, have you heard of the free solo documentary, the Rock Climbing One? Yeah, it's on Disney Plus, which I just got to keep, well I keep going past that icon. I'm like, oh, what is this? Yeah, free solo. Ooh, Disney plus shout out. Shout out our new sponsor. No. If you. Yeah, right. As if.
Starting point is 00:27:50 That'd be great. Yeah. I do it just for a free Disney plus account. But so free solo, I watched it on the plane come back from Paris. And Alex, the kid in the movie, he's been on Rogan before. He's been on a few times, like he's a friend of Rogan's and Rogan is just obviously like, it's one of those things where he's just
Starting point is 00:28:11 kind of enamored by the crazy shit that this dude does, like how do you do it, like this is insane. And he came on after the doc came out, or was about to be released, and I've been meaning to watch it for a long time and I I really want to go back and listen to the podcast again just to after seeing it to get a feel But that movie if you haven't seen it whether you're in a rock climbing or not is absolutely okay You have to watch noted my hands were sweating on the plane. I was I was straight up. I was anxious watching it like it is Absolutely terrifying. I knew the dude survived because he came on Rogan sure sure I knew he didn't die But I still was like he's gonna die. I just couldn't believe that he was not about I know it's good man. I actually like I know how it ends. I'm still terrified
Starting point is 00:29:02 Yeah, it's so inspiring though too because of how difficult the thing is that he's doing. Right. And basically, that anyone listening is not sure. A free solo is like when you rock climb and you don't have any ropes, and then you climb really fucking high, and you know, you could be halfway up a fucking cliff face,
Starting point is 00:29:22 you got nothing. You can't just get tired or hurt your finger or wanna go home. I mean, you've got to finish it. And any little step could end it. And some of the holds and the crevices are so small and just the way he talks about everything. It's just like, it's really fascinating.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Have you ever, and I recommend to anyone, I recommend to anyone. Have you ever rocked lime before? You know, a little bit on those you know on a boulder here and then those inside rock climbing walls. It's pretty fun. I can I can safely say this I can safely say this without reservation that if I decided to free solo a rock face, I would not die, and here's why. I would fall off about two feet above the ground, maybe spray my ankle, and maybe like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:30:11 I don't think, because I think that's as far as I would fucking make it. You like it? I was like, yeah, let's go make some s'mores now. Yeah, I'll be by the camera. Exactly. Well, you guys die, I'll be by the camera. Exactly. Well, you guys die.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I'll be fine. Yeah. Well, the crazy number of free solo guys that have died is like, you know, they kept announcing it like throughout the documentary. You know, they weren't dying during it, but they were just showing clips of people and then like, you know, they're when they were born and when they ended it and it's just like, oh my god oh my god but wow just it's you know what I think what we love about those documentaries or any documentary and ever
Starting point is 00:30:54 since they really started showing them on Netflix is like is like how it shifts your paradigm and your mom like you watch it and you're like oh my god everything is upside down the Monsanto one one, a Dislike Geist one, the fucking sugar ones. I mean, it's almost a lot of them can do that. They really just, they're showing you something and then it just goes, this is why this happened and you had no idea. And it's kind of shocked, right? And that emotional pull. And this one definitely did it, but in a very different way. wasn't like all I don't believe it just Seeing that like any human beings do things like this. You're like what the fuck that's not like wow I'm a coward. I know I'm not motivated
Starting point is 00:31:38 I'm not a coward, but I'm also not an idiot. I know what I can do when I can't do that is definitely something I can't do I'm also not an idiot. I know what I can do or what I can't do. But that is definitely something I can't do. Sounds like something you can't do. To Shay. There we go. All right, so Pete Dominic, podcast 1380, Pete's an old friend of Rogan.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I'm not too glued up on his standup. I think I kind of recognized his voice. So I may have listened to his show before, maybe up on his standup. I think I kind of recognized his voice. So I may have listened to his show before, maybe on accident. He had a serious show, a serious radio. Um, was doing three hours a day type of thing, like, you know, long form, like Rogan's stuff. Right, yeah. You know, and it's not, it's not uncommon for Joe to do five pods in a week. I know he does a few in a day sometimes, so it's, but that's
Starting point is 00:32:25 almost like three hours a day, really, for a week. And yeah, he worked for corporate and for whatever reason, they just recently canned him. I don't think they, they even, from the conversation he ever Joe, wasn't even all that clear. Why? Just have to, man. Yeah, I guess serious doesn't give you your numbers. They don't tell you how many listeners you have. Yeah, that's becoming more and more prevalent. Well, it's also, Netflix doesn't give numbers to their shows and stuff like that. It really is numbers to the public. But it's also way of guarding against residuals and stuff like that, knowing your value.
Starting point is 00:33:04 If you have the most popular series show, and won't you won't even know it so how could you you know it's a big reaction. Yeah it's bullshit. Saying that I wonder if there is a way that like some nerd out there could come up with a way to like speckeys and track downloads of Netflix. And then kind of release that information to people that sell their shows to Netflix so that they then have at least a little bit of negotiations. They do. They do. I mean, they're statistics all because I read them on all the movie sites I go to and stuff
Starting point is 00:33:41 like that. Like they'll do. How do you think they get them? Is it kind of like that? Emerson. I think it and stuff like that. Like they'll do. How do you think they get them? Is it kind of like that? Emerson. I think it's like statistical analysis. So like type stuff. Like they just pull statistics and things like that. Average users. Yeah, they got a got a I don't I mean I haven't gone much into the metrics because I'm like, oh, okay, whatever because I just you have a cursory glance and then I move on. Yeah, but unless they can actually kind of
Starting point is 00:34:08 hack into the streaming portion, it would all have to be survey based. They must be doing some sort of stuff. It might be like type of porn data, things like that. Who knows? You know, I used to have, you've heard of MRSA, they're the surveys. I used to have that.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I was, and I think they only release a couple per city for like a year or two and we were one of we were one of we were for Santa Monica So I think how many people are in Santa Monica, right? A lot of people and they when they take stats for an area They at least Emerson they only count those boxes. So I was like one of three people. So I used the find it quite funny to watch like the cupcake show. What was the fucking cupcake show called making cupcakes or cupcake master? It was a stupid show. Was it yeah like on cooking channel or something? I don't know, one of them. Okay. It's like Iron Chef, but just for colleagues. So I used to put it on all the time because I thought I wonder if this really boosts their numbers.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Oh, interesting. You know, there's like millions of people in Santa Monica. They're like, my God, millions of people watching this. Oh, it's cupcakes. They're so goddamn popular in a town where gluten is outlawed. Yeah, I just used to think that shit was funny. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. Just takes jokes. We just leave it and the thing we just Remember Rambo I'm like let's pump some Rambo numbers. All right, that's The number one show in Santa Monica's cupcake battles and Rambo Yeah, I forgot that I did that. I mean it wasn't for any comedy value The only person it was amusing was me that's enough never even like talked about people doing I just found it funny. I was like, someone somewhere is seeing a spike in a chart and going, holy shit, I think we should get another Rambo movie in the world.
Starting point is 00:36:14 That's so fucking funny. I'm not taking credit for it, but it might be like 5% of the last investment. You are, you're why we've got rainbow four and five. Well done. Who knows? Who knows? Oh, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:31 So yeah, Pete was canned. Pete was canned. He's obviously nervous. He sounded nervous. I liked a lot of how Joe was kind of pumping him up. Yeah. Anytime that he got it, and that's what Joe does that well. But it really does sound like, you know, there's a lot of those guys out there that like motivate people,
Starting point is 00:36:50 their motivational type people and a lot of times you find out they're full of shit. Of course. With Joe, it's really does seem like he has no time for like sitting around in the well. No. Because people be like, whoa, I don't know about this or like we could try this But I'm not sure about that and Joe is just like listen just do the work Forget about that don't even think about that just jump on start the podcast You've already got your audience You know pull them in and and hustle out and and don't worry about You know one failure to in not working like any of the things you can't control.
Starting point is 00:37:26 That's true. I love that full process, you know? And remember, he's saying it to his friend. Like this season, quite, and like, yeah, it was a, it was a personal conversation, you know, this, it really felt almost like overhearing a phone call rather than listening to a podcast because it was someone that needed some advice. They needed some help.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I don't think that they talked a lot about this stuff before and Joe was like, fuck yeah, I have you on. I help you out. Like, we do two things. I help you get all the kind of publicity you need to get this thing started and also, And also, I'll give you advice and pump you up at the same time. I mean, it was a cool dynamic. It was really good. No, that's really cool.
Starting point is 00:38:11 That's really cool. And you remember those articles, you see some op-ed or something, it's like, 10 have successful people. One of them was like, make the bed. And others like, they get up early and blah, blah, blah. And he's like, yada, yada, yada. All these successful people I've ever met are like,
Starting point is 00:38:30 Joe, and they're like, just do it, just go. Just do it, don't worry about it, just do it. They don't have time to worry about bullshit. They just go, they just do things. That's the one comedy that has to be, right? If it's not your philosophy, you better hope you have people around you. Excuse me, they think that way,
Starting point is 00:38:49 pushing you to do it, otherwise you won't. Yeah, that's true. And I do find anytime that I don't say that to myself, immediately, I know that I'm already talking myself out of it. Yep, and it's easy to do. It's so easy. I could pick five things now that I wanna do do and every time I think about doing them or make any move on doing it I already start coming up with that. Oh, but what if the this and what happens if they don't let me or what happens
Starting point is 00:39:17 If I don't get exactly like well, you don't fucking know until you try it like just fucking go hammer it out Exactly. That's that's that's a nice internal dialogue to yeah for sure. But you know it's that I guess easiest said in the whole right I mean well it's how there if you just lost your job and your Pete it's probably difficult to have that one. 100% I'm not I'm not criticizing anyone for having that mindset I have have that, I have that. Well, I have those two voices going to battle constantly in my head. I'm just saying I notice in Joe the same characteristics I notice in all the successful people I know.
Starting point is 00:39:54 You know what I mean? But that's just, that's a trait. And we all are who we are type of thing. Joe is mega successful. He's just mega successful. But he's fearless. I mean, I think fear or at least he comes across as fearless or doesn't let fear overtake him. Let's put it that way. Now, I'm careful with that one. That that fearless thing is always at so annoying. That's like
Starting point is 00:40:19 all buddy Garrett. Shout out to Garrett. He just constantly talking about I'm not into fear. I don't believe in it. I'm like, okay, dumbest thing. Right. Yeah. Yeah, you better believe in the antibiotics. Not really feel because you weren't afraid of that chick. To your Lord shout out to Garrett. But yeah, he's shout out to, but it's but it's that right. It's like there The fear is there like I think Joe is is not even it's not about being fearless It's about being really fear for in the craziest way It's like he's constantly reminding himself what fear is where it is and The only way to have any control over this thing that we all have to face which is fear is the keep face day in day out all that's what most people you go to that show stand up on the spot that you and I been to and we watch a very difficult thing taking place difficult even for stand up very
Starting point is 00:41:19 incredibly difficult and then we're watching them go from being pretty much like you see it in their eyes like these comedians get up there Joe usually goes last on that show and it's a great show if every R&L a fucking watch it Jeremiah Watkins legend but he goes up last a lot of times because he's like the headliner of it of course and you know often he says that he smokes some weed before he goes up because it kind of makes you creative. That's helpful. But no, now you're stoned. And you've got to take suggestions from this half the time
Starting point is 00:41:53 idiot audience that just shouts out nonsense. Because it's kind of difficult to come up with things for them to work on. And there they are. They just, they look, they look scared. Well, you get to see Joe looking scared. And then by the end of it, everyone's laughing, everyone's having fun. He's having fun. It's all good. But he has to put himself in that position to stay ahead. And that's, it's powerful stuff because, because oftentimes we're trying to hide from this thing.
Starting point is 00:42:20 We're like running away from what our fears are and they're fucking hell. I'll tell you this. Fear can run faster than you can. So it doesn't fucking matter way. No hell yeah. I think going back to the fearlessness, I think when people say they're fearless or people describe someone as fearless, I think it's more like they don't let feel fear control them. I think that's more of an apt way to put it. Like, yeah, I'm afraid, but I'm going to do it anyway. I think that's definitely, definitely. And I think that's, I think because of that, I knew even though fearless is a nice expression, and it's a great compliment. I think for people that are trying to combat their own fear,
Starting point is 00:43:03 I think it's like, it almost needs a new saying, you know what I mean? I remember that when I was first trying to get into stand-up and thinking about what it takes. I was like, I'm not brave enough for this and people do it. So they must have a thing that I don't have. And partially that was true. They had better material on this. But'll practice. But I also was stopping myself because I thought I didn't have that ability to be fearless. I really thought that it was like, oh, you either have this or you don't. Like this is a thing that I needed to have
Starting point is 00:43:38 to be able to do it. And I think that's true about a lot of things that people don't try. They, and, you know, they kind of lock themselves up about it because they're like, I can't ever do that because I'm not already funny or already fearless or already brave. And it's like, hold on, there's a practice portion of this. They're almost there with everything. They're really is. And that's kind of like a bit of dialogue.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I'm really glad that I've been able to hear over and over to be like, oh, yep, this is just like that. Just practice. Let's get better. Let's fucking, you know, be awesome of this. Absolutely. He, being a political guy right Pete jumps into second amendments, and he's not a fan of guns He doesn't like the shootings the school shooting. I mean who does right?
Starting point is 00:44:47 No, but he's talking about like banning other weapons. He's definitely focused on that. You see internationally like I'm from England We don't have mass shootings over there. Of course you don't have the guns and there's really not having them in countries where you don't have it It's a it's a strange one to talk about because the second amendment is so messy and I mean being that it is like it's this interpretation. Well, yeah, I mean it's we can have guns. Yeah all the guns every gun Some like where the fuck do you draw the line? There's so many different types. It's like what muskets. Yeah, right? Maybe only muskets. Well, I mean there's so much debate about it Yeah, right. Maybe only muskets. Well, I mean, there's so much debate about it.
Starting point is 00:45:25 I tend to lean towards the idea that the Second Amendment was more about states having their own militias. And yeah, and people would store their gear at their home because there weren't bases and shit. So you had to have your muskets in your home and things like that. And it just become a complete distortion. A friend of mine put it on Twitter the other day,
Starting point is 00:45:49 put it really well. He's like, a lot of kids are dying, and a lot of people are dying because people have a hobby that I wanna give up. I don't know if it's that simple, but sometimes it feels that simple. Sometimes it's like, why does anybody need an AK-47?
Starting point is 00:46:03 Like, you don't need it for hunting. What kind of, like, to quote Jim Jeffries, what kind of enemies do you have that you need an AK-47? Like, what the hell is going on? You're not gonna get rid of all the guns. Nobody's gonna, it's just not gonna happen. There's just too many in this country. But I definitely think we could have,
Starting point is 00:46:22 I think there's a real meeting of the minds to be perfectly honest amongst most people in this country that there is a massive difference between somebody who has a handgun, they keep it in there, a safe in their bedroom, for safety or whatever, somebody that likes to go to the shooting range, or somebody that goes hunting with a rifle,
Starting point is 00:46:38 and there's a massive difference between those people, and people that have fucking arsenals because they think the government's coming to take all their shit and they're gonna and they need them to overthrow the government in case the government becomes too tyrannical not forget that they have drones and like B2 B52 spy planes and B2 bombers and all that bullshit as if you're AK-47 will make a goddamn dent. But, and that's one of the frustrating things. The fact that I think most people are in agreement
Starting point is 00:47:12 that you don't need those weapons of war, those horrible fucking killing machines, and you just have people that are representatives just won't do anything about it. They just won't. So, here we are. You know, it is interesting though, and I'd never heard the dialogue before I moved to America because we don't have guns in England, you know, really.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And it never made sense to me like it was easy being English just to like when you hear about other countries just be like, oh, well, of course they're doing stupid shit because you know, we're England. And that doesn't make sense. Like you shouldn't have guns and you shouldn't do this and they should be held. Like, you only know your way of doing things. Right. And I was 13.
Starting point is 00:47:51 So what the fuck? Didn't know anything. Barely know anything now. And so I moved to the US and then I remember because I moved into Mexico. It's pretty pro-gun, even though it's a fairly liberal state for like a southern state. You know, you're having real dialogues with people that are, you know, they knew more about shit than me. They were older than me. They, you know, I was like, wow, I'm actually hearing different sides of stuff. And this is really interesting. Oh, no, on a debate, I thought it already been established. It was like, oh,
Starting point is 00:48:19 this is the answer. They didn't know. It's met, it's muddy than this. But I remember hearing is the answer. They didn't know. It's muddy than this. But I remember hearing that it actually would be really fucking difficult for the government to come to conquer the people in a sense. Like obviously, like a, not a civil, you know, just like when the government just says, right, we're going to fucking arrest everyone in Texas and like, or whatever. It's just like, when that was explained to me that like, trust me, they've got so many guns, it would be a fucking nightmare. Like, not even the reality that like, you know, troops, American troops aren't gonna turn on their own people, or at least not in mass, and there would be all those issues, but all that aside, just weaponry alone, even though the US government and the military have obviously better weapons and less of them,
Starting point is 00:49:11 it would be a fucking nightmare. So it was interesting because I'm like holy shit, well that wouldn't be the case for England. Like the American British Army could just walk through towns arresting everyone, what are we gonna do for a rock-sat-a-m? There'd be like one farm of that, how to shotgun. Now, it's very unlikely this would happen, but to think that in the most powerful military country in the world, by far, couldn't even take its own people for whatever that means, was just a fascinating dynamic to me. I'm like, oh, that's pretty interesting. That's certainly an argument. It's pretty interesting. That's certainly an argument.
Starting point is 00:49:46 It's not really. It's certainly an argument that's being made. I don't necessarily buy it because I mean, one guy with his, you know, even one guy with an AK-47 against a whole platoon is fucked or a drone or a sniper that's, you know, two blocks away. No chance, just no fucking chance.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Not done, doesn't have the training, things like that. Okay, you get, if you get, if they form their own platoon, their own militia, like you've seen, and they pose a real threat, drone strike done. Like it's just to the point, it was like any type of resistance is pretty much gonna be snuffed out anyway. Yeah, but I think it's, I think it's the idea of like
Starting point is 00:50:26 what goes on in Afghanistan. It's like that gorilla- True, it's not true. It's just like people are hiding, coming out of the woodwork, like you don't even know who to strike. You know, it's not like they could just kill everyone. I get it.
Starting point is 00:50:38 I get that, I completely- It's something like that. I don't know the point of the arguments. No, I mean, I don't really take it as like Oh, this is persuasive for pro-go. I get this I get the I get the argument in terms of like they it's protection against a potential Tutilitarian government against an abusive government Things like that what you what you're doing with that is you're trading one security for another you're trading the potential
Starting point is 00:51:10 to fight back against um... to talitarianism for what is a problem today which is crazy people get guns they shouldn't have them and then they go kill people with them and there it more people died in car accidents and like shootings in the United States Crazy people get guns. They shouldn't have them and then they go kill people with them and There it more people dying car accidents than like shootings in the United States, but I had but car accidents
Starting point is 00:51:34 You assume a certain level of risk when you leave your house You assume assume a certain level of risk when you get in your car and you drive anywhere We take precautions. We you know, we do safety tests. We wear seatbelts. We have airbags. Those are things we do You don't really assume a certain level of risk when you go to fifth grade. So the psychological impact is far greater, because those are sweet little kids for the most part, and they don't deserve to be mass-curd in their classrooms. Things like that.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Okay, so it sounds like your major motivation behind not liking guns in general is to prevent all the gun murders. And suicides. People have suicidal thoughts. If they have a gun with them, boom, you can do it. It's instant. There's not pump in your stomach. There's not there's no There's no getting into the hospital if you've cut your wrists gun is permanent. That's done. It's over Yeah, but see that's a That's a messier one though because
Starting point is 00:52:40 you're in unless you have Some facts. I don't know about you you're assuming that if you take the guns away, then there will be less suicides. I'm assuming there'll be less suicides by gun. I'm assuming there'll be less suicides. Well, of course, there'll be no gun. But I mean, if there's the same amount of suicides, then really what part did the gun play in that other than it made it happen. It may happen, but it's, there will be like banning the medication that people who have overdue. But you can pump their stomach.
Starting point is 00:53:11 It's, I'm just saying guns are permanent, bullet wounds are permanent to the head. You know, you can pump a stomach. What happens if everyone starts hanging themselves? You're going to ban ropes? Is it, is it an epidemic? If it is, yeah, then maybe we start talking about banning ropes. If people are going to... No, I'm just saying it's the same amount of...
Starting point is 00:53:29 Possibly? Well, no, but if it's not just suicide, but if all of a sudden you have an epidemic of people going into schools and hanging children, and if you have people hanging themselves, people going into banks and using ropes to threaten people to give them money or we're going to hang all of you. If it gets to that proportion, then yeah, I think we need to start talking about rope safety. It's not going to get there because that doesn't pose nearly as huge a threat as guns do. And again, I'm actually not advocating getting rid of all guns. I think there's a huge difference in owning a personal weapon
Starting point is 00:54:06 and owning a rifle for hunting versus having weapons of war, which is what most of these people that are committing these atrocities are doing. And completely, my philosophy is if they use it in the movie predator, we shouldn't have it. There you go. That's a good, that I can agree with. A machine gun that has underneath a rocket launcher thing, grenade launcher, that is definitely
Starting point is 00:54:34 not needed for any sort of long thing. That's all I mean. Especially. So here's some stats, 2016, 38,658 gun deaths. This is from what the center, what is it? The department of fuck, what is it? The department of fuck. The department of fuck. No, I just wanted to cite where it was from. Oh, the center of disease control.
Starting point is 00:55:02 I don't know why that was. There's actually not a lot to do with gun studies. They're not?'t know why that actually not a lot to do gun studies They're not I mean, they're not a lot to it says figures from the center of disease They probably have stats, but they're not actually a lot to do. They're forbidden by law for doing prevention show They were a tunnel. Okay. All right. Well, it is what it is what it says. Maybe it's not good But I just wanted to cite where I'm getting this They can have stats, but they can't actually do their own stuff 38,000 deaths 2016 22,000 suicides, almost 23 14,000 homicides, 71 died in mass shooting. So as a percentage, super tiny, but again, to your point, exactly how yeah, and it sucks and it's horrendous and none of those kids you die and
Starting point is 00:55:46 And yeah, they all kind of use the same weapons in all like it always like those semi-automatic Yeah, those need to go because it would take a lot longer if you only add a little handgun a lot longer It's a knife or anything and not to mention that these people are these people should never have gotten these Weapons in the first place, period. They're, I mean, they're lunatics a lot of time. They don't. 22,000 suicides. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Jesus. How many suicides do you think they have per year in the United States? I have no idea. No idea. Man, this podcast really took a turn for the press. If we're not talking about real shit. Pubingant shot.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Yeah, but it's kind of like it is eye opening. And I enjoy these conversations when they're calm. Oh, absolutely. It's like if there's two sides and they're just arguing, arguing, and they're really holding on to their end, I mean, you just never find that middle ground. It's so difficult to get. Again, it goes back to the idea. I think there is, for the most part, a real middle ground in this country, substantial.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I would say in the 80 to 90 percent, most people could agree that on the idea of background checks, most people could agree that you the idea of like background checks Most people could agree that you shouldn't have a movie gun They used in the movie predator like most people can get behind those and I think I think there really is a meeting in the minds on that But I do think you have both sides that are pull that make the progress the process toxic and I think you have You have groups that have vested interests in the status quo. And you can't discount that, you just can't be discounted. Yeah. I mean Pete, Pete had a good
Starting point is 00:57:35 breakdown for you. He had a lot of good ideas. That's what I really liked about the podcast. He had great ideas about health care and how to restructure that and make it work and I've been hearing more I mean he didn't go in great detail, but I mean he covered it. He knows some stuff like this He's very passionate about it and and he's not a lunatic as well You know what I mean? Like is when you hear that someone's either liberal or Republican and they have their own show I'm always trying to watch out to like see how extreme they are with it because I kind of pull away I don't care what side of the aisle are you are on if you're a little too extreme with either one I The only way to get there is to kind of like block out listening to
Starting point is 00:58:16 the other side at all and You know then you're just repeating your own voice in a sense and I feel like you lose. You lose me in it. Of course. Anyway, things need to be somewhat kind of balanced. I love and I love to challenge it. Put together my beliefs and things like that. I think it keeps people grounded. I like to stay out of the bubble. I don't like to listen to I don't want to always listen to people that disagree with me, but I want to hear both sides and I want them challenged.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I want to hear that. I want to hear, okay, there's 2% tax. How is that really going to work? I don't want just like, I don't want pie in the sky, hopeful bullshit. I really want to get down to the nuts and bolts and how do things work? That's just how I am. It keeps me out of the weeds. Yeah, it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:59:09 It makes sense to do it that way. Anime and what was also interesting about it, and they did smoke some weed on the show, and then Pete was almost getting a little argumentative with Joe, kinder or at least really defensive. It's easy for that to slip in, especially when you're talking about a polarizing issue because you're almost expecting the person you're talking to to be disagreeing.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And it just kind of creeps in and it was cool that Joe was able to bring it back a little bit and be like, hey, I'm not disagreeing, I'm not fighting with you, we're just talking, like it's cool, I know it's a bit stone, but people get passionate about it. They do. The last thing in their podcast that I really enjoyed is how when Joe is talking about his three different jobs that he does, right? He's got the UFC's does the comedy and then the podcast. And I think he brought that up to Pete because he's like, look, if you can, you're doing your outer serious now. So start your podcast, you've still got your comedy. And then he just made that really good point about like, I have three jobs because I just don't believe that any one of them is going to last. And it's
Starting point is 01:00:15 like this diversification of work. And I love that idea. To me, it's like when you hear people working two jobs, you're like, oh, a poor thing. They're just like straining themselves, although it but it but in a way, it's really cool. If you think about like, all right, most of us work 40 hours a week. Why not split it up with two different things? Like you have multiple jobs. I mean, it's it probably is. Yeah, exactly right. So it probably is mentally really good to know not any one of them can control your life. It is. Certainly keeps me uninvested in a lot of them, which makes me happier.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Right. And in a way, you could also just walk out too. If someone gives you too much shit, I don't need a shit. I don't need a bit over this. It's very empowering. And flipping it around from Pete feeling very Vulnerable and out of work to like having ideas about being or you know almost like overly empowered
Starting point is 01:01:14 I really like that dynamic shift. He felt he seemed just really hopeful by the end of the conversation So yeah, I'm a bit of a fan of that guy. I like what he was saying for sure. Well, that's it boys. That's our reviews for today. Thank you. As always for listening, message us on Joe Rogan Experience review a He follows on Instagram. All the links are in the bio. And there be some links for the, we'll put some links up to the little sketch that Joe did with already Lang on on mad TV. It's pretty funny. I'm gonna be doing more of those more of the links. So anything that you see on Joe's podcast if they talk about a book if they talk about
Starting point is 01:01:58 You know because obviously a lot of people are just listening to this. I know what you YouTube You miss those little clips. So I try and put as many up as I can so you can always find them on our on our page de la gente. Gracias a la gente. ¡Tienes un poco de clips! Así que me voy a darles un poco de la gente. Y si no, te voy a ver. ¡Pero eso es, chicos! ¡Tienes un poco de clips! ¡Tienes un poco de clips! ¡Tienes un poco de clips!
Starting point is 01:02:18 ¡Tienes un poco de clips! ¡Tienes un poco de clips! ¡Tienes un poco de clips! ¡Tienes un poco de clips! ¡Tienes un taller de garantía para tu coche, Motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller, Motrio más cercano en Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas
Starting point is 01:02:54 con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descubre, motrio. Tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encontra tu taller motrio más cercano en para todo lo que necesitas. Encontra tu taller motrio más cercano en

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