Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Joe Rogan Experience Review 190 Tulsi Gabbard & Jocko Willink

Episode Date: December 9, 2019

This week we analyze podcast 1391 with Tulsi Garbbard and Jocko Willink. Then Mark gets Adam caught up on the empreachment process because the news stresses him out lol Tulsi is a 2020 presidential c...andidate from Hawaii and former military person. Website: Jocko is a bad ass as it gets. If you don't know who he is by now then you need to google this dude and watch the video “GOOD” Get great clothes and gis from Jocko: Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email us here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bro, ¿me das un sorvito de tu lata de refresco? Que lata, bro, si este es una lámpara. Que sí, bro, que una lata de refresco en el contenedor amarillo puede ser un montón de cosas. Ok, entonces ¿qué? ¿me das un sorvito de tu lámpara? Recicla tu lata de refresco en el contenedor amarillo y participa en la economía circular. Reduce, reutiliza, recicla, eco-embes. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little
Starting point is 00:00:25 nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Five, four, three, 2, 1. You're listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your host, Adam Thorn, and Mark Hampton.
Starting point is 00:00:54 This is my interview to the worst podcast with the best one of all time. Hello folks and welcome back to another episode of the JRE review. Join as always with my co-pilot and crime mark. Greetings. What up? Co-pilot and crime, I like it. We have episode 13, 191, Tulsi Gabbard and Jocco Willink. Very Well, I kind of felt like it was an odd combo. I'm like, wait, what the hell is Jocco doing on this? Right. You know, I mean, I knew there were both ex-military, right? Obviously Jockeys, a Navy SEAL commander, badass,
Starting point is 00:01:38 and then Tulsi served, and is real passionate about that, and has a strong connection to her military roots. But at the same time, I'm like, surely, Jockers were public in. I don't know. I just assumed that they were thinking about it. It doesn't mean that they couldn't have a conversation, but I kind of felt like, hold on, they're going to have one of those where it's like a back and forth. You know what I mean? Like, oh, we've finally brought them on. Where they fight to the death.
Starting point is 00:02:03 You're right. Jocker wins in one second. fourth, you know what I mean? Like, oh, we finally brought them to the death. You raised. Jocke wins in one second. Right. Against every human on the planet. It's not just the Torsie's woman. I mean, but it wasn't that. It was a really good conversation. Mostly about Torsie, but but Jocke got in there a lot just about America.
Starting point is 00:02:23 What makes America great? I mean, the kind of patriotic talk, which is, which is, but Jocco got in there a lot just about America. It makes America great. I mean, the kind of patriotic talk, which is one of those where it's like, oh yeah, both sides of the aisle want that as the core. I mean, that's kind of like the philosophy that sometimes it feels like when you don't pay a lot of attention to politics like me,
Starting point is 00:02:43 you look at it and you don't pay a lot of attention to politics like me, you, you, you, you look at it and you don't always see that. You don't always see that from both sides. They just argue so much. You forget that that's the core of it. That's where people can come together on any issue. You're like, oh, you want to make this place amazing? Yeah, let's do that together. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, it really stood out, so it was pretty cool. What is your take on Tulsi? I know we've talked about it before, but... You know, it's very interesting.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I don't know a lot about Tulsi, but I know a lot of Democrats, fucking Hater. Oh yeah, they reee... And I, I, I, I freely admit, I'm kind of in a, a bubble of liberalism at times with my news and stuff. Although I do like to expose myself to contrary and points of view just to stay educated and up to date and you know see what other sides and other people are thinking. I don't really know a lot about Tulsi. I can't tell you though. She didn't impress me much in the debates.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I saw her on, I saw her, I think it was on, I think it was CNN and maybe an MSNBC or one of those, around the beginning of the impeachment stuff. And she, there was, she seemed, and this is gonna sound ridiculous to say, but she seemed very politician-like in terms of when they were asking about voting for impeachment, and she was like, I am not gonna vote for impeachment,
Starting point is 00:04:21 because I think we have an election in any year, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And there were a lot of points being made for impeachment because I think we have an election in any year, blah blah blah blah blah. And there were a lot of points being made that she was just kind of obstinate about. It's like if somebody's trying to influence an election, I think that warrants, you know, at least drafting these articles and investigating and going to a trial, blah blah blah blah. And she was so obstinate, no no no no, we have an election, we have an election, we have an election,
Starting point is 00:04:45 we have an election, which it aggravated me because I'm like, yeah, but the election is the target. So we literally have someone who is, or the accusation is that they're trying to duly influence the election, which means that it doesn't become a fair approach to to come to such an idiot when I talk about the shit I'm sorry it doesn't become a fair approach fuck it I don't even know what I'm saying I'm sorry anyway she
Starting point is 00:05:17 just infuriated me and I think I got it I think I got what you're saying so yeah and then a week later she trying to say go we she trying to say that uh... even though foreign governments are uh... kind of fucking with our elections that we should just leave it
Starting point is 00:05:36 we should leave it to the election she's basically saying it makes sense she's basically saying like a computer is getting hacked but we just still believe the results and don't worry about it that exact kind of thing well but that the idea is that Trump was using bribery and whatnot to To get a foreign country to it Investigate one of his political opponents which is asking the foreign country to interfere with a us election
Starting point is 00:06:03 and she's and so what she's saying is we have an election in a year which is what the voters decide. And I'm like, yeah, but if the whole target is the voters, then shouldn't there be a different remedy kind of thing. Sure. But then, and then like a week later, she changed her mind. Which I actually, that's not a bad thing, but she was so obstinate, then to just a few days later go
Starting point is 00:06:25 You know what never mind. I don't know. She's just it just annoyed me and she's very I got you. Yeah, she is definitely the She's the most center she's young. She's the most center of all the Democratic candidates She is a bad history with LGP TQ rights She's very anti-gay for a long time. She's evolved on it. So there's a lot of red flags for Democrats with her and she doesn't tell the line. A lot of people like that. A lot of people don't. So there you have it. I don't know enough about her
Starting point is 00:07:05 to really make an informed decision, but she's not my candidate, but I don't know enough about her. I can't really talk shit past what I've, that one is like, you know, she's not gonna be the front runner anyway. So she's not gonna win the know. She's not gonna win.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Being young, being young. Yes, it's nice. Like, who knows, 10 years, you see where people go. I like the, really all I know from is the couple of times. He's been on Rogan sure and she talks She talks really nicely and in that to me. It's like I almost don't need to agree with Every topic that you're talking about no, you know because I know these things are flexible and once people are in office anyway It's like shit changes anyway,
Starting point is 00:07:45 everyone makes all these promises and they just kind of do something else. But it's just nice to know, oh, this is like a really a very normal person, you know, almost the same way how Bernie came across on the podcast. It's like, he got super normalized. And I'm, oh, wow, like you could talk to anyone could. He's not going to just shout down your throat. Like, no, totally. He'll let you talk. He wants to listen. Yeah. So that's kind of a nice over.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And she completely strikes me as someone that Joe just love. I mean, she just, I mean, she is somebody that could hang, but she's also kind of got this, you know, man's man kind of aura about her. I mean, like, could hang. But she's tough. Do shots, do beers, hunt. Right, you know, search.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Sort of shit like that. Yeah. It's interesting, like she does kind of toe that line. Like she's more central. Of course, she's probably where Joe is really. I mean, he's not, he's not, he's probably actually more liberal. No, I think he is.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I think he thinks he's more centrist than he is but most americans actually do you pull he's pretty liberal joe is no he is but i think he thinks he's more of a centrist than he is and it's interesting if you pull most americans on their political preference they will all most always lean to center right they're're just slightly conservative, but they're a little more socially liberal. And then you have almost like a 50-50 split in terms of like Republicans and Democrats in terms of identification. But if you pull people on issues, they're almost like it's almost two to one, how much more liberal people are if you pull them on issues, not on their party affiliation, or how they
Starting point is 00:09:24 identify themselves, but on issues. It's quite fascinating actually. You mean when you say more liberal, you're saying that if you pull them, if they're either a liberal or a democratic or a Republican, then more right or more left. Then, no, if you pull somebody, if you hit them up and you're like, okay, so we're doing a poll,
Starting point is 00:09:45 would you say you were more conservative or more liberal? Or on a scale of one to ten, how liberal would you say you are on a scale of one to ten, how conservative would you say you are? People talk about that in terms of like identity politics. So let's say I am conservative or I am liberal. And you see that most people identify as just slightly center right. But then if you pull them on the issues, so something like, do you think people should go bankrupt because of healthcare costs? No, do you think
Starting point is 00:10:18 we should pursue regime change in other countries? No, do you think it's okay that big banks go unchecked and cause the market crash without, and that we haven't passed checks and balances? No. And then you ask them, how would on a scale of one to ten, how much would you support a bill that did this or a bill that allowed more government health care? All these things, if you ask them in terms of like policy, people always give answers that align more to the left, to the liberal side of things. So when you ask people about policy, they're far more liberal,
Starting point is 00:10:59 when you ask people about how they identify, they're more conservative, which goes to show that a lot of it is just how people view themselves. Sure. It's quite interesting. That's interesting. It kind of makes sense that it would be like that though, because... Kind of, yeah. Well, I mean, you're just being asked questions about, right? Do you want to help everyone or just yourself? Right. And it's easy to answer that question that way. But they go, you just want to help everybody. But you go more specific. So do you, it's like, do you
Starting point is 00:11:30 support programs that will help feeding the downtrodden, the poor people that need help? They're like, absolutely. Those are food stamps, things like that. Yeah. So they'll get more specific. Anyway, that just money comes to actually paying for it. You're like, oh, now I've got to write the check. I'm suddenly a bit more Republican than I was earlier. I'm sorry. Yeah, most people, but because they hear money and they think they're writing the check,
Starting point is 00:11:55 the funny thing is about it. Most people in the United States about, I think I read that it's around $20 of your tax money that goes towards all these social welfare programs It's about $20 on average a year. So that's a little more than a dollar a month Is how much you are paying your tax dollars go towards social welfare programs most of it rest of it goes to bombs It goes to bombs. Yes, sir You got to have them. I liked I liked a lot of what um, Jocke was saying on it, he, he didn't really come across, I mean, it's hard to say like
Starting point is 00:12:32 he didn't open up a ton about um, his like political alignment. He did talk about how he doesn't need to agree with everyone to have a good conversation which suggested to me that he's not on the same team obviously as Tulsi right that was like a very polite way of putting that down. But when he gets into what's important to him and what he really cared about it was like all it was like America you know it was the America first but it was like also like bringing back businesses here like the old type of businesses. A big push for him was like jobs and what it takes to get jobs here and getting Americans working and they're kind of made in America idea that I've always heard about ever since
Starting point is 00:13:21 I've been here. This like, you know, buy what's made in America instead of what's made in China. Sure. You know, and I just, I don't, I don't know enough about like the economics of it to be like, okay, is that good though? Do we want to do that? Or should we just do different jobs and then buy shit from China? Do we, do we want to be making all the spinach?
Starting point is 00:13:43 Well, the unfortunate thing is with globalization, you just the cheap, the cheap shits made in China, the shit you buy it Walmart is made in China. I mean, it's this double edged sort, the more Americans make, the more inflation goes up, the more, you know, more cost to live, and the more you need cheaper goods, which can only be made in these countries that are not us. I mean, we've become a service society. We're not an industrial society nearly as much as we used to be.
Starting point is 00:14:19 No, for sure. But he's saying, to some degree, we should go back to this. This is good overall for just jobs and other things and industry and, we all want to be environmentally good, right? We don't get better than like shipping everything around the world. That seems nuts. That is still cheaper to do that. It would be.
Starting point is 00:14:38 We've got to figure out a cheaper way to do it. Because I mean, at the end of the day, it's all pocket, pocket book issues. People are going to go for what's cheapest. Always the end of the day it's all pocket big pocket book issues. People are going to go for what's cheapest. Always period end of story. You can we can spin it and talk about the benefits of it all day long people are going to go with what's cheapest. They're going to go with what's what's up. You have to actively do it. Like you go on Amazon and you see two prices for a very similar product. I mean you have to actively decide hold on, let me check where this is made. The one that's $4 more is made in America.
Starting point is 00:15:09 That's like you'd have to put time into that. It's not going to happen. People aren't doing it. It's not going to happen. People aren't doing that. They talk much about Trump and how to handle him in the debates. This is a great question because he's a beast when it comes to the way that he debates. And it's not to say, oh, this is a great debate or how people should do it, but he destroys.
Starting point is 00:15:32 And it's almost like you need a comedian up there. I know we've talked about that before, but this keeps coming up and I kind of think it's true. It's almost like you could have the best rebuttal ever politically, but if it doesn't have like a tagline and you don't have a great bit of timing on it or you can't stick a nickname to it, it's going to fall short because again, it's a patience thing, it's a time thing. Like people are watching these debates, you know, half of them, most of them don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And they just want to be entertained. It's a TV show. It's a game show. A lot of times, yeah. Um, you, it's, I don't know, what do you, what do you, what do you think? Well, I, I don't know who's, you know, my question is like, who is going to be at a tackle this guy? I think, Bert, I actually think Bernie would be the best to debate him. I really do. I don't think, but yeah, I don't think you could film ex-Bernie I don't think you could do it once in fact I think Bernie could strike at the heart of him in a way that nobody else could I feel like he would never debated before though, right? No, he's only he's only he's only debated the Republicans and Hillary that's it. That's all he's ever the only people he's ever debated
Starting point is 00:16:43 And he would do his stuff, he would become crazy Bernie and all this stuff, but I think Bernie would just stay on message. And if anything, it'd be one of those things, if he started like name calling or whatever, he'd be like, these are very fundamental questions, but we have to ask ourselves, do we want a president who just names calls like he's in fifth grade kind of thing?
Starting point is 00:17:03 You know what I mean? I feel like he would just strike at the heart of it and call it out every time shine a light on that bullshit Because you know Bernie's dealt with bullies his entire life that dude has always been a nerd He knows how to deal with bullies because that's all he is He's just a fucking bully. He's just a goddamn Trump's a bully That's his and that's his debating style and then he just sends up the he just sends out the buzz words that don't mean anything. Like we're gonna make America great. What the fuck does that even mean? Like you're just sending people like hell yeah I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:17:33 You're like oh Jesus. Sounds good bro. Awesome. Love it. We're gonna figure out what the hell's going on. What? So it's gonna yet be interesting to say, I don't know many of the other Democratic candidates. They did talk a lot about how there's kind of like smear campaigns going on within the
Starting point is 00:17:57 Democratic party and that happened right with Hillary pushing out Bernie before like a lot of infighting. You think there's always infighting? It's politics. There's a lot of infight. I don't know what that was. That was good, though, wasn't it? That seemed good.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Man, here's the thing. Whatever went on with that. There was a lot of talk about it, but here's the ultimate truth of this. And I voted for Bernie. I was a Bernie guy. Back then. The truth of it is she got more votes than any other Democratic candidate in the primaries in history. I mean, she just did. So there was a lot of issues about super delegates
Starting point is 00:18:39 and how the party had kind of already chosen her and so a lot of the super delegates had already pledged their support for her. So he was already behind in the super delegate count, but so was Obama and then Obama passed and everybody started aligning with him. So there was a lot of that, there's a lot of that talk. Now there is definitely an effect when Gennos shows that she's ahead, it creates a narrative that she's winning that might stime me any
Starting point is 00:19:06 Forward progress that Bernie was having but for the most part It was kind of just she just kind of won and a lot of Bernie Bros We're just kind of but hurt. I mean to be perfectly honest. She just kind of won She got the most votes. I mean you can talk about we can talk about how the democratic national committee wanted her and they didn't want bernie but the end of the day she got the votes and he didn't and that's just kind of how it ends up so yeah you can talk about
Starting point is 00:19:38 he was done wrong because it seemed like the dnc wanted Hillary and they didn't want Bernie. But she did the work. She did the, fuck, she got the most votes in the general election of any candidate ever except for Obama. Like Obama's the only other candidate in the history of the presidential politics
Starting point is 00:20:00 that's ever gotten more votes than Hillary Clinton. She got three million more. These are some, yeah, go ahead. is some of that just that there's more people every time there's absolutely absolutely but I mean it's still I mean it's still worth noting I mean she got three million more votes than Trump he just won the electoral college yeah so yeah there's this narrative the DNC did him wrong and you could definitely make a case that it was kind of bullshit that she was getting super delegates and all that
Starting point is 00:20:31 stuff, but I just think it's more crackpot conspiracy theory shit more than anything. No, I'm with you. Now along those lines, Tulsi is suing Google at the moment. And she has a lawsuit against them that she was talking about. And it's because I guess after the debates, they'd like changed the search results so she didn't come up. She was like the most searched candidate,
Starting point is 00:20:56 mainly probably because people hadn't heard of her, you know? Sure, sure. So it's like, you're not gonna search Bernie after the debate because you know, he is. Yeah, they were like searching and and they could tell, I guess somehow that it wasn't coming up like they'd actually changed that algorithm. Yeah. Something and obviously that's not within the Democratic party, but they're
Starting point is 00:21:22 liberal people, right? The, the, a lot of tech industry guys and I just think one would be what's even the point of that like why would they even bother I don't know I don't know I really don't they must know that they're gonna get caught like why are they fudging this shit just let it I don't know if they're gonna say okay no they're gonna get cut but at the same time I'm also kind of like Let it, I don't know if they're gonna, no, they're gonna get caught, but at the same time, I'm also kind of like It is their company, right? Can't they do whatever the fuck they want? I mean I
Starting point is 00:21:55 There they are menop I mean they're definitely a monopoly in terms of search engine So I guess you can make an argument that they're part of the public trust now But at the same time they are just a company they can do whatever they want but I Think that something to do with Google especially, since they are creating this search results, there's specific guidelines that they have to send. And I know, I'm talking out of turn, I don't know. But they can't just... No, and I think they're up political laws.
Starting point is 00:22:17 It's like fair time laws and things like that for candidates running. So if you give somebody a platform, you have to give equal time to another candidate with a platform, things like that for candidates running. So if you give somebody a platform, you have to give equal time to another candidate with a platform, stuff like that. It's something like that, yeah. Like they can't just like choose what, oh, I guess they can prove it somehow.
Starting point is 00:22:34 So Google is gonna have to figure that one out, but that's kind of like, it's just slimy. You know, they go, right, they go plenty more. No, it is slimy, it is slimy. Let it play out. There's too much of that shit in politics. There's too much of, just let everybody give your arguments and let the chips fall where they may.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yeah. They ended up, obviously, they had to talk about the impeachment shit a little bit. Of course. I've got friends that are freaking out about this. A friend called me two days ago, scared the shit out of me. He just went off on what's happening and this is crazy and that's crazy
Starting point is 00:23:09 and these things are going here and I'm just like, bro, I cannot handle this for now. Okay, just please. I want you to get it off your chest, but oh my God. Like it honestly was like someone had just broken his house and the police had come and they gone. Like he was that panicked. Are his initials DG?
Starting point is 00:23:30 No, really? Okay. Similar. Okay, gotcha. Yeah, it wasn't him. Oh, gotcha. Yeah, it wasn't him, but similar thing, right? And gotcha.
Starting point is 00:23:38 And what's, give me a bit of a breakdown on like, where were we going? I assume you know, a lot about it. Yeah, we're in the, you know know we're in the judiciary hearings currently we've already finished the intelligence committee hearings. Speaker of the House and AC policy announced that they're going to be drafting articles of impeachment. There will probably be two or three. I imagine it's going to be abuse of abuse of power obstruction of justice and obstruction of congress
Starting point is 00:24:06 but i go to the house of representatives and uh... they'll vote on it and i'm expecting it to pass which means it'll go and that's like that's essentially like drawing up charges essentially it's basically would be like the d a going to either a grand jury or pursuing an indictment uh... so you drop those charges and it goes to the senate trial set go and do either a grand jury or pursuing an indictment. So you drop those charges and it goes to the Senate trial set and you have your counsel for impeachment.
Starting point is 00:24:36 They make their arguments, you're prosecutor, they make the argument, and then you have your defense. And then the jury is the Senate. And they will vote on the three Argos of impeachment and you need sixty seven senators you need two-third of the senate to um... to vote to house the president to convict and uh... remove them from office so that sixty seven and um... it's highly unlikely that that will happen Oh, there you have it. So Yeah, well when they know this right right it
Starting point is 00:25:09 It's like they're doing all this for something they can never win But it's just to make the point. It's like look we got to do it anyway. It's just the right thing to do sort of exact I mean full process. Yeah, you can't Yeah, you can't allow it to keep continuing, because then said personal do it again. Like, the facts aren't in dispute. This happened. This is clear from every witness that has come up,
Starting point is 00:25:38 it is crystal clear what happened. They withheld a White House meeting, and they withheld foreign aid on the conditions that the Ukrainian President would announce investigations into a political rival, mainly Joe Biden. Those are the facts, period, all the defensive strategies have been ridiculous. So the facts are not in question. The consequences are, and it can be debated as to whether or not you think those events warrant removal from office.
Starting point is 00:26:16 I do think that's what it comes down to. That's what it comes down to. It's that we know we did this. Oh, we know we did it. They deny it vehemently, but it's so clear from he did this we know we know he did they denied the only but it's it's so clear from every witness that has come forward from all the testimony from from the transcript to i mean dam the god damn ukrainian presidents of linsky
Starting point is 00:26:37 scheduled the announcement on cnn he was going to do it with freed secaria they'd scheduled the announcement to make the uh... declaration they were investigating freed Zakaria they'd scheduled the announcement to make the declaration they were investigating Joe Biden they'd scheduled it and then the whistleblower came out and they released the aid because the whistleblower accounts that they're withholding aid to get to get the Ukrainians to launch an investigation actually just to announce it they didn't even have to make a promise to actually investigate it they just needed the announcement. That happened. I mean, that's a done deal. So you have to
Starting point is 00:27:10 decide, does that warrant removal? I think it does because he's trying to influence an election, which by the way, he's been accused of before. So, and not exonerated. He's not been exonerated for it, despite his that he has they simply said they didn't have enough evidence to say that he definitively colluded with Russia to influence the election but he's not been exonerated in any way so it's already happened before trying to influence an election again it's definitely abusive of power this woman for this professor from Stanford I can't remember her name right now. She made an excellent analogy. She said, what if Louisiana or Texas was hit by a devastating hurricane and they needed federal disaster aid? And the president of any party went to the governor who has
Starting point is 00:27:55 to make the request. Went to the governor and says, I won't give you this money unless unless you call my opponent a criminal. That right there is an abusive power because you have to have that money to rebuild your state. So you are immediately pressured into making this political statement, in this condition upon that aid, which I think is a phenomenal analogy. But this was too influenced in election. So for that, I think that is Warren's removal of office I do. It sounds sloppy. I mean, it makes sense, right, that the motive. It's like, you know, you're going to want to get some to it on your opponent, and it's how you go about it is where it gets sticky, where it gets messy, right? So dirt on your opponent and it's how you go about it is where it gets stick where it gets messy right well dirt on your opponent is one but going to a form power
Starting point is 00:28:50 for it is entirely and that is one of the things the the founders which this country loves to jerk off to it every opportunity the founders the founders the founders that was the one thing they talked about more than anything foreign influence and domestic affairs They wanted it nowhere near us. It was all the the hollow ground of the founding fathers That was the one thing they talked about more than anything George Washington never stopped fucking talking about it That's all they talked about Anyway, yeah, that's a bad idea. I don't get though like and maybe I'm just too stupid But why didn't he just put a team together of people paid by himself and just find the dirt that way and try not to break any laws
Starting point is 00:29:34 Like what question why are you a person like in a different country? Yeah, sure Ukrainian presidents got money and some power and could do I'm like you're fucking way over there Yeah, what why is he gonna do a better fucking investigation than just the little team that you put together that's like in the fucking state where Biden's from? I don't know. It just seems like they could have been better ways. That man, it seems so risky.
Starting point is 00:29:59 If you've made it, he just didn't realize. But here's the thing. The president was just like, I think this is fine, I'm doing it. Possibly. But here's the thing. The president was just like, I think this is fine. I'm doing it. Possibly. But here's the thing. If you've been doing shit like this your whole life and you've never, ever faced any consequences for it,
Starting point is 00:30:13 why stop? Who's gonna stop? Who's gonna stop you? That's the whole point. Oh, that's a good point. I mean, that was the whole point of like when people were saying you need to be in peach over the Russia thing and they were like, it was if he doesn't, if he doesn't, he's gonna do it again.
Starting point is 00:30:27 And it's kind of the same, and it's like, why would he stop? He didn't get in trouble for it any of the previous times. Like, and you know what, I mean, anyone with ears has heard of all his shady business shit that he's done over the years where he just won't pay contractors or pay him $0.50 on the dollar because he claims they did a shit job Because he's his megalithic corporation and they were small-time vendors. They can't fight that and some of them went out of business So there's no one that's ever just kind of Stopped him like he's forbidden from running charities for the rest of his life in the state of New York
Starting point is 00:31:00 They find millions millions because they were funneling most of that money in his charity to To his private shit So they find a millions, but if the guy is worth hundreds of millions like key claims It's a drop in the fucking bucket be like finding us 50 cents You know what I mean? All right, whatever you think he's gonna stop he had no reason to stop to be perfectly honest He still has no reason to stop because they perfectly honest he still has no reason to stop because they're not going to get 20 republicans to vote for conviction it's not going to happen
Starting point is 00:31:29 so he'll continue to do it but at least they at least they're trying something listen to some fucked up shit too with the Clinton foundation like all that to close down because that none of these politicians should even be having foundations and charity seems like yeah none of them use it right well it doesn't certainly doesn't seem like it at well i'm sure jb carder does jimmy carder just goes and builds houses for habitat for humanity
Starting point is 00:31:53 that's all he does oh he's a great guy yeah yeah great guy not the best president but a great guy uh... yeah i mean ragan i think was two uh... all-zheimer's written uh... to do anything corrupt or whatever. I imagine Obama will be pretty straight shooter with his charity work, but the clans were always shady. They've always been shady.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Trump's shady. Nixon was shady. So many shady people. So many shady people. I mean, the politics attracts those types of people. So it sounds like, well, there we go. I think we're somewhat caught up. So we got to see there's more rounds, and we're checking on there some, you know, in the same way,
Starting point is 00:32:34 I'm sure Joe's going to have other politicians on, or political commentators that are going to come on and give a good spiel. And that's another thing that's great about Rogan's one is he just gives such a platform to these people yeah and then there's three hours you know that they just get to talk and just man you just get a lot out of them it's like that's great it's so much easier than like looking them up individually
Starting point is 00:33:00 finding their YouTube channel working through which fucking video you're supposed to watch and you just like Do I even need to trust this person? I don't know what is going on here. I know. It's it's messy Anyway, there we go There's the that's the wrap up for today. Thanks as always for listening guys messengers contact us on Joe Rogan experience review at Gmail love to get those emails get good to get feedback and un video y un video en el canal. Y si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche,
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