Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Joe Rogan Experience Review of Chris D'Elia et al.

Episode Date: April 24, 2020

This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always.   Guest list:   Tim Dillion Chris D'Elia Tom O'Neil Donnell Rawlings     Stay safe..   Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Podcast you're listening to the Joe Rogan experience review what a bizarre thing we've created now with your hosts Adam Thorn One go enjoy the show hello and welcome to another episode of the JRE review full week That was the date the 20th Yeah, full 20 was Yeah, full 20 today. Yeah, 420. Yeah, 420 today. Yep. Very nice.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Exciting. Are you high right now, George? Hmm? Are you high right now? Definitely, definitely. Oh, you got to be 420. Come on now. That's a big day.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Yeah. Very exciting times. We had some good guests this week on Rogan, Tim Dylan, Chris DeLia, Tom O'Neal, and Donnell Rawlings. A lot of comedians, and then one interesting author. And that was a deep, deep dive into that Manson story I thought that was fascinating. Do you want to keep that for the end? What, you want to talk about that one last? Yeah fuck it talk about that one last So Tim Dylan podcast 1457
Starting point is 00:01:10 Tim Dylan is a fucking hilarious comedian. I've never seen him live But all the stuff that I've ever seen him do online is brilliant. He gets in incredible rants. He's very very funny and It just has great energy on stage and then makes some hilarious videos on YouTube. Have you seen any of those, George? I've seen some of the videos. You are very active in the comedy scene. How come you didn't see a level on stage? I don't know. I just never gone to the store while he's been there. I don't know if he goes to the comedy store all that much. I'm not really sure. I know he's there a bit, but yeah I just haven't seen him perform. I think one time actually he was up there but I went to a different show because they got multiple rooms there. They got three
Starting point is 00:01:59 rooms so it didn't seem that night, but I want to. I mean, I like the guy. I think he's very funny. He's very talented and I like his style because he just, he goes at the audience too. He's got some great clips on YouTube where he's like basically telling the audience that they're idiots, but then it's also very funny and that's hard to do. That's Paul Z is fuck. So he's, yeah yeah he doesn't give a fuck and he's very he was really good on this episode with Joe too because he's just he's just so funny yeah right I mean sometimes comedians go on Rogan and they're not that funny I mean you know they're just talking about whatever other thing you know they're not always just trying to make people laugh and it's almost like he can't help it because he's just a silly guy.
Starting point is 00:02:48 So it's a fun podcast all around and it's good to have a good laugh about. What was your impression of Tim since you're not super familiar with him? What did you think about him on the podcast? I think he definitely has got a bright future to do some comedy movies. He's very intelligent and funny and young. Lots of potential. Yeah, he could probably act too. I would imagine a lot of, you know, the comedian seemed to be able to do that transition pretty good. And he seems like a truly nice guy. Yeah, yeah for sure. He was a bit wavry with his facts though. He was throwing things out and saying they were facts and Joe was like
Starting point is 00:03:26 How do you know that? How do you know that's a fact? And he's like I didn't research it, but I know it's a fact It's like well how so Joe was calling him out a little bit on his knowledge Well, he was trying to drop some knowledge which I thought was good. So Jamie was not googling anything? I guess not no, I guess not at all. What gems do you remember? There were many things, it's just I didn't take any notes, I told you I'm not gonna take notes for the show anymore, I'm not gonna stress out. You don't need to.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Yeah, but they talked a few things like about taking the temperature, the airport, right? So that's like all these really starting up with like how are you dealing with coronavirus? That's kind of like, you know, it's just regular life now. It's almost like whenever you call anybody, even your own friends, like one of the first questions is like how you get on with the quarantine, you know, blah, blah, blah, or like, you know, how's fucking corona life treating you. But they were saying that it was a lot of corona nonsense. Yeah, let me tell you something. They were saying that they want to check the temperature, like you're a temperature, the airport. Like that might be a lot of corona nonsense. Yeah, let me tell you saying that they they want to check the temperature like your temperature the airport like that might be a thing that starts happening. You know, what if you are within the 12 days that you are actually infected, but you don't have any symptoms. Yeah, exactly. So they won't know for sure, but I guess if your temperatures high, then they at least know that you are sick for that day and I don't know maybe they don't let you
Starting point is 00:04:46 fly or they insist that you wear a mask or maybe they sit you in a different part of the plane. I don't really know what they would do but it's just a way to like see if you are you know. I mean they're gonna have to come up with some new things to deal with this when it's all over and you know these guys are kind of spippling when it's all over. And you know, these guys are kind of spit-bling, but it's like maybe that'll happen. Yeah, well, that thing, the only one thing, the cell phone tracing. The what? That's the one thing, to trace your cell phone with everyone who you're getting contact with, as soon as one is detected as infected, is going to let on a trace.
Starting point is 00:05:22 All the phones are being tracked. When that person is being detected you have coronavirus and the database goes in the back to all the people that this guy has been in contact with the cell phone like cell phone near cell phone in the same location right and he sends a text message hey Adam you have been in touch with George who has coronavirus so staying shelter they're doing this in South Korea right is that how they they were able to kind of like minimize their because they've got pretty low numbers out there. They've got a lot. Yeah, but here you have some problems with some second amendment, fifth amendment,
Starting point is 00:05:57 some kind of amendment. These people are ridiculous. I mean, you don't see that you live in this technological micro computer age. Like, were you gonna hide? No way. Yeah. There is nobody like you left. I don't really like that shit though. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Like, the idea that they can just track everything like that and then send you a text message and tell you who to hang out with. You know, I know it's safety, obviously you don't want to get sick, but to me, that's just creepy. I really don't like that. I didn't like bulletin, I like the arrows, but I had no choice. Right. And I'm not a hunter. Yeah. In any way. They did talk about how China is hiding their numbers. Oh, for sure. And that's so interesting to me because they were saying through tracking,
Starting point is 00:06:44 I guess, cell phone data or something, like we can tell that there's like, what was it? Like 20 million or 2 million cell phones not being used. Yeah. And Joe did say that maybe some people just got rid of their second line because they've less money, that kind of makes sense. But also maybe some of these people got sick and they died. And they were also building new crematoriums. Of course.
Starting point is 00:07:07 You know, like quite a lot of them. So it's like, it's indicated that maybe they're also freaking, you know, burning a lot of sick people. Well, not burning them alive. I would say the numbers are triple than what they reported. You think so? Yeah. It probably sneaky over there, man. But it doesn't make sense that those numbers would have just dropped off as quick as they did I mean they were exploding with cases and deaths and then all of a sudden nothing like two or three a day I'm like that looks fishy as fuck. Of course, but who knows? It's something that comes natural in the oppressive government like coming communist government, like China, where everything is great, but everything is perfect. The fact that what you've seen in the videos, how they were going
Starting point is 00:07:50 in the street and locking people up and building hospitals in three days, doing all that crazy stuff, that shows you the problem was big, huge, humongous, because otherwise if they would be just some people like, dang, it's okay, some more people just like them all in the house. No, no, it was a big problem. In a totalitarian regime, I couldn't tell, because I'm not as smart. But these people that are smart, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:14 in these micro scientists, they should have been able to say, oh, if China takes these extreme measures, we got it to something. Yeah. Well, it's gonna, it's making people aggrieved, man. And I mean, there's a lot of fallout. They talked, they told a story about that comedian Sebastian, what's his last name?
Starting point is 00:08:33 Man, I, man, of something Italian. Shit, I should remember. Anyway, which comedian? It's Sebastian. Um, shoot, I need to look that up. Oh, yeah, yeah, the, the Hispanic. No, no, he's Italian. Italian, yeah, yeah, the he's panicking. No, no, he's Italian. Italian?
Starting point is 00:08:46 Oh yeah, okay, Italian. Latino. No, he's Italian. Okay. He's not Latino. He's not? He's front, he's like an Italian dude. Yeah, man is Scalco.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Sebastian man is Scalco. Okay, he's Italian. I thought he's from South America. He was a guest on Joe Rogan, that means I missed that detail. Yeah, he's excellent comedian. He's's really really good and they talked about how, I guess his cousin has the same name as him and some dude showed up in masks, like Corona masks and they broke into his cousin's house. And that story was crazy because,
Starting point is 00:09:18 I guess they broke in and then Joe was saying that I guess Sebastian's cousin like shot one of the dudes and beat the shit out of the other one because he could fight But it's like it's pretty scary stuff You know, maybe they were going into robber. Maybe they thought it was the other Sebastian. He had money like Make you think man scary times Like that would be a fucking crazy thing to happen, I think. Shit. Yeah, imagine a terrifying that would be.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Unbelievable. Unbelievable, really. You talk to, obviously, they got into comedy, right? And talking about the clubs. Like they have no idea when these clubs are gonna open. And that's so interesting coming from these guys as comedians, like they're always traveling, they're always touring, and now they can't.
Starting point is 00:10:04 They gotta come up with new ideas for Traveling Joe even suggested that he might do like a residency in LA Where he just performs like instead of traveling all around the country? I guess you know what he does a smart because he'd do a show the night before He does a UFC at some he does a UFC at some theater, wherever he is.
Starting point is 00:10:26 So like if he's in Chicago, he'd do a play. So like he goes, I think he does like the MGM when he's in Vegas for the fights. So that kind of works for him, because you know, he's there anyway. So he might as well do something the night before. It's a smart move. But yeah, he's saying that he might not travel as much
Starting point is 00:10:43 with all this and just do shows here but I mean when the hell are they gonna open when are the comedy clubs gonna open? this guy has to modify his prices ASAP because I think Joe's prices are still low already took the Hauerstern attitude where his agent you come to him I have a movie would you like to have a role to play the Spider-Man son? No, no. The agent is always gonna say no. His thing is to increase the salary like four faults and then do the residency here. With all his comedian friends the podcast is gonna be like the main attraction on
Starting point is 00:11:23 Sunset Boulevard. He can open his own comedy store at this point. Oh yeah, Joe could for sure. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't bought the comedy store to be honest. I think they did sell it actually after... It's expensive. Um, the... It's expensive. It's a very expensive product. Yeah, but Joe has tons of money. Do you think he can afford it? Dude, they say Joe makes like 30 million a year just from his podcast. That's a shit ton of money. And he also does his comedy and the UFC, I don't know the UFC pays him, but I bet they pay him a ton.
Starting point is 00:11:53 So yeah, I'd imagine he could buy it if he wanted to. Maybe he just can't be bothered. It's like a lot of extra work. It's probably too much for a- I feel him that he's somehow in love with the far east, right? With what? Somewhere with the far east, with the Bible belt. He wants to move somewhere in the Bible belt, with the bison.
Starting point is 00:12:16 That's what I heard. Jodos? No, I think he... He said, oh man, if I would move to Salt Lake City or somewhere, that's beautiful. There's no people. He was upset about the traffic on 4 or 5. He was upset about fires and all that stuff. Yeah, he's kind of worried about being stuck here
Starting point is 00:12:32 during like a big earthquake or something. I feel like he doesn't like LA. He wants to move out of LA. He feels like if he moves out of LA, he's gonna lose all his friends, everybody's here. A poor Krishna, Chris, the Lilla, all these guys. LA is gonna lose all his friends everybody's here yeah Port Krishna Chris the Leah all these guys and Aguisha fear all these guys are from here. Yeah, that's probably why it doesn't want to and in some ways His work is to start up with a comedy store. Yeah, yeah, I don't know. I mean, you know, he talks about it, but
Starting point is 00:13:01 But yeah, I mean they talked about how you'll be wearing like you'll be everyone to be wearing their masks in the audience, which would be kind of funny. I mean you can laugh with a mask on obviously, but it's, but it's almost odd because comedians need to read off the audience in some way and you know when you can't really see their faces, you're just seeing their eyes. I wonder if like that would change comedy. It's hard to know. I mean, I don't know, that just seems weird
Starting point is 00:13:30 to like even think about having your audience or wearing masks, but it's... Gonna be for a couple of months, bro, because it's gonna be the Johnson & Johnson Company already has the vaccine. They just need to be tested and improve the little bit. I don't know, man. I think it's gonna take, they're saying like a year and a half of that vaccine. I don't think they can make it in a few months.
Starting point is 00:13:51 And after a year and a half, there's not gonna be no masks inside the communist zone. Maybe, unless it changes, it could mutate and they may have to then make a new vaccine. It's not gonna be forever. If it's gonna be like this forever, then I'd better get a tank with the oxygen and just dark-vated freaking mask and just pull that on my head and that's it, done. Ha, ha, fresh. Yeah, who knows? Who knows? I'm gonna breed weed. I'm gonna just pull a tank of weed. Yeah, who knows? I mean, it's, we'll find out. I mean, it's gonna be weird.
Starting point is 00:14:26 You know, next up was Chris the Lea, same sort of conversation for podcast 1458. So Chris has a new comedy special out. I've seen half of it, but then I fell asleep. It was, it's, it's funny. It's a lot like his other ones. If you like his style as a comedian, you're like, you know, it's... If you like him on the podcast, whatever, but you've never seen him do stand up. He's pretty similar kind of all the time with like, how silly he is and how he talks and uh... He's a good guest too. He's a good guest. Brian Callin came on a little bit later. They're good friends and they got into it and George you had an interesting You didn't really know about their dynamic and their friendship, and what did you think?
Starting point is 00:15:12 What was your first impression of the podcast when when they were kind of giving each other shit? Okay, I'm a comedian yoga comedian right Adam, right? Okay, I'm not a comic I'm a film director I'm a film director. I'm not a comedian. No you're a comedian dude Forget about a bad one, but yeah, there's nothing that we can I can upset you with addon Right, I was taking the other day shit and my texting garden too much like I was listening to one show I was texting you hey man What do you think about this show? And then I was thinking shit and my texting him too much
Starting point is 00:15:42 You know and then hey Adam then I make a joke you know because I don't know, I'm not texting him too much. You know, and then hey Adam, I'm gonna make a joke, you know, cause I don't know when I'm gonna upset you. You know what, let's make the rule with brothers, we can shit on each other. We shit on each other and I tell you, oh fuck Adam, you look like you, how old are you? Fuck, how old are you, fucking 60s? Right.
Starting point is 00:16:02 The guy's 52. Yeah, yeah, Brian Collins 52. Is this image just Joe? I mean, my 40s. He said on the show. Yeah. His 52, because I'm 42. I know what the fuck I'm talking about 42 is like a fucking big lion.
Starting point is 00:16:15 When you're 52, what the fuck happened? I'm almost 60. Did you see the Nero at 60? Did you see the Nero at 34? Yeah. Totally different animals. Well, you look a lot older the L.I. was shooting on him with this joke if I like okay we have friends we have comedians we
Starting point is 00:16:31 shit on each other but broad this fucking hurts you know you calling me 52 you calling me that I'm not young anymore you want me to show you you want me to show you how I can perform ah so you you thought that you're not on Netflix you want me to show you how I can perform. So you thought that you're not on Netflix. You want me to show you how I'm going to do my special on Netflix? Or I'll hold on a second because it's coronavirus. So there's no more Netflix. Right. So you thought that they were not friends, and that they were actually making fun of each other,
Starting point is 00:16:59 and they didn't like it. Like you thought it was kind of like bullying. It's one thing to make fun of, we make fun of each other in a good feeling. Like I'm having so much fun, I can't wait to see you again next time. You know, we go with our friends, whatever, looks like I'm comedy,
Starting point is 00:17:16 but we kind of shit on each other, but it was so entertaining. I mean, it wasn't with the meaning tension. I felt a little bit of something meaning there. No, they do. They're good friends. I'm telling you, they're good friends and they... Yeah. This is just kind of like their back and forth. They're always like this. They do it on the fighter and the kid podcast. They always just pick it on each other. They've done it on stage. I've seen,
Starting point is 00:17:39 I've been at the comedy store when Brian Callan is on stage and Chris was like in the audience, like just walking somewhere and they like started arguing back and forth and shitting on each other. It's very funny and they're good at it. And they do it just because it makes them laugh. I think Chris is better at it. Chris is like better at picking on Brian. Probably for a few reasons.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Chris is like a bigger name comedian. He sells out bigger spots. He makes more money. He's also younger so he can make fun of Brian's age. He's bigger than Brian so he can make fun of Brian's size. I mean there's just some funny advantages that he has and but Brian comes back with some great stuff because he's a hilarious comedian so they're back and forth on the podcast was excellent. I mean Chris was really going at him, really going for him. I like Brian Kellen. He had once a similar altercation with the fighter kit that you're telling me about the show. Yeah, Brennan Sharp. Maybe that's how they became such good friends.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Because on the show, on Joe Rogan's show, we don't know the episode now, he said something that upset the fighter kid. Something like it doesn't have enough experience or he's not that funny, he has to work more. He wasn't encouraging. As a director myself, I know for the fact that when I'm coming on set Adam to me is the most valuable person as an actor
Starting point is 00:19:11 My footage depends on him. So I need to encourage you. So that was discouraging to the fighter kid But I guess they figured it out and they became such good friends after that that they Launched the Fighter and the Kid podcast. Yeah. Well, I mean, Joe is kind of honest with his friends. I mean, in Brendan Shalves, very new to comedy, really, and he's done exceptionally well if I have no ears.
Starting point is 00:19:35 I mean, you've got to give him credit for that. I mean, he had a special in like two years of doing stand-up. That's unbelievable. There's kind of mixed reviews on like whether people think it was good and Joe even said that he thought it was too soon to do a special but Brendan Zambesha's and he fucking went for it and you got to give him credit. And you know he's just being honest. He's like, look you're new, you got to practice a lot. I mean it helps to get honest feedback
Starting point is 00:20:01 especially in comedy because stand-ups very difficult. And if you're just feeding and boresh it, like, no, you're great, you're really good. And they're not. Then how the fuck are they gonna figure that out? So it's good. It's good advice. He's a tough dude. He can take it.
Starting point is 00:20:18 You know, I don't think he would have got too upset from that. It doubt. Brian tells his shit story, which is hilarious, and you can watch the video of that. It was actually filmed by a buddy of my damn dirty. It was the first time I think that Joe would go on hunting. And Joe and Brian went, like, maybe deer hunting with rifles, I don't know. And Brian tells a story of some time I guess he like had to take a shit and is on his lawn and his wife saw it. It's it's An hilarious little video so definitely check that out if you haven't seen it on
Starting point is 00:20:55 Instagram. I mean sorry YouTube. I guess you could just you probably just put in Brian, Kallen Hunting or shit some self, I don't know. But it's very funny, and that's a great story for sure. And then they talked about shit in themselves for a long time on that podcast. I thought that was kind of, I don't know, it was kind of funny, but it was a bit odd. Yeah, it was definitely weird.
Starting point is 00:21:20 That's why when you asked me before the show, which one, I would say, this is number one for what we were viewing today because it was so weird like in the beginning you it was Chris the Liyah show the guy was talking like wow in some metamine name can I tell you my amine I'm story really really quick okay go ahead and we listen to that and we move on and then this guy comes in so it becomes like a Stanley Kubrick episode what's the name of that film the Vietnam film which one the Vietnam apocalypse now no wait which film Kubrick a Vietnam film with with Stanley Kubrick it begins
Starting point is 00:21:58 the opening credits shapes all the guys heads what What the fuck, I'm gonna Google this. Stanley Kubrick. Full metal jacket. Full metal jacket. Half of the film is with the soldiers. And then the other half is on the Vietnam two totally different movies in one. That's right, it's like boot camp and then... That's the Chris Delia and Brian Kellan episode.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Yeah, kind of was. Why was it a bit... It got a little busy in there, but it sometimes does. When he has multiple guests in a room, it's a little busy. They do that with the fight companion podcast when they're watching the fights, and he has all his bodies in there, and they're all drinking. It gets, the back and forth gets a little confusing. Double it.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Those ones are kind of easy to watch on YouTube, I think. Then, then listening, just kind of that way. I would probably have a totally different opinion than watching it. These guys were shooting each other so much. Even though maybe they're just such good actors that they were just acting and an excellent friend. Yeah. Yeah, it was good.
Starting point is 00:23:04 It was good. The shit-talking was quite kind of funny. Yeah, it was good. It was good. The shit talking was quite kind of funny, but it was a lot. It was a lot of the podcast. Not really for sure. Funny as surprised. Let's put it down. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:15 All right. Fair enough. I discovered that Chris Delia wants to be to do action movies. Like now we're waiting for him to get enough of the son of Iron Man. Yeah, he said he just did an action movie, right? It's gonna come out. Yeah, Robert Downey Jr. is getting gold. It's kind of interesting.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Now he's gonna need the son of the mask. That's better. The son of the mask. Right. With Jim Carey's old and he gives the to Chris DeLia the mask. I see. I see. Yeah, it'd be interesting to see him in action movies like if he's being serious. Superhero. Oh yeah, he probably he could do like a good superhero movie where he's funny. Exactly. You know, like a Deadpool style. I think he could do that quite well. Yeah. What do you think about when they said movie theaters are done? Like they might like some of them are going out of business already. They named a few that had like the theater chains. What do
Starting point is 00:24:09 you think about that? As a filmmaker yourself? What should take on that? The movie theater they were moving towards relaxed atmosphere like now they're having movie theaters where you can order a whole lunch just sit there and eat with the entire family. Yeah. Like forget about paying attention to the film, you just basically came there to have dinner. Going to the cinema was kind of outdated. Look at Netflix. Look at all these streaming services.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Because this is what's happening right now. And people having such humongous TVs in their homes, I have to remember when I was a kid, I had like a little black and white TV, it was horrible. So when I was going to the cinema, which I was living just by the cinema. So I was stepping out of the house, going inside that cinema, even though there were rats under the chicks,
Starting point is 00:24:55 but man, when I was seeing that color, screen, huge, different experience. Wait, what, you said there were rats under the chairs? When I was a kid, it was still like a communist age. The tickets, they were really cheap. The older cinemas they were owned by the government. They were rats in a cinema. Because when you turn off the lights, they come out too and they just go in the run. Maybe they find a popcorn or something. Oh my, dude, that's crazy. Yeah, you have. That's wild. Yeah, I don't think I'd want to go to a theater that rats. Oh, man, I had the subscription for that theater.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Ha-ha-ha-ha. Shit. It was amazing. Oh, man. What city was that in? In Bucharest. Oh, yeah. It's called Cinemagloria.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Oh. Very nice place, man. Very nice place. And in between the shows, myself and a couple of friends, they had to open the side doors and do the cleaning and we were just making inside and hiding behind the chairs and hiding them jump on a stage and hide behind the screen. The screen is made of little holes when you were behind the screen, you could see the women cleaning. Right. But they couldn't see you. So they were just waiting for the movie to begin. Something with Kung Fu, Bruce Lee or John Wayne or something like that. Because on the communist stage you wouldn't see anything that will show you the contemporary society.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Like, look how do Americans leave? They drink Coca-Cola and they do eat hamburger and these things. Now, you show these things like Star Wars. No problem showing Star Wars. What is this? Dark Vader and laser that doesn't exist. It's science fiction. Stories like anything, cowboys, to show,
Starting point is 00:26:35 look how these Americans, they shoot each other. Or you could show extra violent films. Something that would have no connection with the American society. We would jump out of the stage and sit on a chair. Sometimes you would get caught. Oh, that's cool So you'd hide. Yeah, I used to sneak into the movie theater quite a lot too. It was fun As a kid that was fun to do I mean, you know, and it wasn't even or like even to just save the money though. That's good
Starting point is 00:27:01 It was because it was fun. It was a playground a playground yeah it was this whole week or the same film so I was watching the same film like eight times it was just insane wow so the like I would I would know it was a guy dude there was some series some movie series Italian is we was with Terence Hill and another guy is character named Pierre Donne dude if you google this Terence Hill and Pierre Donne and you watch these two guys, they made a series of films. Any film that you can imagine, these guys did. I would know from some films when he was going up the stairs.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Oh look, next scene is going to go up the stairs like because he was like jumping two stairs at the time. You know what I mean? So then I was trying, let me see if I can't do like this guy here, don't I? To go up two steps at a time. Huh, that's interesting. I'd never heard of that that in like the Communist place, they couldn't show American life. So they wouldn't show like like a die hard. No. Because that would just show like regular American life,
Starting point is 00:28:06 but with action, you couldn't watch a movie like that? No. Diehard and Diehard came, the revolution was in 1989. Right. And Diehard came actually, I think that was the time when Diehard came out, around that time. I see. So when you, after the revolution, did they go back and show all the movies
Starting point is 00:28:27 that they couldn't show before? Oh yeah. Or did they just show new ones? It's like America. It's a society like this communist. Oh I gotcha. I'm in power. I'm in power. What are you the family? So I'm gonna call you to the police station and I'm gonna tell you look Sign here if you hear anybody in a neighborhood in your block in your area That they talk against the leader Donald Trump or the government party you come here and tell us okay Because if you don't then we're gonna arrest you who based on your signature right here that you are Conspirator you understand. I gotcha. But then you would go home and you would think, what the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 00:29:09 Because you wouldn't know which neighbors, which, you know, they would tell on each other. And then after the 1989 December, they killed the woman and the guy. The guy had only three grades. And he was running the country for 45 years. And they shot him. And the little communists took over the power and they called themselves capitalist democrats.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And they just start stealing. The same in Russia is the same thing with Putin and in Romania is the same exact system. It's an organized intelligent mafia. So these are mafia-oicy with degrees. They go to college, they are smart. They just take the assets of the country and they put themselves CEOs and whatever, and the economy and the majority of the people
Starting point is 00:29:57 they're gonna be poor. I gotcha. Even though you're free, and then you're gonna go next four years, you're gonna vote, who am I gonna vote this time? The same assholes? Yeah, no good no good. Well, you know, hopefully hopefully it's better now at least at least there's no rats in the theaters anymore, right? No, no because nobody would come and he just someone else is coming and buying the The pit that's it. I got you. I got it. All right. Yeah. Well, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:26 that's that for the freaking Crystal Leo one. Let's talk about Donald roll, Donald Rollings. Podcast 1460. Donald is a hilarious guy, super high energy. He was on the Chappelle show. That's probably how people know him the best I would imagine But good stand up. I haven't seen him live either but I've seen a lot of his footage and and His stand up and he's very good. What was your impression of Donnell? I was impressed that he started the podcast that he has his own podcast Yeah, he has his own podcast. Yeah, he has his own podcast.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah, I've never heard that. I haven't listened to it yet, but he's a funny dude. He's got a lot of energy. He has his own Corona virus mask. He talked about he had a candle that had like, they talked about a weird ingredient in it that was like from a sperm whale, I think. What this shit was that called?
Starting point is 00:31:25 China remembers. It was a sperm whale vomit. Yeah, a sperm whale vomit. Yeah, amber gizz, amber gizz or something. I can't remember what it was called but yeah it's like a strange compound. The truffle. Yeah, the truffle thing. How the hell they get that? I bet it's. I bet it smells like shit. It's just that black ice you can find it in any gas station. Or the dollar store you buy for a dollar, you buy five or two. Yeah, what was the idea behind that? He just made a candle that smelled like a car air freshener.
Starting point is 00:31:58 It seems old. It was a candle, right? Was it? Yeah, yeah, exactly. I don't know. I guess it just smells. That's his car. It smells like whatever. But yeah, they were getting they were getting highest fuck on that podcast
Starting point is 00:32:08 That's see how I raise my voice. I was telling you I have to be better on this show not yield just big normal like a person My god, oh you doing fine, bro. Don't worry about it. Oh good. You just get excited of course. I get excited Well, you know podcasts like it's a very nice thing and I love this podcast and I can't thank you enough for having me on a show. You got it brother. So yeah, Donnell, drawings I like him and he was in one of the greatest shows out there, the wire. Don't forget that.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Oh, is that right? I never saw the wire. I need to. Maybe unlock them. Maybe on Corona lock down, I'll watch it. I heard that shows very good. Is that right? Phenomenal and I am on the same boat with you. I have never watched it. Everyone, but every single person is telling me good things about it. I'll check it out. I'll check it out for sure. They talk a bit about universal healthcare on this, like, and they kind of get into it. Not so much the politics of it, but just the fact that it's like, you know, it's something that Joe believes in, he thinks that we should have it. I mean, Joe's
Starting point is 00:33:10 pretty liberal guy, and as he says, and this is an example of that, and he's saying it makes sense because he gave a good example. He was like, with the fire department, they're putting out the fire, not just because the house that's on fire is protect, you know, it's like it's all covered. So the fire department puts out any fires, but it's also so the house next door doesn't burn down. And in the same way, with universal healthcare, if someone's sick and they don't get treated
Starting point is 00:33:39 and it's a very contagious disease like corona, then they're gonna get other people sick. So the idea of having good universal health care is that everyone can go not only get tested, but they can get treatment, and it's, you know, everyone's kind of in the same boat. I think that's a really good example. And idea for for universal health care, like it's a, it's very reasonable in that sense, like, because it's, it's not just you then. It's like, right, you've got good healthcare, but if all the people around you that can't afford it getting sick, they're going to get you sick. Of course.
Starting point is 00:34:13 So it's like a chain reaction. But dude. It's bad. It's obvious, but I'm going to put it to you a different way. I'm getting sick. Okay. Because I feel like, man, I didn't go to the hospital in 15 years myself. I feel healthy, I'm fine, I smoke some weed, I go to the hospital, but I feel like, man,
Starting point is 00:34:32 now 42, I can feel my back hurts a little bit, my what the fuck is this? Get in, I'm getting to the hospital. And they say, okay, you have this problem, it's going to cause this much. First of all, how can you put a value on any illness that my body has? To me, that's invaluable. That is mine, that is yours, that is our friend, that is Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Donald Trump's hand to fix it, someone breaks his hand, whatever he broke his hand, is invaluable. You can put a value, or to fix his his hand it was $10,000. He's got insurance, but I don't know how much. When Adam broke his hand, the insurance, he was only deductible less and so he has to pay $20,000. So something like that, you understand what I mean? It's not fair because your hand is not different than Donald Trump's.
Starting point is 00:35:22 So you can put a value on these things. So it only makes sense that a government that looks for the help of its people, if you wanna be racist and don't think for the entire world, you wanna think just for your little fucking country, because I would do it for the world. All the population of the world pays to the whatever Bitcoin,
Starting point is 00:35:42 whatever the fuck it is, you'll find, PayPal, fund, Elon Musk, everyone is insured, but not everyone from this country, everyone in a fucking world, make sure they don't die, they don't get Ebola, like every life is as valuable as the next guy. Why don't you think like that? All you have to do is give everyone cell phones. Wait, what are you saying? You give everyone cell phones? Yeah, to track them to make sure they're alive, they're well, they're good. If they have a problem you take them to the hospital Is not normal? Well along that same line they took on that podcast they talked about getting
Starting point is 00:36:18 a chip put in your arm like some company is having their employees have a chip Maybe I'm gonna be with the cell phone. I said bro Can't you just track me by the cell phone because I have this fucking thing always in my fucking pocket? Well, yeah, but just track this thing cuz I'm not gonna put the chip right now Okay, I'm gonna wait you put the chip first. Let me see you with the chip five six years You know how it function that you need to do the can't run or some fucking the skin blew up You know what I mean? And then I'm gonna put the chip. I wonder if they, if that's gonna be a thing that will happen in the future, like if chips
Starting point is 00:36:51 will be required, you know, because they could have all your medical data on, like if you get in a car accident or something, and then they could scan it, and then they can see your blood type and... How far in the future are you looking? I don't know. How far in the future? 20 years? I don't know. How far in the future? 20 years. Man, it might be 200.
Starting point is 00:37:08 It could give you data. Do you mind if it's 200 years? Two, okay. Whatever. It doesn't matter. 200 years. It can be 2000. What if a computer becomes so small that is as small as a human cell, okay?
Starting point is 00:37:23 Or a human, whatever the fact is, the smallest thing in your body. Everything in your body is basically all these little computers connected to each other in some freaking network. Right. Now you're immortal, you're gonna be Adam, like how old are you know, 36. Maybe you can be like this as long as you want, or you can make yourself younger, you can just switch with the bottom. Yeah, I don't know if I wanna live forever. That sounds like a nightmare.
Starting point is 00:37:48 So now if you have an implant, just one implant, or you are made of implants, maybe you are, and you don't even know about it. Maybe I am what? Made all of implants. Remember that guy that he had on the show, very nice guy, the chances are like more than 50% that is a computer simulation, generate anything computer, anything technology, you can go into
Starting point is 00:38:14 these dimensions. I got you. Yeah. So what are you saying you are for the chip or you don't love the idea? I think it's inevitable. Yeah, I think it is too, probably. Maybe a lot of chips, like some guys, they're gonna have full computerized hands, like the Terminator, but just the hand, because the guy, he blew his hand in Iraq or somewhere, exactly Android hand, like Terminator. Like I wouldn't be surprised to see that.
Starting point is 00:38:43 And that the guy's hand can do like it's very strong guy you know you can break like a tree or something with that hand yeah that'd be badass depends what a chip I'd like that and now you want to tell me that that guy is not in his expensive hand that he paid probably three four thousand euro on it he doesn't have a GPS just in case someone is steals his hand. Right. So everything is being tracked as far as technology. But I have four credit cards in my wallet. I have ideas, passports.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I'm already always, oh look my passport is in a drawer. Okay, nobody, I didn't lose it. Like, what the fuck are we have to think about? Can't you just scan my face so I can just be identified? It would be, it would make my life easier. Yeah. Like, have your passport on your chip? like put the fuck around to think about it. Can't you just scan my face so I can just be identified. It would make my life easier. Yeah, like have your passport on your chip. Whatever. And I guess people could steal your identity that way too.
Starting point is 00:39:34 In China right now, people are being identified by their faces. So China is the head of everyone with a tracking identification. Facial recognition? Yeah, and they have a credit. So if you are, for example, from somewhere from the countryside in China and you want to go to Shanghai, you can't because your credit is too low. So you've got to work your way up, become whatever, do something, do some work, say,
Starting point is 00:40:00 okay, you're a communist party, you're very good, you join the party, yes. Okay, come on. Your credit goes up and you can travel. That's kind of fucked up. Portals inside borders. So you gotta grow up like in a corporation to get to the top. Once, so once you get to the top, you can go also back to the bottom
Starting point is 00:40:22 because your facial recognition is even on the streets and when you cross on red, you J-walk, then your credit is going to go down. Even if your battery on a phone is low, that affected credit. Your credit goes down. I get it. I get it. You don't really care about keeping your phone charged, kind of responsible. Maybe you should move back to the country side. Yeah, for sure. For sure. So don't tell me it's not gonna happen here. Well, back to the podcast though. What did you understand why Donnell did not like Shalamein? You're surprising me with this because I didn't get that. I heard something. Like, he got he kept going like he kind of opened up about it
Starting point is 00:41:05 because Joe wanted to show something on Instagram that was like about Charlemagne something he posted. I've seen like those guys. Yeah, he's like he doesn't like him. So Charlemagne is like a radio dude and he has Andrew Schultz does like a radio show with him. Andrew is a great comedian. He's been on Rogan a few times and It's you know, it's funny So I guess Donnell has gone on and they they like give each other ship and not in the fun way like Christy Liam branded I mean Brian Callan But more like they actually don't like each other, but I could I didn't, I almost couldn't tell if he was joking about not liking him or not. I was like, is this a joke? Well, did they actually, does Donald
Starting point is 00:41:52 actually dislike him? I was kind of missing it. That guy is a radio dude, he's really talented and seasoned. They're fine with each other. As we we were speaking and I was thinking about the Leah and Cala probably you have the same yeah Probably I couldn't I couldn't really tell with that at all they they did talk a minute about one of my favorite MMA fighters I mean to say that he is it's just that he's such a freak athlete, but they were talking about her show Walker so if you guys listening, MMA fans, or you just wanna see a freak athlete, so he was a, I think he was a football player,
Starting point is 00:42:33 and he was like a sprinter, I think even on the Bob sled team or something, but like he's just a freak of nature when it comes to athletic performance. And he went into MMA real late in his life and And they talk about on the podcast like how jackdewas it like 49 like he he did he looked like a freaking 30-year-old that's super jacked. I mean the dude was incredible and
Starting point is 00:43:01 he like To be a good MMA fighter in a cage and win and I mean it takes a lot of years of dedication and skill almost like a lifetime of it and he had a background in MMA. But I mean what he did was unbelievable and if you're a fan of MMA and you're not familiar with his fights, definitely worth watching some YouTube videos about that dude. I mean, he's fast and he's kind of like a, almost like a bow jackson type freak athlete, in a sense, not to that caliber, but still incredible. And yeah, some of his fights are unbelievable. I remember watching his debut when he came to the ring, and usually when it's somebody's very first like fight at that level they they oftentimes especially when they're learning
Starting point is 00:43:48 later in life they're they're more clunky in there they they don't have as well rounded skills all over but he did man he was doing everything like good takedowns, moitai boxing, submission game i mean ground and pound i mean he was ridiculous and bad-ass, so I loved that they brought that up because I'm just a big fan of his, I like him a lot, I think he's excellent. Very, very good. Did the MMA got you into Joe Rogan or you decided to become a comedian and you found Joe Rogan? I i mean i probably i think that i didn't know that joe is a comedian when i first started to see him on
Starting point is 00:44:31 uh... the ufc so i got into the ufc in like two thousand five and that was like the chuckle del tito or was it chuckle del tito age i think it was about then their fights and randy was around GSP was fighting then and
Starting point is 00:44:50 It just some great fighters, you know, so the sport was really starting to take off and blow up and it was right after the forest Griffin Steph and Bonner Ultimate fighter season ending fight. There was just legendary that really kind of blew up the UFC big time. And people started to watch it. So that's when I remember a lot of people talking about it, and that's when I got into it. And obviously he's on there. And he's just a great commentator.
Starting point is 00:45:18 He always has been. And he was so good for, he's excellent for that sport, because if you're new to that sport, you didn't know what a lot of the moves were or what they were trying to do. It's not just like watching boxing where they're just like walking into each other and punching. You know, there was like complex things happening and Joe would explain like how it works. So it was an interesting, like he was very important for that sport and that's why, you know, I think that that's why people
Starting point is 00:45:46 became such big fans of him and it was kind of shortly after that he started doing the podcast, then I knew more about him being a comedian and once I moved to L.A. you could just, you can just go to the comedy store and watch him. Do me. I mean, he's, he's always up there performing. Yeah, so. Sorry man, I have some weed. I mean, he's always up there performing. Yeah, so... Sorry, man, I have some weed.
Starting point is 00:46:06 You're coughing about what's fourth, right? Fourth, 20. They did talk about how the... Yeah. How if China had been more honest with catching the coronavirus, like talking about it to other countries and all the rest of it, they could have reduced the deaths by like 90% or something, which is really interesting.
Starting point is 00:46:28 And I don't know if that kind of data coming out is like, I don't know if it's really fair to kind of say it because like nobody had ever seen this before. So to kind of put that on them is a bit harsh, but shit, it did come from there. I guess they just couldn't, like they want to know that it was gonna spread through the whole world though, but that's... Anything you would say negative about the communist party, that would be bad for them and
Starting point is 00:46:54 for you and for everybody else, so that should be half or eliminated if possible completely. You never heard about this. Yeah, so that's probably why they they did it that way but you know They got to wake up because you can't you can't do shit like that you couldn't stop the videos of the people I'm not talking about the fake videos. I'm talking about the real videos when they were on the streets with the fucking There's infecting horses. Yeah, spraying the world world I was looking at the images I said what the fuck are they spraying everything like the entire world like just pray just fucking yeah just make it rain with the acid yeah not really so but
Starting point is 00:47:37 yeah they need to be more I mean countries have to be more transparent about this stuff because otherwise it's gonna spread real fast and get crazy. Anyway let's finish up with the Tom O'Neal one. I think this was my favorite that's podcast 1459. Tom O'Neal wrote a book about Manson family and like the CIA and this thing called MK Ultra which is like government mind control experiments. So many details. Do what? That is a TV show, bro.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Yeah, yeah, I mean it could be, could be a long series. I'm really interested actually with a book. I mean Joe's loving it. They said mini series, but I would say longer than mini series, because this guy's first book is just the first season, or two seasons. And then after he wants to write another one, so you can keep going. This guy's first book is just the first season or two seasons. And then after he wants to write another one, so you can keep going. What was the book called?
Starting point is 00:48:29 Do you remember? Chaos and... MK, if you google this book, is going to be MK Ultra and Demons assassinations. What did you think of the idea of these mind control experiments? It sounds so fucked up that they could implant memories in people and... I just said assassinations, so I tend to believe that this was an experiment gone wrong. These people involved, they're all psychopaths. That's why it makes such a great show. Do you think that they still do experiments like
Starting point is 00:49:02 this? They must do, right? They just don't talk about it. You see all these TV shows and series on Netflix that now there are like remakes from the 70s, 80s, where you don't have cell phones. This thing with technology changed the world completely different. In 2020, you are now living in a future. Make no mistake, computers and the fact that you have GPS in your cell phone and you have cameras and it's filming everything, like everybody is freaking filming everything, that changed the game in a HESP on ash. So they're not doing mind control, what are you saying? It's not, this was an experiment, people still don't understand how the brain works. On some
Starting point is 00:49:45 documentaries, you can google a brain helmet, there is a helmet that, I put it on your head, and I can control your fucking like a freaking puppet. Oh, I have to google that. After this podcast, I'm gonna send you the video. All right. All right. I thought it was not how, how, I didn't know that that this like whole kind of conspiracy around man's and existence, that I just thought it was not how I didn't know that this whole kind of conspiracy around Manson existed. I just thought he was a psycho dude that had this harem of women and they just took drugs and when a murdered people. And to hear that he was part of all this and then they would like let him out of jail so he kept getting off
Starting point is 00:50:25 getting in trouble and the idea that they could have implanted these thoughts so he could get these women to do this stuff. I mean it's really nefarious and it's all to like take down the hippies and make the hippies look like they're terrible for society. I think that one is just like a metaphor. It doesn't go that far. It stops kind of around that. What I really believe it is, it is murder. You still have Charles Mason and these girls that they murder these people.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Right. You discovering to this series, this book, this TV show that Amazon is going to do a TV show, not many series, it's going to have to be TV show. This long TV show, you discover that the other guilty people involved and not one, two, three, more psychopaths and they're also murderers because they are somehow involved into this conspiracy. Through this MK Ultra because they are somehow involved in this conspiracy. Through this MK Ultra and LSD research and testing on people and testing behavior
Starting point is 00:51:30 and controlling people, because remember they were in the 70s and they could do this, they could hide. In this day and age, I find it very difficult to hide something like this, to have a conspiracy of this nature. The Julian Assange types out this guy's like the homosexual dude that he changed himself into a lady. Right. Those guys they're gonna speed secret. So you're saying that they would know the like that we would know about it because with whistleblowers would have been able to like kind of show it right. They would
Starting point is 00:52:02 they would just know they would find out and then they could tell people that this was happening but I guess back then you know they didn't have that information and they could do this like crazy shit like this is why it took that dude so long what it took him like almost 20 years to write this book you know what also they did right here in Los Angeles what how do you make I'll make you like to not have children how am I gonna say this I've children of a sect to me. Yes, but for women, dude. Oh, get their tubes tied all the Hispanic women They cut the eggs so they're gonna gonna make children anymore, bro True conspiracy in the hospitals as soon as a Hispanic lady would enter the hospital
Starting point is 00:52:42 It would come out of the hospital. She would never be able to make children So there will be less Hispanic people in Los Angeles. Really? That happened in 1950s 1960s right here in America. No shit. Yes. I did not know that but yeah, I mean shit like that's been going on right? Yeah, if you have cell phones and if you have this information how Facebook and everybody is connected right now, like you and me will do in podcasts, come on dude. We wouldn't be able to do that in the 60s, it would be five radio stations, all of that. We wouldn't have this radio station
Starting point is 00:53:14 know this people listen to us. Maybe, I mean, but who knows, maybe they just do different types of shit now. It's like, they gotta adjust. You know, they're definitely up to a bunch of cova stuff. The quality of the writing, the screenplay writing is so low right now oh Netflix TV show again from the 70s or something that happens in the 60s or something that happens in the 80s give me a freaking break man just do me
Starting point is 00:53:39 2030 to me 2020 to me right now with a cell phone as in everything. I getcha, I getcha. Yeah, I mean, the whole story was just crazy. Like this, that whole podcast was so interesting. It's almost like the, Tom O'Neill, it's like you need to almost sit and listen to that one again. It was just so much information, so much cover up, so much so many bad people doing fucking awful things, corrupt prosecutors, and many, many lawsuits, and I really do hope this guy not only writes
Starting point is 00:54:14 another book, but comes on the podcast again, because I liked him, I thought he was super interesting, and he told a great story. But it almost just to like get into that whole discussion again. I mean, it was kind of unbelievable. And I don't even think he expected to find out as much shit as he did when he started working on that project. No, he did not. This is the type of guy that is so conscious on the project and when he started working on that project. No, he did not. This is the type of guy that he's so conscious on the project. And when he takes a project, he's just gonna execute it correctly.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Yeah. A real investigative reporter and storyteller of extreme quality. Yeah, I thought he was great. That's what I'm gonna say. I really hope that in to finish up with this, I really hope that he does get. So you will have this project, dude,
Starting point is 00:55:07 and he would work on it, and he discovered more and more, and he said he worked 20 years. It became so big. It's like, I feel like, if I would make a movie, and it's so big, I have all this footage,
Starting point is 00:55:18 and I stuck this not finished. I don't know who's, the music is not done, nothing is done, and I'm afraid I'm gonna die. Because if I'm gonna to die, this is not I'm not going to finish this. Yeah. So this is this is like a living nightmare. When Joe told him, dude, you feel like you just gave birth to a baby. Is it? Yeah. I do. That's it. That's what happened. Yeah. And when you say you do another one, I can do another one. You know, I have everything.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I have, you know, he's got everything. I bet he's gonna, he can finish it faster if a studio like Amazon because they said Amazon bought the rights If they pumped the money into this give him the writers 10 to 12 writers at the table Then the TV show is gonna get done. Yeah, I hope they do. I mean, they really need to do a TV show for this because it's so complex. I mean it could go on for seasons. Who knows if they did like a mini series. I mean if they gave them like 10 episodes each episode is like an hour you can fit a lot in that time but somebody needs to do it justice I think and it would be it would be fascinating to just get that story out for sure. I mean writing a book is great, but not everybody's gonna sit and read a book, but it will be an amazing thing for Amazon Prime to have that show and for people to just be able to watch it and learn this kind of information.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Because it's just shocking. Like I said, this was my favorite one of the week, and yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed it too. It's really fascinating. Well George, thank you so much for being on today. I appreciate it. Let me just say this and I promise I end because I know you want to end it and you want to let these people go. I got you brother. You have to make a TV show Amazon for guys like me. I read books when I was a kid. Now I can't read anymore, I read. But I don't have time to read so much.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I wanna see a TV show, like, you're the fan of breaking bad Adam, right? Yeah. I wanna see all the characters. I wanna see these girls, the murderers, the stories. Like, when they were little girls, I wanna take me from there, take me with Charles Manson when he was a little boy And then went all the way with the Nazi thing in his forehead at the Diane in jail. It's dead now, right?
Starting point is 00:57:32 Yeah, he's dead. Yeah, so I want to see the whole TV show and I want to that's gonna be the Amazon prime video Hit of the year like it's just gonna be as big as freaking breaking back. Yeah, I think it'll be a big show for sure. I agree, I'm with you brother. It's so big that you can fail big. That's awesome. Well thank you and thanks everyone for listening. I really appreciate it. I hope you guys enjoyed the podcast and this week's Rogans. Alright, cheers guys. Thank you for having me. This is my heat of it the with the best one of all time.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan experience podcast and pass them on to you. Perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. walking dead.

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