Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Joe Rogan Experience Review of Dr. Peter Hotez Coronavirus

Episode Date: April 8, 2020

This week is Dr. Peter Hotez, Greg Fitzsimmons and Eric Weinstein   Stay safe..   Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email us here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Podcast you're listening to the Joe Rogan experience review what a bizarre thing we've created now with your hosts Adam Thorn One go enjoy the show all right everybody Welcome back to the JRE review We got some good episodes today Dr. Peter Hotez Eric Weinstein, Greg Fitzsimmons, and if we have the time and the energy we'll do one from last week we'll do Brian Redband. Today I'm joined by a new friend of mine, somebody that reached out on the pod, and this is George,
Starting point is 00:00:42 George, say hi. Hello everyone, thank you so much Mr Adam Thorn for having me on a podcast. And where is it you're from George? For everyone and I'm from Romania originally. Romania, alright. How's the corona virus out there? In Romania? Oh, man, I was just talking to my family and my friends. And yeah, my father said, I said, what's up, man? What are you doing? Oh, I'm counting the dead. He's old. You know, he's like 70, something he exold. My mother, the same, they're just at the countryside, retired.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Watching TV. he exiled my mother the same they just at the countryside retired watching TV my brothers are in Bucharest is the capital city right we have an apartment there so I hope that okay I told them quit smoking bro I quit smoking already I was smoking since I was 13 years old then I quit smoking already. I was smoking since I was 13 years old. Then I quit smoking when I was about 24. You want to quit smoking? Good time to quit. Yeah, I start to smoke again 10 years later. And now I quit again.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Excellent work. Well, keep doing it. Because that shit's not good for you and this is not a good time. Yeah, and I told them quit smoking because this Corona is gonna get you. Or, so, yeah, man, I'm, like, I'm worried. Fun, fun, but yeah, this Corona is, it's a downer. It's a scary time. It's a scary time for sure. That's why I'm drinking right now, a nice bottle of red, smoking loon molo.
Starting point is 00:02:28 That's helping me through these dark times and through this podcast. All right, let's kick it off with. I'm enjoying, I'm drinking some tea. I'm actually almost done. And I was actually smoking a little bit of weed just to bless this show. You know, great show great idea style. Yeah, great idea. Love that well. Hey, I'm happy to have you here Plus any any fan of Rogan is is more than likely a friend of mine for sure
Starting point is 00:02:57 Thank you. Thank you Adam also to take a little bit of the edge because I'm so excited Filiety my voice this is you know because I was so excited. I feel it in my voice. This is, you know, because I was like, yeah, I'm gonna do a podcast with Adam. He's gonna be fantastic. And then I was thinking, wow, shit, I'm going on a park. And I turned the camera on and I see my stupid face in here. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:03:18 Don't worry about any of that, man. Don't worry about any of that. You're a professional. I love listening to you. I think you are a natural born broadcaster. Cool. Well, cheers. I'm an honor to be on a show.
Starting point is 00:03:35 If I'm anything, I'm just a fan of Rogan. And I like going over the episodes and talking about shit, I didn't understand, which at least this week was quite a lot of stuff. Let's get started with episode 1451 Dr. Peter Hotels. Dr. Peter is a very important guy to be coming on Rogan right now. I mean he had so much information about the coronavirus and how works and talking about the misinformation and what works and talking about the misinformation and What we needed to to prepare and what we can do and I
Starting point is 00:04:10 Mean I don't know. Did you as a as a whole? Did you feel any better about the whole situation after listening to it or were you more afraid? Don't more afraid you're more afraid. Okay. Yeah, I think so I had to think for a're more afraid, okay? I think so. I had to think for a bit. Yeah, because... Go on. No, go, you go ahead.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Yeah, I mean, he's just preparing it. I think people just, he was worried people aren't taking it seriously enough, like a lot of people are worried about that. And they're pushing more quarantine and being safer and really the overall message seem to be, look, all we can really do now is self quarantine and just take that shit is seriously as we can. Which that's what I'm trying to do. I mean, what else can we do just wait around
Starting point is 00:05:08 Just wait yeah, yeah, and the fact that Even now I just mentioned cuz I smoking some weed but it's legal here in California just to mention for everyone You're okay, Joe. You're okay. Don't get arrested. Don't worry you're okay, Joe. You're okay. This is not gonna arrest you. Don't worry. It's not about that. I don't care about that. They were talking on a show on a red van show because I made some notes here. Smoking weed or vaping. This is not good either with this Corona. Yeah, well it's a respiratory illness. I mean generally smoking is not going to be good for any illness because it definitely lowers your immune system.
Starting point is 00:05:51 But one that affects your lungs, I mean that's almost a no-brainer. I mean you're going to want to have as healthy lungs as you can through this whole thing, which probably means, you know, don't smoke cigarettes at least. I don't know if smoking marijuana is gonna be too big of an issue. Maybe if you have asthma, it might be bad. Right. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Well, I have a quote from him here. He said, keeping yourself healthy could make the difference between life and death. Don't smoke, vape, stay fit, limit alcohol intake. Mm. Yeah, limiting alcohol intake. that's an interesting one, because we're all stressed. It's almost like you want to drink more.
Starting point is 00:06:31 That's the big thing. I have alcohol. Oh, you don't at all? OK, well, good for you. That's healthy. Good work, George. Good work. Let's talk a little bit about some of the cases
Starting point is 00:06:44 and how it's exploding. He got into, you know, the, so this thing is called basically SARS-2. So SARS was around, it came out of somewhere in Asia. I thought it was like Japan, but maybe not, maybe that was China, it's got to be China. And now SARS-2 is, is COVID-19. So it's a new one, it's a bad one, it's been hitness up since what, November, well, at least China, and now it's spread over here. And the last two weeks, it's absolutely blown up in America. We have, as of today, more cases,
Starting point is 00:07:19 I think there's more cases in New York state than every other country in the world, which is insane and terrifying. Yeah. Well, they were talking on Joe Rogan's show, because that's where we get the information from that. Actually, the numbers from China are fake, might be fake. China are fake, might be fake. They might be fake. It seems a little suspicious that they went from having the most cases and the most deaths
Starting point is 00:07:51 to almost none. Unless they found a cure that they're not telling us about, it is a little peculiar, I would say. But we'll find all that shit out in the future. We'll find out what they're up to. Sneaky Chinese. We're going, but we'll find all that shit out in the future. You know, we'll find out what they're up to. Sneaky Chinese. We're gonna find out. But, well, it's the government. It's not the people.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I mean, it's definitely the government being sneaky. But, yeah, I'm sure it's just as bad. Just as bad. This one's a difficult one though to even equate because it's super transmissible, but there's such a long incubation period, 14 to 21 days, that it's so hard to keep up on how many there are at any given time, how many people are sick.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And then they talk about people that are asymptomatic, that are not even getting or showing any symptoms, but they can still be passing it to other people. I mean, it almost feels like this is never gonna go away. Yeah, it feels like it. They were saying that even if it's gonna go away now, it's gonna come back next year. Yeah, in the fall, they're thinking. So, we might get a bit of a break in the summer and then it'll come again in the fall they're thinking. So we might get a bit of a break in the summer
Starting point is 00:09:06 and then it'll come again in the fall. This is why I don't think that they're gonna open the bars and the restaurants again. And Peter Houtez was kind of alluding to that as well. He's like, it doesn't seem like that's gonna be possible. I mean, how can you? Like when could it even go back to normal life and will there even be normal life ever again?
Starting point is 00:09:26 As we know it. Yeah. Well, Trump wants to open the country pretty soon. That's one reason that I was a little bit behind with Joe Rogan episodes. I was watching the Trump Corona White House live broadcast. Yeah, every day. It sounds stressful. I don't advise that.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I was watching it more for the funny parts when Trump has altercations with the whole world. Yeah, not to be right now. It's good stuff. It's just good stuff. I say the year terrible. That's really good stuff. That's what I say. It's good stuff. I say the year terrible. That's really good stuff. That's what I say.
Starting point is 00:10:05 It's good stuff. Right. So George, how has this changed for you? Like what is changed in your life? You know, I know you're still working. So you're not one of the people that doesn't have to work. So you're at least getting out of your house. But what have the big changes been?
Starting point is 00:10:23 What's been difficult for you with all this? Do you want the long story or the short story? See what you do, whatever you want. If it's a good one, it could be as long as you want. Well, let's make it medium. OK, medium story. There we go, George. I'm basically a filmmaker.
Starting point is 00:10:40 I have been gone to Romania for the past seven months. I came to America three months ago. And I have a family here, daughter and ex-wife, which I, that's why I have to be in this country too. So I'm switching between Europe and America, Europe and America. And my movies is not, I'm not a millionaire. I have a regular job like a regular guy. And I'm keeping making these movies.
Starting point is 00:11:14 So I'm working as a security guard, which I was essential, right? Is that what it is? Yeah I think they call it one's essential yeah gotta keep places safe. They give me a piece of paper and I just show a piece of paper to the cops in case I work on it's essential. Got it. So I didn't get affected as far as work So I didn't get affected as far as work. I am going to work with an electric bicycle. I was listening to one of your episodes for your listeners. So I know that you went to court. I know the story. Oh, for my bird ticket, yeah, that was a bitch.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I took a ticket for an electric bicycle. So I'm just taking one of these because I am one mile from work. So I'm basically going to work to an empty Amazon Studios building and then I'm coming back home and that's pretty much what it is. Alright. So you have, I guess it's more normal for you then than for a lot of people. Yeah, but still it's a change, you know You can't you can't go out You know too much. I mean, I guess you can go for a walk and some little things
Starting point is 00:12:32 But you know it's like the beaches are closed the roads are dead. I drove up the Hollywood yesterday from Santa Monica nobody on the road So eerie it was very very strange I mean it it it wasn't just like oh this is great there's no traffic I had like I had like a weird feeling in my gut like this this doesn't feel good and then I got to is it's got to be Hollywood Boulevard where the stars are it's got to be unless I'm being stupid but anyway that it was a Saturday night. That place is usually a jam packed. Nobody was out.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And there was a guy in one of those movie costume hazmat suits, like full body orange ones, riding on an electric skateboard. I mean, if that isn't a scene from the end of the world, I don't know. It was funny for a second and then then I was like, oh, shit. This is awful.
Starting point is 00:13:27 This is awful. Yeah. So what's the silver lining here? So Dr. Peter said that the quarantining is going pretty good in some places. It looks like we reacted the US at least a little bit slow. But shit, this stuff is not easy. So of course, there's going to be mistakes made.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And there's, it looks like there's some medicines, they were talking about chloroquine, I think was one, and the Z-PAC stuff, but they don't know 100% if that's going to help, but I guess one of them is like malaria drugs, so they at least know that it works for that and it won't kill you So hopefully they can get some of that shit out, but at the end of the day it's just gonna have to be Social distancing. I mean, that it's really what it came down to That one is Dr. Peter one is definitely the most important podcast of the week to be clear Dr. Peter one is definitely the most important podcast of the week to be clear, just for the information that was in there. Not necessarily the funniest and the most light-hearted, but it's full of important information
Starting point is 00:14:33 and it's great that he had a platform where he could come out and talk for that amount of time, basically uninterrupted. So we could get this information out there to be so Rogan could do that. I mean thank goodness. It's extremely informative but what did you think about his personality? Well he's a bit of a nerd. I mean he was like going on about his bow tie and and this and that but I mean of course he is. He wanted to be a nerd. He better be a nerd. I hope he's the best nerd in the world. He seemed like a nice guy. He really, he was worried about people being out of work and not having money and how bad that's
Starting point is 00:15:13 going to be for them. And that's a very compassionate thing to think about. And it just seems like he's a very compassionate person. I like the sweet guy. Yeah, definitely He was a great guy and I hope that we hear more from him soon and maybe after this event so he can come back on and let us know about new technologies and things that have changed and maybe where the vaccines are and hopefully we get we get uh god hopefully we still getting some good news out of this you know getting some good news i don't know a bit too compassionate because he was going from uh... compassion to hysteria
Starting point is 00:15:55 like he said all i even uh... had the argument with my co-workers and i yelled at them and then he can he used the couple of course words on the show. Yeah, well he's pissed off, I think, with the way some of this stuff is not working out like it. He was very upset about the fact that the hospitals weren't able to have enough masks for the nurses and enough protection for the doctors and it makes sense. I can't believe we don't have that stuff, I really don't. I don't know how all that works, but just the fact that
Starting point is 00:16:33 America cannot have all the best shit ready whenever it needs it is a little alarming, especially under these circumstances. You know, it was very informative. If I was just making fun of a little bit of his personality, you know, like, what sort of bow tie? I mean, you didn't think before the show, like before we begin this show, I was thinking, shit, if I put on video, my face is already messed up, but what am I going to be dressed with?
Starting point is 00:17:04 Right? I'm just like a... Yeah, I didn't think about that at all. Don't worry about it. I don't think anyone's gonna care. I'm wearing a Nike T-shirt. Well, I was. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:17:13 You think he didn't worry about a little bit, dude? I'm going on a Joe Rogan show. It's the most popular show right now in the world, I think. I'm going with a bow tie. I'm still playing this game. Should'm going with the bow tie. I mean I'm still playing this game should I just take the bow tie off and say look bro this is like this is the ball coronavirus this is serious I just took my bow tie off. Yeah I don't know. Just chose to play the character. It's it's a signature move I think. I think that that's that's what he's down for. But again you know if you
Starting point is 00:17:43 haven't listened to this one guys tune into that one because I can't think of a better resource right now for getting the most information on what we know currently about Corona for sure. Now moving on, we got a pretty heavy one. As always, Eric Weinstein, podcast 1453. Eric has become a really good friend of Joe. He's been on a bunch of times now. I think Eric's been on three or four times. Could be more. He's a mathematician and very smart. It's a heavy podcast. Joe even talks about it at the beginning. he's like, listen, the last 30 minutes are
Starting point is 00:18:25 I can get ready. And it is like that. The last 45 minutes, I would say I understood like 2% of it, to be honest. It's very thick with physics and theories and all sorts of stuff. But when you were talking about the gouge theory and showing you that weird graphics on a... Yeah, dude. Did you get any of that, George? You understand any of it at all? Dude, I understand as much as... You know when Joe Rogan talks sometimes he said,
Starting point is 00:19:02 Hey, you know these guys, they believe that they are actually in this infinite universe, they are an infinite of Joe Rogan or an infinite of this exact show that we're doing the same exact thing, but some of it in the infinity makes something different and there is an infinite of infinite of, you know what I'm talking about that theory?
Starting point is 00:19:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. That's right. That's-verse infinite universe theory. I had that in my mind at 15 years old. I actually wrote an article. I can tell you the story later because this is boring, but I have it in a paper and published. And it was just started with God and said okay, it is no God, okay fine. And then what it is, if that's not, you know, when you go further with your mind and then I reach to the work of infinity and philosophize a little bit at my mind of 15 years old about
Starting point is 00:20:00 infinity and I reach the same conclusion with multiverse is basically anything that you can think of exists an infinity of time even though you're not going to be able to reach that infinity ever. So in an infinity you can have finite worlds as well. Not everything is infinite. You know what I mean? So that was the 15 years old thing. And since I just became a filmmaker, and I didn't go much into physics, and what I listened to these guys, and the same, yeah, 10% maybe 10% from the gouge theory. Yeah, who knows?
Starting point is 00:20:37 You know, it's very strange to think about like all those possibilities kind of makes you think, what is it pointless that we do anything I don't know I guess we don't need to worry about it just keep going definitely not because you are you are I mean you're the king of podcasts definitely yeah I recommend you one podcast the end of the world the end of the world who does that the end of the world. The end of the world? Who does that? The end of the world from... I'm Josh Clark.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Thank you for joining me. I love it. Podcasts. Have you ever heard that humanity might go from Josh Clark? Josh Clark? Yes. Okay, I'll check it out. I'll write that down. Josh Clark? Josh Clark? Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Okay, I'll check it out. I'll write that down. We humans could have a bright future ahead of us that lasts billions of years, but we have to survive the next 200 years first. Join Josh Clark of stuff you should know for a 10 episode deep dive that explores the future of humanity and finds dangers we have never encountered before lurking just ahead. All right well check that out it sounds sounds interesting. It's hard sometimes to listen to lots of different podcasts From this is not is not pointless what we do to just finish your thought. Yeah, I don't think it's pointless because Even if we are let's say in a simulation because they were talking on a Joe Rogan podcast about the simulation theory
Starting point is 00:22:18 They keep bringing that up right like what if we are in a game? Your Adam I'm George. I found your podcast, I call Adam. Hey, I want to be on Adam's podcast. Adam responds, oh yeah man, thanks for reaching out. Okay, yeah, we can do a podcast. And now we're doing a podcast together. What is this? Is this program, is we're programming this?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Or what, you know, I mean, there are so many possibilities in an infinite universe is like, it's basically literature, with just writing science fiction. And that's what Joe does on a show. That's why I think he's so entertaining and I enjoy it so much for creating this science fiction literature with his friends and stuff. For sure, for sure. What did you think of the Eric Weinstein episode? Dude, he hit me hard when he mentioned the MIT and with a BDSM, that the MIT.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yeah, I thought that was quite funny as well. It makes sense though, right? Those nerds are gonna be perverts for sure. well it makes sense though right those nerds are going to be perverts for sure yeah and the fact that he was so certain you know so that makes me believe that Eric he's somehow involved in a group of BDSM a couple of other MIT people that's a good assertion I think that there might be something to that. Well, maybe that's just something you read. That's not my assertion Adam. That's Joseph assertion when he said, Hey, I'm even weirded out that you know about that. Yeah. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:24:00 I maybe he was just being a little sarcastic, but there might be something to it. It was funny. It is interesting to think of that because it's, they were talking about how it's like heavily ruled. Like there's a lot of rules in there. You got to be safe because you start smacking people around and whipping them. Shick could get out of control so you got to have people that follow rules and understand Giving rules and maybe that's perfect for super smart nerds I don't know I never got into it. I couldn't tell you I couldn't tell you
Starting point is 00:24:38 Yeah, I'm not thanks god man one thing. I always say this. This is a quote of mine God, man, one thing I always say this, this is a quote of mine, thanks God I have never been raped as a boy, you know, or something to happen to me of this nature that would completely destroy my life sexually. So I'm just a normal like into like sexy cheeks. And I'm not, I'm divorced right now with my ex-wife listen to this She doesn't I Have a daughter here and my wife doesn't really let me see my daughter and she's very jealous even though we are divorced and
Starting point is 00:25:20 It's kind of we're talking about this, but I hope she's not gonna listen to this part All right, well look man, you don't talk about anything you don't want to but I'm I'm I'm just a regular with this man I don't know I wouldn't I wouldn't participate on a BDSM only If I go there with the camera because I'm a filmmaker like if I would take you as a reporter your comedian and reporter filmmaker like if I would take you as a reporter, you're a comedian and a reporter. Now we are entering the world of BDSM with Adam Thorne. And we go there and film. Let's go interview some BDSM people. I'm down. Let's set it up. Why not? If you if you find them, I am ready with the camera and Perfect. We're gonna do it. They can't be that hard to find It's like 10 minutes. I'm a big fan five minute Google search Yes, I'm a big fan of
Starting point is 00:26:15 Louis Theroux. Did you ever watch his documentaries? Yes, he's good. He's been on Rogan Yes, yeah, he's he. He's been on Rogan. Yes, he's interesting dude for sure. Very smart guy. Very very old. We can shoot that style. Okay, so all you have to do is find the contact to do with the BDSN people and to schedule the Perfect. We'll make that an episode. We'll do it. We'll set it up. What did you think of them talking about make that an episode. We'll do it. We'll set it up. What did you think of them talking about Tulsi Gabbard being the choice for President right now?
Starting point is 00:26:48 Like, they wish both... That's my second note exactly here. They were both on agreement. We can't tell what's going on. What did they think? What do you think about it? Man, Tulsi, she's a very sexy lady, okay? She's 30, what?
Starting point is 00:27:02 36 years old. 36 years old? Yeah. I think so, yeah. She's pretty young. Yeah, yeah. Okay, she's 30 what? 36 years old Talk to six years old. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, she's pretty young. Yeah. Yeah, she's very nice. She's very smart Yeah, I mean that's the perfect American wife if I may say yeah, but we're talking about her being president about her being president. How being what? The president, they were saying during this time of crisis, it's impossible.
Starting point is 00:27:30 It's impossible. It is okay. With the current election system, you know, America, it's impossible. But they were just saying hypothetically, like if you could just pick somebody now, regardless of they were saying that she seems like the best candidate to cope with this eric and you know you don't think so
Starting point is 00:27:51 who's that i would think you were yeah i would pick trump you see because trump does what uh... c i and uh... military and uh... medical doctors uh... are telling him. He only he only he only cares about himself and to be respected. He had the other day, you know the oil companies are going down right now because you know
Starting point is 00:28:23 the market is crashing. I've heard that, yeah. Sounds awful. That's happening. So yeah, the gas is going to be like a dollar of gallon. It's going to be perfect. So he had the biggest people in a country, dude, at the White House, like the CEO of Exxon and these types. These are like to...
Starting point is 00:28:46 Pfft! They sustained the basic American economy and they all of them had to take a coronavirus test. And he was saying, oh, I don't know. They had to take a test. I don't know. I don't know what's going on. You know, he was pretending, Trump.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Right. But in fact, he was pretending, Trump. Right. But in fact, he was the secret service who had to test everyone who was getting close to the president. So I'm just saying, yeah, I'm just saying this guy, he is following what these sharks are telling him to do. You know what I mean? And they're just, all they have to do is just flatter him.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Oh, Mr. Adam Turn, you have such a wonderful podcast. I love being here. This is flattered. You know what I mean? Yeah. Just flattering and then I'm gonna get what I want from you, which whatever they want, you know, to, he was already telling them,
Starting point is 00:29:43 hey, we need in America, you know, we have now the the way it's so cheap, so cheap, we need to fill up our national reserves, you know, because we have a lot of places, we can find, right, and he was looking at the Exancio, we can find, right, we have a lot of place to store some oil. Yeah, yeah, it's a big tanks, so big tanks, we oil. Yeah, it's a big tax. So, a big tax for sure. I was a little disturbed when Eric was saying about us
Starting point is 00:30:10 selling out to China. That was a little concerning. Like China is like, I guess, you know, CEOs of companies in charge of, you know, the board that has to keep the shareholders happy. They often will go in the opposite to the best interest of the US and then they have to sell whatever portions of stock or do business or whatever with China because that's the best thing for the shareholders.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And it sounded like a bit of a conspiracy theory in there. Like this thing has come from China. The markets are kind of crashing. And now China is like maybe able to buy things or buy into our economy. Stuff like that's a little bit spooky. I wish I understood more of that. I mean, I definitely don't. But when you hear smart things like that,
Starting point is 00:31:04 it freaks me out. I know very little to nothing about stock investments and how the stock market works. However, when the stock market just crashed now, I had like 1500 bucks just sitting around yeah yeah and I said let me buy some stocks and I bought AMD Qualcomm Intel mostly and VD are mostly technology companies and in the past five days, because I just bought them, I already lost 70 bucks when the market closed Friday. So they're gonna keep going down, but if we all escape
Starting point is 00:31:55 and you don't see these people with masks on the street, weirdly, in Los Angeles, you know what I mean? Then the market is gonna go eventually back up. I see. But well, I don't know enough about that. Maybe don't buy any more of those stocks at the moment. I'm not sure. Yeah, it seems bad. The big thing that caught me about Eric's podcast
Starting point is 00:32:20 that was a big shocker is he kind of got it, like he's very upset about how the government currently is dealing with the crisis saying that there's not enough masks, there's misinformation about masks, they're telling medical professionals not to wear masks or their own masks yet they don't have any others to give them prison wardens or whatever the guys in the prisons can't take their own masks in so they're in danger and he's saying that he was like basically suggesting a government revolt like we revolt against the government because they're doing a bad job that was kind of shocking to me I'm like whoa whoa whoa hold on I mean I
Starting point is 00:33:02 know he's a smart guy but we got enough shit going on right now to where we need to overthrow Anyone I don't know that seems that seems like chaos for sure. What did you think of that? Did you notice his accent on, hey Joe, you have a podcast, you are the leader and I am the follower, but then I can be a leader at some point. And I also have the portal, this podcast of mine, and I have this group of followers that they are so how do you say this like loyal loyal yeah yeah it's almost like he was trying to drum up a revolution yeah and it's a little spooky I'm like Eric calm down bro take it easy from a guy I'm sorry to interrupt
Starting point is 00:34:01 because you got me right up from a guy Who I was just looking I said wow this is the biggest Physicist in the world look the gouge theory. Oh my god. Wow pull Jamie. What did Jamie pull on the screen? Oh this Joe Rughan experience so amazing carry on And then when you got he made his own podcast, I watched the port a little bit, I said, what is this man? What's going on here? Not so many views, okay? I mean, that's not the joke, and then he comes back on the show now with the revolution. So yeah, I did. What do you want me to think about? Yeah, that was a little much. And then after that, he got into his very strange theory about what happens when the universe can, what did he say when the universe can finally contemplate my mouth?
Starting point is 00:34:56 He has a theory about when the universe, like, what happens when we figure out the source code is what he said. And then he, and it basically means what happens when the universe can finally contemplate itself. Like when in a way we get this like level of enlightenment, do we, can we transcend this place and, and Joe seemed very confused, I definitely was. I was not following that at all, but you know, I'm way dumber than Eric is, so there was very little chance to me figuring that out. But it was it was strange. He doesn't make any sense. I mean, he makes a sense
Starting point is 00:35:41 in a finite world being placed in an infinite world. You know what I mean? It's like, okay, you can have this ant and you can create this story for the ant that this ant is going to go in this alternative universe of ants that are like gods of ants. Or whatever the fuck story you want to wanna make like he's making up this story but we want you to look at the bigger picture it can be an infinite of the air one-stines and his theory you know what i'm saying that's true
Starting point is 00:36:16 that is very true well on that note uh... let's wrap up the air one it was it was a lot to listen to it always always is. I mean, you know, they make some good points to start off with, and there's some good information in there. But I would say mostly Eric seemed pretty riled up and pretty pissed off, if you ask. Look, and to give credit to Eric, now that I see that you want to finish talking about him, he's a physicist, right? No, I think he is a mathematician, but he knows physics as well.
Starting point is 00:36:51 He knows physics as well, I think. Okay, when he has this theory of his, he has it actually on paper. So he goes with this paper to other peers of his that recognized, yeah bro, you got it, you got a good theory here, but it's just another theory, like a bunch of guys that they have theories. And I had the sensation that Eric has this affinity about himself to compare himself with Einstein. Did you observe that? Yeah, he did do that.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Which is a little arrogant, right? I mean, a little bit. I mean, he kind of referenced Isaac Newton. And then Einstein built on Isaac Newton's theory and then Eric built on Einstein's. And that's a ballsy move. I mean you've definitely putting yourself in in kind of high esteem when you make those types of statements. In my book he became a whack-packer. Are you familiar with whack packers?
Starting point is 00:38:05 I could imagine what it means. I could imagine. Bit of a whacker. A whack packer is a term invented by Howard Stern, the broadcaster, when he's Howard Stern's show. He has a bunch of repeated guests that all have some kind of defect and they're called whack packers. Okay so you think one can be immediate one can have a little bit of exactly. I got you. Yeah I'm so he was he did sound a little a little on the wacky side talking about wacky of things and and and the more relaxed, free-flowing fun podcast for the week. So listen guys, if you've had a stressful week and you don't want to hear too much about coronavirus and you just want to laugh and relax,
Starting point is 00:38:56 then the only Rogue and One I recommend for you would be the Greg Fitzsimmons because he's one of Joe's oldest friends in the comedy world. Very funny guy, always great. Genuinely a nice guy too. He has what seems like a heart of gold and he's absolutely hilarious and always a great guest and they get into some funny things. I mean they start off with talking about animals and animal attacks. And it was good. What was your feel for the Greg Fitzsimmons podcast, George? I have never listened to his Feet Dog radio podcast. And he hosts another podcast called Childish with Alison Rosen.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Uh-huh. I never listened to this. I just wanted to give this info, but, uh, dude, I loved the guy. He was great. I have my notes here, yeah, with, uh, they will keep going about, uh, Joe's chickens and the coyote attacks. Yeah. Did you like that? Yeah, crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:40:07 I mean, those coyotes are vicious. So all of Joe's chickens finally got jacked by coyotes. They all got eaten. And I think Joe's moved now up into not the Hollywood Hills, but some other hills. He's on like a private estate where like shack lives or something. So he moved into a giant house that kind of looks like Tony Stark's place and
Starting point is 00:40:31 You know, I mean I'm a fan of Rogan, but I didn't stalk him for that There was like a news article I read that showed the house before it got sold and it's sick But I guess he didn't he didn't get any more chickens. He's done with the chicken life But yeah, they were all killed by coyotes that managed to trick his dog into opening up the cages and just got in there and ate them all. I mean, there. And kill him machines. He had another dog, besides his main dog. What is the main dog?
Starting point is 00:41:05 Marshall. Yeah, Marshall is the golden retriever, right? Yes. And yeah, before that he had a master that I think is now dead, a big dog, and that one kind of broke down the chicken coop and let the coyotes in. And then Jack tomorrow. Pretty much. Vicious. Vicious stuff. Chicken coop and let the coyotes in and then jacked them all Pretty much vicious vicious stuff you got to watch out. There's a lot of coyotes around here though, honestly You know, you know, I mean you don't see him in the city of it obviously
Starting point is 00:41:40 But in the hills around for sure they're everywhere They're it's unbelievable. And in 2010, I was living on Hollywood and Fairfax. You know what that is? Yeah, yeah. In a house there, with my wife and my kid, she was like four years older that time. When I was coming home, bro, in the evening, the work I got is in front of my house.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Wow. Yeah. What'd you do? Oh, nothing. It's just my wife she was like turning the lights beep beep and running with the car. But not much. They're bigger than you think. They kind of look like German shepherds almost like scraggie, scruffy German shepherds. Maybe they don't. You know what? When you see them at night, it gives you a feeling of like, wildness, like, fuck, where am I at?
Starting point is 00:42:30 Yeah. You know, just like coyotes around the, yeah. Yeah, you wouldn't want to be camping if there was like a pack of coyotes. I think they would jack you up pretty good. I'm not sure. I'm not sure because I'm not, I wouldn't venture. Yeah, I'm not messing with him, you can. I don't live with those theories like,
Starting point is 00:42:55 yeah, I'd be able to take on a wild cat. It's like, forget that. He kidding me? If you ever held like a house cat that was really pissed off for you, he scratched the shit out of you. You even tripled the size of that thing and was still talking like a small, like a cat the size of like an average sized dog. I wouldn't want to mess with that thing. I think it'd be a nightmare.
Starting point is 00:43:17 But would coyotes add them in all honesty if they're hungry and if they're in a pack and if you buy yourself There are some circumstances for this this type of animal to attack you. Yeah, you'd say yeah I would say more to be afraid more of this world Cats dude that they are in a house if one of those attacks you That would could be a problem done. Yeah, mountain lion will will 100% kill you 100% of the time, I would say. Repeatedly on Joe Rogan podcast, he comes up with this lion that is wandering through Hollywood Hills. He keeps telling Jamie, pull up a picture.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Sure, let's show the people the lion. Yeah, yeah, it's great picture, too. Have you ever seen it? Right in front of the Hollywood sign, it's really impressive. It's crazy to think that they're up there. I mean, we're talking like, what, like three miles from where I am, four or five miles,
Starting point is 00:44:15 I'm not even sure, like this fucking mountain lion's. It's nuts, it's nuts to think of that. And you never see him, it's like, wow, unbelievable. Like ghosts, like ghosts. Just crazy. So Greg's talking about, he gets into talking about not working. So he's a comedian. He obviously tells a lot.
Starting point is 00:44:36 He has his podcast, but most of his money is made touring, doing comedy. So he's not traveling right now, and he's not making any money, doing comedy. And he thought that he would be far more worried about life as a whole and getting bored at home and all the rest of it than he is. He's actually really enjoying it. He's connecting to his family.
Starting point is 00:44:57 He's spending time with them. He's not necessarily missing being on the road. He feels healthier. I think that's an important takeaway overall for me from this whole thing that we're all going through is like it's almost like time to slow down that we never had before. We never had this time to slow down.
Starting point is 00:45:16 And that's kind of a beautiful thing. I mean, on top of all the tragedy, it's quite nice. I don't know, I I just it seems he said that yeah he said that talks the the I think the middle of the show he was mentioning Ben I'm so happy to have you Greg here on the show and man to have you and I had what is this guy's name the mafia guy. What? He started mentioning, Andrew Santino.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Oh, Joey Diaz. Red band, Calon Diaz. That's what I was looking for. I forgot his name, Joey Diaz. The mafia guy. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he had all these guys now, like in a machine gun.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Because you know, on Joe Rogan, you have scientists. Sometimes you have like a politician. But now he had a bunch of his friends now with the coronavirus. Yeah. Tight friends, good group, all at home doing nothing. It's interesting for sure. For sure. All right, let's move on and we wrap up a little bit with the Brian Redband pod. That one was from last week. And what did you get? What was your takeaway?
Starting point is 00:46:43 What do you take the reins on this and talk a little bit about the red band episode? On red band. Now I was thinking red band. The VR thing, that's it. I have a bunch of notes here, like they were talking about the patient zero where the coronavirus started. They said it was a woman
Starting point is 00:47:10 not selling bats, but she was selling something else. Lizard. Near the person who was selling bats. And somehow, yeah, she was the patient zero. So I thought that was one take away. Then Snoop Doggy Dog smoking with Willie Nelson. I remember Joe on this podcast. He was really, really high. Like he was smoking because of the coronavirus just by himself a whole joint. That's great. He actually, he mentioned it actually. He said, hey, what I like about this,
Starting point is 00:47:48 I don't have to share my joint with anybody. It's a smart move. I know if you remember. Smart move, Joe. Yeah, he will still be sharing joints right now. When, when he came about, Red Band asked him, ask Joe, hey, which one do you think is gonna win? Willie Nelson or Snoop Doggidog on the smoking weed?
Starting point is 00:48:11 Oh, Snoop, no doubt. Yeah, but he gave it to Willie. I think Joe gave it to Willie first, just to be polite. Yeah, diplomatic, no chance. You can't out smoke Snoop Dogg I wouldn't even attempt it. I think you you just stand next to Snoop Dogg and you get high That's how high he is. I think that was the that was the conclusion the final conclusion that Snoop would win Yeah, that's that's good. I always like red band being on obviously Red Band basically started the podcast with Joe and
Starting point is 00:48:47 Slowly moved away from it because he got more technical and and Red Band's busy with his own stuff He's doing the death squad shit that he just kills it out with with kill Tony, which is awesome and You know they brought Jamie in because Jamie's more formally trained and he's done a great job. But you've got to give it to Red Band because none of this would have even started without him coming in and really helping Joe with the idea. And I think Red Band even brought up the idea and said, hey, we should do this. We should start this. And yeah, I always take my hat off to that guy.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And the stand Redban was working for Stanhope at some point. He did the project for Stanhope. That's how he met Joe. Yeah, up in Ohio, I believe. And then Joe hired him and he moved out here. So I really think Joe always him and he moved out here. So I really think Joe Always knew what he wanted to do He was just waiting for the technology to take off. Yeah, there's a good chance
Starting point is 00:49:54 He chose to grow with the technology like he started with that stupidity use stream They were like some stupid streaming websites until YouTube actually came along and you know put the show to work it beyond. Yeah, yeah for sure and it's come a long way and you know if this is the end of times then then Red Bam being on it's like the beginning of the podcast and the end of the world so bring him on for that and he's always great. Well, I think that's great. Actually, at the end of the podcast,
Starting point is 00:50:29 he was keep mentioning the, oh, man, I'm broadcasting from VR. I said, what the hell is he talking about? Oh, and then I remember, dude, because I was at a friend of mine and there is one VR headset that is independent of the computer. Do you know how you had that Oculus thing that you have to connect it to a computer and you have to have a powerful video card to run it?
Starting point is 00:50:55 Yeah. Well, now they released one that is called Oculus Quest that you just put it on your head and it's powered by an Android device. That's pretty sweet. So you just need Wi-Fi and you're on. Nice. So he's broadcasting and playing games on his channel, Brian Redban, it's a gaming channel with that thing.
Starting point is 00:51:20 And I actually went and I didn't have much time because I wanted to be ready for this show And I was getting ready for the show listening to all the podcasts that I could listen and yeah, I Know I want to check those out. I've never used those before but I would love to they sound really freaking cool I'd probably get super addicted to it though. I Play I played with it at a friend of mine. Sorry, I didn't finish the idea. It's because of the weed. Sometimes weed creates a short memory loss.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Doing great, George. Crushing it. So yeah, man. I put that thing on my head and there is a game. You can beat James Bond. So you're like shooting, dude. you like shooting dude boom boom boom. I think if you go on my Facebook page I'm gonna actually send you this video. And you can see you can see me shooting you know and you can broadcast what you
Starting point is 00:52:15 see but in 2D. But what I'm trying to tell you when you see it in 3D. If you remember on the show you remember remember when Joe was really high and he was having this theory, saying, man, would be so nice to rent like, because he was complaining the VR games like to shoot, to make it like, oh man, to go into it like, for like, 4-5 hours, and with 4-5 friends, friends and all of us rented and we will see, wow, it will be so cool. And people to somehow to come and see what we see, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:52:53 That's difficult. It will be sweet. Well, there we go. We're at like 50 minutes and that covers the week. So I wanna thank you, George, for joining me today. Oh, you wanna, you don't wanna run it more? Do you have a limit? Sure. What else you got?
Starting point is 00:53:15 On brand red band? Oh, bunch dude. First about the, what do you think about the line at gun shops? What do you think about the line at gun shops? Well, I mean, people are paranoid, right? They're fucking paranoid and they're worried about the end of the world, so they're getting loads of guns. I mean, it makes sense. But that's kind of stupid. Yeah, I mean, it's an overreaction. I don't think anyone's going to I'm necessarily gonna be shooting each other
Starting point is 00:53:47 But this is America, you know people like to be armed. They like to be ready You know, it's all about kicking ass So what did you think about Joe's scenario when he said oh man? So let's say something's gonna happen, and I don know what the fuck up poker lips, okay short story Yep, and then he it's him Joe Rogan and Just few neighbors like maybe five six neighbors and no contact and they don't have enough guns He has only like two guns That's what that was his scenario. Yeah, well, that's more realistic. I mean, I don't think any of the scenarios are really good.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Joe even used to have a bit in one of his stand-up specials where he would talk about what would happen, like he's basically talking about how dumb we all are and what would happen if the power went out. It's like how long would you sit in your house with the power out before you go out onto the street and meet up with your neighbors and try and figure out what the hell is going on. But not only your neighbors are going to be able to get the power back on. So it's similar to that, like Joe's already ran that scenario through his comedy. And that's why he's very interesting. And smart
Starting point is 00:54:58 dude, because even though that's funny, it's like it's true. What the hell would you do? The power went out right now. I would sit here in the dark until it came back on. I would have no fucking idea what to do. I'd be like, all right, I just sit here then. I'll go for a walk. I mean, exactly. It's like we do use- What I found.
Starting point is 00:55:20 What I found whacked out about his scenario is we don't have enough guns quote like okay So you run out of power. So let's say I'm coming because I'm lost I lost power to I don't know where to go I'm looking for some government agency for some cops. I can find anybody right right and I'm walking in and I'm finding like Joe Rogan who maybe smokes some indica and he thinks I'm intruder or something. I say, hold on bro, with the guns because I'm not here to attack anybody, you know what I'm
Starting point is 00:55:54 saying? In my scenario, I'm the one who gets scared of some guys with guns because the power went out. I mean, what's with the guns? Just relax for a second. You know what's with the guns just relax for the second? You know what I'm saying? Yeah, no, I got you, but you know not everyone thinks that way so they want to be armed and yeah Hopefully people don't start shooting each other. Hopefully we keep yeah We keep calm long enough and and the government
Starting point is 00:56:19 comes through with their relief checks and the coronavirus Unemployment for those that aren't working and that there's some sort of smoothing out of the fear. I don't think, look, people know that this is terrible and it is a strange time, but most of my day I spend just kind of reaching out to people, friends or taking phone calls or doing zoom chats. Even back in England, I've got some friends in France too. I'll talk to them. Nobody seems super fearful and really panicky. You know, and people are starting to take it more seriously. So it definitely not in the panic realm. And the hope is that the reason we have governments and trust them at all is when this shit really hits the fan, you know, they need to fix this. They're the ones that can do it. So we're hoping that they can do it, everyone stays calm enough and we get through
Starting point is 00:57:19 this sensibly instead of all losing our minds. I believe we can do it. I'm gonna stay optimistic about that. What do you think, George? You see, my check is coming every week. It was uninterrupted. So my opinion, it doesn't count much. Because I can see people not working. Like, I don't know how you make a living
Starting point is 00:57:45 because do you mind how how do you make a living? Oh a drug dealer. Perfect. Then your business is growing. Yeah, too and great loads of drugs. No, no, no, I work in a bar restaurant so I haven't been working. I don't work and I have to wait for a moment. So when the rent comes in, yeah. So I haven't been working. I don't work. That's what I mean. And I have to wait some more.
Starting point is 00:58:05 So when the event comes in, yeah. You get depressed and you pay it and then you hope you don't have to pay it next month. But a lot of people are going through this, so I don't worry about it. I mean, I'm not going to overly worry when there's how many other people. You know, I just check in with everyone and see if they're doing okay. And, you know, record my silly podcast so so what do you think on a red band show they said how long is gonna take this is a three months oh fuck that we're not gonna go I don't think restaurants and
Starting point is 00:58:36 bars are gonna open this year and I'm not trying to be you know pessimist about this I think realistically in the smartest way they probably shouldn't I mean even if this curve which it will will finally get you know kind of curve over and slow down As soon as they let everyone in the bars in the restaurant, so they're gonna reinfect each other Like we have to be very careful about the reintegration of people back into groups I mean, it's one thing to put everybody back in their cubicles where they're all six feet apart and washing their hands and being careful.
Starting point is 00:59:10 But then when you're in a restaurant and everyone's touching all the plates and the things and they're all next to each other or at a bar where they're getting drunk, they're losing their inhibitions and hugging and forgetting what it's like to be properly quarantined. I mean, people are going to get reinfected and it's going to, in a way, it could be worse, you know? But don't forget the vaccine is coming in one year. It's going to be even faster.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Maybe. Hopefully. I don't know. How do you know? Well, the Johnson & Johnson is already is already fabricating the vaccines all right if you have it to have it ready yeah they have it it's just it's a matter of approval because it was mentioned actually on a show if you vaccinate a million you can kill a million people, basically, without proper tests. To go to the FDA, the approvals. It takes a very long time. That was the thing. When Trump first had all the oil company heads at the White House. About a week ago he had all the pharmaceutical
Starting point is 01:00:28 company CEOs together and he basically told them look all of you work together on this project with all of your technology, all of your patents, everything for it together and find me the best, you know, and they were all pitching. Their interest, you see, these companies they have so much money from drugs, right, manufacturing. They're not interested in, they're interested in passing the FDA faster.
Starting point is 01:01:03 That's the only thing that keeps them growing and scaling. That's one thing of their business. They know that the business is working, the vaccine is working, now we need scaling. So for something like this, they were asking Trump saying, hey, we need your help, Mr. President. Thank you so much for this, we need to scale. That's exactly the quote of one of those. So yeah, so that's what I extracted.
Starting point is 01:01:34 The vaccine is ready. It's just very hard to pass the legal system, which Trump is actually making it faster. That is good or bad. It can be bad. You know, because those rules are there in place for the reason. We will find out. We will find out. Well there we go brother.
Starting point is 01:01:56 On that note that covers those four. That's it you got bored? No, no, I mean that's enough. That's enough. I have more. It's all right i think we've covered enough it with the bread bambalamas last week so most people of of skip you know that they've covered that almost anyway and and they're very similar i love him the death i do but they they they those guys when they get on
Starting point is 01:02:21 they do just kind of get high and then cover a lot of the same things. But it's always entertaining. You know, I mean again, if you want to light relaxing, chilled podcast, then Red Bands 1 is great. Any of the ones from last week, because they were all comedians, they're chilled. And then the Greg Fitz Simmonsimmons is the same thing. In a way, it's what we needed. Last week was what we needed.
Starting point is 01:02:50 And Joe did a great job with that. So anyway, I want to... That's really quick about Brian Callan. Go ahead. Did you watch the Brian Callan one? I did not. No. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:03:02 That may be next time. Next time, man, Brian and Beon again, don't worry. Hey George, I want to thank you for joining in and say thanks to all the listeners. Thank you Adam for having me on a show. Thank you to all your listeners and I hope you're going to have me again. This was a pleasure. I was a little bit excited. Maybe over excited at some point. It's great. But it was fantastic. And I can't wait for another opportunity if I may.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Love it. Alright, thanks guys. Take it easy. Cheers. Thank you, sir. Have a great day. you

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