Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Joe Rogan Experience Review of Kanye West. et al.

Episode Date: October 27, 2020

  JAMIES HAS COVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Guest list: Mathew McConaughey and Kanye West. What a week of celebrity Stay safe..   Enjoy folks!... Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you. Perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Hello guys, welcome to another episode of the Joe Rogan Experience Review. This week we're going to focus really on the McConaughey and Kanye West podcast. I think that those are just two big ones that we should talk about and really get into the massive stars.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Kenan's been on a bunch of times before so I don't know we're just gonna skip it but two great characters and the Kanye conversation was well it was something else so let's get going. Podcast! You're listening to the Joe Rogan experience review. What a bizarre thing we've created! Now with your hosts Adam Thorne. My heat up is the worst podcast with the best one. One, go. We've created now with your hosts Adam Thorn
Starting point is 00:01:15 One go draw the show remember to that you can reach out to me Joe Rogan experience review at Gmail and Joe Rogan Experience review for Instagram message me there for anything that you want to add comments suggestions those sorts of things a bit of an update found out my roommate has a COVID. So, wowser. And when it got a test on Friday, $200 later, I do not have it. So, I guess I got a quarantine anyway, but good time to do a podcast, listen to some podcasts, right?
Starting point is 00:01:42 Quarantine, back again, 2020. Love that. So podcast 1552, Matthew McConaughey, he has to be one of the biggest stars that's ever gone on Rogan for sure, a less wise. I mean, he had Robert Downey Jr. on there, that's pretty massive, and then Jamie Fox likes to show up at fellow comedians, even when they're huge stars. I mean, it makes sense that Joe would know them well, but it's cool to have Makana Hayon. I don't know if what inspired him. I know he's on his book tour now for his new book, Greenlights. So he's kind of showing up everywhere, but he's also from Austin where Joe is
Starting point is 00:02:20 now. So maybe that's how they started to connect. He's writing his memoirs I Don't know do you guys buy memoirs of celebrities? I mean I Guess I I don't know I haven't read many but I don't think it's gonna teach you how to be a super famous celebrity But it is kind of cool. Maybe that it teaches you that they do similar things than everyone else. They have the same kind of problems and their lives aren't perfect. So there's solace in that.
Starting point is 00:02:52 It's hard to say. But that's a lot of what they talked about kind of on their podcast. I can't hate you. You got into checking him with yourself. Like, you know that guy. I'll ride, I'll ride. He's, you know, he's a hippie, right for sure surfing
Starting point is 00:03:08 chilled out hippie dude from Texas Strange combination he wouldn't really thought that that would be Something you'd associate with with someone from Texas, but it's cool to see he's always been a cool dude I think and he's made a lot of good movies. You know, he has some fucking great movies. That true detective season that he was in, that was phenomenal, and he really was the star of that. I mean Woody Harrison was excellent at it too, but what made it was the intensity of McConaughey for sure. He has a good sense of humor. You get that through the podcast. He seems fun. He seems like a cool chilled guy and he likes the laugh.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Little goofy, you know, but very honest, very real. His conversations are pretty deep, you know. You could imagine smoking a joint with him would be pretty fucking sweet. He learned a lot as he progressed on and I think that these sorts of podcasts are called the kind of look at your own life in the sense of like, he didn't, you know, he didn't take things as personally as he went.
Starting point is 00:04:20 He found out that was really difficult and then one thing he said is, not asking permission as much and I guess it doesn't mean just like taking whatever you want But not waiting for people to say it's okay just like going out being bold Getting it done and I'm sure a lot of people that have become very successful take up that mindset I mean you have to because there's a reason a lot of other people aren't doing it. They're not taking those risks, putting themselves out there. I mean, it takes a lot of confidence to do that for sure. And then he discusses, you know, his exercise and writing things down. He seems to write a lot down, he even talked about writing down, taking a shit. That might be overdoing it, but you know, he's making a point that pay attention to what you're doing, write it down, get
Starting point is 00:05:09 it all in there, and I don't know, keep track of where you are, what you're doing day to day. Writing things down definitely helps me out. When I'm in my most organized, I am on top of that. That seems to be a way, a good way for me to orient things, getting stuff done. Otherwise I fucking forget everything. I don't know about you guys, but I am not keeping track of shit if I don't be like, right, today I gotta do this. This week I gotta do this shit, this month I've got this.
Starting point is 00:05:41 And then somehow it turns into like my goals for the year, which are usually like far too ambitious. And if I just write those down, I never seem to get there unless I'm kind of organizing my daily spread. And Joe, Joe's always talked about writing things down, you know, he, whether it's his comedy or just, you know, saying what he owes himself for the week, like there's many workouts, there's this and this, like he's got a knock it off his list. I mean, you know, it does everyone need to work as hard
Starting point is 00:06:11 as these guys. No, not necessarily, but you've got to have, you've got to have your own routine down for sure. And you've got to do a little bit of everything, you know? I don't think you can completely neglect health and then totally wrap yourself up in your studies. You know, if you're in school or whatever, or you're working, because I think it's going to come back and bite in the ass. And if you're not like a gym rat, which is all good, you know, just do a little bit, just do something, just put it
Starting point is 00:06:41 down, put on your list, try and knock it out. That's what I feel like works. He says he sleeps a lot. Nine and a half hours of sleep. That's a fucking lot of sleep. I don't even think I could stay in bed that long. I guess everyone is a little different. Like you got to get as much as you need. I wish I could sleep that long. I don't know how you'd have time to get everything done that you're doing, but uh, you know, he's a little older. I'm not sure how old McConaughey maybe 45 might be. He's not as old as Joe, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Joe is what, like 52. But anyway, maybe you need more sleep. You know, it's a stressful life being a fucking A-list celebrity He's obviously a very lucky guy Like that is clear from this I mean a lot of doors have opened up because he's good looking
Starting point is 00:07:36 And that's not enough I mean I have plenty of good looking friends that haven't done shit with their lives So you still got to put a lot of work in, but it certainly helps. You know, he's been given opportunities that other people wouldn't usually get. And when it comes to his book, he talks about, you know, the idea that people are going to learn from it. Now, yeah, he's selling it, obviously, but he's saying, hey, normal people can look at this regular folks and see that the same sorts of difficult things are happening and he
Starting point is 00:08:10 discusses kind of how he deals with it. And obviously he's at a very, I guess, high pressure, high stress type of job. I mean, it's hard to say, right, if celebrities or actors are under a lot of pressure, but I mean he's watched hard to say, right, if celebrities or actors around do a lot of pressure, but I mean, he's watched all the time, his actions are always watched. Anything he does is gonna get in the media. I mean, that's a lot of pressure. You've really gotta keep an eye on probably who you are
Starting point is 00:08:37 more so than regular folks. Like, I don't have to worry about that, thank God. That to me, sounds like a fucking disaster. One of the nicest things that I always hear from the guests that Rogan has for sure is that you grow from catastrophe, right? So we all have times with a suck and things that blow up in our face, yeah, for sure. And when that happens, you like fuck. This, my life sucks, everything's going wrong.
Starting point is 00:09:08 It's hard to kind of sit there and say, this is a great learning opportunity. This is going to help me grow. I'm going to learn a lot from this. Um, and what comes out the other side is going to be a stronger version of me. I mean, it's exhausting to keep going through. We like periods of time in our lives
Starting point is 00:09:27 where we don't have a bunch of problems, but they are beneficial. If you look back at your life and think right now, think of the last thing that you went through that was really fucking difficult. Think about how you handled it. What went wrong? What was a disaster?
Starting point is 00:09:44 How you responded? Maybe you lost your temper. And you said some things you shouldn't have. But after you sit there for a while, calm down. And take a step back. You're like, ah, I kind of see. And it's often like repeating those mistakes. The way you handled it poorly, if you continue to do it that way,
Starting point is 00:10:05 it really hinders you. But if you're like, oh, I should have relaxed here, should have waited, should have impatient with it, which is very hard to do, and see what happens. See how it passes. I mean, everything does. There's always going to be a time where you're not worried about this thing that you're worried about right now if you are worried and Then During those moments you'd be like well, why is this not a problem now when it was such a big issue before when you're in it feels like it's forever It feels like it's forever, but that's it's not how it goes. You got to kind of trust it You know, Joey talks about him having something called whiskey, philosophy, wisdom, which I thought was a cool, interesting little phrase.
Starting point is 00:10:53 You know, it's like having a whiskey with someone at the bar and he just throws you this wisdom and you're like, oh shit, that's cool. I like that. And McConaughey's always seemed like the cut type of guy that would have those gems, you know like I don't know if it was just from his movies or the way he does interviews But he just always seemed like he would be that type of dude, you know that would just have like good shit to say He seems very likable like for sure not like an arrogant dude. I mean he knows what he is. He knows that he's talented and good-looking But yeah, he's like it seems very open and honest. It's pretty bad ass
Starting point is 00:11:33 And when he talks about becoming famous, I really like that too He talked about walking down Santa Monica Boulevard and that's where I used to live and You know basically no one recognized them A few people thought he was cute. And he did this movie where he was the main guy. And all of a sudden he goes down and everyone knows him, almost everyone, except some blind woman I guess. But yeah, that's a switch. That's a huge change.
Starting point is 00:11:58 All of a sudden there's no strangers. People know everything about him. They know about his dog being sick and just who was. Imagine that happening to you. Imagine who was. Imagine that happening to you. Imagine that shift. Imagine that kind of pressure. Suddenly the world becomes a very different place. I'd imagine and probably pretty unnerving at first. It's probably not really like, I don't know. It just seems like it wouldn't be a very fun feeling a lot of the time, you know. I mean, maybe it reinforces itself. Maybe it's like, fuck yeah, I'm famous.
Starting point is 00:12:28 You hang out with some people and your friends and all of a sudden everyone recognizes you and you're just like, yeah, I'm a badass. But that could go to your head real fast. That could turn into some pretty ugly habits, I would imagine. You really gotta keep an eye on yourself. But I like the way you put that forward. And after he got famous, like after that point, what he did to kind of come back to himself
Starting point is 00:12:54 is he went traveling, he went to places where people didn't recognize him maybe, or he couldn't speak the language. And he just explored and just kind of sat with himself and just kind of brought himself back to a point of like, okay, this is who I am, no more guy, I've got to get this work done, and I've got to accept my new life. And I think that's a really important message for anyone that's going through a big change. When things are changing rapidly, you know, and this has happened to me, you feel like, oh fuck,
Starting point is 00:13:24 I can't slow this down and this is crazy. me, you feel like, oh fuck, I can't slow this down and this is crazy. But you have the choice somewhere or another, maybe you don't have the resources just to go traveling and do that. But you can sit with yourself, spend that time, calm yourself down, and just kind of, I don't know, I guess say, hey, it's alright. Everything's okay. I'll ride, I'll ride. It was a good episode. I like that know, I guess say, hey, it's alright. Everything's okay. Alright, alright. It was a good episode. I like that guy. I hope he's back on. I think he had a lot of interesting things to say.
Starting point is 00:13:50 If anyone buys that book and reads it, message me. Let me know what you think about it. If you think it's good, tell me why. And maybe I'll check it out. But, yeah, I usually don't read those types of books. For sure. Moving on, the big one. The one we've all been waiting for podcast 1554 Kanye West Wow I was really disconcerted this week because of Jamie having COVID that they weren't doing the podcast
Starting point is 00:14:16 Kanye was gonna have to you know, they had to cancel it and we were never gonna get this podcast again I was interested to hear what this guy says. I mean never gonna get this podcast again. I was interested to hear what this guy says. I mean, saying I'm a fan of his, I don't know, I like some of his songs, but mostly what I've heard about him is wacky, you know, like really wacky stuff. And I was keen to hear, like what he said,
Starting point is 00:14:37 I'd love to hear what you guys thought about it. You know, and I'd like to hear also, like what fans are really thinking about Kanye just in general, you know, and I'd like to hear also like what fans are rogana thinking about Kanye just in general You know like is a typical rogan fan a Kanye fan probably I mean Kanye is just that famous and That popular with his music. So he's running for president That's a big thing Joe really pushed that a lot and quite honestly found it difficult to keep him on track with specifics. He's very Kanye's kind of, he seems very like, well he's vague when it comes to solutions for sure. And then he goes on his tangents.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I think he finds it quite difficult to like focus on one thing. And he doesn't really seem to answer the question a lot of the time. Sometimes he does for sure, but sometimes he just goes on what he was thinking. He's like, this is my full process, I'm going this way. And Joe is having a pull-in back quite a lot.
Starting point is 00:15:44 We've seen Joe do this on many other podcasts, and that's always a time that's a little difficult to follow. There were plenty of moments in this podcast, and obviously I want to talk about it, so I'm paying attention, but there was plenty of it where I'm like, wait a minute, what's he talking about here? It was a little hard to run through.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Joe suggested maybe, since he doesn't have any political background, you know, and I guess Trump didn't either, but maybe he could start smaller. He could run for governor of California. And Joe even said, you can't do a worst job than the idiot that's in there. I kind of agree. But who knows how he'd do?
Starting point is 00:16:25 That might be a good start for him for sure. in that I kind of agree. But who knows how he'd do. That might be a good start for him for sure. He moves into the music industry stuff a lot. That I didn't know a ton about, but he seems pretty pissed off with it. He says he loses money with the music industry. I don't really understand how that is the case. I mean, didn't he get famous making music? So he must have made money. But I guess the music industry kind of rapes the the artist, you know, we've all heard this.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I guess they take too much overhead and they make you work too hard and then they fuck you on all the contracts. Kind of blames his mother's death on the music industry. That's, that seems like a harsh call out, but, you know, he knows, he knows better than me, for sure. Yeah, it must be tough for artists. I don't know, I guess, I guess that's kind of the good and the bad, right? They make you famous, but they're gonna take all your money
Starting point is 00:17:29 How else do you get the exposure how else do you get your music out there? I mean you can't just stand on Venice boardwalk handing out CDs your whole life. That's not gonna get you very far And also when they do that who the fuck owns a CD player? I guess in our PlayStation or Xbox, but I don't I don't even think I have a CD player on anything else. What else are they gonna hand you? A little zip drive with music on. I guess that makes sense. He's a bit of a conspiracy theorist for sure. That was interesting to me. It makes sense that he would be.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Kind of always seemed like he would be He talked a lot about like the hospitals and medical stuff getting injections and How the hospitals respond to things and what's in injections and he's He's very suspicious of what's going on In a lot of areas, I think. He didn't go too heavy into his beliefs and the conspiracy theories. I like him to come on again because I think we'd learn a lot about what he thinks is really happening in the world. He was kind of losing me on the conspiracy theory stuff. If anyone knows any good conspiracies
Starting point is 00:18:45 that he's into, hit me up for sure and let me know. And give me some background, expand on it. I don't know all of these guests as well as some of you guys, so it's cool to get a bit of feedback always. He said that he was labelled mentally ill. We all heard about that. It's kind of like blow up for sure. And that's really... That was big news, you know, bipolar, manic, we've all seen some interviews where he's kind of kind of lost it, but in a way, I mean, he's so famous.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I mean, I know there's people like the rock and Kevin Hart that are super famous as well and have tons of followers and they kind of hold their shit together, but you can see how somebody that's maybe as specifically creative as him could get really overwhelmed by the types of pressure that's put on him and, uh, you know, kind of maybe run a bit of a mock, but he said that the meds, whatever they were, he wasn't sure, were destroying his creativity. They were kind of numbing him out. And I'm sure that's very common to be numbed by, I mean, what is bipolar, even me? I think it's one of those like non-specific medical determinations.
Starting point is 00:20:12 It's like you're just acting one way, one day, and one way, the other day. So let's calm this down by just numbing it out. And he was like, fuck that. I'm getting off it. He's getting off it. We've all seen the recent video of him where I guess he's like at his own rally wearing like a bulletproof vest and he talks about almost aborting his kid with Kim.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And that's a very emotional topic for him that's really upset him and he brought that up on the Podcast and he talked about abortion and I mean he's a religious guy, you know, he's a Christian guy getting more and more religious, you know, he started his church and he's getting big into it. So this is like a hot topic for him and to it. So this is like a hot topic for him and making a lot of points. So whichever way you fall on this, you know, I'm sure you're going to feel the same way afterwards regardless. But he's very passionate about the amount of abortions there are. He kind of compared the deaths to well, cause and deaths, you know, it compares it to COVID and how many people are dying of COVID, you know, in comparison. And, you know, I mean, number-wise, there's a point there, but I don't know if these comparisons are going to resonate with a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I think people have made up their mind, but it really upsets them, you know. Towards the end, I don't know if he's getting like more off track But he does start kind of waffling on a lot more You know, I mean fuck it. I waffle on it's how I do this, but I Try and stay concise and to the point he would kind of lose track even with the questions The Joe was saying and go off on the tangent and then just keep going and going and Joe He even incorporate his little ding sound to kind of pull him back, which I thought was quite funny It's like whatever helps bro get back on track
Starting point is 00:22:16 He starts talking about innovators, right like Tesla is a lot of respect for Nikolav Tesla and respect for Nicolav Tesla. And you know people like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk and you know the real innovators people changing the world that seems to be something that he really wants to do. You know he talks about being the leader of the free world and how he's a genius and how he can fix everything once he gets all the information. You know he really wasn't able to answer a lot of specific questions about health care, about foreign affairs, and really, really anything directly. But what he did say is that he would put great teams in place once he has a great team, has all the information, and then he always makes the right decision.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Which I think is probably a dangerous way of thinking that you always make the right decision because maybe you won't admit that you fucked up. You won't be willing to go back and reassess. Um, I don't know. You can get a little ahead of yourself. And when you're running a whole, when you're running a company, that's one thing. That's your money, your employees, but when you're running a whole, when you're running a company, that's one thing. That's your money, your employees. But when you're running a whole country, I'm a little more concerned about somebody that makes decisions that way.
Starting point is 00:23:35 But he talked about what was it like setting up a church and it running on, he didn't like solar, but he wanted to run on water. He wanted all the food to be grown there. He wanted this self-sustaining type of setup and kind of pulled that back to like Tesla's vision and all those sorts of things. And he says when he goes to design, it feels like a kid, right? This is like when he's creative and designing, he goes back to like kid mode. So it gets, I guess he's saying gets all the adult bullshit out
Starting point is 00:24:10 of the way or the real life stress or the no you can't do it stuff and just freezes mind up to think however he wants to. That seems like a good strategy. If there's any artists out there, whether you're a painter, musician, yourself, or any type of artist sculptor, you know, how do you do your shit? Is this, is that like a strategy that you think about? Does it get all the stigmas and prejudices out of your mind so you can create, you know, unappeded? I'd be interested to know. But he says that keeps him real creative, for sure. Some of the last stuff that he talked about, and it was kind of through the whole podcast. He talked about money not being real. Now he has a lot of fucking money. So maybe it's
Starting point is 00:24:59 easy to think like that when you're whatever he said he was, like worth 5 billion net worth or whatever. My little dubious about how these mega rich people come up with these numbers, you know, I think they probably are inflated. I don't know what a net worth really is. Like, does that mean that if you sat there one day and sold everything that you owned, you'd have that much money? I don't know. sat there one day and sold everything that you owned. You'd have that much money? I don't know. But, you know, he talks about his time, like we're working with the DDoS and the Gap
Starting point is 00:25:33 and making them huge companies and adding a lot of money to them. And, but then goes back to money not being important. And really, I think his message seemed to be like just what's important is bringing people together. Bring them together, have them communicate. People are usually like what he said, like facing away from each other. Have them talk. Have them come together, bring their ideas and and making that decision. But to me, it just again, it's just like, that's him maybe just positioning himself
Starting point is 00:26:07 as a presidential candidate. Like he just wants to make all the decisions. It's power hungry stuff, maybe. Is that called megalomania? I don't know. He wants to be on the board, these companies. He was talking about how people are telling him he can't be, but that's what he wants,
Starting point is 00:26:27 be on the board of the companies. I'm not sure if he is right now, but that's kind of what he's looking for. And, you know, but one thing I will say is he did seem like, really genuine, really honest, quite sweet, you know, a little erratic for sure, but again, that kind of level of fame and I mean, I'm sure he's surrounded by a lot of yes man and it's hard not to be very suspicious. I think he said that he had like a CFO that was stealing from him.
Starting point is 00:27:02 That's going to kind of warp your brain a bit. But overall interesting, I'd like him to be back on. I think once he reflects on this podcast a little bit, gets a lot of feedback about what he did well, what he didn't do well, he might be more concise with it. But as of right now, imagining a presidential debate where Kanye is on, I don't know how he would appeal to a lot of people really.
Starting point is 00:27:30 He seems very vague on really his action plan and motives, even though his overall message is quite sweet, you know, I would say. But let me know what you think. It's good to get feedback. This is a big one in the waiting. We've been waiting for this one for a long time and I enjoyed it. It was interesting. It was like one of those ones that sometimes I sit there and listen to the podcast and it gets the end and I'm like, oh, thank God, this was going nowhere.
Starting point is 00:28:02 But with him, it was like, I could listen to that for a couple more hours, to be honest. I mean, a five hour podcast would be insane, but it was kind of interesting. Anyway, that's it for this week. Thank you so much, guys. We'll see what happens next week. I don't know if he's gonna be on schedule. It's Tuesday morning now.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Nothing has been released that I see, but stay tuned. And as always, thanks for listening. Appreciate you guys. Later.

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