Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Joe Rogan Experience Review of Roy Jones Jr. et al.

Episode Date: October 20, 2020

JAMIES HAS COVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Guest list: Roy Jones Jr, Tom Papa and Wesley Hunt running for congress Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me ...on Instagram at Youtube: Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Okay guys, we're back. We took some time off, it's just me today. Big news, just found out about an hour ago, young Jamie has COVID. So, Robin is going to be off next week. So, it's October 19th and he's going to take some time off.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Hopefully Jamie is okay. Why I had to do a podcast today is I thought, well, know if young Jamie dies a COVID I got to get in real quick and Get get everyone updated so hopefully he's fine. I'm sure he will be They repeated a few last week not repeated, but I guess they had him kind of Stored away and because they weren't actually in the studio and that's how Jamie was able to run off and get COVID somehow. But they had some good guests. Roy Jones Jr. was in.
Starting point is 00:01:12 That was pretty bad ass. Tom Papa as always, excellent. And then Wesley Hunt running for Congress. So without further ado, let's start the show. Podcast. You're listening to the Joe Rogan Experience review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn. My either be the worst podcast, one, go. Enjoy the show. So poor young Jamie. Poor poor young
Starting point is 00:01:41 Jamie. Rogan does not have it nor does the rest of his staff. I guess he's gonna update us Later in the weeks of stay tuned He stays in great shape, so I'm sure he's gonna be okay, but scary times scary times having Roy Jones junior on Podcast 1548 was pretty badass. He's had Tyson on twice. He's a huge fan of Roy I think this is the first time they got to meet. Roy knew that Rogan was a big fan and he's always said good things. For those of you who don't know, Roy Jones Jr. is an incredible boxer. And if you want to learn about boxing a little bit, or just what it's like to be a boxer, this is a fantastic podcast for me personally. I'm a huge fan of Roy Jones Jr. for a long time.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I'm not a massive boxing fan. I've got into it more of the last few years, way more of an MMA fan, but certain boxes are amazing. You know Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Roy Jones Jr. You know, even Mayweather, I guess you could put in there for what it's worth. I mean, it's just, they're those types of personalities and skill sets, the way, you know, it's almost like you can watch any sport. If the person that's doing it is like the Michael Jordan of that sport. It just looks incredible.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And Roy Jones is definitely that unbelievable. Absolute legend. He started off talking about when he was younger, he would watch chickens fighting. And that kind of tore him out of fight. I think that's very interesting. I don't know how much realistically you would have learned watching chickens, but he is you know form world champs. So what do I really know? A bit of history on Roy as he got robbed in the Olympics and they talk about this like the Korean Olympics way back in the day He just got screwed over the same kind of thing happened to me whether
Starting point is 00:03:40 When he was in the Olympics, so it's like really just super bullshit to be honest. And obviously a lot of what they talked about was the build up to the Tyson fight and I wonder how many of you guys are into that. Tyson vs Roy Jones. This kind of reminds me of like when Tito fought Chuck, what was that bell at all or some other like fighting organization? I don't want to make it seem like it's not a big deal or it's not cool, but you know, I not to disrespect him, but it's a couple of older guys that were once amazing, scrapping it out.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I just don't know, it's hard to say if it's going to be any good. It's more like a spectacle than anything. I just really can't decide. I'm sure I'm going to watch it because it's a big deal spectacle than anything I just really can't decide I'm sure I'm gonna watch it because it's a big deal and there are two legends but I like to hear back from you guys see if you guys are into that at all I mean I don't know I'm not a hundred percent sold on it Tyson's looking pretty tough you know there's some video of him really kicking some ass so so we're gonna find out we're gonna find out what's going on.
Starting point is 00:04:47 I thought it was interesting that Roy talked a little bit about how he thinks the fight is kind of favoured in Tyson's direction, because they put the fight back a little bit. So it's like a few months that they've kind of put the fight back and held off on it. I guess it was scheduled maybe even for a September originally. I can't remember but now it's like November with December.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Who knows if it'll go back from there. They're being heavily tested steroid-wise. I think that's a bit of a shame honestly. I think they're old. You should just load them up with whatever you want and whatever they want and get in the best possible shape over their lives. I mean, assuming it doesn't kill them, obviously, but I don't think steroids do that. Maybe if they both had a bunch of cocaine, that would be a problem. It might have a heart attack, but they get moving. And Roy did talk about how he's ready to die in the ring. I love that from from you know fighters and professional athletes putting everything on the line, but do you really mean it? Do you really mean that? Like I don't think number one nobody wants to die. And what is he
Starting point is 00:06:02 trying to prove? Or is it just a mindset? Do you have to say that to yourself in order to give everything? I don't know. I almost feel like if you're saying that, it's like, are you even being cautious out there? Like, you should be very cautious, clearly. I mean, especially if Mike Tyson's gonna punch your head off.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I mean, he may be older, and maybe his punches don't have as much of, like, impact. Maybe he can't throw as many, but I'm sure he could lift you right off your feet. 50 years old today is not what it once was. I don't know, you know, they're both lions, they're both animals when it comes to their boxing, so it's going to be interesting to see what's capable. I don't know if they're doing 12 rounds, surely not.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Hopefully short around and not as many, but because if this goes into later stages, later rounds, I mean, it's just going to be so slow. It's going to be absolutely awful to watch it. I would imagine. I don't know. He did say something really cool, like one of those quotes that, and I don't know who originally said it,
Starting point is 00:07:18 but he goes, it's not how hard you work, it's about how smart you work hard. And I really like that. I really like that a lot, just for anybody to take into account not how hard you work It's about how smart you work hard because you know It even take just your job or like being in the workforce if you just Or you know an absolute machine and you just grunt through everything
Starting point is 00:07:44 But you don't do it in a smart way, you probably never get any credit for it and everyone to just keep giving you that shit work anyway. But if you are really smart and strategic about how you work and you're a hard worker, you're gonna get noticed for that. And that's really gonna pay off. Now that's not exactly what he's talking about, he's just talking about working hard but also getting really fucking good at what you're doing so you don't get knocked the fuck out, you can knock someone out, I get that. But it's still a great saying for sure.
Starting point is 00:08:14 And then when they kind of went over their list of favorite fighters and inspirations, obviously Muhammad Ali came up as Roy Jones favorite just because I mean obviously the way he would move the the power he had I mean how dynamic he was also how much of a shit talk he was he was great with mind games when no one was really doing that I mean watch some more videos on Muhammad Ali I mean for number one he doesn't move like a heavyweight, but he punches like one. The things he could do were just unbelievable. And culturally of course, I mean, who hasn't heard of them, who doesn't know what his deal is.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I mean just very, very powerful stuff for sure. And then lastly we're talking about some of the latest heavyweights, Power for stuff for sure and and then Blastly we're talking about some of the latest heavyweights obviously we've talked about Tyson fury before the ante wilder and Joe asked what you could do What Roy could do to help the ante out and I would have assumed nothing because what I've heard is After Tyson torn apart it really showed some major holes in his game like maybe he's not that good of a boxer but Roy was sure give Roy six months with this guy and he's gonna he's gonna teach him how to move and it's all about the jab get him get him jab and right moving right he's already got the power
Starting point is 00:09:41 hand and you know he's and he's gonna crush it. But I like Roy's attitude. He's always come across as like an arrogant badass, but I still liked it because he was fucking really good at his shit. But he was super chilled on this. And it's like ego-in-check stuff. It's cool to hear it. I've never heard that type of event interview with with Roy Jones before. Moving on we got Tom Papa 1549. They get into COVID right
Starting point is 00:10:16 away. Lot of COVID talk. Obviously the president just got it. Uh, that was wacky, right? I mean the president gets it a few days later. He's a hundred percent fine and I still can't figure out what this shit is all about honestly. I mean, I mean, he's an old man and he beat it in a few days. And you know, people are saying, oh, he had the greatest medical care of all time and blah blah blah but I mean still it exists it was a few days I mean I've like hit my knee real bad before and it took longer than a few days before I was like yeah I'm a hundred percent fine and this is a thing that is shutting down the whole world I don't know. I want to get conspiracies on it, but I traveled all over while this stuff was going on. That's why I wasn't doing the
Starting point is 00:11:13 podcast. I mean, I traveled all over the country for months and months. I was actually, you know, trying to find a new place to live in the same way joded. Like he went off to Austin. I didn't choose that I chose Bozeman Montana which I think was high on his list anyway but it's fucking beautiful up here so I was like see you later and you know I went to Nashville Virginia all over and people are just responding so differently it's like even in Santa Monica where I came from, it's still like lots of masks, lots of shutdown stuff, only eating outside,
Starting point is 00:11:52 many other parts of the country not doing anything like that. People aren't concerned. So, different responses to it all. I don't know where we stand on all that stuff. But you know, the question is, where a mask or not. That's what they talked about. Should they do it? Should they not? How is it airborne? How is it not? You know, it's... And then Joe talks about Fauci lying. That was a big deal. He's like, give the mask the first responders responders Everyone else don't worry about it. I mean that's not cool. It's a fucking lie Some bullshit
Starting point is 00:12:29 I don't know I just I can't I can't figure it out Joe loves to rip on Gary Newsom who's like the whatever he is the governor of California. I think that guys are dick too of California. I think that guys are dick too. Most of the reason why I left that state just became a mess. The cities, the homeless, everything was just, it was fucked up to be honest. Where I lived we didn't use to have really any homeless around there and things, you know, were fun and normal. I lived right by the beach. It was a beautiful spot right by the comedy store. And you know, that's like 10 miles away from the comedy store. But once the comedy store closed down, they couldn't even do the shows on there, even if you had masks on.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And then they kind of shut the beaches down and look, a lot of people stayed and they haven't a good time. But to me, it was just like, okay, that's the end of a chapter. And if I want to move back there, you know, you can always do it later. The place isn't going anywhere, but the things I really enjoyed about being there were just not the same, and a lot of it seems like it was the handling of the state. And Gary's thing, I mean, whatever. Maybe that guy's cool, I don't know him, but I don't really give a fuck about that guy
Starting point is 00:13:47 And that's not a political thing. It's not like oh because I Lean one way or the other I I assume he's a Democrat. I don't even know. I'm not really political at all But just watching how it was all unfolding and then the problem is with unemployment You know and people getting unemployment. So many people didn't get it. It didn't work well. It was, it was crazy. I don't know. It's not, not how I like to run things. Tom and Joe talk a little bit about the comedy saw, store documentary, which I had not heard that they were making. And I'm really interested to watch that.
Starting point is 00:14:28 For anybody that's in the comedy, and which I am definitely, I can't wait to watch it. Tom Pumper talked a lot about Joe's part in it, and how big of a role he played in really picking up the comedy store and making it what it is. And I'm telling you, it was a very, very special place for the last four or five years that I'd lived in LA.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I went there often, saw a lot of them perform, and it's just, it's beautiful. The camaraderie, the friendship, just the energy there. It was really, really pretty special. And I'm looking forward to watching that documentary. I don't know where to find it. If anyone knows email me or message me on the Instagram, it's the Joe Rogan Universe Instagram. It's always good to hear from you guys by the way, of course. And I will be doing these more consistently. So thanks for sticking with it and continuing to download.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I know a lot of people were just downloading all the episodes, which honestly I don't even understand why you would do that, but thank you. But yeah, I want to see that documentary, I want to see just kind of what Joe's full role is in that because you don't always know the whole story. I know he stepped away for a while after we called Mancia out and they kind of pushed him out but when he came back things had changed and they were all working together on the podcast, which was all the different podcasts. So really good stuff. I like that.
Starting point is 00:16:09 There wasn't that kind of famine mentality. They were all supporting each other. They get into a little bit the new documentary social dilemma on Netflix. I don't know if you guys have seen that. Let me know what you think of it. I watched it. Pretty scary stuff. The idea that the social media AI, just designed to make you keep watching
Starting point is 00:16:36 and clicking and engaged, no matter what the outcome is or how they do it. And it makes sense. If that's where the money is, they keep you connected, but what the program is that it realises what is the end game. Like, what does that do? And it looks like it's possibly, and not to freak everyone out, but possibly tearing the fabric of democracy to pieces. The idea is that the divide is even larger, and it's feeding propaganda to both sides, making people more extreme and less able to come together, pushing these conspiracy theories in both directions,
Starting point is 00:17:21 kind of demonizing each person, and what gets you more engaged, a thing that you hate, like things that really make you mad, rather than things that make you very happy. So it's more of a reflection of human nature than it is anything else. So, you know, to say, I guess to say that the social media types that put this, these programs together, the engineers, to say it's their fault. I mean, they're just trying to find ways to keep you engaged. And then the program is working their algorithms, watching what keeps you engaged, and spitting more of that back to you.
Starting point is 00:18:07 So, I don't know what the answer is. Do they stop doing it, or do we change the way that we want to engage? Like, is it like, okay, only look at positive shit? Instead of allowing ourselves to be really engaged with super negative content that may or may not be true. Like maybe people should fact check some shit before they're like, oh yeah, that's what that is. Hard to say. Hard to say. Joe is obviously doing sober October and 2020, 19 days in he's doing on his own but yeah doing sober October probably a good time since Jamie got sick get your immune system boosted
Starting point is 00:18:52 it and he's working out every day I think he said twice a day which is pretty intense or maybe just every day but when you're like 52 that's it's not... it's not easy. It's not easy to do. It's a good video. And uh... no one else is doing it with him. Everyone else said fuck it this year. Which I'm surprised about. I thought this would be like more of a big deal. Like I kind of do it every year. It's just a good time to do it. Nothing's really happening in October anyway. I mean, Halloween you want to have some drinks, but that's's the end of the month, so that counts, that's all right. But yeah, nobody else was, nobody was into it.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I think Erie is also doing like, drug month, where he's just doing different drugs every day. I don't know how true that is. Whether he's actually sticking to it, but it's definitely funny, and you gotta give him that. He talked a little bit about meditations and breathing. Now this is interesting and I'd like to hear back from you guys.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Is anyone out there doing breathing exercises, mantra reading shit, or like, you know, breath work, a Joe was saying that he did it. I just do not think I have the patience for that. I like the idea of it. I've done it a few times, but I was in a men's group once that would do it at the beginning, it just used to make me dizzy. I didn't really care for it.
Starting point is 00:20:25 It wasn't really my cup of tea, but they're swearing by it. And I guess if you're out there and you get anxiety, or you're a little worked up, worth trying, worth trying to see if you can calm yourself down. Anxiety's no joke. It's a... It can be scary shit for sure. I got quite a lot of it before I moved, trying to figure out if it was the right thing for me to do, like do I want to stay by the beach, where it's nice and sunny and good and
Starting point is 00:20:55 although I want to make a real big change, go where it's going to be cold and I know no one and see how I got up. Wow, it's not that I know no one, I know people here, but you know, that's a big change. You're kind of leaving like what is, what looks like vacation every day with perfect weather and you're stepping out into the wilderness where it's, it's a lot different.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I mean, it's 80 degrees right now, back where I lived and it was, here it was snowing today when I was driving around. I mean you got to get used to it but like anything that type of anxiety just kind of dies away. The last podcast for the week Wesley hunt 1550. Excuse me, Wesley is a friend and the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the man has three masters degrees, a bit of a show off. Very cool though. And I liked a lot of what he had to say. Again, I'm not political. I'm not voting for him either. I don't live there. But what he was saying is very sensible. You know, it's America first stuff. I quite like that. I mean, I gotta say I live in America. I would. And I'm English. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:24 it's not like I, you know know it's not like I you know It's not like it would be weird for me to be biased towards another country course England But it's all good. I live here and I like that idea bring jobs here. Keep them here do that stuff Second amendment stuff is also pretty cool with me too. I'm all for it. I mean, I don't think we need to have access to rocket launches, but people can have their guns. Like, what have? Yeah, but three masters degrees is, I don't even know why you would get that many.
Starting point is 00:23:02 I just don't get it. They talk a lot about the importance of working out. Joe even said that you would want to hang out with a version of him that is working out rather than the one that isn't. And that was kind of in relation to COVID and the lockdown and how people can't get out and go to the gym, you know, because you'll be more stressed. You're more stressed if you're not working out and if you're not able to express those kind of energies because of COVID. And that's a question that Joe brings up and I've thought of a lot like, what are the numbers of depression? How hard has this hit people? How hard as has this hit people? I mean, probably pretty fucking hard.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Even though maybe they didn't get sick because they quarantined and stayed at home, but, you know, they won in school, they weren't working, they were getting in debt, how difficult has this been for people? And you don't hear a lot about that. And I think that's a shame. I think that's a narrative. I think that's a narrative that neither side wants to talk about. And you know, I get why because it's really depressing and it kind of takes the focus away from what COVID is. But
Starting point is 00:24:16 it's a serious thing to consider because, you know, Joe is talking about how he spoke to a sheriff in LA that said that suicides went from one a week to now about five a day. Now I don't know, five a day, how many fucking people are dying from COVID a day in LA? I mean, probably more than that, but still, it's like hold on. If five people are committing suicide, how many other people are just incredibly depressed, and it's trickling down into their work, their family, their kids, I mean awful. Really, really bad stuff. Not to turn this into a massive damper, obviously, but I mean we should talk about how difficult this has all been. So when we come up
Starting point is 00:25:11 against it again, when there's another, I don't know, what would you call it, a flare-up of this disease? The some different things happen. We can't just shut everything down, you know, what next? Where are are some are going to move to? Arctic, Alaska? Might be alright. Jo obviously talks a little bit about why he moved, what, why he chose Austin. You know, I even thought, I had a few cities picked out that I wanted to move to or like I wanted to try out. Mostly East Coast, like I went to Atlanta, Tennessee, Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia,
Starting point is 00:25:59 and couldn't decide on any of those, though did some good hunting in Virginia, and yeah, ended up with Bozeman. Joe said that Bozeman was on his list, or Colorado. So, you know, they are great spots. A lot of people have moved to Austin, though. An incredible amount. And there was an article today that Joe released or like somebody wrote about where Joe was saying that he basically was is been told by people there that they don't mind people from LA moving out to Austin but just don't bring that like LA energy and those
Starting point is 00:26:41 LA votes with you and people it's funny people have said that to me in Boseman they've said like don't be too LA up here like Boseman is Boseman and you know don't bring that with you I find that funny I mean I'm English and I've lived all over it's not like I am LA or even have much of an LA vibe but they made sure that they told me that which I thought was pretty interesting So yeah people are protective over their states. I get it. I get it Lastly on the podcast they kind of get onto like online social media stuff After they talk about like child sex trafficking for a minute. That was really disturbing. I to get on to online social media stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:25 After they talk about child sex trafficking for a minute, that was really disturbing. I don't know, that was a lot for me, so I'm just like, all right, I'm skipping it. But they get into talking about arguing on Twitter. And Joe makes this argument all the time. Why I don't read reviews, especially my own. I mean, people have a lot to say
Starting point is 00:27:45 about this podcast. Sometimes they're nice and a lot of times they're not. But I don't look at that shit because what's the point? It's like someone's probably just having a bad day. I can't imagine a very super positive person ever bothering to say really shitty things to someone they don't even know. I don't get it. But you know, Joe says if you're sitting around all day on Twitter, arguing with people or even just writing really shitty reviews all the time, you might be mentally ill. And there might be something to that.
Starting point is 00:28:21 It's a kind of mental illness, right? It's like what kind of anger do you have inside of you? Sure, something can just be shitty and you cannot like it. But if you're doing it all the time, what are you getting up to? Like there's better ways to spend your life for sure. It just is. I mean, people say that to me about this podcast, but I enjoy this shit. So go fuck yourselves I'm doing it. But yeah, I do agree and
Starting point is 00:28:53 And you know and that's part of it too like censorship is totally out of control and a lot of that comes from the left so Thank God the podcast haven't been hit like that. Like nobody's ever told me what I can say and not say. I mean, I just say whatever I'm thinking on this. I'm going to have a guest. I encourage them to say the same thing. I mean, try not to be like a Debbie downer. But you know, what I do is to talk about what I found interesting and kind of expand on it on a podcast that relates to, you know, society in general. I mean, for me, it's, it's, uh, I kind of like stress relief, but when I started doing this podcast, Joe's one was, Joe's podcast was still very big, but it's not what it is today.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I mean, it's really making a huge impact today. And people should talk about it. That's what I've always said. Like discuss what's happening. I mean, it's such a huge cultural event just in itself that it's like, let's get a dialogue going. Let's talk about what's happening. But who knows? Who knows, but anyway, it's good to be back guys.
Starting point is 00:30:15 And thank you for downloading as always. You can email me at Joe Rogan ExperienceReview at I always like to hear from you guys. And also find us on Instagram, which is, I can't even remember what it is, a Joe Rogan universe. Or I can't remember what the handle is. Shit. I'll get it for next time. I'm fucking useless with this shit though to be honest I think it might just be Joe Rogan Experience Review I think it is Joe Rogan Experience Review
Starting point is 00:30:52 and you'll see the little the little icon image logo that that we made for it but that's it for this week I appreciate you guys and hopefully Jamie get better and we'll find out what the hell is going on pretty soon. Laters!

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